Crestwood Comets continue to State semi-finals

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2022 • Volume 42 – No. 14 (USPS 277440) ©2022, THE JOURNAL-HERALD. All Rights Reserved
Only one citizen attended the hearing regarding the abandonment of north Dam II Road in White Haven on November 28. William Kramer, whose property abuts the road being vacated, entered his objec tions, saying he uses the road daily and it is the only safe way in and out of his property. He also expressed
doubt that he could obtain propane delivery without access to the road. He noted that the road is in bad repair and needs to be graded.
Borough solicitor Donald Karpowich told him he would be able to do that once the borough aban doned the road. Police chief Tom Szoke noted that he does have another access, which he had blocked off.
See WHITE HAVEN, page 5
page 6 for more.
(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Telephone (570) 215-0204
Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance.
$45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.
Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661.
POSTMASTER, send address change to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014) Seth Isenberg, Advertising Sales Ruth Isenberg, Editor Steve Stallone, Sports Editor
Member, White Haven Chamber of Commerce Carbon County Chamber of Commerce Pocono Mountains Chamber of Commerce White Haven Economic Development Association
THE JOURNAL-HERALD is printed with U.S. made soy inks on part-recycled newsprint.
© Copyright 2022, The Journal-Herald
While we still want everyone who is healthy to be out and about, and shop local it’s the healthy part that’s really what’s most important. The Flu is back along with the varieties of common cold, now called RSV, and there are some new Covid varieties out there. They are apparently evading the vaccines, but are also not as strong as earlier versions. They are still able to make people quite ill, however, especially those who are immune-compromised.
So if you are feeling a bit sick, or someone in your family is, please stay home and get well. Good health is the best thing you can celebrate with this December, this whole winter for that matter.
This past weekend, with family gatherings including one with four generations, we tested with the Covid home kits. A couple of weeks ago, we got another booster shot not only for Thanksgiving, but also for a likely surgery for Seth (no shot… no surgery).
Opinions are mixed on the boosters. No one is compelled to get one. Opinions are not mixed on the appropriateness of staying home if you’re sick. And if you absolutely must go out with the sniffles, whether from Covid or a cold, please at least wear a mask.
It is good to see all of you hereabouts, shopping, at hockey or Crestwood games, but take good care of yourselves so that you and all the rest of us can enjoy the best of holiday seasons.
From The Journal-Herald November 26, 1992 Editors & Publishers
Jay and Clara Holder
White Haven’s new water tank is completed and is now getting coats of paint. The White Haven Municipal Authority estimates the completion of the whole set of improvements before year’s end. A front-page announcement of a meeting this Saturday (Dec. 2, 1992) about “our new water system and our new water rates” will be held in the White Haven Community Building.
Louis Beltrami, owner of over 1,000 acres in Foster Township, wants to create the borough of New Eckley in order to bypass Foster’s landfill zoning ordinances.
‘The proposed borough has no population, leading to Foster Twp. supervisor Carol Lenahan to remark … “Who is going to represent New Eckley? Two rats? A possum and a deer? Two skunks?”
The Pennsylvania DER deemed the land proposed for the landfill as ‘unstable.’ The process to secede from a township takes at least a year, and is complicated, involving public hearing and a county judge’s ruling.
Planning consultant Jack Varaly reported that the Dennison Township Planning Commission is still working on the Nuisance Ordinance.
East Side Borough is seek ing funding to determine if the borough can use the Bishline Creek sewage plant to offer sewage treatment for homes.
Blakeslee Pharmacy is under new ownership phar macist David Murphy.
In my Politics column, I wonder if in Congress, now that the Democratic party rules in all chambers, Speaker of the House Tom Foley would attempt any reforms, or protect the perks and power of the incumbents.
I mentioned that Senator James Rhoades, who represents Carbon County, is interested in running for Lieutenant Governor.
A photo in this issue is of the Thanksgiving play by Third-Graders at Fairview Elementary School. On the 16th, the PTA and other parents volunteered to cook and serve a Thanksgiving feast.
A list of member couples of the White Haven Seniors who have been married for 50 or more years included the Hartleys and Bachmans – 56 years, the Herbert Bests and Clarence Bests – 54 years each, M/M Clinton Kunkle – 52 years, M/M Frank Perch and M/M Earl Davis – 51 years, and M/Ms Albert Meier and Malcolm Horn – 50 years each. Lunch at the Seniors’ meeting was hot turkey sandwiches and cranberry bread.
Weatherly Bridge Asso ciation members Clifford Weir and John Koehler raised some $1,431 from 57 individuals and businesses, then organized volunteers to repair the “Little Red Foot Bridge.” A ribbon-cutting was held Nov. 21.
Carbon County Trea
surer Gilbert Gerhard has announced the 1993 dog licenses are now available.
Kidder Township will increase taxes one mill.
Pastor Henry Sheppard, newly appointed pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, was appointed Police Chap lain. The Mountain Laurel Resort renewed a contract to have police escort staff to the bank twice a day, for $7,000 paid to the township.
The Weatherly Area senior class team was the overall winner of the Donkey Basketball game this past Sunday 10-8.
No tax increase is planned for 1993 for White Haven Borough taxpayers. At Friday’s WH Council meeting, police chief Gary Shupp reported that failure to call the county communication center has caused delays in recent police responses. Mayor Jay Holder suggested distributing stickers to residents with the phone number (xxx-9441) and said funeral director Joseph Lehman had contacted him offering to pay for printing. Council approved the agree ment with Penn Lake Park for fire protection by the White Haven Fire Co. #1 at $3,000 a year. With winter on the way, council talked about the necessity of hiring more snow plow drivers. Corey Phipps, assistant fire chief, volunteered and was hired.
Weatherly Borough will advertise for part-time police officers. Manager Jay Willard announced that there are 22 used telephone poles for sale at $10 each.
White Haven Borough Coun cil will hold a special meeting for the budget on Monday, De cember 5, 2022 at 7 p.m. at 312 Main Street, White Haven PA 18661.
Linda Szoke Borough ManagerNOTICE IS HEREBY GIV EN that Letters Testamentary have been granted by the Reg ister of Wills of Luzerne County, PA, on November 8, 2022, in the Estate of Gordon A. Schaub, late of Freeland Borough, who died December 5, 1971, to Gordon A. Schaub, Jr., Executor. All persons indebted to said Es tate are requested to make payment and those having claims to present them immediately to:
James V. Senape, Jr., Esquire
Catherine A. McGovern, Esquire
Michael B. Senape, Esquire 612-614 Main Street, P. O. Box 179 Freeland, PA 18224-0179 570-636-3133 12/1
Lausanne Township’s pro posed budget can be viewed at 115 N. Stagecoach Road, Weatherly. It is on the window of Ed Klynowsky’s train shop door. Final approval will be addressed at the December meeting.
The 2023 Reorganization meeting will be held Tues day, January 3, 2023 at 115 N. Stagecoach Road, Weatherly at 6 p.m. The regular monthly meeting will be Monday, January 9, 2023 at the same location and time.
Paula Hoffman SecretaryNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Allan B. Holland, of Drums, Pennsylvania in the Estate of MARY ANN FORNATARO, late of Jupiter, Florida, who died on April 16, 2022. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named or to: Conrad A. Falvello, Esquire
THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C. 641 State Route 93 Sugarloaf, PA 18249 12/8
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted to Sandra L. Schatz, of Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania in the Estate of MARTHA J. GLEESON, late of Sugarloaf Township, Pennsylvania, who died on August 20, 2022. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the Executor named or to:
Conrad A. Falvello, Esquire
THE FALVELLO LAW FIRM, P.C. 641 State Route 93 Sugarloaf, PA 18249 12/1
Readers—want your organization’s activities featured in these pages? Send news tips, press releases and photos to the editor at, or call 570-215-0204 xt2.
The Penn Lake Commu nity House was lovely inside. The rustic, sparkly lakeside Christmas atmosphere was so inviting.
so he could come in and leave gifts in homes without chimneys.
The building was quite full of awesome kids, their parents and some grandpar ents, doing crafts, making ornaments, eating cookies and drinking hot chocolate.
All of the youngsters dec orated the outside tree, then gathered together around it with Santa to sing ‘Jingle Bells’ and light the Penn Lake Community Christmas tree. They did a great job and the tree looks terrific.
The party was sponsored by the Penn Lake Associ ation, and they too, did a great job on the event.
After arriving via WHFD fire engine, Santa sat next to a beautiful Christmas tree taking pictures with the children and hearing their Christmas wishes. One boy told me Santa also gave out magical keys for kids to leave out on Christmas eve,
I am so glad I was invited to attend. Dressed in my best red plaid flannel jacket, I was asked by some of the little ones if I was Mrs. Claus. What an honor to be mistaken for such a fine lady.
It was a lovely afternoon.
Born in Hazleton on April 29, 1934, John Zawatsky passed away November 24, 2022 at 3:45 p.m in Allied Services Hospice, WilkesBarre.
John was employed for 34 years by the Hancock Central School District as a health and physical education teacher and athletic director until retiring in 1995.
He was the son of Joseph and Anna Zawatsky of Jeddo and was the faithful husband of 63 years to his wife Marie Adams Zawatsky.
John is survived by his wife, Marie Zawatsky of Mountain Top; a sister, Kathy Hamilton of Hershey; and brother, Joe Zawatsky of Jeddo.
He was preceded in death by his sister, Josephine Reiman Culpepper, VA; and two brothers, Vince Zawatsky, Hazleton, and Bernard Zawatsky, Freeland; son John Zawatsky Jr. of Faber VA, daughter Sharon of White Haven, and son Joe Zawatsky of Bozeman MT; grandchildren Adam Fazzini of Boston MA, John Fazzini of Penn Lake, and Christopher Fazzini of Mountain Top.
John served in the U.S. Navy as an aerographer’s mate third class on the USS Essex and USS Independence from 19571960. He will always be remembered as a standout baseball player for the Jeddo Stars and eventually his stretch in the pros with
Cleveland. He also coached the Hancock Central High School varsity baseball team for 30 years and was selected to the New York State Section 4 Sports Hall of Fame. In recognition of his achievements the Hancock baseball field was named the John Zawatsky Field.
John was an avid New York Yankees fan, loved the outdoors and was a caring, compassionate and loving father and grandfather who loved and cherished every moment he spent with family.
Funeral service were conducted on November 28 from the Desiderio-Lehman Funeral and Cremation, Mountain Top with a Mass of Christian Burial celebrated at St. Judes Catholic Church, Mountain Top. A Christian Burial was held at the Calvary Cemetery, Drums. Visit www. for additional information.
In lieu of flowers the family is requesting donations be made to Allied Services Wilkes-Barre Hospice Center c/o Allied Services Foundation 100 Abington Executive Park Clark Summit, PA 18411.
Melvin Dennis Hinkle, husband, father, brother, pap, 82 years of age, of Packer Township, Weatherly, went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
Born Friday, April 12, 1940 in Hazleton, he was the son of the late Melvin L. and Thelma June (Jenkins) Hinkle.
Surviving are his beloved wife of 63 years, Nancy Carolyn (Gerhard) Hinkle; daughters, Debra A. Spaide, wife of David of Weatherly, Donna L. Gentile, wife of William of Jim Thorpe; brothers, Lawrence L. Hinkle, Ronald D. Hinkle; sister, Patrice J. Fox, wife of Rodney; grandchildren, Daphne C. Gasker, Dorothy A. Gasker - Schneider, and Dominique H. Spaide; great-grandchild, Xavier B. Boston; and many nieces and nephews.
Dennis served honorably in the United States Air Force, and retired from Federal Business Products of Valmont as a printer.
Ser ving White Haven, Weatherly and surrounding communities
Branch of Lehman Family Funeral Ser vice, Inc (570) 443-9816
His work experience also included several years at the Weatherly Foundry, road construction at Lehigh Asphalt, and as a roofer with Joseph Gutosky.
An active member of Faith Church Weatherly, Dennis, was an avid hunter and lifetime member of Silver Ridge Hunting Club of Weatherly. A member of the Carbon County Republican Committee, Dennis assisted his daughter on her political campaign for Carbon County Recorder of Deeds.
Both Dennis and Nancy were federally licensed ham radio operators. Dennis loved to help others, He was the family’s “go-to” guy for mechanical and carpentry assistance. He received great joy from helping family and friends. Other outdoor activities such as camping and boating were some of his favorites. Dennis loved his pet cats, and tending to his chickens.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Weatherly.
A Celebration of Dennis’s life was held November 30 at Faith Assembly of God Church in Hazleton.
Memorials in his name to: Weatherly Faith Assembly of God Church 202 Carbon Street Weatherly PA 18255 Online condolences may be made to the family at www.griffithsfuneralhomes.
Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events
Julie Kerrick, Director, and the Blakeslee United Methodist Church Choir and Friends will hold two afternoon performances of their Chamber Cantata for Christmas A Weary World Rejoices Sunday, Decem ber 18, at 4 p.m. at the Blakeslee United Methodist Church and Sunday, January 8, at 4 p.m. at the Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church. The cantata is written by Joseph M. Martin. All are welcome.
Pastor Joseph M. Healey is the minister of Blakeslee United Methodist Church, 5693 Route 115, in Blakeslee. Pastor Stephen Gray is the senior minister of the Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church, 203 Spur Road in Pocono Lake. For more information, please call the church office at 570-646-7727.
A Branch of Holmes Griffiths F H , Inc 211 First Street, Weatherly, PA 18255 570-427-4231
E Franklin Griffiths III F D Philip J Jeffries F D /Supervisor www griffithsfuneralhomes com
A new approach to funeral and cremation care Looking forward to serving White Haven, Dennison, Lehigh, and Foster Townships. All arrangements and consultations from the comfort of your home Guiding families through difficult times
The Rev. William Hosking wrote a Pastor’s Corner column on ethics. In his column, he noted that “a rather popular Korean church charismatic had predicted the end of the world. People left jobs and homes to ascend local mountains to prepare for
their rapture. The evening passed uneventfully.”
Elizabeth Smith was named as administrator of Weatherwood. She had been the action administrator after the departure of Stephen Rothwell six months ago.
Dave Ratacjzak has returned to his former job as Chief Assessor for Carbon County. He left his job last
week to try another in the private sector, but appar ently changed his mind.
The PA Supreme Court supported Carbon County Court’s decision about the legality of amusement taxes, so the money in escrow will now be released to the coun ty’s townships and school districts.
Home Care, Granny’s Floral Shop, Stanley’s Market in Quakake, Kard Kingdom, and Lampart Construction.
Kramer was not satisfied with these answers, and said he would be fighting the closure.
Council closed the hear ing, and later in the meeting voted unanimously to adopt the ordinance vacating the road.
Council awarded the bid for electrical work on the borough building to Hayden Electric at a cost of $56,188. The general contractor award went to low bidder FWTH, LLC at $205,631.
Borough manager Linda Szoke noted that grants received will cover all of the construction costs, and leave a small reserve for incidental expenses.
Atty. Karpowich advised council not adopt the full International Fire Code, because it is too comprehen sive for a small borough, and could not be fully enforced. Sections of the code are incorporated into the state building code used by the borough, and the manager and fire department may review some other sections for possible adoption.
Manager Szoke noted that 940 Plaza had received zon ing approval for its expan sion, and that she has been
receiving multiple inquiries about hooking up to UGI.
Police chief Szoke reported that delivery of one new police vehicle is expected this week, and the second vehicle is in the shop being painted. Both vehicles are fully funded through grants.
White Haven Police Department is no longer providing coverage to Penn Lake, and will not respond to calls there. The depart ment will provide assistance to State Police if they are on the scene at an incident in Penn Lake, but will not go in their place.
Plans for the borough’s 200th birthday in 2024 are developing. Three big events are in the works, starting with a fireworks kickoff in January, then events at Memorial Day and in August. Merchandise sales will help fund the events.
Volunteers to help are welcome, and are invited to attend the next 200th Birthday committee meeting on January 30 at 6 p.m.
At an executive session prior to the meeting, council discussed changes to the proposed budget. As a result, the numbers have to be reworked, so the first reading of the budget will take place at a special meet ing at 7 p.m. this Monday, December 5.
Wayne Wagner has a bylined column about Weatherly Youth Basketball (Senior) games and results. The Storks are off to a great start, undefeated after three games. In a game versus Ed’s Clippers, Austin Gregory led the scoring with 20 of the team’s 32, with the Clippers combining for 21.
Phil Engman writes about an Eagles–Giants game where the Eagles special teams gave up 21 points a 47-34 loss that put’s the Eagles out of the playoff hunt, with the Giants barely in. He also writes of Penn State U.’s destruction of the Pittsburgh team on Satur day, 57-13. He even offer’s up an opinion on whether Winnipeg will beat Calgary in the Gray Cup.
Carl Schigner wrote about a rout by Marian’s football team of Tri-Valley, 35-0, where the opponent beat themselves by throwing interceptions, fumbling (the writer recovered one of the fumbles), and on the last score, sending a ball sailing over the head of the punter into the end zone. Next up is the big game at home vs. Panther Valley.
This issue’s ads included Gordon’s Jewelers, David T. Novitsky and Lonnie Polli insurance, Lori’s Printery, Weatherly Greenhouse, La Pinata Gift Ship, Kaylee
Ruth wrote a review of a dinner at the Water’s Edge Italian Ristorante in the Lake Harmony Lodge (a special of two 5-course meals with beverage for $39.95). Ruth chose Calamari alla Lucianna (squid in red sauce), and for me, Pollo Palermo chicken with basil ricotta stuffing. It was a big and wonderful meal, and we took home leftovers.
The Crystal Inn offered a Saturday special of Stuffed Pork Chops w/ potato and salad bar for $6.95.
Damenti’s advertised being now open on Sundays.
Also of note, the Weatherly Area Merchants Association served a chicken & waffle dinner at the Fern Hotel as a fundraiser. Over a dozen WAMA volunteers served, bused, washed dishes and more for over 100 dinners with funds to go towards the upcoming Winter Carnival, June’s Hillclimb weekend, and the Carbon County Sesquicen tennial Celebration.
From The Journal November 26, 1942
Publisher W. C. Taylor
The collection given at the Union Thanksgiving Service is to be sent to the American Bible Society for…distribut ing Testaments to the ‘Boys’ in service.
A civilian defense parade to further the sale of War Bonds was held here on Thanksgiving afternoon. Most of the borough streets were traversed. The parade, headed by Chief of Police Oscar Specht, was partici
pated in by the White Haven Drum and Bugle Corps, Air Raid Wardens, Atlas Guards, American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, local Red Cross divisions, East Side Red Cross and Junior Red Cross divisions, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and others.
A regular meeting of the Dennison Township Civic Association was held in [the] Middleburg School House on Thursday evening… interspersed with some lively selections by the Rhythm Boys.
Steward Harry Fagley of the Laurytown District Home (local owner of The Record) came out on the best end of a battle when he killed a skunk which had taken up residence in the basement of the institution.
(The Record was a short-lived second weekly newspaper in White Haven. Editor Clara Holder writes that its relationship with The Journal was not exactly cordial (so) there may be some double meaning in this item.)
With 2023 edging closer each day, end-of-year budgets are approved for spending. Regarding defense spending, the United States is in a league of its own. Earlier this year, the House of Representatives authorized $840 bil lion in defense expenditures for 2023, raising President Joe Biden’s proposed military budget by $37 billion under the National Defense Authori zation Act.
One odd propeller-driven bird stands out if you look through the list of mighty
tanks, massive ships, and high-tech weapons. It is North American Rockwell’s versatile, twin-boom OV-10 Bronco. It saw service during Operations DESERT STORM and INHERENT RESOLVE in Iraq and Syria. This quirky little aircraft did it all in Viet Nam - tactical air support, observation, reconnaissance, transport casualties, or even carry paratroopers since it could operate from short, unim proved airfields, amphibious landing ships, or aircraft
carriers, the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps all used the Bronco. The OV-10 was conceived in 1959 and became extinct in 1994. Building the OV-10 again required the original 1965 plans, and some modernization was required its new military roll of catching and killing military drones. In place of the very heavy 20mm cannon in the nose, there are six “capture nets” in a rotating cylinder. With its high wing and tail configuration, it could slow down enough to approach a slow-flying
enemy drone from behind, fire a capture to entangle the drone propellers sending it to the ground. A para chute-equipped net system can send larger drones to the ground, causing minor damage. Why are drones so import ant? Drones not only carry weapons and do observation, they also gather military intelligence and store it on onboard computers. More and more sophisticated hi-tech drones arrive on the battlefield daily. All com bined, it makes them more valuable, captured, than destroyed.
OV-10 facts: For a small aircraft, its armament
included a centerline station for 20 mm gun pod or capture nets; four 7.62 mm M60C machine guns in sponsons; four sponson sta tions for rockets, miniguns, or stores; and two wing sta tions for rockets or missiles. It could carry lots of fuel; five self-sealing fuel tanks in the wing: 252-gallon capac ity (954 liters); 150-, 230- or 300-gallon (568-, 871-, or 1,136-liter) external tank. Its low take-off speed and short landing ability make it ideal for most battlefields. And, in an emergency, it can use high-octane or automotive fuel instead of jet fuel with only a slight power degradation.
Last week was a big week for us a short work week for this newspaper, followed by a road trip overnight, a full Friday, and a long Sun day with more family. Our Thanksgiving Day was spent with family in Annapolis, Maryland, a gathering of 15 from as far away as New Orleans, and also from New York City and representing the Poconos and the great state of Pennsylvania, us. It was a warm and wonderful gathering featuring good food, football on TV, good conversation and catching up with family news.
We put aside some extra time on our ride south to shunpike. There are roundabout ways to arrive at Annapolis on the highways, including one that would have cost over $21 in tolls. We chose roads less trav elled. Our route was to head through Reading then south through Amish country, dropping into Maryland at Elkton, and then down onto the Eastern Shore on Maryland 213.
On our trip we sighted many farm animals includ
ing one that looked a lot like a small horse from a distance. As we got closer, and it moved, it turned out to be an enormous pig big enough to strap a saddle on. We drove by the Fair Hills Equestrian Center, with its race tracks and other features. South of there was the cozy town of Elkton, and from there we went over the canal bridge and took a quick peek at the cute town of Chesapeake City, tiny and touristy. From there the ride is through the flat, flat farmlands of the northern Eastern Shore. There were places where arms of the Chesapeake Bay would come up to where we were driving.
One of those was Chester ton, home of Washington College. It was a spectacular old community with the college committed to saving some of the historic bayside homes.
We passed through one town that was promoting its annual Christmas parade, held at night from 6:30 p.m. the first Saturday in Decem ber. The town was clearly decorated with lights, and
by Seth Isenbergthe idea of a county parade lit by holiday lights was a pretty good one.
In a surprise bit of won derful timing, we arrived at the approach to the Bay Bridge just as the sun was setting. Our trip over the Bay Bridge was lit by the spectacle of a bright orange sun setting. We arrived at our destination with the sky lit by the sunset’s colorful show.
The ride took a little longer, but we were able to relax and sightsee.
On Friday, we enjoyed a post-Thanksgiving family gathering. We had pie leftovers for breakfast wonderful.
We found a friend who had moved from the Poco nos for a quick visit to catch up news over homemade crab soup, before hitting the road. Our homeward jour ney was upon the highways, except the alert signs sent us through downtown Bal timore to avoid a wreck and subsequent backup on the western Beltway. We drove past the Ravens’ stadium, all set up for their upcoming game, and then past the Orioles’ stadium before turning to go past the Balti more Inner Harbour shops and National Aquarium in order to find the beginning of Interstate 83. We drove that road from its beginning point to its end point above Harrisburg.
We drove as light faded directly to Wilkes-Barre to attend the Penguins hockey game that night. There, we met up with friends and cheered as the WBS Penguins treated us to a tie, and then a tie after overtime before a victory via a shootout.
Saturday, it was back to somewhat normal as we attended the Weatherly Area Museum and Weatherly Area Community Library Christmas event at the Museum. Santa arrived on a 1950s vintage Seagraves fire engine that is being rebuilt by members of Citizens Fire Company Number 1. A special “thank you” goes out to Weatherly Borough for opening up the trailhead parking lot, which was per fect for those attending and volunteering at the event.
After that, we went to the Tree Lightings event in White Haven, starting with the lighting of the community tree at Buffalo and Wilkes-Barre Streets where Scouts and the VFW led caroling and a procession with Santa to the Chamber of Commerce’s Festival of Trees
Sunday afternoon, we drove in the rain to Princeton, New Jersey for family Thanksgiving part 2. Hopping on the Turnpike, we encountered a dead stop while an accident was cleared away. After that, there were several slow downs on Route 78 as we eased past Bethlehem.
While caught in traffic on I-78, we were parallel to an Illinois-plated pickup truck. One of its passengers was a lovely brown and white spotted pit bull, who stuck her nose out and gave a little bark to say hello to Bull and Spookie. We let them put their heads out, since we were rolling at about 15 miles an hour.
Our event in NJ had four generations ages 98 for my Aunt Joan, to 8 months for baby Asher. Joan won the trivia contest. It was a won
derful afternoon, and after dark, the storm had blown away, so the ride home was easy. It was two and a half hours to be home, versus the four-and-a-half-hour trip down.
Critter sightings were mainly in the Poconos - deer, fox, more deer, and some birds we’ll need to consult the bird books on. We did see some interesting shore birds while in Annapolis.
It was another good foot ball weekend a Crestwood playoff win (Go Comets), a Penn State U. win, then an Eagles win. The Comets have already set their record for their best season, but a win this weekend would be the absolute tops.
I’m trying to find excite ment in the FIFA tourna ment, and am finding some. I admit that NCAA women’s basketball and hockey have more appeal. I’m not devot ing game time watching, but am checking in.
Looking ahead to this weekend, we plan to attend a Bach & Handel Chorale per formance in Lehighton, then later go to a hockey home game Saturday. Sunday will be an “us” day. Monday is a medical day starting with a CT and appointments (things have been good so I hope for good news there, but am also being lined up for a surgery).
So turkey fueled, Ruth and I roll into December ready for most anything. Again thanks to all who have lighted displays, cheerful reminders during this season. Speaking of seasons, some of the local ski areas have opened. Warm wishes during the run-up to real winter, and of course, good health to you all.
The Cranberry Quilt Guild met November 28 at Faith United Church of Christ in Hazleton and the group had a lot to celebrate. It has been a year of non-stop events, challenges and programs.
The guild saw an increase in membership and renewed depth of challenges in the quilting artform. Members showcased some of the most intricate and artistic quilts
to date. At the monthly meetings, with the UFO challenge, or unfinished objects waiting to be quilted, the membership was treated to additional beautiful pieces displayed by members, along with ‘show and tell’.
The program committee excelled with speakers and projects. The quilt show committee members put on a breathtaking event along
The Hazleton Art League celebrates the final days of its Diamond Anniversary with a special two-month long exhibition: Arthur Dworin “Works from the 21st Century and Before—Dust, Dance, Light & Form—Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture”. The opening reception is Friday, December 2 from 6-9 p.m.
Coffee Talk with the artist is Sunday, December 4, from 1-3 p.m.
The exhibition runs through Sunday, January 29. Admission is always free and open to the public. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m., closed Mondays and December 24-January 2. A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the Art League welcomes donations from companies and individuals. Consider becoming a member or renewing for only $25 for the year. For more information contact Hazleton Art League, Hayden Family Center for the Arts, 31 W. Broad Street, Hazleton, 570-455-3333 www.
with four unique Quilt of Valor presentations. The guild has presented 15 quilts to worthy veterans, 40 since the group began the project by joining the nationwide Quilts of Valor organization in 2019. Nominations can be entered at any time by contacting Marie Shulenski, project chair at 570-4360960, or any Cranberry quilt guild member.
October’s meeting, ‘Auri filosophy’, was presented by Karen Miller of Red Bird Quilts. Being a field representative for Aurifil Threads, Karen outlined, in detail, the many threads and weights that her company offers to fiber artists and sewists. She matched thread weights to needle sizes and bobbin threads for success
ful and smooth production of the perfectly pieced quilted item. Who knew so much was involved in the technical details of a quilted or hand sewn piece? The guild learned that so much is developing within the indus try to bring the artform of sewing into the millennium generation and beyond!
Cranberry Quilt Guild is known throughout the area for their community service. Walker Caddies, baby quilts, backpacks for kids, and donations of wish list items for many groups are all part of the guild’s mission of giving back to the local com munities. Deb Kessell, Cran berry President, stated; “The membership continues to be thankful for all the personal and community support and
donations received to move our projects forward”.
November was the last get-together for the 2022 season, and the annual hol iday celebration. Meetings resume in March.
If you are an artist or arti san, join the Carbon County Art League (CCAL) meeting on Wednesday, December 14 at 6 p.m. at the Palmerton Area Library, 402 Delaware Ave, in Palmerton. Under discussion will be the League’s new mission and project plans for the coming year.
Weatherly Area Middle School principal Anthony DeSpirito has announced the names of the students selected as Weatherly Area Middle School Students of the month for October. The award is based on academic achievement, attendance, extra-curricular involve ment, and service to school and community.
Melina Ayala, daughter of Ms. Nadine Petch, Weath erly, was chosen as the 6th grade Student of the Month.
Melina was a member of last year’s Envirothon Team and she currently has artwork that she submitted in the VFW Regional Competition. Melina is a member of the Dance in Motion Troup. She also participates in fund raising events to support the arts.
Jillian Foley, daughter of Mr. James Foley, Weatherly, was chosen as the 7th grade Student of the Month. Jillian is a member of the Weath erly Middle School Chorus
as well as the Student Gov ernment Association and Art Club. She also volunteers at the Weatherly Library.
Jeremiah Donadi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Donadi, Weatherly, was cho sen as the 8th Grade Student of the Month. Jeremiah is a member of Weatherly Little League, Weatherly Youth Basketball and Weatherly Youth Soccer League. He also is a member of Faith Church, Weatherly and is an aide for the Kids Club.
The start of the 2022-23 girls’ basketball season can’t come quick enough for the Crestwood Lady Comets. Last season’s promising 5-0 start fizzled out down the stretch, and the Lady Comets ended at 8-14 and on a seven-game losing streak. Ten players return from that team, including six letterwinners, eager to put that finish behind them and start anew.
“The girls are itching for the games to start,” head coach Don Hopkins said. “They’re feisty. Practices
have been competitive, and the girls are paying hard.”
Nearly the entire roster is intact from a year ago, led by four-year varsity players Cadence Hiller and Julia Glowacki. The 5-foot-10 Hiller (8.4 ppg) is a banger inside and the team’s leading rebounder, while the 5-foot-9 Glowacki (8.8 ppg, 39 3FGs) is a wing who is the team’s top perimeter threat.
“I expect Cadence to supply leadership, rebounding and scoring, and Julia to supply shooting and defense,” noted Hopkins, who has other scoring options to turn to as well.
Senior guard Grace Pasternick (7.0 ppg) emerged over the second half of last season, reaching double figures in six of the team’s final 10 games. She will be looked to for continued scoring and defense.
Senior point guard Camryn Collins (6.6 ppg, 11 3FGs) will direct the team and add scoring punch from the backcourt, while 5-6 senior Kate Bozinko (2.0 ppg) and 5-foot-11 soph Kate Gallagher (2.2 ppg) will be tasked with contributing defensively and offensively.
Other returning players who will figure into the
rotation are sophomore guard Kendall Petrosky and junior MaryKate Banford, both of whom saw spot duty on the varsity last season. Three-year defensive whiz Isabella Caporuscio is not back with the team, as she focuses on her lacrosse career moving forward and into college.
Seven new players joined the program this season, and Hopkins said he’s looking for contributions from the likes of 5-foot-3 freshmen Keira Dougherty and Jordan Andrews. “It has been a luxury to have the girls with experi ence help the new girls along,” said Hopkins, already seeing the leadership he was hoping for. “The girls are competing in practice for starting spots and rotational time.”
Citing defense and overall experience as the team’s strengths, Hopkins knows the Lady Comets must get better each day if they are to be competitive in the rugged Wyoming Valley Conference Division I ranks, and in Dis
trict 2 Class 4A at season’s end.
“I think every team in our division is competitive and any team can win or lose on any given night,” he said. “Our goals are to take every day one at a time and try to get better every day. If we can do that, we will have a chance to compete in the postseason.”
The Lady Comets will be home for their first four games, starting Dec. 5 against Valley View.
Seniors: (x) Katelyn Bozinko (5-6); (x) Camryn Collins (5-4); (x) Cadence Hiller (5-10); (x) Julia Glowacki (5-9); (x) Grace Pasternick (5-4); Emma Babato (5-6). Juniors: MaryKate Banford (5-5); Lauren Kijek (5-7); Eliza Seifert (5-9). Sophomores: (x) Kate Gallagher (5-11); Kendall Petrosky (5-9). Freshmen: Jordan Andrews (5-3); Kyra Bechtel (5-3); Keira Dougherty (5-3); Lauren Falcheck (5-5); Abbey Krupa (5-1); Brooke Lenahan (5-3).
(x) Letterwinner
December: 5 - Valley View, 7 - Marian Catholic; 15 - Williamsport; 21 - Wyoming Valley West (x); 27 - at North Pocono Tournament; 29 - at North Pocono Tournament.
January: 3 - at Pittston Area (x); 5 - at Tunkhannock (x); 9 - Hazleton Area (x); 12 - at Berwick (x); 16 - Dallas (x); 18 - at Wilkes-Barre Area (x); 20 - at Wyoming Valley West (x); 23Pittston Area (x); 26 - Tunkhannock (x); 30 - at Hazleton Area (x), February: 2 - Berwick (x); 6 - at Dallas (x); 8Wilkes-Barre Area (x). (x) WVC game
Hard-working. Resilient. Gritty.
These are the words head coach Brian Billig uses to describe his 2022-23 Weatherly Area girls’ basketball team, an intriguing group that could be ready to break out.
With their entire rotation back, and the addition of some promising young players to the mix, the Lady Wreckers are putting on their hard hats and going to work as they build on a 6-16 campaign of a year ago.
That hard work began long before school started. “The girls have been playing together all summer long and working hard on the drills and conditioning aspects to improve their skills,” Billig said.
Their time together in past seasons, and again through the summer, has only brought them closer as a team.
“They play well together and are extremely unselfish when playing,” Billig said. “Our team’s strengths are experience and cohesiveness. And in having everyone returning, practices and pre-season workouts have moved along tremendously. They understand the expectations and responsibilities, which enhances our team chemistry.”
Headlining the returning players are four-year starter Emma Kane and three-year starter Bethany Houser, who Billig will count on to lead the way in all aspects.
“Emma and Bethanny Houser are the leaders of the core group,” he said. Kane, a 5-foot-8 senior guard-forward, averaged 11.3 points and 4.0 rebounds per game last season, her third as a starter. She was an honorable mention on the Standard-Speaker AllArea Team. Her running mate, 5-3 junior point guard Houser averaged a team-leading 12.3 points per game and was a secondteam All-Area pick. The two combined for 25 3-pointers, and each found success while getting to the foul line, shooting a combined 147for-222 a year ago.
Also back are 5-5 junior wing Brianna Pugh (3.5 ppg, 9 3FGs), 5-5 junior wing Taylor Davidovich (3.0 ppg), 5-6 junior forward Kayleigh Gaydoscik (2.5 ppg), and 5-7 senior mainstay Abby Paisley (1.5 ppg).
Four newcomers round out the varsity squad, and will be mixed into the rotation as they get their feet wet. They include freshmen Kelly Reiner, Abby
Binder and Abby Weston, and sophomore McKenzie McGill. “Kelly Reiner is a promising 5-foot-9 freshman who brings grit and low post prowess to the program,” Billig said. “The others are improving each day.”
Look for a seven-player rotation to start.
“We have a solid core of seven players who can start any game,” Billig said, pointing to Houser, Kane, Gaydoscik, Reiner, Paisley, Pugh and Davidovich. “Each game presents it challenges, and the staff will be looking at starting different combinations at various points of the season.”
Billig, who will be assisted by Jason Kane and Chris Gaydoscik, expects those challenges in the Schuylkill League and District 11.
“Playing in the Schuylkill League, every team is ready to play and is a huge challenge every night,” he said. “Marian is always a backyard rivalry no matter the teams’ records.
“Given our newly structured district, it has
added teams we play on our schedule. Every game is important for seeding,” he continued. “There are no easy games. We must be prepared every night for the challenges each team presents.”
While improving on last year’s mark and making a playoff push are always the ambition, Billig said the Lady Wreckers will need to take care of the day-to-day things in order to see those results. “We take each game one at a time and focus on those. We try not to get too involved in standings or seedings as the year goes on,” Billig said. “I feel it is important to concentrate on the task for that day and to accomplish day-to-day goals leading to a cumulative effort.”
The Lady Wreckers open
Dec. 5 at home against Salem Christian School.
Seniors: (x) Emma Kane (5-8); (x) Abby Paisley (5-7).
Juniors: (x) Taylor Davidovich (5-5); (x) Kayleigh Gaydoscik (5-6); (x) Bethany Houser (5-3); (x) Brianna Pugh (5-5).
Sophomore: McKenzie McGill (5-3).
Freshmen: Abby Binder (5-10); Kelly Reiner (5-9); Abby Weston (5-6).
(x) Letterwinner
December: 5 - Salem Christian School, 6 - at MMI Prep, 9 - at Shenandoah Valley (x), 13 - at Mahanoy Area (x), 15 - Lincoln Leadership Academy, 20 - Marian (x), 29 - at Schuylkill Haven.
January: 3 - Northumberland Christian, 6 - at Nativity (x), 10 - Shenandoah Valley (x), 13 - Lourdes Regional (x), 16 - at Tri-Valley (x), 19 - Schuylkill Haven (x), 20 - at Lincoln Lead ership Academy, 23 - at Williams Valley (x), 26 - Mahanoy Area (x), 28 - Wyoming Seminary, 30 - Minersville (x).
February: 2 - at Marian (x), 6 - Nativity (x), 9at Lehigh Christian Academy, 11 - MMI Prep. (x) Schuylkill League game
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With most of the links to their 15-9 season of two years ago now gradu ated, the Weatherly Area boys enter the 2022-23 campaign as underdogs in both the Schuylkill League and in
District 11 Class A. That’s nothing really new for the Wreckers, who represent one of the smallest public schools in the state, and always seem to have more hurdles to clear.
“We’re always the underdog,” head coach Corey Gerhart said. “As for the district, we are the only public school
competing with schools who get players in and out all the time.”
Weatherly’s Frank Willis, Ricky Ray and Tim Maguschak all graduated in the spring after combining to average 27 points per game last season, more than 50 percent of the offense. In addition, their rebounding and lead ership are voids difficult to replace.
“Frank Willis and Rick Ray have been a big part of our program over the last four years, inside and out,” Gerhart said. “They will be deeply missed.” A handful of seniors with limited varsity experience will be expected to lead the charge for this Wreckers team that is long on will, but short on experience.
“Aggressiveness,” Gerhart said when asked about this team’s strengths. “They will battle.”
Senior Ian McLaurin (5.5 ppg) is the team’s leading returning scorer. No other returning player scored more than 26 points on the year.
Gerhart pointed to fellow seniors Michael Berger, Jonathan Hoffman and Dylan Buck as key returnees who will be in the rotation.
Senior Jacob Parker, a standout distance runner along with Berger, has also returned after being away last season, and could be a “sleeper” player for the Wreckers.
The freshman trio of Ian McK eegan, Niko Saldukas and Corbin Wagner are “up-and-coming players” who should see varsity action, according to Gerhart. He’s unsure of a starting five but expects to use a 7-8 player rotation.
“They have been working hard and learning to gel from lack of playing together,” Gerhart said of his young squad, which includes 11 of 21 players who are either freshmen or sophomores.
He will be assisted by Matt von Frisch and 2021 graduate Antonio Colecio.
Gerhart knows his team will have its hands full with their Schuylkill League schedule, including crossover games with Division II. And in the
Wreckers’ Division III, there are no weak links, he said. “All of them,” he said of who the teams to beat are. “Especially Marian and Nativity, because you never know who may have transferred in.”
The Wreckers will visit Panther Valley (Dec. 3) and Northwest (Dec. 6) before opening their home and Division III schedule against defend ing champion Shenandoah Valley two nights later.
“We’re hungry,” Gerhart said. “We’re going to take it one game at a time and try to improve each week with team chemistry.”
Seniors: Ian McLaurin, Jonathan Hoffman, Jordan Mitchell, Dylan Buck, Michael Berger, Wyatt Higgins, Jacob Parker. Juniors: Alex Ortiz, Klaus Eroh, Aiden Rhodes.
Sophomores: John Puzzetti, Sebastian Williams, Trent Higgins, John Donish.
Freshmen: Corbin Wagner, Brandon Davis, Carlos Otero, Niko Saldukas, Isaiah Williams, Raymond Montz, Ian McKeegan.
December: 3 - at Panther Valley, 6 - at Northwest Area, 8Shenandoah Valley (x), 12 - Mahanoy Area (x), 19 - at Marian (x), 27-28 - at CMVT Holiday Tournament.
January: 3 - Northumberland Christian School, 5 - Nativity (x), 7 - at Lincoln Leadership Academy, 9 - at Shenandoah Valley (x), 12 - at Lourdes Regional (x), 14 - Schuylkill Haven, 17 - Tri-Valley (x), 20 - at Schuylkill Haven (x), 24 - at Williams Valley (x), 27 - at Mahanoy Area (x), 31 - at Minersville (x).
February: 3 - Marian (x), 7 - at Nativity (x), 9 - Panther Valley, 11 - MMI Prep. (x) Schuylkill League game
On Sunday, December 18, the annual Pocono Mountain Christmas Bird Count will be held at the Kettle Creek Environmental Center. Volun teers will take to the field to identify and count birds in designated areas.
Bird watchers of all skill levels are welcomed. Held under the auspices of the National Audubon Society, this count is part of a continent-wide effort to collect data that is used in assessing the health of bird popu lations and guiding conservation actions.
For more information and to participate in this event, contact Darryl and Jackie Speicher at
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As a high school, college and professional offensive lineman, Martin Bibla spent many hours landing crunching blocks and handing out punishment to opposing defenders. These days, the former NFL player is doing some different heavy lifting, and giving back to the school he came from and the community he calls home.
“Being able to give is very good for the soul. It makes you feel good to give,” Bibla said this week.
The Crestwood High School graduate in 1997 won a national championship at the University of Miami and went on to play for the Atlanta Falcons. He returned home to Mountain Top, raising a family right where his football days began. He’s a 10-year state trooper stationed at the Hazleton barracks, an assistant coach with the Comets, and the organizer of the Salute to Service Game Night program that took place again last Friday night at Crestwood.
“I’ve always seen myself as a giver, whether it be advice, whether it be technique, community service,” Bibla said. “State police-wise, family-wise, coaching-wise, I have a lot to give and I don’t mind sharing.”
The Salute to Service game now in its second year, honored current and former members of the armed forces. It’s a cause that’s very special to Bibla. “My wife and I were at the kitchen table talking about what else can we do to bring notoriety to the program in a way of giving back,” he
recalled. “The NFL started doing Salute to Service back in about 2007, why don’t we do that? We have so many veterans in and around our community and there’s nothing like that in
our community. I thought it would be great to bring that culture to Crestwood, where the kids could give back and see why we live free, and honor the veterans past and present.”
“Also, it gives us a reason to celebrate the game and juice our players up. It definitely goes hand in hand. We honor them, and those honorees give back the juices to charge up the players for the game.”
At the first game of this season, Crestwood High School officially retired Bibla’s #75 jersey in a special ceremony. His wife Anna, sons Magnus, Lincoln and Mariusz, and daughters Marin and Quinn were there to celebrate with him. It was a special honor for Bibla, one he hopes will inspire other Crestwood athletes to shoot for the stars. “It meant that finally kids could see what hard work does — it pays off.”
His former high school coach Jimmy McGovern wanted to retire the jersey in 2002, but when Bibla couldn’t get in from Atlanta for a ceremony, it was put off. McGovern moved on from Crestwood, and now, 20 years later, it became a reality. “I always thought this would be great to have at Crestwood, not just tooting my own horn, but it’s a reminder to the kids that, hey, someone came out of this school and went to the NFL. If he could do it, we could do it, because it’s been proven.”
Bibla’s hard-work values were instilled by his parents. “My parents always encouraged me to try
different things, choose a path of my own, work hard and don’t follow what you see. Make your own path,” he said.
After his standout high school career at Crestwood, he was recruited to play at the University of Miami, more than 1,200 miles from home. “I didn’t know too much about where I was going, what I was doing. I just knew I wanted a change, and what better way to make my own path than go that many miles away from home,” he said with a chuckle.
“Getting into a college for sports for free, and getting an education for free, was goal number 1 (for my family, and myself). Whether I played for Miami, or if I played for Toledo, it
didn’t matter. As long as the education and the route through college was free.”
He was introduced to then-Hurricanes head coach Butch Davis and offensive line coach Art Kehoe, and Bibla was on board playing in Miami. “Butch Davis was a helluva coach, and my second father figure. Art Kehoe, my line coach at Miami, sealed the deal and I fell in love with the guy and knew I could spend the next four or five years with him and listening to him. He sealed it for me. I knew I wanted to play for the guy and I wanted to learn from him.”
It didn’t take long for Bibla to show that he belonged at that level.“As time went on, I understood what I was doing and who I was holding my own with. These were first round draft picks to the NFL. By Year 2, this was my redshirt freshman and redshirt sophomore years, I’m thinking if I stay healthy and I’m holding my own and giving out punishment to these defensive linemen that are getting drafted in the first and second round, I might be as good as I think.
“If I stay healthy and practice my craft and keep my head to the grindstone
with school and better my football ability, I have a shot at the NFL. I just had to keep working.”
He ultimately started 41 career games at guard for Miami and helped lead the 2001 Hurricanes to the national championship under first-year head coach Larry Coker. The following spring, he was drafted in the fourth round (116th overall) by the Atlanta Falcons.
Bibla said being drafted was beyond a dream.
“It’s inexplicable,” he said. “It was a culmination of everything I could have done. It was something my parents always instilled, work hard and good things will happen.” He played 31 games in four seasons with the Falcons, including being part of their team that advanced to the NFC Championship Game following the 2004 season, then signed with the Denver Broncos before being released in camp.
That’s when the Arena Football League came calling. “I had a good friend that played with me in Atlanta, Pat Downey. He called me in 2006 when I got released from Denver, and he was like do you want to play? I was like, ‘The Arena League?’ I’m still holding on to the NFL dream, do I want to eat hamburger after I’ve eaten steak, or do I just hang it up? What a decision that was to go to the AFL,” Bibla recalled.
“I could still be playing. It was a very fun league with a small team, with no cares or stress of management, and the cutthroat mentality of making the team. It was the WWE with football. You were scoring 70 points a game. We were constantly
celebrating on offense. Celebrating all game long is fun. It’s fun football.
“Watching from the stands or on TV, it doesn’t compare to the NFL. But when you’re out there on the field, it’s so much fun. I could still be playing if they offered me the league and the pay from when I played.”
He was named to the AFL’s All-Rookie Team in 2007, played in the Arena Bowl, and was on the AllArena First Team in 2008. Although the AFL cancelled its season in 2009, Bibla signed with the Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League and helped the team win the league championship in 2009. He officially retired from football in 2010, ending a run that even he couldn’t have fathomed growing up in Mountain Top.
“Oh my God, no, not an inkling,” Bibla said when asked if he thought football would take him that far.
“It was like saying I was going to land on the moon someday. Never did I think that.”
Although he’d been to Miami and Atlanta, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas, Bibla was ready to come home. “As a teenager leaving Mountain Top and going to Miami, like most teenagers, you don’t know what you’ve got and you take things for granted. You have this nonchalant attitude that my hometown’s nothing to me right now, I want to see what the world has to offer,” Bibla said. “As you get older, you understand that places like your hometown, especially Mountain Top, are a great place to grow up, and raise a family. It was the place I wanted to raise my kids.
“I knew I could play a big part in their lives, I could coach there, I’m not worried up all night who they’re hanging out with. As opposed to Miami and Atlanta, I could stay on top of things and just really be a part of their lives and know who their friends are. Mountain Top made the most sense for me.”
Bibla’s wife and high school sweetheart, Anna, is on the Crestwood school board, sons Magnus and Lincoln are standouts on the varsity football and wrestling teams, and youngest son Mariusz is on the Comets eighth grade football team. He gets to coach all three sons, and he also gets to give back to the program where it all started for him.
“What a blessing to be with them,” he said of his sons. “They might not think so because I’m on them all the time. From where I’ve gone and what I have to offer as far as my opinion of how they play their game, they can’t say no. They have to take my word as an ex-player.
“It’s just wonderful being around my kids, watching them grow and develop as players. With what I do work-wise, I can’t explain how great it is to be around them.”
And the rest of the Comets.
“I get to coach at Crestwood, I get to make an impact in these kids’ lives. I hope they have the same experiences because it brings a lot of love to the game for me,” Bibla said. “I get to see these kids grow up, I get to offer experiences and mentorship to certain kids. It’s a very gratifying feeling.”
Friday night might mark the start of the high school basketball season, but the Crestwood High School Comets have a lot more football to play.
On Saturday, the Comets travelled to Philadelphia and stunned District 12 champion BonnerPrendergast 21-14 in the PIAA Class 4A quarterfinal round. Now, for the first time in program history, Crestwood is going to the state semifinals.
The Comets take on defending state champion
Bishop McDevitt (11-1) out of District 3 (Harrisburg) at 7 p.m. Friday at Exeter Township High School near Reading, with the winner moving on to the December 8 state final against either Aliquippa or Allentown Central Catholic.
At 13-1, Crestwood has now won more games than any team in program history, became the only team to win a state playoff game, and has reached the state semis for the first time. In addition, the Comets’ current 12-game win streak matches the 2014 team for most in program history.
“We get to be together for at least one more week. That’s the most important thing,” Comets head coach Ryan Arcangeli. That’s because the Comets came out and dominated play offensively in the first half of Saturday’s quarterfinal, then turned to the defense to stop Bon ner-Prendergast in its tracks.
Crestwood scored all 21 of its points in that opening
half. On the Comets’ fourth offensive play, freshman quarterback Jaden Shedlock broke free for a 53-yard touchdown run for a quick 7-0 lead.
The Friars came back to tie the game with their own score, but Crestwood wasn’t down long. On a fourth-and-10 play inside the Friars’ 30, Shedlock hit a wide-open Noah Schultz in the flat for a 28-yard touchdown play, putting the Comets ahead to stay at 14-7.
Midway through the second quarter, Crestwood defensive back Nick Miscavage jumped a slant route and intercepted Friars’ quarterback Justin Shepherd. That set up a 76-yard touchdown run by Schultz that gave the Comets a 21-7 lead with 4:34 left in the half.
“It was a great start by the offense,” said Arcangeli said. “We had to match their toughness in the trenches. We had to bring that
Crestwood’s Noah Schultz runs for a big gain during Saturday’s 21-14 win over Bonner-Prendergast in the PIAA quarterfinals in Philadelphia. The Comets take on Bishop McDevitt on Friday night in the Class 4A semifinals.
Northeast physicality down here.
“The offense set the tone. The defense was incredible. I can’t say enough about these guys.”
On the opening drive of the third quarter, BonnerPrendergast moved to the Crestwood 17 before Matt Sklarosky intercepted Shepherd in the end zone to squash the threat.
While the Friars were busy shutting down the Comets’ single-wing run game in the second half (20 total yards), they mounted their best drive of the day, going 79 yards in 12 plays to pull close. Backup quarterback Colin Finnegan passed to Jalil Hall for a 5-yard touchdown on fourth down, making it 21-14 late in the third. But the Comet defense would allow no more, as they got two more stops in the fourth quarter, and the offense ran out the final 2:15 of the clock to send the
Comets to their first state semifinal.
Schultz went over 100 yards in the game, and now has a program-record 2,414 rushing yards this season.
The Crestwood defense came up with their 19th interception of the season.
Archie Herling, son of former Weatherly resident Jeff Herling, was named to the Mathematical Olympiad Team at his elementary school in Watertown, NY.