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Insurance renewal and architectural bids discussed at Mt. Pocono worksession
by Pat Albano
The Mount Pocono Borough Council held a work session on May 23. Patrick Dugan representing Brown and Brown was present to discuss renewing the borough’s insurance policy.
Dugan stated, “There will be a 10% or roughly $4K increase in rates” adding, “We are still in a hard market because of inflation, and we are seeing deductibles go up.” Dugan added, “Borough losses are not good, but they are balanced out on the workmen’s comp side with credits.” Dugan fielded questions from Mayor Randy Altemose and borough manager Joshua Walker on loss of income and premium increases.
Council then addressed next steps at a property on 134 Winona Rd with Walker stating, “We have to move forward and file a civil claim in court…This is a dangerous property, and we will need to board up windows and doors.”
Council vice-president Lori Noonan asked, “If we file a civil action and nothing happens what next? This