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Spring Yard Sale set at Blakeslee UM Church
A Spring Yard Sale will be held at the Blakeslee United Methodist Church on Saturday, May 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sale will take place rain or shine.
Spaces are still available for $10 each. Call 570-6468624 if you are interested in renting a space.

Food and baked goods will be available for purchase throughout the sale.
has gone on for a while.”
Council discussed four architectural proposals for the maintenance garage Project. Each covered three areas: architectural services; structural engineering; and mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection services.
David McGarry of Danbury Design and Drafting aggregate bid was $33,300. Wayne Vanderhoof of Schoonover and Vanderhoof Architects, $34,230; Joseph Sedler of Sedler Design and Redevelopment, $36,425. The last proposal from Francis Sloan cited $3 per square foot with all other expenses in that category.
Noonan said, “I am uncomfortable with a quote of $3 square foot.” Altemose asked, “Of the four quotes who is the lowest?”
Council president Don Struckle added, “If you take Francis out, the other three are pretty close.”
Council considered waiving the fees for the proposed building at Oak Street Park by Pocono Pride Softball. A Parks and Recreation report noted that Phase I of the Small Community Grant was discussed which includes the playground, expanding the parking lot and relocating a pavilion.
Council member Debra Fulton questioned breakdown of Phase 1 associated costs, arguing “I don’t like the plan the way it is it doesn’t add up.”
Walker gave updates on the maintenance vehicle loan application stating, “We can move forward on this but need to verify prices.” He added, “This is not a top priority since I will be conducting interviews for my replacement. Candidates for the borough manager position are narrowed down to four.”
Council reviewed committee reports on budget, grants and the newsletter and advertisers. The next council meeting on June 6 will start early at 5:30 p.m. with public hearings on 31 Seneca ShortTerm Rental, followed by 6 p.m., 130 View Ct. STR, and 6:15 p.m., two ordinances relating to STRs.