Elements return fires up Tunk Twp residents
by Ruth Isenberg
It was standing room only at the normally quiet Tunkhannock Township Supervisors’ meeting on Wed., August 14. Over 30 residents attended, unanimous in their complaints about the Elements Music Festival the previous weekend at Pocono Raceway.
Complaints centered on
noise, including music into the early morning hours, with bass they said was strong enough to shake their windows; traffic backed up for miles; and allegations that drugs were littered across the property where the event took place.
Supervisor’s chairman George Ewald asked Atty. Jim Tressler to address the issue before opening the floor for comments,
and passed out a letter from township solicitor Harry Coleman, who was unable to attend because of a scheduled deposition. The letter noted that the township supervisors were not the party who allowed the event to take place, and that the Zoning Hearing Board had granted a variance to permit the use. He pledged to investigate complaints of noise, traffic
and criminal conduct, and report back within 45 days (at the October meeting). This was not satisfactory to the people attending the meeting. Several people noted that the same problems had occured last year, and supervisors had met with the organizers, who had promised to correct them.
Josh Bedell had a copy of the variance that was issued
by the Zoning Hearing Board, which included a statement by Pocono Raceway’s Nick Igdalsky that the festival would not impact the neighboring properties. Bedell noted that since this was obviously not the case, the variance should be revoked.
While this was a popular suggestion, Atty. Tressler explained that the See ELEMENTS, page 2
National Night Out marks reopening of inclusive playground at Blanche D. Price Park in Tobyhanna Twp

Tobyhanna Township defied the rain and held a combination National Night Out and the grand reopening of the Blanche D. Price Memorial Park Playground on August 6.
The newly renovated playground features handicap inclusive areas—ensuring everyone can enjoy their time at the park. A Pour & Place surface with ramp access, wheelchair accessible swings, new Mommy & Me swings, and many other fun elements mean that Blanche D. Price Memorial Park will be added to the National Demonstration Site presented by Playcore, which showcases parks around the country promoting physical activity and handicap accessible parks.

Picture at left, new swings designed for guests of all ages and abilities. Above, ASL Board brings inclusive play to Blanche D. Price Park.
Continued from page 1
supervisors did not control the Zoning Hearing Board, and could not over-rule them, by state law. For that reason, he said, it would take cooperation of the township, the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department, the venue Pocono Raceway, and the Elements organization to come up with a solution, making an investigation necessary.
Fran Dipiano, one of the township’s representatives to the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Commission, said the Elements festival was discussed at the August meeting. PMRPD officers were monitoring, some undercover, and arrests were made, though reports were not yet available. He said that some of the Facebook
reports may have been exaggerated.
Not according to many members of the audience, who produced print-outs and videos, some taken from the Elements group page itself. Comments included numerous references to drug usage and drug availability, as well as nudity and noise levels.
One specific suggestion was to amend the noise ordinance to include bass levels. Currently, the noise limit does not measure bass.
Residents were urged to fill out the Issues of Concern form available from the township website, longpondpa.com under the Documents to Download tab. Ewald also urged them to come to supervisors’ meetings and volunteer for boards like the Zoning Hearing Board and the planning commission.

In other business, the township:
•Obtained interest rates from ESSA equivalent to or better than the rates on the T-bills the township had been considering purchasing.
•Enacted a resolution noting the 250th anniversary of the United States in 2025.
•Approved joinder deeds for two property owners.
•Okayed the emergency plan for Kelly Ann Finnegan Daycare.
•Scheduled an STR appeal for 167 Valley View Drive for October 2 at 9 a.m., and a conditional use hearing for Our Lady Queen of Peace church for a memorial garden for September 18 at 7 p.m.
The proposed changes to the zoning ordinance for solar farms, stormwater
management, and warehouse distribution centers have been forwarded to Monroe County Planning for
comments, with approval likely by the October meeting.

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Letter to the editor
Dear Editor:
In response to Kara Sincavage letter about Tobyhanna Township Supervisors cap on Short Term Rentals. I have been a property owner for decades
in the Township. They are protecting my property rights and values by putting a cap on STR. Question? Do you live close to a STR? Of course not. some rentals that are great like years ago when

the skiers or the snowbirds came.
But now most of the STR do not follow the rules. They are loud and partying. I live in Tobyhanna Township to be away from that noise.
You state in your letter limiting rentals only hurt
local businesses and property values. Why don’t you tell everyone that one business that it may hurt is yours. That is one of your major businesses besides selling property in the area.
With the STR cap it will protect my property rights

and property values. Why would you buy my property if you knew a STR will be your next door neighbor unless you sell your property to them.
Last of all, the Sincavage family has always been good to my family and the community. I have nothing but the utter most respect for them.
But I disagree with her on this subject. KEEP THE CAP ON.
Jerry Perch
A property owner in Tobyhanna Township for decades. And I don’t plan in moving anywhere else.

National Night Out noted at APCP
National Night Out on Tuesday August 6, held for the last 15 years at A Pocono Country Place in Northeast Pennsylvania was again, as always, a success, even with the rain that occurred during the event. Attending were PA Senator Rosemary Brown & PA Rep. Maureen Madden, who gave a Legislative Proclamation to the family of A.J. Simon. Simon, at 25 years old, passed away

Appointments in Mount Pocono
by Pat Albano
Mount Pocono Borough Council met on August 6, and selected Jeremie Schuster for the Municipal Authority. The Mount Pocono Municipal Authority is the regulatory body for the sewer district. It is a separate entity governed by a five-person board.
Council also appointed Jessica Klingel as Planning Commission member.
Struckle reported “We had a budget meeting last week. We are on track and at the next budget meeting will be looking at 2025.”
Borough Manager Marissa Duffy addressed a $24,000 grant. Duffy also mentioned violations at four addresses along with enforcement notices.
July bills of $208,286.64 were approved for payment.
of a heart attack recently, a week before he was to be drafted by the NFL New England Patriots. Pennsylvania State Police, Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department, and APCP Public Safety Police were present. Chief Alli
hosted Night Out with Entertainment Director & Founder Ron East, who will leave after 15 years.
Rockin’ Horn Band performed great, and eight free kid bikes were given away by Ed’s Towing Company.

Seth’S SightingS
I really enjoyed the Olympics coverage I was able to watch via You Tube. I was watching all sorts of sports: running, rowing, xc cycling, women’s wrestling, ping pong, steeplechase, pole vault, basketball, volleyball and cycling, swimming, diving, soccer, skeet shooting, archery, climbing, and even rugby. It was good that the You Tube videos are short, allowing me to also get some work done.
The Paris Olympic Committee put on a great show all of the venues were nice, and contests were well attended. It was fun to see the flags in the crowds, fans and family of contestants. In the end, the United States had a big haul of medals and host France had plenty of their own medals to savor.
I plan to watch some of the Para-Olympics this coming week as time permits.
I stayed inside when temperatures approached 90 degrees, which is far
by Seth iSenberg
hotter than I like. Then tropical storm Debby blew through and dowsed us with torrential rains. I’m guessing that we received over 7" of rain at our house, based upon the bin that I had out on our patio. This meant some water in our basement from the usually dry spring that’s underneath our house. Now we have the windows open in our house to enjoy the cool dry nights and to get the basement dry.
The rains meant we didn’t get to outdoor events on Friday we had hoped to attend the Carbon County Fair, then go on to Musikfest for the evening. Both events cancelled their Friday schedules.
I was able to get out to the Parade of Boats in Lake Harmony, a fundraiser for the Lake Harmony Ambulance and Fire Companies. My sister Elise came with, and we enjoyed the party listening to the Mystery City band, tried
our luck with the basket raffle, and had a fine brisket sandwich. The overall winning pontoon boat, celebrating the Olympics, included a near 30' tall rendition of the Eiffel Tower. This was a fun event.
Ruth and I missed the Perseid meteor shower, preferring being asleep to being out in the wee hours to watch the sky. I will say that the clear night sky after the tropical storm was so very welcoming. The cool night air was welcome, too.
Last weekend, Ruth and I drove to Worcester, MA to see my stepdad and pick up a used car. We made good time on the way north on Friday afternoon in an Enterprise rental car, riding through a rainstorm at one point and catching some slow traffic. We returned the rental to Enterprise in Worcester, then started learning the 2016 Subaru sedan newer than our Kia with low miles. It has a

manual transmission. Both of us have owned manual transmission cars in the past, but it has been decades of automatic transmission cars since. With a little stalling and some funky shifting, we got around town. By Sunday afternoon, were mostly fine for the road trip back.
Our visit went well. It was nice to be with family, really too short a visit but I needed to be back on Monday to get a treatment for my cancer. Sunday’s drive was great until we encountered a set of thunderstorms in southern Connecticut, which made for slow to stop and go driving on Interstate 84 until the storm ended and traffic went south to NYC. From there, it was clear driving into the Poconos. We got home not long after dark.
We didn’t sight too many critters on the road trip the only ones of note were some swans on a lake in New York state and snowy egrets in Massachusetts. Here in the Poconos, sightings include fox, possum, porcupine, and of course, lots of deer. Of note was a hunting hawk,
soaring low over a field, likely tracking some small animal to catch for dinner.
And about dinner, it’s fresh produce time. Local stands have some beautiful corn, tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, cukes and zukes and more. Support Pennsylvania farmers, buy direct when you can.
I’m looking forward to watching some football. Preseason NFL will be enough for my football fix, though I’m really counting down to Big10 college ball.
We’ll be heading for Knoebels next Friday for some fun.
As always, prayers for peace in Ukraine, Sudan, Gaza and Lebanon, and elsewhere around the globe. Added prayers for the people of Venezuela who voted in an election where the winner was chosen ahead of time dashing hopes for a brighter future, instead opening more doors for harsh restrictions on the citizens.
And prayers for good health to you all.

Pocono Mountains United Way announces 2024 Day of Caring
Pocono Mountains United Way is excited to announce the 2024 Day of Caring, a cherished community tradition dedicated to volunteerism, engagement, and fostering
meaningful connections. This year’s event will kick off with a complimentary breakfast at Barley Creek Brewing Company, setting the stage for a day of impactful service projects
From the Statehouse
across Monroe County. On September 11, hundreds of volunteers from over 20 organizations will come together to support non-profit organizations throughout
School Bus Safety Reminders
By State Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe)
Students are or soon will be returning to class, and that means we will be seeing school buses back on our roads. Motorists, parents and children are encouraged to refresh their memories about how to share the road safely.
Pennsylvania law requires motorists to stop at least 10 feet away from school buses when their red lights are flashing, and their stop arm is activated. This applies to motorists when they are behind or traveling alongside a school bus, as well as when meeting the bus or approaching an intersection where a bus has stopped.
Vehicles should remain stopped until the red lights have stopped flashing, and the stop arm is withdrawn. Do not proceed until all the children have reached a place of safety. If physical barriers such as grassy medians, guide rails or concrete median barriers separate oncoming traffic from the bus, motorists in the opposing lanes may proceed without stopping.
Penalties for failure to obey school bus safety laws can result in a $250 fine, five points on a driving record and a 60-day license suspension. Violators will also be assessed a $35 surcharge to be deposited into the School Bus Safety Grant Program Account.

the region. Day of Caring exemplifies the commitment and resilience of our community, providing a unique opportunity for both current and potential supporters to engage in meaningful service.
Parents are reminded to ensure their children are at the bus stop early to avoid rushing. Students should stay where the bus driver can see them while boarding or exiting the bus. We want to wish students, faculty and staff all the best this school year.
“Day of Caring is a powerful demonstration of the collective strength and compassion that defines Monroe County,” said Michael Tukeva, President/ CEO of Pocono Mountains United Way. “By working together on this day, we showcase our community’s dedication to making a tangible impact.”
The event is made possible by the generous support of our Day of
Caring Sponsors: Barley Creek Brewing Company, Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau, and St. Luke’s University Health Network. Their commitment to this event underscores the importance of community collaboration in driving positive change.
To volunteer for the Day of Caring, visit www. V olunteerMonroe.org to register. For additional questions or sponsorship opportunities, email info@ PoconoUnitedWay.org.
Visit our website at pocononewspapers.com for in-between-issue stories and events

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1. Command to Fido
6. Sheep not yet sheared
9. Cap and gown accessory
13. Blood line
14. Ancient Chinese dynasty
15. Ringworm
16. Driver ’s license notation
17. Not outs
18. Like Cheerios
19. *Piece of football equipment required since 1943
21. *Peyton or Eli
23. Napkin spot
24. Eminem’s 2002 hit
“____ Yourself”
25. Embargo
28. Feed storage cylinder
30. Like house from a kit
35. Greek god of love
37. Smokes
39. *Super Bowl I M.V.P Bart ____
40. Taj Mahal locale
41. *Career rushing yards record holder
43. Equals s squared
44. Regretting
46. *Highest college football level: ____ Division I
47. Extend credit
48. *Seventeen games in NFL

50. Somewhat (2 words)
52. “Whatever Will Be, Will Be” singer
53. Mare’s baby
55. Not a friend
57. *55 of them
61. *Home of the NFL Hall of Fame
64. Hole-borer
65. For every
67. Color red on coat of arms
69. Birds of ill omen
70. Outrage
71. ____ ____ shopping cart
72. Party barrels
73. Sound from one of #69 Across
74. Homes for #69 Across
1. Down in the dumps
2. Cry of contempt
3. Marine eagle
4. Wake Island, e.g.
5. Kizmet, pl.
6. Foolish one
7. Even, poetic
8. Useful contraption
9. Lamborghini model
10. Unfavorable prefix
11. “As ____ on TV”
12. Suspend
15. Astrigents
20. “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey,” e.g.
22. Venomous Egyptian snake
24. Deducible
25. *One of 2 NFL founding teams still in league
26. Lock horns
27. Waterwheel
29. Outline
31. Et alii, abbr.
32. Got along
33. *Like indoor eightmen football
34. *Career NFL passing yards record holder
36. Without
38. Wild guess
42. Israelian port
45. Errand-runners
49. Neither’s partner
51. Nuku’alofa language
54. Meat jelly dish
56. Musician’s exercise
57. “*Go ____ Go!”
58. Fishing decoy
59. Awestruck
60. Archery wood
61. “Ship, Captain, ____”
62. Cutlass or Delta 88, for short
63. Remaining after deductions
66. ____ of Good Feelings
68. Lusitania’s last call

Increased calls and arrests mark PMRPC meeting
by Tom Saul
The August 13 Pocono Mountain Regional Police Commission Regular Business Meeting saw a smaller than usual turnout, with only ten board members present and a minimal audience of four, including this reporter. Among the attendees was Carl, a well-known veteran in the community, whose familiar face brought a sense of continuity to the meeting.
Chief Chris Wagner reported a significant increase in police activity across the region, attributing the rise to the summer holidays. Calls to the department jumped from 1,193 in June to 1,403 in July. Correspondingly, complaints, traffic arrests, and ordinance violations also saw an upswing — notably, criminal arrests in Tobyhanna spiked from nine to 25 which highlights the growing challenges faced by
the department during the warmer months.
“Warmer weather always brings an increase in crime,”
Chief Wagner noted, though he pointed out that assaults had decreased over the past three months. In contrast, thefts and burglaries have been on the rise, with one reported rape adding to the department’s concerns. The last homicide in the region occurred in March, with none reported in the past four months.
During the meeting,
Sergeant Charles LaRue’s retirement was acknowledged, and a discussion ensued regarding the promotional process to replace Lieutenant Steven Williams. Additionally, two speed studies were presented: on State Route 196 in Coolbaugh, where the average speed was recorded at 39 mph in a 45 mph zone, and on State Route 390 by Skytop, with an average speed of 41 mph in a 40 mph zone. Both roads saw drivers reaching alarming maximum
Experience life on the farm at Howetown Farm Show
speeds of 93 mph and 95 mph, respectively.
A new policy, identified as 11-3, was introduced to maintain the department’s accredited status. This policy requires the implementation of an early intervention program, designed to monitor officer conduct and intervene before issues escalate into disciplinary actions.
East community meeting where a special needs child was made “VIP” for the day as an officer reportedly treated him like one, allowing him to pet the police dog and sit in a cop car, demonstrating the department’s commitment to fostering strong community relations.
An interesting yet alarming letter from the US Department of Justice was read aloud by Chief Wagner towards the end of the meeting: it was about defendants supplying specific targets with fentanyl in the Scranton area with 7 fentanyl dealers being detained in the Pocono region — PMRPD officers were commended for their active duty in this area.

Howetown Farm Show will take place September 28 and 29, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. at the intersection of Route 196 & Gas Hollow Road, Sterling. There will be live demonstrations of antique farm equipment, hit & miss engines, antique cars, wagons and tractors, crafts, ice cream making, and vendors.
Bring the kids and spend the day learning how life
used to be on the farm. Tour our replica farmhouse, enjoy a free sample of home-made ice cream, play in the dried corn pit.
Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Parking and admission are free; however, donations are greatly appreciated.
Follow us on Facebook at Howetown Farm Show or on Instagram @ Howetownfarmshow.

From the representatives of the member municipalities, concerns about short-term rental properties and speeding issues were raised. The effectiveness of speed trailers, which activate red and blue lights when a vehicle exceeds the speed limit, was noted, with board member Kurt Cummings humorously admitting to triggering them himself.
In other business, it was reported that on August 1, the police building was struck by lightning, causing extensive damage to the septic alarm system, fire alarm suppression systems, and several computer stations. Fortunately, the damage was not as severe as it could have been.
The meeting concluded with a positive note, highlighting the department’s community involvement. Officers attended a Pocono Farms
Overall, the meeting was relatively uneventful compared to previous sessions, with a focus on the department’s ongoing efforts to manage increased activity during the summer months.

Thank you!
The Lake Naomi/Timber Trails Cares Rally wishes to thank the following businesses that have contributed to our success in raising $82,000 for SAFE
Monroe, an organization that provides a haven and essential resources for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Monroe County:
940 Auto Center LLC
940 Golf N’Fun
Bark Box
Ally Decane Designs
Andersen Painting
Blue Morning Landscaping
Bob Ripp Handyman
Carin Baum Artisan Mosaics
Cartesio’s Precision Collision
Chem Dry Of The Poconos
Coppola Heating & AC
Crayola Experience Easton
Critical Systems Generator
Dawn Fisher, Lake Naomi Real Estate
Dembinski Realty Co
Drysdale Wealth Management
Dunkin Donuts
Elite Nails
Erbs Landscaping
EZ Mountain Country Furniture
Ezulwini Game Lodges South Africa
Fetty’s Cycle Service
French Manor
Furino Fuels (FJ/Hess)
Gia Construction LLC
Gloria’s Zen Spa
Green Man Exterminators
Hanna’s Farm Market
Head First Hair Design Salon & Spa
Canalside Inn, Rehobeth Beach, DE
Dorney Park
High Spirits Massage
Hutton Metal Crafts
JA Snyder Construction
James Diamond Fine Jewelry
Jeff Kornblau Partners for Patient Advocacy
Jim Anthony Painting
Jim Thorpe Windows
Journey’s Day Spa
Journal of the Pocono Plateau
Joyce Design and Project Coordination
Kalahari Water Park
Keith Naylor/Who Know Duo
Kettle Creek Pottery
Lake Naomi Real Estate Inc
Lauren Giddings/Goods in the Woods
Lauren Miller, Keller Williams Real Estate
Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs
Mapleshade Painting
Marble Head Chowder House
Mark Luethi Photography
Matt Dunham, Contractor
Meg Schott Irizarry Dog Training
Melissa Connolly Housecleaning
Mountain Appliance Repair
Mountaintop Lodge at Lake Naomi
Moyers’s Country Kitchen
Pocono Dessert Co.
Murph’s Hideaway
Murray’s Towing and Service Center
NFL Super Bowl Kansas City Chiefs
Oakridge Construction
Papillion & Moyer Xcavating & Paving
Peninsula Wealth Advisory Group
Peterson’s Ski & Cycle
Pinecrest Golf & Country Club
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pocono Family YMCA
Pocono Heli tours /John Kerrick
Pocono Manor
Pocono Organics
Pocono Raceway
Pocono Soap
Pro-Zak Painting
Quiet Valley Farm
Remy Sultanik’s Woodshop
Robedda’s Signs & More
Susanna Kopchains Art
Rusden Property Management
Saul Bently Law
Sherry’s Place
Six Flags
Summit Tree & Landscaping
Superor Plus Energy Services
Text Net
The Bar Personal Training Studio/ Rich Scott
The Country Club at Woodloch
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
The Marriott Vacation Club
The Selig Center
Travel 4 Fun
Trips of a Lifetime
Tuplehocken Mountain Spring Water
UPS Store, Mount Pocono
Winchester Auctioneers/ Maggie Winchester
Van Guilder’s Jubilee
PoLiCe beat
8-14, a tractor trailer driver veered off Interstate 80 west at 3:41 a.m. and struck a tree. The crash killed him, but spared his 32 y/o passenger, a Brooklyn, NY, woman. She was found outside the cab with injuries. Lake Harmony Ambulance Squad transported her to Geisinger WVH in Wilkes-Barre for care. Assisting PA State Police–Fern Ridge at the scene were Lake Harmony, Albrightsville, Tunkhannock and Penn Forest #2 fire companies.
8-8, PSP has a found black wallet with a United Kingdom I.D. in it, and a receipt from Barley Creek Brewing in Tannersville. Contact PSP-Fern Ridge at 570 646-2271 if you have information to help identify the owner.
8-6, a 70 y/o Penn Forest Twp. woman lost $20,000 in a “Microsoft Fraud Alert” scam. PSP is investigating.
8-4, 2:46 p.m., a 16 y/o boy was arrested for hitting his 15 y/o girlfriend, sending her to the hospital. PSP is charging him with assault and harassment. He was taken by Monroe County Sheriffs to the Northampton County Juvenile Detention Center pending his court date.
8-8, 3 p.m., the PSP contingent at Mount Airy Casino broke up a fight between a couple in the parking lot. A 42 y/o Coolbaugh Township woman struck another 42 y/o woman in the face with an open hand.
8-9, 8:45 p.m., a 33 y/o Lehighton man who had self-excluded on 5-9 of this year, was caught trying to sneak back onto the gaming floor. When notified, he left without incident. That same day, a 58 y/o Bartonsville man, also on the selfexclusion list since 2-14, was caught and arrested (criminal trespass),
by Seth iSenberg
then released he also left without incident.
8-10, a Lamborghini dented a BMW x5 in the Casino parking lot just before midnight, then drove off. PSP noted minor damage to the BMW.
Among the rest of the reports were drivers in various no-injury fender benders and a 3-vehicle rear-ender on Route 903. There was a call to assist EMS in Jackson Twp. where the victim was found deceased, determined to be by natural causes. Other reports include identity thefts, credit card frauds, no-injury collisions with trees, guide rails, etc., shoplifting and investigations into persons not allowed to apply for a firearm.
Look out for crews doing bridge preservation and deck work on Interstate 80 in Pocono Township in both directions There are also crack sealing and pothole patching crews on various Pocono roadways.
Be aware of paving and bridge work on the Pennsylvania Turnpike day and night.
Route 940 in Carbon County has been milled from the Monroe County line in Blakeslee to White Haven ahead of repaving later this month.
Be alert, drive safe.
Check conditions on major roadways via www.511PA.com. It’s free and available 24 hours a day provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras. 511PA is also available through a smartphone application for iPhone and Android devices, by calling 5-1-1, or by following local alerts on X.
Readers—want your organization’s activities featured in these pages? Send news tips, press releases and photos to the editor at journalruth@ pa.metrocast.net, or call 570-215-0204 xt2.
9/11 First Responder ceremony set in Coolbaugh
The Coolbaugh Township Board of Supervisors respectfully invites Township residents and the public to attend the 9/11 First Responders Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, September 14, at 3 p.m. at the Coolbaugh Township Military Memorial
Monument located at the township administration campus at 5520 Municipal Drive, Tobyhanna.
Open mic will be available for those who wish to share their experiences or stories about the tragic events of 9/11.
Commonwealth U Spring Grads
Commonwealth University congratulates more than 1,600 students who graduated during the Spring 2024 semester. Among the students who received their degrees were Travis Elmore of
Tobyhanna from CUBloomsburg, Madison Frantz of Blakeslee from CU-Mansfield Magna Cum Laude, and Jondi Harley of Tobyhanna from CUBloomsburg Cum Laude.

Saint Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church ROUTE 940 • POCONO SUMMIT (Between CVS & Tractor Supply)
Very Rev. Michael Salnicky, Pastor For Parish Office Call (570) 595-3265
DIVINE LITURGY (MASS) For Mass Times Call (570) 839-8090