From Slovakia to East Side — by way of Facebook
by Ruth Isenberg
Lukas Vasek came to East Side and Weatherly Area School District the long way. He arrived in September as an exchange student, but he almost didn’t get here.
Vasek and his twin brother were both supposed to spend this year abroad as exchange students. They both filled out the necessary profiles last November, and got needed vaccines. His brother’s placement went smoothly—he’s in Chicago with a host family.
For Lukas, things weren’t so simple. There was supposed to be a place for him in Kansas
City. But as time went by with no communication from a host family or the school he would attend, he began to think he’d end up staying home in Nove Zamky while his twin got to travel.
Their mother took matters into her own hands, posting about the situation on a Slovak Heritage Facebook page. Rita Demarco of East Side is a frequent visitor to the site. “I’m 98% Slovak,” she says, and looks there for history and recipes. She was intrigued by Lukas’ plight, and sent a message to his mother asking for more information. Once they connected, she and husband
Dave decided they would open their home to Lukas.
The paperwork got done in a hurry, and local International Student Exchange representative Bonnie Witkoski helped expedite Lukas getting his J-1 Secondary School Visa. This visa program was introduced after the world wars to prevent such conflicts from arising in the future. Since 1982, ISE has remained dedicated to encouraging positive relations between people from different cultures through high school exchange programs.
Host families don’t treat exchange students as guests, they treat them as part of the family. Rita and Lukas have traveled around the area, and visited Philadelphia and New York (Dave prefers to hold down the fort since his retirement), but they also go to the gym in Hazleton on a regular basis, cook together, and Lukas helped them build a deck for a lake house in the fall.
Lukas enjoys school at Weatherly. There are differences. Teachers are much
See EXCHANGE, page 6
Penn Lake looks to pass on Aqua sewer increase
by Suzanne Winters
A planned Aqua PA sewer increase was addressed by Penn Lake Park Borough councilmember Corey Beltz during the March 13 meeting. The borough received notice from Aqua PA that they are increasing their sewage treatment fee to the borough from $29 to $46.05 per residence, an increase of $17.05. Beltz said the borough’s sewer loan would be paid off in December 2025. However, the latest Aqua increase will create a $4,381.85 shortfall for the borough’s sewer fund. He feels the borough should increase the residential sewer fee by $17.05 to cover this cost, which could be rolled back next year. This increase would need to be done with an advertised ordinance and a vote. The increase is anticipated for May 2025. Beltz noted Penn Lake owns the sewer line all the way to the railroad tracks, and the borough is
responsible for any maintenance of the line.
Secretary Karen Burden noted receiving correspondence from Alex Flynn at State Representative Jamie Walsh’s office advising the borough he plans to attend a council meeting in the near future. She advised that the Community House has better wi-fi now with T-Mobile.
Borough Solicitor Dan Mulhern reported there was a hearing regarding the Basler property on March 12, and the subject easements should be wrapping up. He noted that there may be more dam flowage easements coming. He also advised council of the requirement for ARPA funds reporting by March 27, and said he would be attempting to log on
See PENN LAKE, page 5
WAHS exchange student Lukas Vasek, center, with host family David and Rita Demarco, and dogs Maddy and Punkin.
JH: Ruth Isenberg
(USPS 277-440) Published weekly at 211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
Telephone (570) 215-0204
Subscription Price—$40 per year in Luzerne & Carbon Counties, Pennsylvania, payable in advance. $45 per year elsewhere, payable in advance.
Periodicals postage paid at White Haven, PA 18661. POSTMASTER, send address changes to: THE JOURNAL-HERALD
211 Main Street, White Haven, PA 18661
(JAY E. HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-1997; CLARA HOLDER, Co-Publisher 1954-2014)
Utility costs are difficult to regulate, at least for the average consumer. Yes, you can turn off lights when you leave a room, and unplug unused appliances. If you have electric heat, you are stuck when the weather turns cold. Of course, people with coal, gas, propane or oil are using more fuel during cold weather as well.
Sewage treatment is a set cost, and individual actions don’t affect it. Flushing less won’t save you money there, although it could lower your water bill. Boroughs and townships that don’t own their systems are charged a fee for each EDU (equivalent dwelling unit), and they pass it along to their citizens. Large companies that supply sewage treatment to multiple communities spend money upgrading old plants and replacing old pipes they spread that cost to all their users. Communities that still own their own sewage treatment systems often have a hard time affording improvements, one of the main reasons they sell the systems to large companies.
Water needs to be treated to protect against contaminants, and water pipes have to be replaced if they leak, or if they are made of lead. Treatment involves chemicals and electricity, and people to monitor the process. No utility operates without workers. You can change the products you buy to lower your costs for food and clothing. You can trim expenses like on-line streaming and limit shopping for non-essentials. But there is very little you can do about utility costs. They just are.
Unfortunately, they also just are for the municipalities that have to pass them along to their citizens. For most of our coverage area that means the cost of water, sewage and garbage collection; in Weatherly, electricity is included because the borough is part of a power consortium that supplies a number of communities in the northeast. Either utility cost increases are passed along to consumers, or taxes are raised to cover the costs. Either way, the user pays. Perhaps it’s best to consider what life would be like without electricity, flush toilets, clean drinking water and clean streets. Those benefits are worth paying the price.
From The Journal-Herald March 24, 2005
Clara R. Holder, Publisher
The front page featured another picture from the collection of Ray Ward, this time of the faculty of the White Haven Public School, 1939-40.
Candidates for the primary election for offices in Carbon County were listed.
Penn Lake borough council established fees for plumbing inspections to determine that septic tanks had been abandoned, and systems were ready to hook up to the new sewer system. Cost was set at $40. The borough had already collected $316,000 of the required sewer hook-up fees.
Part 2 of Jack Koehler’s story about the Read & Lovatt building that had been torn down in Weatherly included pictures of the equipment, and information aobut how the entire operation was converted to the production of silk cores and sleeve threads for parachute shroud lines when the United States entered World War II. The War Department awarded the silk mill the Army-Navy “E” flag for its outstanding contribution to the war effort.
Even so, the government seized control of the plant on August 18, 1944, and all machinery, equipment and goods were removed. The building was turned over to the Reconstruction Finance Corp. in order to set up a plant for manufacture of radar tubes for the war effort. Tung-Sol Lamp Works of Newark, NJ, took over the building in October, 1944. Obviously, this is not the end of the story…more next week.
The editorial noted “gasoline prices now roaring toward $2.20 a gallon.” Those were the days.
The Flying Aces Motorcycle Club announced sponsorship of a Good Friday blood drive at the Red Cross Center in West Hazleton.
The Mountaintop Relay for Life listed activities planned for the 24-hour event to be held in June at the track at Crestwood High School, seeking teams to take part in the walk and donations for other events.
A team from the White Haven United Methodist Church, the Knockouts, scheduled an old-fashioned picnic in the park to raise funds, with food by Charlie Weaver’s Restaurant, music by Bounty Hunter, and a certified auctioneer to auction off donated items, with all proceeds going to raise money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society.
The Laurel Cemetery Association advertised for help in clearing damage from ice storms in January. Trees were downed, and the 32-acre cemetery was strewn with branches. Both monetary and physical help was sought, with volunteers needed for work days on Saturdays April through October.
PA State Representative Todd Eachus reported on advancing a bill to impose a moratorium on closings and cutbacks at state mental health and mental retardation facilities including the White Haven Center until the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee compiled a report on the effects of any proposed closure or cutback.
The Skippy Dietz Rabies Clinic was scheduled at the Lake Harmony Rescue Squad building, with Dr. Sharon Lachette VMD of White Haven Veterinary Clinic donating her time to vaccinate dogs and cats.
The Marian Fillies reached the PIAA Class A girls basketball championship game for the second time in three seasons, but saw their dream of a state title dashed by western power Serra Catholic, 53-44, Saturday afternoon in Hershey. Jody Searfoss of Weatherly, a junior forward, scored 11 points in the game.
Public Notices
Penn Lake Park Borough is accepting bids for pothole patching, paving, and repair of winter damage. The request for bid is available at the Penn Lake website at https://pennlakeborough. com/government/Request For Proposals/2025 RFPs/Penn Lake 2025 Patching/Winter Damage Repair. The last date for accepting bids is 5/6/2025. Penn Lake Park Borough Council
Penn Lake Park Boro is accepting bids on the following scope of work: Fixed price for 5 months of grass cutting on and around the baseball field at 2 cuts per month, maintenance of the playground as necessary, 3 cuts of the dam area and roadside late May, early July, and late August. Cutting of weeds and grass on Lakeview, Horseshoe, and Hollenback as needed. Please quote an hourly rate for additional work requested by the Penn Lake road master. Bids will be accepted until 5/6/2025. Bids can be mailed to Penn Lake Park Boro, PO Box 14, White Haven, Pa 18661 or emailed to
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LETTERS OF TESTAMENTARY have been granted to PAUL YEAGER of the Estate of Leah Dougherty, deceased and late of Hazleton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, who died on January 19, 2025. All persons indebted to said Estate, please make payment, and those having claims, present same to: Susan Sernak-Martinelli, Esquire Law Office of Susan Sernak-Martinelli
199 North Church Street
Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18201 3/27
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary have been granted in the Estate of Bernard A. Kattner, of State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, Carbon County, PA, who died on the 1st day of January, 2025. All persons having claims against the estate are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to the Executor, Michael B. Kattner, 687 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, PA, 18229, or his attorney:
121 Carbon Street Post Office Box 49 Weatherly, PA 18255 3/27
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LETTERS TESTAMENTARY have been granted to JOHN R. KUDLICK AND MARK R. KUDLICK of the Estate of John Kudlick, Jr. a/k/a John Kudlick, deceased and late of Weatherly, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, who died on December 28, 2024. All persons indebted to said Estate, please make payment, and those having claims, present same to:
Susan Sernak-Martinelli, Esquire Law Office of
Susan Sernak-Martinelli
199 North Church Street
Hazleton, Pennsylvania 18201 4/3
Study to link Weatherly into trails system
by Jim Dino
The Greater Hazleton Area Civic Partnership is going to participate in a study to include the Borough of Weatherly into the path of its trail to meet the Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Trail at Lehigh Gorge State Park.
At their latest meeting March 18, members of the Partnership board said they are contributing $ 7,500 toward a $42,500 feasibility study to be conducted by the engineering firm Barry Isett and Associates to change the path of the trail to pass by the historic village of Eckley by about a mile – and thus bypass a piece of land the Partnership hasn’t been able to get a rightof-way to pass over – and go to Weatherly.
Tom Hall, a member of the Rails to Trails committee, said the change in the route will add about two miles to the overall length of the trail, which will go from a total of 16 miles to 18 miles – from East Broad Street in Hazleton to Lehigh Gorge State Park.
Hall said the study, which will include public meetings, will determine how the trail will be used – for hiking and biking, not vehicular traffic.
The study will begin in midApril, and take about a year, Hall said,
Tom Ogoralek, another member of the trail committee, said the change means the trail will meet Weatherly at the Old
Penn Haven Junction, rather than Penn Haven Junction, since it won’t be a loop trail now.
Joe Yannuzzi, Partnership treasurer, said the study will identify funding sources to build the trail.
Cal Herring, the Partnership’s executive assistant, said the new route will take the trail in a reclamation area on the south side of Hazle Brook, rather than on the north side of the village near homes.
Herring said two events have been scheduled on the trail.
On May 17, Pathways to Recovery will do a walk on the trail. And on June 7, Sacco Chiropractic will do a Walk with the Doc on the trail.
There were five such events on the trail last year, Herring said,
Kim McNulty, the Partnership’s vice-chair, said the Scholarship Committee is gearing up. Scholarship applications are going out, and are due back by the end of April. Winners will be named in May.
April Food Distribution
Weatherly Shepherd House will distribute food on Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to Noon. Come to the side of Zions Evangelical Lutheran church on Fell Street. In case of emergencies, contact Bree Hoffman, 570-401-0749 or Eva Labanoski. 570-751-6323.
Jane A. Wiskoski, 95 of Weatherly, passed away peacefully March 15, 2025 at The Manor at St. Luke’s Village in Hazleton. She was the wife of the late Richard Wiskoski, who passed away in 2018.
Born September 9, 1929, in Wapwallapen, she was the daughter of the late George and Loretta (Houser) Eroh.
Jane was a graduate of West Hazleton High School. She was employed by Tung-sol and later was employed by the Weatherly Area School District working in the transportation department, cafeteria and the library.
She was a lifelong member of Our Lady of Lourdes, Weatherly, where she was active in the church choir, lecturing, eucharistic minister, and teaching catechism. Jane also was a member of several senior citizens clubs. She loved traveling, State Parks and participating in all of the
Surviving are children Ann Wiskoski of Allentown, Ronald, husband of Georgianne Wiskoski of Weatherly, Audrey, wife of Thomas Bird of White Haven, and Alice, wife of Joseph Coburn of Pinebush, NY. Also surviving is her sister, Carol Drumheller of Hazleton; grandchildren, Benjamin Bird, Kyle Bird and Andrew Russell, Eric Bird and Bobby Vermette, Michael Coburn; Zachary Wiskoski and Sarah Wiskoski; greatgrandchildren Brynn Russell - Bird and Alex Bird. Many nieces and nephews also survive.
She was preceded in death by her husband Richard Wiskoski; a son Rick Wiskoski, who passed in 1999; siblings Bud Eroh, Ronald Eroh and Doris Albertson.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Saturday, March 22, at 11 a.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 318 Plane Street, Weatherly. A viewing will be held Friday from 6-8 p.m. and again on Saturday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. from the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home, Weatherly. Burial will follow in the church cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 318 Plane Street, Weatherly, PA 18255.
Arrangements are entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services of Weatherly.
Online condolences may be made to the family at www.
Geraldine C. Mosebauer, 93, a resident of St. Luke’s Pavilion in Hazleton, passed away on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at the Lehigh Valley Hospital/ Hospice Care in Hazleton. Born in White Haven, she was the daughter of the late John and Anna (Mathe) Mosebauer. She was a graduate of White Haven High School and the McCann School of Business. She was employed by the Department of Social Security
Disability until her retirement. She was an active member of The Church of St. Patrick in White Haven.
Surviving are several nieces and cousins, including Roseann and Henry Sitko, and Jill and Greg Gower. She was preceded in death by her sisters, Ann Lutheran, Mildred Coar and Marian LaCasse.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at The Church of St. Patrick in White Haven at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 20. Interment will follow in St. Patrick’s Cemetery, White Haven.
In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be made to St. Patrick’s Church, White Haven.
Diane P. Holik, 58 years of age of First Street, Weatherly, died on Sunday, March 9, 2025, at home.
Born Wednesday, June 8, 1966 in Wheatly Heights, New York, she was the daughter of the late Harry R. Weintraub and Helga (Hoffman) Weintraub, who passed away on March 2, 2025.
Surviving are her husband of 35 years, Kevin G. Holik; son, Kevin G. Holik II; sister, Mary Lauterbach, wife of Chris; brother, Michael Weintraub and his wife Liliah; nieces Crystal,
A graduate of Half Hollow Hill of Dix Hills NY, Diane owned and operated A Place for Paws dog grooming business in Sugarloaf for over 20 years. A passionate animal lover, Diane is survived by her dogs, Annabell, Porthos, and Karam.
Private arrangements have been entrusted to the Philip J. Jeffries Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Inc. of Weatherly.
Online condolences may be made to the family at www. Atty. Cindy Yurchak Carbon County Law Office since 1991
Nicholas Caravaggio, 62, Mountain Top, passed away on in Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, on Saturday, March 8, 2025.
Born in Wilkes-Barre, he was the son of Elaine Murray Caravaggio of Mountain Top and the late Michael Caravaggio. He was a graduate of Crestwood High School and worked as a Diesel Mechanic.
In addition to his father, he was preceded by 6 year old brother, Daniel He is survived by his mother, companion Tammy, aunts, uncles and cousins.
At his request there are no public services.
Arrangements are under the direction of the DesiderioLehman Funeral and Cremation.
Penn Lake
Continued from page 1
to the portal to set this up for the borough.
Two Zoning permit applications were received for projects that are under review.
Councilmember Dan Eustice advised the council they need to advertise for road repair and pothole filling. The affected areas have been marked throughout the borough. A motion was passed to advertise for bids, with a deadline of May 6.
Eustice noted there is an Aqua water project on the horizon. This will finish up Horseshoe and Darby Drives. He is scheduled to attend a Zoom meeting regarding this project. The earliest possible start date is March 31.
Eustice also said there are a few geese back at the lake, while
$85 Hr
others commented there are a lot of them. He said if anyone needs more pyrotechnics they can be ordered.
All eight Short Term Rental permits have been issued per councilmember John Burden.
Councilmember and Dam Advisory Group (DAG) member Lisa Stuart said they are still waiting on their permit approval by DEP. Also, a meeting is planned for April 14 with State Representative Jamie Walsh. They will show him around the lake at that time.
Stuart said the DAG is not as concerned about the PEMA BRICS grants as they were last month, and some of these funds have already been released.
Tax Collector Beverly Yencha will be resigning. A motion was passed to assign borough resident Debbie Scott as Deputy Tax Collector for 2025. She will work with Yencha until the fall when Scott will take over all tax collector duties.
Another motion passed to advertise for lawn maintenance in the borough in 2025. This is for five months of cutting. Bids need to be submitted by May 6.
Eustice and Beltz discussed lily pad spraying, and, like last year, they decided to wait on making a decision on this issue until later in the year. They need to see what the progress is made on the dam project before scheduling any spraying.
Kislan Trucking provided a bid for the stop sign repair on Carter Drive. If the borough wants a new sign erected, the cost is $313. Reinstalling the old sign would cost $208. A motion passed to have a new sign installed.
Sportsmen’s/ Outdoor Expo
Rep. Doyle Heffley (R-Carbon) and Sen. David Argall (R-Schuylkill/Carbon/Luzerne) are hosting their 11th annual Sportsmen’s and Outdoor Expo on Saturday, March 22. The free event will be held on Saturday, March 22, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. No. 1, 1387 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe. The expo will include door prizes and feature more than 30 exhibitors.
“This event is a great opportunity for families to learn about the many resources and organizations dedicated to outdoor activities in Carbon County,” said Heffley. “I encourage folks to join us and learn what our community has to offer.”
For more information, call 610-377-6363.
LOOKING AT THE MOON: The lunar eclipse of March 14 was visible from North and South America, Europe and the UK and Weatherly. Terry Hartz sent these photos of the “Blood Moon” resulting from the total eclipse overnight on Thursday.
librAry corNer
The White Haven Area Community Library will again hold a Pysanky Egg Painting Workshop taught by Paul Corinchock. It will be held on Saturday, April 12, from 1 to 4 p.m. Advance registration is required for this event and can be done by calling the library at 570443-8776 or stopping in before space runs out. The fee is $40.
While in the library please remember to check out the Senior Bulletin Board where you will find information regarding activities and information for senior citizens in our area. You will also find several racks of books for
Weatherly Area Community Library
Upcoming Events: call library to register (570-427-5085):
April 11 - Storytime for Children, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. April 12 - Psyanky Egg Class, 9 a.m. - Noon. $40/person. Pay by cash or check by April 5. April 24 - Book Club, 10 a.m. April/May - Easter Bingo Book game! Come to the library to get a Bingo card filled with types of books to read in April and May. Borrow books from the library, read them, and
sale, including audiobooks, and plenty of jigsaw puzzles to borrow and enjoy at home.
There will be Lego Club/ free play on March 22 from 12 to 1:30. The Scrabble Club will meet on March 20 at 6:00 and the Fiber Arts group will meet at 10 a.m. on March 27. Trout Unlimited will meet at 1 p.m. on March 22.
The Original Book Club will meet on April 2 at 6:30 in the John Murphy Room. The book is The Patient’s Secret by Loreth Anne White. This novel of suspense is inspired by a horrific true
return the book to receive a stamp on your card. Everyone who gets a Book Bingo by filling in all the blocks across, down diagonal or four corners will win a book of their choice from the book sale room. The library will collect all winning cards, and one card will be drawn at random to win a Starbucks gift card.
Get ready for Summer... Summer Reading Program July 28 - 31.
crime and sure to generate some amazing conversation. Please join us for this over-18 event.
Mark your calendars for May 10 to attend a Community Engagement event at the WHACL. There will be entertainment, crafts refreshments, and an opportunity to learn more about White Haven’s Blueprint Community endeavors. More information will follow as the event gets closer.
Please remember to check out the library’s facebook page for all the latest information on events.
Memorial Books Donated:
The Music of Bees by Eileen Garvin in Memory of Mary Romano from Louise Miller and Family
In Memory of Rev. Donald Stump: Assateague: Island of the Wild Ponies by Andrea Jauck
Marilyn from James and Barb Wagner
Continued from page 1
more open here, he says, and more easily share personal information with students. Classes are more formal in Slovakia, and structured differently. They are also larger; he thinks the smaller class sizes here allow teachers to see clearly what students need.
His focus is on economics, math and English. He’s participated in two math competitions with Weatherly, one at Bucknell and one at Bloomsburg University.
He’s also skied with a friend who works at Jack Frost, and gone out for baseball. “It’s been a fantastic year. I’ve had so much fun,” he says.
Rita agrees that it’s been a wonderful experience. In November, she and Dave got to meet Lukas’ parents, who met them in Budapest when they took a river cruise on the Danube. Lukas stayed home in East Side and took care of dogs Punkin and Maddy.
Lukas has become part of the family, but he is only here until June. He’s looking forward to end of the year activities like the semi-formal, the senior trip to Washington DC, an excursion with Rita to the Jersey shore and graduation, even though he won’t be finished with his secondary education. His parents will be coming here for that in June, and they will then travel to Chicago to collect his twin.
Does he think other students should consider exchange programs? “I would highly recommend it,” Lukas says. Rita and Dave feel the same way about becoming a host family. “He’s part of the family now,” according to Rita. ***
To learn more about exchange programs, visit
Visit our website at or find us on Facebook for more photos, news, and features.
Another sign of spring— Wood’s Ice Cream is open in all locations, not just White Haven (where it stays open yearround). Weatherly, Freeland and Jim Thorpe locations are serving up treats. And in Weatherly, ice cream sandwiches are also being sold at TJ’s One Stop. I’m told the first batch sold out very quickly! Also available this year, frozen bananas, dipped in chocolate and nuts.
St. Patrick’s Day was fun around the area. Actually, the whole weekend featured greenthemed entertainment and Irish food.
We spent the end of last week at a community newspapers conference in the Harrisburg area. The hotel that was headquarters housed an Irish
pub, but to the disappointment of some of our group, no corned beef and cabbage there until the weekend, after we were leaving.
The drive down to Harrisburg on Thursday afternoon was really nice, and we started spotting green fields as we continued south. The last part of the drive was directly into the setting sun, which made it a bit challenging, but we arrived just in time for a dinner with our group (which is where the above-mentioned corned beef discussion comes in).
We took advantage of the big-screen TV in the room at the hotel to enjoy some of the college basketball league championship games, lead-ins to the NCAA tournament. March Madness is upon us.
The drive back on Saturday afternoon was less pleasant, with on and off rain, and much chillier temperatures. But we received a very warm welcome from our dogs Bull and Spookie, who stuck close to us that night and most of Sunday.
Spring starts for real according to the calendar on Friday, March 21. This April weather we’ve been experiencing already has us spoiled and anxious for more.
Unchained Melodies headlines March’s Greater Hazleton Concert Series offering
The Greater Hazleton Concert Series, Inc. is pleased to announce that Unchained Melodies will headline the fifth concert of the 2024-2025 Season on Friday March 28, at 7:30 p.m. at Hazleton Area High School Auditorium, 1601 W. 23rd Street, Hazleton, where abundant free, lighted parking is available.
Pianist Jason ‘Floyd’ Coleman and his string ensemble bring the timeless piano style of Grandfather Floyd Cramer to a lineup of the unforgettable songs of the 60’s and 70’s. His performance takes the audience on a piano journey down memory lane. Spanning the hits of Roy Orbison, Patsy Cline, Carpenters, Righteous Brothers, John Denver, Elvis Presley, and more, Jason’s performance combines songs, stories, and vintage multimedia to take the audience on a piano journey down memory lane.
Plus, Jason honors his own musical heritage with a special tribute to grandfather Floyd Cramer, including personal stories and films of growing up with his Grandad.
Song selections include: Unchained Melody · Close To You · Only The Lonely · At Last · Yesterday · Music Box Dancer · Can’t Help Falling In Love · Blue Bayou · For The Good
Times · Crazy · Time In A Bottle · Bridge Over Troubled Water · It Was Almost Like A Song · and many more.
The 2024-2025 Greater Hazleton Concert Series offers entertaining, professional performances to subscribers.
Individual tickets are $30 for adults and $10 for students. For concert information or tickets call Cynthia at 570-436-6615, or Shirley at 570-384-1226. For more information on all GHCS concerts, visit www. or visit our Facebook page.
Cranberry Quilt Guild begins 2025 season
Cranberry Quilt Guild kicks off its 2025 meeting season Monday, March 24, with doors opening at 6 p.m. Meetings take place at Faith United Church of Christ, off Airport Beltway in Hazle Township.
Guild members are reminded that annual dues can be paid at the meeting. Winter projects for members included Comfort Teddy Bears that will be donated to first responders for children experiencing trauma, and Bingo squares. These items should be brought to the March meeting.
Other projects are in the works and will reach fruition in April. The first meeting will include a budget review for 2025 and a planned update to the Guild By-Laws. Upcoming
meeting activities will also be discussed. Show and tell will be held along with the monthly fat quarter raffle. March color is Green.
Need an Extra Copy of this issue? The Journal-Herald is for sale at: White Haven Market, Soapy Bee and 940 Plaza in White Haven, Wawa at the Turnpike in Kidder, Weasel’s in Dennison, and TJ’s One Stop in Weatherly.
Jason ‘Floyd’ Coleman
Shown here are the goodie boxes sent to deployed veterans both in the United States and overseas. Both savory and sweet snacks are packed and ready to be sent for our servicemen and servicewomen to enjoy and share. The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 360 in Weatherly is currently looking for veterans who would enjoy a goodie box. Please contact Donna Thomas at 570-427-8474, or Judy Desrosiers at 570-427-8342, or Georgia Farrow at 570427-4527—all members of the VA&R committee. Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation committee assists and enhances the lives of veterans, military personnel and their families.
Homemade Easter Eggs at Centenary UMC
Weatherly Centenary United Methodist Church is having a Homemade Easter Egg sale. Varieties available are Coconut Cream, Peanut Roll, Butter Cream, Assorted, Milk or Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter. Each 1-pound box is $14. Advance orders only—no special orders. Order deadline is Sunday, March 30.
To order call Ruth: 570-4278173, Phyllis: 570-427-4305, Stephanie 570-582-5507, Lisa: 570-401-4128, Wayne: 570-5825154, or Donna 570-427-4094. At Evergreen Apartments see Georgeann.
Pickup is Friday, April 11, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Church social room.
Roll & Paska
Bread sale
Weatherly Centenary United Methodist Church is having a Royal Bakery Roll sale and a Paska Bread sale. Roll flavors available are Nut, Poppyseed, Cheese, Apricot, or Prune. All roll flavors are $18 each. Paska bread is 9 inches round and is available plain or with raisins. Either Paska is $12 each. Orders are due Sunday, April 6. To order call Ruth: 570-4278173, Phyllis: 570-427-4305, Stephanie: 570-582-5507, Wayne: 570-582-5154, or Donna: 570-427-4094. At Evergreen Apartments see Georgeann.
Pickup date for all sale items is Friday, April 11, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Church social room.
Prayer service set for Lent
An ecumenical Lenten Prayer Service will be held Sunday, March 30, at 6:30 pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Weatherly. It is a Taize service including prayer, silent reflection and songs which support this prayer and reflection—an opportunity to move from our day to day distractions to intimate time with the Lord as we continue on our Lenten journey. It is open to all denominations and all are welcome.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is offered weekly at Weatherly Faith Church, 202 Carbon Street, on Thursdays at 6 p.m. This Christbased recovery program is not only for addiction, but any of life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups. Find freedom. All are welcome.
Lenten Services continue
March 19 - St. Matthew’s Union Church 7 p.m.
March 26 - Our Lady of Lourdes 7 p.m.
April 2 - First Presbyterian Church of Weatherly 7 p.m.
April 9 - Centenary United Methodist Church 7 p.m.
The Community Lenten Services on March 12,19, 26, April 2 and 9 will be followed by a time of fellowship and light refreshments. All are welcome. Visit our website at for in-between-issue stories and events
Mid-Major teams to watch this week in NCAA’s March Madness
by Frank Fear
For years, I’ve followed lower-level college basketball teams that rock the world with big upsets during the opening rounds of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. I’m talking about schools like St. Peter’s, Fairleigh Dickinson, Florida Gulf Coast, and Maryland Baltimore County.
None of those schools are in the tournament this year, but will any other programs step up to take their place? Of course, nobody knows, but several candidates playing as mid-major schools—the group between major colleges and non-major colleges—might do just that.
Because mid-majors aren’t all the same, let’s divide those schools into two categories. Lower mid-majors play in the America East, Coastal Athletic, Mid-Atlantic Athletic, Ivy, Patriot, Southern, and similarlevel conferences. Upper mid-
majors, on the other hand, play in the Atlantic 10, Conference USA, Mid-American, Mountain West, Sun Belt, and similar-level conferences. A David vs. Goliath match-up happens whenever teams (whether lower or upper) play against teams from the five major conferences: the Big 10, Southeastern, Big East, Atlantic Coast, and Big 12. Those confrontations happen constantly in the opening round, and the mismatches make the tournament great.
Now that the field has been selected, we know which teams are in the tournament and who they will play. Given my research, here is a set of lower mid-majors to watch this week
Drake (Missouri Valley) vs. Missouri; the University of California, San Diego (Big West) vs. Michigan; Yale (Ivy League) vs. Texas A & M; High Point (Big South) vs. Purdue; University of North Carolina Wilmington (Coastal Athletic) vs. Texas Tech; Lipscomb (Atlantic Sun) vs. #3 Iowa State; and Bryant (America East) vs. Michigan State
According to the NCAA ranking of 324 major and midmajor teams, the best of those teams is #35 UCSD, followed by #56 Drake, #72 Yale, and #82 High Point,
Can any of those clubs produce a surprise this week?
It won’t be easy because the matchups are challenging. “Possible” is a word I’d use to evaluate the likelihood of Drake beating Missouri, Yale
downing Texas A&M, and High Point ousting Purdue from the tournament. Conversely, I believe Bryant is the least likely school to produce an upset, not because Bryant is a pushover (it’s impressive) but because they are facing the Spartans.
An upper mid-major or two notching an upset is a more likely situation. Among prime candidates are Utah State (Mountain West, ranked #37 nationally) over UCLA; St. Mary’s (West Coast, #21) over Vanderbilt; Grand Canyon (Western Athletic, #92) over Maryland; and Akron (MidAmerican, #91) over Arizona.
Aside from picking winners, one school—St. Francis of Pennsylvania—is already a winner because the Red Flash from the Northeast Conference qualified for the tournament for the first time in over three decades. Even though the team has an overall losing record, SFU qualified by winning the conference tournament, beating heavily favored Central Connecticut on the road. Now St. Francis gets to play Alabama
State (Southwest Athletic) on Tuesday night and has a good chance of winning. If they do, the Red Flash will play Auburn, the top-ranked team in the nation, on Thursday afternoon. Wow!
It should be quite a week in college sports. Enjoy!
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Crestwood Girls Basketball Semifinal Preview
Lady Comets looking to knock off four-time state champions
Crestwood girls face Archbishop Wood in PIAA Class 5A semifinal Saturday
by Steve Stallone Sports Editor
Since Crestwood High School first opened its doors more than 60 years ago, no girls’ basketball team there had ever won 20 games or a district championship, much less a state playoff game.
That alone tells you how special a season it’s been for the 2024-25 Lady Comets.
That special season continues on Saturday afternoon in the Lehigh Valley, when the Crestwood girls take on fourtime defending state champion Archbishop Wood in their first-ever trip to the PIAA Class 5A semifinals. Tip-off is set for 1 p.m. at Parkland High School near Allentown.
The Lady Comets (24-4) have reeled off consecutive victories over Manheim Central (51-39), Freire Charter (52-45) and Strath Haven (54-47) in this tournament, and have won five straight overall in the postseason, including the program’s first District 2 5A championship at Mohegan Arena.
They’ll have their hands full in District 12 champion Archbishop Wood (21-7). After beating Freire Charter to claim
the District 12 crown, the Vikings have run roughshod over their PIAA competition. They dismantled District 1 teams Lower Moreland (70-25) and Villa Maria Academy (58-32) in the opening two rounds, and punched their ticket to the semifinals with a 69-35 rout of District 11 champ Bethlehem Catholic last weekend.
The winner moves on to the state championship against the other semifinal winner, either Peters Township or South Fayette. That’s a rematch of the WPIAL (District 7) championship game won by Peters Township.
The PIAA Class 5A girls’ championship game is set for Saturday, March 29, at 6 p.m. at Giant Center in Hershey.
“I don’t want to doubt them, but no I did not expect us to get this far,” admitted head coach Mary Mushock-Namey.
“Once you leave our area, the competition in basketball is really, really intense and it becomes a lot harder. But these girls have battled through everything and have pushed and worked their butts off, and that’s why they’re here, because of all the hard work and the mental approach that they take to every game.”
Kate Gallagher (22) of Crestwood maneuvers her way through a trio of Freire Charter defenders during their PIAA Class 5A second round game last Wednesday at Whitehall Area High School. Crestwood won, 52-45.
Crestwood has been led by its “Iron Six” of sisters Kate and Jackie Gallagher, Charlie Hiller, Jordan Andrews, Kendall Petrosky and Cameron Vieney. All have stepped up with big performances this postseason.
“We’re looking forward to Saturday,” proclaimed Petrosky, moments after the Lady Comets’ latest state tourney win over Strath Haven. “It’s so surreal. It doesn’t even feel like we’re this far.
“We’re really just training for Saturday and that’s the game that matters the most,” Petrosky said. “This week is going to be the toughest because it’s a whole week, but we’re going to work as hard as we can.”
“One game at a time,” said Andrews, referring to the approach her team has been relying on since Day 1.
“We’re going to the Final Four so obviously teams are the best of the best. We just have to keep preparing ourselves and working hard in practice,” the junior guard noted. “Just continue to play our game, do what we do, stay calm, listen to what coach says, play our defense. Just play our game and stay calm.”
Kate Gallagher, who along with Petrosky are the only seniors on this young roster, said it’s more about Crestwood, and less about the competition at this point.
“I know we’re going to face tough competition, but I don’t think it’s anything we can’t handle,” Gallagher said. “We just have to keep doing what we’ve been doing, play together, and don’t worry too much about the other team, just worry about what we can control.”
Photo by Bob Gaetano
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Crestwood girls hold off Strath Haven in PIAA Class 5A quarterfinal
Lady Comets continue magical season with state semifinal berth
by Steve Stallone Sports Editor
FORKS TWP. - When a 13-point Crestwood lead was reduced to three points in the game’s final frantic minutes, the Lady Comets’ entire season and a historic trip to the state semifinals were hanging in the balance.
With Crestwood going cold from the field and turning it over under Strath Haven’s relentless
pressure, the Panthers had all the momentum when they moved within 50-47 with 1:38 to play.
Apparently, it will take even more than that to rattle these resilient Lady Comets.
Crestwood held Strath Haven without a point the rest of the way, forcing three missed shots and a pair of turnovers. And when Cameron Vieney swished two free throws and teammate Jordan Andrews added a driving
Crestwood’s Jordan Andrews (14) drives on Strath Haven’s Maddie Fanning (12) during Saturday’s PIAA Class 5A girls’ basketball quarterfinal game at Easton Middle School. Crestwood held on for a 54-47 victory.
layup in the final 17 seconds, the Lady Comets were celebrating a 54-47 quarterfinal victory and the program’s first-ever berth in the state semifinals.
The Lady Comets (24-4) will next take on four-time defending state champion Archbishop Wood (21-7) in this Saturday’s PIAA Class 5A semifinal round, set for 1 p.m. at Parkland High School near Allentown. Archbishop Wood advanced with a 69-35 rout of Bethlehem Catholic in its quarterfinal round game.
Like their other two state playoff games, this one would again be a dogfight.
Crestwood stretched a slim one-point halftime lead (26-25) into a 13-point cushion (46-33) late in the third quarter, opening the second half on a 20-8 run that had Strath Haven teetering.
Seniors Kendall Petrosky and Kate Gallagher took turns first,
with Petrosky’s four free throws and her breakaway basket off Gallagher’s outlet pass making it 34-31, Crestwood, midway through the third. Gallagher scored inside during that mini-run.
From there, Andrews banged home a 3-pointer from the right side and Vieney followed with a corner trey and a layup. Charlie Hiller’s free throw, and Jackie Gallagher’s 3-pointer with 1:21 left in the third swelled the lead to 46-33, the biggest of the game on either side.
“We had a specific game plan,” offered Mushock-Namey. “We wanted to go inside a lot because we knew they didn’t have the size, and I think we really did that. We also wanted to run the floor. That’s our game. We score so much in transition, and I’m proud of the way they did that.”
Petrosky had eight of her 10 points in that big 22-12 third quarter, as Crestwood ended a trend of slow-starting third quarters in their previous two state playoff wins.
“We knew that we had been a little bit slow (in the third quarters) and we knew we just had to put everything out there,” stated Petrosky. “I was feeling confident, and this is the game we wanted.”
Crestwood’s Jackie Gallagher (13) works against a Strath Haven defender during Saturday’s PIAA Class 5A girls’ basketball quarterfinal game at Easton Middle School. The Lady Comets scored a 54-47 win to advance to the state semifinals this weekend.
Photo by Bob Gaetano
Photo by Bob Gaetano
Continued from page 14
“That was really big,” Kate Gallagher said of the thirdquarter explosion. “That definitely got the adrenaline pumping and the momentum going. That got us a pretty big cushion, and thank God we needed it. We just focused on winning every possession.”
All six Crestwood players in the rotation scored at least seven points, and no one had more than 11, once again displaying their balance and team-first approach.
“We always look for each other,” Petrosky said. “None of us are selfish and we all just want each other to do the best that we can.”
They needed to lean on each other to get through a frantic fourth quarter in which Strath Haven ramped up the pressure, turning Crestwood over eight times in the period while cutting into the double-digit lead.
Freshman point guard Maddie Fanning hit three straight baskets for Strath Haven, including a 3-pointer and then a crazy runner that pulled the Panthers within 50-47 and 1:38 to play.
“I feel like every fourth quarter when we’re in games like this it’s because we put ourselves in that situation,” MushokNamey said. “Costly turnovers at really crucial times can do that to any team.
“I didn’t want to hold the ball, that’s not what we were trying to do. We were trying to space it out a little bit more than what we were doing. Unfortunately the girls took it as let’s hold it, and we’re not a team that can hold the ball for a couple of minutes.”
At that point, Crestwood put its foot down,
The Lady Comets held the Panthers without a point the rest of the way, and Andrews’ driving basket with four seconds left finished off another historic Crestwood victory.
“It’s a crazy win for us,” Andrews said behind a huge smile. “Coach just helps us calm down. We know that if we just play our game, things will go our way.
“We just maintained composure, tried to hold the ball. We got a little crazy at the end with some of the turnovers, but we were able to just lock it down and calm down.”
Andrews was also taxed with shadowing Maddie Fanning, the Panthers’ 5-foot star freshman. Although Fanning finished with a game-high 21 points, Andrews made her work for every one of them.
“It was definitely a challenge,” Andrews said. “She was one of the best ballhandlers I think I’ve ever played against, and she’s very quick, so I had to try to be as quick as her and stay with her, try to get in front. She’s also a very good shooter, so I had to play close.”
Vieney led Crestwood’s
Cameron Vieney (5) of Crestwood drives to the basket against Strath Haven during Saturday’s state quarterfinal girls’ basketball game. Crestwood’s 54-47 win put the Lady Comets in the state semifinals for the first time.
balanced scoring with 11 points, Petrosky and Jackie Gallagher each had 10, while Hiller and Kate Gallagher scored eight apiece and Andrews finished with seven.
Hiller grabbed 15 rebounds, had two blocks and dished out three assists, and Kate Gallagher snared 10 rebounds.
In addition to Fanning’s 21 points, Strath Haven got 12 points from Maryella Gill and 10 from Olivia Voshell. The Panthers battled the taller Lady Comets, but ultimately lost the board battle 41-25. Thirty of Crestwood’s 54 points came in the paint.
“I was (impressed). I knew they were going to be like that. They are like Energizer Bunnies,” Mushock-Namey said. “Credit to them, they’re a really good team and have a lot of good young girls. They’re really tough, they’re physical and they get after it. The girls were ready for that. I’m just proud of the way they handled themselves throughout that fourth quarter.”
“I’m just so proud of my team. We’ve been working so hard, and this is the one we wanted and needed,” added Petrosky.
Crestwood 52, Freire Charter 45 - The Lady Comets earned their way into the quarterfinals with a second round win over District 12 runner-up Freire Charter last Wednesday at Whitehall Area High School. Crestwood led 32-16 at halftime before the Dragons rallied to within seven (45-38) midway through the fourth quarter.
They would get no closer as Crestwood was able to use the clock and close the game out at the free throw line.
Jackie Gallagher paced Crestwood with 19 points, and also yanked nine rebounds. Charlie Hiller added a doubledouble with 12 points and 10 boards.
Anesah Cruz scored 14 of her team-high 16 points in the second half for Freire Charter (18-11). Destiny Davis scored 13 points and Aliyah Cruz had 10 points and a game-high 12 rebounds.
FREIRE CHARTER (45) Davis 5 1-2 13, Al. Cruz 3 2-2 10, Dawkins 1 1-4
ning 2, Gill.
Crestwood’s Kendall Petrosky (11) looks for a shot inside against Freire Charter as teammate Jackie Gallagher (13) watches during their PIAA Class 5A second round game last Wednesday at Whitehall Area High School. The Lady Comets prevailed, 52-45.
Photo by Bob Gaetano
Photo by Bob Gaetano
Wreckers, Lady Comets see spring sports season openers postponed
The Weatherly Area baseball team had its home and season opener this week postponed due to the weather.
The Wreckers were scheduled to open their home schedule Monday afternoon against Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech. That game has been rescheduled for April 7 in Weatherly.
The Wreckers’ first game will now be Thursday at Lincoln Leadership Academy.
Meanwhile, the Crestwood girls’ softball team saw its home and season opener Monday with
Wyoming Area also postponed by the weather. That game has been moved to next Tuesday, March 25, at Crestwood.
The Lady Comets were scheduled to host Berwick on Wednesday of this week.
The Crestwood boys’ tennis team was also slated to open its season at home Monday. That match with Pittston Area was postponed and rescheduled for Thursday of this week.
One scholastic event was played last week, as Crestwood faced off with Southern Lehigh
in a non-conference girls’ lacrosse match Saturday at Crestwood.
Southern Lehigh, the defending District 11 Class AA champions, recorded a 19-6 victory.
For Crestwood, Hannah Ziegler and Gia Caporuscio each notched three goals. Lexi Zabroski posted seven saves in goal for the Lady Comets, who are home with Holy Redeemer on Thursday of this week.
college Notebook
vonFrisch off to strong start for King’s softball
by Steve Stallone Sports Editor
The King’s College women’s softball team returned home from its season-opening Southern Swing on Sunday and will carry a 4-6 record into Thursday’s scheduled home opener this week.
Local athlete Madisyn vonFrisch produced three strong performances for the Monarchs, and capped the trip with a complete-game pitching victory on Sunday against Susquehanna
The Weatherly Area High School graduate got her first start of the spring and made the most of the opportunity. After allowing a first-inning run, she put up zeros over the final six frames in a 5-1 win.
The sophomore hurler scattered eight hits, struck out three and walked two. A fourrun fourth inning enabled King’s to snap a 1-1 tie and take control, winning the final game in the Margie Knight Softball Classic at Salisbury (Md.) University.
Puzzle Answers
Prior to their two-day, fourgame stop in Salisbury, the Monarchs played their first six games in North Myrtle Beach. S.C., last week. VonFrisch pitched twice in relief while in South Carolina.
In a season-opening 8-5 loss to New Jersey City College, vonFrisch came on to pitch the final 4 1/3 innings, allowing just one earned run and four hits, with three strikeouts.
The following day, she pitched 3.2 innings of scoreless relief in a 4-2 loss to Penn State Altoona. In that one, she surrendered two hits and no walks, striking out five.
In three games thus far, vonFrisch is 1-0 with a 0.93 ERA. In 15 innings she has allowed two earned runs, 14 hits and just two walks, with 11 strikeouts. Opponents are batting .241 against her.
King’s will host Muhlenberg College for a Thursday doubleheader to open its home schedule at the Betzler Athletic Complex in Wilkes-Barre Twp. The first pitch is set for 3 p.m.