Fire equipment, fireworks ignite emotional response at Tobyhanna Twp. session
by Ruth Isenberg
A decision to sell the Tobyhanna Township aerial fire truck turned into an overall discussion of fire company issues toward the close of the August 19 Tobyhanna Township Supervisors’ meeting. Township Emergency Management Coordinator Peter Huf advised selling the vehicle, saying a legitimate offer had been received from another municipality of $1.4 million.
He said that he and Tobyhanna Township Bureau of Fire Chief C.J. Dickinson reviewed the department’s equipment, and felt that a rear mount unit would be better for the township, saying that this piece was specifically designed to respond to fires at the Kalahari Resort, and was not needed because of a mutual aid agreement with Tobyhanna Army Depot, which has an aerial truck. Township supervisor Ed Tutrone objected to the sale, saying that it was also needed to respond to warehouse fires, and provided an alternate means of egress for firefighters to get out of burining buildings. Supervisor Joe Colyer
noted that the township could replace the equipment with another vehicle in the future.
From the audience, Troy Counterman alleged that the equipment should not be sold as long as the ownership of the vehicle was still the subject of ongoing litigation, and predicted the township would need to reimburse the Tobyhanna Township Volunteer Fire Company the $1.4 million if they ultimately lost.
On the vote to sell the aerial truck, Tutrone voted no, and Colyer, John Kerrick, Rachel Schickling, and Ted Wolski voted yes.
That wasn’t the end of the fire company discussion, however. During the audience comment section, Jill Siegel asked, “How can we have a supervisor on the board who continues to defy judge’s orders?” She referenced equipment removed from vehicles by TTVFC and returned in poor condition after losing an appeal to Judge Higgins’ contempt order.
Earlier in the meeting, Huf had noted during the Tobyhanna Township Bureau of Fire report that the equipment that had See TOBYHANNA, page 2

Construction crews are active as the support beams for the PNK warehouse on Route 940 in eastern Kidder Township start to be erected, while excavating activity continues. This is Kidder’s second warehouse. The article below is about the proposed third warehouse, to be built at Route 940 and Walter Dam Road.
JP: Ruth Isenberg
DEP hearing draws warehouse critics
by Seth Isenberg
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) held a public hearing on August 29 regarding Blue Ridge Real Estate’s proposed second warehouse, proposed to be built on the corner of Route 940 and Walter Dam Road in Kidder Township. The DEP offered the hearing to get input from the public regarding the
Erosion and Sedimentation (NPDES) plan for the site.
Over 60 people attended, including 23 who spoke. The meeting attracted press from around northeast PA.
Among the speakers were some Plateau residents.
James Miller of Coolbaugh Township spoke about the site being within 800 feet of the high quality Black Creek, offering concerns about runoff.
Brigette Meyer – attorney for Penn Futures, of Tunkhannock Township, is concerned that the plan offered only manages 75% of runoff from the site.
Alex Jackson of Tunkhannock Twp. wondered how the proposed stormwater management systems will perform in the winter, and asked about water quality monitoring.
See DEP HEARING, page 7

Hanna’s Farm Market
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Continued from page 1
been returned was being inventoried and evaluated for repairs.
Tutrone replied, saying the judge’s order was to Tobyhanna Township Volunteer Fire Co., “not Ed Tutrone and Troy Counterman.” If Siegel was looking for his resignation, he continued, “I’m sorry to tell you, you’re not getting it.”
Township solicitor Harry Coleman noted that all issues related to the TTVFC are kept separate from Tutrone in his role as supervisor, and he has not been part of any of the township’s decisions about it.
Siegel ended by saying “This has cost us too much
of our taxpayer’s money. We need compensation back for the amount of money this has cost us.”
Supervisor Colyer stated at the end of the meeting that he had not, as had been alleged, shared any photos of the returned fire equipment. (Editor’s note: photos are easily found on Facebook.)
Fireworks displays for Labor Day weekend at Lake Naomi and Locust Lake Village were temporarily in jeopardy when township staff noted that a requirement for a $1,000,000 bond had not been enforced in recent years, though the township was listed as additionally insured in both cases. It was generally agreed that the bond should be enforced in the future, but that it might
be difficult to obtain on short notice. A compromise was suggested that the associations obtain single day owners and contractors protective policies for $5,000,000, which should be more easily obtained. In other business:
• Tobyhanna Township Fall Cleanup is Saturday, September 14, from 9 a.m. to noon at Panther Waste.
• Don Flow of Kalahari was appointed to a vacancy on the EDA board.
• Marty Nichol of the Pocono Association of Short-Term Rental Owners asked the supervisors to consider grandfathering STR licenses to new owners when a current STR is sold.

From the StatehouSe ‘Jail Scam’ Reports on the Rise
by State Rep. Jack Rader (R-Monroe)
Pennsylvania State Police are again warning people to be aware of scammers claiming their loved one is in jail and promising to release them in exchange for cash. Scammers will usually make contact by phone and claim a loved one (typically a grandchild) is either currently in jail, or faces the possibility of jail, and will even cite specific names. They will then ask for an address where they can pick up the money.
State police offer these tips to protect yourself from this and other scams:
Don’t feel pressured to provide payment for something or to someone. Do not give out sensitive information over the phone. NEVER place money in your mailbox or at your doorstep for someone to pick up.
Do not give remote access to anyone for any of your devices.
Never make a payment to someone with gift cards – it’s a scam.
If you or anyone you
know is a victim of a scam, contact state or local law enforcement to have it investigated.
Madden hosting free Senior Expo
State Rep. Maureen Madden invites older residents to attend her free Senior Expo on September 20.
“Mark your calendar for this wonderful opportunity

to get valuable information from a variety of vendors, including government agencies, local businesses and nonprofit organizations,” said Madden, chairwoman of the PA House Aging and Older Adult Services Committee. “We understand the unique needs of our seniors, and we’re here to provide access to resources that promote dignity, independence and a fulfilling quality of life.”
The free event will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 20 in Pocono Hall at the Northampton Community College –Pocono Campus, 2411 Route 715 in Tannersville.

All things Apple at Faith
Faith Lutheran Church, 550 Route 940 in Blakeslee will hold its annual Apple Fest indoors on Saturday, October 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The women of Faith have been busy making scrumptious baked goods to sell. Come buy an apple crisp, apple pie or one of many other mouthwatering delights.
They have been stitching and sewing exquisite craft items for all occasions and collecting unique attic treasures sure to please Apple Fest guests.
A large variety of gift baskets wrapped, adorned with bows and ready for gift giving will be available for purchase. See their overflowing area of Christmas items for sale. Get a head start on holiday shopping at fabulous prices. Come treat yourself to lunch or take delicious savory simmered soups to go from 11 a.m. until the food runs out. This yearly event is one you don’t want to miss. Bring your friends and neighbors, enjoy the fellowship and get a jump on the holiday rush.
Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee is located at 550 Route 940, one mile east of Blakeslee Corners, six miles west of Pocono Pines, next to Matirko Hardware. If using your GPS, put in 550 Route 940 Pocono Lake, PA. We are air conditioned and accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information please contact the church office at 570-6460309, email faithoffice@ faithlutheranblakeslee.org or look on our website: faithlutheranblakeslee.org. Like us on Face Book at Faith Lutheran Church Blakeslee PA.
Winter auditions scheduled
The Shawnee Playhouse, celebrating its 45th season, will be holding auditions for their 2024 Winter Headline and Children’s Musicals on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, from 1 until 4 p.m., at the Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort.
This winter’s headline musical will be It’s a Wonderful Life (with performances running from November 23 through December 22) and the children’s musical will be A Christmas Wizard of Oz (with performances running from December 6 through December 21).
Performers that are 7 years old and up are welcome to audition for the headline musical, and kids from 7 to 14 years old are welcome to audition for the children’s musical. All lead and ensemble roles are being cast, and no roles have been precast.
Please bring a performance resume and an 8x10 inch headshot with you on the day
of the audition, and please prepare 32 bars of a classical musical theatre song, in the style of the musical that you are auditioning for. It is strongly recommended that auditioners have a oneminute monologue prepared, although it might not be asked for on the day of their audition. Dance callbacks will be held at a later date, to be determined.
Please visit www. shawneeplayhouse.org for
a list of all show dates and times. Every person who is cast must be available for all of the performances listed, and for tech week (the week before the specific show opens). Please bring a list of any and all rehearsal and scheduling conflicts. Please visit our website for additional information and resources, including links to a parent letter with more information, auditioning tips, and casting information.

Ham Dinner and Preserves Sale at PLUMC
Pocono Lake United Methodist Women of Faith invite the community to enjoy good food at their delicious homemade ham dinner and preserves sale at the Church on Saturday, September 28, from 5–6 p.m.
This year they are again offering preordered takeout to be picked up at the church, located at 1188 Route 940 in Pocono Lake. Scrumptious ham, mashed potatoes, vegetables, homemade applesauce, rolls, and homemade desserts are included. Cost of the meal is $15. Please order your dinners by emailing poconolakeumc@gmail.com or calling the church office at
Homemade jams, jellies, mustard, butters, salsas and many varieties of preserves will also be available for purchase when you are picking up your dinners.
The Pocono Lake United Methodist Church Women of Faith and friends sponsor and staff the event. Proceeds support local and worldwide charities. For more information, please call the church office at 570-6462650.
Visit our website at pocononewspapers.com for in-between-issue stories and events

Letter to the editor
Dear Editor,
I am writing in regards to the CAP in Tobyhanna and Jerry’s response to my letter. I have known Jerry for over 20 years. I am not asking for the supervisors to abolish the STR CAP so you can be surrounded by rentals. There are still plenty of permits available. I am asking for them to give us
back our rights and values that should have never been negotiated to settle a lawsuit that had nothing to do with 8000 homeowners that are affected by this CAP. The township was being sued by the STR homeowners. The township gave up our legal rights and property values of our land, including yours that

you worked so hard for, to homeowners that have STR’s to settle a lawsuit that had nothing to do with us. So now 888 people have permits, 8000 people lost their values and rights and with this CAP it is very hard to sell. Including yourself if you want to retire and move south.
My family has been paying property taxes for over 150 years in Tobyhanna Township. I am 4th generation and my daughter is 5th generation here. I did not think the supervisors would devalue our land and homes and give up the most valuable property rights to 888 homeowners in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with us. Again, it is not about the CAP, it is about giving up our rights and values by putting in the CAP. This policy has the potential to
have a detrimental impact on property values and the local economy. This could lead to a decrease in property values, as homes that are no longer eligible for short-term rentals become less desirable to potential buyers. The cap on short-term rentals could have a negative impact on the local economy. Shortterm rentals generate tax revenue for the Township and support local businesses, such as restaurants, shops, and attractions. By limiting the number of short-term rentals, the Township is depriving itself of this valuable source of revenue and harming local businesses. The township also receives money when we sell homes from the transfer tax, if we can’t sell homes the township financially will be affected. The township receives money from the
STR’s. By putting the CAP in the township will receive less money.
I urge the Tobyhanna Township Supervisors to reconsider its decision and lift the cap on short-term rentals. This policy is unfair to homeowners and harmful to the local economy. So with all that being said Jerry, it is not to add more rentals to our township, just give us back our PROPERTY RIGHTS & VALUES that should have never been negotiated and taken away from us to settle a lawsuit that had nothing to do with 8000 homeowners.
Kara Sincavage 54 Year Native of Blakeslee, who cares about EVERYONE’S RIGHTS & VALUES

Speak to a lawyer in one hour or less day or
Seth’S SightingS
It is fresh produce season at local farms. From late August to now, we bought at Heckman’s Orchard in Effort, Setzer’s Farm in Franklin Twp., Burger’s Farm outside of Drums, Sernak’s Farm outside Weatherly, and Snyder’s Orchard in Jonas. Our haul included some fresh-picked produce and fruit corn, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes,
spaghetti squash, delacata squash, peaches, nectarines, and some early apples. This is good eating corn for dinner, peaches for snacks, and sometimes a nectarine for dessert.
It’s football season. Penn State bested West Virginia last weekend at their stadium. Next up is Bowling Green at Beaver Stadium for the home crowd. This will be a
All American Roof ing

by Seth iSenberg
fun season, hosting UCLA on October 5, then traveling to Los Angeles for an October 12 matchup with USC as early highlights.
I have a list of college football teams I follow as time permits as a hobby.
The Eagles kick off versus Green Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for a night game. They entertain the home crowd for a Monday night game on the 16th, hosting the Falcons. Then they are on the road to New Orleans on the 22nd.
I have been looking at clips of the Paralympics competitions in Paris on YouTube. There are some fine athletes to cheer for.
The last weekend in August was the Weatherly Festival. We discovered a sweet potato cake from the police department booth there on Friday, the first night, but when we came back for more on Saturday, they were sold

out…sad. Thankfully there was other good food, plus some interesting booths. We even won a tricky tray prize.
Labor Day weekend was the Rotary Car Show in the infield of Pocono Raceway on the 1st. It was a small show due to a steady rain that soaked the site before letting up. The afternoon turned out beautiful, but there was no crowd to see the cars that did turn out. Coming up is the big White Haven Car Show at Lehigh Park on Saturday the 7th depending on how the weather cooperates. Looking further out, the Weatherly Hill Climb is the 14th and 15th which is free, and good fun for motorsports fans. We do shifts as volunteers plan to come
to the bleenie booth (potato pancakes) in the pavilion at the start line as we raise money for the Weatherly Area library.
Looking further ahead, there’s the Bloomsburg Fair Sept. 20 to 28 and the annual Celtic Classic festival in Bethlehem Sept. 27 to 29. Weather permitting, we’ll attend the Fair Thursday or Friday evening to see the Mahoney Brothers perform. I’d love to take Ruth to see Bachman-Turner Overdrive on that Monday, but we work that night. We’ll get to the Celtic Classic on a weekend day.
Last week had us inside, working away to produce See SIGHTINGS, page 7

Continued from page 6
a customer’s newspaper, and to send LAKE NEWS. Sightings were mostly limited to nighttime critters including fox, and various deer, plus daytime critters from squirrels to mice. Ruth sighted a large bear just west of Blakeslee Corners last Wednesday. I sighted a little skunk that had only a little white on its head during an afternoon drive for Journal errands.
Labor Day we labored Ruth and I used the holiday Monday to do lawn mowing before coming into the office to work on The JournalHerald, and prep for this issue.
There are the beginnings of the fall turn in many maple trees all around the Plateau.
Also, many burning bushes are starting to display red ahead of their autumn show.
We’ve gone from 90-degree days to fine late summer days with temperatures in the 70s and nights in the 50s, cooler is some spots. The clear, cool nights offer awesome stargazing, and great sleeping weather. Early September is predicted to be an extended run of days in the 70s, and Fair week has days that top in the 60s, likely sweatshirt weather for evenings out.
My hopes and wishes for peace took a hit this week, with the missile strike to a hospital in Ukraine and the killing of hostages in Gaza. Sudan had heavy rains in spots to add to their misery. Keep praying as it looks like miracles are needed.
And as always, best wishes for good health to you all.
DEP hearing
Continued from page 1
Lisa Bucholz of Kidder Township asked the DEP to protect the land and its health from “too much development, too quickly.”
Attorney Emma Bast of Penn Futures is “concerned about inadequacies in the application.” The infiltration rate and evaporation

calculations were mentioned by other speakers as errors.
Paul Lorigan, who has a home in Snow Ridge Village in Kidder, offered that “(this) is a beautiful place” and he is concerned about over development.
Chuck Cutshall is concerned the plan puts water runoff along the Walter Dam Road, and may affect Route 940.
Matt McConnell of the Lehigh Valley Sierra Club noted that there is a lack of trout at his favorite fishing spot on the Tobyhanna Creek since the construction began on Kidder’s second warehouse (this hearing was about the third project), and also pointed out the ‘peeper

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frogs’ are absent from near his Snow Ridge Village home.
Other speakers are concerned about the cumulative impacts of having three warehouses, from traffic to noise, light pollution and contaminants from parking lots that may find a way into local waters. All those who spoke were opposed. Written comments by the speakers were accepted into the record. Blue Ridge Real Estate representatives were present but chose not to speak. Additional written public comments will be accepted by the DEP until September 13.

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1. Marriott hotel chain
6. Lockheed Martin Corporation @ NYSE
9. Desert in central Asia
13. Tinder user?
14. Distinctive period in history
15. Munchausen’s title
REAL ESTATE consists of a Rural Log Style Home needing extensive work, but on 1.3 Acre Heavily Wooded Parcel with tall towering trees and frontage on Township Road. Home has a Large Living Room- Dining Room with Stone Fireplace, Kitchen, Bathroom, 2 Bedrooms and Enclosed Sun Room. Also large Detached Garage. Home needs extensive repairs, but lots of potential for Handy Person. Tax Code: INSPECTION
MON. SEPT. 23, 12 - 2 P.M.
Caution: You are coming on the property at your own risk.
DIRECTIONS: I-80 to Route 380 exit onto Route 940 to Long Pond Road. Continue several miles on Long Pond Road to left onto Heller Lane (TR630).
TERMS: $7,500 BANK CASHIER’S CHECK ( made Payable to Jack Muehlhan Auctioneer Escrow) AT SALE. BALANCE AT SETTLEMENT WITHIN 30 DAYS. Insurable Deed, No Back Taxes.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Rare opportunity to BUY a Country Log Style Home with over 1 Acre on a Township Road for a price you won’t believe. Must be SOLD to Settle Estate. SALE ORDERED BY: Estate of Kathleen Tuland JACK MUEHLHAN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER AU000643L “ The Name You Can Trust” STROUDSBURG, PA 18360 570-421-8333
Remember: You are only going to pay one more bid than someone else was willing to pay.
TTVFD pork & sauerkraut feast
Come one, come all! Support and give personal thanks to the Tunkhannock Township Volunteer Fire Department, Station 42 at their delicious Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner, Saturday, September 14, from 4-6 p.m. Dine in or take out your dinners, $14 for adults, $8 for children. Homemade desserts are included.
The Fire Hall is located at 1539 Long Pond Road, Long Pond, just 1.5 miles from Pocono Raceway.
This is one way to thank and support the Volunteer Firemen and Women who will be making and serving the dinners that evening. Proceeds from the dinner are earmarked for new equipment and uniforms. For more information, please call 570646-2265, or access 42fire.com on Facebook.
40. Black and white killer
41. Be in accord
43. First word in fairy tale
44. Formerly known as Pleasant Island
46. Long-lasting Steelers coach
47. TV’s “man named Brady”
16. Likewise
17. Campfire leftover 18. Jason Bateman/ Laura Linney TV drama
19. *Traditionally clipped
21. *OS in POS at the supermarket 23. Bro’s sibling
24. “____ there, done that”
25. T in Greek
28. FBI’s cold one
30. Windshield ____, pl.
35. “The ____ for Red October”
37. Coach of Dallas Mavericks
39. Bow’s partner
48. *GO in BOGO
50. French “place”
52. 6th sense
53. Adored one
55. What cruelty and crush have in common
57. *Dairy aisle package
60. *S&H Green ____
63. Non motorized vessel
64. I have
66. Nev.’s neighbor
68. Offspring, collectively
69. Rank above maj.
70. Visual
71. QBR in football, e.g.
72. Will Ferrell’s

Christmas classic
73. Like a gymnast
1. *What registers do
2. Nonclerical
3. Football legend
4. Unborn vertebrate
5. ____ of Cancer
6. *Like freezer aisle “Cuisine”
7. “____ Robinson” by Simon & Garfunkel
8. California/Nevada lake
9. Mediterranean Strip
10. Not written
11. Dull one
12. Pen juice
15. Home to Sarajevo
20. Port city in Japan
22. Like marines in slogan
24. Cowboy’s bedding
25. Flip-flop
26. Plural of aura
27. Adam Sandler’s “____ Gems”
29. Manual communication gesture
31. High school ball
32. Bert’s TV buddy
33. Ice in a cocktail
34. *TV’s “Supermarket ____”
36. Tropical tuber
38. *Sliced items
42. Choose a presi-
45. “____ we stand, divided we fall”
49. Tokyo, once
51. Adenine’s partner in RNA
54. Chilled (2 words)
56. Savory taste sensation
57. *Rolling supermarket carrier
58. Dwarf buffalo
59. Type of canal, in dentistry
60. Ego’s main concern
61. Surveyor’s map
62. Accompanies relief
63. “Big Three” TV network
65. Radio knob, abbr.
67. ATM extra

area FuneraLS

Best known for his gentle manner and quiet smile, Bruce Denlinger, 77, died peacefully with his family on August 18, 2024, in Bethlehem. He was born in Lancaster on June 5, 1947.
At an early age, he joined the Boy Scouts and proudly worked his way up to the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest attainable (“Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle”). He would reminisce fondly about his scouting trips to Philmont and throughout the southwest, including to Pike’s Peak. He lived his life according to the values of the Boy Scouts demonstrating loyalty, compassion,
integrity, and care for others.
Throughout the years he served in volunteer roles for the Camp Minsi Council and received the Outstanding Eagle Award in 2022, which recognizes those who have performed distinguished service and have inspired others through their actions.
In the 1970s, he moved to the Pocono Mountains after graduating from Eastern College, and began working in real estate and eventually in insurance. It was there that he met his wife of almost 50 years, Trudi Quinn Denlinger. They married in 1974 and their daughter, Sarah, was the light of his life. He enjoyed spending time at both of their homes in Pocono Pines and in Bethlehem.
focus was American history, particularly the life and work of Benjamin Franklin. Bruce enjoyed giving lectures on Franklin at local universities and cherished the legacy of Franklin’s lending library. This personal connection was significant as he read to his daughter, Sarah, throughout her childhood, creating fond memories of their Saturday morning visits to Clymer Library.
Bruce was a long-time member of the Pocono Lions Club serving as past president and chairman of various committees. He believed in service to his community and was looking forward to the Veterans’ Day wreath celebration this November – a project that he worked tirelessly on and was proud to do so.
Library in Pocono Pines, the Salvation Army (where he served for over 20 years on their advisory board), and the Pocono Chamber of Commerce (in which he was past president). Many of these organizations honored him with awards for his dedication to them.
Bruce appreciated the simple joys in life – reading a good book, watching the birds and squirrels in the morning (he loved a recent gift of a hummingbird feeder with a camera and reviewed the pictures each day), spending time with friends, and working around the yard. He loved animals and doted on his grandpuppy, Jack, taking him to the park and recounting stories of their time together afterwards.
Home in Stroudsburg on Monday, August 26.
Bruce found peace in nature - recently working on a landscaping project at his home in Pocono Pines - and the family would be grateful to accept flowers in his memory.
His wife and daughter also established an endowed scholarship in his name and memory at St. Luke’s School of Nursing in Bethlehem in gratitude to the compassionate nurses that took care of him.

Bruce owned his own Allstate Insurance agency and found tremendous success during his career of almost 40 years. Upon retirement he obtained a master’s degree in history at the University of Pennsylvania. His main
He found joy in giving and he spent every day working on a project to benefit others. There were many causes that spoke to his heart including: Northampton Community College (where he served on the Foundation Board), the Board of Directors at Great Decisions, Clymer

Bruce will be remembered fondly and with tremendous love. He is survived by his wife Trudi Quinn Denlinger, daughter Sarah Amanda Denlinger, brother-in law William “Billy” Quinn, sister-in-law Ginger Quinn Knowles and her husband Bill Knowles, aunt Jeanette Miller, his beloved grandpuppy Jack, and many loving friends.
A service of remembrance was held at Clark’s Funeral
Gifts may be made to St. Luke’s School of Nursing in Bruce’s memory so that his legacy may live on. Checks can be made payable to “St. Luke’s”. In the memo, write “In support of the Bruce A. Denlinger School of Nursing Memorial Scholarship” and mail to St. Luke’s University Health Network, Development Department, 801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015. Or, make a gift online at https:// www.slhn.org/development/ ways-to-give/make-a-gift Select “St. Luke’s School of Nursing” as the designation in the dropdown, check the box next to “This gift is in memory of someone” and type in Bruce’s name.

area FuneraLS
Joan W. Rizcalla, 89, of Mount Pocono, passed away on August 18, 2024.
She was born in Brooklyn, NY, to John and Selma - both Syrian Christian immigrants from Jaffa, in what was then called Palestine. She grew up close to her cousins. The six grandkids would often vacation together in the Catskill Mountains, where her love of horses and nature began.
Joan graduated from Fort Hamilton High School in 1953. She became a clothing designer, specializing in children’s clothing. Her father died young, so it was four ladies living together in Bay Ridge - Joan, her sister Elaine, her widowed mother, and her widowed grandmother.
Later, Selma retired to the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, where the two sisters would visit every weekend. They eventually retired themselves to Mount Pocono, where the three ladies built a new house together on a corner lot and continued to care for their horses, cats, dogs, and visiting woodland creatures. They remained strongly bonded until their mother’s death in 1998, followed by the very untimely death of Elaine in 2001.
Joan continued to care

for her pets into old age and adopted many stray cats. All of Joan’s neighbors knew her. She could be very friendly and was a grandmotherly figure. She supported many charities, including the Marianist Mission, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and several animal welfare organizations. Joan was loved by family and friends. She will be missed. Memory Eternal.
Joan will be buried with her parents following a graveside service at The Evergreens Cemetery in Brooklyn on September 6 at 11 a.m. All who knew the Rizcalla family or were touched by them are welcome to attend. The service will be officiated by Fr. Thomas Zain of St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral in Brooklyn.
Joan was preceded in death by her beloved little sister Elaine, her parents John Rizcalla and Selma (Sally) Butteka, Grandma Tata Maria Mina Elia Butteka, Uncle Freddy, Aunt Victoria and cousin Bill Gencarella, Aunt Hilda and cousins Jack and Bob Banat, and her many animal companions. She is survived by cousin George Banat, the offspring of her cousins, and her cat Cloud.
Nicholas Joseph Merigris, 83 years old, of Tobyhanna, passed away Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at his home.
Born in Brooklyn, NY, on February 20, 1941, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Merigris.
Nicholas was a Private First Class in United States Army until 1964. Nicholas was trained by the drummer, Gene Krupa. Gene helped him receive a scholarship to The Juilliard School where he continued his passion in music.
He enjoyed working at the Tobyhanna Army Depot as a Quality Control Manager.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his son, Joseph Merigris.
Surviving is his wife, Anne T. Merigris; and his son, Nicholas J. Merigris.
A funeral service and military honors took place August 27, at Bolock Funeral Home & Crematory, Inc.
6148 Paradise Valley Road, Cresco. Saint Nicholas Byzantine
Pocono Pines church invites region to overlapping free happenings
The Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe, at 5110 Pocono Crest Rd in Pocono Pines, is inviting people from the region to visit and explore The Man of the Shroud informative and traveling exhibit. Sponsored and presented by the Knights of Columbus Council #13572, the exhibit begins on Friday, September 20, and will conclude on Sunday, September 29. Opportunities to view the display are available weekdays from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sundays from 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Groups of more than 10 are asked to schedule ahead by calling 267-897-3712 or emailing LivingWaterTrail@ gmail.com. A picnic area is available, weather permitting.
The Man of the Shroud exhibit educates visitors on the Shroud of Turin, which shows the image of Jesus Christ. The exhibit presents scientific, historical and
forensic studies along with pictures and illustrations. The centerpieces of the exhibit is a full-length image of the Shroud made by the Eastman Kodak Co. and a full-size corpus illustrating the corresponding wounds.
Parish Mission
On Sunday, September 22, Monday, September 23, and Tuesday, September 24, the church will be hosting a Parish Mission with Fr. Bill Garrott of the Dominican Order of Preachers. Fr. Bill is known for his deep and entertaining presentations combining prayer, music, wisdom and humor. All are welcome to attend one, two or all three different nights beginning at 7 p.m.
Mission attendees have the opportunity to see the Man of the Shroud Exhibit before Fr. Garrott begins.
There is no admission fee for either experience.

PoLiCe beat
The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) today released the results of its annual Labor Day Weekend enforcement initiative.
During the four-day period from August 30 to September 2, the PSP investigated 580 crashes that resulted in 170 injuries and six deaths. Impaired driving was a factor in 65 of those crashes, three of which were fatal.
Troopers arrested 514 motorists for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and issued 24,865 citations, including:
• 7,069 for speeding
• 889 for failing to wear a seatbelt
by Seth iSenberg
• 121 for not securing children in safety seats These statistics cover only those incidents investigated by the state police and do not include incidents to which other law enforcement agencies responded.
Look out for crews doing bridge work on Interstate 80 in Kidder Township and nightly lane restrictions in both directions at the Lehigh River Bridge in East Side and White Haven Boroughs from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Thursday nights, and 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Friday through Sunday nights. Crack sealing and pothole
New grief support group for loss of partner
Do you know what it’s like to lose your other half, your soulmate? To feel like your heart has been shattered and you have no joy or hope for the future? We do, and we are gathering to share compassion, understanding, strength, and most importantly…hope!
Community of Hope will meet the third Friday of every month. Snacks and refreshments will be served. There is no charge for

patching crews are out on various Pocono roadways. Paving and bridge work is ongoing on the Pennsylvania Turnpike day and night. Route 940 in Carbon County will be repaved again, likely this month.
this group…you only need to show up and walk this journey with us. Join us for our safe and healing support group. Next meeting will be Friday, September 20, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines. For more information email lilcoins@msn. com; skinna@ptd.net; noellynn27@yahoo.com; or valen1962@hotmail.com