Journal of Penn-Kidder, August-September 2022

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The meeting was attended by all five supervisors, plus township officials. Granicus did not send anyone. Township solicitor Thomas Nanovic explained some of the rules that could be added to the STR ordinance, such as not allowing STRs within 500 feet of each other (going forward as the existing STRs would be grandfathered), as well as shortening the response time when there is a problem from an hour to 30Supervisorsminutes. are voting about adding a part-time code enforcement officer at their September 6 meeting. It was pointed out that the officer would not be working on weekends, something not well received by members of the audience. Supervisor Christian Bartulovich

Over 160 people crowded the Whispering Pines hall on Tuesday, August 30, as Penn Forest Township supervisors held a community meeting about Short Term Rentals (STR). Dozens of questions were asked about rules in place, and those needed to be added or changed as challenges of living with STR properties multiply.

At the supervisors’ table, are (from left) attorney Tom Nanovic, supervisors Patrick Holland, Scott Lignore, Roger Meckes, Christian Bartulovich, Tom Cross (not shown, hidden by Bartulovich), and secretary Dana Vitale and zoning officer Phil Proust. Bill Rook speaks.

Penn Forest Short Term Rental meeting draws big crowd by Seth Isenberg

Photos by Seth Isenberg A photo of the large crowd who attended. STR MEETING, page 8


THE 1st 2 50¢FREEcopieseachadditionalcopyBOXHOLDERPresortedStandardU.S.POSTAGEPAIDWHITEHAVENPAPERMITNO.18POSTALCUSTOMERof PENN-KIDDER ©2021, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2022 Health Center at Carbon Excellent care from the region’s most trusted health partner just got even better.• Infusion • Rehabilitation • Advanced imaging • 13 specialties

PAGE 2 THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2022 MORTGAGE / REFINANCE HOME EQUITY LOANS / HELOC Introducing Lending that’s Simple, Safe & Fast CONTACT US Today / 877.325.2265  Member FDIC

A lakefront property owner complained of having three short-term-rental properties full on a recent weekend, some 80 people in all. They were noisy and rude, launched fireworks, and more. He called 9-1-1 twice. Violation notices to each property are being sent. Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company chief Ralph Lennon is concerned about the low water pressure in the Split Rock water system. He has been told by residents there that the water tanks that serve that part of town are only half full. Hydrants in that area may not work when needed. Supervisors noted this, and also noted that this is within a private community, so the supervisors have limited authority.Billsof$220,139 were approved. Most of that was insurances, services and taxes, $67,811; emergency services, $47,079; trash collection, $29,401; a payment towards the new police car, $24,195; engineering fees, $11,311; and $5,995 for gasoline and diesel for the township vehicles. The rest was for services (legal, mailing, SEO), small expenses, and supplies.Thenext regular meeting of Kidder supervisors is September 27, starting at 6:30 p.m.

A surprise item on Kidder Township’s supervisors meeting agenda was the resignation of board chairman Thomas Bradley. The long-serving leader has been a member of the supervisors since 2006. He missed July’s meeting and his letter of resignation arrived ahead of the regular meeting on August 23. The resignation was accepted with great regret. Kidder Township residents who may be interested in filling out Bradley’s remaining term, through the end of 2023, can send a letter of interest stating qualifications and why they would be a good supervisor to township manager Suzanne Brooks, or bring it in to the municipal office. The mail address is Kidder Township, P. O. Box 576, Lake Harmony, PA 18624. Candidates will likely be considered at the September 20th regular meeting, so those interested should attend.August’s meeting, run by vice chairman Ray Gluck, was short. Supervisors approved a conditional use hearing for the Mora Solar project, to be held September 22 at the township building. Patrolman Mason Moran was approved to become full-time, starting August 21. Payments into the pension plans were authorized$152,171 for the police, and $11,735 for non-uniformed staff. An agreement for the maintenance of traffic signals (all four sets) was modified to add township manager Brooks to authorize actions and spending. This gives her the authority to get the signal emitters reportedsupervisorRoadmasterinstalled.andBruceBergerthepavingwork is nearly done for North Lake Drive, with punch list items to get it finished. As part of public comment, a group of families who live on Laurel Lane in Albrightsville complained about being harassed by ‘squatters’ who have taken over an unbuildable property at the end of their road. These people have added sheds, a hunting stand, and an old school bus. They are out shooting guns, exploding fireworks including quarter sticks (very loud), and harass the neighbors with ATVs and foul language. “It’s scary,” shared one couple. It’s getting worse explained another. Police and code officials are working through the processes to take action, explained Gluck. They were told to keep calling 9-1-1.

North Lake Drive in Lake Harmony shows off its new pavement in this photo. The paver has a short list of items that need to be finished for the township to sign off on the work.

JPK: Seth Isenberg

Kidder chairman resigns, supers schedule solar farm hearing by Seth Isenberg

THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2022 — PAGE 3 SPEAK TO A LAWYER 24/7 Injured? Your best outcome is no accident!

by Seth Isenberg



After supervisors heard another hour-long citizens’ session of complaints about Short Term Rentals (STRs), supervisors agreed to hold a ‘town hall’ meeting about STRs on August 30. Granicus, the township’s violations recording agency, will be invited to send a representative.RegardingSTRs, supervi sors voted unanimously to advertise to hire a part-time code enforcement officer (CEO), with plans to have the new CEO look into the many STRs in the township. A surprise item on the agenda, supervisor Tom Cross submitted his resignation effective at the end of August. He is moving out of state. Cross, a resident in the Pleasant Valley West development, said he was leaving due to STRs. He explained that there 12 STRs in his community including some under construction. Cross first ran for office in 2011 and was nearly elected. He ran again in 2017 and was elected for a term that started in 2018 and continued through 2024. Interested citizens can apply for the vacancy with a letter of interest stating qualifications as well as reasons they wish to serve. The term would be from September’s meeting through to the end of December 2024. Interested citizens must attend the September 6 meeting, as whoever is chosen will be sworn in as a supervisor that night. Those letters can be e-mailed to secretary@, or dropped off at the township office. For the township park, supervisors okayed having W-B Electric install a subpanel in the concession stand to accommodate the new 50amp service. Cost is $1,177. Ten inground mounted benches will be bought to install along the walk path of the park, for $575 each plus the cost of cement for

Penn Forest supervisor Tom Cross resigns

PAGE 4 THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2022 TITAN POWER WASHING TITANPOWERWASHING570.COMTITANPOWERWASHING570.COM570.407.0578570.407.0578COMMERCIAL&RESIDENTIALPRESSURE&SOFTWASHINGCOMMERCIAL&RESIDENTIALPRESSURE&SOFTWASHING Soft Wash Roofing Gutter Cleanouts Small Branch Cutting SidewalksDriveways & Decks Walls & Fences Power and Soft Washing Concrete, Brick, Vinyl, Tile, Stucco, and Natural Stone Surfaces We keep our appointments and show up. No job too big or small, we clean it all! Serving All of Northeastern PA & The Poconos

July-August 2022

7/10 – Sent five vehicles with twenty volunteers to a possible dwelling fire on Red Ridge Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes. PFVFC#1 and Lehigh ton ALS also responded. 7/26 – Three vehicles with twenty-two volunteers, responded to a structure fire on Lake Drive, Lake Harmo ny. Albrightsville and Lake Harmony VFCs and Lake Harmony EMS also respond ed.8/3 - Responded to a dwelling fire on Longfellow Circle, Towamensing Trails, arriving to find heavy smoke inside of a garage. Upon ar rival of Engine 2210, crews forced entry to find a furnace malfunction. PFVFC#1 and Lehighton ALS also respond ed.8/3

Fire Company Reports,

– Sent Rescue 2255, Engine 2210, and Tank er 2233 to a motor vehicle accident on Route 534 with PFVFC#1 and Lehighton ALS responded.8/8–Sent Tanker 2233, Engine 2210, Command 2277, with twelve volunteers, to a working tractor trailer fire on Interstate 80 in Kid der Township. Crews provid ed water and manpower for overhaul upon arrival. Lake Harmony and Tobyhanna Township VFCs, and Lake Harmony EMS also respond ed.8/9 - Engine 2210, with six volunteers, and Truck 1321 recently stood by at the Palmerton Fire Department for approximately four hours as units operated at a work ing dwelling fire. Additional volunteers staffed our station for any other incidents in our area.

See FIRE REPORTS, page 5 Dr.AndrewJ.Church, Veterinarian BlakesleeAnimalClinic 5251Route115,Blakeslee 1.9milessouthofBlakesleeCorners 570-643-0918 570-643-1084 Fax:570-643-1080 “WeTreatYourPets LikeFamily”

Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Company #2 7/5 – PFVFC#2 responded to a CO alarm on Mountain View Drive. After ventilat ing and investigating, crews found the batteries of the golf cart were to blame. Lead based batteries can release hydrogen gas if charged improperly or if a charging system malfunctions. Fortu nately, hydrogen gas can also set off a CO detector. We rec ommend disconnecting the charger as soon as the bat tery is charged, not charging batteries overnight, and pro viding plenty of ventilation while charging the battery by opening the garage door or placing the golf cart outside. PFVFC#1 and Lehighton ALS also7/9responded.–Sentfour vehicles to multiple brush fires on Hatchery Road, assist with PFVFC#1.

8/12 - Engine 2210, Tank er 2233, and Brush 2244, with twenty-three volun teers, responded to a work ing dwelling fire on Susque hanna Drive, Pleasant Valley West. Crews arrived on scene and assisted with extinguish ment and search. PFVFC#1, Franklin Twp. VFC, Al brightsville, Lake Harmony, Lehighton ALS and Ma honing Valley Rehab also responded. Special thanks to Palmerton Fire Department for standing by our station while units operated. 8/12 - Rescue 2255, Engine 2210, and Brush 2244, with fifteen volunteers, recently responded to a motor vehicle accident with entrapment on Stony Mountain Road. The patient was extricated within ten minutes of arrival after the removal of trees and the driver side doors. PFVFC#1 and Lehighton ALS also re sponded.

8/15 - Engine 2210, Tanker 2233, Rescue 2255, Lad der 2222, Brush 2244, and Command 2277, with twen ty-four volunteers, respond ed to a working dwelling fire on Laurette Drive, Kidder Township. Volunteers assist ed with search and extin guishment with hand lines from LHVFC Ladder 1721 upon arrival. PFVFC#1, Lake Harmony, Albrightsville, Monroe Stations Tobyhanna Twp. and Long Pond, Lake Harmony EMS, Lehighton ALS, two RITs and District 19 Rehab also responded.

Of note, members/EMCs David Michael III and Jesse Brennan obtained Local Ba sic Certification for Pennsyl vania Emergency Manage ment from PEMA. Captain Daniel McFeeley obtained his Pro Board Firefighter 2 certification. Tanker 2233 participated in the “Verizon Frontline First Lap for First Responders” at Pocono Race way. Members and Tanker 2233 were in Jim Thorpe for National Night Out. Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co.#1 8- 15 Assisted Lake Har mony VFC with dwelling fire, provided tanker service to bring water to the site. 8- 13 Investigated smoke in the area of Behrens Road. Found homeowner burning brush.8-13 Called to home on Dogwood Lane about a cooking fire. Fire was extin guished by homeowner on arrival.8-12 Assisted PFVFC#2 with crash on Stony Mtn. Rd. at Penn Forest Trail. 8- 12 Home fire on Susque hanna Drive. House involved on arrival. Joined other fire companies in extinguishing. Returned later that day as trees and brush on the site were on fire again and put them out, plus cut brush away from fire site. 8- 11 Sent to assist PFVFC#2 with a medical call, recalled. 8- 6 Sent to home on Caed man Drive for grill that was on fire on the deck. Fire was out on arrival. 8- 4 Sent to a tree down on power line on Weiler Road. Assisted PFVFC#2 with re moval.8-3Sent to a vehicle ac cident on Mountain Road at Route 534 and Mountain Road. Recalled. 8- 3 Called to home on Longfellow Circle due to dwelling fire. Assisted PFVFC#2.7-12,24, 25; 2 on 8- 6, 10 – accidental fire alarms (one on 8-6 and another on 8-10 were ‘a culinary mishap’) 7- 18 Controlled burn grew into a brush fire on Union ville Road property. Decision to7-extinguish.16Dispatched to home on Broad Mountain View Dr. for a cooking fire. Fire was out on Fire Co. arrival. 7- 13 Dispatched to area near Transfer Station for a brush fire, it was out when Fire Co. arrived. 7- 10 Dispatched to a dwelling fire, recalled. 7- 9 Dispatched to area off Hatchery Road for three brush fires, about a mile apart. Crews extin guished them with help from PFVFC#2.7-5Acontractor pulled down a power line on Smith Road. PFVFC#1 and PPL were called. Fire Co. secured area.7-5 Dispatched to a Moun tain View Dr. home for a CO2 alarm sounding. On arrival, found alarm mal function.Events at PFVFC #1 in September are the monthly breakfast on the 11th, Chick en Drive-Through on the 16th and Car Cruise on the 23rd. These are fundraisers for PFVFC #1’s operating budget.PFVFC #1 is selling T-shirts at all events for $15 each.Ifyou would like more in formation, visit PFVFC #1’s station on Route 903 Mon day nights at 6:30 p.m. or go to

THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2022 — PAGE 5 ACCESSIBLE – Quality, walk-in care for minor illness and injuries CONVENIENT – No appointment needed, extended and weekend hours QUALITY CLINICIANS St. Luke’s providers always onsite to manage your medical needs LOWER EXPENSE – Lower out-of-pocket than an ER visit PLUS, AVAILABLE ON SITE… • Lab and X-ray services • Common prescription medications • Comprehensive Occupational Medicine services available for local employers

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. Fire Reports Continued from page 4 See FIRE REPORTS, page 7

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While I’m getting treated these past few months, I promised Ruth that we’d still make the most of our summer. As with most infusion therapy, there a good days and not. I’m bulling my way through the days I am tired, being careful but getting out. For example, some friends drove Ruth and me to Musikfest in Bethlehem for a Saturday night at the Steel Stacks side of the festival. We went to enjoy the silliness of Igor and the Red Elvises, who this night were performing beneath the impressive former Bethlehem Steel blast furnaces. Our friends had bought tickets to see Willie Nelson perform, so while they were in the stands watching Willie, Ruth and I were settled in on the lawn to enjoy Igor. Igor’s band went on at 9 and played two sets. Our friends rejoined us for Igor’s last set. There was more walking than I bargained for, but I managed. It was a late night ‘til we got home, but fun fun fun.Aug. 7, I visited the Save the Dogs fundraiser at the Split Rock Golf Course clubhouse in Lake Harmony. Red Rock Rescue brought a lot of puppies. I enjoyed the doggie excitement, tried my luck at the tricky tray, and came home with a magnet (not a puppy) – we have two dogsThatalready.afternoon, we took our dogs for two nights away near Benton PA. We needed a change of scenery, and some quiet time. We arrived just before the Colonel Ricketts Cidery closed. The Cidery was one of our planned stops. There, we sampled and bought some cider, then went to settling in to our lodging. For dinner, we drove a few miles to the tiny town of Central for a meal at the Central Park Hotel, whose dining room features a large taxidermy buffalo upon one wall, and a variety of other taxidermy birds, deer, and even a fisher. The dinner was quiteMonday,good. we drove up the mountain to Rickett’s Glen State Park’s beach where I took a quick dip in the lake at the peak of that day’s heat. The dogs also had a chance to play in the water in a muddy area beyond the beach (no dogs allowed on the beach itself). After the swims, we drove to the base of the mountain to take a short hike through the stand of old growth trees which line the creek at the bottom of the Falls Trail. This spot is very special with huge trees along the walk path. After this we retreated to the lodge and enjoyed a quiet afternoon in the AC. By Tuesday we were back at our office to finish the Journals for that week and start on this newspaper. On the 14th, we took our dogs and headed to Knoebels to see The Mahoney Brothers perform, arriving to see two of their shows. Their evening show was Beatles and Beyond, my favorite of the shows they do as they celebrate the music of the band members after it broke up. There was music from Paul, Ringo, George and John, building to a wonderful Beatles set of tunes as a finale. There must have been over a thousand of us watching. It was a good thing I had a seat with my rolling walker as every spot on every bench was full. We enjoyed some food, but passed on rides that day something we rarely have done in 30+ years of going. I hope to be back on rides soon, after a scheduled surgery for me. We attended the Carbon County Fair on its closing day. That’s the day the 4-H critter auction is held, something we find very entertaining. While we were there, Dr. Oz the senate candidate and Lisa Scheller, our candidate for congress, turned up. Ruth got to meet Oz, and I had a few minutes to talk with Scheller. Ruth and I were in a photo in the Times News of folks at the auction the photo featured by Seth Isenberg


See SIGHTINGS, page 7

Continued from page 5

The new Bruno, Chief of Police mystery arrived this week on our doorstep. This winter, we had preordered Martin Walker’s To Kill a Troubadour. I enjoyed the book in a nice air-conditioned room at our house, escaping the hot August days to take a trip to southern France one chapter at a time. Ruth finished an English mystery by Elizabeth George and is now reading the Walker book. Looking into September, local orchards have told us that early apple season should be underway over Labor Day weekend. Regarding locally grown items, we’ve been enjoying some wonderful sweet corn, and luscious peaches.

Pro football has started its season and soon, college games will fill the sports channels. I love college football and will be following many of the Division 1 and FCS teams from Pennsylvania, plus a few nationally as they catch my fancy… plus the New England Patriots, Philly Eagles and the Bucs.

Lake Harmony Volun teer Fire Company was called out 47 times in July.

The first ever Penn Forest Park festival is September 24 from 10 to 6. As my health permits, I plan to be there most of the day at a booth for the Journal. The annual Celtic Classic in Bethlehem on the 23rd, 24th and 25th. It’s free, running late morning into through about 9 p.m. We’ll likely attend on Sunday as weather and energy allows. There are four stages of music, two event spaces, and lots of food and vendors.Here’s to a wonderful end to August and some early September fun. To all our readers, good health to you.

The LHVFC responded to fifteen EMS responses, five crashes with injuries, and a crash with extrication of the victim. There was a passenger car fire, a cooking fire, and a truck fire on the highway. The volunteers were out for a search for a person in the wa ter, and also for three rescues. There were 9 smoke detec tor activations (no fires), 3 alarm calls due to a malfunc tion and 1 activation but no fire. Five calls were cancelled enEightroute.of the calls were in Albrightsville including three in Hickory Run State Park, and the rest in Lake Harmo ny.Seven of the smoke detec tor-related calls were to the Mountain Laurel Resort. Both Albrightsville and Lake Harmony fire compa nies put in extensive training hours for their volunteers over the summer. Volunteers are welcome at any time, especially for fire fighters but also for company operations andThefundraising.LHVFCholds its an nual Firemen’s Breakfast at Spilt Rock Resort’s Galleria from 8 to noon on Sunday, September 4. Everybody is welcome – all-you-can eat, $10 a head while children 8 and under are free.


Oz who had bid on a goat. We were in the back, paying attention to the auction. It was a surprise.

On the 19th, we were at the Harford Fair to help the local Rotary club for that area cover their fair booth for a four-hour shift. It was a lot of Hellos and handing out Dum-Dum suckers. We were surprised to meet two Journal readers from the Blakeslee area who stopped by our booth and were equally surprised to find us.

As we finished last week’s Journal-Herald, we walked out of our front door to find a doe lying on our front lawn in the area we’ve been growing herbs and flowers, which explains a lot about what has been eating our plants. She was a bit hard to move along, but I was able to shoo her away before bringing the dogs out. She moseyed off down the street.

Fire Reports

The AVFC also was out five times for QRS medical calls, twice on automatic alarms (no fire), and once each for a search and rescue in Hick ory Run State Park, setting up for medical helicopter landing, a vehicle crash, a ve hicle fire, and a call onto the Turnpike.

Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company was called out 33 times in July, 22 of those as mutual aid with Lake Harmony VFC.


Continued from page 6

The Harford Fair is big, with a nice set of permanent buildings and a large grandstand with a huge stage across the way. That night was a rodeo, and the stands were full for a pretty good show. Competition was a bit thin, except in barrel racing, but there was enough, plus a decent clown and a trick riding demonstration. I was using the rolling walker that day, so was on the handicapped platform for the show, and a gorgeous sunset. Sightings these weeks were varied, including a herd of goats on the berm of the turnpike an eco-friendly lawn mowing crew. I think I saw a fisher crossing the road in Hickory Run State Park. Heading home one night, I saw a coyote. There are a fair number of butterflies, some foxes, wild turkeys, and hawks.


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8-25, 6:52 p.m., PA State Troopers from Fern Ridge arrested a 56 y/o Effort man who threatened to use fireworks to “blow up” the Effort Fire House. 8-27, 3:07 p.m., PSP-F was called to a home on Wylie Circle in Penn Forest Twp. where an argument between two family members, 37 and 54, over the bills for the home led to a fight between the men. Both were cited for harassment. A 15 y/o Effort girl is the possible victim of a statutory sexual assault, 8-24, PSP-F is investigating.8-21,aBrian Lane, Effort home was egged at about 12:03 a.m. PSP is investigating.8-14,a26y/o Cresco man destroyed a ’81 Honda CBR 600 motorcycle that was kept in a Mountain Spring Dr., Jackson Twp. garage with a blunt instrument and a cutting tool. The bike was owned by a 27 y/o Stroudsburg-area man who had, earlier that day, beat the 26 y/o up, using a pipe, after an argument. The loss is about $4,000. On the 15th, the 27 y/o turned himself in at PSP’s Fern Ridge Barracks, and he was taken to the Monroe County jail. These weeks have a handful of DUI reports, mostly drunk drivers caught during traffic stops. On 8-17 at 10:37 p.m., PSP-F stopped a motorcyclist in Tobyhanna Twp. who was driving his Harley after a few drinks too many. PSP will be doing a drunk driving safety sweep over the Labor Day weekend. Keeping the rubber side down Just after 9:30 a.m. on 8-13, a Whitehall, PA, driver crashed his ’17 Land Rover into a bear on Interstate 80 in Tunkhannock Township. No one in the SUV was hurt. The vehicle was disabled. The bear was killed. There are also a couple of reports of vehicles hitting deer. Stealin’ 8-23, 11:29 a.m., ShopRite in Brodheadsville called PSP after a woman put packages of Nexium, Abreva. Zyrtec and Allegra, valued together at over $1,600, into her purse and walked out the door without paying. A similar theft, of about $1,200 in Zyrtec, Abreva and Claritin took place at 5 p.m. on 8-20 at the CVS in Effort. The actor in this incident was a Black female, wearing a mask and a black baseball hat, carrying a large shoulder back. She left in a darkcolored SUV. 8-9, an 18 y/o Effort man was scammed out of $2,400. He took a check for $2,950 from a company to cover his car with an advertisement wrap. He deposited the money, and was then told to use Zelle to send $2,400 to a company to pay for the wrap, while keeping the $550 for his pay. After sending the money, the check bounced, leaving the man responsible for the money. There has been a steady flow of identity theft incidents into area police departments. On 8-16, a Penn Forest resident called PSP to report that multiple credit cards had been open in his name. PSP is investigating this as a stolen identity incident. PennDOT In Carbon County, crews are doing more pothole patching. Look for an inspection team out along Interstate 80 and Route 534 in Kidder Twp. There’s utility work being done on I-80 in East Stroudsburg, expected to be done before Labor Day weekend. Be alert for a bridge repair crew on I-80 east between I-380 and the Scotrun exit. As the month wraps up, there’s a bridge repair crew on Route 435 and Tobyhanna Road in north Coolbaugh Twp. Pothole to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1. pointed out that there will be someone to do the paperwork.Whenasked about the number of violations, supervisor BartulovichChristiansaidthere were 138 so far, with no violations in court as of yet, though some are pending. Users of the Granicus system were asked to always ask for a call back as right now, very few do.They showed the audience how the Granicus system works with a video presentation. Granicus’ contract runs through February 22 of 2023.Supervisor Patrick Holland wants to see homeowners associations educated. From the audience came a comment that all this is good, but there’s no enforcement. This opinion was shared by many of the speakers. A variety of people spoke during the next hour and a half. They were invited to speak at upcoming supervisors meeting. by Seth Isenberg

Police Beat

A Real Community Bank

STR Meeting Continued from page 1

Just four days after Carbon County Commissioner Chris Lukasevich, chair, NACo’s Veterans and Military Ser vices Committee launched Operation Green Light for Veterans with his National Association of County Veter ans Service Officers (NACV SO) colleague and president Nichole Coleman at NACo’s 2022 Annual Conference in Aurora, CO, Carbon County became the first county in the United States to sign a resolution proclaiming its participation in the nation wide campaign and claiming the title of the nation’s first Green Light for Veterans County.Carbon signaled that select county buildings will be illu minated green November 7 through 13 as part of Opera tion Green Light, a national collaborative initiative of the NACo to support mili tary veterans, as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans and the resourc es that are available at the county, state, and federal level to assist veterans and their“Sincefamilies.thetragedy of Sep tember 11, 2001, our nation’s voluntary military force mem bers, and their families, have made immense sacrifices for our safety and security over a two-decade period,” said Lukasevich “Similar to the sacrifices of previous gener ations of our armed forces, this service to country also often results in significant stress to many of the veter ans who served in times of war and conflict. We want to make sure our veterans and their families know that their service mattered, that we are grateful for their sacrifices, and that it is now our turn to make sure they are served by their county government and our community. To this end, See

Green Light for Veterans County; Carbon County1st in nation

The County of Carbon has taken the national lead in support of the National Asso ciation of Counties (NACo) Operation Green Light by being the first county in the nation to formally proclaim itself a Green Light for Veter ans County and furthering its commitment to supporting its veterans’ population and the military-to-civilian tran sition of service members.

GREEN LIGHT, page 10


Continued from page 9

Carbon’s three Veteran Ser vice Officers, who operate out of our Veterans Affairs Office at 44 Susquehanna Street in Jim Thorpe, will intensify their effort as the proverbial bridge between veterans, their family members, and at times their widows and earned ben efits.” Residents and businesses are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their house to a green bulb. This can be an exteri or light that neighbors and passersby see, or an interior light that sparks a conversa tion with friends. By shining a green light, we let our veterans know that they are seen, appreciated, and supported. While this event is focused around the week of Veterans Day (No vember 7-13), participants are encouraged to share their participation on social media using the hashtag #Opera tionGreenLight.“OperationGreen Light is a simple way to express our collective appreciation for the public service of our veterans,” said NACo Pres ident Denise Winfrey. “We encourage everyone to join us in displaying a green light for our veterans and to also reflect on how we, as a na tion and at the county level, assist our military service personnel back into civilian life upon completion of their service to our country.” Visit operationgreenlight for more information and links to resources available to veterans.

A total of 1,150 students received academic degrees from Bloomsburg University. The overall grade point av erage necessary to graduate with honors distinction is: cum laude (with distinction) 3.5 - 3.74 overall average; magna cum laude (with great distinction) 3.75 - 3.94 overall average and sum ma cum laude (with highest distinction) 3.95 - 4.0 overall average. Gunnar Rehrig of Jim Thorpe graduated with a degree in Business glish.LaudeThorpetration*Management.AdminisDanaRodriguezofJimgraduatedCumwithadegreeinEn

Bloomsburg U lists spring grads

Green Light


“The quality of life is not what I wanted,” pointing out that these STRs are hotels.

Pete Rasp, Sr., complained that “nothing gets done,” also noting that “Towamensing Trails’ bylaws do not allow businesses” to operate in homes in the community.

THE JOURNAL OF PENN-KIDDER, AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 2022 — PAGE 11 the bases. The pump track proposed for the property will be put out to bid via PennBid. The food truck vendor who wanted to be at the township park will begin his three months at the park inToddAugust.Fox of the Park committee asked about selling nameplates to help pay for the park benches. Roadmaster supervisor Roger Meckes reported that this year’s paving projects are done, with line striping to be done this month. The township’s crew, which is doing a lot of work while short-staffed, is “doing a good job.” They are mowing and picking up along the roadsides. They also helped install the batting cage at the park.Bills of $105,338 from July were approved to be paid –the biggest being a refund of a fire escrow of $25,629, taxes, insurances, $10,000 for a tilting grading bucket for the tractor, the CPA firm for the yearly audits, code and engineering services, legal services, and $3,000 to Keystone Concrete. From the treasurer’s report, there’s $3,230,643 in the general fund, and $5,822,461 in the certificates of Indeposit.other emergencysupervisorsbusiness,approved:therevised(2022)operations

plan; • a judgement on a zoning violation of $12,279 on the Rehl property; • continuing the declaration of disaster emergency related to COVID; • advertising to fill the new position of working foreman on the township’s roads crew; • a well isolation distance exemption for an Indian Mountain Lake couple; • and approval for Fire Police from Penn Forest Volunteer Fire Companies #1 and #2 to provide traffic control at the Carbon County Fair. There were 48 rightto-know requests, and 37 zoning & septic requests fulfilled. Public comment was primarily about STRs. There were continued complaints about Granicus’ system not doing the job, with most of the speakers urging the town meeting. Peg Dusablon, who has four STRs on her block in Towamensing Trails, said that her “quality of life has gone to @%*,” and nobody cares. Some speakers pointed Penn Forest supervisors to the new Tobyhanna Township STR ordinance.

“A lot of people are pissed,” heKathyconcluded.Black complained that after eight years, suddenly their cul de sac has sprouted two STRs. Work is underway toward the first Fall Crafts and Township Festival, which will be held at the Penn Forest Township Park from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on September 24. There will be music and food, a kids’ area, plus crafts and other vendors. Contact the township to become a vendor.

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wife of the late Daniel “Pete” McGinley. Born in Mauch Chunk she was the daughter of the late William Christopher and Ellen “Honey” (McGee) Bock.She was a graduate of Mauch Chunk High School and a member of Immaculate Conception Church.


Nancy was the owner of McGinley’s Pocono Trail Lodge since 1975 until she retired. Many patrons share fond memories of race weekends, and lodging for hunting and skiing, and the famous salad bar. She was a charter member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians for over 20 years and held many positions. She opened her home to the annual St Patrick’s Day Parade since its inception, where everyone had a great time. She served as an Aid to the Grand Marshall in 2005. She loved and enjoyed going to all her children and grandchildren’s sporting events. In her later years she enjoyed attending the senior center inSheNesquehoning.ispreceded in death by a daughter Bernadette. She is survived by six sons, Daniel McGinley (Janette), Michael McGinley (Linda), William, James (Sheila), Thomas (Rita), and John (Stacey); and three daughters, Rose Burkhardt (Mike), Connie Salvatore, and Patricia Spillman (Michael); 14 grandchildren, Terry Joe Burkhardt, Daniel (Justine) McGinley, James McGinley, Mario Salvatore, Christopher, Erin and Ally McGinley, Ryan (Jeanette) and Thomas McGinley, Patrick, Danielle and Kate Spillman, Alex and Abby McGinley; and greatgrandchildren Daniel, Chase and Addison McGinley and Webb and Nell McGinley. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Marian Catholic High School in Nancy’s memory.

Kenneth K. “Kenny” Kuntz, 75, of Lehighton, passed away on Monday, August 1, 2022, in St. Luke’s HospitalCarbon Campus. He was the loving husband of Raylene (Andrews) Kuntz. They celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary in September of last year. Born in Allentown, he was a son of the late Kermit Kuntz and the late June (Shuey)KennyKuntz.wasa supervisor for Craftex Mills in Auburn, PA for 10 years. Prior to that, he worked as a supervisor for Stanwood Mills in Slatington for 30 years. He served his country in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. Kenny enjoyed visiting car shows with his family. He was an avid fisherman and hunter, always enjoying the outdoors. He was devoted to his family and adored his grandchildren. Most of all, he was a loving and caring husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. He will be deeply missed.Inaddition to his wife, Kenny is survived by two sons, Mark Kuntz and his wife, Barbara of Palmerton, and Matt Kuntz and his wife, Erika of Raleigh, NC; a daughter, Amy Riggio of Lehighton; three brothers, Rodney Kuntz and his wife Dolly of Walnutport, Arthur Kuntz and his wife, Lisa of Slatington, and Gary Kuntz and his wife, Dot of New Tripoli; two sisters, Kathy Heil of Bethlehem, and Lisa Hydro of Slatington; six grandchildren, Austin, Cohen, Mackenzie, Adelyn, Tony and Ava; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, Kenny was preceded in death by a sister, Carol Mann, and an infant Servicesson.were August 9 from the Kresge Funeral Home, Brodheadsville. Burial followed in Jerusalem Lutheran Trachsville.Cemetery, In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Valor by mail at PO Box 315, Brodheadsville, PA 18322. Puzzle Answers


Alexis Capria, a native of Albrightsville, was recent ly initiated into the Cabrini University Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed 1,971 new initiates from 78 univer sities during April. Students initiated into the Society must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or gradu ate/professional students in the top 35% of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the ODK ideals. Fewer than five percent of students on a campus are invited to join eachOmicronyear. Delta Kappa Soci ety, the National Leadership Honor Society, was founded in Lexington, Virginia, on December 3, 1914. A group of 15 students and faculty members established the Society to recognize and encourage leadership at the collegiate level. The founders established the ODK Ideathe concept that individuals representing all phases of collegiate life should collab orate with faculty and others to support the campus and community. ODK’s mis sion is to honor and develop leaders; encourage collab oration among students, faculty, staff, and alumni; and promote ODK’s leader ship values of collaboration, inclusivity, integrity, scholar ship, and service on college and university campuses throughout North Ameri ca. The Society’s national headquarters are located in Lexington, Virginia.

Nancy L. McGinley, 89, of Jim Thorpe, passedwashome.familybysurrounded2,AugustTuesdayaway2022,lovingatShethe



Named SocietyHonorLeadershipto

Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Leon Van Dyke Jr., Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey, property on Pocono Road, Holiday Poconos, $975.Eric B. Shapiro to Chestnut Oak Road, LLC, Forest Hill, Mary land, property at 237 Longfellow Drive, Lake Harmony,Midlake$625,000.Memories, L.P., to Green Horizon Property Management, LLC, Philadelphia, Unit E-194, Big Boulder, $380,000. Mark R. Leffler to Anthony Constanzo, Me dia, property at 71 Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $2,175,000.BarbaraS. Biegalski to John Biegalski, King of Prussia, lots 11 and 13, Block R, Section Hemlock Forest, Holiday Poconos, $1. David M. Rosen and Associates, Inc., to Copper Cabin 79, LLC, Reading, property at 508 Estates Drive, Lake Harmony, $135,000. Dennis James Me agher to Raymond D. Stein, 2512 Rising Sun Road, Slatington, Round Lake Tract 48, Lake Har mony,Robert$50,000.B.McCoun to 840 Franklin, LLC, Bryn Mawr, property at 123 Skye Drive, Lake Harmo ny, $540,000. Jeffrey P. Hamar to Maria L. Watts, 41 Stonybrook Drive, P.O. Box 506, Albrightsville, property at 208 Stony brook Road, Albrights ville, $78,000.

40 Bowman Rd., Jim Thorpe

Robert Greenbaum to Alexios Karagiannis, Springfield, proper ty at 306 Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $220,000.JavierA.

Henrietta was the kind of person who would always put others needs ahead of herself, helping and guiding anyone in need. One of her favorite hobbies was pampering and spoiling her grandchildren, who she loved and adored. Most of all, she was a loving and caring wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister, aunt, and friend. She will be deeply missed by all her friends and family. In addition to her husband Donald, she is survived by two sons, Donald C. Kresge Jr. and his wife Tammy, and Scott Kresge and his wife Victoria DiIorioKresge; six grandchildren, Joshua Kresge and his wife Elizabeth, Eric Kresge, Matthew Kresge and his wife Noel, Kaitlyn Schikschneit and her husband Michael, Michael Kresge and his fiancée Paulina, Mason Spangenberg; a great-grandson, Matteo Giovanni; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Along with her parents, she was preceded in death by two sisters, Violet Davenport, and Jean Bucciarelli.Churchservices were held on August 16 from the Reeders United Methodist Church with Dr. Rev. Jeffrey A. Weber officiating. Burial followed in Reeders Methodist Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Reeders United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 187, Reeders, PA 18352

Tre ichler to William Reese Jr., 51 River Road, White Haven, property at 51 River Road, $2,500. TMC CorporationManagementtoDavidS. Lee, 312A Golden Oaks Drive, White Haven, property at 312A Golden Oaks Drive, $246,447. Timothy R. Ans tine to Boris $356,000.101,MidlakeJersey,Moorestown,Nikolic,Newpropertyat5Road,UnitLakeHarmony, Kimara Geralda Bon homme to Sabina Wie claw, Staten Island, New York, property at F44 Kent Clarke Road, Lake Harmony, $74,000. Daniel P. Miller to Pocono Estates IV, LLC, Long Island City, New York, Holiday Poconos Lot 29, Section EE, Hemlock Forest, Heal$80,000.BettyCatherineto18NewBirch St Holdings, LLC, 18 New Birch St., Lake Harmony, property at 18 New Birch St., Maria$1. Ann Chambers to Leila Vaughan, Bryn Mawr, property at 80 Skye Drive, Lake Harmo ny, Robert$335,000.S.Nieniek to John M. Harmony,atMillersville,McLarnon,property94CrestDrive,Lake$535,000.MichaelA.Thento Glenn Spalding, Lans dale, Holiday Poconos Lot 130, Section BV, $15,000.Legacy Properties Group, LLC, to Colin Good, Lafayette Hill, property at 70 Pineknoll Drive, Lake Harmony, $565,000. Penn TownshipForest Leidy Zabala to Ste ven Quillen, 168 Sassa fras Road, Albrightsville, property at 168 Sassafras Road,Andrew$280,000.Altomare to David S. Sliker, Chalfont, property at 240 Petrarch Trail, lotsHickoryErikbrightsville,91NewPerdo$66,000.44Enterprise,to$419,900.Albrightsville,RobertT.MillerCharlesBlack,NewpropertyatSugarPineDrive,KennethToddtoJ.Cruz,Bronx,York,propertyatMeckesvilleRoad,Al$245,000.SethBacontoShaw,Lancaster,RunForest227and228,But ternut Road, Section B, $21,000.Thomas E. Styers to Ernest Magrys, Black wood, New Jersey, Lot 2481, Section Mountain View, Holiday Poconos, $1,000.Frank Bianco to Narsun Properties, LLC, Blakeslee, property at 20 Iowa Road, Albrights ville,Margaret$80,000.M.

Nunez to Debra A. Nunez, P.O. Box 891, Albrightsville, Lot 109, Section A, Holi day Poconos, $1. Jason E. Piccola to Melissa Wyndmoor,Brookes,property at 22 Forest Drive, Lake Harmony, $400,000.

Henrietta Kresge, 83, of Jackson Township, passed away Thursday, August 11, 2022 at home. She was the loving wife of Donald C. Kresge Sr. They celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary in December of last year. Born in Scranton, she was the daughter of the late Wilma and Robert Smith.



Wrenn to Thomas R. Wrenn, P.O. Box 1154, Albrights ville, tionTrailsTowamensingLotV-1075,SecE-V,$1.DavidSwinkowski to Brianna N. Swinkowski, 39 Behrens Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 39 Behrens Road, $1. Richard J. Netzel Sr. to Richard J. Netzel, 4350 Forest St., Lehigh ton, property at 4350 Forest St., $1. Wayne B. Reith to 840 Franklin, LLC, Bryn See TRANSFERS, page 16

Kidder Township TMC CorporationManagementtoJudyA. Justice, 312B Golden Oaks Drive, White Haven, property at 312B Golden Oaks Drive, Drive,propertyOakC.Corporation$252,265.TMCManagementtoRobertSwankoski,405PinDrive,WhiteHaven,at405PinOak$336,400.


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A. Nicolosi to Timothy M. Graziano, 288 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, property at 288 Moseywood Road, $585,000.Sandra L. Davis to Sanket Rupareliya, Marl boro, New Jersey, prop erty at 120 Ridgewood Country Estates, Lake Harmony, $117,500. George J. Contrino to Reginald S. Harris, Had donfield, New Jersey, property at 28 Red Oak Road, Lake Harmony, $360,000.DavidDawdy to Connie Worland, 14 Sassafras Road, Lake Harmony, property at 14 Sassafras Road, $480,000.Timothy Ryan to Black Creek Junction Enterprises, LLC, Mountain Top, property at 4421 State Rt. 534, White Haven, $100,000.

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Henrietta and her husband came to Reeders United Methodist Church in 1972. They loved the friendliness atmosphere and fellowship of the church, and also enjoyed the wonderful Sunday School programs. She began teaching Sunday School from the beginning and taught for many years. She belonged to the United Methodist Women, sang in the choir, ushered when asked, and oversaw the kitchen for funerals and other activities. Later, she ran the prayer chain for the church and counseled and worked with many other members in need. She was a literal pillar of the church for a long time. She was a graduate of Saint Mary’s Hospital in 1961 and worked in Scranton, then later at Pocono Hospital as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

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Guiseppina Minarchi to Elia Mauro, Brooklyn, New York, lots 233 and 234, a/k/a Lot 233A, Pocono Mountain Lakes, $1. Elia Mauro to Raffa ele Donato, Hunting don Valley, lots 233 and 234, a/k/a 233A, Pocono Mountain Lakes, $16,000.JillMoriarty to James Boland, Swedes boro, New Jersey, prop erty at 80 Doe Run, Lake Harmony, $340,000.

Joseph H. George to Vivian A. George, Sewell, New Jersey, lots 18 and 20, Block 4, Lake Har mony,Jason$1.Keller to Jose G. Tobar, Port Chester, New York, property at 40 Laurel Lane, $90,000.

Jason E. Seitz to Myti Properties, LLC, Monroe Township, New Jersey, two transactions, property on Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, and property at 59 Old Stage Road, ville,Stagepropertychael$214,000Albrightsville,and$67,000.WarrenReinertoMiJ.Considine,Bath,at1009N.OldRoad,Albrights$140,000.

Richard Robert Jonas to Richard Robert Jonas and Joan Louise Jonas Revocable Trust Agreement, Abing ton, lots 320, 321 and 322, Pocono Mountain Lake,Thomas$1.

Robert J. Imbert to Narsun Properties, LLC, Blakeslee, property at 15 Elevator, Lake Harmony, $114,900.Barbara A. Bittner to 816 Ann, LLC, Strouds burg, property at 97 S. Lake Drive, Lake Har mony, $581,000. DT Properties to Jai me Hidalgo, Staten Is land, New York, property at 92 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, OakByronatLakeLauraMichael$689,000HaughtoBurns,77Nordic,Harmony,property77Nordic,$220,000.DianeS.AkertoK.Long,628W.Lane,WhiteHaven, property at 628 W. Oak Lane,Renee$260,000.Ricoto King Estates, LLC, Columbus, New Jersey, property at 50 Aspenwall Road, Lake Harmony, OakThomasDonald$520,000.MicheltoKoster,616W.Lane,WhiteHaven, Golden Oaks Village Unit A-4,Marianne$225,000.E.

Gary Gagliano to Winman Investments, LLC, Glenside, property at 2502 Pawnee Trail, Albrightsville, $4,000. Kyle H. Morgan to Michael W. Horning, Limerick, property at 107 Oneida Trail, Albrights ville,Albert$95,000.F.Marlow Jr. to Albert F. Marlow, Ma ple Shade, New Jersey, property at 147 Stony Creek Road, $1. Mary A. Scellato to Diane P. Lauriano, Brooklyn, New York, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 186, North Lake Area, $1. Diane P. Lauriano to Susan P. Scellato, Brook lyn, New York, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 186, North Lake Area, $1. Lucia Ottomanelli to Jeremy Chamathorn, P.O. Box 357, Albrights ville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-1573, Section E-V, $12,000.ErosResorts, LLC, to Wendi S. $35,000.IV,Jersey,Collingswood,Leibowitz,NewLot2019,SectionTowamensingTrails, Gustavous P. Miller to Elizabeth Kubat, 14 Spar row Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 14 Sparrow Lane,Ronald$136,826.A.Kerwood to Eric S. Hipple, Har leysville, property at 115 Indian Trail, $219,900. Monocacy General Contracting, LLC, to Anthony V. Fristick, 311 Cold Spring Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 311 Cold Spring Drive, $235,000.


Mawr, property at 124 Vista Drive, Albrights ville,Talat$243,000.Hanna to David Rochkind, Wenonah, New Jersey, Towamens ing Trails Lot 1192, Section III, $66,000. Donald Bach to Darlene Oliver, Bronx, New York, property at 19 Hummingbird Drive, $20,000.Steven J. Predjulek to Dale Fisher, 3 Switch back Ave., Jim Thorpe, lots 5438, 539 and 540, Section A, Hickory Run Forest,Palma$34,000.LaForgia to Joseph E. Laschenski Jr., Harleysville, property at 1706 State Rt. 534, Al brightsville, $160,000. Sheriff of Carbon County to Belleve, Inc., 183 Jean Drive, Brod headsville, property at 301 Mountain Road, Al brightsville, $160,474. Sheriff of Carbon County to U.S. Bank, N.A., Greenville, North Carolina, property at 89 Sassafras Road, Al brightsville, $1.

Grace Lopiccolo to Scott Evan Lees, Notting ham, Lot 590, Hickory Run Forest, $7,900.

Diane M. Ross to Mazzella Properties, LLC, 1404 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, parcels No. 1051-A4, 10-51-A7.03 and 10-51-A6,Robert$485,000.J.Sutterto Jeffrey Rosario, Cedar Grove, New Jersey, prop erty at 105 Spencer Lane, Albrightsville, $310,000.

W. Harrison Gregory to Scott Gregory, Jensen Beach, Florida, property at 265 Kilmer Trail, Albrightsville, $1. Elena Guarriello to Joshua L. Simon, Lansdale, property at 115 Penn Forest Drive, Al brightsville, $330,000.

Towamensing Trails, $410,000.Thomas J. Schmidt to William C. Gill, 136 Primrose Lane, Jim Thorpe, Lot 194, Sunrise Ridge $11,500.Development,JosephW.Rudolph to Vaughn Langdon Burns III, 11 Sugar Maple Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 11 Sugar Maple Drive, $325,000.JohnR. Spath to Piotr Bos, Brooklyn, New York, property at 557 Patten Circle,Lynette$339,900.L.Dyer to Irakli Lebanidze, Brook lyn, New York, property at 6 Junco Lane, Al brightsville, $180,000. Roger Sharma to Stephanie Corporan, Staten Island, New York, property at 55 Mountain Road, $20,000.LotTowamenuisngLesster,Jr.1028,Mt.ningSeanIII,TrailsAllentown,HughContractors,sion,A.J.Thorpe,39to$325,000.Albrightsville,DonnaM.SwinoDavidSwinkowski,BehrensRoad,Jimlots9and10,ShoemakerSubdivi$1.CalabreeBuildingLLC,toJonathanLesster,TowamensingLot1629,Section$25,000.DavidRepeckitoA.DeJoie,43RunLane,Albrightsville,PocahontasLot.Section3,$8,000.RobertL.ReedtoHughJonathanAllentown,Trails1628,Section3, Gerald E. Gore to Kyle Little, 41 Nathan Way, $730,000.CreekpropertyFrankWay,propertyAlbrightsville,at41Nathan$450,000.JonathanKaskeytoW.Bair,Media,at201BearLakeDrive,ScottD.Schubert to Lewis Gullone, 618 Center Ave., Jim Thor pe, Lot 192, Mountain View Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $1. Sheriff of Carbon County to U.S. Bank, N.A., Irvine, California, property at 51 White Birch Way, Albrights ville,Richard$1. D. Atlee to Kevin Atlee, Marlton, New Jersey, property at 122 Mountain View Drive, $1. Philip S. Stewart to Andres Tejeda Soto, West Roxburg, Massachusetts, property at 771 Old Stage Road, $509,900.Albrightsville,M&BContrac tors, Inc., to Giuseppe Buzzetta, 1364 Fairyland Road, Lehighton, proper ty at 37 Basswood Court, Albrightsville, $249,000. Harrise Cohen to Roman Joseph Perun, Bethlehem, Lot 186, Section II, Forest Street, Beltzville Lake Estates, $35,000.Vladimir U. Pimentel to Erica Falkow, New town, Lot 725, Section II, Towamensing Trails, $20,000.Dominick Sconzo Sr. to Robert D. Sacchetti, Huntingdon Valley, lots 263 and 264, Marty Axman $19,000.Development,ElenaKalashnikova to Pawel Gluszczyszyn, Levittown, New York, Lot 725, Section B, Indian Mountain Lakes, $16,000.Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, property at 15 N. Shore Drive, Lake Harmony, $145,687.50. Joseph Spinelli to Vir ginia Stanley, Gold Can yon, Arizona, property at 145 Black Walnut Lake, Jim Thorpe, $5,500. Martin J. Nichols to Alexandra Bartulovich, 49 Wargo Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 21 Blackberry Lane, $1. Danielle Rooney to Jody K. York,E.(alsoparcelPottsville,toDriveLotJersey,Knizhnik,$160,000.Drive,propertyTownsend,Maurer,Delaware,at11HillcrestAlbrightsville,YuriKnizhniktoYuriRaritan,NewBearCreekLakes12,SectionO,LakeArea,$1.JohnFrancisKattnerWilliamJohnKattner,vacantland,No.66-51-A8.01inJimThorpe),$1.CarlE.FricketoJuliaPortillo,Astoria,Newpropertyat17Wil de Glen, Albrightsville, $239,900.JohnT.

Roy Barnes to Gra ber Properties, LLC, 8 Geronimo Trail, P.O. Box 1007, Albrightsville, property at 192 Wild Creek Drive, $60,000.

James H. Morrell to Kenneth Wayne Starnes, Portsmouth, Virginia, property at 15 Dilldown Lane,Albert$319,900.W.Stahl to James H. Morrell, 149 Sparrow Lane, Jim Thor pe, property at 149 Spar row Lane, $295,000.

Continued from page 15

Simone Moscoso to Simone Moscoso Revo cable Trust, New York, New York, property at 42 Cottonwood Drive, Albrightsville, $1. Robert P. Davison to Johnathan Pinzon, 769 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 769 Stony Mountain Road, $225,000. Edward G. and Shir ley A. Morrison Living Trust to Joanna McCau ley, 50 Isabella Drive, Albrightsville, property at 50 Isabella Drive, $28,000.Conor Rodgers to Michael Wine, Whitehall, Lot V1609, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $7,000.Richard A. Stobaugh to Todd Eric brightsville,atSouthampton,Borger,property28LucretisTrail,Al$305,000.PaulDonnellyto Michael Brian Gillespie, 84 Porter Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 49, Section 1, Bear Creek Lakes, $7,400.Paul Donnelly to Adam Mark Joline, Ash burn, Virginia, property on Robertson Road, $1. Jim Parks to Jim Parks, P.O. Box 662, Al brightsville, property at 454 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $1. Georgios Lykourezos to Georgios Lykourezos, Brooklyn, New York, Lot V954A, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $1. Barbara E. Hodgk inson to Frederick Price Rooney, Bethlehem, property at 24 Wolf Drive,Wayne$230,000.Siegwarth to Wayne Siegwarth, 675 Behrens Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 675 Behrens Road, $1. Marion R. Swenson to William J. Swenson, 55 Indian Trail, Jim Thorpe, property at b55 Indian Trail,Barbara$1. E. Jennings to Jason A. Tecza, Spring Valley, California, property on Sweet Briar Court,Jason$1.A.

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Resort Living, Inc., to Joseph E. Brown, Washing ton, D.C., Penn Forest Streams lots 645 and 646, Section 109, $19,900.Michael Jentsch to Matthew J. Stolpen, 13 Shenandoa Trail, Albrightsville, property at 13 Shenandoa Trail, $275,000.RoyE. Jennings to Helena Gemmell, Bar tonsville, property at 34 Mohawk Trail, Albrights ville, Contractors,Calabree$203,000.BuildingLLC,to Lavere Gregory Stiles, Dallas, Towamensing Trails Lot 415, Section I, $25,000.Samir Noriega to Nino Zhghenti, Brook lyn, New York, Lot 65, Section 1B, Valley View Estates,Joseph$260,000.P.Briglio to Donna M. Briglio, 8 Sky line Drive, Albrightsville, two transactions, prop erties at 8 Skyline Drive and Lot 1116, Section B, Indian Mountain Lakes, $1 each.Anna C. Parker to Miranda K. Wambold, 182 Cold Spring Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 182 Cold Spring Drive, $205,000.Virginia J. Lu to Pat rick Tadeusz atPhiladelphia,Czwarnog,property221BishopCircle,Albrightsville,$475,000.ThomasC.LeamertoDariuszK.Marciniak,79HoneysuckleDrive,JimThorpe,propertyat79HoeysuckleDrive,$292,000.MarvinW.Kemmerle

Casey Jr. to Bryan Casey, Schwenks ville, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 153, North Lake Area, $1. Gloria A. Himmel to Mehmed A. Barzev, 108 Lindbergh Circle, P.O. Box 757, Albrightsville, two transaction, property at 108 Lindbergh Circle and Boulder Creek Es tates Lot 18, Section A, $40,000 each. Craig R. Robinson to Steven Reilley, Hatboro, property at 148 Whitman Lane, $250,000.Albrightsville,BrentPoperechny to Daniel Feerst, Merchant ville, New Jersey, Lot 218, Hickory Run Forest, $17,000.Ercole J. Macianca to 195 N Short Dr, LLC, Chevy Chase, Maryland, Lot 415, Section C, Indian Mountain Lakes, $191,000.Belleve, Inc., to Anna L. Ricciardi, 111 Milton Lane, Saylorsburg, Lot 211, Denise Court, Valley View Estates, $29,000. Stephen J. Kittle to Samuel Everett, 56 Ash Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 56 Ash Drive, $475,000.LuisA. Diaz to RK Invest Group, LLC, San ford, North Carolina, Lot 651, Section F, Pleasant Valley West, $3,500. Kodi H. Almeida to Lawrence Wong, Jersey City, New Jersey, proper ty at 737 Stony Mountain Road, $717,000.onLLC,1640$309,000.atki,Benjamin$339,900.Albrightsville,EdmundRammtoP.AchtabowsPhiladelphia,property39PineyWoodsDrive,MichaelPetrintoRt.534Holdings,Blakeslee,propertyRt.534,Albrightsville,


Tecza to Lisa M. Belzner Rader, Wap pingers Falls, New York, property on Sweet Briar Court, DishmanKaren$59,800.MicheletoRalph Clark, 76 Stoney Creek Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 76 Stoney Creek Road, $20,000.

DOMA, LLC, to Samantha Kavanagh, 70 Hunter Lane, Albrights ville, property at 70 Hunter Lane, $184,900.

Thomas W. Cross to Jerzy Apostol, Jersey City, New Jersey, Lot 456, Section E, Pleasant Valley Estates, $625,000. Anna M. Palusz kiewicz to Unlimited Builder, LLC, Ivyland, Loy V2001, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $10,000.Raymond A. Shuster Jr. to John LotDrive,VadimandPark,Joyce$259,000.atJim74toingSectionPhiladelphia,Wible,Lot1530,III,TowamensTrails,$2,100.JamesV.ConnellAshleyM.Bender,BayberryRoad,Thorpe,property74BayberryRoad,JoyceF.JacksontoF.Jackson,EstesColorado,16acres70perches,$1.JohnF.DambrosiatoBarov,175ScenicAlbrightsville,VI-8,SectionVI,

Edward J. Cunane to Evgeny Voytovich, Abington, property at 139 Thomas Lane, Albrights ville, $325,000.

Gabriel D. Smith to Debbie M. Wright Graf, 9 Pine Tree Road, Albrightsville, property at 9 Pine Tree Road, $75,000. Prestige Growth En terprise, LLC, to Angela Maria Rose Brennan, 15 Locust Lane, Albrights ville, Indian Mountain Lakes Lot 304, Section L-II, $6,500.

Jr. to Pennstr, LLC, Great Neck, New York, proper ty at 730 Towamensing Trail, $285,000.Albrightsville,MaryJeanKeeley to Nicholas Gilliar, 1787 State Rt. 903, Jim Thor pe, Lot V 1589, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $154,000. Peter Sanfillippo to Kyle Armstrong, 89 White Birch Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 89 White Birch Drive, $180,000.TobyC. Hickey to Toby C. Hickey, Lancast er, property at 87 Willow Drive, $1. Rachael Gullone to Glenn Borrell, 210 Lehigh St., Palmerton, Lot 103, Section A, Indian Mountain Lakes, $13,000. Best Personal Helpers Corporation to Nadeja Baranova, New York, New York, property on Fox Hill Road, Lake Har mony, $1,498.50. Hassan Chafia to Stanislav M. Jinjiev, Bethlehem, property at 147 Bear Creek Lake Drive, $475,000. Andrew Gallagh er to John Venedam, Blakeslee, property at 128 Sycamore Circle, Al brightsville, $202,000.

Gerard A. Goulet to Alan Ingrassia, 39 Onei da Trail, Albrightsville, Lot 1551, Section 5, Mt. Pocahontas, $500. PA Houses, Inc., to James Gorman, Lans dale, Lot EV551, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $10,000. RK Invest Group, LLC, to Jason Black wood, 10 Apache Way, Jim Thorpe, Lot 641, Section F, Pleasant Valley West,Rimma$16,500.Bespalova to Susan Perez, Jackson Heights, New York, prop erty at 408 Towamensing Trail, $285,000.Albrightsville,MackWhittaker Jr. to Wayne Jerman, P.O. Box 1442, Albrightsville, Lot EV1952, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $8,240.Charles A. Nahr gang III to Michael Castelli, 117 Lindbergh Circle, P.O. Box 2084, Albrightsville, property at 117 Lindbergh Circle, $317,500. Magdalena Gaska to Magdalena Gaska, Mas peth, New York, property at 41 Hugo Drive, Al brightsville, $1. Melissa A. Bed narczyk to Stephen DeCastro, Freeport, New York, property at 9 Sid ney Mews, Albrightsville, $345,000. John J. McGeehan to David R. $270,000.atParkesburg,Stoltzfus,property29DogwoodDrive,LeilaKuenzletoToni

Klee Golden, Douglass ville, property on Old Stage Road, Albrights ville,Robert$1. K. Meilahn to Richard Bekesy, 23 Bluebell Lane, Jim Thor pe, Lot 66, Section B, Boxwood Drive, Hickory Run Forest, $7,000. Steven Berry to Paul Kittredge, 69 Delaware Ave., Jim Thorpe, prop erty at 227 Delaware Ave.,Kevin$14,000.Powers to Dawn Fischetti, P.O. Box 846, Albrightsville, Lot 294, Byron Lane, Section 1, Towamensing Trails, $14,000.DLJMortgage Cap ital, Inc., to U.S. Bank, N.A., Eureka, California, property at 35 Blackberry Lane, $195,524.28. Boris Genyuk to Danesh Kumar, South Richmond Hill, New York, Lot 521, Section K-III, Indian Mountain Lakes,Stephen$6,900.Hamilton to Julie A. Puccino Var tuli, 38 Algonkin Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 38 Algonkin Road, $240,000.Michaeline T. De Gregorio to Sterling R. Sproul, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, property at 224 Bishop Circle, Albrights ville,Pennsylvania$386,000.

Lina Degrazia to G4 Investments, LLC, Ma cungie, property at Mac Cauley Road and Berry man Lane, Albrightsville, $10,000.Mercury III, L.P., to George J. Schauer, 173 Potato Path Road, Kunkletown, property at 130 Thomas Lane, Al brightsville, $255,000.

Frank T. Giunta Jr. to SRM Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 97, Brodheads ville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-487, Section E-V, $19,000.Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, to Betsy Rasmus sen, Littleton, Massa chusetts, property at 15 N. Shore Drive, Lake Harmony, $132,825. Doris McMullen to James Keyser, Philadel phia,property at 34 Cy press Drive, $50,000. Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Tata syn, LLC, P.O. Box 192, Albrightsville, five trans actions in Towamensing Trails development: Lot B1158, Section C, Chapman Circle, $743; Lot V1117, Section V, Petrarch Trail, $659; Lot 50, Section 1, Poe Circle, $747; Lot 1614, Section V, Parker Trail, $1,051; and Lot 1476, Section V, Parker Trail, $732. Barbara Ann Leiby to Barbara Ann Leiby, 123 Saginaw Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 123 Saginaw Drive, $1. Troy A. Hoffman to Peter Allan Johnson, 7 Miami Trail, Albrights ville, property at 7 Miami Trail,Philip$250,000.Shedaker to Mark Edward Hayman, 122 Primrose Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 122 Primrose Lane, $320,000.Joseph Seemiller to Joseph Sockwell, Lehigh Acres, Florida, Lot 2755, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $5,000. George Reed to Mi chael Reed, Newton, New Jersey, property at 16 Walnut Lane, Albrights ville, $100,000. Sheriff of Carbon County to M & B Con tractors, Inc., P.O. Box 1840, $219,435.Rt.propertyAlbrightsville,at2018State534,Albrightsville, Great Pocono Homes, LLC, to James Boyer, East Petersburg, Lot 240, Hickory Run Forest, $25,900.Andrew P. Devereux to 26 Laurel brightsville,115NewKlarberg,ville,ThomasJersey,Turkot,McLaughlinAlbrightsville,26NewCorporation,WoodsBrooklyn,York,propertyatLaurelWoodsCircle,$19,500.BernardFrancistoThomasCherryHill,Newpropertyat46Lane,Albrights$170,000.AldiPalaciotoLeahTomsRiver,Jersey,propertyatShawneeTrail,Al$220,000.

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