Scout Meckes’ community project adds to PF Park
by Seth Isenberg
Sawyer Meckes of Boy Scout Troop 138, Jim Thorpe, is proposing to install a public bicycle repair stand at the Penn Forest Township Park as his Eagle Scout project. The stand has eight tools on cables (wrenches, screwdrivers,
etc.) and a sturdy tower to mount a bike upon via the seat or top tube during repairs.
He will also build two bike racks for the park. Details about the work stand are shown on page 3.
The project is sponsored by three local businesses:
Paving proceeds in Penn Forest
by Seth Isenberg
At their August 5 regular meeting, Penn Forest Township supervisors’ chairman Roger Meckes announced that this year’s paving projects for Penn Forest Township would get underway that week, starting with paving on Old Stage Road, then moving on to Behrens Road before finishing by paving the pipe crossing on Smith Road weather permitting. Citizens from Towamensing Trails have
been waiting for a recently replaced pipe crossing on Old Stage Road to get its asphalt cover. The stone and fill around the new pipe have been settling, and it is now ready for the work.
The township will buy 40 feet of 36” plastic pipe from Fry’s Plastic for $2,084 and the township crew will replace a pipe on Drake’s Creek Road that is collapsing. Township crews have been mowing at the township park in between road work.
Township attorney
Thomas Nanovic will look at rules for weight limits on township roads, because Kidder Township is putting weight limits on Henning Road and Old Stage Roads. Discussion centered on signs to alert truckers that would be placed on the approaches to these roads in Penn Forest Township.
In other business, supervisors agreed to donate $300 to the Jim Thorpe High School Olympian Marching Band.
Supervisors gave permisSee PENN FOREST, page 7
Kidder Supervisors continue making safety upgrades
by Seth Isenberg
July’s Kidder Township Board of Supervisors meeting on the 23rd made quick work of the short agenda. The safety upgrade, which added cameras in and outside on the municipal building, now adds two 70” monitors for the meeting room. Cost for the monitors and installation of $5,980 was approved unanimously, as was buying a laptop computer to manage the system at $945.
The township will now have a citizen notification and alert system reaching
township residents and property owners’ cell phones and e-mails, with supervisors agreeing to subscribe to GoGov for $3,600 per year.
Other business included buying two new gas space heaters for the municipal building and two for the Schoolhouse in Albrightsville from Affordable Comfort Contracting, at a combined cost of $1,914. Supervisors accepted two lots with new owners off the Carbon County Tax Claim list – both in the Holiday Pocono development. The Camptel Poconos/ Maison Lodging property was
given an extension of its lot improvement subdivision plan to September 24, 2024. The month’s bills totaling $247,520 were approved to be paid. $44,559 went to fund the fire companies and ambulance, plus $9,863 towards Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company’s new truck; $42,137 returned money from escrow to Lisa Millspaugh; $28,589 went to Casella Waste for trash collection; $24,609 paid Highmark Blue Shield for health insurance for township staff; $22,794 went to the IRS for staff; $17,714
See KIDDER, page

Isenberg, Editor-in-Chief, Seth Isenberg, General Manager
Dedicated to Jay & Clara Holder printed on part-recycled
The Journal ol Penn-Kidder-providing information and communication to build a better community.

Curative amendment gets Kidder OK
by Seth Isenberg
Kidder Township held a public meeting on Monday, July 29, about the proposed curative amendment ordinance, which defines and regulates warehouse, distribution and truck terminal uses. It also adds to existing rules on minimum lot sizes and increases buffers.
Only three people signed up to speak. Beth Hurley of Love Kidder Township spoke first, in support of the curative amendment ordinance. Linda Christman of Save Carbon County spoke next, also in favor.

Opposed to the changes was attorney Michael Malloy,

representing the Blue Ridge Real Estate company (BRRE). He asked township supervisors to look at the long-term economic impact these new rules will have to the township. He asked for a study to be done.
In defense of the warehouses in place, or underway on properties sold by BRRE, he added that these businesses are “where they belong,” near to the Interstate.
With no other public input, the meeting was adjourned.
A short break followed the public hearing, then Kidder Supervisors returned and called a special meeting into session. The sole item
of business was to approve advertising the Municipal Curative Amendment ordinance. Supervisors Bruce Berger, Wilson Klotzman, Noel Torres and chairman Ray Gluck voted unanimously to advertise the ordinance as a public notice in The Times-News. The ads will start the 30-day period for additional comments. The new rules, once adopted, will not affect the existing warehouse or the warehouse under construction. The proposed third warehouse in northwest Kidder Township, is also underway so is grandfathered. The rules would apply to new projects.
Scout Project
Continued from page 1
Twin Builders, Pocono Camp & Glamp, and Jim Thorpe Horse Adventures, who will cover the cost of about $1,500.
The repair stand and bike racks should be installed by the end of November, likely sooner.
Sawyer is an incoming freshman at Carbon County Tech with plans to study electrical distribution and automation. He is the son of Roger and Tammy Meckes of Penn Forest Township.
Boy Scout Troop 138 meets at the St. John’s Lutheran Church in Jim Thorpe.
Continued from page 1
went to pay township insurances.
In reports, township manager Suzanne Brooks thanked Harmony Tree Service for removing a section of a tree that had fallen across the township’s walking trail. Kidder Police report that a bogus police fundraising letter is reported to be circulating in Albrightsville.

There were 362 calls for police services in June. Regarding traffic enforcement, Kidder Township Police repost 67 truck inspection violations on Route 940 and five more on Route 903, 15 moving violations on Route 903 and six on Route 940, 10 STOP sign violations, 4 license violations, and 26 warnings issued. KTP’s five vehicles patrolled 10,746 miles in

The Lake Harmony Rescue Squad responded to 50 calls in June.
Supervisors’ chairman Ray Gluck reminded the public that there was a public hearing on July 29 at 5 p.m. regarding the curative amendment ordinance. A special supervisors meeting followed the hearing to vote on advertising the ordinance.

Seth’S SightingS
It is fresh produce season at local farms. Over these past few weeks, we visited Burger’s Farm Market in Drums, Heckman’s Orchard in Effort, Sernak Farm outside Weatherly, and Snyder’s Orchard in Jonas to buy some fresh-picked produce and fruit corn, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, spaghetti squash, peaches, nectarines, and some early apples. We enjoy some of these for our dinners.
50 years of marriage of friends brought us to a party for them held in the Jim Thorpe Ballroom on the 17th. Ruth and I joined with other friends from our place of worship to celebrate. We enjoyed a fine meal and a
little dancing. We’re into our fourth decade of marriage, and 50 years for us is within reach.
A couple of weekends ago, we were guests for a meal held out on the porch of a local home. We arrived to overcast skies, then rains came and went, with us tucked in nicely under a cozy roof. The woods were separated from the house by a large lawn, and it was possible to hear the rains coming as the drops first reached the trees before coming over the yard.
In between the rains, hummingbirds flitted toward two feeders. I got a good look at a few one sported a beautiful red breast. The others were duller in color.
by Seth iSenberg
I sighted a green feathered hummingbird flitting among flowers in our own back yard. Other sightings include some recently born fawns, and a couple of nice bucks, a hunting hawk, a heron in flight, and some foxes. We saw a rafter of turkey in Albrightsville, close to a trail that leads into Hickory Run State Park.
I had a close encounter of the wildlife kind this past week. I had parked our car and was listening to the late-night news from the BBC on WVIA-FM. When the news was done, I moved to open the car door, and there was a small adult skunk. Fortunately, the opening of the door with its lights and noise scared the

critter, which ran off into a neighbor’s yard. I feel lucky the noise didn’t cause it to raise its tail.
I have been counting down to the start of the para-Olympics on the 28th. The Paris Olympics were wonderful. I enjoyed watching all kinds of sports, and following the winning athletes and teams. The USA was tops in medals always good but it was also great to see the French athletes do well. Watching matches with a French team or athlete was electric. I hope Los Angeles can match the energy and excitement in four years.
I am also counting down to the NFL season. I continue as a long-suffering Patriots fan, but as I am a
Pennsylvanian, I cheer the Eagles first now. The Eagles look good, perhaps for a Super Bowl run. The Patriots will ideally have a winning season.
College football will also be a late August treat. I cheer for a variety of college teams, starting with Penn State (again as I cheer the Pennsylvania home team, and listen to games when possible). I will also be following a variety of other teams via their statistics.
As for baseball, I plan to follow it as the playoffs begin.
These cool nights have me thinking about how close fall is one more month. I’ve sighted a bunch of maple
See SIGHTINGS, page 5

Continued from page 4
trees that are showing some foliage reds and oranges. Some burning bushes are showing red already. I’ll take the show, but am not ready for raking season, as it’s still mowing season.
Looking over the next few weeks, there are some car shows to attend including on September 1 in the infield of Pocono Raceway, and September 7 at Lehigh Park in White Haven. The 14th and 15th is the Weatherly Hill Climb. The car shows raise money for local service clubs. The Hill Climb is free, but stop by a stand and buy some food. The stands are run by local churches, scouts and even the Weatherly Library (we volunteer at this stand)… so come hungry.
Looking further ahead, there’s the Bloomsburg Fair Sept. 20 to 28 and the annual Celtic Classic festival in Bethlehem Sept. 27 to 29. Weather permitting, we’ll attend the Fair Thursday or Friday evening to see the Mahoney Brothers perform. I’d love to take Ruth to see Bachman-Turner Overdrive on that Monday, but we work that night. We’ll get to the Celtic Classic on that weekend. More about the late September fun in the next Journal.
Best wishes to all for good health and good weather. Also hopes for peace in the Middle East, and elsewhere in the world.
Visit our website at pocononewspapers.com for in-between-issue stories and events
New Initiatives: Pocono Mountains Sports, Entertainment & Film Commission and Pocono Film Office
by Tom Saul
The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau recently announced the establishment of the Pocono Mountains Sports, Entertainment & Film Commission.
Headed by Chris Barrett, President and CEO of the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau, alongside industry leaders Brian Bossuyt, Ben May, John Oakes, and Ralph Lucchese, the commission aims to transform the Poconos into a premier destination for sports, entertainment, and film productions. The commission’s flagship project is the Poconos Film Office, which Ralph Lucchese will oversee. Lucchese highlighted the region’s
untapped potential, stating, “The Poconos has an incredible creative community, and the resources and locations throughout the Poconos have yet to be tapped into.” Already, the office has attracted notable projects, including a Discovery Channel production and a major automotive commercial.
Chris Barrett emphasized the awesome economic benefits, noting, “This marks a significant milestone in our efforts to leverage the natural beauty and infrastructure of the Poconos to attract major events and productions.” Ben May added, “By promoting our strengths, we can build a sustainable future that benefits everyone in our community.”
Brian Bossuyt envisions increased visibility for the Poconos, “With the new commission, we aim to highlight these assets on a larger stage.” John Oakes underscored the region’s versatility by explaining the Poconos’ diverse venues and landscapes that uniquely position it to host a variety of events and productions.
Community leaders from across Carbon, Monroe, Wayne, and Pike counties join the commission, uniting to drive economic growth and enhance the Poconos’ reputation as a premier destination. For more information, visit www. PoconoMountains.com or contact the Poconos Film Office.

Fire Company reportS
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #1
The Penn Forest Twp Vol Fire Co 1 will be having their final Chicken BBQ Drive-thru Dinner of the season Friday, September 20, from 2 p.m. until SOLD OUT. Cost is $14/ meal which includes: 1/2 chicken, a baked potato, coleslaw, and cornbread. We will be accepting PREORDERS. Be
on the lookout on our website for the preorder form. Proceeds of the event support the efforts of the volunteers of Penn Forest Twp Vol Fire Co 1 to keep our community safe.
Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company
The AVFD sponsors a weekly bingo in their social hall on Saturdays, and a monthly
Hi all, Congresswoman Susan Wild here!
breakfast on the first Sunday of each month, proceeds of the bingos and breakfasts support the ongoing expenses of the AVFD.
Volunteers are needed. The AVFD is an Equal Opportunity Organization. It is our intention that all qualified applicants are given equal opportunity and that selection decisions are

based on membership and volunteer position factors.
Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Co. #2
updated this month.

I wanted to remind you that my offices are here to help. Whether you need assistance with a federal agency or have questions or comments about legislation being considered in Congress, please do not hesitate to reach out. My district offices in Lehigh, Northampton, and Carbon Counties can help with Social Security and Medicare, Veterans Affairs, the IRS, military academy nominations, and other federal issues.

Carbon County Office Northampton County Office Lehigh County Office 1001 Mahoning St. 1 South 3rd St. 504 Hamilton St. Lehighton, PA 18235 Suite 902 Suite 3804
570-807-0333 Easton, PA 18042 Allentown, PA 18101 610-333-1170 484-781-6000

Here is another picture of the damage done in Lake Harmony Estates by the June 26th storm.
PFTVFC#2 responded with Lake Harmony and Albrightsville Fire Companies to help clear trees. Responses were not
The Penn Forest Township Volunteer Fire Company #2 is always in need of new members. Any person, 14 years of age or older, with a desire to serve their community, can join. Stop by the firehouse on a Monday night to see how you can help.

Penn Forest
Continued from page 1
sion to township Fire Police to help with the Lehighton anniversary parade on Sept. 28, and their Halloween parade on Oct. 19.
A stainless-steel cinder spreader was bought for the new truck from West End Equipment for $6,500. The Kubota tractor had its windshield replaced for $569.99.
Part-time transfer station employee Michael Paparozzi was hired into a full-time employee position with permission of the union, with a schedule including Tuesday and Thursday off. Joshua Kervick was hired to

fill the now vacant part-time transfer station position.
The transfer station collected $975 for bulk items in July. Transfer station permits totaling $5,346 were sold in July.
Township clerks processed 52 administrative and financial right to know requests, and 45 requests for zoning and septic information. The right to know work totaled 45 hours.
The zoning department issued 54 zoning permits and 42 zoning certificates of occupancy. There were 36 building permits issued –11 of those for new homes. The zoning team conducted 54 Short-Term Rentals inspections, and 116 building inspections, issuing 40 certificates of occupancy.
Bills of $99,688 were paid from the general fund. Of note were $28,889 for Barry Isett & Associates work on the UCC permits, for a new printer/copier $9,928 to Altek Business Systems, $7,342 for Highmark heath insurance, the renewal of the State Workers’ Insurance for $6,079, $5,709 to
Nanovic Law Offices, for the IRS $5,310 and $5,238, to Amtrust North America $3,208 for workers comp insurance, $2,549 for Sarcinello Planning for work on the township zoning ordinance, for infield sand for the park $2,531 to Martin Stone Quarry, for Carbon County 911 $1,796, $1,682 and $1,006 for Berkheimer tax collection, and 47 smaller bills.
The Sweigart two lot reverse subdivision in Penn Forest Pines was approved contingent on engineer’s comments being satisfied and payment of any outstanding fees.
In public comments, former supervisor Judy Knappenberger asked whether there should be a higher uniform allotment for the township office staff. There was discussion, but no action taken.
The next regular township supervisors meeting will be on Tuesday, September 3, at 7 p.m. at the municipal building on Route 903.

Retirement sessions slated
Pre-retirement seminars have been scheduled for Thursday, September 19, at the Lehighton Rec Center, at 3 and 5:30 p.m. The hour and a half semniars will include information about Medicare
options, premium reduction programs, and how to navigate the Medicare system to make an informed decision on which plan works best for you Registration is required by calling 610-824-7830.
Commonwealth U Grads
Commonwealth University congratulates more than 1 600 students who graduated during the Spring 2024 semester. Among the students who received their degrees were Linda Colonna of Albrightsville from
CU-Bloomsburg, Amanda Melber of Jim Thorpe from CU-Bloomsburg Cum Laude, Nicole Reinhart of Jim Thorpe from CUBloomsburg, and Kristen Scott of Jim Thorpe from CU-Bloomsburg.

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1. Meat chunks
6. Calendar square
9. *____ signature, or notation that describes #34 Down
13. Hiya or howdy
14. Down Under runner
15. West Point student
16. At full speed
17. Big Apple
18. Flounder’s domain
19. *Complementary notes sung simultaneously
21. *Not sonata
23. Debate position
24. Painter Chagall
25. Munchhausen’s story
28. Casino chip
30. *R in R&B
35. Spanish earthen pot
37. Lobed organs

39. Nest for an eagle
40. Bona fide
41. *Adagio or moderato, e.g.
43. What a willow did?
44. *Type of piano technician
46. Flock member description
47. Fill beyond full
48. Masters of ceremonies, colloquially speaking
50. Jon Krakauer’s book “____ the Wild”
52. High craggy hill
53. Church congregation
55. Hole punching tool
57. *A ____, or without accompaniment
61. *Fast
65. Not asleep
66. 2000 lbs.
68. Acquisition through marriage
69. Rubber tree product
70. Director’s cry
71. *Five lines
72. Potassium hydroxide solution, pl.
73. 168 in 1 week
74. Housed DOWN
1. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s title
2. Dharma teacher
3. Resembling wings
4. Good Year balloon, e.g.
5. Mexico City state
6. Say it isn’t so
7. Winehouse or Schumer
8. New Mexico’s state flower
9. Diplomat’s asset
10. It comes to mind
11. Not in Impossible Burger
12. European erupter
15. Shell-like anatomical structure
20. *Nine instruments, e.g.
22. Bobby of hockey
24. Halle Bailey’s 2023 role
25. *Loud or strong
26. Part of small intestine
27. Sometimes follows sauvignon
29. 1.3 ounces, in Asia
31. Coniferous trees
32. October 31 option
33. On top of trends (2 words)
34. *Strong-weakstrong-weak, e.g.
36. Sheltered, nautically speaking
38. “Wheel of Fortune” move
42. Based on number 8
45. Automatic reaction
49. *Fa follower
51. Solemn and wise?
54. Gate holder
56. *Slow
57. Pay a visit
58. Not home
59. Goose liver dish
60. Augments, usually with effort
61. Social insects
62. Air of allure, slangily
64. Was

63. Five-star review
in the hole
67. Possessive pronoun
Boomers moves to Route 534 location
Offers fine food, a big Sunday brunch and NFL on TV
by Seth Isenberg
Chef Joe Marino has moved his Boomers Café and Grill into the former Hickory House at the new Camptel Glamping Resort, nestled up against Hickory Run State Park on Route 534. The new space is considerably larger than his former location on Route 903. Boomers has a large friendly bar, two seating areas and an outdoor deck. Boomers has a truly fine Sunday brunch buffet featuring all-you-can-eat and an omelet station. And there’s music Dale McCauley on piano from 11 to 2 on Sundays.
Chef Joe offers burgers, pasta, seafood and steak with a northern Italian flair.
He has over 40 years of experience, owning several restaurants from pancake houses to fine Italian cuisine.
A boomer himself, he lives here in Albrightsville.
Boomers Café and Grill is open Wednesdays through Saturdays for dinner, and Sundays for brunch and, coming soon, NFL games on the big screen TVs. Boomers is located on Route 534, five minutes west of the traffic light at Route 903 in Albrightsville. Look for the Camptel Resort sign. Welcome Chef Joe Marino and Boomers Café and Grill to our advertising family and thank you.

poliCe beat
8-24, an argument at a Towamensing Trails, Albrightsville home escalated to a fight just after 3 p.m. A 43 y/o man fought with a 29 y/o woman, and 31 y/o man dove in to break things up, making matters worse. Both men were arrested, charged with harassment, PA State Police-Fern Ridge.
8-24, a 20 y/o local was riding an ATV along Fawn Road in Penn Forest Streams at 10:24 p.m. when he caught the edge of the road and veered off, hitting a tree. The driver went over the handlebars into the tree, and suffered fatal injuries.
8-14, a tractor trailer driver veered off Interstate 80 west at 3:41 a.m. and struck a tree. The crash killed him, but spared his 32 y/o passenger, a Brooklyn, NY, woman. She was found outside the cab with injuries. Lehighton Ambulance Squad transported her to Geisinger WVH in Wilkes-Barre for care. Assisting PSP-F at the scene were Lake Harmony,

by Seth iSenberg
Albrightsville, Tunkhannock and Penn Forest #2 fire companies and the Lake Harmony Ambulance Squad.
8-6, a 70 y/o Penn Forest Twp. woman lost $20,000 in a “Microsoft Fraud Alert” scam. PSP is investigating.
8-4, 2:46 p.m., a 16 y/o boy was arrested for hitting his 15 y/o girlfriend, sending her to the hospital. PSP is charging him with assault and harassment. He was taken by Monroe County Sheriffs to the Northampton County Juvenile Detention Center pending his court date.
Among the rest of the reports were drivers in various no-injury fender benders and a 3-vehicle rear-ender on Route 903. There was a call to assist EMS in Jackson Twp. where the victim was found deceased, determined to be by natural causes.
Other reports include identity thefts, credit card frauds, dog bites, DUIs, shoplifting, a case of porch piracy, and investigations into persons not allowed to apply for a firearm.
PSP has a found black wallet with a United Kingdom I.D. in it, and a
receipt from Barley Creek Brewing in Tannersville. Contact PSP-Fern Ridge at 570 646-2271 if you have information to help identify the owner.
Look out for crews doing bridge work on Interstate 80 westbound in Kidder Township and nightly lane restrictions in both directions for bridge work at the Lehigh River Bridge in East Side Borough from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Thursday nights, and 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Friday through Sunday nights. Crack sealing and pothole patching crews are out on various Pocono roadways. Be aware of paving and bridge work on the Pennsylvania Turnpike day and night.
Route 940 in Carbon County will be repaved again, likely in September.
Be alert, drive safe.

Carbon County property transfers through August 4
Kidder Township
Mark V. Cassidy to Stay Ahoy!, LLC, Edgewater, Maryland, property at 87 Alpine, Lake Harmony, $275,000.
Allison A. Leszkowicz to Stuart D. Spohn, Kutztown, House 109, Snow Ridge Village, Section A, $250,000.
Ronald C. Howell to Steven Blossy, 114 Tanglewood Drive, Albrightsville, property at 114 Tanglewood Drive, $210,000.
Holiday Pocono Civic Association to Cathleen Fleming, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, two transactions, lots 6 and 4, Section AA, Holiday Poconos, $5,000 each.
Marc Bernstein to Blake Kneeland, Lansdale, property at 49 Midlake Drive 101, Lake Harmony, $399,000.
Paul Davidson to Oink Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 565, Lake Harmony, property at 16 N. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $225,000.
Albert N. Metz IV to Lori E. Kaczmarczyk, Downingtown, property at 2398 State Route 534, Albrightsville, $146,500.
Preservation Graystones, LLC, to Steven Clemens, Harrisburg, Graystone Preserve Unit SV-5, $600,000.
Faith A. Hoffman to Lori A. Hoffman, P.O. Box 1909, Albrightsville, Lot 402, Section D, Holiday Poconos, $1. Preservation Graystones, LLC, to Michael A. Smerconish, Haverford, Graystone Preserve Unit R-11, $250,000.
JMR Enterprises, LLC, to Robert G. Ganter Jr., Coopersburg, property at 138 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $2,800,000.
Susan Melchiorre to Daramarie J. Conte, 6 Helen Way, White Haven, property at 6 Helen Way, $259,900.
Nancy J. Pilecki to Michael Piazza, Seaford, New York, property
at 68 Chipmunk Trail, White Haven, $325,000.
Mountain House Trust to Darlene Kingett, North Wildwood, New Jersey, property at 115 Telemark, Lake Harmony, $265,000.
Laura Carlson to Nike A. Kineva, Astoria, New York, property at 212 Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $215,000.
Peter J. Kotowski II to Robert Kirn, Philadelphia, property on Tarantino Drive, $25,000. Deborah Dowd Audett to Mohamed Elmahdy, 8 Dogwood Lane, Albrightsville, property at 8 Dogwood Lane, $235,000.
John C. Bean to John C. Bean, P.O. Box 974, Albrightsville, Lot 1, Block G, Trail Ridge Section, Holiday Poconos, $1.
Loma Holdings, LLC, to 17 Kent Clarke, LLC, Brookline, Massachusetts, property at 17 Kent Clarke Road, Lake Harmony, $1,785,000.
VRP Rentals, LLC, to 1473 Nature Hide, LLC, Kendall Park, New Jersey, property at 39 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $830,000.
Artur Mesropov to Alejandro Liriano, Union City, New Jersey, property at 29 Falcon Run, Lake Harmony, $379,000.
Nancy Gregory to CGood2, LLC, Lafayette Hill, property at 38 Estates Drive, Lake Harmony, $295,000.
Conor Rodgers to Xavier Buestan, Philadelphia, Holiday Poconos Lot 248, Section C, $1,000.
Diane Sellare to Jessica Sellare, 2309 State Route 534, Albrightsville, two transactions, properties at 124 Tanglewood Drive, Lake Harmony, and 94 Pocono Road, $1 each.
Great Pocono Enterprises to Brendan Ferrelli, Sparta, New Jersey, Lot 9, Block DD, and Lot 11, Block AA, Hemlock Forest Section, Holiday Poconos, $5,250.

Maria J. Reczek to Mark Kozak, 7 Fernwood Drive, Suite 1185, Albrightsville, property at 86 Pocono Road, Albrightsville, $280,000.
El Mister, LLC, to Ranjay Kumar Marothi, Glen Allen, Virginia, property at 2279 State Route 534, Albrightsville, $645,000.
David Wisser to John Francis Cook III, 1249 N. Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, property at 1249 N. Old Stage Road, $379,000.
William E. Malone Jr. to Jarrett Hynes, Flemington, New Jersey, property at 502 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $365,000.
Silvia Lee to John T. Macmanus, Wayne, property at 60 Estates Drive, Lake Harmony, $515,000.
TMC Management Corporation to Stephen J. Pickens, 601A W. Oak Lane, White Haven, property at 601A W. Oak Lane, $270,886.
Gregory C. Watson to Lake Harmony Investments, LLC, Howell, New Jersey, property at 127 Nordic, Lake Harmony, $273,000.
Martin M. McWilliams to Sarah K. Weiss, Phoenixville, [roperty at 8 Wolf Way, White Haven, $158,000.
Slifer Holdings, LLC, to Fischer Realty, LLC, Asbury Park, New Jersey, property at 66 Snow Ridge Circle, Lake Harmony, $230,000.
15 Hickory RD, LLC, to Stephen Mellett Sr., Jacksonville Beach, Florida, property at 15 Hickory Road, Lake Harmony, $525,000.
Alfred R. Spina Jr. to Shruti Jhveri, Edison, New Jersey,m property at 30 Mountainwoods Drive, Lake Harmony, $432,000.
Annabelle B. Creveling to Susan
Max Haberin, Blue Bell, property at 19 Midlake Building Drive, Unit 302, Lake Harmony, $475,000.
John W. Havassy to L:aurel Run Investment Group, LLC, 2615 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property on State Route 534, rear, $3,949.01
29 Estates, LLC, to Great Escape Chalet, LLC, Danville, property at 29 Estates Drive, Lake Harmony, $587,000.
Joseph M. Hodnik to Teresa C. Hodnik, P.O. Box 2213, Albrightsville, property at 70 Pocono Road, Lake Harmony, $1.
Harold J. Einsig to Diana Leslie Silverman, Haddonfield, New Jersey, property at 101 Warbler Court, Lake Harmony, $375,000.
Zachary Walker to Provident Trust Group, LLC, Las Vegas, Nevada, property at 15 Sassafras Road, Lake Harmony, $475,000.
George Custance to Zachary Walker, Phoenixville, property at 10 Woods End, Lake Harmony, $71,000.
Mountain Laurel Grove, LLC, to Laurel Run Investment Group, LLC, 2615 State Route 903, Jim Thorpe, property at 2366 State Route 534, Albrightsville, $275,000.
Geraldine M. Adams Acosta Income Only Trust to Jennifer Lynne Blauvelt, Lafayette Hill, property at 41 Falcon Run, Lake Harmony, $305,000.
Samuel P. Gilbert to Boo Properties, LLC, Villanova, property at 337 Moseywood Road, Lake Harmony, $541,000.
LJ Holding, LLC, to Ian Jeffery, Quakertown, property at 188 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1. VRP Rentals, LLC, to Christopher Labonge, Quakertown, various properties in Lake Harmony, $1. 1921 Lake Harmony, LLC, to Christopher Labonge, Quakertown,
4.312 acres along Lake Harmony Road, $1.
Manav Mandhani to PJM 316, LLC, Arcadia, California, property at 28 Skye Drive, Lake Harmony, $730,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Casa Se, LLC, Punta Gorda, Florida, property on Woodlands Road, Holiday Poconos, $915.
Mary Ellen Dugan to Mary Ellen Dugan, 60 Game Drive, White Haven, property at 130 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $1.
John Christian to Jodi Marie Cutaiar, Sellersville, property on Wychewood Road, Lake Harmony, $1.
Christopher Labonge to 19-21 Lake Harmony, LLC, Quakertown, two transactions, property on Lake Harmony Road, Lake Harmony, $112,313.50, and four parcels in Lake Harmony, $1,973,807.55.
Ian Jeffery to LJ Holding, LLC, Quakertown, property at 188 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, $2,849,684.50.
SRM Holdings, LLC, to Waqar A. Khan, Henryville, property at 55 Midlake Drive, No. 301, Lake Harmony, $450,000.
Penn Forest Township
William Rickards to Joshua A. Boyer, 12 Penn Forest Drive, Albrightsville, Lot 550, Section N-II, Indian Mountain Lakes, $1.
Russell Whetzel to RK Invest Group, LLC, Sanford, North Caroline, property at 111 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, $15,000.
Ernest J. Chombok Jr. to Ernest J. Chombok Jr., 233 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, Lot 2168, Section 6, Mt. Pocahontas, $1.
Silvia Castillo Valentini to Frank P. Mongillo Jr., Ivyland, property at 20 Tamarack Terrace, Albrightsville, $232,000.
Jose L. Aponte to Fox Cabin, LLC, Bellport, New York, property at 11 W. Cherokee Trail, Albrightsville, $174,843.50.
Steve R. Kates Sr. to Terri
Sue Kates, 133 Danner Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 133 Danner Road, $1.
Frederick R. Kielburger to Maria Pishko, Philadelphia, property at 62 Keats Lane, Albrightsville, $250,000.
CRK Builders, LLC, to Joshua Guth, 61 Broad Mountain View Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 104, Marty Axman in the Poconos, $23,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Thomas A. Derrico, 36 Beechwood Drive, Jim Thorpe, property on Redwood Drive, Hickory Run Forest, $950.
Charles A. Collier to Charles A. Collier, 23 Autumn Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 23 Autumn Lane, $1.
Frances M. Perno to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton, Lot 158, Marty Axman in the Poconos, $14,000.
Robert Andrew Ehlman to Elabed Enterprises, LLC, Livingston, New Jersey, property at 41 Young Circle, Albrightsville, $345,000.
Timothy S. Warren to Nikolaos Menegatos, Stroudsburg, Mt. Pocahontas Lot 2646, Section Mountain View, $8,000.
Pocono Turnkey Properties, LLC, to Lobby Store Enterprises, LLC, New York, New York, Lot 1249, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $30,000.
Michael J. Wagstaff to Wendy Janel Juba, Franklin, New Jersey, Bear Creek Lakes Lot 12, Section SA, Midway Area, $26,000.
G4 Investments, LLC, to James P. Kerrigan, Jamison, property at 163 MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $415,000.
Barbara P. Horn to Barbara P. Horn, Glen Mills, property at 407 Bear Creek Lake Drive, $1.
John F. Pollich to Liam E. McElwee, Upper Darby, property at 27 Junco Lane, Albrightsville, $265,000.
Tomas Neupauer to John Thomas Bowe, 29 Hopi Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 29 Hopi Road, $285,000.
Zachary Millen to Hilawe Girma, New York, New York, property at 588 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, $325,000.
Ronald W. Elison to Frank A. Dobrowski, Staten Island, New York, lots 309 and 310A, Section C, Indian Mountain Lakes, $227,500.
Joseph Magneri to SRM Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 97,
Brodheadsville, Towamensing Trails Lot 1204, Section III, $61,000.
Amanda J. Smith to Craig S. Gehman, Fleetwood, two transactions, property at 170 Lipo Way, Albrightsville, $340,000, and property on Lipo Way, $10,060.
Arthur J. Guest to Rose Miller, 745 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 745 Stony Mountain Road, $190,000.
Patrick Dennis to Patrick Dennis, 30 Chinook Trail, Albrightsville, property at 30 Chinook Trail, $1.
Nicholas Gubbenet to Peter J. Hill, P.O. Box 1092, Albrightsville, Lot 969, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $13,500.
Amalia G. Rosen to RK Invest Group, LLC, Sanford, North Carolina, Lot 2242, Section Mountain View, Mt. Pocahontas, $3,400.
John B. Kelly to Gary A. Hughes, Bridgewater, New Jersey, property at 161 Mountain View Drive, $875,000.
Glenn Keller to Ryan Fitzpatrick, Willow Grove, Towamensing Trails Lot V-760, Section E-V, $19,000.
Jose L. Aponte to Bear Cabin, LLC, Bellport, New York, property at 79 W. Cherokee Trail, Albrightsville, $242,044.11.
U.S. Bank, N.A., to Robert Kibler II, 57 W, Cherokee Trail, Albrightsville, property at 57 W. Cherokee Trail, $231,160. Frank J. Bonazza to David J. Collins, 107 Hunter Lane, Albrightsville, property at 107 Hunter Lane, $250,000. Andree Del Pilar Mateus Forero to Cameron Dixon, Tigard, Oregon, property at 22 Sycamore Circle, Albrightsville, $620,000. Mid Atlantic Acquisitions, Inc., to Michael J. Kaczenski, Garnet Valley, vacant land on Route 534, $1. 1 Indian Trail, LLC, to Penn Forest Property Holding, LLC, 198 Indian Trail, Jim Thorpe, property at 198 Indian Trail, $300,000. Glenn Keller to Moyer Properties, Inc., Bethlehem, Lot 310, Section C, Pleasant Valley West, $160,000.
See TRANSFERS, page 12

From page 11
Penn Forest Township
Maria R. Martin to Carol A. Lopez, P.O. Box 1031, Albrightsville, property at 118 Thomas Lane, Albrightsville, $340,000.
Stephen Moken to Whitestone Holdings, LLC, Mount Vernon, New York, property at 803 Fox Hill Road, Albrightsville, $230,000.
7207 Chadsford Ct, LLC, to Marina E. Grau, 35 Wolf Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 35 Wolf Drive, $295,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Erin Colleen Hollywood, Philadelphia, property on Pocahontas Lane, Mount Pocahontas, $876.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Tural Ibrahimov, Santa Clara, California, property on Oneida Trail, Mount Pocahontas, $935.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Ebony Riggins, Indianapolis, Indiana, property on Larch Lanes, Indian Mountain Lakes, $765.
Keith E. Clevens to Kevin McCann, New Britain, Lot 1055, Section III, Towamensing Trails, $20,000.
Diane Martin to Katlyn A. Wissler, Ephrata, property at 219 Behrens Road, $204,000.
Omar Cales to Andras Varga, 167 Sassafras Road, Albrightsville, property at 167 Sassafras Road, $264,900.
Gregory J. Prygon Jr. to Gregory J. Prygon Jr., Wilmington, Delaware, property at 39 Nash Trail, Albrightsville, $1.
Ernest R. Radicchi to James B. Martin, 256 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, Lot 179, Section IIIA, Valley View Estates, $112,000.
Joan Hoagh to Roman Sedorchuk, 4630 Forest St., Lehighton, property at 4630 Forest St., $335,000.
Brian L. Bills to Estate of Rose M. Moore, 218 Dellen Lane, Weatherly, property at 365 Cheyenne Circle, $1. Daniel P. Kassity to Sanjay Aiyar, Morristown, New Jersey, property at 54 Kipling Lane, Albrightsville, $735,000.
Franklin W. Seal III to Franklin W. Seal III, Phoenixville, Lot VI97, Section VI, Towamensing Trails, $1. Edward D. Richards to Mary Killoran, Southampton, property on Hunt Trail, Albrightsville, $18,500. John C. Mendendorp IV to Paul
Mentz, LLC, Lima, two transactions, lots V1100 and V1101, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $12,500 each. Great Pocono Homes, LLC, to Steven Berger, Yonkers, New York, Lot 521, Section E, Pleasant Valley West, $40,000.
Jorge Moncayo to 56 Shortridge Road, LLC, 102 Caddo Trail, Albrightsville, property at 56 Shortridge Road, $200,264.35. Samir Noreiga to Daniel Tracey Dismukes, Pix Hills, New York, two transactions, Valley View Estates lot 66 and 67, Section 1-B, $35,000 each.
Victoria Pfeiffer to Izabella Chowaniec, 586 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, Valley View Estates Lot 25, Section 1-C, $27,000. Donna McCart to Clara H. Ginunas, Perkasie, Lot 182, Indian Mountain Lakes, Bear Creek Lakes, $22,500.
Joshua A. Boyer to Matthew J. Hieber, Doylestown, property at 1007 Basswood Court, Albrightsville, $230,000.
Horacio Robles to Lawrence Fifield, 217 Panther Run Road, Jim Thorpe, property at 217 Panther Run Road, $459,000.
Wayne Hittle to Wayne Hittle, North Wales, property at 60 Pope Lane, Albrightsville, $10. 4 U Homes, LLC, to Nicole Marie Reinhart, 23 Satin Way, Jim Thorpe, property at 23 Satin Way, $399,900. RK Invest Group, LLC, to Walter M. Simmons III, 87 Oak Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 29, Section G, Behrens Corporation, $20,000. Swat Enterprises, LLC, to Terranova Collection, LLC, Weehawken, New Jersey, Towamensing Trails Lot D2213, Stony Mountain Road, $19,000.
Barry E. Becker to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton, Lot 24, Stone Ridge Road, Albrightsville, $30,000.
Michael C. Viggiano Jr. to RK Invest Group, LLC, Sanford, North Carolina, Lot 665, Section 10, Penn Forest Streams, $4,000.
Ruth Thornton to Joseph P. Clark, Allentown, property at 39 Tamarack Trail, Albrightsville, $130,016.96.
Paul Giura to Tiina Ambrose, Collingswood, New Jersey, Lot V250, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $10,000.
Timothy Phillip Sessions to Michelle Thompson, Lancaster, lost 102 and 103, Section B, Hickory Run Forest, $25,650.
Kenneth J. Fettinger to Roy Quillen, 45 Quincy Lane, Albrightsville, property at 45 Quincy Lane, $315,000.
Gary Seitz to Matthew Zuckerman, New York, New York, Indian Mountain Lakes lots 204 and 205, Section C, $3,150.
Roman Joseph Perun to Elaine Marti, P.O. Box 145, Lake Harmony, property at 55 Seneca Road, Albrightsville, $260,000.
Shell Lynn Peczynski to Aidan Liendo, Port Jefferson Station, New York, Lot 227, Mountain View Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $42,000.
Robert Dipinto Jr. to Brian Joseph Fisher, Plymouth Meeting, Lot V57, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $38,000.
Walter Dusablon to Michael McCullough, Sinking Spring, property at 16 Spencer Lane, Albrightsville, $342,900.
John Aviles to Max Kime, Spokane, Washington, Lot 570, Section B, Penn Forest Streams, $14,500.
James M. Calpas to Elizabeth H. Spadafino, 89 Burnshaw Lane, P.O. Box 1172, Albrightsville, property at 89 Burnshaw Lane, $359,900.
Nataj Alyx Chynelle Stirlikng to Tyehimba Uhuru Alekbu Lan Kafele, Medford, New York, Lot V1110, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Richard F. Barnett to Murat Goksu, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, property at 286 McKuen Way, Albrightsville, $334,900.
John S. Gingeleski to Patrick Dennis, 30 Chihook Trail, Albrightsville, Lot 219, Section 4, Mt. Pocahontas, $3,250.
Manuel Motis to Cesar F. Ochoa, 131 Stone Ridge Road, Albrightsville, property at 131 Stone Ridge Road, $379,000.
Joseph Flammia Jr. to Kyle Seeger, 34 Chikadee Lane, Albrightsville, property at 34 Chickadee Lane, $192,000.
Michael W. Lewis to Michael W. Lewis, 92 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 92 Mountain Road, $1.
3 Van Doren Mews, LLC, to Siu Y. Lai, Chatham, New Jersey, property at 3 Van Doren Mews, $950,000.
Rondel A. Chase to Mikayla Pristatskiy, 916 Old Stage Road, Albrightsville, property at 916 Old Stage Road, $300,000.
Brian K. Carickhoff to Clinton McCorkle, Denver, Colorado, property at 1 Fern Lane, $384,500.
Lillian Savo to Isa Mujevc Construction, LLC, 640 Pohopoco Circle, Lehighton, lots 173 and 174, Section A, Marty Axman in the Poconos, $18,000.
Pamela Jean Barnes to BES Management, LLC, Hatboro, lots 587 and 589, Section 5, Mt. Pocahontas, $90,000.

John P. Sharp to Phyllis M. McMaster, Collegeville, Lot 204, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $1. Angel Mustamante to Brenda M. Bharadwaj, 30 Spokane Road, Albrightsville, Lot 2271, Seneca Road, Albrightsville, $5,919.77.
Sergey M. Safarov to Thomas A. Randis Jr., Long Pond, property at 20 Patten Circle, Albrightsville, $250,000.
Ramsey Walid Ramadan to Whitney’s Inn, LLC, Jackson, New Hampshire, property at 24 Hopkins Circle, Albrightsville, $765,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Bryson Rios, 8965 Robin Hood Drive, Kunkletown, Lot 1649, Section 6, Mt. Pocahontas, $705.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Debra Bibeault, 129 Piute Trail, Albrightsville, Lot 1043, Section 3, Mt. Pocahontas, $916.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Gerard Attewell, 12 Banyon Drive, Jim Thorpe, two transactions, lots 460 and 461, Section A, Hickory Run Forest, $860 and $930, respectively.
Keith Reilly to Joseph J. Ceribelli, Downingtown, property at 101 Bishop Circle, Albrightsville, $600,000.
Dale Strzelec to Dale Strzelec, 96 Frost Lane, P.O. Box 284, Albrightsville, Lot 250, Section I, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Sheriff of Carbon County to Moyer Construction, LLC, Barto, property at 32 Winter Green Lane, $195,500.
Sheriff of Carbon County to Robert Collins, Ridgewood, New Jersey, property at 154 Brittany Drive, Albrightsville, $4,892.27.
Christine Carriere to Bryce Rivera, 15 Hiawatha Trail, Albrightsville, property at 15 Hiawatha Trail, $250,000.
Sandra L. Hunsicker to Paul Gurdak Warchol, Bushkill, property n Danner Road, parcel No. 36-51-A6, $25,000.
Erin E. Burke to Erin E. Burke, Brooklyn, New York, property at 134 Kipling Lane, Albrightsville, 1. Calabree Building Contractors, LLC, to David M. Hinkel, Morgantown, property at C1007 Hugo Trail, Albrightsville, $35,000. Michael W. Lewis to Gillian Dana Reilly, 92 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 92 Mountain Road, $221,900.
Kenneth Aaron Palmer to Jacqueline Marie Waldron, 744 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 744 Stony Mountain Road, $247,000.
George Horton to George T. Horton, 25 Highridge Road, Albrightsville, property at 25 Highridge Road, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Yovana Centeno Gutierrez, Santa Clara, California, property at Kickapoo and Minisink trails, Mt. Pocahontas, $920.
Chad M. Hanitsch to Real Estate Abstract, LLC, Mount Pocono, property at 32 Spokane Road, Albrightsville, $150,000.
David Bukhman to Leonid Bukhman, Brooklyn, New York, Lot V836, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $1.
Charles E. Thomas to Amended and Restated Bryan Scott Warner and Sandra Lee Warner Trust, 27 Caedman Drive, Albrightsville, property at 27 Caedman Drive, $335,000.
Nicholas Joseph Matlak to Fabiana Berg, 245 Brittany Drive, Albrightsville, property at 245 Brittany Drive, $485,000.
Martha Behrens to Ronald P.
Dunbar, 514 South Ave., Jim Thorpe, parcel No. 67-51-A33, Bear Creek Lakes, $1.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to David Romano, 782 Frable Road, Brodheadsville, property at 91 Wintergreen Trail, Indian Mountain Lakes, $794.
Robert Tatarynw Sr. to Pleasant Valley West, LLC, 1787 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, lots 385 and 386, Section C, Pleasant Valley West, $50,000.
Jan Krekan to Danielle Jones, 300 Edgemont Ave., Palmerton, Beltzville Lake Estates Lot 242, Section II, $40,000.
Mid County Resources, LLC, to Jason Keller, 1933 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, Lot 399, Section I, Towamensing Trails, $1. Jason Keller to Three Way Investments, LLC, Glendale, New York, Lot 399, Section I, Towamensing Trails, $18,000.
SRM Properties, LLC, to Brian Fahy, West Deptford, New York, property at 24 Milton Way, Albrightsville, $522,000.
Arthur Joseph Vallely III to Kenneth Aaron Palmer, 57 Red Ridge Trail, Albrightsville, property at 57 Red Ridge Trail, $319,000.
Jesse Krupocin to Jesse Krupocin, Red Bank, New Jersey, lots 221 and 231, Hickory Run Forest, $1.
Rose M. Moore to Happy Neighbor, LLC, 1787 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, Lot 602, Section F, Pleasant Valley West, $25,000.
Ana Maria Gulian to Happy Neighbor, 1787 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, Lot 155, Section B, Pleasant Valley West, $32,000.
Joshua C. Absher to Joshua C. Absher, P.O. Box 2132, Albrightsville, property at 634 Towamensing Trails, Albrightsville, $1.
Michael J. Schaming to Ribert Rodriguez, Philadelphia, Lot 120, Stony Mountain Road and Fir Drive, $12,500.
Todd J. Andrews to Karissa Smith, 280 Sawmill Road, Lehighton, Lot 493, Section 7, Cold Spring Drive, Penn Forest Streams, $18,500.
Dwell Investments, Inc., to Tammy Hitchens, Blakeslee, property at 2197 Church Road, $20,000.
Benjamin T. Unkle to Max Gene Miller Jr., Levittown, property at 71 Cottonwood Drive, $310,000.
Charles Pitts to Darren Michael Fitzgerald, Upper Black Eddy, lots 1686 and 1687, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $36,000.
Harry T. Berger to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton, Lot 226, Mountain View Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $44,000.
Matthew Kennelly to RK Invest Group, LLC, Sanford, North Carolina, Lot 29, Section G, Behrens Development, $9,000.
Peter Beklian to Bernard Francis McLaughlin, Lansdowne, property at 306 Parker Trail, Albrightsville, $200,000.
Susan W. Groves to Susan W. Groves, Pottstown, property at 45 Hugo Drive, Albrightsville, $1. Tatiana Evdokimova to Luis R. Lopez Jr., 123 Wintergreen Trail, Albrightsville, property at 123 Wintergreen Trail, $298,875. East Coast Quality Housing, LLC, to Howard Philbrick, 88 Skyline Drive, Albrightsville, property at 88 Skyline Drive, $275,000. Francisco Fontanez Jr. to Jason Loch, 104 Drakes Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 104 Drakes Drive, $335,000.
Anthony Raggio to Michael Litz, Warminster, lots 156, 157A, 159 and 160, Hickory Run Forest, $29,850.
Crazy Beast Properties, LLC, to Brian B. Kofsky, Burlington, New Jersey, property at 766 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $300,000.
Joseph J. Gatto to Peyer Beklian, Massapequa Park, New York, property at 23 Parker Trail, Albrightsville, $315,000.
Joseph E. Laschenski III to John R. Douglas, Neptune, New Jersey, Lot V147, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $35,000.
Joanna Kepa to Roman Danylyshyn, Philadelphia, property at 186 Penn Forest Trail, Albrightsville, $426,000.
Reigan Aryanna Hill to Corey W. Hill, 7 Chestnut Lane, Jim Thorpe, property at 260 White Oak Lane, $1.
Wendy Graham to Tamari Gogichaishvilli, Staten Island, New York, Mt. Pocahontas Lot 2183, Section Mountain View, $10,000.
Annetta B. Wallace to Kenneth Thomas Golden, Philadelphia, property at 129Liongbergh Circle, Albrightsville, $239,900.
Liliana Medina to Nancy Arlene Barbanski, Mount Laurel, New Jersey, property at 124 Burnshaw Lane, Albrightsville, $499,000.
BMR Management Group, LLC, to Wahoo Investments, LLC, Bear, Delaware, property at 8 Wahoo Court, Albrightsville, $298,000.
Thomas J. Tolve to Joseph Pickard, Broomall, property at 614 Towamensing Trail, Albrightsville, $348,500.
Samuel Farman to Naftali D. Agosto, 44 Pocahontas Lane, Albrightsville, property at 44 Pocahontas Lane, $331,175.
Nancy Cairns to Jay M. Taradash, 84 Redwood Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 84 Redwood Drive, $240,000.
Lakeside PA, LLC, to Kevin Alexander Cardenas Montes, 189 Mountain Road, Albrightsville, property at 189 Mountain Road, $380,000.
Uhuru Alkebu Kafele Tyehimba to Boguslaw Stelmach, Ivyland, Towamensing Trails Lot 1829, Section IV, $12,900.
Laura Smutny to Dergey Moldavskiy, Cinnaminson, New Jersey, Hickory Run Forest lots 17 and 18, Section A, $39,000.
Horacio Robles to Maximino Graces Trinidad, Norristown, property on Berry Lane, $5,000.
Anne E. Borelli to 71 Dogwood, LLC, Landenberg, property at 71 Dogwood Drive, $317,000.
Brian Master to Joseph Devivo, Staten Island, New York, property at 83 Petrarch Trail, Albrightsville, $250,000.
Paul Miller to RAC Homes, LLC, P.O. Box 1589, Albrightsville, Towamensing Trails Lot V-1469, Section E-V, $12,500, Great Pocono Enterprises, LLC, to Jack L. Dodge, Huntingdon Valley, property on Broad Mountain View Drive, $25,500.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Cleberson Freires Lima, Lansdale, two transactions, property on Redwood Drive, Hickory Run Forest, $1,419, and property on Tomahawk Road, Mt. Pocahontas, $1,026.
Gilbert Murphy to Gregg K. Bleamer, 110 Call Mountain Court, Lehighton, property on 110 Call Mountain Court, $300,000.
Simona Babu to Se Hwan Chung, College Point, New York, property at 51 White Birch Way, Albrightsville, $375,000.
Samuel Levine to Tony Angelo Taliaferro, 12 Pool Drive, Jim Thorpe, Lot 13, Section C, Midway Area, Bear Creek Lakes, $250,000. Vernon D. Smith IV to Dezzette Cassele, 730 Oak Grove Drive, Lehighton, Lot 957, Section 3, and Lot 2297, Mountain View Section, Mt. Pocahontas, $6,413.33. Keith W. Clevens to Kevin McCann, New Britain, property at 22 Hugo Drive, Albrightsville, $238,000.
Michael J. Kaczenski to Michael J. Kaczenski, Garnet Valley, property on Whitman Lane, $1. John F. McKiernan to BLVCK Cabin 3, LLC, Oceanside, New York, property at 21 MacCauley Road, Albrightsville, $110,000. 79 Johnson LN, LLC, to David Burbage, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, property at 79 Johnson Lane, Albrightsville, $540,000. Stefan Dicky to 3401 South Benton, LLC, 245 Brittany Drive, Albrightsville, Lot 209, Valley View Estates, $26,000.
Tax Claim Bureau of Carbon County to Casa Se, LLC, Punda Gorda, Florida, 13 transactions in Indian Mountain Lakes development as follows: property on Katu Trail, $759; property on Sassafras Road, $736; property on Winding Way, $1,191; property on Mohawk Trail, $759; property on Sekani Trail, $765; property at 417 Indian Trail, $734; property on North Shore Drive, $813; Lot 1519, Section N-II, $758; Lot 526, Section L-III, $752; Lot 423, Section N-I, $759; Lot 717, Section L-III, $770; Lot 525, Section L-III, $869; and Lot 541, Section N-II, $899.
Josephine M. Kane to 4 U Homes, LLC, 197 Blakeslee Boulevard Drive East, Lehighton, Lot 540, Section E, Pleasant Valley West, $29,500. Jennifer L. Keiser to Komal Jewnandan, New York, Lot 629, Section 8, Penn Forest Streams, $8,500.
Fifth Third Bank, N.A., to John Wojcik, Washington, New Jersey, property at 278 Unionville Road, $226,000.
Andrea Lynn Miller to Andrea Lynn Miller, 22 Woodland Road, Albrightsville, property at 22 Woodland Road, $1. Scott Haddon to Salvatore Fricano, Newfield, New Jersey, Lot 1388, Section V, Towamensing Trails, $14,500.
Yvonne E. Fitzpatrick to Yvonne E. Fitzpatrick, 101 Pinoak Drive, Jim Thorpe, property at 101 Pinoak Drive, $1.
Jan Silny to Christopher R. Hove, Paoli, property at 45 Spencer Lane, Albrightsville, $340,000.
Daniel P. Kassity to Whitney’s Inn, Jackson, New Hampshire, property at 37 Frost Labe, Albrightsville, $715,000. James J. Neve to David Lorenz, Plymouth Meeting, Lot VI-78, Section VI, Towamensing Trails, $15,000.
Attivo Investments, L.P., to Great Pocono Homes, LLC, 1787 State Rt. 903, Jim Thorpe, Lot 150, Section A, Pleasant Valley West, $484,000.
Lee D. Fink Jr. to Lee David Fink, Jr., 96 Arapahoe Road, Albrightsville, property at 98 Arapahoe Road, $1. Nelson Alpaugh Jr. to Michael Horning, Limerick, Lot 2513, Section Tall Trees, Mt. Pocahontas, $8,500. Thomas E. Neumane III to Howard F. Fullerton, Plymouth Meeting, property at 867 Stony Mountain Road, Albrightsville, $280,000.