Five companies are being considered for the floor res toration work in the munici pal building. Borough Man ager Josh Walker indicated, “I did not get all the respons es back,” so Council agreed to table this item pending additional discussion. Coun cil president Don Struckle added, “We need to get the downstairs done, and this
Mountain Laurel Golf Club closes in November

explained that since their family bought the proper ty 16 years ago, it has been “subsidized by our other businesses…”“(These)last three years have killed us,” said Gower. “It’s time to stop,” added Bufalino. “We want to sell … (to) recoup the money we have put into it.”

by Pat Albano
by Seth Isenberg
Thomas Shepstone of Shepstone Management, also speaking for the property owners, explained that with over 52,000 vehicles passing by the property on Interstate 80 each day (on average), there are good business uses for the property, not just as a site for a Attorneywarehouse.Kovaladded that they were applying to rezone their property in Kidder Township as well. The golf club’s clubhouse and pro shop, along with most of
Mt. Pocono Memorial Park of $250,000
reader program and to purchase a police patrol Councilvehicle. also approved the Medico Construction es timate of $3,812 for pre ventative maintenance on the 2008 Case 621 Wheel Loader, and approved the Borough’s Pension Plan pay ment for 2023 in the amount of $27, 852.
Precision Imagery
Sisters Maureen Bufalino and Catherine Gower, whose family owns the property,
• Approved hanging a ban ner over Route 611 for Harvest Fest
The owners of the Moun tain Laurel Golf Club at tended East Side Borough’s September 1 council meet ing to advance their case to have their property rezoned to Highway Business-B1 from Conservation. Attorney Stephanie Koval of Fitzpat rick Lentz & Bubba, of Allen town, told council the owners want to put the property up for sale, for its “highest and bestTheuse.”restaurant at the golf course will serve its last meals on October 2, then golfing will end on November 11, after which the business will be Kovalclosed.noted that the own ers want to rezone to get the best price for their property.
Mount Pocono borough’s September 6 council meeting approved the Shopping Cart ordinance (#6 of 2022), then shifted discussion to new business and approved the •following:Resolution #10 which au thorizes an application for LSA grant money for the
• Approved registration fees for the keeping of chickens
• Sending a letter of support for the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Depart ment’s LSA grant appli cation for a license plate
will be discussed at the next workConsiderationsession.” of Home town Press to establish a borough newsletter was tabled with Delano adding, “other businesses want to bid on this.” Also tabled was consideration of approving a “Touch a Truck” at the Har vest Fest.
Owners ask for property to be rezoned commercial
The 1st 2 50¢FREEcopieseachadditionalcopyBOXHOLDERPresortedStandardU.S.POSTAGEPAIDWHITEHAVENPAPERMITNO.18POSTALCUSTOMERof the POCONO PLATEAU ©2022, All Rights Reserved VOLUME 27, NUMBER 7 Mid September, 2022 Journal
Mt. Pocono Council has busy September session
See MOUNTAIN LAUREL, page 2 See MT. POCONO, page 2
Norman Delano asked, “Is 90 days enough?” and member Lori Noonan stated, “This extension is not a promise Council will approve Arya’s request.” Solicitor James Fareri added, “There should be correspondence sent stating that this does not guarantee approval.”
Monday – Friday, am –8 am –
St. Luke’s Care Now offers fast, convenient care for minor illnesses and injuries when your primary care doctor can’t see you immediately.

Bloomsburg University
Council granted an extension of 90 days for a decision on the Arya Village LLC’s land Development.”notexplained,memberapplication.developmentCouncilAnnMarieHarris“ManyitemsareaddressedontheirLandMember
St. Luke’s Care Now – Pocono Summit 174 Harvest
Wilkes University
Pocono Summit Hours:272-639-5430
Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in Nursing.
Attorney Fareri also indicated he would like to have a meeting with Pocono Pride Fastpitch Softball
their academic degrees the weekend of May 13-15.
8 pm Saturday & Sunday,
nine holes and its driving range are in East Side and abut Interstate 80. The bal ance of the course, includ ing the longest holes, are in Kidder.Council members were wary of the proposal, and the traffic increase that it may bring. East Side coun cil president Lou Esa noted that council has received 23 e-mails so far opposing the change of the site to allow a warehouse. He also said that a petition in the communi ty is on its way to collecting
Esa offered his opinion that East Side Borough is a good place to raise kids, and implied that the borough is not in need of a change.
4 pm
• A St. Luke’s provider is always available.
Mountain Laurel
1,000 signatures opposed to the change.
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania graduated 1,150 students who received
Matthew Hay of Pocono Summit graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity.AshleyOliva of Long Pond graduated with a degree in Health Sciences.
Continued from page 1
Megan Hudock of White Haven received the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in Nursing.
The property owners are expected to return for East Side Council’s October meet ing.
Wilkes University awarded nearly 300 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees during its summer commencement ceremony on September 11. The event was held in the Arnaud C. Marts Center, 274 South Franklin St. in Wilkes-Barre. Skyler Dunham of Blakeslee received the

• Minor illnesses and injuries including: the common cold, flu, sinus infections, sprains, strains, broken bones and more
• Walk-in Lab and X-ray services with a script from your primary care physician at this location
• Comprehensive Occupational Medicine services available for local employers Now Mt. Pocono
Continued from page 1
Organization before Council considers any agreement to assume ownership of a facility they would build with grant money they have been awarded.Discussion then shifted to the “Trunk of Treat” event on Saturday October 22, at the firehouse from 3-5 p.m., with Struckle adding “I would like to have the media present.” Bills of $182,988 were approved to be paid. Struckle also noted the upcoming budget meeting, asking staff to “buckle down on expenses,” but adding, “employees are doing a great job and to keep inventories up.”Manager Walker closed out the meeting with updates on small grants for the play ground and the parking lot. Lane,
Koval asked council how the property owners move ahead. East Side Borough’s solicitor James Nanovic sug gested that they find a way to show a market study. In formation about options for uses other than for a ware house site “would be help ful,” offered Nanovic.
The overall grade point average necessary to graduate with honors distinction is: cum laude (with distinction) 3.5 - 3.74 overall average; magna cum laude (with great distinction) 3.75 - 3.94 overall average and summa cum laude (with highest distinction) 3.95 - 4.0 overall average.
Local students mark college graduations

ning with summer on-board ing and Welcome Weekend. Hired, trained and guided by Albright’s Office of Student Involvement and Leadership and members of the Steering Committee, POPs are rising second, third and fourth year
Albright students who carry a minimum 2.5 GPA and are in good standing with the college.Alyssa Byrd of Tobyhan na is a graduate of Pocono Mountain West High School studying digital communica tions at EbonyAlbright.Hicksof Albrights ville is a graduate of Pocono Mountain West High School studying theatre at Albright.
Vendors wanting to attend can still apply for a space via the web at vFest. Remaining spaces are limited.
Two Pocono Plateau stu dents have been named POP leaders at Albright College in Reading. Albright College Peer Orientation Persons (POPs) are mentors who guide students through their first year on campus, begin
Harvest Festival offers over 100 vendors, children’s activities, games, music, demonstrations, and other entertainment.Theeventisfree, and there is free parking nearby.
Mount Pocono’s Harvest Festival and Craft Fair will be rain or shine. on Saturday, September 24. The event is held on Pocono Boulevard (Route 611), Fairview Avenue, and Fork Street in downtown Mount Pocono from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Organized by the Mount Pocono Association, it is one of the oldest and largest outdoor

festivals in Monroe County.
New this year is the Farm er’s Market for people selling homegrown fruits, vegeta
PAGE 4 THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-SEPTEMBER, 2022 965 Route 940, Ste. 103 Pocono Lake PA 18347 570-817-8847 x2 Specials cannot be combinded with any other discounts. Offer valid on all services received between 09/01/22-09/30/22 25 Min. Integrated Massage, Express Facial & 20 Min. Salt Room or Infrared Sauna 25Session–$130Min.Integrated Massage, Express Pedicure & 20 Min. Salt Room or Infrared Sauna Session—$110 25 Min. Integrated Massage, Express Maniicure & 20 Min. Salt Room or Infrared Sauna 25Session—$95Min.Integrated Massage, 15 Min. Peppermint Foot Massage & 20 Min. Salt Room or Infrared Sauna Session—$80 Bring this coupon in and receive $5 offany service at A Bit of Bliss Expires 9/30/22 JP 570-244-3000PAFully•Excavating•Full•Stump•Pruning•Technical•Tree•Diagnosis•TrimmingRemovalRemovalGrindingServiceInterior/ExteriorConstructionServicesinsured.Contractor#3091185

Albright students named 2022 POP leaders
Harvest Festival bringing vendors, fun to downtown Mt. Pocono

bles, flowers, plants, fresh baked goods and homemade food products like syrup and honey. Also new is Artisan’s Alley for artists and talented crafters to offer their work.

Brett Young is the
As a bonus, at the property’s beautiful 400 seat lake house, Frequency City will perform both days, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
This weekend at the Amphitheater at Poconos Park™, the

All day is a party at the Cowboy Luau party bar, with music starting at 1, line dancing from 2 and Hula dancing performances at 3,
Poconos Park opens this weekend with Cowboy Luau

Seven bands fill the Luau on Saturday from 1:30 through 9 p.m. when Brantley Gilbert takes the main state to perform.
development and venue management company acquired the property. After a summertime of work, it is now ready to debut.
headliner for Friday, with bands starting at 3:15 and Young on the main stage at 9 p.m.
5 and Gates7. open at 3 p.m. on Friday, and at 1 p.m. on Saturday.Buytickets at,bringalongacharge or debit card. There is plenty of parking, and good handicap access.ThePoconos Park property will continue to undergo several million dollars of construction and renovation. New in the future will be full-service RV camping with hookups, and much more.
This is the weekend when the former Mt. Laurel Performing Arts Center and Tom Ridge Pavilion in Bushkill reopens as Poconos Park.InJune, From The Roots, a new real estate
10,000+-capacity, openair amphitheater on the site, will host the Cowboy Luau, featuring Brett Young, Brantley Gilbert, Warren Zeiders, Uncle Kracker, and seven other bands.
cated next to the Coolbaugh Township DPW Garage at 549 Laurel Drive, Tobyhan na.
Blessing of the Animals at LakePoconoUMC
Pastor Janice will conduct a blessing of your animal upon arrival and you will be given a certificate to ac knowledge the blessing. We will be accepting donations for AWSOM Animal Shelter. Blankets, towels, pet food and any pet supplies are wel comePleasegifts.join us. Pocono Lake United Methodist church is located at 1188 Route 940 Pocono Lake, between Pocono Pines and Blakeslee.Formore information, call the church 570-646-2650 or email
To view the event flyer, visit Screenshot-84.png .

StoryWalk planned
Coolbaugh Township Envi ronmental Advisory Council and the Pocono Mountain Public Library will be hold ing a Story Walk at the Wiley Preserve on Saturday, Sep tember 24, at 2 p.m. The Wiley Preserve is lo


The members of the Pocono Mountain Garden Club work to maintain the garden at Clymer Library in Pocono Pines. The garden is along the parking lot at the library and is filled with beautiful perennial plants. It’s listed on Monarchwatch. org as a garden containing plants that are attractive to monarch butterflies and help to feed them on their long journey during the sum mer from Mexico to parts of northern United States and to Canada.
One of their members, Mary Daniel, was instrumen tal in organizing the planting of plants that attract and feed monarchs and applying for membership in Monarch is proud of this garden and hope members of the community will join them on the events they hold and also volunteer to help care for this garden. For information on the Pocono Mountain Garden Club, email Cecelia at or Donna at mommadonnaw@yahoo. com.

Pocono Lake United Meth odist Church will host a Pet Blessing at the church on Saturday, October 8, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The blessing will be officiated by Pastor Janice Puliti. It is open to the entire community and to all pet lovers at no cost.
Making ClymerwelcomeMonarchsatLibrary
Gary Embich is licensed by the Forest Service to paint Smokey Bear. His project, “America’s Beautiful” has been a 14-year process of re searching, traveling and do ing a watercolor painting of a unique area in each one of our 50 states. Each painting and wordage is approved and
invited to enjoy refreshments that include hot chocolate and cookies donated by local businesses at Lake Naomi Clubhouse.Donations to defray cer emony expenses are being accepted with great appreci ation. For more information or to contribute to this event, please contact Bruce Den linger, Chair, at 610.317.0763 or via email
Meet Smokey Bear and artist Gary Embich

HOSTS: Alex & JoAnne Zidock
a Smokey Bear meet and greet hosted by the national Smokey Bear Association on October 12, 2:30-7:30 p.m. at the Lehigh Valley Hotel and Conference Center, 300 Gateway Drive, Bethlehem. Smokey Bear memorabil ia from private collections will also be on display at this time, and Smokey Bear will beDistrictpresent.17 Bureau of For estry will have free handouts for all the children.
Replays: FRI. 8:30 AM & 9:30 PM SAT. 12:30 PM • SUN. 1 AM & 11:30 AM MON. 12 AM & 6 AM • TUES. 7:30 AM
THURS. 9:30 PM
Pocono Lions sponsoring Wreaths for Veterans
THE JOURNAL OF THE POCONO PLATEAU, MID-SEPTEMBER, 2022 — PAGE 7 The Morgan Gallery of Fine Arts Excellent Selection of Local Art on Display Custom picture framing services with quality Larson Juhl frames 409 Route 940, Blakeslee — half a mile east of Blakeslee Corners 570.646.5333 • Open 11–4, Wednesday through Saturday. Other times by appointment. All work is done on premises, and fully insured while in our care.

Pocono Lions Club will sponsor the eighth-annual Wreaths for Veterans cere mony at 11 a.m. November 12, at the Pocono Lake Cem etery, located across from TEC (Tobyhanna Elementa ry Center) in Pocono Pines. Created as an enduring means of remembrance and respect, the ceremony brings together the greater Pocono Plateau community to honor the brave men and women who, in service to their coun try, were willing to sacrifice their lives to preserve the freedoms we as a nation con tinue to experience.
All are welcome to attend the brief ceremony that in cludes a Military Color Guard and Chaplin. Upon comple tion, wreaths will be laid with the assistance of local Boy Scout Troop 94, Girl Scout Troop 512, BSA Troop 97, Cub Pack 90, the Knights of Columbus Council 11355, the Monroe County Joint Vet erans Honor Guard, as well as members of Pocono Lions Club. Families of veterans are invited to place a wreath on their family member’s grave. Immediately following the ceremony, everyone is

Pocono Lions SERVE! The Pocono Lions Club is a service organization based in Pocono Pines. The club raises money for annual projects including scholarships to graduating seniors at Pocono Mountain East and West High Schools, moving up awards to Toby hanna Elementary Center sixth graders, Little League spon sorships, community beau tification, multiple eyesight initiatives, VA van transport, contributions to Clymer Library, Pocono Mountain Regional Police Foundation, veterans’ organizations, and more.Tolearn more, visit the Po cono Lions Facebook page (@ PoconoLionsClub), or website .
licensed by the US Forest Service.Garyis a 48-year resi dent of Saylorsburg and is a signature member of both the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and the Baltimore Watercolor society. His entire exhibit will be on display in Bethlehem at
We got home in the dark and took very two happy dogs back to sleep in their
own beds again. And us too. The Philadelphia Funk Authority headlined the Palmerton Festival last Fri day night we had Friday night open, so we went. We brought our festival chairs and enjoyed the show, plus of course some of the foods sold by area churches and non-profits. Look for this event on the second weekend of SaturdaySeptember.morning, I need ed to go down and get blood drawn always a fun way to start a day. Once that was done, we made a visit to the local farmer’s market, did some grocery shopping, and then attended White Hav en’s first car show, which had near 100 cars. As the sun set, I even fit some yard work in. It was a good day.
Seth’s Sightings
On the 24th are Penn Forest Park’s first ever park festival and Mt. Pocono’s downtown harvest festival we’ll try to do both. I am planning an afternoon visit to the Bethlehem Celtic Classic on the 25th to complete the weekend’s fun.
Here’s to a football-filled, sunny September and to everyone’s good health.
I’m very happy with the college football weekend. Penn State played well in their win against a lesser opponent. Colgate beat Maine for their first FCS victory of the season. Even Temple won, over Lafayette, an FCS team. Marshall had their biggest win ever, beating Notre Dame at South Bend. In looking through the games, there were quite a few upsets, mainly teams booking weaker opponents then finding out otherwise.
I kept track of the NFL first week of the season, happy about the wins by the Eagles, Bucs and Steelers, and not happy with the Patriots who did not play well in losing to the Dolphins. It was also not a good weekend for Jets fans.
A sweet and happy new year to all who celebrate Rosh Ha’Shana Sunday night, the 25th and that Mon day.
The Weatherly HillClimb is Saturday and Sunday the 17th and 18th. It’s free and can be a fun day for race car fans.The Bethlehem Celtic Classic in August 23 to 25.
On Sunday we were treat ed to boat tour out around the Naval Academy and out along the river to the Ches apeake Bay. It was terrific. An Aegis cruiser was docked behind the Academy’s sail boat marina. From the water we saw a variety of sail and motorboats, and a tourist pi rate ship where the ‘pirates’ (mainly little kids and their parents) were in full attack mode with water guns direct ed at a pair of staff out in a smallWhenboat.the cruise was over, our hosts gave us a tour in side the Academy grounds (they have a pass onto the secure property). It’s a beau tiful campus. The students in their dress whites for trips off campus are also quite impressive.
Sightings these past couple of weeks, here and in Maryland, include a large coyote seen crossing the road north of Weatherly, a large bear off Route 903 in Lake Harmony, and lots of butterflies. In Annapolis,
by Seth Isenberg
Our area finally got some rain, the gentle steady kind that truly nourishes the plants. The quick gullywasher thunderstorms that blew through late in August gave us wet, but not the kind of deep soil wet to help the plants and trees as our plants and trees are all stressed by the lack of water. Here and there around the Pocono Plateau is some color on leaves early foliage. Perhaps our rainy days will have come just in time to extend this fall’s foliage season.
During the weekend, we spent time with our hosts watching the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament on TV. We were thrilled by the match where Nick Kyrgios defeated #1 Danil Medvedev. (I still prefer watching football.)Whilethere, we learned that the RenaissanceMarylandFaire was going on about 15 minutes from where we were staying. The Faire invited senior citizens (us) to attend on Labor Day Monday for free. We decided to detour on our way home to take a quick look. It’s huge, and packs a lot of entertainment. And people. Food is plentiful and reasonably priced. Paths are packed dirt and stone, with roots and stuff, so it was hard rolling. We stayed only about an hour and a half so our trip home was mostly in daylight. We plan to return. Maryland’s Renaissance Faire runs weekends to October 23.
Our week ahead of Labor Day was just crazy. It started with medical day to see my lead oncologist and surgeon at the University of Pennsyl vania in Philadelphia, plus a CAT scan and an X-ray. See ing two doctors and having two tests took 5 and a half hours in the Perelman build ing, plus two hours each way of travel time. Losing a work day compressed our Tuesday, which meant that we had to put out three newspapers in three days. By Friday we were fried and needed a break. We are blessed with ex tended family in Annapolis. They have a spare bedroom in their basement one that looks out on one of the little river coves in that city. The house itself has a beautiful view of Weems Creek. We gratefully accepted their hospitality, then made our way there on Saturday. We enjoyed a quiet evening and the peace of just staring out over the creek, watching the birds and the boats.
As a special treat, we then went on a ride south along the Chesapeake via country roads to North Beach on the Chesapeake Bay. There we walked the boardwalk, greeted some people and en joyed looking at the cute little beach. Beach fees were steep, so we just walked the pier and boardwalk and admired the families in the water. As a bo nus, I also petted and played with some dogs along the boardwalk. On our way back to Annapolis, we stopped for a few minutes at a tiny beach just off the road, to just wade in up to our ankles in the warm water of the bay.
we sighted cormorants, herons, lots of gulls, ducks, and a possible merganser duck though maybe a kingfisher. Also of note, was a gull floating on the breeze beside the Bay Bridge as we passed under him, so close that we could almost touch him.
The Bloomsburg Fair starts on the 23rd and continues to Oct. 1 (we’ll attend for an evening during the week).
We finished the day with a harborside seafood dinner.

Get a head start on holiday shopping at fabulous prices.
Pocono Mountain Public Library kicks off Banned Book Week with a Book Club dedicated to George Orwell’s surveillanceitariannovelwell’squences.paycriminalsdeemedthoughtsthinkThoseeveryfeedseverywatchesBig“1984.”dystopianclassicnovel,In1984,Brotheryourmoveandyouyourthought.whothewrongarethoughtandtheconseHowdoesOrdystopianofauthormasscompare with the world we live in today?

Discussing 1984 at PMPL
Come treat yourself to deli cious savory simmered soups to go from 11 a.m. until the food runs out.
Collins, Aldous Huxley, Joseph Heller, Ernest Hemingway, Harper Lee, and so many more. Find more information about our adult and children programming and our collection by visiting www.
west of Pocono Pines, next to Matirko Hardware. If using your gps, put in 550 Route 940 Pocono Lake, PA. We are air conditioned and accessible to persons with disabilities. For more information please contact the church office at 570-6460309, email faithoffice@ faithlutheranblakeslee. org or visit
They have been stitching and sewing exquisite craft items for all occasions and collecting unique attic trea sures sure to please Apple Fest guests. A large variety of gift baskets wrapped, adorned with bows and ready for gift giving will be available for purchase. See their overflowing area of Christmas items for sale.

This yearly event is one you don’t want to miss. Bring your friends and neighbors, enjoy the fellowship and get a jump on the holiday rush.
Big Brother doesn’t want you to know, but we do! Join Joe and other readers for a fas cinating discussion on this important, but very readable novel on Tuesday, Septem ber 20 at 2 p.m.
Reserve your copy at our library by calling 570-8948860 #2 or emailing joe@ You can also find 1984 as an e-book on our digi tal
Don’t let Big Brother tell you what to read
Faith Lutheran hosts annual Apple Fest Like us on Face Book at Faith Lutheran Church Blakeslee PA.

Faith Lutheran Church, Blakeslee is located at 550 Route 940, one mile east of Blakeslee Corner, six miles
Faith Lutheran Church, 550 Route 940 in Blakeslee will hold its Annual Apple Fest indoors on Saturday, October 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.The women of Faith have been busy making scrump tious baked goods to sell. Come buy an apple crisp or one of many other mouth watering delights, many with the apple theme.

PA State Police were out on DUI patrols over the La bor Day weekend. PSP inves tigated 648 vehicle crashes resulting in six fatalities and 180 injuries during the fourday Labor Day travel period which ran from Sept. 2-5. Alcohol was a factor in four of the fatal crashes.
Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 17 & 18
someone removed a mailbox in front of a Timberline Trail, Effort home late that night or early the next morning. The box was recovered and put back on its post.
Police Beat
by Seth Isenberg
A 13 y/o Effort girl is being charged with harassment via SnapChat of a 13 y/o Brod headsville girl. She sent a message threatening physical harm, 9-4, PSP-F.
Hosted by The Weatherly Hillclimb Association 9 a.m.-5 p.m. both days, rain or shine Local Food Stands | Hillclimb Merchandise

to Troop N Lehighton and four to Troop N Strouds burg, reporting to their new work on September 6. None were added at Fern Ridge in Blakeslee.

Of the new troopers, one was added to Troop N Hazleton, four were added
2022 FALL
Police Beat
8-27, An Effort family reported to PSP-Fern Ridge that they were being ha rassed via text and telephone by a couple from Simpson, PA. Police have investigated, and are charging the Simp
son couple for the threats they made.
SCCA Sanctioned Event
Colonel Robert Evanchick, commissioner of the Penn sylvania State Police, an nounced that 64 cadets have graduated from the Pennsyl vania State Police Academy in August. The class was the 164th to graduate from the academy in Hershey since it opened in Evanchick1960.told the cadets the rigorous training and education they received serve as the foundation of their careers. “You will be scruti nized for every decision you make and sometimes for the decisions other law enforce ment officers make,” he said. “You need to be true to your self, our Call of Honor, and do the right thing, even when doing the right thing may be the most difficult decision you will ever make.”
Troopers made 515 driving under the influence arrests and issued nearly 23,000 traffic citations over the long holiday weekend. During the 2021 Labor Day driving period, which spanned four days, troopers made 587 DUI arrests. In addition, six peo ple were killed and 209 were
injured in the 674 crashes investigated by the PSP.
8-11, between 7:30 and 9:15 p.m., someone shot and killed the family dog of a Ry an’s Road, Coolbaugh Twp. family. Pocono Mountain Re gional Police are investigat ing and would appreciate any leads. Call Detectives at 570 895-2400 or via PMRPD. com Submit An Anony mous Tip. The dog’s owner is offering a $5,000 reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the dog’s killer.
These weeks have a hand ful of DUI reports, mostly drunk drivers caught during traffic stops including an Albrightsvile 23 y/o at 1:20 a.m. 9-3, on Route 940.
See ARCHIVES, page 11
PSP made a traffic stop on Interstate 80 on 9-9 of a car driven by a 24 y/o Tobyhan na man, and Troopers saw marijuana paraphernalia. The man had some mari juana in his possession, so was given a ticket for drug possession.Alsoofnote, on 8-28,
Keeping the rubber side down 8-31, 10:10 a.m., the driver of a ’21 Ford Escape southbound on Route 209 ignored traffic signals and entered into the intersection with Route 115 where there was already a tractortrailer which he crashed into. The Escape had fender and bumper damage, and the truck suffered little damage. Both vehicles could be driven. The Escape’s driver was ticketed by PSP.
There’s shoulder work being done on I-80 west of Stroudsburg between the Route 209 exits through at least 9-23. Also be alert for a night time pothole patching crew on the interstate from I-380
9-7, thieves tried to break into the Dollar General store on Route 903 in Penn Forest Twp. by cutting open the metal siding, then breaking through a wall. They didn’t get inside. PSP is investigat ing.
Long Pond Road’s bridge just east of Pocono Raceway will see signage going up ahead of the coming replace ment project.
has a report about a car stolen from the Penn
There’seast.a bridge repair crew on Route 435 in Cool baugh Twp. starting 9-21.
Police Beat
falsely telling her that there were active warrants for her arrest, and that she needed to make payment(s) to avoid Sheriffs coming to pick her up. The victim ended the phone call. She lost no mon ey in this incident. PSP-Fern Ridge asks anyone who has had a similar call to contact them.PSP
9-8, a 55 y/o Saylorsburg man has reported to PSP that he was the victim of a scam which had him buy $3,400 worth of Target gift cards. No details came with the report.

Continued from page 10

9-10, 5:37 p.m., a 28 y/o Dubois woman ran the red light at Blakeslee Corners in her ’08 Chevy Tahoe and hit an ‘09 Subaru Crosstrek that was passing through the intersection. The crash spun the Subaru into a State Po lice Ford Explorer that at the
Hills development in Jack son Twp. in the early morn ing hours of 9-6. The vehicle turned up in Newark, NJ, and has been recovered.
Use to check conditions on 40,000+ miles of PA roads for free. It provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to 1000+ traffic cameras. It’s also a smartphone application, or by calling 5-1-1.
9-1, a 43 y/o Effort wom an received a call at home from someone claiming to be from the Northampton County Sheriff’s Department,
9-7, a 67 y/o Jackson Twp. woman received a text from someone who identified themselves as an Amazon employee. They asked to be called regarding her Ama zon account, which had been hacked. The victim respond ed, and she gave personal information. The “employee” (thief) told her to buy Apple gift cards to cover the cost of the processing. She bought $1,300 in Apple gift cards, and provided the thief with the card information and then the thief vanished. PSPFern Ridge asks anyone who has had a similar call to con tact them at 570 646-2271.
intersection, waiting for the light to change. There were some minor injuries, but none needing an ambulance. All three vehicles needed to be towed.
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Surviving are a son, Kerry Cranford; cremationservicea.m.viewingHome,WilliamFriday,cousinsaJonesCranford;Cranfordgranddaughters,twoDanyelleandKarinatwosisters,ElsieandDiannaLopes;andhostofnieces,nephews,anddearfriends.ServiceswillbeheldonSeptember16,attheH.ClarkFuneralStroudsburg,withbeginningat9:30followedbythefuneralat10:30.Privatewillfollow.
Dr. Olinits fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a dentist. Upon graduating Temple Dental School, he practiced in Pocono Summit for 39 years. He was a proud member of both the Ameri can Dental and Pennsylvania Dental Associations. He was exceptionally proud of his profession and made many friends throughout his career.
Dr. Olinits was of the Catholic faith.
Francesco Franzese, 68, of Brodheadsville, passed away Sunday, September 11, 2022 in St. Luke’s HospitalMonroe Campus.
Dr. Olinits was proud of his alma mater and loved cheering on the Boston College Eagles, and was a huge fan of the Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots. He attended numerous games and playoffs throughout the years.
Burialservices/#help-buttonscss/ St. Elizabeth’s Church, Bear Creek followed by interment in Evergreen Cemetery, Shavertown.Condolences can be sent to:
He was the loving husband of Rosanna (Sarnelli) Franzese. They celebrated their 42nd anniversaryweddinginJuly of this year.
Born in Nola, Napoli, in Italy, he was the son of the late Felice Franzese and the late Carmela (Iovino) Franzese.Francesco was a hard working man and was a meat cutter for most of his life. He recently worked at Weis Markets for six years.
Dr. Michael P. Olinits, 67, passed into eternal life on August 21, wasBarre,Wilkes-sectionParsonsBorn2022.inofhetheson of the late Peter and Marie (Maloney) Olinits. He will be missed immensely by his high school sweetheart and wife of 46 years Joyce (Williams) Olinits.
Doc was preceded in death by his beautiful beloved daughter Amber Marie (2019) who surely he will be holding tightly in heaven; nephew, Nicholas D. Polifko; brother-in-law Gerald Williams; and his in-laws, Anna- Marie and Donald Williams.Lefttocherish his memory in addition to his wife Joyce are his sons Peter (wife Pam) and Michael (wife Marysia); his three grandsons Liam, Logan, and Kellan; brother Robert Olinits; and sister Donna Bartoletti; his four Godchildren Kevin, Sarah, A.J. and Anna Marie. He also had numerous in-laws, nieces, nephews, and friends. Giving back to the community was very important to Doc. Donations in his name can be made to: St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen PO Box Wilkes-Barre,1088 PA 18703.

He will be deeply missed by all his friends and family. In addition to his wife, Rosanna, he is survived by two sons, Francesco Franzese Jr. and his wife Amber of Nashua, NH, and Felice Franzese of Brodheadsville; a daughter, Carmelina Franzese and her husband Michael of Stroudsburg; two sisters, Margherita Musacchia and her husband Salvatore of New York, and Maria Morabito and her husband Franco of New York; and a baby grandson on the way, Francesco Franzese III.
A viewing will be held on Friday, September 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Kresge Funeral Home, Brodheadsville. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, September 17 at 11:30 a.m. from Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, with Rev. Robert Simon as celebrant. Burial will follow in Buena Vista Brodheadsville.Cemetery, www.kresgefuneralhome. com

He enjoyed watching sports and was an avid New York Mets and the S.S.C. Napoli football club fan. He also enjoyed fishing and bowling. Most of all, he was a loving and caring husband, father, brother, and friend.
Clifton Darnell Cranford, 68, of Blakeslee, passed away on Sunday, September 4, 2022, at home. He was the husband of the late Patricia Ellen (Schenck) Cranford who died January 31, 2017. Born on November 6, 1953 in Benham, KY, he was the son of the late Charles Jr. and Sarah Frances (Thomas) Cranford and lived in Monroe County for over 30 years.Hewas a department of sanitation truck driver and also a substance abuse counselor. Clifton was a counselor for Daytop Village and owned his own practice, Cranford Group, LLC.

The family of Gertrude Shepley would like to recognize and thank the caring and compassionate staff of Sacred Heart Senior Living by Saucon Creek and the amazing nurses, caregivers and chaplain of Family Pillars Hospice.
Gertrude Angeline Shepley, 93, formerly of Scotrun,passedawaywithlovedonesbyhersideatSacredHeartSeniorLivingbySauconCreek,in

Years later, Gertrude met and fell in love with James F. Shepley. They married in a beautiful outdoor environment held at the old Pocono Manor Inn. Their shared motto was to “Live, Laugh, Love,” and they truly did as they traveled and enjoyed every moment together until Jim’s passing inGertrude2011. led a full and active life participating in many activities and organizations. She especially enjoyed outdoor activities including hiking, snowshoeing, fishing, camping, and swimming (usually the entire length of the lake in her Crescent Lake community). She participated in several sports at the Pennsylvania Senior Olympic Games, and volunteered for years as an election poll worker.
www.kresgefuneralhome. com
Sebastian; a brother, Steven Naulty and his wife Amanda of Hazleton and many nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles. She was preceded in death by a sister, Michelle, a brother David, and a nephew Mark.Graveside services will be held on Friday, September 16 at 1 p.m. from the Blakeslee Cemetery with Rev. Joseph Healey officiating. Interment of her cremated remains will follow.
Born in the Bronx, NY, he was the son of the late Frank D’Addio and the late Grace (Delcasale) D’Addio.
Bolock Funeral Home, Cresco, was in charge of arrangements.
Gertrude and her beautiful smile will be lovingly remembered by her companion H. George Haab; daughters Sheila (Richardson) Earhart and husband, Samuel of Carlisle, Brenda (Richardson) Bell and husband, Richard of Canadensis; and always, as their adoring “Oma,” by her grandchildren, Samuel Earhart (wife, Amber) and Seth Earhart; greatgrandchildren, Ava and Luke Earhart; along with several nieces, nephews and friends who were like family.
A memorial service was held September 10, at Faith Lutheran Church, Pocono Lake.
Saint CatholicByzantineNicholasChurch ROUTE 940 • POCONO SUMMIT (Between CVS & Tractor Supply) DIVINE LITURGY (MASS) For Mass Times Call (570) 839-8090 Very Rev. Michael Salnicky, Pastor For Parish Office Call (570) 595-3265
Renee A. Matarese, 49, of Harrisburg passed away on July 21, 2022 in her home. She was born on August 26, 1972 in East Stroudsburg and she grew up in Arrowhead Lake.
Renee was fun-loving and very thoughtful and caring. She enjoyed babysitting the kids in her apartment complex. Though disabled, she never lost her spunk. She loved to do crafts and she was an avid Dallas Cowboys fan.She was a member of the Blakeslee United Methodist Church.Sheis survived by her grandmother, Elsie Gower of Gilbert; her mother, Nielene Bogansky of Hazleton; two children, Selena and
and county fairs. They loved playing cards, bingo, and working on jigsaw puzzles late into the night. In her last year as she slowed down, they participated together in the many activities provided by the Sacred Heart Senior Living staff.
He was the loving husband of the late Loretta (Odierno) D’Addio. They celebrated 56 years of marriage together before her passing in 2016.
Gertrude was predeceased by three infant children, Angeline, Stephen and David; brothers Clodomiro, Jr. and Renato; a son, Thomas Richardson, and grandson, Shaun Earhart.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the family, c/o Elsie Gower, P.O. Box 163, Gilbert, PA 18331.TheKresge Funeral Home, 1763 Route 209 Brodheadsville, is in charge of arrangements.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Archie was of the Catholic faith. He was a school bus driver in the Bronx, NY, for most of his life. He was an avid painter and drawer. He loved the Blessed Mother and always enjoyed his religious artwork. Most of all, he was a loving and caring father, family.missedandgreat-grandfather,grandfather,brother,friend.Hewillbedeeplybyallhisfriendsand
They were married for 40 years when Henry passed away in 1990.
Gertrude was raised in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and after WWII returned to the U.S. where she met her husband, Henry E. Richardson while attending Beauty School together in Philadelphia. Together they owned and operated a hair salon near Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia. In the early 1970s, they moved their young family to the Pocono Mountains and opened hair salons in A.B. Wyckoff Department Store on Main Street, Stroudsburg, on Courtland Street in East Stroudsburg, and later on Sarah Street in Stroudsburg.
She was a member of Faith Lutheran Church in Blakeslee, the former German American Society of the Poconos, Pocono Mountain Seniors, and was a charter member of the Pocono Outdoor Club. She was recognized by DCNR for volunteering more than 2,500 hours as a valued campground host at Tobyhanna State Park. She loved animals and enjoyed watching the Philadelphia Phillies.Gertrude shared her final years with her loving companion H. George Haab (her angel, as she called him). Together they enjoyed many exciting camping trips, attended Bluegrass festivals
Center Valley. Born March 25, 1929 in Philadelphia, Gertrude was the daughter of the late Clodomiro E. and Gertrude (Kranewitter) Caravelli. She was the beloved wife of the late Henry E. Richardson and the late James F. Shepley.
Achilles “Archie” D’Addio, 92, of Tobyhanna, passed away on Wednesday, August 31, at home.
He is survived by a son, Joseph D’Addio; three daughters, Therese D’Addio, Patricia Klinges and her husband Chris, Maria Pekalski and her husband John; a sister, Marie Deluise; 9 grandchildren; and 16 great grandchildren. In addition to his wife and parents, he was preceded in death by a daughter, Bernadette D’Addio, a sister, Lorraine Krems, and two brothers, Dominic and Joey D’Addio.Memorial services were held September 9 from the Kresge Funeral Home, Brodheadsville, with Rev. Robert Simon officiating. Cremation took place in H.G. Smith Stroudsburg.Crematory,
by Alex Zidock
Twenty of the congregants of Congregation B’nai Harim, under the leadership of Social Justice Chair Roberta Pineiro, gathered to fill backpacks for children at local community school Tobyhanna Elementa ry Center. 110 backpacks (surpassing our goal of 100) were filled to the brim with binders, markers, head phones, pencil bags, glue, notebooks and more. Backpacks were delivered the next day to the school to be distributed to children whose families cannot afford to purchase the supplies on their own. In true tradi tion of the highest level of Tzdekah the school supplies are given without the donors knowing who the recipi ent is. Nurses and teachers are supplied with tissues, paper towels and additional supplies for the students. All of the supplies were donated by generous B’nai Harim members. Thank you to all of our volunteers and to all of you who opened your hearts and contrib uted so generously to this worthy project.

Shuffling my feet forward until the water splashed above the waistband on my shorts and I could cast the Deceiver to the edge of the wooden pilings, the barracuda did not disappoint. Suddenly, I was surrounded by a large pod of jellyfish. Some looked as big as grapefruits cut in half dangling angel hair pasta. All wrapped up in catching and releasing these voracious 2 to 4-pounders, I was having fun until that happened. I was sure I would die, stung to death in paradise, and unnoticed by the tanned-skin bikini princesses basking on blankets in the sand. I could become shark snack.
a big, white Lefty’s Deceiver tied on a 2/0 hook. I wadded, casting, wadding further and further.
Out in the Open Jellyfish Jam
I’m a sometimesfisherman,afly-rodder in and around Pocono waters and wherever I travel. The 9-weight rod I take to the Salmon River in New York is hefty enough for some of the larger piscatorial species found around the Florida Keys. That’s where it happened.OnU.S.1, at about mile marker 80 is Islamorada, the sport fishing capital of the world. My place for real fishing fun. After a morning wrestling match with a 70-pound tarpon on light tackle from a guided boat, I wadded the turquoise water in front of the resort. My rod loaded with wire leader and
Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset Sunday, September 25. If you would like wor ship with us at Congregation B’nai Harim for High Holi day services, please call the temple message service 570646-0100.YomKippur begins at sun set Tuesday, October 4. The Congregation’s Yom Kippur Break-The-Fast will be held at Lake Naomi Club House at 6:30 p.m. on October 5. Cost is $38 per adult, $20 for children 12-6, and children 5 and under are free. Send your check to Congregation B’nai Harim, PO Box 757, Pocono Pines, PA 18350, by September 26, with your name with how many will be attending. Any questions, call the temple message ser vice 570-646-0100.
Feeling a ting, but not a sting, I held my rod high and my breath long as I slowly slid my clogs closer to the beach. The pod of jellyfish seemed to escort my journey almost until my knocking knees cleared the brine. I made it. For the next several hours, my lower body tingled. Psychological? I’m thinking it was a reaction from the toxic pod of jellyfish sweating as much as I did.
After several soapy showers, then later relaxing at the poolside, I could imagine my Pocono fishing buddies reading the headline in this newspaper, “Sport Fishing Capitol of the World claims longtime writer as he fails to get out of a jellyfish jam.”
Puzzle Answers

I got into a mess as sticky as grape jelly on a toddler’s bib. I’m going to die, I thought.
Holy Day info listed