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Key dry hydrant on Lake Harmony soon to be reality in Kidder Township

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PO Notes

PO Notes

by Seth Isenberg

Installing a dry hydrant into Lake Harmony at Wood Street has been a years-long effort. Kidder Township supervisors approved the agreement between the Lake Harmony Estates Property Owners Association, Lake Harmony Association, and the township. The next step is buying the parts and finding an excavating company to install it. If all of the next steps go well, this fire safety enhancing device will give local fire companies access to water direct from Lake Harmony (possibly by May).

Kristina Heaney of the Monroe County Conservation District spoke about stormwater management and updating the township’s Act 167 by May 22. She noted that the Tunkhannock Creek flows from Monroe County into Kidder.

Kara Edmonds of the Dimmick Memorial Library gave a presentation on what the library gives back to the community and the programs it offers. She asked supervisors to consider a $2,500 donation towards the Penn-Kidder Library’s operating expenses.

Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company chief Ralph Lennon said that he and other fire company members went to Sioux Falls to inspect the new fire truck. They were able to see it and drive it. It will soon ship to New Jersey for finishing, and should arrive here in early April, Lennon said.

Supervisors voted to approve the contract for the township to make payments toward the cost of the new fire trucks. Albrightsville VFD has a truck on order, with possible delivery date late this year.

Supervisors approved participating in a police regionalization study with Penn Forest Township. The study is to explore operations, costs, and steps toward a potential regional police department for both townships. Also on police items, officer Mason Moran completed his probationary period and is now a full-time patrolman with the Kidder Police Department.

See KIDDER, page 36

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