1 minute read

Lake News

April–May 2023

A CANWIN publication

Ruth Isenberg, Editor

Seth Isenberg, Ads / Distribution Publishers

(Continuing the work of founders

Frank Pieri and Mary Farnschlader, 1995 – 2018)

Lake News is published monthly for the enjoyment of Lake Harmony area residents and visitors. Copies are free and are mailed to Lake Harmony box holders. Find additional copies at The Country Peddler and at selected area businesses.

Subscriptions are also available, for $24 by first class mail, or $15 as a PDF via e-mail. Mail your check to CANWIN at 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661.

E-mail us at lakenewslakeharmony@gmail.com

Call us at 570-215-0204, Seth x1 and Ruth x2

To submit an article or photo, use the above e-mail, or give us a call. Articles may be accepted or rejected. If accepted, they will be edited. Submitted items can be returned by arrangement. Articles appearing in Lake News may not be reprinted without permission of Lake News or CANWIN newspapers. Mailing address is 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661.

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