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Continued from page 12 is fully aerobatic performing rolls, Cuban eights, Shark tooths, inverted flight, high speed passes, and all with a killer smoke system. The Vampire, being the beginning of ALallL modern jet aviation, is truly inspiring to watch fly.

Rob Holland – Ultimate Airshows

Based on the popular MXS, the MXS-RH is a one-of-a-kind, all carbon-fiber masterpiece. This single seat, competition and airshow –ready aircraft is designed and built by MX Aircraft in North Carolina, and incorporates design modifications suggested by Rob himself. Powering this aerobatic monster is a Lycoming engine producing 380 horsepower. Weighing in at a minimal 1200 pounds, this state-of-the-art aerobatic masterpiece boasts astonishing performance, is capable of pulling 16 positive and negative Gs, and rolls at nearly 500 degrees per second. In the skilled hands of a master like Rob Holland, the MXS-RH’s performance is “game-changing” and allows him to perform the innovated maneuvers unequalled on the airshow circuit.


Volker Airshows

Rick Volker chose Trig to equip his Sukhoi SU-26M aircraft – flown at airshows across North America and Canada. He demonstrates complete mastery of the aircraft’s flight envelope – pushing the boundaries of both low and high-speed flight in a tight display, that superbly shows off this remarkable aircraft.

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