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On the Road

I like to write about how convenient the Lake Harmony area is to fun activities, and when needed, health care and the like. It has not been a bad place to live when it comes to driving farther afield.

by Seth Isenberg

My Mom passed when I was in high school, and my Dad took ill, and a good-hearted couple stepped up to provide me a safe place. I consider them part of my family. So when she asked Ruth and I to attend her Passover first night dinner, we told her we would do our best to get there.

That day we packed up the dogs and an overnight bag, and hit the road. Over the years we’ve considered a nice long road trip as a way to become free of our ties, even for a day. This trip was potentially up to Worcester, Massachusetts and back, with an overnight.

We broke up our journey by making a stop at a Columbian bakery and restaurant in Newburgh, New York, and had our timing under control until we reached the Interstate 384 merge, and traffic became stop and go. Normally these bouts of heavy traffic clear after several miles, but this did not, and it was stop and go almost to Waterbury, Connecticut. Our timing went from arriving at the beginning, to merely arriving at some point.

We finally cleared stop and go, and nearly all of our daylight. Traffic was through Hartford when we got there, and the only volume we found was in Massachusetts.

We arrived after much of the early seder ceremony, but not too long after the actual dinner portion started… so right to the food. We enjoyed everyone’s company and the ending portion of the seder, then visited for a while including some time with their two dogs ours remained in the car.

See ON THE ROAD, page 16

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