Lake News, December 2020

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VOL. 25, NO. 12

Lake Harmony PA


2 — Lake News, December 2020


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Lake News, December 2020 —3

Lake News December 2020 A CANWIN publication

Ruth Isenberg, Editor Seth Isenberg, Ads / Distribution Publishers (Continuing the work of founders Frank Pieri and Mary Farnschlader, 1995 – 2018) Lake News is published monthly for the enjoyment of Lake Harmony area residents and visitors. Copies are free and are mailed to Lake Harmony box holders. Find additional copies at The Country Peddler and at selected area businesses. Subscriptions are also available, for $21 by first class mail, or $15 as a PDF via e-mail. Mail your check to CANWIN at 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661. E-mail us at Call us at CANWIN’s office, 570-215-0204, Seth x302 and Ruth x304 To submit an article or photo, use the above e-mail, or give us a call. Articles may be accepted or rejected. If accepted, they will be edited. Submitted items can be returned by arrangement. Articles appearing in Lake News may not be reprinted without permission of Lake News or CANWIN newspapers. Mailing address is 211 Main St., White Haven PA 18661.

Shop small, shop local by Ruth Isenberg

Christmas has many facets. To Christians, it’s primarily a religious observance. For those more secular, it represents a season of good will, a time to celebrate the importance of family and friends. For many small businesses, a good Christmas season can mean a profitable year. Gift giving within one’s means is a lovely custom—made even better when the gifts are purchased with care from local businesses that are the heart of the community, the businesses that donate to local organizations and support local charities. This year supporting those businesses is more important than ever. Covid-19 shutdowns have made it much more difficult for them to compete against big box stores and on-line merchants— entities that the shutdown rules seem to favor. If you don’t know what to give, we suggest gift certificates to local restaurants and stores. Without community support, some of them may not be in business next year. They won’t be able to provide employment or offer services. Our communities will be poorer as a result. Shopping small and shopping locally is a triple gift—to those we give to, to the merchants and restaurants we care about, and to our communities and ourselves.

LOCAL CONTACT INFORMATION Kidder Township Office 570 722-0107 Kidder Township Police (non-emergency #) 570 722-0192 Lake Harmony Vol. Fire Co. (non-emergency #) 570 722-8138 Lake Harmony Rescue Squad (non-emergency #) 570 722-1782 For emergencies, call 911. If you do not live in an area served by 911, call 570 325-9111.


Kidder Township Supervisor meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at the township building, and unless otherwise noted, begin at 6:30 PM. Notices of special meetings are posted at the township building and advertised. Planning meetings are held the 1st Wednesday at 6 PM; Zoning meetings, the last Monday at 6 PM; EAC, the second Wednesday at 7 PM. The public is welcome. Some meetings are being held online due to COVID restrictions.

4 — Lake News, December 2020

Kidder Supervisors hear from new owners of Split Rock Resort by Seth Isenberg The Split Rock Resort is now owned by Bel Air Collection Resort & Spas. The purchase was announced early in November. Representatives of the ownership, managing director Jose Carrasco, and local marketing manager Jeanine Hofbauer, came to the regular Kidder Township supervisors meeting on November 19 to share current plans for the property. Among these are renovations from the bare bones of rooms in the Galleria and The Lodge, and a new welcome building for Willowbrook to include meeting rooms, a pool and a restaurant. Overall, renovations valued at $82 million are planned for the facilities. The Willowbrook building is likely to be under construction this spring, depending on obtaining the needed permits. Hofbauer extended an invitation to “come visit us,” with supervisors chairman Tom Bradley agreeing. “We’d like to have a meeting,” he said.

No tax increase in budget

In regular business, supervisors were unanimous is accepting the proposed 2021 budget to be advertised. The $1,977,402 budget manages to hold taxes a current levels. The biggest spending is concentrated in public safety ($511k) and insurance and benefits ($460.5k), with a big investment planned for drains and road repairs ($360k). Also on the topic of budget, supervisors voted to transfer $243,000 from the surplus to cover this year’s roads project, primarily, and some office items, unexpected trees removal, and a list of other items. During the public session, two citizens asked questions about rules for short-term rentals. It was agreed to trade in two older rifles of the police department to get a pair of new assault rifles from Sig Sauer. See KIDDER, page 10

Open for Take-out

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Lake News, December 2020 —5

6 — Lake News, December 2020

Martino, Raphaelson honored for service to Lake Harmony Association The Lake Harmony Association (LHA) recently honored two of its longest-serving and most dedicated board members upon their retirements, two individuals whose love and care for our lake is unparalleled. Thomas (TJ) Martino began his service on the Board of Directors in 1980 and retired in 2019. Throughout that time, he served in nearly every leadership role and committee of the board, including as its president and secretary, and as a member of the fish stocking, nominating, water quality and activities committees. TJ was a driving force in initiating the boat sticker program, which has been instrumental in maintaining the lake as a refuge for residents and invited visitors and providing valuable funds to maintain and improve the safety and quality of our most precious resource. He fought fiercely to protect homeowner and resident access to the lake, initiated the lot numbering system and provided invaluable knowledge to help combat the Gypsy moth invasion. His lakeside See LHA, page 6

TJ Martino receives a plaque of thanks from Kim Ginopolas.

Lake News, December 2020 —7

8 — Lake News, December 2020

LHA… Continued from page 6

brunches and parties for friends, neighbors, and family exemplified the best of lake life. TJ inspired all with a love and appreciation for Lake Harmony. Virginia (Ginny) Raphaelson joined the board not long after TJ, in 1985, and served until this fall. She was a founder of the Lake Harmony Watershed Preservation Group and her tireless work to improve the quality of the lake is evident every time a child swims off a dock, a pontoon glides across the lake or a water-skier cuts through a wake. As a member of the LHA Board, she was a member of the lake group, the nominating committee and the historical committee, which has produced two books overflowing with photos and stories of the vast history of Lake Harmony. Ginny’s always upbeat and sunny smile, her strong friendships and ties with lake residents of all ages and generations, and her dedication to improving the Lake are what we all aspire to. Both TJ and Ginny, forever fixtures on the Lake and on the LHA Board, will be missed, but their legacy of commitment to our community will be everlasting.

Lake News, December 2020 —9

Ginny Raphaelson receives a plaque of thanks from Pete Ginopolas.

10 — Lake News, December 2020

Kidder Twp… Continued from page 4

Mary Farnschlader was appointed to fill a vacancy of the elected auditors. Three parcels bought from the Tax Claim Bureau were accepted back onto the tax rolls. The Mosebach lot combination in Holiday Pocono was accepted. Manager Suzanne Brooks reported a ‘very successful’ electronics recycling day. “The truck was filled in an hour and a half.” Township clerk Chrissy Lindsey received thanks for her hard work. Bradley asked if the township should get a second truck for the next event. Brooks will look into that when she books dates for 2021. Citizens who want to come in to the township building for business are asked to call and make an appointment, due to the increase of COVID-19 in the region. “The building will remain open for now,” noted Brooks. She also announced that the December 17 supervisors meeting will be held via Zoom, at 6:30 p.m. Bills of $142,026 were approved for the past month. The biggest bills were trash collection, various insurances, taxes, various pension payments, engineering fees and the monthly payments to-

SPLIT ROCK marketing manager Jeanine Hofbauer presents renovation plans to the Kidder Township Supervisors. JPK: Seth Isenberg ward emergency services. In reports, Kidder Police 147 calls for service in October including 15 for disorderly/disturbing the peace, and patrolled over 6,000 miles. Lake Harmony Rescue Squad ambulances were out 3,651 miles, making 20 calls in October. The Albrightsville Volunteer Fire Company responded to 48 calls, and Lake Harmony VFD to 41. The majority of these were for smoke detector alarms. Both companies were out at Hawk Falls at Hickory Run State Park on 10-3 for a rescue and extrication, and on the 24th to Boulder Field for a rescue. The AVFC had seven medical assists.



Call (570) 977-9675 Email:

Lake News, December 2020 —11

12 — Lake News, December 2020

Lake Harmony Post Office Notes by Christine Gilliar

We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas & A Happy Healthy New Year. Due to Covid, delays have been frustrating to say the least! So if you haven’t already sent those holiday packages, please don’t delay and get them out.

Do You Know What You Can and Can’t Send Through the Mail? The Postal Service plans for peak season all year. And while customers may not think about the holidays until the season is upon them, it’s important to know how to properly ship all the gifts on your list. Simple planning will help prevent injuries to Postal Service employees and customers. It will also help keep packages from being returned to sender if the contents are not allowed to be mailed, or the packages don’t follow size and weight requirements. Shipping Restrictions There are guidelines to keep certain hazardous, restricted and perishable items out of the mail — both domestically and internationally. The regulations on shipping eligible hazardous, restricted or perishable items safely through the Postal Service can be found in Publication 52¸ - Hazardous, Restricted and Perishable Mail. Of course, you can always check with your local Post Office location for more information. At the most basic level, there are items you can’t send through the mail. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: • Liquor • Ammunition • Explosives • Mercury (including items

which contain mercury such as thermometers) • Gasoline There are also restricted items which have specific guidelines to follow if you plan to send them through the mail. The list below is not comprehensive, and customers are advised to check Publication 52, or their local Post Office, for a complete list: • Alcohol (any kind, including hand sanitizer)

• Perfumes/colognes (they are generally made with alcohol) • Aerosols • Lithium metal batteries (non-rechargeable/rechargeable, used to power flashlights or laptops) Reusing Boxes? Maybe That’s Not the Best Idea It’s suggested to never reuse boxes as they can weaken in the shipping process. But if you See PO NOTES, page 13

Lake News, December 2020 —13

PO Notes… Continued from page 12

decide to reuse, make sure any labels or markings are removed or completely covered over, especially if the box you choose to reuse has labels or markings associated with hazardous, prohibited or restricted materials. Package Size and Weight Requirements Did you know that there are size and weight restrictions for packages sent through the Postal Service? The price you pay to ship items depends on the shape and weight of your package.

In some cases, oddly shaped packages, such as tubes, are charged a higher price because those pieces must be processed manually. Packages sent within the United States can’t weigh more than 70 pounds and can’t measure more than 108 inches total in length and around the widest part of the package. If you are sending items internationally or to APO, FPO, and DPO locations, lower maximum weight or size standards may be applied and the weight varies based on the destination country. More information and specific restrictions for APO, FPO, and DPO

JEANNE C. BINGHAM, RSPS Associate Broker AB065668

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can be found on our website. International restriction information can also be found on our international page. All packages must be large enough to hold the required delivery and return addresses, mailing labels and postage on the outside of the package. Regardless of the contents, mail and packages weighing more than 10 ounces and/or are more than a half-inch thick cannot be dropped into a collection box or left for a carrier to pick up if you’re using stamps for postage. Instead, take them to a retail associate at your local Post Office. And NEVER over pack a box, which can cause the sides or the seams to bulge or break, as well as cause injury to postal employees. Avoid shipping issues by using the FREE Priority Mail or Priority Mail Express boxes available at your local Post Office, or order them online at There are no extra markings to worry about covering up, the larger sizes can hold up to 70 pounds, and there are no odd shapes. Plus, you can ship for one flat rate, with tracking and basic insurance included (with some restrictions). Additional holiday news and information, including all domestic, international and military mailing and shipping deadlines, can be found at the Postal Service Holiday Newsroom. The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Price changes for next year

Licensed in South Carolina RL 111654


RB 066506

If reviewed favorably by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), the changes would take effect Jan. 24, 2021. Here’s a list of current and planned prices: See PO NOTES, page 14

14 — Lake News, December 2020

PO Notes…

Holiday schedule

• Priority Mail small flat-rate box: $8.30 (current), $8.45 (planned) • Priority Mail medium flat-rate box: $15.05 (current), $15.50 (planned) • Priority Mail large flat-rate box: $21.10 (current), $21.90 (planned) • Army/Air Post Office and Fleet Post Office large flat-rate box: $19.60 (current), $20.40 (planned) • Priority Mail regular flat-rate envelope: $7.75 (current), $7.95 (planned) • Priority Mail legal flat-rate envelope: $8.05 (current), $8.25 (planned) • Priority Mail padded flat-rate envelope: $8.40 (current), $8.55 (planned) Overall, these changes would raise prices approximately 3.5 percent for Priority Mail service and 1.2 percent for Priority Mail Express service. In October, USPS announced price changes for Mailing Services and International Shipping Services products. Although Mailing Services price increases are based on the consumer price index, Shipping Services prices are primarily adjusted according to market conditions.

Many small and big businesses rely on the services of the USPS for their survival. This is why it becomes important to remain updated about the holidays. USPS Post offices are closed on Federal Holidays. On the next page you can see a list of US post office holidays for the 2021 year. Please note that here only the observed date is mentioned. For example, Independence Day is celebrated on July 4, but as you can see in the table above that it will be observed on July 5 because as per the Federal Rules “A holiday that falls on a weekend is usually observed on the closest weekday (e.g. a holiday falling on a Saturday is observed on the preceding Friday, while a holiday falling on a Sunday is observed on the succeeding Monday)” As always we “Thank You” for your business! April Shaner : Post Master Christine A. Gilliar: SSA Monday – Friday, Window hours 8–11:30 a.m., 1–4:30 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Lobby hours 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. 365 days a year, 7 days a week 570-722-8524

Continued from page 13

Committed to Quality and

Proud to be part of serving our community through these challenging times

Lake News, December 2020 —15

List of USPS Holidays 2021 – Post Office Day

Friday Monday Wednesday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Friday

Date January 1, 2021 January 18, 2021 January 20, 2021 February 15, 2021 May 31, 2021 July 5, 2021 September 6, 2021 October 11, 2021 November 11, 2021 November 25, 2021 December 24, 2021

Holiday Name New Year’s Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Inauguration Day Washington’s Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day

16 — Lake News, December 2020

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Pocono Pet Groomers

Our 32nd Year

Lake News, December 2020 —17

New fund helps Pocono hospitality & restaurant workers in response to new PA restrictions At a press conference December 17, Pocono Mountains United Way introduced its newly established Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund. The goal is to financially support hospitality and restaurant employees across the four-county Pocono region who are out of work due to Pennsylvania’s new COVID-19 restrictions, which took effect December 12. The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau made a $50,000 kickstart donation toward the fund. United Way and chamber of commerce organizations across all four counties are partners in this initiative. “For the past ten months, hospitality and restaurant workers have increased their health and safety protocols while navigating the uncertainty of employment and the stressors of everyday living in a pandemic,” said Michael Tukeva, Pocono Mountains United Way President/CEO. “These individuals continue to show up. They smile while their hearts break. They offer discounts on their most

prized dishes just to put bread on their own plates. Now, they need our help more than ever.” As an offshoot of Pocono Mountains United Way’s Crisis Response Fund, 100% of all donations will be utilized in the form of direct mini-grants to workers. Hospitality and restaurant employees across the Pocono Mountains can apply online for financial assistance. The application requires basic demographic information as well as a 2019 tax return and most recent paystub to determine income eligibility and verify recent employment. Applications will be approved on a first come first serve basis and mini-grants of $250 will be issued until funds are depleted. In order to help as many people as possible, online contributions to the Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund are greatly appreciated. Or, donors can mail contributions to Pocono Mountains United Way 301 McConnell Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 and include “Hospitality & Restaurant Worker Relief Fund” in the memo.

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18 — Lake News, December 2020

On The Road by Seth Isenberg

Lake Harmony received a frosting of snow early this month, adding a special decoration to our beautiful community. As I write this, there is a promise of more snow, perhaps enough to keep a while. Since we are host to ski areas, this is good news, and would be a normally good start to our winter, and our ski season. Soon, we will also see the snow guns pouring out a beautiful white blanket of crystals onto the slopes of Big Boulder, and Jack Frost Mountain. Welcome skiers, and welcome to the holidays here around the lake. Being on the road in November was a dream unrealized for us. Instead of the usual three- and four- generation gatherings for Thanksgiving that are the Isenberg norm, we stayed home and enjoyed a traditional meal with another couple. The 90 and 80 year-olds in our extended family are being preciously kept sheltered. My cousins, who are in their 60s and 70s, are being cautious, so… we settled for phone calls, making for an empty holiday in my opinion. Ruth and I planned to fly to see family in Charlotte over the first weekend in the month. Rising COVID numbers put the kibosh on that until the peak passes. The airline was gracious enough to hold our money for a later trip … hopefully early next year. That leaves us home, carving out time to go out enjoying Hickory Run State Park with our dogs. We also are driving around our area, searching

Beasty Treats Pet Supplies & Dog Grooming Spa

for homes decorated elaborately for the holidays. There are some fine displays hereabouts. Ruth and I decorated some. Our home has a mixed batch of colored lights, plus a giant snowflake decoration for our front door, plus a locallymade wreath attached to the storm door. Add a Menorah and we’re good for Chanukah, Christmas and New Year’s. For the holidays, we will be finding ways to dine out. Our work on LAKE NEWS and our other newspapers keeps up out into the evening two or three nights most weeks, so dining out is usually the plan. As this issue goes to press, it looks like a couple of weeks where we’ll be ordering take out, which we’ll happily do to support our local restaurants. Our usual big early January weekend for nearly 30 years was a trip to the PA Farm Show in Harrisburg on opening day. And no, it’s not happening, except online. That being our reality, we’ll have to get creative about an in-state road trip. We visited a friend’s streamside hunting cabin out in PA’s elk country several years ago, and were recently See ON THE ROAD, page 19

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Lake News, December 2020 —19

On the Road… Continued from page 18

reminiscing about the trip. Elk are more active in cold weather, so perhaps a trip out in that direction — about three hour’s drive with stops which makes it a full day’s trip with the return drive at night. Beyond that idea, we hope to visit both Steamtown in Scranton and the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg once museums reopen. Scranton is an hour’s ride, and Strasburg is less than two — with stops. Through the holidays, though, we’ll tour Lake Harmony, Kidder Township and nearby, and find some easy trails to walk with the dogs. Maybe we’ll shape up a bit. Until next month, enjoy some photos of Lake Harmony in holiday splendor.

20 — Lake News, December 2020

Rescue Squad 2020 campaign nears goal by Seth Isenberg The Lake Harmony Rescue Squad 2020 fundraiser has reached 90% of its 2020 letter fundraising campaign. The support of the Lake Harmony and Kidder Township community has been wonderful this year, even with the challenges of a pandemic. Another $2,000 remains to be raised by February to meet the goal. Fundraising helps provide needed supplies for the crews, and dollars towards the most advanced equipment to care for patients. Next up on the equipment list is a Lifepack 15 Monitor and defibrillator, which costs $40,000. This monitor once connected to a patient, has the ability to continually monitor their oxygen level, carbon dioxide levels, blood pressure, temperature and heart rhythms. It has the capability to alert our EMT’s of any change in the heart rhythm or changes that may indicate a cardiac problem. These real

time readings can be transmitted to area hospitals allowing the EMTs to triage the patient to an appropriate hospital for cardiac care. Looking further ahead, the LHRS needs to replace the ambulance chassis soon, which will mean more fundraising. Professionals would take the “box” off the older of our existing chassis, and replace the entire frame and suspension. To keep the LHRS ambulances going 24 hours a day/7 days a week will cost about $478,000 in 2020. The largest part of this is salaries. The LHRS puts their budget together with Kidder Township’s support through taxes, along with insurance payments from patients, grants and donations. If you did not receive our annual letter, or would like to make an additional donation, please send a check to Lake Harmony Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 564, Lake Harmony, PA 18624. Thank you, and have a safe holiday season.

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Lake News, December 2020 —21

Snyder/Cuesta team take first Fall Classic title The inaugural Lake Harmony Fall Classic was held at Split Rock Country Club featuring a best ball format. The team of Rob Snyder and Marc Cuesta held off the second place team of Anthony Giovannone, Matt Sirolli, and Evan Janak. Marc Cuesta started the day off with an unbelievable 250 yard fade over the trees to cut the corner on hole 1 and put the team 130 yards out from the flag setting the tone putting the rest of the field on notice that Cuesta/Snyder meant business. The match between the two front running teams was close until the seventh hole when the wheels came off for the Giovannone/Sirolli/Janak team. Sirolli dropped his tee shot into the pond and Giovannone duck hooked his into the woods. The Cuesta/Snyder team pounced like a cat and birdied the hole with a magnificent

tee shot off the right side of the hill resting 8 feet from the hole. On 8 the Giovannone/Sirolli/ Janak team landed a 30 yard chip shot to tie the match but the wheels fell off again on 9 and they only managed a haphazard 10 yard chip leaving them 20 yards short of the pin. Seizing the day the Cuesta/Snyder team put the final nail in the coffin when Snyder masterfully landed his approach shot 8 feet from the pin and Cuesta drained the slippery downhill put for the winning birdie. The once boisterous Sirolli was silenced as if the cat had got his tongue. The end result was Team Cuesta/Snyder winning by two strokes over Team Giovannone/Sirolli/Janak with the team of Chad Janak, Luke Janak, and Joe Cuesta coming in a distant third.


22 — Lake News, December 2020

This Month’s Cover

This month’s cover shot of the Nativity scene at the miniature golf course at Split Rock was taken following the snowstorm on December 17 by editor Ruth Isenberg. The snow and the afternoon light and shadows provided the perfect setting. If you take a photo of The Lake you’d like us to consider for a future cover, send it to, with information about where and when it was taken.

Lake News, December 2020 —23


by Seth Isenberg

December 1998 This issue is printed with maroon ink, on ivory paper. Editor Mary Farnschlader penned a full page salute to volunteers, featuring Wendy Roeber who volunteers for the Lake Harmony Rescue Squad, and serves in the Lake Harmony Volunteer Fire Company. Mary then invites readers to consider volunteering themselves. The Rescue Squad needs EMTs — call them at 570 722-1782, and the LHVFD just graduated a new class of first rate firefighters, and is looking for more — call them at 570 722-8138. There will be a retirement party for Chief Ron Gallagher on January 15 at Split Rock Resort. Call 722-xxxx for information or reservations. The recipes for this issue were Hot Fudge Fantasy Tarts, Pesto Walnut Nibbles, and for turkey leftovers, an Autumn Turkey Salad. Bobby Rydell and Glenn Campbell performed at

Ramblers Ranch last month. Ronnie Milsap will perform this month, with Tommy Schafer and the Blue Mountain Ramblers to open. Among those businesses wishing readers a safe and joyous holiday are Fairview Beverage and The Sportsman Restaurant.

18624 Frank and Claire Farnschlader opened The Bagel Gourmet in the Smale Real Estate Building next to the entrance to Towamensing Trails. High Elevations Restaurant was reopened by George Ahart, owner of Ahart’s Supermarket. Linda Hubert had election day surgery and is now up and about. She voted first, before her trip to the hospital. Family and friends of Peter and Nancy Deisroth of Split Rock gathered on a glorious Sunday afternoon in October for the ChristenSee ARCHIVES, page 26

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24 — Lake News, December 2020

Lake News, December 2020 —25

Joe Geiser, State Farm® Agent If the electric service is interrupted at your home or you need power in a remote location, a portable generator can provide temporary power when and where you need it. But as convenient as they are, generators are not without their safety hazards: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that more than 80 deaths occur each year as a result of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from generators. And generators also pose potential electrocution and fire safety hazards. Before you use your generator: Consider where you place a portable generator According to the Centers for Disease Control, one 5.5kW generator can produce exhaust containing as much carbon monoxide as six idling vehicles. Before starting your generator, consider the following safety tips: • • •

Your garage is not the ideal location for a generator, portable generators should be placed outside and away from windows and doors so carbon monoxide (CO) doesn't enter your home. Give your generator adequate 'breathing' room - leave at least 3 to 4 feet of space around the unit to ensure proper ventilation. As a safety precaution, always have working carbon monoxide (CO) detectors and smoke alarms in your home.

Be aware of the electricity produced by a generator

Keep generators on dry, level ground outdoors. If you must use a generator in damp or wet conditions, protect the unit with a canopy. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also recommends using generators and extension cords with ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection in damp or wet conditions. Check out extension cords that might be used to connect an appliance to the generator. Be sure cords are grounded, and do not use cords if they are cracked, frayed or visibly damaged. Ensure extension cords are appropriately rated in watts or amps for the intended use. Never plug a generator into a wall outlet. Doing this creates an electrocution risk called 'backfeeding.'

Don't touch a generator with wet hands. Always dry your hands before touching the unit to avoid electric shock.

Watch for potential fire hazards • • •

Let generators cool before storing or refueling. If fuel spills on the unit's hot engine parts, it could ignite. Store generator fuel away from other fuels or combustible materials. Never store fuel in your home. Keep fuel in a proper storage container with clear labeling. Store fuel on a high shelf or in a locked cabinet where children and pets can't get it.

Never smoke near a generator or the fuel. When the power goes out due to storms, hurricanes, freezing temperatures, or other natural disasters, it’s always uncertain how long it will be before the power comes back on. Portable generators provide your home with temporary power but you can also use a permanent generator. Learn more about the differences between permanent and portable generators and which one might be right for you. •

Here to help life go right® Joe Geiser, State Farm Agent

Located on Route 903 near Big Boulder & Route 115 P O Box 130 Albrightsville, PA 18210-0130 Phone: (570) 722-7378

26 — Lake News, December 2020

Archives… Continued from page 23

ing of their two grandchildren, Cameron Rose (the 5-month old daughter of Robert and Emily of Washington, DC), and Peter Angelo (who just celebrated his first birthday, the son of Kerry and Angelo Dubravski of New Hope). The group hiked from Rockport to Angel Hair Falls, where the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frank Sefchick, who performed Kerry and Angelo’s wedding. Cameron wore her mother’s Christening dress and cap, and slept through the whole affair. Peter wore his great-grandfather’s Christening gown, which had also been worn by his mother, uncles and grandmother. He was pleased when the 4' long gown was replaced by overalls for the picnic that followed at the Deisroth home. About 150 family and friends of Bill and Lorraine Sloss gathered for Bill’s surprise 50th birthday party at The Blue Heron on November 14. Tris Sutrisno submitted an article about his love for an early rise to be on the slopes when the lifts

open. His spouse is a “what’s the hurry” kind of person. After a recent big snowfall, he was ready to be out the door just after 7 — she was…not. He’s tried the “Universal Men Signaling Method” of walking back and forth and jingling keys in hand. To this she replied, “Tristan, stop your jingling. We have tons of time.” This was followed by “I’m almost ready, I’m just finishing my hair.” Tris concludes with the quip that even as she does her hair in a very short time, 15 minutes, by “Men’s Theory on Hot Rod Relativity,” every minute that a woman spends on her hair is experienced as 45 minutes by men…who have reached the key jingling stage. Joey Dee’s Italian American Restaurant and Jubilations Pub in Albrightsville features the exciting band “JAM” every Friday and Saturday night.

Lake News, December 2020 —27

Kidder Supervisors approve no tax increase budget by Seth Isenberg December’s Kidder Township supervisors meeting unanimously approved the 2021 budget, slating no township tax increase on a budget just shy of $2 million. Their meeting, held one day after mid-month’s heavy snowfall, made quick work of the rest of the business. The new police package 4WD pickup truck is due to arrive on January 4. Supervisors voted to approve the paperwork for the two-year lease from Mauch Chunk Trust. Chief of Police Matthew Kuzma’s new two-year contract received unanimous approval. Bills of $470,471 were approved; $316,537 of this was to Barletta Materials for the paving of roads, and the rest was primarily emergency services, insurances, the monthly garbage hauler bill, and taxes. Blue Ridge’s Lakeshore development received a year’s extension for final plan review. Penn East received a year’s extension for the land development for its pumping station. The township’s roads were in very good shape after the major snowstorm that Wednesday. Code enforcement office Noel Torres received

praise for his work. He is visible, and his efforts to deter violations are working. Supervisor Bruce Berger’s idea to send a thank you to all township employees and volunteers was approved unanimously. Township manager Suzanne Brooks offered extra congratulations to the class of firefighters from the Lake Harmony Fire Company who recently earned their FF1 certificates. The meeting wrapped up with chairman Thomas Bradley joining fellow supervisors, manager Brooks and chief of police Kuzma in wishing all a Happy Holiday and Safe New Year. The next supervisors meeting will be the annual reorganization meeting, to be held at 6:30 p.m. on January 4, via Zoom.

Township Offices Closed for Holidays Kidder Township offices are open to the public by appointment only during the pandemic. The offices will be closed all day Thursday and Friday, December 24 and 25 for Christmas, Friday, January 1 for New Year’s Day, and Monday, January 18 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Fast. Fresh. Straight to your door. Fresh groceries. Free next day delivery. No fees. STEP 1: Visit our online store at PHEATERY.COM/STORE on our Facebook page, or call us at 570-443-4480 for local sourced, quality ingredients we make in house, or that come from partners that service products in our restaurants. STEP 2: Next day contactless pickup or free delivery. STEP 3: Prepare and enjoy ingredients at home.

28 — Lake News, December 2020

F.M. Kirby Center presents first virtual ‘Young People’s Theater’ show The F.M. Kirby Center has announced the first show in this season’s all virtual ‘Young People’s Theater Series,’ Santa’s Enchanted Workshop. The stream is available to homeschoolers, pre schoolage children and older children through their school curriculum. Teachers and parents can visit kirbycenter. org for more information. Questions and access to the stream can be directed to “We can’t wait to open our doors again, but in the meantime, finding a way to offer a full Young People’s Theater Series virtually and free, available for in-school or at-home learning, helps connect the F.M. Kirby Center to our supportive community and our mission,” said artistic director Anne Rodella. “We look forward to presenting more virtual school shows in the new year.” 2020-2021 marks the fifth consecutive season that the F.M. Kirby Center has presented their ‘Young People’s Theater Series’ free of charge. Over the past four seasons, more than 40,000 schoolaged students have experienced live theatre as a result of this important component of the venue’s Arts in Education program. This season will be the first time that ‘YPTS’ shows are available to classrooms and homeschoolers virtually. YPTS virtual programming is thanks to F.M. Kirby Center contributors through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit program and to Procter & Gamble. In Santa’s Enchanted Workshop, Stanley and his baby sister, SuSu, don’t know whether or not to believe in Santa Claus, so they set out for the North Pole. Trapped in a blizzard, they wind up in a dilapidated gas station run by a mysterious old man named Nick. Could this be Santa’s Enchanted Workshop? Imagination is the key in this joyous holiday musical, which features a singing robot, a dancing rag doll and one of the silliest villains you’ll ever see! The book, music and lyrics of Santa’s Enchanted Workshop are by Richard Giersch, with additional lyrics by Bruce Craig Miller.

Lake News, December 2020 —29

Where To Worship Faith Lutheran Church

Pocono Lake Bible Church

Faith Lutheran is located on Route 940 and Robyn Lane, 1 mile east of Route 115, and just before Matirko’s Hardware. Holy Communion Service is currently held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m., led by Pastor Debby North. The service is now being held in the sanctuary following CDC guidelines including face masks and social distancing. If preferred, the service may also be enjoyed from your car in the parking lot by tuning to station 93.1 FM. All worship materials are available on a table outside. Recorded services are available at www., and on our Facebook page and YouTube channel. For more information, call 570-646-0309 or email

899 Rt 940 in Pocono Lake, about 3 miles east of Blakeslee Center. We are a Christ-centered Bible-believing congregation that worships the Lord with contemporary as well as traditional music. Adult Bible Fellowship at 9:30 a.m. followed by Praise and Worship at 10:30 a.m. Sundays. Phone: 570.646.8995 Website: www.poconolakechurch. org Email: Handicap accessible, plenty of parking available

Pocono Lake United Methodist Church Indoor Worship Services Sunday Morning: 9:30 a.m. You must wear a mask in the church throughout the service as well as socially distance 6 feet apart 1188 Route 940 Pocono Lake, PA 18372 570-646-2650 www.

Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church PLWC is located just off Route 940 on Spur Road, about 3 miles north of Blakeslee. Our services are informal and open to all. Worship is Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Bible Study is 7 p.m. Tuesdays, and 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays. For more info go to or see our recorded services on our Facebook page.

Add Your Listing To have your house of worship included in this section, please send information to

Stop in today to see our full line of new and used Golf Carts & ATVs

POCONO MOTORSPORTS ATV Tours at Memorytown — Call 570-646-1515 to book your tour

Route 940, Pocono Lake


30 — Lake News, December 2020

WINTER WONDERLAND: The first real snowfall of the season decorated The Lake for the holidays. LN: Ruth Isenberg






Authorized Stihl Sale & Service

Open 7 days a week


Lake News, December 2020 —31

READY, SET, SKI: Big Boulder was blowing snow, and skiers were already hitting the slopes at Jack Frost by mid-month.

LN: Seth & Ruth Isenberg

32 — Lake News, December 2020

Winter Cryptogram

One-StOp Fireplace & Heating SHOp

We now offer Flavored Smoking Pellets & Big Green Egg Charcoal

New for 2020 Vermont Castings

Penn Forest Garage Complete Automotive Repair & Diagnostic 40 Bowman Rd., Jim Thorpe Dan Walker, owner

A complete repair facility, for work on all makes and models. We do alignments. Electrical and computer diagnostics.

570-325-2925 A Technet repair shop, member of a network of independent repair facilities providing a nationwide 24-month 24,000-mile warranty on all repairs.

Lake News, December 2020 —33

MOUNTAIN VIEW NOTARY TITLE & TAGS 274 Route 940, Blakeslee Intersection of 115 & 940 in Blakeslee Square

570-722-3530 Fax: 570-722-3436




34 — Lake News, December 2020





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Lake News, December 2020 —35

36 — Lake News, December 2020

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Lake News, December 2020 —37

THEME: HAPPY HOLIDAYS ACROSS 1. “Lord of the Flies” shell 6. *New Year’s Eve choice: Brut or Demi-____ 9. Get-out-of-jail money 13. Convex molding 14. *”____ I Want for Christmas...” 15. Sign of life 16. Redo, to a carpenter 17. Flying saucer acronym 18. Often-missed humor 19. *Hanukkah toy 21. *____ Santa, gift-giving tradition 23. Ides mo. 24. Part of a hammer 25. Cook’s leaf 28. “Hey!” 30. Brain’s ____ system 35. Revered one 37. “____ Your Enthusiasm” 39. Capital of Egypt 40. Went by horse 41. “I do” spot 43. *____ Sandler’s “Eight Crazy Nights” 44. Scary movie consequence 46. Dexterity 47. Boundary line 48. Modern self-portrait 50. Superman’s last name 52. Actor’s domain 53. Wild plum 55. Mama sheep 57. *”I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my ____” 60. *African-American celebration 64. Town news announcer 65. Charged particle 67. Elephant poacher’s ware 68. Give new guns 69. *The night before Christmas 70. Present 71. *Like a Christmas sweater, often 72. Uncooked 73. Adherents of Sikhism DOWN 1. Umbilical connection 2. *”Grandma got run ____ by a reindeer...” 3. *Santa’s “cheeks were like roses, his ____ like a cherry” 4. Request to Geico 5. Carriage on top of elephant 6. Pulitzer winner Bellow 7. *Santa helper 8. Bring to an end 9. Jefferson’s Vice President 10. Medicinal succulent

11. Negative contraction 12. Bovine hangout 15. Alfresco meal 20. Novelist Jong 22. Sushi restaurant choice 24. *Have a piece of Christmas Goose, e.g. 25. *”Five golden rings, four calling ____...” 26. Dig intensely 27. Cry of the Alps 29. *Time for log 31. Address with apostrophe 32. Stays somewhere 33. About to explode 34. *Vixen follower 36. Table extension

38. Diamond’s corner 42. Sign up again 45. Divest one of a gun 49. “Slippery” tree 51. Mark and Shania 54. Twig of a willow tree 56. End of a poem 57. Fortune-teller’s residue 58. Iranian coin 59. Suggestive of the supernatural 60. Was aware of 61. Fall asleep, with ‘out’ 62. Foot part 63. Pirates’ affirmatives 64. French vineyard 66. Female gametes

38 — Lake News, December 2020

Word Search

New Year Cryptogram


Lake News, December 2020 —39

MaryAnn Soriano is now with

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Puzzle Answers

Keep up with local news and happenings in NAL FREE JOUR The Journal of the Pocono Plateau —twice a month at local stores. BOXHO






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50¢ each

4–17, 2020




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“I know the look of an apple that is roasting and sizzling on the hearth on a winter’s evening, and I know the comfort that comes of eating it hot, along with some sugar and a drench of cream... I know how the nuts taken in conjunction with winter apples, cider, and doughnuts, make old people’s tales and old jokes sound fresh and crisp and enchanting.” ― Mark Twain “Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.” —Bill Vaughan

40 — Lake News, December 2020

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit #18 White Haven PA 18661

BOXHOLDER 244 Lake Harmony Road, Lake Harmony, PA 18624


Traditional New York Style Steakhouse Fine Dining in a casual atmostphere Indoor Dining is prohibited through January 4. We will be offering take out food & cocktails.

All Major Credit Cards Accepted

Adjusted HOURS OF OPERATION Thursdays 4–8PM; Fridays 4–9PM; Saturdays 4–9PM CLOSED Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

New Year’s Eve Single and Family Dinners Available. Call for Details

Eventually Everyone Shows Up At


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Open New Year’s Eve 12-10PM Dinner Specials & Packages Available!



Adjusted Hours *Thursdays 4–9PM *Fridays 4–9PM *Saturdays 12–9PM *Sundays 12–9PM

Added Days of Operation between Christmas and New Year’s Day

Open -Christmas Eve Noon–7PM Closed -Christmas Day

Extended hours and days of operation between Christmas and New Year’s Day

Serving the Best Sunsets! 20 S. Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, PA 18624 Indoor Dining is prohibited through January 4. *We do have limited outdoor tables, weather permitting*

Take-out food & cocktails • LOCAL DELIVERY AVAILABLE

Call 570-722-2500 during business hours to place take-out orders Adjusted HOURS OF OPERATION *Thursdays 4–9PM*Fridays 4–9PM *Saturdays 12–9PM *Sundays 12–9PM

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