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The Blessing of Living in Community
by Erika Ramirez
Located right next door, to the west of our main campus, is a beautiful independent living facility that you actually may not know a lot about. Florence Gardens is an independent living residence for seniors that opened its doors in 2000.This facility includes almost 100 cottages and apartments.
The heart behind this project was to provide a safe and secure environment at an affordable living rate for seniors right here in our church and our community, many of whom are widows and widowers. More than providing a place to live, Florence Gardens offers a community built on friendships and activities for all the residents to be a part of and enjoy.
Sharon Gardner is one of the many residents that lives right here on campus at Florence Gardens. She is also a big part of making Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights a success with her help on our Guest Services team. Since her amazing life transformation almost 10 years ago, the importance of community is so evident. It is something that has changed Sharon’s life forever!
Sharon left her old lifestyle behind and moved into Florence Gardens in 2010. Feeling isolated and trying to find her place, little did she know, she had moved in right next door to people that she would grow amazing relationships and friendships with. Sharon began connecting with Pastor Dale and Martha Rose, along with Doris Vinson, because they all had dogs. It was something they could all relate to and enjoyed. From these encounters, Doris invited and brought Sharon to Canyon Hills for the very first time. It was only a couple weeks later when Pastor Steve and Renee walked Sharon through the sinner’s prayer and she gave her life to the Lord and it was just a couple weeks after that when she decided to go public with her faith and get baptized. 2010 is definitely a year that Sharon will never forget!
Because of Florence Gardens and the amazing community of residents that live there, Sharon was able to leave her feelings of isolation behind, and finally find her place here in the Florence Gardens and Canyon Hills community. She has built amazing friendships and relationships over the past 10 years that will last a lifetime. Sharon says, “Florence Gardens isn’t just a community anymore, it’s a family to me.”
Sharon has also grown in her love for serving others right here in the community, enjoying time with all of her neighbors in Florence Gardens and being able to help people as much as she can, wherever she’s at. “Florence Gardens is a wonderful example of how building a community can have a huge impact in changing the lives of people who are apart of it, just like my life has been impacted.”
Another couple you may recognize is Lance and Julie Rowland. You may have seen Lance on Sunday mornings driving around on a golf cart or Julie helping Sharon on our Guest Services team, but did you know they also recently just moved into the Florence Gardens community? “Everyone is so friendly at Florence Gardens. Even when you simply go out to check the mail or take out the trash, you get to stop and talk to many people along the way. It’s so nice that we get to be a part of all the activities they have here, but most of all, we love being right next door to our church.”
If you or anyone you know would might be interested in moving into Florence Gardens, we would love for you to join the community! Please call the office at 661.873.0701 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” - James 1:27