2 minute read
This is How We Change the World

by Fern Segura
When I first started in youth ministry, I always seemed to preach out of the book of James. Perhaps it was the style of James’ writing that made it easy for a young preacher, prior to Bible college, to comprehend what I was reading. James had a form of writing that made it simple to understand what it meant to follow Jesus and to be devoted to him! It was his use of metaphors, like a doubter being a wave tossed in the ocean by the wind (James 1:6), that challenged me to really to believe with faith what I prayed for. I am older now, but the book of James still speaks to my life so loudly.
The book of James challenges its readers to become devoted followers of Christ. Some theologians believe that the book of James is a how-to manual for the Christian life. James gives us a heavenly perspective to understand that pain and heartache are part of the Christian life. I am certain that you have faced obstacles during your lifetime. I know I have. It is a difficult task to understand why life seems to become a couple of levels more difficult when following Jesus.
James, however, in his practical and simple way of writing, full of metaphors and similes, tell us to consider it pure joy when facing various trials. Why, you may ask? Because the testing of our faith produces perseverance (James 1:1-3). It is insights like these that are simple to understand yet ground breaking when you face the trials of daily life. The words of James seem to tear through time to speak into the rhythms of the modern world.
During this upcoming series you will find that James exhorts, challenges, convicts, revives, and drives a follower to a life of faith that works. As we turn our attention during this season to becoming believers that lead a life of influence, James will give us clear guidelines on how we are to walk it out. As we study together we will learn how we can change the world!
I am certain that this series will be a blessing to all of our campuses! I always find it intriguing that our campuses are comprised of different demographics but each series always speaks intentionally to all of the Canyon Hills community. I cannot wait to go on this journey in the book of James with you!

Fern and Cecia Segura, Canyon Hills Wasco Campus Pastors