6 minute read
To the Ends of the Earth

by Tamara Gutel
Garin's Story

Garin was born in Indonesia to a devout Muslim family. He was raised to follow his prayers and the teachings of Muhammad. When Garin was 10 years old, his mother found Jesus through the influence of some friends in her life. While she followed Jesus, it was the custom and rule in her household for her sons to follow Allah. So to protect her sons and give them a new chance to learn of Jesus, she left her husband behind in Indonesia and immigrated to the United States with her two young boys.
and truth of the Word of God. Lives were changed as people came to know and follow Christ, but even more so, his life was changed as he found his life calling and passion: to share Jesus to the unreached of our world.
Since his first trip back to Indonesia, Garin has travelled with Mission One Eleven to Indonesia again as well as Nepal. He serves on staff at his church in LA and leads teams of young adults into unreached people groups. Garin is also getting his business degree so that he can become a full-time tent making missionary to the unreached.
Garin’s family joined a church in San Bernardino and for several years Garin continued to follow Allah while attending a Pentecostal church in California. Through high school and part of college, Garin lived two lives: one at church on Sunday’s leading worship and one trying to make it in Hollywood with all the world’s temptations. While He knew Jesus, he followed Hollywood and all it had to offer.
But one day he was challenged to live out what he said he believed. He had to make a choice to truly follow Jesus or to follow himself. In reading the Gospels, he felt a clear call that his life meant more than following Hollywood, that God had something for him. He heard about Mission One Eleven, a missions organization that lived and taught the Gospel with unreached people groups. His church had a training center and that fall were going to travel to Indonesia to work with broken and lost lives in the far eastern area of his home country. He felt the tug to ‘jump off the ledge’ and go home to share Jesus with broken people, people just like who he was not that long ago.

There was one dilemna, as a DACA kid, Garin didn’t have clearance to leave the States. If he left, there was a chance he couldn’t come back home to California. He had to make a choice, follow the opportunity to the unreached with a chance at getting stuck far from home, or stay and forsake the speaking of God on his life. It was a hard decision; should he stay with security, or risk it all for Jesus.
Garin chose Jesus and left with his team to Indonesia. His life was changed as he met Muslims and witch doctors who followed a false religion, and being able to speak the language, he was able to share the love
Sha’Nya's Story

Sha’Nya was born into a Christian home to an African American father and a Native American mother. While her parents loved Jesus, they also had a family culture of witchcraft from her mother’s Native American roots. This brought spiritual oppression into their family and brokenness into their lives.
Her parents divorced and her mother remarried an alcoholic man who abused Sha’Nya and her siblings. She spent the rest of her childhood protecting her siblings from the pain and abuse of her step-father.
Living through the brokenness and trauma of her family, Sha’Nya found herself in a place of depression and a loss of her identity. She didn’t know who she was or her life’s purpose. To numb the pain, she started abusing alcohol and drugs.
Sha’Nya heard about and joined Upper Room where she met people who lived out the love of Jesus. In joining a Bible study she learned who Jesus really isand the person He has called her to be. When presented the opportunity to join a missions trip to Sierra Leone with Mission One Eleven, Sha’Nya gave her hopes and dreams to God and her life was changed.

A year later, on a trip with Mission One Eleven to Greece, she met brokenness and heartbreak amongst the refugees pouring into Europe. Her heart was moved and broken for these people who so desperately needed Jesus. She found compassion and love for broken people that has moved her to give her life and her career to bring life to the dark places. She found that no matter the struggles she faces, there is a hope she can bring to others in their brokenness.
Sha’Nya is now a student with Vanguard while living in Egypt working with Muslims. Her heart is to graduate and move overseas, giving her life to bring the hope of Jesus to the unreached places in our world.
Heidi's Story

Heidi was born in a religious ‘Apostlolic’ family and while she was born knowing the name of Jesus, it wasn’t until she moved out of her family home and joined Canyon Hills that she learned what it truly meant to follow Jesus. By sharing a community with ordinary followers she learned what it meant to have a relationship with God.
She heard about unreached people, people lost without the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus and Heidi made the choice to join Mission One Eleven to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Indonesia.

Her team travelled to the Abun people where they walked for 3 days to get into the village. While hiking in, a member of her team sprained their ankle and could no longer walk. The tribal members bringing them into the village, gathered and built a stretcher out of bamboo and carried her through the jungle. After a few hours, they stopped to rest their shoulders and it started to rain. Rain poured down and everyone soon got wet. The people showed them how to use the jungle leaves as an umbrella to cover their faces from the downpour. Heidi sat and watched as her friend laid on the jungle floor hurting while rain poured down on her. One of the tribal members took his own leaf and hunched down beside her friend and held the leaf so that her face would not get wet.
Heidi was touched by the love and friendship of these village members. She felt God speak to her, that here are people who have a heart to love like Jesus but are still lost because they don’t know him. She felt the call from God to spend her life to find unreached people around the world to share the love of Jesus.

During the last 5 years she has travelled to Ethiopia, Indonesia, Sweden, Greece, and Turkey. Currently she is living in Egypt to raise up young missionaries who will join the call to reach unreached people in the Middle East. She is a current student of Vanguard University and uses her talent in photography to support herself as a missionary so that she can reach lost and broken lives in the most unreached places in the world.
To learn more about Mission One Eleven including their pioneer mission expeditions, aviation program, technology program and more, visit missiononeeleven.com