Table of content Shelter-A | Taksim, İstanbul
Project course 3
Rehab_ | Taksim, İstanbul
Project course 5
Theatre Box | Beylikdüzü,
İstanbul Project course 6
YapBoz | Maslak, İstanbul Rönesans Holding Contest
Social Pass | İnciraltı, İzmir Prosteel Contest
Furniture Renders | İstanbul Braggo Furniture
Artworks | Photography , Drawing
Skills Name
Can Özmen
18 | 02 | 1993
+90 554 300 41 82
Zincirlidere Cad. Esentepe Mah. Şairler Sk. Yalçın Apt A blok 15/3 Esentepe-Şişli-İstanbul 34394
Istanbul Technical University | Taşkışla Cad., 34437 Taksim,İstanbul
Turkish Native
Resimhane Art Gallery | 1716 Sk. Karşıyaka-İzmir 35600
English Intermadiate
Work expriences
Internship Toner Mimarlık | 2014 summer / 2 months
Drawing Drums Sci-Fiction Games Travelling Running
Gazeteciler Mh. Haberler Sk. No:17 Esentepe İstanbul TURKEY 34394
Participant Sketch Factory Workshop | 2015 summer / 9 days B.E.S.T Organization, Moldova
Rehab_ Yapının ana fikri, kullanıcıların, özellikle geçmişine odaklanarak kuruldu. Kullanıcılarda “terapi” olgusunun algı geçişini hafifletmek için düşünülen hacim, bu bireylerin “hapis” olduğu kutu formlardan uzak durarak hedefine varmaya çalıştı. İstiklal aksına beş dakika uzaklıkta yerleşmesi, gerek lokasyon olarak, gerek sosyo-kültürel olarak avantaj sağladı. Ulaşılabilirliğin kolay olduğu yapıda giriş, yapının asıl sürtündüğü sokak cephesinden değil de, ara sokaktan verildi. Bu sayede yapının cephe formunun daha net algılanması ve yaya trafiğini rahatlatmak amaçlandı. Yapıda temel olarak üç ana zon mevcut: terapi, geçiş/rekreasyon, konaklama. Terapi zonunun kompleks olarak özelleştiği form, binanın kütlesinden görsel olarak koparılarak, binanın ana işlevi formda vurgulandı. Ayrıca terapi alanının geri çekilen balkonlara ve boşluklara sahip olması, binanın bu kısmını algısal olarak hafifletilerek, kullanıcılardaki “terapi” önyargısı kavramsal olarak kademelendirildi. Geçiş zonundaki seyir merdiveni, kullanıcının mekanı gezerek keşfetmesine potansiyel verecek şekilde sunuldu. Ayrıca merdivenin içinde devam eden ve şaşırtmalı üç kola sahip döşeme,bekleme alanlarına geçişi daha etkin kıldı. Birinci kattaki ofis ve ikinci kattaki rekreasyon alanına sahip geçiş zonu, köprü görevi gören döşeme ile konaklama zonuna bağlandı. Konaklama zonunun girişinde bulunan döner merdiven, konaklayıcılara ayrılan eksi kottaki yemekhaneye inerek sirkülasyon akışına ivme kazandırdı. Binanın eksi kotunda bulunan çalışma, sunum ve spor alanları, terapi işlevine donatı yardımı yaparak, kompleksin çok yönlü kullanılmasına olanak verdi. Ayrıca iç avluya sahip bina, peyzaj öğelerini bünyesine katarak iç ve dış çevre ile olan ilişkisini güçlendirdi. 8
Following the “rapid urbanization and visual impairment in the city” approach of the municipality; Kumport Port Services and Logistics company, placed in Istanbul, Zeytinburnu coast at the beginning of 1980’s, was decided to be deployed outside the city, and was moved to Ambarlı – Yakuplu area in 1989. With this act, the first steps of Ambarlı Port were taken. The distibution of the areas around the Ambarli coast are for the most part commercial. There were indıvıdualized three main axes of analysis: the coast. the E5 hıghway and the road connecting them. As we can see in the maps to the left. 19
massive crain - design element
AMBARLI PORT INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Two elements come to mind when describing Ambarli port: CRANES and CONTAINERS. As we can see from the images even though the cranes don’t occupy an important space in the port compared to the containers; their high and dimensions impact the view of the port. These BIG ELEMENTS could be rethought as materials for experimenting and trying alternative ways in architecture. The challenge in an area like this one will be taking these elements to a human
AmbarlÄą Marine is the biggest container marine in Turkey. The area is very large and in our course, the new master plan was prepared. Main current settlement elements are : cranes, containers, ships and other internal systems. These parts act like machine components and contribute the existing whole operation in marine. Ä°n the light of these facts, design decisions have effected by existing marine area. Although, new master plan does not include marine function, the master plan and the theatre carry the traces of the marine. The new master plan offers that refunction the marine area as a social town. This town includes residential, educational, research, shopping, cultural and public contents. Also, the connection between all these contents, provided by walking and cycling ways.
The theatre area placed between the sea and city centre/ shopping area axis. One side of the axis includes theatre parcel and the other is school area. The theatre are is dived into two side: the garden and the structure. Garden is also has a simple plan in order to cascade the perception of faรงade and to provide free space for users. Besides, in the daylight, the andoized aluminium faรงade panels reflect the part of tree image and the faรงade and theatre volume is emphasized. 28
Normally, “back-stage” is located back from the stage. İn Theatre Box, situation is little bit different. The stage is located adjacent to the sea. Back stage parts (actor/director rooms and décor workplaces) are slided into east and west side of the stage. All these decisions are based on create background for the stage which is hanged. According to opinion of performance director, caps can be opened or closed.
Décor Workplace is placed east side of the stage and it’s mainly divided into three part: large workplace, vertical oriented floors and paint shop. East side of the foyer axis, the offices and training rooms are located one after the other. Ground floor includes secondary entrance, one large training room (which is transparent for watching), toilets and shower. First floor is training area which includes not only training rooms for performers but also external users. Second floor is directory part. There is offices and assembly hall. Also, nearby the sea façade, there is a large hall to meetings, cocktails etc.
Collective Living For the Elderly
Collective Living for the Elderly Ä°n life span, natural order is burning, growing, getinng old and death. As a person, our perception always try to focus on current moment for survive. For sure, all human consider his own future and past. The question is what we want to do or how much we share ourselves with the rest of the community. Graduation Project requiers to think about elder life, that includes all our future life cycle and further life style desicions. Following the order, I start to think my further habbits and what my personality will become. With these inputs, the program shaped slowly. Health center, accommodation, public spaces, ministery and technical rooms are major requirements. Also there would be ateliers, agriculture facilities, media volumes are additional or optional spaces. Ä°n this project, I try to focus on attractive concepts that I would like to join in my older ages. Due to personilaty, elde can choose loneliness or extrovert. Showing the pleasure of the elder ages to elder persons, they should brightened in many ways. So, in order to the elder person become more interactive, some intersection points created. For sure, some intersection points arises in the project, phsically. But more, mixing some concepts in the program allows these points become more fluent. 34
The western section of the project consists of botanical gardens. Slabs are made of concrte slabs which bears the load of steel framework and aluminum roof. Raizinc material has been chosen for the roof finishing material. These materials are used in this section of the project because of the climatatial needs of the programs inside. Botanical gardens requires high exposure to sun during the day in order to maintain the natural growth of the plants inside. Middle section of the project includes social interraction area . This section is seperated from the topography with structural beams. This seperation allows the volume to recaive light from the back facade. The back facade also includes the circulation part of this section aswell. Vertical circulation systems ( stairs, elevators) are placed in the entrance area of the building. Entrance level is not seperated on the contuary it is connected to the residence section to maintain the user accessibility. A ramp is used to connect the western section (botanical gardens) and existing kindergarden pedestrian axis. The administration spaces are located in the upper floors. Inner courtyard has been located at the center of this section. The spaces facing the innercourtyard receives light from two different facades. Eastern section of the project includes residential spaces and assisted living spaces. Assisted living spaces are located at the entrance level to maintain the required wheelchair and vehicle access. Cafetaria is located at the upper floor remaining close to the entrance. Upper floors are consisted of residential spaces. The rooms required in the residential section are divided into two wings. One wing faces at the entrance area the other is located at the eastern facade. Another design approach has been embraced for the outside perception and facades. Facades were designed to visually conceal the seperation of programs. The facade has been designed as a whole surface, being differentiated without following the lines that has been drawn with the spaces occured by the programs. The facade also has a different structrual system. This structural system connects with the structural system designed to carry the slabs. To support this system at some key points 2 dimensional caged steel columns were used. These wide sectioned columns also seperates the facade from the original slab contours significantly. This also contributes to the original design approach which is concealing the program lines. The roof also designed as a walkable roof and includes landscape elements. This resulted as the visual connection of the rising topography and the rising building. The building visually connects with the topography with the designed roof. The roof also connects seperated residential section and other sections of the building similar to the entrance level.
Sosyal Geçit Rekreasyon alanları bir kenti tanımlayan en önemli noktalardandır. Kapsamı gereği genellikle ekonomik getirisi olmadığı için gitgide tahrip edilmekte olan bu alanlar bir kentlinin özgürce vakit geçirmekten en çok keyif aldığı yerlerdir. Bu bağlamda proje İzmir İnciraltı’nda bir kent ormanı olan bu alanın kullanımını çeşitli fonksiyonlarla artıracak bir sosyal odak noktası tasarlamaktır. Bu tanım diyagonal yollarla kesilmiş olan bu ormanda bir koridor olarak yorumlanmış ve merkezi planlı tek bir noktanın etrafına yerleşen bir yapı yerine doğrusal planlı bir yapı hedeflenmiştir. Yol aksı üzerine yerleşen iki kütle, yine bu aksın devamı niteliğinde olan ve bir anlamda kullanıcıyı içine alan sirkülasyonun eklenmesiyle birbirine bağlanır ve yapıyı meydana getirir. Kütleler düzlemsel kafes sistemlerin içine yerleşmiş farklı kotlardaki döşemeler ve etrafını saran bir kabuktan oluşmaktadır. Kütleleri bağlayan merdivenler aynı zamanda bu açık planlı ve çok işlevli döşemeleri de sirkülasyona ekleyerek yapının baştan sona gezilmesini sağlar. Böylece mekanlar bir sergi için düzenlendiğinde akış sağlanmış olur. Farklı kot larda olan mekanlar kullanıcıların farklı deneyimler yaşamasına olanak sağlar, yapı bir konser alanına dönüştüğünde bu mekanlar konser sahnesine ve dinleyicilerin izlediği mekanlara karşılık gelir 49
Zemin kotunda düzenlenmiş olan mekanlar ise açılarak etrafıyla bütünleşir ve atölye gibi etkinliklerde çok geniş bir alana yayılabilir. Hareketli cepheler statik görünümlü yapıya dinamizm katarken söyleşi, toplantı gibi daha kapalı mekanlar gerektiren etkinliklerde bu ihtiyaçlara yanıt verir. Yapının iskeletini oluşturan çelik strüktür etrafını saran ağaç dokusunun naifliği göz önünde bulundurularak oldukça yalın ve ince tasarlanmıştır. Kütleler neredeyse tamamen şeffaf düşünülerek bu yeşil doku görsel olarak korunmaya ve çelik malzemelerin görünürlüğü güçlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Kütleleri saran kabuk, yapıda güneş kırıcı olarak işlev görürken aynı zamanda çelik strüktürün gölgelerini tutan bir cephe de olarak çevresiyle görsel bütünlük oluşturur. Tüm bu unsurlar birleşerek bulunduğu çevrenin -onun kendi özelliklerini koruyarak- kullanımını artırmayı hedefleyen ve bunu çelik imgesiyle yapan yapıyı tanımlar.
Furniture Renders
(Steve Huston’s artwork-redrawing)
(Steve Huston’s artwork-redrawing)
Digital Drawing