2 cadets received their First Flight certificates this month; it is hoped they continue in their aviation experience with excitement! The newest squadron cadet, Cadet Alex Lorenzana, received her first glider flight at Eielson AFB with Pilot Maj Ute Kaden recently.
video, is completing the Go Science Report for each of t that were flown with StratoS This also involves testing an flown projects to the contro
Squadron cadets and SMs h Overdue promotion recognition was obLeadership Academy for loc served for C/SMSgt M. Medlin and C/Amn J. students on 21 August. At t Medlin. C/Amn J. Medlin achieved his Curry the event, some of the stud Award in a matter of a few short days, which squadron would be doing th was a remarkable achievement! quently, so an aerospace/ST middle school youth in the f The squadron filmed video as a group for the consideration. At least 2 stu High Altitude Balloon Challenge documenta- ning to join the squadron up ry. The remaining task, besides editing the birthday in the next two mo also been several potential to squadron meetings this m
SM L. Stricklin guided the sq Guard training this month. 4 ed the colors at a local high game ceremony honoring F including C/CMSgt B. Lee, C SSgt C. Schmidt and one ad They learned quickly and di vice for the community. The keep learning and improvin their opportunities to perfor Guard activities.
Two days of upcoming cade entation flights are tentativ the Tok squadron.
Our thoughts and prayers a er as he recovers in Seattle many of us a very long way