BeeWhere Update Ruthann Anderson, CAPCA President/CEO This past season there were over 1.5 million hives registered in the BeeWhere system. This is up from 500,000 in 2019, the inaugural year of BeeWhere and a statewide system for beekeepers to register hives. While the bee check function was made available last summer for Applicators to manage required bee checks, 2020 was the first test of bee checks during pollination season. There were nearly 12,000 bee checks run during the spring through BeeWhere for applicators to provide 48 hour notification of any pesticides labeled as toxic to bees. The communication and compliance of BeeWhere is writing a story for Agriculture, one in which growers, beekeepers, PCAs and Applicators can highlight how they are working together to protect pollinators both in and around the field. This summer CAPCA has been working with the industry stakeholders to design and develop more tools to streamline compliance with bee checks regulations that date back to the 1980’s. For more information on BeeWhere and to manage your bee checks online go to █
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