Queensland Plan Rockhampton Region

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Queensland Plan

December 2013

Rockhampton Region...We Can!




Region of Innovation

Contents Forward 4

Long Term Planning (Priority 6)


Priority Summary 5

Skills & Productivity (Priority 7)


Education (Priority 1) 6 Communities (Priority 2) 8

Innovation (Priority 8) 20

Centres of Excellence (Priority 9)


Queensland Business (Priority 3) 10

Education Partnerships (Priority 10)


Bibliography 26

Study, Work, Live (Priority 4)


Infrastructure (Priority 5) 14

Disclaimer This profile was produced by Capricorn Enterprise. All data and information in this report are believed to be accurate and have come from sources believed to be reliable. However, Capricorn Enterprise does not guarantee or represent that the data and information are accurate, up to date or complete, and disclaims liability for all claims, losses, damages or costs of whatever nature and howsoever occurring, arising as a result of relying on the data and information, regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise.



Forward Dear Premier, The Queensland Plan – We Can.....Deliver on this inspirational initiative! When Queensland’s population reaches in excess of 7 million by the year 2043, the Rockhampton region can, and will, be one of the state’s major population centres, offering one of the most affordable, safe and inspirational communities, producing significant exports in agriculture, skills and brilliant minds. We have the essential ingredients for continued growth – water supply, land, power, social and sporting infrastructure, excellent education and health facilities, a diverse economy, magnificent natural surrounds, and importantly, a positive attitude! The Rockhampton Region is the Region of Innovation, with education, infrastructure, construction, transport, agriculture, tourism, mining support and community pride at the very heart of our success. Premier, you stated that “every Queenslander, business, community organisation, industry and peak body has to take responsibility in responding to The Queensland Plan and ensuring that their future goals align with the goals of Queenslanders.” We have answered your call, and are proud to present this document which represents our genuine bi-partisan and unilateral support from Local, State and Federal government representatives, our Queensland Plan regional delegates and the region’s peak tourism and economic development Organisation which represents a broad section of community and business leaders in the greater Rockhampton region. Rockhampton is the Capital of Central Queensland, uniquely positioned to strengthen the four pillars of the Queensland economy – Construction, Agriculture, Tourism and Resources. We can, and will deliver on the Top 10 Priorities identified in the Queensland Plan. We can, and will help in returning Queensland’s tourism industry to #1, reach a goal of 4% unemployment target, grow exports, support sustainable land use, the coal seam and gas industry. This document represents the collective views of our community thanks largely to the 2050 Planning by the Rockhampton Regional Council in 2010, the recent launch of the State’s CQ Regional Plan, along with an extensive review of collaborative documents from both government and industry. The Rockhampton Region is committed to The Queensland Plan – We Can! 4

Region of Innovation


With the support of State Government - We can help achieve the Queensland Plan!

• Relocation of a Government Department to the Rockhampton Region.

• Support for the CQNRL Stadium in Rockhampton

• Support for Coastal Foreshore and Rockhampton Riverfront beautification

• Gracemere Industrial Area to be designated a key development area for the Resources Sector.

• Collaboration between State and Local Government officers to re-write our “Towards 2050 Vision” document to match the aspirations of the QLD Plan.

• Support for the residential development of surplus land not required by CQUniversity.

• Prompt approval of Rockhampton Regional Council’s Planning Scheme

• Support for flood mitigation projects for Rockhampton.

• Support for major integrated Resort developments which may apply for a Casino licence.

Queensland Plan Delegates Grant Cassidy Director Cassidy Hospitality Group

Geoff Murphy Director JM Kelly Group of Companies

Pat O’Driscoll Principal Knight Frank Rockhampton

Leesa Jeffcoat Director - Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton

Bryan Smith Chief Executive Officer Rocky’s Own Transport

Dr Geoff Clark Rockhampton Region Radiology

Bill Byrne MP State Member for Rockhampton

Ted Malone MP State Member for Mirani

State Members Bruce Young MP State Member for Keppel Business & Industry (Tourism & Regional Economic Development) Graham Scott Chairman Capricorn Enterprise

Mary Carroll Chief Executive Officer Capricorn Enterprise

Federal Members Michelle Landry MP Federal Member for Capricornia


Ken O’Dowd MP Federal Member for Flynn 5


1. Education that is flexible, affordable and accessible to all, including rural, remote and disadvantaged


Region of Innovation

CQUniversity services the highest proportion of students from low-SES backgrounds of any Australian university, including double the national average of indigenous student participation, and one of the highest rates of students from rural/remote backgrounds (at 65%). Likewise, CQ TAFE services comparatively high rates of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

49.9% of persons 15 years and over have post school qualifications (certificates, degrees etc) – 2011 Census. We’re getting qualifications faster than our population is growing.

80.1% of persons with a post school qualification were in the labour force, only 57.8% of people without a qualification were in the labour force.

June 2012 – 2,982 apprentices and trainees

June 2012 – 184 school-based apprentices and trainees

2011-12 – 7,140 students in vocational education and training

57.5% of the 19,588 primary and secondary students were in government schools (42.5 in non-government schools) (2011).

33 primary state schools, 8 primary non-state schools, 5 secondary state schools, 4 secondary non-state schools, 2 special schools and 1 distance education centre;

7 special education units attached to state schools that cater for diverse learning styles and special needs

• •


We Have

We Can!

Cater for growth with more schools, provide for a diversity of student needs and socio-economic backgrounds.

Local high schools offer flexible start times, and programs.

Build a high school in Gracemere to cater for rapid growth.

2013 - CQ University and CQ TAFE merger to create Queensland’s first dual sector University.

Increase the number of students achieving post school qualifications.

Develop flexible learning programs to meet the needs of dynamic industries and an engaged ‘learning for life’ workforce.




2. Communities that are well planned, well connected and engender community spirit


Region of Innovation

Completion in 2013 of the CQ Regional Plan

- 70% of people surveyed have the neighbour’s phone number.

• Completion in 2014 of the Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme.

- 66% of people surveyed could raise $2000 within 2 days in an emergency

The ongoing evolution of the Rockhampton Riverfront precinct as a major accommodation and dining hub.

Extensive community support for the CQNRL bid (over 43,000 petition members, state government support to build a CQ stadium in Rockhampton, $500,000 from federal government for “licensing and approvals”). NRL expected to announce expansion of two teams and shortlist in mid to late 2014.

- 90% of people visited friends or were visited in last month, 55% outdoor activities with friends, 52% indoor activities with friends

- Over 60% of people have lived in this community for over 10 years

Historical development on the floodplain, including areas which experienced major flooding in 2011 and 2013; current planning documents that limit future development in the flood prone areas

Projected growth to 162,873 persons by 2031, which will require an additional 20,000+ dwellings: 4,500 current residential allotments approved with current capacity for 10,000 people.

Extensive community support and demand for Rockhampton riverfront and coastal foreshore redevelopment.

Over 30 different church groups, 16 service clubs (including Rotary, Lions, RSL), 11 SES groups

The QCOSS (Queensland Council of Social Service) Community Indicators Queensland report for Rockhampton found in 2012:

- About 40% of people were active in community support groups in past 12 months, and 10% each were involved in health promotion, education and training, welfare organisations, service clubs, small percentages for other community support groups


We Can! •

Maintain a high standard town plan that caters for future opportunities and respects the natural, social and economic environs.

Attract 70,000 extra visitors per year to attend NRL games to Rockhampton.

Enact plans for Rockhampton Riverfront and coastal Foreshore redevelopments to increase opportunities for community events; development of open spaces and amenities, river walks, boardwalks, functioning wharfs, river cruises and commercial ventures to breathe new life into Rockhampton and revitalise the city.

Be an active contributor to the Government’s aspiration of a vibrant, engaged population in excess of 550,000 by the year 2043.



We Have

Internationally Competitive

3. Queensland being recognised as internationally competitive with an increase in exports/business especially in agriculture and ecotourism sectors

Capricorn Caves - Advanced Eco Tourism 10 Region of Innovation

Extensive state planning documents which endorse the development of feedlots in the Fitzroy Agricultural Corridor with the Rockhampton Region.

The second largest water catchment in Australia (Fitzroy River).

An international, heavy-lift air freight capability in Rockhampton Regional Airport, including unrestricted wide-bodied operations and a mix of wide-bodied aircraft including the B747 to B777 and A340 types. Recent international visitations include: B747 Jumbo (Air NZ, Qantas), B77 (Singapore Airlines), AN-124 (VDA), A330 (Air Luxor), MD-11 (Fedex), B757 (ATA).

Total gross value of agricultural production for Rockhampton Region in 2011 was $132.9million.

• Queensland exports more than $3.4B in high-quality beef products annually to 79 countries. The Queensland Beef Industry employs more than 20,000 people directly and supports more than 8,000 jobs in the meat-processing industry.

In 2011, the most valuable agricultural product in the Rockhampton Region, the Beef Capital of Australia continued to be cattle and calves slaughtering; livestock slaughtering made up 68.5 per cent of Rockhampton Region’s total value of agricultural production.

100% of the greater Fitzroy Region’s (Central Highlands (R), Gladstone (R), Rockhampton (R), Banana (S) and Woorabinda (S)) pineapples, lychees, vegetable seeds, eggs and wool.

18.6% of the state’s vegetable seeds, 10.6% of the state’s lychees and 12.5% of the state’s pineapples.

1,184.0 square kilometres of protected areas (incl: Mount Archer, Mount Etna, Mount Jim Crow, Capricorn Coast NP, Byfield, Capricorn Cays; ecotourism certified operators – Capricorn Caves).


Internationally Competitive

We Have

Approval for $600M resort development on Great Keppel Island which plans to include 575 hectares of environmental protection area (approx 40% of the island and 65% of Lot 21), 750 eco villas and 300 eco apartments with sustainable building design, roof top solar panels and water tanks.

• Education is also a major export for the region; CQU has historically been one of the international student giants in Australia, and is today still one of the largest providers of education to international students; the International student market is Australia’s 4th largest export industry, but this is rarely recognised. •

At least 5 major public and private health facilities including the Base and Mater hospitals, with 6,369 persons employed in health care and social assistance.

Major services to the mining industry: of businesses registered in the Rockhampton Region, 0.8% are in the mining industry compared to 0.5% of Queensland businesses. The mining industry employed 5.3% of Rockhampton Region workers compared to 2.6% of Queensland workers in 2011.

We Can!

Provide international standard Resort developments.

Provide multiple 15,000 head feedlot to expand the existing beef industry, as identified in the State government’s Fitzroy Industry and Infrastructure Study and endorsed in subsequent regional planning documents; potential to turn off over 440,000 head of cattle annually, valued at $500Mpa.

• Proved a reliable water source with established water taking limits on the Fitzroy River to support agricultural growth in addition to population requirements. •

Increase our exports in specific agricultural crops and livestock production.

Continue to grow our industrial capacity at Gracemere.


Study, Work, Live

4. Regions being attractive to study, work and live for bright minds and trained professionals

Rockhampton Art Gallery 12 Region of Innovation

Recent studies have shown that approximately 75% of university students who graduate in regional areas, still remain working in regional areas after 3 years.

The converse is true; the majority of regional students who relocate to a capital city to study remain there after graduation; a skilled demographic lost to the regions.

It is proven that if you train locally, you retain locally. CQUniversity Rockhampton campus is delivering a constant stream of skilled graduates who will go on to build professional careers in the region.

CQUniversity Rockhampton offers the full traditional range of tertiary offerings, and have invested millions in new courses and facilities in the last 4 years, particularly in the health field; this will have a huge impact on local workforce shortages in critical health areas.

This investment is also showing results; the proportion of CQ school leavers attending CQUniversity (as opposed to leaving for metro universities) is growing. There are today more domestic students studying at CQUniversity than at any other time in its 45 year history. Universities are often one determining factor in families relocating to Rockhampton region; they want to know their children have access to a local university before moving to town.

CQUniversity (and CQ TAFE) also nurtures much of the artistic, cultural and academic community of Rockhampton, which is essential to the diversity and vibrancy of the region.

Acclaimed regional cultural facilities (including Botanic Gardens, Art Gallery, Pilbeam Theatre, Walter Reid Cultural Centre, Heritage Village, Dreamtime Cultural Centre) International and national standard sporting facilities (including FINA standard swimming pool, rowing, tennis, gymnastics, hockey, cycling, squash, bowls, softball, sailing, yachting, basketball, football).


One of the largest regional shopping complexes in Queensland; Rockhampton region employed 5,425 people in the Retail sector in 2011.

Choice of lifestyle options – sea change, tree change, city living, rural, rural residential or suburban.

Study, Work, Live

We Have

We Can!

Retain our best and brightest by offering excellent education facilities, affordable lifestyle choices and a diversity of employment opportunities.

Attract more professionals by offering increased cultural facilities and activities

Attract more national and international sporting events, such as training for the 2018 Commonwealth Games – and produce more National & International sporting ‘heroes’.



5. Delivery of economic, social and community benefits through infrastructure

Stanwell 14 Power Region Station of Innovation

1,434 megawatt Stanwell Power Station – an environmentally friendly Power Station, supplying electricity to the national grid, with a capacity sufficient to power 1.5 million homes and offers ample land, water, geothermal and wind resources for further energy generation investments.

Gracemere Industrial Area (GIA), allows the operation of high impact industries 24 hour, 7 day a week operations, access by a $50M overpass on Capricorn Highway (opened May 2013). GIA approval equates to 2500 jobs and $500M to local/ regional economy for every 50ha developed.

Central Queensland Livestock Exchange (CQLX) and two of the largest abattoirs in the country.

The CQUniversity community allied health clinic is a working tertiary teaching clinic that services up to 1000 patients a week in physio, oral health, podiatry, speech pathology, occupational therapy, nutrition etc.

In 2012, Sunwater Ltd and Gladstone Area Water Board were approved to prepare an EIS for the Lower Fitzroy River Infrastructure project – raise the dam wall at Eden Bann Weir and build a new weir at Rookwood near Riverslea (current construction cost $440M).

Been selected as an area which will have access to the National Broadband Network (NBN). Areas to be serviced by fixed wireless will continue to be developed. Areas nominated for fibre connection are undergoing the National Strategic Review which will be completed by the end of 2013. Areas to the north and west of Rockhampton have access to fixed wireless and fibre is available to a limited number of new developments in Gracemere, Rockhampton and Emu Park.



We Have

We Can! •

Build the Bruce Highway Deviation in response to the demand on the road network and its vulnerability to flooding

Build an alternate rail crossing of the Fitzroy River to remove trains from the City (Denison St in particular)

Win the CQNRL Bid

Develop the Rockhampton Riverfront and Coastal Foreshore

Develop Stage 3 of the CQUniversity allied health clinic, which would provide ward space for mental health & well-being services/ aged care/respite care, effectively giving Rockhampton a non-acute teaching hospital. A non-acute teaching hospital would raise the profile of the city and act as a drawcard for professionals and their families.

With connectivity via the NBN Service (or similar) opportunities for the Region to deliver expanded and enhanced economic, educational, cultural and social services.

Plan intergrated infrastructure to support industry, housing and services. 15

Long Term Planning

6. A long term approach to planning and delivery of infrastructure


Region of Innovation

CQ Regional Plan released by State Government in 2013.

Rockhampton Region Planning Scheme well advanced.

Towards 2050 (Rockhampton Regional Council - RRC) is a strategic planning exercise for the next 40 years – “Rockhampton region is admired for its strength, resilience and ability to embrace change – a place that our community values and others admire – one of the most liveable communities in the world”.

$296M commitment for the Yeppen floodplain project, including $121M for the Rockhampton North access upgrade, and $65M to plan and acquire land for the Rockhampton Bypass from 2016.

Gracemere Industrial Area

• Major integrated development planned for Iwasaki Sangyo (Capricorn Resort, Yeppoon) and Great Keppel Island revitalisation.

Rockhampton is a major rail intersection in the State.

Rockhampton is at the crossroads of two major highways servicing Queensland’s North/South corridors (National Highway No 1 – Bruce Highway), and the East/West corridor (Capricorn Highway).


We Can! •

RRC will re-write it’s 2050 plan targets to reflect the Queensland Plan targets, to grow the population to inexcess of 550,000.

Accelerate the delivery of Planning and Infrastructure.

• Current towards 2050 (RRC) targets in the 6 Priority Initiatives: Action 2050, Information 2050, Environment 2050, Lifestyle 2050, Investment 2050 and Council 2050. Example of the targets in Towards 2050 include: o 75% of new residents have participated in a community event or group within one year of moving to Rockhampton (p28) o 50% of residents in Rockhampton Region consider it to be one of the most liveable communities in the world (p28) o No net loss of protected environmental areas and increase by 10% across the Region in 2030 and 20% by 2050 (p37) o 50% of all new businesses and homes are serviced by recycled water or non reticulated water by 2020. o No loss of Class A_C1 good quality agricultural land between 2010 and 2030 (p42) o 10% of dwellings constructed between 2010-2020 Green Star rated and 100% of dwellings constructed between 2020-2050 are 5 star, Green star rated (p44) o 90% heritage listed features of 2010 still exist and celebrated within the community in 2050 (p44) o By 2030 Rockhampton facilities are comparable to those delivered in state Capital cities (p51)

Long Term Planning

We Have


Skills & Productivity

7. The highest productivity rate in Australia with no skills shortage


Region of Innovation

Major industries including: • Residential building construction • Sheep, beef cattle and grain farming • Other crop growing • Heavy and civil engineering construction • Building insulation services • Supermarket and grocery stores • Accommodation • Cafes, restaurants and takeaway food services • Road freight transport • Rail freight transport • Architectural, engineering and technical services • Legal and accounting services • Building cleaning, pest control and gardening services • State government administration • Local government administration • Public order and safety services • School education • Hospitals • Residential Care Services • Machinery and Equipment repair and maintenance

• Major employers in the Rockhampton Region are: • Local Government • Queensland Government • Education (private, tertiary, state) • Queensland Health • Mercy Health and Aged Care • Power station • Rail (Aurizon) • Road freight companies (Rocky’s Own, NQX, Toll) • Mining suppliers (Hastings, Flexihire, Caterpillar Inc.) • Meatworks (JBS, Teys Bros Rockhampton) • Agriculture


• Major national chains (Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings, Masters etc)

Skills & Productivity

We Have

49.9% of persons 15 years and over have post school qualifications (certificates, degrees etc) – 2011 Census. We’re getting qualifications faster than our population is growing.

We Can! •

Support and grow all industries to increase our economic diversity.

The CQUniversity dual sector approach to post-school education will transform the way local industries are supplied with wellrounded graduates and trainees who are far better equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities of this unique economic zone.

Maximise job opportunities for our locals and new residents by offering flexible training to meet skills demands.



8. Investment and research into innovation in Queensland’s areas of strengths

Great Islandof Innovation 20 Keppel Region

CQUniversity which has a commitment to excellence in research and innovation with a particular emphasis on issues that affect the region.

Agriculture - CQUniversity’s CQIRP facility (Central Qld Innovation and Research Precinct – formerly CSIRO laboratories) a world class cattle handling and research laboratory is driving CQUniversity’s strengths in Agriculture Research and Development. CQUniversity was the only Queensland University who were ranked at “Above World Class” (a score of the maximum 5) in the Commonwealths latest ERA research rankings in the field of agriculture (a research league table by which all universities are ranked).

Construction - the local TAFE is fantastic at delivering vocational trades and qualifications in construction, but the potential for much greater research and innovation in this space will be unlocked by the merger of CQ TAFE and CQ University. The community and construction industry will benefit from one institution which has both Vocational Education & Training-informed research, and researchinformed Vocational Education & Training.

• Tourism – major integrated resort developments planned for Great Keppel Island and Iwasaki Sangyo provide major investment and innovation opportunities for the Rockhampton Region. • Resources - CQUniversity’s strength is its “power of place’ which is in the heart of the state’s resource epicentre. Our research and undergraduate studies that contribute to the prosperity of this sector are immense; rail research, fatigue and human factors research and engineering research are all world class, plus our engineering/environmental science graduates (along with other vital industry professionals like accountants, HR managers, chemists etc…) all help drive the industry.


Current research includes - media history and biography - applied economics – John Rolfe – trade-offs between land, environmental and resource uses in rural/regional Australia, estimating the economic impacts of resource industry developments on regional economies, employment and housing markets, - Gambling research laboratory - Ecological security laboratory - Marine biosecurity - Queensland Centre for family and domestic violence - Centre for Mental Health Nursing innovation - Innovative nursing education - Koala Research Centre of Central Queensland


We Have

We Can! •

Continue to develop CQUniversity by investing in intellectual capital.

Unlock the potential for the resource sector when the higher degree and Vocational Education and Training streams are combined in the dual sector; producing graduates skilled from the ‘best of both worlds’. Eg; Electrical Engineering graduates with TAFE trade electrical qualifications built into their degrees, or TAFE diesel fitting graduates who have had access to first rate university engineering research laboratories throughout their training.


Centres of Excellence

9. Centres of excellence attracting human capital and driving innovation


Region of Innovation


Rural R&D Council

Centres of Excellence

We Have • John Villiers Centre of Excellence for Education, Therapy and Support – purpose built Autism specific Early Intervention Centre. • JoyGlobal – Rockhampton hosts the Centre of Excellence for the repair and testing of Joy’s longwall electronic control systems.

CQUniversity’s CQIRP facility is the community’s ‘ideas factory’; engaging with local industry to research and develop innovations that help CQ reach its full potential.

CQUniversity’s Allied Health Facility in partnership with Queensland Health.

CQUniversity’s research areas of excellence attract world-leading experts in their chosen field; whether that heavy-industrial rail application research driving our supply-chain efficiency for the resource sector, or leading resource economists analysing trends and forecasts for the mining sector, leading mental health nursing researchers growing the next generation of local health workers, or leading agronomists informing best practice for the Northern Australia beef herd.

An Innovation Centre at CQUniversity, in partnership with industry groups and businesses; an annual Innovation Festival is held in Rockhampton.


We Can! •

Capitalise on our health and education sectors to attract new residents and drive innovation.

Nurture our innovative community members by supporting and enabling the development of their intellectual property.

Support our centres of excellence to become national and international leaders.


Education Partnerships

10. An education model that leverages community and industry partnerships.


Region of Innovation

Education Partnerships

We Have •

CQUniversity prides itself on being Australia’s most engaged university, and its relationship with CQ industries and communities is delivering mutual benefits. This strong ethos of engagement combined with the new education model of Queensland’s first dual sector university will transform the way post-schooling education is experienced in CQ.

CQUniversity which is very reactive to community and industry demand, responding to particular skills shortages and industry knowledge gaps quickly through introducing new courses and material, modifying existing offerings, or directing research and resources at areas of need. CQ will be the leader in defining how new education models can help a region unlock its full potential.

International Military Engagement with valued contributions to the local economy and partnerships with industry and the community. Rockhampton Region is home to an Australian Defence Force Base and the Shoalwater Bay Military Training Area. Exercises frequently involve in excess of 30,000 troops through ongoing Australian military training activities, annual military training activities of the Singaporean Armed Forces and biennial training exercises with the US military. Over 17,000 foreign troops are involved biannually, with rest and recreation as well as physical training and PR activities undertaken within Rockhampton.

We Can! •


The CQUniversity merger with CQ TAFE, will provide a more responsive and flexible application to the full spectrum of post-school education, not just higher education.



Capricorn Enterprise 2013, Economic Profile: Rockhampton region, August 2013, URL: http://www.capricornenterprise.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Economic-Profile-2013-mid-year-update_Final_web.pdf, accessed 30/10/2013.


Capricorn Enterprise 2013, Employment, URL: http://www.capricornenterprise.com.au/liveability/regional-profile-statistics/, accessed 29/10/2013. Capricorn Enterprise 2013, Gracemere high school; submission in support, Rockhampton. CQUniversity and Capricorn Enterprise 2011, Assessing the regional economic impacts of flood interruption to transport corridors in Rockhampton, Rockhampton. http://www.capricornenterprise.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Economic_cost_of_the_Rockhmapton_floods_15_Aug_2011.pdf CQUniversity – personal communication – government liaison, M. Elmes 29/10/2013 Economic Associates Pty Ltd 2003, Fitzroy / Rockhampton Industrial development study: final report, Spring Hill. Economic Associates Pty Ltd 2007, Fitzroy industry and infrastructure study: economic evaluation, volume 1: assessment of direct economic impacts, Spring Hill. Economic Associates Pty Ltd 2007, Fitzroy industry and infrastructure study: economic evaluation, volume 2: agricultural corridor – cost benefit analysis, Spring Hill. Economic Associates Pty Ltd 2007, Rockhampton / Fitzroy industrial land demand study: final report, Spring Hill. GHD 2006, Fitzroy agricultural development area: land suitability study, Brisbane. Jeffery, R. 2007, Submission: northern Australia land and water taskforce, URL: http://nalwt.gov.au/files/no-21-jeffery.pdf , accessed 29/10/2013. Queensland Council of Social Service Inc (QCOSS) 2012, Rockhampton region – resilience profile, URL: http://www.communityindicatorsqld.org.au/ rockhampton, accessed 29/10/2013. Queensland Government, Tourism Queensland, Capricorn Enterprise and GAPDL 2009, Central Queensland tourism opportunity plan 2009-2019, URL: http://www.tq.com.au/fms/tq_corporate/destinations/central_queensland/plans_and_strategies/Central%20Queensland%20Tourism%20Opportunity%20Plan%20-%20Final%20version%2026th%20October%202009.pdf , accessed 29/10/2013.


Region of Innovation

Rockhampton Regional Council 2010, Rockhampton region towards 2050: a framework for our future strategic framework, URL: http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Our_Region/Towards_2050, accessed 29/10/2013.


Rockhampton Regional Council 2010, Rockhampton region towards 2050: a framework for our future community profile, URL: http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Our_Region/Towards_2050, accessed 29/10/2013. Rockhampton Regional Council 2010, Rockhampton region towards 2050: a framework for our future presentation, URL: http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Our_Region/Towards_2050, accessed 29/10/2013. Rockhampton Regional Council 2010, Rockhampton Regional Council Social Plan 2010-2015, URL: http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Your_ Community/Social_Planning, accessed 29/10/2013. Ross Planning 2010, Regional open space plan, URL: http://www.rockhamptonregion.qld.gov.au/Our_Region/Towards_2050, accessed 29/10/2013. Rockhampton Regional Council, Capricorn Tourism and Economic Development and Queensland Government 2010, Rockhampton Region: Transforming into a major economic and lifestyle hub for the broader central Queensland Region. State of Queensland 2013, Fitzroy Basin draft resource operations plan, URL: http://www.dnrm.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/104053/fitzroybasin-draft-rop.pdf, accessed 29/10/2013 State of Queensland 1995-2013, The Queensland Plan, URL: http://queenslandplan.qld.gov.au/, accessed 30/10/2013. State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Water) 2006, Central Queensland regional water supply strategy, URL: http://dews.qld.gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/80446/cq-rwss-dec06.pdf, accessed 30/10/2013. State of Queensland, Department State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, 2013, Central Queensland regional plan, URL: http://www.dsdip.qld. gov.au/resources/plan/central-queensland/central-queensland-regional-plan.pdf, accessed 29/10/2013. Tourism Queensland and Capricorn Enterprise 2012, Capricorn region: destination tourism strategy 2012-2016, URL: http://www.capricornenterprise.com. au/wp-content/uploads/Destination_Strategy_Capricorn_LORES_ONLINE.pdf, accessed 29/10/2013. University of Queensland 2013, Northern Beef Research Alliance, URL: http://www.qaafi.uq.edu.au/nbra, accessed 31/10/2013.



For further information contact: Mary Carroll Chief Executive Officer Capricorn Enterprise P: 07 4927 2055 E: marycarroll@capricornenterprise.com.au W: capricornenterprise.com.au


Region of Innovation

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