Southern Peninsula
Southern Peninsula| SalesStatistics- May2024
Wearepleasedtosharewithyouall salesconfirmedinthemonthof May2024 inthegreaterCapeTownareaassubmittedbythe majorreal estateagencies,andreportedbyPropStats,thereportingagencyof theInstituteof EstateAgentsof SouthAfrica.
Themarket intheWesternCapecontinuestobeoneof themost robust inthecountry.Ourviewisthat thedefinitiveoutcomeof theelectionsintheWesternCapewill continuetobenefit thepropertymarket andthat ourwell-runmunicipalitiesand goodlocal governancewill beamajordrawcardandcontinuetomaketheWesternCapeadesirableplacetoliveforlocal andinternational buyers.Thetrendforinterest ratestostart declininglaterintheyearisalsopositiveforthepropertymarket.
Wearenowpreparingtolaunchourspringcataloguesandarelookingforwardtoabusyseasonasweapproachthethird quarterof theyear.Ouragentsareareaspecialistsandbest placedtoprovideall thelatest propertytrends,recent sales,valuationsorgeneral market trends.
Whetheryouareaseller,landlord,buyerortenant pleasedonot hesitatetocontact ustodiscussyourpropertyrequirements.
- Basil Moraitis, Regional Manager
Southern Peninsula| Full TitleSalesStatistics- May2024
Total List Price
R245,364,000 R7,010,400 AverageList Price Total SalesPrice
SalesPrice -5.49% 105 AverageNumber Of DaysOn TheMarket 35 Number Of PropertiesSold
R6,603,143 AverageSales Price DifferenceBetween
SOUTHERN PENINSULA Address Suburb R/ m² Erf (m²) Beds Baths Parking& Garages List Price SalePrice List Days 20 BergRoad FishHoek R5,701 1227 4 4 4 R6,995,000 R6,995,000 5 20 SauvignonAvenue FishHoek R8,245 758 3 3 2 R6,250,000 R6,250,000 60 6DunsterAvenue FishHoek R4,940 496 3 2 1 R2,495,000 R2,450,000 6 27GalleonCrescent FishHoek R3,240 713 4 2 3 R2,495,000 R2,310,000 8 49SecondAvenue FishHoek R4,435 496 3 3 2 R2,500,000 R2,200,000 180 45Cliff Road FishHoek R1,520 855 0 0 0 R1,400,000 R1,300,000 108 67Herschel Road FishHoek R2,091 550 0 0 0 R1,150,000 R1,150,000 360 69Herschel Road FishHoek R1,864 550 0 0 0 R1,150,000 R1,025,000 360 169 MainRoad KalkBay R27,966 295 3 2 0 R8,995,000 R8,250,000 14 103SouthernRight Circle Kommetjie R7,897 1203 4 3 4 R9,500,000 R9,500,000 0 9BaleenDrive Kommetjie R13,400 500 3 2 2 R6,995,000 R6,700,000 118 10 OtterCrescent Kommetjie R2,747 455 0 0 0 R1,250,000 R1,250,000 20
SOUTHERN PENINSULA Address Suburb R/ m² Erf (m²) Beds Baths Parking& Garages List Price SalePrice List Days 5ConiferClose,62Oudevlei Road MarinaDaGama R5,502 309 3 2 2 R1,950,000 R1,700,000 39 18TalmaRoad Muizenberg R16,801 497 2 2 0 R8,950,000 R8,350,000 414 4 RooielsClose,deGoedeHoop Estate Noordhoek R1,387 20185 5 5 6 R29,950,000 R28,000,000 359 5SwordDancerClose Noordhoek R3,537 4100 5 5 5 R15,900,000 R14,500,000 104 11SiskinAvenue Noordhoek R19,187 701 3 5 2 R14,900,000 R13,450,000 67 4 MalabarClose Noordhoek R7,269 1472 5 4 8 R10,950,000 R10,700,000 0 3Dassenheuwel Lane Noordhoek R1,237 6064 0 0 0 R7,500,000 R7,500,000 0 12BelvedereClose Noordhoek R7,004 1028 3 2 4 R7,200,000 R7,200,000 3 34 BeachRoad Noordhoek R5,793 1191 4 2 4 R6,900,000 R6,900,000 0 30 TurquoiseWay Noordhoek R6,176 1101 4 4 4 R7,600,000 R6,800,000 183 1NoordhoekMainRoad Noordhoek R1,592 4083 0 0 0 R6,500,000 R6,500,000 15 10 SiskinAvenue Noordhoek R6,429 700 0 0 0 R4,500,000 R4,500,000 0
SOUTHERN PENINSULA Address Suburb R/ m² Erf (m²) Beds Baths Parking& Garages List Price SalePrice List Days 5VygieStreet Scarborough R11,089 496 3 2 5 R6,500,000 R5,500,000 87 416MainRoad Simonstown R7,644 1596 4 4 3 R13,849,000 R12,200,000 180 17NelsonWay Simonstown R8,268 895 4 3 4 R8,495,000 R7,400,000 130 3VictoryClose Simonstown R7,514 865 3 3 4 R6,850,000 R6,500,000 150 4AHopeStreet Simonstown R17,063 252 4 3 4 R4,500,000 R4,300,000 120 13Forest Hill Road Simonstown R6,997 586 2 2 3 R4,650,000 R4,100,000 265 13Belmont Road Simonstown R21,637 171 2 1 2 R3,700,000 R3,700,000 75 9Zante,14 PalaceHill Road Simonstown R23,248 157 3 2 2 R3,800,000 R3,650,000 6 15SeemeeuStreet Simonstown R5,522 603 5 5 6 R3,995,000 R3,330,000 165 30aVictoryWay Simonstown R2,897 725 0 0 0 R2,100,000 R2,100,000 0 22LeyRoad St James R39,058 329 4 4 2 R12,950,000 R12,850,000 77
Southern Peninsula| Sectional TitleSalesStatistics- May2024
Total List Price
Total SalesPrice
AverageList Price
AverageSales Price
R39,760,000 R3,058,462
DifferenceBetween AverageList & SalesPrice
-4.92% 42 AverageNumber Of DaysOn TheMarket 13 Number Of PropertiesSold
SOUTHERN PENINSULA Address Suburb R/ m² Unit (m²) Beds Baths Parking& Garages List Price SalePrice List Days 27Highgate,2PassRoad FishHoek R15,143 140 3 2 1 R2,300,000 R2,120,000 190 2Broadlands,109KommetjieRoad FishHoek R16,667 111 2 2 1 R1,950,000 R1,850,000 6 6BostonCourt,20 DaltonRoad FishHoek R16,176 68 2 1 1 R1,195,000 R1,100,000 52 43TheMajestic,0 Main Road KalkBay R23,750 4 2 2 2 R10,000,000 R9,500,000 0 4 TheMajestic,24 GatesvilleRoad KalkBay R64,655 116 2 2 2 R7,950,000 R7,500,000 0 1Fernanville,6GordonRoad KalkBay R41,791 67 2 2 0 R2,995,000 R2,800,000 85 52Sunfish@ VillageLane, 13TeubesRoad Kommetjie R39,444 81 3 2 1 R3,195,000 R3,195,000 0 51Sunfish@ VillageLane, 13TeubesRoad Kommetjie R38,210 81 3 2 2 R3,095,000 R3,095,000 0 54 Sunfish@ VillageLane, 13TeubesRoad Kommetjie R37,438 80 2 2 2 R2,995,000 R2,995,000 0 207LakeviewCourt,21MainRoad Lakeside R14,078 103 3 1 2 R1,795,000 R1,450,000 5 301MelroseVillage, 10-20 Melrose Road Muizenberg R29,167 60 1 1 0 R1,850,000 R1,750,000 29 137DuneCrest,0 SunriseBoulevard Muizenberg R18,889 45 2 1 1 R860,000 R850,000 180 2BayViewHeights,2RedHill Road Simonstown R26,810 58 2 1 0 R1,555,000 R1,555,000 0