Invest: Greater Fort lauderdale Chinese Edition

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Florida 佛罗里达

Presented by: 联 ​合 ​编 著

Special Edition: Miami / Orlando / Tampa​

迈阿密 奥兰多 坦帕


Explore remarkable real estate investment opportunities

全球华人拭目以待 佛州迎接房产投资新浪潮






2 佛 罗里达:欢迎来到阳光天堂

22 Florida: Welcome to the Sunshine State:



6 潜 力无限

26 Trending upwards: Population increases,

8 美 国南方第一房地产市场

28 On the rebound: One of Miami-Dade’s most

由于人口增长、外商投资和经济多元化发 展,这个世界第18大经济体已经为企业发展 做好准备

人口增长,外商投资和多元化的经济推动着 迈阿密的快速发展 就业率的不断增长和资本流入,给迈阿密房 产市场注入了新的活力

9 高 尚生活体验


11 如 此

迈阿密! 多元化的旅游选择,每年都吸引着数以百万 计的游客


13 美 丽之都


14 朝 圣奥兰多


With population increases, foreign investment and a diversifying economy, the 18th largest economy in the world is ready for business

foreign investment and a diversifying economy propel Miami’s growth trajectory

dynamic sectors, real estate exhibits strong performance, buoyed by job growth and an influx of capital

29 Luxury Living: Cutting-edge design and

foreign investment boost high-end real estate

31 ‘It’s so Miami!’: Millions of tourists flock to

Miami every year as tourism offerings become more attractive


33 The “City Beautiful”: Orlando is home to more than just Mickey

Tourism: Tourism’s impact on the local & state economy

15 购 物天堂

庞大的游客数量创造出一个独一无二的购物 天堂

16 安 居奥兰多

优质的教育体系,繁荣的会展经济,独特的 地产商机


34 Experience Orlando – the Mecca of

35 Retail Abound: Orlando shopping offers a variety options for tourists and locals alike

36 Make Yourself at Home: What makes Orlando a great place to call home


17 坦 帕

37 The Big Guava: Affordable living and a quaint

19 养 老佳地

39 Early Retirement: The Tampa Bay Area is an

佛州最适合居住的城市 廉价的生活成本,一流的医疗设施,选择多 样的娱乐项目

lifestyle is drawing people to Tampa ideal place for retirement /


佛罗里达 | FLORIDA

人口细分:佛罗里达州人口和经济增长 根据2014年的人口普查,目前佛罗里达拥有人 口1,990万人,是美国第人口第三大州。大约 86.1%的25岁以上的人口有高中文凭或更高学 历,26.4%的25岁以上的人口拥有学士学位或更 高学历。西班牙裔或拉美裔人占佛罗里达总人口的 22.5%,而非西班牙裔—包括白人、黑人、印第安 人、亚裔和太平洋岛民—占总人口的77.5%。在佛 罗里达州,人口最稠密的都市圈是位于南佛罗里达 的迈阿密/劳德代尔堡(超过500万居民),坦帕/圣彼 得堡/克利尔沃特 (超过200万居民)和奥兰多/基西 米(230万居民)。每个家庭收入中位数为46956美 元。

口州。此外,根据美国商务部统计,佛罗里达州有 美国第二大对外贸易区网络,从而促使更多的国内 和国际商品和货物穿梭于其港口和码头。 拥有超过48,000个商业农场,佛罗里达州在农场 收入方面引领美国东南部地区,并且以柑橘类水果 而闻名。佛罗里达生产的橙子、柚子、橘子和橘柚 占美国此类水果产品总量的大约67%,世界40% 的橙汁都由该州供应。佛罗里达的橙汁生产遍及全 球,仅次于巴西,并且是世界主要的葡萄柚生产商 和供应商。柑橘类水果出口主要市场包括加拿大、 日本、法国和英国等。柑橘产业为佛罗里达人创造 了大约76,000个工作岗位,每年为佛罗里达带来 近90亿美元的经济收入和10亿美元的税收收入。




欢迎来到阳光天堂: 由于人口增长、外商投资和经济多元化发展,这个世界第18大经济体已经为 企业发展做好准备 拥有永恒的阳光、温暖的气候、晴朗湛蓝的天空、 以及与天空一样蓝的海水,佛罗里达是美国旅游和 居住的首选地。其有人类居住的历史可以追溯到至 少12,000年前,且活动和旅游景点像居住在那的 人一样充满活力和多样化,佛罗里达是非常受欢迎 的旅游目的地,正在朝着旅游首选目的地的方向发 展。

随着南北双方在奴隶制这个话题上的分歧越来越 大,佛罗里达与其他南方各州的官员脱离了美利坚 合众国,于1861年1月10日成立了南部邦联政府。 虽然在内战期间没有重大战役发生在佛罗里达, 但 由于该地区温暖的气候,佛罗里达常常被用作南方 武装力量的训练场。在内战中败给了美利坚合众 国,南部邦联政府重新加入美利坚合众国,并开始 重建基础设施。

佛罗里达的历史 现在的佛罗里达最早的居民是印第安人。几个部落 包括阿巴拉契人和塞米诺尔人都定居在该地区,最 终建立了最早的文明和农业体系。1513年西班牙探 险家胡安·彭斯·德里昂来到佛罗里达州,记录了 该地区的生活,在他的书中强调了本土人和西班牙 定居者之间的文化交流。随着越来越多的欧洲定居 者的到来,疾病和土地纠纷增加,因此印第安人数 量递减。1845年3月3日,佛罗里达成为第27个加 入美国的州,威廉·D·莫斯利成为第一任州长。 2 | Invest: Florida

美国内战后的几年里,佛罗里达州作为度假圣地 名声大振,吸引了邻州的南方和北方游客。1855 年,州议会通过了内部改进法案,使该州的道路和 高速公路基础设施得到完善,这些基础设施将能够 容纳越来越多的游客和新居民,并满足农业产业的 需要。从第一批居民开始,佛罗里达的气候和环境 使该州天生具有农业发展的优势。该州成为柑橘类 水果的主要产地,且在20世纪初,该州是畜牧养殖 和肉类加工大州。

以购物中心、主题公园和度假胜地为主要吸引因 素,大城市如奥兰多、坦帕和迈阿密每年吸引数 以百万计的游客。2014年,佛罗里达州游客创历 史新高为9,730万人,其中1,150万海外的游客( 仅加拿大380万游客),使其成为世界上热门的旅 游目的地。旅游业每年为佛罗里达州创收687亿美 元,是佛罗里达州第一经济驱动力,创造120万个 工作岗位。仅奥兰多,迪斯尼世界主题公园,每年 带来至少6 ,20 0 万游客,并且为当地和州财政收入 创收超过70亿美元。 作为美国的门户,佛罗里达在贸易方面引领中美和 南美地区,是名副其实的美国进出口中心。大约美 国出口的40%都通过佛罗里达到达拉美和南美及加 勒比海地区。根据美国人口统计局,在该州生产的 价值近600亿美元的商品通过佛罗里达运到美国的 国际贸易合作伙伴国,使得该州成为美国第7大出

虽然佛罗里达近乎完美的气候是游客流连忘返和/或 重新定居那里的主要原因,但佛罗里达有不少特殊 的政策吸引人们和企业到此享受美好的阳光。拥有 大量的商业激励措施以及作为“美国的门户”,佛 罗里达正迅速成为全球商业、贸易和小企业中心。 佛罗里达是美国第四大经济支柱,并位列世界最 大经济体中。该州的国内生产总值(GDP) — 衡量 一定时期内,一个州所有最终生产的商品和服务的 市场价值—是世界19大经济体。在2015年第二季 度,佛罗里达国内生产总值增长5.1%,高于美国 的平均国内生产总值3.8%的增长率。 此外,该州的人口每年都在增长。拥有超过 1,900万居民, 2015年佛罗里达超过纽约成为第人 口第三大州。在佛罗里达州,激励措施很多,值得 一提的是该州没有个人所得税,并且是享有“工 作权”的州,以上两种激励措施吸引了大批新的

佛罗里达州最优秀公立高中 县排名






Winter Park 高中

Henry B. Plant 高中



Timber Creek 高中

Tampa Bay 坦帕湾技术中学



Olympia 奥林匹亚高中

Robinson 罗宾逊高中



Freedom 自由高中

Sickles 高中



University 大学高中

Plant City 高中 来源:U.S. News and World Report /


FLORIDA | 佛 罗里达

佛罗里达 | FLORIDA

创造了超过100万个私营企业就业机会。通过增加 预算来创造更多的就业机会,佛罗里达脱颖而出, 成为企业和员工的首选目的地。除了佛罗里达州企 业基金,Scott计划免除零售企业和制造商的企业 所得税,且商业租金的营业税从6%减少到5%。最 终,州议会将确定Scott的预算提案是否带来良好 就业机会,但很显然州长的侧重点是为了增加创造 就业机会的效率。


和成熟的企业和品牌来佛罗里达。佛罗里达有超过 500,000家企业,包括知名品牌和跨国公司,如 CSX公司、赖德系统公司、特百惠品牌、嘉年华公 司和ADT公司,每年都有新的国内和国际的知名企 业和品牌的名字列入该花名册中。

为创造就业机会投入更多的资源 佛罗里达中部和南部拥有众多旅游景点,使其被誉 为度假圣地,让每年回头的来自美国北部城市和国 外的游客和移居者从恶劣天气中获得喘息。但除了 适于寻求乐趣和短期休假、游乐项目和购物,佛罗 里达还有几个在国际贸易中比较活跃的产业如制造 业、交通、物流、农业、航空航天和国防等,高科 技的进步在确保佛罗里达成为经济强州中发挥着重 要作用。佛罗里达在企业创业方面被誉为最适合于 创业的美国最州之一,有“有利营商”的美誉。其 南部地区迈阿密的是美国第二大金融中心。更重要 的是为佛罗里达人创造了更多的就业机会,确保有 足够的岗位以吸引来自州内外的人才。 佛罗里达的亲商企业州长Rick Scott打算继续向 一些计划和项目中投入资源,提高该州创造就业的 能力。在2015年11月,州长办公室宣布私营企业 就业增长率为3.6%,位列美国10大人口最密集州 之首,包括德克萨斯州、纽约和加利福尼亚州。州 私营企业就业增长率超过美国同期2.1%的就业增 长率。 需要着重强调的是在创造就业方面,佛罗里达位 列美国之首,2016年州长Scott计划削减10亿美元 的税收,并创建佛罗里达州企业基金,可能会吸引 更多的人来到该州并提振其就业形式。根据州长办 公室网站内容,2010年12月以来,佛罗里达企业 4 | Invest: Florida

佛罗里达是较大的货物和商品进出口州,对于美洲 国家来说是全球枢纽,部分原因是其靠近拉丁美洲 和加勒比海地区,和其有竞争力的完善的基础设 施。该州与拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的商品贸易额 (包括进口和出口)在2014年总达到922亿美元, 该州2014年全部商品贸易总额为1532亿美元。根 据佛罗里达经济发展局的数据,拉丁美洲和加勒比 海地区占佛罗里达地区商品贸易总额的60.2%,亚 洲和中东占比22.7%,欧洲为12%,加拿大和墨西 哥共为3.7%。此外,国际贸易和外商投资占佛罗 里达经济的17%,为全州创造至少50万个工作岗 位。 佛罗里达覆盖广泛的综合运输系统确保其成功运 送国内外商品和货物。该州共有19个商业机场、15 个海港、3,000英里的铁轨和超过12,000英里长的 高速公路,该州被美国商会基金会评为全美基础设 施完善度排名第二。至少1,600亿美元的货物每年 通过该州的机场和港口进行输送,包括废旧材料、 农产品和畜牧产品、矿产、黄金以及电脑和零部件 等,由61,000多家出口企业,或占美国出口企业的 20%。此外,根据佛罗里达经济发展局的调查,佛 罗里达紧随加利福尼亚州,是美国第二大出口州。

佛罗里达州最佳公立大学 大学
























来源:U.S. News and World Report

佛罗里达州 一直是新兴 企业在全美的 首选地之一 未来的预期 如果其他事都不是肯定的,但有一件事是明确的: 佛罗里达人口规模、就业机会、贸易和行业将呈 几何式式增长。根据佛罗里达经济评估委员会下 Florida Economic Summary的消息, 在未来5 到10年,该州个人收入预计将增长4.4%到5.5%。 个人收入增长将引起就业市场的增长,预计为小幅 增长。企业的搬迁,如SMRxT,是一家医疗信息 技术与服务公司,其总部从纽约搬至奥兰多,且在 奥兰多创建CVS Health公司,工厂占地112,000 平方英尺,未来两年在奥兰多将创造接近500个工 作岗位,因此该州将拥有大量的就业机会。此外, 根据佛Florida Economic Summary,从长远来 看,预计失业率将减少到4.9%。与此同时,该州 的旅游行业每年都在增长,预计游客同比增幅为 4%到5.1%之间。按照该增长率,到2017年,佛 罗里达州将实现其目标,游客接待量将达到为1亿 人次。

批婴儿潮时期出生的老人。据IHS全球观察的数 据,那不勒斯,佛罗里达南部的一个城市,其经济 今年预计将增长4.9%。据预测,到2030年该州超 过三分之二的人口将超过60岁,因为越来越多的婴 儿潮时期出生的一代人开始退休来此寻求温暖的气 候和轻松的环境。大量退休人员涌入的同时,州长 Scott正在实施一些计划,确保佛罗里达能够备足 具有活力的青年人才。 “准备、出发、工作” 的 大学对抗赛,已经在12个州立大学进行,这是一项 旨在为拥有这12所大学两个最受欢迎的学位的所有 毕业生在一年内提供100%就业机会的一个项目。 今年,这一项目将得到进一步实施。如果州议会通 过Scott的减税计划和佛罗里达企业基金项目,该 州将成为创造就业岗位最多的一个州,并成为不容 小觑的经济力量。由于人口增长和旅游业健康发 展,佛罗里达的经济预计将在未来几年里仍将保持 强势的增长。

从今年开始,佛罗里达的养老社区预计将迎来一 /


迈阿密 | MIAMI


大厨烹饪。在迈阿密,您每天都可以享受多元文化 带给您的新鲜感。


迈阿密的国际知名度和温暖的气候,让这个城市受 到国际留学生和学者的青睐。迈阿密的国际学生比 例一直远超美国其他城市的平均值,而且近些年增 长速度极快。迈阿密大学是该市国际学生最集中的 大学,学校总人数的15%为国际学生,其中的78% 为中国留学生。其他类似学校包括北迈阿密大学 12%、Florida Memorial大学10%、汤姆森大学 9%和Barry大学7%。



人口增长、外商投资和多元化的经济推动着迈阿密的快速发展 迈阿密以其终年阳光普照、独具魅力的沙滩和美景 而闻名,除了地理气候的优势,该市还极具经济发 展潜力。迈阿密位于佛罗里达州的最东南角,东临 大西洋,西接沼泽地国家公园,北邻国家自然保护 区。迈阿密包括两个郡,分别为迈阿密和戴得县, 全市占地2,000多平方英里(比特拉华州还大), 人口260万,管辖34个其它自治区域,包括著名的 迈阿密城和迈阿密海滩。 迈阿密坚实的经济基础植根于不断增长的人口。 目前迈阿密人口总数排名全美第七,而且正在快速 增加。逐年增加的人口和财富,为城市带来了更多 的消费、就业、多元经济和优质人才。该地区以中 小型企业和创业型企业为主,并为小公司向大企业 的成长提供跳板。依托于快速增长的高科技产业、 金融业和高端房地产市场,与美国大多数其它主要 城市地区相比 ,迈阿密经济在经济危机之后反弹非 常迅速。


迈阿密宜人的气候、一流的基础建设和优美的自然 环境,每年都吸引着美国顶级的富豪在此进行房产 交易,其中最有代表性的包括NBA超级球星勒布朗 - 詹姆斯的价值$ 13.4亿美元的椰林豪宅、洋基队 首席棒球击球手凯文 - 杜兰比斯坎的价值315万美 元的天台屋、世界级音乐家及音乐制作人菲尔柯林 斯的价值3千万美元的私人豪宅。 6 | Invest: Florida


从历史的角度来看,迈阿密一直都是一个拉丁美洲 人比较集中的城市,但是近几年迈阿密的人口结构 正在发生重要改变。白人还是迈阿密的第一大人 种,少数民族中的拉丁美洲人虽然还是最大少数族 裔,但是其他少数民族,特别是亚洲人在近些年的 增长非常快。 另外,美国政府已通过拓宽巴拿马运河的计划。 运河拓宽后,从亚洲起航的超巴拿马级货轮,将可 以通过巴拿马运河直接到达美国东岸。目前,中国 已经是迈阿密港最大的国际贸易对象,在运河拓建 工程完成之后,迈阿密将会与包括中国在内的亚洲 其他经济体建立更加紧密的联系。不久前,迈阿密 政府已经向亚洲开放了多条直飞航线,其中直飞香 港和台北的航线已经开通。目前市政府正在筹划与 中国北京和上海开通直飞航班,进一步方便中国游 客和投资人到迈阿密观光和投资。迈阿密政府认为 以上的经济计划会让迈阿密在亚洲的曝光率大幅提 升,吸引中国人投资,并吸引投资者在此定居。


迈阿密是美国一个真正拥有多元文化的城市。虽然 这里有从各个国家来的居民,但是他们依然保留着 完整的本国文化和生活习惯,所以,在迈阿密你总 能找到各个民族的传统美食。墨西哥餐由墨西哥大 厨烹饪,中餐由中国大厨烹饪,意大利餐由意大利

根据2013年的数据,有790万吨的货物通过迈阿 密港输出。当年,中国是该港口最大的出口和进口 国,出口和进口量分别为435,986吨和837,845 吨。迈阿密港与亚太地区的贸易占总量的39%, 与欧洲的贸易占9%。港口进口最多的货物包括饮 料、服装、水果、坚果、陶瓷、家具,而出口最多 的货物包括纸张、金属、食用制剂、棉花和核反应 堆等。扩建后的巴拿马运河让美国东海岸港口,特 别是迈阿密港,有机会与亚洲市场建立更紧密的联 系。迈阿密的公路和高速公路、桥梁以及铁路线等 基础设施正在改善,为2016年计划开通的运河做 准备,与此有关的迈阿密港口水道加深项目已于 2015年9月完成。迈阿密港口希望运河工程完成 后能够为迈阿密带来更多来自亚洲的货运业务。目 前该港口的容量已经可以接收达13,000-标准箱 (TEU)的巴拿马级大型货船,运河加深工程完成 后会进一步提升亚洲出口国和该港的合作兴趣。为 了达到目标,该县与佛罗里达州的合作,正在努力 增加出口货物的数量,尤其侧重于农业、消费品、 牛肉和家禽等产品。


迈阿密不断增长的贸易总量吸引了亚洲出口商,并 为他们带来进入南美市场的商机。随着巴拿马运河 的扩建,迈阿密港将成为亚洲各国的大货船前往美 洲的一个重要中转站。迈阿密港无与伦比的优势, 在于它是美国南部除弗吉尼亚州诺福克港之外,唯 一的深水港,水深52英尺,可供超巴拿马大级型货 船停靠。 作为与拉美联系的纽带,迈阿密 被视为美国、 加拿大和世界其它地区进入美洲主要市场的门户城 市。2013年,加拿大通过迈阿密出口了价值约44 亿美元的商品。迈阿密已与总部设在巴西和墨西哥 的企业建立了紧密的关系,这些企业约占拉丁美洲 和加勒比地区总市场的70%市场份额,使该市成为 加拿大出口商和拉丁美洲企业之间的中介,具有极 其重要的战略地位。



起着重要作用。迈阿密国际机场(MIA)就客运方 面而言,是美国第十个最繁忙的机场,而且是美 国航空公司和美国之鹰以及货运航空公司UPS航 空、LAN货运和联邦快递的中转枢纽。随着卡塔尔 航空公司和土耳其航空公司开通由迈阿密直达中东 的航线,迈阿密国际机场在佛州与中东城市的联系 中,扮演着举足轻重的角色。 迈阿密国际机场(MIA)作为南佛罗里达最大 的经济推动者,是美国国际货运的最主要机场, 在运载的国际旅游人数方面,它仅次于纽约市约 翰·F·肯尼迪国际机场。迈阿密国际机场在飞往 南美和加勒比海的旅客人次上,居全美第一。迈阿 密国际机场目前拥有100个客运和货运航空公司, 超过美国任何其他机场,连同其四个通用航空机 场,每年产生337亿美元的业务收入,并为南佛罗 里达州提供了近28万个直接和间接的就业机会。 2014年,该机场创下了另一个新纪录,旅客增至 4,090万人次,比2013年增加40万。


迈阿密对私募股权投资公司(PE)、对冲基金和 另类投资集团有着强烈的吸引力。 这里不仅仅阳光 充足,而且不征收州所得税。同时,随着该州新的 税收法规的出台,以及该地区对国外市场的重视, 来迈阿密的国际投资逐年激增,被“商业内幕”网 站誉为美国的“南华尔街”。 据NEWLINK集团进行的一项调查显示,由南佛 罗里达州的私人财富行业所管理的总资产估计约为 3,000亿美元。仅迈阿密就驻有13家投资银行、19 个 私募基金公司、60支对冲基金、63家财富管理 公司和200多个家庭办公室。


近些年,迈阿密的新兴企业飞速增长。依据美国著 名媒体Kauffman Report的报道,2015年迈阿 密新开张企业总量居全美第二,其总数远超过传统 新兴企业城市,例如洛杉矶和纽约。在迈阿密,每 10万人里面,就有520个创业者,而且在近些年上 升速度很快。相比之下圣何塞每10万人里仅420个 创业者,比迈阿密少100个。迈阿密之所以会涌现 出大量的创业人士,并非当地缺少就业机会,而是 因为廉价的生活成本、大量的优质人才、一流的基 础设施、舒适的自然气候,以及大量流入的国际资 本,为这些新兴企业创造了前所未有的机遇。


房地产和旅游业仍然扮演着迈阿密主要经济支柱的 角色,但是通过公共事业部门和私营公司的相互协 作,迈阿密的经济正在进一步多元化。 从中期来看,吸引外资将成为当地经济发展的重 要推动力。特别是深受国际投资人青睐的EB-5项 目,将有力地推动房地产市场的需求以及基础设施 的建设。除了这些发展因素之外,文化的多样性和 无处不在的创业精神,都将是迈阿密未来发展的源 /


MIAMI | 迈阿密


美国南方第一房产市场: 就业率的不断增长和资本流入 给迈阿密房产市场 注入了新的活力 房地产市场历来是迈阿密经济增长的主要驱动 力。2014年该产业快速回升,新建楼盘数量达到 经济危机前水平。国内外投资者对于住宅、办公、 工业和零售业房地产的需求正在快速增长。 迈阿密的房地产市场,在经济危机之后尽管出现 下滑,但很快从经济危机中恢复过来。迈阿密地产 经纪商协会的首席执行官特里萨·金恩·金尼表 示:“与其它市场相比,迈阿密的开发商和建筑商 更愿意与房产经纪人公开合作,从这个意义上讲, 迈阿密是独一无二的。因此,90%的新开发楼盘通 过房产经纪人售出。”

市场供不应求 在迈阿密,房地产的需求远远高于市场供应。市场 对工业地产的需求尤其高,出租空置率仅为4.5% ,创历史新低。工业地产租金在过去三年增长了 28%。截止2014年第四季度,平均卖出价为每平 方英尺6.5美元。2015年,将建成180万平方英尺 的工业地产,大多数地产的空间将大于10万平方英 尺。 办公楼的需求在2015年依然高企,但目前新建办 公楼项目几乎没有。截止2015年第一季度,迈阿 密写字楼净吸纳容量连续13个季度呈正增长。根据 世界地产频道报告,迈阿密的新建和现有办公空间 租赁,在2015总吸纳容量将达到4,770万平方英 尺,2016年可能达到5,830万平方英尺。 零售房地产市场的扩张预计将持续增加。根据 ICSC 零售报告,2014年第二季度末,弗罗里达 州 正 在 建 设 25 0 万 平 方 英 尺 的 零 售 空 间 , 其 中 大 约 73%在迈阿密。弗罗里达州在零售销售方面表现 强劲,主要是因为过去几年里游客人数屡创历史新 高。 由于土地有限,开发商开始倾向于建设混合用途 8 | Invest: Florida

项目,集办公零售和住宅空间于一身。随着年轻的 专业人士和千禧一代涌入城市中心,高密度、混合 用途的项目正在迈阿密变得越来越受欢迎。加之土 地规划法的更变,比如迈阿密21,进一步促进了 混合用途项目的发展。目前迈阿密在建的三个大型 项目Brickell City Centre、Paramount Miami Worldcenter 和 All Aboard Florida Miami Station均为混合高密度开发,必将改变城市的景 观和促进迈阿密的经济发展。

前景 总的来看,从短期到中期,因为空置率的稳步下 降,迈阿密的写字楼将会是卖方市场。尤其是在中 央商务区和迈阿密市区内的黄金地段写字楼,空间 需求量在稳步上升。随着越来越多的国内和国际投 资者涌向迈阿密,迈阿密的房地产市场必将继续创 造出独一无二的高回报率投资机会。

高尚生活体验: 境外投资推进高端房产市场 2014年,迈阿密被佳士得杂志 (Christie’s) 连续 第二年认定为世界顶级豪宅市场,堪比香港、伦敦 和纽约。根据佳士得报告,目前,迈阿密豪宅市场 拥有全球最诱人的价格,平均每平方英尺仅559美 元,相比之下,伦敦的平均卖价为每平方英尺4,683 美元。

国际投资的热土 根据2014年迈阿密市中心开发局的一项研究,在布 里克尔、埃济沃特和市中心,外国人购买了90%以 上的新公寓。2014年,70%的国际买家来自拉丁美 洲/加勒比海,紧随其后的是16%的欧洲买家,8% 的亚洲买家和6%的加拿大买家,平均住宅购买价格 大约为44.5万美元。交通便利是形成这一趋势的主 要推手。德泽地产董事长吉尔·德泽在迈阿密投资 网上表示:“让国际买家更容易来到迈阿密将是吸 引新买家的关键因素,尤其是来自于中东和中国的 买家”。

奢华公寓开发 在开发商和设计师的共同努力下,传统的奢华公寓 正在经历着重要的蜕变。 目前有超过2万套公寓单元正在城市中心地区开发,

其中在埃济沃特、布里克尔、万恩伍德、中城、欧 姆尼地区和市中心,有超过6,000套公寓单元正在 建设中。根据2015年苏富比国际地产的趋势走向 市场报告,在布里克尔,70%的新公寓施工地位于 Brickell。自从2010年到现在,现有的大多数海滨 公寓价格涨幅为10%。 Edgewater有1,900套新公寓单元正在建设 中。Related Group 的 Icon Bay 公寓将于今年完 工,它是一个占地2.15英亩的43层公寓,有300个 单元。公寓由Arquitectonica设计,Icon Bay公寓 净空9英尺,有2个网球场,租户可进入SLS南海滩 与Icon Bay公园,该公园内的公共散步区域有一条 蜿蜒的行人道直达比斯坎湾和艺术雕塑区。帕拉伊 索湾,同属Related 和 Arquitectonica 的项目,预 计2016年竣工。Melo Group 的Aria on the Bay 海景公寓正在建设中,有647个单元和4万平方英尺 的商业空间。这个50层高的塔楼,拥有私人电梯, 净空9英尺,有日出日落泳池,预计2017年竣工。 其他新海滨项目包括有,正在建设的Coconut Grove(椰树林),和Terra集团的双塔住宅等,这些 项目是近些年来该地区的主要楼盘,他们的工程已 接近尾声。将于今年完工的双塔住宅是一个96个单 元的奢华公寓,占地面积3公顷,超过13万平方英 /


MIAMI | 迈阿密


商住一体 混合地产项目让业主既可以享受繁华便利的都市 生活方式,又拥有高档奢华的生活设施,这一独 特的优势吸引了众多的国际投资者。Paramount Miami Worldcenter 项目的开发商、Paramount Ventures总裁Daniel Kodsi告诉投资者:“混合地 产是未来城市发展的趋势,作为开发商,我们想让 Paramount Miami Worldcenter的设计理念与世 界同步。以往,我们公司会更关注传统南美买家, 如巴西、墨西哥和哥伦比亚,但是如今的迈阿密知 名度已覆盖全球,所以我们现在也把在中东和中国 的客户作为我们的购买对象。”

尺。公寓单元选择包括2到5个卧室,同时也有联排 别墅、阁楼和顶层公寓。该公寓净空达12.5英尺, 地板由玻璃和钢地板建成,而且住户可以享用丰富 活动设施。

知名品牌为豪华房产镀金 大牌豪华公寓目前在迈阿密盛行。Dezer地产的 Sunny Isles Porsche Design Tower楼盘建造已 接近尾声。这座60层圆形大楼的设计十分独特,支 柱位于大楼的中央,成为大楼的核心。环绕着核心 的便是由多层私人车库形成的巨大汽车博物馆。住 户只要把车开到指定位置,自动装置便会将车送入 电梯,到达指定楼层后,自动器械即会帮助车主把 车停好。此过程大约需要45-90秒的时间,而车主 仅需将发动机熄火,即可在升降机到达自己楼层之 前欣赏窗外美景。到达后,步出车门,即达家门。 建筑顶层有17,000平方英尺的屋顶公寓,价格从 450万美元到3,250万美元不等。 另一个Dezer地产的项目是位于阳光岛海滩的 Armani/Casa海滨公寓,共有60层和307个单元 的住宅。公寓单元大小从1,350平方英尺到3730平 方英尺不等,价格从130万美元到500万美元不等。 该塔楼由迈阿密Adrienne艺术中心的设计者Cesar Pelli设计,预计2018年建成交付使用。Chateau Group正在瑟夫塞德着手建造名为Fendi Chateau 的12层海滨住宅公寓。公寓单元占地从3,300平 方英尺到7,000多平方英尺,价格为500万美元到 2,200万美元不等。

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Paramount Miami Worldcenter位于迈阿密市 中心,占地20个街区,造价10亿美元。Paramount 和其价值4亿美元的标志性豪华公寓,将于2015年4 月破土动工,2018年建成。公寓单元面积从1,294 平方英尺到2,376平方英尺不等,起价为每平方英尺 700美元,其配套设施包括私人休息室、10英尺净 空、户外起居室、温泉浴室和欧式厨房。 Brickell City Centre是迈阿密市中心的另一个 混合用途项目,目前正在建设中,它将以多样化 的购物和餐饮选择作为卖点,并邀请零售商Saks Fifth Avenue作为压阵租户。该项目由太古地产开 发,Arquitectonica公司设计,由两座豪华公寓塔 楼(Riseand Reach)作为该项目的标志性建筑, 每个公寓楼有390个单元和43个楼层。单元种类分 为1或2卧室单元,价格从58万美元到100万美元不 等,大单元和屋顶公寓价格则从215万美元到800万 美元不等,项目将于2015年底竣工。

迈阿密期待您的到来 奢华房地产市场预计2015年会有所下降,原因是美 元的强劲增长和来自国外买家尤其是俄罗斯买家投 资的放缓。根据迈阿密地产经纪商协会的信息,与 2014年相比,2015年1月公寓销售额下降15%,与 2013年相比,2014年公寓平均转售价格增长16%, 每平方英尺达431美元。 由于市场上已有大量已开工和正在筹建的公寓 项目,人们开始担心有些项目的工期将延迟或停 工。“建造过多总会有风险,” Alicia Cervera Lamadrid,Cervera Real Estate的执行合伙人 在迈阿密投资网上表示,“但最重要的问题是, 迈阿密是否能够吸收这些新建的楼盘。从历史角度 来看,迈阿密一次又一次的证明,如果我们建设楼 盘,就会吸引到投资者,而且他们来的速度之快超 出任何人的预测和想象。”

“如此 迈阿密!”: 多样化的旅游选择,每年都吸引着数以百万计的游客 迈阿密是全世界旅游爱好者的度假胜地,有些人来 此商务出差,也有些人到此休闲旅游,对于大多数 游客来说,迈阿密则是一个二者融合的城市。该趋 势在2014年依然延续了良好的势头,迈阿密国际 机场当年接待国内游客达2,080万人次,占到该机 场所保持的4,090万客流量记录的一半。 外国游客对迈阿密的旅游业增长做出了格外重要 的贡献。2014年,迈阿密国际机场的国际游客接 待量为2,010万人,这使得迈阿密机场一跃成为全 美第二大国际游客机场。由于这里汇聚了全球顶级 品牌,还可以提供住宿和其它一些新的服务,旅客 不再简单地把迈阿密国际机场作为航班中转站。据 来自大迈阿密会议及旅游局的数据,在2014年全 美25个高端酒店市场中,迈阿密的酒店入住率排在 前五位,这主要得益于国际游客量的增加。 集生活、娱乐、休闲为一体的旅游都市 迈阿密为游客精心设计了一系列商务及休闲旅游产 品,从节日活动到夜生活,从绵延的海滩到自然保 护区,应有尽有。这些旅游产品和服务为该市带来 了可观的经济效益。 其中最有代表性的就是巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术博 览会,这里已经成为展示当代摩登艺术的一个窗 口。在其12年的发展历程中,迈阿密博览会每年带 来将近5亿美元的经济收入 迈阿密国际游艇展将于2016年迎来他的75岁生

日。这项为期5天的活动将吸引来自全世界10万多 名游客。 购物是国际游客的最爱,而内地的游客则对夜生 活更情有独钟。南海滩的林肯路二者兼备,2014 年以来,该地区的商业零售额达到2%的年增长 率,预计这一趋势将延续至2017年。

世界邮轮之都 2014年迈阿密地区的邮轮旅客量达477万人,迈阿 密成为真正意义上的世界邮轮之都。每年邮轮旅游 为该地区带来数以亿计的收入,邮轮旅游产业已经 成为该地区经济增长的重要引擎。 在国际休闲旅游市场上,邮轮产业是增长最快的。 世界上三大邮轮公司---嘉年华公司、皇家加勒比 海邮轮公司和挪威邮轮公司均将总部设在迈阿密 港,并誓言在2015年扩大自己的市场份额。

酒店与餐饮业之都 迈阿密的酒店业是该市实力最为强劲的产业之一, 吸引着远超全美平均水平的游客数量。良好的经济 数据激起了一股酒店建设和改造的新浪潮,据迈阿 密旅游局预计,2015年将有2,500家新酒店开张。

国际电影产业的重要基地 迈阿密的电影产业历来就有良好的基础,而且仍有 /

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MIAMI | 迈阿密

很大的潜力。许多好莱坞大片在这里拍摄取景,如 《疤面煞星》、《情迷索玛丽》、《鸟笼》、《宠 物侦探》等。这些影片通过渲染地理景观和文化多 样性,在全球范围内对迈阿密进行了持久的宣传。 此外,迈阿密每年还通过举办几次电影节来展示其 文化的多样性。由迈阿密达德学院主办的每年一届 的迈阿密国际电影节,吸引了来自世界范围内的优 秀电影人才,在迈阿密进行为期十天的互相讨论和 学习。迈阿密国际电影节的著名校友包括西尔维斯 特史泰龙,凯特哈德森及斯派克李等。

极富特色的电视节目 除了国家电视网络,迈阿密还播放 几个西班牙 语的节目,包括CNN Latino、Mundo Fox 以 及Caribe Vision等,其中最重要的一个频道是 Univision。Univision是一家在迈阿密的电视 台,主要用西班牙语播放新闻、体育信息和电视剧 等。Univision的西班牙语电视节目一直在美国占 据主导地位,它最近取代了美国本土的电视节目成 为全美最受欢迎的电视节目。2013年,Univision 和美国广播公司展开合作,开发了一个全新的节目 Fusion, 用以吸引在美国的拉美裔年轻观众。

独特绝美的音乐风格 20世纪70年代以来,迈阿密的音乐就已经走向了 全球。第19届格莱美奖获得者、音乐制作人Emilio Estefan告诉迈阿密投资网,迈阿密的独特音乐背 景是让迈阿密音乐在全球大受欢迎的主因。 迈阿密的音乐为当地创造出难忘的节日气氛,每 年都吸引着成千上万的音乐爱好者来到这里。迈阿 密音乐最著名的代表就是Ultra,它可以称得上是 世界上最著名的电子舞曲音乐节。作为迈阿密音 乐周的一部分,这项为期多天的活动,在2014年 吸引了超过16万名来自80个不同国家的音乐爱好 者。Ultra音乐节每年为迈阿密带来7,900万美元 的经济收入,将市中心的旅馆出租率提高近10个百 分点。此外,迈阿密还举办一年一度的世界音乐大 会,该活动是目前世界上持续时间最长的电子舞曲 音乐节。

Adrienne Arsht 艺术文化中心 迈阿密的 Adrienne Arsht 演艺中心位于迈阿密, 是由市政府资助的一家机构,成立于2006年,旨 在通过艺术和文化的体验来启发、教育和娱乐迈 阿密当地人。Adrienne Arsht 演艺中心负责人兼 CEO约翰理查德告诉迈阿密投资网,该中心的目的 就是同时举办世界级的和地区级的艺术活动,并通 12 | Invest: Florida


过这些活动促进迈阿密的城市发展。在谈到迈阿密 近几年在艺术上取得的成功时,理查德赞叹道:仿 佛就过了一夜,迈阿密已经蜕变成一个欣欣向荣的 文化社区。数字可以证明一切,2014年近50万人 参与了该中心的表演活动。

“美丽之都”: 奥兰多不仅仅只有米老鼠

Perez 佩雷斯艺术馆 佩雷斯艺术馆是迈阿密在艺术领域里浓墨重彩的 又一笔。2013年12月,前迈阿密艺术馆由开发商 Jorge M. Perez 出资3,500万美元购置后,改名 为迈阿密佩雷斯艺术馆重新开馆。迈阿密佩雷斯艺 术馆临时负责人 Leann Standish 告诉迈阿密投 资网:“迈阿密是通往拉丁美洲的门户” ,“我们 的艺术反映了城市的国际多样性。” 在重新开馆后 的头一年,有30多万人访问了艺术馆,大大超出预 期。


一个集经济、娱乐、购物、生活为一体的安 居之处 奥兰多是佛州中部最繁荣的城市,坐拥全美最顶级的 旅游和娱乐项目,享有“美丽之都”的盛誉。奥兰 多也是全美人口增长最快的10个城市之一,这主要 得益于它一流的基础设施和作为全美商业与旅游的 首选地之利。奥兰多全年享有3 0 0 天以上阳光,四 季如春,景点和娱乐选择多样,既适合家庭,也适 合个人。

交响乐团和芭蕾舞团给迈阿密绚丽的文化锦上添 花。位于迈阿密海滩的New World Center是新世 界交响乐团和音乐学院的主场地,它将音乐毕业生 和世界一流的管弦乐队和交响乐团紧密地联系在一 起。新世界交响团和迈阿密市立芭蕾舞团进一步提 升了迈阿密的艺术和文化品味,吸引了更多的人们 和投资者定居该地区。

名公司的大本营,包括Mazor自动化、高尔夫频道 和美国网球联盟。此外,JetBlue航空公司的商业 服务部也坐落于此。2015年,奥兰多被福克斯杂志 评为全美最适合就业的城市之一。

高度完善的交通运输网 前景 得益于每年数以百万计的到访游客,旅游业将继续 成为迈阿密经济发展的源动力。邻近拉丁美洲和加 勒比海地区依然是该市的天然优势。古巴与美国关 系的改善正在为迈阿密旅游业的中长期发展带来独 特的商机。

奥兰多大都市包括三个最重要的县份,分别为 Lake、 Orange 和 Osceola,总人口230万。 奥兰多的主导人口为18-34岁的年轻人,中位年 龄为33.8岁,绝大部分的年轻人都从事专业工。

奥兰多拥有完善的基础设施。在2014年由FDI杂志 评出的全美基础设施最好的城市中,奥拉多排名第 八。2014年奥兰多国际机场接待了超过3,500万名 的游客。该机场是全美第十三个最繁忙的机场,全 球范围内排名第二十九。奥兰多的Sun Rail通勤铁 路网可到达城市的每一个角落,每日有9,000名以 上乘客。同时,佛州正在兴建“全乘”铁路网,该 铁路网将于2017年完工,连接奥兰多和迈阿密。

在2014年,奥兰多是全美30个人口最集中的城市 之一,它的人口每年增长8.8%,仅次于休斯顿的 9.6%涨幅,居全美第二。目前奥兰多有124万全职 工,失业率仅为5.4%。

强劲的支柱产业和名列前茅的基础设施 奥兰多有强劲的制造业,包括航空、航天、国防、 高科技和生物科学。奥兰多本地最具代表性的企 业包括:拥有1.9万名员工的环球影城(奥兰多) ,拥有1.86万名员工的Adventist医疗系统和拥有 1.8万名员工的MCO。奥兰多的澄县是全美多家著 /

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购物天堂: 庞大的游客数量创造出一个 独一无二的购物天堂 因为庞大的旅游业和快速增长的人口,奥兰多拥有全 美最多样化的购物选择。作为佛罗里达州发展最快的 的城市,奥兰多的零售业每年都为当地政府和州政府 带来数以10亿计的财政收入。同时,奥兰多还是全美 唯一在市中心拥有多家大型奥特莱斯的城市,也是全 美唯一拥有最多最高端品牌入驻的城市。 奥兰多最著名的高档商业中心如下: Mall at Millenia: 市内最高档的购物中心,该购物中心 有最齐全的顶级品牌,包括普拉达、范思哲、古奇、 萨尔瓦托·菲拉格慕。 Downtown Disney: 迪斯尼市中心是一个户外长廊式 奥特雷斯,与迪士尼度假酒店和主题公园为步行距 离。该商业区拥有各种高档商店,如Fossil、乐高 店、丝芙兰以及餐馆和饭店。


旅游业的[麦加]圣城: 旅游对当地经济的贡献 奥兰多的旅游业是当地最大的雇主,占整个佛州旅 游行业的40%。大奥兰多每年吸引6,200万来自世 界各地的游客, 是美国访问量最大的旅游目的地。 该行业雇用至少37万人,集体年薪超过$ 140亿。 奥兰多的旅游业年生产总值达$ 500亿,为当地政 府和国家创造超过$ 70亿的税收。随着该地区人口 的持续增长和国际知名度的不断上升,游客数量将 进一步增加。

无与伦比的世界主题公园之都 奥兰多是全球多项最大主题公园汇聚的地方。它们 分别是奥兰多迪斯尼世界、奥兰多环球影城、奥兰 多乐高世界和奥兰多鳄鱼栖息地。其中最大的主 题公园--迪斯尼世界,占地9万英亩,面积相当于 14 | Invest: Florida

两个纽约曼哈顿或者整个旧金山市区。奥兰多迪斯 尼世界包括4个不同的主题公园,分别为:魔术王 国、未来世界、迪斯尼好莱坞制片厂和迪斯尼动物 世界。该迪斯尼是全球最大的迪斯尼乐园,被称作 迪斯尼世界。 奥兰多的环球影城是世界上最大的环球影城,有 6个主题公园,每年的游客数量超过700万。游客 可以在环球影城的制片厂和冒险岛主题公园,亲身 体验世界上一些最受欢迎的电影和电视节目的制作 过程,以及一些电影工作室的幕后操作之旅。 美洲鳄鱼是佛罗里达的独有动物。在当地的鳄鱼 乐园,游客可以和这些凶猛的动物零距离接触。

主题公园。该公园的建设和设计基于流行儿童玩具 乐高。游客可以在该乐园内使用积木把自己的想象 力最大化。乐高乐园度假村有两个主题公园,乐高 主题公园和乐高水上公园,有超过50个游乐设施、 表演和旅游景点。 肯尼迪太空中心更是所有太空爱好者的必去景 点。游客可以参观著名的亚特兰蒂斯航天飞机,并 亲身体验火箭发射模拟器,还可以和宇航员对话, 现场观看火箭发射全过程。

Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets: 奥兰多 Vineland高档厂家直销中心是当地顶级的户外购物场 所,拥有160多个设计师品牌店和名牌专卖店,包括 阿玛尼、芬迪、萨克斯、第五大道和OFF 5th等。 Lake Buena Vista Factory Stores: Buena湖厂家直销 店距离迪斯尼世界2英里,这里的商品价格几乎是全 美所有奥特雷斯中最低的,很多时候同样的商品在这 里会有2.5折优惠。 Artegon Marketplace: Artegon市场是全美最大的 以本地手工艺品为特色的奥特雷斯,拥有165家不同 店面,很多商品由当地商家为客人度身定做,独一无 二。

蓬勃发展的酒店业 由于旅游产业的发达,带动了大奥兰多的酒店业繁 荣发展,堪与拉斯维加斯媲美。整个奥兰多至少有 144,125家的酒店以及主题公园周围的自带酒店, 而且这个数字还在不断的增加。另外,象奥兰多环 球影城这样的大型主题公园,带有自己的全套服务 酒店,可以让游客更加方便的在这些主题公园内享 受公园所提供的一切娱乐设施。据统计,至2015年 四月,奥兰多的酒店入住率从78.4%上升至81.4% ,提高了3个百分点。

著名的乐高主题公园是奥兰多市内最后一个大型 /

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安居奥兰多: 优质的教育体系,繁荣的会展经济,独特的地产商机 独特的房产投资形式

全球顶尖展会产业 奥兰多有3个大型会展中心,包括橙县会展中 心、Maitland市政中心和Kissimmee市政中心。 这些会展中心每年都举办各种会议、音乐会和活 动。得益于奥兰多庞大的酒店行业和一流的相关配 套服务,奥兰多成为全球唯一的可以同时承办多个 超大型展会的城市,最有名的包括OMNI EXPO( 动画和科幻展)、奥兰多动漫节、Geekycon、奥 兰多全国玩具展以及其他大型会展。奥兰多也是全 国三个最受欢迎的医疗展会地点之一,在当地举行 的所有展会里,20%与医疗相关,在全美50个最 大的医疗展会中,40%都选择在奥兰多举行。庞大 而多样的展会为当地的酒店业带来丰厚而持续不断 的人气。

首屈一指的优质教育体系 佛罗里达州是全美拥有高学历人才最多的10个州之 一。其中100多所高等学府位于奥兰多,著名的中 佛罗里达大学曾被最知名杂志 “US NEWS” 评 为2016年“全美最有创新能力的大学”之一。中 佛罗里达大学是全美第二大高等学府,拥有210多 个专业,在校学生6.1万人。当地的Valencia大学 和佛罗里达理工学院也都是美国著名高等学府。当 地的100多所大学拥有 50万个在校大学生,持续不 断地为当地企业提供高素质人才。基于中佛罗里达 大学和当地企业的紧密联系,该大学有全美最好的 企业人才培育计划和课程,并着重于高科技人才的 培养,为当地高科技公司的发展打下结实基础。 16 | Invest: Florida

得益于强劲的支柱产业和持续增长的人口,奥兰多 本地房产市场发展趋势稳定。由于土地资源丰富, 奥兰多的房价相对低于美国其他城市,吸引了大量 外来资金,其中短期租赁产业发展迅猛。根据Trip Advisor的统计,一般旅客至少在佛州滞留10天以 上,其中有不少旅客会在佛州至少旅游15天以上。 不断涌入的国际学生、大量的家庭旅游和医疗旅游 团体,都成为重要的客户基础。随着客户需求的不 断增加,奥兰多又新增大量此类房产开发项目,其 中毗邻迪斯尼世界的The Encore Club度假村, 占地2,000多英亩,有392个独立屋,价位在35万 至75万之间,最小的有5个房间,最大的有13个房 间。全年由开发商专业团队管理,提供免费3年包 租,保证6%以上的年回报率。 另外一个由Feltrim集团所开发的项目和之前提 到的The Encore Club非常接近,Feltrim集团在 当地有18年的开发经验,该项目将会是一个封闭 社区-Balmoral at Water’s Edge,有240个 短期租赁度假屋,主要针对来奥兰多的短期个人旅 游和医疗旅游租客。社区内的3居室独立屋起价为 28.9万美元,屋内配有全部家私,并带游泳池, 区内的8居室独立屋起价为49.9万美元,屋内配有 全部家私,并配有游泳池。依据Medical Tourist Association的报道,每年大概有2.5万美国居民 来到奥兰多进行治疗,带动了大量医疗相关项目的 兴建,其中包括一个占地650英亩的医疗基地,该 基地同时拥有研究中心、教育中心和生物科学研究 所三个部分,显示出医疗旅游在奥兰多发展的强劲 势头。


佛州最适合居住的城市: 坦帕地处佛州的一个半岛上,位于坦帕海湾和墨西 哥湾之间。坦帕是佛州的第二大城市,该市包括 Hillsborgouh郡和Pinellas郡,总居民450万人, 大坦帕内最大的城市为圣彼得堡和Clearwater 市。

气候四季如春 坦帕属于亚热带气候,夏天时有雷暴,冬天有少量 降雪。因为毗邻墨西哥湾,坦帕一年四季气候平 稳,通常在65至95华氏度之间。

多样化人口 坦帕的人口相当多元化,有白人、黑人、亚洲人和 南美人。根据美国人口普查的数据,坦帕市每年人 口增长为2.5%,到2017年左右,坦帕市的人口将 达到470万人。坦帕市内,15%的人口出生于国 外,27%的人口在家中使用非英语进行交流。坦帕 市的中间年龄在30岁左右。

勒比海、荷兰美洲旅、挪威邮轮公司和狂欢邮 轮公司。坦帕同时给予游客独一无二的购物体 验,Channelside Bay 广场让顾客可以在海边购 物和就餐。Hyde Park Village是一个露天高档购 物区,正在进行豪华装修,装修一新的购物中心将 会吸引更多高档餐厅和奢侈品店加盟。

多元化经济 坦帕市最大的经济支柱为国际贸易、交通和公用 事业,雇员总数占总工作人口的20%左右。其他 的大型产业包括商业服务、教育、政府和金融。 当地最大的雇主包括BayCare医疗系统、Publix 超市、Home Shopping Network、佛罗里达大 学、Tech Data数据管理和Verizon手机运营商。 坦帕同时也是佛州的高科技长廊,政府通过各种政 策来刺激高科技的发展。此外,坦帕有相当大的医 疗仪器生产区,每年为当地创造20亿的收入。

生活成本低 佛州第一港 坦帕港是佛州最繁忙的港口,同时接受货运和 邮轮,是多家邮轮公司的大本营,包括皇家加

坦帕市的生活、娱乐和交通成本都相当低廉。2013 年,坦帕市的中位家庭收入为4.2万美元,中位独 立屋和公寓的价格为15万美元,中位房租每月为 /

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1,000美元。同时,该市的油价也低于其他佛州城 市。

运动爱好者的天堂 生活在坦帕,既有大城市的便利,又有郊区的舒 适。因为常年日照,坦帕成为运动爱好者的首 选地。坦帕市也有多个职业运动队,其中包括 Buccaneers(橄榄球)、Lightning(冰球)和 Rays(棒球)。每年3月,成千上万的游客从美 国各地来到坦帕,观看全美顶级球队,比如纽约

全美一流的休闲娱乐 坦帕为当地居民和游客同时提供适合个人和家庭旅 游的景点与娱乐设施,比如布希公园游乐园和罗瑞 公园动物园。位于坦帕市中心Channel区的佛罗里 达州水族馆,正在扩大其娱乐项目,将建成包括以 热带雨林为主题的主题公园和一个7 ,5 00 平方英尺 的Mosaic会议中心。Starz是位于坦帕的全国最大 的表演艺术中心,在此,所有喜欢百老汇演出或大 型歌剧的观众都可以欣赏到全美一流的艺术表演。 在坦帕有两个著名历史博物馆,分别是达利历史博

养老佳地: 廉价的生活成本,一流的医疗设施,选择多样的娱乐项目


优美旖旎的自然风光 对于所有热衷户外活动的居民来讲,坦帕充满了各 种各样的奇幻自然美景。在圣彼得堡和克利尔沃 特,人们在连绵不断的白色沙滩上徜徉。从在圣彼 得堡南端的堡垒德索托公园到坦帕的北面的晓峰河 国家公园,居民享受着自行车、皮划艇等多种体育 运动。坦帕蜿蜒的海岸栈道,贯通该市多个森林公

坦帕最近被评为美国最适宜养老的城市,该项测评 采用物价水平、文体活动、生活质量、健康护理等 几个方面作为测评标准。圣彼得堡也被列入该榜 单,排名第11位。美丽的坦帕湾有很多优势让其成 为较受欢迎的退休养老地。该地区气候宜人,为老 年人提供了丰富的各类活动,而且还有着较低的物 价水平、便捷的交通出行、一流的医疗设施、多如 牛毛的退休服务项目以及丰富多彩的生活场景。

园,喜欢散步的人们可以沿途观赏西班牙苔藓和柏 树。 Yankee和宾夕法尼亚Phillies之间的比赛。坦帕 同时也是高尔夫热爱者的首选之地,高尔夫球场选 择众多,价格便宜。

独一无二的饮食文化 坦帕堪称世界美食文化的完美结合之都。这里有一 流的古巴餐、意大利餐、西班牙餐和中餐。该市最 悠久的餐厅Columbia可以为客人提供最正宗的西 班牙菜。同时,当地的多元文化又不断创造出新的 菜式,包括古巴菜和中餐的结合,这些特殊的菜 式,在美国其他任何地方都找不到。 18 | Invest: Florida

较低的生活成本 坦帕地区早已对经济可承受性做出承诺,使得该地 区特别适合经济拮据的退休人员养老。坦帕及周边 地区的房价大概在19万美元一套,远低于全美平均 28万美元一套的房屋价格。还有很重要的一点就 是,佛罗里达州不收所得税,这大大降低了退休人 员的生活成本。

优越的地理位置 另外一个比较吸引人的地方就是交通位置。坦帕湾 地理位置优越,旁边多个水体流过,无论乘坐飞机 还是火车抑或轮船都很方便。这儿的居民和游客可 以在坦帕国际机场乘坐飞机享受悠闲自在的旅途。

此外,这里还有开往迈阿密和纽约等城市的火车。 四通八达的交通使得坦帕成为理想的探亲地。坦帕 当地也有着完善的交通体系,公共汽车、电车应有 尽有,城市周边的几个地方出行也都很方便。

蓬勃发展的医疗机构 提到坦帕的医疗机构数量和质量,真可谓不胜枚 举。将近65,000名训练有素的专业医疗人员在覆 盖超过50家医院的医疗网点为患者提供医疗保健服 务,许多医院长期入围美国《新闻与世界报道》评 选的“美国最佳医院”名单。坦帕综合医院,佛罗 里达州中西部地区唯一的一级创伤中心,是成人实 体器官移植的骨干医院。此外,来自全美各地的癌 症病人在Moffitt癌症中心与研究院接受治疗,该机 构是一家顶级的癌症综合治疗中心。 圣约瑟夫医院-该地区历史最为悠久的医院,也 可以提供肿瘤治疗服务,同时它还有一个妇女健康 中心和一个心血管研究院。佛罗里达医院坦帕分院 设有著名的丕平心脏研究所以及物理治疗和职业治 疗相结合的门诊治疗中心。此外,这里的居民还可 以选择到随处可见的免预约诊所以及家庭治疗中心 去就诊。 /

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当谈到医疗领域的进步,坦帕当地的许多企业和 机构可谓都起到了身先士卒的作用。比如,坦帕医 疗创新公司(TaMI)近期就因为它们成功开发出 了STAT-Clip而顺利进入医疗技术创新大赛的半 决赛。STAT-Clip是一个很简单、成本较低的医 疗设备,可以在静脉导管植入术中最大限度地减少 血液疾病的传播。而南佛罗里达大学的纳米材料 和纳米制造研究中心的一项研究正在试图改进机械 化的显微外科手术、提高药物输送效率,从而治愈 癌症。南佛罗里达大学正在其医学院、护理学院、 公共卫生学院以及其它从事生物医学、物理疗法及 康复医疗服务研究的院系努力培养下一代专业医 疗人员。该地区其它与医疗保健相关的公司还包括 Inspirata公司,一家癌症研究软件公司;Johnson&Johnson公司,医疗行业的全球巨头;和 Quest Diagnostic公司,全美最大的医学临床实 验室开发商等。

退休住所 坦帕湾地区是退休人员购置第二套住房或全时间住 所的绝佳目的地。退休社区提供丰富多彩的生活场 景,从都市风情到豪华度假式生活,让您皆能体 验。房屋方面配置有独栋、公寓房、联排房、别墅 以及活跃的成人社区。此外,还有专业从事老年地 产的很多房产经纪人,他们非常乐意帮助退休老人 找到适合他们居住的房子。 圣约瑟夫的John Knox,是一家当地的老年人生 活服务商,该公司紧邻南佛罗里达大学、布希花园 以及一个自然保护区,他们主要为社区的老年人提 供出行服务以及健康营养的膳食。该社区设计的类 型为“原地养老”,意思是老人们可以很方便地从 独立生活过渡到辅助生活。 对于那些想依水而居的老人,“滨江俱乐部”倒 是一个很不错的选择。老人们可以将小船停靠在最 终流入坦帕湾和墨西哥湾的Little Manatee河中。 一个现场生活方式和活动导演将为老人们精心设计 活动,比如去参加附近的一些文化活动等;这里的 设施包括两间豪华会所、一家电影院和一个18洞的 高尔夫球场、若干网球场及一个海滨餐厅。


有着对退休人员很有用的资源 除了丰富的居住选择和极好的医疗服务,坦帕湾地 区还为退休老人提供了其它一些重要的资源。如果 退休老人需要需求专业帮助以打理他们的资产,则 他们可以向坦帕专业从事该领域的公司求助,比如 Aspire Financial Services. 而且,当地有很多 律师事务所将业务重点放在老年人法律这一块, 帮助老年人客户处理诸如财产规划、医疗上诉等 问题。还有一些非营利性机构如坦帕湾医疗合作中 心,旨在让老人们获得医疗服务,为他们提供有用 的资源。

Florida 佛罗里达: N

展望 坦帕湾地区对于退休后的老人来说是一个绝佳的定 居养老地。老人们在这里终年都可以沐浴阳光,还 可以尽情享受各种户外活动,从近海捕捞到滨江休 闲,随意享受。多样化的人口使得生活该地区的人 们获得丰富的文化体验。坦帕湾提供了在一个大城 市所能体验到的一切,体育对、博物馆和令人印象 深刻的餐馆,以及非常低的生活成本。坦帕湾的 住、行及娱乐成本远比佛罗里达的其它城市地区更 为实惠。 该地区的医疗设施极为发达。居住在这儿的人不 仅能享受到大医院的医疗服务,还可以选择无预约 的门诊及门诊治疗中心。此外,坦帕湾还云集了许 多大学和一些从事尖端研究及在医疗领域取得重大 突破的大型公司。




对于在坦帕地区的退休人员来说,还有很多楼盘 可供选择。居住这里的人可以选择城市建筑、滨水 别墅,还可以选择比较活跃的成人社区。随着年 龄、生活方式和居住需求的变化,这里还提供了迎 合各种需求的长期选择。



坦帕地区也有不少很先进的养老院,它们甚至为 全美的养老院的现代化设施树立了标准。位于坦帕 北部的NuVista Living养老院为老人们提供五星级 的奢华享受,而Home Association更是成为国家 历史地标。

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the growing number of visitors, new residents and burgeoning agricultural industry. Florida’s climate and environmental conditions have traditionally lent to the state being agricultural in nature since the era of its first inhabitants. The state became a major supplier of citrus fruits and by the turn of the 20th century was a top cattle-raising and producing state.

Florida: Welcome to the Sunshine State: With population increases, foreign investment and a diversifying economy, the 18th largest economy in the world is ready for business The land of eternal sunshine, warm weather, clear blue skies and equally blue waters, Florida is one of the top places in the U.S. to visit and live. With a history of settlements that date back at least 12,000 years and an extensive list of activities and attractions that are as vibrant and diverse as the people who live there, Florida is a popular destination that is growing in its reputation as the premiere place to be. A Journey through Florida’s past The earliest inhabitants of present-day Florida were Native Americans. Several tribes, including the Apalachee and Seminole, settled in the territory eventually establishing some of the area’s earliest civic and agricultural systems. With the arrival of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 came the recording of life in the area, which highlighted the interactions between the indigenous cultures and the Spanish/ European settlers. As more European settlers arrived, disease and disputes over the land increased, thus 22 | Invest: Florida

diminishing the amount of Native Americans in the state. On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th state to join the United States of America, with William D. Moseley serving as the first governor. As slavery became a growing topic of dissension between the U.S. south and north, Florida officials, along with those from other southern states, seceded from the union, and on January 10, 1861, formed the Confederate States of America. Although no major battles were fought in Florida during the Civil War, the state was often used as a training ground for Confederate forces because of the warmer climate. After losing the Civil War to the Union, the Confederate states rejoined the Union and began the process of rebuilding infrastructure. In the years after the Civil War, Florida gained prominence as a holiday destination, attracting visitors from neighboring southerners and northerners. In 1855, the state legislature passed the Internal Improvement Act, which saw to the development of the state’s road and highway infrastructure to accommodate

emographic breakdown: Florida’s Population D and Growth Currently, Florida ranks as the third most-populous state in the U.S. with 19.9 million people according to 2014 Census estimates. About 86.1 percent of the state’s population 25 and older has a high school diploma or higher, with 26.4 percent of the population 25 and older having a bachelor’s degree or higher. Hispanics/Latinos make up 22.5 percent of Florida’s total population, with non-Hispanic ethnicities—including white, black, American Indian, Asian and Pacific Islanders— comprising 77.5 percent of the total population. Within the state, the most populous metropolitan areas are Miami/Fort Lauderdale in South Florida (over 5 million residents), Tampa/St. Petersburg/Clearwater (with over 2 million residents), and Orlando/Kissimmee (with 2.3 million residents). The average median per household income is $46,956. Economic Drivers: Trade, Tourism and Citrus Major cities like Orlando, Tampa and Miami attract millions of people to the state annually with shopping malls, theme parks and resorts as major draws. In 2014, the state saw a record 97.3 million visitors, with 11.5 million visitors from overseas (3.8 million from Canada

alone) making it the top travel destination in the world. The tourism industry, which brings in $68.7 billion annually for the state and is a top economic driver for Florida, employs roughly 1.2 million people. Orlando alone, home to Disney World Theme Parks, brings in at least 62 million visitors annually and contributes over $7 billion in local and state revenue. As the Gateway to the Americas, Florida is primed and positioned to lead trade to Central and South America and is a major hub for U.S. exports and imports. About 40 percent of all U.S. exports to Latin and South America and the Caribbean pass through Florida. Florida exports nearly $60 billion in goods made in the state to its international partners, ranking the state the seventh highest exporter among all states in the country, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Additionally, Florida has the second-largest foreign trade zone network in the nation, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, thus driving more domestic and international business to its ports and docks. With over 48,000 commercial farms, Florida leads the U.S. Southeast in farm income and is known for its citrus fruits. Florida produces about 67 percent of the U.S. oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and tangelos, and accounts for about 40 percent of the world’s orange juice supply. Florida is second to Brazil in global production of orange juice and is the world’s leading producer and supplier of grapefruit. The state exports citrus fruits to major markets, such as Canada, Japan, France and the United Kingdom. The citrus industry, which employs about 76,000 Floridians, generates nearly $9 billion annually to the Florida economy and $1 billion in tax revenue.

Top Ranked Public High Schools RANK IN COUNTY





International Studies Charter High School

Winter Park High School

Henry B. Plant High School


Design & Architecture Senior High

Timber Creek High School

Tampa Bay Tech High School


Archimedean Upper Conservatory Charter School

Olympia High School

Robinson High School


MAST Academy

Freedom High

Sickles High School


Young Women’s Preparatory Academy

University High School

Plant City High School Source: U.S. News and World Report

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Florida: The Gateway of Trade and Job Creation Although Florida’s near-perfect climate provides more than enough reason for people to visit and/or relocate there, the state has quite a few perks that draw people, and businesses, to the sunshine. With an abundance of business incentives and its position as the “Gateway to the Americas, Florida is fast becoming an epicenter for global commerce, trade and small business. Florida’s economy is the fourth-largest in the U.S. and among the largest in the world. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP)–a measure of market value of final goods and services produced within a state in a given period of time–is the 19th-largest in the world. In the second quarter of 2015, the Florida GDP grew 5.1 percent, which was higher than the U.S. average GDP growth rate of 3.8 percent. In addition, the state’s population continues to grow year after year. With over 19 million residents, Florida upended New York as the third most populous state in the U.S. in 2015. Florida’s incentives are numerous, most notably the absence of a personal state income tax and the fact that it is a “right to work” state, both of which attract new and more established businesses and brands to its borders. Florida is home to over 500,000 businesses, including major brands and multinational companies such as CSX Corporation, Ryder System, Tupperware Brands, Carnival Corporation and ADT Corporation, with more domestic and international names joining the rosters annually. Pumping resources into creating jobs Florida is touted as a vacation destination, with tourist attractions in central and south Florida that guarantee 24 | Invest: Florida


annual returning visitors and transplants from northern U.S. cities and abroad looking for a respite from harsher climates. But there’s more to Florida than fun and quick getaways, amusement park rides and shopping; the state is home to several industries that active in international trade, manufacturing, transportation, logistics, agriculture, aviation aerospace and defense, and has an evolving high-technology sector that each play a significant role in securing the state as an economic powerhouse. Florida has been ranked as one of the best states in the U.S. for business start-ups, has a reputation of being business friendly, and has the second-largest financial hub in the nation located in its southern region, Miami. Greater emphasis is being placed on creating more jobs for Floridians and securing additional positions that will attract talent from not only within, but outside of the state. Florida’s pro-business Governor Rick Scott plans to continue to pump resources into initiatives and programs that boost the state’s job-creation ability. The governor’s office announced a 3.6-percent private sector job growth rate in November 2015, which is the highest among the 10 most populous states in the U.S., including Texas, New York and California. The state’s private sector growth rate rivals that of the country’s, which was 2.1 percent for the same time period. With an emphasis on making the state number one in the nation for job creation, Governor Scott plans to cut $1 billion in taxes and create a Florida Enterprise Fund in 2016, which would potentially attract more people to the state as residents while boosting jobs. Since December 2010, Florida businesses have created over 1 million private sector jobs, according to the Office of the Governor web site. With the increase in budget Top Universities in Florida RANK IN FLORIDA




University of Florida




University of Miami

Coral Gables



Florida State University




University of Southern Florida




University of Central Florida




Source: U.S. News and World Report

allocation for job creations, the state is on a fast track to distinguishing itself as the number one destination for employees and employers. In addition to the Florida Enterprise Fund, Scott plans to repeal the corporate income tax for retail businesses and manufacturers, and reduce the sales tax on commercial rents from 6 percent to 5 percent. Ultimately, the legislature will determine if Scott’s budget proposal will gain momentum, but it is clear that the governor’s focus is on positioning the state for greater job creation efficiency. Global gateway for trade Florida leads as a top exporter and importer of goods and merchandise, and is ranked as a global hub to the Americas thanks in part to its close proximity to Latin America and the Caribbean countries, and its competitive infrastructure. The state’s merchandise trade (which includes imports and exports) with Latin America and the Caribbean totaled $92.2 billion in 2014, with overall merchandise trade totaling $153.2 billion in 2014. According to Enterprise Florida, Latin America and the Caribbean account for 60.2 percent of Florida’s total merchandise trade, with Asia and the Middle East collectively at 22.7 percent, Europe at 12 percent, and Canada and Mexico collectively at 3.7 percent. Additionally, international business and foreign investments make up 17 percent of Florida’s economy, and support at least half a million jobs throughout the state. Florida’s extensive multimodal transportation systems help ensure the successful transporting of goods and wares domestically and abroad. With 19 commercial airports, 15 seaports, 3,000 miles of freight railroad tracks, and over 12,000 miles of highway, the state has been ranked second best infrastructure in the U.S. by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. At least $160 billion in goods are transported through the state’s airports and seaports annually, including waste and scrap, agriculture and livestock, minerals and gold, as well as computers and parts, and are handled by the more than 61,000 companies, or 20 percent of all U.S. exporters. Additionally, Florida has the second-largest number of exporters in the country, trailing behind California, according to research by Enterprise Florida.

bound to grow exponentially in population size, job creation, trade and sectors. According to the Florida Economic Summary from the Florida Economic Estimating Conference, personal income in the state is expected to grow between 4.4 percent and 5.5 percent over the next five to 10 years. Leading this growth in personal income will be growth in the job market, which is expected to expand modestly. With the relocation of businesses like SMRxT, a medical information technology and services company, which is moving its corporate headquarters from New York to Orlando, and the building of CVS Health in Orlando, a 112,000-square-foot facility that will bring close to 500 jobs in Orlando over the next two years, the opportunities for employment in the state will be abounding. In addition, it is projected that the unemployment rate will decrease over the long-term to 4.9 percent, according to the Florida Economic Summary. Meanwhile, the state’s travel and tourism industry is expected to grow upward on an annual basis, with a projected growth of between 4 percent and 5.1 percent in tourists. At this rate, the state will be well on its way to reaching its goal of 100 million visitors and tourists by 2017. Starting this year, Florida is expected to experience an increase in baby boomers to many of its retirement communities. The economy of Naples, a city in southern Florida, is expected to grow 4.9 percent this year alone, according to data from the IHS Global Insight. By 2030, it is estimated that over two-thirds of the state population will be 60 and older, as more baby boomers seek warmer climates and relaxing environments for retirement. Simultaneous to this influx of retirees, Governor Scott is putting initiatives in place that will help ensure the state has a thriving, young and vibrant talent pool. The “Ready, Set, Work” University challenge, which has been extended to all 12 state universities, is an initiative to reach 100 percent employment in one year for all graduates from two of the most popular degree programs at each of the 12 universities. Plans to further implement this program are on the table for this year. If the State Legislature approves Scott’s tax cuts and Enterprise Florida Fund, the state will be well on its way to being number one in job creation and a force to be reckoned with economically. As a result of population growth and a healthy tourism industry, Florida’s economy is expected to remain strong throughout the next few years.

Florida has been ranked as one of the best states in the U.S. for business start-ups.

What to Expect If nothing else is certain, one thing is clear: Florida is

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the same roof, they each stay true to their original culture and lifestyle. As a result, you can always find the most authentic foods in Miami. The opportunity to explore different cultures is endless. Key Destination for International Student This city has attracted international students and scholars from around the world. International student enrollment in Miami-Dade County has always remained high. Per the Miami Times, the University of Miami has the highest concentration of foreign students at 15%, out of which 78% are Chinese. Other universities with significant international student populations are North Miami University at 12%, Florida Memorial University at 10%, Thomas University at 9% and Barry University at 7%. The large presence of international students has also contributed to the robust local apartment rental market. PortMiami

Trending upwards: Population increases, foreign investment and a diversifying economy propel Miami-Dade’s growth trajectory

Over half of PortMiami’s cargo business is comprised of trade with Latin America and the Caribbean, with trade to Asia/Pacific Rim at 39% and Europe at 9%. The port’s top cargo imports include beverages, apparel, fruit and nuts, ceramic products and furniture, while top cargo exports include paper, base metals, edible preparations, cotton and nuclear reactors. In 2013, China was the PortMiami’s top exporter and importer by tonnage, with 435,986 tons and 837,845 tons respectively. New Trading Possibilities

Famous for year-round sunshine, beaches and glamor, Miami offers more than surface-level appeal. Located in the most southeasterly corner of the U.S., the Florida county is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Everglades National Park on the west, and nature reserves and suburbs to the north. Home to over 2.6 million residents, the county spans an area of over 2,000 square miles (larger than the state of Delaware) and contains 34 other municipalities, including the famed cities of Miami and Miami Beach. Miami’s strong foundation is rooted in constant population growth. Increased population and wealth have spurred momentum with more spending, job growth, a gradual diversification of the economy and a growing number of skilled, educated workers. Business is dominated by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and an entrepreneurial spirit, providing a launch pad for businesses to grow into large enterprises. The fastgrowing tech hub, financial sector, and high-end real estate market have allowed Miami-Dade County to make a swift recovery after the Great Recession. Land of the Elite With Miami’s pleasant climate, excellent infrastructure and beautiful natural environment, every year billionaires from all over the U.S. come here to purchase or sell real estate. The most famous ones include NBA superstar LeBron James’ recently sold Coconut Grove mansion that went for $13.4 million USD. And world-class musician 26 | Invest: Florida

Phil Collins’s private mansion is worth $30 million. Strong International Ties Historically speaking, Miami is known for its concentrated Latino population but the trend is changing. Caucasians remains the largest ethnic group in Miami, but minority demographics have further diversified. Although Latino still is the largest minority group, others have seen significant growth in recent years, especially Asians. In addition, the U.S. government has approved plans to expand the Panama Canal, which allow Post Panama Maxx cargo ships from Asia to gain direct access to the East Coast of United States. Today, China is already the biggest trading partner with PortMiami. With the canal expansion, the county government expects the economic tide with major Asian economies to be strengthened. Recently, the county has opened new direct international flights from MIA to HK and Taiwan, and several mainland China direct flights are already in the planning stage. With these new economy plans, the county government predicts Miami’s exposure as an investment destination for Asian investors will increase significantly and further Asian population growth in the near future. Multi-Culturalism Miami is one of the few places in the U.S. where true multi-culturalism exists. Despite all different races under

New potential looms as Miami lures Asian exporters seeking access to Latin American markets. With the expansion of the Panama Canal, PortMiami will be a major stop for large cargo vessels arriving from Asian countries, headed for the Americas. PortMiami has a great advantage being the only port south of Norfolk, VA with a 52-foot-deep harbor. Because of its Latin American ties, Miami is deemed a global gateway providing access to key U.S. markets to the world. Countries like Canada view the Latin American and Caribbean markets as great export destinations, shipping approximately $4.4 billion worth of merchandise to the region in 2013. Miami-Dade’s already established relationships with businesses based in Brazil and Mexico, which represent approximately 70% of the total Latin American and Caribbean markets, Global Transportation Hub Miami International Airport (MIA) plays an important role in fostering international linkages for the county. The tenth-busiest U.S. airport in terms of passengers, MIA is a hub for American Airlines and American Eagle, as well as cargo carriers UPS, LAN Cargo and FedEx Express. Qatar Airways and Turkish Airlines also recenly launched nonstop routes to the Middle East. One of South Florida’s largest economic engines, MIA is the leading U.S. airport for international freight, and second only to New York City’s John F. Kennedy

International Airport in the number of international travelers it sees. MIA dominates the market when it comes to flights to Latin America and the Caribbean. MIA currently boasts 100 passenger and cargo air carriers, more than any other airport in the U.S. MIA, along with its four general aviation airports, generates $33.7 billion annually in business revenues and supports close to 280,000 direct and indirect jobs in South Florida. MIA reached another record year in 2014 with an all-time high in passenger traffic. International Finance Capital Hedge funds, private equity (PE) firms and other institutional/alternative investment groups are making the move to Miami-Dade County. A lack of state income tax, new tax codes, an aggressive municipal outreach campaign, proximity to foreign markets and a surge in international direct investment are just a few reasons why Miami has been dubbed “Wall Street South” by Business Insider. According to a survey conducted by the Newlink Group, the total assets managed by the private wealth industry in South Florida is estimated to be about $300 billion. MiamiDade County alone is home to 13 investment banks, 19 PE firms, 60 hedge funds, 63 wealth-management firms and more than 200 family offices. City of Entrepreneurship Miami’s start-ups have experienced rapid growth in recent years, based on data provided by The Kauffman Report. The total number of newly opened businesses in Miami is the second highest in the U.S., far more than Los Angeles and New York. In Miami, there are 520 entrepreneurs for every 100,000 people, while San Jose only has 420. The reason for Miami’s tremendous entrepreneurship is not due to the lack of employment, but because its lower cost of living, the large number of educated people, excellent infrastructure, comfortable climate, as well as significant international capital inflow. All that creates unprecedented opportunities for start-up companies and launch and thrive in this great city. Outlook While real estate and tourism remain pillars of the Miami market, through the combined efforts of public and private sector stakeholders, much progress has been made in diversifying the county’s economy. In the medium term, some of the greatest opportunities for growth in Miami will be supported by leveraging its access to foreign capital. In particular, these international investments, strongly supported by the EB-5 program, will help grow the technology sectors, continue to fuel demand for real estate and support infrastructural development. As public-private partnerships (PPPs) become more utilized, increased private sector investments will be needed to address crucial infrastructure gaps. In addition to these “hard” growth factors, what will shape Miami-Dade’s future is its cultural diversity and pervasive entrepreneurial spirit.

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On the rebound: One of Miami-Dade’s most dynamic sectors, real estate exhibits strong performance, buoyed by job growth and an influx of capital The real estate market remains one of Miami-Dade County’s key economic drivers. 2014 saw prerecession levels of new construction, while demand is on the rise from both domestic and foreign investors for residential, office, industrial, and retail property. This rise in construction has been a boon for those working in real estate sales. Teresa King Kinney, CEO of the Miami Association of Realtors, tells Invest: Miami, “Miami is unique in the sense that developers and builders are much more open to working with realtors compared to other markets. As a result, 90 percent of all of new developments here are sold through realtors.” Although Miami-Dade’s real estate market plummeted in the aftermath of the Great Recession, it has since made marked progress in recovering from the impact of that event. Rising demand Demand is overwhelming supply across Miami-Dade’s real estate sectors. Demand in the industrial real estate market is high; vacancy is at a record low level of 4.5 percent. Rents for industrial properties have increased 28 percent in three years, with an average asking rate of $6.50 per square foot as of Q4 2014. For 2015, 1.8 million square feet of industrial spaces will be built and most industrial spaces will be larger than 100,000 square feet. The demand for office space continued positively into 2015, with little to no new construction of office property. The county ended Q1 2015 with positive net absorption for the 13th quarter in a row. Total absorption of office space – which includes the leasing of both new and existing space – will likely total 47.7 million square feet in 2015 and 58.3 million in 2016, according to World Property Journal. Expansion of the retail real estate market is also expected to increase. At the close of Q2 2014, 2.5 million square feet of retail space was under construction in Florida, about 73 28 | Invest: Florida

percent of which was in Miami-Dade County, according to ICSC Retail Report. Florida has experienced strong performance in retail sales due largely to record numbers of tourism in the last few years. Because of land constraints, developers are starting to prefer mixed-use projects that combine office, retail, and residential spaces. High-density, mixed-use projects are becoming more prevalent and widespread in the county as young professionals and millennials flock to urban areas. Special zoning regulations, such as Miami 21, facilitate the development of mixed-use projects. Three such projects in Miami currently under construction are Brickell City Centre, Paramount Miami Worldcenter and the All Aboard Florida Miami Station, all of which are expected to augment the urban landscape of Miami-Dade dramatically. Outlook For the short-to-medium term, Miami-Dade’s real estate is a buyer’s market in the residential segment, with inventory outnumbering sales transactions. When it comes to office, the market favors sellers, with vacancies steadily decreasing and the demand for space in prime areas, such as the CBD and downtown Miami, rising. As capital continues to flow into the county from both domestic and foreign buyers looking to either safeguard money, conduct business or find a permanent home, the Miami-Dade real estate market will continue to provide some of the most unique and profitable investment opportunities decision to make.

Luxury living: Cutting-edge design and foreign investment boost high-end real estate In 2014, Miami was named one of the top markets in the world for luxury homes for the second year in a row by Christie’s. This designation has placed the growing metropolis among elite markets such as Hong Kong, London and New York City. Currently, Miami is among the more affordable of global luxury markets with an average price of $559 persquare foot. London, in comparison, has an average asking price of $4,683 per square foot, according to Christie’s. Foreign investments According to a 2014 Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA) study, 90 percent of new condo buyers in Brickell, Edgewater and downtown, are foreign. In 2014, 70 percent of international buyers were from Latin America/Caribbean, followed by 16 percent from Europe, 8 percent from Asia, and 6 percent from Canada with a mean residential purchase price of nearly $445,000. Transportation is a crucial driver for this trend. As Dezer Development President Gil Dezer tells Invest: Miami, “The increased ease of getting to Miami will be a crucial element in attracting new buyers to Miami, particularly from the Middle East and China.” Luxury condo development The traditional luxury condo is undergoing a major metamorphosis as developers and designers compete to produce the most state-of-the-art buildings.

Over 20,000 condo units are to be developed in the urban core, with over 6,000 condo units under construction in Edgewater, Brickell, Wynwood, Midtown, Omni area, and downtown. Nearly 70 percent of the new condo units are going up in Brickell, with most of its existing waterfront towers appreciating 10 percent annually since 2010, according to the 2015 TRENDS Market Report by ONE Sotheby’s International Realty. ONE Sotheby’s represents 19 projects in Miami, all being built by Hong Kong-based Swire Properties, among them One Thousand Museum in Downtown Miami, and L’Atelier and The Ritz-Carlton Residences, both in Miami Beach. Edgewater has 1900 new condo units in development. The Related Group’s Icon Bay, to be completed this year, is a 300-unit, 43-story waterfront condo tower on2.15 acres of land. Designed by Arquitectonica, Icon Bay features 9-foot ceilings, two tennis courts, tenant access to SLS South Beach, and Icon Bay Park– a park with public access that features a winding walkway along the Biscayne Bay and art sculptures. Paraiso Bay, also a Related and Arquitectonica project, is expected to be completed by2016. The Melo Group’s Ariaon the Bay is also under construction with 647units and 40,000 square feet of commercial space. The50-floor tower features private elevator access, 9-foot ceilings, a sunrise and sunset pool, and is expected to be completed in 2017. Further along the bay, new developments are underway in Coconut Grove that will revitalize the quaint

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Paramount Ventures, the developer for Paramount Miami Worldcenter tells Invest: Miami, “Mixed-use projects are the future of urban development. We intend for Miami World center to have an international presence. We are targeting the traditional countries for this market like Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia, but since Miami today has such a world wide appeal we have sold units to buyers from other part of the world including the Middle East and China.” The $1-billion Paramount Miami Worldcenter, which will span 10 blocks in downtown Miami. Its $400-million signature luxury condominium, Paramount Miami Worldcenter, is due to break ground in April 2015 and slated for 2018 completion. Units will range from 1,294square feet to 2,376 square feet, with prices starting at $700 per square foot. Features include private foyers, 10-foot ceilings, outdoor living rooms, spa-like bathrooms, and Europeandesigned kitchens.

neighborhood. Terra Development’s Groveat Grand Bay, a major development to the area in recent years, is nearing completion. The two-tower, 96-unit luxury condos sit on nearly 3 acres, with over 130,000 square feet. The units range from two- to five-bedroom and are available in townhome, loft, and penthouse options. The condos, designed by BjarkeIngels Group, feature 12.5-foot ceilings, glass and steel floors, among other amenities, and will be completed by this year. Brand recognition Branded luxury condos are gaining ground in Miami. Dezer Development is nearing completion of its Sunny Isles Porsche Design Tower, a 60-story condo building that features an elevator that transports cars into the homes, outdoor terraces, and a “man cave” among other amenities. The 132-unit tower ranges from $4.5 million to $32.5 million for a 17,000-square-foot penthouse. Another Dezer Development underway is the 60-story, 307-unit Residences by Armani/Casa oceanfront tower in Sunny Isles. The condo units range from 1,350 square feet to 3,750 square feet, and range in price from $1.3 million to over$5 million. The tower was designed by Cesar Pelli, creator of the Adrienne Arsht Center in Miami and is expected to open in 2018. The Chateau Group has plans to build The Fendi Chateau Residences in Surfside, a 12-story waterfront condo. The condo units will range from 3,300 square feet to over7,000 square feet and will cost between $5 million to $22 million. Mixed-use Mixed-use properties offer owners access to luxury amenities and an urban lifestyle a short elevator ride from their homes, while appealing to a sophisticated international demographic. As Daniel Kodsi, president of 30 | Invest: Florida

Brickell City Centre is a mixed-use project currently under construction that will feature shopping and dining options, with major retailer Saks Fifth Avenue anchoring the development. The project, developed by Swire Properties and designed by Arquitectonica, features two luxury condo towers – Rise and Reach – each with 390units and 43 floors. Prices range from$580,000 to $1 million for one and twobedroom units, to $2.15 million to $8 million for larger units and penthouses. They are slated for completion at the end of 2015. Outlook The luxury real estate market is expected to cool in 2016. With the U.S dollar strengthening, investments from foreign buyers, particularly those from Russia, have slowed. According to a report by the Miami Realtors Association, condo sales fell 15 percent in January 2015 compared to 2014. The average resale price for condos increased 16 percent in 2014 from 2013, going up to $431 per square foot. With such a high number of current and proposed condo construction projects, there are concerns that projects will slow or not start at all. “There is always a risk of overbuilding,” Alicia Cervera Lamadrid, managing partner at Cervera Real Estate, tell Invest: Miami. “The important question is whether we will be able to absorb the supply. Miami has proven time and again that if we build it they will come, and come quicker than anyone can predict or imagine.” Many developers have previously not heavily courted Chinese investment dollars because their projects were already fully funded through investors in Latin America and Europe. Those developers are now realizing that, while Chinese investment in South Florida has been limited to several large developers and a small percentage of residential sales to Chinese nationals, a growing wave of investment from China will arrive once Chinese investors’ eyes are refocused on South Florida from more traditional West Coast investment cities for Chinese such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, and of course the jewel of the Chinese eye, New York City.

“It’s So Miami!”: Millions of tourists flock to Miami every year as tourism offerings become more attractive Miami is a leading destination for global travelers. While some come for business and others for leisure, for many it is a mixture of both. This trend extended through 2014, with domestic passengers at Miami International Airport (MIA) totaling 20.8 million, which accounts for half a total of 40.9 million passengers – an all-time record for passenger traffic. Foreign visitors in particular account for much of the total growth and increased revenue in Miami. In 2014, MIA reported 20.1 million international passengers, earning it second place among U.S. airports for foreign travelers. Lured by the presence of top global brands and new services and accommodations, travelers are no longer simply using MIA as a hub for connecting flights. According to the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB), Miami ranked fifth in hotel occupancy among the top 25 U.S. markets in 2014, partly due to the increase in international travel. In addition, the Miami-Dade County Mayor’s office is working diligently to promote the addition of direct flights from major Chinese cities to MIA. The inauguration of those flights is expected to dramatically boost Chinese investment in South Florida. Tourist attractions Miami has a wide array of offerings for business and leisure tourists, from festivals and nightlife, to miles of beaches and nature preserves. These attractions generate a significant economic impact for the county. One of the most notable examples is Art Basel Miami Beach, a showcase for modern and contemporary art. In

its 12-year run, the trade show has generated an estimated economic impact of $500 million each year and attracts international wealthy art collectors. The Miami International Boat Show will celebrate its 75th year in 2016.The five-day event is attended by more 100,000 people from around the world. Shopping is the most popular activity for international visitors while nightlife has gained popularity for domestic travelers. South Beach’s Lincoln Road offers both, fueling an increase in retail spending in excess of 4.2 percent annually, which is expected to remain steady from 2014 through 2017. The Cruise Capital of the World With 4.77 million cruise passengers visiting in 2014, Miami is considered the cruise capital of the world. Generating billions of dollars in annual revenue, cruises are one of the most important economic engines in the county. Internationally, the cruise industry is the fastest- growing category in the leisure travel market and the three key players in the cruise industry – all headquartered at Port Miami – are poised to see an increase in market share in 2015: Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and Norwegian Cruise Lines. Hospitality Miami’s hotel industry is one of the strongest in the country and attracts visitors well above the national average. These numbers have generated a boom in new hotel construction and renovation. The GMCVB expects 2,500 new hotel

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rooms to come online in 2015. The biggest new additions in this growing market are luxury properties. New high-end hotels include the EAST and the SLS Lux, opening in 2016, both in Brickell City Center, a huge $1-billion, five-block renovation project that includes a newly renovated luxury neighborhood, which was developed by Swire Properties, a Hong Kongbased developer. In addition, the 74-room Metropolitan by COMO; and Faena Hotel Miami Beach reopened in 2015 after significant renovations. Film Production Center The film industry in Miami-Dade County has done well in the past, though untapped potential remains. A number of Hollywood blockbusters have been filmed in the area, including Scarface, There’s Something About Mary, The Birdcage, and Ace Ventura Pet Detective. These films provided lasting global publicity for Miami by underscoring its geographic beauty and cultural diversity. India’s film industry took notice. Miami-Dade further showcases its diversity by hosting several film festivals throughout the year. Administered by Miami Dade College (MDC), the annual Miami International Film Festival (MIFF) attracts some of the best film talent worldwide for 10 days of screenings and discussions. Prominent alumni of MIFF include Sylvester Stallone, Kate Hudson and Spike Lee. Television In addition to conventional national television networks, Miami-Dade County also broadcasts several channels in Spanish. These include CNN Latino, Mondo Fox and Caribe Vision. Foremost among these stations is Univision, a Miami-based network that provides Spanishlanguage news, sports and telenovelas. While Univision has always dominated Hispanic television in the U.S., it recently superseded American channels to become the most watched network in the country. In 2013, Univision partnered with ABC to develop a new network, Fusion, intended to appeal to the young Latino population in the U.S. Music Since the 1970s, Miami-Dade’s music has reached beyond the region to achieve global popularity. The 19-time Grammy award-winning music producer Emilio Estefan points to a unique soundscape that exists only in Miami as the essence of its music’s global appeal. He tells Invest: Miami that Miami-Dade’s music stands out because it combines elements from its diverse population’s various musical backgrounds, to produce unique and unrivaled sounds. Miami-Dade’s music is marked by massive festivals that draw thousands each year. Most notable is Ultra, arguably the most famous electronic dance music (EDM) festival 32 | Invest: Florida


in the world. As part of Miami Music Week, the multi-day event attracted over 160,000 people from 80 different countries in 2014. Ultra generates $79 million annually for Miami-Dade’s economy and increases downtown hotel occupancy by 10 percent. In addition, Miami-Dade hosts the annual Winter Music Conference (WMC), the largest longstanding EDM festival in the world. Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts Founded in 2006, the Arsht Center is a county-funded initiative that “enlightens, educates, and entertains [Miami-Dade] through transformational arts and cultural experiences.” Arsht Center President and CEO M. John Richard tells Invest: Miami that the center’s goal is to “simultaneously host world-class and community-based” events, while also contributing to urban development in downtown Miami. Praising Miami-Dade’s recent success in the arts, Richard says, “Seemingly overnight, Miami has evolved into a thriving cultural community.” The numbers speak for themselves: nearly 500,000 people attended performances at the center in 2014. Perez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) PAMM has also made a deep impression on Miami-Dade’s fine arts scene. Renamed after a $35-million contribution by developer Jorge M. Perez, Chairman and CEO of Related Group of Florida, the former Miami Art Museum reopened as PAMM in December 2013. “Miami is considered the gateway to Latin America,” Leann Standish, interim director at PAMM, tells Invest: Miami. “Our art reflects the city’s international diversity.” In the first 12 months after it reopened, over 300,000 people visited the museum, greatly exceeding expectations. New World Symphony and Miami City Ballet The symphony and ballet further add to the rich cultural offerings of the region. The New World Center, located in Miami Beach, is home to the New World Symphony, a music academy that connects graduates with leading orchestras and music ensembles worldwide. Miami Beach also houses the Miami City Ballet, a dance ensemble that has performed in over 100 U.S. cities, as well as internationally. These two organizations further enhance the arts and cultural offering of Miami-Dade, providing further attraction for people and investments to relocate to the region. Outlook With tens of millions of visitors coming each year, tourism will continue to serve as a growth engine for Miami’s economy. The proximity to Latin America and the Caribbean continues to be a strong asset and developments in international relations between the U.S. and Cuba pose intriguing opportunities for tourism to Miami over the medium term.

The “City Beautiful”: Orange County is home to more than just Mickey Florida’s Orange County is home to some of the best attractions and entertainment in the U.S.. Orlando is a thriving metropolis that sits in the heart of the state. The “City Beautiful,” as it is called by locals, is regarded as a top tourist destination with attractions that are family-friendly and suitable for the individual traveler. Like most of the state, Orlando is heralded for its year-round sunshine and warm weather. But with its growth as one of the top 10 cities for business and its growing presence in industries outside of travel & tourism, Orlando, and the broader Orange County in which it lies, is solidifying its spot as a top choice for business and leisure. The Orlando Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which comprises the counties of Lake, Orange and Osceola, is home to over 2.3 million people. The area is primarily composed of young working professionals, with the 18-34 year-old age group making up the largest demographic. The median age is 33.8. In 2014, Orlando experienced the second highest growth rate (at 8.8 percent) amongst the 30 most populous metropolitan areas in the country. It sits right behind Houston, which had a 9.6 percent change in population growth according to the U.S. Census. The county has a low 5.4 percent unemployment rate with at least 1.24 million in the workforces, according to the University of Florida Bureau of Economic Business and Research.

Comprehensive Transportation System Orange County is a national leader when it comes to job growth and is a prime destination for company relocation. In 2015, Orlando was named the No. 2 “Best City for Job Growth” by Forbes magazine and was ranked the eighth-largest city in the U.S. for “Best Infrastructure” by FDI magazine (2014). The Orlando International Airport (MCO) is one of the fastest growing, international airports in the world, and is ranked as the 13th busiest airport in the U.S. and the 29th busiest internationally. The airport served over 35 million passengers in 2014. Orlando’s commuter transit system, the Sun Rail, serves over 9,000 passengers daily and runs throughout the city. Renovations and expansions to the transit system are in place and are due for completion this year. Additionally, construction on the All Aboard Florida train is slated for

Industry and Infrastructure Greater Orlando has a robust manufacturing, aviation/ aerospace/defense, and life sciences & healthcare presence, and is an emerging hub for high-tech industries. Some of the area’s leading employers include Universal Orlando Resort (with 19,000 employees), the Adventist Health Care System (18,668 employees) and MCO (18,000 employees). Orange County has also been selected as the headquarter location for many major companies, including Mazor Robotics, the Golf Channel, the United States Tennis Association, and the business services division of JetBlue Airways Corporation.

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Retail Abound: Where there is an abundance of tourism and increased population growth, there is bound to be plenty of options for shopping. Orlando has one of the fastest growing economies in the State of Florida, with retail sales pumping billions of dollars into the local and state coffers. Greater Orlando, with its rocketing numbers of new residents and annual tourists, provides several shopping options to keep both visitors and locals happy and spending. Orlando is the only major city with numerous outlets located at the heart of downtown. Due to the large number of domestic and international tourists, the outlets in Orlando have the most complete selections of the most high-end brands in the world. Mall at Millenia: One of the area’s more high-profile malls, the Mall at Millenia carries top names in fashion including Prada, Versace, Gucci, and Salvatore Ferragamo. Downtown Disney: This outdoor promenade is within walking distance of Walt Disney Resort hotels and theme parks. The area features shops such as Fossil, The LEGO Store, Sephora, as well as eateries and restaurants.

Experience Orlando – the Mecca of Tourism: Tourism’s impact on the local and state economy Orlando’s travel & tourism industry is the largest employer in the city and makes up 40 percent of such business for the state. The industry employs at least 370,000 people whose collective annual wages exceed $14 billion. As the largest industry in the Greater Orlando area, it generates roughly $50 billion in domestic and international visitor spending, creating over $7 billion in local and state tax revenue. As the most visited tourist destination in the U.S., Greater Orlando attracts 62 million visitors annually from around the world. As the area continues to grow and position itself in industries related to and outside of travel and tourism, the number of visitors to the area will only continue to increase. Resorts and Theme Parks As of today, Orlando area has five biggest major theme park reports that each offer something different, new and exciting 34 | Invest: Florida

for tourists. The largest of the resorts, Walt Disney World, sits on 90,000+ acres of land and has four parks: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Dismay’s Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Universal Orlando Resorts offers two theme parks that place visitors right in the middle of the action and excitement of some of the world’s favorite films and TV shows, Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. Each park has unforgettable thrill-inducing rides and attractions, as well as tours of behind-the-scenes action of some of the studio’s hit movies. One of Florida’s distinct animals is the alligator and at the Gatorland Park, tourists can see these ferocious creatures up close. Rounding out the Greater Orlando resort experience is the LEGOLAND Florida Resort. Inspired by and based on the popular children’s building toys LEGO, the resort

allows families to play all day and enjoy rides that incite the imagination. LEGOLAND Florida Resort has two theme parks - LEGOLAND Florida Theme Park and Florida Water Park with over 50 rides, shows and attractions. Although not an immediate Orlando attraction, the Kennedy Space Center is another great option for tourists. Located an hour east of Orlando in Cape Canaveral, the Kennedy Space Center gives visitors the opportunity to explore the outer space. Tourists would see the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit and enjoy simulated shuttle launch experiences as well as view historic spacecraft.

Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets: This Mediterraneaninspired outdoor outlet is a top shopping center that features over 160 designer outlets and name-brand stores. Stores include Armani Outlet, Fendi, Saks Fifth Ave OFF 5TH and more. Lake Buena Vista Factory Stores: Located 2 miles from Walt Disney World and known as Central Florida’s “best kept secret for outlet deals,” this outlet features popular brands and retailers, and offers savings of up to 75 percent on merchandise. Artegon Marketplace: Known as the “Anti-mall,” this local’s favorite provides rustic charm in an indoor artisan marketplace setting. The center has over 165 artisans crafting unique, one-of-a-kind goods, food and more.

Lodging and Accommodations Because of the vibrancy of the tourism sector, Greater Orlando’s hotel industry is thriving. The area has at least 144,125 hotel rooms in and around the theme parks and this number continues to grow. Resorts such as Universal Florida and LEGOLAND Florida Resort have hotel properties available onsite that give visitors greater and easier access to the parks. Hotel chains such as the Ramada and Loews have presence on International Drive - a major street in Orlando - and throughout downtown Orlando and surrounding areas, giving visitors abundant options for accommodations at competitive prices and discounts. In April 2015, the occupancy rate increased by 3 percent, bringing the rate to 81.4 percent from 78.5 percent the previous April.

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Make Yourself at Home: Besides its bustling tourismbusiness, what makes Orlando a great place to call home Education strengthens local talent pool Florida is among the top 10 states in the U.S. for talent. And there are over 100 post-secondary institutions in Orlando, among them is the famous University of Central Florida (UCF), which was ranked one of the nation’s “Most Innovative” universities in the U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges 2016 guide. UCF is also the second largest university in the country, with 61,000 students and 210 degree programs. Other universities such as Valencia College and Florida Technical College are also well-known across the nation. The 100+ local education institutions have over 500,000 students enrolled, and they are constantly providing top-notch professionals for the local businesses. UCF is home to one of the top technology incubators in the country - the University of Central Florida Business Incubation Program. This resource has helped develop a number of emerging businesses in the Orlando area, further garnering the region recognition as a tech and startup hub. World class convention destination Orlando is also the hottest destination to host mega conventions. It is home to three convention centers - the Orange County Convention Center, the Maitland Civic Center, and the Kissimmee Civic Center that each host conferences, concerts and other special events drawing visitors to the area. Since Orlando has an abundance of hotel and a strong support industry, Orlando is also the only city in the U.S. capable of hosting multiple mega conventions at the same time. In addition, Orlando is one of the most soughtafter host cities for medical conventions. Each year, 20% of all conventions held in Orlando are related to medical services. And out of the 50 biggest medical conventions in the US, 40% of them are hosted here. All of these conventions bring domestic and international travelers to Orlando year round. Unique real estate investment opportunity With strong performing local industries and the steady growth of local population, the local housing market has been on an upward trend. With abundant land resources, the housing price in Orlando is lower than the national average. As a result, this city is an attractive place for outof-state businesses and international investments. Shortterm rental homes are also growing rapidly. Based on data provided by Trip Advisor, average travelers stay in FL for more than 10 days, and many stay for more than 15. With a 36 | Invest: Florida

constant influx of international students, tourists, patients and medical personnel, there is a high demand for local short -term rentals and corporate housing. Given the rising demand, local developers have already been building large quantities of new rental housing. One key project is The Encore Club, located just next to Disney World. It covers 2,000 acres, with 392 vacation homes ranging from $350K to $750K. Home size starts from a comfortable 5-bedroom and it could go up to as many as 13. All of these vacation homes are managed by The Encore Club’s real estate professionals, and the developer will provide 3 years of free rent, which ensure an annual return of at least 6%. Per the Medical Tourist Association, there are approximately 25,000 medical tourists who come to Orlando to seek treatments. This trend has triggered a medical construction boom in this city. For instance, the Nona Lake Medical City is a 650-acre site that includes a medical research center, a medical education center and a life science center. Similar to The Encore Club, in the Haines City suburb of Orlando and also close to Disney World and Nona Lake Medical City, will be Feltrim Group’s new development of 245 high quality short-term vacation/medical tourism rentals in a gated community - Balmoral at Water’s Edge. From 3-bedroom homes starting at $289,900 (pools and furniture included) to 8-bedrooms priced at $499,900 (pools and furniture included), these homes are very affordable and of a type that Feltrim has been building in the area for over 18 years.

The Big Guava: Affordable living and a quaint lifestyle is drawing many to the Tampa Bay Area The Tampa Bay area is situated on a peninsula between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The second largest metropolitan area in Florida, Tampa Bay consists of Hillsborough and Pinellas counties and is home to about 4.5 million residents. The major cities are Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater. Climate The area’s humid subtropical climate means thunderstorms during the summer and the possibility of light frost during the winter months. Because of its proximity to large bodies of water, temperatures are moderate year round, usually staying between 65 degrees Fahrenheit and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. This is also the northern limit for coconut and royal palm growth. Population Diversity The Tampa Bay area is home to a diverse population of white, black, Hispanic and Asian residents. U.S. Census data shows an average annual growth of 2.5 percent per year, projecting a population of 4.7 million residents by 2017. 15 percent of residents are foreign-born and about 27 percent of the population speaks a language other than

English in their home. The median age is mid-thirties. Port of Tampa Bay The busiest largest port in Florida, Port of Tampa Bay handles a large influx of cargo as well as three cruise ship terminals, housing Royal Caribbean International, Holland America Line, Norwegian Cruise Line and Carnival Cruise Line vessels. The area also offers many vibrant shopping districts such as the Channelside Bay Plaza shopping mall where patrons can shop and dine on the waterfront. Hyde Park Village, an upscale openair shopping district, is undergoing a multimilliondollar development project that will introduce highend stores alongside fine dining. Industry The largest industry in the area is trade, transportation & utilities, a sector which employs nearly 20 percent of the population. Other important economic sectors include professional and business services, education and health services, government, hospitality, and financial activities. The largest employers in the area are the BayCare Health System, Publix Super Markets, Home Shopping Network, the University of South

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the New York Yankees and the Philadelphia Phillies, practice during spring training. Golf enthusiasts will find no shortage of beautifully designed golf courses, from West chase Golf Club, an affordable course just north of Tampa, to Saddle Brook Golf Club, a luxurious complex with onsite golf pros and a health spa. Food and Culture Tampa’s exciting food scene is a marriage of the many cultures that established this area in the 1800s: Cuban, Italian, Spanish and even Chinese. The Columbia, oldest restaurant in Florida, delivers a warm ambiance and food that stays true to its Spanish roots. Some restaurants boast a cuisine of Cuban-Chinese fusion, mixing Caribbean favorites with Chinese staples. And it is never hard to find delicious fresh seafood at any of the area’s award-winning restaurants. Every year, Tampa hosts “Gasparilla Season,” three months of festivals dedicated to the legendary Spanish pirate, José Gaspar, who is said to have led many invasions along the west coast of Florida during the late 18th and 19th centuries. The festivities include The Parade of Pirates in late January, the third-largest parade in the country, as well as an arts festival, a music festival, a film festival, and a long-distance running event. Florida, Tech Data, and Verizon. Tampa Bay is part of the Florida High Tech Corridor, promotes the growth of high-tech industry across Central Florida. The region has a high number medical device manufacturing clusters, ranking in the top 20 nationwide, and produces more than $2 billion in goods and services. Affordable Living Tampa Bay boasts a low cost of living with affordable prices for rent, entertainment, and transportation. In 2013, the median household income was about $42,000, the median house or condo value was $150,000, and the median gross rent was under $1,000 per month. Gas prices rank consistently lower than Florida’s other major metropolitan areas, such as Miami and Orlando. Lifestyle The Tampa Bay Area offers a charming and laid-back lifestyle with all the cultural amenities of a big city. The region’s year-round sunny weather makes this the perfect place for sports fans and nature fans alike. Tampa has several thriving major-league sports teams including the Buccaneers (football), the Lightning (hockey), and the Rays (baseball). Every March, thousands of fans flock to the area to watch highprofile baseball teams from around the U.S., such as 38 | Invest: Florida

Attractions Locals and tourists alike enjoy the area’s wide variety of family-friendly attractions, such as the Busch Gardens amusement park and the Lowry Park Zoo. The Florida Aquarium, located in downtown Tampa’s picturesque Channel District, is expanding their facilities to include a rainforest-themed water splash area and the Mosaic Center. Anyone wanting to catch a Broadway show or grand opera can do so at the Starz Center, one of the nation’s largest performing arts centers. St. Petersburg is well known for its many museums, from the Dali Museum to the St. Petersburg Museum of History Natural Beauty For those who want to get out of the city, the area is full of options for nature excursions. St. Petersburg and Clearwater offer miles of white sand beaches. Cyclists and kayakers will find a myriad of choices, from Fort De Soto Park at the southern end of St. Petersburg, to the Hillsborough River State Park at Tampa’s northern limit. Walking trails meander along the coast and through the region’s many forested parks, where walkers can enjoy birdwatching amidst the Spanish moss and cypress trees.

Early Retirement?: With its beauty and thriving support system, the Tampa Bay Area is an ideal place for retirement Tampa was recently named the number one city in the U.S. for retirees based on criteria measuring affordability, activities offered, quality of life and healthcare. St. Petersburg was also on the list, coming in at No. 11. Tampa Bay offers many exciting and practical reasons to make this a favorite retirement location. Not only does the area have amazing weather and a wide variety of activities for all, but Tampa Bay also boasts an affordable lifestyle, convenient transportation options, top-notch medical facilities, a myriad of retirement services and many diverse living situations. Low Cost of Living The Tampa Bay Area has made a commitment to affordability, making it a perfect fit for financially conscious retirees. Home prices in Tampa and its surroundings are around $190,000, far below the national median price of $280,000. Also important to note is the fact that Florida does not have an income tax, which results in greater cost savings for retirees. Fantastic Location Another attractive feature consider is location. Not only is the Tampa Bay area ideally located alongside several

bodies of water, it is also easily accessible by plane, train and boat. Residents and visitors enjoy traveling with ease through Tampa International Airport, and there are regular AMTRAK train services to Miami and New York City. These options make Tampa the ideal place for families and friends to visit their loved ones. The city also maintains a convenient public transportation system comprised of buses and streetcars, and several areas around the city are pedestrian-friendly. Thriving Medical Community When it comes to quality and quantity, Tampa’s medical community has a lot to offer. Nearly 65,000 well trained medical professionals provide healthcare to patients in a network of over 50 hospitals, many of which rank consistently on U.S. News & World Report’s list of “America’s Best Hospitals.” Tampa General Hospital, the only Level I Trauma Center of its kind in west central Florida, is a leader in adult solid organ transplants. Additionally, patients come from all over the country to obtain treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, a top-rated comprehensive cancer center. St. Joseph’s Hospital, one of the oldest hospitals in the community, also provides cancer treatment, while

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also encompassing a women’s health program and a cardiovascular institute. Florida Hospital Tampa houses the renowned Pepin Heart Institute as well as outpatient treatment centers in both physical and occupational therapy. Residents will also find an abundance of walkin clinics, as well as many home health care agencies to choose from. Many Tampa-based companies and organizations are leading the way when it comes to advances in the medical field. For example, Tampa Medical Innovations, Inc. (TaMI) was recently selected as a semi-finalist for the MedTech Innovator Program for their development of a STAT-Clip, a simple and affordable device that minimizes the spread of blood borne diseases during IVC procedures (intravenous catheterization). Research at the University of South Florida’s Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Research Center is finding ways to improve mechanized microsurgery, enhance drug delivery, and cure cancer. The University of South Florida is working hard to educate the next generation of medical professionals in their colleges of medicine, nursing and public health, as well as through their departments specializing in biomedical sciences, physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Other healthcarerelated companies located in the Tampa Bay Area include Inspirata, a cancer research software company; Johnson & Johnson, a global leader in the healthcare industry; and Quest Diagnostic, one of the largest developers of clinical laboratories in the country. Retirement Residences The Tampa Bay area is the perfect place for retirees to buy a second home or a full-time residence. Retirement communities offer diverse living situations, from urban chic to luxury resort-style living. Housing options include single-family homes, condos, townhouses, villas and active adult communities. There are many real estate brokers that specialize in Senior Real Estate who are more than happy to help retirees find what works for them. Sun City Center is a centrally located active retirement community with many pricing options. There are several golf courses to choose from, and housing options include townhomes, villas, and single-family units. St. Joseph’s John Knox, a locally owned senior living provider, is situated near the University of South Florida, Busch Gardens and a wilderness preserve. They provide a transportation service for their community members as well as healthful meals in their two dining rooms. The community is designed so that residents can “age in place,” meaning they can transition easily from independent living to assisted living. 40 | Invest: Florida

For those looking for waterfront living, the Riverside Club is a great option. Residents can dock their boats on the Little Manatee River which feeds into Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. An on-site lifestyles and activities director plans activities for residents, such as excursions to cultural events. Amenities include two luxurious clubhouses, a movie theater, an 18-hole golf course, tennis courts and a waterfront restaurant. There are also many state-of-the-art nursing homes in the area which set the standards for modern facilities around the country. NuVista Living in North Tampa pampers their residents with five-star luxury, while the Home Association is housed in a National Historic Registry Landmark. Useful Resources for Retirees Besides an abundance of living options and great health services, the Tampa Bay Area also provides other important resources for retirees. Retirees needing professional assistance in managing their assets can turn to Tampa companies that specialize in this field, such as Aspire Financial Services. Furthermore, many law firms in the area focus on elder law, assisting clients with matters of estate planning and Medicare appeals. There are also nonprofit organizations, such as Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative, which promote access to healthcare and provide helpful resources. Outlook The Tampa Bay Area is a fantastic place for retirees to settle down during their golden years. Residents can enjoy the region’s year-round sunshine with a variety of outdoor activities, from off-shore fishing to waterfront relaxation. A diverse population makes the area rich with cultural experiences. Tampa Bay provides all the amenities of a big city—major sports teams, museums, and impressive restaurants—as well as a low cost of living. Tampa Bay’s prices for housing, transportation, and entertainment are more affordable than in Florida’s other major metropolitan areas. The area is also well developed in terms of medical facilities. Residents have access to large hospitals, small walk-in clinics and outpatient treatment centers. Tampa Bay is also home to many universities and large companies that are doing cutting-edge research and making important advances in the medical field. There are many exciting real estate options for retirees in the Tampa Bay area. Residents can choose between urban living, waterfront villas or active adult communities, and as lifestyles and housing needs change due to age, there will be a variety of long-term options available to cater to all needs.

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