Donaldsonville property owners sue
In December,Donaldsonville residents complained of “extremely loud”noise and alleged damage to historicbuildings amid pile-driving for aBayou Lafourche project that aims to revitalizethe water supply.In January,city officials discussed suing to halt the construction. Now,property owners have takenlegal action.
The$96 million project is expected to triple thecapacity of thepump station, which sendswater from the Mississippi River down Bayou Lafourche. Anticipated to completed by October 2025, it aims to protect the drinking supply for residents of Lafourche, Terrebonne, Assumption and
As of July 24, 13 suits have been filed in the 23rd Judicial District Court against the BayouLafourche FreshWater District,Sealevel Construction Inc., Stantec Consulting Group Inc. andDelta CoastConsultantsLLC

The fog rolled inearlySaturday morning as children andtheir parents lined the banks at Twin Lakes Mobile HomesEstates for the East Ascension Sportsmen’sLeague Kids Fishing Rodeo. It
thegroup’s63rd fishing rodeofor children. After thefishing, which started at 7a.m., the children and theirparentsand grandparents were treated to lunch, and prizeswere handed out

Master Gardener course planned ALouisiana
course will be
this fall. The
er Program
at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales beginning Aug. 6through October For moreinformation or to receive and application contact LSU AgCenter Horticulture Agent Mariah Simoneaux at (225) 621-5799 or Found astray?Here’show to help Cara’sHouse animal shelter is offering anew program to help reduce its shelter population and provide care for lost or abandoned animals. The Found aStray program encourages people who find alost pet to
in Ascension
to school fest Ascension 4Youth Fest’sBack-2School Bash is set for10a.m. to 2p.m. Aug. 3atthe WagCenter,1201 Maginnis St., Donaldsonville. The event will include food, music, hair cuts, schools uniforms, physicals,
Ascension parishes and combat saltwater intrusion, according to a2022 news release by the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
Owners allege the construction for the pump station has damaged their properties and caused “excessive noise and vibrations” since August. Additionally,they claim that no involved group has monitoredvibration or noise levels. All are represented by attorneys Stephen Huber,Leandro Area and Christopher Whelen. Representatives for the Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District, Stantec andDelta Coast Consultants declined to comment Tuesday.Sealevel Construction didnot respond to requests for comment.None of the organizations have filed an answer to the petitions, according to the court dockets Allegedviolation of stateconstitution
Each petition claims the construction violated the Louisiana Constitution’s protectionof property from being damaged or taken by the state or political subdivisions. Allseek compensation for any damages and attorneyfees
According to aJuly16petitionbyPhillips Properties Inc., which owns multiple residential structures on Nicholls Street,the Bayou Lafourche Fresh Water District hired Sealevel Construction as the project’s general contractor. Stantecwas hired to obtain permits and design the pump station, while Delta Coast Consultants was selected to “provide various site, civil, and structural design services,” the petition added.

All the petitions repeat similar damage claims. According to the petition by Phillips Properties,the workhas allegedly “broken glass windows, damaged brick walls and foundation, cracked columns and sheetrock, diminished their properties’ resale value,and caused other property damage.
“The harm to Plaintiff’s properties and the disruption of its peaceful use of the properties are property interests recognized by Louisiana as compensable,” it added. “…The damages …could have been prevented if the Districthad exercisedreasonable careinits design, planning, acts, actions, activities and work at the construction site.”
Each lawsuit alleges the organizations didn’t consider alternative construction methods,
Gonzales City Council, DivisionB
Community news report
Kirk Boudreaux, Gonzales city councilman forDivision B, is running for reelection.
“Gonzales has so muchto be proud of when you look at how we havecontinuedto grow and prosper.Despite some challenges, our city has made great economicprogress with the opening of new restaurants, retail outlets, and the addition of the Pace Center,” Boudreaux said in aprepared statement. “This progress is the result of our elected officials working together. It’simportant to have someone with experience on the council to address the changes we willface in the future.
Boudreaux pointed to his experience and knowledge of the issues facing the city “I have always putthe priorities of the citizensof Gonzales first and Ipledgeto continue to do so,” Boudreaux said.
Duringhis tenure, thecity has continued to improve its road infrastructure. Working with the Ascension Economic Development Corporation Board, of which he is amember,hehas helped to bring interest in and developments to the city Boudreaux said he is firmly committed to the continued enhancement ofthe city’s athletic and recreational facilities with the CARE Center (Community Activity Recreation Education Center) currently underway and set for groundbreaking this fall. He strongly supports the Gonzales City Police Department and theGonzalesFire Department. Through his 16 years of effective leadership, Boudreaux said he has honorably represented all citizens of all racesand he looks forward to continuing that service with honesty and integrity.”
Boudreaux currently serves as thecity’smayor

pro-tem and is the city’streasurer acting as the people’s financial steward.
Boudreaux, alifelong resident of Gonzales, is married to Melanie Espey Boudreaux andhas two married sons, Tate Boudreaux and Joel Boudreaux.Heisthe grandparent of two grandsons and three granddaughters.
Kirk Boudreaux can be reachedat(225) 266-7222 or via email at kirkboud18@
The election is Nov.5
investigate the effects of pile driving, implement safeguards, properly monitor the construction or respond to the owners’ requests for investigation in atimely manner
Those allegations have circulated for months. In January,cityofficials directed the city attorney to researchwhetherit could sue to block the construction. At the same meeting, Sealevel Construction’sattorney Todd Magee said the company was discussingcomplaints with residents but had contractual obligations with the water district that it had to follow
On Tuesday,Donaldsonville Mayor Leroy Sullivan and the city’sattorney said the city didn’tsue because of alack of standing. No hearing has currently been scheduled, according to the court dockets.
Email ChristopherCartwright at christopher.cartwright@theadvocate. com.

THE ASCENSION ADVOCATE,40444 Cannon Road,Gonzales, LA 70737(225) 388-0215
Darlene T. Denstorff OFFICE:(225) 388-0215 CELL:(225) 603-1998
RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright (225) 388-0125
Send your news,photos or lettersby4 p.m. Friday EMAIL: MAIL: useaddressabove THE
CALL: (225)388-0200
M–F,6A.M 5P.M SAT,7 A.M.–10:30 A.M.
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MARY DICHARRY CELL:(225) 937-8717 DEADLINE: 5p.m.Fridayprior to publication.
DEATH NOTICES CALL:(225) 388-0289
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Veteran volleyball coach Chandra Ewen is starting over, wellsort of.Ewen will be the first head volleyball coach forthe newly opened Prairieville high school. Ewen coached for 13 years at Ascension Catholic taking the Bulldogstothe finalsin2006and thesemifinals three times. Sheis staying in the district as she moves over after three seasons at St. Amant.

“The opportunity to be the first volleyball coach in school history,beable to establish thecultureand direction of the program is so exciting. Iamthankful forthe administration for giving me this opportunity,” Ewen said.
The Hurricaneshave started their preparation for the season with everything brand-new: anew gym, new uniforms and new players
“Getting to know the players this summerinpractices and teamcamp allowed the coaches to develop relationshipsand for ourteam to get to know each other,” Ewensaid.
Ewen mentioned freshmen Kate Perniciaro(outsidehitter/middle), Kenley Mclean (outside hitter)and Haley Sears (setter/outside hitter) as some players that have stood outearly.The roster will be amixture of young players with limited older players that were given the option of staying at their current school or transferring over depending on where they resided in thedistrict.
Also new is the staff, and Ewen has formed astaff that she knows will work and develop the girls.
“Leslie Ewen (daughter), Brittney Bennett andAshlynn Picou will join me. Leslie is involved with Impact Volleyball, while Brittney comes over from Dutchtown and Ashlyn played for me at StAmant. We have agood mixture of coaches that will benefitthe girls,” Ewen said.
The team has worked hard to this point and will need to ready as they go straight into varsity play in Division 1, District 5with fellow parish teams, Dutchtown, East Ascension and St. Amant.
“We attended LSU camp and allowed usthe opportunity to seeour freshmanheavy varsity go against sometop pro-
Gonzales receives $10,000 CommunityDevelopment Grant from Louisiana Economic Development
Community news report
Gonzales is oneof10 recipients of anew grant that will supportimprovement projects and promote further growth in certified Louisiana Development Ready Communities.
Gonzales will receive $10,000 for updatingthe city’swebsite with anew page dedicated to economic development and developing new marketing materials.
“The city of Gonzales is delighted to be selected for this award from Louisiana Economic Development. We have already seen great benefits for following the Development Ready Community process with the assistance of LED, and this is just one more reason for us to be exited about being one of the cities in Louisiana who have participated in the LDRC program,” said Mayor Ryland Percy
These funds will help Gonzales showcasehow great the city is to other people looking forinformation about Gonzales, whether that is to be abusiness looking to locate here, apotential new resident,or atourist, by providing easy access toimportant informationabout resources, assets, opportunities and quality of life, anews release said.
“This new grant program is agreat additiontothe many benefits of the LDRC program, and LED applauds these communities for seizing this opportunity,” LED Chief Economic Competitiveness Officer Ileana Ledetsaid.
“Welook forwardtoseeing these funds used to increase the competitiveness of these communities and open the door for new investment and job creation in every corner of Louisiana.”
Gonzales is among ten LDRC certifiedparishesor municipalities across the state to be awarded competitive $10,000grantsto defray communitydevelopment expenses for projects ranging from marketing and infrastructure to certifiedsite improvements and beautification efforts.The other 2024 LDRC Grant recipients are:
n City of Carencro, AcadianaRegion n CityofNatchitoches, Northwest Region n City of West Monroe, Northeast Region n Community of Algiers, Southeast Region n Jeff Davis Parish, Southwest Region n Lafourche Parish,Bayou Region n St.Bernard Parish, Southeast Region n Terrebonne Parish, Bayou Region n Town of Livingston, Capital Region.
grams in thestate. The girls competed at alevel beyond thecoaches’ expectations,”Ewen said. Most teams set goals for theseason,but Ewen has something else in mind forher team. “Instead of settinggoals, we are establishing habits that we want to create and strengthen to improve our overall team success,” Ewen said.
Having ayoung team could be seen as a disadvantage, but Ewen is excited about thepossibilities. “I am arelationship person and gettingtoguide these young ladies from day one withnoupperclassmen is agood challenge in my eyes. Hopefully you will see ateam that works hard and has growth in different areas. Right now, weare striving to out work each other and have that transition into success on and off the court,” Ewen said. Watch out for the Hurricanes this season, somethingiscertainly brewing in thevolleyball program.
Troy LeBoeuf covers sportsfor the Ascension Advocate.Hecan be reached at or or on Twitter @Troyleboeuf

Amidst growingdemand forSTEMGraduates,Shellpartnered with LSU, Our Lady of theLakeHealth, LCMC Healthand others to help bring a$148M science building to LSU.
theOur Lady of theLakeHealthInterdisciplinar Science Buildingwill preparestudents to solve themostimportant challengesfacingour world todayand fordecadestocome
Formoreinformation aboutthis newfacility or theinstitute,another outcomes-focused partnership betweenShell and LSU,visit

Fishermen find spotsonadock during the East AscensionSportsmen’s League’s63rd Kids FishingRodeo on SaturdayinGeismar

AscensionOaks Nursing&RehabilitationCenter hasbeenselectedbythe American Health Care Association to receive the 2024 Bronze -CommitmenttoQuality Award earningnationalhonorsfor developing and demonstratingeffective approaches that help improveperformance andquality outcomes.
“I applaudAscensionOaksNursing &RehabilitationCenterfor theircommitment to providingthe highestquality of care and enhancingthe livesoftheir residents. TheBronze–Commitment to QualityAward is an incredible recognitionoftheir unwaveringfocus on deliveringquality care fortheir residents,” saidMarkBerger,executivedirectoroftheLouisianaNursing Home Association(LNHA).
AscensionOaksandsisterCentralManagementfacilitieshaveearned30bronzequalityawardsand22silverqualityawards since2016.Oftheseawards,fivebronzeawardswereearnedin2024.Since2018,Louisiananursingfacilitieshaveearned97 nationalquality awards,ranking Louisiana 12th-best in thenation.

TheNationalQuality AwardProgram by theAmericanHealth CareAssociation andthe National Center forAssisted Living(AHCA/NCAL) hasthree progressivelevelsof achievement –bronze, silver,and gold.Implemented byAHCA/NCALin1996,theNationalQualityAward Program is centeredonthe core values andcriteria of theBaldrigePerformance Excellence Program. The programassists providersoflongtermand postacute care services in achieving theirperformance excellence goals. Theawardswill be presentedduring AHCA/NCAL’s75thAnnualConventionandExpoin Orlando,Florida on October6-9, 2024.

“OurmissionatAscensionOaksisImprovingQualityofLife,andreceivingthisawardisareflectionofthehighstandardofcare thatour staff provides to ourresidents,” said Matt Walton,Ascension Oaks administrator. “Weare honoredtoberecognized with such aprestigious awardthatshows howdedicated ourstaff is to ourmission.”