Before joining Ascension Public Schools, Miller began her career as amath and science teacherinTerrebonne Parish.In2008, shejoined Dutchtown Middle as amath teacherand later transitioned to teaching chemistry at Dutchtown High School. Her roles within the school systeminclude serving as agraduation coach,school counselor, instructional coach and administrative intern She is married to ChaseMiller
Johnson is the mother of two children, whom are East Ascension High School alumni:Darrell “DJ”Johnson Jr., Classof 2022; and Dari Johnson Smith, Class of2016. “In 1986,I walked intoEastAscension High School as a14-year-old freshman, never imagining I’d be where Iamtoday Many leaders in Ascension saw potential in me that Ihadn’tyet recognized in myself,” said Johnson.“Iamprofoundly grateful for your trust, belief, mentorship, and support, which provided me with thebroader perspective Ineeded.”
Lowery Elementary assistantprincipal
“I am deeply grateful to everyonefor opening this door forme. Iam thrilled to be back at Dutchtown High,aplace that feels like home,” said Miller.“Together,Iknow wewill continue to achievegreat things.” East AscensionHighassistant principal Johnson 1990 graduate ofEastAscension High School. She earned abachelor’s degree in mathematics education from LSU and amaster’s degreein educational leadership from Southeastern Louisiana University Before joining Ascension Public Schools, Johnson worked as amath teacher at St. James High Schoolfor one year.In1996, shejoined East Ascension HighSchool asamath teacher.In2023, she took on the role of teacher coach at East Ascension.

Henry is agraduate of Donaldsonville High School. She holds an associate and abachelor’sdegree from Nicholls State University Furthering her education, she earned amaster’sdegree in educational leadership from Grand Canyon University.She is pursuing adoctoral degreeineducational leadership atSoutheastern Louisiana University.
Henry began her career in AscensionParish in 2012. Over the years, she has served invarious capacities, including as asubstituteteacher for two years, aparaprofessional for one year,anelementary teacher forseven years, and aTAP mentor teacher fortwo years. Her diverse experience spans several schools, including Donaldsonville Primary,Sorrento Primary,and Lowery Middle schools.
Henry is engaged to DavidHampton Jr
D’Ron McZeal, East Ascension defensiveback
Continued from page1G
every second with our football staff. They bring the energy to each day enjoyable. The coaches push us to go pass our limit to win set us up for success, we want to win each day no matter what we are doing.”
McZeal was asecond team all-district selection last season but has loftier expectations for this season.
“The number one goal is to win astate championship, no other individual goals, just that, win astate championship,” McZeal said.
College coaches that have visited in the spring have taken notice of McZeal and that process will take care of itself according to McZeal. “Putting the work in will yield positive results. Iwant to earn a college football scholarship. So far,Texas State has offeredme. Iplan to major in engineering in college,” McZeal said.
Continued from page1G
When asked aboutwhat game is circled for him, McZeal didn’thesitate. “I look forwardtoour game with Dutchtown because I played myfreshman year there and wenttotheir feederschools since kindergarten.Iknow abunch ofthose guys, but whenwe are on thefield,its strictly business and Iam riding with myguys at EA,” McZeal added Matherne has big plans for McZeal, and he knows that one college program will get agreat player
“Ourplansare to usehim are big, he is our returner on special teams,” Matherne said. “He will startin thesecondaryand be our leader there. He will play multiple positions, even some QB dependingonthe situation.D’Ron is aspecial talentand colleges are tanking notice. He has interest from Stanford, UL, Southeastern and Northwestern state along with the Texas State offer.” With only two weeks before scrimmages can start, McZeal andhis teammates want to show Spartan
in Gonzales. This will mark the society’s60thanniversary.Admission is $5 for adultsand children5-12 get in for $3. Military personnel are free with identification. Vendors will be on hand with gemstones, fossils geodes, fine jewelry and minerals.
Tanger hostsvendor market
Nation what they are all about.
“Our group is ready for the season and my actions will be someone who is a great leader that younger guys can look up to. Iwant to be remembered as agod fearing, humble and hardworking young man that can light up aroom with positive energy,” McZeal said.
For now,Matherne likes where his team is and having aplayer like McZeal to lead it makes it that much more exciting. “Hebrings that energy everyday to our team, the one compliment Ican give to him is that Ihope my two sons grow up to be like D’Ron McZeal,” Matherne said. Now to me or anyone reading this, that statement certainly qualifies as a‘coach’sdream’.
Troy LeBoeuf covers sports for the Ascension Advocate. He can be reached at troyleboeuf@ or ascension@theadvocate. com or on Twitter@ Troyleboeuf
Tanger Outlets Gonzales is hosting a backtoschool craft and vendor markets Aug. 10-11 in the outdoors areas of the mall. The event is planned for 10 a.m. to 4p.m.Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday Found astray?
Cara’sHouse animal shelter is offering anew program to help reduce its shelter population and provide care for lostor abandoned animals TheFound aStray program encourages people who find alost pet to call the shelter andposted the animal. For information, call Cara’sHouse at (225) 675-0400. Cara’s House provides for all the animal’sneeds while it’sunder foster care.
Contact Darlene Denstorffbyphone, (225) 388-0215 or (225) 603-1998; or email, or Deadline: 5p.m. Friday
and is the mother to three children: Major, Mia and Macoy
“I am deeply grateful to everyone for theirunwavering supportand motivation over the years, which has inspired me to strive forexcellence. Iwanttoextendmy heartfelt thanks tothe board for this incredible opportunity,” said Henry.“Iassure you that Iwill not let you down; becoming an assistantprincipal has always beena dream of mine.”
Prairieville Primaryassistant principals
Due to the estimated size of enrollment at Prairieville Primary,the school willnow havetwo assistantprincipalstoserve alongside Principal Kimberly Ammons.
Dunbar graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University with abachelor’s degree in elementary education.She furthered hereducation by earning amaster’sdegree in educational leadership from Southeastern Louisiana University in 2013. She has served as astudent teacher,elementary teacher,master teacher and most recently, asanassistant principal at Gonzales Middle School. Her experience at various levels of education equips her with the skills and knowledge to excel in her new role.
She is married to Ken Dunbar,and they have two children: Kamille and Mackey
“I am thrilled to bring everything I’ve learned over the past three years in middle school back to Prairieville Primary.It’swon-
derful to return to the primary world, where my journey began and where my hearttruly lies. Ifeel blessed to lead alongside this outstanding staff as we continue to nurture and grow every Cardinal. It is an honor to serve the Prairieville Primary communityasa whole,” Dunbar said.
Roberts holds abachelor’sdegree in elementary education from Louisiana College and amaster’sdegree in educational leadership from Southeastern Louisiana University.She is also certified in special education.
Roberts began her career in Ascension Parish in 2015 at Lowery Elementary School. Over the years, she has progressed through various roles, including mentor teacherand master teacher In 2020, she joined Prairieville Primary as a fourth-grade teacher,and in 2023, shetook on the role of teacher coach, further enhancing her leadership skills and dedication to student success. She is married to Philip Roberts and is the mother of twin boys, Teddy and Shepherd. Robertsthanked theschoolsystemfor showing “trust and confidence” in her “ability to lead Prairieville Primary.”
“I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our incredible principal, whose support, guidance, and mentorship have been instrumental in my growth as both an educator and aleader.Your dedication and passion forfostering growth for allstudents continue to inspire me.”
Continued from page1G
thenew school. Thecharacter resulted from thatwork and will be seen primarily in acustom mascot costume. The new mascot is part of several custom-designed logos for Prairieville High
These are the trademark registered and approved logos for the new Prairieville High School.
School thatare trademark registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State. It replaces aprevious gameday character logo, which is trademark registered but no longer approved foruse. Prairieville High School will open itsdoors to students for the first time on Aug. 8. The new school will be the home to approximately 1,300 students from the Dutchtown, East Ascension and St. Amant feeder systems following acomprehensiveredistricting effort that took place last school year
Formoreinformation about Prairieville High School, visit
The following people were booked into theAscension Parish Jail on July 18-25:
FRAZIER, XAVIER DEWAYNE: 2179 La. 70 No. 114, Donaldsonville; 36; first-degreerape
WHITE, TIAJAH MONTE: 117 Oak Ridge Ave., Donaldsonville; 27; fivecountsfailureto appear-bench warrant, fugitive-otherLouisiana jurisdiction, domestic abusebattery-child endangerment
GUEDRY, TIFFANIE MARTINEZ: 40076 W. New River Extension, Gonzales; 46; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of a Schedule IV controlled dangerous substance (alprazolam)
METREJEAN II, BERNIE JOSEPH: 39021 Prairie South Drive, Gonzales; 30; failure to appearbench warrant
CARTER, ERIN: 220 S. Calvin Ave., Gonzales;44; domestic abuse battery
MURILLOUMANZOR, MARVIN EDUARDO: 13514 Oak MeadowSt., Gonzales; 31; holdfor other agency,four counts failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitive-other Louisianajurisdiction evidence of motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, driver mustbelicensed, driving on roadway laned for traffic,operating while intoxicated-third
PINEDAREYES,DAVID OTONIEL: 39456 Coontrap Road, Gonzales; 26; fugitive-otherLouisiana jurisdiction, proper equipment required on vehicles-displayofplate, obstruction to driver’s view or driving mechanism,novelty orunofficial credentials, security required, owner to secureregistration,drivermust be licensed, careless operation,recklessoperation, hit-and-run driving, operatingwhile intoxicated-first
MELLON, NICOLE R.: 48024 Rogers ARoad,St. Amant; 42; failuretoappear-bench warrant, prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of Schedule IIcontrolled dangerous substance, operating vehiclewhilelicense is suspended, security required, owner to secureregistration, stopping/parking/or standing upon the highway shoulder-driving upon thehighway shoulder
STARLING, KIYUN: 505 Bonnie St., Donaldsonville; 18; contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, simple criminal damagetoproperty
$1,000 to $50,000, theft $1,000 but less than
$5,000, simple burglary,resisting an officer
BRAUD,JAMES: 12330 Samuel Babin Road, Gonzales;71; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, manufacture/distribution/possession with the intent to distribute Schedule I controlled dangerous substance, driving on roadway laned for traffic, operating while intoxicated-first
JOHNSON, JEREMY Q.: 17797 Airline Highway No. 15, Prairieville; 43; theft of amotorvehicle
$5,000 to $25,000, twocounts failuretoappearbench warrant
HONORE, DILLEN OSHA: 7105 Bob White St., Walker; 20; failuretoappear-bench warrant, battery of adating partner-child endangerment
PHILLIPS,JUSTIN RYAN: 10503 W. Octavia Circle, St. James; 42; reckless operation, domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
JACOB, COREY PAUL: 11119 SavoyRoad,St. Amant;20; expired motorvehicle inspection, traffic-controlsignals,careless operation, operatingwhile intoxicated-second
EUGENE, DWAYNE ANDRE: 41235 Zeola Lane, No. 18, Gonzales; 34; violations of protective orders LONG, SEDRICK DEONY: 34273 Garnet Lake Drive, Walker; 44; view outwardorinward through windshield or windows-obscuring prohibited, obedience to and required trafficcontroldevices, reckless operation,operating while intoxicated-first
OLIVER, WESLEY LYNN: 38435 Cal Road, Gonzales; 66; battery of adating partner;child endangerment
DAVIS,TADD A.: 14330 Courtney Road, Walker; 28; Careless Operation, possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, hit-and-run driving, operating while intoxicated-first
MUNN, NATHANIEL: 603 S. Burnside Ave. Gonzales; 35; bond revocation,resistingan officer, entry on or remaining in places or on land afterbeing forbidden
HOGAN, JYNESHA DENISE: 6183 Waterford Lane, Sorrento; 20; probation violation parish, failuretoappear-bench warrant
ROME, TREVEON D’EVONTE: 5612 Brightside View Drive, No. 4, Baton Rouge; 26; obstruction of justice/all others, theft of afirearm, illegal possession of stolen firearms, simple burglary
VINES,BREYAUNNA DENISE: 10504 Legion St., Convent; 22; failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, failure to appear-bench warrant, cruelty to animalssimple
BACON, MICHAEL J.: 13056 BayouTerrace Drive, St. Amant; 42; possession of heroin, prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, distribution/possession with the intent to distribute Schedule IV controlleddangerous substance (alprazolam)
BALDRIDGE, TSHANDAMARIE: 13208 La. 431, St. Amant; 44; failuretoappear-bench warrant, cruelty to animals-aggravated
DESIRA, AQUENDAS RONTRELL: 935 Elizabeth St., Donaldsonville; 33; possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies, flight from an officer
LONG, TIMOTHY TERRRELL: 40101 Cornerview Road, Gonzales; 53; domestic abuse battery
LEHMANN, CABRINA L.: 42085 Weber City Road, Gonzales; 55; domestic abuse battery
WRIGHT,JESSICAANN: 12367 Gilbert Leblanc Road, Gonzales; 41; failuretoappear-bench warrant
JACKS III, LEONARD BEDFORD: 12285 Laurel Ridge Road, St. Amant; 32; failuretoappearbench warrant, simple burglary,unauthorized entry of acritical infrastructure
PIPER, SHAWANDADIONE: 243 Gabriel Lane, Alexandria; 48; theft $1,000 but less than $5,000 WHITE, JONATHAN JAMAL: 1204 Bryant St., Donaldsonville; 29; fugitive-other state jurisdiction, violations of protectiveorders, domestic abuse battery
SAIA, LISAFOURNET: 3218 LakeForest Park Ave., Baton Rouge; 64; theft $1,000 but less than $5,000, simple criminal damage to property $1,000 to $50,000
BRUNO JR., WARREN DAVID: 17021 Camden Drive, Prairieville; 34; three counts failureto appear-bench warrant, violations of protectiveorders
GROS JR., KENNETH P.: 12547 Hidden Ridge Road, Walker; 56; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction KING, MICHAEL SANDERS: 6427 Chippendale Drive, Baton Rouge; 51; unauthorized use of a movable under $1,000, extortion
RICHARDSON, SEAN MATTHEW: 11024 La. 431, St. Amant; 35; failuretoappear-bench warrant, theft of afirearm, theft $5000 but less than $25,000
WILLIAMS,DEVANTADONTRELL: 41429 Richard Miles Road, Gonzales; 32; four counts failure to appear-bench warrant
SANDERS,MELVIN J.: 3127 Robinson Lane, Donaldsonville; 37; theft $1,000 but less than $5,000
TROSCLAIR, TOMMY JAMES: 229 E. State St., Baton Rouge; 32; aggravated assault ABNER JR., JOHN HENRY: 13230 High Meadow Drive, Gonzales; 53; failuretoreturn leased movables obtaining by false representation less than $1,000
GUILLORY, GRANT JOSEPH: 16344 Lessie Lane, Prairieville; 26; maximum speed limit, operating while intoxicated-second
JONES,JAMES N.: 8365 Debate St., Sorrento; 60; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of heroin
EVERETT,KYLE D.: 12117 George Lambert Road, St. Amant; 40; pornographyinvolving juveniles, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction BUCHANAN, BRYANT: 2652 Dayton St., Baton Rouge; 39; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
THIBEAU, WARREN J.: 18090 Little Prairie Road, Prairieville; 41; twocounts failuretoappearbench warrant
MILLS,TRAVIS LEE: 503 St. Patrick St., Donaldsonville; 41; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, entry on or remaining in places or on land after being forbidden, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling COXSR., DEAUNRAYJOSEPH: 512 Nicholls St., Donaldsonville; 39; failuretoappear-bench warrant
388-0215 PUBLISHEDEVERY WEDNESDAY baton_rouge/news/communities/ ascension/
Darlene T. Denstorff
225) 388-0215 CELL:(225) 603-1998
RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright (225) 388-0125
Malaya createdMentor Milo, aplatform connecting studentsand counselors
Mentor Miloisacontemporarymethod forcommunication between studentsand counselors. Throughthis software, counselors canschedule meetings, store information and moreeasily connectwithstudents. The programwill first be developed as aweb application and then expanded to mobile devices. Malayashares he resourcesprovided by school counselorsled me to competein national debate tournaments, enroll in early collegewithRiver Parishes CommunityCollege, and applyfor the YoungEntrepreneurs Academy. It would be ideal if all studentscould receive the individual attention Ireceived.”
Shell congratulatesMalayaon building a productdesigned to help studentsreach their fullest potential!
Malaya’spitch wonher $1,500 in seed money. Like other graduates, she is eligible forthree credits at theLSU E. J. Ourso CollegeofBusiness
To keep thebranding fun and recognizable,Malaya’s business planfeatures her dogMilo in thelogo.
MALAYA MORRISisduallyenrolled as aDutchtown High School junior participating in theRiver Parishes CommunityCollege EarlyCollege Option program. Sheisonthe road to a future filled with unlimited possibilities. Sheisone of 22 graduatesofthe 2024 YoungEntrepreneursAcademyBaton Rouge(YEABR),auniquelearning experience guidingtoday’s youthas they transform intotomorrow’s business leaders.
YEABR, an after-school programlocated on LSU’scampus, teaches high school studentshow to create,execute and pitch business plansfor funding.
Part of anationalorganization, YEABRis sponsored by theBaton Rouge Area Chamber (BRAC), LSUE.J.Ourso College of Business, and LouisianaEconomicDevelopment (LED) Each year,YEA BR comestolife throughthe enthusiastic supportofareabusinesses As asponsor of YEABR, Shell supports programscholarships forstudentsin Ascension Parish,wherethe company employs morethan600 people at its Geismar facility.
Foradditional information about YEABR, visit Applications forthe 2024-25 programare accepted throughAugust18.
Community news report
The summer may be nearly overfor AscensionParish students, but children were treated to aday of fun activitiesduring the annual Ascension 4Youth Fest Back2-School Bash.
The first of two events was July 27 at the Gonzales Civic Center and the second event was held Saturday in Donaldsonville.
Sponsored by Ascension Parish Government, the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office and Gonzales, families were treated to games and food.
Oxy,one of the sponsors alongwithCFIndustries, Shell and dozens of other local businesses, passedout backpacks and school supplies Ascension Parish PresidentClint Cointment kicked off activities for the event, along withseveral otherAscension Parish representatives.
“The youth fest takes the community and everyone getting involved,” Cointmentsaid. “This requires a collaboration of so many “It shows the importance of education and the importanceofstarting every student on the same level.”
Ascension Parish Sheriff Bobby Webre added that, “There may be many challengesinschool, but nothing is more special than giving everyone the tools youneed to get back to school.”
Gonzales interim Mayor Ryland Percy spoke about the city’srole in the event.
“We’re certainly enthused and excited to help all school childrenstart offona good foot,” Percy said.
One of the local vendors providing childrencreative activities included Paint and Jam’smobiletravel painting party
“Studentsneed resources and student services,” Lewis said. “Weare outhere today to connect with thechildren andparents.
“Welove kids to learn and participate in atype of way that’screative whilesettingthem up to be ready for school,” said owner Shamerick Simoneaux, who wasrecently crowned Mrs. Louisiana America 2024. “Weneed to lead by example and condition youths’ mindstocarry on for the next generation.” Schillesci Lewis, AscensionParish schoolscoordinator of student services, provided information about the new disciplinary laws that are in effect forthe new school year
“Weare all about preventive measures Iwant to help prevent discipline problems ahead of time.”
For informationabout the upcoming school year in Ascension Parish, visitwww
Ascension ParishPresident Clint Cointment
GabbyScardino standswith stilt walker Katie Jane.
Ascension Parish children and their families were treated to aday of fun activities during theannual bash.
Backpacks and otherschoolsupplies were passed out Saturday to children during the Ascension 4YouthFest Back-2-School Bash at the Gonzales Civic Center on Saturday.