Talk marks125th anniversaryof‘TheAwakening’
A Pulitzer Prize-nominated author who wrote the definitive biography of Kate Chopinwill discuss the social impact of Chopin’s “The Awakening,” marking its 125th anniversary,at2:30 p.m. Aug. 17 at the East Bank Regional Library,4747W Napoleon Ave., Metairie.
Emily Toth, Ph.D., the RobertPenn Warren professor of English and Women’s Studies at Louisiana State University,isthe author of 11 books, including five on Chopin.
“The Awakening,” first published in 1899, is set in New Orleans and Grand Isle at the end of the 19th century. The plot centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle between her increasingly unorthodoxviews on femininity and motherhood and the prevailing social attitudes of the turn-of-the-century American South.
It is one of the earliest American novels that focuses on women’s issues using narrative techniques. It is also widely seen as alandmark work of early feminism, generating amixed reaction from contemporary readersand critics.
Toth’spresentation occurs as part of the regularly scheduledmeeting of theNew Orleans Secular HumanistAssociation.
Toth is ascholar,novelist, advice columnist, and feminist activist.
Her historical novel “Daughters of New Orleans” (1983)was named a“Best Feminist Historical Novel”byRomantic Times in1984. She was alsothe founder and editor of the journalRegionalism and the Female Imagination (formerly TheKate Chopin Newsletter) from1975 to 1979 and on the editorial board of the journal Southern Studies.
Toth is an associate of the Women’s Institute forFreedom of thePress, anonprofit publishing organization that works to increase communication among women andconnect the public with women-based media
CHINESE GENEALOGY: WinstonHo, an independent historian and writer specializing in modern China and Chinese American history in New Orleans, will discuss the five Asian-American Society tombsin New Orleans at 7p.m. Aug. 21 at the East Bank RegionalLibrary
The five tombs are:
n The Chinese Society Tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1(circa 1850s)
n The Hispano Filipino Tomb in St. Vincent De Paul Cemetery No. 2(1872)
n The Chinese Society Tomb in Cypress Grove Cemetery (1904)
n The ArabianCemetery in Mount OlivetCemetery (circa 1930s)
n The On Leong Merchants Association Tomb in CypressGrove Cemetery (1960) These tombs andthe inscriptions they bear provide aglimpse into these forgotten communities
ORGANIZING RESEARCH: Marguerite Scully,a professional genealogical researcher and lecturer,willpresent “Organizing Your Genealogical Research,”at7 p.m. Aug. 14 atthe East Bank RegionalLibrary Scully says that there comes apoint in almost everyone’sgenealogical research when the lack of organization of the information collected hinders the ability to make progress.
CITY ARCHIVES: Amanda Fallis, archivist at the City Archivesand Special Collections ofthe New Orleans Public Library,talks
about the archive’s
holdings at 6:30 p.m.Aug. 14 at the OldMetairie Library,2350 Metairie Road
OLDMETAIRIE GENEALOGY: Gwen Kelley,a librarian at the East Bank RegionalLibrary, will conduct aseries of genealogy classes at the OldMetairie Library
They take place at 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays in August.
n Aug. 15: Researching vital records
n Aug. 22: Researching newspapersand obituaries
n Aug.29: Researchingcemetery records
SATURDAY WRITER’S CLINIC: Bill Loehfelm, authorofthe critically acclaimed series featuring aNew Orleans Police Department rookie named Maureen Coughlin, will lead two sessions at the August editionofthe Saturday Writer’sClinic. It beginsat9:30 a.m. Aug. 17 at the East Bank Regional Library
9:30 a.m. “Building Believable Characters”: Loehfelm says characterization and characterdevelopment in writing aren’teasy Theyrequire you to imagine acharacter from the day they were born to the day that they die. This sounds like alot to thinkabout, but to be able to createa believable character,you have to know everythingabout themsothat when you put them into action, you know how theywill respond to the situation.
11 a.m. “Structure &Pacing”: According to Loehfelm, good pacing allows the writing to move in ebbs and flows. Pacing shouldn’t leave the reader without a chancetopause for breath; nor should it betoo slow
times throughout thecourse. XAVIER UNIVERSITY: Xavier has launched the “Xavier Gold Live”intergenerational podcast as an additional platform to sharealumnistories. It will run the firstTuesday of every month. Mass communication studentsJa’lyn Jones, of Chicago, andTaShia Hogue, of Holly Springs, Mississippi,will be the inaugural hosts. It’s available on Apple, Spotify and whereverpodcasts arelistened to.
XAVIER UNIVERSITY: Blue Bikes, NewOrleans’ community-run bikeshareprogram, is partnering with Xavier
to expand the program to campus. This partnership will provide the XULA community with ahealthyand environmentally friendly transportation option while also helping to reduce trafficcongestion around campus. NUNEZ COMMUNITY COLLEGE: The new Student Testing &Career Counseling CenteratNunezisopen, following aribbon-cutting ceremonyJuly 30. The center houses Nunez’s dedicated testing center, alongwith large flex spaces that are available for community use and the new Coffee House Nunezlocationand drivethrough
PERSONAL FINANCE: Sheila Cao, aperonal finances conultant, will give a eries of presentaions on financial management at p.m. on Mondays n August at the Jane ’BrienChatelain West Bank Regional ibrary,2751 ManhatanBlvd., Harvey The next one occurs
at 7p.m.Aug. 19. It’s titled “Understand How Money Works,” and it includes information on funds for college savings plans.
INVESTING: Tom Meyer,achartered retirement planning counselor and aregional speaker with the Association of Financial Educators, will discuss “Key Investing Concepts and Managing Risk” at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 20, at the West Bank Regional Library BOATING SAFETY: The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will conduct aboating safety class beginning at 9a.m.Aug. 24, at the Jane O’Brien Chatelain West Bank Regional Library.The Spanish language version of this course takes place at 9a.m Aug. 17, at the North Kenner Library,1000 Esplanade Ave., Kenner Students who complete the course will be issued avessel operator certification card. The class lasts between six and eight hours. Preregistration is recommended by going to the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website.
ChrisSmith is manager of adult programming at theJefferson Parish Public Library
By Amanda McElfresh
Thisstory is brought to youby Dillard University.
DillardUniversityistaking aproactive and responsiveapproach to help incoming freshmenpreparefor college. Admissions staff membersare on hand daily to answer questions and have simplified the enrollment process. In addition, the Dillard staff has integrated virtual meetingsand extended office hours in the offices of Business andFinance, Admissions and the Bursartoassist studentsand families with enrollment
“Weare looking at admissionsina differentway,” said Dr.Ceeon Smith, vice presidentof operations.“We look closelyatwhere each individual is in the enrollmentprocessand actively step in to help studentsget to the next step.”
are. We want to help thosestudents as much as we can.”
Over the past fewmonths, much of the staff’s focus has been on addressing concerns aboutthe Free Application forFederal StudentAid (FAFSA).The application foraid forthe 2024-25 academic year launched in December acrossthe United States, but has been plagued by numerous delays,glitches and technical errors.The result is thatsome studentsinthe nation arestill unsureabout the type and amount of financialaid they canreceive,regardless of which collegethey plantoattend.
Dr.Lakieta Emanuel said the outreach andresponsivenessfromDillardhas stood outasher daughterprepares to enroll this falltostudy film andtelevision. Dr.Emanuel recently traveled from California to New Orleans to help tie up looseends beforethe semester begins.
“Whenevermydaughtersends an email to anydepartment, theyactually getback to her,” Dr.Emanuel said. “I’ve been to three departments todayand every single person has invited me to come in and sit down, then given me the answers Ineed. This is howit’s supposed to be.It’sagreat feeling to know your questions will be answered.
Thatproactiveapproach has sometimes helped Dillardstaff uncoverobstacles that theycan help studentsovercome. Forexample, during the outreach, some prospective studentsneeded help with their enrollment fee. Dillard has developed aplan to waivethat feeinsome situationstoensurethatthere arenoobstacles in the wayofthe opportunity to enroll.
“Wedoget alot of questions aboutthe financialaspect of enrolling. We arehere to help families through thatprocess,”said Robert Mitchell, universityregistrar.“We arefortunate to have funding available to help students,thankstogenerous alums and communitysupporters.Ifa studentis worried about paying forcollege, we have a conversation about it to seewhatthe options
“It’scausedamajor pause formillions of currentand potential collegestudents in thecountry. Families cannot financially plan duetothe uncertainty surrounding nationalFASFAaward delays,” Dr.Smithsaid. “Our focus as an institution is ensurethat we remove anybarrierspreventing access to thequalityand robust education that uniquely defines Dillard University.
Aside from the online application, Dillard will accept newstudentapplications during SOAR WEEK, from August 14-17. This week includes numerous sessions to introduce newstudentstothe academic and co-curricular services and programs thatare available. Dillardstaff will be available to assist thosewho arejust beginning the application processbut want to move quickly to begin classesassoon as possible. Mitchell noted that Dillard is test-optional when it comes to admissions,which means applicants arenot required to submit standardized test scores.Students who opt to submit test scores must have at least an 18 on theACT or a960 on theSAT,aswell as at least a2.5 cumulativeGPA.First-year applicants who do not meet theserequirements must alsosubmittwo letters of recommendation and apersonal statementfor consideration. DillardUniversityisaprivate Historically BlackCollegeand Universityinthe Gentilly neighborhood of NewOrleans.Itoffers22 programs of study in areas such as business, thesciences,liberal arts,criminal justice, healthcare, publicpolicy,entertainmentand more. The universityhas an average13-to-1 facultytostudentratio.Inaddition, 59 percentofgraduates completetheirdegree in four yearsand 80 percentofgraduates areemployedorenrolled in graduateschool. Visit formoreinformation or to apply.
uniform drive sponsored by the nonprofit La-AdoptA-Family program. Entering its 31st year,the program has provided generations of elementary,middleand high school students with uniforms.
“Wehelp students in New Orleans schools first since the greatest need is in the city,” said Kevin Buckel, president of the program since its inception. “Weget requests from the surrounding area schools and in most cases, we can fill them
“Last year,wehelped 637 students with anew uniform.”
The group has raised over $1 million in the past30 years and hasspent 100% of the donations on school uniforms, according to its website.
School socialworkers help identify needy students.
“The students are either in school with no uniformor not attending school because they don’thave auniform,” Buckel explained. “Wetry to get the names of the neediest students.”
At Cohen High, 20 students are receiving uniforms.
“By providing uniforms for families in need, this program has aided in supporting scholar identity and eliminated barriers to social andemotionalfunctioning in peerinteractions,” said Johnson, the social worker Buckel works with area uniform shops to sell the uniforms at cost,using money from donations.
“Weallocate $50 per student,” Buckelsaid. “In most cases, each student gets two tops and one bottom. And the donors receive athank-you note from the students.”
All donations aretax-deductible, he added.
Zachary Harrison is asite
Continued frompage1G
it is likely trying to learn to fly andthe mother is nearby
coordinator for Communities in Schools Gulf South at Langston Hughes Academy As asocial worker,Harrison hasworked with Buckel for the past three years to identify students at theacademy whoneed uniforms.
This year,20students will receive ashirt and apair of pants with the option of an additional shirt or pants, he said.
“This program is extremely important to them as the uniform costs have become
amajor financial strainon families. And in my experience,studentsand their familieshave shown immense gratitude for the school uniforms.”
For Buckel, the most rewarding parts of thepro-
gram are the thank-you notes the students write to the donors.
“I send all the notes and their receipts back to the donors,” Buckel said. “Reading the notes each student sends not onlytouches me, but it
touches the donors as well.” If your child needs auniform, contact the school’s social worker he or she attends. Formoreinformation about La-Adopt-AFamily Program, go to
If it is in the yard, keep dogs and cats indoors for awhile until the bird to leaves the area.
If there are safety concerns because it’sahigh traffic area, place the baby bird in anearby bush or on atree branch. If a very young baby bird hasfallen out of the nest and can be placed back in, do so.
But if the baby appears to be injured or cold, it shouldnot be placed back in the nest. Call for help. If an adult bird or pigeon is on the ground and can be approached, it is likely injured and needsmedical attention.
For mammals, it is important not to handle any wild animals. Some carry rabies, plus they may bite out of fear or pain. Calling aprofessional is best if an injured animal is found.
If ababy squirrel is found, it may have just fallen out of the tree and should be left alone and observed from adistance.
The mother is likely nearby and will help her baby back up the tree. If the mother doesn’t return, the baby needs to be kept warm and help should be called for further instructions.
PROVIDED PHOTOBYTHE HUMANE SOCIETY OF LOUISIANA The just-approvedlicense plate will help supportgroups that rehab wildlife.
Visit to learn more about specialty license plates and how to get one.
Whom to call
Local parish shelters typically do not respond to calls for wildlife unless ahuman or animal has been bitten or attacked.
n For orphanedorinjured wildlife,call the Department of
Abox or sheet can be used to catch or contain an injuredbird or mammal, but it is not wise to touch any wildlife with bare hands.
Wildlife &Fisheries at (800) 4422511 for dispatch or (504) 2842023 for the local office.
n Silent Voices WildlifeRehabilitation may also be abletoassist. Call (504) 717-9767.
n Alist of additional Louisiana permitted wildlife rehabilitators be found at www.wlf.louisiana. gov/page/permitted-wildliferehabilitators.
Newlicense plates
During the recent legislative session, abill was passed creating aspecialty license plate to support wildlife rehabilitation efforts. Proceeds will be distributed to licensed wildliferehabbers through grants.
Another new plate will honor and support the Humane Society of Louisiana.
Parker is a 2-year-old female with a warm, calming presence, which makes her ideal for anyhome looking for slow-paced adoration. To learn more, email adoptionteam@ animalrescue
AUG. 17:Dog days of summer yappy hour takes place at Urban South Brewery,1645 Tchoupitoulas St., New Orleans, from 1p.m. to 5p.m. Urban South Brewery will donate $2 abrew to Animal Rescue New Orleans. Adoptable dogs will be on site from 1:30 p.m to 5:30 p.m. For more info email adopt@animalrescueneworleans. org.
Traci D. Howerton is the volunteer manager for Animal RescueNew Orleans (ARNO), anonprofit, volunteer-based, no-kill shelter.For more information on ARNO, visit www.animalrescueneworleans. org.
Don’thandle awild animal that’sfallen or injured
ALangston Hughes Academy student models his newschool uniformshirtin2022 as social worker Catheryn Major,left, and another student watch.
AUDUBON ZOO: To celebrate the 52-year tenure of the zoo’s president and CEO, Ron Forman, prices on Aug. 17 will be $19.72. Guests areencouraged to dontheir favorite bell bottoms, flowerpower, peace signs and other ‘70s threads. Admission to Cool Zoois$10 for members, $13 for nonmembers. CoolZoo is open weekends only through Labor Day.
Glassroots will accept glass for recycling on Aug. 15, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Algiers Regional Library,3014 HolidayDriveinNew Orleans. It will also accept glass Aug. 16, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Milton H. Latter Memorial Library,5120St. Charles Ave. in New Orleans, and on Aug. 20, 10:30 a.m.-12:30p.m., in the yard at Alvar Library,913 AlvarSt. in New Orleans. WINGSPAN FORWETLANDS
COMPETITION: An evening of strategic board-gamingfun, featuring the bird-centric, card-driven game Wingspan, will be held on Aug.17at Skeeta Hawk Brewing, 455 N. Dorgenois St. in New Orleans. Afreenew-playertutorial begins at 5:30 p.m., and competition beginsat6p.m. Registration for competitors is $10. All fees and aportion of food and drink sales go to support forested wetland restoration in Louisiana. www
WYES COASTAL EXPO: This free event, to be held Aug. 17, 1-4 p.m., will showcase coastal organizations from across the state to establish greater community awareness aboutcoastalrestoration efforts. It will be held at WYES,916 New Orleans, on the campus of Delgado Community College.
CULTURE COLLISION: The kickoff to the cultural season will be held Aug. 28, 5:308:30 p.m., at theJefferson Performing Arts Center, 6400 AirlineDriveinMetairie. The free happyhour introduces potential audience members, volunteers, patrons and artists to the diverse mix of arts organizations.
MERMAID PARADE: KreweDu Fool hosts its parade along the river front from St. Philip to theAudubon Aquarium,1 Canal St. in New Orleans, on Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m. Mermaids, mermen, sea crea-
tures, fishpirates and sailors areinvited to participate. Fees are$25, withproceeds benefiting theAudubon Institute education department. (504) 444-3604.
DESIRE”: TheClassicMovie Evening on Aug. 15 will be the Tennessee Williams melodramaset in New Orleans. It will be shownat6p.m. at the River RidgeLibrary,8825 JeffersonHighway in River Ridge.
SHORT-FILM SCREENING: Women in Film &Television in Louisiana will host an afternoon of short films on Aug. 17, 3-6 p.m., at BigCouch, Suite 101 at 1045 Desire NewOrleans. Tickets startat $12.50 via Eventbrite. www
“DUNE: PART TWO”: The 2024 science fiction sequel based on the novels by Frank Herbertwillbeshown Aug 17, 2-4:45 p.m., at RosedaleLibrary, 4036 Jefferson Highway in Jefferson.www.jplibrary net.
“FIELD OF DREAMS”: The SaturdayMovie Matinee is thebaseball fantasyset in
an Iowa cornfield. It will be shown at the North Kenner Library,630 W. Esplanade Ave. in Kenner,onAug.31, 1-3 p.m.
“THE COLOR PURPLE”: The 2023 musical based on Alice Walker’sPulitzer Prize-winning novelwill be shown Aug 31, 2-4:30 p.m.,atRosedaleLibrary,4036 Jefferson Highway in Jefferson. www.jplibrary net.
The Chabad Jewish Center of Metairie presents “AnEvening with Holocaust SurvivorSaul Dreier” on Aug. 14, 7p.m., at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center,6400 Airline Drivein Metairie. Dreier, who worked at Oskar Schindler’sfactory duringWorldWar II, is the founder of theHolocaust SurvivorBand. Tickets start at $15. www.jewishlouisiana. com.
HNOC CE SOIR: The Historic New Orleans Collection will host acelebration Aug. 14, 4:30-8 p.m.,atthe Collection, 533 RoyalSt. in New Orleans. The event will featurelive musicand free Italian Ice from Angelo Brocato for the first 100 guests. The café and
shop will also remainopen. Admission is free with RSVP
THURSDAYSATTWILIGHT: The concert series featuring musicians, mint juleps and more continues on Thursdays 6-8 p.m.,through August at the Pavilionofthe TwoSisters at the New Orleans Botanical Garden, 1Victory Ave. in New Orleans. Aug. 15 is Audrey LeCrone&the Crawzaddies. Aug. 22 is the Pfister Sisters. Admission is $15.
BATTLE BONDS AND BEYOND: WWII’SUNOFFICIAL CLUBS: The National WWIIMuseum’s dinner with acuratorseries continues with adiscussion of thecamaraderie that led to the formation of manyunique groups and exclusiveyet unofficial clubs, which often had strange and oddly specific criteria formembership. The dinner and presentation will be Aug. 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.,at BB’s StageDoor Canteen, 945 Magazine St.inNew Orleans. Tickets are$80.
BILDO: MarkAnthony Thomas and members of theLouisiana Philharmonic Orchestra will perform aprivate concert
featuring songs spanning the generations to celebrate the ministryofNextGeneration ClubsonAug. 16, 6p.m., at theCabildo State Museum, 701 ChartresSt. in New Orleans. Tickets startat$250 and includeaccess to the after party.
JEWISH CULTURAL ARTS SERIES: The NewOrleans Jewish CommunityCenter’s series celebrates Jewish authors, music, film, and art each month. The fall 2024 lineup kicks off Aug. 15, 4-6 p.m withascreening of LexGillespie’s documentary,“The Catskills.” Thefood-and-film experience will takeplace at theJCC, 5342 St. CharlesAve in NewOrleans. Free; RSVP required via Eventbrite. nojcc. org/culturalarts.
Bill Loehfelm, author of series featuring aNew Orleans police rookie,will lead two sessions at theAugustedition of theclinic on Aug. 17, at theEast Bank Regional Library,4747 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie.“Building Believable Characters” is the9:30 a.m. session. “Structure&Pacing”
is the11a.m. session. The free clinic is for beginners or experiencedwriters. www “DAC BIET: AN EXTRA-SPECIAL VIETNAMESE COOKBOOK”: Chef, instructor and “Top Chef” contestant Nini Nguyen will be at Garden District Book Shop,2727 Prytania St. in NewOrleans, on Aug. 27 at 6p.m. to celebrate thelaunch of hercookbook and to take audience questions.www “SUNDERWORLD,VOL. I:
Getcollege applicationadvicefromanexpert
BY JANE LEGROS Contributing writer
Another college application seasonisaround the corner,and stress may already be building forteens and their parents. The New OrleansPublic Library is ready to help with apresentation by author and college admissions expert Irena Smith. Smith will visit the library via ZoomonAug. 15 to discuss her memoir “The Golden Ticket:A Life in College Admissions Essays.”
Parents and educators can attendthe program to learn constructive and healthy ways to approach the college application process, preserve relationships, and help students define success on their terms instead of chasing the elusive golden ticket.
Smith’stalk starts at 1p.m. and will last about an hour.Visit and submit your questions for the author
SEEDS OF CHANGE: Aspiring gardeners are invited to the Milton H. Latter Memorial Library,5120 St. Charles Ave., on Aug. 17 for a seedling starter class withBar-
Continued from page6G
will present Walt Leger III with an awardhonoring cultural leadership on Aug. 23, 1p.m., on the second floor at the InterContinental Hotel, 444 St. Charles Ave. in New Orleans. Leger is president and CEOofNew Orleans &Co.
CUTTING BOARD WORKSHOP: Community Workshop NOLA will host aworkshopled by Ben Dendy on Aug. 15,5:308:30 p.m., at 3142 Calhoun St in New Orleans. Participants will learn the safety and use of the drill press, routertable, bandsawand sanders to get cutting boards. Materials are included in the $80 cost of the class. Register through Eventbrite.
The the eight-week program begins Aug. 22, 6-8 p.m., at City Hall in the Enterprise Community Conference Room (8th Floor/8E10), 1300Perdido St. in New Orleans. The program, which provides participants an in-depth lookatcity government, is for residents 18 and older. Each of the Academy’s interactivesessions will be led by representatives from city departments or guest lecturers. Free, but thereisasubstantial time commitment. CAKE DECORATING: Whitney Oliver, pastry supervisor at Ralph Brennan Bakery, will demonstrate the art of cakedecorating onAug. 22, 6-8 p.m., at Café NOMA, New Orleans Museum of Art, 1Collins Diboll Circle. Participants will followalong with their ownmini caketodecorate and takehome. Registration is $55. the-art-of-summer/.
The four-hour class will be presented Sept. 4, 5-9 p.m., at the Ochsner/Elmwood Fitness Center in the Elmwood Shopping Center, 1200 S. Clearview Parkway in Harahan. Open to anyone 50 and older. Completion mayqualify participants for adiscount from their car insurance. Preregistration required.
NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES: The Vernon L. Landry Chapter 1398 of NARFE will hold its monthly luncheon Aug. 14, beginning at 11 a.m., in the Sicilian Room at Rocky and Carlo’s Restaurant &Bar, 613 W. St. BernardHighway in Chalmette. All active and retired federal and postal employees areinvited. Pamela.e.mark1953@gmail. com. ST.BERNARD VFC: The next meeting of the St. Bernard Volunteers for Family and Community will be held on Aug. 15, 10:30 a.m., in the Sicilian Room at Rocky & Carlo’s Restaurant, 613W.St. BernardHighway in Chalmette. st.b.vfc/. DUTCH OVEN SOCIETY: The Wego Cookers, part of the Louisiana Dutch Oven Society,will gather Aug. 17 in pavilion 7atBayou Segnette State Park, 7777 Westbank Expressway in Westwego. Set up begins at 9a.m., and sampling of the creations begins at 11:30 a.m. Free, but park entrance fee of $3 is required for those under 62. (504) 7561853 INTERNATIONAL ESSENTIAL TREMOR FOUNDATION: The Greater New Orleans area support group for those affected by essential tremor,

celo Gardens. In this hands-on session, attendees will learn the skills to take seeds all the way through to harvest,including:
n Ways to start seeds beyond thetraditional method of starting
aneurological condition that affects an estimated 10 million Americans, will meet Aug. 20, 6:30 p.m.,in the Old Metairie Library,2350 Metairie Road in Metairie. The meetingtopicisadaptive/helpful eating utensils.
in pots.
n How and when to transplant into alarger container or into the ground.
n What soil to use in each stage of the growing process.
n Best planting choices for the, (504) 298-2140.
summer and early fall seasons.
All attendeeswill also getthe opportunity to practice their skills by planting something to take home.
Barcelo Gardens is acommunity garden and fresh produce market in Upper 9th Ward New Orleans, dedicated to helping people learn to grow and providing access to fresh produce.
This program is foradults and is sponsored by Friends of the New Orleans Public Library
BLAZING TRAILS: The Historic New Orleans Collection’sexhibit “The Trail They Blazed” is on display at the Main Library,219 Loyola Ave., until Aug. 23
The traveling exhibitionwas built collaboratively with the community that participatedin the local civil rights movement and those working to preserve its legacy
It includes stories of boycotts, public school desegregation, the Congress of RacialEquality, the 1963 march on City Hall, the many people who supportedthe movement, voter registration and education efforts, and activism in the Desire neighborhood.
Historic New Orleans Collec-
SPORTS YOUTH GOLF: Registration is open for fall youth golf, to be held on Thursdayafternoons at Cypress Lakes in Ormond, 10 VillereDriveinDestrehan, and on Fridayafternoons at Grand Ridge in Willowdale, 500 Willowdale Blvd.inLuling. Children 5-13 can participate in First Tee. Classes begin Sept. 5and will run for eight
tion curator Eric Seiferth will lead apanel discussion at the Main Library with NewOrleans civil rights legends Leona Tate, Dodie Smith-Simmons, Malik Rahim, Edwin Lombard, and more on Aug. 17 from 1p.m. to 3p.m. Their conversation will focus on their experiences andthe making of the exhibit.
AUTHOR TALK: New York Times bestselling author Shelby Van Pelt will visit the NewOrleans Public Library via Zoom to talk abouther beloved novel “Remarkably Bright Creatures.” Tune in on Aug. 17 at 6p.m. to learn more about VanPelt’s charming novel, whichhas sold over 1.5 million copiessinceits 2022 publication. The explorationoffriendship, reckoning, hope andmore is a reminder that sometimestaking ahard look at the past can uncover afuture thatonce felt impossible.
Visit to register for the event and to submit your questions for the author. Jane LeGros is the director of marketingand communications for the Orleans Parish Library
SUPERTOTS: Registration is open for St. Charles Parish Department of Parks and Recreation classes this fall in SuperTots, progression-based programs with acurriculum