2retired school workers
BY OLIVIA MCCLURE Contributing writer
The Zachary Community School Board honored tworetiring employees —Sandra Walters and Elizabeth Landry —atits Sept. 3meeting.
Walters, of ZacharyHigh School,has worked foryears in the office, where herorganizational skills are an asset, said Principal Lindsey Spence.
“She does everything. She doesall of our registrations, our drops,” Spence said. “When parents come in, alot of times, sheisthe first person thatthey see. She is always awarm and welcoming face, and Iknowthat they appreciate that. Even when they are upset, she handles it withgrace. She handles everything with grace.”
ä See HONORS, page 3G

Leila Pitchford AROUND ZACHARY
Hunter sight-in set
The East BatonRouge Sheriff’s Office invites the public to its annual Hunter’sSight-in Program from 9a.m. to 3p.m Sept. 20. This event giveshunters theopportunity to make sure hunting and sportingrifles are safely zeroed-in priortothe openingofhunting season.
The event is at the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office Firearms Training facility,999 W. Irene Road, Zachary
n All weapons will be sighted in by the range staff only
n All weapons must be in good working condition.
n Firearm must be unloaded.
n Ear protection available, but attendees are highlyencouraged to bring their own
n No muzzle loaders.
n Shotguns for use withslugs only (No buckshot, birdshot, etc.)
n Bringthe ammunition you use in the rifle for hunting.
n Only factory loaded ammunition will be used.
Halloweenaroundthe corner
Zachary inviteslocal businesses and organizationsto decorate atrunk for the fourth annual Trunk or Treat from 3p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Oct. 27 on Lee Street. Around 1,500 children are expected. Set-\up starts at 1p.m. and must be finished by 2:40 p.m. Register by Oct.14 at https://forms.office.com/r/ g35VpCq0Az. For information, contactashleigh.mchugh@ cityofzachary.org.
Pink OutZachary
The Zachary Chamber of Commerce LeadershipNorth Group is holding aBust Out Cancer campaign. Among the
ä See AROUND, page 3G

‘I wasjustletting it fly’

Zacharypours it on Plaquemine behind QB CalebGonzales

It wasn’ta perfect night forZachary quarterback Caleb Gonzales, but it was an efficient beginning that wasmostly unaffected by Friday night’srainy conditions. Gonzales threw for223 yards and three touchdowns to lead the Broncos to aseason-opening 49-14 win over Plaquemine in nondistrict action at Zachary All of Gonzales’ touchdownpasses cameinthe first half as Zachary built a 35-7 halftimelead. The Zachary defense, which forced eightPlaquemine puntsand recovered three fumbles, never let the Green Devils back into the game in the second half
“We’reasking ouroffense to be efficient right now,”Zacharycoach David Brewerton said. “When you comeout in these conditions andyou don’thaveany turnovers, youscorefive touchdowns in the first half —I was pleased.” Gonzales settled in after misfiring on two of his first three passes. Midway through the first quarter,helofted a 65-yard touchdown pass that hit Trey Chaneyinstride.The play gave Zachary a14-0 lead.
“It was definitely abig one,” Gonzales said of the play.“This is amental game, especially when it’sraining. Iwas able to settle in and get agood grip on the ball. I wasjust letting it fly.”
Gonzales finished the game15for 25.
On theground, Da’vekio Ruffin led Zachary with 85 yards on nine carries. He had a7-yard touchdown run in the first quarter and added a44-yarder in the fourth.
Plaquemine was ledbyrunning back Tyrese Mosby,who rushedfor 97 yards and atouchdown on 20 carries. The
Cross-country coach Julie Fink andthe Zachary High cross-country team are already hitting the road and putting in the miles for the 2024 cross-country season. Finkhas alargegroup of runnersthis yearwith21boys and 28 girls competinginthe fall sport
Fink also emphasized the work that new coaches Justin Doherty and Meggan Franks at Northwestern MiddleSchool and CopperMill Elementary,respectively are doingtotrain and build future ZHS competitors.
“They are committed to their athletes andare investing in the future of Zachary cross-country andtrack and field programs,
Fink said. On2024, Fink noted that “there are those teams that wish for success, who want success, and then teams that are willing to put in thework to make success happen. The 2024 team is madeupofathletes who have themindset and work ethic to make success happen.”

Finkrelayed that though the competition is tough, “we will be stepping on to therace courses throughout theseason getting stronger/faster each week and reaching for better finishes and times.”
ZHS will have three of the seven girls whoraced in the state championship last year —Alaysia Wolf, Nala Mitchel and Anna Melius —returning.
Fink said that the three returners are juniors, bringing great leadership, commitment and astrong work ethic to the team. On the boys side four
—Max Gennaro, Marcus Coates, Jesse Ellis and Connor Conachen —ofthe seven that raced in the 2023 State Championship return. Coates is asenior and will provide leadership with Ellis and Conachen, whoare both juniors. On
her four returners, Fink indicated that similar to the girls, “all four are great leaders and are race ready forthe upcoming season.” Based on the current LHSAA All Class top 100, ranked boys include Coates, Conachen, Ellis, Carson Southall and Gennaro. Genarro, asophomore, is currently ranked seventh overall in the state. ZHS girls currently in the LHSAA All Class top 100 are Mitchel, Wolf,Melius, Yvonne Harmsand sophomore Destiny Thomas. Fink identified agirl and boy from each squad for“dark horse”
BRADY, page 2G
Broncos had trouble holdingontothe ball,fumbling seven times and losing three.
Devils quarterback Nico Victorian completed just 8of24passes for 100 yards. He threw a5-yard touchdown pass to John Walker late in thegame, but Zachary quickly made amends.
Tra’len Sept returned the kickoff 75 yardsfor the Broncos’ final touchdown.
“We’ve got to be ready to come out in the second halfwith the same kind of intensity,” Brewerton said. “I don’tthink we did that offensively,but I’m so proud of our defense for the way they prepared.”
Zachary’soffense started tentatively in the first half, but quickly found its footing.
After athree-and-out to start the game, the Broncos scored touchdowns on their next four possessions. Gonzales, who misfired on two of his first threepasses, directeda short scoring drive to get the Broncos going.
Nate James scoredthe first touchdownwitha 22-yard dash around left end. Gonzales connected with Chaney on athe 65yard touchdown.
Ruffin’s7-yard run made it 21-0 Zacharyafter one quarter In the second quarter, Gonzales’ 27-yard pass to Jaiden Cockerham keyed a70-yardtouchdown drive. The scorecame on his 12-yard pass to Chaney,and he added an 11-yard TD strike to Kristion Brooks, all while battling the elements.
“Sometimes it gets overlooked, but I’m truly appreciative of our fans for coming out in this weather,” Brewerton said. “It was adriving rainstorm and we had a good crowd.”

Continued from page1G
status. For the ZHS girls Fink identified Mitchel who “will be making aname forherself on the course this season after logging hundreds of miles over the summer.” Fink continued, “She is fit, competitive and will be a surprise to other schools.” Fink identified Will Nelson, asenior and four-year team member,asthe ZHS boys dark horse. “He made up his mind last spring that during his senior season he was going to be all in and preparedtogive his very best, and Iamsoproud of the work he has put in during the off season,”Fink said. Fink added that “Will is going to be adifference-maker for our team. He is focused, has run countless miles on his own and is more than ready to chase his fastest timesthis fall.”
“Wehave agreat crew of seniors who are focusedon leading and investing in the success of our teamand their teammates,”Fink commented.
The action is already underway with both ZHS teams competing in the West Feliciana Relays on Sept. 7. They will travel to Highland Road next Saturday for the EHS Roundtable. After aweek break, they will traveland compete at Nicholls State on Sept. 28, followed by two races at Highland Road Park (SJA InvitationalonOct. 5and CHS InvitationalonOct. 12).
On Oct. 19, they will host the Annual Bronco Cross-Country Stampede at the Port Hudson State Historic Site. November is honors month with opportunities for championships at the EBR Metro Championship Nov.2,which Zachary is hosting this year at Highland Road Park, followed by the Division 1Regional Meet also at Highland Road Park on Nov.8
As with previous years, the LHSAA State Championship will be held on Nov.18atNorthwestern State University
Warren Brady covers sports for ThePlainsman. He can be contacted at zachary@ theadvocate.com.

awareness campaigns are two PinkOut days.The schools will use Oct. 18 as their day Mayor David McDavid has designated Oct. 24 at the date for the entire city.T-shirts for the dayare on sale at https:// shorturl.at/3BE2r.Deadline to order is Sept. 6. Proceeds will go to Woman’sHospital.
Prayer luncheonset
Mayor David McDavid invites all community members to join the Mayor’s Community Prayer Luncheon on Oct. 25 at the Family Life Center of First Baptist Church Zachary,4200 Main St. This year,the event will be held as aluncheon, making it more convenient for everyone to attend.
Acomplimentary fried
fish lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m.The luncheon will feature guest speaker Col. Paul Pride, a retired superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The theme for the luncheon is “Faith and Service.”
“The community prayer
luncheon is ameaningful opportunity for our citizens to come together,reflect on our sharedvaluesofcompassion and service, and pray for a prosperous and safe future for our city,” McDavid said. Lanternfestivalrescheduled
The Water Lantern Festival, at Zachary CommunityPark, 20055 Old Scenic Highway, has been pushed to Sept.21. Visit tinyurl.com/556f2tu8 for details. Prices go upafter Saturday, Sept.14. Novemberfest seeksvendors
Craftersand vendorsare invited to participate in St. Patrick’sNovemberfest from10 a.m. to 4p.m. Nov. 2for food, fun, games,activities,crafts/vendorsand more. The churchisat1322 Church St. in Zachary. For information or applications, go to www.stpatsla.org, email churchoffice@stpatsla. orgorcall the church at (225) 654-4091.
Send news and events for the Zachary area to zachary@theadvocate.com by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.

Elizabeth Landry, center,ishonored by ZacharyElementarySchool Principal Megan Noel, left, and Superintendent Ben Necaise, right.
Continuedfrom page 1G
Landry is alongtime employee of ZacharyElementary School, where
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she has worked in the reading intervention program. “WhenI have students that are OK with missing an ancillary or missing P.E. to go and workontheir reading, then youknowyou have theright person in theright place,” said Prin-
cipal Megan Noel. Noel added that Landryisalways willing to help. “She jumps into any classroom that Ineed her to go into,” Noelsaid. “She is truly the epitomeofwhat it meanstobeateam player.”

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