Clinton market and birthday
Clinton’sCommunity Market is from 8a.m. to 1p.m. Oct.
5followed by the Bicentennial Celebration from 9p.m.
Local vendors, shopping,eateries will be on hand in addition to aCancer Walk in support of the American Cancer Society, Cruising to Clinton Car Show and blood drive.
Learntobuild fences
The Louisiana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative is holding aBeginner’sFencing Workshop from 8a.m. to 3p.m. Oct 4, 4419 Idlewild Road, Clinton Wedge Barthe, electric fence expert; Glen Gentry,longtime fence builder and educator; and Josh Phares, fencing contractor will teach how to choose, build and repair hard wire and electric fences during ahandson all-day workshop. Lunch is included.
Beginners, women, students, underserved, young people, homesteaders will greatly benefit from this very hands-on workshop.
Cost is $20. Register at www beginners-fencing-workshopoctober-4-2024-clinton-la.
Blessing of theanimals
Bring your animals to be blessed in honor of the Feast of St. Francis at 4p.m. Oct. 5 at Parker Park Pavilion in St. Francisville. Animals must be leashed or caged. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Donations for the animal shelter will be accepted: Purina Adult Dog Chow,Puppy Chow,Canned ClassicGround, medium Milk Bones, Kong Goodie bones, Temptations cat treats, kitten collars (small to medium), sliprope dog leashes, paper towels, bleach, laundry pods and large garbage bags.
In arecent survey conducted by, 3,000 experienced travelers shared their insights on America’smost Instagrammable hidden gem towns. St. Francisville came in at No. 22 as an Instagrammable town. Abita Springs was No. 44. Towns in the Top10were in New York, Florida, Washington, Hawaii, Montana,Massachusetts and California.
Asurvey by Gunther VW Coconut Creek asked 3,000 respondents to recommend, based on personalexperiences, their favorite routes to witness early fall foliage. Tunica Hills came in at No. 65. North
President LouisKent said fundsallocated to theparish by the Biden administration’s American RescuePlanAct wouldcover the bulk of the repair work but about $22,000 in local Road and Bridge Fund may be needed. Because the estimated cost is below the amount required for the jury to seek bids from interested contractors, Amrhein said he wanted to use the company thatrecently repaired abridge on Midway Road, which the
state ordered the jury to close.
The contractor will do the work on thepilings and substructurethat the jury lacks the equipment to do,while jury crews will work on the decking, he said.
Amrhein said he would like to begin chipping away at the backlog of bridge repairs as funding will allow
He also said he will confer withDistrictAttorneySam D’Aquilla about the next steps the jury should take to remove mobile homesthat were declared uninhabitablemonths ago. One of the structureswas damaged by afire,Am-
Infrastructure, transparency issues discussed in St.Francisville candidates forum
BY JAMES MINTON Contributing writer
During aSept. 17 political forum, St. Francisville’s mayor touted his administration’s progress in the last four years, while his challenger accused him of ignoring private property rightsand lacking transparencyin dealing with the public.
MayorRobert P. Leake Jr.faces Alderman Andy D’Aquilla in the Nov. 5primary electionfor town officials.
Three candidatesfor seats on the Board of Aldermen Abby Cochran, AldenDaniel and John Wilson also participated in the forum sponsored by the West Feliciana Chamber of Commerce. Twoother candidates, Collin Howell and Edgar “Tommy” Wheeler did not attend.
Howell joined the board in July to finish theterm begun by Al Lemoine,who died June 22.
Leakesaidheisanxious to continuehis service to the town after 10 years as an alderman and almost four years as mayor, saying “relationships” and“common sense” are two key parts of his governing philosophy
Early in his administration, Police Chief Scott Ford resigned,apparentlyunder pressure,but Leakesaidheusedhis relationship withSheriff Brian Spillmantomake certain that St. Francisville was adequately protected until anew chief was hired.
Leake said he noticed that St. Francisville had been leftout of state appropriations before he took office, and he used his relationshipwithparish President KennyHavard, a former state representative,toget ameeting with the House speaker to begin getting state grants.
He said he has been able to get $14 million in grants during his term
“We’re getting things done that have been ignored,” he said.
D’Aquilla began his introductory comments by saying he is not in favor of allowing additional apartment complexes in town “or alot of growth.”
The son of former Mayor Billy D’Aquilla, whoserved 48 years and six months as an alderman and mayor,D’Aquilla is town attorney forSlaughter and Jackson.
He said the center of the town is congested because of changes in the traffic pattern at Commerce and Ferdinand streets, where several new businesses have openedduring Leake’sterm. If elected, D’Aquilla said he would undo the “terrible” parking arrangement near the intersection,whichhesaidisnot safe for pedestrians entering the new businesses. “Property rights and transparency are the mainreasons I’mrunning,” D’Aquilla said. He also said he wantstosee theBoardof Aldermen meetings livestreamed on the town’swebsite andagendasand proposed ordinances posted on social media.
D’Aquilla said Leake discourages public participationinthe meetings, saying that often the mostthe board does in its sessions is approvethe minutesofthe previous meeting.
Aldermen candidates discussissues Cochran, aschool administrator,stressed her long record of service to the community,beginning when shecamehomefrom college to speak at apublic hearing against building theJohnJames AudubonBridge with an approach through the town. She said herinvolvement in theschool system,her church and civic organizationsgives her a larger picture of what the town needs.
Three generations at the competition, from left, are mother TiffanyBonnier, of Bossier City; grandmother Regina Henley, of Plaquemine; and archer Rori Bonner
where the arrows struck the 3D target, ablack bear during an archeryevent near Clinton.
Continued from page1G
Daniel Daniel, who is in real estate sales andthe Chamber of Commerce treasurer, noted he would be the youngest board member if elected in November and said he wants the town to growth “thoughtfully”and proportionately. He said the most pressing problems are parking and congestion in the center of town.
Wilson, who said he runs ahealth care facility with abudget larger than the town’s, pledged to protectthe town’s historic districtbecause it is central to the town’s tourism industry He said, however,the town’sfoundations streets,drainage and public safety —must not be ignored.
Gigi ThomasRobertson, who was elected to another term without opposition during qualifying, introduced herself, notingshe was the first African-American woman to serve on the boardand her husband, Oscar Robertson, was the first African-American to serve. She succeeded him when he died in 2015. Robertson represents a majority-Black district, while the five remaining candidates are running for four at-large seats from the remainder of the town.
Continued from page1G
Attending the East Feliciana 4-H3DArcheryInvitational,
Continued from page 1G
Second place: Bentley Sweat, Allen Parish
Compound Junior Division:
First place: Morgan Moseley,Red River Parish
Second place: Reid Jackson, East Feliciana Parish
Third place: Luke Mancuso, East FelicianaParish
Genesis/Barebow Senior Division:
First place: Rori Bonner,Bossier Parish
Compound Senior Division:
First place:WyattConleay,Tangipahoa Parish
Second place: BrettDycus, Beauregard Parish
Third place: Logan Vulgamore, Livingston Parish
Compound Adult Division:
First place: Hunter Seguin, LivingstonParish
Secondplace: Harold Seguin, Livingston Parish
Third place: Brandon Vulgamore, Livingston Parish
Team Winners:
First place: Brandon and Logan Vulgamore, Livingston Parish
Second place: Glen Peterson and Kaden Wicker, East Feliciana Parish
Third Place: Brian and Luke Mancuso, East Feliciana Parish
Alumni Division: First place:Hunter Seguin, LivingstonParish
Secondplace: Alexis Bearden, Bossier Parish
Louisiana’sKisatchie National Forest came in at No. 96. Places in the Top10include Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Shenandoah National Park, the Catskills and Pocono Mountains, and other places in theNortheast. Georgia and Floridahad spotsinthe Top10.
Atrunk-or-treat starts at 6p.m. Oct. 17 at West Feliciana Sports Park inthe circle parking lot by the ball fields.A donationof $1 donation per car is asked.Trunk contest categories are scariest, favorite movie and most original. The concession standwill be open. Call the park office at (225) 784-8447 to reserveaspot.
Register to vote
The deadline to register to vote inthe Nov.5Open Primary/Presidential/Congressional Election in person or by mail is Oct. 7, and the deadline to registertovote throughthe GeauxVoteOnlineRegistration System is Oct. 15.
To register and vote in Louisiana,individuals must:
n Be aU.S. citizen
n Be at least 17 years old (16 years old if registeringinperson at theRegistrarof Voters Office or at the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles) to register and18years old before the next election to vote
PROVIDEDPHOTO Saylor Troxclair wins first place in Genesis Youth Division Sept. 14 at a archerycompetition near Clinton.
n Not be under an order of imprisonment for conviction of afelony or,ifunder such an order,not have been incarcerated pursuant to the order withinthe lastfive years, and not be under an order of imprisonment related to afelony conviction forelection fraud or any other election offensepursuant toLa. R.S. 18:1461.2
n Not be under ajudgmentoffullinterdiction for mentalincompetence or partial interdiction with suspension of voting rights
n Be aresident in thestate and parish in which they seek to register and vote
n Apply at least 20 days before an election ifregistering online or 30 days before an election if registering in person or by mail.
Citizens with avalid Louisiana driver’s license or Louisiana ID card can register online 24 hours aday,seven days aweek byvisiting Louisianaresidents can also register in person at their parish Registrar of Voters Office, when they apply for or renew their driver’slicense at any Office of Motor Vehicles, or when obtaining services at public assistance agencies and Armed Forces recruitment offices.
OLLI registration open Registration for OLLI runs through Oct. 2. Classes are Sept. 23 to Nov.2.Visit OLLI in theFelicianas on Facebook, olli or contact ollifelicianasmembership@ for information.
Send news and events for East and West Feliciana parishes to extra@theadvocate. com by noon Friday or call(225) 3880731.
Darlene T. Denstorff OFFICE:(225) 388-0215 CELL:(225) 603-1998
(225)388-0289 EMAIL: obits@
out for the 4-H competition for members,parents and alumni at Idlewild Research Station.
ä More competition photos. PAGE 3G
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from left, are Cole Forbes, of Pride, Alexis Bearden, of Benton, and Morgan Mosley, of Coushatta.
Benjamin and Daron Suggs, of Weyanoke, turned
PROVIDED PHOTO Kaden Wicker,left, and Glen Peterson winsecond placein the team category.