Zachary findsFrancineprovidespractice
Community news report
While Hurricane Francine first appeared to be headed toward the Baton Rouge and Zachary areas, alate jog sent it just to the east of the area.
“Weare truly blessedthat Zachary was spared by this hurricane,” Mayor David McDavidsaid. “Our hearts and prayers go out to the cities and towns thatsuffered in its path of destruction.
“While we didn’texperience any major damage, this was an opportunity to practice, and it only strengthensusinthe event of areal emergency.Someofour employees were new to these roles andhad the chance to staff the EOC and gain valuableexperience,” he said.
Zacharyactivated its Emergency Operations Center at the ZacharyFire Station at 7a.m. Sept. 5.
Simultaneously,the Zachary Police Department activatedits EOCatthe Police Sta-
tion and implemented emergency protocols.
All departments remained on high alert as they monitored Hurricane Francine, preparing for its expected impact Sept. 6.
At the fire station on Main Street, fire trucks were inspected, high-water equipment serviced, chain saws sharpened, and boats fueled in preparation for the storm’s aftermath. Throughout the day,McDavid, city of Zachary public information officers and emergency management personnel attended parish briefings at theEast Baton Rouge Parish Mayor’sOffice of Homeland Security andEmergency Preparedness.
At Zachary Youth Park on Mount Pleasant Road,sandbagswere distributed, especially to the elderly andresidents in flood-prone areas. PublicWorks crews remained on standby after clearing storm drains,inspectingdrainage systems and assembling
The gas, water and sewer department refueled generators and checked backup systems,ensuring crews were ready to respond as needed before and after thestorm
As aprecautionary measure, theZachary Police Department issueda curfewfor Sept 12, to ensure safer travel for police officers, otherfirstrespondersand emergencyoperations during and after the hurricane.
Officialsreported that over 3,000 sandbags were distributedatthe park, with Legendz 13U baseball playershelping the community by filling sandbags.
Public WorksDirector Wayne Daysaid onetree fell on Barnett Road, anda large branch fell on Pride Port Hudson Road. Several homes lostpower,including on Lower ZacharyRoad, Redwood Lakes, Graves Street and Robert Street.
Also, theZacharyCommunity School districtreported no issues or damages from thestorm.
Karen Burdette logs information at the Mayor’sOffice of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
The ZacharyBroncosand Brusly Bears junior varsity football teams line up Sept.17.
Coach Kenric Hilton prays withthe junior varsity Bronco players before agameagainst the Brusly Bears.
Continued from page1G
Moore(21-20) followed by aloss to perennialpowerhouse Lafayette Christian Academy (38-21).
Sporting adeceivingearly season record, atalented group of Bears, that advanced to the quarterfinals of the 2023 select playoffs, gave the Broncos almost more than they could handle.
After the Bears initial drive stalled, the Broncos started at their own 15 on the initial offensive possession. A20-yard completion from Caleb Gonzales to Kristion Brooks putthe Broncos at midfield. On the next play Gonzales and Brooks would combine again for a50-yard scoring play to put the Broncos up 7-0 with 5:51 remainingin the first.
The Bears responded with a60-yard touchdown pass from Chantz Babineaux to tie the score aminute later.
The Broncos retook the lead 11 seconds later on a Tra’Lan Sept 90-yard kickoff return for atouchdown. After the Bronco defense forced apunt, arecovered fumble gave the Bears a first down at the ZHS 21. The Bears opened the second quarter and capitalized on the fumble to tie the score 14-14 with 11:53 left in the second.
The Broncos responded with aNate James 15-yard
rush and a15-yard Gonzales completiontoBenji Dixon on awide receiverscreen that moved the ball into Bears territory. Threeplays laterGonzalesfound Jaiden Cockerham on a30-yardTD pass to put the Broncos up 21-14 with 8minutesleft in the half in what was ascoring frenzyatthe Broncos Corral.
Amisdirected onside kick attempt by the Broncos gave the Bears afirst down at the50and they immediately went toworkonthe ground behind alarge offensive line. Aquarterback keepbyBabineaux from 20 yards out tightenedthe game but the extra point attempt failed and the Broncos clung to a21-20with 5:56 left In the half. Later in the second a20yardscreenpasstoNate Jamesput the ball in Bear territory.Awide receiver screentoDixon put the ball at the one-yard line and the Broncosappeared ready to extend their one point lead. Amishandled snapand fumble turnedinto a99-yard scoop and scorethat gave Carencro a27-21 halftime lead. At the half, coach David Brewerton’sfrustration showedashecommented “unacceptable, short yardage and special teams execution was unacceptable.” The Broncos offense startedthe second half with Jamesand Ruffin on the ground and Gonzales flinging short passes. The initial12playdrive that

ate 6minutes off the clock ended withaJames rushing touchdown. The extra point attempt was no good, and the teams were again tied 27-27.
The Broncos defense clamped down to force a punt on theensuing Bears possession as thethird quarter closed and theBroncos with the ball on theCarencro end of thefield. Ruffin’s 20-yard run on athird down and seven put theball at the Bears25-yardline.
Gonzales’ pass to Cockerham gave the Broncos afirst and goal at the 5. After a 5-yard penaltybacked them to the 10, Ruffin punched it in with apowerful run that took three Bears withhim into the end zone, and the Broncos took thelead 34-27.
The Bears advanced to the Broncos 33 before ablock in the back pushed thebears all the way back to the45 with 6minutes remaining.
On afourthand 13 from the Broncos 38 Babineaux completed a14-yard pass to extend the Bears drive. On afourthand goal from the 4-yard line Babineaux was at it again completing apass to score. Zakarri Hogan’s block of theextra point preserved the ZHSlead (34-33) but thegame was far from over The Bears recovered the onside kick to take the ball at the 50 with1:40 remaining. On afourth down and 2 from the broncos 42 senior captain Sean Hamilton smothered Babineaux to seal the game.
THE ZACHARYADVOCATE &PLAINSMAN,P.O.Box 588, BatonRouge,LA70821.(225) 388-0215
Darlene T. Denstorff (225)388-0215
JILL STOKELD | Multimedia SalesConsultant CALL: (225)931-9248| DEADLINE: 5p.m.Fridayprior to publication.
Brewerton said theteam figured out away to win and at the end of theday that is what has to happen.” He further noted that “we know we have things we have to clean up.”
The Broncos will be open
Sept. 27 before closing out predistrict and hosting last year’s4Anonselect state champion the Opelousas Tigers. The Tigers return most of last year’steam and will pose atremendous chal-
lenge for the Broncos on homecoming Oct. 4. Warren Brady covers sports for ThePlainsman. He can be contacted at zachary@theadvocate. com.
CALL: (225)388-0200
ZacharyBroncos and Carencro Bears on Sept. 20.
coach, and Coraline Lawhon, ninthgrade.
ZacharyHigh’s Bronco Belles
ZHS Bronco varsity cheerleaders
ZacharyHigh’sJunior ROTC cadets
during Friday’shome game
winagainst Brusly40to0
The East Feliciana Parish BoardofSupervisors of Elections will meetTuesday, October 8, 2024, at 10:00AMatthe East Feliciana Parish Clerkof Court’sOffice,12305 St. Helena Street, Clinton to select Commissionersfor the November 5, 2024, PrimaryElection and the December 7, 2024, General Election.
David Dart ClerkofCourt East Feliciana Parish
ZacharyBroncos defeat Brusly Bears.
Broncos JV defense playerChristopher Norman, 10th grade
ZacharyBroncos junior varsitycheerleaders prepare foraJVgame.
Broncos sports medicinestudents, seniors KacieJames and Chanyra Bland, showtheir school spiritduring arecent junior varsity game.
AZacharycity meeting is held beforeHurricane Francine.
The Legendz Baseball team fills sandbags in preparationfor Hurricane Francine.
chipping contest winners. Proceeds will helpLane Foundationreach its ExpansionCampaign goal of $1 millionin support of Lane RegionalMedical Center’snew four-story patient tower focused on patient care Forteamregistration and sponsorship information, visit or
Market events planned
Nita Edwards, of the Zachary Farmers Market, announced some special marketdates
Oct. 5: ZFM County Fair and Rodeo will be from 9a.m. to 2p.m. The market will be celebrating itsfifth birthday with door prizes, birthday cake and fair games. Acake/bake walk will start at 1p.m. Dan Klein will havea “rodeo”for children ages 3-7 starting at10 a.m.
Oct.26: Market Harvest from 9a.m. to 1p.m Aphoto backdrop will be available.Halloween Duck Hunt is the theme.
Nov.16: Memory Lane at theMarketfrom 9a.m. to 1p.m.Area residents are askedto share special memories/items witheveryone Not itemstosell.
Nov.23: Holiday Kickoff from 9a.m. to 1p.m The day will include drawingsfor Market Money and will celebrate Thanksgiving,football gamesand Christmasshopping. Register to vote
The deadline to register to vote inthe Nov 5Open Primary/Presidential/Congressional Election in person or by mail is Oct. 7, and the deadline to registertovotethroughthe GeauxVote Online Registration System is Oct. 15. Toregister and vote in Louisiana,individuals must:
n Be aU.S. citizen
n Be at least 17 years old (16 years old if registering in person at the RegistrarofVoters Office or at the LouisianaOffice of MotorVehicles) to register and 18 years old beforethe next election to vote
n Not be under an orderofimprisonment for conviction of afelonyor, if under suchan order,not have been incarcerated pursuant to the order within the last five years, andnot be under an order of imprisonmentrelated to afelony conviction for election fraudorany other election offensepursuanttoLa. R.S. 18:1461.2
n Notbeunder ajudgment of full interdiction for mental incompetence or partialinterdiction with suspension ofvoting rights
n Be aresident in the stateand parish in which they seek to register and vote
n Apply at least 20 daysbefore an election if registering online or 30 days before an election if registering in person or bymail.
Citizens with avalid Louisianadriver’s license or Louisiana ID card canregisteronline 24hours aday,seven daysa week byvisiting Louisiana resi-
dentscan alsoregister in person at their parish Registrar of Voters Office, when they apply for or renew their driver’slicense at any Office of MotorVehicles,orwhen obtaining services at public assistance agencies and Armed Forces recruitment offices.
Baker BuffaloFestivalcoming
The2024 Baker Buffalo Festival is Oct. 24-26 at the Municipal Center,3325 Groom Road.Events include aparade with afloat and marchingband contest,live music, rides, food, vendors, car show and more. Parking is free. Vendors need to register For information, call (225) 778-0300 or Ashley Williams at awilliams@city of
Halloweenaroundthe corner
Zachary invites local businesses and organizations to decorate atrunk for the fourth annual Trunk-or-Treat from 3p.m. to 5:30 p.m Oct.27onLee Street. Around 1,500 children are expected. Setup starts at 1p.m. and must be finished by 2:40 p.m. Register by Oct.14 at Forinformation, contact ashleigh.mchugh@
Pink OutZachary
TheZachary Chamber of Commerce Leadership North Group is holding aBust Out Cancer campaign. Among theawareness campaigns are two Pink Out days. The schools will use Oct. 18 as their day.Mayor David McDavid has designated Oct. 24 at the date for the entire city.Proceeds will go to Woman’sHospital.
Prayer luncheon set
Mayor David McDavid invites all community members to join the Mayor’sCommunity Prayer Luncheon on Oct. 25 at the Family Life Center of First Baptist Church Zachary,4200
Main St. This year,the event will be held as a luncheon, making it more convenient for everyone to attend.
Acomplimentary fried fish lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m. The luncheon will feature guest speaker Col. Paul Pride, aretired superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The theme for the luncheon is “Faith and Service.”
“Thecommunity prayer luncheon is ameaningfulopportunity for our citizens to come together,reflect on our shared values of compassion and service, and pray for aprosperous andsafe future for our city,” McDavid said. Novemberfest seeksvendors
Crafters and vendors are invited to participate in St. Patrick’sNovemberfest from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Nov.2for food, fun, games, activities, crafts/vendors and more. The church is at 1322 Church St. in Zachary.For information or applications, go to www.stpatsla. org,email or call the church at (225) 654-4091.
Send newsand events for the Zachary area to by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
Dr.Van-ViRichardson has joined the staff of Lane Family Practice, 2335 Church St., Zachary Richardson earned her bachelors of science in biology from LSUand received her doctorate of medicine from theUniversityofMississippi Medical Center in Jackson, where she also completed her residency training in family medicine and was chief resident. Duringresidency training, Richardson received the George Lally Bevil Award for outstanding characteristics and excellenceinleadership, the HardyWoodbridgeAward forsuperior academic achievement, theGary Jefcoats Award for outstanding teaching characteristics, and the W.R. Gillis
Achievement Award for best performance. During medical school she was the recipient of theDr. Thais Tonore JoyofFamilyMedicine Award for compassion and integrity in patient care. She is boardcertified by the AmericanBoard of Family Medicine.
“It is my privilege to care for you and provide outstandingcaretohelpyou stay happy and healthy,” she said. “I value the trust you place in me and look forward to getting to know you.”
Originally from Baton Rouge,Richardson lives in Zachary with her husband, Matthew,and their two children Oliver and Lucas. She enjoys traveling, board games and video games, and spending time with family
The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison or issued a summons by the Zachary Police Department from Aug. 29-Sept. 18:
MOHAMMED ABUSHAMLEH: 42; 12727 Coursey Blvd., Baton Rouge; unlawful sales to persons under 21
JOSHUAAKINS: 34; 20521 Gillie Drive, No. 1, Zachary; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
JUSTIN BABIN: 34; 10930 RayDrive, Walker; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
DJON BLALOCK: 30; 5051 Baker Blvd., Unit A, Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
EVERETTE BROWN: 26; 13908 Longvue Drive, Baker; possession of marijuana
ANTONIO HENDERSON: 44; 2085 College Ave., Baker; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
ISAIAH HOWARD: 23; 3003 S. River Road, B56, Baton Rouge; domestic abuse battery –child endangerment, negligent injuring, and hit-and-run
BRITTANY MAYEUX: 32; 11692 Island Road, St. Francisville; unlawful sales to persons under 21
MARCUS ROWLEY: 27; 910 Chemin Drive, Baker; possession of firearm or carrying concealed weapon by aperson convicted of certain felonies
ZAKIA TASKER: 43; 675 Woodale Blvd., No. 50, Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
TERIUS HAWKINS: 19; 4401 Wimbish Drive, Baker; firearm/machine gun
ROBERTPAUL: 38; 12240 Brock Place West, Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
MEGAN SMITH: 39; 2901 Rollins Road, Zachary; aggravated battery
MICHAEL THOMAS JR.: 42; 1135 Cordoba Drive, Apt D, Zachary; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
CHARLENE HAMILTON: 41; 15398 U.S. 61, St. Francisville; theft
TREYLON HAWKINS: 21; 8031 Highland Drive, Ethel; possession of marijuana and license plate lights
KEIRA LEE: 30; 33 Oak Alley Drive, No. 33, Zachary; simple assault
KOLBYMITCHELL: 22; 4141 Shaffett Lane, Zachary; possession of marijuana and license plate lights
JULIAN RILEY: 17; 3432 Camelia St., Zachary; second-degree battery and simple robbery
NICO WALKER: 28; 4759 Hammond St., Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants
CHARLES WHITEHEAD: 54; 15922 Denham Road, Pride; disturbing the peace/drunkenness and simple criminal damage to property
DMORSCEA WILLIAMS: 38; 3031 Bartlett St., Baton Rouge; possession of Schedule II drugs
NORMAN WILLIAMS: 64; 5157 Zachary Slaughter Highway,No.4, Zachary; domestic abuse battery –child endangerment and domestic abuse aggravated assault –child endangerment
ZacharySchoolBoard honors retirees and summer graduates
Community news report
At its Aug 6. meeting, the Zachary Community School Board recognized two retiring employees andthree students who received their high school diplomas this summer
The employees honored were Miguel Santizo, a groundskeeper, and Kyna Lanier,a paraprofessional. Each received a trophy,and administrators were on hand to offer praise for their many years of service and their dedication.
enough because we knew shewould do whatever she could to help ourstudents,” ZacharyHighPrincipal Lindsey Spence saidof Lanier.
“The support staff people that we have around us are truly amazing, and whenI tell you the words commitment,loyalty,hardworking, unbelievable person: that’sMiguel,” said David Brewerton, Zachary High football coach and athletic director
“She worked as asub for us for many years, and then when aparaprofessional position cameopen, we couldn’t get her fast
Afterthe employees were recognized,Spence presented thethreesummer graduates —Jaden Laday, Kollin Wohlgemuth and Nathaniel HawkinsIII —their diplomas. They wore caps andgownsand walked down the aisle of theboard room to arecordingof “Pomp andCircumstance.”
“Wewanted to takeamoment to celebratethem, the hard work and what it takes to become ahigh school graduateand what it takes to be successful,” said Superintendent BenNecaise. “A lot of work goes into it.”
Mandy Bradley,district communicationsspecialist, said there are always a fewsummer graduates, but they were being honored at aboard meeting for the first time.
Community news report
The Zachary City Council has declared September as Suicide Prevention Month Mayor David McDavid and the council at also named Sept. 10 as World SuicidePrevention Day during aSept. 10 meeting. Christy Mamou Hunt accepted aproclamation. Hunt, an advocate for suicide awareness, is hostingthe thirdannualSuicide Awareness Walk, organized by Caring Minds Counseling &Consulting Services, from 9a.m. to 1p.m. Saturday,Sept. 28, The walk will begin at the Downtown Gazebo on Virginia Street, and Hunt invites residents to join this event. Free food, aDJ, resources and afitness session will be available. Before the walk begins, brief remarks will be given by Dr.William “Beau” Clark, East Baton Rou
Baaheth, broker.For registrationand sponsorship details,contact To make donations or orderT-shirts, checks or money orders can be made payable to Caring Minds Counselingand Consulting Services or payments made through Zelle at (225) 286-9355.
Theevent will raise awarenessabout thealarming rise in suicide rates, challenge thestigmasurrounding mental health, and provide vital resources forsuicideprevention. According to the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, over 49,000 people lost their lives to suicide in 2022, equating to onedeath every 11 minutes. Additionally,13.2 million people seriously contemplated suicide, 3.8 million developed aplan, and 1.6 million attemptedsuicide.Suicide remai he ond leading
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UTES April29, 2024 TheBoard of Commis
sioners of Lane Regional Medical Center (“Lane”) met on Monday,April 29 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the LaneMedical Plazalo‐cated at 6550 Main Street,Zachary Louisiana
Themeetingwas called toorder at 6:02 p.m. by ThomasScott Theinvocationwas led byDavid Bowman ThePledgeofAllegiance was ledbyDarnell Waites.
SENT MyieshaBeard,David Bowman, DebbyBrian Ben Cavin, Reagan Elkins ThomasScott,and Dar‐nellWaites.
BOARDMEMBERS AB‐SENT Nakeisha Clevelandand Donna Kline.
OTHERS PRESENT Dr.SamanthaBlandNaquin, Chad Jeansonne David Beck,Allyson Ben‐nett, MichaelDevall, DawnFuller, JulieMcLin Larry Meese, Theresa Payment,ToddWalters Patty Williams,Tracy Buxton, MandiForetich, Jacob Simpson, Craig Sims, andMikeHalkens
MEETINGAGENDAAP‐PROVAL On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the meeting agendawas unani‐mouslyapproved.
CONSENTAGENDA On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondby Myiesha Beard, thecon‐sentagendawas unani‐mouslyapproved.
COMMITTEE REPORTS JointConferenceCom‐mittee- On amotionby ReaganElkins, second by Debby Brian, theBoard unanimously approved the meetingminutes of the February 26, 2024 Joint Conference Com‐mitteemeeting.
FinanceCommittee -On a motion by DavidBow‐man,secondbyDarnell Waites, theBoard unani‐mouslyapproved the meetingminutes of the February26, 2024, Fi‐nance Committee meet‐ing On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved thefi‐nancial statements for month endFebruary29, 2024. On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved thefi‐nancial statements for the monthend March31, 2024. On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved the physician employment agreementfor Samuel B. i ld l
g Field,M.D General Sur
geon. On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondbyDarnell Waites, theBoard unani‐mouslyapproved the physician employment agreement forZahf Shaikh, D.O.,Gastroen‐terologist On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondbyDavid Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the physicianemploy‐mentagreement forAsh‐ley Willis,M.D Immunol
ogist REPORTSTOTHE BOARD BoardChair’s Report pre‐sentedbyThomasScott – nothingatthistime. ChiefExecutive Officer’s Reportpresented by Larry Meese. ChiefNursing Officer’s Reportpresented by Staci Sullivan MedicalStaff Report pre‐sentedbySamantha Bland-Naquin. QuarterlyReport– Qual‐ity /Performance Im
provement –Allyson Ben‐nett: CHCReport– CraigSims: LegalReport– Jacob Simpson: ExpansionProject Report – DavidBeck: BOARDEDUCATION Revisionstothe Medical Staff Bylaws andPolicies presented by Jacob Simpson.Ona motion by Darnell Waites,second byBen Cavin, theBoard unanimously approved the revisionstothe Med‐icalStaff Bylaws as pre‐sented. On amotionby Ben Cavin, second by Darnell Waites,the Board unanimously approved the revisionstothe Med‐icalStaff Policies as pre‐sented.
DEPARTMENTAL EDUCA‐TION MaterialsManagement education presentedby ChadJeansonne EXECUTIVESESSION FOR STRATEGIC PLANNING AND PERSONNEL On amotionbyDebby Brian,secondbyReagan Elkins, theBoard unani‐mouslyagreed to enter intoexecutive session for thepurpose of per‐sonneland strategic planning.
REGULARSESSION On amotionbyDarnell Waites, second by Myiesha Beard, the Board unanimously agreed to enterintoreg‐ularsession
ANNOUNCEMENT Larry Meesegavenotice tothe Boardthathein‐tends to retire from his positionasChief Execu‐tiveOfficerofLaneRe‐gionalMedical Center ef‐fective October31, 2024.
MEDICALSTAFF CREDEN‐TIALING On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondbyDavid Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the followinginitial ap‐plicationsfor medical staff membership and clinicalprivilegesasrec‐ommended by theMed‐icalExecutive Commit‐tee: MichaelGabe, M.D.,Radi‐ologist,NPI #1285926279 Loay Muftah,M.D Radi‐ologist,NPI #1772565319 Gerard Tassin, M.D.,Radi‐ologist,NPI #1376523191 ADJOURNMENT Therebeing no further b i i b
g business, on amotion by ReaganElkins, second by David Bowman,the Com‐mitteeunanimously agreed to adjourn. 107067-sep25-1t
TheBoard of Commis‐sioners of Lane Regional Medical Center (“Lane”) met on Monday,June24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the LanePlaza 3rdfloorcon‐ference room,located at 6550 Main Street Zachary,Louisiana Themeetingwas called toorder at 6:00 p.m. by ThomasScott Theinvocationwas led byThomasScott ThePledgeofAllegiance was ledbyDavid Bow
SENT MyieshaBeard,David Bowman, DebbyBrian ReaganElkins, Donna Kline,ThomasScott,and Darnell Waites BOARDMEMBERS AB‐SENT BenCavin andNakeisha Cleveland OTHERS PRESENT Dr.SamanthaBlandNaquin, DavidBeck, Allyson Bennett, Tracy Buxton, MichaelDevall, Mandi Foretich,Dawn Fuller, JulieMcLin,Larry Meese, JacobSimpson, Craig Sims,Staci Sulli‐van,ToddWalters,Rob‐bie Tanner,and Dana Bellefontaine MEETINGAGENDAAP‐PROVAL On amotionbyReagan Elkins, second by David Bowman, themeeting agendawas unani‐mouslyapproved. PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENTAGENDA On amotionbyDebby Brian,secondbyDavid Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the consentagenda.
COMMITTEE REPORTS FinanceCommittee -On a motion by Reagan Elkins, second by David Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the meetingminutes of the May20, 2024, Finance Committee meeting. On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved thefi‐nancial statements for the monthended May31, 2024. FY2025 Budget Plan and BusinessPlantimeline presented by MichaelDe‐vall. On amotionbyDarnell Waites, second by David Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the employment agree‐mentofDr. GiaLandry, Gastroenterologist REPORTSTOTHE BOARD BoardChair’s Report pre
sentedbyThomasScott ChiefExecutive Officer’s Reportpresented by Larry Meese. ChiefNursing Officer’s
y Bland-Naquin, M.D. Quarterly Report on HealthcareCompliance presented by MandiFore‐tich. CHCReportand Board Education presentedby Craig Sims LegalReportpresented byJacob Simpson. ExpansionProject Report presented by DavidBeck. Business Plan FY 2025 presented by MichaelDe‐vall. On amotionbyRea‐gan Elkins,secondby Darnell Waites,the Board unanimously approved the Business Plan FY 2025aspresented Budget Plan FY 2025 pre‐sentedMichael Devall Ona motion by Darnell Waites, second by David Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the Budget Plan FY 2025 aspresented BOARDEDUCATION InfectionPreventionAn‐nualRiskAssessments and Planspresented by DanaBellefontaine On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Donna Kline, theBoard unanimously approved the AnnualEvaluationof InfectionPreventionand EmployeeHealthPro‐gramfor CY2023 On amotionbyDonna Kline,secondbyDarnell Waites, theBoard unani‐mouslyapproved theIn‐fection Prevention and Control AnnualPerfor‐mance Improvementand SurveillancePlan2024. On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Donna Kline, theBoard unanimously approved the Summary of Annual InfectionControl Risk As‐sessment2024.
DEPARTMENT EDUCATION Intermediate Care Step Down, Critical Care,and Respiratory Department Education presentedby RobbieTanner.
EXECUTIVESESSION On amotionbyDonna Kline,secondbyReagan Elkins, theBoard unani‐mouslyagreed to enter intoexecutive session for thepurpose of per‐sonneland strategic planning.
REGULARSESSION On amotionbyDarnell Waites, second by Donna Kline,the Boardunani‐mouslyagreed to enter intoregular session.
MEDICALSTAFF CREDEN‐TIALING On amotionbyDarnell Waites, second by Rea‐gan Elkins,the Board unanimously approved the credentialingrecom‐mendationsfor theseini‐tialapplicants: Bucak, Emre,M.D Hos‐pital Medicine Dania, Ismail,M.D Emergency Medicine Gazmen,Nina, M. D.,Di‐agnosticRadiology Welsh, Raymond, M. D. Teleradiology ADJOURNMENT Therebeing no further business, on amotionby Darnell Waites,second byDavid Bowman,the Committee unanimously agreed to adjourn. 107098-SEP 25-1T
TheInvocationwas led byDarnell Waites
ThePledgeofAllegiance was ledbyDavid Bow
SENT MyieshaBeard,David Bowman, DebbyBrian Ben Cavin, Nakeisha Cleveland,ReaganElkins, Donna Kline, Thomas Scott, andDarnell Waites.
OTHERS PRESENT Dr.SamanthaBlandNaquin, DavidBeck, Allyson Bennett, Michael Devall, MandiForetich, DawnFuller, JulieMcLin Larry Meese, Theresa Payment,Staci Sullivan ToddWalters,Lakyshia Williams,Patty Williams and Laurie Breedlove
PROVAL On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by NakeishaCleveland,the meetingagendawas unanimously approved PUBLIC COMMENTS None CONSENTAGENDA On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved the consent agenda that consisted of thecontents ofthe documentslisted below COMMITTEE REPORTS FinanceCommittee -On a motion by Reagan Elkins, second by David Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the meetingminutes of the April29, 2024,Fi
nance Committee meet
ing On amotionbyDavid Bowman, second by Ben Cavin,the Boardunani‐mouslyapproved thefi‐nancial statements for the monthended April 30, 2024 REPORTSTOTHE BOARD BoardChair’s Report pre‐sentedbyThomasScott ChiefExecutive Officer’s Reportpresented by Larry Meese. ChiefNursing Officer’s Reportpresented by Staci Sullivan MedicalStaff Report pre
sentedbySamantha Bland-Naquin. QuarterlyReportonCus
tomer Servicepresented byDawnFuller. CHCReportand Board Education presentedby Craig Sims ExpansionProject Report presented by DavidBeck. BOARDEDUCATION LRMC’s vision,mission and values presentedby Michael Devall EXECUTIVESESSION On amotionbyDarnell Waites, second by David Bowman, theBoard unanimously agreed to enter into executiveses‐sionfor thepurpose of personnel andstrategic planning.
CREDEN‐TIALING On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondbyDavid Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the following credentialingrecommen‐dations by theMedical Executive Committee for these initialapplicants: Baldawi, Muaamar, DO HospitalMedicine Crapanzano,Michael MD, Cardiovascular Dis‐ease, Pediatrics Cummings, Cameron, MD, Diagnostic Radiology Do, Tai, MD,Hospital Medicine Heffernan, Kenny, CRNA Anesthesiology Nazari,Natasha,MD, Telepsychiatry Olisa, Charles, MD,Hos‐pital Medicine On amotionbyBen Cavin,secondbyDavid Bowman, theBoard unanimously approved the following credentialingrecommen‐dations by theMedical Executive Committee for these reappointmentap‐plicants: Bourgeois, Danny, MD General Surgery Brown, Tanya, NP,Hospi‐tal Medicine Bryant,Deborah,PA, Emergency Medicine Bullock, Brittany,NP, Crit‐icalCare Charcap, Jessica, CSFA, OrthopedicSurgery Chua,Kelvin, NP,Critical Care Clark, Angela,PA, Emer‐gency Medicine Corona,Raynold,MD, Nephrology Daire, Valerie, PA,Emer‐gency Medicine Drummond,Zarius, MD Pathology Gautreaux, Jeanne Nikki, MD, Obstetrics &Gyne‐cology Harton,Anthony,MD, Pathology Hebert,Mitchell, MD, Nephrology Holt,TreyVon,MD, Hospi‐tal Medicine Kidder ,Benjamin, MD Neurology Landry,Robert, MD Nephrology Lea, Amanda,DO, Inter‐nal Medicine Louque,Jennifer, NP Nephrology Luscy, Christopher, MD Nephrology Murrill, William, MD Nephrology Normand, Joan,RNFA, Or‐thopedicSurgery Nunez, Amberly, MD Pathology Rufini, William"Trey", CRNA, Anesthesiology Sajja, Krishna, MD,Gas‐troenterology Steigner,John, MD,Diag‐nosticRadiology Tiemann, William, MD,Di‐agnosticRadiology Walker,Anne, MD,Diag‐nosticRadiology Waters,Alexander CRNA, Anesthesiology Watson,Kimberly, NP CardiovascularDisease Whatley, John, MD,Or‐thopedics ADJOURNMENT Therebeing no further business, on amotionby David Bowman,second
