Darlene Denstorff AROUND ASCENSION
Disaster Recovery Center open in Donaldsonville
Residents impacted by Hurricane Francine can visit anew Disaster Recovery Center open at Lemann Memorial Center, 1100 Clay St., Donaldsonville, Ascension leadersannounced.
Operated by FEMA andthe state, the center offers personalizedhelp for recovery.
LFEMA, SBA and other agencies will be on hand to assist residents who saw damage from the storm.
For more information, call (225) 450-1200. The center is open 8a.m. to 5p.m. Monday through Saturday
Live Well AscensionSaturday
Visit Jambalaya Park from 9a.m. to 1p.m. Saturday for acommunityhealth fair,Live Well Ascension.
The event, sponsored by Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center,includes testing for four types of cancer: breast, skin, prostate and colorectal. Appointments are required, call (225) 425-8034 or visit
RRAAMcelebrating 30th
Tickets are on sale for the River Road African American Museum’sYellow Brick Gala celebrating the museum’s 30th anniversary of growth while collecting, archiving, preserving and narrating the culture and life of Black residents of the rural parishes of Louisiana. The event willbeOct. 12 at the Price LeBlanc Pace Center in Gonzales.
For information, visit www
Honoring bonfire tradition
ALive After 5Concert will honor George “Scrap” Hymel at 6p.m. Oct. 5atCrescent ParkinDonaldsonville.
Folklife Ambassador Brian Davis, of Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation, will host the ceremony recognizingthe Hymel family bonfiretradition
The Hymel family bonfire tradition began in 1969,when the late Richard Roussel Jr brought together familyand friends for food and camaraderie at the Gramercy home of his daughter Denise “Denny” Hymel and her husband, Scrap Hymel. The tradition is carried on today by the couple’s children and their families. Each Christmas Eve, around 300 Hymel family members and friends gather to eat,visit and wait for night to fall so the bonfiresalong the levee can be lit and the fireworks displays begun.
Mammograms offered Woman’sHospital brings lifesaving breast imaging to
ä See AROUND, page 2G

Coming off disappointing losses in week three, theSt. AmantGators and theDonaldsonville Tigers flexed theirmuscles in wins last week.
The Gators (1-2) get their first win of the season as they outscored Scotlandville, 39-38, on the road. Trailing32-14 with 5:28 left in thethird quarter,the Gatorsbegan their comeback.

position and punctuated witha12-yard touchdown run with justover three minutes remainingfor a 39-38 lead.
Defensive back MJ Dunn sealed the victory with an interception for St Amantwith 1:12 left.
Coach David Oliver said he was proud of his team’seffort to gut the win out and make one more play

Over aseven minute stretch, St. Amantscored 21 points. JuniorquarterbackCooper Babin was afactor with 168 yards passing and three total touchdowns.
St Amanttook thelead 33-32 on aJourden Hickerson 6-yard touchdown with alittleover nine minutes remaining in the game. Scotlandville responded at 6:23 with atouchdown to regain the lead at 38-33.
Babin used his arm and legs to movethe Gators into scoring
St. Amantwill cross Airline Highway to Dutchtown on Friday.The Griffins are rolling and are 4-0 on theseason.
Donaldsonville let alead evaporate against West St.John in Week 3inatough two-point loss. Lastweek was different as the Tigers scored early and often in a48-8 win over East Ibervillle. The Tigers evened their record to 2-2 on the season. The offensive outburst was led

we can to make surethose with disabilities havewhat they need and afacility with great conditions so they can have comfort in their home living.”
Proceeds from the run will be used to help renovate the Mary Marcombe Home, aresidential facility for women withintellectual disabilities.
Marlene Domingue,executive director of the Donaldsonville Area Arc, said the group was initially approached by McKim & Creed Inc. and the city of Donaldsonville in hopes of raising money
“The way Ascension, the sponsors and the city has helped organize this has been overwhelming,” Domingue said. “It is overwhelming in agood, good way.Inmy24-year career, to have an event like this has been great.
“Wefirst and foremostare here to raise awareness for Arc and to makeconnections within the community Those connections are invaluable. We have superseded our expectations for today.Welove to move, love to dance and we will do that today with joy.”
The race took three months to coordinate, Domingue said. More than adozen sponsors, including Hancock Whitney Bank, OxyChem and Roux Physical Therapy contributed to the event.
Donaldsonville residents Nanette Hahn and Cheryl Canova attended the event together as part of their exercise routine.
“Wewalk daily,”Hahn said. “Welike to keep up our heart rate and thisisa way to support the community. Ahalf-dozen local businesses also attended the event.
“This is so good for the town and (for) bringing notoriety to the community and to Arc,” Rick Lachney route manager for TruBlue Water, said. “Tohavethe mayor come out and speak to the participants and residents is something you don’t always see in large cities.”
The inauguralrace attracted runners from varioussouth Louisianacities including New Orleans, Napoleonville and Brusly First-place winner,Matthew Lapaglia,39, of Ascension Parish,ran thecourse in 19:27.
Continued from page1G

Ainsley’sAngels of Louisiana were some of the participants

More than 130 runnersregistered for theinaugural
Run. The event attracted runners from various south Louisiana cities including St. Amant, Mandeville and Brusly
“I thought the course was great, andI liked theturns,” Lapaglia added. “Wegot to see the lovely scenery here. Ithought running onthe levee brought achallenge ” “Today was special because we have volunteers and runnersfromall over coming to Donaldsonville,
and we are showing that we are on the map,” Sullivan said. “It’sexciting and today’sabout running and having fun.”
Formoreinformation about the Donaldsonville Area Arc, visit chapter/donaldsonvillearea-arc.

Ascension Parish with its mobile mammographycoach. The coach makes mammograms more accessiblethaneveroffering advanced 3D mammogram technology at convenient times and locationsacross Louisiana.
Physician’sordersare required and appointments are stronglyencouraged. Call (225) 924-8268 to schedule.
The Carden International Circus is making up for its missed show due to Hurricane Francine on Oct. 19-20 at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center
Householdhazardous wastecollection
Ascension Parish residents can drop off household hazardous waste from 9a.m. to 1p.m. Oct. 5atthe Lamar-Dixon Expo Center
Gonzales is planning its first Fall Fest on Oct. 27 at the Price LeBlanc PACE Center The event will include music, food, games, pumpkins, and arts and crafts.
Contact Darlene Denstorffbyphone, (225) 388-0215 or (225) 603-1998; or email, or Deadline: 5p.m. Friday
Previously purchased tickets will be honored for the same day and times as originally scheduled. Forinformation,
THE ASCENSION ADVOCATE,40444 Cannon Road,Gonzales, LA 70737(225) 388-0215 PUBLISHED EVERYWEDNESDAY
Darlene T. Denstorff
ddenstorff@theadvocate com
OFFICE:(225) 388-0215 CELL:(225) 603-1998
RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright (225) 388-0125
Send your news,photos or lettersby4 p.m.
CALL: (225)388-0200
M–F,6A.M.–5P.M SAT,7A.M.–10:30 A.M. SUN, 7A.M.–11 A.M. HOLIDAYS, 6A.M.–10 A.M. ONLINE:
CALL: (225)388-0200
ADVERTISING MARY DICHARRY CELL:(225) 937-8717 DEADLINE: 5p.m.Fridayprior to publication.

byrunning back Anthony Johnson. Johnsonwas getting aheavy workload with star running back Blake Turner out. Johnson had 15 carries for 149 yards Quarterback Donald Brown was efficient as he finished 9-for-13 with 106 yards passing and two touchdowns. Brown connected with Michael Herbert and Tahj Williby for touchdown passes and he added arushing touchdown Coach Darnell Lee was certainly pleased with his team’sability to move the ball in this game. “It was a much needed team win. Our offense showed good balance, we ran and passed the ball effectively,” Lee said.
The Tigerdefenseheld EastIberville to one touchdown and forcedturnovers, whichmade Lee veryhappy “Our defense played with physicality,weimproved on ourtacklingthis week. We were able to get offthe field on third down as well,” Lee said
Donaldsonville will be home forthe first time this season as they host White Castle on Friday in their homecoming game Week 4results:
n Dutchtown 49, Prairieville 0
n St. Amant 39, Scotlandville 38 n Donaldsonville 48, East Iberville 8 n Denham Springs 20, East Ascension 17 n Dunham 21, Ascension Catholic 18 n Westminister Lafayette
39, Ascension Christian 38 Week 5games:
n Episcopal at Ascension Catholic (2-1)
Friday: n St. Amant (1-2) at Dutchtown (4-0)
n Prairieville (1-3) at Walker
n East Ascension (1-2) at Live Oak
n Donaldsonville (2-2) hosts White Castle
n Ascension Christian (13) at Houma Christian Volleyball records:
Division 1:
n Dutchtown 13-3
n East Ascension 11-8
n St. Amant 8-8
n Prairieville 2-12
Division 4:
n Donaldsonville 1-2
n Ascension Catholic 11-8
n Ascension Christian 9-7
Middle school football scoreboard:
n Galvez 36, Central 6
n Dutchtown 26, Gonzales 8
n Prairieville 14, Bluff 6
n Lake 40, Lowery 6
Middle school records:
n Prairieville 3-0
n Galvez 3-0
n Dutchtown 2-0
n Lake 2-1
n Gonzales 1-1
n Central 1-2
n St. Amant 0-2
n Bluff 0-3
n Lowery 0-3
Dutchtown boys and girls
cross-country teams dominated their meet at Central High school. The Griffins won on the boys side with alow score of 17. The girls had adominant performance as well, winning with alow score of 18.
Top finishers:
Boys (3 mile times):
n First, Landen Juneau 15:38
n Third, Mason Heffernan 16:05
n Fourth, Shrey Shah 16:37 n Sixth, Christian Rowe 16:58 n Seventh, Kaleb Weber
17:00 n Eighth, Alejandro Medina Delgado 17:01 n Ninth, Isaac Urban 17:01
Girls (3 mile times): n Second, Kiera Melan 20:35 n Third, Ersalee Unangst 20:47 n Fifth, Katelyn Bucci 21:51 n Eighth, Keagan Merritt 22:42 n 10th, Zoe Gross 23:08. Troy LeBoeufcovers sports for theAscension Advocate. He can be reached at troyleboeuf@ or ascension@theadvocate. com or on Twitter @Troyleboeuf.

Thefollowing people were booked into the Ascension Parish Jail on Aug. 29-Sept. 19:
AUG. 29
763 S. SammySt., Gonzales; 21; surety,theft
$25,000, simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling
BRIGHT JR., TRACY DEON: 41063 Cannon Road 2003, Gonzales; 28; domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
JONES,MICHELE ANTOINETTE: 2073 Gordon Station Road, Port Gibson, Mississippi; 29; identity theft, bank fraud, forgery
GREENE, LAKISHA: 32530 Alice St., White Castle; 40; failureto appear-bench warrant
J.T. Roddy Road, Prairieville; 30; failuretoappear-bench warrant, operating while intoxicated-first, sale/distribution/or possession of legend drug without prescription, possessionofa Schedule IV controlled dangerous substance (alprazolam)
PERSILVER, JENNIFER NICOLE: 4127 La. 955 W, Ethel; 22;state probation violation, failure to appear-bench warrant, identity theft, twocounts unauthorized use of SNAP benefits or supplemental nutrition assistance program
benefit access devices, illegal transmission of monetary funds, identity theft under $300, theft less than $1,000
NICHOLAS,JASON P.: 3195 Joshua Lane, Donaldsonville; 44; fugitive-otherLouisiana jurisdiction,two counts failuretoappear-bench warrant
AUG. 30
THOMPSON, DESTINEY LATRELL: 9445 Williams Road, Gonzales; 26; failureto appear-bench warrant
RODRIGUEZ, DAVID: 2835 Thomas H. Delpit, Baton Rouge; 28; probation violation, failuretoappear-bench warrant
GRAY, TDARIUS JALEEL: 41242 New Orleans Ave, Sorrento; 31; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, fugitive-otherLouisianajurisdiction, domestic abuse battery-strangulation
LACEY,MARQUES LECINO: 16451 Hardwood Drive, Prairieville; 41; theft $1,000 but less than $5,000, simple criminal damage to property over$50,000
AUG. 31
LASHAUN: 2080Lobdell Blvd, Baton Rouge; 27; disturbing the peace/simple assault, reckless operation, hit-andrun driving,aggravated battery,second-degreemurder/ attempt
SKELTON, JOHN GREGORY: 39318 Country Drive, Prairieville;57; twocountsfailure to appear-bench warrant
EUGENE, DWAYNE ANDRE: 41235 Zeola Lane No. 18, Gonzales; 35; domestic abuse battery,violations ofprotectiveorders
BARRICK, AUSTIN MCNEIL: 12315 Cleo Road, Gonzales; 26; failuretoappear-bench warrant, domestic abuse battery
HARVEY,JOSEPH CHARLES: 8176 Mt. Calvary St., St. James; 29; four counts failure to appear-bench warrant
ROBILLARD,CHEVEZ TYWAN: 14466 Firethorn Drive, Baton Rouge; 31; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
JONAN: 3764 W. Loyola Drive, Kenner; 34; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, driver must be licensed, driving on roadway laned for traffic, operating avehicle while intoxicated-first
COMEAUX, GAVIN NATHANIEL: 12163 Cypress Park Drive, Geismar; 23; aggravated obstruction of ahighway of commerce, reckless operation
WILLIAMS,MARYA.: 6867 Titan Ave., Baton Rouge; 31; operating vehicle while license is suspended, child passenger restraint system, driving on roadway laned for traffic, hit-and-run driving, reckless operation, driving while intoxicated- secondchild endangerment
WILLIAMS JR., WAYNE: 1284 Collins St., Vacherie; 29; operating while intoxicatedsecond
REID,DIAMOND ALEXUS: 105 BedfordSt.; 25; battery of a dating partner
S. Burnside Ave. No. 301, Gonzales; 35; four counts failure to appear-bench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, disturbing the peace/ violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct
MAGEE, JAMIKA: 1235E.Buchanan St Baton Rouge; 28; failuretoappear-bench warrant, theft less than $1,000
MAISONNEUVE III, JEROME PAUL: 48024 Rogers ARoad, St.Amant; 22; stateprobation violation,failureto appearbench warrant, failure to register and notify as asex offender-first
ROGERS,ALEXIE MARIE: 800 Riverview ComplexA102, Donaldsonville; 21; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct
WALKER, NATESHA MICHELLE: 800 Riverview Complex A101, Donaldsonville; 18; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct
WIGGINS JR., HUBERT: 7135 Communi St., St. James;28; threecountsfailure to appear-bench warrant, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction, theft $1,000 but less than $5,000, simple battery
LANDRY, JOSEPH LEE: 1924 W. Worthey Road,Gonzales; 58; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction,failureto appearbench warrant
PERRYIII, THOMAS HYSLER: 17025 La. 44, Prairieville; 32; domestic abuse battery
BENOIT,TATEJAMES: 39042 Corinne Circle, Prairieville; 20; aggravated assault witha firearm
LEBLANC, TREMAYNEMARQUELL: 509Chetimatchas St., Donaldsonville;38; resisting an officer, violationsofprotectiveorders
RODDY, ELVIS: 43291 Elmo Cannon Road, Gonzales; 29; security required,driver must be licensed,maximum speed limit, use of multiple beam road lighting equipment, carelessoperation, reckless operation,fugitiveotherLouisiana jurisdiction, discharges/emits/or disposes of anyhazardoussubstanceenforcement, misrepresentation during issuance of amisdemeanor summons or preparation of ajuvenile custodialagreement
ROGERS, TRAYVON CHRISTAN: 8835 GRSI Ave., Baton Rouge; 23; failureto appear-bench warrant
WILLIAMS,BRIAN EUGENE: 33541 Boudreaux St White Castle; 56; monetary instrument abuse
MURPHY,DERYNMICHELLE: 44335 Loop Road,Prairieville; 39; domestic abuse batterychild endangerment
DONAHUE,ASHLEY: 523 HerronPoint Road, Baton Rouge; 40; telephone communications/improper language/ harassment,aggravated burglary-with weapon
MURPHY, SHAUN D.: 44335 Loop Road, Prairieville; 41; domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
ROBINS,WAIKIA NIKIYA: 6172 W. Perimiter Road,Baton Rouge; 23; three counts, simple robbery BOLDEN, OSMONDWILLIAM: 15477 Shirley Drive, Prairieville; 40; failuretoappearbenchwarrant GREEN, JONATHAN DAVID: 15526 CrystalLane, Prairieville; 42; three counts failureto appear-bench warrant, simple obstruction of a highway of commerce, operating vehicle while license is suspended SCHONBERG, ELISE N.: 709 E McGinnis St., Donaldsonville; 38; simple battery GREEN, LEVELL: 9313 Water TowerLane, Convent; 33; unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling, criminal trespass/trespassing of real property,resisting an officer by violence, resistance, or opposition, resistinganofficer, violationsofprotective orders, disturbingthe peace/ violent and tumultuousmanner/disorderly conduct,violations of protectiveorders WHITTINGTON, KAITLYN ALEXIS: 41152 C.J. Courtney Road, Gonzales; 31; prohibited acts-drugparaphernalia, possession of aSchedule IV controlled dangerous substance (clonazepam), distribution/possession with intent to distributeSchedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), distribution/possession with the intent todistributeheroin NICHOLSON, HERMAN: 222 E. 26th St, Reserve; 56; failure to appear-bench warrant, prohibited acts-drugparaphernalia,possession of aSchedule IV controlled dangerous substance (clonazepam), distribution/possession with intent to distributeSchedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), distribution/possession with the intent todistributeheroin WARD,RALPH L.: 14357 N. Hillside Drive, Prairieville; 60; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of aSchedule IV controlled dangerous substance (clonazepam), distribution/ possession with intenttodistribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), distribution/ possession with theintentto distribute heroin JACKSON, CHARLESR.: 5030 BrownExt., Darrow; 61; two counts failureto appearbench warrant, two counts distribution/possession with
the intent to distribute heroin, possession of aSchedule IV controlled dangerous substance (lorazepam), two counts distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia
THOMAS,CHARLES DEMELE: 3439 Sandy Drive, Baker; 43; illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities, second degree murder
WAGNER, TANGA EVETTE: 5213 Tolbert Ave.,Baton Rouge; 52; twocounts theft less than $1,000
LUIS: 12326 ShayAve Baton Rouge; 26; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, four counts simple criminal damage to property $1,000 to $50,000, theft over $25,000, twocounts theft $5,000 but less than $25,000, theft $1,000 but less than $5,000, unauthorized entry of aplace of business
RIDGE: 28 St. Claude Ct., New Orleans; 57; identity theft, bank fraud, access device fraud $1,000 to $5,000
KIRKLAND,KIM RAMAGOS: 1612 N. Cedar Ave.,Gonzales; 64; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, state probation violation
JONES,ABRAHAM: 9214 Central Project St., Convent; 39; domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
BROWN, VERONIQUE: 1026 S. Stacy Ave.,Gonzales; 38; domesticabuse battery-child endangerment
THEWS: 12463 Ruth Road, Gonzales; 35; when lighted lamps arerequired, general speed law, flight from an officer,reckless operation, resisting an officer
WHEAT, GARYWAYNE: 18785 JohnnyWheat Road, Livingston; 58; probation violation, failuretoappear-bench warrant
THEWS: 12463 Ruth Road, Gonzales; 35; domestic abuse battery
TURNER, DEWAYNE K.: 1303 S. HempshireAve., Gonzales; 43; twocounts simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, domesticabuse battery,two counts domestic abuse battery-strangulation
MAYERS,COREY A.: 11502 Roddy Road, Gonzales; 46; careless operation, operating avehicle while intoxicatedfirst
FELTON, IRELL: 1710 W. Paris
St., Gonzales; 41; battery of a dating partner
ORTIZ, CANDICE: 2249 S. Helens Way, Gonzales; 34; expired motor vehicle inspection, expired driver’s license, careless operation, operating while intoxicated-second
BAUER, JASON STEVEN: 30th St. Suite D, San Diego; 45; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, illegal possessionof stolen things less than $1,000, resisting an officer
JOANOS,MICHELLE LANDRY: 12117 Coueron Drive, St. Amant; 38; domestic abuse battery
JOANOS,ANGELOJOSEPH: 8876 BSunnyside Drive, LaPlace; 48; domestic abuse battery
ANDERSON, DANYEL: 43034 Cypress Bend Ave.,Gonzales; 47; cruelty to the infirmed
HAMILTON, JEFFERYAFTON: 10965 Jeff Hamilton Road, Mobile, Alabama; 45; domestic abuse battery-pregnant victim
NALL, AMANDALEIGH: 14340 Fort LakeRoad, Grandbay, Alabama; 30; domestic abuse battery
CABRERA-DURAN, MIGUEL ANGEL: 518 14th Ave, Patterson, New Jersey; 29; theft less than $1,000
NELSON, JAYLON JSHAUN: 2750 AlaskaAve Baton Rouge; 23; state probation violation, simple burglary (all others)
FLASH, MCKENZIE CORRIN: 28860 George White Road, Holden; 25; off-road vehicles; authorization for use on the shoulders of certain public roads and highways,reckless operation, operating while intoxicated-first
NICHOLAS,NICOLE: 800 Riverview Complex 204C, Donaldsonville; 33; windshields required, security required, false certificates, proper equipment required on vehicles-displayofplate, driver must be licensed, four counts failuretoappearbench warrant
S. Veterans Blvd., Gonzales; 32; domestic abuse battery twocounts false imprisonment
TRAVIS,GEDDRICK LEE: 5247 Galaxy Blvd, Darrow;31; failuretoappear-bench warrant
WILLIAMS,MYKEL T.: 1528 St. Patrick St., Donaldsonville; 24; failuretoappear-bench warrant
GROS,BRANDYMICHELLE: 17577 Joe Sevario Road, Prairieville; 44; twocounts failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
DAVIS,MARION M.: 38281 Josh BrownRoad, Gonzales; 35; unauthorized use of amotor vehicle, failuretoappearbench warrant
STEVENS,DEREK M.: 3156 Township Road, Donaldsonville; 41; disturbing the peace/drunkenness
JAMES,HERBERT: 10725 Mollylea Drive, Baton Rouge; 64; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
GLOYD, HALLIE MARIE: 14496 Airline HighwayNo. 113, Gonzales; 31; violations of protectiveorders
CONSTANT,ELIZABETH HYACINTH: 7123 Panama Canal Drive, Gonzales; 21; operating while intoxicated-second DASSINGER, DOMINICK
ZEBIDIAH: 1000 Renaud Drive, Lafayette; 27; simple battery domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
GOBLE, BILLY: 15231 Joe Sevario Road, Gonzales; 28; careless operation, reckless operation, operating while intoxicated-first
LEBLANC, CASPER PAUL: 3355 AmySt., Paulina; 26; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct, simple battery aggravated assault
HUDSON, MARK ANTHONY: 17059 FoxRidgeDrive,Prairieville; 20;failuretoappearbench warrant, theft of a firearm
GAUTREAU, JEFFERYPAUL: 1320 S. Vista Ave.,Gonzales; 32; possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, careless operation, possession of aSchedule Icontrolled dangerous substance, operating while intoxicated-third SAXON, COLLIN: 424 La. 933, Prairieville; 27; domestic abuse battery
JONES,LENNARD: 41492 Hearthstone Ave.,Prairieville; 56; disturbing the peace/simple assault, second-degree battery
KREVOLT, ANN MAUREEN: 115 S. Buillon Ave., Gonzales; 35; domestic abuse battery
MURPHY,DERYN MICHELLE: 44265 Loop Road, Prairieville 40; violations of protective orders
MITCHELL, TYRESS LARON: 200 Boutte State Drive, Boutte; 23; telephone communications/improper language/harassment, violations of protectiveorders, aggravated assault with afirearm
MENDOZA, ILDEFONSO: 13371 BayouGrand South Blvd., Gonzales; 57; domestic abuse battery-strangulation
Cletus Drive, Baton Rouge 28; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct
CALLEJAS: 17950 Airline Highway,No. 322, Prairieville; 20; domestic abuse battery
KILE JR., TONY: 1108 Don Ave., Denham Springs; 33; battery of adating partner
BOHLANDER, TAYLOR LUKE: 202 Church St., Donaldsonville 25; domestic abuse battery
RITCHIE, EVAN NICHOLAS: 1975 St. Croix, Baton Rouge; 32; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, resisting an officer, driving on roadway laned for traffic, general speed law, illegal possession of stolen things
$5,000 to $25,000, aggravated flight from an officer, stop signs and yield signs
BURNOS,SALEH: 18147 Old Trail Drive, Prairieville; 19; failuretoreport accident, hitand-run driving
La. 15, Rayville; 28; theft of a firearm, twocounts theft less than $1,000, theft of amotor vehicle $5,000 to $25,000, criminal trespass/all other theft of amotor vehicle over $25,000
GIBSON, KENDRICK KENDELL: 3038 La. 1S., Donaldsonville; 41; resisting an officer, violations of protectiveorders
DEMPRE, JOHN RODNEY: 18616 LakeHarbor Lane, Prairieville; 48; cruelty to juveniles
BercegeayDrive, Gonzales; 39; View outwardorinward through windshield or windows-obscuring prohibited, no seat belt, expired MVI, expired license plates, reckless operation, operating while intoxicated-first
ANDREWS, CEDRIC DURELL: 39405 Cornerview Road, Gon-
zales; 43; proper equipment required on vehicles-display of plate, view outwardor inward through windshield or windows-obscuring prohibited, careless operation, operating while intoxicated-first
PORTILLO, ARLIN ZELAYA: 18540 LakeHarbor Lane, Prairieville; 21; failuretoappearbench warrant
DIXON, KRISTEN KAY: 39327 CatoireRoad,Prairieville; 28; disturbing the peace/ drunkenness, simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, resisting an officer, resisting apolice officer with force or violence, criminal trespass/trespassing of real property,battery of apolice officer, simple battery,home invasion (battery)
FREDERICK, KOLBYLAWRENCE: 18475 Linda Lane, Denham Springs; 29; fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction JOHNSON, EBONY NIGERIA: 8544 S. St. Landry Ave., No. 44, Gonzales; 44; twocounts theft less than $1,000, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
RODRIGUEZ, RENE J.: 12092 Rotterdam Ave., Geismar; 50; simple criminal damage to property $1,000 to $50,000, simple arson, resisting an officer
RUSK SR., STEVEN DEAN: 18674 BroussardRoad,Prairieville; 44; domestic abuse battery,second offense GAUTREAUX, PARKER ANTHONY: 39350 TommyMoore Road, Gonzales; 19; resisting an officer, failuretoappearbench warrant BAZILE, JUNIUS EDDIE: 308 Barcelona Drive, Donaldsonville; 43; failuretoappearbench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
CLAIBORNE, LANADIA: 13071 Eagles WayCourt, Geismar; 46; disturbing the peace/ language/disorderly conduct, approaching apeace officer lawfully engaged in lawenforcement duties
CLAIBORNE JR., CLIFFORD: 13071 Eagles WayCourt, Geismar; 47; simple battery disturbing the peace/drunkenness
LEBLANC, COREY ALAN: 44301 Donna Villar Road, Prairieville; 35; domestic abuse battery
FORD,HARLAN ROBERT: 45188 Teddy Babin Road, St. Amant; 37; criminal trespass/ trespassing of real property
ä See BOOKINGS, page 5G