Leila Pitchford
Leila Pitchford
Register for Walk for Life in the Felicianas at 8a.m., Saturday, Oct. 5. The walkbegins at 9a.m. For information contact (225) 683-3371 or acs@landmarkbankla.com. The route is between Landmark Bank and Feliciana Bank. Cost is $25 a person or $250 for ateam.
Blessing of theanimals
Bring your animals to be blessed in honor of the Feast of St. Francis at 4p.m. Oct. 5 at Parker Park Pavilion in St. Francisville. Animals must be leashed or caged. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Donations for the animal shelter will be accepted: Purina Adult Dog Chow,Puppy Chow,Canned ClassicGround, medium Milk Bones, Kong Goodie bones, Temptations cat treats, kitten collars (small to medium), sliprope dog leashes, paper towels, bleach, laundry pods and large garbage bags.
Walk-in flushots available Lane Rx, located in front of the hospital at 6400 Main St., Zachary,isoffering free walkin flu shots Monday-Friday from 9a.m. to 7p.m., and Saturday from 9a.m. to 3p.m.The vaccinations are free with most insurance plans.
The standard Fluzone, for ages 6months to 64 years, is $32 for cash pay,and the Fluzone High Dose for ages 65 and older is $92 for cash. For information, call (225) 658-4022.
Mammograms available
Woman’sHospital bringsits mobile mammography coach to East Feliciana PrimaryCare, 3050 Charles Drive, Jackson, on Oct. 21. Physician’sorders are required and appointments are strongly encouraged. Call 225-683-5292 to schedule.
Atrunk-or-treat starts at 6p.m. Oct. 17 at West Feliciana Sports Park in the circle parking lot by the ball fields. Adonation of $1 donation per car is asked.Trunk contest categories are scariest,favorite movie and most original. The concession stand willbeopen. Call the park office at (225) 784-8447 to reserve aspot.
Register to vote
The deadline to register to vote in the Nov.5Open Primary/Presidential/CongressionalElection in person or by mail is Oct. 7, and the deadline to register to vote throughthe GeauxVote Online Registration System is Oct. 15. Citizens with avalid Louisiana driver’s license or Louisiana ID card can register online24hours aday,seven days aweek by visiting voterportal.sos.la.gov
Louisiana residents can also register in person at their parish Registrar of Voters Office, when they applyfor or renew their driver’slicenseatany OfficeofMotor Vehicles, or when obtaining services at public assistance agencies and Armed Forcesrecruitment offices
Angola Prison Rodeotickets
Tickets are available for the Angola Prison Rodeo in October.Reserved seating is $20
ä See AROUND, page 2G
Contributing writer
With Hurricane Francine bearing down onthe Louisiana coast, three of thefive St. Francisville Board of Aldermen met Sept.10to enact acomplicated pair of ordinances to set the town’s 2024 property tax millage. With new,and higher,property assessmentsdeterminedbythe parish assessor,the quorum of the
board first voted to roll back the town’s property tax from 5.66 mills to 5.18 mills. The effect would be to collect aboutthe same amount of revenue as the town collected last year
Then, after apublic hearing, the three votedto“rollforward”with the tax levy to the full 5.66 mills, which would have resulted in an increaseofabout $18,000 because
of thetown’shigherproperty values.
Theboard needed afourth vote, however Statelaw requires at least atwothirds vote of themembership, or fourvotes fora five-member governing body,toadopt the higher millage.
Mayor RobertLeake explained duringaSept. 24 meeting that he was forced to veto the ordinance rolling forward to the maximum
levy because the state Legislative Auditor will notcertify the board’s action.
Four,orall five members would have hadtovotefor the measure forittobecome effective.
Board members Abby Cochran, Rucker Leake and Gigi Robertson attendedthe Sept. 10 session, while Andry D’Aquilla and Collin Howell were absent.
Contributing writer
Clintoniscelebrating its 200th birthday Saturday with music, historytalks,vendors, food and a car show
Organizers of Clinton’sBicentennial Celebration are fine-tuning last minute details.
The residents of the historic town, East Feliciana Parish and more will come together with local,parish and state officialsand special guests to recognize the town’s historicmilestone and to enjoy the official celebratory activities andofferings from 2p.m to 9p.m
Thenonprofit groupClinton Is Home, which servedasthe planning committee, invites all to commemorate the town’s200th birthday —tohear someofthe history andstories about the parish, town and people—indowntown Clinton near and in the historic EastFelicianaParish courthouse and mostly inthe St. Helena Street area.
The East Feliciana Tigers came up short and fellto0-1 to open 2-A district play
The Tigers, who losttoEpiscopal 2043, will host Capitol on Friday in its homecoming game. Slaughter Charter won big against Capitol 49-0. They take on Northeast Friday
Despitescoring 37 points, West Feliciana was outscored by Woodlawn, 57-37. It’s homecoming at West Feliciana as the Saints face Plaquemine.
Silliman Institute traveled to Adams County Christianfor a41-25 win. Silliman hosts Cathedral at home at 7p.m. Friday
The mayor said the board would not have enough time to run the necessary publicnotices and meet to set the millage at the maximum rate before thetax rollsbecome final.
“My advice is the try again next year,” the mayor said.
The Sept. 10 vote was set after the boarderred on July 9byvoting to set the higher millage withoutthe series of public notices required by law.Leake had to veto the July 9measure as well.
The board introduced an ordinance proposed by the Planning andZoning Commission that would allow cafes to operate as a“conditional use” in amixed use zoning district. The cafes couldnot sell alcoholic beverages, have drivethrough window service or have commercial kitchens under the termsofthe ordinance,which will be set for apublic hearing andvote on Oct. 22.
The Sept. 24 session was livestreamed on Facebook with a handheld iPhone, while the officials discussed whether their meetings should aired on social media.
D’Aquilla has made livestreaming the meetings part of his campaign in the mayor’srace, which will be decided Nov.5 Leake said he put the item on the agenda, sayingD’Aquilla had never brought up the idea before.
“Wehave talked aboutit,” D’Aquilla replied, adding, “Iwish more people would attend.” Leake estimated that microphones, acamera and related equipment could cost $15,000 to $20,000 and suggestedadding thenecessary equipment when the meeting room is reconfigured from its present three tables where the officials now sit.
Robertson pushed for adelay in deciding whethertovideo the proceedings, sayingshe wanted to see “what’sbest for oursmall town.”
Continued from page1G
per ticket.The event includes music by inmate bands, food,and prisoner-madearts and crafts. Children’sactivities includepony rides, carnival games and an antique carousel. Admission to the Louisiana Prison Museum and Cultural Center at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola is free for ticket holders each Sunday.Purchaseatangolarodeo.com/tickets.
Free cancer screening
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center is holding breastand colorectal screenings from 9a.m.to 2p.m. Oct. 24 at the East Feliciana Police Jury Office building,12064 Marston St., in Clinton. Appointments are encouraged, butwalkins welcome. Call (225) 425-8034 foranappointment. Through donations, screenings are free if you have not been screened within the past 12 months. Insurance will be billed formammograms. Colorectal screenings will be atake-home kit.
Save thedate
n Yellow Leaf Festival is agreat way to get ahead of your holiday shopping while supportinglocal artists. The Yellow Leaf Arts Festival will be Oct. 28-29 in Parker Park in DowntownSt. Francisville. More information, www. artsforallwestfeliciana.com.
n Christmas in the Country in St. Francisville is set for Dec. 6-8.
n The Southern Garden Symposium is Oct. 18 at Rosedown in St. Francisville. Speakers areMarianne Willburn and Scott Beuerlein. Visit www.thesoutherngardensymposium.org for detailsand registration.
n The Feliciana Wildflower Festivalwill be June 7and the group is seeking applications for vendors and guest speakers. Visit www.facebook.com/FelicianaWildflowerProjectfor information.
Send news and events for East and West Feliciana parishes to extra@theadvocate.com by noon Friday or call (225)388-0731.