Zachary Plainsman-Advocate 10-02-2024

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911director addresses concerns over emergencycalls

Amonth after Zachary residents and elected officials complained about long response times, dropped calls and other problems when theycontact 911, the director of the East Baton Rouge Parish Communications Districtspoke to the City CouncilSept. 24 about howthe emergency telephone system works and issues affectingit.

The director,Jim Verlander,addressed concerns that were raised at acouncil meetingin late August, where residents and council members alike reported having towait along time for their 911 calls to be answered, often only to be connected withdispatchers they said were either rude or unfamiliar withZachary’s streets Verlander emphasized that some ofthese problems areout of the district’shands

“Wesupply the 911 phonesystem thatis used by theentire parish,” Verlander explained. “We’re not theones actuallybehind thecall —we’re the onesbehind the callsystem and alsothe CADsystem, the computer-aided dispatch.“

The district serves as the parish’s PSAP, or Public Safety AnsweringPoint. According to the district’swebsite, it “has adoptedthe ‘transfer method’ of handling911 calls: it receives telephone requests for emergency services and directly transferssuchrequeststoanappropriate public safety agency or otherprovidersofemergencyservices.”

Verlander encouraged people to be patient when they call 911. Most calls are picked up within two and ahalf to four of five rings, he said —which is in line with anational standard of answering 95% of calls within20seconds and 90% within 10 seconds.

Some people hang up after only acouple of rings, assuming no one is there to take their call. In reality,issues with cell phonecarriers can cause a delay in connecting with 911orevendropthe call. Sometimes the call centerisjust busy,fielding reportsofmultiple emergencies goingonatonce.

Often, Verlandersaid,people dealing with an urgent medical or safetysituation panicorbecome impatient when theydon’t reacha call taker right away

“Whenever you’re dialing911, it’s generally the

ä See CALLS, page 3G

ZacharyCityCouncil thanksofficers forlarge drug bust

Zachary police officers recently made what they say is the biggest drugbust in the city’s history,arresting aman on several narcotics-related counts and seizing alarge amountofcontraband.

TheCityCouncil recognizedthe accomplishment at its Sept. 24 meeting According to anews release posted on the Police Department’sFacebook page, officers arrested Dylan Raborn,31, on Sept. 6“aftera lengthy investigation” that culminatedina searchofahome in the 5700 block of Fairway Drive. Raborn faces 10 counts of possession with intent to distribute Schedule Idrugs, twocounts of possession with intent to distribute Schedule II drugs and one count each of operatinga hallucinogenic mushroom lab, operatinga clandestine lab, possession of drug paraphernalia and transactions involving drug proceeds.

ä See BUST, page 3G


shots Monday-Friday from 9a.m. to 7p.m., and Saturday from 9a.m. to 3p.m. The vaccinations are free withmost insurance plans. The standard Fluzone, for ages 6 months to 64 years, is $32 for cash pay,and

dance as Phat Hat sings ‘AtLast.
Wendell Woods, the lead singer of Phat Hat, performs his best vocalsfor the community of Zachary.
Chloe McCleary, the Zachary Chamber of Commerce director,enjoys the sounds of Phat Hat Fridayduring an outdoor concert.
Stevie Nereaux, Bailie Cross, Zollie Guidry,and Josetta LeBoeuf at Downtown Liveatthe Gazebo
Joyce Juneau, the owner of Neo Photo: The 360 LiveExperience, provides free photos to all attendees at the Downtown Liveatthe Gazebo.
Connie Corrill, the owner of So Craftin’ CuteDesigns, one of the vendors at Downtown Liveat the Gazebo.Corrillcrafts decorative door hangers, earrings and bracelets
PHOTOSBYSONYAGOSS Downtown Liveatthe Gazebo featuring Phat Hat

worst day of your life. …You’rehaving the worst day of your life, you’re calling,you want aresponse immediately,” Verlander said. “We’re wanting to provide that immediately.Sometimes it takesthree rings, four rings, five rings, depending on what might be going on at the time.”

He said calls nevergocompletely unanswered.If needed—like at times of high call volume— calls will rollover to outside agencies until someone answers

He said the district copeswith a“staggering”number of 911 hang-ups and unintentionally made calls

This takes up staff members’ time

“Thewatches, the vehicles —it’slike everything nowadays, they’re wantingtoimplementthese new features” that automatically call 911, sometimes erroneously,Verlander said

Another complaint aired at the Augustcouncil meeting was nonlocal dispatchers picking up 911 calls. Zachary has not employed itsown police dispatchers in recent years, instead depending on the East Baton Rouge ParishSheriff’sOffice forthese services. Residents and councilmemberssaid they’ve had trouble communicating withdispatchersabout where to send help

Police Chief Darryl Lawrence stepped uptothe mic and remindedpeople that it’sunrealistic to expectdispatchers —whether they’re in Zachary or not —toknow every inch of thecity.

“Zachary has grown immeasurably,” Lawrence said. “When we first started here, it was easy to know what streets were where. Now,Idon’teven know where every street is.”


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Among other items, officers seized more than $1,600 in cash, hallucinogenic mushrooms and growing kits, THC pens, THC wax, Adderall pills, unidentified pills, methamphetamines,marijuana and heroin.

Agroup of officers attended the council meeting, wherecityleaders congratulated them on making history and thanked them for helping keep Zachary safe.

“Job well done,” said Police Chief Darryl Lawrence.

“I want to thank y’all so much for y’all’sefforts to get these drugs off the streets,” said Councilman John LeBlanc. “I know this didn’tjust affect Zachary’s streets. It affected other cities around here and probablyout of the state.”

Tonja Myles,a localadvocate for mental health and addiction recovery, applauded the work.

“You didn’t just do adrugbust,” she said. “You saved lives. …You gave somebody another chance to live, to know recoveryisreal.”

Mylesalso spoke to the council about National Recovery Month, which is observed in September

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Continued from page1G

Lane Foundationtohostgolftourney

The Lane Foundation’sseventh annual golftournament is set for Oct. 25 at Beaver CreekGolf Course in Zachary,with an 8a.m shotgun start.

For team registration and sponsorshipinformation, visit or email

Registration is underway forthe annual charity golftournament. Entryfee is $600 per team or $150 per individual and includes golf cart, course fee, driving range balls, gift bag, door prizeentry,refreshments andfood alongthe course

Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams, closest to the pin and chippingcontest winners.

Proceedswill help Lane Foundation reach its Expansion Campaign goal of $1 millionin support of Lane Regional Medical Center’s new four-story patient tower focused onpatientcare

Market events planned

Nita Edwards, of the Zachary Farmers Market, announced some special market dates.

Oct. 5: ZFM County Fair and Rodeo willbe from 9a.m. to 2p.m. The market will be celebratingits fifth birthday with door prizes, birthdaycakeand fair games. Acake/bake walk will start at 1p.m. Dan Klein willhave a“rodeo” for children ages 3-7 starting at 10 a.m.

Oct. 26: Market Harvest from 1p.m. Aphoto backdrop will be available HalloweenDuck Hunt is thetheme.

Nov.16: Memory Lane at the Market from


Continued from page1G

—discus and shot put —before most runningeventseven began.

Jackson earned All-State recognition in theshot put from her freshman through senior years, and she was also All-State in the discus from her sophomore year through her senior year.During thatperiod, she won eight individualDistrict 4-5A titles in the shot put and discus, four regional titles and five individual state titles.

She was named the 2018 AdvocateStar of Stars track and field athlete of the year and garnered All-Metro track and field in the shot put and discus in 2018 and 2017 when shewas also outstanding field performer

In additiontoindividual accolades, Jackson was part of someimpressive teams at Zachary and her guaranteed points in the

9a.m. to 1p.m. Arearesidentsare asked to sharespecial memories/itemswitheveryone. Not items to sell.

Nov.23: Holiday Kickoff from 1p.m. The day will include drawings for Market Money and will celebrate Thanksgiving, football games and Christmas shopping.

Register to vote

The deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 5Open Primary/Presidential/Congressional Election in person or by mail is Oct. 7, and thedeadline to register to vote through the GeauxVote Online Registration System is Oct. 15. Citizens withavalid Louisiana driver’slicense or Louisiana ID card can register online 24 hours aday,seven days aweek residents can also register in person at their parish Registrar of Voters Office, when they apply for or renew their driver’slicense at any Office of Motor Vehicles, or when obtaining services at public assistance agencies and Armed Forces recruitment offices.

Pink OutZachary

The Zachary Chamber of Commerce Leadership North Group is holdinga BustOut Cancer campaign. Among the awareness campaigns are two Pink Out days.The schools will use Oct. 18 as their day.Mayor David McDavid hasdesignated Oct. 24 at the date for the entire city Proceeds will go to Woman’sHospital Prayer luncheon set

Mayor David McDavid invites all community members to join the Mayor’sCommunity Prayer Luncheon on Oct. 25 at the FamilyLife Center of First BaptistChurch Zachary,4200 Main St. This year,the event will be held as aluncheon, making it more convenient for everyone to attend.

field assisted the team overall. During Jackson’sfour years, the ZHS girls track and field team won 4-5A District championships in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, 5A RegionII championships in 2016 and 2018 and then there are all of those state championships.

Jackson is one of twofemaleathletes to win six team state trackand field championships. She was acritical component of the indoor and outdoor state titles in 2015, 2016 and 2018.

After graduation, Jackson took herconsiderable talentstoSoutheastern Louisiana University, where she competed in track and field while earning abachelor’sdegree in business administration

She is in graduate school, which should not be surprising as she was named to the Southland Conference Commissioner’s Honor Roll in 2020 and 2023.

In the field, Jackson continued herwinning ways with the Lions track andfield team.She was the 2022 indoor Southland

Acomplimentary fried fish lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m.The luncheon will feature guest speaker Col. Paul Pride, aretired superintendent of the Ohio StateHighway Patrol. The theme forthe luncheon is “Faith and Service.”

“The communityprayer luncheon is a meaningful opportunity for our citizens to

Conference shot putchampionand weight throw runner-up. In spring 2022, shewon theSouthland Conference discuschampionship andwas an NCAAqualifierwhile finishing as aconference championship runner-up in theshotput andhammer Last year,she was theSouthland Conference runner-up in theshotput in both the indoor andoutdoor conference championships andwas the discuschampion. Jackson will be recognized at an induction ceremonyat6 p.m. Oct. 24 at theZHS athleticcenter.She will also receive on-field recognitionathalftime of theWoodlawn game on Oct. 25. Next week’s articlewill have an introduction to ZHS’secondHallofFame inductee andhe/she (I can’t giveitaway) will be a familiarname to many.

Warren Brady covers sports forThe Plainsman. He can be contacted at

come together,reflect on our shared values of compassion and service, and pray fora prosperous and safefuture forour city,” McDavid said.

Sendnewsand events forthe Zachary area to by noon Fridayorcall(225) 388-0731.

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Join West FelicianaHospital’s annual breast cancer awareness campaign to raise money forCancer Services of BatonRouge, whichserves a10-parish area thatincludes West and East Feliciana andPointeCoupee.

Businesses andindividuals areaskedtodecorate their homes oroffices both insideand out, and enter our competition. For entryforms and moreinformationon PAINT THE TOWN PINK contact us at or 225-635-3811 ext. 2304.


•Thursday,October 3: Pink BakeSale at Audubon Market 11:00am-tillwerun out

• Thursday, October 10: Paint Party6p.m.atWestFeliciana Hospital. Includes paint instructor and door prizes Purchasetickets ahead of time from the Resources/Events page on our website, seating is limited

•Friday,October11: Schools,sportsclubs,and the entire community is encouraged to wear pink!

• Wednesday,October 16: Paintthe Town Pink Contest Judging forDecoratedEstablishments

• Thursday,October 24: Come hydrate at our water station during TheWitches Ride of St. Francisville

• Friday,October 25: KendraScott JewelryRaffleWinnerAnnounced

Zachary’sKristian Jackson, winner of the Class 5A shot put in 44-4 1/2. Allstate Sugar Bowl/ LHSAA TrackClass3A, 4A and5Ain2017.

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