Sorrento to host TheBoucherie &Balloon Festival
Sorrento’s annual Boucherie & Balloon Festival kicks offOct. 18 on Airline Highwayinthe townthat celebrates theCajuntraditionofbutcheringahog. The festival is organized by the Sorrento Lions Club to raise money for the Louisiana Lions Camp andLouisiana Lions Eye Foundation, providing free recreational activities, optical services, and so much more for special-needs children. From Oct. 18-20, the fairwill include free on-site parking, akid’s
zone, tethered hotair balloons rides, music, arts and crafts and lots of food. Thehighlights of the weekend are the cracklin andjambalaya cookingcontests. For details, visit
Letlow to speakatGOP Roundtable Congresswoman Julia Letlow is the speaker Oct.
Yolanda Lee,
Joel Jones, middle, performs along withthe 3MC gospel choirSept. 29 as part of the city of Gonzales’ Musicin
Continued from page1G
Elissa Nunnally,Mary Bird Perkins regional manager early detection and education, called the Live Well event “prevention on thego.”
“Mary Bird Perkins goes into areas of the community to improve survivorship of cancer and bring cancer screening to residents for free,” Nunnally said. Ascension Parish is one of ahalfdozen recipients of theLive Well events.
“These are stand-alone clinics
trying to improve the health of communities andhelp trytominimize barriers residents may face,” Nunnally said BatonRouge General’sEvent Supervisor Brandon Dufrene saidthe Live Well event brings together various health resources to help communities.
“We’ve partnered with Mary Bird Perkins and we are excited to be out in the Ascension Parish community,” Dufrene said. “We are happy to serve by testing biometrics such as blood pressure, cholesterol andglucose checks.”
One of the big draws at the event wasthe free mammogramservice
“This event is afantastic resource for cancer awareness,” Gonzales residentAmy Eledge said. “Today is important because they areproviding servicesthat people might not receiveotherwise.”
Upcoming Live Well events include: n Oct. 19 at Covington Trailhead, Covington n Nov.2 at 8200 Main Street, Houma The Live Well events require advanced registration. For more information, visit
Concertattendees watch Joel Jones &3MC.
Sept. 29 at theJambalayaPark in Gonzales.
Continued from page1G
“I love it. Ilike that there is avariety of bands and styles. “They do this type of thing everywhere else. We should have concerts,aswell.”
The Michael Foster Project is scheduled forthe Oct. 20 Musicinthe Park.
The series will wrap up with Downbeat Louisiana on Nov.17.
It will be abusy fall and winter seasonsfor Gonzales andAscension Parish residents.
The city is hosting the first Fall Fest on Oct. 27 at the Price LeBlanc Pace Center
“Residents who attend Fall Fest can look forward to agreat time.” Panepinto said. “There will be enter-
tainment from Jamell Richardson, great food, games, arts and crafts, pumpkins, and more.”
Otherupcomingevents include theMayor’s Prayer Breakfast,Holiday Tree Lighting, and Senior Breakfast. For more information about upcoming events in Ascension Parish, visit https://visitlasweetspot. com.
Continued from page 1G
Republican Women. starts at 11:30 .m. at the Clarion Inn, 1500 La. 30 in Gonzales.
Letlow represents Louisiana’s5th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Cost for the lunch is $30. To RSVP,call (225) 921-5187 or email
RRAAMcelebrating 30th anniversary
Tickets are on sale for the River Road African American Museum’sYellow Brick Gala celebrating the museum’s30th anniversaryofgrowth while collecting, archiving, preserving and narrating the culture and life of Black residents of the rural parishes of Louisiana.
The event will be Oct. 12 at the Price LeBlanc Pace Center in Gonzales.
For information, visit
Lookingfor pecans,sweet potatoes?
It’stime to order your sweet potatoes and pecan halves from the Ascension Parish 4-H. The groups is taking orders through Oct. 21.
A20-pound box of sweet potatoes is $22 and a40pound box is $35. A3pound box of peeled pecans is $30. Pick up is from 8a.m. to 5p.m. Nov.19-20 at the4-H Office at Lamar-Dixon.
To order,contact an Ascension Parish 4-Her,visit the 4-H office or order online at
All proceeds benefit the Ascension Parish 4-H Foundation scholarships and programs.
The Carden International Circus is making up for its missed show due to Hurricane Francine on Oct. 19-20 at the LamarDixon Expo Center Previously purchased tickets will be hon-
ored for the same day and times as originally scheduled.
For information, visit spectacularcircus. com.
Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday
Kids can compete in acostume contest and pick up treats from 4p.m. to 7p.m. Saturday at 3005 Cabela’sParkway,Gonzales. Small Business Owners of Ascension Parish are hosting the event.
SALT Fall Health Expo Oct. 15
The Seniors and Lawmen Together’sfall Health Expo starts at 9a.m. Oct. 15 at the Lamar-Dixon REV building in Gonzales. The free event will offer free immunizations and screenings, food and vendors. For more information, call Sgt. Misty Turner at (225) 621-8827.
HollyJolly Hope Fest planned
The City of Donaldsonville is hosting the Holly Jolly Hope Fest from 10 a.m. to 3p.m. Oct. 19 at the Lemann Memorial Center to raise money forthe Iris Domestic Violence Center.For vendor or ticket information, call (225) 323-1918. ChristmasCrusade seeksapplications
The program provides Christmas toys for children through age 12. Applications are avaialbe at the Sheriff’s offices in Gonzales, Donaldsonville and Prairieville. Nov 22 is the deadline to submit an application. For information, call Sgt. Misty Turner at (225) 621-8827.
Gonzales is planning its first Fall Fest on Oct. 27 at the Price LeBlanc PACE Center The event will include music, food, games, pumpkins, and arts and crafts. Contact DarleneDenstorff by phone, (225) 388-0215 or (225) 603-1998; or email, or Deadline: 5p.m. Friday.
mind dentists
Nina Smith, left, and Sallie Guy,both with the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, stand next to adisaster spin wheel during Saturday’sLiveWell event at the Jambalaya Park in Gonzales. Attendees whospun the wheel could win prizes based on theiranswers for disaster preparedness questions.
Ashlyn Schroeder,left, and Logan Hall, bothguests’ experience associates with thecityofGonzales,sellconcessions Sept. 29during Music in the Park at the Jambalaya Park.
PHOTOSBYWENDY LOUP Gospel musicians Joel Jones &3MC entertained attendees of the Music in the Park event
Donaldsonville High cranks up thecelebration
Donaldsonville High students celebrated homecoming last week with daily themes, apep rally,parade and awin on the field.
Carlaysia Bell was crowned homecoming queen during festivities during the football game against White Castle. The Tigers won 27-8. The court also included Miss Junior Paige Jackson, Senior Queen Finalist Jasmine Anderson, Senior Queen Finalist Chelcy Washingon, Miss Sophomore Taya Hamilton and Miss Freshman Jer’Mea Jackson.
Donaldsonville High studentstakepartinaskit
The Donaldsonville High homecoming courtincludes, from left, PaigeJackson, Jasmine Anderson, Carlaysia Bell,ChelcyWashingon, Taya Hamilton and Jer’Mea Jackson.
Donaldsonville High students takepartina flag footballgame during homecoming week.
The following people were booked into the Ascension Parish Jail on Sept. 19 to Oct. 3:
LEGGION, JOSEPH LEE: 16914 Kinchen Road, Livingston; 41; failuretoappear-bench warrant
CLARK, EMILYFRANCES: 39210 La. 621,Gonzales; 24; distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlleddangerous substance
TOPER: 36165 Heron’s Way Ave., Geismar; 47; cruelty to juveniles
Babin Road, Gonzales; 42; parole violation, failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction
CAMPBELL, LA’NIYIA LMAJIA: 3019 Bickers St., Dallas; 18; possession of aSchedule I controlled dangerous substance, trafficking of children for sexual purposes
GREEN JR., STEVEN: 41233 New Orleans Drive, Sorrento; 37; domestic abuse battery
CARDONA-LOPEZ, ISMAEL: 12252 Deck Blvd., Geismar; 30; hold for other agency, domestic abuse batterystrangulation
HODGE, JAYDEN: 7501Chesterfield Drive, Dallas, Texas; 19;traffickingofchildrenfor sexual purposes
JACKSON, ANTONIO: 6751 W. Indian School Road, Phoenix Arizona; 21; human trafficking
DAVIS,KIARA: 2142 W. La. 30, Gonzales; 20; trafficking of children for sexual purposes
BOZEMAN JR., RODNEY CARL: 113 N. BrownAve., Gonzales; 26; surety,two counts failure to appear-bench warrant
MIXON, NATALIE JEANNE: 12208 Canterbury Park Drive, Geismar; 48; violations of protectiveorders
TRAHAN JR., KEVIN JAMES: 42538 Wynstone Drive, Prairieville; 45; proper equipment required on vehiclesdisplayofplate, harboring or concealing an animal which has bitten or inflicted serious bodily injury on ahuman, resisting an officer
SANDERS,JEFFERY: 32668 Clinton Allen Road, Denham Springs; 34; failuretoappearbench warrant
LOCKETT,TREVOR DARTHANIEL: 16064 Macaluso Lane, Prairieville; 24; probation violationparish, failureto appear-bench warrant
CLARK, JOSHUAEZEKIEL: 704 N. BrownAve Gonzales; 35; failuretoappear-bench warrant, domestic abuse battery
HOLTONIII, WILLIAM EDWARD: 30821 Crain Road, Albany;18; aggravated assault
HENDRICKS,CHRISTOPHER J.: 38587 Darville Road, Prairieville; 32;failuretoregister and notify as asex offender or child predator
STEWART, JASON N.: 1130 Mississippi St., Donaldsonville; 42; illegal use of weaponsor dangerous instrumentalities
MACKIE, LORENZOTERRELL: 917 N.29thSt., Baton Rouge; 40; possession of firearmby person convictedof certain felonies
BALDERAS,LUIS FERNANDO: 41046 JDGautreau Road, Gonzales; 25; holdfor other agency,resisting an officer, violationsof protectiveorders, domestic abuse batterysecond
WILLIAMS,ASHLEYNICOLE: 2287 La. 1S,Donaldsonville; 41; general speed law, operating while intoxicated-second MARTIN,VICTORIA RAVEN: 49180 Frank Dillon Road, Franklinton;29; domestic abusebattery-child endangerment
WARDROP III, PATRICK JACK: 45179 Huntington Drive,St. Amant;41; surety,violations of protectiveorders, failure to appear-bench warrant
SAULNY,MALAINAN.: 12178 Canterbury Park Drive, Geismar; 30; surety, failureto appear-bench warrant
DAVIS JR., TERRANCE E.: 41097 Chick Duplessis St., Gonzales; 29; security required,driving on roadway lanedfor traffic, flight from an officer, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies illegal possession of stolenfirearms, possession of marijuanalessthan14grams, operatingvehiclewhile license is suspended,owner to secure registration KROLL, MATTHEWMICHAEL: 45601 LakeMartin Road,St. Amant;32; violationsofprotectiveorders
CLARK, DARIAN LERONE: 1102 Orange St., Donaldsonville; 28; four counts failure to appear-bench warrant
MCGOWANJR., RONNIE EARL: 13436 Oak Place Road 75, Gonzales;31; domestic abuse battery
RICHARDSON, DOUGLAS W.: 1301 St. Vincent St., Donaldsonville; 41; domestic abuse battery-strangulation,resisting an officer, fugitive-other Louisianajurisdiction MENDEZ-BARRO,JUAN
MANUEL: 2007 N.Amelia Ave., Gonzales; 29; surety,possession of alcoholicbeverages in motorvehicles,three counts failureto appear-bench warrant, resistinganofficer, maximum speed limit,reckless operation
YOUNG, VERONICALYNNE: 42427 MoodyDixon Road Prairieville; 25; domestic abuse battery ALLO, JORDAN DAVID: 710 S. Pleasant Ave., Gonzales; 21; twocounts failuretoappearbenchwarrant, fugitive-other Louisianajurisdiction WILLIAMS,JOHNNY RAY: 38324 Cedar St., Gonzales; 35; three counts failureto appear-bench warrant, breach of bail condition
simple battery
ROBINS JR., KELVIN HAYES: 18497 Dove HollowDrive, Prairieville; 36; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, state probation violation
SIMPSON, RUSSELL WAYNE: 37209 Easley MelanconRoad, Prairieville; 41; failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction, residential contractor fraud under $1,000
Amite River Road, St. Amant; 28; domestic abuse batterystrangulation, domestic abuse battery
JONES,SHELBI RENEE: 18154 La. 933, Prairieville; 32; failure to appear-bench warrant
E234 St. 4D,Bronx, New York; 22; theft over $25,000, theft
$5,000 but less than $25,000, bank fraud, monetary instrument abuse
RODRIGUEZ VILLA, JULIAN E.: 624 N. BrownAve., Gonzales; 36; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, failuretoappearbench warrant
MCDONALD,PAYTON: 13671 Henry Road, Denham Springs; 29; parole violation, required position and method of turning at intersections, when passing on the right is permitted, vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition, no inspection certificate, owner to secureregistration, security required, examination of applicants requiredclasses of license, operating vehicle while license is suspended, turning movements and required signals, driving on roadway laned for traffic, no passing zone, two counts operating motorcycles on roadwayslaned for traffic, reckless operation, aggravated obstruction of a highwayofcommerce, flight from an officer, aggravated, maximum speed limit
GardereLane, Baton Rouge; 40; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, access device fraud less than $1,000, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine),prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, theft less than $1,000
CEDOTAL, TYLER PAUL: 206 Church St Donaldsonville; 36;failuretoappear-bench warrant
LEWIS,DEABREON ALZERIUS: 1538 Belle Point; 32; failureto appear-bench warrant, state probation violation
CHARLES,ANGEL ARIANNA: 1036 Barrow Road, Dequincy; 20; twocounts failureto appear-bench warrant
EDWARDS,JERRELL ANAY: address unknown; 28; theft less than $1,000, four counts fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
Marchand School Road, Darrow; 46; identity theft under $300
Darlene T. Denstorff
OFFICE:(225) 388-0215 CELL:(225) 603-1998
RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright (225) 388-0125
Send your news,photos or lettersby 4p.m.Friday. EMAIL:
MAIL: useaddressabove
CALL: (225)388-0200
M–F,6A.M 5P.M SAT,7A.M 10:30 A.M.
CALL: (225)388-0200
ADVERTISING MARY DICHARRY CELL:(225) 937-8717 DEADLINE: 5p.m.Fridayprior to publication.
CLASSIFIEDS CALL: (225) 383-0111
BlackmoreRoad, St. Francisville; 44; failuretoappearbench warrant
GILL, RICKY W.: 15006 Creek Side Drive, Gonzales; 50; obstruction of justice/ all others, pornographyinvolving juveniles, pornography involving juveniles
DWAYNE: 41434 Johnny Duplessis Road, Gonzales; 46; three counts failureto appear-bench warrant
ALLEN, WANDAMARIE: 6100 Panama Road, Sorrento; 41; possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine) simple burglary (all others)
BRILEY,LAURA NICOLE: 731 S. SammySt., Gonzales; 43; battery of adating partner, domestic abuse battery-with aweapon MOTICHEK, KAYLEIGH ANN: 46494 Robert Jr. Road, St. Amant; 35; prohibited actsdrug paraphernalia, simple battery of persons with infirmities
BROWN, TROYTRENEL: 503 E. McArthur St., Gonzales; 53; domestic abuse battery
SOLAR, JESSE JOHN: 35200 La. 1N,Donaldsonville; 37; failure to appear-bench warrant, criminal trespass/all other, theft less than $1,000
HOPKINS,ASHLEY: 6487 La. 1, Belle Rose; 38; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, theft $1,000 but less than $5,000
BRACK, TRAVIS JUDE: 32322 N. La. 642, Paulina; 48; fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction, twocounts theft $1,000 but less than $5,000
SULLIVAN, PATRICK OBRIAN: 3096 La. 1S., Donaldsonville; 31; fugitive-other state jurisdiction
CROUCHET,LIONEL P.: 39407 Richardson Road, Prairieville; 57; resisting an officer,disturbing the peace/language/ disorderly conduct
VINCENT,JUSTIN JAKE: 701 W. 10th St., Donaldsonville; 35; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
GROSSE, ROBERTSHAWN: 41120 Merritt Evans Road, Prairieville; 36; state probation violation, contraband defined-certain activities regarding contraband in penal institutions prohibited, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
BRYANT,STEVEN MICHAEL: 42245 Moody Dixon Road, No. 7, Prairieville; 45; monetary instrument abuse, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction
JACKSON, LATISHA SHANTELL: 14496 Oak MeadowSt., Gonzales; 45; operating vehicle while license is suspended, no motor vehicle insurance, twocounts failuretoappearbench warrant
BAZILE, ERICAMONIQUE: 38080 BrownRoad, Prairieville; 39; domestic abuse battery
BEARD,DESTINY: 436 Maplewood, LaPlace; 42; failureto appear-bench warrant, disturbing the peace/language/ disorderly conduct, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction, resisting an officer, simple battery,criminal trespass-all other GREEN III, JOSEPH ALEXANDER: 40206 Coontrap Road No. 15, Gonzales; 35; state probation violation, domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
EMANUEL, LAURA MARIE: 13779 BrittanyCourt, Denham Springs; 46; criminal mischief/giving of anyfalse report or complaint to asheriff or his deputies or to any officer of the law, violations of protectiveorders
HALEY JR., LARRYWAYNE: 7895 Henry O’Neal Drive, Denham Springs; 44; domestic abuse battery,false imprisonment, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling
JOHNSON, JESTON K.: 2937 Ozark St., Baton Rouge; 31; simple criminal damage to property $1,000 to $50,000, theft $5,000 but less than $25,000, theft or criminal access of an ATM(theft), simple burglary
ARMSTEAD,DEXTINEY: 18116 Little Prairie Road, Prairieville; 18; domestic abuse battery
LEWIS,MATTHEW: 9135 Peach Tree Lane, Gonzales; 19; two counts simple burglary (vehicle), theft less than $1,000, simple burglary (all others), theft of amotor vehicle $5,000 to $25,000, unauthorized entry of aplace of business, two counts criminal trespass/ trespassing of real property, twocounts simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, theft of amotor vehicle over$25,000
BOUDREAUX, CARY JOSEPH: 7501 EvaSt., Sorrento; 47; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, twocounts failureto appear-bench warrant
NARCISSE, NICHOLAS ANTONIO JAMES: 805 E. Verna St., Gonzales; 28; failureto appear-bench warrant, entry on or remaining in places or on land after being forbidden
THOMAS JR., ERIC RAMOND: 18438 RedOak Drive, Prairieville; 18; aggravated battery
KAMAL: 12315 Cleo Road, Gonzales; 32; domestic abuse battery
OLINEY,FREDRICK: 17039 La. 44, Prairieville; 50; fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction, cruelty to juveniles
ESTLE, CRAIG MATTHEW: 17657 Golden Eagle Drive, Prairieville; 55; violations of registration provisions, switched license plate, false certificates, no motor vehicle insurance, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, ignition interlock device possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, hit-and-run driving, reckless operation, operating
avehicle while under suspension for certain prior operating while intoxicated-fourth or more, failuretoappearbench warrant
FOURNET,KARIE ANN: 15201 N. Main St., Gonzales; 52; fugitive-other state jurisdiction
MeadowCrossing Drive, Gonzales; 29; domestic abuse battery
PRICE, GILBERTL.: 1382 Meadow Crossing Drive, Gonzales; 33; domestic abuse battery
HOOVER, BRANDON SCOTT: 15356 Country Lane, Maurepas; 44; parole violation, simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, domestic abuse battery-child endangerment
LEWIS JR., PATRICK DEWAYNE: 816 Church St., Donaldsonville; 21; battery of adating partner
WILSON, LA’TAYLA: 2424 La. 1 S, Donaldsonville; 20; battery of adating partner
WHITTINGTONIII, FELIX: 8104 Wood St., St. James; 66; aggravated flight from an officer, security required, operating vehicle while license is suspended, driving on roadway laned for traffic, stop signs and yield signs, general speed law, violations of registration provisions
MELANCON, DEVON CLEVELAND: 4545 Walter Hill Road, Darrow;27; violations of protectiveorders, illegal possession of stolen things
$1,000 to $5,000
TRAHAN, DALLAS JEFFERY: 18037 Conthia St., Prairieville; 32; disturbing the peace/ language/disorderly conduct, resisting an officer
WILSON, CHRISTY F.: 15514 Braud Road, Prairieville; 49; illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities, illegal carrying of weapons, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies, possession of or dealing in firearms with obliterated number or mark, resisting an officer
FORCELL, MYRON: 418 Williams St., Donaldsonville; 23; state probation violation
MYERS,THEODORE E.: 21603 Scivicque Road, Denham Springs; 47; possession of firearmbyperson convicted of certain felonies
SIMMONS,MICKEY JERNELL: 800 Pine St., Donaldsonville; 37; possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance
GAUDET,NICOLE A.: 44319 Gold Place Road, St. Amant; 54; false communication with the intent to cause an emergency response HALL, GARRETT DALE: 19778 Vicknair Road, Maurepas; 50; failuretoappear-bench warrant
MURPHY,SHAUN DAVID: 44335 Loop Road, Prairieville; 41;
violations of protectiveorders
OCT. 1
SAULNY,GLENN FRANCIS: 17355 W. Autumn Drive,Prairieville;55; aggravated assault
BANKS,CEDRIC DEION: 4454 Hollywood St., Baton Rouge; 44; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction,theftover$25,000
CHAAR JR.,RAYHEB RAMEZ: 4115 MeadowdaleSt., Metairie; 35; violations of protectiveorders, violationsof protective orders
ANDERSON, CLARENCE MICHAEL: 315 E. JosephineSt., Gonzales; 33; second-degree battery,fugitive-otherLouisiana jurisdiction, failuretoappear-bench warrant
TURBEVILLE, THOMAS: 39374 HornsbyRoad,Denham Springs; 44; theft $5,000 but less than $25,000, principals HENRY, KENYETTAMONTRICE: 2105 N.17th St., Baton Rouge; 37; failure to appear-bench warrant, fugitive-otherLouisianajurisdiction,theft $1,000 but lessthan$5,000
SHAW, BARBARA LYNN: 6198 Breeze PointDrive, Gonzales; 73; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct, violations of protectiveorders
DIXON, KAMERON TAYLOR: 16371 Oak Ridge Road, Prairieville;33; telephone communications/improperlanguage/ harassment
WILLIAMS,CHARMAINE: 2179 La. 70, Donaldsonville; 38; possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, careless operation, operating while intoxicated-first Oct. 2
HENDERSON, ARESIAJEAN: 6125 Celestan St., St. James; 63; prohibited acts; drug paraphernalia,possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (cocaine)
MARTIN, JERRY: 18780Old Ferry Road, Maurepas; 19; two counts failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, theft of amotor vehicle over $25,000, simple burglary,simple burglary (vehicle)
BATISTE, KERIA S.: 231 Dville Village Circle,Donaldsonville; 31;simple assault, telephonecommunications/improper language/harassment
COWART,THERESSADENAY: 14419Harry Savoy Road, St Amant; 33; theft $5,000but less than $25,000, theft of amotor vehicle $5,000 to $25,000, two counts failure to appearbench warrant
BATISTE, RENELLE: 118 Dville Village Circle,Donaldsonville; 32; failuretoappear-bench warrant
CAVALIER, MELISSA A.: 118 Emile Court, PierrePart; 57; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
PERRY, STEVEN: 17117 AbitaAve Prairieville;54; fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction,resistinganofficer, disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct
COX, DERRICK: 2824 Burnside Ave. No.1404, Gonzales; 27; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction,two counts failure to appear-bench warrant
BABIN, CELESTE ANN: 15024Meadow Lane,Prairieville; 47; prohibitedacts-drug paraphernalia,possession of Schedule II controlleddangerous substance (methamphetamine) MCCARRON, ROBERT: 5721 Manassas Drive,Baton Rouge; 53; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine)
OCT. 3
MCKEE, TATEM DON REECE: 164 Cattle Drive,Caulfield Missouri; 21; possession of alcoholic beveragesinmotor vehicles, careless operation,operatingwhileintoxicated-first WARD,VICTORIA LYNN: 10311 PlazaAmericanaDrive,Room 218, Baton Rouge; 23; stateprobation violation,fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction
TwoEast Ascension High School supporters and two former school athletes will be inducted intoEA’sWall of Fame andAthleticHallofFameFriday during homecoming festivities.
The first inductees this evening are individuals who have given substantial time and/or money to EA.East Ascension High School is extremely appreciative of the efforts and contributions given to our school by these inductees and those whohavebeen inducted before them into our Wall of Fame.
Our Wall of Fame inductees tonight are acouple who have given agreat deal of time andeffort to EA over the past few years:
Elijah and Patricia Goodlow are being inducted into the Wall of Fame for their longtime volunteer efforts at the school.
The Goodlow becameinvolved with East Ascension in 1997, the year their daughter started running track for the Spartans. In 2000, Elijah volunteered to help coach the track relay team, which went on to win its first state championship in track for the school. They continued their service to East Ascension High when their grandchildren, Jada andJordanGoodlow,becamemembers of the football, baseball, softball and track teams. They have been an integralpart of the Breakfast Club, which has for years fed the football team every Saturdaymorning. The couple said they “just wanted to make sure that ouryoung menhad agood nutritiousbreakfast before watching film”every week of theseason.
Hall of Fame inductees are Blake Bercegeay and D’Andre Jacobs.
Bercegeay is ahonor graduate of the East Ascension High Class of 2005. During his high school career,hewas named All-District, All-Metro and All State as apunter and kicker for the Spartans. He made 42 of 43 extra point attempts in his senior season and holds the EA record for the longest field goal of 54 yards. He averaged 42 yards per punt and was named to theAcademic All State team for Louisiana. Due to his exploits on the gridiron, Blake was awarded ascholarship to McNeese and earned aplace on the McNeese State Best Kickers and Punters list through his illustriouscareer there. His records include being named the 2005 Freshman Player of the Year for the Southland Conference, earning All-Southland Conference and All American honors, and leading the Cowboys in scoring from 2005-2007.
He also was named to the Southland Conference’s2000s Decade Team.
After graduating from McNeese with adegree in health and human performance,Blake spent acouple of years playing in the Southern Indoor Football League with theLouisianaSwashbucklers where he enjoyed leading the team to the Division Championship in 2011 with the league’sunique rule of allowing kickoffs through the opponents’ goal to count as apoint.
Blake is the son of EA alumni, Shane and Ashley Langford Bercegeay.He lives in Lake Charles where he is the co-owner of Mayweather Boxing and

Fitness Studio and serves hiscommunity as apolice officer Jacobs, a2011 graduate of East Ascension High, starred as asprinter on the track for the Spartans. Jacobs dominated 5A track and field in Louisianaduringhis high school career. He earned the distinction of state champion in the 200-meter dash in 2010 and 2011 where he still holds the state record. He also earned the state title in the 100-meter event his senior year.He helped to lead the EA track team to a state runner-up title in track and field in 2011 with these individual exploits as well as being theanchorleg on the state champion 4x100 relay team. Due to his accomplishments, he was named the MVP of the state meet in class 5A. After his high school career,Jacobs competed at Hinds Community College and went on to compete for the Team USA track team. There he earned a place on the4x100 relay team and the 100-meter dash. He also competed for the Future Inc. TrackClub, where he ran in the Nike Classic in Eugene, Oregon, andearneda third-placefinish in the Junior Olympics in the 200 m event. Jacobs is the father of ason, D’Karlos. He lives in New Orleans where he works for Bernhard.

D’Andre Jacobs
PROVIDED PHOTOS Elijah and PatGoodlow
It’sthe halfway point of the high school football regular season and this week’s theme in Ascension Parish is “comeback” victories.
East Ascension trailed 14-3 at the half in their District 5-5A game against Live Oak. No need to worry Spartan fans, the second half was all East Ascension (2-3) and they completed the comeback with a18-14 victory Coach Brock Matherne talked about his offenseand defense, their resolve and toughness to win this game.
“Our defense has been playing good ball all season just afew plays that have hurt us,” the coach said.
“Our defensive backs were the key to the second half shutout, they weresoimpressive playing 95% man coverage, not giving up one completion. We did abetter jobfinishing tackles and I couldn’tbemore proud of this group for fighting for victory.”
Defensive lineman Jase Campbell had seven total tackles, including five sacks. Defensive back Ernest Mitchell had an interception and returned it 60 yards. The Spartans’ offense sputtered in thefirsthalf, but got it going after halftime.
“Wehad very poor execution in the first half, from blown assignments, missed blocks, dropped passes and fumbling the football. We went with Cameron LeBlanc at quarterback in the second half and he was the spark that willed us to victory. Couldn’t be more proudof that kid,weknew we loved the look they gave us ondefenseina certain
formation, the offensetook advantage, led by LeBlanc. We played four quarters of football and we have not
unanswered points to win 24-21 in an emotional roller coaster type game.
Wide receiver Rylan Mayeaux of Dutchtown returned asecond half kickoff65yards fora touchdown. St. Amant (23) jumped out to the big lead behind quarterback Cooper Babin’stwo touchdownpasses and arushing touchdown. Wide receivers Timothy Johnson and Quentin Elisar caught those touchdownpasses.
Running back Ayden Langevin of Dutchtown led the ground gamewith 93 yards and atouchdown. The Dutchtowndefense has been good all season and they recorded asafety when an errant snap went over Babin’shead out of their own end zone.
Dutchtown(5-0) has an open date this week. St. Amant will host Walker in a district game.
n Dutchtown 24, St. Amant 21
done that until this game, I thinkwewill be just fine,” Matherne said. LeBlancfinished with 67 yards passing, 73 yards rushing and atouchdown.
The Spartans host Prairieville Friday at Spartan Stadium.
Dutchtownrallies forwin St.Amantled 21-0 over undefeated Dutchtown at halftime in their 5-5A district game. The Griffins mounted asecond half “comeback” scoring 24
n EastAscension 18, Live Oak 14
n Walker 39, Prairieville 6 n Donaldsonville 27, White Castle8
Dutchtown running back Ayden Langevin takes the handoff from quarterback Dylan Champagne in the first quarter of the District 5-5A matchup on Friday, in Geismar.
St. Amant running back Tyree Williams races up field after thecatch against Dutchtowninthe second quarter of the game.