n The town of Jackson and JTEC invite goblins and princesses in the area to the annual Spooktacular Event from 5p.m to 8p.m., Oct. 26.The eventis held along College Street starting at the corner of Charter Street (La. 10). Any businesses or individualsinterested in setting up atrunk to handout treats should contact Bonnie Boyer at 225-324-5083.
n Be ready for afun Halloween celebration at theEast Feliciana Trunk or Treat event. Decorateyour trunk full of treats, games and costumes on Lawyer’sRow in Clinton. This event is Oct.25. Decorating begins at 8a.m. The first bus from the schools will arrive at 9:15 a.m. RSVP at efchamberofcommerce@gmail.com.
n Atrunk-or-treat starts at 6p.m. Oct. 17 at West Feliciana Sports Park in the circle parking lot by the ball fields. Adonation of $1 donation per car is asked. Trunk contest categories are scariest,favorite movie and most original. The concession stand will be open. Call the park office at (225) 784-8447 to reserve aspot. Supporteconomic developmentinEastFeliciana
The East Feliciana Economic Development District meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The location of the meetings rotates and interested persons may call (225) 245-2831, Chair Jim Parker said.
Unrecka Ramsey, left, and Leigh Reed assembleone of the diabetic-friendly recipesduring a Dining withDiabetes session
Diabetes dining education
Dining with Diabetes is a program that helps adultsat risk or with Type 2diabetes or their caregivers learn how to manage their condition through meal planning, label reading and portion control.The fiveparteducationalseries will be Nov.4,11, 18 and Dec. 2. The date for afollow-up reunion class will be determined bythe participants. Classes begin at 5:30 p.m. at the West Feliciana Parish Library,5114 Burnett Road, St. Francisville. The program willbeconducted by Layne Langley,area nutrition and community health agent with the LSU AgCenter and Dewana Bobo, nursepractitioner with the Daniel Clinic.
ä See AROUND, page 4G
Contributing writer
Despite growing up in Clinton, V. ElaineThompson, ahistory professorand author, acollegepaper on her hometown ledThompson todiscover things she didn’tknow about her town.
When doing research and looking at the 1860 census for Clinton andits merchants, she was initially baffledbythe number of shoemakersinthe town.Digging deeper shelearned these shoemakers were not only makingshoes for the residents in Clinton but for both free and enslaved people in the area, she said Thompson shared herpersonal journey discovering more about her hometown Saturday during the town’sbicentennial celebration
Aftermonthsofplanning the event,organized by the Clinton isHome planningcommittee, current and former residents of thesmall East Feliciana Parish
Louisiana Society,Politics and Race Relations in a19thCentury SmallTown,” saidthe townofClintonwas established in 1824 when Feliciana Parish wassplit into two parishesand Clintonbecame the seat of the newly created East Feliciana Parish.Itwas saidtobe situated on high ground near Pretty Creek.
The townwas reportedly named forNew York Gov.DeWittClinton. By the 1830s and with the construction of the Clinton and Port Hudsonrailroad,one of the first in the nation, Clinton was already becoming aprosperous town —a trading, banking and legal center Thompsonsaidthatwhile she knew someofthe history of Clinton, she later learnedmuchmore. She related that whengrowing up she became aFeliciana Belle.She learned about the manners and activitiesofyoung females from times past. She saidher mother
Senior Libby Levasseur is crowned West
West Feliciana Highsenior Libby Levasseur was crowned Homecoming queen Friday duringhalftime of the football gameagainst Plaquemine High. Last year’squeen, Cat Ralph, crowned the2024 royalty
The West FelicianaHigh senior maidscourt, at right, includes Caroline Stout,Victoria Williams, Chloe Doiron, Harmony White, Tristen Harris, Kristen Cook, Libby Levasseur,Sa’Maria Berry, Sydney Cooper andAlysse Davis. West Feliciana came up short,losingthe game 21 to 40.
Continued from page1G
painstakingly researched and created period dresses —making authentic period attire. These were worn by the young girls and teenagers, the belles, duringpilgrimages or otherspecial events portraying belles of the antebellum period. Her book about her hometown also includes information about the Jewish immigrants that came to Clinton, the challenges they faced and the contributions they made to the town. She added that when packingtocome for the bicentennial talk she discovered she had about one box leftofher book.This means, she said, when they are gone the book will be no longer available for sale or “outofprint.”
Asecond presentation was given by David S. Dreyer and husband and wife team of David and Barbara Walker.They spoke about the Hansberry family, Africans Americans with roots in East Feliciana Parish, and their descendants. Dreyer,a native of Indiana,lives near Natchez andiscuratorofthe Natchez African American Museum.
Outside and mostly along St.Helena Street were food and craft vendors, local res-
taurants, storefront sales of local merchandiseand also boothswith goodsfrom visiting businesses. Achildren’svillage offeredface painting,pumpkin painting and more with anearby fire truck, ambulance and other first responder vehicles to tour
State Rep. RoyDarryl Adams served as master of ceremoniesfor theopening ceremony heldinfront of the courthouse. After the presentation of the flags and pledge, two musical numbers, “Americathe Beautiful” and “Lift Every Voice andSing,” were sung by Shawnte Floyd
An opening prayer was given by the Rev.Nathaniel Selders of HumbleBeginnings Outreach Ministry.
Aproclamation was presentedtoMayor Mark Kemp recognizing the bicentennial celebration by VickiMelion from the Lieutenant Governor’soffice.
Rep. Adams thanked the Clinton is Home planning committee, theevent sponsors, community volunteers and vendors for their part in makingthe celebration a success.
Kathryn E. “Betsy” Jones, ChiefDistrict Judge forthe 20th Judicial DistrictCourt Division A, alifelongresident of East Feliciana, talked about the history of the courthouse.
Continued from page1G
Thisprogram, open to thepublic,costs $40. Call 225-635-3614 for information. Visit https://store.lsuagcenter.com/p2620-dining-with-diabetes-west-feliciananov-4-14-18-and-dec-2-2024.aspxtoregister and pay for the class.Registration ends Oct. 21. For information, contactLangley at 225-635-3614 or at lalangley@agcenter lsu.edu.
Checkout Wi-Fi
West Feliciana Parish Library patrons cannow check out Wi-Fi hot spots with their library card. It has 25 mobile hot spots in the LibraryofThings, whichhave been provided throughthe SouthernUniversity Law Center Building DigitalLeaders Pilot Project. Hot spots are portable devices that let you connect to the internet wherever you are. There are some limits.Check with the library Events at the library: West Feliciana residents should visit www.wfplibrary.org and East Feliciana residents should visit www.audubonregional.net tofind the calendar of activities at their local library Register to vote The deadline to register to vote inthe Nov.5Open Primary/Presidential/Congressional Election through the GeauxVoteOnline Registration System is Oct.15. Residents with avalid Louisiana driver’s license or Louisiana ID card canregister online 24 hoursaday,seven days aweek by visiting voterportal.sos.la.gov
Louisiana residents can also registerin personattheir parishRegistrar of Voters Office, when they apply for or renew their driver’s license at any Office of MotorVehicles, or when obtaining services at public assistance agencies and Armed Forces recruitment offices. Colorrun andchili
The 2024 West Feliciana Color Dash in support of the West Feliciana High and Middle School Fleur De Lis Dance Teams
West Feliciana Parish Library has 25 mobile hotspots available for patrons to check out and getinternet access on the go
will be 0ct. 19, at Parker Park in Downtown St. Francisville.Runs include a5k and a1-mile.ABlue Dog Run/Wlak starts at 11 a.m. Visit https://www.eventbrite. com/e/2024-wf-color-dash-tickets1013052656767?aff=ebdssbdestsearch For information or sponsorshipopportunities, emailwfcolordash@gmail.com
The event includesthe First Chili cook-off from 8a.m. to 1p.m., Oct. 19 at Parker Park. Four person teams are $100 ateam. Youth teams are $50. Tasting tickets will be $5. Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ chili-cookoff-tickets-1013043068087?aff= ebdssbdestsearch for information and to register Yellow Leaf coming Arts for All presents Yellow Leaf Arts Festival with juried artists and live music from 10 a.m. to 5p.m., Oct. 26-27. Conner Burns, apotter,isthe featured artist.More information, www.artsforallwestfeliciana. com
Mammograms availableinJackson
Woman’s Hospital brings its mobile mammography coach to East Feliciana Primary Care, 3050 Charles Drive, Jackson, on Oct. 21. Physician’sorders are required and appointments are strongly encouraged. Call (225) 683-5292 to schedule.
Angola Prison Rodeotickets
Tickets are available for the Angola Prison Rodeo in October.Reserved seating is $20 per ticket. The event includes music byinmate bands, food, and prisonermadearts and crafts. Children’sactivities includepony rides, carnival games and an antiquecarousel. Admission to the Louisiana Prison Museumand Cultural Center at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola is free for ticket holders each Sunday.Purchaseat angolarodeo.com/tickets.
Send news and eventsfor East and West Feliciana parishes to extra@theadvocate. com by noon Friday or call(225) 3880731.
The schedules for West andEast Feliciana Council on Aging facilities areasfollows:
n 12292 Jackson Road, St.Francisville, (225) 635-6719
n Start time for all activities is 10 a.m.
FOURTH MONDAY: Religious service
TUESDAYS: Nutrition education
WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/yoga
THURSDAYS: Bible study
FRIDAYS: Bingo/movie/excursion
n All people 60 and older in West Feliciana Parish areinvited to join n Fortransportationtothe center or questions, call(225) 635-6719.
n 3699 LA. 10, JACKSON
Wednesday, Oct. 9
ARTCLASS: 9a.m., Clinton
DEVOTIONAL: 11:15 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Thursday, Oct. 10
ARTCLASS: 9a.m., Jackson
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Friday, Oct. 11
EXERCISE CLASS: 10:45 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Monday, Oct. 14
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.
Transportation Transportation is provided to East Feliciana Parish residents of anyage for appointments in East Feliciana, West Feliciana andEast Baton Rougeparishes Monday through Friday. Call (225) 683-9862 to schedule atransportation appointment.
Twohigh school students were arrestedafter agun went offon aWest Felicianaschool bus, Sheriff Brian Spillman said. Thestudents, both 14-year-old ninthgraders,allegedly brought guns to school Oct. 1after agreeing to “swap” weapons with each other,Spillman said in anews release.
Afterthe exchange, one of the
teens was on abus home when the gun dischargedintheir backpack
There is no evidence thatthe students brought the weapons to useatschool,Spillmansaid,noting both guns hadrecently been reportedstolen. No injuries were reported.
Both students were arrested by theWest FelicianaSheriff’s Officeand are awaiting acontinued custody hearing. “The safety of our schools, our
children and our community is the number onegoal of this office,” Spillman said.“We will not tolerate any threat to our residents andwill work withall our partners to investigate and prosecute anyone that poses arisk to them.”
In astatement, West Feliciana ParishSchools said there will be deputies on campus this week in addition to the school resource officer.Starting next week,metal detectors will also be used at the
high school when students enter the building.
“Thisstudent will also be expelled pending due process,” theschool districtsaid.“Let us be clear: we have zero tolerance forthistypeofbehavior. Our students’ and staff members’ safety is our top priority,and we will issue the mostsevere consequences to anyone who threatens the safety of our schools. We will notallowthe behaviors of afew to disrupt the learning of all.”
Thefollowing peoplewere booked intothe West Feliciana Parish Detention Center between Sept.23-29:
WINZER, JON: 37; 17351 Tu-
nica Trace, Angola; possession with intent to distribute Schedule II narcotics MONROE, LOUIS: 39; 17544 Tunica Trace, Angola; battery of acorrectional facility employee FREDERICK,TAYLOR: 42;
SEPT.25 BURRELL, JENNIFER: 39; 6532 Greenwood Road, St
Francisville;three counts domesticabuse battery
SEPT.27 BROWN, CHARLES: 38; 2785 10th St., Slidell; battery of acorrectional facility employee
STEVENS,JENNIFER: 47; 5216 Oak St., St. Francisville; simple burglary,criminal trespassing
The Louisiana Trust for Historic Preservation has built adatabase of roughly 8,500 historic cemeteries across the state and invites people to submit information about gravesites yet to be documented.
“It’sreally importantto know about the cemeteries because of the possible construction of abuildingor road or pipeline,” said Brian Davis, executive director of the nonprofit trust.
“It’saway to respect and protectthe cemeteries,” he said. The newly launched Louisiana Register of Historic Cemeteries “is away of letting people know,‘This is a cemetery,’”Davis said.
“It’sespecially important in the southern part of the state,” he said.
“Becauseof erosion and rising sea levels some cemeteries are going underwater,especially in lower Lafourche Parish.”
One is Leeville Cemetery, noted on the new historic cemetery registry.The graves there date backto 1905, when there was an epidemic of yellow fever Locally,Tangipahoa has 383 cemeteries on the list and East Feliciana has 288. The list also includes Ascension with 91, Livingston with 383 and West Feliciana with 134. The Zachary area has30. The Louisiana Trust of Historic Preservation worked on the new database over the past year,with the help of the Louisiana Cemetery Board and graduate students in Tulane University’s master’sofscience program
in historic preservation, Davis said.
People who are familiar with any of the cemeteries currently on the list are invitedtoadd information aboutthe spot,hesaid
“What are the grave markers made of? Is there a church nearby?” Davis said. “If there’sa military marker on the headstone, what war is it from?”
People can also add their own photos. For those who would like to seea cemetery certified and added to the historic cemeteries register,one of threeconditions mustbe met:
n It must be 50 or more years, since thefirstburial, and/or
n It mustcontain theburial of aperson of local, state or national importance by reason of civic, public or military service, cultural achievement or historical significance, and/or
n It must contain structures that are considered architecturally significant. There is no fee to nominate acemetery to be certified.
The new registry is also a tool for those who have studied their family’sgeneology and may be able to trace the restingplace of oneoftheir ancestors to aquiet Louisiana cemetery And, said David, the certification of acemetery may encourage families to organize voluntarycleaning days and create family awareness.
Acemetery could be “one burial or hundreds,” he said.
“Folks who may not have had the means to put aheadstone would sometimes plant atree,” Davissaid. “You’ll see arow of trees, a family’smarkers.”
“When you see aclump of trees out in afield, it often means abuilding once stood there or it’sasign that it’sa cemetery,” he said.
Special to The Advocate
The last two years, West Felicianaand Plaquemine met in the final week of the regular season with the District 6-4A championship on the line.
This year’smatchup landed earlier on the calendar,but it still had major significance.
Plaquemine rose to the challenge with big plays from its running, passing, and returngames to claim a40-21 victory Friday night at WFHS. The Green Devils (4-1, 3-0) remain perfect in 6-4A.
“I told my guys it was their (West Feliciana’s) Homecoming and it was going to be aplayoff atmosphere,” Plaquemine coach Donald Williams said. “I am extremely proudofthe coaches,the players, and everyone from the topdown that made this come togetherfor us tonight”
Tyrese Mosby rushedfor 259 yards and three scores,John Walker scored on an 86-yard kickoff return and along pass Meanwhile,the Green Devil defense got three big stops in the second half to allow the offense to putthe game away.Asa result, Plaquemine outgained West Feliciana466-311.
The Green Devils took a13-0 lead early in the second quarter on Mosby’sfirst touchdownrun and the Saints never got closer than six points the restof the game. Mosby gained 72 yards on seven carries on the drive.
Quarterback Thomas Temple scored on a38-yard run with 1:57 remaininginthe half to cutthe deficit to 20-14athalftime,but Plaquemine’sbig-play offense took over in the second half.
Nicholas Victorian threwscoring passes of 50 and 60 yards after halftime andMosby closed the scoring with a34-yardtouchdown run. Plaquemine finally got separation with 8:08 remaining in the game when Walker caught the 60-yard touchdown pass from Victorian to put the Green Devils ahead 33-14.
“Wehave to tackle,” West Felicianacoach Devin Ducotesaid. “Wehave to do abetter job of getting them ready to tackle the run-
ning back and to tackleinspace” West Felicianagot 168 yards rushingand two scores from Temple, who rushed 26 times. “Heisjust atoughcompetitor,”
Ducote saidofTemple. “Itstarts up frontwithour offensiveline. Ourcoaches do agreat jobof putting together arun game that leans on his strengths”
“That’sagood quality football team,”Ducote said of Plaquemine. “It (theloss)counts as oneand only one. We have to get better and try to make the
y g Elkins,second byDebby Brian, theBoard unani‐mously agreed to amend theagendafor thepur‐pose of adopting three (3)resolutions andtoes‐tablishthe 2024 CEO Search Committee.
CHIEFOPERATING OFFI‐CEREMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT On amotionbyMyiesha Beard, second by Donna Kline, theBoard unani‐mously adopteda Board Resolution forthe Chief OperatingOfficerEm‐ployment Agreement.
CHIEFNURSING OFFICER EMPLOYMENT AGREE‐MENT On amotionbyReagan Elkins,secondbyDonna Kline, theBoard unani‐mously adopteda Board Resolution forthe Chief NursingOfficerEmploy‐ment Agreement.
CHIEFFINANCIAL OFFI‐CEREMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT On amotionbyBen Cavin, second by Reagan Elkins,the Boardunani‐mously adopteda Board Resolution forthe Chief FinancialOfficerEmploy‐ment Agreement.
2024 CEOSEARCHCOM‐MITTEE Committee membersse‐lected areThomasScott, BenCavin,Debby Brian, andMyiesha Beard.
PUBLIC NOTICENOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDofTHE TOWN OF ST.FRAN‐CISVILLE will hold aPUB‐LIC HEARINGonWednes‐dayNovember 6, 2024, at 5:30 pm o’clockat9896Royal St.Old Market Hall St.Francisville, Louisiana. Applicant, West Feliciana Parish School Board (WFPSB), in accordance with theComprehensive Zoning Ordinancefor the Town of St.Francisville, is requesting aREZONING of theparcels of property labeledPG-1located at 4574Feliciana St.consist‐ingof18.97 acresand an adjacent tractconsisting of 7.67 acreslabeled West FelicianaSchool BoardinSection 44, T3SR3W from thepresent zoning of RS2-(Medium DensitySingleFamily Residential) to RM1(Mul‐tiple-Family Residential) with thedeed restriction to only allowSingle-Unit &Two-Unit (Duplex) dwellings to be built. Thepublicisinvited to attend In accordance with the American with Disabili‐ties Act, if youneed spe‐cial assistance,please contactLaurieWalsh at (225) 635-3688. Laurie Walsh Town of St.Francisville P.O. Box400 (225) 635-3688 108044-OCT2-9-16-3T
MEDICALSTAFF CREDEN‐TIALING On amotionbyReagan Elkins,secondbyBen Cavin, theBoardunani‐mously approved the MedicalExecutive Com‐mittee’s credentialing recommendations forthe initialapplicants listed below: DeSilva, Anjana,MD, Hos‐pitalMedicine Halat, Shams, MD Pathology Kleinpeter,Scott,MD, Di‐agnostic Radiology Nair,Pradeep,MD, Car‐diovascularDisease Pitre, David, MD,Diag‐nostic Radiology Robinson,Darius, MD Telepsychiatry Singh, Shivalika, DO,Hos‐pitalMedicine On amotionbyReagan Elkins,secondbyBen Cavin, theBoard unani‐mously approved the MedicalExecutive Com‐mittee’s credentialing recommendations forthe reappointmentappli‐cantslistedbelow: Blakes,Kamaria,NP, Hos‐pitalMedicine Calegan, Gerald,MD, Neurology Dixon, Barrett, NP,Hospi‐talMedicine Ferguson,Adam, PA,Crit‐ical Care Fields,Kristina, PA,Criti‐calCare Gautreau,Alicia, NP,Crit‐ical Care Gawronski, Dariusz, MD Neurology Graugnard, William, MD Pain Management Hebert,Dawn, NP Nephrology Hurwitz, Stephen, MD Psychiatry Jastram-Belcher, Jen‐nifer, MD,Pathology LeBlanc, Jeffrey, CRNA, Anesthesiology LeBlanc, Abby,NP, Ortho‐pedics Liubicich, Jeffrey, MD Psychiatry Mazoch,Brent,MD, EmergencyMedicine Muller, Blake, CRNA Anesthesiology Newman,Richard,CRNA, Anesthesiology l l gy Olson, Jon, MD,Neurol‐ogy O'Neal,Jeremy, MD Nephrology Passman, Courtney CRNA,Anesthesiology Ratliff, Jarrod,CRNA, Anesthesiology Sikes, John,CRNA, Anes‐thesiology Smith, Andrew,MD, Psy‐chiatry Smith, Henry, MD,Neona‐tology Spiotto,Ernest, MD,Psy‐chiatry Stanger,Richard,MD, Neurology Sterling,Katherine,NP, Family Medicine Vermaelen, James, MD Critical Care Walker,Gary, MD,Neurol‐ogy Whiddon, Rebecca, MD Neurology ADJOURNMENT Therebeing no further business, on amotionby Reagan Elkins,secondby BenCavin,the Board unanimouslyagreed to adjourn. 109311-oct9-1t
p p formation and specifica‐tionsmay be obtained by accessingthe bidnum‐berinLaPac at www.doa. Louisiana.gov/ospor from theprocurement sectionlistedabove.No bids will be received after thedateand hour specified.The rightisre‐served to reject anyand allbidsand to waiveany informalities.
TomKetterer Director of State Procurement FAX(225) 342-8688 109337-OCT9-1T as FelicianaLakeHills
MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that theMayor and BoardofAldermenofthe Town of St.Francisville will hold aPUBLIC HEAR‐ING/PUBLIC MEETINGon
Floor, Suite2-160, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. forthe follow‐ing: RFxNo. 3000023672, Fire AlarmInspectionand Monitoring,10/22/24 Bidproposalforms,in‐formationand specifica
tionsmay be obtained by accessingthe bidnum‐berinLaPac at www.doa. Louisiana.gov/ospor from theprocurement sectionlistedabove.No bids will be received after thedateand hour specified.The rightisre‐served to reject anyand allbidsand to waiveany informalities. TomKetterer Director of State Procurement FAX(225) 342-8688 109548-OCT9-1T