Leila Pitchford
Leila Pitchford
The Zachary Chamber of Commerce LeadershipNorth Group is holding aBust Out Cancer campaign. Among the awareness campaigns are two Pink Out days. The schools will use Oct. 18 as their day.Mayor David McDavid has designated Oct.24atthe date for theentire city. Proceeds will go to Woman’sHospital.
Awareness event: The Zachary Chamber of Commerce LeadershipNorth group is holdinga breast cancer awareness benefitevent. Plate lunches with pastalaya, salad and dessert will be sold for $10 at theCity Annex parking lot, 4650 Main St.,Zachary,from 11 a.m. until, Oct.24. All proceeds go to the Foundation for Women’sBust Breast Cancer
MetroCouncil meetings
The East BatonRouge Parish Metro Council announced aseries of public meetingsto discuss proposedamendments to the East Baton Rouge Parish Plan of Government, which will appear on the ballot in the Nov.5election. All meetings are scheduled from 7:30 p.m. One meeting is Oct. 22 at Zachary Branch Library, 1900 Church St.; another Oct 24, at Baker Branch Library, 3501 Groom Road. Oct. 22 is a change from the originalschedule.
Prayer luncheonset
Zachary MayorDavid McDavid invites all community members to join the Mayor’s Community Prayer Luncheon on Oct. 25 at the Family Life Center of First Baptist Church Zachary,4200 Main St.
Acomplimentary fried fish lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1p.m. The luncheon will feature guest speaker Col. Paul Pride, aretired superintendent of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. The theme for the luncheon is “Faithand Service.”
Local businesses and organizations will participate in the fourth annual Trunk-or-Treat from 3p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Oct 27 on Lee Street. Setup starts at 1p.m. and must be finished by 2:40 p.m. Agiant inflatable maze, carnival games, 360 photo booth, food trucks and cotton candy will be available. Special needs children have early entry at 2:45 p.m. Little School Fall Fest
The Zachary United Methodist Little School Fall Fest is from 3p.m. to 6p.m., Saturday, Oct.19. Trunk-or-treating, games, food, face painting,silent auctions, crafts, booths and inflatables will be on hand. The school is seekingvendors and crafters to participate. Aspot is $50. No tent or tables provided For information contact (225) 654-7695 or
Novemberfest set
St. Patrick’sEpiscopal Church’sNovemberfest will be held from 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Nov 2, and will feature games, inflat-
ä See AROUND, page 3G
Contributing writer
Concernsabout motorists who disobey speed limits and blow through stop signs —and what can be done to discouragethese bad driving habits—were points of discussion at theZacharyCity Council’sOct. 8meeting.
Scott Reitzell, wholivesonEnglish Turn, told the council he has seen the problem in his own neighborhoodand aroundthe city near rental properties he owns.
“I’ve had alot complaints from
my tenants about speeding,” he said. “Myself, I’ve noticed it just here in the last couple of weeks nowthatI’m more aware due to what they’ve had to say.”
He added that “stop signs apparently are just suggestions as well,” saying he has seenmanydrivers fail to heed thesigns. Often, those same drivers appear to be distracted by using their cellphones, he said. Reitzell asked city leaders to do something to address the situation.Hesuggested lowering residential speed limitsfrom 25 miles
per hour to 15 and directing police officers to do morespeed enforcement. “I knowprevious administrationshave said, ‘Wedon’t wantto be KrotzSprings. We don’twant to be Golden Meadow,’ ”hesaid, referring to past mayors’ desires to avoid Zachary being labeled aspeed trap. “But I’ll be honest with you, nobody speedsthrough KrotzSprings or Golden Meadow If that’sthe case, maybe that’s what we need to do because, unfortunately,it’sjust amatter of time before something really bad happens.”
Downtown Liveatthe Gazebo in Zachary featured Sugar ShakeronOct. 11. In addition to residents on hand for the music and dancing, vendorssold many thingsincluding jewelry, handbags and food.
He acknowledged that he has seen officers pulling over speeders on someofZachary’smain thoroughfares. Butheismoreconcerned about speeding in neighborhoods, where streets often are poorly lit, unmarkedand narrow. He’s worried aboutthe safety of children, pedestrians, cyclists and delivery people.
“It’smore importantinresidential areas,” he said. “I’m talking Robert Street,Nelson, Chestnut, KnightDrive,Fennwood Drive, Sandy Creek, Settlement, Wind-
Community news report
The humidity is starting to go down and some of the leaves are starting to change. These are early signs that the fall sports season is creeping toward, and for some sports in the heat of, “crunch time.”
The Zachary High football team
finished its 4-5A pre-district schedule witha3-1 record that earned aseventh overall rankingstatewide in 5A.
team is getting better everygame and hasan 8-7 record… and we haven’teven starteddistrictplay
Larry Meese, chiefexecutive officerofLaneRegional Medical Center for the past eight years, has announced he will retire Oct. 31. “A nationalsearchfor my replacement is underway,and Iamconfident ourBoard of Commissionerswillfind agreat candidate to lead Lane in future growth opportunities an exceptionalservice,” Meese said.
“Ithas been an absolute honor formeto work at the hospital and support allthe people that make Lanesucha successful family,” he said. “I thank each and every staffmember,physician and board member for their hard work and dedication to Lane, the communitieswe serve and our patients. Iam proudoftheir individualand organizational achievements.” During his tenure at Lane, Meese hasbeen responsible for charting acourse of growth and expansion for the organization and investing in the communities it serves by: n Spearheading Lane’s$90M expansion project focused entirely on patient care, including all new patient rooms, surgical floor,and patient registration areas upon its completion n Adding newservicelines: medical oncology,pediatrics, audiology,gastroenterology, outpatient therapy,dermatology,weightlosssurgery, allery/asthma/immunology,
ä See CEO, page 2G
Time is short to qualifyfor the State Championship at Spar Aquatics in Sulphur Nov. 22-23.
The Broncos haveroad games against Liberty at Olympia on Oct. 18 and Central on Nov.1with ahome game against Woodlawn Oct. 25 sandwiched in between. The team closes with ahome game against theCatholic Bears.
In thelocal Baton Rouge area rankings, punter Rafael Costaleads with a44yard averageonseven punts. Caleb Gonzales has the third most passing yards with797 yards on 57-97-1 with six touchdowns.
The ZHS volleyball team has apowerranking of 33,which would put it on the outside looking in for the playoffs. Don’tcount them out justyet.At the time of writing this young
The ZHSvolleyballerswill have their district home opener on Oct. 16 against BatonRouge High. After consecutive road games againstDutchtown (nondistrict on Oct. 17) andSt. Josephs (Oct. 21),theypick up twomorehomegames againstCentral (Oct. 23) and Brusly (Oct. 25) beforeclosing out the regular season with three road games.
The ZHSswimming team finishedthe regular season Oct. 12, and the CCSL on Nov.1at Crawfish Aquatics lingers not too faronthe horizon. At theCCSL cluster meet on Sept. 23, both theZacharyboys and girls teams finished second overall. In addition to 22 individual best times,three new statequalifying swim times wererecorded by Joseph Johnson and Jamarus Samuel. First-place finishers were Maddy Snyder (500 free), Evelyn Deroche (100 fly), girls 400 free relay team (Snyder,Ava Ordonio, Chloe Wedblad and Deroche) and theboys 400 free relay team (Matthew Hughes, Warren Griffin, Samuel and Johnson)
The ZHS cross-country team is in preparation forhosting the Bronco XC Stampede Oct. 19 at the Port Hudson State Historic Site. After the high schoolers run in the morning, area middle schoolers will compete in the Northwestern Middle School Battlefield XC Run. On Sept. 30, both the boys and girls teams showed their stuff sweeping the team titles at the Nicholls State University Cross Country Invitational 5K in Thibodaux. NalaMitchel led the girls with afourth place finish. Top10 finishers forthe boys wereConnor Conachen, fourth; Blair Smith, 10th and overall winner sophomore Max Gennaro. East Baton Rouge Championships and the Division 1Regional meet will be Nov. 2and Nov. 8atHighland Road Park. The state meet will be at Northwestern in Natchitoches on Nov. 18.
Warren Brady covers sports forThe Plainsman. He can be contacted at
Community news report
The Zachary Chamber of Commerce Awards Night was held Oct. 10 at the Parish HallofSt.
John the Baptist Catholic Church
This year’sevent was alittle different:Instead of aformal banquet withaguest speaker, the event was asocial happy hour with networking before the awards ceremony
Attendees purchased tickets for several raffle items and a50/50 Cash Prize.
The 2024 Chamber Awards Night had over 200 chamber members and local businesses in attendance.
Awards present at the chamber event included Business Award winners and People’sChoice winners. Also honored was the 2024 Zachary Rotary Citizen of the Year Cindy Shotwell, founder andhead of Must Luv Dogs Rescue. Business Award
n Minority-Owned Business of the Year: GreaterWorksGallery
n New Business of the Year: CDB Creatives
n Women-Owned Business of theYear: LizzieBenzer withRed Door Group
n Small Business of the Year: Southern Clinical Research
n Midsize Business of theYear: Lee Steet Boutique
n Large Business of theYear:
n Best in Personal Services: James’ Barber n Best
LizzieBenzer,center,owner ofRed Door Group, is the 2024
n Best in Healthcare Services: AMG Specialty Hospital
n Best in Nonprofits &Institutions: Must Luv Dogs Rescue
Necaise, President Terrie Johnson, Brandon Noel, Vice President MyieshaBeard (2025president), Jassoni Martin, and Treasurer Thomas Styranec.
holders can visit La.state parks forfree
Apilot program designed to encourage people to explore Louisiana begins on Oct. 1, offering those with public librarycards aday pass for any state park or historic site, along with afree backpack and other day-trip items, like binoculars and guides to birds and plants.
Theprogramisa partnership of the State Library of Louisiana and Louisiana State Parks. People can present their librarycardattheir local library branch to get the park passes. In the initial phase of the ”Check out Louisiana State Parks” program, the number of day passes will be limited, the agencies said in anews release Tuesday In addition to East Baton Rouge,other participating
Continued from page1G
nutritional services,lactation consultation,chronic care management, and two retail pharmacies,one located inside the hospital and the other afree-standing building in front of the hospital
n Adding 24 employed physicians and nine midlevel providers to Lane’s medical staff
n Expanding technology with anew electronic medical record system for staff
and MyChart for patients, creating anationwide linking of patient data to improve care
n Invested resources to implement industryleading quality,staffing, accounting and materials management software
n Expanding services: heart catherization lab, pediatrics, and OB/GYN areas, centralizedscheduling occupational medicine servicesand hospital medicine coverage
n Opening Lane Gastroenterology,Lane Pediatrics; Lane Dermatology; Lane
parish library systems are in Livingston, Iberville, Evangeline, Jackson, Jefferson, Calcasieu, Claiborne, Morehouse, Richland, St. Martin, St. Mary, St.Tammany, Union, Vermillion, Vernon, Washington and Webster parishes.
People will also be able to check out apass and backpack at the state library in downtown Baton Rouge, the release said.
Outpatient Therapy; Lane Rx; and Lane Allergy,Asthma &Immunology
Today,the 131-bed hospital employs more than 850 team members and has garnered awards and recognitions.
Meese, aPittsburgh,Pennsylvania, native, has more than 20 years of experience in the healthcare field. He is aFellow of the American College of Health Care Executives and a10-year veteran of the United States Army.Meese serves on the board for the Zachary and Baker Chambers of Commerce.
THE ZACHARYADVOCATE&PLAINSMAN,P.O.Box 588, BatonRouge,LA70821.(225) 388-0215
EDITOR Darlene T. Denstorff (225)388-0215
DISPLAYADVERTISING JILL STOKELD | Multimedia SalesConsultant CALL: (225)931-9248| DEADLINE: 5p.m.Fridayprior to publication.
NewPrecincts Locations
Precinct 1Slaughter Town Hall 3337 Church St., Slaughter (Inside Town Limits)
Precinct2 Hwy 68 Voting Booth LindseyPrecinct 2527 Hwy 68, Jackson
Precinct3 Slaughter Town Hall 3337 Church St, Slaughter
Precinct 3A Ethel Fire Station 9320 Hwy 955 E, Ethel Precinct4 OliveBranchFireDept 9028 Hwy 959, Slaughter
Precinct 4A OlivebranchFireDept 9028 Hwy 959, Slaughter
Precinct 4B Clinton Maintenance Dept 12305 JacksonSt, Clinton
Precinct4CClinton Maintenance Dept 12305 JacksonSt, Clinton
Precinct 5BluffCreek Fire Dept15456 Hwy 959, BluffCreek
Precinct 6Jackson Civic Center 2084 Hwy 10,Jackson
Precinct 6A JacksonCivic Center2084 Hwy 10,Jackson
Precinct 7McManus Fire Station 5270 Hwy 10,Jackson
Precinct 8Ethel Fire Station 9320 Hwy 955 E, Ethel
Precinct9 Clinton Maintenance Dept 12305 JacksonSt (Inside Town Limits)
Precinct10Jackson Civic Center 2084 Hwy 10,Jackson
Precinct 10AJackson Civic Center2084 Hwy 10,Jackson
Precinct 11 McManus Fire Station 5270 Hwy 10,McManus
Precinct 12 Norwood Village Fire Dept 13722 Elm St Norwood
Precinct12A Wilson Fire Dept 6527 Sycamore St, Wilson
Precinct 13 Hwy 67 Voting Booth (North) 13180Hwy 67, Clinton
Precinct 13AClinton Maintenance Dept 12305 Jackson St, C
Precinct 14
Magnolia Fire Station 7351 Smith Rd, Clinton
Precinct 14CMagnolia Fire Station 7351 Smith Rd, Clinton
Community news report
Earlier in August, AEI Education hosted awebinar that posed the question, “Have we made teaching too hard for mere mortals?
The discussion was based on arecent paper by more than two dozen teachers in thestate of Louisiana and was published by the Louisiana Department of Education. This workgroup of educators was created by Louisiana State Superintendent of Education CadeBrumley and was tasked with identifying common classroom disruptions and unnecessary bureaucracies, as well
Continued from page1G
ables, crafts, jambalaya, and other food. Proceeds are used to fund outreach ministries of the church. The church is at 1322 Church Street, Zachary, LA, 70791. Thanksgiving lunch for seniors Metropolitan Councilwoman Chauna Banks and the Baker Municipal Center will host its annualSenior Thanksgiving Luncheon on Nov.21,11 a.m. to 1p.m., 3325 Groom Road, Baker.The luncheonwill feature music and entertainment.
The event is free and open to seniors registered with the following East Baton Rouge Council of Aging Centers: Baker Senior Center, Chaneyville Center,Greater King David Center,JewelJ Newman Center and Zachary Lotus Center.Instruction on registration will be provided by eachsenior center as the date of the event nears For sponsorshiportobea vendor,contact DevinRobertson at or (225) 775-3935. Save thedate
n Oct. 26: Market Harvest
as formulating practical solutions to help educators focus on the most important aspect of their job —teachingstudents. The paper“LetTeachers Teach” recommendsseveral classroom-focusedreforms including limiting student cell phone use, addressing the challenges of chronic absenteeism,payingteachersfor non-academic work, and giving teachers relief from extremely disruptive student behaviors that make teaching and learning impossible.
Regena Beard, afifth-and sixth-grade teacher at Copper Mill Elementary School
from 9a.m. to 1p.m. at the FarmersMarket Aphoto backdrop willbeavailable. Halloween Duck Hunt is the theme.
n Oct. 31: 6p.m. to 8p.m., Trick or Treat in Zachary
was one of the Louisiana teachers worked on the report. She emphasized that it wasn’tamere grievance session. “Dr.Brumley was very specific that our recommendations need to be actionable,” she said. “Wehave a short amount of timeand we’re not here just to share our grievances. We’re here to make achange.”
Beard alongwithBrumley, MichaelSonbert,CEO of Skyrocket Education, and Robert Pondiscio, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, joined to discuss the paper during the webinar
n Nov.11: 9a.m., Salute to Veterans Parade n Nov.16: Memory Lane at theMarket from 9a.m to 1p.m. Area residentsare asked to share special memories/items with everyone. Not itemstosell.
n Nov.23: 9a.m. to 1p.m., ZacharyFarmersmarket Holiday Kickoff. The day will include drawings for Market Money and willcelebrate Thanksgiving, football games and Christmas shopping.
n Dec. 13: 6p.m. to 9p.m.: Christmas in theVillage and Mistletoe Holiday Shopping Market
n Dec. 14: 8:30 a.m., Chasing Santa5kand FunRun
n Dec. 14: 10 a.m., Zachary Christmas Parade. Theme is Luau Under the Mistletoe.
n Dec. 14: 9a.m.tonoon, Farmers Market Mistletoe Holiday ShoppingMarket
n Dec. 21: 9a.m.to1 p.m.: Stocking StufferSaturdayat the Farmers Market
Send news and events for the Zachary area to zachary@ by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
CEO of Skyrocket Education, and RobertPondiscio, senior fellowatthe American Enterprise Institute, discuss the paper ‘Let Teachers Teach’ during awebinar PROVIDED PHOTO
Southern New Hampshire University announces its Summer 2024 honorslists. The summer terms run from May to August Zachary students on the president’s list include Amber Cosey,Candice Means, Raina Curry,Rolanda Williams, Lakendra Johnson and Brooke
Full-time undergraduate students whohave earned aminimum gradepoint average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the president’s list. Besker Telisma has been named to dean’slist
Full-time undergraduate students
who have earned aminimumgradepointaverage of 3.500to3.699 for the reporting term are named to the dean’slist.
Full-time status is achieved by earning12credits over each 16week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer
Lane Regional MedicalCenter announcesDr. Ashley Willis has recently opened Lane Allergy,Asthma &Immunology, 6110 Main St., Suite C, Zachary Willis, anative of Baton Rouge, attended medical school at LSU School of Medicine in New
Orleans. She completedher residency in pediatrics at Our Lady of the Lake Children’sHospital in Baton Rougeand herallergy-immunology fellowship at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
Willis is board-certified in pediatrics and board-eligible in allergy immunology
Willis specializes in the comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of allergies, asthma, skindisorders and immunodeficiencies. She is accepting new patients andphysician referrals are not required. Aribbon-cutting and chance to meet the doctor is at noon, Oct. 15. For information or to make an appointment, call Lane Allergy,Asthma &Immunologyat(225) 658-4080.
From left, ZacharyRotaryPresident Heather Prejean, Juanita Tortorich, Laila Ramos, Cierra Ramosand Rotarian TamaraDaytonatthe Sept. 19 meeting.Cierra Ramos, asenior at West Feliciana High School, spokeabout her nonprofitorganization Hope Resuscitated, which raises awarenessaboutthe opioid overdose crisis and life-saving importance of Narcan availability
Rotaryhearsabout high schoolstudent’sopioid crisis organization
Community news report
At the Sept.19meeting, Zachary Rotarianswelcomed Laila Ramos, asenioratWest Feliciana High School.
Ramos is the founder of Hope Resuscitated, anonprofit organization focused on
raising awareness about the opioidoverdose crisisand life-saving importance of Narcan availability She explained that Narcan can reverse opioidoverdoses and widespread access is critical in preventing tragic losses. For information, visit
The following people were booked into East Baton Rouge Parish Prison or issued asummons by the Zachary Police Department from Oct. 3-9:
TYKERRIAH BROOKS: 17;6751 Royal Oaks Court, Zachary; simple burglary
PEGGYFABRE: 57;1231Laurel St., Baton Rouge; simple burglary
ANTHONY CARR: 35;4941 W. Central Ave., Zachary; failure to appear on outstanding bench warrants and fugitive warrants through East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office
DANNY JACKSON: 41;6210 BarksdaleSt., Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstand-
ing bench warrants BREANIA JOHNSON: 34;5157 La. 19, Lot29, Zachary;two counts of violation of protective order and twocountsof resisting an officer REGINALD JOHNSON: 25; 267 E. Flonacher Road, Zachary; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants MARCUS LANDRY: 26; 1573 Gray Drive, BreauxBridge; aggravated assault upon a dating partner, battery of a dating partner–child endangerment, andfugitivewarrantsthrough BakerPolice Department JAMYRIA LANEHART: 17; 4053 Moss Trail Drive, Zachary; simple burglary
MARIAH LASYONE: 21; 6397 Rolling AcresDrive,Baker; identity theft CREED MYLES: 34; 01840 Job Ave.,Baton Rouge; simple criminal damage to property domestic abuse battery,and aggravated battery
ZACHARYWILLIAMS: 11641 Oakwood Lane,Clinton; terrorizing TAURON WILLIAMS: 24; 10245 Airline Highway,B205, Baton Rouge; failuretoappear on outstanding bench warrants BYKEEWILLIAMS: 59; 2602 Creek HollowAve Zachary; battery of adating partner and simple criminal damage to property
ZacharyPet Supply holds ribbon-cutting
ZacharyPet Supply,19900 OldScenic Highway,Zachary, heldaribbon-cutting with the ZacharyChamber theafternoon of Sept. 17, 2024. ZacharyMayor DavidMcDavid, ZacharyChamber DirectorChloe McCleary, ZacharyChamber Board Members Drew Shields and Thomas Styranec,ZacharyPIO Sharon Phillips, Councilwoman Ambre DeVirgilio, Thomas Scott and other friends– human and furry—were on hand as owner Karan Sharma cuts the ribbon.
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