Darlene Denstorff
Darlene Denstorff
The Ascension Veterans Day Parade starts at 2p.m. Sunday in Gonzales.
The parade lines up on Irma Boulevard, continues on Worthey Road, turns onto Burnside Avenue and then ends on Cornerview Road. All veterans are invited to ride in the parade.For more information, call (225) 485-7875. The parade is sponsored bythe Ascension Veterans Memorial Park Committee.
Veterans will be honored starting at 11 a.m. Nov.11during aVeterans Day program at Ascension Veterans Memorial Park, 612 S. Irma Blvd., Gonzales.
The Merry Market is coming Nov.9-10 to the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center. Morethan 400 booths are planned for the shopping event. For more information, visit www.merrymarket.shop.
Veterans of Foreign Post 3693 is hosting ajambalaya cook-off Nov.9atthe post hall,42430 Churchpoint Road, Gonzales.
There’sa$50 entryfee to cook in the jambalaya competition and $20 entry feefor the one bite challenge, in which cooks can prepareany dish from7a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information, call (225) 485-7875.
Sacred arts,gifts open house
“Be Merry with Jesus and Mary,” asacred arts and gifts Christmas openhouse, is set from 11 a.m. to 6p.m. Nov.9 at Our Lady of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 44450 La. 429, St. Amant. Santa and Mrs. Claus are set from 11:30a.m.to1 p.m to take photos.
Kangaroo selfies forSt. Jude
This That &More,43123 Weber City Road, Gonzales is raising money for St. JudeChildren’sResearch Hospitalwith $5 selfies with ababy kangaroo. The Christmas Open House start at 10 a.m. on Saturday and noon on Sunday CraftmarketcomingtoTanger
Hometown Fall Craft &Vendor Market is coming to Tanger Outlets Gonzales Saturday and Sunday Craft booth will be set up from 10 a.m.to 4p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday at 2100 Steven BTanger St., Gonzales.
ä See AROUND, page 3G
Eight-year-old Alli
BY WENDYLOUP Contributing writer
The city of Gonzales welcomed autumn with its first Fall Festival on Sunday at thePACE Center in Gonzales.
Hundredsofchildrenand theirfamilies enjoyed an afternoon of indoor and outdoor trunkor-treating, games andpumpkin decorating.
The event has been along-time goal for the city,but space has been an issue in the past.
“The PACE Center adds another opportunity andplace forthe parish to gather,” Gonzales Director of Community Services Jaycee Gill said. “We’ve wanted to have some type of fall event, and we can finally do that with the PACE Center.” Gill said abenefit of using the PACE Center for theFall Fest is because vendors wereable to utilize both the indoor and outdoor space. The temperatures for the event weremid-80s, with plenty of sunshine.
“Wewere hoping forcooler weather but having the event both inside and outside has worked out great,” Gill added.
The Fall Fest attracted dozens of local small businesseswith15outdoor vendors and26indoor
The event also gave children achance to get intothe Halloween spirit by dressing in costume andvisiting booths forcandy andgoodies.
ä See FALL, page 2G
Community news report
Ascension Veterans Memorial Park was awarded a$13,000 grant from the Home Depot Foundation to refurbish the park ahead of its annual VeteransDay programon Nov.11.
Thegrant application was spearheadedbyPark Committeechair and longtime supporter retired Maj. Shelby Ballard, with the assistance of Nikisha Washington, rental facilities Manager at the Home Depot Store 0383 in Gonzales. Park wins grant to refurbish in time for Veterans Day program
ä See PARK, page 3G
AndrewLandry and Blyss Charleville are Ascension Catholic Homecoming royalty ä More photos. PAGE 4G
Blyss Charleville and AndrewLandry reign as queen and king of Ascension Catholic’s Homecoming
Community news report
Ascension Catholic celebrated Homecoming Friday with aschool Mass, followedbya parade,pep rally and game.
Blyss Charleville wascrowned homecoming queen during halftime of thewet footballgame and Andrew Landry was named king at the pep rally.Bulldogs won the gamevs. White Castle and became District Champs.
The homecoming court included AvaGordon, AvaBright, AvaKate Ourso, Blyss Charleville,Isabella Troxclair, Elise Lemann, Katelyn Marroy,Emilia Abadie, Sydney Viallon, Gavin Gregoire, Peyton Dunn, Harrison Ledet, Chad Elzy, Mace Melancon, Andrew Landry, Camille LeBoeuf,Rhett Boeckmannand Austin Paine.
Community news report
Volunteers are preparing to collect Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts during National Collection Week, Nov. 18-25. Shoebox packers can find their local drop-off locations nearest them by visiting https://tinyurl.com/yc8fc8s6.
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering gift-filled shoeboxes tochildren including many who are suffering from war,poverty,disease and disaster Visithttps://samaritanspurse.org/ what-we-do/operation-christmas-child/ to find how to pack abox,makea donation or otherinformation
ASCENSION: AscensionBaptist Church, 13432 Airline Highway,Gonzales, is a drop-off point.
NOV. 18-19, 10 A.M.TO2P.M.
NOV. 20: 2p.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 21: 10 a.m. to 2p.m.
NOV. 22-23: 9a.m. to 11 a.m.
NOV. 24: 2p.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 25: 9a.m. to 11 a.m.
ZACHARY: First Baptist Church, 4200
Main St ,Zachary
NOV. 18: 1p.m. to 4p.m.
NOV. 19: 2p.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 20: 1p.m. to 4p.m.
NOV. 21: 2p.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 22-23: 1p.m. to 4p.m
NOV. 24: 2p.m. to 4p.m.
NOV. 25: 8:30a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
CENTREVILLE,MISSISSIPPI: Centreville Baptist Church, 325 W. Main St.
NOV. 18-19: 10 a.m. to noon
NOV. 20: 4p.m. to 6p.m.
NOV. 21-22: 10 a.m. to noon
NOV. 23: 11a.m. to 1p.m.
NOV. 24: 1p.m. to 3p.m.
NOV. 25: 7a.m. to 9a.m.
DENHAM SPRINGS: Luke10:27 Church,
536 N.E. Centerville St.
NOV. 18-21: 3p.m. to 5p.m
NOV. 22: noon to 5p.m.
NOV. 23-24: 10 a.m. to 3p.m.
NOV. 25: 8a.m. to 10 a.m.
DENHAM SPRINGS: Christ’s Community Church, 26574 Juban Road
NOV. 18-22: 4:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
NOV. 23: 1p.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 24: 1p.m. to 4p.m.
NOV. 25: 8a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
HAMMOND: The River Fellowship Baptist
Church, 45173 River Road
NOV. 18: 10 a.m. to 5p.m.
NOV. 19: noon to 6p.m.
NOV. 20: noon to 5p.m.
NOV. 21: noon to 6p.m.
NOV. 22: noon to 5p.m.
NOV. 23: noon to 4p.m.
NOV. 24: 12:30 p.m. to 4p.m.
NOV. 25: 8a.m. to 10 a.m.
PONCHATOULA: French Corner Baptist Church, 39715 Teel Road
NOV. 18: 5p.m. to 7p.m
NOV. 19: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
NOV. 20: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
NOV. 21: 9a.m. to 11 a.m.
NOV. 22: 4p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
NOV. 23: 9a.m. to 11 a.m., 3p.m.to5p.m.
NOV. 24: 4p.m. to 6p.m
NOV. 25: 7a.m. to 9a.m
KENTWOOD:-First Baptist Church-Kentwood, 504 Fifth St.
NOV. 18: 10 a.m. to noon
NOV. 19: 2p.m. to 4p.m
and Groundsemployeewith
Continued from page1G
Alexis Volion broughther son, Zander, 4, dressedasBatman, to the festival.
“This is so exciting to have something to do at adecent place that’sbothindoorsand outdoors,” Volion said.“Zander has been superexcited to be here.”
Ahalf-dozen sponsorsparticipated including Alexander’sHeritage Market,Louisiana’sSweet Spot and Ascension Paper Products.
Pumpkins for the pumpkin-decorating craft activities were provided byLouisiana Nursery.
The festival also consisted of volunteers and organizations who promoted services and upcoming events.
“This is such an incrediblecommunity event,” said Volunteer Ascension Executive Director Sherry Denig said. “It gives parents and children the chance to really enjoy themselves inside and outside. The waytheyhaveitset up helpseverybody visit each table.”
Volunteer Ascension passed out freecoupons for its upcoming December Christmas Movie Night. This year’s selectionisDisney’s2013 movie “Frozen.”
“When we got the call to participate in the Fall Fest, we said we are absolutely 100 percent in,” Denig said. “The PACE Center is top-notch and has been great forGonzales and Ascension Parish.” Ascension Credit Union also participated in the event
“This has been absolutely amazing to see the amount of people here,” said Ashley Melancon, branch manager of Ascension CreditUnion. “Welove being out in the community.Wewanttosupport theAscension community because the community supports us.” The Fall Fest also included musicalentertainment.
“Children love the trick-or-treat aspect,” Gill said. “Weare also providing entertain-
Children decorate
mentonthe lawnwithmusician Jamell Richardson.” Richardson, born in Mississippi, is aguitarist known for hisJimiHendrixguitar style. In 2021, he was awarded the “King of Blues Award” by the Jus Blues Music Foundation
“The PACE Center is about the performing arts, and we’ve been able to provide that today,” Gill added. “Weare just super happy abouttoday.Wedidn’tknow what to expect since it’sthe first festival, but we are thankfulfor all the vendors and volunteers for providing everyone with agood time.”
Gonzales is planning for the Christmas Tree Lighting, which is scheduled for early December
Division 4
The Galvez Middle Pirates won ahardfought game with Prairieville 6-0 to finish their season at 8-0 and as league champions. The victory also completed the career of longtime Pirate coach and teacher, Benny Babin. Babin will retire after the school year ends, 36 years at the same school, afeat that is rarely accomplished. Over that time, Babin has taught and coached so many kidsover his career, he reflected on that time. “I am very thankful that Robert Clouatre (former superintendent) had faith in me and gave me the opportunity to teach and coach at Galvez. The support from the community,administrators, faculty andstudents has been incredible during my tenure,”
Continued from page1G
Babin said The Pirates and Panthers came into thefinal game undefeated, onlyone team would be crowned champions. The lone touchdown came on aTre Vaughn rush from five yards out, that touchdown was enough as the Pirate defense played outstanding allevening.
Babin plans to coach boys’ and girls’ basketball this school year before hanging up the whistle for the last time.
Once this school year ends, Babin will exit acampus he has been afixture at for 36 years, atime he will alwayscherish. “I’m going to miss theday-to-dayinteraction with the students, but Iam lookingforward to spending more time with my family and doing alot more fishing,” Babin said
ateam of painters and volunteers to assist with the power washing and painting.
n Dutchtown23, Bluff 6
n Lake30, St.Amant12
n Gonzales 32, Central 6
n Galvez6,Prairieville 0
n Galvez8-0 —League Champion
n Prairieville 6-1
n Gonzales 5-2
n Lake4-3
n Dutchtown4-3
n Central 4-3
n Bluff 2-4-1
n Lowery 1-6
n St.Amant0-5-1
n St.Amant21, Prairieville 0
n Dutchtown 30, East Ascension 14
n Donaldsonville 40, Berwick 0
n AscensionCatholic 47, WhiteCastle 6
n St.John43, Ascension Christian 0 Ascension Catholic clinched district 8-1A title. District 5-5A has several scenarios for its champion. Dutchtown can clinch the title outright with avictory over LiveOak. St Amant would need avictory over Denham Springsand a Dutchtownloss to win the district.
n Dutchtown(7-1) hosts Live Oak
n St.Amant(6-2) hosts Denham Springs
n East Ascension(3-6) at Walker
or newtoMedicare?
n Prairieville (1-8) hosts St Thomas Aquinas
n Donaldsonville (4-5) hosts Patterson
n Ascension Catholic (7-1) travels to EastIberville
n Ascension Christian (2-7) at NorthIberville
Division 1
n Dutchtown, 9th (inthe playoffs)
n St. Amant, 17th (inthe playoffs)
n EastAscension, 30th (out of playoffs,will need avictory) n Prairieville,41st (out of playoffs)
Division 3
n Donaldsonville, 20th (inthe playoffs)
n Ascension Catholic, 3rd(in theplayoffs) n Ascension Christian, 27th (out of playoffs)
n Volleyball playoffs begin this week,playoff seed projection (as of Sunday): n Dutchtown, 6th,hosts 27th Mandeville n EastAscension, 17th,travelsto16th Ruston n St. Amant, 29th,travels to 4th Hahnville
n Ascension Catholic, 3rd, hosts 30th Vermillion Catholic n Ascension Christian, 10th, hosts 23rdSlaughter Charter Troy LeBoeufcan be reached at ascension @theadvocate.com or on Twitter @Troyleboeuf.
Ballard received notificationofthe grant award just two weeks after applying.
The grant will fundsignificantimprovementsatthe park, including power washing,planting new shrubs, painting and general cleanup. These enhancements willnot only revitalize the park but also enhance its beauty and appeal, anews releasesaid.
The Home Depot will be providing essential tools and materials such as mulch, shrubs, limestone, power washers and paint.Inaddition to supplyingmaterials, Home Depot will also send
Continued from page1G
Musicinthe Park
Downbeat Louisiana will play at 2p.m. Sunday in Jambalaya Park for Gonzales’ Music in the Park.
The free concert is part of the city’sMusic in the Park series.
Reducedpet fees
Cara’sHouse is offered reduced adoption fee on all dogs that have been spayed or neutered. Visit the shelter from 5p.m. to 8p.m. on Thursday and pay $30 to adopt adog.
‘America’s Last Fair’
Catherine Pearson-Puma, exhibits curator with the Louisiana State Archives, will talk about the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition at 2p.m. Nov.7atthe Ascension Parish Library in Gonzales.
Kidz Kove Discovery Park, on Cornerview Road, will be closed indefinitely
“Weare extremelygratefulfor this support from the HomeDepotFoundation,” said Ballard.“Their generositywillhelpensurethat Ascension Veterans Memorial Park looks its best for this year’sVeterans Day program, acherished tradition in our community.”
TheVeterans Dayevent will open to the public at 11 a.m.onMonday,Nov 11, at Ascension Veterans MemorialPark,nexttothe Gonzales branch library Volunteerswho wish to assist in the park cleanup and beautification project alongsidethe Home Depotteam are asked to contact Ballard at ttsballard@eatel.net
for renovations. No reopening date was announced. Christmasdonations
Tankproof, anonprofit providing free swimming lessons andhelping those in need, is collectingdonationsfor theDec. 7turkey giveaway set forDec.7 at MeylanPark in Gonzales. A$100 donation can purchase four turkeys. To donate,call(225) 939-0931 by Nov. 29. Crusadeapplications
The program provides Christmas toysfor children throughage 12.Applications are available at the sheriff’s offices in Gonzales, Donaldsonville and Prairieville. Nov.22is the deadline to submit an application. For information,call Sgt. Misty Turner at (225) 6218827.
Contact DarleneDenstorff by phone, (225) 388-0215 or (225) 603-1998;oremail, ascension@theadvocate com or ddenstorff@ theadvocate.com Deadline: 5p.m.Friday
THE ASCENSIONADVOCATE 40444 Cannon Road,Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 388-0215
PUBLISHEDEVERY WEDNESDAY Onlineattheadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/communities/ascension/ COMMUNITY SECTION EDITOR
RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright christopher.cartwright@theadvocate.com (225) 388-0125
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Send your news,photos or lettersby4 p.m. Friday EMAIL: ascension@theadvocate.com MAIL: useaddressabove
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The following people were booked into the Ascension Parish Jail on Oct. 10-24:
OCT. 10
Sterling Ridge Drive, Gonzales; 43; twocounts failureto appear-bench warrant
3171 Arthur Lane,Donaldsonville; 19; second-degree murder
MILES,AHMAD T.: 710 Tom Miles Road, Gonzales; 37; violations of protectiveorders, domestic abuse battery
White Rose Drive, Baton Rouge; 22; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
PATTERSON, ALIZANTE MARIE: 231 Josh BrownLane, Belle Rose; 23; failuretoappearbench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
HALL, CORNELL J.: 225 N. Roscoe Ave., Gonzales; 53; distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (cocaine)
DERRICK: 43083 Weber City Road, No. 6, Gonzales; 24; state probation violation
HERNANDEZ, CHASE: 11004 Martin Road, Gonzales; 24; hold for other agency,parole revoked
OCT. 11
Dancy Ave., Baton Rouge; 43; general speed law, prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (oxycodone), possession of fentanyl, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (cocaine), possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine), possession of marijuana morethan 14 grams
DOUCET,LAINE PAUL: 118Arno Gremillion Road, Mansura; 48; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, resisting an officer MCALLISTER, TROYDAVID: 30472 Joann St., Walker; 43; state probation violation, theft
$5,000but less than $25,000
PRICE, GLENN: 901 Magnolia St., Donaldsonville; 68; license required, illegal possession of stolen things over$25,000
CARTER, JAMIE JEROD: 4849 Paige St., Baton Rouge; 25; failuretoappear-bench warrant
MARSHALL, EDDIE: 1494 BlackmoreRoad, St. Francisville; 44; theft less than $1,000
OCT. 12
CARSON, ROBERTDANIEL: 16098 BluffRoad, No. 43, Prairieville; 37; operating while intoxicated-fourth or more LEE, ANTOINE MARQUISE
VORGE’L: 3342 Washington St., Darrow;26; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct, failuretoappearbench warrant, simple assault, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
BLOUNT,TRENTON RAY: 35447 La. 1036, Holden; 20; criminal trespass/trespassing of real property,theft of amotor vehicle $1,000 to $5,000
FLORES,JORGE: 1417 Boreas Drive, Baton Rouge; 35; hold for other agency,evidence of motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, no seat belt, registration-commercial vehicles/expired plate, driver must be licensed, careless operation, operating while intoxicated-first
MOSLEY II, TERRY: 2164 S. Veterans Blvd., Gonzales; 28; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, theft less than $1,000, simple burglary
FONTENOT, KERN PATRICK: 43043 Wayne Stevens Road, Gonzales; 44; twocounts failuretoappear-bench warrant, theft less than $1,000
PRICE, ANTOINE DANTONIO: 101 Oak St., Donaldsonville; 39; theft less than $1,000, identity theft, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies
OCT. 13
MARQUEZ, GERARDO: 17504 Rosemont Drive, Prairieville; 34; illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities
AVILA, OSCAR DANIEL: 791 N. Carlton Ave., Baton Rouge; 35; registration certificates, no driver’s license on person, expired motor vehicle inspection, obstruction to driver’s view or driving mechanism turning movements and required signals, operating while intoxicated-first HERNANDEZ-BARRERA, JOSE: 14230 Garcon Road, Gonzales; 27; hold for other agency,no motor vehicle insurance, expired motor vehicle inspection, owner to secureregistration, drivermust be licensed, violations of registration provisions, switched license plate, careless operation, operating a vehicle while intoxicated-first INGRAM, TERRENCE D.: 403 Paula Drive, Thibodaux; 32; failuretoappear-bench warrant, operating vehicle while license is suspended, evidence of motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, violations of registration provisions, two counts fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
REED,STEPHEN LEWIS: 18735 Little Prairie Road, Prairieville; 37; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, obstructionof justice/destruction/damage/ vandalism, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, theft less than $1,000
WAUDBY, SARA ANN: 18735 Little Prairie Road, Prairieville; 41; prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, obstructionof justice/ destruction/ damage/ vandalism, theft less than $1,000
HOWARD,SHANE: 609 W. Ninth St., Donaldsonville; 43; failure to appear-bench warrant, simplecriminal damage to property less than $1,000 ANDERSON, KAYLA: 12184 KennyTynes Road, Gonzales; 33; criminal trespass/ all other aggravated assaultwith a firearm
OCT. 14
WINFREY,MERLIN AVERY: 908 Mulberry St., Donaldsonville; 30; child passenger restraint system, operating vehicle whilelicense issuspended, evidence of motor vehicle liability security contained in vehicle, improper displayof temporary license plate, five counts failuretoappear-bench warrant
NICHOLAS,KENDRICK JEFFERY: 1809 E. BayouRoad,Donaldsonville; 31; failuretoappearbench warrant, possession of marijuana less than 14 grams
WEST,JORDAN RUSSELL: 39179 Superior Wood Ave., Gonzales; 40; failuretoappear-bench warrant
SANDERS,KANESSIAH TENEA: 317 LessardSt., Donaldsonville; 33; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
OLIVA: 16904 Northchase Drive, Houston; 31; hold for other agency,fugitive-other state jurisdiction
MUMPHREY,DARVINDWAYNE: 3071 Robinson Lane, Donaldsonville; 39; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, two counts failuretoappear-bench warrant
CARTER, OBRIAN JEDDRICK: 706 Seventh St., Donaldsonville; 17; possessionoffirearm on premises ofalcoholic beverage outlet, illegal possession of stolen firearms
MILLER, JEREMIAH ANDREW: 42230 Moody DixonRoad, Prairieville; 17; cyberbullying ELY, ZENA YVETTE: 5344 Jackson Ave., Baton Rouge; 53; failuretoappear-bench warrant, theft less than $1,000
JOHNSON, ASHTON THADDEUS: 5960 Siegen Lane 2306, Baton Rouge; 27; criminal trespass/all other simpleburglary (vehicle)
PERKINS,ASIA T.: address unknown; 25; theft of amotor vehicle$5,000 to $25,000
MITCHELL JR., HENRYR.: 3077 Brasset Road, Donaldsonville; 33; twocountsfailureto appear-bench warrant
ARMENDARIZ, JORGE ARMENDO: 522 N. BrownAve., Gonzales; 53; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
OCT. 15
ROBERTS,MONIQUE MECHELLE: 1141 Irene St., Lafayette; 42; illegal transmission of monetary funds, bank fraud, monetary instrument abuse theft $1,000 but less than $5,000, identity theft
GAINES,CHAD R.: 1205 St. Vincent St., Donaldsonville;44; three counts failuretoappearbench warrant, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
BUTLER, IRIS A.: 102 Burns Drive, Donaldsonville; 60; obstruction ofjustice/all others
CLARK,DERRICK: 307 N. Roscoe Ave., Gonzales; 39; parole violation,prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possessionof marijuana less than 14 grams, resisting an officer by violence, distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance
ROUSSEL JR., MICHAEL PAUL: 41011 Fairmont Ave., Prairieville; 46; disturbing the peace/language/disorderly conduct
WOOD JR., JOHN WILLIAM: 40292 Bordeaux St., Prairieville; 71; fugitive-other state jurisdiction
WILLIAMS,JEREL R.: 307 N. Roscoe Ave., Gonzales; 36; illegal carry of weaponscrime or controlled dangerous substance, distribution/ possessionwith intent to distribute MDMA, possession of marijuana less than 14 grams, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies
JONES,JUANJEROME: 41230 BayouSegnette Ave., Gonzales; 55; simple obstruction of a highwayofcommerce, illegal possessionofstolen firearms, illegal carry ofweapons-crime or controlleddangerous substance, distribution/possession with the intent to distribute marijuana orsynthetic cannabinoids, possession of ScheduleIIcontrolled dangerous substance, distribution/ possessionwith intent to distribute Schedule IIcontrolled dangerous substance (cocaine)
LANE, LAKEITH K.: 1108 S. Darla Ave., Gonzales; 38; distribution/possession with intentto distributeSchedule II controlled dangerous substance, failuretoappear-bench warrant, criminal conspiracy, distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance(cocaine)
NUNEZ SANCHEZ, JAMIE EDWARD: 13170 DutchtownPoint Ave., Gonzales; 27; domestic abuse battery; child endangerment
OCT. 16
FRIEDLEY,PERRY ROY: 42385 Moody Dixon Road 19, Prairieville; 26; telephone communications/improperlanguage/ harassment, stateprobation violation, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies
AUGUST,SHEA MICHAEL: 309 BourgSt., Donaldsonville; 27; theft $5,000 butlessthan $25,000, illegal transmission of monetary funds, bank fraud, monetary instrument abuse, identity theft
Robin Lane, Donaldsonville;48; contraband defined-certain activities regarding contraband in penal institutions prohibited, possession of Schedule III controlled dangerous substance(suboxone), simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, simple battery of persons withinfirmities
TERRY, SHAWN ELLIS: 421 S. SammySt.,Gonzales; 37; disturbing the peace/drunkenness, battery of apolice officer, unlawful disruption of the operation of ahealthcare facility
LOHR, JOSEPH: 1947 Taller Road, Morris, Illinois; 36; failure to appear-benchwarrant, theft less than $1,000
OCT. 17
Essen TerraceDrive, Gonzales; 36; illegal use of weapons or dangerous instrumentalities
HUDSON, ARTHUR: 2333 Spain St., Baton Rouge; 56; failureto appear-benchwarrant
PHILLIPS,DESTINY ABREIL: 41270 Merritt Evans Road, No. 11, Prairieville; 26; disturbing thepeace/language/disorderly conduct,simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000, failuretoappear-bench warrant
BELL, GERALD A.: 43333 Willie Bell Road, Gonzales; 46; manufacture/distribution/possession withthe intent to distributeSchedule Icontrolled dangeroussubstance, contraband defined-certain activities regarding contraband in penal institutions prohibited
RICHARDSON, TYLER KANE: 24869 Walker South Road, Denham Springs; 27; false communication withthe intent to cause an emergencyresponse
OCT. 18
Braud Road, Prairieville;37; criminal trespass/trespassing of real property, theft less than $1,000
Doel Mayers Road, Gonzales; 56; theft less than$1,000, criminal trespass/trespassing of real property
MARTIN, DARREN: 4710 Adams Ave., Baton Rouge;31; state probation violation, failureto appear-benchwarrant
TraceAve Prairieville;31; disturbing the peace/drunkenness
JAMES,EZRA: 38187 Monticello Drive, Prairieville;18; no seat belt, careless operation, hit-and-run driving, operating while intoxicated-first
ELIAS,CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM: 15285 Henderson BayouRoad, Prairieville; 46; false communication with the intent to cause an emergencyresponse
PURYEAR, RAGEN: 12402 Dutchtown Villa Drive, Geismar; 20; disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/ disorderly conduct, criminal trespass/all other, aggravated criminal damage to property
GUTIERREZ, RAMON: 55354 De La PazRoad, No. 19, Independence; 60; hold for other agency, unlawful possession of fraudulent documents for identification purposes
MILLIEN, MICAH AARON: 39415 Richardson Road, Prairieville; 33; driver must be licensed, careless operation, distribution/possession with intent to distributeSchedule II controlled dangerous substance, hit-and-run driving, operating while intoxicated-first, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, unauthorized use of amotor vehicle, twocounts failure to appear-benchwarrant
TAYLOR, DONALD: 11061 S. BayouView Drive, Gonzales; 18; resisting an officer, criminal mischief /tampering with anypropertyofanother FISHER III, EDDIE KENDRIX: 39112 Pirogue Ave.,Gonzales; 19; purchase and public possession of alcoholic beverages/exceptions/penalties, resisting an officer, criminal mischief/taking temporary possession of anypart or parts of aplaceofbusiness or remaining in aplaceofbusiness
OCT. 19
La. 621, Gonzales; 21; criminal trespass/all other resisting an officer, armed robbery
JOSEPH, CORTEZ L.: 2228 S. Burnside Ave., No. 273, Gonzales; 22; failuretoappear-bench warrant, negligent carrying of aconcealed handgun,criminal trespass/trespassing of real property, resisting an officer, fugitive-other statejurisdiction, armed robbery
Country Manor, Denham Springs; 36; fugitive-other state jurisdiction
HENSON, THOMAS D.: 39086 Prairie SouthDrive, Gonzales; 37; operating vehicle while license is suspended, trafficcontrol signals, operating while intoxicated-third
HENRY, JASPER L.: 1707 Joseph St., Donaldsonville;33; violations of protective orders
OCT. 20
DAY, DANIEL E.: 10303 Magnolia Blossom Ave., Greenwell Springs; 30; possession of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles, traffic-controlsignals, operating while intoxicated-first
PETERS, KARLA LILES: 38251 La. 42, Prairieville;37; fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction
ROBINSON, SHAWN EMANNUEL: 12020 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge; 34; parole violation, prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance(methamphetamine), fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
JOSEPH, TELLISADANIELLE: 13392 Dooley Road, Gonzales; 48; domestic abuse batterywith weapon and injury
MELANCON, YYDA UNJEL: 32740 Adams Drive, WhiteCastle; 23; fugitive-otherLouisiana jurisdiction
OCT. 21
SHERMAN,TY’ANNA ASHANTI: 800 Riverview Complex, No. 102a, Donaldsonville;22; disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct
FORCELL, K’NISHA KESHWN: 418 Williams St., Donaldsonville; 20; disturbing the peace/ violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct
SULLIVAN, TEKILA MIQUEL: 800 Riverview Complex, C202, Donaldsonville; 26; disturbing the peace/violent and tumultuous manner/disorderly conduct
CLAYTON,GREGORYPAUL: 16082 Feliciana Ave, Prairieville; 53; domestic abuse battery
LANE, JARVIS JERELL: 112 N. Roscoe St., Gonzales; 39; distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (cocaine), distribution/ possession with the intent to distribute marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids
WADE, TEVIN KADEEM: 530 S. Flannery Road, Unit B, Baton Rouge; 34; constructivecontempt of court
OCT. 22
STANLEY,ADAMLEONARD: 17783 Old Jefferson Highway, Prairieville; 23; simple battery
JOHNSON, MELVIN LEE: 44305 La. 42, Prairieville; 41;failure to appear-bench warrant, possession of firearm by person convicted of certain felonies, prohibited acts-drug paraphernalia, possession of fentanyl, possession of Schedule IV controlled dangerous substance, illegal carry of weapons-crime or controlled dangerous substance, distribution/possession with the intent to distribute heroin
COLLINS,JESSE K.: 306N.Roscoe Ave., Gonzales;49; criminal conspiracy,distribution/ possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance
St. BernardSt., New Orleans; 46; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, prohibited actsdrug paraphernalia, illegal possession of stolen things over $25,000
NEET,MATTHEW: 5108 Coleway Drive; 42; fugitive-other state jurisdiction
ROGERS JR. LARRYDONELL: 6861 Winbourne Ave., Baton Rouge; 44; twocounts theft less than $1,000, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, tampering with surveillance/accounting/inventory/ormonitoring systems, GRAY, DEON: 3047 Denham St., Baton Rouge; 44;failuretoappear-bench warrant, fugitiveother Louisiana jurisdiction
LEWIS,DARRIN: 16 Cliford Court, New Orleans;32; hold for other agency,intentional littering prohibited, driver must be licensed, resisting an officer, distribution/possession with intent to distribute Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (cocaine), illegal possession of stolen things over$25,000, operating avehicle while intoxicatedfirst
ESCALANTE, LISALOUISE: 18647 Magnolia Drive, Prairieville; 43; following vehicles,operating while intoxicated-second
ALBERTSON, ERIC BRIAN: 505 EasyRock, Broussard; 51; no seat belt, operating vehicle while license is suspended, following vehicles, fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction
RILEY JR., KENTRELL JERMAINE: 134 Evangeline Drive113, Donaldsonville; 21; failureto appear-bench warrant
ELSALEH, SUMMER MARIE: 18063 Beechwood Road, Prairieville; 23; distribution/ possession with the intent to distribute marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids
PETERSON, DEANGELO: 832 Sapling Grove Drive, Gonzales; 35; twocounts failureto appear-bench warrant
KENNEDY, BRANDON SCOTT: 44300 PitreLane, St. Amant; 35; failuretoappear-bench warrant
OCT. 23
HIMEL, JUDYANN: 14269 Oak MeadowSt., Gonzales; 56; fugitive-other Louisiana jurisdiction, twocounts failure to appear-bench warrant, possession of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (methamphetamine)
VICTOR SR., CORYJOSEPH: 604 Chetimatchas St., Donaldsonville; 46; operating avehicle while intoxicated-first, limitations on backing BATES,DONNELL: 421S.Sammy St., Gonzales; 36; failureto appear-bench warrant
WILSON, DEANDRE MARQUISE: 41416 RichardMiles Road, Gonzales; 24; failuretoappearbench warrant
MOORE, GERMANY AMAYA: 122 Northern Oaks Drive, Lafayette; 21; theft $1,000 but less than $5,000 MOORE, ASIA N.: 122Northern Oaks Drive, Lafayette; 20;theft $1,000 but less than $5,000 WILLIAMS,KEVIAN CHEZEZ: 44242 Bella Lane, Apt. B, Hammond; 34; telephone communications/improper language/ harassment, intimidating/impeding/or injuring witnesses/ intimidation/stalking LOCKETT,JACOLBY: 7545 Glen Oaks Drive, Baton Rouge; 20; three counts hold for other agency,failuretoappearbench warrant ANDERS,MATTHEW LEWIS: 37113 White Road, 16,Prairieville; 36; failuretoappearbench warrant, second-degree battery STEWART, NAANISHA CAROLEEN: 5356 Underwood Ave., Baton Rouge; 34; theft less than $1,000
Music, dancing, food highlight Gonzales Hispanic Heritage Fest
BY WENDYLOUP |Contributing writer
The city of Gonzales celebrated the Hispanic culture Sept.22duringits second annual Hispanic HeritageFestival at Jambalaya Park.
The event featuredseveral musical acts and dancers, including Fermin Ceballos and Mariachi Jalisco. Adozen vendors showcasedhomemade crafts, art and various Hispanic fooddishes
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