The St. Francisville Democrat 11-06-2024

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Children receivetreatsfrom the RKMsuperheroesOct. 25 during atrunk-or-treat partyinClinton. ä More

Contributing writer

Children from acrossthe parishwere treated, not tricked, the morning of Oct.

25 on Lawyers’ Row in Clintonatthe Trunk-or-Treat event sponsored by the East FelicianaChamber of Commerce. The children came on busesfrom both theJackson and Clinton Head Start pro-

grams, SillimanInstitute and the Clinton, Slaughterand Jackson elementary schools as well as withindividuals and family Chad Mills, chamberpresident,saidthe

chamber has hosted the event for “fourplus years.” He and Melissa Ballard, vice president, thanked the businesses, agencies and others that participated to make the event asuccess again this year

Community news report

Jackson’sSpooktacular Halloween event on Oct. 26 not only that town’schildren but also visitors who came from acrossEastFeliciana andsurrounding parishes.

Thepresenceoffamiliesfromout of town proved that word has gotten out that Spooktacular in Jackson, held on the SaturdaybeforeAll Hallows’Eve is the spooky and fun place, organizers said. Starting an hour earlier this year,itlasted from 5p.m. to 8p.m.

The trick-or-treat event was sponsored by the town of Jackson, which this year designated it as the official night forHalloween trick-or-treat, and by the Jackson Tourism Enhancement Committee, whichisunder the town’sHistoric Preservation Commission.

Creepycreatures on thelawnonCollegeStreet witha tunnel leading up to the porch on theright welcomedtrick-ortreaters Oct. 26 during Jackson’sSpooktacular ä See JACKSON, page 4G

Noah, fromthe Bible story, hands out treats.
Enjoying the dayisthe Evans family, mom Kayla, dad Timothyand Kylieand Kennedy.
Rah Rah, the East Feliciana High Tigermascot, joinsthe fun with Head Startchildren and aLadyBug staff member
Kaileigh and Londa Scott, of Jackson, receivetreats from the rider/horse Kayla Banta and cowAriel Burgoyne, East Feliciana 4-Hand
Superheroes from the RKM Clinic
Happychildren are lined up toget treats witha little smokefrom the fog machine for
25 in Clinton.
Mom Lorna Sinclair with Eleanor and Maverick enjoythe morning

The following people were booked into theWestFeliciana Parish Detention Center between Oct. 21-27:

OCT. 21

WILLIAMS,RUFFIN: 71.5962St. B,St. Francisville, benchwarrant

OCT. 24

HIGGINS,PATRICK: 32. 15397Rogers Road, St. Francisville, driving under the influencesecondoffense

ALFRED,TIMOTHY: 38. 17531 Tunica Trace,Angola,simple possession marijuana or syntheticmarijuana, twocounts possession Schedule II narcotics

BAKER, DONNIE: 45.17531 Tunica Trace,Angola,obscenity

ARBUTHNOT, SHANISA: 28. 12240 Jackson Road, St. Francisville, twocounts cruelty to juveniles

OCT. 25

LONDON, DAVE: 64. 7193 BobwhiteDrive,St. Francisville bench warrant

OCT. 26

LABAT,NICOLE: 32. 9549 LewisSt.,Baton Rouge, possession with intenttodistribute Schedule IInarcotics, possession of Schedule III narcotics (stimulants)

OCT. 27

HOLLOWAY,JOHN: 58. 11930 Hamilton Road, St. Francisville, first offense driving under theinfluence, careless operation


The schedules for West andEastFeliciana CouncilonAging facilities areasfollows:


n 12292 Jackson Road, St. Francisville,(225) 635-6719

n Start time for all activities is10a.m


FOURTH MONDAY: Religious service

TUESDAYS: Nutritioneducation

WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/yoga

THURSDAYS: Bible study

FRIDAYS: Bingo/movie/excursion

n All people 60 and older in West Feliciana Parish areinvited to join. n Fortransportation to the center or questions, call (225) 6356719.


n 11102 Bank St., Clinton

n 3699 La. 10, Jackson

Wednesday ARTCLASS: 9a.m.

DEVOTIONAL: 11:15 a.m.

LUNCH AT 11:30

Thursday BINGO: 10:30 a.m.

LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.


EXERCISE CLASS: 10:45 a.m.

LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.

Monday EXERCISE CLASS: 10:45 a.m. LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.

Tuesday BINGO: 10:30 a.m.

LUNCH: 11:30 a.m.

Transportation TransportationisprovidedtoEast FelicianaParish residents of anyage for appointments in East Feliciana, West Feliciana and East Baton Rouge parishes Monday through Friday. Call (225) 683-9862 to schedule atransportation appointment.


Continued from page1G


Visit citcstfrancisville to sign up for the Christmas in the Country parade. Christmas in the Country in St. Francisville is set for Dec. 6-8.

Market themes

The St. Francisville Farmers Market is held Thursdays from 9a.m. to 1p.m.

Upcoming theme dates include: Nov.21isThanks &Giving Backevent. Customers who bring in nonperishable food items, which will be donated to the food bank, will be given $1 tokens for purchases at the market. Dec. 19 is the Christmas reception. Refreshments will be available as well as achance to shop for last minute giftsand holiday food. Santa will be on hand for photos.

Economic development

The East Feliciana Economic Development District meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The location of the meetings rotates and interested persons may call (225) 245-2831, Chair Jim Parker said.

Checkout Wi-Fi

West Feliciana Parish Librarypatrons can now check out Wi-Fi hot spots with their library card. It has 25 mobile hot spots

Fontenot family gathers for reunion

The descendants of Fernand and Theresa Charlie Fontenotof Tate Cove/Ville Platte held afamily reunion Sept. 7atLagniappe in Zachary More than50family members were in attendance, including NolanFontenot, of Jackson; his twin, Enola Vidrene,of Reddell; and Louise Saynes, of Baker

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in the Library of Things, which have been provided through the Southern University Law Center Building Digital Leaders Pilot Project Hot spotsare portable devices that let you connect to the internet wherever you are. There are some limits. Check with the library Events at the library: West Felicianaresidents should visit www.wfplibrary org andEast Feliciana residents should visit www. to find thecalendar of activities at their local library. Save thedate

n The 20th annual Feliciana Family and Friends Mardi Gras Parade in Jan. 25 in downtown Clinton n The90th annual 2025 LSU AgCenter StateLivestock Show will be Feb. 11-18 at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales n The Azalea Polo Classic inSt. Francisville will be at 2p.m., April6

n TheFelicianaWildflower Festival will beJune 7and the group is seeking applications for sponsors, vendors and guest speakers. Visit www.facebook com/FelicianaWildflowerProject for information

n The Day theWar Stopped is planned forJune 7.

Send news and events for Eastand West Feliciana parishes to extra@ by noon Friday or call (225) 3880731.

Carolyn Brumfield

225-610-9775 (TTY: 711)

Shyaira Jefferson

225-360-9542 (TTY: 711)

Branna Owens

225-493-5512 (TTY: 711)

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Attending areunion Sept. 7ofthe Fernand and Theresa CharlieFontenot family,from left, are Nolan Fontenot, of Jackson; his twin, Enola Vidrene, of Reddell;Aline Ardoin, of Mamou; and Louise Saynes, of Baker,who are also twins.


Continued from page1G

The festivities wereheld mainly on ablocked-off portion of College Streetathouses and trunk-or-treat vehicles. Event coordinator Bonnie Boyer was delighted with the turnout and said it’sfor the children and “the morethe merrier.” JTECPresident Smitty Schmidtsaidhewas pleased with the attendance andhe was “happy they had agood time” and to “join us again next year.” They counted and estimated that attendance —which was more than 600 children last year —exceeded more than 700 this year, they said. Some homeowners hadvery elaborate scary or funny Halloween decorations at their homes and yards, and others at trunks, tailgates and tables greeted costumed childrenand offered treats. Goodies included candy,popcorn, cotton candy,fruit drinks and more.

Having fun at Jackson’sSpooktacular, from left, are Dinedra and Jadashia Moorehead and Denisha and Darius Anderson, from the Clinton and Libertycommunities.
The Quave family,ofZachary, including Maleya,Mykaela, Aneddra, Ayden and Mykhael.
Gathering for Jackson’sSpooktacular aremostofthe Cleveland family,ofJackson, from left,are Kimberly, Margot, Reese, Dustin andOliver
Cohen Brown, from left, Piercen Prestridge, Bennett Branch and Ella Brown.
From Jackson and readyfor treats, first row, are Kristyl Rose and Kane Harold with Kristen Newsom and Sean Mahan.
Gavin and Lila Perkins joininthe fun.
Aliens, ghouls, skeletons and more gathered on this lawn in Jackson.
Sisters Taylor,left, and Tali Carter,ofClinton, at their first trick-ortreat stop, the office of Rep. RoyDarrylAdams, with his wife, Tonya Adams, readytoaccommodate them.
Josh Aucoin and son, Cash, of Clinton, head off to meet others for the startofJackson’sSpooktacular

East Feliciananames

Superintendent Keisha L. Netterville and the East Feliciana Parish School Boardrecognized East Feliciana Public Schools’ AugustStudentsofthe Monthatthe board’s

Makenzi McBeth, Slaughter Elementary

August’s Students of theMonth forbeing self-motivators

meeting Sept. 3. These students include Harmoniee Wells, Quad Area Head Start; Jakoyri Galmon, Clinton Elementary School;Kelin Anderson, Jackson Elementary School;Makenzi McBeth, Slaughter Elementary School; Ali-

West FelicianaHighNJROTC honoredatinspection

Zion Barrowisnamed Cadet of the Month at the area manager’sinspection.

Rachael Gosserand was selected by the area manager to receiveaChallengeCoin. Gosserand has been aNJROTC member for three years,consistently displaying grit and determination. Shemaintains a3.75GPA,isa member of the student council, an AP Scholar Award recipient and a member of the soccer team.

Members of West FelicianaHighNavy Junior ROTCwere honored during arecent inspection

Zion Barrow was named Cadet of theMonth at the area manager’s inspection.

RachaelGosserand was selected bythe areamanager to receive a Challenge Coin.


cia Porter,East FelicianaSTEAM Academy; Leon Armstead III, East Feliciana Middle School; and Briston Galmon, East Feliciana High School. “Our schools are celebrating this month’s Students of theMonth forbeing self-moti-

vators. We areproud to recognize the hard work and positive influence of each of these students and their families,” Netterville said. “Our students are the reason we have homegrown pride in East Feliciana Public Schools.”

Bains ElementaryLuminous Leaders greet visiting educators

Bains ElementaryLuminous Leaders Julius Anderson, Anna-ClarkeBurkhalter,Major Beauvais, Rebecca Lynch, and Gibson Whetstone greet guest educators from around the state and the Louisiana Department of Education.

St.FrancisvilleRehab Services breaks ground

Community news report


pediatrictherapy building

St. Francisville Rehab Services recently broke ground on anew dedicated pediatric facility at 10281 GouldDriveadjacent to its current outpatient clinic.

The new facility will be staffed by ateam of physical, occupational and speech therapists who hold specialty certifications and training in pediatric therapy interventions. These therapists providea multidisciplinary approachtotheir pediatricpatients, which has proven to be effective withfunctional outcomes, anews releasesaid

The 3,200-square-footbuilding will feature a1,000-square-foot gross motorgym space equipped with arock-climbing wall, zip line, slides, foam pit and swings. There will be four private rooms delivering spe-

Eighth grader at West Feliciana Middle makes all-state choir

Gathering for aground-breaking at the newSt. Francisville Rehab Services are, from left, the Rev. Olton Scott, boardmember;Melvin Harvey,board member;Lee Chastant, West Feliciana Hospital CEO; PatrickBrumfield, owner;Alyssa Puckett; KourtneyDunbar;Erin Cainand MayorRobert‘Bobee’ Leake Community news report

Lorelle Daniels, eighth grader at West Feliciana Middle, was accepted into theAmericanChoralDirector’sAssociation All-State Honor Choir

Sheauditioned by singing “Caritas Abundat” by Michael John Trotta. She will participate in the annual ACDA conference in New OrleansinNovember.

cific treatments: sensory integration for behavior and body regulation; fine motor/ visual motor and reading comprehension skills as they relate to handwriting and school readiness; an infant space utilized for the treatment of milestone delays, infant feeding and musculoskeletal disorders such as torticollis; and aprivate evaluation room for parents, patients and therapists to meet “Thisdedicatedpediatric facility will allow us to separate our young patients from our adult rehab unit so we can focus specifically on their unique needs,” said Patrick Brumfield, St.Francisville Rehab Services owner.“In addition, thisexpanded space will enhance ourabilitytoprovide specialized care and innovative therapies, with customized equipment in aproper pediatricspecific setting.”

PROVIDEDPHOTO Eighthgrade choir studentLorelle Daniels at West Feliciana Middle was accepted into the American Choral Director’sAssociation All-State Honor Choir

Briston Galmon, East Feliciana High
Leon Armstead III, East Feliciana Middle
Alicia Porter, East Feliciana STEAM
Kelin Anderson, Jackson Elementary
Jakoyri Galmon, Clinton Elementary
Harmoniee Wells, Quad Area Head Start

BainsElementarynames topteachers

Building hamburgers helpstudents buildsentences

Firefighters visit Jackson Elementary


Barnes and Paisley Carter,ofJackson Elementary, share what they’ve learned about fire safety during Fire Prevention Week 2024.

CaryQuiet, of the JacksonVolunteer Fire Department, shows features of the fire enginetoKha’loue Williams. thence North32°27'31"

p pharmacy program for a coupleofyears.Thisis a program underthe HRSA wingofthe HHS govern‐mentdepartment. There isa periodic auditthatis conducted to ensure everyoneisrunning their program underthe rules ofthe program.The hos‐pital hascontracts with 340B Together andSunRx tohelpwithcompliance ofthe program andthey willbea bigparticipant inthe auditofWestFeli‐ciana Hospitals340 B Program 10) PERSONNELREPORT (Inboard

AND DARRONL DAVIS Acting under andby virtueofa WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS-II issued by the Honorable Courtafore‐saidinthe aboveentitled and numberedcause dated JUNE 4, 2024, and tomedirectedasSheriff ofWestFeliciana,State ofLouisiana,I will at 10:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER11, 2024, at the principledoorofthe Courthouseinthe Town ofSt. Francisville Louisiana,sellthe follow‐ing mortgagedproperty belonging to thedefen‐dant, TRAMEKAA DAVIS AND DARRONL DAVIStowit: Two(2) certainpiecesor parcelsofground,to‐gether with allbuildings andimprovements thereonand allrights, ways,privileges, servi‐tudes, prescriptionsand advantages thereunto belongingorinanywise appertaining,being,lying andsituatedinSection 67, T2S,R2W, Greensburg Land District,WestFeli‐cianaParish, Louisiana, andbeing LOTS A-42-2 andA-42-3ofShady GroveSubdivision,all aspermap of survey of Walter C. Synder,Regis‐teredLandSurveyor d d b

entitled andnum

bered cause, datedDE‐CEMBER9,2022, andto medirectedasSheriff of WestFeliciana,State of


CEMBER11, 2024,atthe principle door of the Courthouseinthe Town ofSt. Francisville Louisiana,sellthe follow‐ing mortgagedproperty belonging to thedefen‐dant, TAMIKO D. LEEAKA TAMIKOLEE to-wit: Acertain pieceorportion of ground together with allthe buildingsand im‐provementsthereon being, lyingand situated in Section57, T2S, R3W, GreensburgLandDistrict, West FelicianaParish, Louisiana, andbeing LOT NUMBER THIRTY-THREE (33),TURNERSUBDIVI‐SION,all as permap of survey of Walter C. Sny‐der, R.L.S.,dated May 30,1985and certified cor‐rect May15,1987,a copy of theblue-lineis recorded as Original

Bains ElementaryNew Teacher of the Year is Kalyn Metcalfe, left, with Niccorie Gordon.
Kerry Jenkinsand Brianna Leggett reverse engineer acell phone at East Feliciana High.
Feliciana High.

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