West Feliciana High hosts Carroll Friday at home in the LHSAA football Division II non-select playoffs.
East Feliciana High travels to Homer for its first round playoff game in Division IV Slaughter Charter hosts Thomas Jefferson in the Division III select playoffs.
Christmasiscoming Christmas in the Countrywill be here soon. Lots of activities are planned. Visit www.facebook.com/townofstfrancisville to find schedules and how to register for events.
This year’sChristmas in the Country T-Shirt is available and can be purchased at Temple Design or Town Hall. They are long sleeved white shirtsin adult sizes small to XXXL and youth sizes small to large. Costs are youth $20, adult small to XL $30, XXL $34 and XXXL $39. Another touch of Christmas available for purchaseisthe ChristmasWreath Sale. Proceeds from sales benefit St.Francisville Beautiful, a community-wide effort tobeautify the Historic Districtwith trees and ornamental plantings. Place wreath orders from Nov 1-29.
Choices are 28-inch noble
fir wreath, $50; 34-inch noble
fir wreath, $65; 36-inch cedar wreath, $60; and 75 foot Douglas fir garland, $150. Order at https://bontempstix.com/events/ christmas-wreath-sale-nov30-pickup-11-30-2024-182341.
Wreath pickup dates are from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Nov.30and Dec. 7, from the potting shed behind the St. FrancisvilleTown Hall, 11936 Ferdinand St. Visit www.facebook.com/ citcstfrancisvilletosignupfor the Christmas in the Country parade. Christmas in the Country in St. Francisvilleisset for Dec. 6-8.
The Feliciana Stitchers will have handmade gifts for sale at Market Hall on Dec. 7-8. The group will also have aquilt raffle benefitting the West Feliciana Animal Humane Society Tickets are $2 and are available at Cross Quilter,5237 Commerce St.,StFrancisville. Send apostcard
Regan Tutor’sclass at West Feliciana Middle School is studying maps, landmarks, weather and more across the U.S.Aspart of the lessons, the students would like to receive postcards from each state.If you have friends or family in other states, ask them to send apostcard ATTN: Regan Tutor, West Feliciana Middle School, 9559Bains Road, St. Francisville, LA 70775.
Winter basketball
Registration for winter basketball is open. The deadline is Nov.29, and the cost is $75. Find information and register at www.wfprec.com.
The Woman’sHospital mammography coach willbeat RKM Clinton, 11190 Jackson St., Nov.22. Physician’sorders are required and appointments are stronglyencouraged. Call (225)683-5292 to schedule.
ä See AROUND, page 3G
BY JAMES MINTON Contributing writer
Voters in St.Francisville elected anew mayor Nov. 5, choosing the son of aformer mayor over the incumbent bya90-vote margin.
According to unofficial returns, currentAlderman Andy D’Aquilla received 443 votes in themayor’s race to 353 for incumbent Robert “Bobee” Leake, who won the post four yearsago afterlongtimeMayor Billy D’Aquilla retired. Leake, whohad previously
served as atown alderman, will leaveoffice at theend of December Voters alsofilled theremainder of theseats on thefive-member BoardofAldermen after incumbent Gigi Robertsonwon reelection without opposition in her single-memberdistrict at the end of qualifying in July Incumbent member Abby Temple Cochran led thefive-person field for theremaining four seats, getting408 votes. Collin Howell, whowas appointedinJuly to fin-
ishthe term begun by the late Al Lemoine, wasnext with 313 votes, according to unofficial returns. John Wilson and Edgar “Tommy” Wheeler won theirfirst termson the board, with310 and280 votes, respectively.AldenDanielfinished out of the running with 225. In East Feliciana Parish,Jermi RoyAdams easily won the remainder of the term on the School Board from District3,District 1, begun by Mitch Harrell, whobecameJackson’stownmarshal on July 1.
Louisiana Superintendent of Education Cade Brumleyspeaks FridayatBains ElementaryinSt. Francisville,naming it as a‘Model of Excellence’ for its intensivetutoring help forits students. To his right is Hollis Milton, superintendent of schools in West Feliciana Parish, and Preston Castille, a member of thestate BoardofElementary and SecondaryEducation.
BainsElementarylaudedbystate forprogram
BainsElementary in St. Francisville washonored Friday morning for how welland how extensively it tutorsits strugglingstudents.
At aschool assembly, State Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley announced Bains which is the lone public elementary schoolinWestFeliciana Parish for grades one to five, as a“Model of Excellence”for its intensive help forstudents, what’s become known as “high dosage” tutoring. It’s the eight school in the state to earnthis distinction.
“West Felicianahas set astandard for how high-dosage tutoring can drivestudent outcomes in Louisiana,” Brumley saidin astatement. “We’re committed to ensuring this academicsupport is available to help students across thestate thrive. We are taking tutoring to scale —abold andunprecedented effort”
District superintendent Hollis Milton saidBains’tutoring efforts are one of multiple “strong intervention programs”offered in the parish.
“Thehighdosage tutoring initiativewas an amazing opportunityfor our schools to refocus our vision on prescriptive, quality instruction, and created the environment to support more kids than we have ever before,” Miltonsaid
“This state’sinitiative has made us better for students and weare grateful forthe recognition by the Louisiana Department ofEducation.”
Aschool assembly Fridaywhere Bains ElementaryinSt. Francisville where the school was named as a‘Model of Excellence’ for its intensivetutoring help for its students.
Bains hasabout800 students andhas aBacademicletter grade from the state. The school did well In LEAP testing this past spring, returning to prepandemic levels in English and reaching newheights in math performance.
“High-dosage” tutoring is a research-backed, but pricey approach in which no more than four students at atimeget at least threesessions perweek during the school day.Schools across thecountryadopted the program during thepandemic relying on federal COVID relief funds.
The LouisianaLegislature this summer preserved the program, but cutitinhalf, spending $30 million this year to continue service kids, but only in grades kindergarten to five.
State education officials highlighted afew of standout qualities of Bains’ tutoring program: Its range of tutoring options through the school days, using its own teacher as well as professional tutoring companies.
n Training all stafftosupport studentsacademically
n Changing the schedule to provide dedicated timeduring theday for “high dosage” tutoring n Its mix of in-person and virtual tutoring.
n Setting specific goals, monitoring progress andadjusting those goals accordingly
n Engaging and communicatingwith parents regularly about their child’sprogress.
Email Charles Lussierat clussier@theadvocate.com.
Adams,the sonofDistrict62 state Rep. Roy D. Adams, of Jackson, had 1,430 votes to win the seat, eclipsing both George Turner and Louis Smith, who had 441 and 176 votes, respectively.Smith has served as an interimmember by aSchool Board appointment since Harrell resigned. In Clinton,where MayorMark Kemp won anew term when no one qualifiedagainst him in July,voters elected five members of the Clinton
BY JAMES MINTON Contributing writer
East Felicianapolicejurors nominatedGregPhares Nov. 4as the parish’srepresentative on a ground water monitoring body,although the agency’sdirector last month asked them to submit other nominations.
Thegovernorhas theultimate authority to namemembers of the Capital Area Groundwater ConservationDistrict, whichincludes parishes that draw water from the Southern Hills Aquifer Another discussion during the meeting revealed that jurors have been routinely passing motions to “approve monthly invoices” withoutknowing whatbills are being paid or the amounts.
Groundwater Commission Director Gary Beardtoldjurors last monththatGov.Jeff Landry wanted the Police Jury to submit the namesofthree people forhis consideration as East Feliciana Parish’srepresentative.
BeardsaidPhares’stermhad expired andhewas not eligible to representEastFeliciana Parish because he lived in Baton Rouge. Phares mostrecently served as the chief sheriff’sdeputy forEast Feliciana Parish, but his law enforcement career includes service as Baton Rouge policechief, interim sheriffofEast Baton Rouge Parish and an employee of the state Inspector General’sOffice.
Phares told the jury astate website for Louisiana boards and commissions stated his term ran through2026, but he later learned from the website’s administrator that the website waswrong; the term ended last year
He saidhebelieves he was eligible to represent East Feliciana because he hasa house andfarmin the parish, but he said he recently removed anyquestion abouthis domicilebyregistering to vote in East Feliciana.
Phares said he did not come before the jury to campaign for thenomination,but he said he believesopposition to his reappointmentstemsfrom his questionsof the commission’sbudget, business contracts and charges to water systems that draw from the aquifer.
Based on ajudge’sfinding in a lawsuit filed by Baton Rouge Water Company,Phares saidhebelieves water systems are being overcharged forthe amount of water they pumpfrom the aquifer
During acommission budget meeting, Phares said he also questioned the $700,000 budgeted for legal representation, the amount of Beard’ssalary and cutting to zero the amount of money paid to experts in the fieldofgroundwater aquifers.
“I raised some very serious and pointed objections. Isuspect that’s why the gentleman appeared,” Phares said of Beard’srequest last month.
Jurors respondedbyvoting to ask Landry to reappoint Phares.
Community news report
West Feliciana Hospital’s month-long Paint the Town Pink event was held in October
The event is designed to increase breast cancer awareness, provide the communitywith prevention information,and help raise funds forCancer Services of Baton Rouge, which serves cancer patients in a10-parish area, including East and West Feliciana and Pointe Coupee.
The event featured aPinkBake Sale, Pink Paint Party,participation in the Witches Ride, aKendra Scott jewelry raffle and more.
Thirty businesses participated in thepinkoffice decoration contest, which was judged by apanel of local breast cancer survivors.
The winners were:
First place: tie betweenBankof St.Francisvilleand the West Feliciana Courthouse
Second place: The Francis Southern Table
Third place: BSpoke 4U
Fourth place: West Feliciana Parish Transitional Work Program
Fifth place: St. Francisville United Methodist Church/Chase Ministries
Thirty attendeesparticipated in the hospital’sPink Paint Party whereguests enjoyed foodand doorprizes donated by local businesses along with art instruction from Amanda Deville.
“West Feliciana Hospitalmay have spearheaded the event, but we owe the success of this campaign to the community,” said hospital CEO, Lee Chastant.“We are very thankful for the donations of time,door prizes, food and money to help raise awareness and supportCancer ServicesofBaton Rouge.”
P.O. Drawer 1876 St.Francisville, LA 70775 (225) 388-0215
Onlineatwww.theadvocate com/baton_rouge/news/ communities/west_feliciana/
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Dr.Landryand Dr.Shaikhspecialize in comprehensivediagnosis and managementofthe digestivetract (esophagus,stomach,smalland large intestines, liver, biliarytract and pancreas), inflammatory boweldiseases such as ulcerativecolitis andCrohn’s, as well as liver and pancreatic diseases including hepatitis,cirrhosis,primary biliarycholangitis, pancreatitis and other autoimmune disorders.Dr. Shaikhis also trained in therapeutic endoscopic procedures,and dilation procedures
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“Iamveryexcitedtobea partoftheLaneteamand lookforwardtoproviding exceptional,patient-centered care.”
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Medical Education: Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts
Residency: Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland
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BoardCertifications: Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology
Medical Education: RowanUniversity School of Osteopathic Medicine in Stratford, New Jersey
Residency: Internal Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medial School in Newarkand Hackensack UniversityMedical Center in New Jersey
Fellowship: Gastroenterology at HMH Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen, New Jersey
Staff report
The inmate fatally stabbed Nov.5atDixon Correctional Institute in Jackson has been identified, the East Feliciana Sheriff’s Office said.
Cornelius Kelly,39, of New Roads, was stabbed by
another inmate about 9a.m. Nov. 5, according to Sheriff Jeff Travis.
The Louisiana State Police Crime Lab and criminal investigatorsfromthe state Department of Public Safetyand Corrections aided in the investigation, the Sheriff’s Officesaid.
The schedules for West and East Feliciana Council on Aging facilities areasfollows: West FelicianaCouncil on Aging 12292 Jackson Road, St. Francisville, (225) 635-6719 Start time for all activities is 10 a.m.
FIRST AND THIRD MONDAY: Line dance FOURTH MONDAY: Religious service
TUESDAYS: Nutritioneducation
WEDNESDAYS: Exercise/yoga
THURSDAYS: Bible study
FRIDAYS: Bingo/movie/excursion All people 60 and older in West Feliciana Parishare invited to join. Fortransportation to the center or questions,call (225) 635-6719.
East FelicianaCouncil on Aging 11102 Bank St., Clinton
3699 La. 10,Jackson
ARTCLASS: 9a.m.-Clinton
DEVOTIONAL: 11:15 a.m. LUNCH AT 11:30
ARTCLASS: 9a.m.-Jackson
BINGO: 10:30 a.m.
LUNCH: 11:30a.m.
FRIDAY,NOV.15 EXERCISE CLASS: 10:45 a.m. LUNCH: 11:30a.m.
MONDAY,NOV.18 EXERCISE CLASS: 10:45 a.m. LUNCH: 11:30a.m.
TUESDAY,NOV.19 BINGO: 10:30 a.m. LUNCH: 11:30a.m.
Transportation isprovided to East Feliciana Parish residents of anyage for appointments in East Feliciana, West Feliciana andEast Baton Rouge parishes Monday through Friday. Call (225) 6839862 to schedule atransportation appointment.
Community news report
East Feliciana High School seniors welcomed Corey Williams, anative of Clintonand Louisiana WorkforceCommission employee, to the school Sept. 30.
Seniors got an exclusive
Continued from page1G
Jury Vice President ChrissieO’Quinwas unsuccessful in getting acommitment from Parish Manager David Amrhein to have alist of the billsbeing paid at the time the jury votes to pay monthly invoices.
presentation using the“My Life, My Way” simulator The simulator is LWC’snew tool usedtohelpwith career planning. The tool estimates living costs around thestate andconnects users to occupations that make their lifestyle choicesaffordable
Continued from page1G
Playground survey
Ashort survey asking ideas for abetter Butterworth Playground is available at forms.office.com/r/ UC0UDa27Qw. Submit responses by Nov.30. Share this withother families, especially those who can give input on what ADA accessibilityneeds are apriorityinthe community
Market themes
The St. Francisville Farmers Market is held Thursdays from 9a.m. to 1p.m. Upcoming theme dates include: Nov.21isThanks &Giving Back event. Customers who bring in nonperishable food items, which will be donated to the food bank, will be
given $1 tokens forpurchases at the market. Dec. 19 is the Christmas reception. Refreshments will be available as well as achance to shop forlast minute gifts and holiday food. Santa will be on hand for photos.
Economic development
The East Feliciana Economic Development District meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The location of the meetings rotates and interested persons may call (225) 245-2831, Chair Jim Parker said.
Save thedate
n The 20th annual Feliciana Family and Friends Mardi Gras Parade in Jan. 25 in downtown Clinton. Mardi Gras in the Country will line up at East Feliciana Middle School, 10410 Plank Road, Clinton. Gates
open at 7a.m., Lineup starts at 11 a.m., and the parade rolls at noon. Visit www.facebook.com/profile.
php?id=100064329323928 for contact information.
n The 90th annual 2025 LSU AgCenter State Livestock Show will be Feb. 11-18 at Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales.
n The Azalea Polo Classic in St. Francisville will be at 2p.m., April 6.
n The Feliciana Wildflower Festival will be June 7and the group is seeking applications for sponsors, vendors and guest speakers. Visit www facebook.com/FelicianaWildflowerProject for information.
n The Day the WarStopped is planned for June 7.
Sendnewsand events for East and West Felicianaparishes to extra@ theadvocate.com by noon Friday or call (225) 388-0731.
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Continued from page1G
Amrhein said any juror may come by theoffice to ask anyquestions they have about finances, but O’Quin said the informationshould be in front of each juror when they vote on the invoices each month
Jury President Louis Kent gaveled an end tothe discussion,and jurorsvoted to pay the bills.
O’Quin said jurors should know who’sbeing paid and how much when they vote to pay monthly invoices.
Board of Aldermen from a field of seven candidates. Incumbents Johnny Beauchamp, with 481 votes, Janice Bertrece, 456, and Kim Young, 386, wonreelection, but incumbents Bart Blackledge and Mary Bunch Dunaway were voted out, according to unofficial returns. Former aldermanClovis Matthews won anew term with 412 votes, while Ben Morris got 377 votes to land aspot on the board. Dunaway finished out of the running with 360 votes, as did Blackledgewith347. East Feliciana voters also gave astrong vote to renew a1-mill property tax for the parishwide communications district, which operatesthe 911 emergency telephone system. The tax was approved by avoteof6,364 to 3,103. Majorities of Feliciana voters also favored Donald Trump in the presidential race, incumbent Julia Letlow,who was seeking a return to the U.S. Houseof Representatives, and JeanPaul Coussan, who won a seat on the state Public Service Commission
The following people were booked into the West Feliciana Parish Detention Center betweenOct. 28-Nov.3: Oct. 28
MARSHALL, JERARD: 46,5416 BlackmoreRoad,St. Francisville; bench warrant, fugitive warrant Oct. 30
KILCREASE, MICHAEL: 36;5280 Groom Road, Baker; probation violation Nov. 2
SONNIER, KAYLA: 33; 1717 Eraste Landry Road,Lafayette; contraband takingto/ from penal institution Nov. 3
HAMILTON, DENISE: 54; 4263 South Park Drive, Baton Rouge; contrabandtakingto/ from penal institution,possession with intent todistribute Schedule III narcotics
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Bains studentsearnreading points
West Feliciana Parish School Superintendent Hollis Milton celebrates Bains Elementarystudents Finn Harris and Benjamin Lowe whoearned over 100 AR points, along withGrace Brownearning more than 50 AR points.
National anthem performedatWest Feliciana
As the hustle and bustle of the holidayseason approaches, don’t forget about you. Take the time to take careof yourself andachieveyourbest health. Dr.Nyirenda and Dr.RichardsonatLane Family Practicecan help you manage chronic health conditions as well as unexpected illnesses and injuries so youcan enjoythe holidayseason. Thebestgiftyoucangiveyourselfisthe giftofgoodhealth!
Jabori Williams adds an egg to the incubator Oct. 11 at East Feliciana STEAM Academy.Seventhgradestudentsacclimated newchickens to the chicken coop while eighth grade students beganincubating eggs to studyhow those chickens came to be.
Clinton Elementary School and Jackson Elementary School recently hosted family literacy nights. Families came together to celebrate reading, engage with teachers and other literacy experts from the Audubon Regional Library and other organizations, and learn new literacy strategies they can use at home. As atreat to end the evening, students were able to take books home withthem.
The Clinton Branch of the Audubon Regional Librarygets a mention in LibraryJournal’sArchitecture 2024 wrap up.
Community news report
Library Journal,a professional journal, mentioned Audubon Regional Library’s new Clinton location in its recent architectural wrap up for2024. The journal declared “What’sOld is New Again” as acurrent design trend.
“Creative adaptivereuse does triple duty: It is sustainable, practical, and attractive. The Clinton
Branch, Audubon Regional Library,LA, beautifully incorporates the preserved stained glass, original pendant lighting, andexposed wood trussesofthisformer Presbyterian Church, invoking areverence for its previous role in the community,” the journal said. Visit the article at www libraryjournal.com/story/ design-trend-whats-old-isnew-again-year-in-architecture-2024.
Community news report East Feliciana public schools areaparticipant in the Community Eligibility Provision. This means all students in the schools can have breakfast and lunch every day with no need to fill out meal applications or worry about meal costs. As part of theprogram, all