Covington on Nov. 11.
will vote on Dec. 12,publicelection still likelyfor spring
ä Covington and AmericanLegionPost 16honor area veterans. Page 2A
ä The Northshore Community Orchestera celebrates veterans with concertinSlidell. Page 2A
Contributing writer
Eric McVicker’sday job is in the world of politics —every facet of it, including fundraising, campaign management, media, preppingcandidates and more. Amilitary brat,McVicker moved to Ohio when he was 3. By the time he was living andworking in Washington, D.C., hebecame unhappy withlife and cametoNew Orleans for Mardi Gras. Falling in
the American Legion Veterans

love with the robust life of this region, he moved to be here. McVicker has worked on more than 100 campaigns, earning his first check in the business at age 16. He has served as aboard member for theNorthshore Humane Society, Safe Harbor and the Youth Services Bureau andwas chosen for the parish Chamber of Commerce’s40under 40. He’sagraduate of LSU and Loyola University’s Institute of Politics program.
As McVicker became entrenched in politics, he said he learned that “politics is adrinking man’sgame.” “It’sa conduit of sorts in the political world. There’sa lot of stress and BS to deal with, and the alcohol aspect becomes very hush-hush. Addiction is accompanied by adestination mindset, as in ‘I’ll quit after this campaign,’ or ‘I’ll quit when Ican put more of my focus on it’. The destination is always

year,$325 million capital improvements plan aweek after it was introduced publicly by schools superintendent Frank Jabbia. The School Board voted 10-5 on Nov.14totable the measure untilits Dec. 12 meeting. The 12 members who attended Committee as aWhole meetings on Nov.7voted unanimously to recommend the school-improvement plan be brought to avote at their regular monthly meeting
See UPGRADES, page 3A
The Covington City Council approved a $36.63 million budget for 2025 when it gathered Nov.12for its monthly meeting. The councilunanimously approved the budget, originally submitted by Mayor Mark JohnsoninSeptember, with afew alterations. Among the more notable changes was upping Johnson’ssuggested 1% cost-ofliving salary increase for city employees to a3%raise for all full-time employees, including the mayor.The council stuck with

Eric McVicker is having an opening of his work at North Star Theatre in Mandeville and awaiting the publication of abook of his photographythis month.