Community news report
Darlene Denstorff AROUND ASCENSION
n VFW Post 3693 is hosting afree pancake breakfastwith Santa Nov.30atthe post hall on Churchpoint Road. Bring your camera totake aphoto with Santa, who arrives at 10 a.m Doors open at 9a.m. Center Stage for Performing Arts Academy’sStar MusicalTheatre Company will perform
n The Danse Difference Company is hosting aPancakes with Santa andChristmas Market from 9a.m. to 11:30 Nov.30 at12320 La. 44, Gonzales. The event is afundraiser for the Danse Difference competition team. Tickets are $15 per person or $50 for afamily of four. The Christmas market continues until 1p.m. STEM Dayset
The Ascension Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority is holding aSTEM Day from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Dec. 7 at the Ascension Parish Library Gonzales branch.
NASA engineer Karen Lee Vander will lead the hands-on activities. To register,visit linktr.ee/ascensionalumnae.
Here comesSanta
The Galzez-Lake Volunteer Fire Department is escorting Santa and Mrs. Claus through the neighborhoods they cover In addition to caroling firefighters,Santa willstop to take photos with children, pass out candy canes to the children and treats to pets.
Santa will alert to his pending early arrival with green and red signs posted in subdivisions and street the morning of the scheduled visits.
Things kick off Dec. 3on Smithhart,Jamie, Jeannette, Charles Gonzales, Wesley Evans and J. Evans, Chris Drive, Joboy,Cherry Creek Subdivisionand Audubon Woods Subdivision.
For more information, call Karen at (225) 205-8660 and follow the department Facebook page for the complete schedule. Christmastoiletriesdrive
Lake Middle School’sFellowship of Christian Athletes is collecting toiletries to deliver to those in need this Christmas.
Partnering with Lovingour Community’schildren, the group is asking for shampoo, conditioner,deodorant, soap, lotion, hairbrushes, diapers and wipes. Donations will be accepted Dec. 2-20 at Lake Elementary School, 14185, La. 431,St. Amant.
Trip to Greece planned
The Donaldsonville Area Chamber of Commerce is planning atrip to Greece, June 1-9. The nine-day trip includes
ä See AROUND, page 3G
Plans are being finalized for two Gonzales holiday events —the 31st annual Tree Lighting and the annual Senior Holiday Christmas Celebration Thetree lightingceremony kicks off at 6p.m. Dec. 3atGonzales City Hall. Community members are invited to join thetree lighting ceremony andholiday activities at theGonzales Civic Center City leaders willjoinalong with the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office, Lamar-Dixon Expo Center and Ascension Parish government to host the annual Senior Citizen ChristmasCelebration at 11 a.m. Dec. 10.
Ascension Parish senior citizens are invited for ameal, fellowship and holiday gift in the Trademart building at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center
“Our annual Tree Lighting and Senior Christmas celebrations are beloved holiday events that our residents have enjoyed for many years,” said interim Mayor Ryland Percy.“We areexcited to once again offer theopportunity to join us,enjoy the festivities,and kick off theholiday season with our favorite fun-filledcommunity traditions!” Both events are open to thepublic andfree to attend.
High School swim team volunteer Renee Pollet
Nov. 16 during ‘Donuts withSanta.’The event was
BY WENDYLOUP Contributing writer
Santa and Mrs. Claus took abreakpreparing for Christmas Eve by posing for pictures with hundreds of children Nov.16during Prairieville High School’s “Donuts with Santa.”
The event, afundraiser for the school’sswim team, also featured games and other children’sactivities.
Parents of the swim team helped organize the event along with coach Kenneth Ridgdell and assistant coachLucy Babin. The swim team’s19members volunteered at the event
The $15 ticket included a digital photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus, doughnuts and beverages.
The event sold268 tickets, which will help pay for the team’sapparel and swim meet fees, among other things needed for the brand-new high school’s swim team.
The school welcomed its first year of students in August. The swim team completed its first season Nov. 1. Prairieville High School Principal Randall Loving said the “Donuts With Santa” was asuccess fornot only the swim team, but also the community
“Today’sturnout is impressive,” Loving said. “It’s great for this to be oneof the school’sfirst events. This has been agood way for the swim team to raise money because theydon’t receive gate money like the football team and some of
the other sports.
“The community has been ultra supportive of theschool sincethe beginning with the construction to running the new campus and tofirst-time events.”
Theevent was notthe only happening on campus that day
“Today,the campus is busy becauseweare also shootingwintersports team pictures and there’sagirls soccer game this afternoon, but nothing beats Santa,” Loving said.
Ridgdell dressed as Santa Claus and brought along his wife, Lori, to pose as Mrs. Claus. The couple owns a business, “Santa and Mrs. Claus,” in which they dress as the merry couple for privateappearances.
Ridgdell said theevent was just the start of fundraising goals for the team.
“Wehavegoals to help pay for the usage of the pool for practice at the Jambalaya Park Pool, the swim league and meetfees and, of course, tomake sure our swimmers represent the Hurricane family.”
Babin said the swim team startedthe seasonwith no moneyfor equipment and apparel. Holding more fundraiserstohelpmove the team forwardisa goal coaches and parents would like to accomplish.
“We’d like to expand the uniforms and accessories,” Babinsaid. “The clothing, such as team jackets, will help them feel like they are part of ateam, even when swim season is over
“There are alot of fees involved such as pool and meet fees. The Prairieville High booster club has helped us alot and we appreciate that,” Babin added.
Babin said the swim team and their parents were the force behind the fundraiser
“Today’sfundraiser is because of the swimteam and their parents,” Babin said. “The kids get to work together as ateam, even when the season is over It’sa way to cometogether to work and raise money themselves.”
Freshman swimmer Lauren Wheeler saidthe event helped keep the team connected.
“Donuts With Santa is a great way to get the community involved and spread cheer,” Wheeler said. “It’s awonderful event and it brings smiles to our faces.
“Wewere together for months in practices and meets and we’ve all bonded together.Even now with the season being over,it’safun way to be together while helping our team.”
Samantha Pasqua, another Prairieville freshman swimmer,said the fundraiser provided an opportunity for the student body
“Today is somethingthat gets the Prairieville High students involved,” Pasqua said. “There are alot of kids here today that will come to this school when they get older.”
Parent volunteer Margaret Pasqua said Ridgdell has been adriving force in helpingthe newteamfind
its footing in the high school swim world.
“He was basically asponsorhimself,” Pasqua said. “He donated his time, deco-
rations, andcraft kits. We wouldn’thave been able to do this without his help.”
The event also consisted of photographer Blake
State cross-country results and all-districtvolleyball teams have been announced, and Ascension Parish is well-represented Here are the cross-country results:
Boys Division 1
Team: Fifth place, Dutchtown
n 26th, Mason Heffernan, 16:13
n 30th, Landen Juneau, 16:21
n 39th, Alejandro Medina Delgado, 16:32
n 55th, Isaac Urban, 17:07
n 58th, Kaleb Weber,17:12
Boys Division 5
Ascension Catholic
n 15th, Ansel Cantin, 19:10
n 35th, Aiden Crochet, 20:24 Girls Division 1
Team: 11th, St. Amant
16th, Dutchtown
n Fourth, Ella Willoughby, 18:47
Continued from page1G
stops in Athens, Santorini, Pelponnese,Poros, Hydra and Aegina. the cost is $3,799. For information, call (225) 473-4814.
Tankproof Christmasplans Tankproof, anonprofit providing free swimming lessons and helping those in need, is collecting donations for the Dec. 7turkey giveaway at Municipal Park on Meylan Street in Gonzales. The event, from 11 a.m. to noon, is hosted by TheBrosFresh and Shayla Washington and 4Skyz Da Limit. A$100 donation can
n 37th, Keira Melan, 20:26
n 50th, Macee Gore, 20:58 n 53rd, Chloe Oubre, 21:08 n 81st, Katelyn Bucci, 21:59 n 85th, Keagan Merritt, 22:09 Division 5girls
Ascension Catholic: 66th, Gracie Brant, 27:29 AllDistrictvolleyball
D1 District 5: First team: n Courtney Grayson,East
Ascension n Ania Anderson,Dutchtown n Alyssa Evans, St.Amant n Colyn Howard, East Ascension n Hayden Herring, Dutchtown n Caroline Johnson, Dutchtown
n Ali Picou,St. Amant n Khayren Josey,St. Amant
n Most valuable player: Cadie Kusy,Dutchtown
Honorable Mention: n East Ascension: BlancheLaborde n Prairieville: Kate Perni-
purchase four turkeys. To donate, call(225) 939-0931 by Nov. 29. Crusadeapplications
Theprogram provides Christmas toysfor children throughage 12. Applications are available at the sheriff’s offices in Gonzales, Donaldsonville and Prairieville.Nov.22is the deadlinetosubmitanapplication. Forinformation,call Sgt. Misty Turner at (225) 6218827.
ContactDarlene Denstorff byphone, (225) 388-0215 or (225) 603-1998;oremail, ascension@theadvocate com or ddenstorff@ theadvocate.com Deadline: 5p.m. Friday.
ciaro, Haley Sears n St. Amant: Gabi Saucier,Aubrey Alleman
n Dutchtown: Kinsey Phillips, Olivia Songy
n Coach of the Year: Patrick Ricks, Dutchtown Division 5, District 5
First team:
n AvaGauthe, Ascension Catholic
n Madelyn Walter,Ascension Christian n Kaylee Brown, Ascension Catholic
n AvaGordon, Ascension Catholic
n AvaBright,Defensive MVP,Ascension Catholic
AvaLandry Offensive MVP, Ascension Catholic Second team: Isabella Troxclair,Ascension Catholic
Ascension CatholicCoachJanelle Leonard talks to players on the benchduring amatchagainst AscensionEpiscopal during the 2023 LHSAA VolleyballState Tournament. Troy
Lucy Harvison, Ascension Christian Kara Jones, Ascension Christian Honorable Mention: Ascension Christian: Riley Page, Hollie Firmin, Kira Lanoix, Gabby Hudson Ascension Catholic: Blyss Charleville, Sydney Viallon, Celia Gordon, Kate Templet,Emma Nizzo Coach of theYear: Janelle Leonard, Ascension Catho-
lic Troy LeBoeufcovers sports forthe Ascension Advocate. He can be
We cantalkMedicarewhere youwant
reached at troyleboeuf@ hotmail.com or ascension@theadvocate. com or on Twitter @ Troyleboeuf.
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PUBLISHEDEVERY WEDNESDAY Onlineattheadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/communities/ascension/
Darlene T. Denstorff ddenstorff@theadvocate.com
OFFICE:(225) 388-0215 CELL: (225)603-1998
DVOCATEADVOCATE DVOCATE THEA RIVER PARISHES WRITER Christopher Cartwright christopher.cartwright@theadvocate.com (225) 388-0125
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Community news report
ThePrice LeBlanc PACE Center
is set to host AChristmas Concert
Dec. 6.
The Price LeBlanc PACE Center’sfirstholiday special will feature holiday-themed musical
performances by George Bell and Friends.
“We’re excited to welcome George Bell and Friends back to thePrice LeBlancPACECenterfor anightfilled with great music, communityand holiday cheer,”saidJaycee Gill,director
of community services for the city of Gonzales.“This concertis the perfect opportunity to enjoy incredible performances of your holidayfavorites andget in the holiday spirit.”
The Price LeBlanc PACE Centerisseeking event sponsors—
sponsorship packages include reserved seating, recognition in eventprogramming, and an exclusive meet and greet with George Belland Friends. For more information about sponsorship packages,contact Jaycee Gill at jaycee@gonzalesla.
com. The meet and greet will begin at 6:15 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. forgeneral admission. AChristmasConcert will begin at 7p.m.General admission tickets are available for$45 on Eventbrite
BY WENDYLOUP | Contributing writer
Gonzales’fall Music in thePark seriesconcluded Nov.17with alivelyperformancebyDownbeat Louisiana
Around 100 people attendedthe final concert at JambalayaPark. Returning after along hiatus in 2020, theconcert series featured Joel Jones &3MC in September andThe Michael FosterProject in October
Downbeat Louisianaisa wedding andother celebration eventsbandperforminginLouisiana, Texas, andMississippi
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TheGreater BatonRouge Food Bank is anon-profit organization focusedonfeeding those whoare food insecureinour community. We collect, sort, packand distributefoodtofriends and neighbors in needthrough 125+memberagencyfood pantries
Last year alone,the Greater BatonRouge Food Bank distributed 11.1 million meals to those in need, serving over 350,000 clientsacross our 11-parish servicearea. While thatmay sound like alot of meals,the 2023 Meal Gapresearch from Feeding America shows thatLouisiana is unfortunately still #1 in the countryinboth child and senior hunger.
As partofGiving Tuesday, or eding Tuesdayaswelike to call ,Home Bank willbegenerously oviding amatch for financial donations made on Tuesday, cember3rd –allowing youto double your donation thatday
Visit us online at brfoodbank.org/RedStickRally or scan the QR code to donate today.
One Touch Ministry,Inc. is dedicated to transforming lives by empowering individuals, especially those formerly incarcerated, with the tools, resources, andsupport neededtosuccessfully reintegrate into theircommunities.
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It turns what we have intoenough.
It can turn amealintoa feast, ahouse intoahome, astranger intoafriend.
This Thanksgiving we are especially grateful for our volunteers.
Their selfless dedication is truly changing lives and inspiring hope in our community.
Thank youfor being the heartofour mission!
To learn more, please visit volunteerascension.org or >>
Located in the 70805zip code, one of the nation’smost impoverished areas,HOPE has served the Greater Baton Rougecommunity for over twodecades.We’re dedicated to building athriving, resilient community through essential resources and workforce development. At the heartofour efforts,HOPE creates sustainable,
to support individuals facing economic hardships through twoprimary
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Give HOPE today forabrighter tomorrow— your supportchanges lives! Thank you.