Great workplaces aren’t createdbyaccident.Theyare builtand nurtured.The Top Workplaces awardsrecognizethe employersthatdoitwellinthe eyesof theiremployees.
Theheart of theTop Workplaces award is theemployeesurvey process Energage administersa24-question survey toemployees, whoare thesole decidersofwhether acompanyculture merits recognition.
This is theninth year TheTimesPicayune haspartnered with Energage, an employeesurvey companybased in Exton,Pennsylvania,tocelebrate exceptional workplaces.
Thereisnocosttoparticipate in TopWorkplacesand no obligation to purchase anyproduct or service.
For2023, 659 organizationswere invitedtosurvey theiremployees. Based on employeesurvey feedback, a record80haveearned recognitionas TopWorkplaces.
In thecurrent jobmarket, companies continue to focusonrecruiting,retaining andmotivating employees. It’s more paramountthanever forcompanies to be intentional aboutaculture that prioritizesemployee appreciation andrecognition, EnergageCEO Eric Rubino said
“Wereallyneed workplaces that inspireemployees,”hesaid. “You have to really acknowledge employees genuinely andconsistently.”
Theaward is open to anyemployer with 35 or more employees in Greater NewOrleans.Survey resultsare
validonlyif35% or more employees respond;employerswithfewer than 85 employeeshaveahigherresponse threshold,requiring responses fromat least30employees.
Energage tabulates thesurvey results. Employersare groupedinto small, midsize andlarge to best compare similaremployee experiences. Employersearn TopWorkplaces recognitioniftheir aggregated employeesfeedbackscore exceeds national benchmarks.Energagehas establishedthosebenchmarksbased on feedbackfrommorethan27million employeesover 17 years. They are ranked within thosegroupsbased on thestrengthofthe survey feedback. Whyisn’t aparticularcompany on thelist? Perhapsitchose not to participate. Or,its employee survey feedbackmight have fallenbelow benchmark scores. Energageruns testsonsurveyfeedbackand in some casesmay choosetodisqualify organizationsbased on irregularitiesin survey feedback.
To participateinthe 2024 Top Workplaces awards, or formore information,gotothe nomination page at nola.com/topworkplaces.
“It’smoreparamount than ever forcompanies to be intentionalabouta culture that prioritizes employeeappreciation andrecognition,” EnergageCEO Eric Rubino said.BobHelbig is MediaPartnershipsDirector at Energage,aPhiladelphia-based employeesurveyfirm. Energage is asurveypartner forTop Workplaces.
•CARFcertifiedforInpatient RehabilitationandStroke SpecialtyProgram
•Leading-edgetechnology andtreatmentprotocols
•Board-certified rehabilitationdoctors
The worldhas changed alot since Latter &Blum Property Management was established in 1989. We’reproud thatthe trust placed in us has allowedusto become the largest third-party property management companyinthe Gulf South.
Founded as aseparateentity from Latter &Blum Real Estate,we’ve always had an eyetowards thefuture. To better servethe people and communities whocount on us,we’ve decided to rebrand to Rampart/Wurth Holding, Inc. and do business as Rampart MultifamilyManagement, Rampart Commercial Management and Wurth Real Estate Services
Thank youtoour team for choosing us as aTop Workplace in 2023.
1 Laitram, LLC
Founded: 1949
Sector: Manufacturing
#ofEmployees: 2290
2 CapitalOne Financial Corporation
Founded: 1994
Sector: Banking
#ofEmployees: 531
3 DignityMemorial
Founded: 1999
Sector: Funerals
#ofEmployees: 403
4 Creole Cuisine Restaurant Concepts
Founded: 1989
Sector: Restaurant
#ofEmployees: 1581
5 St.Tammany Parish Government
Founded: 1934
Sector: Parish Government
#ofEmployees: 506
6 Lakeview Regional MedicalCenter
Founded: 1977
Sector: Hospitals
#ofEmployees: 795
7 Entergy Corporation
Founded: 1913
Sector: Utilities
#ofEmployees: 2928
8 OchsnerHealth
Founded: 1942
Sector: HealthCare
#ofEmployees: 5000
Since 1949,Laitram hasgrown into a globalleader in multiple industries, includingseafoodprocessing, conveyor systemsand industrial equipment. It startedwhenJ.M.Lapeyre hadanideafor ashrimppeeling machineatthe ageof16. He wasissuedapatentfor it four yearslater In subsequentyears, Lapeyre invented thefirst all-plastic,modular-construction conveyor belt andanalternating treadstair. Thoseinnovationslaidthe foundation for acompanythattoday includesmorethan 3,000 employees.
Based on employeefeedback, Laitram is this year’sNo. 1Top Workplaceinthe large companycategory. Laitramfollows aphilosophycentered aroundkey pillarsthatare adheredtoeach day. These are:
CUSTOMERS/PROFITS:Thecompany providesits customersthe mostcompetitive values whilegenerating theprofitsneeded to continuously improve products andservices.
PRODUCTIVITY:This isdefinedasincreasing customer valueorreducingcompanycosts through ideas,teamworkand effort.
IDEAS:Employeeslisten to each other. They challengethemselvesand others to thinkobjectively andcontinuously improve thebusiness through better ideas
TEAMWORK:Employeesworkasateam andbenefitfromeach other’ssuccess. Customers, suppliersand coworkers are treatedwithrespect,honesty andfairness.
EFFORT: Thecompanyworks hard to be thebestitcan andserve as apositive example.Employeestakepride in and show enthusiasm fortheir work,have fun, andkeeplong-terminterestsinmind.
SELF-MANAGEMENT/CREDIBILITY: Mutual trustisthe foundation for continuedsuccess. Self-managed people are thecompany’sgreatestresource.
COMPENSATION: Employeesare compensatedbased on individual andcompanyperformance.They share in success basedonthe value of contributions.
We challengeourselves to contribute more, help each othercontributemore, andmorefully developthe potentialfor integrity, achievement andpride in each of us.
“Inour philosophy,weshare a commitment to continuous improvement,” said Laitram President andCEO Jay Lapeyre. “Wechallengeourselves to contributemore, help each other contributemore, andmorefully develop thepotential forintegrity,achievement andpride in each of us.”
It’s an approachthatresonates deeply with employees. In survey responses, several noted that Laitram givesthem flexibility,faircompensation and growth opportunities.
“I feelI’m working foracompanythat actually makesadifference in theworld, contributingtothe success of global economies,”one person said.“Thepeople Iworkwithare smartand friendly.Itis easy to collaborateonprojectsand there are no office politics.”
Anotheremployee said they appreciate howLaitram managementgives an equal voicetoeveryone
“Everyone is heard,and your ideas are sharedand utilizednomatter what
your role maybe,”theywrote.“Ilove how hard work andexceptional performance is recognized andrewarded at Laitram, notjustinthe wayofbonuses, butin theability to go furtherwithyourcareer if youchoose to do so.Ifeellikethere are trulynolimitationsonwhatyou can accomplish here.”
Formoreinformation or career opportunities, visitwww.laitram.com.
Laitramhosts numerouseventsfor employees andfamilies throughout theyear. Makingsureeveryonehas ahealthy work-life balanceisakey priority forthe company.
As Creole CuisineRestaurant Concepts expandsits footprint, it is creating more opportunities foremployees to grow theircareersin thefood andhospitality industry
“Inmyexperience,the majority of theleadership team is internally promoted.There is aclearly defined path if someone wantstopursuemanagement,”saidShawn Hardy, an area manager with Creole Cuisine. “There is alot of support, includingclassesand opportunities to learn andgrowatour different properties.”
HardysaidCreole Cuisinetakes care of itsemployees in other ways as well with competitivecompensation packagesand an emphasis on work-lifebalance,includinggiving people time off for holidays andspecial events like MardiGrasparades andSaints home games.
KellySpear,digital marketingmanager,saidthose actions demonstrate appreciation foremployees, creating a mutual trustwhichcan become thefoundation for long-termsuccess.
“The culturehereisnot top-down. There’san openness to hearingsuggestions andnew ideas,” Spear said.“When Iinterviewed, therewas the feeling of it beingafamilyculture.Thathas remainedtrueand it makesitreallyfun to come to work everyday.”
Amelia Haydel, aserveratBoulevard American Bistro in Metairie, hasbeenimpressedtosee Creole Cuisineownersrecognizemanyemployees by name when they visitfor ameal. That appreciation andunderstanding that everyone hasanimportant role to play trickles down to others,she said
“Teamworkisthe foundation of everything we do.It’sabout making sure theguest hasthe best experience possible,” Haydelsaid. “It’s nice to seethe entire team step up everyday.Ithink everybody looksateverytable as theirown table. It givesusalot of personal satisfaction to know that someonehas hadagood time at Boulevard andwill want to come back.”
Creole Cuisinehas dozens of propertiesranging fromfine diningtooyster bars to pizzarestaurants
andmore. DylanKippes, alocal Creole Cuisinemanager,saidthat continuedgrowthwould not be possible if thecompany’sleadership didnot listen to theiremployees.
“I thinktheyhavebeensosuccessfulbecause they arealways puttingthe team first,”hesaid. “Theyare always thinking about how to make people feelappreciated, happyand healthy. That inspires employees to do thesamething forcustomers. Thefactthat they listen andunderstandpeople is oneofthe main reasonsIwant to continue to grow my careerhere.”
Haydeladded that with so many diverseconceptsunder the Creole Cuisineumbrella, sheconsiders it an idealdestination for anyone interested in working in NewOrleans restaurants
“Everypropertyisdifferent, whetheryou want to work in fine dining or something more casual.Iwould recommendpeople look at theconceptsand choose thetypeofenvironmenttheywanttowork in,” shesaid. “The options aregreat at Creole Cuisineand they’ve created apositivevibeatall of theirconcepts.Thatmakes it an excitingcompanytoworkfor.”
Formoreinformation,visit www.creolecuisine.com.
An employee prepares to servediners at TheOriginal Pierre Maspero’s, operated by Creole Cuisine Restaurant Concepts. The company is known forsupporting its staff and creating apositive atmospherefor all.
As atop-tiermechanicalconstruction firm,Gallo Mechanicalis proud to have thereputation of providingexceptional HVAC and Plumbingservicesand unparalleled customer servicefor over seven decades. Ournumber onefocus will always be ourpeople. We believethatwhenemployees aresupported,engaged,and trulylovewhattheydo, amazingthings canhappen. Beingnamed atop NewOrleans workplacefor the 6thyearina rowisa great honor, andweowe it alltoour amazingteam.
At Gallo,there’s aplace foreveryone. We take pride in enriching ourenvironment and creating an inclusiveculture whereour employees feel welcomed, respected,and embraced.Weare a rapidlygrowing company and areconstantlylooking fornew top talent,specializing in HVAC,Plumbing, ProjectManagement, BIM, Estimation,Administration,and Operations. If youare interested in joiningateamwho values innovation and inclusion,scanthe QR codetocheck outall ourcurrent jobopenings.
We want to thank allofour team membersfor everythingtheydotomakeGallo Mechanicalatop placetoworkeach and everyday
Beingnamed oneofthisyear’sTop Workplaces is an immensesourceof excitementand honorfor Parish President MikeCooper, theadministration andthe employees of St.Tammany Parish Government. Theaward validates thededication,fortitude andpassion exhibitedbyeach employee in theirdaily tasks of servingthe public,ultimatelymaking St.Tammany Parish abetter placetolive, workand play.
PresidentCoopersaidthe administration’ssuccess begins with hiring people whohaveapositiveattitude, awillingnesstolearn andthe desire to better theircommunities. Policies andprocedurescan be learned,but findingpeople whoare caring,committed, hardworking,ethical team playersiscrucial.
“I coined thephrase‘Team Tammany’ to describe ourworkplace,because we trulyhavea team mindset,”Coopersaid. “Weworktogethertoaccomplish ourgoals andfosterpositiveattitudes andaccountability in theworkplace to servethe needsofour residents.I take the time to gettoknowmyemployees andmakesuretheytrust that Iwillalways prioritize theirbest interests.”
Gina Hayes, ChiefAdministrative Officer, addedthatleaders encourage staff to growasprofessionals by attending conferences, seminars and trainingstocontinuetheir education, whichinturnenablesthe parish governmenttoprovide better servicetothe public.But,it’snot allabout work.Each staff member is recognized as aparent, sibling, husband, wife, friend andmore, andstepsare alwaystaken to make sure everyonehas a work-lifebalance that allows them to be presentfor theirloved ones
“I would adviseother public agencies to gettoknowyouremployees,” Hayessaid. “Theyare notatitle or aposition. They arepeople with lives andpersonalities.Weall have arole to playand everyrole is important. Letyouremployees know that theiropinionsare valued andthe jobs they do matter.”
“Wetruly valueselflessness,passion,joy,care, humility and determination,” said MichaelVinsanau,PublicInformation Director.“We wholeheartedlybelieve that ouremployees arethe mostimportant part of oursuccess.Eachemployee is empowered to make responsible decisions that oftenimpactthe same communitiesinwhichtheylive. However, supportand care extendbeyondworkhours.Prioritizing awork-life balance, emphasizing care forpersonalneeds andsupportingeach employeeasa person areimportant ideals forthis administration.”
Visitwww.stpgov.org formoreinformation.
It isn’tuncommonatLakeviewHospitaltomeetemployeeswithdecades of tenure. Whilehealthcareprofessionals arealways in demand, many Lakeview stafferscan’t imaginethemselvesanywhereelse.
“Everybodycares about everybody else.Ifyou asksomeone how their dayisgoing,it’snot arotequestion,”saidJulie Adkins,who hasbeenwith Lakeview for22years. “If achargenurse sees that anurse is struggling, they’llcover theirpatientswhile that nursehas abreak.It’sthe same with theadministration.Theytruly have an open door policy.All of that makesit afamily.”
ShaneBrossette noted that welcomingenvironment when he began working at Lakeview 26 years ago. He initiallythought it wasa jobtolearn themedical field,but it became acareerwhere he couldlearnand grow.
“This placehas givenmesomanyopportunities. AnytimeI wanted to do somethingdifferent, thedoorwas open,” said Brossette, whotransitioned
frombeing an ICUnurse to arecoverynurse. “WhenIwantedtoget amaster’s degree, they worked around my schedule andhelpedmake it happen.Theydidn’thavetodothat, butitmeant so much that they invested in me.”
Samantha Young, rehabsupervisorand chairofthe Employee Voice Committee, said thehospital’s leadership also makesthe staff feel valued with public recognitionand rewards, as well as activities andcelebrations. In between,theymakesureemployees have opportunities to share feedback, concerns or suggestions.
“Myadvice to businesses seekingtoimprove theirown cultureisto createanauthentic environmentthatistransparentaboutits goalsand strategies whilefostering communication betweentheir employeesand management,”Young said.“When employeesfeelliketheyare part of a work family andare making adifference,theywillwanttoremainloyal to theorganization.”
Lakeview Hospital is part of LCMC Health.Visit www.lcmchealth.org/ lakeview-hospitalfor more
Entergyhas long been knownfor an inclusive, collaborative andengaging culture. This year,itisa TopWorkplace forits continuedcommitment to a positiveworkenvironment, employee welfare, andcareer advancement.
“Our stakeholders are ourcustomers,employees, communitiesand owners. Everything we do everyday is aboutmeeting theneedsofthose stakeholders,” said Deanna Rodriguez, presidentand CEOofEntergyNew Orleans. “It’s importanttousthatemployees areatthe topofthatlist. We can’tprovide the best possible serviceunlessour employees arehappy andfulfilled.”
Entergy’s commitment to employees begins withcompanyleaders taking time to discovertheir priorities. This year,TaiwanBrown, Entergy’s vice presidentfor diversityand workforcestrategies, andher team rolled outnew “behaviorexpectations”thathelpall employees driveperformance improvementand innovation forcustomer success
“Weconducted listeningsessions to hear from employeesabout what theseexpectationswould look likeand even what we wouldnamethem,” said Brown. “It’ssoimportant to hear what employeesthink andwhere thereare opportunities to improve.It’salsoimportant to thinkabout the actionsyou will take basedonwhatyou hear.”
Theresultwas aset of employeeexpectationscentered around customer service, innovation,collaboration andaccountability.Aseach employee grouppursues theseexpectations, Entergy emphasizes recognitionfor their hard work
Entergyalsoprovidessupport forpersonalneeds, includingemployee resource groups andaccess to counseling,financial planning,family assistance andmore.
“Our wellness program addresses bothmental andphysicalhealth,”Brown said.“We recently hada funemployeeinitiative to challengeour co-workers to stay active by loggingconsistentworkouts over aperiodoftime. We’redoing amental health series that focusesonadifferenttopic everymonth.Wewant employeestoknow that when it comestohealth, they arenot in this alone.”
Formoreinformation andcareeropportunities, visitwww.entergy.com
Thankyou to allour employees in the GreaterNew Orleans area formaking Entergya2023Top Workplace. It’s because of you that we continue to powerlifefor our communities.
We couldn’t keep thepower flowing withoutyou.
1 Impetus, APalmisano Company
Founded: 2013 Sector: Building Construction
#ofEmployees: 193
2 OnPathFederal Credit Union
Founded: 1961 Sector: Financial Services
#ofEmployees: 147
3 TasteBuds Management
Founded: 1989 Sector: Restaurant
#ofEmployees: 296
4 GalloMechanical,LLC
Founded: 1945 Sector: Commercial Mechanical Construction
#ofEmployees: 243
5 CanalBarge Co Inc
Founded: 1933 Sector: Freight
#ofEmployees: 190
6 Globalstar
Founded: 1991 Sector: Satellite Communications
#ofEmployees: 240
7 Ampirical Founded: 2006 Sector: Engineering
#ofEmployees: 216
8 TheGray Insurance Company
Founded: 1953 Sector: Specialty Insurance
#ofEmployees: 160
9 Rotolo Consultants,Inc. Founded: 1978
Sector: Landscape, Maintenance, Construction, and Disaster Relief
#ofEmployees: 287
10 TotalQuality Logistics-TQL
Founded: 1997
Sector: ThirdParty Logistics
#ofEmployees: 133
11 ChenMed
Founded: 1994
Sector: Healthcare
#ofEmployees: 272
12 NewOrleans
Ernest N. Morial ConventionCenter
Founded: 1985
Sector: SpecialEvents &Catering
#ofEmployees: 392
13 Keefe’s A/C, Heating&Electrical
Founded: 1979
Sector: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning,& Refrigeration
#ofEmployees: 139
1820 Sector: Local Government
137 18 BelleChasse
20 ReNEWSchools
Founded: 2009 Sector: K-12
#ofEmployees: 390
21 Woodward Design+Build
Founded: 2002 Sector: K-12
Founded: 1923
Sector: Building
#ofEmployees: 162
Founded: 2000
Sector: Healthcare
#ofEmployees: 331
Founded: 2010 Sector: Healthcare #ofEmployees: 140
Whatstarted as aresidential construction companyinthe 1950shas been transformed into arapidly scaling, regional commercial constructionsolutions providerthatoperateswiththe soul of astartup.
Impetuswas launchedin2021 as arebrandofPalmisano, allowing thecompanytobuild on itsproven foundationofquality,service, partnershipand philanthropy while continuing to innovate design and construction forthe modern era. Today, Impetushas more than 200 employeesand officesinbothNew Orleansand Nashville.
This work hasresultedinImpetus beingvoted as theNo. 1Top Workplace in NewOrleans in themidsizedbusiness category this year.
Impetusbelievesithas thehonor, ability andresponsibility to builda better worldfor itsteam, clients, theconstructionindustryand the communitiesitserves. That allstarts by supporting employeesthrough their personal andprofessional journeys. A dedicatedEmployeeExperienceteam is theretoprovide supportand has showndemonstrable results, including awidertalentpool, improvedretention andhighengagement.
“We’ve createdaworkplace where people feeltheybelong.There’s a senseofdevelopingacareer instead of punching aclock,and aculture of opportunity that drawsnew talent becauseitinspiresemployees to deliver theirpersonal andprofessional best,” Impetusleaderssaid. “It’s about never beingcontenttoresteachtime
we reach ourbest. Ourbetter is never finished.Aswedevelopand sustain this destination workplaceculture, ourteamsthriveand perform at a higherlevel.”
Thelaunch of Impetus came as part of thecompany’scontinual commitment to growth.In2016, it createdThe Palmisano Foundation, whichcompletedanoutdoor classroomand play area forPlaybuild that same year.Aheavy civil construction division andself-perform capabilities were addedsoonafter In 2018,the companymovedintoits currentlocation on theTchoupitoulas Riverfront andincreased itsstaff. In 2019,ithostedthe inaugural Renegade Fest,anoutdoor music festival that raised more than $150,000 forlocal causes.
In survey responses, many Impetusemployeessaidthey appreciate that theirworkis challenging andrewardingand that they have theright resourcestoreach theirhighest potential.
“I am given theopportunities and equipmenttodomyjob to thebestof my ability,”one employee wrote.
Work here is notstagnant. We arealways trying to improve ourselves, ourteams,our companyand ourcommunity.
Impetusemployees deliverdonated itemsto Hurricane Idavictims.
Impetusmakes sure employees have spacestocreateand collaborate.
IMPETUS“Everyone hasasay in what direction we take with the‘BestIdea Wins’approach.”
Anotheremployee said they felt revitalizedafter joiningImpetus afteryears working elsewhereinthe constructionindustry.
“Theyhavemadeinnovation and growth asubstantial part of theculture andIbelieve ourfutureisextremely bright,” theemployee wrote.“Work here is not stagnant.Weare always trying to improve ourselves, ourteams, ourcompanyand ourcommunity.”
Impetus’ projects includethe RoyalFrenchman Hotel, TheAddison Apartments,JoanMitchellCenter Artists’ Studio,Ochsner Medical Center West Bank,Trader Joe’sand more.For more information,visit www. impetus.com.
Impetusemployees raiseawareness forbreastcancer
In thefast-paced worldofconstruction, maintaining apositive work environment andfosteringemployee growth canbea challenge. However, Impetusthrives by focusing on innovation and development that lets team membersprogress in theircareerswhile having funalong theway
“One of ourcorevaluesisarenegadementality.Wetry to innovate in everything we do andIthink thecompany’sculture is aboutchallenging thestatusquo,” said JoeYenni, Impetus’New Orleansmarket leader.“We’renot stagnant.We’re always trying to improve ourselvessothe companycan develop. It’s definitelya high-energyenvironment.”
RecognizingthatImpetus’ growth relies on thedevelopment of itsemployees, thecompanyhas made significant investmentsin education.The Renegade Academytraining program offersawide rangeofclasses,fromtechnical skillstoleadership.Employees at alllevelshaveaccess to these resourcesto enhancetheir knowledge, giving them the opportunity to keep up with Impetus’ rapid expansionand assume greater responsibilities.
“Weare here to make ouremployees great,”saidKristal Droddy,Imeptus’ culture leader.“We have an internal personal development program andeverybody hasa mentor andacoachassignedtothemupon becoming an employee here. We have alarge internprogram andbecause of that,wehave alot of employees whostart with us directly outofcollege.Weworkwiththemontheir development in different stages so theycan take stepstoachieve theirgoals.”
Whileprofessional development is crucial, Impetusalsounderstands theimportanceof apositiveand enjoyable work environment. Droddy said new employeesare welcomed with T-shirts,koozies, hard hats andsafety vests. Thecompanyhosts monthlybirthday partiesaswellasregular crawfishboils, tailgating events andother gatherings
“It’samulti-faceted approach,”saidStephenAbadie,teamleader of Impetus’ NewOrleans infrastructuregroup.“We have agym at theofficewithtrainerswho come in.Wehaveabookclub that’s available foranybody.Weencouragepeople to getinvolvedin volunteer work or community events that areimportant to them.”
Abadie addedthatImpetus’ cultureofinclusivityand teamwork meansthatnotaskisbelow anyone at thecompany, no matter their official role or seniority.Infact, it isn’tunusual to seemanagers helpingtoclean up aroundthe office,troubleshootatechnical problem, or come to someone’said after anatural disaster.
“I thinkthathelps createacommon bond amongemployees becausetheyknowweare here to supportthemineverycapacity,” he said.“It’s atremendoushonor that they feelstrongly enough aboutustonameusaTop Workplace. Ithink it’sanindication that we are on theright path.”
Impetusisresponsible forthe construction of numerous NewOrleanslandmarks, includingHotel SaintVincent,The Higgins Hotel, LCMC Headquarters, Fulton Alleyand more. Visitwww. buildimpetus.comfor more information.
When TheGrayInsurance Companyreceivesemployeefeedback through theannualTop Workplaces survey,its leaderscarefully review thecomments to look forareas wheretheycan improve andgrow.
“Being namedaTop Workplacemultiple yearsistruly special. Since theemployees are theoneswho vote on it,weare grateful to getopen andhonestfeedback that we sharewiththe whole company,”said PresidentPaulBoudreaux
Forexample,based on past responses,Boudreaux said the companyadded newbenefits foremployeesand enhanced its professional development,coaching andmentoring work. Theresult is apositive, teamwork-orientedculture wherepeople trulyenjoy working with oneanothereach day.
“Whenweare hiring,welookfor people whohaveapositive attitude andthe willingness to putinthe effort.Thoseare twothings
people canchoosetodoornot do,” Boudreauxsaid. “Whensomeone hasastrong work ethic andadesiretohelppeople next to them,it really helpsdrive theculture of ourorganization forward.”
Today, TheGrayInsurance Companyhas around 175employees. Even as thecompanygrows,Boudreaux said it is crucialthatleaders remainopenabout progress, newdevelopments andopportunities forfuture success.
“Wehaveapeople-first cultureand we shareasmuchaswecan with theteam,” he said.“Ithink what makesusstand outisthat we arecollaborative.People are willing to work together to solve problems andbeinnovative.It’sapositiveexperienceonadaily basis. We don’tdealwithegos. Everyone is focused on working together to help each other andhelpthe companysucceed.”
TheGrayInsurance Companyisadmittedin50statesand works with licensed agents to provideinsurance,multi-state coverages, claims managementand loss prevention.Visit www.grayinsco.com formoreinformation
TheNew OrleansErnestN.MorialConventionCenterhas been named aTop Workplacemultiple timesinthe past,but therecognitionnever growsstale forthe center andits approximately400 employees.
“Our team considers it to be apoint of pridetobeamong thebest organizations. It holds us to ahigherstandard,” said Convention Center President MichaelJ.Sawaya.
Sawaya said thecenter’semployeesalsotakepride in working for avenue that is an economic engine forthe cityofNew Orleansand thesurroundingregion. During anygiven week,the center mayhost thousandsofpeople fromaroundthe worldfor conferencesand other events.Thatmeansthatprofessionalism, teamwork andinnovation are crucialparts of theworkeach day.
“Wehaveamajor responsibility to be anational leader andit’s excitingtoworktogethertomakebig events happen,” he said “Asapolitical subdivisionofthe state, integrity,transparency and accountability are keyparts of what we do as well.”
Sawaya said that teamwork remained evidenteven in recentyears as thepandemic putonahaltonlarge gatherings.The Convention Centerdid not layanyoneoff, butinstead used reservefunds to continue paying allofits employees. During that time,employees shiftedtorenovation projects andother work in thebuilding, whichkeptspirits high andensured that things ran smoothlyonce events resumed.
“You’ve gottoput your people first.Whenyou take care of your people andtreat them like internal customers, they will deliver that same levelofservice to external clients,”Sawayasaid. “If youmake that apartofyourcorevalues, it will paydividends in thefuture.”
Formoreinformation,visit https://mccno.com/.
When acustomerarrives at aRaising Cane’s, theyare greeted with friendlysmiles, upbeatmusic and ahelpful crew. For employees, thosepositivevibes permeatethe workplace everyday.
“WhenIinterviewed,Ithought Cane’shad acoolculture and that has proven to be true. It’slaidbackand easygoing,” said Elissa Maxwell,arealeader of marketing.“Ourculture isrooted in appreciation and itstartswithemployees. Wewantpeople to enjoyworking hereand feelgood about what theyare doing.”
DerrickDunne,anarealeader of restaurants,saidsomeare surprisedthatRaising Cane’sisclosedfor all major holidays. However,itmeansemployeesare able toenjoy celebrationswith theirlovedones. Dunne saidmanagersalsoworkwith employees onscheduleflexibilitysotheycan meet otherobligations.
“Ifsomething comes upand theyneed aschedule change,weworkwiththemtomakethathappen,”he said.“We wantour employeestobeatevents thatare importanttothemwithoutfeeling guilty aboutit.”
Jabari James, arestaurantleader,saidthatculture helped himturnacollege jobintoalong-termcareer with Raising Cane’s.The training andsupport Jamesreceived fromCane’shas helped himgrowintoamanager who now helpsothers.
“Weteach alot of life lessons aboutproperwork etiquette, how to applyyourself, how to present yourself in public,how to push yourself andhow to providegreat customer service,”James said.“It’s heartwarmingany time we seesomebody developand grow.”
AnnetteEdwards, arestaurantleader,feels like thesky is thelimit forherself andher co-workers. Edwardsnoted that Cane’s offerstuition reimbursement, extensive training andopportunities to remain with the companyeven if they move elsewhere.
“Cane’shas so many optionsfor people to develop themselves,”she said.“This is acompanythatgives people arealfuture. If youare going to collegein
anotherstate or want to move,there are so many Cane’s locationsthatit’seasytotransfer andstill keep your joborgrow into anew one. ”
ForJoanie Rhodes-Durant, arestaurantleader,landingajob with Cane’s wasadream come true after sheregretted passing up an opportunity with thecompany. After hearingsomany people talkabout thepositiveculture, benefitsand supportive atmosphereatCane’s, Rhodes-Durantknew sheneeded to become part of theteam.
“I’ve been with Cane’s forthree yearsand Iwould tell anybodytocomeand work here,”she said.“Alot of people I’ve worked with have been here 15 yearsormore. They stay fora reason andIthink that says thecompanyisdoing something right. Everybodyispositive, knowswhattheyare supposed to do,and focuses on having agreat dayeveryday.”
Forcareer opportunities, visitwww.raisingcanes.com.
ManyRaising Cane’s employees applaud the company for its upbeat atmosphereand opportunities for advancement,all of whichleads to better service for customers.
Atypical dayatthe St.Tammany ParishClerk of Courtisfilled with processingimportant paperworkand answeringquestions fromthe public In order foreverything to runsmoothly, it takesacollaborative approach, apositiveattitudeand steady communication
“Wehavealot of moving parts, so to accomplish ourduties successfullydepends on individualscooperating in atimelyand efficient manner,” said ClerkofCourt Melissa Henry. “Each person fills an important role,sowereallydependoneachother.”
Ensuring that someoneisa rightfitisacriticalpartofthe recruitment andhiringprocess. Aside fromeducation andexperience, theoffice looksfor people whoare upbeat,wanttobeapartofateam, andcan be dependedonnomatter thesituation
“Whenour doorsopenat8:30 everymorning,the public expectsour people to be in placeand readytohelpthem,”Henrysaid. “If somebody canperform tasks well butislateorunreliable,oriftheydon’t work well with others,theymay not be an employeewho is agood fit.”
Theofficealsoprovidesachanceatupward mobility.Henry notedthatmanagersidentifyand mentor employees whomay be able to fillother rolesinthe future.Thoseemployees areoffered training anddevelopmentopportunities so they canbeprepared for additional responsibilities.
“Wereallyfocus on communication with everyone to seehow they are doing andwhere we canhelpthem,”Henrysaid. “That’swhy this award is so gratifying. When employees aresayingthattheyare happy here andtreated fairly, it confirms we are on theright path.”
TheSt. TammanyParishClerk of Courtofficehandles parish archives, civiland criminal courtrecords,elections,landrecords, passports, personal documentsand records pertaining to immovable property.For more information, visitwww.sttammanyclerk.org.
is honoredtobenamed a 2023 TopWorkplace by theverypeoplethat make us great.
ReNEW Schoolshas made significant stridesinits missiontotransform livesthrough quality education thanks to adedicated workforceand supportfor teachers.
“The commitment andpassion ourteamdisplays is incredible,” said Rebecca Campbell,the organization’s Director of Talent andDevelopment “Toknow that they genuinelyenjoy theirworkenvironment whilemaking adifference in children’s livesistruly remarkable.”
Onenotabledevelopment at ReNEW is theincreasingnumberofhires fromthe localNew Orleanscommunity.These individualsare eager to give backthrough education.Campbellviews this trendasa positiveshift that hasbrought invaluable perspectives andexperiences to ReNEW Schools.
“Weseekindividualswho alignwithour mission andvalue collaborative work,” Campbell said.“We prioritize buildingteams that work
together,ensuringthatteachersand administratorshavethe support they need.”
At ReNEW Schools, teachershaveextensive supportfrom administratorsand instructional coaches. Thereisalsoanemphasison celebrating staff andstudentachievement. Additionally,ReNEW recently implemented aperformance bonusprogram through agrant,providing teacherswithtangible recognitionfor theirdedication andimpacton students’lives.
“Wesupport ourteachers. We listen,coachand develop,”Campbell said.“Ourteachersnot only believethatour students canachieve greatness butthattheygrowasprofessionalsaswell. That is something Iamincredibly proudofand that Iuse quiteabit when recruiting.”
ReNEW Schoolsservesmorethan2,000 localchildrenvia DoloresT.AaronAcademy, Schaumburg Elementary, LaurelElementary, theEarly ChildhoodProgram andthe TherapeuticProgram. Visit www.ReNEWschools.org formore.
Founded: 1981 Sector: Insurance
#ofEmployees: 121
2 TheWoodhouseDay Spa-New Orleans and Metairie
Founded: 2011
Sector: Personal Services
#ofEmployees: 90
3 AC HotelNew Orleans
Founded: 2014 Sector: Hotels
#ofEmployees: 60
4 Ryan Gootee General Contractors
Founded: 2004 Sector: Commercial GeneralConstruction
#ofEmployees: 51
5 HarryHurst Middle School
Founded: 1982 Sector: K-12 Education
#ofEmployees: 71
6 Oceana Grill
Founded: 2001 Sector: Restaurants
#ofEmployees: 60
7 OutSolve Founded: 1998
Sector: Compliance Consulting
#ofEmployees: 50
8 Stryker Orthopaedics
Founded: 1941 Sector: Vendor Serving HealthcareIndustry
#ofEmployees: 58
9 NewOrleans
Firemen’s Federal Credit Union
Founded: 1934
Sector: Banks
#ofEmployees: 94
10 iSeatz,Inc.
Founded: 1999 Sector: Information Technology
#ofEmployees: 75
11 Bellwether Technology Corporation
Founded: 1980
Sector: ManagedServices
#ofEmployees: 55
12 BlueWilliamsLLC Founded: 1982
Sector: LegalServices
#ofEmployees: 104
13 Northshore RehabilitationHospital
Founded: 2019
Sector: Rehabilitation
#ofEmployees: 106
14 Louisiana Technology Group
Founded: 1999
Sector: Information Technology
#ofEmployees: 51
15 Revelry
Founded: 2012
Sector: Mass Market
Apps /Software
#ofEmployees: 45
16 CivicSource
Founded: 2008
Sector: Custom Software Development& Consulting
#ofEmployees: 38
17 Landis Construction
Founded: 1956
Sector: GeneralContractor
#ofEmployees: 60
18 Latter &Blum
Founded: 1916
Sector: Real Estate
#ofEmployees: 120
19 Louisiana
Children’s Museum
Founded: 1986
Sector: Children’s Museum
#ofEmployees: 52
20 Stoa Group
Founded: 2018
Sector: Property Management
#ofEmployees: 86
21 TrackableMed
Founded: 2011
Sector: Advertisingand Marketing-Other
#ofEmployees: 39
22 DelRicht Research
Founded: 2014
Sector: HealthcareClinical Research
#ofEmployees: 58
23 Forman Watkins &KrutzLLP
Founded: 1986
Sector: Law
#ofEmployees: 35
24 Laborde Products,Inc.
Founded: 1998
Sector: Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier
#ofEmployees: 50
25 Edge Financial
Founded: 2017 Sector: Financial Services
#ofEmployees: 84
26 MSBenbow &Associates
Professional Engineering Corporation
Founded: 1978
Sector: Engineering
#ofEmployees: 95
27 Engineering & InspectionServices
Founded: 2001
Sector: Engineering &Design
#ofEmployees: 95
28 Southern Surgical Hospital
Founded: 2005
Sector: Healthcare
#ofEmployees: 123
29 AdvantageMedical Professionals
Founded: 1984
Sector: Professional Services -Healthcare
Supplemental Staffing
#ofEmployees: 74
30 Kean Miller LLP
Founded: 1983
Sector: Law
#ofEmployees: 74
31 Archbishop
Chapelle High School
Founded: 1962
Sector: K-12 Education
#ofEmployees: 92
32 Stokes & Associates, Inc.
Founded: 2000
Sector: Consulting
#ofEmployees: 35
33 Gootee
Construction, Inc.
Founded: 1991
Sector: Mechanical Contractor
#ofEmployees: 117
40 Infinity Engineering Consultants
Founded: 2004 Sector: Consulting Engineering
#ofEmployees: 40
46 LouisianaPublic Health Institute (LPHI)
Founded: 1997
Sector: Public Health
#ofEmployees: 59
Design Build
41 Acme TruckLine, Inc.
Founded: 1960 Sector: Transportation, Trucking #ofEmployees: 51
47 SRSA Commercial Real Estate
Founded: 1991
Sector: Agents / Brokers
#ofEmployees: 42
Real Estate
42 VIALINK Founded: 1920 Sector: Non-profitOther
#ofEmployees: 77
48 GIS
Founded: 1948
43 Bridge House Corporations Founded: 1964 Sector: Behavioral & MentalHealth
#ofEmployees: 105
Sector: OtherEnergy Industry Services
#ofEmployees: 78
Founded: 2004
Sector: Healthcare #ofEmployees: 89
44 MarshMcLennan Agency Founded: 2009 Sector: Insurance Consultants &Brokers #ofEmployees: 82
50 BaldwinMotors
Founded: 1950
Sector: Auto Dealerships
#ofEmployees: 42
2002 Sector: Marine
45 United RentalsInc. Founded: 1997 Sector: Rental& Leasing
#ofEmployees: 100
For more than 40 years, LAMMICOhas been atrusted providerofmedical professional liability insurance. As theindustryhas evolved, LAMMICOhas embraced new opportunities andchallenges. Today, itsservicesincludeawiderange of coverageoptions,comprehensive risk management resourcesand educational programs. As akey part of thehealthcare industry,italso sponsored numerous eventsthatare designed to help medicalprofessionals share theirknowledge
This work is made possible thanks to ateamofemployees whoare
reliable,dedicated andalways striving formore. In recentyears,LAMMICO introduced Innovation Awardstohonor employees whogoabove andbeyond. Several educational opportunities are available each year,asisthe chance forflexibility in scheduling anda generous benefits package
In recognitionofthese accomplishments andbased on employee responses,LAMMICO is this year’s No.1Top WorkplaceinNew Orleansinthe smallbusiness category.
“Through thepandemicand hurricanes, LAMMICO’sphilosophy of work/lifebalance hasbeentested.
However,managementand staff have risentomeeteach challenge,” companyleaderswrote.“Service to ourinsuredsisour drivingforce Ourbestbenefit is ourculture and ourpeople.The comment most often heard from newemployees is, ‘Everyone is so nicehere. Is this for real?’. Yes, it’s therealdeal.”
As atestamenttoits commitment to excellence,LAMMICO hasearned several accoladesand certifications over theyears. It maintains an ‘A’ (excellent)rating fromA.M.Best, aleading insurance rating agency, whichaffirms itsfinancial stability andstrong claims-paying ability LAMMICOisalsoamember of theMedical Professional Liability Association andadheres to itsstrict standardsofprofessionalismand ethical conduct.
“Our employeesembrace LAMMICO’smission andvaluesand, as aresult, they have an exceptional commitment to theservice of our insureds,”companyleaderswrote. “Managementappreciatesthis commitment andrecognizes the valueofthe first classservice that
Ilove theworkIdofor thecompany andthe people Idoitwith. They hirethe best people with knowledgeand team spirit whowillfitintoour establishedculture of afamily-friendly environment whereweworkhardand play hard too.
employees provide. At LAMMICO, mutual respectisparamount Thevalue of each personisn’t dictated by theirjob title.Each member of theteamcontributes an essentialcomponenttothe organization’s success. ”
In survey responses,LAMMICO employeessaidtheymost enjoyserving vital needsinthe healthcare industry within a supportive atmosphere.
“I love theworkIdofor the companyand thepeople Ido it with,” oneemployeewrote “Theyhirethe best people with knowledgeand team spirit whowill fitintoour establishedculture of a family-friendlyenvironment where we work hard andplayhard too.”
LAMMICOemployesclaims, underwritingand risk management representativesthroughoutits coverageterritory. Thecompany haslicenses in Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippiand Tennessee, meaning it is well-positionedtomeetthe unique needsofregional healthcare providers. Visitwww.lammico.com formoreinformation.
LAMMICOemployees participate in RedNoseDay, an annualcampaignthat raises fundstohelp endthe cycleofpoverty.
With 85+ amazing professionals, VIA LINK offers around the clock phone,text, and online chatservices forpeople who need help.Our team offers supportfor people in crisis,suicide prevention and intervention, and opioid misuse as well as emotional supportfor child abuse prevention and teen crisis services.Wealso connectpeople to critical services relatedtofood, shelter,health services,and so much more.
Special thanks to our team for their expertise and dedication.
Reach us by dialing 211, 988, 504-895-5550 or online at VIALINK.org
LAMMICOhasbeennamedaTopWorkplacefornineconsecutiveyears,but therecognitionhasn’tlostitsmeaning.
“Wearehonoredandhumbledeachtimebecauseitmeanswecontinue tofulfillourresponsibilitiestoouremployees,”saidLisaBarber,VPof AdministrationandHumanResources.“Ifwehaveemployeeswhoare happy,dedicatedandhardworking,theyaregoingtoserviceourcustomers inthesameway.”
BarbersaidLAMMICOemphasizesitsvaluesofintegrity,fairness,dignity, respect,relationship-building,serviceandoverallexcellencebyshowcasing themintheofficeandinemployeematerials.“We’vealwayshadalow turnoverrateandIthinkitgoesbacktoourvalues,”Barbersaid.“It’sa reciprocalrelationship.Employeesfeellikemanagementexemplifiesthose values. Asaresult,employeesbringtheirbesttotheirroleseveryday.
Whenhiring,LAMMICOlooksforpeoplewithastrongworkethicwhostrive forexcellenceandtreatotherswithdignityandrespect.Oncethenewemployee isonboard,thereisanemphasisonbuildingexternalandinternalrelationships. Inadditiontoourinternalrelationships,wehavestrongtiesinthecommunity, andareveryactiveinfundraisingforseveralcharitableorganizations,including theAmericanHeartAssociationandtheAmericanCancerSociety.
LAMMICOsupportsemployeegrowthinavarietyofways.Thecompany subscribestoLinkedInLearningsothatemployeescantakecoursesthat alignwiththeirroleandtheirgoals.“We’vedonetrainingonsoftskillslike communicationandprojectmanagement.Thissummer,we’llhaveaworkshop onteambuildingforallemployeesandmanagers,”Barbersaid.“Ifemployees needlicensesorcertifications,wesubsidizethatcost.Thesupportthat LAMMICOprovidestowardemployeegrowthissomethingthatIthinkthey reallyappreciate.”
LAMMICOisLouisiana’slargestmedicalmalpracticeinsurancecompany andthestate’sonly‘A’ratedmedicalprofessionalliabilityinsurancecarrierthat writeshospitalsandfacilities.Visitwww.lammico.comformore.
As amulti-year TopWorkplace award winner,CivicSource® knowssuccess comeswhenateam workstogether, both within departmentsand cross-functionally,todeliver optimal resultsfor clientswhile simplifyingthe complex andcreating positivechange.
“It’sanhonor to have receivedthis recognitioneveryyearsince 2017,” said CaitlinWrend,ChiefProduct Officer. “It points to the strength of this companyand itspeople.CivicSource®has remained consistentinthe faceofchange–continuingtoserve ourclients andeachother through global uncertaintyand localupheaval. The TopWorkplacesrecognitionisareminderthatatthe endofthe day, people arewhatmatters. And, at CivicSource®,our people set us apart.”
Supportfor employeesisone keyaspectofthe CivicSource® culture. Thecompanyunderstands that thebestresults come frompeople wholove what they do,and leaderscreatepoliciestoset employeesup forsuccess.
“The cultureatCivicSource®placesthe individual above thejob that needstobe done,” said Trisha Graffato, ClosingAttorney. “Not only do Ifeelasifmyworkisvalued, but also my mental health andwell-being as aperson, whichenablesmetoperform better at my job.”
This trust, flexibility andsupport fosters aflow statethatpromotes focus, creativity andcamaraderie.
“Working at CivicSource® hasanelement of freedomtoit,”Wrend said.“We are free to be whoweare, freetoworkinwaysthat will enable us to thrive, andfree to bring new ideastothe table.There’s asense of expansiveness andopenness that allows us to seeopportunities whereothersmight only seechallenges.”
Thosechallenges have included theCOVID-19pandemicand HurricaneIda.The pandemicled to everyone shifting to remote work,while HurricaneIda caused damage to buildings and extensive poweroutages. Even with these obstacles, DanRebeor, ChiefOperating Officer, said thegoalisalways to ensure clients receive thequality of servicetheyare accustomed to andthat employeesknowtheyare supported.
“Despitethese challenges, CivicSource® continuestoprovide ourclients with thehighest levels of customer care, andthis is a directresultofhavingthe best team in thebusiness,”hesaid.
Forcompaniesseeking to cultivateapositiveculture, CivicSource® leaderssaidthe first step is to alignwords and actions, sincelisteningtoemployeesand treating them with respectbuilds trustand fosterscandidconversations.
“I encourageother organizationstomakesuretheir employees talk to each otherand notjustabout work,” said A.M. Sledge, Head of Legal.“Connectionsare what make forapositiveand strong culture. Connectionscan only be made when we seeeach otheraswhole humans,not just theattorneyorthe accountant.”
Visitwww.civicsource.comfor more.
TheexecutivesofEdgeFinancial Services have extensive experience in thesub-prime auto financesector.Theyhave createda companythatpurchases retail installmentcontracts fromautodealers,specializinginfinancing customerswith limitedorblemished credit.
Over thepast fewyears,Edgehas grownsignificantly, goingfroma handfulofemployeesinNew Orleanstonearly 100employeestoday in multiple locations. Judith Broussard, thecompany’s HumanResourcesManager,saidthe company’s strong benefit package andflexibility are advantageous.
“Wehavea culturethatismorelaidbackand relaxed,”said
Broussard.“We expect ourstaff to be here andbeproductive, butwe’re notrigid andformal.Wehaveflexible schedules that employees love becausetheycan work hours that better accommodatetheir lifestyles.”
“Ifsomebody expresses an interestinacertain area or wantstolearn somethingnew,wewillhelpthemachieve that goal,” Broussard said.“We never want people to feelstagnant.”
Richard Boyce, thecompany’sCFO andCo-Founder added, “Our employeesare ourgreatestasset.Theyare theoneswho make ourcompany what it is,and we are so grateful fortheir hard work anddedication. We arehonored to be recognized as atop employer,and we know that this is areflectionofthe amazingpeople whoworkhere.”
Formoreinformation,visit www.edgefinancial.net.
This awardisatestament to thehardworkand dedication of our employees, who arethe heart and soul of our company.We arecommittedtocreating aworkplace whereour employees feel valued, respected, and supported.
We believe that when our employees arehappyand engaged, theyare more productive and creative, whichultimatelybenefits our customersand our bottomline.We aregrateful to our employees fortheir contributions, and we areexcited to continue to build agreat place to work forall!
Withalongstandingfocus on maintaining apositiveworkplace culture, MSBenbowand Associates hasbecomealeading engineering consultancy. Thecompany’sleaders understandthatwhile financial rewardsand career advancement are crucial, astrong andenjoyable cultureiskey to retaining talentedindividuals.
To supportbothnew hiresand long-timeemployees, MSBenbowhas ambassadors whoprovide guidanceand support. These ambassadors are easily accessible andtheir presencehelps employeesnavigatechallenges.
“Theyhelppeople with simple things aroundthe office as well as checking in if they noticethatsomeone seemstobehavingabad day,”said KellyHuben,MSBenbow’sdirector of operationsand humanresources.
“Our leadership team hasmonthly meetings with theambassadors andwe learn alot that helpsusidentifyareas wherepeople mightneed support.”
In recentyears, MSBenbowrelocatedtoanew space. Despitethe rise of remotework, many employees have returned to theofficeasthey seek theopportunity to work together on projects as well as training and education to furthertheir careers.
“Westrivetogiveemployees professional training andencourage them to participatewithlocal schoolsand business alliances,”said LeoHolzenthal,the company’spresident andCEO.“We also payfor membership to anyprofessional organization that makessense fortheir job. Allofthathelps them buildtheir knowledgebaseand communicate with alot of different people in thecommunity.”
Holzenthal addedthatempoweringemployees goes alongway toward making them understandthattheir contributions arevalued.
“Things are always going to come up with clientsand schedules, but we areproud of how ourteams work together to findsolutions,” he said. “Withalittle prompting,mostofour people canfigure outananswer. They are greataboutcommunicating how they are rectifying things and that builds trustinsideand outside thecompany.”
Formoreinformation,visit www.msbenbow.com
Many Stokesand Associates employeeshavetheir ownoffices,but that doesn’tmeantheystayinthem.
“You’llsee alot of people going into otherpeople’s officestotalk or collaborate. You’ll never hear someonesay,‘that’s not my job’ or ‘I can’thelpyou,’” said Melissa Stiebing,anadministrative assistant.
That collaborative spirit hasbeenevidenttoBrent Jeansonne, aStokescasemanager andvocational rehabilitation consultant. He wasattracted to thefirm becauseofits opportunities for professional growth.But,he’salsobeenimpressedwithStokes’ supportive atmosphereand focusonteamwork.
“If someoneisinabind, everyone is willing to chip in,” he said.“If someonehas aslowercaseload,they’ll askifanyoneneedshelp. It’s really good to have that comfort levelwhere youcan go to someone andask fortheir help or opinion.”
Stokesand Associates’servicesinclude life care planning, vocational rehabilitation assessments andcounseling, jobplacement, andworking with agencies andindividualsinvolvedin Workers’ Compensation claims.Manyemployees have long tenureswithStokesand areable to move up becauseof professional development, training andsupport.Thathas been thecasefor Shelby Laiche,who startedwithStokesseven yearsago as aresearch associatebefore moving into rolesas acasemanager andseniorcasemanager
“There’s alot of supportand training,not only when someoneinitially joinsthe company, butthroughouttheir time here,”she said.“Thecompanyleadersare greatmentors. Everypersonplays an importantrole andisvalued. Ithink that leadstopeople seeing apathfor themselves to grow.We want to seeeveryemployeegrowtotheir highest potential, with alot of supportalong theway.”
Brittany McArthur,researchdirector at Stokes, said that supportextends to employees’ personal lives. Thecompany allows hybrid andremotework, whichhelps people balance
different responsibilities. Leaderswill send foodorflowers when an employee hasanill relative.There’s also an emphasis on celebrating success andcomingtogetherfor fun.
“The leadersatStokesreallytakecare of us,” McArthur said “There arecelebrationsfor individualsaswellasthe company. We’ve hadhappy hours,crawfish boilsand Christmasparties. Thereare always opportunities to getinvolvedinthings outside of theworkplace.Thatisbig formoralebecause we allbecome friendsand have aconnection outside of ouroffices.”
Thosevalueshaveremainedimportant as Stokeshas grown over theyears.LaurenWoods-Gaulden,aseniorcasemanager, said sheremembersthe firmhavingabout 10 employees when shefirst joined eightyears ago. Now, theemployee countis closeto40, shesaid.
“I thinkthis recognitionshows that even though we are growing, we are still maintaining theculture that makes people want to retire fromhere,”she said.“Ithink that’s an amazing honor.”
Stokesand Associates hasoffices in Metairie andHouston. Formoreinformation,visit www.stokes-associates.com.
At Stokes &Associates,weoffer our clientsprofessionalismand expertise. Ourspecialists have combined experienceofover20,000 case assignment engagements andthey aresupported by our case managers,research associates,administrativestaff, and management.Weprovide avarietyofservices, from consultation to expert testimony, and we prioritize understandingeachclient'sneeds andexpectations.
WhenRhondaHotardwasnamedPresidentandCEOofLouisianaFederal CreditUnion22yearsago,herfirsttaskwastoimprovemorale.
“Iknewthatifwetookcareofemployees,thatwouldtranslateinto greatserviceforourmembers,”Hotardsaid.“Myeffortsinthosefirstfew yearswerefocusedonthingslikeafairpayandbenefitstructure.Ithink havingstandardizationwithhiringandpaypracticeshadaprofoundimpact onperformance.”
Hotardalsohelpedensurethattrust,compassion,empathyandfun guidedtheorganization.Today,LouisianaFederalCreditUnionhasabout 114employeesandcontinuestothrive.Hotardalwayswantsemployees toknowthattheirfeedbackisvaluedandtherearegrowthopportunities withintheorganization
“Wehaveprogramssuchasjob shadowing,mentoring,trainingand tuitionreimbursement,”shesaid.“It’simportanttoshowpeopletheirpath togrowthandwhatittakestogettothenextlevel.”
Manyemployeesarriveafterexperienceinotherfields,includingVice PresidentofHumanResourcesandDevelopmentAimeeFlowers,whohas workedextensivelyinretail.Flowersnotedthatskillssuchascustomer serviceandapositiveattitudeareparamountduringthehiringprocess.
“Therearealotoftransferableskills,sowelookforpeoplethatare aculturalfitandthatembodyourcorevalues,”Flowerssaid.“Weare focusingnowoncollaborationandinterdepartmentalcommunication, andweloveitwhenpeopleembracethatandwanttoseehowthewhole organizationcomestogether.”
RossTalbert,theorganization’sChiefExperienceOfficer,notedthat leadersfocusonhelpingemployeesbesuccessful,whetherthatmeans professionalgrowthoraddressingpersonalneeds.
“Managersrealizethattheteammemberswhoreporttothem aretheirfirst lineofcustomers,”hesaid.“IfIcanbringvaluetotheir experiencehere,theywillpassthatontothepublic.Thatistheservant leadershipmindsetthatwepractice.”
LouisianaFederalCreditUnionhasofficesthroughoutsoutheast Louisiana.Formoreinformation,visitwww.LouisianaFCU.org.
Whetherit’spersonalstruggles,mentalorphysicalhealthissues,ordealingwith post-hurricaneimpacts,GrandIsleShipyard(GIS)teammembershavealways cometogethertosupportoneanotherandthecommunitythroughdifficulttimes.
Throughthe501c3GIS“HelpingHandsFoundation”,GISemployeescan contributefundstoreducethefinancialburdenofstorms,severeweatherand personalhardshipstofellowteammembers.
Whetherthroughvolunteeringtheirtime,supportingfinanciallyorgoingeven furtherbeyondthat,thesecolleaguesrepresentthemselvesinabiggerfamilyat GISandagoodneighborintheircommunity
“Weprideourselvesinputtingourpeoplefirst.Ipersonallyfeelthatisthe primaryreasonwehavebeensosuccessfulforthepast75years. Althoughwe areasizablecompany,wemaintainasmall,intimate,familyatmosphere.”Mark PregeantII,CEOofGIS
“There’sdefinitelythatsenseoffamily.It’shearteningtoseesomany relationshipsthathavebeendevelopedandmaintainedwithinthecompany,” saidAdamToups,VicePresidentofConstructionManagement.
Overthepast75years,GIShasgrownfromamodestcompanyserving thecommercialfishingindustrytoa3,000-employeeoperationthatisoneof themostcapableandtrustedpartnersforenergycompanies.However,“Ithas neverlostitsfocusoncorevaluessuchassafety,people,performance,service andintegrity,”saidAndrewBruzdzinski,ChiefofExecutionServices.
“Weallunderstandthatwehavetolookoutandcareforeachother.It’sa teameffort,andwewanttomakesureeveryonehaswhattheyneedtobetheir best,”saidAndrewBruzdzinski.“Peoplenoticeandappreciatethat.Iremember whenwemovedintoourNewOrleansoffice,itwasatthestartofCOVID Despitethepandemic,everybodywantedtocometoworkbecausetheyenjoy beingtogether.”
GIS’commitmenttoemployeesshowinalowturnoverrateandmany employeeswhohavespentdecadeswiththecompany.
“We’realwaystalkingtopeopleaboutthepossiblenextstepsintheir career,”Toupssaid.“Ourservicelinesarediverse,sotherearemany opportunitiesforpeopletolookatwhattheyaregoodatandwheretheycanbe themostsuccessful.”
GIScontinuestobuildonitslegacyof“PuttingPeopleFirst”since1948 Formoreinformation,visitwww.gisy.com.
Fornearly20years, theteam at InclusivCare hasbeenworking to ensure that everyonehas access to quality healthcare,regardless of theirbackground or socioeconomicstatus. Patients canreceive services includingprimary care, dental,in-house pharmacies, behavioral health,podiatry, pediatriccare and women’shealth. Regardless of aperson’sneeds,theycan be assured that they will be treatedwithdignity andrespect
“I feelthatIamworking with professionalsthatIcan learn fromand that they will push me to takeonnew andchallenging opportunities,”one employeesaid. “Also, Ilove theflexibility to attend to family mattersif necessary andthe encouragementtocomeupwithmyown ideasand to provideinput to my coworkers.”
InclusivCare will also open astate-of-the-artearly childlearningcenter in August
“Weareexcitedtoofferthenewchildcarecentertoourteammembers,” companyleaderssaid.“Weareinvestingin100%ofourteammembers’needs.”
AsInclusivCarehasgrowntoincludemorethan100employees,ithas remainedtruetoitsmissiontoprovideintegratedservices,beafinancially stableorganization,increaseemployeeaccountabilityandmorale,havea patient-drivenneeds-basedservicestructureandhavealeadershipteamthatis visionary,ethicalandprogressive.Eachday,thatworkiscarriedoutbyagroup ofnearly90localemployeeswhofinddeepsatisfactioninhelpingaddressthe healthneedsoftheircommunitywhilehavingbalanceintheirownlives.
“Myjob allows me thefreedom to performindependentlyand make necessary decisionstoresolveissuesthatmay arise,”another employeesaid. “Italsofits well with my home life.”
InclusivCarehasdevelopedacomprehensiveapproachtomeetallneeds. Thisincludesaslidingfeescaleprogramtomakehealthcareaffordable, languageinterpretationandtranslationservicesforindividualswithlimited Englishproficiencytoclosecaregaps,andtransportationassistanceprograms.
“IreallyfeelthatIammakingadifferenceinthelivesofothers,”another employeesaid.“InclusivCareisimportanttothecommunity’shealth.”
InclusivCareiscontinuingtoaddtoitsteamtocontinueitsmissiontoserve. Positionsareavailableinareassuchasnursing,dentalcare,counseling,billing andpharmacyservices.Visitwww.inclusivcare.comformoreinformation.
Thefamily-likedynamic at BaldwinSubaruhasn’thappenedbyaccident Beginningwiththe hiring process, thecompany’sleaders look forpeople whoare positive, motivated andhaveastrong workethic,knowing that they create an atmospherewhere people canthrive.
“Wehaveeven gone as farastopostjobsand hire forHappiness Coordinatorswhosekey responsibility wastopromoteapositive attitude in thedepartmenttheywerestationed in,” said MalloryOrozco, thecompany’sHRdirector.“TheseHappiness Coordinatorshad no automotiveexperienceand were trainedfor ouropenpositions.Wealso look foradesiretolearn andgrow.”
If an employeedisplays anegative attitude,Orozcosaidit’simportant to findthe root causes anddetermine if they canbeaddressed. Addressingthese problems helpsmaintainacompany’sculture and
“I thinkit’simportant to stay strong in your standards, evenwhen it’s easier to hire, retain or promoteahighperformer with anegative attitude than it is to findacapable fit with an attitude andoutlook that aligns with theculture youwanttobuild,” shesaid.
Richard Baldwin, thecompany’svicepresident,saidapositive workplacehelps employeesfeelvaluedand respected, andthusmore likely to be productive andengaged.
“Inadditiontohiringthe rightpeople,it’simportant to listen to your employees,”hesaid. “Whenemployeesfeelheard,theyare more likely to be invested in theorganization’s goalsand objectives. Everything comesfromattitudeand communication.Byprioritizingthese two things,you cancreateaworkplace whereemployees feelvalued, supportedand empowered to do theirbest work.”
BaldwinSubaruisinCovington.Visit www.baldwinsubaru.com/ careers.htm.
Thefollowing specialaward recipientswerechosenbased on standout scores foremployeeresponses to specificsurveystatements.
JayTimmons, Laitram, LLC
CapitalOne Financial Corporation
HarryHurst Middle School
Creole Cuisine RestaurantConcepts
LouisianaTechnology Group
Jared Freeman, OnPath Federal Credit Union
TotalQuality LogisticsTQL
TheWoodhouseDay SpaNewOrleans AndMetairie
TasteBuds Management
Ryan Gootee, Ryan Gootee GeneralContractors
Impetus, APalmisano Company
AC Hotel NewOrleans
St.Tammany ClerkofCourt
“Everyoneworks together andnoone ever says ‘that’s notmyjob.’ Everypositionisvalued equally no matter what titleyou have.Our patients recognizethe amazing teamwork too. We trulyare afamily here.”
“Eachand everyday is an adventure.I love the people Iworkwithand this company hasprovideda greatlifefor my family.”
United RentalsInc.
“The auraissopositive. Youdon’t have to worryaboutcomingto work andfeeling like youare less than others.”
Dignity Memorial
“I am recognized as apersonand notjusta number.Ifeel totally at ease when around anyone at this company.We allknowone anotherand theconversationcan be about family,personalorwork. Therespect we have foreveryone is mutual.”
“I feel connected to ourpatients andfeelconfident they will receive thecaretheydeserve andthe outcomes they need.”
“I have theprivilege of teaching someofthe sweetest,brightest andmosttalentedyoung ladies andI work withlike-minded professionals whosupport andinspire me andgenuinely careaboutme, just as they careaboutevery member of our Chapelle family.”
Archbishop ChapelleHighSchool
“KMprovidesthe platform,teams andsupport requisite to creating andmaintaining ahigh-volume andefficient practice withpositivesocialinteractionand time for extra-officesocialand familial functions.”
Kean Miller
“I’m always busy butnot overloaded withtasks.I gettogohomeand relax once theworkday is over butcan also do alittleextra fromhomeif Ineed to.”
Woodward Design +Build
“I am surroundedbypeople that sharethe same goalsofworkingto thebestofour ability anddoing whatever it takestodeliver ahigh quality result to ourcustomers.Everyonegenuinely cares forone anotherand haseachother’s back.Ifeelempoweredand supported by my peers andsupervisors.”
— GalloMechanical
“I love my jobbecause it provides an opportunitytodowhatI love among others whoare also doingwhattheylove. That positive energy uplifts everyone. IalsolovethatI have thefreedom to work as much or as little as I want,which makesiteasier to be presentfor importantlifeevents.”
—The WoodhouseDay Spa
As part of the 2023 survey, employees in GreaterNew Orleans submitted the following partofthe survey,employees Greate ew Orleanssubmitted thefollowing answerswhenasked whytheylovedtheir jobs in theTop Workplaces survey. es su
“I feel thecompany’s impact on people is greaterthanever. Thereisa greatdegreeof synergy betweenleadershipand operations,withrealworld understandingand care forthe realities of today’smarketchallenges.Trust in leadersatall levels is abundant.”
—Taste BudsManagement
“I feel like Ifound my home.Ihavemet people whoIcan depend andrelyon, notonlyfor work purposes butmypersonallifeaswell.”
Harry Hurst Middle School
“I am regularlychallengedwith interesting work andtasks whilebeing giventhe supportbymanagementand my teammatestoget thejob done.”
Bellwether Technology Corporation
“I love the opportunitiesI’ve beengiven to grow.I appreciate that my concerns andopinions aretaken seriously.I feel heard andappreciated.”
“I am appreciatedand valued.I am more motivatedto performand work hard because Iknowmycontributions make adifference.Mistakesand failures aretreated as learning experiences, whilesuccesses arerewarded.”
Laborde Products Inc.
“I have purposeand am allowedtoexperiment withnew ideas. I’mnot punished when failures occur. Iamchallenged to grow.I seealongterm future here,one that can support my family for years to come. ”
CanalBarge CompanyInc.
“I feel respected. When Igive an opinionorsuggestion, Ifeel like others listenandhonestly considerwhatI am saying.”
“Itprovidesmeall thetools Ineed to adequately do my job. My paypotential is uncapped.Ithas an amazingcompany cultureand otherteams that support my role.”
CapitalOne Financial Corp.
“I’ve neverwoken up and felt negatively aboutheading into work.OutSolvehas createdanatmospherethat allows forfun,creativityand friendship whilemeeting deadlinesand gettingworkcompleted.I have metsome of my best friendsthrough thiscompany.”
— OutSolve
“Theysaw potentialinme that Ididn’tsee myself.I continuetolearn andgrow in my position.And,it’sfor a greatcause!”
Bridge HouseCorporations
“I am trustedbybothteammates andsupervisors to do my jobtothe best of my ability withoutfeeling like anyone is checkinguponme. In turn,I offer this trust to my colleagues andsupervisors.Itcreates aculture of self-managementat alllevels.”
“Myteamworks together to getthe job done. Everyone is always willingtohelpeach other. My manageriskind, understanding, patientand agreat leader.The payshows that thecompany values my work.”
— CivicSource
“I’vehad opportunities to grow andlearn new skills. Ifeelvalued by leadership andfeellike Imakea difference in thecompany’s day-todayoperations.”
Thepurpose of ArchbishopChapelle HighSchoolistocreateanenvironment that nurturesand supports each individual student spiritually, academically,and sociallyasthey create their own future.
Ourmission is to be aresource for ourguests, community,and team by providinganextraordinary experience at every interaction, givingsupport howeverwecan,and treating everyone whocomes in contact withuslikea member of theBaldwinMotors family
Weprovideno-costsubstance-usedisorder treatmenttothosewhohavelosteverything. Individualsreceiveasafeplacetorecoverand areequippedwiththetoolstobuildanewlife. Wetreatover750homeless,impoverished, uninsured,underinsured,and/orunemployed menandwomeneachyear.
CivicSource’svisionistoprovide satisfactionthrough simplicity. Itsmission is to buildbeautiful software solutionsthatmakethe complexsimple andmakepeople’s liveseasier
Ourmission at Creole Cuisineisto empowerand supportour employees to deliverthe best guest experienceswhile beingaleader in thehospitality industry andcommunity.Our focusisguest centricinafamily driven culture that yieldsgrowththrough proven results.
We help create remembrances that reflect theuniquevalues, characterand traditions of the families we serve. That is our passion, that is ourpurpose,that is ourpromise.Guaranteed
Beinglocally ownedand operated means Edge can provideits dealer partnerswithmoreresponsive serviceand financingprograms tailored specially to thelocal market. Thiscreates tremendous valuefor dealers andfinancedcustomers
Ourcorepurpose is to deliver practicalsolutions through technical expertiseand emerging technologies. We rely on our team to usecriticalthinkingand ingenuitytofinnd optionsand alternativepaths to problems
We strive to create sustainable valuefor ourowners, customers, employees and communities.Thatenablesustonavigate numerous transitionsand deliveronour commitments.Wefocus on customer centricity, continuousimprovement and creating aculture of diversity, inclusion andbelonging foremployees
We aretalented litigators anddiligent problemsolvers whoprovide creative solutions that protect clients now andinthe future.Our approach emphasizespersonal relationships andweshare in aclient’semotional journeyaswelitigateacase.
Since thecompany’searliestdays, Gallo hasbeencommitted to service through innovation andperformance.We embrace newtechnologies andaren’t afraidtodeviate fromthe waythings have beendoneinthe past to findnew solutions forthe future.
Globalstar provides affordable and reliable,mobile voiceand data communications when beyond cellular services.Werelyonour superiorsatellite networkand excellent team members around theworld to deliverquality products,services andpeace of mind
Ourfirst corevalueis‘We Serve Family Style’and that is how we treateachother andour clients.Weare proudtobeactive community memberswho serve on boardsand supportmultiple localorganizations
Ourmission is to providequality products andservices to customersinasafe andenvironmentally soundmanner at fair andcompetitive prices.Weprovide astructuredworkenvironment that is inclusiveand respectfuland where differences arecelebrated andaccepted
Ourvisionistoleadthe market by creating valuebeyond thepolicy. We provideinnovative risk management solutions whilecontinually improvingour products and processes whilegivingemployees thechancetolearn andgrow.
Specializing in thedevelopmentand revitalization of cities,wecombinecreativity andinnovation to setnew standards in construction.We’re entrepreneurs who areempoweredtodrive real change,bea forcefor social innovation,and help solve problemsthattransform lives.
Ourmission is to make quality healthcareaccessible and affordable foreveryonewitha highly trainedand self-motivated staffaswellasleadershipthatis visionary, ethicaland progressive.
Our‘whystatement’ is to help people so they can focusonlifefirst.In ourculture,wevalueemployee contributions,celebratingsuccess, work-lifebalance, servant leadership andcommitmenttoour community.
We areagrowing,family-owned company that meets theneedsto support themarineand industrial/ oilfieldmarkets.Our dedication to the best serviceand products means we developlong-term relationships with customersand have thefoundationfor an excitingplace to work.
We provideworld classpatient care, educationand research.Wetreat allwithcompassion andkindness. We trustour colleagues as valuable membersofour team andpledge to treatone another withloyalty, respectand dignity.
We protect thosewho care for others.Our missionistoprovide insurance productsand services at thelowest rates,consistent withsound operatingprinciples. Ourvisiontobethe preferred medical liability insurer in allof ourmarkets.
Ourpurposeistoprovideclientswith innovativeandcost-effectivesolutionsfortheir ITneeds.Weservethoseneedswithpassion andintegrity.Weleverageourextensive experiencetoprovidetangiblesolutionsthat exceedexpectationsandbuildlong-term relationshipsbasedontrustandrespect.
Ourvisionisaworld where everyonehas theopportunity to be healthy. Ourmission is to align action forhealth.Weworktogether to buildcommunity capacityand resilience to address factors that impact health outcomes.
We provideengineering design,consulting andprojectintegrationservicestoa diverseclientbasefocusingonquality, safetyand exceedingexpectations. We arecommitted to providinglong-term growth andsustainabilityfor ourclients, employees andcommunities.
We deliverunrivaledresultsfor internaland external customersinsafe, hospitable,well-maintainedfacilities through innovation andcollaboration. Ourvisionistobealeading organization knownfor exceptional event experiences in aworld-class destination.
Ourmission is to be thenumber onechoice foraffirmative action,compensation andDE&Isolutions.Our employees drivethatmission andbuild valuefor ourcustomers.Weare avibrant and energic workplace wherecollaborationis encouragedand embraced.
We take prideinwhatwedo–toserve ThePerfect Box, fast,friendly, andclean, whilehavingfun.Our vision is togrow restaurants, servecustomers alloverthe world, andbethe brandfor craveable chickenfinger meals,agreat crew,cool culture andcommunity involvement.
We specialize in third partyproperty management. We prideourselves on robust financialreporting and treating each property as if it were ourown.Our commitmentto excellence, fair andethical service, continued education andtechnical knowledgewillensureour success.
At ReNEW,wetransform underperforming schoolsintoacademically rigorousschools that preparestudents forthe next levelof achievement, includinghighschool, college, andcareer. We arechangingthe culture, perspectivesand trajectoryofyears toward students andcommunity success.
We hire people whoare upbeat, team-orientedand dependable. We providemanyservices to the public each dayand want to make suretheir interactionswithusare positive andhelpful
Themission of St.Tammany Parish Government is to provide and enhance services that support thehealth, safety andqualityoflifeofour residentsand communities in atransparent, efficient andfiscally responsible way.
We offerour clientsprofessionalism andexpertise.Weprovide avariety of services,fromconsultationto expert testimony, andweprioritize understandingeachclient’sneeds andexpectations.
You’ve heard aboutthe Great Resignation.But what aboutthe Great Regret?Sometimes employeeswho leavetheir jobs wish they hadnot.Itcan pave theway foraformeremployee to return.
Workersand humanresourcesleaders need to have theireyeswide open when it comestoreuniting.
Perhapsyourorganization felt the impactofthe GreatResignation.For many, thepandemicwas exhausting, anxietyprovoking,and many employeesjustneeded apsychologicalreset. This promptedawave of people leavingtheir jobs starting in thelast halfof2021.
“A new employmentopportunity represented achancefor afresh startwhere they couldshedthe burnoutconditions they were feelingattheir currentemployer,” said Greg Barnett, chiefpeople scientist at Energage. “But thegrass isn’talways greeneronthe otherside.Asthe honeymoon periodended,employeesfound themselves with an entirely new setofstress, pressure, andchallenges.”
When people change jobs,theyare forced to adapt to newstressors without thecomfortsorsafetynetstheyhad grown accustomed to at theirold organizations, such as friendshipsand good manager relationships, Barnettsaid.
Additionally,manyemployees feel regretbecause they changedjobsto make more money. ButasEnergage research hasshown foryears, payand benefitsare typicallyamong thelowestranking factorswhenemployeesare askedwhatmattersthe mosttothemin terms of theirengagementintheir work Direction,leadership, asense of purpose andafeeling of appreciation allfactor higher when it comestogiving extra discretionaryeffort on thejob.
Theego boost fromearningabigger paycheck canbecomepartofthe regret, too. Employeescan findthemselves wearing“goldenhandcuffs,”Barnettsaid.
“Theyweremaking more moneybut doing somethingthattheydidn’tenjoy,” he said.“Andescapingthe situation meant riskingthe new compensation levels they’d become accustomed to.While the extrapay canhelpwithsomeofthe bad feelings,over thelonghaul, beingstuck in abad situation takesabigger toll.”
TheGreat Resignation hadasilver lining.Companiesseverelyimpactedby talentshortages became more aggressive aboutretaining employees. That meant changesincompensation,afocus on internal promotions,and othermoves intendedtokeepthe verybesttalent.
When it comestorehiringformer employees, humanresourcesleaders should considersomebenefits of boomerang employees:
•Theycan get back up to speed much fasterthannew employees.On dayone, theseemployees already understand thebusiness,the culture, andthe people.Theyknowhow things getdoneand whom they should talk with
•They’ve hadanopportunity to experience anotherculture.Incoming back,theyknowwhattheyare getting into.Rarelywillanemployeereturn somewhereinabad culturefit. They mightevenvaluecertain nuances of theculture more than they didbefore.
•Organizations know whotheyare getting; they know boomerang employees’strengthsand weaknesses on dayone. Thiscreates less risk while affording theopportunity to better deploytheir talents.
BarnettsaidIt’sespeciallyimportant forHRleaders to understandthe real reasonsapersonlefttheir companyand to addressthose before rehiring.While compensation is oftenthe mostobvious issue, otherreasons mayhavecontributed to disengagement.
Be straightforward with employees abouthow theirreturn couldbedifferent andbetter.Findaway to make their return better,whether it be different work, more growth anddevelopment,orcareer advancement opportunities.
TheGreat Resignationhad asilverlining.
Weasked NewOrleans area employees abouttheir work andcompanies. Nearly 87%saidtheir organization operates by strong values andmorethan83% said they feel
included at theircompanies. In addition,80% said they areconfident in theircompany’s leader.Here is howNew Orleansemployeeresponses compare with workersinother partsofthe country.
Employersare lookingtoput more buttsintoofficeseats in 2023. It reflectsthe push andpullover working conditions in apost-COVID business environment
Starbucks hastold corporate employees to return to theofficethree days aweek. Disney,Apple,Tesla are amongothersthathaveimplemented policies to getworkers backin theoffice.
Changemight not be bad,and even necessary,especiallybecause “not everyoneprefers to work remotely,” said Kinsey Smith, seniordataanalyst at Energage.
This will mostlikelybeanissue at largecompanies, whichinvestalot in physical locations. Smallercompanies might be more flexible.Regardless of size,employers will likely curtail
some freedoms workersgainedduring thepandemic.
Forleaders, it comesdownto boosting productivity andbuilding culture. Some leadersfeelthat withoutpeople working in theoffice, elementsofthe workplaceculture will suffer. They hope to improve culture andcollaboration.
Changes will vary dependingon industry.Hospitality andhealthcare workers, forexample,already are more likely to work on site.ITworkers might enjoycontinued flexibility
Thedebateisabout how to manage. Energage researchshowssenior leaderspreferthe in-officeenvironment comparedwithrank-and-fileworkers. Leadersare more likely to say“If it works forme, it should work foryou.”Theygo with what they know.
Theriskfor companiesislosing workerswho mightboltiftheyfeel jobrequirementsnolonger suit their personal needs. Long commutes and lost comforts of remoteworkmight promptpeople to flee. Decisions forworkers mightbecomemore difficultifthe economysours andjob opportunities wither
“Ifwewanttomeet people where they are, thereisnoone-size-fits-all answer,” said Lisa Black, director of data sciencefor Energage.“Workersneed to adapt,and managersneed to adapt.”
Smartcompanieswillsurvey employeestounderstandemployee preferences andtomonitor whether policies are working.Key factorsto watchinclude:
•Employeeengagement: This metric is important to gauge commitment and discretionaryeffort.
•Cooperation: Howare people,and departments, gettingalong?
•Communication: Does everyone feeltheyare in theknow?
Smartcompanies willsurveyemployees to understand employeepreferences andtomonitor whetherpoliciesare working.
•Meetings: Are organizationsmaking effective useof meetingtime?
•Inclusion: Do people feel like they areincluded in keydecisions?
•Listening: Areideas beingheard?
•Meaningfulness: Are people feeling like their work is important?
Whetheremployeesstayor leavewill still likely come down to factorsthathavemattered for theages: Whetherpeople feel valued,appreciated, andincluded. Andwhether they have faith in
leadership andinthe direction of theorganization
In thepost-COVIDworkforce, nothingis“normal”anymore. Companiesdon’t have to make thesamechoices foreveryone.
Companiesalsomight be wise to focus on outcomes rather than circumstances.
So what does “good”mean?For starters, areworkers meetinggoals?
“Companiesare struggling now knowingwhere employees are most productive,” said Greg Barnett, chief people scientistatEnergage.
No matter what,people might express frustration with change or thelackofchange.
Thereisroomfor middle ground. Organizationsshould considerwhat employeesvalue with remotework,
andincorporate thosethings in theoffice, Smith said.For example, maybeit’sarelaxed dress code or more flexible working hours.
Over time,leadersneed to thinkabout the“why” behind theirdecisions,how to messagechanges, andhow to manage them.
“Companiesmakebusiness decisionsall thetimethat employeesare not going to love,” Black said.“Thequestioncomes down to ‘Why are youmaking the decisionsyou make?’ “
Executionwillbethe difference between strengtheningthe business or watching people walk outthe door
“Companiesneed to figurethat out,”Black said.
Nominationsare open forthe 2024 NewOrleans Top Workplaces award program. TheTimes-Picayunewill honor quality workplaceculture in Greater NewOrleans forthe 10th year.
Anyorganization with 35 or more employeesinthe regioniseligible.Workplaces are evaluated by employees usingashort 24-question survey.Participation is free.