Le Debut des Jeunes Filles de la Nouvelle Orleans
The Bachelors ’ Club
Annie Gandolfo Smith holds her crown
A photo from Annie Gandolfo Smith’s debutante year.
The Original Illinois Club
ter Cotillion The Mid-Win
Debutantes enjoy a rich tradition of parties and presentations BY R. STEPHANIE BRUNO Special to The Advocate
Annie Gandolfo Smith remembers well 1956, the year she made her debut. “It was more fun than you can believe,” said Smith, whose sister Margee Gandolfo Farris also made her debut. “I knew a lot of the other girls, and we went to each other’s parties for what seemed like months and months.” Today at 82, Smith is the recently retired co-owner of the Needlework Vault, a busi-
ness that specializes in needlepoint and knitting. As debutante Ann Marie Maloney Gandolfo, she appeared in the courts of Nereus, Athenians and Prophets of Persia, and she reigned as queen of Dorians the same year. She also recalls vividly her own mother’s distress when she learned that Smith’s daughter, Nancy, chose not to make a debut. “My mother was so upset that Nancy wrote her a seven-page letter — front and back — explaining her decision. She wanted my mother to understand, but I don’t think
she could,” she said. For generations, young New Orleans wom-en have been presented to society when they y reach marrying age. “It’s a European tradition that came over with our French and Spanish ancestors. Young women of society were presented to d the king, and even Queen Elizabeth received debutantes until sometime in the 1950s,” said Jamie Charbonnet, an amateur historian. “It was meant to ensure that they
ä See LEGACY, page 15G
Annie Gandolfo Smith
Another season of gloves and gowns begins in New Orleans
Nell Nolan
A legacy within many families, the debutante season in New Orleans contributes much to the city’s traditions and economy. Quite a few mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers of current debutantes made their curtsies in years past. The season runs for months, starting in the summer for several dozen debutantes, who are spotlighted at a whitegown presentation. From that time on, preparations are made for additional presentations (in some cases), parties
and appearances in one or more Carnival courts. Mardi Gras concludes the season. Prior to their year, a number of the debutantes have been in balls as pages, princesses or court maids. Le Debut des Jeunes Filles de la Nouvelle Orleans presents its debutantes, who are usually 20 or 21 years old, in early summer. Successive presenting cotillions are the Bachelors’ Club, the Debutante Club, the Pickwick Club, the Mid-Winter Cotillion, the Young Men Illinois Club and the Original Illinois Club.
The latter two combine a formal presentation with a Carnival ball and honor young women, who are usually between 17 and 20. These organizations introduce approximately 50 to 70 “official” debutantes, some of them curtsying in more than one cotillion. The debutantes’ parties can be small, intimate gatherings or thematically lavish ones, costing tens of thousands of dollars and featuring top-name event planners, bands (such as Maroon 5 in 2015) and entertainers.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Members of the 2018-19 coterie of debutantes
HANTON QUARLES AGNEW Daughter of Mrs. Frank de la Houssaye Agnew and the late Mr.Agnew
FALLON CHRISTINA BENOIT Daughter of Mr. Frank Benoit Sr. and Dr.Alise Steward
SYDNEY FREEMAN BICKFORD Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Bickford
MCALISTER WYNN BREWER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wren Brewer
EMERSON NORMAND CARVILLE Daughter of Mr. Chester James Carville and Ms. Mary Matalin
LOUISE RAINEY CHARBONNET Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas Charbonnet
MARGOT LOUISE CHILDS Daughter of Mr. Scott David Childs and Ms. Suzanne Burns Childs
CAROLINE LOUISE CHUNN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keith
JHAI MONIQUE BRITTON Daughter of Mr. Joel Edward Britton and Ms.Trinell Ellis
EMILY KALEIANUENUE CAINDEC Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Keao Caindec
JULIET ELIANA DETIVEAUX CIMINI Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vaughn Cimini
JULIA VEYSSET CLARK Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomasson Clark Jr.
KENNEDY KATHLEEN CAMERON Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hugh Cameron
EMMA MARKS CONROY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenneth Conroy
ELIZABETH MCKENZIE CUMMINS Daughter of Mr. Harold Hackett Cummins Jr. and stepdaughter and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dugué Perrier
ANNA MASSEY DEMMAS Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartlett Demmas
SHEA HODGES DUCKWORTH Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shea Duckworth
GRACE ALLEN GAMBEL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.William Christian Gambel Jr.
ISABEL CATHERINE GIBSON Daughter of Mr. Charles Michael Gibson and Ms. Nicole Angelle Chauppette
Debutante Gowns Long Kid Gloves Suits & Hats Party Dresses Summer Formals Deb Gifts
AVERY LOGAN HARDIE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardie
EMILY JUNE HARDIE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Da. Hardie
HEIDI FRANCES HAYNE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Peck Hayne Jr.
ELIZABETH LANE “LIZA” HEWITT Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Hewitt
LARKIN MCCONNELL HOLTZMAN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Louis Holtzman
ALYCE LOUISE IGLESIAS Daughter of Mrs. Diane Rose McConnell and the late Mr. Charles John Iglesias
KATHERINE RANDOLPH JACOBS Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robert Henri Jacobs
HANNA LAURA JACQUET Daughter of Mr.Todd Jacquet and Dr. Gina Johnston
ALTHEA GIBERT “GIGI” KINGSMILL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Michael Kingsmill
KRISTINA BRITT JOHNSEN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Lee Johnsen
LILIA ELISE “LILLIE” KUHN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Allen McMillen Kuhn
SARAH ST. PAUL JOHNSON Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Todd Bennett Johnson
SHELBI CAMRYN JOHNSON Daughter of Ms. Chevel Johnson
ANN CLARE KALLENBORN Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Kallenborn
LAINE ROTH KEHOE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Roth Kehoe II
EMMALINE BLANC MONROE KELLY Daughter of Mr. Raburn Blanc Monroe Kelly and Ms. Stacy Borges Kelly
CAROLINE MARIE KURZWEG Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes Kurzweg Jr.
MELANIE ANISSA LADMIRAULT Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Troy Anthony Ladmirault
AMELIE ELIZABETH LAGARDE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kepper Lagarde
MADELEINE DEHAVEN LANDRY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Scott Landry
LUCIE SANDOZ LANIER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munson Lanier Jr.
ZOIE ELIZABETH TREVIGNE LEGEAUX Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Amedee Legeaux II
MARGARET “MAGGIE” DOYLE MALONE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roy Koerner III
ADELE BRIGHT PETAGNA Daughter of Mr. Stephen Price Petagna and Ms. Elinor Spicer Bright
ISABELLA RAWSON MATHES Daughter of Mr. Melvin William Mathes and Ms. Marion Hardie Mathes
JULIA MARGARET PLAUCHÉ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Anthony Plauché
MEGAN MARIA MCGOEY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas John McGoey II
CORINNE RENÉE MOFFETT Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robert “Jim Bob” Moffett
MADELEINE CLAIRE MOISE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dimmick Moise Jr.
ASHLEY LINFIELD “ASHLIN” MURPHY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark Murphy
LINDSEY ANDREWS PAGE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Page III
LAUREN LEE PAYSSE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. René Sylvain Paysse Jr.
Complimentary Alterations
ELIZABETH LYNN LUNN Daughter of Dr. and Mrs.William Wilburn Lunn
CHLOE MARGARET PELITERE Daughter of Mr. Michael Ludovic and Dr. Margaret Morel Pelitere
SARAH HAYNE MONTGOMERY READ Daughter of Mrs. William Wilkeson Read and the late Mr. Read
ELIZABETH BARAT REED Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick Reed
CARLISLE FROST RIEVESCHL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Carlisle Rieveschl
JESSICA CARTER SCHAUMBURG Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holden Schaumburg
LAURA MARY TOMPKINS SCHRAMM Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher Welty Schramm
ELLEN HEIDINGSFELDER SILVIA Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Paul Silvia Jr.
ADELEIGH ELIZABETH SMITH Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Douglas Smith
CATHERINE GRACE SMITH Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig William Smith
YSABELLA “BELLA” CARMEN ST.AMANT Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Scarle St.Amant
ANDREA TOWNSLEY ST. PAUL Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Townsley St. Paul
ERIN COLLEEN TOLAR Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Tolar
ELIZABETH COLON TOSO Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Toso III
MADISON “MADDIE” ELIZABETH TUFTS Daughter of Mrs. James David Tufts III and the late Mr.Tufts
KATHERINE ELIZABETH VERLANDER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Gordon Verlander
PAIGE JORDAN WILSON Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Willie Michael Wilson
MADELINE CECELIA ZIMMER Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frank Zimmer
The Advocate
Student sets sail to semester at sea Hanton Quarles Agnew
Sunday, June 10, 2018
First things first: family and friends
n Daughter of Mrs. Frank de la Houssaye Agnew and the late Mr. Agnew n Attending the University of Mississippi n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School Sailing the high seas is the course Miss Hanton Quarles Agnew has set for her fall educational options, as she spends a semester at sea. Oceangoing education is a fitting endeavor for this young woman who describes herself as outgoing, adventurous, sincere, positive and happy. Quarles, as she is know to kith and kin, is the daughter of Mrs. Frank de la Houssaye Agnew and the late Mr. Agnew. Her mother is the former Jamie Jackson May. On dry land, Quarles studies at the Oxford, Mississippi, campus of “Ole Miss,” working on a degree in insurance and risk management. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. At Metairie Park Country Day School, Quarles was a member of the volleyball team, was co-captain of the cheerleaders, was on the Spirit committee and was active with Relay for Life and Operation Donation. She has worked in the insurance business, as a child care provider and at Mes Amies Day Camp.
Good deeds meet good times
Sydney Freeman Bickford n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wayne Bickford n Attending Spring Hill College, Mobile,Alabama n Graduated from Holy Rosary High School
Blending philanthropic and social endeavors makes a perfect day for Miss Sydney Freeman Bickford. “My perfect day is when I can represent my sorority in active philanthropic events while enjoying the pretty weather and bonding with friends both in and outside of my sorority,” notes Sydney. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bickford. Her mother is the former Magdalen Blessey. At the Jesuit college in Mobile, Alabama, Sigma Kappa is Sydney’s sorority where she is also the Panhellenic representative, the director of service and a member of Greenskeepers. She is majoring in early childhood education. At the New Orleans high school, she was student body president her senior year, a council member for three years, participated in the school’s track and field program for three years, was the lead actress in the school’s plays for four years and participated in Teen Cross two years. She was valedictorian and received class honor awards all four years of high school, plus the Bulldog Athletic Award in her freshman and sophomore years. A veteran counselor at the Jewish Community Center summer camp, Sydney will be the head teacher this summer for the Maccabee group 1.
Fallon Christina Benoit
n Daughter of Mr. Frank Benoit Sr. and Dr.Alise J. Steward n Attending St. Mary’s Dominican High School Family and friends are important to Miss Fallon Christina Benoit, who notes a perfect day would be one spent with family and friends, “simply enjoying one another’s company.” She is the daughter of Mr. Frank Benoit Sr. and Dr. Alise Steward. As a senior at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, Fallon will be working on her plans to continue her education at a Historically Black College or University and major in premedical studies, with her eye on becoming a general surgeon in the future. She is on the school’s A&B Honor Roll. She is also a participant on the school’s track team, the Diversity Club, the Yearbook Club and has done volunteer work in the community. During the 2019 Carnival season, Fallon will be a maid in the court of the Original Illinois Club ball.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Student says ‘¡Si!” to a summer in Spain
A happy place at the end of the ‘Rainbow’ Emily Kaleianuenue Caindec
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Keao Caindec n Attending Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee n Graduated from Redwood High School in Larkspur, California
McAlister Wynn Brewer
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wren Brewer n Attending Rhodes College in Memphis,Tennessee n Graduated from Louise S. McGehee School
Sunny Spain is calling to Miss McAlister Wynn Brewer, as she will travel to the Universidad de Granada for a semester of study abroad. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wren Brewer. Her mother is the former Mary Margaret Thurmond Adams. Matriculating at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, McAlister is studying political science and international studies in hopes of having a career as a political lobbyist. She is also a member of Chi Omega, Rhodes GenUN (the United Nations campus chapter for service volunteering around Memphis) and will participate in Maymester in Thailand. McAlister has worked as a counselor at Camp Nakanawa in Crossville, Tennessee, and as a caregiver at St. Charles Presbyterian Church. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a member of Les Pierrettes and Apollo.
OIC debutante has a heart for art
With ties to New Orleans, Hawaii, California and Tennessee, Miss Emily Kaleianuenue Caindec’s unique background and understanding of different regions will be an asset in her quest for a career in the expanding world of digital marketing. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Keao Caindec. Her mother is the former Carolyn Burton Crusel of New Orleans. Her father’s ties to Hawaii make a big impression on Emily’s perfect day, which includes hiking along the Napali coast with friends and family, then an afternoon of swimming in the Pacific Ocean. That’s a fitting afternoon for a young woman whose middle name means “child of the rainbow.” At Vanderbilt, Emily is the founder of MentorADore, a mentorship program that helps freshmen transition to college, and an executive member of the Susan Gray School Fellowship program that pairs undergraduates with preschool students who have developmental disabilities at the Susan Gray School. She is also a member of Chi Omega and on the school’s dean’s list. At Redwood High School in the San Francisco Bay area, she was president of Future Focused Club that hosted monthly seminars where successful Bay area women spoke about their career paths; and founder and president of Girls with Goals Club that educated seventh- and eighth-grade girls about goal setting and body positivity. She was also founder of the girls field hockey team and a varsity player, plus she was a four-year member of the varsity track and field squad. Other honors include the Principal’s Award for Athletics, National Honor Society, California Scholarship Federation and the Math Department Award. She was also a club volleyball coach.
From Pasadena to pre-law, posthaste Kennedy Kathleen Cameron
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hugh Cameron n Attending Tulane University n Graduated from Polytechnic School in Pasadena, California This Green Wave pre-law student hops across the Atlantic for a fall semester at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in her quest to work in the legal field, particularly in the area of criminal justice. Miss Kennedy Kathleen Cameron, of Pasadena, California, aims to be a legal eagle who’s tenacious, confident, optimistic, accepting of challenges and with a concern for others. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hugh Cameron, of California. Her mother is the former Molly Kathleen Burns, of New Orleans. At the St. Charles Avenue university, Kennedy is a member of Alpha Delta Pi and Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Professional Fraternity. She is the president of Tulane Club Volleyball and a member of the Youth Movement Against Alzheimer’s and Community Advancement Network of neighborhood tutoring. She is the recipient of the university’s Founder’s Scholarship and on the dean’s list. She has also worked at the New Orleans Jazz Museum as an intern. At Polytechnic, she was on the volleyball squad as well as the San Gabriel Elite Volleyball squad and the All-League Volleyball second team. She was a volunteer in Jinotega, Nicaragua, with Outreach 360. Kennedy also was a tutor through Partnership for Success, a peer mentor and on the yearbook staff. She was named a College Board AP Scholar with Distinction, earned two bronze medals on the National Spanish Exam and was honored with the school’s Katrina Kuehn Award for athletics.
Making a career of events takes planning Emerson “Emma” Normand Carville Jhai Monique Britton
n Daughter of Mr. Joel Edward Britton and Ms.Trinell Ellis n Attending St. Mary’s Dominican High School Miss Jhai Monique Britton would like to pursue a career as an artist or a museum curator as her future unfolds for her. For either career, her personal attributes will come in handy: eloquence, patience, innovativeness, kindness and generosity. She is the daughter of Mr. Joel Edward Britton and Ms. Trinell Ellis. A student at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, Jhai is on the honor roll and a member of the Diversity Club and the National Honor Society. She plans to attend Louisiana State University and major in art history and studies. She has assisted in various community service projects and, as a hobby, is a freelance makeup artist. During the 2019 Carnival season, she will be a debutante on the court of the Original Illinois Club’s ball.
n Daughter of Mr. Chester James Carville and Ms. Mary Matalin n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from Episcopal High School in Alexandria,Virginia The unique blend of words that describe Miss Emerson Normand Carville offer a glimpse into the personality of this young woman who wants to pursue a career as an event planner. She hopes to be considered kind, polite, charming, silly and worldly — great attributes for any career in dealing with the public. She is the daughter of Mr. Chester James Carville and Ms. Mary Matalin. Emma, as she is known, is an LSU Tiger and a member of Kappa Delta. She also is involved in Prevent Child Abuse Louisiana, the Girl Scouts and Companions of the Animals Alliance. At the Virginia Episcopal School, she was on the honor roll, rowed crew and was a manager for the boys basketball squad.
The Advocate
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Art-lover gets room with a view of Austria Louise Rainey Charbonnet
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas Charbonnet of Memphis,Tennessee n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from Hutchinson School in Memphis,Tennessee
Miss Louise Rainey Charbonnet has an eye for interior aesthetics. Her idea of a perfect day would be to spend time in a museum. And this summer, she will take art history classes in Innsbruck, Austria, as well as intern with an interior designer in New Orleans as she embarks on a career in interior design. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomas Charbonnet of Memphis, Tennessee. Her mother is the former Laura Ellis Babin of New Orleans. Rainey attends LSU and is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and is the risk management chairwoman for the organization. She is also the junior representative on the Interior Design Student Organization and a member of the International Interior Design Association. She is on the President’s Honor Roll as well as a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and Rho Lambda Panhellenic Honor Society. At Hutchinson, she was on the varsity volleyball and basketball teams for four years, was the Athletic Council President, a member of the National Honor Society, the National Art Honor Society, the Wilson Society service organization and received the Elizabeth Tipton Athletic Character Award. In a previous Carnival season, Rainey was a member of the Memphis Royal Court and the Memphis Junior Cotillion.
Rhodes deb living with sense of giving Margot Louise Childs
n Daughter of Mr. Scott David Childs and Ms. Suzanne Burns Childs n Attending Rhodes College in Memphis,Tennessee n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart A sense of giving is important to Miss Margot Louise Childs. “One of my favorite movies is ‘Amélie,’” Margot notes. “This is a French film about the life of a young girl who, after returning a lost treasure to a previous occupant of her apartment and gaining a new perspective on life, is inspired to help bring happiness to others. “After seeing this film first in high school, I have gained greater insight into French culture and have been encouraged to continue studying French in college. I believe that this film sends a great message about doing good deeds for others for no reason other than because it is the right thing to do.” She is the daughter of Mr. Scott David Childs and Ms. Suzanne Burns Childs. Her mother is the former Suzanne Katherine Burns. At Rhodes College, Margot is the treasurer of Delta Delta Delta and a volunteer at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She is also on the dean’s list. She plans to pursue a master’s degree in business with a concentration in finance. At the Academy of the Sacred Heart, she was a member of the cross-country team, the basketball team and the track and field squad. She volunteered at Poydras Home and Miracle League. She was on the Honor Council and a member of the National Honor Society and the Mu Alpha Theta math honor society. She has worked as a counselor at Camp Riva Lake in Winchester, Tennessee, and at the Scared Heart Summer Camp, as well as an intern in Family, Guests and Volunteer Services Office of St. Jude. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a maid in Apollo and Squires, a lady-in-waiting for Prophets of Persia and was presented at the Le Moyne de Bienville Club President’s Ball.
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Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Engineering major has formula for fun
Caroline Louise Chunn n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keith Chunn n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Miss Caroline Louise Chunn knows about the finer points of a great day spent in New Orleans. Her idea of a perfect day includes walking her dog Charlie in Audubon Park, getting coffee at French Truck and a sandwich from St. James Cheese Company — all New Orleans icons. To wrap things up, a movie with family or friends finishes the day. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keith Chunn. Her mother is former Jennifer Marie Pharr. When she isn’t enjoying the unique flavors and vistas of New Orleans, Caroline attends the Alabama school in Tuscaloosa where she is a chemical engineering major. She also is a member of Kappa Delta, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Honors College, a Presidential Scholar and on the dean’s list. At Sacred Heart, she was the artist for the Executive Board of the Student Council, a member of the varsity basketball and cross-country squads. She was in the National Honor Society, received the Science Commitment Award and the Community Service Award, was a member of Mu Alpha Theta Math National Honor Society and was a Louisiana High School Athletic Association All-Academic All-State Scholar in basketball. She has worked for “Green to Go,” a healthy, whole-food eatery, and Royal Merchant Trading Co. Her goal is to use her degree to work in the cosmetic industry in research and development. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a maid in Harlequins and a lieutenant in Les Pierrettes.
French culture calls to American in Paris
Saving the Earth, with a stop in Barcelona Julia Veysset Clark
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomasson Clark Jr. n Attending the University of Georgia n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart With an eye toward a future in international business, Miss Julia Veysset Clark will attend the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona in Spain for a semester before returning to Athens, Georgia, to continue her studies. “I will be studying abroad in Barcelona next semester, and while there I hope to improve my Spanish, gain a new global perspective, experience an unfamiliar and exciting new way of life, and eat a ton of amazing food,” she said. “I also hope to learn more about international business relations.” All those aspects will help in her pursuit of her business studies, economics and sustainability, traveling and working on “projects that help companies save money and save the Earth.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomasson Clark Jr. Her mother is the former Lisa Caroline Ring. At UGA, Julia is a member of Phi Mu, Women in Business Society and a volunteer with Habitat For Humanity. At Sacred Heart, she was a member of the crosscountry and tennis teams, the Environmental Club, Mu Alpha Theta, a volunteer at Hope House and head of fundraising for Help the Homeless Club. She received highest honors throughout high school, the Ceramics Merit Card and the Community Outreach Award, and was an exchange student in Santiago, Chile. She has worked as a camp counselor and child care provider and at a cycling fitness center.
Art major sketches out a fall in Florence Emma Marks Conroy
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenneth Conroy n Attending Tulane University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart and the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts Florence, Italy, beckons Miss Emma Marks Conroy, an art and business student at Tulane University who will study in the famed European art center this fall. “I will be studying abroad in the fall semester at the Studio Arts College International,” she notes. “I will be taking a conservation course that features restoration of Italian masterpieces. This type of coursework may lead me to a career in art restoration.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenneth Conroy. Her mother is the former Christine Wendt Marks. At Tulane, Emma is a studio art and art history major, with a minor in business, studying ceramics and glass blowing. She is active in the TULinked Mentorship Program, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society and has worked as an auditor for The Art in Me — A Center for Behavior for several years. She is also on the dean’s list and has been awarded the Juanita Gonzales Prize in Ceramics from the Newcomb Art Department. At Sacred Heart and the NOCCA visual arts program, she was an executive board artist, president of the Art Club, and a member of the National Honor Society and the Honor Council. She received the Daniel Price Memorial Scholarship, the NOCCA Institute Purchase Award, the Scholastic Art and Writing Regional Award, Gold Key in Printmaking, the Sacred Heart Creative Heart Award for Excellence in Fine Arts and was a National Merit Commended Scholar. In previous seasons, she was presented at the Le Moyne de Bienville Club President’s Ball.
Deb engineers a career in biomedicine Elizabeth McKenzie Cummins
n Daughter of Mr. Harold Hackett Cummins Jr. and stepdaughter and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dugué Perrier n Attending Boston University n Graduated from Isidore Newman School
Juliet Eliana Detiveaux Cimini
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vaughn Cimini n Attending the American University in Paris n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School Miss Juliet Eliana Detiveaux Cimini is taking full advantage of attending the American University in Paris. Her favorite activities are visiting the French museums and studying the unique architecture of France. C’est la vie! She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Vaughn Cimini. Her mother is the former Susan Ann Burch. At the university, Juliet is studying international business and computer science and plans on a career in international business in Europe. She is interning for a tech startup in Paris and a French library, as well as Hancock Brokerage. At Country Day, she was on the varsity volleyball team, which won the state volleyball championship. She was also in the Green Club, the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and the activities committee. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a maid in Squires, a princess in Athenians and a lady-in-waiting in the court of Caliphs of Cairo.
Healing and helping are key aspects to the personality of Miss Elizabeth McKenzie Cummins, who hopes to continue her volunteer efforts while keeping watch over a potential career in biomedical engineering. “This year I hope to continue volunteering and raising money for children and families in need, especially those I am able to connect with in the greater New Orleans and Boston areas, through organizations like Relay for Life, CASA, Cradles to Crayons and Bruins Foundation,” notes the deb, who goes by McKenzie. She is the daughter of Mr. Harold Hackett Cummins Jr. and stepdaughter and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dugué Perrier. Her mother is the former Holly Ann McKenzie. At Boston University, studying biomedical engineering, she is the Scholarship Director for Kappa Alpha Theta and serves on the organization’s Philanthropy Committee. At Newman, she was president of the Executive Committee her senior year and served for two years on the board. She was class president her junior and senior years, a peer leader and captain of the state-winning varsity soccer team. She received the Girls Soccer Award; the Anvilla Schultz Citizenship Award for Spirit, Loyalty and Endeavor; the Henican Award for Athletic Achievement, Exemplary Character, Leadership and Sportsmanship and the AP Scholar Award. She was also in the school’s homecoming court. She has worked as an intern with orthopedist Dr. Michael Hartman, LSU Residency Board chairwoman, New Orleans Saints Orthopedist and LSU Concussion Board. McKenzie has also been a tutor and an administrative assistant. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a lieutenant in Les Pierrettes and was in the court of Apollo.
The Advocate
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Charleston coed travels globally, debuts locally Anna Massey Demmas
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartlett Demmas n Attending the College of Charleston, South Carolina n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School
Miss Anna Massey Demmas needs to be armed with a good calendar and her passport as she embarks on a whirlwind year of activities. Massey, as she is known to those close to her, will be headed to distant lands for new experiences, as well as keeping close tabs on her education and social responsibilities at home. “This is a busy year for me — I will be doing a LeadAbroad program in Cape Town, South Africa, in May and a semester at the Sorbonne in Paris in the fall, as well as juggling internships and online courses. I think it will be both challenging and rewarding to keep these activities in balance, while making my debut.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartlett Demmas. Her mother is the former Margaret Loraine Bedsole. When Massey is not studying outside the States, she attends the College of Charleston, where she is studying for a double major in French and communications with a minor in studio art. She also is a member of Delta Delta Delta and Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society and is on the President’s List. For her career, she hopes to incorporate creativity and design with communication skills. In high school, she was captain of the tennis team, president of the Green Club and a member of the National Honor Society. She has worked in retail and currently is an events management intern for the college’s Bully Pulpit political series. In previous Carnival seasons, she was in Les Pierrettes and was a princess in the court of Osiris.
Equestrian gallops toward international business future
Future physical therapist stays on the move
Grace Allen Gambel
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.William Christian Gambel Jr. n Attending University of Georgia n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School Miss Grace Allen Gambel blends a love of horseback riding and her university to achieve impressive results. An accomplished equestrian, Grace is nationally ranked in the junior hunter division. She currently rides for the UGA IHSA equestrian team and serves as the marketing and public relations officer. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Christian Gambel Jr. Her mother is the former Rachael Beaird Tullis. At the Athens, Georgia, school, Grace is pursuing a double major of insurance and risk management with international business. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta, the Insurance Society and the International Business Society. At Country Day, she participated in equestrian events in the hunter division and was a member of the volleyball and cheerleading squads. Active in previous Carnival seasons, Grace hopes to meet new people this year and form lasting friendships. She previously was in the courts of Apollo and Les Pierrettes.
Well-traveled Tiger sets sail for British Isles Isabel Catherine Gibson
n Daughter of Mr. Charles Michael Gibson and Ms. Nicole Angelle Chauppette n Attending LSU n Graduated from St. Mary’s Dominican High School Travel to Dublin, Ireland; Edinburgh, Scotland; and London are on the agenda for Miss Isabel Catherine Gibson, a seasoned traveler who is sailing toward a career as an attorney. The British Isles will be additions to the stamps in her passport that already include Venice, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, Tokyo and Cambodia. She is the daughter of Mr. Charles Michael Gibson and Ms. Nicole Angelle Chauppette. At LSU, Isabel is in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ 3+3 pre-law program in preparation for attending law school in fall 2019. She has received the Tiger Excellence Scholars Award. She is also a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi Sigma Theta, recognizing and rewarding academic achievement in undergraduates. At Dominican, Isabel was a member of the varsity cross-country team and ran in district, metro and state meets, placing in the top 50 at the state level. She also was on the Beta Honor Roll, a Student Council homeroom representative and a member of the National Society of High School Scholars. Isabel has experience as a lifeguard at several clubs and camps throughout the greater metropolitan area. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a princess in Athenians, a lady-in-waiting in Dorians, a lady-in-waiting and a maid in the Legion of Mars, a demoiselle in the Society of the War of 1812 and presented at the Le Moyne de Bienville Club President’s Ball.
Shea Hodges Duckworth n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shea Duckworth n Attending the University of Georgia n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Miss Shea Hodges Duckworth hopes to pursue a graduate degree in physical therapy, a medical field that helps patients regain or retain mobility. To that end, she has worked as a volunteer at Touro Infirmary, a physical therapy practice and a pediatrician’s office. A love of activity is also evident in Shea’s idea of a perfect day, which includes being “outdoors, whether it be kayaking, tubing, swimming or just relaxing. At night, we would start a fire and relax while watching the stars.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Shea Duckworth. Her mother is the former Winifred “Wendy” Boyle Tranchin. At the Athens university, Shea is a member of Chi Omega, an ambassador for the College of Education and active in UGA Miracle on the hospital relations and morale committee. She also works with Extra Special People. A Classic Scholar recipient, she is in the Honors College and in the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. At Sacred Heart, Shea was co-captain of the varsity basketball team, a Peer Support leader and vice president of the Senior Class. She was active with Best Buddies, was a member of the National Honor Society and served as an exchange student to Zaragoza, Spain. She is also a Eucharistic minister. She graduated with highest honors and received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, the Community Service Award and the Sister Miller Scholarship for Leaders, Academic Excellence and Character. In a previous Carnival season, she was a maid in Les Pierrettes and Harlequins, and a lady-in-waiting in Dorians.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Roll Tide, straight to the pathology lab!
Avery Logan Hardie
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michael Hardie n Attending University of Alabama n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
It will take a great deal of organization, motivation, independence and understanding to achieve the career goal of being a pathologist. That is the course Miss Avery Logan Hardie has set for herself, one upon which she is well on her way. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michael Hardie. Her mother is the former Kellie Ann Rader. At Alabama, Avery is a member of Kappa Delta, plays on the intramural basketball team and is a member of the Diabetes Education Awareness Team, a Crossing Point volunteer and a Girls Scouts of America volunteer. In high school, she played on the varsity volleyball, basketball and track and field teams, was a Relay for Life team leader, a member of Campus Ministry, head of the Prom Committee and Rally Chairman. She received honors for her senior year, the Graduation Award for Excellence in Social Studies, Special Merit Achievement in Psychology, Advanced Mathematics, Spanish, English and Parasite and Pathogens. She has worked in the hospitality industry and served as a volleyball coach and childcare attendant.
Missing N.O. and all that Jazz Fest
She’s a believer in art, faith, philanthropy Heidi Frances Hayne
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Peck Hayne Jr. n Attending the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
With a double major in religious studies and applied art, Miss Heidi Frances Hayne has a keen appreciation for faith-based concepts as seen in contemporary literature. Those could be the reason that “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel is one of her favorite books. “Pi’s ability to challenge our belief systems helps tackle a major hurdle to faith — believing in the unbelievable,” she notes. “The book raises two main questions: Do you prefer to believe only in things that you can see or always make sense? Or do you prefer to believe in miracles and take things on faith? Sometimes, we try to make our own way and suffer in darkness, but just as often are aided by something greater than ourselves, regardless of what version of ‘God’ a person might accept.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Peck Hayne Jr. Her mother is former Vivienne Monachino. At the Tennessee university, Heidi is a member of Phi Kappa Epsilon. She has served as a Freshman Student Council representative and a staff member for Sewanee Freshman Orientation, and as a volunteer in the Ralston Reading Room and Thistle Farms at the Sewanee University Farm. She is on the dean’s list and was inducted into the Order of the Gownsmen, an academic honor society. At Sacred Heart, Heidi served as student body president and was the varsity basketball and volleyball team manager. She graduated with highest honors and was a member of the National Honor Society. She is currently working at the Nabit Art Studio in Sewanee and has worked as a counselor at Camp Marymount in Fairview, Tennessee. She has also worked in the healthcare field, with an eye to a future in medicine. In previous seasons, she was a lady-in-waiting for Caliphs of Cairo.
Medical mission beckons Ole Miss Chi O Elizabeth Lane “Liza” Hewitt
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Hewitt of Covington n Attending the University of Mississippi n Graduated from St. Scholastica Academy Looking forward to a career in medicine helps keep Miss Elizabeth Lane Hewitt focused. “In the next year, I’m very focused on my classes, and I hope to have the opportunity to do research in the field of neuroscience and go on a medical mission trip,” notes Liza, as she is known to friends and family. “I also want to do more community service, and volunteer to work with Alzheimer’s patients.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart Hewitt of Covington. Her mother is the former Nancy Barnwell Sumner. A major in psychology and minor in neuroscience at Ole Miss keeps Liza busy with school. She is also a member of Chi Omega, the American Medical Student Association and the American Medical Women’s Association. She’s on the dean’s list and active in Make-A-Wish. At St. Scholastica, she was on the junior varsity volleyball team, the yearbook staff, the Art Club, Key Club and Student Council. She was a member of the National Honor Society. She has worked in the medical field, as a child care attendant and in retail. As a subdeb in a previous Carnival season, Liza was a maid in the Mystic Krewe of Olympia in Covington.
Public policy is pursuit of student Larkin McConnell Holtzman
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Louis Holtzman n Attending Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School
Emily June Hardie
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis Hardie n Attending the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Absence from New Orleans does make the heart grow fonder for the Crescent City, especially for Miss Emily June Hardie. “My idea of a perfect day would be listening to Billy Joel’s ‘Piano Man’ at Jazz Fest, surrounded by my closest friends and family. Being in Ann Arbor for two years now has made me appreciate the culture of New Orleans and importance of vitamin D,” she notes. “Listening to amazing music, eating crawfish bread, and laughing with my favorite people couldn’t be a more ideal day.” Emily is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis Hardie. Her mother is the former Jennifer Aaronson. At the Ann Arbor university, Emily is a Delta Gamma and a member of the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity. She is also a volunteer at Glacier Hills Senior Living Community. While at Sacred Heart, she was an Executive Board member-at-large and captain of the varsity soccer team, and she volunteered at Poydras Home and the National Honor Society Tutoring Service. She graduated with highest honors and was a Distinguished Scholar, a member of the National Honors Society and a recipient of the Patrick F. Taylor Foundation scholarship. She has worked at the LSU Dental School as a laboratory assistant, at the Newman Summer Camp and in retail.
A career in public policy or public relations is calling Miss Larkin McConnell Holtzman. That could be why her favorite book is the novel “Song of Solomon” by Toni Morrison. “It is relevant to many current social issues, and it expanded my thinking on such issues,” she said. Larkin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Louis Holtzman. Her mother is the former Shannon Skeleton. At Washington and Lee University, she is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and serves as the organization’s representative to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, is a member of the Generals Activity Board that assists in planning concerts and events at the school and is on the steering committee for the annual Fancy Dress gala. At Country Day, Larkin was the co-captain of the varsity soccer team, the Spirit and Publicity Committee co-chair, a member of New Orleans Scholars, support team member for Safe Passage of Guatemala City and a team captain for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. She was a National Merit Commended Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, placed first in English III at State Literary Rally and received All District and All State Academic honors in soccer. She has worked as a counselor at Camp Illahee in Brevard, North Carolina. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a maid in Apollo and Les Pierrettes as well as a trainbearer for Mystery.
The Advocate
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Banking on a future in finance Alyce Louise Iglesias
n Daughter of Mrs. Diane Rose McConnell and the late Mr. Charles John Iglesias n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School
A busy summer awaits Miss Alyce Louise Iglesias, with international travel and local internships on the horizon. But she seems ready to tackle the challenges of the season and the months to come. “This summer I will study at the Innsbruck International School. I will study international business and am looking forward to traveling to other countries in Europe,” she notes. “Before leaving for Innsbruck, I have a research internship with a management consulting firm in New Orleans. I am excited about spending a busy summer broadening my cultural and international experiences. As a finance major with a minor in economics I hope these opportunities will enrich my academic career, which will allow me to accomplish my future goal of pursuing a career in finance.” She is the daughter of Mrs. Diane Rose McConnell and the late Mr. Charles John Iglesias. At Alabama, she is on the rush committee for Kappa Kappa Gamma and on the president’s and dean’s lists. At Country Day, she was the senior class president, co-editor of the yearbook, a two-year ambassador for the Legacy Donor grant project, chair of the Spirit and Publicity committee and on the volleyball squad. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a lady-in-waiting for Caliphs of Cairo and Dorians.
Nearest to her heart: Family and a furry friend Katherine Randolph Jacobs
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robert Henri Jacobs n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart Family, friends and her dog Dixie are close to the heart of Miss Katherine Randolph Jacobs. In fact, spending time with kith and kin is her idea of a perfect day. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Robert Henri Jacobs. At the Baton Rouge university, Katherine is a member of Pi Beta Phi and is studying to be a registered dietitian. At Sacred Heart, she was Relay for Life Club leader, Shelby Work Club member, Campus Ministry Club member and chair of the Prom Committee. She was on the honor roll and received honorable mention in the National Spanish Exam. She has worked in the retail fashion industry. As a subdeb in previous Carnival seasons, Katherine reigned as queen of Harlequins and was a maid in Les Pierrettes and Apollo.
Academics keep dancer on her toes Hanna Laura Jacquet
n Daughter of Mr.Todd Jaquet and Dr. Gina T. Johnston n Attending St. Mary’s Dominican High School
A rising senior at St. Mary’s Dominican High School, Miss Hanna Laura Jacquet is a member of the well-known dance corps, the Dominican “Debs,” and will continue dancing with her fellow students. In fact, dancing with the squad is part of her perfect day, which would also include spending time with friends and family. She is the daughter of Mr. Todd Jacquet and Dr. Gina T. Johnston. At Dominican, Hanna is a member of the Diversity Club and on the school’s honor roll. She plans to follow the family tradition by majoring in pre-medicine for a career in the healing arts. During the 2019 Carnival season, Hanna will be in the court of the Original Illinois Club ball.
Off to New Zealand in pursuit of adventure Kristina Britt Johnsen
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Lee Johnsen n Attending Vanderbilt University n Graduated from UMS-Wright Preparatory School in Mobile, Alabama Miss Kristina Britt Johnsen has high aspirations for her time studying abroad in Wellington, New Zealand. “I hope to embrace ambiguity, seek adventure and broaden my knowledge of cultures and people in other parts of the world,” she notes. Britt seeks a career path in the area of nonprofits, and is majoring in human and organizational development. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Lee Johnsen. Her mother is the former Kristina Molnar Mikes. At the Mobile school, Britt was co-captain of the varsity swim team, president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was a mission volunteer for four years with Casa Para Niños Aleluya in Guatemala. She also trained and competed for 10 years with the Brandy Brown Studio for Performing Arts, was a member and mentor of Young Life Mobile, in the National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta and the Spanish National Honor Society. She was an AP Scholar with Distinction and received the Vivian W. Rainer Outstanding Senior Girl Award. At the Nashville university, Britt is participating in the school’s study aboard program. She is also a member and videographer for Chi Omega, Wyldlife Leader for Nashville Young Life, a member of the Vanderbilt Reformed University Fellowship, the Mentor-ADore, on the dean’s list, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society and Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. This summer, she will intern with the Audubon Nature Institute. She has worked as a math tutor and a counselor at Camp Greystone in Tuxedo, North Carolina. As a subdeb, Britt was a princess at the Grand Ball of Osiris, a maid in Les Pierrettes and Squires, a reindeer in Squires, and a maid in the Mobile Mardi Gras Juvenile Court.
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Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Bama belle maps out a future in travel
Colorado debutante heads for Carnival Shelbi Camryn Johnson
n Daughter of Ms. Chevel Johnson of Colorado Springs, Colorado n Will attend the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. A new educational experience awaits Miss Shelbi Camryn Johnson as she prepares for life at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Shelbi is the daughter of Ms. Chevel Johnson, the former Chevel Caprice Cager of Colorado Springs. An honor roll student, Shelbi has been privately educated at home. She has been a volunteer with Care and Share Food Bank and the Spring Rescue Mission. During the Carnival 2019 season, she will be presented in the court of the Young Men Illinois Club.
Sarah St. Paul Johnson n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Todd Bennett Johnson n Attending University of Alabama n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Travel appeals to Miss Sarah St. Paul Johnson. In the near future, the Alabama student hopes to “excel in my academic studies, attain an officer’s position in my sorority and broaden my horizons through travel.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bennett Johnson Sr. Her mother is the former Corinne “Coco” Christ St. Paul. At the Tuscaloosa school, Sarah is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, a marshal, on the Registrar Committee and involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Alabama. She is also a member of Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society. At Sacred Heart, she was the head editor for the yearbook, a cheerleader, a Campus Ministry leader and worked with Best Buddies Club in conjunction with St. Michael School. She was a Merit Award recipient and a Chilean exchange student. She has worked in the hospitality industry and the marine industry, as a child care attendant and as a physician assistant. During her subdeb year, she was in Les Pierrettes.
Soccer standout scores spot at UGA
New faces, new places on agenda Ann Clare Kallenborn
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Kallenborn III n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from the Louise S. McGehee School
With a busy debutante season and international travel on the schedule, Miss Ann Clare Kallenborn should have no trouble achieving her goals for the coming year. “I hope to meet lots of new people and travel to new places,” she notes. “I am going to the UNO Innsbruck Summer Program, and I am looking forward to all of the new friends and experiences ahead of me.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Kallenborn III. Her mother is the former Diane “Boo” Finegan. At UA in Tuscaloosa, Ann is a member of Kappa Delta and serves on the recruitment team. At McGehee, Ann was the yearbook editor, captain of the tennis team, a Peer Support leader and an honors student. She has worked as a counselor at Jimmy Club Day Camp and hopes to find a public relations position with an art museum or manage an art gallery.
Minding message in ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ Emmaline Blanc Monroe Kelly
n Daughter of Mr. Raburn Blanc Monroe Kelly and Ms. Stacy Borges Kelly. n Attending the University of Colorado at Boulder n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart The endearing qualities of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and the deeper message of the film have made an impact on Miss Emmaline Blanc Monroe Kelly. It’s “a childhood favorite movie, with beautiful cinematography, score and acting,” says Emmaline. “Also, a film with an important message about class disparities and passing judgment based on background.” Emmaline is the daughter of Mr. Raburn Blanc Monroe Kelly and Ms. Stacy Borges Kelly, the former Stacy Anne Borges. At the Colorado university, she is a member of Phi Delta Alpha Law Fraternity and volunteers with New Era Colorado, a nonpartisan organization aimed at registering people to vote. At Sacred Heart, she was a Peer Support Leader, volunteered at Children’s Hospital, received the English Award her senior year and graduated with honors. She also played with Carrollton Lacrosse. She has worked in home decor retail in New Orleans. As a sub-deb, she was in the court of Harlequins.
Tradition draws daughter of N.O. home Laine Roth Kehoe
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Roth Kehoe II of Atlanta n Attending University of Georgia n Graduated from Marist School of Atlanta
A new school with new adventures awaits Miss Laine Roth Kehoe as she embarks on an educational journey from Coastal Carolina University to the University of Georgia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Roth Kehoe II of Atlanta, formerly of New Orleans. Her mother is the former Debra Jean Renaudin of New Orleans. At the Marist School, Laine was the president of Students Against Drunk Driving and captain of the varsity soccer team, which was the two-time state soccer champion. She was a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society. She was also on the honor roll and received the Varsity Soccer Leadership Coaches’ Award. At Coastal Carolina in Conway, South Carolina, Laine was on the women’s soccer team, a member of National Society of Leadership and Success, and Alpha Delta Pi. She was also on the President’s List. She has worked as a middle school soccer coach and volunteer with Miracle League Soccer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and as a substitute teacher and sales associate in retail. Her athletic background translates well to her idea of a perfect day, which includes running, swimming and relaxing at the beach with family and friends.
Althea Gibert “Gigi” Kingsmill
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Michael Kingsmill of Augusta, Georgia. n Attending the University of Georgia n Graduated from Lakeside High School in Augusta The road to the University of Georgia has had a few stops along the way, but Miss Althea Gibert “Gigi” Kingsmill has her eye on a career in the medical field for the future. A native of New Orleans, Gigi and her family moved to Mobile, Alabama, following Hurricane Katrina, and now call Augusta home. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Michael Kingsmill. Her mother is the former Althea Elizabeth Gibert. At UGA in Athens, Gigi is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, and morale director and executive board member of “B+ (Be Positive) Foundation.” She is also active in the Society of Women Engineers and on the dean’s list. At the University of Alabama, she received a common market grant in metallurgical and material engineering. At Lakeside in Augusta, she played on the club volleyball team and was an intern in an oncology lab and a member of the French Club. She also participated in a French foreign exchange student program, received the Drawing Award, lettered in academics and was a member of Rho Kappa National Honor Society and the National Science Honor Society. She attended the Academy of Sacred Heart while living in New Orleans. She has worked in the financial sector and as a nanny. As a sub-deb, she was in the court of Apollo.
The Advocate
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Italy calling! Expect ‘Roman’ charges Lilia “Lillie” Elise Kuhn n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Allen McMillen Kuhn n Attending University of Alabama n Graduated from Isidore Newman School
A Roman holiday is in the offing for Miss Lilia “Lillie” Elise Kuhn. She will travel to Italy with the LeadAbroad program to study. The experience will offer her information for her desired career in communications and public relations in a metropolitan area. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen McMillen Kuhn. Her mother is the former Marie Elise Donohue. At the Tuscaloosa institution, Lillie is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and serves as the organization’s Slate Committee representative and new member chairman. She is also on the dean’s and president’s lists and a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. At Newman, she was a member and captain of the varsity soccer and volleyball teams, the yearbook senior editor, the PEP Committee and a Newman Scholar. She was also on the school’s Homecoming Court and was selected as a candidate for the Safe Passage El Camino School program in Guatemala City. She was an Innovation and Learning Design student adviser for Trinity Episcopal School. Lillie has worked as a senior counselor at Camp Illahee in Brevard, North Carolina, and for local media. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a princess in the Grand Ball of Osiris and in Les Pierrettes.
Her future is a game of strategy
Future doctor ready for club med
Caroline Marie Kurzweg n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes Kurzweg Jr., of Baton Rouge n Attending Texas Christian University in Fort Worth n Graduated from St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge
A career in strategy consulting is in the works for Baton Rouge debutante Miss Caroline Marie Kurzweg. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haynes Kruzweg Jr. Her mother is the former Stephanie Lynn Lookingbill. At the Fort Worth university, Caroline is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. At St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, she was president of the National Honor Society, a member of the Student Ambassador Steering Committee and the French Club. She was graduated with highest honors and received the St. Joseph’s Academy Service Award. She has worked as an intern in the insurance sector. During her sub-deb tenure, Caroline was a maid in Harlequins.
All A’s: art, academics and ambassadorship Melanie Anissa Ladmirault
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Troy Anthony Ladmirault n Attending St. Mary’s Dominican High School
Miss Melanie Anissa Ladmirault is thought of as creative, caring, sweet, observant and responsible. The traits serve her well in her high school endeavors and will carry forward on her academic path. Melanie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Anthony Ladmirault. Her mother is the former Suzanne Pleshette Dright. At St. Mary’s Dominican High School, Melanie is the lab equipment manager for Biotechnology, on the Yearbook Club, treasurer of the National Art Honor Society and a Student Ambassador. She has received the Service Hour Award from the school. During the 2019 Carnival season, Melanie will be in the court of the Original Illinois Club ball.
Fighting for the coast Amelie Elizabeth Lagarde
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kepper Lagarde n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from the Louise S. McGehee School Restoration of the vanishing coastline of Louisiana is a priority for future engineer Miss Amelie Elizabeth Lagarde, who is studying at the College of Engineering at the University of Alabama. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kepper Lagarde. Her mother is the former Sharon Elizabeth Heyd. Amelie hopes to advance her studies through internships and research in environmental engineering. At the Tuscaloosa campus, she is also president of the Photography Club, a member of the Sailing Club, in the Honors College and is vice president of spiritual development at St. Francis University Parish. While at McGehee’s, she was captain of the sailing team, a member of the school’s choir, a member of Mu Alpha Theta, a Peer Support Leader and active in Teen Cross. Amelie is also a certified sailing instructor and served as a camp counselor at the Southern Yacht Club for four years. During her sub-deb years, she was a maid in Squires and Harlequins.
Madeleine DeHaven Landry
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Scott Landry n Attending LSU n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart Miss Madeleine DeHaven Landry hopes to pursue a career in the healing arts as she eyes medical school in her future. A passion for caring is reflected in her choice of a favored literature. “My favorite book is ‘Looking for Alaska’ by John Green. ... This novel discusses serious topics such as mental illness, loss and first love all through the perspective of an awkward teenage boy,” she notes. Madeleine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Scott Landry. Her mother is the former Barbara Ellen Lane. At the Baton Rouge university, Madeleine is the secretary of Zeta Tau Alpha and a member of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the pre-med society. She is also a member of Rho Lambda, the Greek honor society, and a student in the Honors College. At Sacred Heart, she was senior class treasurer and captain of the cheerleading team. She also was a member of Mu Alpha Theta. She received the Alton Ochsner Future Physician Award and was graduated with highest honors. She has served as a camp counselor at Mes Amies and in the medical sector. As a sub-deb, she was presented at the President’s Ball of the le Moyne de Bienville Club and was a maid in Harlequins.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Italy lures art lover for Florence term
Lucie Sandoz Lanier
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munson Lanier Jr. n Attending the College of Charleston n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School Miss Lucie Sandoz Lanier is no stranger to travel, having volunteered at the Bulungula Village Incubator in South Africa. But this fall, she heads to Italy to study at Florence University of the Arts in the famed European city. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Munson Lanier Jr. Her mother is the former Theresa Sandoz George. At the College of Charleston, South Carolina, Lucie is a member of Delta Delta Delta and Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. While at Country Day School, she was the vice president of the Student Senate, on the varsity soccer team, the Chicago Fire Soccer team and a captain with Relay for Life. During her junior year, the Chicago Fire team won the state championship. She has worked as an intern in local media and art galleries, including the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art, Robert Land Studios and the Redux Contemporary Art Center. She also was a counselor at Camp Nakanawa in Tennessee. During her sub-deb tenure, Lucie reigned as queen of Les Pierrettes and was a maid in Apollo and Squires.
Science speaks to deb — in French
Student safety is top priority Elizabeth Lynn Lunn
n Daughter of Dr. and Mrs.William Wilburn Lunn n Attending Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Miss Elizabeth Lynn Lunn hopes to work this year to combat one of the most critical issues facing young women on college campuses today. “According to the U.S. Department of Justice, one out of every four female undergraduates will be the victim of some form of sexual assault before graduating. Furthermore, the American Civil Liberties Union estimates that at least 95 percent of campus rapes in the United States go unreported. These chilling statistics reflect a dire need for increased campus prevention, education and support systems at our nation’s colleges and universities,” she notes. “Through my work with Prepare, a studentrun organization at Wake Forest University, I hope to increase awareness about the prevalence of sexual assault on college campuses and to explore various tactics to reduce the frequency of on-campus attacks.” She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Wilburn Lunn. Her mother is the former Mary Lynn Chance. At the North Carolina university, Elizabeth is a volunteer tutor at Ladeara Crest Community Center, active in Prepare and has participated in fundraising for Special Olympics and Brenner’s Children’s Hospital. She is a member of Kappa Beta Gamma, the Outdoor Adventures Club and on the dean’s list. At Sacred Heart, she was in the National Honor Society and French Club and was vice president of UNICEF. She was also on the varsity tennis and basketball teams. Elizabeth was in the gifted and talented art program, a Louisiana High School Athletic Association All-Academic All-State Scholar for basketball and graduated with highest honors. Previously, she was in Les Pierrettes and a maid in Caliphs of Cairo.
Fundraiser on her way to making impact Margaret “Maggie” Doyle Malone
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roy Koerner III n Attending Fordham University, New York n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Miss Margaret Doyle Malone’s immediate goal is to help coordinate a large student fundraiser for the American Cancer Society at her university. This drive meshes well with her career goals of social innovation and sustainability, developing and managing social impact projects for business. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roy Koerner III. Her mother is the former Cynthia Doyle Carriere. At Gabelli School of Business at the New York City university, Maggie is president of Colleges Against Cancer Club and on the intramural soccer team and the running club. She was a semifinalist for the Business Consulting Cup Challenge. At Sacred Heart, she was a Student Council representative, a peer leader and varsity track player. She also chaired the Relay for Life planning committee and was captain of the cheerleading team. She received the Service Award and Golden Cardinal Scholarship, was the Alumnae Essay Contest winner and graduated with honors. Maggie has worked as a brand ambassador for Bumble social app, a production assistant for Ford Motors commercials and a personal assistant, and also in the retail sector. As a sub-deb, she was in the court of Apollo.
Skip semester in France? Not a chance Isabella “Bella” Rawson Mathes
n Daughter of Mr. Melvin William Mathes and Ms. Marion Hardie Mathes n Attending Tulane University n Graduated from Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami
Zoie Elizabeth Trevigne Legeaux
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Amedee Legeaux II n Attending Ursuline Academy A career in conservation is the goal for Miss Zoie Elizabeth Trevigne Legeaux as she enters her senior year at Ursuline Academy. Zoie plans to study ecology or biology. She also plans to pursue her love of travel and the French language, hoping to incorporate her two passions together to further her education in a French-speaking country. She has traveled extensively in the United States, Mexico, Europe and Asia. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Amedee Legeaux II. Her mother is the former Lisa Michelle Brown. At the State Street academy, Zoie is a member of the French Club, the soccer team and Save NOLA Strays. She is also on the Youth Leadership Council for Audubon Nature Institute and is an active volunteer for community organizations including St. Margaret’s Home, Giving Hope NOLA Food Bank and ReNew Charter Schools. During the 2019 Carnival season, Zoie will be presented at the Young Men Illinois Club ball.
France beckons Miss Isabella Rawson Mathes for a study program in the capital of Paris. A French major at Tulane University, Bella will travel to Europe to advance her education in French, with a minor in business management and Italian. She hopes to pursue a career in fashion merchandising and marketing. She is the daughter of Mr. Melvin William Mathes and Ms. Marion Cobb Hardie Mathes. At Tulane, Bella is a member of Alpha Delta Pi and is treasurer of Sexual Aggression and Peer Hotline Education, a club that operates a hotline for victims of sexual assault on campus. She is also on the dean’s list. At the Miami high school, she was president of the environmental club, a varsity volleyball player and treasurer of Growing Together, a club that raises funds for the children of the Chapman Partnership, a homeless shelter in Overtown, Florida. She also was in the National Honor Society, Italian Honor Society, French Honor Society and an AP Scholar with Distinction. She has worked in fashion merchandising and as an intern, a tutor at Elevate New Orleans, a camp counselor and in the retail industry.
The Advocate
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Off to marketing we go
Silver spurs jingle for Texas â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;sweetheartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Megan Maria McGoey n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Thomas John McGoey II n Attending the University of Texas n Graduated from the Isidore Newman School
With an eye toward advancing her studies in communications, Miss Megan Maria McGoey hopes to travel to Spain for part of the coming year. Megan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John McGoey II. Her mother is the former Rebecca â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beckyâ&#x20AC;? Mae Norton. At the Moody School of Communication at the Austin, Texas, university, Megan is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She serves on the membership development committee and is the new member director. She is also a Silver Spurs Sweetheart, selected by the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s honor organization dedicated to the care of the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longhorn mascot and to enriching the community through philanthropic endeavors. She is also on the deanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s list and is a member of the Texas Advertising Group. At Newman, Megan was captain of the varsity soccer team, on the varsity cross-country squad, the yearbook copy editor, on the Executive Committee and the PEP Committee, and on the homecoming court. She received the Head of Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Award, was a National Merit Commended Student and received the Coachesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Award for Soccer and All-State Soccer recognition her senior year. She has worked as a counselor at Camp Illahee in Brevard, North Carolina, Mes Amies Day Camp and was a volunteer at Safe Passage School in Guatemala City, Guatemala. As a sub-deb, she was a maid in Les Pierrettes.
Communication key for Austin Tri Delt Corinne RenĂŠe Moffett
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robert â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jim Bobâ&#x20AC;? Moffett, of Austin,Texas n Attending the University of Texas n Graduated from St. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic Academy in Austin A quick look at the rĂŠsumĂŠ of Miss Corinne RenĂŠe Moffett and one understands the words she picks to describe herself: adventurous, intuitive, personable, motivated and an animal lover. But these are just some of the attributes of this University of Texas student who someday wants to helm her own advertising firm. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robert â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jim Bobâ&#x20AC;? Moffett. Her mother is the former LaureĂŠ Zachariah. At University of Texas, Corinne is majoring in communications and is a member of Delta Delta Delta. She has been presented as a debutante of the season at the Crystal Ball of the Helping Hand Home for Children. She also will be presented as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Diamondâ&#x20AC;? at the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Symphony League Jewel Ball this fall.
Career in hotels could be a suite deal
Madeleine Claire Moise
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dimmick Moise Jr. n Attending the University of Southern California in Los Angeles n Graduated from the Louise McGehee School While her favorite film is the comedy â&#x20AC;&#x153;Legally Blonde,â&#x20AC;? Miss Madeleine Claire Moise looks beyond the humor to see the value of the individual. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love how it celebrates femininity,â&#x20AC;? she notes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and encourages all women to find power in being themselves rather than trying to be someone else.â&#x20AC;? She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dimmick Moise Jr. Her mother is the former Laura Lee Ford. At USC, Madeleine is the social chair for Delta Delta Delta. She hopes to pursue a career in visual marketing and branding in an artistic field, such as art, fashion, events and more. At the Louise McGehee School, she was the captain of the varsity cross-country team, student body vice president, a member of the National Honor Society and president of the National Art Honor Society. She graduated with honors and received the History Excellence in Research and Writing Award and recognized for her mentorship in art. She is currently working as a product development intern with Genieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, a social media app. She also has interned with Genieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marketing department, as well as for celebrity stylist Ali Levine and global fashion public relations firm BPCM, both in Los Angeles.
Ashley Linfield â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ashlinâ&#x20AC;? Murphy
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark Murphy n Attending DePaul University in Chicago n Graduated from Benjamin Franklin High School Miss Ashley Linfield Murphy has an eclectic combination of experiences she will bring to her future career in hotel management. And while her favorite book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Things They Carriedâ&#x20AC;? by Tim Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, speaks to â&#x20AC;&#x153;emotional baggage,â&#x20AC;? her practical adventures have given her many things to carry forward in life. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mark Murphy. Her mother is the former Michele Favrot. During her tenure at DePaul University, Ashlin has participated in intramural volleyball and study abroad with a program for documentary filmmakers in Mumbai, India. She has also interned with â&#x20AC;&#x153;CSI: New Orleansâ&#x20AC;? and worked with Second City Chicago, the comedy troupe. At Benjamin Franklin High School, she was on the student council and played volleyball. She has also worked in local fashion retail and child care. As a sub-deb, Ashlin reigned as queen of Squires. She was also a maid in Apollo and was a page, dancer and maid in Les Pierrettes.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Community engages UVA student
Rome will be home for PR major this fall
Lindsey Andrews Page n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall Page III n Attending University of Virginia n Graduated from Isidore Newman School
Community engagement is an important aspect of life for Miss Lindsey Andrews Page. She currently serves on the UVA Student Council as a representative of the Charlottesville school’s Community Engagement Committee, has worked as a research intern in the Office of Student Engagement and was a four-year class representative for ACTIONS, a community service committee at her high school. Her mother is the former Kimberly Gehrig. At UVA, Lindsey has been accepted into the Political and Social Thought major program and is minoring in French, hoping to use her linguistic skills in French and Spanish in a future career. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta and the University Guides and is a tutor at a local elementary school. She’s a member of the university’s honors program and was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. In her work with the Office of Student Engagement, Lindsey collected data on community need and how it is met by service organizations on campus. At Newman, she was co-editor in chief of the yearbook, a two-year varsity tennis team captain, copy editor for “The Pioneer” literary magazine, a National Merit Finalist and graduated cum laude. She received the Dartmouth Book Award, the Rosa Keller Award for Community Service, the Abraham Goldberg Memorial Prize for French, the Winafrid S. Jenkins Award for English and the Francis Soyka Cup for most valuable player in tennis. She has served as an SAT/ACT tutor, as a counselor at Camp Point Clear in Guntersville, Alabama, and as a volunteer counselor for Trinity Educational Enrichment Program summer camp. As a sub-deb, she was a maid in Squires and Harlequins.
Adventure awaits Georgetown student Lauren Lee Paysse
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. René Sylvain Paysse Jr. n Attending Georgetown University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
A sense of adventure will be a great asset for the career plans of Miss Lauren Lee Paysse. Her idea of a perfect day includes exploring a new place with friends, which dovetails nicely with her hopes of a career with a U.S. intelligence agency or the State Department. In the meantime, Lauren will head to Denmark, studying in Copenhagen this fall. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. René Sylvain Paysse Jr. Her mother is the former Julie Jeanine Lee. At the Washington, D.C., university, Lauren is on the dean’s list, a member of the 1634 Society, a student philanthropic association, and a writer for The Caravel, the foreign affairs newspaper. She also is a Hoya Helper, tutoring in the district’s public schools, and she participated in Georgetown Summer in Ecuador. At Sacred Heart, Lauren was the senior class president, a member of the Student Council and the National Honor Society, and a Peer Support head. She was on the varsity volleyball team and was manager of the varsity basketball team. She graduated with highest honors and was a National Merit finalist. She has worked as a congressional intern and a camp counselor. As a sub-deb, Lauren was a lady-in-waiting in Prophets of Persia and Caliphs of Cairo.
Adele Bright Petagna
n Daughter of Mr. Stephen Price Petagna and Ms. Elinor Spicer Bright n Attending Washington and Lee University n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School While attending college in Lexington, Virginia, Miss Adele Bright Petagna knows what it means to miss New Orleans. Her idea of a perfect day would include a run or hike, “hanging out with my friends and family and eating great New Orleans food.” In the meantime, she will head to Rome to study, taking marketing and art history courses through John Cabot University. And enjoying true Italian cuisine, no doubt. Adele is the daughter of Mr. Stephen Price Petagna and Ms. Elinor Spicer Bright. At Washington and Lee, she is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and serves on Kathekon, the school’s alumni relations student group. She is also a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America. At Country Day, she was editor of the yearbook and a member of the varsity teams for volleyball, soccer and tennis. She was Academic All-State in volleyball and soccer, and she graduated cum laude. She has been a counselor at Camp Point Clear in Guntersville, Alabama, and interned in local media. She has also worked as a child care attendant. Following graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in advertising or public relations. In previous Carnival seasons, she was a maid in Les Pierrettes and Apollo.
Clinical psychology is on student’s mind
Style or substance? Fashion maven has both Chloe Margaret Pelitere
n Daughter of Mr. Michael Ludovic and Dr. Margaret Morel Pelitere n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart With a penchant for the world of fashion, Miss Chloe Margaret Pelitere would like to take the next year to expand her educational experiences. “I would like to spend this year obtaining ‘real world’ experience within my major,” she says. “Through experience, I will gain insight into where I would like to focus my business efforts after graduation. In addition to my educational goals, I would also like to find ways to continue giving back to the city that has given me so much opportunity and excitement.” At LSU, she is in the Ogden Honors College. She is a member of Chi Omega and acts as the affiliate chairwoman. She is also a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, the National Honor Society for First Year Students and on the dean’s list. At Sacred Heart, Chloe was the Executive Board vice president, golf team captain, in Peer Support and in the National Honor Society. She is currently an intern at a local fashion establishment and finance company. She has also been a nanny. During her sub-deb tenure, she was a maid in Harlequins and was presented at the President’s Ball of the le Moyne de Bienville Club.
Julia Margaret Plauché n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Anthony Plauché n Attending the University of Mississippi n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
The ambitious goal of being a clinical psychologist is the course set by Miss Julia Margaret Plauché as she continues her education at the University of Mississippi in Oxford. Considerate, concerned for others, organized, fun-loving and vivacious, Julia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Anthony Plauché. Her mother is the former Erin Patricia McGuinness. At Ole Miss, Julia is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and was the co-chairwoman for Out of Darkness Suicide Prevention Fundraiser and Walk. She is also a Provost Scholar and a member of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. At Sacred Heart, Julia was a member of Whole Kids Outreach and was a volunteer counselor for summer camp for children living in dire poverty in Missouri for two years. She also participated in the Touro Hospital Health Career Camp and was on the prom fundraising committee. She graduated with honors. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vieux Carré Chapter. During her sub-deb tenure, Julia reigned as queen of Apollo and was in the courts of Squires and Harlequins.
The Advocate
LSU student sees law in her future
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Sorority house on her to-do list
Sarah Hayne Montgomery Read
n Daughter of Mrs.William Wilkeson Read and the late Mr. Read n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from Mandeville High School The allure of law and the desire to help animals are strong elements to the personality of Miss Sarah Hayne Montgomery Read. Over the coming months, she hopes to continue making an impact on the lives of abused animals and complete an internship focused on law. Sarah is the daughter of Mrs. William Wilkeson Read and the late Mr. Read. Her mother is the former Emily Elizabeth Hayward. At the Baton Rouge university, Sarah is a member of Alpha Phi and is on the dean’s list. She plans to attend law school. At Mandeville High School, Sarah was on the Spinnaker Dance Team and the swim team. She was a member of the Spirit Club, the Broadcast Club, the Skipper Buddies and Big Brother/Big Sisters. She was also on the school’s honor roll. In previous Carnival seasons, Sarah was a maid in the Krewe of Olympia and a princess in Caliphs of Cairo.
World traveler will be back to cheer on LSU Elizabeth Barat Reed
Carlisle Frost Rieveschl n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Carlisle Rieveschl n Attending University of Mississippi n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick Reed n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Scotland will be the locale for the continuing education endeavors for Miss Carlisle Frost Rieveschl. But closer to home over the next year, she hopes to leave an enduring legacy for her sorority sisters. “I plan to create a four-year housing plan for the Pi Beta Phi Sorority at Ole Miss that will include muchneeded improvements, including a recycling program,” she said. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Carlisle Rieveschl. Her mother is the former Tiffany Louise Carr. At the Oxford university, Carlisle is in the Honors College and the vice president for housing for Pi Beta Phi. She is on the dean’s and chancellor’s lists. She hopes to work in public relations or marketing in New York. At Country Day, she was on the varsity soccer and cheerleading teams. She was also a member of the Spirit and Publicity committees, as well as the Activities Committee and the yearbook staff. She also was a member of the National Honor Society.
The lure of exotic Southeast Asia is strong for Miss Elizabeth Barat Reed, who will travel there this summer. But she’s looking forward to returning to Tiger Stadium for LSU football in the fall. “This summer I plan to embark on my second trip to Southeast Asia, this time to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,” she notes. “As I love to travel, I am excited to revisit such a beautiful and interesting part of the world. When I return, I am looking forward to taking on my junior year and, of course, LSU football season.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Patrick Reed. Her mother is the former Marie Michele Pollingue. At the Baton Rouge campus, she is studying for a degree in accounting, with a goal to receive a master’s degree with a focus on internal auditing and a CPA designation. She is a member of Chi Omega and is on the dean’s list. At Sacred Heart, she was on the Student Council and in the Community Outreach Club and the Environmental Club. She traveled to Nicaragua for a service mission to help a community access fresh drinking water. She also traveled twice to Missouri to help underprivileged children. She graduated with high honors. She worked as a counselor at the academy’s camp for several years. During her sub-deb year, she was a lady-in-waiting in Dorians.
All God’s creatures got a place in her heart
Jessica Carter Schaumburg n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holden Schaumburg n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from St. Mary’s Dominican High School
Continued from page 1G married the ‘right’ kind of man — someone in the same social class.” Although the debutante tradition came to the Louisiana Territory from France and Spain, sources agreed that it began in England in the second half of the 18th century, during the reign of King George III (1760 to 1820). His queen, Charlotte, invited “girls of good birth” to court to introduce them to society. In the beginning, presentations were somewhat casually planned, but strict rules were put in place by the end of the 18th century. When the tradition of being presented to society migrated across the ocean to the States, it began as an informal affair, especially compared with the spectacles staged nowadays. “There may have been a dance at which the debutante was the guest of honor. Or the family might simply have had cards made announcing the
debut of the daughter and letting their friends know they were receiving ‘at home,’ ” said Charbonnet. “Debuts were especially important to girls who lived in the country on plantations. They had to be brought to town to find suitable spouses.” Deb events today are a far cry from what they were in the early days. Generally, a deb is presented at a major event, midsummer, along with other debs, then is fêted by her parents at a tea or luncheon, sometimes with another deb. Beginning in January, when the Carnival season begins, there are balls nearly every night. If a deb is fortunate and her father well connected, she will be a maid in a court (even more than one court) or be chosen to reign as queen. It is said fathers begin laying strategies at the birth of their daughters for them to one day reign as queen. Just how the debutante tradition became mingled with the Carnival tradition has not been fully documented, but Errol
Laborde thinks it was a logical development. “You have these men in the late 1800s who are obsessed with ideas of chivalry; they had all read Sir Walter Scott,” Laborde said. “Mark Twain said that the Louisiana Capitol building at the time looked like a castle and, in fact, the men liked the idea of mimicking the Colonial-era courts.” The first group to have a queen was Twelfth Night Revelers in 1871. Debutantes provided readymade courts and plenty of opportunities for choosing a queen from among their ranks, so eventually the two traditions became intricately intertwined. New Orleans is one of a few cities in which there remains a thriving debutante culture; in many other locations, the tradition has died out because of societal changes. So why here? “It’s because of Carnival that the debutante culture is as prominent in New Orleans as it is today,” Laborde said. “Our Carnival traditions enrich the debutante experience, make it bigger.”
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A love for animals is the guiding force in the life of Miss Jessica Carter Schaumburg, who plans to expand her education with a summer volunteer program in Costa Rica. Working as a veterinary technician for exotic animals will give her valuable experience as she seeks early admission to LSU’s Veterinary School. Jessica is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Holden Schaumburg. Her mother is the former Jeanne Katherine Demarest. At LSU, Jessica is a member of Delta Gamma, the service chairman for the Pre-Veterinary Club and a volunteer with the Louisiana School for the Blind, Go Big and Greek Week. She is the recipient of the LSU Presidential Alumni Scholarship, LSU Alumni Association Global Leaders Scholarship, LSU Flagship Scholars Award, Louisiana Farm Bureau Scholarship and President’s Future Leaders and Research Scholarship. At Dominican, Jessica was valedictorian of her graduating class, in the National Honor Society and served as a Student Ambassador, vice president of Mu Alpha Theta, president of the Biotechnology Club, and treasurer and service coordinator for the Catholic Youth Organization. She was also an AP Scholars Award and Villanova Book Award recipient. She has worked at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine Microbiology lab, as a veterinary assistant and as a junior zookeeper at Audubon Zoo. As a sub-deb, Jessica was presented at Athenians, Harlequins, the President’s Ball of the le Moyne de Bienville Club and the Cincinnatus Club.
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Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Business suits Alabama honor student Laura Mary Tompkins Schramm
Scouting out chances to volunteer
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher Welty Schramm of Atlanta n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from the Westminster Schools in Atlanta Miss Laura Mary Tompkins Schramm describes herself in upbeat terms: cheerful, loyal, optimistic, friendly and ambitious. They’re all good qualities for her planned career in business. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher Welty Schramm of Atlanta. Her mother is the former Ann Hamilton Tompkins. At the Tuscaloosa campus, Laura is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and a member of the university’s Panhellenic Recruitment Team. She is also a director for the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation. She is a Presidential Scholar and a member of the Honors College. At the Atlanta school, Laura served as a student athletic trainer for football, soccer and lacrosse and was a Student Admissions Ambassador, Peer Leader and member of the National Honor Society.
Catherine Grace Smith
Ole Miss Chi O loves fun in the sun Ellen Heidingsfelder Silvia
n Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Paul Silvia Jr. n Attending the University of Mississippi n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart Fun in the sun is the bill of fare for a perfect day for Miss Ellen Heidingsfelder Silvia. The lure of the outdoors is strong for her, as she hopes to someday work in the field of sports marketing. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Paul Silvia Jr. Her mother is the former Molly Cleveland Heidingsfelder. At Ole Miss, Ellen is a member of Chi Omega at the Oxford school. At Sacred Heart, Ellen was on the volleyball and track teams. She was an AllAmerican high jumper and an All-State, All-District and All-Metro volleyball player. She has worked in the retail sector locally. During her sub-deb years, Ellen was the captain of Les Pierrettes, a princess at the Grand Ball of Osiris and a maid in Squires and Apollo.
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig William Smith n Attending the University of Alabama n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
At the University of Alabama, Miss Catherine Grace Smith is an active volunteer with the Girl Scouts of America and Child Abuse Prevention Services. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig William Smith. Her mother is the former Catherine Elizabeth Eckert. Also at Tuscaloosa, Catherine is studying to become an elementary educator and hopes to receive a master’s degree in dyslexia therapy. She is also a member of Kappa Delta and the Honor Society. While at Sacred Heart, she was a member of Campus Ministry, the Spirit Club, Humans for Humans Club, Study Club and Environmental Club. She was named Campus Minister of the Year, a Freshman Retreat Leader, a Junior Retreat Leader and Campus Minister Merit Card recipient. She has worked as a counselor at Jimmy Club Camp and Country Day School Camp and worked in administrative posts in a variety of maritime and destination management industries. During her sub-deb year, Catherine was a maid in Squires.
Today D.C., tomorrow the world
Deb plans to build future in engineering Adeleigh Elizabeth Smith n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Douglas Smith n Attending Louisiana State University n Graduated from St. Mary’s Dominican High School
A packed year filled with fun, philanthropy and educational experiences are in store for Miss Adeleigh Elizabeth Smith. The LSU Tiger hopes the coming months will enable her to continue with her civil engineering design courses, expand her real-world engineering experiences, volunteer with her sorority sisters for St. Jude and enjoy the debutante season. Back home, Adeleigh loves spending time with her family and friends and preparing for Carnival. Adeleigh is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Douglas Smith. Her mother is the former Isabelle Theresa Betz. At the Baton Rouge campus where she is studying to become a civil engineer with a focus on water resources and structures, she is a member of Delta Delta Delta, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society, Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society, American Society of Engineers and the Society of Women Engineers. She is a recipient of the LSU Resident Scholarship and is on the dean’s list. At Dominican, she was a member of the varsity swim team, the art club and the Pro-Life Club, and she was a volunteer at Poydras Home and Chateau de Notre Dame. She has been a life guard at Southern Yacht Club, a sales representative in the retail industry and a civil engineering intern. As a sub-deb, she was a maid in Squires and member of Les Pierrettes.
Ysabella “Bella” Carmen St. Amant
n Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Scarle St.Amant, of Baton Rouge n Attending the University of Mississippi n Graduated from St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge As someone who sees herself as curious, bold, compassionate, focused and persistent, Miss Ysabella Carmen St. Amant has put those qualities to work in her pursuit of a career analyzing foreign policy in an academic or legal setting. To that end, Bella will study abroad at the Universidad Católica Del Uruguay in Montevideo. But this summer, she will serve as an intern to Rep. Garret Graves in Washington, D.C. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Scarle St. Amant, of Baton Rouge. Her mother is the former Gabriella Pepper. At Ole Miss, Bella is a member of Chi Omega. She is also co-director of volunteer recruitment and retention for The Ole Miss Big Event, a radio host, Associated Student Body Student Life Board and Associated Student Body First Year Experience Mentor and the Associated Student Body Legislative Aide. She is on the chancellor’s honor roll and in Lambda Sigma Honor Society. At St. Joseph’s, she was issue editor for the school’s Student Prints, as well as podcaster. She also was the Louisiana Youth and Government Senate Floor Leader, the Secretary of State at Louisiana Girls’ State. She was a Peer Consultant in the school’s writing center, a Student Ambassador and a member of the National Honor Society, Louisiana Youth Seminar and Student Ministry. She has worked as a counselor at Camp Ozark in Mt. Ida, Arkansas. As a sub-deb, she was presented as a lady-in-waiting at Prophets of Persia and with the Baton Rouge Assembly.
The Advocate
Law school next goal for lacrosse star
Sunday, June 10, 2018
In training for a future in sports PR Elizabeth Colon Toso
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Toso III n Attending LSU n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart With hopes of a career in sports marketing and public relations, Miss Elizabeth Colon Toso can simply be herself: enthusiastic, gregarious, resilient, fun-loving and outgoing. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Toso III. Her mother is the former Monique Cherié Colon. At LSU, Elizabeth is a member of Delta Gamma and is in the Manship School of Mass Communication. She is a volunteer with the Service for Sight Foundation and St. James Place Nursing Care. She is on the dean’s list and is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars and Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society. She has worked as a multimedia liaison for a local gallery and appeared as an extra in a television series. As a sub-deb, Elizabeth was a member of Les Pierrettes, a maid in Harlequins, the Mayflower Cotillion, a lady-in-waiting in the courts of Dorians and Prophets of Persia, and was presented at the Society of the War of 1812 and at the President’s Ball of the le Moyne de Bienville Club.
Andrea Townsley St. Paul
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Townsley St. Paul, of Atlanta n Attending the University of Georgia n Graduated from the Atlanta International School
A perfect day for Miss Andrea Townsley St. Paul includes spending time with friends in the mountains and listening to live music. But law school is also on the horizon for this UGA student after she completes her undergraduate business degree. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Townsley St. Paul, of Atlanta. Her mother is the former Suzanne Rose Laguaite. At the Athens school, Andrea is a member of Sigma Kappa, Phi Alpha Delta and Delta Sigma Pi and the Alzheimer’s Association. At the Atlanta school, she was a member of the lacrosse, volleyball and soccer teams. She was the lacrosse team’s offensive player of the year. She also received the International Baccalaureate Degree. She will intern with a real estate investment services company and has worked as a childcare provider. As a sub-deb, she was a maid in Harlequins.
Runner’s deb season marathon, not a sprint
From the Big Easy to the Big Apple Madison “Maddie” Elizabeth Tufts
n Daughter of Mrs. James David Tufts III and the late Mr. Tufts n Attending the University of Texas n Graduated from Metairie Park Country Day School Summer in the city is the idea for Miss Madison Elizabeth Tufts as she heads to the Big Apple for a marketing internship in the fashion industry, but she will return to Austin, Texas, to finish her Bachelor of Business Administration in finance in the fall. She then hopes to become an entrepreneur and create a tech startup company. Maddie is the daughter of Mrs. James David Tufts III and the late Mr. Tufts. Her mother is the former Claudia Mary Liberto. At the University of Texas, she is the chief marketing officer on the executive board of Kappa Alpha Theta and received the organization’s Scholarship Award, a member of the Finance Association, a leader for 10 Days Campaign, a peer educator for the Not On My Campus sexual assault awareness program, a volunteer with the Austin Association for Retarded Citizens, a UT Cowboy Sweetheart and on the dean’s list. She received the President’s Volunteer Service Award from President Barack Obama. At Country Day, Maddie was the founder and president of the Mathletes Club, a co-founder and president of the Gender Club, a team captain and ambassador for Relay for Life, a volunteer and student leader for Heart of Passion and also on the school’s varsity cheerleading, soccer and tennis teams. She graduated cum laude and was a member of the Society of National High School Honors, a superior honor winner at state Literary Rally in Spanish and a gold and bronze winner on the National Spanish Exam. She has held several internships in marketing and media relations.
Wake Forest student invested in finance Katherine Elizabeth Verlander
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Gordon Verlander n Attending Wake Forest University n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
Erin Colleen Tolar
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Tolar n Attending the University of Michigan n Graduated from the Academy of the Sacred Heart
A program of study in Australia is among a host of activities planned for Miss Erin Colleen Tolar in the coming months. The University of Michigan student will study economics at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. She also wants to run a half-marathon in Ann Arbor this summer and has her eye on a full marathon later in the year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Tolar. Her mother is the former Janis Marie Tatom. At the Ann Arbor university where she is majoring in economics and minoring in applied statistics, Erin is a dean’s list honoree, team captain and planning committee member for Relay for Life, a teaching assistant volunteer for The Detroit Partnership, which provides tutoring for low-income high school students, a member of the Wolverine Support Network, a design team member for The Michigan Daily and a member of Delta Gamma. She graduated from Sacred Heart with highest honors and was a member of the National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, the Improv Club and the Environmental Club. She was co-captain of the soccer team, a member of the golf and cross-country teams, an All-Metro Senior, AllStar Team Member and All-District Junior. She received the AP Scholar Award, Dr. Timothy M. Burns Scholarship and the Community Outreach Award. She has worked as an intern with a utility company and a management firm. During her sub-deb tenure, she was a princess in the Grand Ball of Osiris.
After a semester in Spain, Miss Katherine Elizabeth Verlander has plans to continue her education in the arena of finance. “This year, I hope to learn outside the classrooms at Wake Forest and explore new areas of interest through my internship and semester abroad,” she notes. “During my summer internship, I would like to gain a better understanding of the financial industry and advance my critical thinking skills, all while enjoying my time in New Orleans. “Then, by studying abroad in Barcelona this fall, I plan to expand my business horizons and venture into new experiences. ... I see this as an opportunity to immerse myself in other cultures and a chance to further my education before I fully commit to a future career in finance/investment banking.” She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gordon Verlander. Her mother is the former Deborah Ann Mannina. At the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, university, Katherine is a member of Delta Delta Delta, the Finance Club, the Dow Jones club, plays women’s club basketball, is a tutor in the Learning Assistance Center and a volunteer at Campus Kitchen. She is also on the dean’s list. At Sacred Heart, she was the secretary/treasurer for the Student Council Executive Board, vice president of the National Honor Society, captain of the varsity basketball team, captain of the varsity golf team and All-District, and a member of Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society. She was class salutatorian, a National Merit Finalist, an AP Scholar with Distinction, and received highest honors and academic excellence throughout high school. She received the Allstate Sugar Bowl Scholarship. She will intern this summer with a financial institution. She has also served as a counselor at Camp Point Clear in Guntersville, Alabama, and was an intern with the New Orleans Saints. As a sub-deb, Katherine was a lady-in-waiting in Caliphs of Cairo, a princess in Athenians and was presented at the President’s Ball of the le Moyne de Bienville Club.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
The Advocate
Joining the team for physical therapy
Facts and figures about the current coterie
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Young women included in this special annual section, who will make their debut this year.
Paige Jordan Wilson
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Willie Michael Wilson n Attending St. Mary’s Dominican High School Miss Paige Jordan Wilson sees herself as driven, a leader, spirited, strong and smart. All the qualities will be helpful in her pursuit of a career as a physical therapist for sports teams. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Michael Wilson. Her mother is the former Dominique Theresa Ward. At Dominican High School, Paige is the captain of the Dominican Debs Dance Team, a member of the National Honor Society, the National Spanish Honor Society and the Spanish Club. She is on the Alpha and Beta Honor Roll and received the Gold Medal on the National Spanish Exam. She also has been a volunteer with Breakthrough New Orleans and the national Down Syndrome Society Buddy Walk. During the 2019 Carnival Season, she will be presented at the Young Men Illinois Club Ball.
Organizations represented by the debutantes.They are: The Bachelors Club, des Jeune Filles de la Nouvelle Orleans, the Debutante Club, the Mid-Winter Cotillion, the Original Illinois Club, the Pickwick Club and the Young Men Illinois Club.
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Colleges attended by the members of the coterie in the United States and abroad.
High schools attended by the young women.
Hollywood intern has script for success
Alumnae from the Academy of the Sacred Heart, the largest contingent.
States represented by the coterie, including Louisiana, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,Tennessee and Texas.
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Countries (and one at sea) where debutantes will travel for study in the coming months.
Madeline Cecelia Zimmer
n Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frank Zimmer n Attending the University of Georgia n Graduated from Mount Carmel Academy
Miss Madeline Cecelia Zimmer has plans to see Hollywood this summer, but she will be working as an intern during her time in California. “Through my internship in the film industry in Los Angeles this summer, I hope to gain valuable experience and knowledge which will define and sharpen my career goal as a screenwriter/producer,” she says. Madeline is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frank Zimmer. Her mother is the former Angela Cecelia Imbornone. At UGA, she is a member of Chi Omega and editor in chief of The Black Sheep. She is a member of Relay for Life and is on the school’s dean’s list. At Mount Carmel, she was student body president her senior year and a class representative in her junior year. She was a member of the varsity cross-country team and a Student Ambassador, and participated in Habitat for Humanity. She also completed the Overland Alpine Challenge, a four-week hike through the Swiss Alps in Europe. She placed first in the Louisiana Association of Student Councils Oratory Competition and was a member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society. She was also on the Principal’s Honor Roll. She has worked as a social media intern. In a previous Carnival season, she was a lady-in-waiting in Caliphs of Cairo.
Organizations the young ladies have been presented in, including the sub-deb krewes of Squires, Les Pierrettes, Apollo and Harlequins. Several other Carnival balls are included, as well as fetes in other areas including Baton Rouge, Mobile, Memphis and Austin.
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Young women who have been queens of a ball (with more to come in the 2019 Carnival season).
Miles between New Orleans and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the distance traveled by one of the debutantes this summer.