The BernhardCapital Partners team celebrates the lifeofJoe Jaeger and thankshim forhis commitment to communitiesacross Louisiana and the Gulf South.
In starting his careerasanapprenticeplumber and growing to become the Presidentand CEOofthe MCCRealEstateGroup, Joe’sstory will inspiregenerations of entrepreneurstocome.His leadership and vision allowedthe MCCGroup to grow from alocal mechanical companytoaprominentnational multi-disciplinary mechanical andelectrical services company, and on to become the regional spearhead in real estate developmentitistoday.
His legacy lives on notonlyinthe exhaustive number of infrastructureand community projects he built, but in theintangible economic opportunitiesand community impact he builtaswell.
Thank you, Joe, foryour dedication, hard-work, and commitment to our communities.
Tributes demonstrate Jaeger’s broad impact as local leaders and colleagues mourn
Following JoeJaeger’s unexpectedpassing, several associates and acquaintances shared theirtributes. Here is asamplingofwhatthey hadtosay:
“God has called homeone of NewOrleans’greatestbusinessleaders. Joe Jaeger’s lifeexemplifiedthe American dream. He startedasaplumber from the Lower9th Ward andsoonbecamethe biggesthotel ownerinNew Orleans. His successstory is inspirational andhis friendshipwas so appreciated. Please join meand Sharon in prayer forhis family!”
– Governor JeffLandry
“Joe Jaeger wasa greatfriend. He always treatedhis employeeslikefamily. His ideas anddreamsfor NewOrleans were second to none.Hewas always looking for ways to help make things better.Iwill miss him greatlyand hisloveand passionfor this city andstate.”
LieutenantGovernor Billy Nungesser
“Our deepestcondolencesgoout to thefamilyofJoe Jaeger.His lifetime commitmenttoour city,through hismanybusinessesand hisvital philanthropicgiving, demonstrated everyday hislovefor hiscommunity Our city andour region dependuponleaders whohavethe visionand fierce determinationtomakeadifference.Joe wasone of thosecommunity leaders. Hisimpactwillbemissed. We need to honorhim andcelebrate him while keepinghis beautifulfamilyinour thoughts andprayers.”
– Gayle Benson, owner,New Orleans Saints and NewOrleans Pelicans
“Mr. Jaeger was atreasured member of thecommunity andstarted hishard work as an apprentice plumberand continuedtoclimbthe businessladder to become thePresidentand CEO of theMCC Real Estate Group. Mr.Jaeger was also awell-known multiple property hotelowner andcontributed to several charitable causes andorganizations in thecity. We extendour prayerstothe Jaeger family andthe dedicatedteammembers of hiscompany,and it is our hopethatherestinloveand perfectpeace.”
– TheCity of NewOrleansand MayorLaToyaCantrell
“Joe Jaeger was apassionate supporterof Delgado andhad akeen understandingofthe importance of building astrongworkforce pipelineto create opportunities forpeopleand improvequality of life. Hispassing is truly a lossfor theFoundationand Delgado Community College. On behalf of the Foundationand Delgadofaculty andstaff, Iextendmyheartfelt condolences to JoeJaeger’s family andfriends.”
– Larissa Littleton-Steib,Ph.D., chancellor, Delgado CommunityCollege
“Joe Jaeger was aclosepersonalfriendand avaluedFoundationcolleague His spirit liveson in thecountlesslives he touchedinhis work –workthathas indelibly transformedNew Orleansfor thebetter.”
LeeGiorgio,Delgado FoundationChair
“New Orleans& Companyextends itsdeepest sympathies to theloved ones andcolleagues of JoeJaeger.Mr. Jaeger wasa prolificdeveloper,preservationist hotelier andavaluedmemberof ourhospitality community forfive decades. Mayherestinpeace.”
– Thestaff of NewOrleans& Company
“Joe Jaeger was adearfriendand tremendous business leader in NewOrleans Iamextremelysaddened by hisdeath andhis family will remain in my prayers during this difficult time.His impact will continue to be felt on ourcityand by everypersonwho knew him.”
– Congressman Troy A. CarterSr.
“Joe Jaeger livedinthe American Dreamwhere apersonofhumble beginnings canworkhardand achieve greatsuccess –alwayshumbleand kind! Jefferson Parish wasblessed that he basedhis businesses andeffortshere.
– Jennifer VanVrancken, Jefferson Parish Council At-Large,Division A
“WhenIfirstmet Joe, he hadjustjoinedour business organization,the New Orleans East Business Association(NOEBA). Iwas intriguedabout howmuch heloved growingupinthe UpperNinth Ward andattendedColtonJuniorHigh. Hisstories were inspiring. He told me abouthow he wasjusta regularplumber that worked hard.But,Ifound that he wasmuchmorethanthat. Joewas someonewho lovedcommunity…Joe Jaeger will definitely be sorely missed.He wasaquiet giantinthe City of NewOrleans andanawesome humanbeing.His passingisanemotional andgreat losstoall of us.Ioffersincerecondolences to theJaeger Family.Hewas aGreat One.”
– Alicia Plummer,broker/broker-owner at EastoverRealty/Plummer Realty Group LLC
“Weare heartbrokenbythe passingofour cherishedfriend. JoeJaegerwas notonlyaninfluential businessfigurebut also ahumbleand wise long-term friend. Despitehis success, he always putfamilyand friendsfirst. Letusjoinin prayer forhis family andloved ones. ”
ThestaffofIberville Cuisine
“Wejointhe community in mourning thelossofJoe Jaeger.Joe served selflesslyonthe boards of both AudubonNatureInstitute andthe Audubon Nature InstituteFoundation, wherehis deep andsincerecommitmentmade a lastingimpact, especially alongthe riverfront.”
– ThestaffofAudubonNatureInstitute
“Our hearts go outtothe Jaeger family.Joe wastruly aone-of-a-kind entrepreneur, andthe epitomeofaself-made man. He neverlostthe common touch. He wasaman of hisword, agood friend, andhewill be sorely missed.”
– Michael J. Siegel, SIOR,President, CorporateRealty
“Truly aservant leader,aHoly Crossman,who quietly changedthe lives of countlesspeople. He lovedhis family,his employees, andthe City of New Orleans. Hislegacywill live on througheveryonehetouched.”
– Jeannine Kurz Dwyer, assistant principal, Jefferson Parish PublicSchool System
“We’re feelingthe unbelievablelossofatrueleader.Althoughhetried to playitdown, he wasanincrediblycaringindividualwho impacted many lives with hiskindness. Aguidinglight forthose whoknewhim. I’mimmensely honoredtohavebeenhis loyalassistant foroveradecade. My lifeand career are foreverchangedbyhis care andguidancethrough theyears.Joe,may yourestin magnificentpeace.”
– Julie Gunther,colleague
“Joe wasanincredibleman.Ifeelveryblessedtohavewitnessed hisgiving hearttoothers. IcalledJoe thinking he wouldknowifthere wassomesortof assistance programfor an elderly lady in Covingtonwho hadsomeplumbing issues… He wasout of town when he answered thephone.Hesaidhewould handle it andheTHANKED me!!! He said that is what it’s all about–togiveto others whotruly areinneed.That phonecallwill always be ‘Joe’tome.”
– Dr.Marija LaSalle,friend
“Joe’s impact on ourlives wasprofoundand enduring.Heinstilled in his team arelentlesspursuit of excellence,not just in ourwork, butinour character. Joe’swisdomechoesinmymind: ‘You need to wake up everyday andwork on beingperfect.Noneofuswill be perfect, butworktowards that everyday.’ These wordsencapsulate hisunwaveringcommitmenttopersonalgrowthand continuous improvement. Joe’sleadership extendedfar beyond professional achievements. He taught us thetruemeaning of compassionand support, often saying,‘When someoneisdown, it’s ourjob to pick them up.’ Thisphilosophy guidedhis actions, whetherprovidinghousing, food or opportunities to thosein need.Joe’s authenticleadership andselflessdedicationtoothersinspiredusall to become better humanbeings.”
– Michael DeZura, colleague
“Wewerefortunate to have hadJoe as aBusinessCouncilBoard member for many yearsduringwhichwepursued significantpublic policyinitiatives. His presenceinour membership wasconsistentwithhis passionfor helping the City of NewOrleans reachahigherpotential.Hewas aconsistentpresencein the citizencrusade forraising thestandardfor localquality of life, andwewill always be appreciative of hiseffortswithin ourorganization andthroughoutthe City.”
– Paul Flowerand Jim Cook, Chair and Vice Chair, Business Council of NewOrleans and the River Region
“We aredeeply saddened by thepassing of JoeJaeger, avisionary developer whoseimpactonNew Orleanswas profound.Joe’s legacyasa prominent hotelier anddeveloper will endure throughthe numerous landmarkshe revitalizedand thecountlesslives he touched. Hiscontributions to our community andhis commitment to histeammembers exemplifyhis remarkable spirit anddedication. Ourheartfelt condolences go outtohis family during this difficulttime.”
– Thestaffofthe Louisiana Restaurant Association
By Amanda McElfresh amcelfresh@theadvocate.com
Itwouldn’t be an exaggeration to saythatJoe Jaeger transformedthe landscapeof NewOrleans with hisownership anddevelopment of dozensofproperties across thearea. Most recently, many properties were part of The JCollection, aportfolio of independentand brandedhotelsranging from historic mansions to modern retreats throughout NewOrleans,aswellasKenner,White Castle,Flowood,Miss. andNatchez,Miss. Here is alookatsomeofthe sitesunder Jaeger’s ownershipor operation at thetimeofhis death
Hotel Le Marais
717Conti Street
Thishotel is strategicallylocated near some of NewOrleans’mostfamousmuseums andattractions, includingThe National WorldWar II Museum, City Park andAudubonNatureInstitute. The property itself boasts aserenecourtyard with aswimming pool, modernhotel rooms, aworkout facilityand otheramenities that make it easy to recharge after aday of adventure.
Hotel Mazarin
730Bienville Street
ThisMardi Gras boutique hotelinthe French Quarterblends old-world charmand modernamenities. It has emergedasaculturalhub during theCarnivalseasonand theweeks of Jazz Fest,hosting families, business groups, friends andmore. Originalarchitecturaldetails like wroughtironbalcony railingand intricateplasterwork mixed with NewOrleans décormakeitapropertylikenoother
TheJung Hotel and Residences
1500 Canal Street Thiscontemporaryhub near CaesarsSuperdome is locatedalong theCanal Street streetcarline, allowingguestseasyaccess to Saints games, concerts, riverfront shops andrestaurants. The hotelitselfhas luxurious amenities includingarooftoppool, fitness centerand coffeeshop.
Nottoway 31025 La. 1(WhiteCastle)
Nottoway is oneofthe South’slargest historic mansions,located on RiverRoad betweenBaton Rougeand NewOrleans.Massive whitecolumnsand grandbalconies overlook theMississippi River, whilea three-story rotundaonthe northside overlookssweepinglawns.The31-acrepropertyfeatures16oak trees, theoldestof whichisestimated to be 162 yearsold –the same ageasthe mansionitself. Today, Nottoway offersavariety of venues andamenities, including40overnight rooms (five of whichare suites), arestaurant,bar,outdoor pooland cabana,tenniscourts, andmorethan15,000 square feet of eventspace
Hotel Royal 1006 RoyalStreet
Thishotel is locatedina renovated1827 Creole townhouseinthe French Quarter andneariconic attractionslikeCafé du Monde, JacksonSquareand theFrenchMarket. Becauseofthe property’s historic background,elevatorservices arenot available, butithas been modernizedwithpopularamenities like enclosed courtyards with fountains, in-roomcomplimentary coffee, teaand bottledwater;and complimentary highspeed wirelessinternet.
Chateau Hotel 1001ChartresStreet
An OldWorld charmpermeates this hotel. Each room andsuite is unique,featuring customizedfurniture with hand-milled warmth as well as modernamenities. The lobbyboastsFrench-style furnishings that harken to the18thcentury.Asense of tranquilityisenhancedbyarelaxingpool, landscaped courtyardwithclassic statuary andfountains andquiet spaces forreadingorreflection.
b1BANK Honors the Life of
Joe Jaeger,atrueNew Orleanian, left a mark on ourcity.Through his work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit he transformed the landscape of NewOrleans.
Beyond his success, Joe was agenerous philanthropist. Hislegacy will live on through thecountless lives he touched, the buildings he constructed, and the city he loved.
Joe will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.
Audubon Cottages
509 Dauphine Street
Thisisahistoriccollectionofseven one- andtwo-bedroom suites, each of which have been decoratedinthe manner of aprivate French Quarterresidence.Eachcottage has itsown unique story. CottageOne wasthe home of famous American artist andnaturalist JamesAudubon from 1821to1822. Cottages Twoand Four maybe hauntedbythe spiritsofpreviousguests. The cottages arealsostrategically located near museums, galleries, boutiques andBourbon Street nightlife
Maison Dupuy
1001Toulouse Street
ThisisaFrenchQuarter sanctuaryinthe heartofVieux Carrewithspacious rooms, multiple balconies andone of thelargest swimmingpools in theQuarter.When guests areready to ventureout,theyare within walkingdistanceofrestaurants, music venues andBourbon Street attractionsand just oneblock from thestreetcar line if they want to explore more of thecity.
Dauphine Orleans
415Dauphine Street
ACreolecottage-style hotelthathas been aNew Orleanslandmarksince the1800s, this property has centuries of historyand afew hauntings, includingatMay Baily’s Place,the historic barthatisaccessiblethrough thehotel courtyard. Amenities include brickcourtyards, asaltwater swimming pooland Southern porchessurrounded by lush greenery.The roomsand suites featureplush pillow-top mattresses with 18th and19thcentury furnishings
Le Richelieu
1234 Chartres Street
Located in theDecatur Street area near Café du Monde, this hotelisconvenientlylocatednearhistoriclandmarks,world-famous beignets andmorefeaturesthatcan’t be foundanywhereelse. The hotelrooms andsuitesare embellishedwithvintage New Orleansfurnishings andartwork mixedwithmoderncomfortslikecomplimentary wifi, acourtyard pooland parkingaccommodations
TheRubenstein Hotel on St.Charles Avenue
104 St.Charles Avenue
Located in theCentral BusinessDistrict, this sophisticatedhotel honors theRubensteins’ past with framed retail advertisements in roomsand suites plus an interior designthatreflectsthe clothing store’stheme.Luxuryretailshoppingisjustone floor below. Severalattractions arewithinwalkingdistance, includingHarrah’sCasino, the SazeracHouse,the Riverwalk Outlets, The Fillmore andothers.
Historic Streetcar Inn
1509 St.Charles Avenue
Thisinn consists of twoelegant 1880s-era Victoriantownhousesthatwereconverted into a27-roomhotel,includingtwo balcony suites overlookingthe St.Charles AvenueStreetcar line. The property is locatedinthe heartofthe lowerGardenDistrict, with easy accesstodining, shoppingand nightlife. Modernamenities like aselfcheckinprocess, onlineguestbookand complimentary coffeeinthe Magnolia Room addstothe charmand simplicity
Holy Angels BywaterHotel and Residences
3500 St.Claude Avenue
Historypermeates this hotelwithcustomizedfurniture that boasts hand-milled warmth andarichlobbythatcreates afeelingofbeinginatraditional grandhome. The property washometothe Marianites of Holy Crossfor 165 years. Newerupgrades add to thecomfort andluxury, includingrefrigerators,dishwaters, laundry units, microwaves andstovesineachsuite.
Melrose Mansion
937Esplanade Avenue
An elegant Second Empire Victorianmansionthatwas completed in 1885, this property wasoriginallydesignedasasingle-family home.Its ownershipthought theyears is abit unclear, butthe mysteryonlyaddstothe charm. What is knownisthatthe property hasoperatedasabordello, apartments forburlesquedancersand ahotel at differentpointsinits history. Today, it has been remodeledwithcasualguestrooms aminimaliststyle andbathrooms with ItalianCarrara marble andWaterworks fixtures.
Dunleith Historic Inn 84 HomochittoStreet (Natchez, Miss.)
Originallybuilt in 1855, this property is aNationalHistoricLandmarkthatremains Mississippi’ssoleexample of apre-CivilWar mansion. It sits on a40-acre estate that includes an original 1790s carriagehouse,dairy barn,poultry house, greenhouse and three-story brickdependency.Themainmansionhas aGreek revivaldesignwith 26 Tuscan columnsbuilt of brickand stucco.Luxurious guestaccommodations,an on-site restaurant andevent spaces that canaccommodateany function has earned Dunleith numerous accolades over theyears
BusinessmavenJoeJaegerdemonstratedhislove andcarefor thecityofNew Orleansthrough hisenormousvisioninthe worldofrealestate and hotels.Hewas asupporter of many,and hismarkonthe city’s economic development cannever be underestimated.Joe’s immeasurable influence on real estate andbusinesswill always be remembered foraslongasbuildings existinour vibrantcity.
St.Augustine High School expressesits sincerecondolences to theJaegerfamily.
Joe Jaeger was agreat man; agenerous, kind soul.
He had big ideas for thecityofNew Orleans. Heknewthat thecityneeded newattractions, and everystudy we’veeverdone proved him right. Hisplans for theFrenchQuarter werespot-on.
His love, passion, anddedicationtothe city, andthe whole state of Louisiana, were second to none.
He would alwayssay,“if it doesn’t pencil... then it doesn’t makefinancial sense.”
Butifitwould better thecity… he would put up his own money and do it...That was Joe. Always doing what was best for someone else.
He loved everyoneliketheywerefamily, He treated his employees with immense respect, dignity, andkindness, And, aboveall, his deep lovefor his family; His wife, Becky, Their children, And their grandchildren,was obvious.
Joe,weloveyou and we will miss you. Theshoes you’ve leftwill neverbefilled,but we will tryto walk in your footsteps.
By Amanda McElfresh amcelfresh@theadvocate.com
Evenashebecameone of the Gulf South’slargest hoteliers andrealestatedevelopers, it wasn’t unusualtohearJoe Jaeger refertohimself as “a plumber from theNinth Ward.” In fact, if he heardofaplumbingormechanical problem, Jaeger wouldfrequently offer suggestionsonhow to remedy thesituation,ifnot make plansto addressitpersonally.
Jaeger came from humble beginnings. After graduating from Holy Crossatage 16, he began taking classesatSoutheastern LouisianaUniversity. When he was19, he foundemploymentasa plumber’shelperinNew Orleans, wherehis strong work ethicand aptitude forconstructionstood out. By theearly 1980s, Jaeger was in hisearly 30s andhad been namedanowner at Mechanical Construction Company. Throughoutthe industry,Jaeger
became knownasaninnovator in construction delivery methodsas MCCgrewintothe region’s largest mechanical construction firm. As hisinterestinrealestategrewover theyears,JaegerfirstopenedTheJ Collection in 2015 as part of MCC Group. In January2020, The J Collection became aseparateentity comprisedofunique hotels in the NewOrleans region
“TheJCollectionrepresents thebestofthe South, with an incredibly diversearray of hotels andresorts,eachwithits own uniquestory to tell,” Jaeger said in 2020.“As we continue to expand ourpresencethroughoutNew Orleansand beyond,including thetwo most recentacquisitions of Le Richelieu andDunleith,we look forwardtocontinuingour commitmenttopreservingand protecting historicallysignificant properties throughout theregion.”
OneofJaeger’smostpersonally meaningful projects wasthe restorationofthe historic Holy Angels campus in Bywater. In 2016, Jaeger wasabuyer of theproperty. He andbusinesspartner Arnold Krismanassembled acreativeteam andbrought on SpartanBuilders to renovate thesite. In June 2023, it wasannounced that anew concept, theHoly Angels BywaterHotel and Residences, wasopenwithguest rooms, apartments, anew pool, restaurant andmore.
WhilemuchofJaeger’swork andrealestateportfolio centered on NewOrleans,healsoventured elsewhere in theregionwhenhe felt theright opportunity presented itself.InFebruary2019, he purchasedthe historic Nottoway estate in Louisiana, then followed it up with thepurchaseofDunleith in Natchez,Mississippi in November 2019. In May2021, leadersin
Flowood,Mississippi announced theopeningofa 54,000 square foot conference centerand urban resort,withJaeger partnering with otherentitiesonthe project, a majorcoupfor asmall town with a population of around 10,000. After acareerthathad spanned more than fivedecades,Jaeger had more recentlybeenconsidering scalingbackbothhis portfolio and workinghours.At77, Jaeger was still active in thebusinessworld, buthad sold some properties and hadmade it knownhewas open to negotiatingfurther sales. His entire estate is estimatedtobe worthseveralmilliondollars,and colleagues said Jaeger hadalso takensteps to ensure asmooth transition upon hispassing. Now, hisfamilyand businesspartnersare expectedtoworkclosely together to maintain Jaeger’s legacyand fulfill hiswishes.
By Amanda McElfresh amcelfresh@theadvocate.com
Bythe time he was37, JoeJaeger was servingaspresidentofMechanical Construction CompanyinNew Orleans. Hiscareerwiththe business beganin1965, when he washired as an apprentice.Byhis seventh year with MCC, Jaeger hadalready ledseveralmajor projects, includingthe layout andinstallation of themechanical systems at theLSU School of Dentistry. MCCfounder Fred Estopinaland othercompany leaderslaudedJaeger forhis maturity,thoughtfulnessand attentiontodetail— qualities that wouldguide Jaeger’s career for decades to come
Once he wasinaseniorleadership role at MCC, Jaeger wasabletoimplementsomeofhis core management philosophies. In an August 1984 issueof“Plumbing andMechanical,” a leadingindustrypublicationatthe time,Jaeger said thesuccessofMCC waspartially attributable to making things easy forpropertyownersand giving each clientpersonalizedattention
notedthatitwas herand Joewho searched antiqueauctionsand French Quartershops for theperfect furnishings fortheir home,always lookingfor pieces that wouldcomplementthe home’s architecture andtheir personal style.
Jaeger used asimilarapproachatMCC,where he instilled in histeamthe ideathatprojects shouldn’t be one-size-fits all.Instead,theyshould help customerssavemoney whileeliminating complications that mayleadtofrustrationsand lack of usage.
“Quality in adesign/build systemdoesnot mean just making sure apiece of pipeisinstalled correctly,”Jaegersaidatthe time.“Checking qualityina design/build projectactuallymeans making sure thelayoutofthe systemissimple enough forabuildingmanager to handle.”
“Wetry to zeroinonthe part of ourbusiness that begins after theinstallationis completeand theowner assumescontrol.Whenweturnour productovertoanowner,weholdhis hand until he is comfortablewiththe system, andifneed be,wefine-tuneituntil he is,” Jaeger told the publication. “Any of ourcompetitors canprovide thesameproduct andcompetitive priceswedo, so we must go that onestepextra –whether that meanscheckingour subs’workonaprojector meetingservice demands othermight reject.”
Jaeger used that same direct approach to make things just rightathis ownhome. In a March2020 interview, Jaeger andhis wife Becky discussedthe extensive preservation work they did upon purchasingTheCharles TaneyHouse whichwas originallybuilt in 1834.
“I getveryhands-onwithprojects and remember standingonfloorjoistsinthe double parlor lookingat thedirtbelow andthe sky above,”Jaeger said at thetime. BeckyJaeger
Jaeger also demonstratedatremendous amount of respectfor earlyMCC leaderslike Estopinal, Paul Coeand ScuddyFontenelle.The threestillplayedimportant roles in thecompany at thetimeofJaeger’spresidency.Instead of beingworried aboutwhatthatmeant forhis owncareer, Jaeger embracedtheir inputand appreciatedthe factthatthe menspent time networking in NewOrleans,putting him in a position to focusonMCC’s growth
“Whenmostofyourbusinessisdoneona negotiated basiswithrepeatcustomers,and when alot of businesscomes your waybecause of your reputation andimage,itisvitallyimportant to keep your name in frontofthe community and businessleaders,”Jaegerexplained.“Fred,Paul andScuddydothat, whichfrees up thesecond generation to runthe business.”
At thesametime, Jaeger always hadaneye toward thefutureand helping others fulfill their career growth.Henoted that MCChad a policyofpromoting employeesfromwithinthe company, andoftenassignedresponsibilities to apprentices whoshowedaninterestinteamwork andpersonalresponsibility.
“Weactuallytry to developthe managerial skillsofour personnel,”hesaid. “Weimpress upon them that theability to manage people on ajob site canmakeorbreak aproject…Ittakes some time andtrainingtoget them to really believe in themselves andacceptthat, butthose that make it,do.”
As ashrewdbusinessman,Jaegerknewit wasbesttokeeppersonalfeelings separate from decisions that affectedthe bottom line, whethertheypertained to staffing,investments or anyother aspect of companyownership.But, in recentyears,Jaegeracknowledgedthathis lifelongloveofNew Orleanssometimes wasin theforefront of hismind.
“You’renot supposed to fall in love with real estate, butIhad no intentionofsellingthe Bourbon anditbreaksmyheart.Istillhave seller’s remorse,”Jaeger told The NewOrleans Advocate-TheTimes PicayuneinNovember 2021, afew months after sellingthe Bourbon OrleansHotel.Atthe time,Jaeger hadrecently purchased theChateau Hotelasanew addition to hisportfolio of properties under The JCollection umbrella “For themostpart, that’s what we’vebeen doing–spendingafew bucksrenovatingthese hotels andbetting on thefuture,”Jaeger told the newspaperabout hisbusinessapproach. “We’ve gone from zerotosomething,but we still have a long waytogo.”
Joe Jaegerwas avisionary leader whose dedication and passion for NewOrleans leftanindelible mark on the city’srealestate and hospitality sectors. Hiscontributions to economic developmentwere profound,and his legacy will continue to shape our vibrant city forgenerations to come.
The Young Presidents’ OrganizationofLouisiana extends its heartfelt condolencestothe Jaeger family during this difficult time.
NewOrleans &Company extends its deepestsympathies to thelovedonesand colleagues of JoeJaeger.Mr. Jaeger wasaprolific developer,historic preservationist, hotelowner andoperator,and avalued member of NewOrleans’ hospitalitycommunity formanydecades. Mayherest in peace.