St. Helena Parish 4-H Club participates in annual Shooting Sports Day. Page 1H
H $1.00
1st Year, No. 16
Jackson to mark bicentennial Saturday The birth of Jackson
BY STACY GILL On Jan. 31, 1815, a few days after the Battle of New Orleans victory, the governor of Louisiana at the State Capitol, then in New Orleans, signed into law the creation of a new parish seat to be located in the center of the parish of Feliciana, according to “Journey to War’s Eve” by Michael F. Howell. Two hundred years later, on Jan. 31, Jackson is poised to celebrate its bicentennial birthday with Founder’s Day activities. Jackson officials along with the Bicentennial Bash Commission are set to celebrate Saturday. “When creation of the town by the Legislature is put into context with the timing of the Battle of New Orleans, our history is even more interesting,” said Mary Jo Salmon, Bicentennial Bash chairwoman. “A contingent of men from this area fought in that battle.” To celebrate Jackson’s 200th birthday, Founder’s Day kicks off at 10 a.m. Saturday and ends at 4 p.m. “This is to be a lovely day featuring the best of Jackson. Fortunately it falls on a Saturday and hopefully the weather will cooperate,” Salmon said. Everyone is encouraged to wear costumes from the period, and men are asked to wear long sideburns, mustaches or beards, Salmon said. Restaurants will be offering dishes such as “Old Hickory” roast beef sandwiches or Andrew Jackson catfish po-boys. Downtown shops and artists will be promoting merchandise and artwork, and children will be invited to take part in a historic-themed scavenger hunt at Centenary State Historic Site where the Founder’s Day program begins at 3 p.m. on the front porch of the Professor’s House. Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne will speak at 3:30 p.m. followed by cake and a souvenir remembrance for youth in attendance. “On this historic occasion, we want as many people as possible, particularly citizens of Jackson, and those from other towns in East Feliciana and St. Francisville, to come out and
Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN
St.Helena Parish Deputy Toler Smith and his new partner Bubba prepare to patrol the streets of St. Helena. Smith and Buddy arrived back home last week after training in Texas.
K-9 team complete
St. Helena Sheriff’s Department adds dog BY STEPHANIE WARREN
St. Helena Parish Deputy Toler Smith is back home in Greensburg with his new partner, a bulldog named Bubba, after attending a two-week training program in San Antonio. The new K-9 team is now complete and ready to patrol the streets of St. Helena Parish. The first dog arrived last month after St. Helena Parish Deputy George Baker was assigned to his new partner, a blue heeler named Gundy.
INSIDE East Feliciana............4G West Feliciana...........2G St. Helena .................6G Sports .......................1H
Baker also attended the two-week training program in Texas before he could bring his partner back to Greensburg. Training included obedience, leash control and how to handle searching vehicles and buildings. The new K-9 team was made possible through the Universal K9 program. The program rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to sniff out contraband. Once they are trained, they are sold to law enforcement agencies at discount prices. Smith said he is glad to be back with his new partner and is ready to hit the streets to see what he can do. “Bubba was scheduled to be euthanized the day before he was rescued by the program. I am glad he was saved, and I look forward to him helping me on the streets,” Smith said. Sheriff Nat Williams said the new K-9 team is going to be a
resource for all agencies in the parish. “By use of their keen senses, they are able to sense what people cannot. Due to their keen sense of smell, sight, agility and other abilities, they are a very valuable tool in police work,” Williams said. “We are lucky to have them,” he said. Williams said the dogs were trained to detect various narcotics and explosives. By training them with actual narcotics and chemicals used in explosives, the dogs are able to smell the distinct odors given off from these items, he said. “The St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s department is committed to taking guns and drugs off of our streets, and these dogs are trained to find them and apprehend any individual that presents themselves as a threat to our community,” Williams said.
äSee JACKSON, page 1G
Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL
Founded in 1815, Jackson is poised to celebrate its 200th birthday Saturday, Founder’s Day, which marks the beginning of a year-long Bicentennial Bash. Residents and visitors from Jackson, other East Feliciana communities and St. Francisville are invited.
This timeline is summarized from Michael F. Howell’s book. APRIL 30, 1812: Louisiana becomes the 18th state. St. Francisville, the parish seat, was the only town in Feliciana Parish, which was one large parish at the time. 1812-14: The state Legislature, in order to satisfy locals and frustrated by the arduous journey to St. Francisville, passed and then repealed an act naming a different site for a parish seat. DEC. 1814: A bill to create a new seat of justice stalled when the Legislature in New Orleans was suspended due to war. JAN. 1815: A large contingent of men from Feliciana Parish fought under Gen. Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. JAN. 8, 1815: General Jackson and his troops defeated the British at Chalmette. JAN. 11, 1815: The Legislature approved the location of the new seat of justice for Feliciana. JAN. 31, 1815: A plan for Feliciana’s seat of justice to be in the exact center of the parish became law with the signature of the governor. No town name was mentioned in the act. APRIL 1815: On General Jackson’s return to Tennessee, he camped near Thompson Creek. BY 1816: A survey was completed and the new seat of justice was established at the exact center of Feliciana Parish on land owned by John Horton and James H. Ficklin, the latter of whom was a newly elected member of the Legislature. FEB. 1816: A donation of land, Publick Square, was given by Horton and Ficklin for the building of the new courthouse. MAY 20, 1816: The Police jury notified Judge Thomas Butler that the temporary courthouse (constructed on the site of the present-day Presbyterian Church on Bank Street) was completed. In this letter, the parish seat was not identified by name. JUNE 1816: The Feliciana Police Jury resolved that the name of the permanent seat of justice for Feliciana Parish be named Jackson.
Accountant: ‘It was a good year’ with surplus West Feliciana School Board receives audit, considers site cleanup for Pecan Grove
million, a decrease of $446,102 from 2013. Total net income for the year was more than $1.3 million, increasing the ST. FRANCISVILLE — Auditors presented total reserve fund balance to slightly a positive year-end report Wednesday more than $4.8 million. “It was a good year,” accountant to the West Feliciana Parish School Mike Schexnayder said at Tuesday’s Board for the 2013-14 fiscal year. The audit by Postlethwaite & Net- meeting. “You operated with a surplus terville indicates the School Board and you have a good strong fund balreceived $25.6 million in revenues, a ance.” He cautioned the board that, slight decrease of $69,188 from the like many others across the state, it previous year. Expenses were $24.2 will face some funding challenges in Special to The Advocate
the future. “It’s a good audit, there are no findings to report and no instances of noncompliance,” Schexnayder added. In an unrelated matter, West Feliciana Parish Director of Public Works Jim Ferguson, who is spearheading the cleanup of the old high school location on Pecan Grove, received permission from the board to begin negotiations with Baton Rouge-based Terracon for the project. He estimat-
ed the site could be cleared by the end of 2015 or early 2016. He said Parish President Kevin Couhig is working to relocate the Food Pantry and the Clothes Closet. Ferguson said if a contract can’t be reached with Terracon, two other firms would be next in line for negotiations. “This is just seeking the right to negotiate a contract with Terracon,” Ferguson said.
Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires
2G n Thursday, January 29, 2015 n n The Advocate
west feliciana Photos depicted by local artists for gallery exhibit West Feliciana photographer Darlene Reaves and her work are the focus of an art exhibit in St. Francisville. Twelve local artists selected one of Reaves’ photographs to paint. Their work is on display through March 27 at Backwoods Gallery, 11931 Ferdinand St.
Daffodil sale
The Friends of the West Feliciana Parish Library has a new fundraiser, a spring daffodil sale. The deadline for ordering the spring flowers is March 12. They will be delivered by March 18, in time for the an-
Stacy Gill
nual Audubon Pilgrimage. Fliers have been mailed to previous customers as well as to all Friends of the West Feliciana Parish Library members. Daffodil orders may be placed for pick-up at the library, 5114 Burnett Road, St.
Francisville. In the past, this was a local fundraiser by the American Cancer Society, but is now a fundraising effort by the Friends of the WFPL. To order or receive information about the fundraiser, call (225) 635-3364 or send an email through the library’s contact page at
‘Ice Garden’ discussion
Readers are invited to join a discussion about the novel “The Ice Garden” by author Moira Crone from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Feb. 5 at the West Feliciana Parish Library.
Crone, one of the featured authors in the upcoming “A Celebration of Literature & Art: Writers and Readers Symposium” on Feb. 21, will join the discussion via Skype in the library’s meeting room, 5114 Burnett Road, St. Francisville. Participants will be given discussion questions to consider as they read the book. For information, email Darlene Reaves at dayreaves@
Garden Tour Fridays
Rosedown State Historic Site, 12501 La. 10, St. Francisville, will present Garden Tour
Dawson alumni apply for grant Group seeks to revitalize building
Friday at 10 a.m. Feb. 6. A guided walking tour of the historic Rosedown Gardens and outbuildings awaits visitors. The program recurs the first Friday of each month.
Memory training techniques
The Felicianas chapter of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute will host a Felicianas coffee and speaker event Feb. 11 in St. Francisville. The coffee program with Ralph Schomburg is on memory training techniques. Schomburg obtained a bachelor of science degree in mathematics and a master of busi-
Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The St. Helena Echo is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588
BY STACY GILL What remains today of John S. Dawson High School is a nearly forgotten building overgrown with vegetation, its windows broken and hallways empty. Nearly forgotten, that is, if not for Dawson’s grandson, Ken Dawson, and about 100 others who are part of the John S. Dawson Alumni Association and Foundation, which formed about four years ago. Located on La. 66, about a mile from U.S. 61 north of St. Francisville, the old school building has become the focus of a revitalization project, according to Henry Hardy, president of the Association/ Foundation. John S. Dawson High School was named after John Sterling Dawson, 1871-1950, an AfricanAmerican educator who began his 58-year teaching career in the Laurel Hill community of West Feliciana Parish. The school was the first established institution to offer high school-level instruction to West Feliciana black youth and opened in 1951, said Ken Dawson, of the West Feliciana Parish African-American Heritage Task Force. In 1962, a 30-classroom building for younger students was constructed nearby and consolidated the parish’s numerous elementary schools at the time, Dawson said. Both schools were closed with the start of desegregation in 1969. “For the past four years, we’ve been meeting and working toward obtaining a grant for the express purposes of cleaning up and revitalizing this school,” Hardy said. But before the old school building can be touched, extensive cleanup must take place, including the removal of asbestos and any other hazardous materials that may exist at the site, Hardy said.
ness administration degree in finance from the University of Houston in 1968 and 1978, respectively. He started working at NASA Manned Spacecraft Center in 1967 as a cooperative education student trainee, and retired from civil service in 2003 as the assistant chief financial officer of NASA Johnson Space Center. The OLLI coffee will be at 10 a.m. in the multipurpose building at First Baptist Church St. Francisville, 12404 La. 10. The coordinator for this OLLI event is Sharon Lea. For information, call OLLI at LSU at (225) 578-6763.
USPS NO. 476-000
Reporter: Stephanie Warren, (985) 517-4869 or email P.O. Box 190, Greensburg, LA 70441 Need to talk to a reporter, place an obituary or wedding announcement, inquire about advertising or discuss newspaper delivery issues?
Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL
The former John S. Dawson High School building in West Feliciana Parish is the focus of a revitalization project by the John S. Dawson Alumni Association and Foundation. The school opened in 1951 and shut down in 1969. “Most schools built in the ’50s like that have asbestos,” Hardy said. According to the EPA’s brownfields program, the grants empower communities and other stakeholders in economic development to work together to prevent, assess, safely clean up and reuse brownfield sites. A brownfield site is property, expansion, redevelopment or reuse that may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants or other contaminants. The grants provide direct funding for clean-up activities at certain properties with planned green space, recreational or other nonprofit uses, according to the brownfields and land revitalization program. Copies of the revitalization project and brownfields grant proposals are available for review at the West Feliciana Parish Library in St. Francisville. The JSDAA/F meets at 11 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month at the town hall in St. Francisville, 11936 Ferdinand St. Hardy invites anyone who is interested in learning more to attend the next meeting, slated
for Feb. 14. Hardy said he received word from the EPA on Jan. 13 about the group’s proposal, which is now being considered for selection. “If we’re approved for the brownfields grant, then we will immediately move forward,” Henry said. “If we do not get the grant, then we will reapply until we are approved.”
Panels consisting of EPA staff and staff members from other federal agencies are evaluating the proposals to see how well each meets the criteria outlined. The EPA expects to select grant recipients in the spring. Since the JSDAA/F began, members have been hosting a fellowship banquet. The fourth banquet is scheduled for April in Baton Rouge.
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The Advocate n n Thursday, January 29, 2015 n 3G
Parish celebrates 20 years of Head Start BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
ST. FRANCISVILLE — Pamela Jones is a Head Start success story. In 2006, seeking information about parenting for her two daughters, she turned to Head Start in West Feliciana Parish’s Family Service Center. She’s been part of the program since. Jones told her family’s story to an audience Friday to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the parish’s Head Start program. Her daughters — Kelsey, a fifthgrader, and Shelly, a secondgrader — are honor roll students, and Jones credits Head Start. She and her husband have used Head Start services for her other children — second-grader Hillary, kindergartner Mallory and 8-month-old Aubrey — and Jones since has served on the advisory council and has worked as a paraprofessional with the program for the past four years. “I learned so much about parenting, and my girls are proof of that,� Jones said. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart.� Begun in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society� initiatives, Head Start provides federally funded programs on health, nutrition, education and family services for
WEST FELICIANA SHERIFF’S BOOKINGS The following people were booked into the West Feliciana Parish Prison by the West Feliciana Sheriff’s Office from Jan. 8-22.
left to center.
JAN. 8
HONEYCUTT, MICHAEL J.: 25, 5379 Rosedown Court, St. Francisville, speeding, second-offense driving while intoxicated, careless operation and possession of suboxone.
GERMAN, SHAWN L.: 35, 2544 N. Day Drive, Baker, bench warrant for probation violation.
JAN. 9
IRVINE, WESLEY C.: 25, 11208 N. La. 61, St. Francisville, aggravated assault and possession of firearm on premises of alcohol beverage outlet.
JAN. 14 Advocate photo by HOWARD ARCENEAUX
The Head Start class of 2015 begins a 20th anniversary celebration of the program in West Feliciana Parish on Friday with a song. eligible low-income families and their children. West Feliciana Parish offers free Head Start services through the Family Service Center for 3-year-olds, and other programs are available for children as young as 6 weeks old. Leading off the celebration, West Feliciana High School student Kelsey Scales, a member of the Head Start class of 2001, sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,� and Zaria Carr, class of 2004, recited her 2004 farewell speech from Head Start. After brief remarks from
Family Service Center Supervisor Bridget Plauche and Superintendent Hollis Milton, speakers included former Superintendent Jesse Perkins, who was instrumental in helping launch the program in 1994 “in four classrooms in Bains Lower, three for students and one for administration and storage.� Alvin Jones, the Louisiana Head Start Association president, praised the program. “What program gives young parents an opportunity to get an education? Tell me what program does that, and I’ll tell you
it’s Head Start,� he said. Kahree Wahid, with the Louisiana Head Start Collaborative Project, said that 47 years ago, he was in Head Start as a young student, and 20 years ago, he went through the program as a parent. He encouraged parents to take an active role in the early childhood education of their children. “Every one of them (children) is important,� Wahid said. “We need to give them an equal chance to be successful in life. Shame on us if we overlook any of them, because that one might be the one.�
PARKMAN III, NORMAN E.: 30, 9502 Mulberry Drive, Shreveport, bench warrant for secondoffense driving while intoxicated.
JAN. 16
HAYNES, NICCOLI T.: 63, 7158 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge, driving under the influence, careless operation and driving
ning a big lottery jackpot, among other things. He built a little cabin Special to The Advocate in West Feliciana, where he lives ST. FRANCISVILLE — Larry Willett with his fiancĂŠe and two dogs. He has a pretty simple bucket list of said he has been buying lottery tickets for different games twice things he wants to do in life. The 66-year-old St. Francisville a week since its inception. “Can’t complain for a dollar to resident was able to cross off an item when he won the $228,798 get that much money,â€? Willett Louisiana Lottery Easy 5 jackpot said. “And I say, ‘You can’t win if you don’t get a ticket.’ â€? prize in the Jan. 10 drawing. He purchased his ticket at Jett’s Retiring after a 39-year career with an oil company in Port Food Mart on U.S. 61. He learned Vincent, Willett’s list included about his winning numbers by moving to the country, building looking up the results on his home a cabin out of cypress and win- computer.
“After I won, I went into the convenience store where I bought the ticket, and I asked the young lady if they had any winners in the past week, and she said ‘no,’ and I said, ‘Are you sure about that?’ � Willett said with a laugh. “I just called the lottery office, and they told me what to do.� Willett said he doesn’t want attention “because it’s not like I won the big one (Powerball). But I did pretty well, and the state and federal governments did well, too.� He received a check for $160,159 after state and federal
tax withholdings. The store received a selling bonus of $2,288, 1 percent of the prize. Willett said he plans to use the money to do some work on his cabin and put the rest in savings. He doesn’t plan anything else too extravagant. “I’m a retiree, so it will carry me for a few more years,� he said. “I pretty much stay around the placeherebecausethere’senough things to do to keep me busy. I want to finish my bucket list and buildabarn,butIdon’thavemuch else I want.�
ANDERSON, OTEVIN K.: 21, 8765 Solitude Road, St. Francisville, possession of stolen things.
JAN. 21
JAN. 22
LEE, EVAN T.: 43, 5412 Blackmore Road, St. Francisville, parole violator, resisting arrest with violence or force, three counts public intimidation and unauthorized entry into an inhabited dwelling. LUCKETT, MICHAEL A.: 23, 8221 Birch St., New Orleans, video voyeurism and theft.
Litter abatement report for Jan. 5-15 150 bags of litter were collected.
! !
St. Francisville man claims Easy 5 jackpot BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX
JAN. 20
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4G n Thursday, January 29, 2015 n n The Advocate
east feliciana
Major motion picture to be filmed in Clinton BY STEPHANIE WARREN
Known for its scenic beauty and historic landmarks, Clinton has caught the attention of film industries for decades. Beginning in May, the East Feliciana Parish courthouse will be the setting for the major motion picture “The Free State of Jones,� starring Matthew McConaughey, casting director Brent Caballero said in a news release. “The Free State of Jones,� based on a true story, is set during the Civil War and tells the story of defiant Southern farmer Newt Knight and his armed rebellion against the Confederacy, according to the news release. Opposed to both slavery and Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN secession from the Union, The East Feliciana courthouse in Clinton will be the setting Knight, played by McCoof the movie ‘Free State of Jones.’ The movie is set to begin naughey, launched an uprisfilming in May. ing of poor white farmers that
led Jones County, Mississippi, antebellum and Victorian-de- asset to a movie such as this,� to secede from the Confeder- signed buildings is definitely an Bell said. acy, creating a “Free State of Jones.� Knight’s relationship and postwar marriage to a former slave, Rachel Knight, effectively established the region’s first mixed-race community, the release states. Caballero said they will be hiring locals for extras in the film. “We encourage locals to come out and be a part of this great thing for their community,� Caballero said. Anyone interested in being a part of the filming can email a submission to fsojcasting@ Submissions should include a current photograph. Clinton Mayor Lori Bell said the filming in Clinton will enhance tourism and bring revenue to the town. “Our town’s rich history of
4-H enrollment deadline approaching BY STACY GILL East Feliciana 4-H enrollment continues through Friday. If your child has not enrolled through his or her school, email East Feliciana Assistant Extension Agent Leanna Cupit for an enrollment card. The card and $5 in dues must be sent to the 4-H Office at LSU AgCenter’s Bob R. Jones-Idlewild Research Station, 4419 Idlewild Road, Clinton.
4-H Homeschool Club
East Feliciana 4-H Homeschool Club members will meet from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday at the 4-H Office in Clinton. For information, call East Feliciana Assistant Extension Agent Leanna Cupit at (225) 683-3101 or email
Gardeners, ‘bee friendly’
East Feliciana’s Betty Miley, of Maypop Hill Nursery in Norwood, urges gardeners and others to “bee friendly� by encouraging beneficial insects in the garden such as native ladybugs, bees, dragonflies, ant lions, lacewings, butterflies, praying mantises, fireflies, soldier beetles, assassin bugs and other useful insects to pollinate flowers, control pest insects and decompose matter and aerate soil. Author of “Geaux Native! in Your Louisiana Yard,� Miley specializes in sustainable land use, plants and flowers native to Louisiana and the Southeast as well as fruit and vegetable plants that grow well in the humid South.
Stacy Gill
11 a.m. WEDNESDAY: Bingo at 11 a.m. followed by cancer services. FEB. 5: Prayer devotional begins at 11:30 a.m. followed by blood pressure checks. FEB. 6: Arthritis movement exercise class starts at 11 a.m. Feliciana Family & Friends and Last of a Dying Breed riding club are set to host the 10th annual Clinton Mardi Gras Parade. The theme is “Masquerading in the Felicianas.� Beginning at 10 a.m. Feb. 7, the parade will roll through downtown Clinton. Diane Deaton, of WAFB, is the grand marshal. The deadline to enter is Feb. 4. For information, contact Shirley Flowers at (225) 615-5137; Mildred Worrell at (225) 9379410; Tracy King at (225) 9782406; or Tongia Sanders at (225) 719-0586.
Council on Aging
Lunch with Deborah Burst
The East Feliciana Council on Aging, 11102 Bank St., Clinton, provides services for cancer sufferers in the East Feliciana area by supplying nutritional drinks, bed pads, dental products and more. The cancer-related items are delivered monthly to the center. Activities, events, programs and services for the elderly in East Feliciana are provided weekdays. Contact the Council on Aging at (225) 683-9862 for information. FRIDAY: arthritis movement exercise class starts at 11 a.m. MONDAY: arthritis movement exercise class at 11 a.m. TUESDAY: Joe Littlejohn on the harmonica begins playing at
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to by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.
Clinton Mardi Gras Parade
Miley and her husband L.J. attend garden shows and plant society meetings throughout the year, selling some of their plants at the Clinton Market. Miley also cautions against the use of pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. She says they have decimated populations of European honey bees and our native bees. To learn more about Maypop Hill or to receive an occasional newsletter, email
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Eye on the Ball
Deborah Burst, author of “Louisiana’s Sacred Places: Churches, Cemeteries and Voodoo,� will be the guest of The Friends of the Clinton Library at a luncheon at noon Feb. 12 at Clinton Presbyterian Church, 11023 Bank St. Burst combines her love for art, history and architecture into a poetic trail of churches, cemeteries and voodoo ceremonies. A lunch of soup and salad will be served for a $5 donation to Friends of the Clinton Library. For information, email Faye Talbot at
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east feliciana
Provided photos
Finch and Wren, 14-week-old female sibling calicos, have been spayed, vaccinated and litter-trained indoors. The kittens were abandoned at 3 weeks and now spend most of their time indoors taking naps or running and playing throughout the house. FAWS prefers the two kittens are adopted as a pair.
Magoo, an 8-month-old labrador mix, has a semi-cropped tail and laid-back personality. He is neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and resides in foster care with other dogs and cats. He is house-trained, crate-trained and spends most of his time indoors.
East Feliciana pets available Advocate staff report The Feliciana Animal Welfare Society is an allvolunteer, nonprofit organization with a mission to prevent animal suffering and pet overpopulation in East Feliciana. FAWS is a network of foster homes for adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens primarily in Clinton, Ethel, Jackson, Norwood, Slaughter and Wilson. Foster parents are available for potential adopters to meet and adopt pets seven days a week. Adoption fees are $40 to $125 for canines and $40 for felines. To contact FAWS, call (225) 252-5138, visit or feliciana.fawsFacebook/FelicianaFaws, or email Donations can be sent to FAWS at P.O. Box 8633, Clinton, LA 70722. Available this week are:
Jolie is a 6-month-old female spaniel/terrier mix but resembles a mini-Labrador. She is perfect for someone looking for a small indoor/outdoor pet. Jolie is spayed, up-to-date on vaccinations and both house- and cratetrained. Jolie is playful, prefers being around children and teens but is sometimes skittish around strangers. Her adoption fee is $75.
EAST FELICIANA PARISH SHERIFF BOOKINGS The following people were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison from Jan. 10-14: ARD, AMBER: 23, 9745 Morris Road, St. Francisville, possession of stolen goods. BENNETT, MICHELLE: 36, La. 10, Clinton, suspended driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, no stop at stop sign. CHAMBERLAIN, CHARLES: 64,
13147 Gross Road, Clinton, indecent behavior with a juvenile. GALMON, DEANDRE: 27, 14034 Robertson Lane, unauthorized use a moveable. GREEN, PATRICK: address and age unknown, warrant. JIMEZ, JAMIE: 38, 2411 Tombs Drive, Jackson, warrants. PERRY, CHRISTOPHER: 34, 13022 La. 955, Ethel, domestic abuse battery. PAXTON, MISTY: 39, 5488 Old
Liberty Road, Clinton, disturbing the peace. SILES, DARON: 18, 1827 Derby Lane, Zachary, speeding. WILSON, JAMMEL: 28, address unknown, domestic abuse, criminal damage to property. WILSON, CYNTHIA: 54, 14365 Beaver Creek Road, Norwood, domestic abuse battery. WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY: 24, 9762 La. 19, Wilson, simple burglary, theft of firearms.
The Advocate n n Thursday, January 29, 2015 n 5G
Wal-Mart takes applications for coming Clinton store
Advocate staff photos by STEPHANIE WARREN
RIGHT: Clinton resident Dorothy Davis, left, said she was excited for the chance to apply for employment at the new Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market in Clinton. Wal-Mart support manager Allison Sanders assists with her application.
LEFT: Maketha Dunn, right, said she is glad the community will soon have a new place to shop. Wal-Mart assistant Deborah Williams assists with her application for employment at the new Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market on Plank Road in Clinton during a job fair at the town Hall Jan. 24. Wal-Mart associates said the new business is set to open April 1.
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6G n Thursday, January 29, 2015 n n The Advocate
st. helena
Pride equals self-destruction I must admit, at certain Pride is probably the deadliest disease known to mankind. levels of my life, I struggle with pride on a daily basis. I All of us know someone who can think of instances in suffers from pride. All my life where pride has of us suffer from it ourprevented me from adselves. Each generation vancing. I am sure evthat passes deals with eryone can think of inpride. Pride has no disstances just in the past criminatory characterfew days where pride istics. It can be found in seemed to take control both genders, all races and you just could not and every socioeconomONE ST. bear to take the humble ic class. HELENA road. But from personal The debilitating and JASPER experience, I am sure crippling effects of KNIGHTEN if a poll were taken, 100 pride can doom a perpercent of the survey son, relationship, business, government â&#x20AC;&#x201D; you name participants would agree that pride is self-destructive. it. Pride is self-destructive. Pride is arrogant. Pride says This self-destructive nature does not have to exist because take all for self and do not worry about the next guy. Pride pride begins and ends with says no one considers me, so each of us individually.
why should I consider anyone else? Pride only concerns itself with the present and puts the future on the back burner. Pride only considers oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own feelings and neglects the feelings of others. Fortunately, the fact you are reading this is a sign and opportunity for you to reverse course. If you struggle with pride, make a commitment this day to change. Each of us has lofty aspirations and dreams, but pride can be the one and fatal nail in our coffin of dreams if we do not learn to exemplify humility. Humility is the antibiotic for pride. Pride can destroy a family, friendship and community. It can even destroy a school
Echoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s From the Past Each week, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take a look back at photos published in The Echo. The feature photo for this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Echoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s From the Past is from the June 6, 1979, edition of the St. Helena Echo.
system. One of the greatest challenges in life is learning to blend the many different ideas and personalities of people into one big engine for growth. And no matter what arena of life we may be in, the opportunity to grow is always hampered by pride, whether by our own pride or by someone we know. Next time conflict arises, play close attention. Ten times out of 10, it is due to the pride of one or more individuals. Mature, well-rounded individuals do not let their egos and agendas get in the way of progress. Whether it be in a disagreement between husband and wife or a dispute among
congressmen, the absence of pride will greatly speed up the solution process. As well-rounded, respectable people, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not let pride be one of our characteristics. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s make a full-fledged effort to be different from times past. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s live above selfish agendas and arrogant attitudes. As the old clichĂŠ goes, your attitude determines your altitude. Pride never rises; it always sinks and sinks, and continues to sink. Do not become another statistic and victim of pride but rather a survivor. Your decision to live above pride will make this world that much greater. Contact Jasper Knighten at
Walk down memory lane The Advocate Extra will feature a photo each week from past editions of the St. Helena Echo. Be sure to get your copy and take a stroll down memory lane.
Community market time
The Community Market will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Courthouse Square in Greensburg. Go by and check out all the homemade goodies and unique products. There will be booths set up with a variety of items for the whole family. Food vendors will be set up for shoppers to get a meal while enjoying their outdoor shopping experience.
Stephanie Warren
ST. HELENA PARISH SENTENCINGS IN 21ST JDC The following people were sentenced in proceedings held in 21st Judicial District Court in St. Helena Parish. Judge Jeff Hughes issued the following sentences on Jan. 16: CORNISH, MARCUS: probation violation, sentenced to 90 days. FELDERS, ERVIN: probation violation, sentenced to 48 hours. PINES, CHRISTOPHER: probation violation, sentenced to 90 days. SMITH, CEDRIC: sentenced to two years with the Department of Corrections on charges of second-degree kidnapping and carjacking. SNOW, STEVEN: sentenced to three years with the Department of Corrections, suspended to three years probation on charges of theft of $1,500 or more.
ST. HELENA PARISH BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the St. Helena Parish Jail from Jan. 14-17:
Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or send email to swarren@
ETHERIDGE, DANIEL: 17, 120 Chance Lane, Grangeville, rape. POTTER, GAVIN: 20, 386 Higginsbottom Road, Pine Grove, theft of a vehicle. STRICKLAND, DANIELLE: 30, 34227 Weiss Road, Greensburg, driving while intoxicated, improper lane use, texting while driving. WELCH, BRANDON: 40, 18915 Magnolia Road, Amite, simple battery, disturbing the peace.
Sliced roasted turkey with gravy, smothered potatoes, green beans, whole-wheat bread, pineapple tidbits.
The original publication from 1979 reads: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mrs. Sybil D. Smith and her daughter, Connie Jean Smith, received special recognition from Dean Ralph Schmidt at the May 15 LSU graduation ceremonies for being the first mother and daughter to graduate together from LSU Mrs. Smith is a graduate from Greensburg High School, and Connie, a graduate of Silliman Institute. Mrs. Smith received her associates degree in criminal justice in May 1978, and she and her daughter received their bachelor of science degrees together this May. Both mother and daughter will continue their education as Mrs. Smith will be entering the Graduate School of Psychological Counseling this month, and Connie has been accepted to the LSU Law School and will begin her studies there in August. Mrs. Smith and Connie are the daughter and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Day, of Greensburg.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Barbecue bone-in chicken, baked beans, steamed cabbage, wholewheat bread, fresh apple. February menus not available.
The Capital Area Council on Aging menu is served in West Feliciana, East Feliciana and St. Helena parishes.
East Feliciana High School band and Whistle and Strings Continued from page 1G are scheduled; and free guided trolley tours and more will be featured throughout the day. Some seating will be available enjoy the day with us,â&#x20AC;? Salmon said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Help us create a worthy at Centenary for the program and concert, but visitors are Founderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day celebration.â&#x20AC;? Free admission will be grant- asked to bring lawn chairs. In ed to the Republic of West case of rain, the ceremony will Florida Historical Museum, be moved to Jackson United Greater Baton Rouge Model Methodist Church, 1727 SycaRailroaders exhibit and Cente- more St. For information, call Salmnary State Historic Site; parlor games, prizes, a family poker on at (225) 978-9687 or Sandy run and performances by the Smith at (225) 634-7777.
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Advocate staff file photo by BILL FEIG
The Feliciana Courthouse, above in 2003, built in 1816, served as the seat of justice for Feliciana Parish until 1824 when the parish was divided and the East Feliciana courts moved to Clinton.
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West Feliciana’s Ferguson ready to join LSU football
As national signing day rapidly approaches for college football teams, LSU coaches are in a mad scramble to solidify another top 20 recruiting class for 2015. One player whom coach Les Miles and his staff can count on being in that number on Feb. 4 is Jazz Ferguson, Ferguson West Feliciana’s 6-foot-5, 197-pound senior who is projected to play wide receiver for the Tigers. After helping to lead the Saints football team to the Class 3A semifinals this season, Ferguson and teammate Ryan Reed were finalists for the Warrick Dunn Award presented to the area’s top high school football player. Ferguson was named to the All-District and All-Metro teams and played in the Louisiana High School Coaches Association East-West AllStar game. He then joined Jason Norris’ West Feliciana basketball squad and leads the team with averages of 28 points and 12 rebounds per game as a starting center and power forward. “He’s a good athlete; he’s very blessed,” said Robb Odom, Ferguson’s football coach for four seasons. “We’ve had a lot of great athletes here, but Jazz is one of the best we’ve had.” Ferguson will graduate in May, and until then, he’ll
go to school.” Ferguson is one of Jackie Harris’ five children. His older brother, Jay, is a freshman at Louisiana Tech and, after taking the redshirt this EXTRA SPORTS season, will play defense, either end or linebacker. Their younger brother, 15-year-old HARCENEAUX@THEADVOCATE.COM R.J., also is a multisport competitor following in his older proudly be a Saint, wearing brothers’ footsteps. any uniform that’s in seaTo get ready for LSU, Ferson. During his high school guson said he’ll lift weights career, besides football, he’s and jog a couple times a excelled in basketball, track week besides competing for and baseball. the Saints. Then he’ll be off “I started the season shaky; to begin his college career, it took me a little while to where he plans to major in get back into it,” Ferguson business. said of joining the basketball “I had my official visit last squad. weekend, and I’m glad it’s Norris said the Saints are out of the way,” Ferguson a different team with Fersaid. “I’m looking forward guson in the lineup. While to starting summer school at they’ve struggled this season LSU.” with more losses than wins, Baseball fundraiser slated they have improved since Ferguson and fellow football A fundraiser to benefit the player Chris Taylor have West Feliciana High School joined the team. baseball team is scheduled “He’s the centerpiece for for Feb. 7 at The Bluffs us on offense and leads us in Resort Cottage at 7 p.m. A scoring and on defense; he ticket price of $50 includes plays the middle and blocks a buffet dinner, cash bar and shots,” Norris said of Fergu- silent auction. son. “He means a lot to us.” Sean Teague, a former LSU Ferguson will compete baseball player who was in the long jump and run a member of the 1996 Narelays for the track team tional Championship team, this spring, and he plans to is scheduled to be the guest squeeze every bit of competi- speaker. tion he can before taking his For information, call Shanathleticism to the next level. non Kirby at (225) 937-4308. “It’s meant a lot to me,” Ferguson said. “I played all Send Howard Arceneaux four years in football and sports news, photos and basketball and whatever I stats to harceneaux@ can. It’s been a great place to
Howard Arceneaux
Unlucky buck
James London, of Wilson, is seen with a buck he killed Jan. 18 in East Feliciana Parish.
Advocate staff report
Photo provided by JAMES LONDON
Wins, losses for East Feliciana Advocate staff report The District 6-2A East Feliciana High Lady Tigers defeated the Episcopal Lady Knights 52-31 on Jan. 12. On Jan. 16, the girls lost to Donaldsonville 53-62, but defeated Capitol 44-22 on Jan. 20. The Lady Tigers, coached by Donald Alsandor, are 12-7 overall. The East Feliciana boys basketball team lost to Episcopal 53-46 on Jan. 12. St. Michael High School defeated East Feliciana 55-72 on Jan. 14. The Tigers defeated Capitol 71-64 on Jan. 20. The Tigers, coached by Adrian Dunn, are 9-10 overall. Both East Feliciana teams will travel Saturday to play Dunham. The boys game starts at 5 p.m. and the girls play at 6 p.m. Both the boys and girls teams will travel to play Redemptorist on Feb. 3 and Capitol on Feb. 6.
James London, 49, of Wilson, took an 8-point buck during a morning hunt Jan. 18, the last day of rifle season in East Feliciana Parish. London was hunting in Wilson when the buck crossed his path. The buck weighed 225 pounds and its horns were 18 inches wide. London used his favorite rifle to take the buck — a Remington 308 Woods Master. Wilson said he’s been hunting trophy deer for about 20 years. “Anyone who knows me is aware that deer hunting is my passion,” London said.
St. Helena 4-H participates in Shooting Sports Day Advocate staff report St. Helena Parish 4-H members, in conjunction with 4-H groups in Washington and Tangipahoa parishes, held their annual Shooting Sports Day on Nov. 1 at the LSU Research Station in Franklinton. St. Helena had five youths participate in this event, said St. Helena 4-H extension agent Angela Myles. They learned about the safety of ATVs, archery, air rifles and other areas of Photo provided by ANGELA MYLES shooting, Myles St. Helena Parish 4-H member Kody Mur- said. ray, right, tests his skills on the target with Scott Wise.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
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East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
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(45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (355) AND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX (356) having the measurements and dimensions and being subject to the servitudes and dedications as set forth on said official plat.
effect as stated herein after its final passage approval, and publication as provided by law.
DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 800953-9884 GET THE WORD OUT! Use the Louisiana Press Association's Press Release Service to get your news out. We can send your release to 346 media outlets, both print and broadcast (or choose 115 newspapers or 231 broadcasters) in the State of Louisiana for one low price. Call Mike at LPA for info. 225344-9309. The LPA 2014 Directory is now available. Order yours now - THE source for info on Louisianaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newspapers as well as broadcast media in the state. Names, addresses, phone & fax numbers, demographics- itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all here. Call the LPA at 225344-9309 or 800-701-8753 to order. YOUR AD HERE! Place your classified ad in over 100 Louisiana newspapers, with a total circulation of more than 1 million for only $265. We also offer out of state placement. For information call Mike at The Louisiana Press Association 225-344-9309.
East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 â&#x20AC;&#x153;To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.â&#x20AC;&#x153; This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids marked "Sealed Bid" â&#x20AC;&#x201C; will be received by the Town of Clinton (herein referred to as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ownerâ&#x20AC;?) for Town of Clinton Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Phase I Office of Community Development â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Disaster Recovery Unit â&#x20AC;&#x201C; M u n i c i p a l i t i e s Infrastructure Program Hurricane Gustav & Ike for the construction of the project described as follows: This project involves the replacement of the existing four (4) Lift Stations, four (4) Aerators, and flowmeter at the Clinton WWTP Facultative Cell Proposals shall be addressed to Town of Clinton and delivered to the Town of Clinton Town Hall located at 11209 Bank Street, Clinton, Louisiana 70722 not later than 10:00 A.M. local time, on February 12, 2015. At which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the specified time and date will not be considered. Bids must be submitted on the proper bid form. Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope showing the name, address, and license number of the bidder. The information for Bidders, Form of Bid Proposal, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the Office of the Engineer for the contract, ShreadKuyrkendall and Associates, Inc. located at 13000 Justice Avenue, Suite 16, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816. Copies may be obtained at this office upon payment of $100.00 which amount constitutes the cost of reproduction. This deposit will be refunded upon request in accordance with R.S. 38:2212. Shipping is an additional cost not to be refunded. Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 10:00 A.M. on January 29, 2015 at the Town of Clinton, Town Hall. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statute.
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East Feliciana Public Notices
Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U.S. Department of Treasury Circular 570. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within forty-five
The Contractor shall begin mobilization and procurement of materials within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Attention to Bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract, Section 3, Segregated Facilities, Section 109, Executive Order 11246, and all applicable laws and regulations of the Federal government and State of Louisiana and bonding and insurance requirements. Participation by minority and/or female owned firms is encouraged. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Any person with disabilities requiring Special Accommodations must contact the Town Hall, Clinton, LA (225) 683-5531 no later than seven (7) days prior to bid openingâ&#x20AC;?. IN PARTICULAR, BIDDERS SHOULD NOTE THE REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS TO BE EXECUTED AND SUBMITTED WITHIN TEN DAYS OF THE BID OPENING. 5078688-jan 15-22-29-3t
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: One (1) certain lot or parcel of land, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, designated as Lot Number Twenty-Five (25) on a map dated April 22, 1968 prepared by Alex Theriot, C.E., entitled Subdivision Map No. 2 for Rush and Watson, Inc. of record as Registry No, 56783 in the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, Stale of Louisiana, Said Lot Number Twenty-Five (25) having the measurements and dimensions and being subject to the servitudes and dedications as set forth on said official map. Mortgagor and Mortgagee declare that the 1998 Southern Homes Mobile Home, model LS224, bearing VIN: DSL2AL29409 AD previously immobilized in Entry number 149102 of the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 8 DAY OF January, 2015. _________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5080912-jan 29-mar 5-2t
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: One certain lot or parcel of ground together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anyway appertaining to that subdivision known as RICHMOND PLACE, FIRST FILING, located in Section 18 and 41 of Township 3 South, Range 1 East, and Sections 104 and 105, Township 3 South, Range 1 West, in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana containing 2.38 acres and being more particularly shown and described as: LOT TWENTY-THREE-Y (23Y) According to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Map Showing the Resubdivision of Lot23 Richmond Place Subdivision First Filing, in Section 18 and 41 of Township 3 South, Range 1 East, and Sections 104 and 105, Township 3 South, Range 1 West, in east Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. For Lot 23-X W. E. Lindsay, Lot 23-Y Ervin Dugasâ&#x20AC;? by Toxie Craft, Registered Land Surveyor dated July 6, 1982, said survey recorded as Entry Number 97233 and having those measurements and being subject to those servitudes as shown on said map. There is located on the property herein described a 24 x 60 Manufactured home being described as a 1978 Model, with VIN- ALBU6782460S which is intended by the parties to be, and it shall so remain, permanently attached to the real property and as such subject to this mortgage as part to the immovable property. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 7 DAY OF January, 2015. ___________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5079259-jan 29-mar 5-2t
SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 14 DAY OF January, 2015. ___________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5081894-jan 29-mar 5-2t
NOTICE --ORDINANCE # AMENDING TOWN OF SLAUGHTER, LOUISIANA NATURAL GAS RATES AND FEES Whereas, natural gas price volatility has reached a level that present rate structure does not ensure Town of Slaughter Gas System adequate revenue to continue maintaining gas system in a safe and reliable manner as in the past; Whereas, present rate structure does not address effect of weather patterns on budgeted revenue for City Gas Fund; Whereas, Mayor and Council wishes to use best efforts to continue to provide its customers with a safe, reliable gas system while also providing them with energy costs at a competitive price; Be it ordained by the Board of Alderman of the Town of Slaughter the Mayor hereby adopt the following rate structure for its Natural Gas system:
I, Iren Fields, have been convicted of 14:80 Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile on Dec 8, 2014. My address is 4141 Kleinpeter Ln, Ethel LA, 70730. 5081063-jan 22-29-2t
Residential Monthly Availability Charge = $12.00 + CPI (No gas Included) Usage = All usage will be charged in increments of Hundred Cubic Feet (Ccf), using the following formula: Cost of Gas (Ccf) + $1.500 per Ccf + CPI (for all usage greater than 500 Ccf). *For gas usage between 0 and 500 Ccf there shall be a minimum charge of the Monthly Availability Charge as calculated above. Commercial Monthly Availability Charge = $14.00 + CPI (No gas Included)
I, Desmond Rened Webb have been convicted of 14:80 Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile in East Feliciana Parish. My address is 10390 Carolina St., Wilson, LA 70789. 5081302-jan 22-29-2t NOTICE OF SEIZURE --SHERIFF'S OFFICE NO: 43234 AMERICAN GATEWAY BANK VERSUS GLENN G. TRAHAN STATE OF LOUISIANA, TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2014 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE March 11, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) GLENN G. TRAHAN PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Two (2) certain lots or parcels of ground, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Parish of East Feliciana, Louisiana, in that subdivision thereof known as HIGHLAND LAKESHORE ESTATES, and being described on the official plat of said subdivision recorded in Survey Book A, page 398 of the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, as LOTS NUMBER THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (355) AND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX (356), said subdivision. Said
Usage = All usage will be charged in increments of Hundred Cubic Feet (Ccf), using the following formula: Cost of Gas (Ccf) + $1.500 per Ccf + CPI (for all usage greater than 500 Ccf). *For gas usage between 0 and 500 Ccf there shall be a minimum charge of the Monthly Availability Charge as calculated above. Note: all reconnect fees, shut off fees or any other fees not specifically addressed by Sections I & II of this Ordinance per the Town of Slaughter, Gas Rates & Fees will stay at the same rate as presently established. SECTION II: CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI): Annually the Gas system Availability charge & per unit margin for all nonnegotiated rate customers will be adjusted by using the most recent CPI as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPIU). CPI shall be computed annually on August 1 of every year by maintenance supervisor and automatically increase the availability charges and usage fees as outlined above. SECTION III: REPEALER: All ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION IV: SEVERABILITY: If any section, provision, or part of this ordinance shall be adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any section, provision, or part thereof, not adjudged invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION DATE:
The increase here shall be effective on Feb. 1, 2015 with the exception of the CPI component being calculated and effective on August 1, 2015 and annually every year thereafter. This ordinance shall be in
This ordinance having been submitted to a vote after a public hearing, moved by Aimee Bellue and seconded by LaTrell Cart, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: Bellue, Aaron, Cart, Schwartz, and St. Germain NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 0 The Ordinance was declared adopted on this, the 13th day of January, 2015, at the regular meeting of the Slaughter Town Council held at the Town Hall Building in Slaughter, Louisiana on January 13, 2015. /s/ Casey Barnett Casey Barnett Town of Slaughter Town Clerk /s/ Robert Jackson Robert Jackson, Mayor Town of Slaughter 5083979-jan 29-1t
East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 NOTICE --VILLAGE OF NORWOOD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR SESSION DECEMBER 11, 2014 The Mayor and Board of Aldermen met in regular session on Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Becky Bellue presiding. Aldermen Willie Duncan, Andy Jelks and Jimmy Reynolds were present. All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted. A motion was made by Ald. Jelks and seconded by Ald. Duncan approving the minutes of the November meeting. A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Duncan approving the financial statement for November and payment of the new bills for December. OLD BUSINESS:
NOTICE --ARTICLE _____ : Secs. 2015 Section ___________. Water Rates Be it ordained by the board of alderman of the Town of Slaughter after the required publications and notice of public hearing and after a public hearing having been open on January 13, 2015 at 6:15 at the Slaughter Town Hall, the alderman for the Town of Slaughter voted to a change in the water rates as follows: Sec. I-Water Rates The water rates for the municipality shall be as fixed from time to time. The rates may be higher or lower and may vary according to residential, small business, or commercial status. Sec. II- Water Rates change effective immediately. The water rates of the municipality, effectively immediately, shall be as follows: Residential Customer: The rate shall be 5.05 + CPI per 1000 gallons per month ( the rate) with a minimum charge of 15.60 + CPI per month. From 0 - 2000 gallons the customer will be charged the minimum charge of 15.60 + CPI per month. From 2,001 to 15,000 gallons the customer will be charged pursuant to the rate above. From 15,001 gallons and up, the customer will be charged 4.05 + CPI per 1000 gallons per month. Business Customer: The rate shall be 5.30 + CPI per 1000 gallons per month with a minimum charge of 40.50 + CPI per month. From 0 - 10,000 gallons the customer will be charged only the minimum charge as calculated above. Sec. III- Consumer Price Index (CPI) Annually the rate charge per 1000 gallons per month used and minimum charge of all Residential and Business customers shall be adjusted by adding the CPI [Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U)] as described in Section 11 above. The CPI shall be computed annually on August 1 of every year by the maintenance supervisor and automatically increase the base charge per 1000 gallons for residential and business customers and the minimum charge for residential and business customers. Public Hearing held on __1/13/2015 _____. After such Public Hearing, it was moved by Aimee Bellue and seconded by LaTrell Cart that this ordinance be adopted. Approved and adopted on 1/13/2015 by the following yea and nay voted on the roll call. Yeas: Bellue, Cart, Aaron, Schwartz, and St. Germain Nays: 0 Absent: 0 /s/ Robert Jackson Robert Jackson, Mayor Town of Slaughter /s/ Casey Barnett Casey Barnett Municipal Clerk 5083980-jan 29-1t
1. Police Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Police Chief James Nevels reminded everyone that Christmas with a Cop will be on 12/24/14 at 10:00 a.m. at the fire station. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been picking up donations from local businesses and we are very appreciative of the support that has been shown. Ald. Duncan asked if the officers were pleased with the body camera that that Officer Holden has been using on a trial basis. Officer Holden stated that he thought it was very sturdy, well made and would work fine. Ald. Jelks inquired about the status of replacing the Charger. Mayor Bellue said that we were waiting to hear whether we would be awarded the Pennington Grant. 2. Fire Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Fire Chief Jimmy Garig reported that the department had been very busy in November. They had a fire class for local children as well as a water shuttle. Garig thanked the officers for their assistance with the water shuttle as well as the citizens who helped to pass the fire renewal tax by 64% in Norwood. 3. Gas Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Jimmy Garig reported that the Gas District will be tying into the Texas Eastern Pipeline. 4. Maintenance Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mayor Bellue gave the monthly maintenance report. 5. Clerkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Town Clerk Jennie Jelks reminded everyone about the Reindeer Race on 12/13/2014 at 3:00 p.m. Ald. Willie Duncan agreed to participate in the race. A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Jelks to start issuing hunting and fishing licenses through LA Dept of Wildlife and Fisheries and also to accept Entergy and Verizon payments. Officer Holden brought up the security issue of taking cash payment. This will have to be reviewed before moving forward with accepting payments. A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Duncan to issue beer and liquor licenses to Jettâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Food Mart #1 when their paperwork is completed and their money is paid. 6. LGAP Grant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mayor Bellue reminded the Board that the LGAP grant application is due by 12/19/14 and she had recommended the purchase of a new tractor. Mayor Bellue got a price of $18,182 for a Mahindra tractor and $2,250 for a cutter. She also recognized Ald. Jelksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; request from the November meeting to resurface Thompson Creek Road. Ald. Reynolds said that he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t feel that we should spend any money on that road if Police Juror Louis Kent was promising to work on the road, even if the date is uncertain. A motion was made by Ald. Jelks to apply for $25,000 to resurface Thompson Creek Road. This motion failed for lack of a second. Some discussion was held about the age of the tractor currently in use and the maintenance schedule for the equipment. Mayor Bellue said that it was working well, but was always serviced annually and Shaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mechanic Service no longer had a wrecker to pick it up if something happened. Ald. Reynolds made a motion to apply for $25,000 to purchase a tractor and cutter and this motion failed for lack of a second. More discussion was held about how the most people could be served by the LGAP grant and where the worst parts of Thompson Creek Road are. A motion was made by Ald. Jelks and seconded by Ald. Duncan to apply for $25,000 for a LGAP grant to prep and resurface as much of Thompson Creek Road as possible inside the city limits. A motion was made by Ald. Duncan and seconded by Ald. Jelks accepting a resolution to this effect and allowing Mayor Bellue to
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sign the paperwork associated with this grant.
by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to approve the 2015 Budget. After brief discussion the motion passed unanimously.
NEW BUSINESS: 1. Gas District Appointment â&#x20AC;&#x201C; A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Duncan to appoint Jimmy Garig to the Gas District #1 Board for another term. 2. Citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Participation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; There was no citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation. There being no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Ald. Duncan and seconded by Ald. Jelks. ___________________ Rebecca G. Bellue Mayor ___________________ Jennifer R. Jelks Town Clerk 5084001-jan 29-1t
NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE The following ordinance has been introduced during the January 12th, 2015 regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson. The ordinance introduced shall amend the existing Alcoholic Beverages Law, Section 3.7, of the Town of Jackson ordinances. The ordinance to be amended is entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Alcoholic Beveragesâ&#x20AC;?. There will be a public hearing on this proposed ordinance amendment on February 9th, 2015 at 6:20 p.m. at the Jackson Fire Station. 5084132-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Clinton, LA Regular Meeting December 16, 2014 6:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 16 December, 2014, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Louis Kent, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Louis Kent and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Dwight Hill. The roll was called by the Parish Manager, Mr. John Rouchon and Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, and Mr. Ed Brooks were present. Mr. Jason McCray was absent. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to approve the agenda and move the visitors up. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Administrative ments:
â&#x20AC;˘ 2014 PJAL Convention will be held in New Orleans 29-31 January. Room reservations have been made. Packets will be ready at the 20 January meeting. â&#x20AC;˘ B a r r i e r e Construction has completed the overlay project and finished with an overage of less than 10%. Please see the attached sample of the positive comments we have received. â&#x20AC;˘ Cox cable is notifying the Police Jury of upcoming rate changes. â&#x20AC;˘ District Attorney Sam Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla would like to invite you to his annual holiday brunch which will be held 7:30 - 9:00, Friday 19 December at 11312 Spring Street, Clinton â&#x20AC;˘ Judge-elect Betsy Jones will be sworn-in 9:30, Friday, 19 December in the main court room at the Court House. Retiring Judge George â&#x20AC;&#x153;Halâ&#x20AC;? Ware will preside while the oath is administered by David Dart, Clerk of Court. The public is cordially invited, but space is limited. â&#x20AC;˘ IESI will be providing a complimentary meal for the Police Jury workers at 11:30, 23 December, following the luncheon the Public Works will close until 5 January for the holidays. An on-call list has been established and will be used as needed. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to approve the minutes of the 1 December 2014 regular meeting. This motion passed unanimously without comments. The SBA Towers case has been tentatively set for a hearing on 26 January but a counter offer is being considered by SBA. There is no update of the Fair Housing Complaint. A motion was made by Mr. Sean Smith, seconded
A motion was made by Mr. Sean Smith, seconded by Mr. Dennis Aucoin to reappoint Mr. Joe Howell to Water Works District Number 7 Board for a full term. This motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to advertise to fill one vacancy on the Gas District Number 2 Board. This motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to approve a Beer Permit for roadside Store. LLC. The motion passed unanimously without comments. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Dwight Hill to advertise to fill one vacancy on the Planning and Zoning Commission. This motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to adopt the resolution canvasing the returns of the 6 December elections. (See insert.) The motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Dennis Aucoin to adopt the ordinances providing for the continued levy and collection of the renewed Parish taxes. (See insert.) The motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to set a public hearing for the 20 January meeting to reduce the speed limit on Muse Lane. The motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. The motion passed unanimously without comments. Under Public Comment, Mr. Joe Howell introduced himself as the Presidentelect of the Chamber of Commerce and advised the Jury that the Chamber was making efforts to improve their web site and to actively pursue additional companies to establish domicile in East Feliciana. Mr. Archie Davis thanked the Jurors for their support of the Public Works Department in their efforts to improve service to Parish residents. Mr. John Craft extended an invitation to attend the first BRCC Machinist Course graduation. A motion was made by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. ________________ John J. Rouchon, Parish Manager/ Treasurer ________________ Louis Kent, Parish President 5084546-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Clinton, LA Regular Meeting January 5, 2015 6:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 5 January, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Louis Kent, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Julius Kennerson and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Keith Mills. The roll was called by the Parish Manager, Mr. John Rouchon and Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray were present. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to approve the agenda and move the visitors up. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Administrative ments:
Managed 16 funds, receiving over $8,307.00. Made 3,366 disbursements, totaling over $9,033,000.00 Overlayed nearly 33 miles of roads, while lowering the cash on hand by approximately $1M. Sold 1008 permits, totaling $127,915.00 which is about $1,000.00 more than expected. Replaced 22 culverts and completed 4 major bridge overhauls, without any extended closures. Purchased 3 major pieces
June Lazarus & Harold Auhman, Residents
The Advocate
Thursday, January 29, 2015
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Thursday, January 29, 2015 East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
of equipment. Successfully passed three tax renewals.
Mr. Louis Kent and seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to reappoint Ms. Lisa Brabham to the Audubon Regional Library Board for 5 years. This motion passed without comments.
B. Vice-President
A motion was made by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to approve the minutes of the 16 December 2014 regular meeting. This motion passed unanimously without comments. A court date has been set for SBA Towers if a settlement is not reached by January 26, 2015. There were no updates on the Housing Complaint. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp and seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to nominate Mr. Dennis Aucoin for President. A sub Motion was made by Mr. Jason McCray, seconded by Mr. Keith Mills to nominate Mr. Louis Kent for President. Voting for Sub motion was Mr. Jason McCray, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Dwight Hill and Mr. Louis Kent. Voting for main motion was Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Dennis Aucoin. Main Motion passed with comments. A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent to nominate Mr. Jason McCray. Mr. McCray declined the nomination. A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Dwight Hill to nominate Mr. Ed Brooks for Vice President. Voting for this motion was Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills and Mr. Ed Brooks. Voting against the motion was Mr. Louis Kent. This motion passed with comments. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Keith Mills to approve liquor permits for Fleinkens, Trabonas, Ready To Go and Dannyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s To Go. This motion passed unanimously without comments. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to accept the 2015 Building and Equipment Insurance Quote by Mr. Bill Dart, Dart Insurance. This motion passed with comments. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to reappoint Mr. John Rouchon as Parish Treasurer and Ms. Barbara Hebert as Parish Secretary. This motion passed with comments. A motion was made by
Mr. Dennis Aucoin, President appointed Mr. Larry Beauchamp as the Finance Chairman and Mr. Chris Hall and himself as committee members. He also appointed Mr. Ed Brooks as Chairman of Personnel and Mr. Sean Smith as committee member. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. Mr. Larry Beauchamp informed the Jury that the State of Louisiana is auctioning off a lot of vehicles if they are interested in updating any of our vehicles. There were no Public Comments. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. ________________ John "JR" Rouchon, Parish Manager/ ________________ Dennis Aucoin, Parish Jury President 5084550-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 6, 2015 January 5, 2015 PROPOSED AGENDA FOR EAST FELICIANA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015 5:00 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Election of Board Officers for 2-Year Term (January, 2015 thru December, 2016) A.President
The Advocate
4. Appointment Committees Chairpersons
East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 of and
* A. Finance B. Salary C. Policy Review * D. Insurance and Bid Opening E. Personnel F. A l t e r n a t i v e Education G. Building H. Technology * Critical Committee Appointments to be made at January 6, 2015 Reg. Bd. Mtg. 5. Approval of the minutes of December 2, 2014, regular meeting 6. Special Recognitions A. Edna Thomas, Director presentation on Employee of Month for January, 2015 7. Communications/Reports (1)Expression of sympathy to the Family of Mr. Melvin L. Hollins, Sr., respective Father and Father-In-Law of Mr. Melvin L. Hollins, Jr. and Mrs. Lorie Hollins, Teacher, EFMS, Grandfather of Board Member Melvin L. Hollins and Uncle of Board Member Broderick Brooks, Sr.; in his passing on Sunday, January 4, 2015 A.Sales Tax Collections Report B. S u p e r i n t e n d e n t ' s Report (1) Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. regarding e-rate 8. Old Business A. Announcement of LSBA 2015 Annual Conference scheduled for Shreveport, Louisiana on February 22nd thru 24th, 2015 {formerly 12/02/14 Reg. Bd. Mtg. Agenda Item 5.B.(3)} B. Announcement of NSBA 2015 Annual Conference sched-
uled for Nashville, Tennessee on March 21st thru 23rd, 2015 {formerly 12/02/14 Reg. Bd. Mtg. Agenda Item 5.B.(4)} 9. New Business A. Receive Audit Report prepared by Postlethwaite & Netterville APAC for Fiscal Year Ending 06/30/2014 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools at (225) 683-3040, describing the assistance that is necessary. There were present: School Board Members Derald Spears, Sr., Elizabeth Dawson, Melvin L. Hollins, Timothy Corcoran, Paul Kent, Mitchell Harrell, Michael Ray Bradford, Joyce A. Kent, Broderick Brooks, Sr., Rhonda Matthews, Richard Terrell and J. Curtis Jelks. Other Attendees: Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Irma Lee Bendily, Admn. Asst., Samuel Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla, District Attorney and David Dart, Clerk of Court, East Feliciana Parish. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent opened the meeting by noting a tradition in our school district of having the Clerk of Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office officiate to swear in and issue oaths of office to the new school board. He related that David Dart, Clerk of Court for East Feliciana Parish, is present and will perform this task. David Dart, Clerk of Court, in unison swore in and issued oaths of office to school board members with terms of office being January, 2014 through December, 2017. Dr. Lewis turned the floor over to Dr. Knight Roddy to open the meeting with prayer. Dr. Lewis with assistance from CES Principal Thelemelese Porter and CES Jr. BETA Members, lead reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison. The Parish School Board of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish for school purposes by Dr. Lewis announced the purposes of said meeting in accordance with the afore-
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East Feliciana Public Notices
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East Feliciana Public Notices
said written notice thereof. Dr. Lewis stated the Board was ready for transaction of business.
serve as Vice-President of the East Feliciana Parish School Board from January, 2015 through December, 2016.
Board Member Terrell, along with responses by Board President Bradford, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda.
Board Member P. Kent, along with responses by CPA LeJeune, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda.
Lewis with copies of their Audit Report for Fiscal Year ending 06/30/2014 and reviewed same.
Item 2. Dr. Lewis called for a motion to approve the above agenda. Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Miss Matthews to approve the above agenda. Dr. Lewis then asked for any public comment before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Dr. Lewis then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Item 3.A. Dr. Lewis announced that the floor was open for nominations for the Office of President of the East Feliciana Parish School Board to serve a two-year term of January, 2015 through December, 2016. Board Member Mitchell Harrell nominated Mr. Michael Ray Bradford to serve as President of the East Feliciana Parish School Board to serve a two-year term of January, 2015 through December, 2016. Seconded by Board Member Rhonda Matthews. Dr. Lewis called for any further nominations for Board President. Receiving none, Dr. Lewis related by a unanimous vote, Mr. Michael Ray Bradford will serve as Board President for a two-year term of January, 2015 through December, 2016. Dr. Lewis then turned the gavel and meeting over to Board President Michael Ray Bradford. Board President Bradford thanked Board Members for the nomination and their continued support. Item 3.B. Board President Bradford announced that the floor was open for nominations for the Office of Vice-President of the East Feliciana Parish School Board to serve January, 2015 through December, 2016. Board Member Elizabeth Dawson nominated Mr. Mitchell Harrell to serve as Vice-President of the East Feliciana Parish School Board from January, 2015 through December, 2016. Seconded by Member Paul Kent.
Substitute motion by Board Member Rhonda Matthews nominating Broderick Brooks, Sr. to
Seconded by Board Member Melvin Hollins. Board President Bradford called for any further nominations for Vice-President. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then called for a roll-call vote on the substitute motion of Broderick Brooks, Sr. to serve as Vice-President from January, 2015 through December, 2016, as follows: Yeas: Spears, Hollins, Brooks and Matthews Opposed: Dawson, Corcoran, P. Kent, Harrell, Bradford, J. Kent, Terrell and Jelks Abstained from voting: None Absent and not voting: None Board President Bradford announced by a majority vote of 8 to 4, the substitute motion failed. Board President Bradford then called for a roll-call vote on the original motion of Mitchell Harrell to serve as Vice-President from January, 2015 through December, 2016, as follows: Yeas: Dawson, Corcoran, P. Kent, Harrell, Bradford, J. Kent, Terrell and Jelks Opposed: Spears, Hollins, Brooks and Matthews Abstained from voting: None Absent and not voting: None Board President Bradford announced by a majority vote of 8 to 4, the original motion passed. Board President Bradford related Mr. Mitchell Harrell will serve as Vice-President from January, 2015 through December, 2016. Item 4.A. through 4.H. Board President Bradford appointed the committees and chairpersons, by keeping the Committees as they are and the New Board Members will take the place of the Old Board Members on whatever Committee they served on. He then said he will be available for any voluntary committee movement and will revisit committee assignments at the upcoming February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. After some discussion by
Item 5. Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Miss Matthews, to approve the minutes of December 2, 2014, regular meeting, for publication in the official journal. Board President Bradford then asked for any public comment before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Item 6. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Edna Thomas. Edna Thomas, Director presented as Employee of the Month of January, 2015 Mary Ann Newman, Literacy Intervention Specialist, Clinton Elementary. Miss Kim Cambre, Representative of Taylor & Sons presented Ms. Mary Ann Newman with an appreciation plaque and related items. Board President Bradford called for a photo opportunity with Dr. Lewis, Ms. Mary Ann Newman, Board Members Derald Spears, Sr., Timothy Corcoran, J. Curtis Jelks and Joyce A. Kent and Taylor & Sons Representative Kim Cambre. Item 7. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis noted expressions of sympathy on behalf of the Board to the Family of Mr. Melvin L. Hollins, Sr., respective Father and Father-In-Law of Mr. Melvin L. Hollins, Jr. and Mrs. Lorie Hollins, Teacher, EFHS, Grandfather of Board Member Melvin L. Hollins and Uncle of Board Member Broderick Brooks, Sr.; in his passing on Sunday, January 4, 2015. Board President Bradford requested a moment of silence. Amen. Item 7.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation on this item. Dr. Lewis related to Board Members present that the December, 2014 Sales Tax Report reflects collections at 5% of $544,141.83 and delinquent sales tax collections of $20,083.36. After some discussion by
Item 7.B.(1) B o a r d President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis announced a Bid Opening Committee Meeting being scheduled for Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. regarding e-rate. Items 8.A. and 8.B. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation.
After some discussion by Board Member Spears, Vice-President Harrell, Board Members Dawson and Terrell, along with responses by VicePresident Harrell, P&N C.P.A. Dorsa and F&W C.P.A. LeJeune, Dr. Roddy, and Dr. Lewis, Board President Bradford called for a motion to adopt the audit as presented. Motion by Mr. Kent, seconded by Mr. Terrell to adopt the audit report prepared by Postlethwaite & Netterville APAC for fiscal year ending 06/30/2014.
Dr. Lewis directed Board Members attention to Louisiana Schools Boards Association (LSBA) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA) dates and requested Board Members to check their schedules and fill out the appropriate form(s) located at their board seats so arrangements can be made for their attendance:
Board President Bradford then asked for any public comment before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried.
A. Announcement of LSBA 2015 Annual Conference scheduled for Shreveport, Louisiana on February 22nd thru 24th, 2015 {formerly 12/02/14 Reg. Bd. Mtg. Agenda Item 5.B.(3)}
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion for adjournment by Mr. Brooks seconded by Mr. Terrell, prevailed until the next regular meeting unless called into special session by the President.
B. Announcement of NSBA 2015 Annual Conference scheduled for Nashville, Tennessee on March 21st thru 23rd, 2015 {formerly 12/02/14 Reg. Bd. Mtg. Agenda Item 5.B.(4)}
After some discussion by Board Members P. Kent and Spears, along with responses by Board President Bradford and Dr. Lewis, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Item 9. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation. Dr. Lewis introduced to Board Members present Tommy LeJeune, C.P.A., Representative of Faulk & Winkler, which serves the Board as its external Business Manager. C.P.A. LeJeune turned the floor over to Tiffani Dorsa, C.P.A. with Postlethwaite & Netterville, APAC, which serves the Board as its external Auditor, for her presentation. Tiffani Dorsa, C.P.A. with Postlethwaite & Netterville APAC presented Board Members present and Dr.
NOTICE --The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson met in regular session on January 12, 2015. Present were Mayor Charles E. Coleman and Board of Trustee members Mike Harrell, Don Havard, Rafe Stewart and Jim Parker. Several visitors were also present. Mayor Coleman called the meeting to order and announced the agenda. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES PAYMENT OF BILLS FINANCIAL REPORT NEW BUSINESS 1. LIQUOR PERMITS 2. RICHIE BORDELON Old business 1. DIANNE JACKSON
Place your ad in our Real Estate Section today for one low price!
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The Advocate East Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
10285 2. JAMES GUILLOR/ speeding/loud music MAINTENANCE REPORT MAYOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Havard to accept the agenda as presented.
Motion by Mr. Havard, seconded by Mr. Stewart to accept the minutes from the December 1, 2014 special meeting and the previous regular meeting. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Havard, seconded by Mr. Harrell to pay bills presented. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Havard, seconded by Mr. Harrell to change the present ordinance to sell and serve liquor at restaurants to the same fees of permit charged by the State of Louisiana. The town attorney will draft and post the amendment for change of ordinance. Passed unanimously. Mrs. Dianne Jackson asked questions about several ongoing cleanup projects and expressed concerns of residences living without electricity in the town. Mr. James Guillory addressed the Mayor, Board and Chief of Police about loud music, loud mufflers and speeding in his subdivision. Motion by Mr. Harrell, seconded by Mr. Havard to adjourn. All in favor. CHARLES E. COLEMAN/ MAYOR HOLLI E. GILMORE/ SECRETARY-TREASURER (Attesting Mayor’s Signature) 5085329-jan 29-1t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 9895 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V542381, Solicitation No. 2258916 – Furniture Kits – Blanket Order 2015, Prison Enterprises, 02/12/2015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Interim Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5086068-jan 29-1t
I, Robert Matthews, DOC # 105253 have applied for clemency for my conviction of 2nd Degree Murder. If you have any comments, contact the Board of Pardons, P. O. Box 94304, Baton Rouge, La 70804 or call (225) 3425421. 5086174 Jan. 29, 2015
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
gested a letter was drawn up to Kevin Couhig explaining a timeline for clearing off the baseball field. Lee will meet with the Mayor and Jim after the first of the year and make that decision. A discussion ensued concerning the Women Service League who is working with the Library to move the skate park. The Women Service League will send a letter to the Hospital of their request.
Stewart, DPN, RM, and the CPE is out new Director of Nursing. Melissa who is a resident of West Feliciana Parish started Monday in this position. Melissa will bring to the job her experience from the administrative and academic field as well as her practical experience as Nurse Leader and educator.
We are applying to the Commission on Alcoholic Beverage Control of the State of Louisiana for a permit to sell beverages of high/ low alcoholic content at retail in the Parish of West Feliciana at the following address: Nibor, Inc. d/b/a/ Roban's 5051 Hwy. 61 South St. Francisville, LA 70775 Terry LaForge /Owner/ Operator 5084649 Jan. 29, 2015
Monday, November 17, 2014 at Four (4:00) o’clock p.m. pursuant to the provisions of the following written notice given to each and every member thereof and fully posted in the manner required by law, viz:
OLD BUSINESS Information Required for Formation of the Foundation 2 A discussion ensued concerning the formation of a Foundation for West Feliciana Parish Hospital. Lee informed the Board that several months ago what a proposed draft of articles would entail, stating that six items will have to be filled out. After a short discussion from previous meetings discussing there was no conclusion from the Board. Lee proceeded to inform the Board of recommendations to the answers could be. The process, if clarified tonight, will be to fill in the six answers pertaining to the members, have the Board approval, and then filled with the Secretary of State. After that we would have a Foundation. The next step after the Secretary of State has accredited, it would be then filed with the IRS for 501(C) 3 Status. The number of Board Members on the Board would only need to be enough to incorporate The Foundation after it’s approved; the Board members and number of members can be changed. A short discussion ensued concerning the benefits of becoming a Foundation. It was then moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Dr. Whatley authorizing Lee to take the next step for the formation of West Feliciana Parish Hospital Foundation. Motion carried. Organizational Structure for the Bluffs Substation Lee stated that at the last meeting, even though the price is higher, agreed to move ahead with the Bluffs Substation project. Lee and James Wood will work out some type of document as to the two parties will have flexibility to start the project and have enough time to work out the details of the arrangement so both can report back to their Boards. The document included in the folders was signed on Monday states they have not concluded the Hospital’s organizational structure. Lee proposed a long term structure whereby the Hospital would own the realty that it occupies in the building. A discussion ensued. It was then moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin to approve the organizational structure for the Hospital ownership portion of the building agreement as well as the occupancy sharing agreement and also authorizing Lee to move forward; the agreements will have to be brought to the Board at a later date. Motion carried.
Submission of Plans for Hospital Construction Architects have submitted the Hospital plans to the Fire Marshall’s Office and USDA. Approximately six to eight weeks is expected with USDA. The next step will be to get the bid process started. REPORTS Administrator’s Report Presented by Lee Chastant, CEO Community Awareness Campaign - As the final steps of the design phase of our Hospital construction takes place we are preparing to start a public awareness campaign to get the word out about our project. We have engaged TCI to help organize this project. Currently we envision the series of events to include the forming of a group similar to a “friends of” the Hospital group and have a social event in mid February to do a show and tell about the new Hospital. To produce a mailer to send to the community and potentially a public event where we will host an education program and invite the public. We will then organize a formal program for the groundbreaking at the start of the new construction. 4 Physician Offices Move – With the green light given from the Office of Public Health for the move to the old Health Unit building we will be working on a series of moves with members of our Medical Staff. We will be moving the operation out of the old Wound Care building now referred to as the WFPH Physician Offices. The physicians that currently operate in the third suite next to Dr. Pat will move to the Physician Office building and will include Dr. Nwabueze, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Hyde, and Dr. Davis. We will be updating the space before the Physicians move in. Dr. Pat will then expand into the third suite of the building she is currently in. The plans are to accomplish this by the middle of January. New Positions - Melissa
It was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Mitch Brashier to table until we have more information. Motion passed. Building Report Road Construction Road construction should begin on or before January 19, 2015. Contracts signed. Civil engineers re-worked the layout of the pond. The parking lot to accommodate the construction has been made at the Hospital. The power was moved for the MRI. Melvin Harvey sug-
PERSONNEL REPORT (In Folder) FINANCIAL REPORT Presented by Linda Harvey, CFO Linda gave an update/report on Hospital Statistics, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet (compared to a year ago), Physicians Offices, Physical Therapy, Emergency Medical Services, and Hospital Revenue per Physicians, Cash Investments, Bottom Line, and the Check Register.
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014. The Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, met in special session on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana on
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a special meeting of the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, has been ordered and called and will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 at Four (4:00) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
3) Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance 4) Rules of Meeting Order
It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to enter back into the regular meeting at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried _______________ Melvin Harvey, Secretary _______________ Leonard Sullivan, Chairman 5084556-jan 29-1t
See our ads online:
The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 1 December, 2014, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Louis Kent, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Julius Kennerson and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Keith Mills. The roll was called by the Parish Secretary, Ms. Barbara Hebert and Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray were present. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to approve the agenda and move the visitors up. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Administrative comments: Early voting closed with 1444 ballots cast and absentee voting is expected to reach approximately 300. If you haven’t yet voted, poles will be open 7:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m. on 6 December. Please continue to talk up the 4 tax RENEWALS. The parish now has a face book page that seems to be helping to get the word out to the younger voters. Chamber of Commerce Christmas Party will be held Thursday, 6:00, 11 December at the Highland Bank, Jackson. 2014 PJAL Convention will be held in New Orleans 29-31 January. Room reservations have been made. Spouse/Guest fee is up this year to $150.00 and must be paid by 16 December meeting. Please confirm by Wednesday this week if you plan on paying for a guest/spouse. Carruth Road overlay will start tomorrow. It is expected to take three days and then Barriere will move to Rist Rad and then to Hurst Lane. Council on Aging has kicked off their Adopt-An-Elderly program. The annual cost is $1,800.00, but all donations will help and be greatly appreciated. Public Works will close 24 December and not reopen until 5 January (2 extra days either vacation or LWOP) for the Christmas Holidays. AN on call list has been established and will be used as needed. Ms. Ann Jones, member of Our Courthouse LLC introduced the Chairman Mr. Leslie Ligon and together they presented to the Jury an award on behalf of the National Trust of Historic Preservation for the work performed on the Parish Court House. The Court House has received three awards, one national and two state. A motion was made by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to adopt a resolution commending the following: Irene Pennington Foundation, Facility Planning, John Miller and Associates for the funding and work performed on the Court House. This motion passed unanimously with comments. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to approve the minutes of the 18 November 2014 regular meeting. This motion passed unanimously without comments. There were no updates on the SBA Towers or the Fair Housing Complaint. A motion was made by Mr. Sean Smith, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to approve the proposed holidays for 2015: Month
NEW BUSINESS Disclosure 2014
Mr. Sullivan explained to the Board Members the significance of filling out the enclosed Disclosure Statement. It is also a Joint Commission requirement.
meeting on
Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on 2014 . Full reading and passage
January 20, 2015
Lee explained that he would like to eliminate the Director’s position at IOP and replace it with two different positions, Behavioral Health Therapist Supervisor and Nursing Supervisor. Job descriptions were enclosed in Board package. One of these positions will be over Clinical and the other will be over Therapy. Lee then stated that Erin Kemp and LaTosha Williams will be putting in for these positions, both are qualified and seeking higher education and both are doing a good job. Lee also stated that this would not interfere with the contract between LifePhases which is scheduled for renewal on January 31st.
Moved for adoption by Lambert .
Mel Percy
Cheryl Franklin was Nay. Cheryl then explained to all present that she felt that there was not enough clarification as to why we couldn’t keep a Director in that position. She doesn’t have a clear or satisfied feeling pertain to the whole program and the Director’s position in the middle and cannot get the answers needed. Cheryl then stated it is not ok then she cannot go along with it. She stated to the two employees present from IOP that her deci-
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Election Day
Veterans Day
26, 27
24, 25
New Year’s Eve
5 & 20
2 & 18 (Wednesday)
2 & 17
6 & 21
4 & 19
1 & 16
6 & 21
3 & 18
1(Tuesday) & 15
5 & 20
2 & 17
7 & 15
This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to adopt the following resolution:
Change Organization Structure of IOP
It was then moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Mitch Brashier to create these two positions and eliminating the Director’s Position at IOP. Motion carried.
Mardi Gras
These divisions shall become effective as of July 1, 2015 and these and all other precincts not hereby amended remain in force as allowed by provisions of the West Feliciana Home Rule Charter and Louisiana State law. Heather R. Howle
Martin Luther King, Jr.
A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to approve the proposed meeting dates for 2015:
Introduced by: 15, 2014 .
This motion passed unanimously with comment.
01-01A 01-01B 02-01C 02-01D 03-02A 03-02B 03-03C 04-03A 05-01A 05-02A 06-02A 07-01A 07-01B 07-02C 07-02D 07-02E 07-02F
Occasion New Year’s Day
1 It was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Cheryl Franklin to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.
03-03A 04-03 05-01 05-02 06-02 07-01
Leonard Sullivan called roll. Four out seven members present declaring a quorum. Three members arriving after the start of the meeting.
The Chair stated that the meeting would be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order with deviations as necessary and asked those who wish to speak on an agenda item to complete
Mike Hefner, Consultant, Geographic Planning & Demographic Services was in attendance and began by stating that this public hearing is the first in a series of meetings to develop a four single member and one at large redistricting plan according to the Home Rule Charter (HRC). Mr. Hefner began with a review of Plan 2 which was an evolution of Cedric Floyd’s earlier plans. He then defined deviation which means how much above or below the ideal value which is 2,623 people per district. He continued to work the numbers to
East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Clinton, LA Regular Meeting December 1, 2014 6:00 P.M.
5084892-jan 29-feb 5-2t
02-01A 02-01B 03-02
The invocation was given by Raymond Minor.
1. CALL TO ORDER The Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish by
6.i. Discussion by the Council and the public to develop a four (4) single member and one (1) at large redistricting plan in accordance with the Home Rule Charter
5 It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to enter into Executive Session to discuss Personnel Issues for thirty minutes at 5:50 p.m. Motion carried.
By: /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary
6. PUBLIC HEARING Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert, the Council entered into public hearing.
Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 5:00 p.m.
Those who liked joined in the saying of the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
2) Roll Call
The West Feliciana Parish Council hereby ordains: The following precincts are hereby divided and amended in their descriptions to provide for the creation of whole precincts necessary for the implementation of the West Feliciana Council Plan 2A with said descriptions being detailed Exhibit A, Precinct Division Written Descriptions:
The meeting is open to the public.
1) Call to Order (Please place cell phone on silent or vibrate.)
OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Chastant, CEO, Linda Harvey, CFO, Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant, Peter Hampton, Facilities Manager
OTHER(S): Parish President, Kevin Couhig and the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Michael L. Hughes
7) Adjournment
ii. Take action deemed necessary
West Feliciana Public Notices the public comment form and turn them in to the Secretary.
i. Discussion by the Council and the public to develop a four (4) single member and one (1) at large redistricting plan in accordance with the Home Rule Charter
PRESENT: Hon. Heather R. Howle and Council members Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young [arrived at 4:13 p.m.], Merrick R. Lambert, John S. Kean, IV and Otis L. Wilson
6) Public Hearing:
the Hon. Heather R. Howle, Council Chair.
Mr. Sullivan stated that he would like to have an Executive Session to discuss Personnel issues.
DOLESE BROS. Co. has applied for a Department of Army permit to expand operations at an existing sand and gravel mine in Saint Helena Parish. For information on the project, visit http:// PublicNotices.aspx, then click on the permit application number: MVN-2006-2471-CQ. If you do not have internet access, contact THOMAS A. DUPUIS, DOLESE BROS. Co., (405) 235-2311 to obtain a copy of the public notice.
divided into
5) Approval of agenda items for consideration and action
Thursday, January 29, 2015
November 10, 2014 St. Francisville, Louisiana
MEMBERS PRESENT: Leonard Sullivan, Chairman, Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman, Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary, Kevin Bearden, Raymond Minor, Mitch Brashier, Dr. Adam Whatley
West Feliciana Public Notices
and Public Comment Requests
MidFirst Proposal for Construction Project Funding 3
Angel Nobel, RN, BSN, has accepted the Utilization Review Position on a permanent basis. Angel, who has worked in that position on an interim basis and has worked in various roles with the hospital for over six years, is also a West Feliciana Parish resident. West Feliciana Public Notices
sion had nothing to do with either of them that they have help hold the program together.
Passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman presented the minutes from the special meeting on December, 1, 2014 and minutes from the previous regular meeting.
West Feliciana Public Notices
November 27,
WHEREAS, The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury desires to provide satisfactory parks, public facilities and roadways throughout the Parish which will benefit the citizens of East Feliciana Parish.
. Seconded by
Merrick “Ricky”
Mel Percy, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV. and Heather R. Howle
Ms. Lea Reid Williams, Melvin Young and Otis L. Wilson
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury that this public body endorses and supports the project to purchase equipment for the purpose of improving and maintaining the roads, parks and public properties in East Feliciana Parish. NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury that a copy of this resolution shall be provided favorable consideration to the request for grant assistance by the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting with a quorum present and voting on the 1st day of December, 2014. This motion passed unanimously with comments. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. This motion passed unanimously without comments.
ATTEST: /s/Heather R. Howle
A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Dennis Aucoin to set the Coroners salary at $30,000.00 per year plus fees and benefits, to pay for the office and office supplies, and to furnish an automobile and fuel cards. A Sub Motion was offered by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to keep the same agreement the Jury had with previous Coroners. Sub Motion failed due to lack of a second. Voting for main motion was Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray. Mr. Larry Beauchamp voted against main motion. The main motion passed with comments. Mr. Bud Weigand, Office of Homeland Security Director read a letter he had written to the Jurors explaining the money he has saved the jury and asking that money be budgeted for his office in case it is needed. There were no Public Comments. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Keith Mills to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Barbara Hebert, Parish Secretary 5084588-jan 29-1t
Louis Kent, Police Jury President
Thursday, January 29, 2015 West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
The Advocate
West Feliciana Public Notices
improve the deviations and maintain two minority districts in proportion to the Parish White/Black demographic ratio.
offered a motion to end the public hearing and return to regular session. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. There were no objections. Motion carried.
We, the undersigned, are aware of the proposed Parkview Estates development, a “Major Subdivision” (“the proposed development”), which Mr. James Tucker, Jr. has submitted to the West Feliciana Parish Zoning and Planning Board for approval. We are familiar with the character and value of the property and the adjacent and surrounding areas.
He stated that although the Parish recently merged and/or consolidated precincts, it will likely be necessary to do so again in the future to keep the cost of elections low. Discussion by the Council continued and public comments were allowed. The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Wilson, ended the public hearing and returned to special session. 5. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION The Council, on motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert approved the agenda items for consideration and action. 6.ii. Take action deemed necessary Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert, the Council set the next two public hearings for December 1st, at 5:30 p.m. and December 15th, at 4 p.m. in this meeting room for the purpose of developing a four single member and one at large redistricting plan. 7. ADJOURNMENT At 5:21 p.m., upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Kean, the Council stood adjourned to meet in regular session on Monday, November 17, 2014 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Mr. Kean made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2014 - November 17 – 1. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Upon a roll call vote, Williams, Percy, Kean, Wilson, and Howle casted favorable votes. Casting the only dissenting vote was Young. Lambert abstained. Motion passed 5-1-1. [The Ordinance in its entirety was published in the November 27th & December 4th editions of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra] 8.B. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE(S) TO AMEND THE WEST FELICIANA PLAINNING & ZONING ORDINANCE i. Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, Section II, Part (B)(1)(C) The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance in its entirety and a brief discussion followed. ii. Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, Section V
iv. Review Recommendation from P&Z Commission
The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance in its entirety and a brief discussion followed.
Motion by McKINNEY, seconded by SCOTT
iii. Article V, Section 2, Part 4, (B), (C) and (D) The Council Chair noted that this particular ordinance was tabled by Planning and Zoning (P&Z) Commission. The Administrator then asked that introduction be deferred by the Council until a recommendation is provided. iv. Set date and time of public hearing
/s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary
Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Wilson, the Council set the date and time of the public hearing for the regular meeting of December 15th, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in this meeting room for items 8.B.i. and 8.B.ii.
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2014. The Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its regular meeting place, the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana on Monday, November 17, 2014 at FiveThirty (5:30) p.m. Chairperson Heather R. Howle called the meeting to order and directed the Secretary, Rolanda J. Robinson to call the roll: PRESENT: Hon. Chair Heather R. Howle and Council Members Ms. Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV and Otis L. Wilson. ABSENT: None. OTHERS: Parish President, Kevin Couhig, District Attorney (DA) Sam D’Aquilla and Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Michael L. Hughes. 3. PRAYER & PLEDGE Those who liked joined in the saying of the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. RULES OF MEETING ORDER The Chair stated that the meeting would be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise noted. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT REQUESTS – SUBMITTAL OF FORMS The Chair asked those who wanted to make comments on a specific agenda item to please fill out the form and turn them in so they will be recognized at the proper time. She asked that during the course of the meeting should anyone wish to speak, please raise your hand and be recognized before approaching the podium. She further noted that conversation in the audience and blurting out comments will not be tolerated. 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION Mr. Percy made a motion to approve the agenda items for consideration and action. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Discussion ensued regarding the wording of agenda items. The ADA suggested that item 8.E. read, “Discuss proposals to amend the Home Rule Charter.” Mr. Percy accepted the ADA’s suggestion and restated the motion. Seconded by Mr. Kean. There were no objections. Motion carried. Mr. Young questioned the language of agenda item 8.D. which he requested to read, “To revert to a seven district Police Jury system.” Seconded by Mr. Kean. Discussion ensued. Mr. Percy opposed. The ADA asked if the item is an addition to the agenda which requires a unanimous vote. He then asked what did he [Mr. Young] say in his request which the Council Secretary read aloud. The ADA stated that in fact item 8.E. does cover that and that’s broad enough to cover exactly what Mr. Young wants to do. No further action was taken and the Chair stated the item would be taken up under item 8.E. Mr. Percy made a motion to approve the amended agenda as noted above. Seconded by Mr. Kean. There was no objection. Motion passed. 7. APPROVAL OF PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES The Chair presented the minutes of the regular meetings of September 15th & October 20th, 2014 for approval by the Council. Ms. Williams stated that there were grammatical and typographical errors and would like those corrected before approval. No errors were identified for correction; therefore, Mr. Percy made a motion to table the approval of the minutes of September 15th & October 20th, 2014. Seconded by Mr. Kean. There were no objections. Motion carried. The Chair then asked the Council if errors are identified in the minutes to submit them to the Council Secretary prior to the meeting. 8. PUBLIC HEARING 8.A. ADOPT AND/OR MAKE CHANGES TO ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR FY 2014-2015 FOR LEGAL EXPENSES REGARDING THE LAMBERT LAWSUIT At 5:43 p.m., Mr. Percy offered a motion to enter into public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Kean. There were no objections. Motion carried. The Chair read aloud the ordinance to amend the operating budget for FY 2014-2015 for legal expenses regarding the Lambert Lawsuit. Discussion ensued briefly, public comments were allowed and no amendments were proposed by the Council. [A summary of the ordinance was published in the October 30th, & November 6th, 2014 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra.] At 6:37 p.m. Mr. Percy
NOTE: THE PETITION IN ITS ENTIRETY IS APART OF THE APPLICANT’S FILE AND CAN BE INSPECTED UPON REQUEST. At 8:13 p.m., the Council, upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Wilson exited public hearing and returned to regular session. There was no objection. Motion carried.
/s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson
5085155-jan 29-1t
We object to the proposed development on the grounds that it will not conform to the character of the surrounding area and will otherwise decrease the value of adjacent and surrounding properties, and for other reasons specifically set forth below:
8.C. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET JULY 1, 2014 THRU JUNE 30, 2015 FOR PARKS & RECREATION The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance in its entirety and a brief discussion followed. i. Set date and time of public hearing Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Wilson, the Council set the date and time of the public hearing for the regular meeting of December 15th, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in this meeting room for item 8.C. 8.D. DISCUSS OPTIONS TO PLACE A PROPOSITION ON THE SPRING 2015 BALLOT TO MAINTAIN CURRENT DISTRICTS The Chair read aloud the recommendation as submitted by Councilperson Young. Public comments were allowed and made by members of the audience during the public hearing. 8.E. DISCUSS PROPOSALS TO AMEND THE HOME RULE CHARTER The Parish President presented possible clarification amendments and a few others. The Council held a brief discussion along with input from the ADA. 8.F. TAKE ACTION DEEMED NECESSARY Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Wilson, the Council set the date for a special meeting on November 24th, 5:30 p.m. in the meeting room for the purpose of discussing amendments to the Home Rule Charter. 9. COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE ACTION NEW BUSINESS 9.A. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION i. Public Hearing At 6:41 p.m., Mr. Wilson offered a motion to enter into public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Percy. There was no objection. Motion carried. ii. Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem The Administrator presented the Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem Estates for Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 89, 92-99. He then identified an error on the Final Plat which will be corrected by the surveyor. Ms. Williams noted her concerns on the private roads and the understanding of what the private road would be. That it already met the standard and could be a public road and the parish would provide the upkeep of the road. Mr. Lambert noted that if we do approve this, we are doing it (or at least it’s my understanding) in reliance that it does meet all of the ordinances, that nothing that we might do here because it’s on this plat would create any type of a waiver or variance or anything else. In other words that it absolutely has to follow the ordinances. Mr. Oliveaux noted that we [the Fire District] have no intention of our primary response path being out of the back through the subdivision. He further stated there is an agreement in the works or being finalized with Ms. London who would have to clarify that, where she’s giving us [the Fire District] a portion of the property that is adjacent to the property that site where Water District #2 used to use as a well site which has been abandoned. Mr. Ferguson responded to Mr. Young’s concerns regarding garbage trucks and buses travelling down private roads iii. Preliminary Plan of Parkview Estates The Administrator, Jim Ferguson presented additional handouts for review by the Council and reiterated the recommendation from P&Z for a conditional approval as noted below. Mr. Lambert noted that he has indication that when P&Z took this action back then, that they did exactly what’s reflected in our books. That they intended it to be a minimum of 125 at the lot line in the front and allowed it to stay at 150 at the building line to accommodate pie lots. The engineer, Greg Ferris presented handouts to the Council then spoke on behalf of the developers, gave an overview of the development and answered questions posed to him by the Council and the audience throughout the public hearing. Developer, Courtney Tucker was in attendance. She gave an overview of the property and stated that they want to be good neighbors and all their intentions are good. Public comments from those wishing to speak on this particular item whether in opposition or in favor were allowed and made during the public hearing. Resident, Jeffrey Coreil presented a copy of a petition with over 100 signatures to the Council which reads: PETITION TO DENY APPROVAL FOR THE PROPOSED PARKVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISION
Motion to recommend that the West Feliciana Parish Council APPROVE the PRIVATE FINAL PHASE I PLAT PLAN OF NEW JERUSALEM (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 89, 92-99) located in Section 102, T3S, R2W GLD West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. After being put to a vote, the motion carried unanimously as follows: AYES: GODKE, GOODEN, MCKINNEY, NEWKIRK, SCOTT AND WOOD NAYES: NONE ABSENT: ROGERS Motion by WOOD, seconded by SCOTT Motion to recommend a conditional APPROVAL of the PRELIMINARY PLAN OF PARKVIEW ESTATES contingent upon the Parish Council granting a community sewer waiver. After being put to a vote, the motion carried unanimously as follows: AYES: GOODEN, MCKINNEY, NEWKIRK, SCOTT AND WOOD NAYES: NONE ABSENT: ROGERS v. Take action
Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept the recommendation from Planning & Zoning Commission to approve the Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem. Seconded by Mr. Percy. A roll call vote was taken and the Council unanimously approved the Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem. Discussion by the Council and additional public comments were allowed by the Chair prior to Council action on the next agenda item. Ms. Williams noted that she also got the email blast that our Parish President sent out. He stated that if we can not get this type development in our parish … that was sent with a sign that said open for business. I [she] don’t think this was appropriate to send out. You [Mr. Couhig] may think that it’s appropriate but right before you got a whole group of appointed P&Z officials to this type of thing … and I [she] understand and what all of them most spoke about is … a lot of the members of P&Z spoke on the importance of economic development. This just seemed … rather political grandstanding. Mr. Percy made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plan of Parkview Estates with the waiver of the sewer. Mr. Young made a substitute motion to approve the Preliminary Plan of Parkview Estates with the waiver and contingent upon DHH approval. The Administrator interjected that it can’t happen unless you have a Preliminary Plan approval. The intent is good but it’s putting the cart before the horse. Ms. Williams offered a substitute motion to send it back to P&Z with the requirement that they follow the requirements of the sewer treatment facility; all the ordinances; to investigate the lot width at building line of 150’ requirement as stated by Mr. Lambert; what they’re going to do with that area that’s now been stated as common zone [area] be included in the Preliminary Plan and look into other alternatives to connecting to the community sewer system. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Discussion by the Council that P&Z also look at the 125’ and 150’ lot width requirements. The Administrator responded that the difference in the requirement is approximately 100’. The substitute motion was restated and additional items were added to the original motion. Upon a roll call vote, Kean, Lambert, Young and Williams voted in favor of the motion. Casting dissenting votes were Wilson, Percy and Howle. Motion passed 4-3. 12. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Percy made a motion to table the remaining items on the agenda until the special meeting of November 24, 2014. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. There was no objection. Motion carried. At 9:05 p.m., upon a motion by Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Wilson the Council stood adjourned until the special meeting of November 24, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary 5085157-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014. The Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, met in special session on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana on Monday, November 24, 2014 at Five-Thirty (5:30) o’clock p.m. pursuant to the provisions of the following written notice given to each and every member thereof and fully posted in the manner required by law, viz: November 20, 2014 St. Francisville, Louisiana NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That a special meeting of the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, has been ordered and called and will be held on Monday, November 24, 2014 at FiveThirty (5:30) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. AGENDA FOR NOVEMBER 24, 2014 1) Call to Order (Please place cell phone on silent or vibrate.) 2) Roll Call 3) Prayer and Pledge of
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
Allegiance 4) Rules Order
5) Public Comment Requests – Submittal of forms 6) Approval of agenda items for consideration and action
On nomination of Mr. Lambert, the Council, on motion of Mr. Kean, seconded by Ms. Williams selected Mr. Alan L. Kirkpatrick as its remaining appointee on the Personnel Board.
A. B o a r d /C o m m i s s i o n Appointment (Board of Adjustment, Planning & Zoning and Port Commission) – Discuss and/or accept applicants
i. Discuss and vote on limiting all contact, verbal or written, with attorneys, any other professional services or any other serve service that will incur an expense
B. Personnel Board – Accept nomination and vote to select remaining appointee for the Council
The Chair stated that action was taken in the form of a resolution during its February, 2014 and/or March, 2014 meeting regarding communications to assist in curbing expenses and limiting contact.
7) LIQUOR Approval
C. Lambert Gravel Company, Inc., et al v. Parish of West Feliciana, Suit No. 21774, 20th JDC, Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana i. Discuss and vote on limiting all contact, verbal or written, with attorneys, any other professional services or any other serve service that will incur an expense ii. Take action deemed appropriate 9) PARISH PRESIDENT’S REPORT 10) Discuss amendments to the Home Rule Charter i. Take action deemed necessary 11) Discuss recent Planning & Zoning process concerning: i. Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem ii. Preliminary Plan of Parkview Estates iii. Take action deemed necessary 12) ADJOURNMENT The meeting is open to the public.
No further discussion by the Council. ii. Take action deemed appropriate No action taken. 10. Discuss amendments to the Home Rule Charter The Chair opened the floor to the Council to discuss possible amendments to the Home Rule Charter. The ADA asked former members of the Charter committee who were present in the audience to elaborate or provide insight during its drafting of the document which was offered through the course of the meeting. The ADA provided guidance, explanations and answered questions regarding the requirements of the Charter. He also informed the Council that five votes by the Council are required to place an amendment to the Charter on the ballot. Ms. Williams stated for the record that even if we [the Council] agreed to allow the public to vote on this, none of this is anything that we can change. It’s all up to the people to vote on this.
After a lengthy discussion and public comments were allowed, the Council considered the following.
By: /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary
i. Take action deemed necessary
1. CALL TO ORDER The Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish by the Hon. Heather R. Howle, Council Chair. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Hon. Heather R. Howle and Council members Lea Reid Williams, Melvin Young, Merrick R. Lambert, John S. Kean, IV and Otis L. Wilson ABSENT: Mel Percy OTHER(S): Parish President, Kevin Couhig, the Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Michael L. Hughes and the District Attorney (DA), Sam D’Aquilla 3. PRAYER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those who liked joined in the saying of the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. RULES OF MEETING ORDER The Chair stated that the meeting would be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise noted. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT REQUESTS – SUBMITTAL OF FORMS The Chair also asked those who wish to speak on an agenda item to complete the public comment form and turn them in to the Secretary. 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION The Council, on motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Kean approved the agenda items for consideration and action. 7. LIQUOR APPROVAL
West Feliciana Public Notices
Upon a motion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Ms. Williams, the Council approved the liquor permit of Arlin K. Dease, Hemingbough contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees. Upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Kean, the Council approved the liquor permit of Peggy M. Guyon, Guyon’s M&J Grocery, LLC d/b/a M&J Grocery contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees. The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Young, approved the liquor permit of Peggy M. Guyon, The Place Next Door, LLC, contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees. Upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Kean, the Council approved the liquor permit of David A. Smith, South of the Border contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees. Upon a motion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Lambert, the Council added Alan K. Satterfield, Ralph’s Tavern LLC to the agenda for consideration and action which was added after the 144 hour deadline. The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Wilson approved the liquor permit of Alan K. Satterfield, Ralph’s Tavern LLC contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENT On nomination of Mr. Young, the Council, on motion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Kean appointed Lt. Col. Archer Lee to the Planning & Zoning Commission immediately to finish the remainder of a two-term until July, 2016. Ms. Williams nominated Mr. Charles Griffin to the Board of Adjustment. No new application for the position was submitted by Mr. Griffin. Mr. Lambert nominated Mr. Alan Kirkpatrick to fill the vacant Board of Adjustment seat. Seconded by Mr. Young. Ms. Williams made a substitute motion to table the appointment to allow the applicant to reapply if he chooses to serve. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor were Young, Kean, Wilson and Williams. Casting dissenting votes were Lambert and Howle. Motion passed 4-21. On nomination of Mr. Young, the Council, on motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Kean appointed David S. Duvic to serve as its appointment on the Port Commission. On nomination of Ms. Williams, the Council, on motion of Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Wilson recommended Mr. Alan L. Kirkpatrick to fill the vacant combined seat of the Sheriff, School Board President and Assessor. The remaining vacant and/or open seats will be advertised in accordance with policy. B. PERSONNEL BOARD
The Chair stated that acts requiring an ordinance would be 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15 (page 23, 24 of the HRC). Mr. Lambert made a motion that we don’t do this. Then later withdrew the motion. Mr. Lambert made a motion to draft an ordinance to amend page 26 of the HRC. Article 4. Section C.1. “within 2 business days after adoption.” 2. “within 7 business days after presentation to the office of the Parish President.” Seconded by Mr. Young. Upon a roll call vote, Williams, Young, Lambert and Howle voted in favor of the motion. Casting the only dissenting vote was Wilson. Kean abstained. Motion failed to receive the five votes required to put it on the ballot. After the vote failed, the Chair stated that the procedure is each individual submit their amendments to the ADA who further provided instructions on the manner in which the amendments are to be written. Mr. Young made a motion to propose a proposition to repeal the Home Rule Charter and return to the seven district, police jury system form of government. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Discussion ensued and public comments were allowed. Upon a roll call vote, Wilson, Kean, Young and Williams voted in favor of the motion. Casting dissenting votes were Lambert and Howle. Motion failed to receive the five votes required to put it on the ballot. 11. Discuss recent Planning & Zoning process concerning: i. Private Final Phase I Plat Plan of New Jerusalem Mr. Kean explained why this item was put on the agenda. He further had problems with the final plat which was not signed, adjacent property owners were not identified and concerns with a driveway. He also offered a solution in the form of a checklist. The Parish President spoke on the process between the applicant and our office [the Staff]. Public comments were made and the Parish President reiterated his willingness to sit down with the Council to resolve problems. ii. Preliminary Plan of Parkview Estates No discussion on this particular item. ii. Take action deemed necessary No action was taken by the Council. 9. PARISH PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. Couhig presented the Council with the Third Quarter Financial Statement. He briefly highlighted a few details of the report and extended a welcome visit to any Council member for further discussion. 12. ADJOURNMENT At 8:24 p.m., upon a motion of Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Kean, the Council stood adjourned to meet in special session on Monday, December 1, 2014 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Francisville Police Department at 11943 Ferdinand Street, St. Francisville, LA. Bids to be opened Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10 am at the Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street. Mail bids to Town of St. Francisville, P.O. Box 400, St. Francisville, LA 70775. The Town of St. Francisville reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
were introduced during a regular meeting held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015.
5085337-jan 29-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE For Sale By Town of St. Francisville 2006 Ford F250 4x2 Pick Up Truck (As Is) Mileage 186,945 (second motor & transmission) Minimum Bid: $1,000.00 The vehicle can be viewed at Town of St. Francisville Police Department at 11943 Ferdinand Street, St. Francisville, LA. Bids to be opened Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10 am at the Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street. Mail bids to Town of St. Francisville, P.O. Box 400, St. Francisville, LA 70775. The Town of St. Francisville reserves the right to reject any and all bids. 5085338-jan 29-1t
5085160-jan 29-1t
For Sale By Town of St. Francisville 2007 Ford Crown Victoria (As Is) Mileage 72,323 Minimum Bid: $500.00 The vehicle can viewed at Town of
be St.
Summary of Ordinances: • An ordinance to amend the Parish of West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article 1, Section 9, Definitions, to add the definition for a private residential subdivision; • An ordinance to amend the Parish of West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article V, 2(F), Part 2(A)(3), Major Subdivision, to add requirements for private residential development before final plat approval; • An ordinance to amend the Parish of West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article II, Planning Districts, Section 10, Table B, to set the frontage requirements and lot width at building line; • An ordinance to amend the Parish of West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article II, Planning Districts, Section 22, Table C to add Planned Unit Development (PUD) allowable uses; • An ordinance transferring funds in the amount of $100,000.00 for the replacement of the Island Road low water crossing; • An ordinance establishing a fee for connection to the Independence Sewer System; • An ordinance transferring funds in the amount of $75,000.00 for the replacement of the Graham Road Bridge; and • An ordinance to amend the Parish of West Feliciana Parish Planning and Zoning Ordinance, Article V, Section X, Preliminary Plans. The hearings are open to the public and residents are encouraged to participate. BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRPERSON
By: /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson
The election districts for the West Feliciana Parish Council are hereby amended in compliance with the Home Rule Charter as adopted to provide for Four (4) Single Member Districts and One (1) At-Large District with each district being described to wit: SECTION 2 District A is described as having the following whole precincts: Precinct 03-02A, Precinct 03-02B, Precinct 03-03A, Precinct 03-03B, Precinct 04-01, and Precinct 04-03A. SECTION 3 District B is described as having the following whole precincts: Precinct 01-01A, Precinct 01-01B, Precinct 02-01C, Precinct 02-01D, Precinct 05-01, Precinct 05-02, Precinct 0503, Precinct 06-02A, Precinct 07-01A, Precinct 07-01B, Precinct 07-02A, Precinct 07-02B, Precinct 07-02C, Precinct 0702D, Precinct 07-04. SECTION 4 District C is described as having the following whole or partial precincts: Precinct 02-01A, Precinct 02-01B, Precinct 02-02, Precinct 04-02, Precinct 05-01A, Precinct 05-02A, Precinct 07-02E, Precinct 07-02F. SECTION 5 District D is described as having the following whole precincts: Precinct 01-01, Precinct 0302, Precinct 03-03C, Precinct 04-03, Precinct 06-01, Precinct 06-02, Precinct 07-01. SECTION 6 District E is an at-large district and comprises all of the precincts within the parish. SECTION 7 This ordinance shall become effective as allowed by the provisions of the West Feliciana Parish Home Rule Charter and Louisiana State law. Introduced by: Heather R. Howle at regular meeting on December 15, 2014. Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on November 27, 2014. Full reading and passage January 20, 2015. Moved for adoption by Merrick “Ricky” Lambert. Seconded by Mel Percy. FOR: Mel Percy, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson AGAINST: Ms. Lea R. Williams and Melvin Young ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: /s/Heather R. Howle 1/21/2015 HEATHER R. HOWLE DATE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL CHAIR /s/Rolanda J. Robinson 1/21/2015 ROLANDA J. ROBINSON WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL SECRETARY DATE 5085481-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --West Feliciana Parish January 20, 2015
This hearing is open to the public.
The West Feliciana Parish Council hereby ordains:
/s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary
West Feliciana Public Notices
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing by the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, will be held on Monday, February 9, 2015 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. The hearing will address the following Ordinances that
5085755-jan 29-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE: BOARD/ COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that during a regular meeting of the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, to be held on February 9, 2015 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. at its regular meeting place, the Council will consider making the following appointments:
St. Helena Public Notices
Accepted recommendation from Audubon Regional Library Board of Commissioners to reappoint Roger Wiersema to the Board of Commissioners for a 5 year term appointment
The St. Helena Parish Police Jury met regular session in the Meeting Room of the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Building at 17911 Hwy 43, Greensburg, Louisiana, on Tuesday, January 13, at 6:00 p.m. Police Jurors present: President Thomas Wicker, Vice President Theodore, McCray Jr., Jule C. Wascom, Warren McCray, Jr, Major Coleman, Doug Watson Police Jurors absent: NONE Election of 2015 Officers: • Motion by Major Coleman, second by Doug Watson is carried unanimously, to elect Theodore McCray, Jr. as President for the 2015 calendar year • Motion by Jule C. Wascom, second by Thomas J. Wicker is carried unanimously, to elect Warren McCray, Jr. as Vice President for the 2015 calendar year Authorized Coach Brandon Brown with St. Helena College & Career Academy, permission to use the St. Helena Recreation Park for practice purposes; St. Helena Police Jury is not liable for any accidents or injuries which may occur St. Helena Parish Courthouse Project: Phase II • Morgan Watson gave an update on courthouse renovations • Authorized BradleyBlewster’s approval & request for payment #1 to CDW Services, i/a/o $32,575.50, upon receipt of funds • Approved invoice from Bradley-Blewster i/a/o $3,311.57 for Professional Services, upon receipt of funds Motion by Thomas Wicker second by Jule C. Wascom carried unanimously, to convene into Executive Session to discuss the following items: • St. Helena Parish Police Jury vs Randy Joseph Lefort • Contract for St. Helena Parish Multi-Purpose Facility entrance drive; Industrial Enterprises vs St. Helena Parish Police Jury/5th Ward Recreation District Motion by Jule C. Wascom, second by Warren McCray, Jr., carried unanimously to reconvene back into regular session
Board of Adjustment – One (1) vacant seat Economic Development Board – One (1) open seat Fire Protection District No. 1 – Two (2) vacant seats Port Commission – One (1) vacant seat Tourist Commission – One (1) vacant seat Zachary Taylor Parkway Commission – One (1) Commissioner and One (1) Alternate
• Motion by Major Coleman second by Jule C. Wascom to authorize Attorney Clifton Speed to draft a resolution to send to Industrial Enterprises stating that the Police Jury is requesting that Industrial Enterprises correct the condition of the multi-purpose facility entrance drive, or refund payments back to the Police Jury that have been previously paid
Candidates shall submit for review a statement of interest along with a resume that indicates qualifications for the position they wish to serve by Friday, February 6th to: Council Secretary, P.O. Box 1921, St. Francisville, LA 70775. For more information, please call (225) 635-3864.
• Motion carried that the Jurors are to meet in court on February 13, 2015, regarding the St. Helena Parish Police Jury vs Randy Joseph Lefort matter
BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRPERSON /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson 5085757-jan 29-1t
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: 2015 MEETING DATES The West Feliciana Parish Council at a meeting held on December 15, 2014 adopted the following: Set the dates for the regular Council meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. effective February 1, 2015 and set the January meeting on January 20, 2015. Furthermore, the Council convened on January 20, 2015 and eliminated its fourth Monday meeting on May 25, 2015 due to the Memorial Day Holiday. They also elected Mrs. Heather R. Howle, Council Chairperson and Mr. Merrick R. Lambert, Council Vice-Chairperson
Approved and authorized President to sign Audit Engagement Letter with Bruce Harrell & Company Motion unanimously carried to consider a lease/ purchase option, $690 per month, which will go toward the purchase of the building, if purchase at the end of 12 month lease. Prior to the purchase of the building, an appraisal will be required; Police Jury will pay up to appraised value, not to exceed $69,000 Adopted resolution and authorized the President to sign Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the St. Helena Parish Police Jury and Fire Protection District #4 of St. Helena Parish, effective January1, 2015 – December 31, 2015, with no increase from last year; $30,000
5086159-jan 29-1t
$124.20 per month
Addendum: • Motion carried to add one item to the agenda • Motion carried to authorize Judge Jeff Johnson to do a gumbo lunch at the Police Jury administrative office on January 23, 2015 Received notice from 21st Judicial District Court, that effective January 1, 2015, Lauri Bankston is terminated as court reporter. Effective January 1, 2015, Lea Kinchen is hereby appointed as official Court Reporter for 21st Judicial District Court The St. Helena Parish School Board cordially invites you to attend their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the official opening of St. Helena College & Career Academy on Friday, January 16, 2015 @ 10:00 am Approved requisitions, except for requisitions that are to be paid from General Fund, as per copies presented to Jurors Approved employees’ leave time report Accepted fuel, and/or work reports by Superintendent Approved checks written after the last regular meeting in the total amount of $226,531.15 and tonight’s checks totaling $42,469.27 Approved minutes for December 9 & 16, 2014, as prepared and emailed to Jurors The meeting was adjourned to meet in regular session at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 27, 2015 _____________ Thomas Wicker, President St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana _____________ Sharonda Brown, Sec-Treasurer St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana 5084313-jan 29-1t
NOTICE --Approval to Renew the Following Businesses for Beer & Liquor Permits 2015 1. Bebo’s Casino & Truckstop 2. Butler’s Grill 3. Cash Magic Amite 4. Cash Magic Forest Gold 5. Cash Magic Magnolia
6. Cash Magic Silver Fox Casino & Store 7. Cash Magic St. Helena Casino & Store 8. Darlington Grocery 9. Frank & Ramona’s Cafe 10. Good Ole’ Boys 11. Grand Paradise Casino & Store 12. Hatfield’s Country Grocery 13. Hurst’s Lounge 14. J & B Cafe’
18. Lucky Dollar Casino
No action taken proposal from Technologies i/a/o for Entergy Web Integration
/s/Rolanda J. Robinson Rolanda J. Robinson Secretary, Parish Council West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana
Motion unanimously carried to allow Northshore BEOC to use the Fifth Ward Recreation District Building January 17, 2015
Motion unanimously carried to accept bid tabulation recommendation presented to Jurors from Purchasing Agent on bids received for 2015 supplies
FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the following meeting dates:
Port Commission will meet on the third Monday of each month at Five-Thirty (5:30) o’clock p.m. in the Conference Room of the Parish Governmental Building, 5934 Commerce Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Motion by Warren McCray, second by Jule C. Wascom, to appoint Willie George Lee to fill the unexpired term, through July 26, 2015 withdrawn; SUBSTITUTE MOTION made by Thomas J. Wicker and second by Jule C. Wascom to appoint Terry Addison Lee to fill the unexpired term, through July 26, 2015
15. Last Stop Money Mart
Authorized & approved the pay rate for Arthur Caston & Harry Singleton be increased to $10 per hour; payable from Road District #3
Planning & Zoning Commission will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at Five (5:00) o’clock in the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana; and
Nancy Holland resigned as board member of the St. Helena Water Works District #2, effective December 31, 2014.
Motion unanimously carried to approve the renewal of the following businesses for Alcoholic Beverage Permits for 2015: (see list attached)
The Parish Council meetings are held in the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Economic Development Board will meet on the second Thursday of each month at Five (5:00) o’clock p.m. in the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana;
St. Helena Public Notices
on the ARAM $1,495 Portal
Approved $7,664.30 payment to Pontchartrain Engineers and $140,813.75 to Guinn Construction for Infrastructure Project; upon receipt of funds Virginia Bell informed Jurors that per audit suggestion, Grant Reporting will go from every other month to monthly. In addition, the report will change from paper copies to electronic distribution. Should any juror still want a paper version, then it will be provided upon request. Virginia Bell mentioned to Jurors that Mr. Lester Easley is requesting a key to the Industrial Park. Ms. Bell suggested that Mr. Easley contact the Police Jury Office to make arrangements to get into the gate. Authorized SecretaryTreasurer to open new checking account (Public Transit Human Service Fund) at FGB Motion unanimously carried to approve paying the 2015 LA ROV Association dues & registration fees for Mary Hall & Keyecho Muse to attend the 2015 Annual Registrar of Voters Seminar March 3-5, 2015, No Advances for expenses Motion unanimously carried to pay the registration dues only for Justices of the Peace & Constables to attend the JP/C Training Conference arch 3-6, 2015, in Marksville, LA, No Advances for expenses
16. Lazy J 17. Lee’s Grocery
19. M & M Community Grocery & Deli 20. Miller’s Grocery 21. Powers Store 22. Oak Ridge Lounge 23. R & R Sports Bar & Grill 24. Riverside Lodge 25. T’s Country 26. Tall Timbers Truckstop & Casino 27. Whispering Pines 5084638-jan 29-1t
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