The St. Helena Echo 03-05-2015

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St. Helena honors basketball seniors, academic success of athletes. Page 2H SERVING THE PARISHES OF EAST FELICIANA, WEST FELICIANA AND ST. HELENA

THURSDAY MARCH 5, 2015 H $1.00


1st Year, No. 21

First responders get pipeline safety lessons BY STEPHANIE WARREN

St. Helena Parish first responders learned about pipeline safety during a Feb. 25 meeting with representatives of Colonial and Plantation Pipeline companies at the Police Jury building in Greensburg. St. Helena Parish Homeland Security Operations Manager Rita Allen said it is important that first responders understand where pipelines are loAdvocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN cated, potential hazards and First responders in St. Helena Parish learn about pipeline how to identify and respond to safety and what to do in the event of an emergency during a potential leak. a meeting Feb. 25 at the Police Jury building in Greensburg. Farm and ranch equipment is

used on most of the land in St. Helena Parish, and is a common source of pipeline damage and can cause loss of life and property, said Colonial and Plantation Pipelines lobbyist Steven Hart. Hart said excavation activities that fall outside the scope of normal farming activities and deep excavation activity, including plowing, tilling, drain tiling, ditch cleaning, terracing or installation of a fence, can endanger underground pipelines. Farmers and ranchers in St. Helena can protect their family and property by verifying the location of pipelines before ex-

Audubon Pilgrimage features Retreat

cavating and by knowing how to identify, respond to and prevent a leak or rupture, Hart said. The lobbyist said underground pipelines are everywhere. More than 2 million miles of pipelines crisscross the United Colonial Pipeline, which runs throughout St. Helena Parish and transports more barrels of refined petroleum products more miles than any other pipeline in the world, he said. Hart said it is important for emergency responders to work together and know what to do in an emergency situation. “These pipeline companies rely on your local government

Photo provided by AMANDA MCKINNEY

Plantation’s first time on annual event

and safety officials to notify them if you observe potential right-of-way restriction violations or potential damage to their facilities, which could endanger public safety,” said Hart. Plantation Pipe Line Company delivers approximately 600,000 barrels per day of gasoline, jet fuel, diesel and biodiesel through its 3,100-mile pipeline network, which originates in Baton Rouge and ends in the Washington, D.C., area, said Plantation Operations Manager Paul Wallace. “Excavators and homeowners äSee SAFETY, page 2G

Police jury tables variance request BY JAMES MINTON

Special to The Advocate

Advocate staff report

Appearing at the 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage on March 20-22 for the first time is Retreat Plantation, which was built about 1823 and first owned by Sarah Bingman and her husband, Stephen Cobb.

After Cobb’s death, Bingman married Army Capt. Clarence Mulford, who was involved in the arrest of Aaron Burr on charges of treason against the United States while stationed at nearby Fort Adams, according to Anne Butler, St. Francisville native, author and local historian. When Mulford retired to his

new wife’s plantation, he called it a soldier’s retreat, Butler writes. Upon Bingman’s death in 1859, the retreat was purchased by Elizabeth Leatherbury Randolph Percy, beginning six generations of Percy occupancy, according to Butler. Born in 1811, Elizabeth Leatherbury first married Judge Peter

Randolph in 1828, and after his death, she and Thomas Butler Percy were married in Natchez in 1833 and settled on his family’s plantation, Beech Woods (sometimes referred to as Beechwood) in the Weyanoke area of West Feliciana Parish. äSee RETREAT, page 2G

CLINTON —The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury on Monday tabled a request for a subdivision variance for a lot in the Port Hudson area that may have been approved through earlier action by parish officials. The Planning and Zoning Commission last week denied dwelling side and front setback variances sought by the owners of two lots that parish officials say are needed for people living in a trailer on one of the lots to obtain electrical service. The trailer has been in place for two years, according to the discussion, but part of it extends onto property owned by another person, who apparently does not object to its encroachment. Commission Chairman Richard Howell, who did not vote to deny the variances, said they already have been approved because commission member Russ Hicks and Parish Manager J.R. Rouchon äSee REQUEST, page 3G

INSIDE East Feliciana.......... 7G West Feliciana......... 4G St. Helena ............... 6G More news .............. 3H Sports ..................... 1H

Proposal submitted for clearing old school site BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — West Feliciana Parish Director of Public Works Jim Ferguson presented a contract proposal Feb. 26 to the parish school board from a Baton Rouge-based engineering consulting firm to oversee the remediation and clearing of the old St. Francisville High School site on Feliciana Street. The contract for professional consulting services, valued at between $40,200 and $60,200

depending on the scope of the work, was submitted by Terracon Consultants, Inc. and was recommended by Ferguson, who is serving as an unpaid consultant to assist the School Board. If the panel approves the contract at its March 17 meeting, the company will start accepting bids from contractors to provide the remediation and demolition work. The proposed contract includes environmental site assessments, supervision of asbestos and lead abate-

ment, and deconstruction and clearing of the existing 53-yearold buildings, which total about 40,000 square feet. “They’ll assess the site, conduct all environment studies, put together a plan, administer it, provide air monitoring — everything turnkey that is needed from start to finish,” Ferguson told the board. “They’ll stay with us until they’re done and we have certificates that the site is clear.” Ferguson estimated the completed project will cost roughly

$250,000, which will cover demolition of buildings and clearing of debris. Once finished and certified as having no environmental issues, the property can be sold, likely for residential real estate development. “The School Board is in control of the timeline,” Ferguson said. On another agenda item, Board President Kevin Beauchamp later said he and Vice President Milton Coates are working out the details on a new contract for Superinten-

dent Hollis Milton, who has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the vacant East Baton Rouge Parish superintendent’s position. Beauchamp said he hopes to have a new contract finalized for board approval at its March 17 meeting. Milton also said the process to fill vacant principal positions at Bains Lower Elementary and West Feliciana Middle schools has begun and he hopes to have principals at both schools by May 4.

Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires

2G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate


ENGAGEMENTS Engagement, Wedding and Anniversary Announcements are paid notices in The Advocate. Go to The Advocate’s website at and click on the tab marked “Celebrations.” For more information, call (225) 388-0738 or e-mail

Brashier-Scott Bobbie Jo Scott of Ethel and Jacob Paul Brashier of Walker will marry in a 7p.m. ceremony on March 13, 2015, at Slaughter First Baptist Church, Slaughter, Louisiana. The bride elect is the daughter of Pat and Jennifer Scott of Ethel. She is the granddaughter of Bobbie C. Scott of Gonzales and the late Sonny Scott and Mary Roberts of Texas and the late James R. Roberts. She

attended Clinton High School. Her fiancé is the son of David L. “Tank” Brashier of Ethel and Karen Brashier of Baton Rouge. He is the grandson of Raymond and Eunice “Vicky” Brashier of Watson and Paul and Betty White of Baton Rouge. He is a graduate of Jackson High School and attended Southeastern Louisiana University. He is employed with B & G Crane.


HAPPY 60TH ANNIVERSARY! Robert and Myrtis Giroir

Robert and Myrtis Giroir of Baton Rouge celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary with Dinner at Ruffino’s Restaurant on February 15, 2015 with their family, Ronald and Danette Legendre, Ladd and Abby Legendre, Brant Legendre and fiancé Brittney Dupuis. Robbie Giroir was unable to attend; he was performing

with the Baton Rouge High School Festival Singers at the 10th Biannual European Choral Concert of Europe at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh, Ireland. ThecouplemarriedFebruary 12, 1955 at St. Anthony Catholic Church, Baton Rouge with Monsieur Charles Murphy. Myrtis Giroir is the former Miss Myrtis LeBlanc.

story-and-a-half and includes a brick-walled cellar and four Continued from page 1G rounded brick columns across the raised front gallery. It was built of poplar, including the Leatherbury had one son by big beams and floorboards. Randolph and two daughters Fine interior woodwork and and five sons with Percy. Percy’s grandfather, Charles, original Federal mantles grace the larger dining and parlor was the first Percy to settle in rooms as well as downstairs Spanish West Florida, where in the original old house, and he served as an alcalde and acquired a fortune in land and a steep and narrow interior stairway leads to several bedslaves, but in a fit of desponrooms, according to Butler. dency, he drowned himself in “Fortunately, very little has Percy Creek, Butler said. been altered in the house over Charles’ son, Robert, who the years, and the Owens have went to sea as an 8-year-old in recently completed an exten1770, retired from the British sive renovation, keeping the Navy in 1802, according to original footprint and fabric of Butler’s account. the old house while attaching Robert Percy settled his a new wing to increase living family on a 2,200-acre plantaspace,” Butler said. “Seamtion along Big Bayou Sara, known as Beech Woods, where lessly blended with the old, the new wing includes a large he later married his Scottish wife, Jane Middlemist, in 1796. kitchen, downstairs bedroom, screened porch overlooking The fifth of Robert and an orderly parterre garden Jane’s seven children was Thomas Butler Percy, who was and beautiful landscaping deappointed to West Point in 1826 signed to perfectly root house to setting.” by John Q. Adams and graduFamily antiques are throughated from Medical College in out the house, including sevPhiladelphia. “As a boy, Thomas must have eral chairs and a four-poster bed salvaged from the burned known (John J.) Audubon, Greenwood Plantation, home for in the 1820s, Audubon’s wife, Lucy, was in residence at of Mary Cleland’s grandparents, and range from the FedBeech Woods to tutor the Pereral period through the third cy girls and a few neighbors,” Butler said. “Audubon himself quarter of the 19th century. “The Owen children are the spent time there and hunted in sixth generation of the Percy the surrounding woods where family to enjoy Retreat Plantahe was said to have secured tion,” Butler said. the wild turkey cock that beIn addition to Retreat, Auducame one of his most famous bon Pilgrimage will include illustrations.” tours of Dogwood Plantation, One of Thomas Butler Perthe Levert-Bockel house and cy’s sons, William Chaille Percy, was born in 1840 and died in The Oaks as well as Afton Villa 1891 on his plantation, Retreat, Gardens, Audubon (Oakley) and Rosedown State Hiswhere he had six children. toric Sites, three 19th-century The youngest son, Edward churches in St. Francisville McGehee Percy, of Ellerslie Plantation, owned Retreat and and St. Mary’s in Weyanoke. For Audubon Pilgrimage his heirs occupied the home tickets and tour information, through most of the 20th cencontact the West Feliciana tury until it was acquired by Historical Society at (225) 635Edward’s great-niece, Mary 6330 or (225) 635-4224, visit Cleland de Laureal Owen and her husband C.B. Owen. or email sf@audubon Retreat Plantation, an Anglo-Creole style home, is a


Continued from page 1G should call 811 before starting any digging for projects such as fences, flagpoles, landscaping, storage buildings, foundations, swimming pools, ground clearing, deep plowing, laying underground pipe or wiring,” Colonial Pipeline Baton Rouge Operations Manager Carroll White said. “This is a national number that connects you with a onecall center, which will notify the pipeline or other utility which may be buried in the area.” White said the one-call system should be contacted at least 48 hours in advance before digging. In most states, this is the law. In all cases, it’s the safe thing to do, he said. White said residents who notice an unsafe condition at a Colonial Pipeline facility or on one of their rights-of-way, can call (800) 926-2728. For emergencies dealing with Plantation pipelines, residents can call (800) 510-5678.

These phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Residents also are encouraged to call 911 for emergency situations.

Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The St. Helena Echo is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588

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Reporter: Stephanie Warren, (985) 517-4869 or email P.O. Box 190, Greensburg, LA 70441 Need to talk to a reporter, place an obituary or wedding announcement, inquire about advertising or discuss newspaper delivery issues?

n For subscription or delivery issues, contact the circulation department at (225) 388-0200 n To place a death notice, contact the obituary department at (225) 388-0289 or n For ad inquiries, contact the advertising department: Kristi Lynch: (225) 247-1030 or Gary Miller: (225) 773-6056 or n For legal advertising, contact the legal notices department at (225) 388-0128 or n To place an ad in the Classifieds section, contact the classified department at (225) 383-0111 or go to n To place a wedding or engagement announcement, call (225) 388-0738 or email

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 3G

Communities asked to participate in forum about substance abuse Advocate staff report Capital Area Human Services is seeking input from residents, community leaders, elected officials, parents, educators, human services providers, youth and health professionals on how to prevent and treat drug and alcohol abuse in the seven-parish area served by the agency, according to a news release. The public meeting is from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. March 10 at the agency’s Community Room 200, 4615 Government St., Building 2, Baton Rouge. After the meeting, a presentation of the statewide integrated care initiative will be provided. CAHS is a communitybased agency providing professional services for mental health, developmental disabilities and addiction recovery in the parishes of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana. “The agency is making a direct appeal to individuals and groups in the sevenparish area to discuss the specific needs for drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services in their communities,� said Jan Kasofsky, CAHS executive director. Smoking and excessive drinking in Louisiana are nearly double the rates of other states in the nation, according to the 2014 County Health Rankings Report. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the drug overdose death rate has more than doubled from 1999 to 2013; drug overdose was the leading cause of injury/death in the United States in 2012;

and every day in the U.S., 120 people die as a result of drug overdose and another 6,748 are treated in emergency departments for the misuse or abuse of drugs. Nearly nine of 10 poisoning deaths are caused by drugs, and Louisiana has the 19th-highest drug overdose mortality rate in the U.S., with 13.2 per 100,000 people suffering drug overdose fatalities, according to a new report, Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic. CAHS has made prevention one of its key agency priorities and is committed to raising public awareness about the serious and life-threatening health consequences related to the recent epidemic of the use of prescription painkillers, heroin and synthetic marijuana, the release said. CAHS has facilitated community meetings to address drug abuse issues and recently launched an antisynthetic marijuana public education campaign for school-age youth and adults employed in business and manufacturing industries. In addition, CAHS’ new prevention website includes information and resources about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs for use by the general public, the release said. At the forum, Dr. Rochelle Head-Dunham, assistant secretary of the Office of Behavioral Health, will briefly discuss the federal grant funding dedicated to drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services. The forum is free and open to the public. For information, contact CAHS Prevention Director Vivian Gettys at vivian.


Photo provided by JOYCE KELLER

Joyce Turner Keller, left, demonstrates for 20th Judicial District Attorney Sam D’Aquilla how to administer a test to determine HIV on Feb. 21 in the Felicianas. Keller is the founder and president of Aspirations, a local nonprofit that addresses the issue of HIV/AIDS through outreach effort and provides testing, education and counseling.

Turnout low for Feliciana HIV/AIDS testing event Advocate staff report Aspirations, a nonprofit founded by Joyce Turner Keller, a mother, grandmother and HIV/AIDS activist who is HIV-positive, partnered with 20th Judicial District Attorney Sam D’Aquilla, the East Feliciana Parish Drug and Alcohol Council, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Family Services of Greater Baton Rouge to provide a day of community outreach by offering to test for HIV/AIDS. According to Keller, one person showed up in Clinton and none in St. Francisville on Feb. 21. “It was very poorly attended,� Keller said. “I’m afraid the stigma attached to HIV kept a lot of people from participating. Fear and shame of being positive is another reason some do not get tested while others believe it cannot happen to them because they are praying men and

women.â€? Keller, who became HIVpositive after being raped in 2001, said HIV does not ask you to be interviewed for the virus, it requires no rĂŠsumĂŠ and everyone who is sexually active is at risk for the virus. “The rate of new infections is frightening. Our youth are greatly impacted. Young adults between the ages of 13-19 are leading the population in newly reported cases,â€? Keller said. “An HIV diagnosis is not a death sentence, I’m living proof of this, but fear, shame and ignorance can be a death sentence.â€? Keller is the founder and president of Aspirations, which addresses the issue of HIV/AIDS through outreach efforts at health fairs, homeless shelters, churches, schools, colleges and universities, vocational centers and women and children abuse centers by providing testing, education and counseling.

jury’s settlement of 2008 and 2009 lawsuits filed by two afContinued from page 1G filiated Boca Raton, Florida, tower companies. During the two years, the signed the survey map after companies paid under proit was approved by the com- test a total of $83,500 in annual registration payments mission. “You can’t fix it. It’s just a and late fees, but in the setmistake,� said Howell, a law- tlement, the jury agreed to refund $45,500 to the comyer. District Attorney Sam panies and amend the ordinance by reducing D’Aquilla agreed “You can’t the fees. with Howell. The jury has kept Hicks and fix it. the tower compaRouchon argued, It’s just nies’ payments in however, that the a mistake.� an escrow fund, commission only which contained alapproved the diRICHARD most $110,000 after vision of one lot HOWELL, the $45,500 was reinto two smaller commission leased. lots, regardless of chairman The revisions inthe fact that the clude decreasing survey shows the the distance a tower may be trailer. After considerable discus- placed from a public road sion, the jury voted to table and lowering some of the the request until the first fees charged to the compameeting in April after jury nies. Jurors also accepted the President Dennis Aucoin said he and some other busi- $182,282 low bid of Doggett ness owners are working to Machinery, of Baton Rouge, have the trailer moved off for a new motor grader used to smooth gravel roads. the neighboring property. Aucoin said the jury has On another matter, jurors approved revisions to an or- been replacing one grader dinance regulating communi- each year for the last four cations towers in the parish. years to better maintain its The revisions stem from the roads.


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4G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

Stacy Gill


Lake Rosemound bridge closure postponed Initially, the North Lake Rosemound bridge over Beaver Creek was to close for repairs March 2-6 but because of rain delays, the work has been postponed until March 9-13, said Jim Ferguson, director of Public Works for West Feliciana Parish. Work is expected to be performed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. “We’ve alerted the Homeowners Association for Lake Rosemound to help get the word out, and signs have been posted at each end of the bridge to alert area residents,” said Ferguson. “Please make plans to align your schedules with the closure.” The repairs should begin March 9, but are contingent upon the weather, Ferguson said. Plans for first responders, bus drivers and service providers can be discussed by contacting Ferguson at (225) 635-3864 or emailing jferguson@

Garden Tour Fridays

Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site, 12501 La. 10, St. Francisville presents Garden Tour Fridays at 10 a.m. Visitors will join Rosedown’s Patricia Aleshire as she leads her monthly stroll through the historic gardens pointing out heirloom varieties of plantings and focusing on historic and modern cultivation methods, as well as seasonal planting and care. The “Garden Tour Fridays” program provides garden enthusiasts with a detailed look at selected portions of one of the finest early 19th-century gardens. The program begins at the site office and occurs the first Friday of each month. For information, call (225) 635-3110.

Musical montage

The St. Francisville Symphony Association will present a musical montage beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, March 6. Because of construction at Grace Episcopal Church, the Symphony’s usual venue, the musical montage will be held in Grace’s Jackson Hall, 11621 Ferdinand St. This spring concert will feature the works of Bach, Fauré, Schubert and Tevener as well as other known composers. Featured musicians will include Jacob Benda as conductor/organist/pianist, oboist Grace Woodworth and cellist Alvaro Angulo, of the LSU School of Music, as well as the Grace Church Choir featuring soloists Kristopher Davis, Trey Levy, Michelle Sewell, Ellen Sturgill and Cara Waring. “We are very excited to offer this additional concert in our 2014-15 season. While our Baroque chamber music series by the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra was a big success this year, this spring concert gives us the opportunity to enjoy vocal and instrumental performances. If you’ve never attended one of our concerts, give this one a try,” said Treva Tidwell, Symphony Association president. Admission is free, and everyone is invited to attend. Children are welcome as always, Tidwell said. Send news and events for Around West Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@ by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 9930066.

west feliciana

Viking Cruises coming to area Advocate staff report Parish President Kevin Couhig said Viking River Cruises’ announcement that West Feliciana Parish will be a featured itinerary stop on its new Mississippi River cruise is “exciting news and a welcome tourism opportunity for the parish.” “It will have a significant economic impact in West Feliciana,” Couhig said. “Viking River Cruises are renowned for providing first-class experiences. Their presence and passengers will tremendously enhance tourism in West Feliciana.” The project, announced Feb. 24 by Gov. Bobby Jindal and Viking River Cruises Chairman Torstein Hagen, will be the first North American line for the company. Expected to launch in March 2017, ships will depart from New Orleans and end each course, depending on the season, in Memphis, Tennessee; St. Louis; or St. Paul, Minnesota. Bienville Street Wharf at Woldenberg Park, near the

embarkation, Couhig said, and the increase in riverboat traffic, once Viking comes online, will require multiple locations with shore access. “Efforts to secure a destination property have been underway for some time. However, the real work is just beginning. The ships must have a place to access the shore,” Couhig said. “A standard of excellence is the expectation of Viking River Cruises and their passengers, and West Feliciana has all the qualities required to deliver that. However, we must work together.” Couhig said the parish will need to purchase property suitable for use as a port, a transPhoto provided by JENNIFER ROME action that will require an ordiWest Feliciana Parish leaders, from left, Jim Ferguson, director, Public Works Department; Lau- nance from the Parish Council. rie Walsh, director, tourism commission; Kevin Couhig, parish president; and Bettsie Norton, Couhig emphasized that curdirector, economic development meet Feb. 24 on the Mississippi River at St. Francisville, the rently disputed land is not on the table. site of a stop of the Viking River Cruises riverboat cruise to start in 2017. “It would be difficult to overstate the potential opportuniFrench Quarter in New OrIn partnership with the city of will make extensive improve- ties and positive impact that this world-class company ofleans, has been selected to be- New Orleans, the Port of New ments to the site. come the primary terminal in Orleans, New Orleans SteamIn West Feliciana Parish, a fers West Feliciana, and (we) the home port, according to a boat Company and the Audubon site must be selected and pre- need to be ready. It’s time to get news release. Nature Institute, the company pared as an additional point of down to business,” Couhig said.

4-H Cookery Contest adds bento category for healthy lunches Advocate staff report The West Feliciana Parish 4-H Commodity Cookery Contest is Saturday for parish 4-H members, but a new contest has been added to the competition — the healthy boxed lunch or bento contest. “A bento lunch is a compact, balanced, visually appealing meal packed in a box. ‘Bento’ is Japanese for packed lunch or meal,” said Layne Langley, LSU Agricultural Center 4-H agent. The purpose of the bento category is to improve attitudes toward and understanding of healthful foods, and to increase willingness to try new nutritional foods, Langley said. Each competitor will create a lunch for students ages 9 to 12. Contest rules state that 4-Hers must bring a prepared healthy box or bento lunch to the contest that is representative of “MyPlate” recommendations, which can be found at Contestants may enter more than one category but must turn in a copy of each recipe when registering. Also new to the cookery this year is the “my favorites” category. The commodity contest includes the following categories/contests: SEAFOOD: Crab, crawfish, oyster, shrimp, fish and other, which includes all game fish, alligator, clams, frog legs, shark, squid, tuna and freshwater turtle or anything from the approved Louisiana seafood list found on the complete list of contest rules POULTRY: Chicken, turkey, processed poultry products and other poultry meats, including dove, emu, goose, grouse, guinea, ostrich, pheasant, pigeon and quail

GROUND BEEF: Low-calorie main dish; quick and easy main dish; and one-dish meal EGG: Appetizer/salad, main dish and dessert SUGAR: Cake, candy, cookies and pie MY FAVORITES: Sweet potato, wild game, or other, which is any dish that does not fit any other category BENTO CONTEST: Prepared healthy box/bento lunch representative of “MyPlate” recommendations All dishes must arrive cold, on ice and in an ice chest, or they will be disqualified. Bento lunches must be transported in a portable, lock-top and leak-proof container, chilled and on ice, according to contest rules. Microwaves will be available to heat dishes. Only judges and 4-H Junior Leaders will be allowed in the contest room. Only the 4-Her will be able to set up dishes at the contest, which will be held at St. Francisville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 9866 Royal St. Registration of dishes will be from 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., with judging to follow from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. During the judging process, 4-Hers will participate in a scavenger hunt through downtown St. Francisville. Cookery results will be announced at 3:30 p.m. Ribbons will be awarded to all cookery contestants. Parish winners in the seafood, poultry, egg, ground beef, sugar and bento categories will compete in the Regional Cookery Contest on April 7. For contest rules, 4-Hers can stop by the West Feliciana 4-H office, 5924 Commerce St., St. Francisville or contact Langley at (225) 635-3614 or lalangley@

WEST FELICIANA SHERIFF’S ARRESTS The following people were booked into West Feliciana Parish Prison by the West Feliciana Sheriff’s Office on Feb. 8-19:

FEB. 8

PARKER, JR., EDWARD: 28, 3140 Lorraine St., Baton Rouge, felon in possession of a firearm.

FEB. 10

RABALAIS, KIMBERLY T.: 46, 5885 Lavey Lane, Baker, fugitive from Pointe Coupee Parish.

FEB. 11

Ruth St., St. Francisville, bench warrant for possession of marijuana. WELLS, TERRENCE: 33, 176 Wells St., Woodville, bench warrant for possession with intent to distribute marijuana and possession of contraband into a parish jail.

FEB. 12

PRUITT, BRANDON W.: 34, 766 Willie Hill Road, Gilbert, felony in possession of a firearm. WOODFOX, ALBERT: 67, 670 Bell Hill Road, Homer, first-degree murder.

FEB. 17

COVINGTON, KIMBERLY K.: 30, 9820 La. 10, Ethel, identity theft. GARRAWAY, MATTHEW: 17, 4860

SIMS, RONALD: 36, 7613 O’Gunner Lane, Ethel, fugitive from East Baton Rouge Parish.

FEB. 19

BELVIN, TINA: 50, 995 Third South St., Woodville, second-offense driving while intoxicated, improper lane usage and simple escape. BURTON, BRODERICK: 38, 8409 Leanders St., New Orleans, possession with intent to distribute marijuana. ELLIS, JUSTIN: 27, 3744 La. 966, St. Francisville, home invasion, domestic abuse battery, simple cruelty and damage to property. GONSOULIN, MARK: 50, 282 Charenton Road, Angola, battery of a correctional facility employee. HAMMATT, JOSEPH: 24, 12020 Pioneer Road, St. Francisville, domestic abuse battery with a juvenile present.

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west feliciana

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 5G

Group gives a ‘whoop’ with Bains class Advocate staff report A group of 15 birders armed with binoculars, cameras and bird guides went to the White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area in Gueydan on Jan. 29 for the daylong “Give A Whoop” workshop on whooping cranes presented by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. The workshop for the Felicianas chapter of Oscher Lifelong Learning Institute included members from West Feliciana Parish and Baton Rouge. “Give a Whoop” began with an early morning hike identifying songbirds followed by presentations on whooping crane biology and conservation efforts, according to OLLI member Darlene Reaves. “The highlight of the workshop was a boat ride to the whooping crane pens that afternoon,” said Reaves, a local photographer. “Stepping into the blinds and seeing these magnificent birds was a thrill and maybe a once-ina-lifetime sighting due to their endangered status.” In the 1890s, large numbers of cranes were recorded in south Louisiana, but by 1947, only one remained, Reaves said. In an effort to reintroduce an experimental nonbreeding population of whooping cranes to Louisiana, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries released 13 adults in February 2011. The LDWF has added to the whooping crane population every year since, Reaves said. Participating in the “Give a Whoop” workshop were Barbara and Richard Glass, Madeline and David Breidenbach, Linda and Darwin Knochenmus, Derrill and Pat Heurtin, Josette Lester, Al and Cathy Troy, Jim Bolner, Steve and Georgia LaCour and Reaves. Reaves said the group is committed to educating the public about whooping crane conservation efforts in Louisiana by giving local presentations.

West Feliciana pets available Advocate staff report The West Feliciana Animal Humane Society coordinates volunteer and donor efforts in support of the James L. “Bo” Bryant Animal Shelter, 9946 W. Feliciana Parkway, St. Francisville, which operates as a low-kill shelter. Dogs and cats are available for adoption. Adoption fees $75 for dogs and $50 for cats. The fee covers spaying/ neutering, deworming, rabies

shot, tests and all immunizations until the animal is adopted. The shelter is open from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and every day from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visit w f a n i m a l s h e l t e r. shelter or call (225) 635-5801 or (225) 229-6787. Available this week are:

Iggy, a 6-week-old female bulldog/terrier mix

Ivan, a 6-week-old male bulldog/terrier mix

Photos provided by DARLENE REAVES

Whooping cranes in flight Jan. 29 at the White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area in Gueydan On Feb. 20, Reaves and Heurtin visited Catherine Leake’s third-grade class at Bains Upper Elementary. “We started with a slide presentation about whooping cranes, identifying their 5-foot heights and measured against students’ for comparison,” Reaves said. The students also looked at images of birds similar to whooping cranes, such as cattle egrets, great egrets and white pelicans, and pointed out their differences as well as discussed what type of habitats whooping cranes prefer, which are wetlands, Reaves said. Reaves said the group had fun listening and singing along to Bill Oliver’s “Have to Have a Habitat” song and played Project Wild’s Migration Headache game that had students “migrating” from wintering habitats to nesting habitats. “We returned to the classroom, where the children wrote the final verse to “Have to Have a Habitat” and added wetland to

Birders eye whooping cranes at the ‘Give a Whoop’ workshop Jan. 29. Watching, from left, are Josette Lester; Pat Heurtin; Jim Bolner; Richard Glass; Cathy and Al Troy; Darwin Knochemus; Barbara Glass; Michael Seymour, an avian biologist with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries; Madeline and David Breidenbach; and Derrill Heurtin. the list,” Reaves said. “It’s such a fun song.” “Have to Have a Habitat” can be found at www.reverbnation. com/billoliver/song/3266980-

have-to-have-a-habitat, and Migration Headache can be found by visiting Headache.pdf.

Photos provided

ABOVE: Gandolf, a 7-yearold male domestic longhair tabby LEFT: Donovan, a 1-year-old male domestic shorthair

How to get a back issue of The Advocate:

Back issues of The Advocate are available for one year at our offices at 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd. in the Circulation Department. Office hours are 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Newsstand cost applies.

6G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

st. helena

Prepare for smooth time change Sunday It’s that time again, advancing our clocks by one hour so that light extends into the evening hours, otherwise known as daylight saving time. The time change will force us to spring forward and advance our clocks one hour Sunday. Waking up Monday mornings may not be so easy for some; having lost an hour of precious sleep will make it even harder. How time changes actually


affect you depends on your own personal health, sleep habits and lifestyle.

Prepare yourself and your family to make the transition a bit smoother. Some ideas include reducing or eliminating caffeine and alcohol, exercising several hours before bedtime, creating calming rituals before bed to gradually relax yourself, and wearing ear plugs and eye masks. Get prepared for the change.

Rocky Hill Choir anniversary Rocky Hill African Meth-

odist Episcopal Church, 151 Rocky Hill Road, Amite, will host its first choir anniversary April 11 at 6 p.m. at the church. For information or for details about the event, call (225) 777-4847.

Chapel Family, Friends Day

Morris Chapel Church of God in Christ, 1328 McDaniel Road, Amite, invites you to be its guest at Family and Friends Day at the church at

2 p.m. March 22. The service will feature the Morris Chapel Sanctuary Choir. Guest soloist will be gospel recording artist Gail Fly, of New Orleans, and the guest speaker will be Bishop Michael L. Smith, of New Covenant Christian Center of Baker, along with his music ministry. Call (985) 748-7737.

Mount Everett anniversary

Mount Everett African Methodist Episcopal Church,

at 4280 La. 37, Greensburg, will host a church anniversary program at 2 p.m. March 22. The speaker for the event will be the Rev. Norwert Hill Sr., from Greater Mount Olive Church in Independence. Call (225) 222-6820. Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or email swarren@theadvocate. com.

Have life Find strength in weakness, struggles your way World-famous burger chain Burger King lures millions of hungry patrons to its chargrilled, aroma-filled restaurants with its trademark slogan, “Have it your way.� I would like to consider Burger King’s marketing department brilliant. In ultimately deciding to use such a risky sales pitch, they have catered to the desires of every single individual whose business they aim to have. Burger King’s marketing team understood each person in life deserves and wants to simply have a break from the rigors of life and enjoy the leisure of feeling as if they have some say so in their daily activities. Quite honestly, life is not as simple as the drive-thru window at Burger King. We cannot just pull up to a ONE ST. window, dictate how our day will HELENA turn out, who we do not want to JASPER see or work with, nor say how KNIGHTEN much money we should get paid for our hard work. Life is just not that simple. Despite the fact this quick drive-thru life does not exist, all hope is not lost on controlling the ultimate direction of our lives. Whether we realize it or not, each of us has the opportunity in life to have life our way. The type of life a person enjoys depends on the choices he or she makes. Life is a lot like Burger King. Determining where you go in life, and how high you go, depends on the attitude you decide to have each morning you awake. While matriculating through grade school, teacher after teacher constantly reinforced an old adage: Your attitude determines your altitude. At the time, these words did not quite resonate as much as they do now. In fact, it sounded like a broken record every time a teacher would repeat it. I am thankful to this day for hearing that broken record over and over again. I am emboldened more than ever to share that broken record. Attitude is everything in life. Each of us is guilty of complaining and being ungrateful of our current circumstance. But if an honest inventory were taken by each of us, all of us would have to admit that we have erred when it comes to our perspectives in life. We have become too soft as a society. We run away when situations get tough. We throw in the towel when we even sense a hint of criticism. We fail to see opportunity in challenges. We expect all of the stars to be aligned in order for big events to finally come to fruition in our lives. Life is just not that simple. This journey each of us is on is a process that takes a lifetime to unfold. The gift we will find at the end of our lives after unraveling the mysteries of life can and will be perceived as being great or as a disappointment. The view each of us will hold will depend on the decisions we made along the way and the attitude we carried each day. You can have life your way, but remember just because the stars do not align the way you thought they should, does not mean you cannot have your desires fulfilled. Be grateful. Stare challenge and controversy in the eye and do not blink. Have the determination of a lion. Have the heart of a champion. Possess the charisma of a worldclass politician. Grab life by the horns and make it what you always dreamed it should be. You can do it. Remember, attitude determines your altitude. So have an out-of-this-world attitude. Contact Jasper Knighten at



Wishing the happiest birthday ever to my sweet hubby, Phillip Snoddy, and Kim Durbin Curry, of La. 441, both March 4; Shannon McCoy, of Amite, and my cousin, Pattie Wallace, of Holden, celebrate March 5; B.J. Gill, of Greensburg, March 9. nnn Anniversary blessings to Margaret and Sherrill Carraway, of La. 37, south of Greensburg, March 9. nnn My great-nephew, Nathan Pace Dawkins, of Woodstock,

Georgia, enjoyed his birthday Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. nnn Love the old photos in “Echo’s From The Past,� especially the one of Theresa “Sis� Walker, 1965 homecoming queen. Sis is the daughter of the late Ocy Walker, of Greensburg. nnn Congratulations to St. Helena seniors LaTrone Williams and Sidney Banks; Clinton seniors Jordan Taven and Jozie Milton; and Jackson seniors Jazz Ferguson and Ryan Reed. The

students signed to play college football at various colleges. nnn Wedding congrats to Camille Chambliss and Blake Womack, both of Central, on their nuptials July 17, at St. Isidore Catholic Church, Baker. Also to Addison Springer, of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Tanner LeBouef Dunhan, of Baton Rouge, who wed Aug. 8 at St. Joseph Cathedral. nnn To the families of Jake Allen, Shirley Grace Nolen Pourciau and Margaret Haage Stone,

we extend heartfelt love and prayers. nnn In Christ, we find the strong shoulders of the Son of God, who promises to take our heavy burdens and exchange them for His lighter load. He loves us with an everlasting love, understands our struggles, and can be trusted to provide us with a rest we can never find on our own. Making Him our sanctuary, His strength is enough for our weakness. For God has called the restless one to rest in Him!

ST. HELENA PARISH BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the St. Helena Parish Jail from Feb. 20-25: ATKINS, DANNY: 26, 39848 Mason Drive, Amite, domestic abuse, two counts simple battery, two counts simple burglary, burglary of an inhabited dwelling. CRAWFORD, TREY: 24, 21718 Judge Smiley Road, Pine, second-degree battery. DOWNING, HILLARY: 33, 201 Chestnut St., Amite, theft, simple assault. FRANKLIN, ANTOINETTE: 38, 181 Elm Lane, Grangeville, theft. MOREAU, JOHN: 39, address unknown, illegal possession of a stolen firearm. PITTMAN, STACEY: 29, 420 Willie Road, Greensburg, principal to simple burglary. SMITH, JAMIE: 36, 101 Taylor St., Greensburg, accessory to simple burglary. SMITH, STEVEN: 25, 637 W. Pine St., Amite, failure to appear. TAYLOR, ERICKA: 27, 119 Estes Lane, Greensburg, unauthorized use of a card.


Each week, we’ll take a look back at photos published in The Echo. The feature photo for this week’s Echo’s From the Past is from the May 2, 1979, edition of the St. Helena Echo. The original publication from 1955 reads: ‘The Greensburg FFA judging team placed second in the State FFA Contest, held at Southwestern Louisiana College in Lafayette on May 14, 1955. This team was beaten by Lake Arthur for top honors. This team had already won in their respective district and area judging contest which made them eligible for state competition. There were 20 teams participating, each being a winner of their respective area. The Greensburg FFA Team pictured, from left, are, Carl Courtney Jr., Alvin Venable and Donald Ray Birch.’

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in Clinton, LA

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 7G

east feliciana

Dykes, W.E. ‘Bill’

Drug drop box placed at Clinton town hall

The East Feliciana Parish Drug and Alcohol Awareness Council and District Attorney Sam D’Aquilla have placed the parish’s first prescription drug drop box inside Clinton’s town hall. As part of the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which expands efforts to safely dispose of unused controlled substances, anyone who wishes to dispose of any expired, unused or unwanted medicines can do so between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday at 11209 Bank St. No needles or syringes will be accepted. Almost twice as many Americans abuse pharmaceutical controlled substances than the number of those using cocaine, hallucinogens, heroin and inhalants combined, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. More than two-thirds or 70 percent of people who misuse prescription painkillers for the first time report obtaining the drugs from friends or relatives, including from home medicine cabinets, the survey said. D’Aquilla said drop boxes also will be placed in Jackson and other East Feliciana communities in the future.

Photo submitted by BRENDA GARDNER

Seniors celebrate Mardi Gras

Council on Aging member Clara Winzy attends the Feb. 20 Mardi Gras party at the senior center in Clinton.


Council on Aging

The East Feliciana Council on Aging, 11102 Bank St., Clinton, is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Most activities start at 11 a.m. Lunch is served at noon. Public transportation to East Baton Rouge Parish is provided Monday through Friday by the East Feliciana transit system. For information, call the Council on Aging at (225) 683-9862. FRIDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class, followed by distribution of senior food boxes

Photo provided by GAIL DELLAFIORA

Charlie is an affectionate 5-month-old male shorthair tabby. He is neutered, up-to-date on his vaccinations, litter-trained and lives indoors with several cats and dogs. He and his siblings were rescued at 2 weeks and were bottle-fed until they could eat on their own. Adopters with dogs should keep in mind that Charlie is not afraid of large canines and may not be aware of the dangers they could present. His adoption fee is $50.


MONDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class TUESDAY: 11 a.m., Joe Littlejohn on the harmonica WEDNESDAY: 11 a.m., bingo MARCH 12: 11:30 a.m. devotional, followed by blood pressure checks MARCH 13: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class.

State homecoming queen

The 35th annual Louisiana Homecoming Queen Selection is March 8 at the Hilton Boy Scout garage sale Jackson in Jackson, Mississippi. Boy Scouts from Troop High school girls will be 51 are hosting their annual garage sale fundraiser from interviewed, will walk on stage and will be judged 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at on poise, but the event is the Jackson Civic Center. more like an ambassadorFamilies and friends of ship rather than a beauty Troop 51 have been collectpageant, according to Rose ing items since last year’s Ann Hester, of America’s sale and have plenty of Homecoming Queen Inc., items to sell. Everyone is invited to drop a nonprofit organization promoting education and by on Saturday. community service for high If anyone has items to school homecoming queens. donate to the garage sale, Finalists will be selected call Kevin Tomb at (225) 634to participate in the state 2470. selection, and state winners 4-H Cookery Contest will receive a scholarship and an all-expenses-paid The East Feliciana 4-H trip to the national seCommodity Cookery conlection for homecoming test, open to all 4-H’ers in East Feliciana Parish, is Sat- queens in Memphis, Tenurday at the old fire station nessee, later this year. If you are a 2014-15 high in Clinton, 12305 Jackson St. school homecoming queen All 4-H members are and have not received your eligible to enter. Registraapplication from your high tion is from 10 a.m. to 10:30 school, contact Hester at a.m.; judging from 10:30 to or (901) 11:30 a.m.; and awards will 755-9144. be presented at noon. For a For information, visit complete list of rules, conamericashomecoming tact East Feliciana 4-H Extension Agent Leanna Cupit at (225) 683-3101 or lcupit@ Send news and events for Around East FeliciClinton market planned ana to Stacy Gill at sgill@ by 3 p.m. The Clinton Community Fridays or call (225) 993Market is set for 8 a.m. to 1

FISH DAY Now Is The Time For Stocking


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The following were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison from Feb. 22-25: BROOKS, DEVEN: 18, 26298 Woodstock Drive, Baton Rouge, computer solicitation, pornography involving juveniles, sexting. FLOWERS, LEVY: 25, 11615 Clarence St., Clinton, warrants. LANNS, KEITHA: 38, 9081 Barker Road, Slaughter, warrants. MUNN, JEROD: age and street address unknown, Zachary, warrants. MCHUGH, MICHAEL: 25, 1321 McHugh Road, Baker, battery of a police officer. UNDERWOOD, MARY: 36, 11800 Marston St., Clinton, aggravated second-degree battery. UNDERWOOD, WYNETA: 41, 2401 La. 952, Jackson, aggravated seconddegree battery.

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“3-5� Channel Catfish$ 40 per 100 “6-8� Channel Catfish$ 57 per 100 * Bluegill (Coppernose & Hybrid) *Redear *Largemouth Bass *Black Crappie (If Avail.) *Fathead Minnows(by the cup) *Koi Feliciana Farmers Co-op in Clinton, LA Wed March 11, 1:30-2:30 pm To Pre-order call

The Feliciana Animal Wel- FAWS at P.O. Box 8633, Clinton, fare Society is an all-volunteer, LA 70722. nonprofit organization with a mission to prevent animal suffering and pet overpopulation in East Feliciana. FAWS is a network of foster homes for adoptable dogs, cats, puppies and kittens primarily in Clinton, Ethel, Jackson, Norwood, Slaughter and Wilson. Foster parents are available for potential adopters to meet and adopt pets seven days a week. To contact FAWS, call (225) 252-5138, visit www.faws. or facebook. com/feliciana.fawsFacebook/FelicianaFaws, or email felicianaanimalwelfaresociety@ Donations can be sent to !, $


Stacy Gill

p.m. Saturday. Arts and craft vendors from East Feliciana Parish and surrounding areas will sell their handmade goods, home-baked breads, fresh produce, jewelry, crocheted hats, plants, blankets and much more. The Clinton Community Market is held the first Saturday of every month. For information, visit Clinton Market Day on Facebook, or contact Al O’Brien at (225) 683-9477 or borue@

Senator Dykes, a resident of Montpelier, died February 23, 2015. He was a World War II Veteran of the Merchant Marines, 32nd degree Mason ans founder of W. E. Dykes Feed and Seed. He was Mayor of Montpelier until his election to the Louisiana State Senate, where he served 12 years. During his time as Senator, he served as Chairman of the Agriculture Committee. He was a charter board member of the St. Helena Parish Hospital and also served as a member on the Louisiana State Hospital Board. Many of his 89 years were spent dairy farming and raising beef cattle and swine. He enjoyed gardening and was a member of the Montpelier Baptist Church. He was a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America. He is survived by his daughter, Billie Claire Dykes Tycer and her husband, James Herndon Tycer; daughter in law, Gloria M. Dykes; grandchildren, Bryan E. Dykes, Jr., William S. Dykes and wife, Heather Compton Dykes, Jamie Tycer Covington and husband, Todd Covington, and Jessica Tycer Rutledge and husband, Zach Rutledge. He adored his great grandchildren, Hannah Claire Covington, Mary Claire Dykes, Lily Grace Dykes, Porter James Rutledge, Jesse James Rutledge and Kylie Dykes. Preceded in death by his parents, Jesse A. and Willie Mae Bickford Dykes; son, Bryan E. Dykes, Sr.; his brothers, Jesse G. Dykes and H. T. "Tag" Dykes and sister, Irma Dykes Story Fugler. Visitation at McKneely Funeral Home, Amite, from 5 PM until 9 PM on Wednesday and continuing at Montpelier Baptist Church from 9 AM until Religious Services at 11 AM on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Services conducted by Rev. Rusty Durand. Interment Montpelier Cemetery, Montpelier. Memorial donations can be made to Montpelier Baptist Church, 2241 St. Helena Avenue, Montpelier, LA 70422. For an online guestbook, visit

$ $ %% %%! ) %

8G n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

Locally Owned & Operated 9702 Greenwell Springs Road 5355 Government St. Baton Rouge, La 70806 Baton Rouge, La 70814 (225)925-1522 225-218-0034 Hours: 7am-10pm Hours: 7am-10pm

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Milky Way, Snickers, 3 Musketeers or Twix

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9-12.4 oz 11-13.7 oz Sunshine Keebler Cheez-It Club Crackers





11 oz Cocoa or Fruity Pebbles or 12.5 oz honey Comb

16 oz Nabisco Premium Saltine




8 roll Bounty Basic Paper Towels

Post Cereal



Family Pack California Navel Oranges


6/ 98


9-11 oz

gallon Essential Everyday Milk

Banquet TV Dinners


2 lb Kraft Velveeta


6 oz Yoplait Yogurt




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6/ 98

8.16-10 oz

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Tide Liquid Detergent


dozen Krispy Kreme Donuts


Fresh Green Bell Peppers

50 oz


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12 roll Charmin Basic Bath Tissue


12-18.8 oz smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Frosted Flakes, Jif Peanut Butter, Krave smores or 20-22 oz Poptarts

4.68-6.2 oz 8 count Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats




Yellow Bananas

3 lb bag Yellow Onions





12 oz green Beans, Cut Corn, Peas, Mixed Vegetables, squash, Broccoli Cuts, Collard or Mustard greens or Chopped Broccoli

Pictsweet Vegetable


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Pork Picnic Roast

Coke Products





12 pk Fridge Pack or 8 pk, 12 oz Pet

12 oz Thibodeaux Peeled Crawfish Tails

Jamestown Bacon




Guidryʼs Catfish Fillets

1 lb

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9.5-13 oz Chips Ahoy





4 lb box Value Cut


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Zatarain’s Jambalaya, Dirty Rice or Red Beans Mix


Wesson half gallon or 12 pack cups Cooking Oil Blue Bell Ice Cream




4 lb Box


6-8 oz


Blue Runner Dry Red Beans

Community Coffee




1 lb

12 oz

Boneless Shoulder or Rump Steaks

Hunt’s Ketchup





24 oz

6 pack Fun size 15 oz Plain


Certified Angus Beef Family Pack

dozen Large Eggs



must buy 4

10.2 oz Cheese, Pepperoni,

hamburger or sausage

Totino’s Pizza



38 oz Whole Cream Cakes


Pictsweet Chopped Onions, Chopped Peppers or

Seasoning Blend





Runnels ousts East Feliciana; bike event set Like a heavyweight boxer in a title bout, the 25thseeded East Feliciana boys basketball team stood toeto-toe with eighth-seeded Runnels before a late surge in the final seconds lifted the Raiders to a 70-66 Class 2A bidistrict playoff victory. It wasn’t until 3.5 seconds remained in the Feb. 27 contest that Runnels was able to secure the victory with a pair of free throws by Josh Sparks to give Runnels its four-point cushion and its first playoff victory since 2008. With 32.4 seconds remaining, Sparks’ free throw lifted the Raiders to a 68-66 advantage, but Demarco Branch’s jumper in the lane missed, and Sparks added his decisive free throws. Sparks led all scorers with 27 points while teammates Muhammad Tirzadah added 16 and Grant Welsh had 10. Runnels, the 7-2A regularseason champion, improved to 19-12 and advanced to face ninth-seeded Archbishop Hannon. The Tigers, who finished the season 14-14, were paced by Tyquaylon Smith with 20 points, Tre’Darius Carr with 19 and Branch with 12.

Lady Tigers fall to Pickering

Top-seeded Pickering proved to have too much firepower in posting a lopsided 77-32 win over 16thseeded East Feliciana in a Class 2A regional playoff contest Feb. 24. The Lady Tigers opened the playoffs with a 65-41 tri-


umph over 17th-seeded Oak Grove before running into the Red Raiders. East Feliciana finished the season with a 17-8 record.

West Feliciana School Board honors football team

The West Feliciana football team was recognized Feb. 26 at the monthly parish School Board meeting. Coach Robb Odom’s Saints had a tremendous season, advancing through the Class 3A state playoffs as the fifth seed before losing to eventual champion and top-seeded Livonia 23-15 in the semifinals. It was the second time West Feliciana has advanced to the semifinals of the 3A playoffs since 2010. The Saints also tied for second with Port Allen and Parkview Baptist in District 7-3A behind eventual Select state champion University High. West Feliciana finished with an 11-3 record. Also recognized were receiver/defensive back Jazz Ferguson, who signed to play college football with the LSU Tigers next season, and quarterback and defensive back Ryan Reed, who signed to play with Northwestern State.

Photo provided by BETH DAWSON

Other seniors recognized at the School Board meeting were Drew Dawson, Demond Davis, Carlows Dennis, Lorenzo Green, Michael Johnson, Roderick Morrison, Chris Palm, Barry Sigur, Landon Tauzin, Terrell Williams, Austin Williams and Desmond Wilson.

Bike benefit set for March 8

The seventh annual No Such Thing as Impossible bike ride and kids’ fun ride is scheduled for March 8 at the West Feliciana Sports Park.

The race is open to adult cyclists and children with physical disabilities ages 3 to 21 (fun rides). The race benefits the Wheels to Succeed program at the McMains Children’s Development Center in Baton Rouge. Children with disabilities can try out specially adapted bicycles, tricycles and handcycles as well as have the opportunity to ride their own bikes. Families are invited so children can use the bikes or be evaluated and measured for an appropriate adapted

bike and added to the Wheels to Succeed waiting list. The fundraiser, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., features adult cyclists in 10- to 75-mile bike rides for a $45 donation, if registering prior to March 7. If registering the day of the event, the registration amount is $50. Check-in starts at 7:30 a.m. and the 75mile ride begins at 8 a.m.; the 40-mile ride at 9:30 a.m.; and the 10-mile ride at 11 a.m. At noon, youth under age 10 of all abilities can participate in a free parking lot

The East Feliciana High School boys basketball team fittingly won its last home game Feb. 20 with a 54-51 victory over Mentorship Academy. The Tigers, from left, are Joseph Dennis, DeMarco Branch, Gabriel Davis, Marvel Jackson, Tre’Darius Carr, Truman Seymore, Tyrounn Smith, Cedric Anderson Jr., Terrance Thomas, Jaylin Scott, Treylan Dunn and Ty’Quaylon Smith. Not shown: Tra’Vontae Booker.

fun ride, while children 10 and older can participate in a free 1-mile fun ride. To register, visit For information, contact Shanna McCarty at (225) 9233420, extension 103, or email Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@theadvocate. com.

2H n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n n The Advocate

Advocate staff photos by STEPHANIE WARREN

Senior night

ABOVE: The senior Hawks were honored Feb. 12 during their last home game of the season at St. Helena College and Career Academy. The Hawks lost to the Doyle High School Tigers 71-61. Student athletes honored senior night with their escorts, from left, are Tamica Doughty, Shakur Doughty, Brandon Jackson, Quinton Griffin, Keshota Jackson, Raquel Warner, Eric Warner Jr., Angie Thompson, Domenique Johnson, Bruce Williams, Mona Williams, Carl Williams, Cordell Williams, Clifford Williams, Shauntrel Williams, LaTrone Williams and Craig Williams. LEFT: The senior Lady Hawks were honored Feb. 12 during their last home game of the season at St. Helena College and Career Academy. The Hawks lost to the Doyle High School Tigers 34-62. Student athletes honored senior night, from left, are Takeisha Johnson and her escort Shaniki Hitchen, Terri Addison, Raven Jackson,Tori Cooper, Toni Melton and Miesha Milton.

St. Helena celebrates academic success of athletes Advocate staff report St. Helena College and Career Academy celebrated in February academic success, and athletics officials said their athletes made up a majority of those honored. St. Helena College and Career Academy’s head football coach and Athletic Director Brandon Brown said the school hosted an ACT Empowerment Celebration for its students last week and more than 60 percent

of the students involved were student-athletes. “The celebration served notice that the student-athBrown letes are excelling in athletics as well as academically,” Brown said. The celebration was to highlight all students who scored 18 or higher on the ACT and to encourage the other students to

do well on the test. “This celebration was to get all the students at SHCCA to realize that the ACT test is the gateway to a higher education and to get them to understand that doing well on the ACT would give them unlimited college opportunities in their near future,” the athletic director said. The celebration came as athletes were preparing for the start of several sports. Brown said the SHCCA boys

and girls track teams competed in their first invitational meet at Walker High School on Feb. 26. The baseball and softball teams also are in full swing as they prepare for their upcoming seasons, he said. “This season will be the first

in years for the baseball and softball teams to compete,” Brown said. The teams are practicing at Charlie Overton Park in Greensburg as they prepare for the season. Brown thanked the Police

Jury for allowing them to use the field as their practice facility and for also cutting the grass at the field and doing the needed work for the student-athletes to be able to have a safe environment to practice.

TARGET MORE THAN 26,800 READERS Open house set for Girl Scout camps WEEKLY WITH YOUR AD Advocate staff report

Area Girl Scouts and their families are invited to attend an open house at Camp Marydale March 8 in St. Francisville. Interested Girls Scouts also can learn about summer came during open hours March 15 and March 29 at Camp Whispering Pines in Independence. Each open house is from noon until 2 p.m. and provides the opportunity to ask questions about resident camp, tour camp living units, meet some of the camp staff and learn about the different camp sessions. Families who turn in a completed camp registration form and deposit at any open house will receive $10 off their camp balance. According to Angela Arneal, program resident camp and equestrian manager at Girl Scouts Louisiana East, Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts, ages 6 to 17, are eligible to attend resident camp May 31 to July 17 with sessions lasting three days to two weeks and costing from $75 to $325. Girl Scout resident camp programs are accredited by the American Camp Association, which means they undergo a thorough review process by outside camping professionals every three years, achieving the highest standard in the areas of personnel, program, site administration and health care, according to Arneal. Camp Marydale’s facilities include a sports field, archery field, low-ropes challenge course, hiking trails and swimming pool, in addition to its equestrian center with two riding arenas. Camp Whispering Pines offers a high ropes challenge course and rock climbing wall,


Kristi Lynch

for all your advertising needs.


Photo provided by MARIANNE ADDY

Girl Scouts have high hopes at summer camps such as Camp Marydale in St. Francisville, which includes a sports field, archery field, low-ropes challenge course, hiking trails and swimming pool, in addition to an equestrian center with two riding arenas. handicap accessible swimming pool, hiking trails and a stocked 23-acre lake for canoeing, fishing and rowboating, as well as a giant water slide. Girl Scouts Louisiana East serves girls in kindergarten through 12th-grade in Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, Pointe Coupee, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. Helena, St. James, St. John, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Washington, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana parishes. For directions to the camps or to receive a camp brochure, call the council at (800) 6447571. Session information is also available at www.gsle. org.

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 5, 2015 n 3H

Superintendent search cut to seven applicants BY JAMES MINTON

Special to The Advocate CLINTON — A special committee will be asked to interview seven people interested in becoming East Feliciana Parish’s next public school superintendent, the School Board said Tuesday. The meeting was the last for Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr., who was named school superintendent in Orleans Parish in January. Twelve people applied for the post, but the board eliminated five of them before announcing the names of the applicants who met all of the advertised requirements. Board President Michael Bradford said three area school superintendents, a “community leader” and a representative of

East Feliciana

director. Other applicants are George Noflin Jr., Morehouse Parish the East Feliciana Chamber of superintendent and a native of Commerce will interview the the Felicianas; Susan D. Moore, seven and recommend three of New Orleans; and Angela finalists for the board’s consid- Lee Domingue, of Baton Rouge and former principal of Belaire eration. Bradford did not name the High School. The board did not consider apinterview committee members or announce a timeline for the plications from Awonza LaBatt, of Boyds, Maryland; Charles S. interviews. The applicants include East Michel, Metairie; or Victoria Baton Rouge Parish Associate Miles, of Fort Worth, Texas, beSchool Superintendent Carlos cause they did not hand-deliver J. Sam, Zachary school sys- or send their applications by tem Operations Chief Patrick certified mail, as specified in D. Jenkins, and De’Ette Perry, the job advertisement. Hamilton P. Brock, of Baker, secondary education director did not fill out the required apfor the Baker school system. Mavia Alice Marsalis was plication, Bradford said, and the only East Feliciana school LaKesa B. Dixon does not have system employee who applied. a current state superintenShe is the system’s personnel dent’s certificate.

JES Principal’s Award students announced

Jackson Elementary School announced its Principal’s Award winners for the first semester on Feb. 12 . They earned the honor by earning a 4.0 grade-point average. JES Principal’s Award recipients include, front row, from left, are, second-grader Kaleb Collins; first-graders Na’Kayla Davis, Zoee Swan, Arlecia Bradford, and Jaden Matthews. Receiving award, in back, from left, are, first-grader Brianna Leggett; fourth-graders Kenny Collins and Deontae Harris, and first-grader Makaylee Johnson.

Photo provided by MISCHELE RICKS

Bingo buddies

Photos provided by JULIE MCLIN

Tenants of Assisi Heights Apartments in St. Francisville meet for monthly group activities and games such as bingo that tenants Lloyd Elam, James Butler, Peter Ford and Clinton Passman, from left, are playing in February. Assisi Heights is considered low-income housing designed for the elderly and disabled. Sarah Arvie-Pointer of WellCare, who visits the tenants each month, led the February game.

James Pierce, left, demonstrates to David DeArmond how anyone can use an automated external defibrillator to save a life. In back, Sylvia Martin, left, teaches expectant mom Stacey McGraw infant CPR techniques at the Keep the Beat event Feb. 21 in St. Francisville.

67 learn CPR, more



Breakfast special: Sliced ham or sausage, grits, orange juice, escalloped apples, biscuit/jelly/margarine and oatmeal cookie.

Birthday special: Chicken and sausage gumbo with rice, okra and tomatoes, potato salad, low-sodium crackers and cake.



Shrimp creole, brown rice, green peas, pickled beets, dinner roll and pumpkin cookie.


Ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, pickled beets, whole-wheat bread and pecan pinwheel snack cake.


Hamburger, baked beans and gelatin desert.

Photo submitted by JON LOVEALL

Meatball hoagie with Creole sauce, buttered cabbage, mixed vegetables and apple.

Capital Area Council on Aging menu is served in West Feliciana, East Feliciana and St. Helena parishes and is subject to change. All meals are served with a half-pint of 2 percent milk.

Advocate staff report

Jonnie Triche, left, and Amy Greer practice infant CPR techniques at Keep the Beat, a free course Feb. 21 in St. Francisville that was offered by Lane Regional Medical Center of Zachary and sponsored by Cardiovascular Institute of the South.

Advocate photo by HOWARD ARCENEAUX

Terry Craighead, St. Francisville Mayor Billy D’Aquilla and Brad Hopkins, from left, Feb. 10 at the Board of Alderman meeting after proclaiming Feb. 12 ‘Terry Craighead Day’. Craighead, of Ethel, retired after 26 years working as Entergy’s service man in the St. Francisville community. Hopkins will replace Craighead.

Feb. 12 named ‘Terry Craighead Day’ Advocate staff report

St. Francisville Mayor Billy D’Aquilla proclaimed Feb. 12 as “Terry Craighead Day” at the Feb. 10 Board of Aldermen meeting in recognition of Craighead’s retirement after 26 years as Entergy’s utility service man in the community. Craighead, a resident of Ethel, began his career in 1978 with Gulf States Utilities. “I plan to devote myself to my tree-trimming business,” Craighead said. He will be replaced by Brad Hopkins.

Brittany Weaver, left, teaches CPR to Abby Bennett at the Lane Regional Medical Center and Cardiovascular Institute of the South event, Keep the Beat, held Feb. 21 at First Baptist Church St. Francisville.

The 67 participants who attended Lane Regional Medical Center’s recent Keep the Beat training event at First Baptist Church of St. Francisville learned hands-on, life-saving CPR skills as well as how to recognize and provide basic care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, said Julie McLin, of Lane RMC. “As a ‘thank you’ for hosting the event, the church will receive an automatic external defibrillator, or AED, for their use, a $2,500 value,” McLin said. West Feliciana Parish school Superintendent Hollis Milton was the guest speaker and shared the story of his recent heart attack. “I know I am a lucky man,” Milton said. “If anyone even suspects they are having a heart attack, please don’t wait; call 911 immediately.” McLin said the life-saving class was provided free by Lane’s medical professionals because statistics are bleak. According to Lane: n Only 1 in 20 people know CPR, yet cardiovascular disease is the top killer in the country, claiming 2,400 lives each day. n About 95 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before they reach the hospital. n Brain death starts to occur within four to six minutes. n CPR helps maintain vital blood flow to the brain until defibrillation can be administered. The event was sponsored by the Cardiovascular Institute of the South.

In order to be better prepared for a cardiac emergency, West Feliciana Parish Superintendent Hollis Milton, left, learned life-saving CPR skills from instructor Missy Jester at Lane Regional Medical Center’s Keep the Beat event Feb. 21 in St. Francisville.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

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10160 The West Feliciana Parish School Board is accepting applications (letter of intent and current resume) until 12 noon, March 24, 2015 for the following positions: Middle School Principal

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Elementary Principal Submit to: West Feliciana Parish School Board Human Resources Department P.O. Box 1910 St. Francisville, LA 70775 (225) 635-3891, ext. 122 FAX: (225) 635-0108

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East Feliciana Public Notices

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East Feliciana Public Notices


PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: One certain lot or parcel of ground together with all buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or in anyway appertaining to that subdivision known as RICHMOND PLACE, FIRST FILING, located in Section 18 and 41 of Township 3 South, Range 1 East, and Sections 104 and 105, Township 3 South, Range 1 West, in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana containing 2.38 acres and being more particularly shown and described as: LOT TWENTY-THREE-Y (23Y) According to “Map Showing the Resubdivision of Lot23 Richmond Place Subdivision First Filing, in Section 18 and 41 of Township 3 South, Range 1 East, and Sections 104 and 105, Township 3 South, Range 1 West, in east Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. For Lot 23-X W. E. Lindsay, Lot 23-Y Ervin Dugas” by Toxie Craft, Registered Land Surveyor dated July 6, 1982, said survey recorded as Entry Number 97233 and having those measurements and being subject to those servitudes as shown on said map. There is located on the property herein described a 24 x 60 Manufactured home being described as a 1978 Model, with VIN- ALBU6782460S which is intended by the parties to be, and it shall so remain, permanently attached to the real property and as such subject to this mortgage as part to the immovable property. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 7 DAY OF January, 2015. ___________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5079259-jan 29-mar 5-2t

NOTICE OF SEIZURE --SHERIFF'S OFFICE NO: 43385 PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION VERSUS JERRY D MILLER, JR. AND CHRISTINA M. MILLER STATE OF LOUISIANA, TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE December 5TH, 2014 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE March 11, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) JERRY D MILLER, JR. AND CHRISTINA M. MILLER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: One (1) certain lot or parcel of land, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, designated as Lot Number Twenty-Five (25) on a map dated April 22, 1968 prepared by Alex Theriot, C.E., entitled Subdivision Map No. 2 for Rush and Watson, Inc. of record as Registry No, 56783 in the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, Stale of Louisiana, Said Lot Number Twenty-Five (25) having the measurements and dimensions and being subject to the servitudes and dedications as set forth on said official map. Mortgagor and Mortgagee declare that the 1998 Southern Homes Mobile Home, model LS224, bearing VIN: DSL2AL29409 AD previously immobilized in Entry number 149102 of the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 8 DAY OF January, 2015.

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School Board 5093162-feb 19-26-mar 512-4t




STATE OF LOUISIANA, TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2014 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE March 11, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) GLENN G. TRAHAN PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Two (2) certain lots or parcels of ground, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Parish of East Feliciana, Louisiana, in that subdivision thereof known as HIGHLAND LAKESHORE ESTATES, and being described on the official plat of said subdivision recorded in Survey Book A, page 398 of the official records of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, as LOTS NUMBER THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (355) AND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-SIX (356), said subdivision. Said LOTS NUMBER THREE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIVE (355) AND THREE HUNDRED FIFTYSIX (356) having the measurements and dimensions and being subject to the servitudes and dedications as set forth on said official plat. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITHOUT APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 14 DAY OF January, 2015. ___________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5081894-jan 29-mar 5-2t

NOTICE --February 9, 2015 NOTICE TO BIDDERS – ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE PINE & HARDWOOD TIMBER Separate sealed bids will be received by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana 70722, no later than 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, for the sale of Pine and Hardwood Timber on two (2) tracts of East Feliciana Parish School Board property known as the “Plank Road Tract” (Tract 1) located off Plank Road and Noel Thomas Road in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana and the “Old Clinton Middle School Tract” (Tract 2), located off Hwy. 67 North in Section 72, Township 2 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish. Tract 1 will consist of a clearcut of 71 acres of mature pine with scattered hardwoods; and Tract 2 consists of marked large hardwoods and natural pines on 18 acres. A separate written timber contract on a form approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board will be required for each Tract. Bids submitted after 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, and telephoned or faxed bids will not be accepted. Complete bid documents may be obtained from Timberland Forestry LLC., P. O. Box 2009, Clinton, LA 70722, Telephone (225) 978-1576. Bidders may now find related bid materials and submit electronic bids online at Separate sealed bids received are to be opened and read aloud in the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana, by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled for 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. The Bid Opening Committee will present the same along with timber contracts for consideration to the East Feliciana Parish School Board at its upcoming Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular Board Meeting beginning at 5:00 P.M. In the event identical high successful bids are received, the bid received first in time by the Bid Opening Committee will be recommended to the East Feliciana Parish School Board. The East Feliciana School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and formalities. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent East Feliciana Parish

I, Alphonse Craig Griffin Sr., have been convicted of 14:42.1 Forcible Rape on May 24, 1995. My address is 3621 Bank St., Jackson, LA 70748. 5095466-feb 26-mar 5-2t

I, James Allen, have been convicted of 18:6101 Rape (Attempted) on May 20, 2008. My Address is 10783 Grant St., Wilson, LA 70789. 5097202-feb 26-mar 5-2t


I, Kathryn Camille Murray, have been convicted of 11990002 22.011(A)(2) PC - Sexual Assault Child on Jul 03, 2012. My address is 11251 Toler St., Clinton, LA 70722. 5096353-feb 26-mar 5-2t NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE NOT EXCEEDING $800,000 OF UTILITIES REVENUE BONDS OF THE TOWN OF JACKSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA As provided by a resolution adopted on February 9, 2015, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), the Town HEREBY DECLARES ITS INTENTION to issue up to Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000) of Utilities Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds"), for the purpose of paying the cost of making additions, extensions and improvements to the drinking water system of the Town, including equipment and fixtures (the "System"). The Bonds will be limited and special revenue bonds of the Town, secured by and payable solely from the revenues of the Town's combined drinking water, sewage treatment and natural gas supply systems (collectively, the "System"), after there have been paid from those revenues the reasonable and necessary expenses of operating and maintaining the System. The Bonds will not be a charge on the other income and revenues of the Town, nor shall they constitute an indebtedness or pledge of the general credit of the Town. The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Part XIII, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and/or other applicable laws (collectively, the "Act"). The Bonds will be issued and authorized by ordinance(s) adopted by the governing authority of the Town, in one or more series, will mature up to twentytwo (22) years from their date of issuance, will bear interest at rates up to three and forty-five hundredths of one percent (3.45%), and will be subject to prepayment anytime without penalty. Proceeds of the Bonds may also be used to pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. As provided by the Act, all of the other details of the Bonds will be set forth in the ordinance(s) authorizing their issuance, including the following: covenants relating to the management and operation of the System, the imposition and collection of rates and charges from the System's customers, the expenditure of such rates and charges, the issuance of future bonds and the creation of future liens and encumbrances against the System and all other pertinent matters as may be necessary to the authorization and issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds are expected to be sold at a private sale, as provided for in the Act, to the Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, and the Bonds will also be approved by the State Bond Commission prior to their delivery. THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the governing authority of the Town will meet in open and public session on MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 at SIX O'CLOCK (6:00) P.M., at the Jackson Fire Station, 1631 Charter St., Jackson, Louisiana 70748, to hear any objections to the proposed issuance of the Bonds. If at such hearing a petition duly signed by electors of the Town in a number not less than five percent (5%) of the number of such electors voting in the last special or general election object to the issuance of the Bonds, then the Bonds shall not be issued until approved at an election held for that purpose. Any such petition must be accompanied by a certificate of the East Feliciana Parish Registrar of Voters certifying that the signers of the petition(s) are registered electors of the Town and the number of signers amounts to not less than five percent (5%) of the registered voters that voted in the last tax election held in the Town, all as provided by the Act. TOWN OF JACKSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA 5096682 - feb 26-mar 5-1219-4t

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338. Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested. 5098375-mar 5-1t

NOTICE OF SEIZURE --SHERIFF'S OFFICE NO: 43399 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. VERSUS JACOB C GRAMMON & WENDY WEATHERFORD GRAMMON, (A/K/A WENDY WEATHERFORD, WENDY GRAMMON) STATE OF LOUISIANA, TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE JANUARY 5TH, 2015 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE April 15, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) JACOB C GRAMMON & WENDY WEATHERFORD GRAMMON, (A/K/A WENDY WEATHERFORD, WENDY GRAMMON) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 1. A certain lot or parcel of ground with all improvements thereon, containing 2.0 acres in Section 60, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, and being more particularly shown and described as Lot “A” according to “Map Showing Survey of Two (2 acre lots) out of the Rogers Property, located in Section 60, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana”, by David I. Rogers, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, dated December 7, 1980, a copy of which is attached to Act of Cash Sale filed as Instrument Number 90236 of the official Conveyance Records of East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. 2. An undivided one-half (1/2) ownership interest and a permanent servitude or right-of- way of passage which is dedicated to run with Lot A described above in and to a certain strip or parcel of land containing 0.23 acres in Section 60, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, being designated as “Road” on the aforesaid plat of survey, and being more particularly described as follows, towit: Commence at the Eastern most corner of Section 70, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, and Point of Beginning, thence North 49 degrees 58 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 391.30 feet to point and corner; thence South 73 degrees 47 minutes 15 seconds East, a distance of 30.06 feet to point and corner; thence South 49 degrees 58 minutes 11 seconds East, a distance of 377.00 feet to point and corner; thence South 88 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds West, a distance of 39.83 feet to Point of Beginning. Which has the address of 8361 Hephzibah Road, Clinton, LA 70722 TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW

Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Interim Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5098581-mar 5-1t


5080912-jan 29-mar 5-2t

West Feliciana Public Notices




Professional Services 3” - $20 per week 3” - $17 per week if run 13 weeks or more 6” - $40 per week 6” - $34 per week if run 13 weeks or more

East Feliciana Public Notices


PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the assessors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters. 5098898-mar 5, 12-2t

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-19) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to the West Feliciana Parish Port Commission; and to provide for related matters. 5096985-feb 26-mar 5-2t

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338. Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested. 5098376-mar 5-1t

NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 1007 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V29042O, Solicitation No. 2259010 – Meat-PE-April 2015, 03/17/2015 File No. V29043O, Solicitation No. 2259011 – Cooked Meat-PE-April 2015, 03/17/2015

NOTICE --WEST FELICIANA PARISH HOSPITAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 2015 4:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Leonard Sullivan, Chairman Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary Kevin Bearden Mitch Brashier Dr. Adam Whatley MEMBERS ABSENT: Cheryl Franklin, Chairman Raymond Minor


OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Chastant, CEO Linda Harvey, CFO Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant CALL TO ORDER Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 4:40 p.m. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Mitch Brashier. ROLL CALL Leonard Sullivan called roll. Five of the seven members present constituting a quorum. NEW BUSINESS Presentation of Funding Options for Construction Project Presented by Steven Nosacka Lee introduced Steve Nosacka to the Board as our IRMA, Independent Requested Municipal Advisor. Stating he was instrumental in helping the Hospital in coming up with some better options for financing of the new Hospital. Mr. Nosacka, made a comparative data presentation to the Board on all Bank Financing proposals submitted for the construction project financing and permanent financing with amounts, terms, interest rates and structure. Proposals were submitted from Investar Bank, Whitney, MidFirst Bank and AgStar. It was noted that Iberia Bank had declined to submit a proposal. After the presentation, a brief question and answer session followed concerning how long Mr. Nosacka will follow the loan process after approval and financing in place. He stated that in the future he would be able to monitor interest rates, etc. pertaining to the Hospital and could make recommendation if there were a better option. Also that he had worked with St. James Hospital on their financing. Mr. Nosacka informed the Board that his recommendation for Construction financing and permanent financing is Investar Bank. Lee then informed the Board that the Finance Committee had met and their recommendation was also Investar Bank. Meredith Hathorne, Bond Attorney with Foley, Judell discussed the process and dates that were required. Melvin Harvey thanked Mr. Nosacka for the presentation to the Board and also stated he will abstain from voting. Meredith Hathorne informed the Board that a resolution had to be approved and accepted, accepting Investar Bank’s proposal for the construction and permanent financing. She then read the Resolution to the Board Members. It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Dr. Whatley to accept and approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried. Melvin Harvey abstained. Discussion of next Steps for Completing Construction Project A discussion ensued concerning receiving approval from the Parish Council, Bond Commission and Rural Development. After approval, the advertising process can begin followed by putting out and accepting Construction Bids. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Kevin Bearden to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried Melvin Harvey, Secretary Leonard Sullivan, Chairman 5098762-mar 5-1t

NOTICE --WEST FELICIANA PARISH HOSPITAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING January 15, 2015 5:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Leonard Sullivan, Chairman Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary Kevin Bearden Mitch Brashier Dr. Adam Whatley MEMBERS ABSENT: Raymond Minor OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Chastant, CEO Linda Harvey, CFO Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant Department Managers CALL TO ORDER Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 5:05p.m. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Cheryl Franklin. ROLL CALL Leonard Sullivan called roll. Six of the seven members present constituting a

The Advocate West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 quorum. Mr. Sullivan requested that the consent agenda be amended to include a one hour Executive Session to review the Employee Personnel Committee’s Report. The Committee consists of Cheryl Franklin, Mitch Brashier and Melvin Harvey. It was then moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Cheryl Franklin to amend the agenda to include the Executive Session. Motion carried. Mr. Sullivan then stated that the Physician Appointments listed under the Consent Agenda needed to be tabled until next month due to not having a quorum at Medical Staff for approval. It moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to eliminate Physician Appointments on the consent agenda and approve the two remaining items. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA

West Feliciana Public Notices



ed by Melvin Harvey to create the new Housekeeping Supervisor Position. Motion carried.

weather. The Hospital received an approval letter from DOTD.

Mitch Brashier asked if a market analysis had been done on the position and Lee stated it had been done. OLD BUSINESS Financing of Construction Project – Guaranteed and Construction Financing Mr. Sullivan stated that the above was a non-action item but presentations had been given by Dougherty & Company, Investar Bank, MidFirst Bank and Whitney Bank. The above items needed to be received by Steve Nosacka with Trinity Finance, our IRMA. Mr. Sullivan also stated that the data was not complete. Mr. Nosacka will compare proposals and present to the Finance Committee. After that is done, the data and the Finance Committee’s recommendation could then be presented to the Board to be finalized.

Leonard Sullivan, Chairman Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman Melvin Harvey, Secretary

Lee stated there are two components to the financing; the Construction financing and the permanent financing for eight million. Mitch then asked the timetable on finalizing this and Lee stated the sooner the better, hopefully by the end of the month because USDA wants to finalize their paperwork and we have a tentative agreement based on MidFirst. After receiving other proposals MidFirst may not be the best proposals received. A Special meeting could be set up after the Finance Committee has met. All proposals should be in by Thursday. Lee will speak with Steve and let the Finance Committee know.

New Position, Housekeeping Supervisor

Renovations, Offices

Lee explained to the Board that oversight of Housekeeping had been done on an interim basis and that he would like to make this a new position on permanent basis for someone. He also stated the job description was included in the Board books. Lee stated this would be a working Supervisor’s position and hopefully this will be an opportunity for someone in the department to advance. He then explained the duties of the position and stated if approved, it will be posted.

Lee gave an update on the renovations to the third suite and the old wound care building stating after the move, contractors can bid on the third suite connection for the Pediatric Clinic.

It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers, 2015 Mr. Sullivan opened the floor for election of officers for 2015. It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Mitch Brashier to keep Officers the same for 2015 as were in 2014.

It was then moved by Cheryl Franklin and second-

West Feliciana Public Notices


BUILDING REPORT Road Construction, Final Phase Lee informed the Board that road construction was scheduled to start this week. A road construction meeting is scheduled for January 22nd. Weather conditions since the signing of the documents had caused a delay. They are planning on working around the

Submission of Plans for Hospital Construction Update Today the Hospital received a letter from the Fire Marshall. There are two items they are requesting. Still waiting to hear from USDA. The Architects presented the Plans to the Fire Marshall and USDA in December. We received approval from the Town’s Council who approves the facade. They approved and were pleased. We now have the Town’s approval for the facade and have to go to planning and zoning. We are on the tentative schedule for February 25th. Adam Fishbein did the presentation on Wednesday. Mitch Brashier asked if we had decided on the colors and Lee stated no they were concern about the design and layout. Administrator’s Report Presented by Lee Chastant, CEO Hospital Engagement Network (HEN) – Two years ago CMS Medicare instituted a program to help improve patient issues across the Country. Most States adopted the program for Louisiana. The Louisiana Hospital Association became the program manager for the Louisiana HEN. The program was for all hospitals to volunteer to participate. WFPH opted to join the program. The program addressed such things as infection rates, patient falls and 30 day re-admission. There were goals and standards set up for every participant. Because the Hospital met the Benchmarks during the program we were awarded the Champions for Quality Care Award and check for $2,500. Special thanks to the entire West Feliciana Parish Hospital Staff and employees for obtaining these accomplishments. Joint Commission – Lab –Last week the surveyor for Joint Commission did their Lab survey. These surveys come unannounced. The survey typically takes a couple of days and is very thorough. We are very happy to report that our Lab did very well not only in passing but in the exit conference the surveyor gave special praise to the work being done in our Lab. Needless to say we are very proud of Rhonda and the entire Lab Staff for doing so

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 well on our survey. Mitch Brashier asked the Lab Staff to stand up. All were congratulated by the Board and applauded. Ronda stated she has an awesome staff and informed Melvin Harvey that the Hospital now has Country Manor back. Community Leaders Event – We had discussed in previous meetings about having a series of promotional events to “get the word out” about our Hospital construction project. TCI has been engaged to assist in planning and coordinating the event. Currently the plans are to hold a Social, the evening of February 12th at the Bluffs from 6 to 8 p.m. There will be a list of invited guest. The event will have food and entertainment along with a presentation on the construction project. Prior to the Social we will make the same presentation to the Department Heads and Hospital Staff. In addition to the presentation we will produce a document that will be mailed out to the public. Other consideration is to have event at a public location that would invite anyone to hear about the project. Also to have a Construction Committee meeting and invite the entire Medical Staff to the offices of Grace Hebert to view the Hospital in 3D in a presentation given by our Architects. PERSONNEL REPORT (In Folder) FINANCIAL REPORT Presented by Linda Harvey, CFO Linda gave an update/ report on Hospital Statistics, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet (compared to a year ago), Physicians Offices, Physical Therapy, Emergency Medical Services, and Hospital Revenue per Physicians, Cash Investments, Bottom Line, and the Check Register. PUBLIC COMMENT Melvin Harvey asked each Department Manager to stand up and introduce themselves, their departments and number of employees they supervise. He then stated the Board appreciated the managers being at the meeting tonight and look forward to seeing them here for the Board meetings that it is

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

Thursday, March 5, 2015

West Feliciana Public Notices


West Feliciana Public Notices






important to us as we move forward to the future that they attend so they will learn what is going on and we learn this as one unit. The Board is happy they are employees and look forward to many more great years as we enter into a new venture in the Hospital by building a new facility. We need your help in doing it and look forward to working with them. He then stated that at next month’s meeting, a sign in sheet will be there for their signature.

Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the assessors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters.

the course of the meeting should anyone wish to speak, please raise your hand and be recognized before approaching the podium. She further noted that conversation in the audience and blurting out comments will not be tolerated.

Table B (Minimum Width at Building Line Amendment) The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. Mr. Ferguson responded to questions asked by the Council and public comments were made by those members of the audience wishing to do so.

[A summary of the ordinance was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.]

Leonard Sullivan then recognized Parish Council Ricky Lambert. Mitch Brashier stated that the Board will be going into an Executive Session for an hour and there was no need for anyone to stay unless they wanted too. It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to enter into Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. for one hour to discuss the Employee Personnel Committee’s Report. Motion carried. It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Dr. Whatley to enter back into the regular meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion carried. It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to enter into Executive Session for thirty minutes to discuss a Personnel matter. Motion carried. Mitch Brashier asked Lee to attend this meeting. It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Melvin Harvey to enter back into the regular meeting at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Motion carried Melvin Harvey, Secretary Leonard Sullivan, Chairman 5098765-mar 5-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by

5098905-mar 5, 12-2t

NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT THE FIRST REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2015. The Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its regular meeting place, the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana on Monday, February 9, 2015 at FiveThirty (5:30) p.m. Chairperson Heather R. Howle called the meeting to order and directed the Secretary, Rolanda J. Robinson to call the roll: PRESENT: Hon. Chair Heather R. Howle and Council Members Ms. Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV and Otis L. Wilson. ABSENT: None. OTHERS: Parish President, Kevin Couhig and Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Michael L. Hughes. 3. PRAYER & PLEDGE Those who liked joined in the saying of the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. RULES OF MEETING ORDER The Chair stated that the meeting would be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order with deviations as seen fit by the Chair. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT REQUESTS – SUBMITTAL OF FORMS The Chair asked those who wanted to make comments on a specific agenda item to please fill out the form and turn them in to the Secretary so they will be recognized at the proper time. She asked that during

6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION Mr. Percy offered a motion to approve all agenda items with the exception of agenda item 9.E., removing items 10.E., 10.F. and 11.B. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Discussion ensued. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Young, Lambert and Kean. Motion failed 3-4. Mr. Lambert offered a motion to approve all agenda items with the exception of agenda item 9.E. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Ms. Williams offered a substitute motion to approve all agenda items with the exception of agenda items 9.E. and 9.F. Motion dies for lack of a second. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the original motion were Percy, Young, Lambert, Kean and Howle. Casting dissenting votes were Williams and Wilson. Motion carried. Mr. Kean made a motion to add agenda item 9.E. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. There was no objection. Motion carried. 7. APPROVAL OF PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Percy approved the minutes from the regular meeting of January 20th, 2015 as written. 9. PUBLIC HEARING At 5:40 p.m., upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert the Council entered into public hearing. 9.A. ADOPT AND/OR MAKE AMENDMENTS TO THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCES i. Article I and V Amendment (Private Residential Development Definition and Inclusion) The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. The Planning Administrator, Jim Ferguson gave a brief explanation of the amendment followed by Council discussion and public comments. ii. Article II Section 10,

iii. Article II, Section 21, Table C (PUD allowable uses Amendment) The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. Mr. Ferguson responded to questions asked by the Council. [A summary of the above ordinances was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] 9.D. ADOPT AND/OR AMEND AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE GRAHAM ROAD BRIDGE The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance and the Public Works Director, Mr. Ferguson responded the questions asked by members of the Council. [A summary of the ordinance was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] 9.B. ADOPT AND/OR AMEND AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE ISLAND ROAD LOW WATER CROSSING The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance and the Public Works Director, Mr. Ferguson responded to questions asked by members of the Council. [A summary of the ordinance was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] 9.C. ADOPT AND/OR AMEND AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FEES FOR CONNECTION TO INDEPENDENCE SEWER SYSTEM The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. There was no discussion, no proposed amendments to the ordinance or public comments.

9.E. ADOPT AND/OR AMEND AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE V, SECTION X OF THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA There was no discussion due to the intent to withdraw the ordinance. 9.F. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TO DISMISS ALL CLAIMS AND COUNTER CLAIMS IN REGARDS TO LAMBERT GRAVEL COMPANY, INC. AND THE SUCCESSION OF PAUL A. LAMBERT SR. V. PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, SUIT NO. 21774, 20TH JDC, PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA The Chair read aloud the ordinance for introduction purposes. 9.G. TAKE ACTION DEEMED NECESSARY At 6:42 p.m. Mr. Kean offered a motion to end the public hearing and return to regular session. Seconded by Mr. Percy. There was no objection. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 1 Article I and V amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinances. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Williams, Percy, Kean, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Young and Lambert. Motion carried 52. [The ordinance in its entirety was published in the February 19, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 2 Article II Section 10, Table B amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinances. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Young, Lambert and Kean. Motion failed 3-4. Moved by Mr. Kean to



Thursday, March 5, 2015 West Feliciana Public Notices


West Feliciana Public Notices


[The ordinance in its entirety was published in the February 19, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 4 transferring funds for the replacement of the Island Road low water crossing. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. Upon a roll call vote, the Council unanimously voted in favor of the motion. [The ordinance in its entirety was published in the February 19, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 5 establishing fees for connection to Independence Sewer System. Seconded by Ms. Williams. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Williams, Percy and Howle. Casting dissenting votes were Young, Lambert, Kean and Wilson. Motion failed 3-4. Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 6 transferring funds for the replacement of the Graham Road Bridge. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Upon a roll call vote, the Council unanimously voted in favor of the motion. [The ordinance in its entirety was published in the February 19, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] Moved by Mr. Kean to withdraw Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 7 to amend Article V, Section X of the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinances. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, the Council unanimously voted in favor of the motion.

The Advocate

West Feliciana Public Notices


adopt Ordinance No. 2015 February 9 – 3 Article II, Section 22, Table C amendment to the Planning and Zoning Ordinances. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Williams, Percy, Lambert, Kean, Howle and Wilson. Casting the only dissenting vote was Young. Motion carried 6-1.



i. Set date and time of public hearing Mr. Percy offered a motion to set the date and time of the public hearing for the regular meeting of March 9, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in this meeting room for item 9.F. Motion dies for lack of a second. No public hearing was set for item 9.F. 10. COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE ACTION NEW BUSINESS 10.A. PLANNING & ZONING i.-v. Ms. Williams presented each item as it appeared on the agenda. The Planning & Zoning Administrator, Mr. Jim Ferguson provided information along with the Parish President and public comments were allowed by those wishing to do so. 10.B. HIRING OF SPECIAL COUNSEL The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Kean adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF PARISH COUNCIL TO ENGAGE SPECIAL COUNCIL RESOLVED: Pursuant to the authority contained in Article III, Section C: 3, of the West Feliciana Parish Home Rule Charter, Mr. Howard S. Linzy, Attorney at Law, and The Kullman Firm, 1100 Poydras St., Ste. 1600, New Orleans, LA 70163-1600, (504) 524-4162, are engaged to provide legal services to the West Feliciana Parish Council regarding matters of employment law, including, without limitation, matters related to the Fair Labor Standards Act, Equal Pay Act, Immigration Reform and Control Act, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, OSHA, COBRA, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII, and all matters related to employment and labor laws. Said engagement shall be on terms not exceeding the fee schedule for special council as approved by the Office of Attorney General, State of Louisiana.

FOR: Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky� Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson AGAINST: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: /s/Heather R. Howle Date 2/9/2015 Heather R. Howle West Feliciana Parish Council Chairperson /s/Rolanda J. Robinson Date 2/9/2015 Rolanda J. Robinson West Feliciana Parish Council Secretary 10.C. POLICIES 10.C.i. Moved by Mr. Wilson to amend the resolution establishing agenda rules and procedure for regular meetings – Revision: All regular meeting agendas shall be published 96 hours prior to the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Young, Lambert, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams and Kean. Motion carried 5-2. 11.B. DISCUSS NEW JERUSALEM FINAL AND RECORDED PLAT ISSUES/DISCREPANCIES Mr. Kean mentioned the issues/discrepancies he found with the final and recorded plat for New Jerusalem. Council discussion and public comments were made by those who wished to do so. The Chair stated that the motion on the final approval will be revisited to see if an act of correction is needed. No action was taken by the Council. 10.C.ii.a. The Council upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Percy adopted the following policy: Public hearings regarding recommendations by the Planning & Zoning Commission will be heard on the first regular monthly meeting unless otherwise noted by the Chair.

Adoption moved by: Merrick “Ricky� Lambert

10.C.ii.b. The Council upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Percy adopted the following policy: The Council shall make appointments to Boards/ Commissions on the second regular monthly meeting unless otherwise noted by the Chair.

Seconded by: John S. Kean, IV

10.C.iii. Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt policy

FURTHER RESOLVED: The Point of Contact between the Council and Special Counsel will be through the District Attorney’s Office.

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices



requiring vote of the Council to make additions to minutes beyond what is required by law (R.S. 42:20). Seconded by Ms. Howle. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Lambert, Kean, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams and Young. Motion carried 5-2.

(AGO) on whether the vote of the majority of Council to hold public hearing to discuss amendments and propositions to the Charter was valid and whether the cancellation of the scheduled Council meeting for public hearing was appropriate considering the majority of the Council voted for the public hearing of amendments for consideration of the voters. Seconded by Mr. Young. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Williams and Young. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert, Kean, Howle and Wilson. Motion failed 2-5.

10.C.iv. The Council upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Percy approved the following policy: Policy to have video recordings of Council meeting digitally archived for posterity. 10.C.v. Mr. Lambert made a motion to adopt policy for board appointments that if a qualified citizen has applied to serve on a board by the Council deadline and no other qualified citizen has applied, the qualified citizen may be appointed to the board on which they wish to serve. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Lambert, Kean and Howle. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Percy, Young and Wilson. Motion failed 3-4. Ms. Williams made a motion to adopt policy requiring all subdivision applications submitted to the West Feliciana Council for approval shall have the appropriate attached checklist completed and signed by the applicant and P&Z Administrator. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Mr. Percy made a substitute motion to table the matter and send to P&Z for a recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Young, Lambert, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams and Kean. Motion carried 5-2. 10.D. COUNCIL SECRETARY JOB DESCRIPTION The Council upon a motion of Mr. Kean, seconded by Ms. Williams, approved the Council Secretary Job Description with the following amendment: Amend #23 to read: Must be willing and able to attend meetings of the Parish Council during and after normal working hours; scheduling work hours so as not to exceed 40 hours per week and coordinated through the Chair. 10.E. REQUEST FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OPINION Ms. Williams offered a motion to request an Attorney General’s Opinion

10.F. INCORPORATION WITHIN THE PARISH The Council upon a motion of Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wilson tabled discussion of this agenda item until the next meeting. 11. OLD BUSINESS 11.A. BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENT The Council upon a motion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Kean deferred appointments until the second regular monthly meeting. The current openings and/or vacancies will be considered at the February 23, 2015 meeting. 12. PARISH PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. Couhig provided financial reports prior to the meeting. He reported that agreements subject to Council approval for the purchase of a local building to consolidate social service agencies and the purchase of two parcels of land relative to economic development projects have been reached. He further reported that the Official Zoning Map has been added to the website for public use. He concluded by stating that the budgeting process is beginning soon and offered to assist Councilpersons conduct meetings in their districts. Several outreach meetings are scheduled on February 19th at the Independence Community Center and Mount Zion Baptist Church on February 20th. Mr. Young asked the Parish President to provide a report at the next meeting on the culvert project for Turner Subdivision. 13. ADJOURNMENT At 9:00 p.m., upon a motion by Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Kean the Council stood adjourned until the second regular meeting on February 23, 2015 at 5:30 p.m.

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary 5100649-mar 5-1t

NOTICE --West Feliciana Parish February 23, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing by the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. The hearing will address the following Ordinance that was introduced during a regular meeting held on Monday, February 23, 2015. This hearing is open to the public. Summary of Ordinance: • An ordinance to transfer funds from LAMP Burnett Property for the purpose of providing matching funds to apply for a grant through the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 Commissioner and One (1) Alternate Candidates shall submit for review a statement of interest along with a resume that indicates qualifications for the position they wish to serve by Friday, March 13th to: Council Secretary, P.O. Box 1921, St. Francisville, LA 70775. For more information, please call (225) 6353864. BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRPERSON /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson 5100651-mar 5-12-2t

St. Helena Public Notices

10295 SHERIFF’S SALE --Twenty-First Judicial District court of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Helena Pelican State Credit Union Vs. 740-668 Tracy L. Labella


By virtue of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Twenty-fourth Judicial Court of Louisiana, Parish of Jefferson in and for the Parish of St. Helena Parish, in the above entitled and numbered suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public auction for cash to the last and highest bidder and according to law, sale to take place at the principal front door of the Court House in Greensburg, Louisiana on

By: /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The hearing is open to the public and residents are encouraged to participate.

5100650-mar 5-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE: BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS --NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that during a regular meeting of the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, to be held on March 23, 2015 at FiveThirty (5:30) p.m. at its regular meeting place, the Council will consider making the following appointments: Port Commission – One (1) vacant seat Zachary Taylor Parkway Commission – One (1)

Between the hours prescribed by law, beginning at ten o’clock a.m. the following mentioned and described property in the Parish of St. Helena, State of Louisiana, to-wit: WITH APPRAISEMENT 1998 Delta Homes ID #TRA397301, VIN #MSD981680SN2792 Terms of Sale: CASH, according to law with appraisement Greensburg, La., Advertise March 05, 2015 Mary T. Joseph, Attorney Nathaniel Williams, Sheriff

St. Helena Public Notices

St. Helena Public Notices

10295 5096673-mar 5-1t

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338.

10295 sors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters. 5098906-mar 5, 12-2t

I, Rafel L. Bridges, have been convicted of 14:80 Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile on Dec 02, 2002. My address is 121 Hagan Ln, Greensburg, LA 70441. 5100643-mar 5-12-2t


Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested.

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The Advocate

5098377-mar 5-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the asses-



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