The St. Helena Echo 03-12-2015

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Visit 1972 in Echo’s From the Past. Page 8G



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1st Year, No. 22

Suspects in camp burglaries arrested BY STEPHANIE WARREN

Two men and two women have been arrested in a string of St. Helena Parish camp burglaries, Sheriff Nat Williams said. Williams said more than 10 camps

were hit in St. Helena Parish along La. 10 in the past two months. The arrests were made Feb. 20 after an investigation, the sheriff said. Danny Adkins, 26, of 30848 Mason Drive, Independence, was arrested on two counts domestic abuse battery, simple burglary, simple burglary of

an inhabited dwelling and 10 counts of simple burglary. His bail was set at $100,000. He was still in jail on Monday. Jamie Tidwell Smith, 36, of 12641 Tangi Avenue, Roseland, was arrested on accessory to simple burglary. Her bail was set at $15,000.

John Bryson Moreau, 40, of 6508 Comite Drive, Baker, was arrested on possession of a stolen firearm. His bail was set at $7,500. Stacey Pittman, 29, 420 Wallie Road, Kentwood, was arrested on one count of principal to simple burglary of an inhabited dwelling. She was released

on her own recognizance. Smith and Moreau were released from jail after posting bail. All of the camps were entered by force, Chief Detective Joe Chaney said.

West Feliciana Parish

East Feliciana Parish School Board

Council eyes buying property

Outgoing leader urges more combining

BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — The West Feliciana Parish Council is considering purchasing a 13,000-square-foot building and land to house the parish’s social services and purchasing riverfront land for a riverboat dock. The Feliciana Supermarket grocery store has been offered for sale to the parish. The owners plan to move the store to a new facility being constructed on U.S. 61 next to the Best Western. Parish President Kevin Couhig said the purchase price for the building and land is $595,000, and he estimates renovations to the building will cost an additional $300,000. “We need to spend that money to make it more functional,” Couhig told the council. Once renovations are completed, the new building will be home to three social service organizations: the Council on Aging, the Food Pantry and the Clothes Closet. Couhig said there is sufficient room in the facility to house all three, and the parking lot, which has at least 60 spaces, will be sufficient to handle the load. Couhig praised the store’s owners for offering it to the

äSee BURGLARIES, page 2G


‘Shotgun Houses’ by Keith Morris is an acrylic on raised wood panel that will be displayed at the Jackson Assembly Antiques and Art Show.

Jackson Assembly show celebrates 50th anniversary Advocate staff report JACKSON — The Jackson Assembly Antiques and Art Show and Sale will celebrate its 50th anniversary March 27-29 at the Charter Street Studios in Jackson. The event raises funds for Jackson Assembly’s historic preservation projects. Charter Street Studio artists Linda Broderick, Alice Kent, Donna Bateman Kilbourne, Roger Persons and Carolyn Ory Thornton will anchor the show. In addition, guest artists will also have their work on display. Feliciana potter Craig Roth will have many hand-thrown, glazed and fired pieces for sale as will jewelry artist Catherine Rouchon, of Clinton, and Cleo Scott with wood carvings, duck decoys and bird carvings. Sandra and Wayne Maltese

will return with their handcrafted pine straw baskets and painted gourds. Other artists on display will include Keith Morris, Della Storm and nationally recognized watercolorists Judi Betts and Roberta Loflin. Displaying oils on canvas will be Stephany Causey, Ronnie Collins and Jenny Mills. Folk art will be presented by Judith Braggs, Peggy Carbo and Dotti Radcliff. Antique dealers from across the South will also take part in the show. Doors open at 10 a.m. the first two day and will remain open until 5 p.m. On the last day of the event, the art show will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission to the art galleries and numerous Jackson-area historical properties is $10 and tickets are good for all three days.

‘At the Beach’ by Donna Kilbourne is an oil on canvas set for display.

äSee COUNCIL, page 2G

INSIDE East Feliciana..........5G West Feliciana.........3G St. Helena ...............6G Sports .....................1H

‘Sunset at Cushing, Maine’ by Carolyn O. Thornton is an oil on canvas that will be displayed at the Jackson Assembly Antiques and Art Show.

‘Daily Journey’ by Judi Betts is a watercolor painting to be displayed at the Jackson Assembly Antiques and Art Show.

Special to The Advocate CLINTON — In his next-to-last meeting with the East Feliciana Parish School Board, departing Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr. last week again urged board members to strongly consider further school consolidations to avoid future financial problems. Lewis, elected in January to lead Orleans Parish schools, last year proposed closing the parish’s middle school in favor of having three elementary schools with kindergarten through sixth grade and a high school with seventh through 12th grades. The board, however, voted against the proposed change in February. The middle school, in Clinton, now has students in grades six, seven and eight, although Slaughter Elementary School also has a sixth grade. “We’re at a point now that a tough decision must be made,” Lewis told the board March 3, acknowledging that closing a school is a “tough conversation.” Tommy LeJeune, the board’s financial adviser, said the board faces the possibility of an $810,000 deficit during the fiscal year that begins July 1 because of declining sales tax revenues and an increase in the amount of money the district must allocate to its affiliated charter school in Slaughter. Paul Kent, a Finance Committee member, said the deficit could be larger, depending on sales tax performance in the next year. LeJeune and Lewis said the school system is operating with a breakeven budget in the current fiscal year, which ends June 30. “If we don’t do something differently, we’re saying we will be in deficit spending,” äSee COMBINING, page 2G

Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires

2G n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n n The Advocate

Phone scams increasing in area Union,� Foster said. “Many people have felt threatened enough by the calls to report them to us, which is the recommended course of action.� Reporting the calls will assist the Sheriff’s Office and other law enforcement agencies in investigating the matter. “We caution residents to never give out personal or financial information over the phone,� said Col. Randy Metz, West Feliciana Sheriff’s Office. “If you get a call from someone you don’t know who is trying to sell you something you haven’t planned to buy, hang up. If they pressure you about giving up personal information like your credit card number or Social Security number, be aware that it’s likely a scam and report it immediately.� The Sheriff’s Office offers questions residents can ask to help prevent a scam: WHO IS CALLING AND WHY? Tele-

marketers must identify that they are making a sales call and identify themselves or the company they are representing and what they’re selling before making a pitch. If none of this information is given, thank them for the call and simply hang up, the Sheriff’s Office advises. WHAT’S THE HURRY? Fast talkers who use high-pressure tactics could be hiding something. Resist the pressure to make a fast decision. “If you feel you are being pressured to make a decision before you have the time to ensure the call or seller is legitimate, you should be very suspicious,� Metz said. IF YOU’VE WON SOMETHING, WHY ARE YOU BEING ASKED TO PAY FOR IT? If there are fees to redeem a prize or gift, you have not won. “Free is free. If you have to pay for something, it’s a purchase, not a gift or prize,� Metz said. “You should never have to pay

Lewis said the board will make the next superintenContinued from page 1G dent’s job much easier if the funding issue is settled before his successor takes ofLewis said, adding that East fice. “We need to find a million Feliciana does not have large enough reserves to cover over- dollars so we don’t set ourselves up for failure,� he said. spending. A sticking point in the conClosing the middle school would save on personnel and solidation discussions is rooted in the long-standing rivalry maintenance costs.

between Clinton and Jackson, board members acknowledged last month. Some board members feel the high school should be moved from Jackson if the middle school in Clinton is closed, while others contend the high school should remain in Jackson and Clinton Elementary should occupy the middle school site.

Advocate staff report The West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office is warning residents about a nationwide telephone scam that is occurring locally and more frequently. In recent weeks, Sheriff Austin Daniel’s office has received complaints from residents who have received phone calls that appear to be coming directly from a government official or law enforcement agency, Erin Foster, public information officer for the Sheriff’s Office, said. Posing as a federal official is a felony offense and law enforcement agencies are working together to stop this crime, Foster said. “Other scams are targeting grandparents. The caller poses as the grandchild in desperate need of money and asks the grandparent to send money through a money transfer or wire service such as Western


Former Zachary mayor named to board of Landmark Bank rector of the Zachary Chamber of Commerce and past Landmark Bank, with loca- president of the chamber tions in Clinton, Greensburg board; past co-chairwoman for Team City Ecoand Zachary, has annomic Development; nounced the appointpast chairwoman of ment of Charlene M. the Zachary BeautiSmith to its board of fication Committee; directors. and past president of Smith, a lifelong the Zachary Rotary resident of Zachary, Club, with over 26 has three children years perfect attenand seven grandchil- Smith dance. dren. She is a former Smith has been selected as mayor of Zachary and the owner and agent of Charlene a one of the “Top 50 People to Watch� by 225 Magazine; Smith Allstate Insurance. Smith has served the com- has been awarded the YMCA munity as an executive di- Women of Achievement in Advocate staff report

Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The St. Helena Echo is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588

Government; and has been named an influential woman in business by the Baton Rouge Business Report. She serves as vice chairman of the Lane Regional Medical Center Foundation. “I am sincerely honored to serve such a respected institution as Landmark Bank, which has a long history of being everything a community bank can be. Landmark Bank has been instrumental in helping our community grow and continues to provide superior financial service to many in our area,� Smith said.

handling charges, service fees or any other kind of charges up front to receive a prize. This is a sure sign of a scam.� Taxes on gifts or monetary awards are paid directly to the IRS along with annual tax returns. WHY ARE YOU BEING ASKED TO CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION? Some scammers already have your billing information before they call you. By convincing you to say “OK,� scammers can claim you approved the charge on your credit or debit card. “That’s one of the biggest tricks scammers use,� Metz said. Keep all credit and debit card, checking account and Social Security numbers and information to yourself, the Sheriff’s Office advises. Anyone who thinks they have been the victim of a telephone or telemarketing scam is urged to call the Sheriff’s Office at (225) 784-3136.

BURGLARIES Continued from page 1G

He said the suspects were caught when they attempted to sell the stolen items. Chaney said the bulk of the stolen items were recovered at an undisclosed location. Detectives estimate that more than $15,000 worth of items including generators, guns, rods, reels, bows and arrows and televisions were stolen during

the burglaries. Approximately $10,000 worth of the stolen items have been recovered, Chaney said. “The investigation is ongoing and more arrests could be made,� he said. “St. Helena Parish has thousands of acres of hunting grounds and most of our camp owners only come out during hunting season, and they depend on me and my team to ensure their possessions are safe from thieves,� said Williams.

Photo provided by St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office


Guns, hunting bows, a television and a variety of camp equipment were recovered after the arrest of four people in a string of burglaries at 10 camps along La. 10 in St. Helena Parish.



Meatball hoagie with Creole sauce, buttered cabbage, mixed vegetables and fresh apple.


Seafood salad, potato chowder, broccoli cuts, low-sodium saltines and bread pudding with raisins.


Chicken and sausage jambalaya, white beans, steamed spinach, dinner roll and fresh fruit.


Spaghetti with meat sauce, garden salad with dressing, whole-kernel corn, wholewheat bread and orange juice.


Ham and lima beans, brown rice, mustard greens, apple confetti coleslaw, cornbread and oatmeal cookie.

Capital Area Council on Aging menu is served in West Feliciana, East Feliciana and St. Helena parishes and is subject to change. All meals are served with a half-pint of 2 percent milk.

Continued from page 1G parish at a reasonable price as well as agreeing to leave behind shelving and coolers for the Food Pantry. “I’d like to reiterate how the David and Leblanc families have been wonderful to work with,� he said. “I’m grateful to them.� Couhig also asked the council to authorize the purchase of a 35-acre tract along the Mississippi River for $3,000 per acre to serve as a docking location for riverboats. He said part of the land also will be developed for recreational activities, such as fishing. “The steamboats are a longterm successful tourism enterprise for this parish,� Couhig said, and with the recent announcement of the Viking River Cruises making St. Francisville one of three embarkation points in Louisiana, a docking facility is needed that will accommodate up to three riverboats at a time. He said the property also will

be available to host recreational and leisure activities and he’d eventually like to see the park developed with a walkway and gazebo. The council set a public hearing for the April 13 council meeting to discuss the purchases of the grocery store and the riverfront land. Meanwhile, an attempt to have a public hearing to discuss settling the lawsuit by the Lambert Gravel Company and the heirs of Paul Lambert Sr. against the parish was scuttled once again by a 3-3 vote with one abstention. Voting against the hearing were John Kean, Leah Williams and Otis Wilson, while Heather Howle, Mel Percy and Melvin Young voted to support a public hearing. Councilman Ricky Lambert, whose family is involved in the suit over disputed riverfront property, abstained. Shortly after Howle gaveled the meeting to order, the council went into executive session with its attorney to discuss the suit, which so far has cost the parish at least $516,000 and a possible court date looming in the middle of April.

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west feliciana

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n 3G

Bridge work postponed again

Photo provided by KERRY EVERITT

Seven new members were voted to the St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce board Feb. 24 in St. Francisville. The board, from left, includes Howard Arceneaux, Linda Coates, Linda Jenkins, Jessica Roussel, Stacie Nwabueze and Zed Howell. Not shown: Eric Olson

Chamber presents strategic plan BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — The St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual meeting Feb. 24 at The Carriage House, with Director Kerry Everitt introducing a new strategic plan for 2015. The membership also voted for seven new board members during the meeting. Everitt said the new strategic plan was developed through planning sessions with board members and community meetings. She identified five key roles for the chamber: connecting businesses with the community, providing a voice on behalf of the business community and promoting local businesses, advocating for business issues in legislative and regulatory arenas, working with businesses to identify and facilitate learning opportunities, and identify community issues that impact businesses.

“Our role is to serve as a connector, a one-stop shop for business and business issues,� Everitt said. “We’ll have a policy in place that guides advocacy.� Everitt said the chamber will continue to evolve and work with businesses to determine their needs. Everitt identified five strategic goals for the chamber in 2015: n To save and grow jobs in West Feliciana Parish n To build awareness of West Feliciana businesses n To address legislative and regulatory issues impacting local businesses n To build a local work force ready to meet the needs of businesses n To help strengthen community readiness for growth “We are pro growth,� Everitt said. Shannon McCormick, director of business retention and expansion with the Baton Rouge Area Chamber, was the keynote speaker and emphasized the

significance of the nine parishes BRAC represents to work in partnership with each other. West Feliciana Parish President Kevin Couhig, who also chairs the Economic Development Council, discussed the importance of bringing new customers to the parish and identifying new markets for the parish. He talked about Viking Cruise Lines’ announcement that it will stop in St. Francisville starting in 2017. Afterward, the membership voted seven new members to the board: Howard Arceneaux, a freelance journalist; Linda Coats, administrative assistant with Magnolia Full Gospel Baptist Church; Zed Howell, owner and founder of Howell Foundry; Linda Jenkins, owner of Femme Fatale and La Vie boutiques; Stacie Nwabueze, administrator with Nwabueze Clinic; Eric Olson, site vice president with River Bend Nuclear Station; and Jessica Roussel, purchasing manager with KPAQ Industries.

WEST FELICIANA SHERIFF’S BOOKINGS The following people were booked into West Feliciana Parish Prison by the West Feliciana Sheriff’s Office from Feb. 17-28:

FEB. 17

BERGERON, NICHOLAS J.: 23, 1086 Carney Road, Zachary, speeding and second-offense driving while intoxicated.

FEB. 24


6810 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, domestic abuse battery.

FEB. 25

TYGRESS, JUSTIN S.: 24, 14225 La. 10, St. Francisville, first-offense driving while intoxicated, driving under suspension, open container, expired motor vehicle inspection and driving left of center.

FEB. 28

DECUIR, TYRON K.: 49, 7850 Pe-

“Looks like another definite postponement of this repair until next week,� because of weather, Jim Ferguson, director of public works for West Feliciana Parish, said about work on the North Lake Rosemound bridge over Beaver Creek. The North Lake Rosemound bridge over Beaver Creek was to close March 2-6 but rain postponed that until March 9-13 and now March 16-20, Ferguson said. Repair work is expected 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ferguson said the Lake Rosemound Homeowners Association has been notified and signs have been posted at each end of the bridge. First responders, bus drivers and service providers can call Ferguson at (225) 635-3864 or email to discuss alternate plans.

Civil War display

Rosedown State Historic Site, 12501 La. 10, St. Francisville, presents “A Civil War Display� throughout March, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A display featuring the Civil War in Louisiana will be in the gift shop conference room the entire month to coincide with the annual Siege of Port Hudson re-enactment March 28-29 at Port Hudson State Historic Site, 236 U.S. 61, Zachary. For information, call (225) 635-3110.

3110 for information.

Davis family members. The cemetery is 41/2 miles northeast of St. Francisville, 1 mile north of La. 10 and west of U.S. 61. The Dead of Locust Grove will be presented from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. A short class on gravestone rendering is part of the presentation. For information, call Locust Grove at (225) 635-3739.

Dead of Locust Grove

Movie night at the library

Stacy Gill


A visit to Locust Grove State Historic Site in West Feliciana Parish shows the small family cemetery typical of most plantations. Several generations of family are buried there. With 27 plots, the small site at Locust Grove is all that remains of what was once Locust Grove Plantation, owned by the family of Jefferson Davis’ sister, Anna E. Davis Smith. In summer 1835, the future Confederate president brought Sarah Knox Taylor Davis, his wife of three months, to the plantation for a visit. Both contracted malaria, and Davis, the daughter of Gen. Zachary Taylor, died at the age of 21. Her grave is among the other

Easter egg hunt planned cue Lane, Baton Rouge, driving left of center, possession of crack cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia. GREEN, LARENZO J.: 17, 12968 U.S. 61, St. Francisville, first-offense driving while intoxicated, improper lane usage, open container and possession of alcohol by persons under age 21. JONES, JAMES A.: 21, 5374 Rosedown Court, St. Francisville, purchase of alcohol for persons under age 21.

Rosedown State Historic Site will host an Easter egg hunt at 1 p.m. Saturday. Easter was an important holiday at Rosedown in the 1800s, according to site staff. On Saturday, children will participate in an old-fashioned egg hunt on the grounds of the plantation. Following the hunt, youth are invited to play 19thcentury games. Prizes will be awarded to the children who find the special Rosedown eggs. Call Rosedown at (225) 635-

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The West Feliciana Parish Library, 5114 Burnett Road, St. Francisville, presents Movie Night from 6 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Saturday. Tweens and teens are invited to watch “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1.� The YA Cafe Book Club for teens and tweens meets 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. March 16 and March 30 to discuss “Fahrenheit 451� by Ray Bradbury. For more, visit wfplibrary. org or call (225) 635-3364.

Send news and events for Around West Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.

4G n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n n The Advocate

west feliciana

Dogwood part of pilgrimage Advocate staff report One of four featured homes at the 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage on March 20-22 is Dogwood, situated in the Thompson Creek delta. By 1794, George Freeland arrived in Louisiana from the Carolinas with his wife, two young sons and several slaves determined to make a new life. The home he built in 1803 was of hewn logs in the pen tradition with two rooms on each side flanking a hallway and an upstairs sleeping loft, said Anne Butler, St. Francisville native and author. After Freeland’s death in 1835, finished lumber from steam sawmills permitted new owners in the Atkins family to sheath the logs in clapboards outside and plaster the interior walls. A series of subsequent owners made additional improvements, most notably Baton Rouge antiques dealers Robert Womack and Ernest Gatlin, who in 1970 added a rear wing with modern kitchen and several bedrooms and baths to serve as bed-and-breakfast accommodations. In 2005, New Orleans attorney, entrepreneur and political activist Rob Couhig and his wife, Missy, took refuge from Hurricane Katrina with family members living in the St. Francisville area. A stay stretched into months for the couple who had been looking for a beach house, Butler said. Couhig had clipped a tiny ad

Photo provided by AMANDA MCKINNEY

Dogwood Plantation is one of four featured homes at the 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage on March 20-22. for a historic home with a pond on La. 966 south of St. Francisville but decided to purchase a temporary home in the Felicianas that he and his wife could sell once a return to New Orleans was possible. According to Butler, they looked and looked but with no luck. The very last house the real estate agent showed the couple, which happened to be on La. 966, triggered Rob’s memory of the dog-eared clipping folded and forgotten in his wallet. “The clipping described Dogwood, which had fallen into such deplorable condition that it was not even listed on the real estate market anymore,� Butler said. “Walking on the wood floors was like being on a trampoline, they bounced so much,� Missy Couhig said.

Today, Dogwood has a new tin roof, new electrical and plumbing systems, new French drains and gleaming 200-yearold heart pine floorboards that were meticulously removed, finished and flipped. “The idea of selling once New Orleans was habitable again didn’t happen,� Butler said. “Now, the Couhigs spend long weekends at Dogwood, gardening and enjoying the peace and quiet.� The home is filled with inherited furnishings from Rob’s mother, the late Nootsie Couhig, of Asphodel Plantation in East Feliciana, Butler said. “Nootsie had an eclectic style of decorating that was a confidently carefree elegance of style,� said Butler. The double parlor set from Asphodel still bears the date it was shipped in 1834 from

France. There’s an American Empire secretary, an English Chippendale card table and a colorful pitcher considered one of the earliest pieces of Mason ironstone in America. Most of the lighting fixtures through the home are converted gasoliers but an elaborate French chandelier is from Asphodel. The dining room features a 19th-century New Orleans dining table, Mallard buffet and colorful portrait of Queen Victoria’s surgeon-general resplendent in scarlet coat and painted with his wife in England in 1869, Butler said. A large soup tureen was part of a service for 18, which was Nootsie’s grandmother’s wedding china, and shipped in 1835 from Limoges, France, painted in Canada and then sent by barge to New Orleans. Besides Dogwood, other homes featured at this year’s Pilgrimage include Retreat Plantation and The Oaks in the country and the Levert-Bockel House in St. Francisville. Afton Villa Gardens, Audubon (Oakley Plantation) and Rosedown State Historic Sites, three 19th-century churches in town and St. Mary’s in the country, as well as the Rural Homestead with lively demonstrations of the rustic skills of daily pioneer life are all part of the Pilgrimage. For a schedule of events, tours and ticket information, visit www.audubon

WEST FELICIANA PETS Advocate staff report The West Feliciana Animal Humane Society coordinates volunteer and donor efforts in support of the James L. “Bo� Bryant Animal Shelter, 9946 W. Feliciana Parkway, St. Francisville, which operates as a low-kill shelter. Dogs and cats are available for adoption. Adoption fees are $75 for dogs and $50 for cats. The fee covers spaying/ neutering, deworming, rabies shot, tests and all immunizations until the animal is adopted. The shelter is open from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday,

Portia is a 11/2-year-old female domestic shorthair. Wednesday and Friday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and every day from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visit animalshelter or call (225) 635-5801 or (225) 229-6787. Available this week are: Photo provided by CHARLES BENNETT

St. Francisville pals, paraders

Caramel is a 5-year-old fe- Photos provided by DARLENE REAVES male domestic shorthair Claus is a 4-month-old male tabby. shepherd/terrier mix.

The Friends of the Capitol Park Museum, a nonprofit, celebrated the Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade with a party for its members and guests Feb. 14. Besides a parade viewing area for guests, the family-friendly event included complimentary hot dogs, jambalaya and king cake, music and crafts activities for youth. Guests were also able to view the exhibits in the museum. The party was chaired by Friends members Josh Dickerhoof and Ben Pierce and proceeds benefited the Friends of the Capitol Park Museum. Seated, from left, are Abby Pittman, Ella Corrine Howle and Emma Pittman; and standing are Izzy Boolos, left, and Maddie Pittman, all of St. Francisville.

14 Forward holds first meeting in St. Francisville BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — A group of 20 people of varying backgrounds from around Louisiana gathered Feb. 26-27 for their first retreat to begin tackling issues that are having an impact on Louisiana. The group, 14 Forward, is comprised of graduates from the 2014 class of Leadership Louisiana, which is sponsored each year by Council for a Better Louisiana.

They made a strong bond during the Leadership Louisiana training and after graduating in November, they committed to continue meeting with a series of retreats and workshops to devise an action plan. CABL President and CEO Barry Erwin spoke during a Thursday workshop at The Bluffs, saying he was pleased to see the group continuing to meet. The group plans to meet quarterly or semi-annually, with the next one in the Alexandria area.

Michele Blanchard, an attorney from Slidell, is a member of 14 Forward and took part in the two-day retreat. She is the curriculum chairwoman for Leadership Northshore and is chair of the St. Tammany Chamber Review Committee. “I see it as being forward thinking, by accepting the challenges we face and finding solutions,� Blanchard said. “We will understand more of the issues the state faces on a daily basis.� The first meeting, in West Fe-

liciana, was to help the group develop its agenda and a plan of action. The West Feliciana Parish Economic Development Council paid $500 toward the 14 Forward meeting at The Bluffs. West Feliciana Parish Superintendent of Schools and 14 Forward member Hollis Milton helped organize the retreat, which included tours of Bains Lower Elementary and West Feliciana Middle schools and Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola.

St. Francisville board eyes zoning map tweak BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — The St. Francisville Board of Aldermen introduced a proposed ordinance Tuesday that would make a minor adjustment to the town’s comprehensive zoning map. The 21.10-acre tract includes the old St. Francisville High School property off Pecan Grove. The St. Francisville Planning Commission recommended amending the map. It would also be corrected to reflect its institutional zoning designation. “It’s just a correction on the existing map,� said Mayor Billy D’Aquilla. The board will hold a public hearing on the adjustment at its April 14 meeting, then will vote on

the proposed ordinance afterwards. The West Feliciana Parish School Board has announced plans to remediate the property and demolish the existing structure, then sell the property for development. The board also received an update from D’Aquilla on a new eight-inch waterline that will run from Audubon Hills to the Best Western Hotel along U.S. 61. He said there will be enough money left from two $35,000 grants to include placing an eight-inch pipeline in the Villa Rose subdivision. D’Aqulla also announced that the Capital Region Planning Commission will hold its quarterly meeting at Hemingbough on March 16. D’Aquilla is a member of the CRPC’s board of directors.

Friends of Oakley work to keep state parks open Advocate staff report Dwight Landreneau, newly appointed assistant secretary for the Louisiana Office of State Parks, was the guest speaker at the February meeting of the board of directors for the Friends of Oakley at Audubon State Historic Site in St. Francisville. A $1.5 million budget reduction for the remaining six months of the fiscal year has led the Office of State Parks to terminate 108 park employees and cut $800,000 in maintenance and construction projects, Landreneau said. Operating expenses have been further reduced by limiting the days and hours some facilities will be open, Landreneau said. With the potential for additional cuts in the next fiscal year, many options are being explored to avoid closing facilities, he said. Landreneau expressed his commitment to keeping state parks and historic sites open in spite of continued budget cuts, describing a number of ways that private industry and local governments can work together to make sure these facilities remain open and continue to provide positive economic impact to their surrounding communities, Tracey Banowetz, Friends of Oakley chairman, said. “For example, corporate donations could be used to sponsor a park or its buildings or to underwrite educational displays and exhibits and things such as school programs,� Banowetz said. “The donation of in-kind services and jobsharing agreements with other public and private agencies can also be a successful strategy for avoiding closures.� According to publications from the Office of State Parks, the economic activity generated by Louisiana state parks and

historic sites has a significant impact on both state and local economies, returning 40 cents on every dollar invested in the system, and creating jobs in rural areas of the state where jobs are needed most. Expenditures by state parks and their visitors for goods and services, labor, land and other materials enhance both the local and state economies and tax bases, Banowetz said. “It is estimated that the operations of Audubon (Oakley Plantation) and Rosedown State Historic sites result in over $1.2 million directly reinvested in local and state economies,� Banowetz said. This investment is further multiplied by the economic contributions that result from tourists who visit these facilities. According to the Office of State Parks, Audubon and Rosedown State Historic Sites combined have more than 38,000 visitors per year. “Assuming many people visit both sites, this represents on average over 68 people per day visiting West Feliciana Parish and adding to the local economy by dining, shopping and/or staying overnight,� Banowetz said. She said Friends of Oakley recognizes the importance of Audubon State Historic site to the state and West Feliciana economy and is grateful to be in a position to offer support when needed. One example was the recent approval by the board of Friends of Oakley to underwrite the costs associated with the care and feeding of the farm animals at Oakley Plantation, Banowetz said. “The Friends donation has made it possible for the park to retain this popular attraction for their visitors.� Also, Audubon has partnered with Dixon Correctional Institute in East Feliciana Parish to use inmate trustys to periodically help with site repairs. $VKO\Q +LOEXUQ 1)$ 0%$ $GPLQLVWUDWRU

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The Advocate n n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n 5G

east feliciana

Millwright class begins March 16 neaux, of BRCC. The class will include the core curIn response to the growing demand riculum to introductory craft skills and for millwrights in East and West Feli- millwright level one training of the Naciana parishes as well as the greater tional Center for Construction EducaBaton Rouge area, an entry-level mill- tion and Research. Arceneaux said the training is a wright class will be held at Baton Rouge Community College in Jackson begin- prerequisite for all NCCER level one classes and includes basic safety, conning Monday. The class will be held from 6 p.m. to struction math, introduction to hand 9 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays and will tools, power tools, construction drawings, materials handling, basic rigging, last for 25 weeks. The class can be the first step in be- basic communication and employability coming a millwright, said Johnny Arce- skills.

Advocate staff report

The millwright level one training includes an introduction to the millwright trade, hand tools, fasteners and anchors, basic layout and O-rings, and oxyfuel cutting. A level two class will be held after the completion of the level one class, Arceneaux said. “ ‘What does a millwright do?’ is a question often asked,” Arceneaux said. “Millwrights work in industrial settings such as paper mills, power generating stations, pump, valve and electric motor shops as well as the petrochemical industry.”

Millwrights are responsible for installing, aligning and troubleshooting machinery, and work includes installing conveyor systems, connecting machinery and piping, hoisting and setting machines as well as adjusting the moving and stationary parts of machines to specifications, Arceneaux explained. Millwrights must be skilled in math and interpreting blueprints and technical specifications. For registration and tuition information, call Loretta Profit at (225) 634-2636 or email

Slaughter student’s DAR essay places first in state and has been sent to the South Central Slaughter CommuRegional connity Charter School test where it seventh-grader Joshua will compete Bourque was honored against sevin January for the firstenth-grade place essay he wrote for the American HisPhoto provided by BETH DAWSON essays from tory essay contest spon- Joshua Bourque stands with A r k a n s a s , sored by the Alexander Slaughter Community Charter Kansas, Missouri, OklaStirling Chapter of the School Principal Linda Sauchoma and Daughters of the Amerier. Bourque’s essay has won Texas. ican Revolution. Bourque reBourque’s essay, first in state. He is in Glenis “A Child’s Journey Kent’s seventh-grade history ceived a certificate and Through Ellis Island,” class at SCCS. bronze medal was written based on information about the 125th anni- from the DAR chapter for his winversary of Ellis Island being used ning essay. He has been invited to as an immigration station, accord- attend DAR’s state convention in ing to Beth Dawson, DAR member. Shreveport in March where he will Dawson said Bourque’s essay receive the state silver medal, a cerplaced first in the state competition tificate and $50. Advocate staff report

Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN

Coming soon

Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market on Plank Road in Clinton will feature a gas station with four pumps. The new business is expected to open April 8.

Centenary tours planned; food, shelter funds available Daily tours of Centenary State Historic Site, 3522 College St., in Jackson are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The tour begins at the Professor’s House and consists of an introduction to Centenary’s history and a tour through the house. The tour continues outside and passes the original locations of the East Wing Dormitory and Main Academic Building on the way to the West Wing Dormitory. The Exhibit Room, Dorm Room, Hospital Room and Classroom will all be toured. An introductory history video will be offered to visitors on the tour. For information, call (225) 634-7925.

Youth baseball registration

The final registration date for children interested in playing for the Jackson Baseball Association is March 14. Registration will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the baseball field on La. 68 in Jackson, across from Dixon Correctional Institute. Youth ages 4 to 15 are invited to play, but children must turn 4 prior to May 1 and turn 15 after May 1. A birth certificate is required

Stacy Gill


if this is your child’s first time playing for the Jackson Baseball Association. A doctor’s release is required if there is an existing medical condition. Cost is $50 per child, and due upon registration. For information, call Matt Leggett at (225) 719-1690.

Food and shelter funds

East Feliciana Parish has been awarded federal funds through the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program. East Feliciana will receive $6,382 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs throughout the parish. The selection was made by a board chaired by Homeland Security’s FEMA and consists of representatives from Ameri-

can Red Cross, Catholic Charities USA, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, the Jewish Federations of North America, the Salvation Army and United Way Worldwide, a news release said. The board was charged with distributing funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country, the release said. A local board will determine how the funds awarded are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area, the release said. Under the terms of the grant, local agencies chosen to receive funds must be private voluntary nonprofits or units of government; eligible to receive federal funding; have an accounting system; practice nondiscrimination; have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs; and if agencies are

a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board, according to the release. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. East Feliciana has distributed emergency food and shelter funds previously with several local organizations participating. These agencies were responsible for providing food and other services. Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for program funds must submit an application by 4 p.m. March 23. Qualifying organizations can obtain an application by calling Michael Acaldo, Debra Blacher or Lisa Hubble at (225) 3837837, extension 0, or by emailing Agencies also may mail EFSP Local Board Chair, P.O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, 70821. Send news and events for Around East Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.


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Heidi M. Vessel, Attorney at Law

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Quad Area Head Start to hold enrollment drive Advocate staff report Quad Area Head Start will hold recruitment activities during March and April and will continue throughout May. Quad Area Head Start is a free preschool program that serves 3- to 4-year-olds in East Feliciana Parish. Parents must register their child for the 2015-2016 school year if they want their child to attend, officials said. Parents of enrollees must let their child’s teacher know if their child will be returning to keep their slots available for the following year. Applications can be found at the Quad Area Community Action Agency, 12126 Liberty St., Clinton; Clinton Head Start Center, 3585 La. 63 — Bluff Creek Road; Jackson Head Start Center, 3531 Cottage St.; and the Audubon Regional Libraries in Clinton and Jackson. For an appointment, call (225) 683-4234 or (225) 6342813 and ask for a parent, family community and engagement specialist.

Phone and Internet Discounts Available to CenturyLink Customers The Louisiana Public Service Commission designated CenturyLink as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier within its service area for universal service purposes. CenturyLink’s basic local service rates for residential voice lines are $16.50-$20.46 per month and business services are $23.50-$36.30 per month. Specific rates will be provided upon request. CenturyLink participates in a government benefit program (Lifeline) to make residential telephone service more affordable to eligible low-income individuals and families. Eligible customers are those that meet eligibility standards as defined by the FCC and state commissions. Residents who live on federally recognized Tribal Lands may qualify for additional Tribal benefits if they participate in certain additional federal eligibility programs. The Lifeline discount is available for only one telephone per household, which can be either a wireline or wireless telephone. A household is defined for the purposes of the Lifeline program as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address and share income and expenses. Lifeline service is not transferable, and only eligible consumers may enroll in the program. Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain Lifeline telephone service can be punished by fine or imprisonment and can be barred from the program. Lifeline eligible subscribers may also qualify for reliable home high-speed Internet service up to 1.5Mbps for $9.95* per month for the first 12 months of service. Please call 1-800-257-3212 or visit for more information. If you live in a CenturyLink service area, please call 1-855-9546546 or visit with questions or to request an application for the Lifeline program. *CenturyLink Internet Basics Program – Residential customers only who qualify based on meeting income level or program participation eligibility requirements, and requires remaining eligible for the entire offer period. First bill will include charges for the \first full month of service billed in advance, prorated charges for service from the date of installation to bill date, and one-time charges and fees described above. Qualifying customers may keep this program for a maximum of 60 months after service activation provided customer still qualifies during that time. Listed High-Speed Internet rate of $9.95/mo. applies for first 12 months of service (after which the rate reverts to $14.95/mo. for the next 48 months of service), and requires a 12-month term agreement. Customer must either lease a modem/router from CenturyLink for an additional monthly charge or independently purchase a modem/router, and a one-time High-Speed Internet activation fee applies. A one-time professional installation charge (if selected by customer) and a one-time shipping and handling fee applies to customer’s modem/router. General – Services not available everywhere. Have not have subscribed to CenturyLink Internet service within the last 90 days and are not a current CenturyLink customer. CenturyLink may change or cancel services or substitute similar services at its sole discretion without notice. Offer, plans, and stated rates are subject to change and may vary by service area. Deposit may be required. Additional restrictions apply. Terms and Conditions – All products and services listed are governed by tariffs, terms of service, or terms and conditions posted at Taxes, Fees, and Surcharges – Applicable taxes, fees, and surcharges include a carrier Universal Service charge, carrier cost recovery surcharges, state and local fees that vary by area and certain instate surcharges. Cost recovery fees are not taxes or government-required charges for use. Taxes, fees, and surcharges apply based on standard monthly, not promotional, rates.

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6G n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n n The Advocate

east feliciana/st. helena

School Board members help in cafeterias Advocate staff report East Feliciana Parish students encountered some new faces at breakfast and lunch during the first week in February. Several East Feliciana Parish School Board members volunteered their time in cafeterias across the parish as part of Legislative Shadowing Week, a statewide event designed to highlight the importance of health and educational support that child nutrition programs provide. The message of the week’s events rang clear to those who participated, according to faculty members. “Hot, healthy, nutritious meals enhance the learning of our kids,� said board member Broderick Brooks Sr., who assisted with the preparation of breakfast and lunch Feb. 6 at Clinton Elementary School and lunch at East Feliciana Middle School. Three additional board members assisted the district’s child

Photo submitted by JON LOVEALL

East Feliciana Middle School cafeteria manager Ella Williams, left, assists East Feliciana School Board member Derald Spears in the cafeteria as he volunteers as part of Legislative Shadowing Week. nutrition program in the preparation of breakfast and lunch throughout the week. Board member Joyce Kent aided Slaughter Elementary School for breakfast and lunch Feb. 2. Derald Spears Jr. assisted with lunch at East Feliciana Middle School on Feb. 4. Beth Dawson assisted with breakfast

and lunch at Jackson Elementary School and East Feliciana High School on Feb. 4 and lunch at East Feliciana Middle School on Feb. 5. Members of the board stressed the importance of developing personal relationships as they seek to make decisions that enhance the education of

the children in East Feliciana Parish. “As a new board member, I am looking forward to being more hands-on with the students and staff at our schools,� Spears said. “I want them to know the new board as individuals and not just School Board members.� School Board members and cafeteria staff members said they enjoyed the experience. “We have enjoyed working with Mr. Brooks and we hope that he returns soon,� Clinton Elementary School cafeteria worker Dorothy Turner said. Members also heard firsthand from students about the value that school breakfast and lunch programs bring to their education. “I really enjoyed working with the students and staff at Slaughter Elementary School,� Kent said. “One student asked me if I was a new worker. I laughed and told the student no. The student told me that they needed help in the cafeteria.�

JES shines at state math competition Advocate staff report More than 400 of the best and brightest fourth- and fifthgrade math students from across the state competed Feb. Photo submitted by JON LOVEALL 21 in the 2015 Louisiana Elementary Math Olympiad at KeStudents from Jackson Elementary School competed Feb. nilworth Science & Technology 21 in the 2015 Louisiana Elementary Math Olympiad at Ke- School in Baton Rouge. nilworth Science and Technology School in Baton Rouge. The The 13 competitors from math competitors representing their school, in front row from Jackson Elementary School left, are India Vessel, Zakaria Richard, Joseph McGregor, De- competed for the first time in ontae Harris, Rico Thomas Jr., Destini Green, Roderick Lang the event, said school officials. Jr. and Jamar Whitfield; and back row Kaelee Jackson, Ray- Students completed an hourlen Thomas, Adam Underwood, Kenny Collins and Mikayla long, 60-question math test with Stewart. various topics aligned to the

Common Core standards. Four of the 13 JES competitors placed in the top 25 percent of all contestants. Rico Thomas Jr. placed 81st; Deontae Harris, Roderick Lang Jr., and Adam Underwood tied for 108th. “We are exceptionally proud of these Cubs and their families for taking time on a Saturday to represent Jackson Elementary School at this statewide showcase,� said JES Principal Megan Phillips. “We look forward to seeing these students continue to grow as students and leaders.�

Banish hidden frustration by having positive outlook

Are you perplexed on a frustration is to keep a posidaily basis? Do you have a tive outlook on life. Yes, life thorn in your side that no can make you feel defeated one knows about but you? at times. Yes, there are times All of us have been plagued when it seems logical to just and haunted by some ordeal throw in the towel and suror circumstance that on the render. outside looking in will never In order to avoid living change for the better. with regret and letting Hidden frustration frustration rule your has haunted generalife, push further. Life tion after generation. is about determination. Hidden frustration is We have to come to the not discriminatory or realization that the rosy, biased. It has no prior flowery beds of ease we warning. It seemly conjure up in our heads shows up at the most do not exist. We do not ONE ST. inopportune times. live in a perfect world. HELENA Frustration, if not Nothing has or ever will JASPER dealt with properly go the way we expect it KNIGHTEN and addressed in a to go. Life is meant to way that prevents it be a puzzle with lots of from hampering your psytwists and turns. The answer chological and emotional life, to life’s twists and turns is to can be extremely damaging learn how to take the twists to one’s life. and turns head-on without What causes hidden frusblinking. tration? Why is it that so There is no place for hidmany of us wrestle with frus- den frustration in any of our tration and never seek help? lives. Instead of being filled Millions of people struggle with doubts, anxiety and on a daily basis because they disappointment, we should are frustrated with somebe filled with love, hope and thing they are entangled in. charisma. Life is too preLife’s expectations have a cious and short to waste it way of making us frustrated. pondering disappointments At the onset of any chapter and mishaps. Pledge to let of life, we enter it with great go of whatever you are holdexpectations, only to have ing on to. Do not let it poison expectations dashed by the you any longer. You deserve realities of life. freedom. Newlyweds are crushed Your mind and heart are once they realize the realiwaiting to experience freeties of marriage. Once giddy, dom from the bondage of newly hired employees are frustration. Living a life free crushed once they realize from frustration is possible their job is not as they enfor each of us. visioned. Zealous entrepreThe only way to living a neurs are disappointed once frustration-free life is to look their attempts at having a ahead and never look back. successful business are eluKeep moving forward, St. sive. Helena. Do not live another We may not have experisecond of your life frusenced any of those examples, trated. but in some way, we can Forgive, forget and move relate to the growing fruson. tration a person in those Contact Jasper Knighten at circumstances faces. The key to dealing with hidden

Senior center at play

Seniors citizens play bingo Feb. 25 at the senior center in Jackson Feb. 25. Taking part, from left, are, Irene McKlemurry and Helen Davis. Photo provided by SHERRY WATSON

EAST FELICIANA PARISH SHERIFF BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison March 2-4: DAVIS, KERRY: 50, 13069 La. 956, Ethel, domestic abuse battery.

HEIM, KENDELL: age unknown, 1450 Hillary Drive, Slidell, hold for Department of Corrections. HILL, KENNETH: 34, 315 W. Pershing St., New Iberia, hold for Department of Corrections. PARTIN, TIFFANY: 32, 3923 Stoney

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Brook St., Zachary, first-offense driving while intoxicated, battery of a police officer, public intimidation. SIMS,GARY: 47, 2999 La. 952, Jackson, bench warrant for failure to appear.

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st. helena

Area festivals kick off soon


It’s that time when the seasons change and activities, festivals and events kick off at area churches and fairgrounds. Here are a few things happening in the area. Be sure to check back each week to see what’s going on in your community and surrounding communities.

The following were arrested and booked into the St. Helena Parish Jail from Feb. 25-March 3: ATKINS, DANNY: 26, 30848 Mason Drive, Independence, 10 counts simple burglary. BOUDIER, ANTHONY: 20, 28001 Grant Eagle Drive, Hammond, speeding, second-offense driving while intoxicated, possession of drug paraphernalia. DOUHTY, BERNELL: 32, 1871 McDaniel Road, Amite, failure to appear, two counts aggravated assault. LEE, RICHARD: age unknown, 40298 Colmes Road, Pine, hit and run, failure to yield, driving under suspension, no insurance. LEE, JOHNNY: 23, 4897 Pumping Station Road, Easleyville, driving intoxicated with child, failure to yield at stop sign, no drivers license. LEE, AMOS: 28, 656 Washington Lane, Pine, disturbing the peace by intoxication. PONDS, CHELSEY: 22, 611 Self Road, Greensburg, failure to appear. RICHARDSON, GRANT: 30, 2008 Duncan Avenue, Amite, domestic abuse battery, purse snatching. RICHARDSON, MICHAEL: 32, 259 St. Joseph Road, Grangeville, parole violation.

The Advocate n n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n 7G

Amite Oyster Fest

Photo provided by ANN HUFF

Jarrell family thanks community

The family of Julee Jarrell thanks residents and anyone who participated in the benefit to raise money to purchase a monument for her buriel site. The family thanked residents for donating items, donating time and buying raffle tickets. Jarrell’s monument was placed on her grave a few days before Christmas.

The Amite Oyster Festival festivities will begin at 8 a.m. Friday, March 20, with the 41st annual Laurie Brumfield/Conway LeBleu Memorial Chili Cook-off. Judging will take place at 4:30 p.m. The event will be in the vacant lot on the corner of West Mulberry Street and Northwest Central Avenue. Proceeds will go to the Relay for Life. For questions, call Bruce Cutrer at (985) 748-5161. The festival opens at 3 p.m. March 20 and will remain open through midnight. The entertainment lineup is Covington Dance Company at 4 p.m.; Blind Side from 5:30

Be wise in words, time nnn Happy birthday to Dot March Greensburg First Jenkins, formerly of Pine Grove who now lives at the St. Baptist Church birthday stars are Qway Clark, FredHelena Nursing Home, die Carter, Jodi Warren, March 10; Ty Jones, of Lori Narimore, Bobby Grangeville, and my Davison, Ray Smith, cousin, Dianne Wallace John Paul Brecheen, White, of Holden, both Ocia Collier, Sandy TayMarch 11; my sister, lor, Sherrill Caraway, Shirley Ann Miller, of Nellin Webb and EuseGrangeville, and Sherbia McMorris. rill Caraway, of La. 37 BUTTERFLY nnn south of Greensburg, WINGS Anniversary blessings share March 12; Rene FRAN SNODDY to Greensburg First Ponsaa, of Amite, and Baptist Church memTisha Harvey Gill, of La. bers Mr. and Mrs. Jim37 south of Greensburg, mie Taylor, March 4; Mr. and March 14; and Sheryl Ponsaa Mrs. Sherrill Caraway, March Guitreaux, of Pochatoula, 9, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike WoodMarch 16.

ard, March 29. Wishing them each a happy and loving day. nnn Saw where the old St. Helena Jail Museum will be open the last Saturday of each month, according to Rita Allen. nnn Congratulations to all 2015 St. Helena School Board members who were sworn in Jan. 8, by Clerk of Court Mildred Cyprian. Looking forward to the great job they will perform. nnn To the families of Noma Newell, J.W. Bennett, Fred Heroman Jr., Jake Allen, and Senator William “Bill” Dykes, love and prayers are extended.

nnn In Proverbs 25:11, it says “A word of fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” Whether the words are of love, encouragement or rebuke, knowing the right time to speak is beneficial to both the listener and the speaker. Knowing the right time to be silent is also a wise thing. The Holy Spirit will help us to discern what to say and when to say it. And what words to say, at the right time and the right place. Also, to honor Him for the good of others.

Fran Snoddy writes Butterfly Wings for The Advocate Extra. Contact her at (225) 777-4363.


p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; and Chee Weez from 9 p.m. to midnight. On Saturday, March 21, the Amite Oyster Festival parade begins at 10 a.m. near Amite Elementary School and will roll down La. 16. Festival opens from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Onstage at the fairgrounds will be 2015 Amite Oyster Festival Royalty introduction at 12:30 p.m. followed by local entertainment and local dance groups. Entertainment lineup is The Dominos from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Alexes Aiken from

5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; and Chase Tyler from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. On Sunday, March 22, the festival opens from noon to 6 p.m. Entertainment lineup is Chris Lee Band from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m; and David St. Romain from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Men’s Day Program

Andrew Chapel Church, 50311 La. 16, Denham Springs, will host a Men’s Day Program at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 22, at the church. The guest speaker for the event will be the Rev. Clifford Conrad, of Camphor United Methodist Church of Baton Rouge. Call (225) 664-8751. Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or email swarren@theadvocate. com.

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8G n Thursday, March 12, 2015 n n The Advocate



Each week, we’ll take a look back at photos published in The Echo. The feature photo for this week’s Echo’s From the Past is from the Nov. 8, 1972, edition of the St. Helena Echo.

The following people were sentenced in proceedings held in 21st Judicial District Court in St. Helena Parish.

The original publication reads: For the first time in the history of St. Helena, women are serving on the St. Helena School Board. They will serve with four men, representing the six reapportioned districts. Receiving their oath of office are left to right: Mrs. Elsie Johnson from the fourth district, and Mrs. Eunice P. Reed from the second district. ... Mrs. Johnson is a graduate of Woodland High School, a member of Hillsdale Baptist Church, and the Montpelier-Pine Garden and Civic Club. She is the wife of the Rev. Carl L. Johnson, mother of Bobby Johnson, John Johnson and Mynette Johnson. Mrs. Reed is the wife of Clarence H. Reed, mother of Deidre Reed, Clarence Reed Jr., Henry Reed, Bertrand Reed and Cecile Reed. Mrs. Reed is a graduate of Jefferson Davis High School, Grambling College, University of California, and has done further study at LSU. She is a member of Turner Chapel A.M.E. Church, and holds active memberships in many educational, social, civic, and fraternal organizations. She is listed in ‘Personalities of the South’ and ‘Who’s Who of American Woman’ for 1972-73. The four men that these women will serve with are George Lee, Carl Stone, Claude Sharkey and Lee Travis.

Judge Robert Morrison issued the following sentences on March 2:

GRAYER, PAXTON: Granted post-conviction relief after serving 18 years in the Department of Corrections on the charge of second-degree murder. TAYLOR, CLIFTON: 15 year sentence suspended, all but one year to be served in a parish jail and five years probation on charges of introduction of contraband into a penal institution and unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. TOURNILLON, EMILY: One year suspended sentence and one year probation for misdemeanor theft.








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Soccer tournament finales The West Feliciana Middle School Blue Team finished as runners-up for the Division 5 championship at the Baton Rouge Middle School Soccer League season-ending tournament Jan. 31 to Feb. 1 in Baton Rouge. The WFMS Blue Team, which includes seventh- and sixthgraders, lost to St. Thomas More 1-0 in the Division 5 tournament final after going 2-3-1 in the regular season. The team is coached by Nick Smith. Pictured after the final match, kneeling from left, are Addie Field, Kylie Marchand and Jon Elise Sturgeon; and standing, Malorie Cutrer, Lizzie Vidrine, Mia Kincaid, Shikira Seymore, Shania Carter, Margaret Lott, Maddie Reed, Addison Bell-Pierce and Emma Temple.

Photos provided by NICK SMITH

The West Feliciana White Team won the Division 3 championship at the Baton Rouge Middle School Soccer League season-ending tournament Jan.31-Feb. 1 in Baton Rouge. The WFMS White Team, comprised of eighth- and seventh-graders, defeated St. Aloysius Football Club 4-1 in the Division 3 tournament final after finishing the regular season with a 5-2 record. It was the first time a West Feliciana team won a tournament championship, said coach Nick Smith. Pictured after the championship game, first row from left, are Elizabeth McKinney, Amelia Percy, Ann Claire Albastadt, Parker Varnadoe, Katelyn Jones and Caroline Smith; and second row, Mary Elizabeth Barrow, Camille Burns, Lilly Ray, Madison Bennett, Katelyn Oliveaux, Madison Pollet and Sydney Corbin.

Hammer builds on to sports park BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX

leagues and tournaments. Hammer also plans to introduce pickle ball events on two new courts. Pickle ball is a Lee Hammer has big plans cross between tennis and table for the West Feliciana Sports tennis and events will start in Park. April. In his posiA walking program with Pat tion as AssisHuertin leading is planned to tant Director begin in April. of Business A family kickball night has and Program been planned, Hammer would Development like to see a league start. for three Eventually, he’d like adult months, Hambasketball and volleyball ofmer has been Hammer fered at some level and sand working with pits will likely be built for Director of Parks and Recrebeach volleyball. ation Rob Hunter to make the Hammer said the archery parish’s sports park the go-to Advocate photos by HOWARD ARCENEAUX range will be beefed up and destination for recreation and Old outdoor basketball courts have been resurfaced and repurposed to make two full-sized will soon get 3-D targets for leisure activities. tennis courts and two smaller training courts at the West Feliciana Sports Park. The existing youth and adult shoots. “We have a gem here,” said courts will also be resurfaced to facilitate tournament play. An introduction to kayaking Hammer, a native of Pennsylclass will be held beginning in vania who has a degree in recApril in the park’s pond. reation administration from Liz Patterson is offering a Edinboro University. program on Wednesdays at He describes himself as a the 4-H barn called “Intro to “utility guy” who is focused Horses,” and all 20 of the slots on expanding and building were quickly filled indicating programs for the parish. Also, the need for more types of prohe is working on a marketEXTRA SPORTS gramming like it, he said. ing plan. The message will be Additionally, Hammer geared toward residents as said, he’s been working with well as people from outside HARCENEAUX@THEADVOCATE.COM coaches and administrators the parish. Hammer’s primary audience from the West Feliciana Parish “I want to bring people into is locals of all ages. Hammer school system in developing the community with tournasaid a major component of programs and coordinating ments, events and festivals,” his plan is to build a strong for the schools to utilize the Hammer said. “That means base for kids participation. facilities. making it more visible. We Hammer said he’d like to also want to bring people back Therefore the park’s baseball leagues are switching to Babe hear from members of the to the park and provide the The new rodeo arena at the West Feliciana Sports Park is community about ideas for Ruth from United States Spetypes of recreation they ask expected to be completed by May and will be able to host programs they’d like to see, or cialty Sports Association. for.” equestrian events and other types of activities like concerts. if they’d like to volunteer. The difference is more emOne reason for the emphasis phasis on skills and fundamenHammer can be reached at on increased programming is activities are planned includtals before serious competition fields. or the direct and indirect value ing youth baseball and softball (225) 245-4949. Hammer said he wants to on economic development. Vis- to make it appeal to more of as well as spring soccer for get opinions from the parish’s the parish’s youth. itors to the parish are usually residents to see what direction ages 14 and under. Another key is to provide Send sports news, photos and generous with their spending, Hammer said the tennis they’d like to see soccer go. programs and activities for stats to Howard Arceneaux which benefits the tax base. courts have new surfaces and For example, club soccer orat harceneaux@theadvocate. That includes plenty of base- young to old with a wide variare ready for individual play, ganizations are very popular, ety options. com. ball and softball tournaments “We want to bring them back particularly in Baton Rouge, as well as events that will utiand Hammer said he would out to the park,” Hammer lize the new equestrian facilsaid. “I want to get input from like to see something similar ity, once it’s completed. develop in West Feliciana. The sports park has a mobile people so we provide what Long term, he’d like to see a stage that can be used for con- they want.” full-sized soccer field with When originally developed, certs and festivals as well as lights. general community and school the sports park’s master plan An ambitious slate of spring featured a number of soccer events. Special to The Advocate

Howard Arceneaux



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Advocate Extra seeks sports news, photos Advocate staff report The Advocate Extra sports section welcomes submitted sports photos and sports news items from high school, middle school and recreation teams. Items for The Advocate Extra’s sports pages must be received by 9 a.m. the Monday preceding the run date. Youth football, softball, baseball, soccer and basketball teams are encouraged to submit schedules, team contact information, team photos and scores. High-resolution color digital photos should be emailed to ddenstorff@theadvocate. com or sent via our Webbased system at Submit information within two weeks of an event. The date and place of the event and a contact name and phone number must be included. Photos should not include more than 15 people and will be used on a space-available basis. Everyone in the photograph must be identified. By submitting photos to The Advocate, you agree that they can be published in any of The Advocate’s print or digital publications. For more information, call Community News Editor Darlene Denstorff at (225) 336-6952 or (225) 603-1998. Information also can be submitted to


Thursday, March 12, 2015

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Parish Bid Opening Committee Meeting at its scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 1:30 P.M., with recommendations to be taken to the Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular School Board Meeting.

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10285 “To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.“ This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.

PUBLIC NOTICE --February 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR BIDS TO LEASE FOR HUNTING RIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY The East Feliciana Parish School Board is accepting sealed bids for hunting rights for a five (5) year term (commencing July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020), subject to lessor receiving a successful annual review as performed by the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee; on 184.7 +/- Acres in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East (known as the “Plank Road Tract�) and also on 167.95 +/- Acres in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 3 East, Parish of East Feliciana (known as the “Pace Road Tract�). The lessee must submit a separate sealed bid on each above described tract of NOT LESS THAN $20.00 PER ACRE, provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises and obey all game and wildlife regulations. Further information on the terms of the proposed hunting lease may be obtained at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Office, 12732 Silliman Street, Clinton, Louisiana. The deadline for receiving sealed bids is 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Please mark the outside of your sealed envelope with your return address, indicating "HUNTING LEASE BID" enclosed and submit same to: James Bell, Jr., Supervisor East Feliciana Parish School Board 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722 * The Lessee may now find bid related materials and submit electronic bids online at The East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office hours are 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. If you need any additional information or further assistance, please contact James Bell, Jr., Supervisor at (225) 683-8277 Ext. 216. Please note that sealed bids received will be presented to East Feliciana


The East Feliciana Parish School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Henderson Lewis, Ph.D. Superintendent Schools

Jr., of

5090881-feb 19-mar 12-2t

PUBLIC NOTICE --February 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR BIDS TO LEASE FOR AGRICULTURAL/ GRASS CUTTING/GENERAL UPKEEP PURPOSES PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY The East Feliciana Parish School Board is accepting sealed bids for agricultural/grass cutting/general upkeep lease rights for up to remainder on a five (5) year term (commencing July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020), subject to lessor receiving a successful annual review as performed by the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee; on the following described School Board owned property and Jackson School Complex Campus: 1. 33.97 Acres +/-, Secs. 40 & 61, T4S-R1E, Church Street, Town of Slaughter, East Feliciana, Louisiana out on bids for agricultural purposes, to include grass cutting/general up keep. 2. Jackson School Complex designated area containing 11.0 Acres +/- , out on bids for agricultural purposes, to include hay cutting/general up keep, under strict cutting guidelines to maximize the safety of students and staffers. The lessee must submit a separate sealed bid on each of the above described tract of NOT LESS THAN $12.50 PER ACRE, provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises. Further information on the terms of the proposed agricultural/grass cutting/general upkeep lease(s) may be obtained at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Office, 12732 Silliman Street, Clinton, Louisiana. The deadline for receiving sealed bids is 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Please mark the outside of your sealed envelope with your return address, indicating "GRASS CUTTING BID" enclosed and submit same to: James Bell, Jr., Supervisor East Feliciana Parish School Board 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722. *The Lessee may now find bid related materials and submit electronic bids online at The East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office hours are 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. If you need any additional information or further assistance, please contact James Bell, Jr., Maintenance Supervisor at (225) 683-8277 Ext. 216. Please note that sealed bids received will be presented to East Feliciana Parish Bid Opening Committee Meeting at its scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 1:30 P.M., with recommendations to be taken to the Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular School Board Meeting. The East Feliciana Parish School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D. Superintendent Schools 5090882-feb 19-mar 12-2t

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NOTICE --February 9, 2015 NOTICE TO BIDDERS – ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE PINE & HARDWOOD TIMBER Separate sealed bids will be received by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana 70722, no later than 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, for the sale of Pine and Hardwood Timber on two (2) tracts of East Feliciana Parish School Board property known as the “Plank Road Tract� (Tract 1) located off Plank Road and Noel Thomas Road in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana and the “Old Clinton Middle School Tract� (Tract 2), located off Hwy. 67 North in Section 72, Township 2 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish. Tract 1 will consist of a clearcut of 71 acres of mature pine with scattered hardwoods; and Tract 2 consists of marked large hardwoods and natural pines on 18 acres. A separate written timber contract on a form approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board will be required for each Tract. Bids submitted after 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, and telephoned or faxed bids will not be accepted. Complete bid documents may be obtained from Timberland Forestry LLC., P. O. Box 2009, Clinton, LA 70722, Telephone (225) 9781576. Bidders may now find related bid materials and submit electronic bids online at Separate sealed bids received are to be opened and read aloud in the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana, by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled for 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. The Bid Opening Committee will present the same along with timber contracts for consideration to the East Feliciana Parish School Board at its upcoming Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular Board Meeting beginning at 5:00 P.M. In the event identical high successful bids are received, the bid received first in time by the Bid Opening Committee will be recommended to the East Feliciana Parish School Board. The East Feliciana School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and formalities. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent East Feliciana Parish School Board 5093162-feb 19-26-mar 512-4t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE NOT EXCEEDING $800,000 OF UTILITIES REVENUE BONDS OF THE TOWN OF JACKSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA As provided by a resolution adopted on February 9, 2015, by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana (the "Town"), the Town HEREBY DECLARES ITS INTENTION to issue up to Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000) of Utilities Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds"), for the purpose of paying the cost of making additions, extensions and improvements to the drinking water system of the Town, including equipment and fixtures (the "System"). The Bonds will be limited and special revenue bonds of the Town, secured by and payable solely from the revenues of the Town's combined drinking water, sewage treatment and natural gas supply systems (collectively, the "System"), after there have been paid from those revenues the reasonable and

East Feliciana Public Notices

10285 necessary expenses of operating and maintaining the System. The Bonds will not be a charge on the other income and revenues of the Town, nor shall they constitute an indebtedness or pledge of the general credit of the Town. The Bonds will be issued pursuant to Part XIII, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and/or other applicable laws (collectively, the "Act"). The Bonds will be issued and authorized by ordinance(s) adopted by the governing authority of the Town, in one or more series, will mature up to twentytwo (22) years from their date of issuance, will bear interest at rates up to three and forty-five hundredths of one percent (3.45%), and will be subject to prepayment anytime without penalty. Proceeds of the Bonds may also be used to pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. As provided by the Act, all of the other details of the Bonds will be set forth in the ordinance(s) authorizing their issuance, including the following: covenants relating to the management and operation of the System, the imposition and collection of rates and charges from the System's customers, the expenditure of such rates and charges, the issuance of future bonds and the creation of future liens and encumbrances against the System and all other pertinent matters as may be necessary to the authorization and issuance of the Bonds. The Bonds are expected to be sold at a private sale, as provided for in the Act, to the Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, and the Bonds will also be approved by the State Bond Commission prior to their delivery. THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the governing authority of the Town will meet in open and public session on MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015 at SIX O'CLOCK (6:00) P.M., at the Jackson Fire Station, 1631 Charter St., Jackson, Louisiana 70748, to hear any objections to the proposed issuance of the Bonds. If at such hearing a petition duly signed by electors of the Town in a number not less than five percent (5%) of the number of such electors voting in the last special or general election object to the issuance of the Bonds, then the Bonds shall not be issued until approved at an election held for that purpose. Any such petition must be accompanied by a certificate of the East Feliciana Parish Registrar of Voters certifying that the signers of the petition(s) are registered electors of the Town and the number of signers amounts to not less than five percent (5%) of the registered voters that voted in the last tax election held in the Town, all as provided by the Act. TOWN OF JACKSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA 5096682 - feb 26-mar 5-1219-4t

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338. Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested.

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East Feliciana Public Notices

10285 5098375-mar 5-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the assessors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters. 5098898-mar 5, 12-2t

NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 3, 2015 February 2, 2015 REVISED AGENDA PROPOSED AGENDA FOR EAST FELICIANA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 - 5:00 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Approval of the minutes of January 6, 2015, regular meeting 4. Special Recognitions A. Edna Thomas, Director presentation on Employee of the Month B. Edna Thomas, Director presentation of EFMS 7th Grade Student C. Brian Chandler, Parish Chair presentation of C o o p e r a t i v e Extension Service Annual Report 5. Communications/ Reports A. U r g e n Communications


(1) Request for executive session to discuss personnel matter of Superintendent of Schools Employment Contract and Extension (2) Receive and r e v i e w Superintendent of Schools Search Packet Spring 2015 (3) Request for executive session to discuss settlement offer regarding pending litigation in re: “Metso Paper USA, Inc. vs. Single Sales Tax Collector for all local sales and use taxes imposed by T a x i n g Authorities in East Feliciana Parish and the East Feliciana Parish School Board as the Single Local Sales and Use Tax Collector for East Feliciana P a r i s h , Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, Docket No. L00004.� B. Sales Tax Collections Report C. Superintendent's Report (1) Student Count Report as conducted for February, 2015 (2) Receive report on Legislative Shadowing Week of February 2nd thru 6th, 2015 (3) Receive Board ratification of Dr. Lewis’ using his discretion on behalf of the East Feliciana Parish School Board in receipt and distribution of donation to S l a u g h t e r Elementary School from Irene W. And C.B. Pennington Foundation for P o s i t i v e B e h a v i o r S u p p o r t , Technology and R e a d i n g Intervention 6. Old Business


A. Discussion and/or action on school configurations and locations for 20152016 School Year 7. New Business A. Bid Opening Committee Report B. Finance Committee Report

June Lazarus & Harold Auhman, Residents

C. Policy Review Committee Report D. Building Committee Report In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special

East Feliciana Public Notices



assistance, please contact Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools at (225) 683-3040, describing the assistance that is necessary.

Schools Employment Contract and Extension.

There were present: School Board Members J. Curtis Jelks, Richard Terrell, Broderick Brooks, Sr., Joyce A. Kent, Michael Bradford, Mitchell Harrell, Paul Kent, Timothy Corcoran and Melvin L. Hollins. Board Members Rhonda Matthews joined the meeting at executive session item. Board Member Elizabeth Dawson joined the meeting at the executive session vote. Board Member Derald Spears, Sr. joined the meeting during the executive session. Other Attendees: Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Irma Lee Bendily, Admn. Asst., Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th JDC District Attorney, Robert L. Hammonds, Personnel Attorney with Hammonds, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. Attorneys Robert Rainer and Fred Mulhearn, Sales Tax Attorneys with Rainer Anding Talbot & Mulhearn joined the meeting at 5:33 P.M. Tommy LeJeune, C.P.A., Member of Faulk & Winkler LLC joined the meeting at 5:45 P.M.

Motion by Vice-President Harrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to accept Board President Bradford and Robert L. Hammonds, Personnel Attorney with Hammonds, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP, recommendation to go into executive session not to exceed 25 minutes to discuss personnel matter of Superintendent of Schools Employment Contract and Extension.

Board President Michael Ray Bradford opened and chaired the meeting and asked Board Member Timothy Corcoran to open the meeting with prayer. Board President Bradford, with assistance from Miss Parrish Waggner and the Clinton Head Start Students, lead reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison. The Parish School Board of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish for school purposes by Michael Ray Bradford, Board President, who announced the purposes of said meeting in accordance with the aforesaid written notice thereof. Board President Bradford stated the Board was ready for transaction of business. Item 2. Board President Bradford called for a motion to approve the above agenda. Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to approve the above agenda. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Matthews, Dawson and Spears. Item 3. Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mr. Terrell to approve the minutes of January 6, 2015, regular meeting, as published in the official journal. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Matthews, Dawson and Spears. Item 4.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Edna Thomas. Edna Thomas, Director presented as Employee of the Month of February, 2015 - Mr. Lawrence “Bo� Hills, HVAC Maintenance Employee with the Maintenance Department. Miss Kim Cambre, Representative of Taylor & Sons presented Mr. Hills with an appreciation plaque and related items. Board President Bradford called for a photo opportunity with Mr. Hills, Board Members Richard Terrell and Broderick Brooks Sr. and Dr. Lewis. Item 4.B. Board President Bradford then turned the floor over to Mrs. Edna Thomas. Edna Thomas, Director presented our 7th Grade EFMS Student Illustrator, Miss Mykara Taylor, which was recently published with the book by Delores C. McClay, entitled “The Rooster Did Not Crow,� which is now on sale online at or at Barnes and Noble. EFMS Principal Karen Gipson presented Miss Mykara Taylor with congratulations gifts for her accomplishments. Board President Bradford called for a photo opportunity with EFMS 7th Grader Mykara Taylor, her Mother Mrs. Tonia Taylor, Board Members Joyce A. Kent, Paul Kent, Vice-President Harrell and Dr. Lewis. Item 4.C. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Brian Chandler. Brian Chandler, Parish Chair then reviewed with Board Members and Dr. Lewis copies of a hand out entitled “East Feliciana Parish Cooperative Extension Service Annual Report 2014". He concluded by introducing other Extension Staffers present this evening, being: Leanna Cupit, Asst. Extension Agent and EFP 4-H Youth Development. Mrs. Cupit made the presentation on the handout and their work with area students through the 4-H Youth Development Program. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments. Receiving none, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Items 5.A.(1) and (2) Board President Bradford called for a motion to go into executive session to discuss personnel matter of Superintendent of

Board Member Rhonda Matthews joined the meeting at this time.

Board Member Elizabeth Dawson joined the meeting at this time. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Spears. Board Member Derald Spears, Sr., joined the executive session. Board Members in attendance after return from executive session: Jelks, Terrell, Matthews, Brooks, J. Kent, Bradford, Harrell, P. Kent, Corcoran, Hollins, Dawson and Spears. Board President Bradford called for a motion to return to regular session. Motion by Vice-President Harrell, seconded by Mr. Jelks to return to regular session. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Vice-President Harrell. Motion by Vice-President Harrell to add to the agenda three (3) items: (1) accept resignation of Superintendent Lewis; (2) begin advertising through our Official Journal for Superintendent Position; (3) name Mrs. Edna Thomas as the Acting Superintendent in the days that Dr. Lewis is not available and also once he has left and his last day of resignation that she becomes Acting Superintendent in his position. Board Members Joyce A. Kent, Paul Kent and J. Curtis Jelks corrected “Interim Superintendent�. Vice-President Harrell corrected his motion to note “Interim Superintendent�. Board Member Terrell seconded the motion. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After some discussion by Board Member P. Kent, along with response by Board Member J. Kent, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the a roll-call vote, starting with Mr. Jelks. Yeas: Jelks, Terrell, Matthews, Brooks, J. Kent, Bradford, Harrell, P. Kent, Corcoran, Hollins, Dawson and Spears Opposed: None Absent and not voting: None Abstained and not voting: None After some discussion by Board Member Dawson who “passed� on the above vote, along with responses by Board President Bradford related you cannot “pass� on this vote, Board Member Dawson questioned, “What is it?�, Atty. Robert Hammonds said “Adding the items to the agenda�, Board Member Paul Kent said “Adding the items to the agenda�, Board Member Dawson said “Oh, sure, yes.� Board President Bradford announced by a unanimous vote of 12 to 0, the motion carried. Motion by Vice-President Harrell, seconded by Mr. P. Kent in connection with add-on agenda Item 1. to accept resignation of Dr. Lewis (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), with an effective date of March 16, 2015. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Motion by Vice-President Harrell, seconded by Mr. Brooks in connection with add-on agenda Item 2. to begin advertising through our Official Journal and in whatever we need to with the School Board LSBA for the Position of Superintendent. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Motion by Vice-President Harrell, seconded by Miss Matthews in connection with add-on agenda Item 3. to name Mrs. Edna Thomas

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as Acting as Superintendent in the place of Dr. Lewis whenever he is not here and being the Interim Superintendent thereafter.

Kent, Corcoran, Hollins, Dawson and Spears.

January, 2015 Sales Tax Report reflects collections at 5% of $715,561.62 and delinquent sales tax collections of $9,995.58.

Dr. Lewis related yes, there is a sheet for those individuals who have confirmed and also just to list the schools with their Breakfast and Lunch times, it should be in your packet.

reflect High School 7th thru 12th, all Elementary Schools Pre-K thru 6 and the High School location be at the Complex in Jackson.

Board President Bradford related the move.

Board Member Hollins questioned like we wouldn’t save money by doing that.

Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Item 5.A.(3) B o a r d President Bradford called for a motion to receive Request for executive session to discuss settlement offer regarding pending litigation in re: “Metso Paper USA, Inc. vs. Single Sales Tax Collector for all local sales and use taxes imposed by Taxing Authorities in East Feliciana Parish and the East Feliciana Parish School Board as the Single Local Sales and Use Tax Collector for East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, Docket No. L00004.” Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to accept Board President Bradford and Attorney Robert Rainer, Sales Tax Attorney with Rainer Anding Talbot & Mulhearn, recommendation to go into executive session not to exceed 20 minutes to discuss settlement offer regarding pending litigation in re: “Metso Paper USA, Inc. vs. Single Sales Tax Collector for all local sales and use taxes imposed by Taxing Authorities in East Feliciana Parish and the East Feliciana Parish School Board as the Single Local Sales and Use Tax Collector for East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, Docket No. L00004.” Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Board Members in attendance after return from executive session: Jelks, Terrell, Matthews, Brooks, J. Kent, Bradford, Harrell, P.

Board President Bradford called for a motion to return to regular session. Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to return to regular session. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Brooks to accept Attorney Robert Rainers’, Sales Tax Attorney with Rainer Anding Talbot & Mulhearn, recommendations received in executive session regarding settlement offer in connection with pending litigation in re: “Metso Paper USA, Inc. vs. Single Sales Tax Collector for all local sales and use taxes imposed by Taxing Authorities in East Feliciana Parish and the East Feliciana Parish School Board as the Single Local Sales and Use Tax Collector for East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, Docket No. L00004.” Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the a vote: Yeas: Jelks, Terrell, Matthews, Brooks, J. Kent, Bradford, P. Kent, Corcoran, Hollins, Dawson and Spears Opposed: None Absent and not voting: None Abstained and not voting: Harrell Board President Bradford announced by a majority vote of 11 to 0, with 1 abstention, the motion carried. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Item 5.B. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation. Dr. Lewis related to Board Members present that the

Board President Bradford called for any discussion. After a comment by Board Member P. Kent, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Item 5.C.(1) B o a r d President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis reviewed with Board Members copies of our Student Count for February, 2015, which was conducted on Friday, January 30, 2015 or Monday, February 2, 2015 and the information provided reflects that we have a total enrollment of 2030 students and if you compare it to our February 1st, 2014 we had 2,019 students. After some discussion by Board Members P. Kent and Dawson, along with responses by Dr. Lewis, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Item 5.C.(2) B o a r d President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. reported on Legislative Shadowing Week which is February 2nd thru 6th, 2015, and the purpose of this week is to highlight the importance of health and educational support that meals program provides to our students. So we have Board Members that have volunteered to either serve Breakfast or Lunch this week and so we thank those Board Members who have already committed and then we ask the other Board Members if you are available this week to let us know and we would love to have you to enter act with the students during our Breakfast of Lunch times. Board President Bradford noted thinking that he did that, didn’t I Doc? Dr. Lewis responded you have not signed up. Board President Bradford related oh, I did not sign up! Dr. Lewis responded but there is still time, because the week is not over yet! Board President Bradford related yes, sir. Board Member Dawson questioned do we have a sheet about that and who is “shadowing” and who we are “shadowing” with?

Board Member P. Kent questioned and when is this? Dr. Lewis related that is all this week. Board Member P. Kent questioned all this week? Dr. Lewis related yes, sir. So it is either or Breakfast or Lunch or Breakfast and/or Lunch, I should say. Item 5.B.(3) Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Miss Matthews to authorize Board ratification of Dr. Lewis’ using his discretion on behalf of the East Feliciana Parish School Board in receipt and distribution of donation to Slaughter Elementary School from Irene W. And C.B. Pennington Foundation for Positive Behavior Support, Technology and Reading Intervention. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Item 6.A. Board President Bradford opened the floor for discussion and/or action on school configurations and locations for 2015-2016 School Year and called for a motion. Motion by Vice-President Harrell to open the floor for discussion and/or action on school configurations and locations for 2015-2016 School Year. Board President Bradford related we are discussing school locations for the next school year. Board Member Brooks questioned what school locations, which ones? Board President Bradford related I do not know, it is up to the Board, we don’t have a motion yet?

Board Member Dawson added and the Elementary School would be at the Middle School. Board Member Hollins amended his motion to include the Elementary School, Clinton Elementary would be at the Middle School location in Clinton. Board President Bradford called for a substitute motion. Substitute motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Brooks that the Schools remain the same and I would say change the High School to Clinton for the High School population. The Elementary and Middle remain the same and the High School goes to the Middle School Campus. Board Member Jelks asked that be said again. Board Member Terrell stated his motion as the Elementary Schools and the Middle School remain the same in the Grade Levels and that we move the High School to the Plank Road location. So that the High School can have a High School Campus. Board President Bradford questioned so Mr. Terrell your motion is to... Board Member Terrell related to only move the High School and move the Middle School. Board Member Matthews related no. Board President Bradford questioned Mr. Brooks and you second that motion? Board Member Brooks related yes. Board President Bradford called for any public questions or comments? Board Member Jelks questioned can we afford that, that is my question...

Board Member Terrell questioned to discuss it?

Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Bell, Mr. LeJeune or Mrs. Thomas for a response.

Board President Bradford related yes, a motion to what we want to do, a motion of action.

Board Member Jelks continued and does it have the capacity and can we afford it?

Motion by Mr. Hollins, seconded by VicePresident Harrell that we reconfigure the schools to

C.P.A. LeJeune requested clarification as to what you are talking about doing?

Board Member Terrell clarified the only thing he is saying is to leave everything the way it is, the only thing that we are doing is moving the student populations of Middle and High Schools. C.P.A. LeJeune questioned moving them from one to the next? Board Member Terrell related correct, High School to a High School Campus at the Middle School and the Middle School to the Complex. C.P.A. LeJeune related one thing that we have been talking about for the next Fiscal Year is that we know that we have increased costs next year, we have a “break even budget” this year, which means we are going to have to find some costs cutting measures. I think regardless of what decision you make we have to find a way to operate more efficiently. So to answer your question if we are going to keep it the same, by just moving bodies, we do not really accomplish what we are going need to do for next and that is “Operate Cheaper”... Board Member Terrell said it is not going to or it is the same costs. C.P.A. LeJeune related it is the same costs. Board Member Hollins related then I will add that we submit the significant amount of dollars at the Complex and at the Clinton Middle School location, while Clinton Elementary School is still in need of a significant amount of work, I mean from my understanding we still have window units at that location. While we have spent a significant number of dollars on HVAC Systems and you know bringing the two (2) newest buildings up to code in the Parish. Board Member Terrell related they are still going to be utilized, with that recommendation regardless. Board Member Hollins questioned say that again. Board Member Terrell they are still going to be utilized. Board President Bradford related all we are doing is switching the Middle School and High School, that is all his motion said.

Board Member Brooks questioned so what was the deal with the Elementary Schools by closing the Elementary School of one of them and whatever happened with that? Board President Bradford related he sees no reason to close our Elementary Schools. Board Member Matthews questioned why not? Board Member Hollins related that is included in my motion, if we move 7th thru 12th to the High School and bring 6th to the Elementary Schools across the Board and if you look at these numbers it is very feasible and I would just remind that if we move 7th thru 12th High School, 6th or K thru 6th Elementary Schools just as Slaughter Elementary is and be across the Board general and then we could actually save by closing a building, which would be Clinton Elementary School that needs a significant amount of work. Board Member P. Kent questioned and where do you want to go with Clinton Elementary? Board Member Hollins related that Clinton Elementary can actually be moved to the Plank Road location. Board Member Dawson related to what East Feliciana Middle right now. Board Member Hollins related to what is East Feliciana Middle right now. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Spears. Board Member Spears related he would not be in favor of putting 7th Graders at a School with 12th Graders, you would have a 12 year old possibly being at a School with an 18 or 19 year old... Board Member Brooks questioned what is the difference with them being in there with the Elementary kids? Board Member Spears suggested moving the High School to their own separate location then you would eliminate that, because you already have issues at that Complex currently with that kind of situ-

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10285 ation. Board Member Brooks related but we tried that, when I got on the Board, we tried that and tried to separate the Schools and it never happened. Board Member Spears related but the High School population is all we are talking about, because they are young adults... Board Member Brooks related but they are with the Elementary School kids in Jackson. Board Member Spears continued they are young adults so they are much more mature and you run into issues of things that you want... Board Member Brooks related I think the thing that what we are going to do now is bring up the Clinton/Jackson issue again, instead of what is best for the kids...


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10285 Mrs. Caine-Royal continued we need to be in a place where are facilities are about the students... Board Member Brooks related but the money that they are spending on the Athletics over here, they could do it over there, if it needed to be done, it could be done, they could get it done. I am quite sure that it could be done, but there is always an excuse when it comes to that... Board President Bradford again regained control over the meeting. Mrs. Caine-Royal continued all she has to say is you need to make decisions for the students... Board Member Brooks related right and that is what we are doing. Board President Bradford directed to let her finish.

Board Member Matthews related instead of what is best for the kids....

Mrs. Caine-Royal continued because we are in that setting every single day and the Jackson/Clinton deal it needs to stop...

Board Member Hollins related right, but the Complex was K-12 and we did not move it to save any dollars and let it stay like it is...

Board Member Brooks related but it is really not about the Athletics, it is really not, that is what we are making it about the Athletics...

Board President Bradford regained control of the meeting.

Board Member Matthews related I could care less about Athletics right about now.

Board Member Brooks related and when it comes to that we have Board Members that feel the same way and that is why we will never get any where in this Parish. Board Member Matthews related we will never get any where... Board President Bradford questioned Mr. Terrell as to his motion being to just move the High School and Middle Schools? Board Member Hollins related we would just spend money moving, but we would not save in any way. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Antonio Caine-Royal in the audience Antonio Caine-Royal, EFHS Dean of Students related well speaking from an Athletic standpoint, we have to pay for fuel to get from our own School to come to the Clinton side... Board Member Hollins related yes, ma’am.

Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Terrell and lets’ talk one at the time now. Board Member Terrell related let me speak on behalf of Finance, when we speak of Finances, on yesterday the Building Committee met and the presentation that came forth it was in reference to what the costs would be. In reference to updating facilities, the costs were like $1.6 Million Dollars and what he did he identified that for both Campuses. But then when we looked back at other reports when we began to look at what accommodations need to be made at both Campuses, at the Jackson Complex the accommodations that need to be made the stadium would have to be totally redone, the seating would have to be moved, the lighting would have to be moved, the foundation of the field itself and the track would have to be moved. When you come over here on this side of the Parish you have the foundation there, the seating and the lighting, those costs would



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not come into play. So, what we are basically looking at is basically working with no money. So do we work with no money and what we have now in place and bring the students where the accommodations are or do we go to a location where we continue to try to consider. I will make the statement that I made yesterday, what we need to do as a Board, we need to take Highway 19 from in between us Jackson and Clinton High Graduates that are sitting here, we need to forget that we are Graduates of Clinton and Jackson. We need to look out here and realize that we have students that we need to accommodate at EFHS and like I told the Committee yesterday I care less if the school is located at the State line, if the location is at the State line at this time, well we need to send the kids to the State line where there will be no costs. So the real picture is to the Board tonight the location is right down Plank Road. You need to forget that the Complex is over there and we need to forget that the Middle School is here, the real picture that we need to look at is the students. Where do we need to create a High School population... Board Member Hollins related to educate the students. Board Member Terrell continued exactly and the High School population, we need a High School facility that would accommodate the High School Students. We need to make them a High School population so that we can have a High School. As you went to a football game this year, you probably could count everyone in the stadium because it is Clinton, Jackson and East Feliciana does not exist anymore and that is all. Board Member Jelks questioned Dr. Lewis in you opinion, can the High School be moved to that Middle School location without adding portable buildings, portable classrooms costs and can it accommodate the number of High School kids doing it the way you suggest with the what 7th Grade on up which would save money if you did it that way? Dr. Lewis questioned are you asking me to respond to the substitute motion, or is this a separate question? Board Member Jelks related just a separate question.


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Dr. Lewis questioned as far as the 7th thru 12th Grade School or 9th thru 12th? Board Member Jelks related okay, would it handle that? Dr. Lewis related handle a 9th thru 12th, yes. Board Member Jelks questioned but it would not handle if you eliminated the Middle School? Dr. Lewis related it would not be able to handle a 7th thru 12th, that would be very very tight. Board Member Jelks related so you are not saving money. Vice-President Harrell questioned and that is your recommendation is to put the 7th thru 12th? Board Member Brooks related no, he was just answering a question. Dr. Lewis related no, that was a recommendation that I had given before this item was placed on the agenda for the Board. Because, the Administration, gave all the pros and cons to all of these... Vice-President Harrell related I understand. But your recommendation was to go 7th thru 12th? Dr. Lewis related that was my recommendation at that time. Board Member Dawson related wanting to bring up a fact. I know that we have not been utilizing BRCC, which is right next door, not too many kids are going there. But I think that we could and we could educate more kids and more kids would go over there. We are offering more subjects now, not just College students and I think these that are not going to College should take advantage of that Campus. Board Member Hollins related but only a small percentage are actually going to College so that falls back to academics... Board President Bradford regained control of the meeting and noted we still have to get them over there... Board Member Hollins related well that will be the same amount of gas that we are spending bussing the Football Team...


Board President Terrell related he could solve that problem, there is no Programs at BRCC’s Campus available. He noted you have some workforce training that is occurring, you have one program offering other than workforce and that is CNA... Board Member Dawson questioned and you do not think that those students can take those classes? Board Member Terrell continued they can... Board Member Dawson related right. Board Member Terrell continued they can, but they are not. Board Member Dawson related she thinks that we need to encourage them. Board President Bradford again regained control over the meeting, okay, let’s do one at the time. He called for anyone else? One last statement Mr. Hollins. Board Member Hollins questioned is it because the enrollment of the number of people that participate in those Programs at BRCC inhibit the Programs that they can offer? And in order to save money from what we have discussed a Building would have to closed. So shifting around does not save money. Board President Bradford related okay, that is the last comment, at this time we would ask for a vote and we are going to vote on Mr. Terrells’ substitute motion and that motion is just to switch the High School and the Middle School. He then proceeded with a roll-call vote, as follows: Yeas: Terrell, J. Kent, Bradford, P. Kent and Spears Opposed: Jelks, Matthews, Brooks, Harrell, Corcoran, Hollins and Dawson Absent and not voting: None Abstained from voting: None Board President Bradford announced by a vote of 5 to 7, the substitute motion failed. Board President Bradford then called for a roll-call vote on Mr. Hollins’ original motion, as follows: Yeas: Jelks, Matthews, Harrell, Hollins and Dawson Opposed: Terrell, Brooks,



Bradford, Spears



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10285 and

Absent and not voting: None Abstained from voting: Corcoran Board President Bradford announced by a vote of 5 to 6, with 1 abstention, the original motion failed. Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Item 7.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Paul Kent. Paul Kent, Chairman of the Bid Opening Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 1:30 P.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference). He then turned the floor over to James Bell, Jr., Technology Supervisor for his presentation on Board Agenda Item 7.A. Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th JDC District Attorney left the meeting at this time. James Bell, Jr., Technology Supervisor made an oral presentation to Board Members and Dr. Lewis that on Tuesday, February 3, 2015 the E-RATE RFP Committee convened to review and score proposals related to 2015-2016 ERATE related services. As you can recall E-rate is a Federal Government Program that provides discounts to Schools to facilitate Internet Access and Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n Services. The Vendors proposals were scored with the help of Technology Directors from Tangipahoa Parish, Zachary Community School System and The Recovery School District. He related we received bids and I apologize, we received RFP’s and they were scored and the winners for the Internet Service Provider was Hunt Telecom, for our Wide-Area Network Circuits was Hunt Telecom, our Unmanaged Category II Equipment would be Hunt Telecom, for our Basic Maintenance of ERATE Related Services we placed that on hold, no vendor was selected as more information was needed and for Voice Over Internet Protocol, we did not make a selection, more information was also needed. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent questioned Mr. Bell we will get, or you will put that back out, those last two (2) that more information is needed? Or are we going to have to have

those last two (2)? Supervisor Bell related no, sir, we don’t have to have them and we actually have the information from those specific vendors, but we need to be able to make comparisons to what we actually have in the facility right now to make sure we are comparing apples to apples and oranges to oranges. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent related okay, so you will come back... Supervisor Bell related yes, sir. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent continued to the Board of something if you needed to get that back out and advertise it again? Supervisor Bell related it would not have to be advertised. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent questioned it wouldn’t? Supervisor Bell related no, sir. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent questioned so you have the costs, all you have got to do is get some information on it? Supervisor Bell related yes, sir. Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent related good. Board President Bradford questioned Mr. Paul Kent if that ends his report? Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent related yes. Board President Bradford extended to Mr. Bell a thank you.

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10285 to accept Telecom.



Board President Bradford returned to Item 7.A. and called for a motion. Motion by Mrs. J. Kent, seconded by Mr. Terrell. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Board President Bradford returned the floor to Finance Chairman Richard Terrell. Chairman Terrell thanked Mr. Bradford and again related the Finance Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 10:04:22 A.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference). He noted having four (4) items and we identified the revenues and expenses and we have no recommendation coming from the Finance Committee and turned the floor over to C.P.A. LeJeune. Tommy LeJeune, C.P.A., Member of Faulk & Winkler LLC related to Board Members present that we are in the process of doing next years budgets and we plan to have that to the Finance Committee this month. Board President related alright, that sound good and asked Mr. Terrell if that is it? Finance Chairman Terrell related yes, sir.

Supervisor Bell related yes, sir.

Board President Bradford related thank you and proceeded with the agenda.

Item 7.B. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Terrell.

Item 7.C. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Joyce Kent.

Richard Terrell, Chairman of the Finance Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 10:04:22 A.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference)...

Joyce A. Kent, Chairperson of the Policy Review Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Thursday, January 27, 2015 at 1:00 P.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference). She then called for a motion in connection with Item 1. to waive the oral reading and accept the Policy Review Committee recommendations on Items 1. (a) thru (d) of proposed 2014 Louisiana Legislative changes, revisions and deletions as a 1st reading at the February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting.

Dr. Lewis noted a need to address those things from the Bid Committee. Board President Bradford questioned are you going to need a motion Mr. Kent, on your item? Bid Opening Chairman Paul Kent related ugh, yes,

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Further to bring same back to the upcoming March 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting for a 2nd reading and adoption of same as Policy.

Committee Meeting and then it goes to the full Board. Also, as Mr. Brooks mentioned even if you go ahead to say that is going to be seven (7) days before, well if you look at all of your previous agendas even for Finance Committee Meetings, it is usually the Thursday before the Board Meeting. So there would be no way that would happen within that seven (7) days window. The other side of it is that because, on the Administration side, during the week things are being put together to prepare for a Board Meeting and it would not be fair in my opinion fair to the Administration. He noted Mr. Jelks mentioned that not to necessarily do a Policy, but as if we Committee Meetings early or things like that as soon as the minutes are prepared to go ahead and send that information out so the Board Members who are not able to attend can get that information. Now if it is a concern of the Board as far as Board Meetings and not having all of the information, one thing that I will leave with you on this evening, is a possibility of having one (1) Meeting as a Committee of the Whole, where the entire Board would meet to go through all of your Committee Items during a particular Board Meeting, so that way every Board Member will be present, you will have the opportunity to hear everything that will be voted upon at your Regular Board Meeting. So if it is an issue of getting the documentation so that you are able to have a chance to review, that would be my recommendation. If that is a concern of this Board, to have a Committee of the Whole, where the entire Board is present and you hear every single thing that is being discussed. So when you come at the Regular Board Meeting to case your vote, that you have been well informed. So that would be my only recommendation.

questioned does that end your report Mrs. Kent?

Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Brooks in connection with Item 7.C.(1) to waive the oral reading and accept the Policy Review Committee recommendations on Items 1. (a) thru (d) of proposed 2014 Louisiana Legislative changes, revisions and deletions as a 1st reading at the February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. Further to bring same back to the upcoming March 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting for a 2nd reading and adoption of same as Policy. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Chairperson Joyce A. Kent related on behalf of the Policy Review Committee Meeting a recommendation that Item 2. Agenda and any documentation be sent out seven (7) days before Board Meeting date, be sent to the full Board for discussion at its upcoming Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting. Chairperson Joyce A. Kent lead the discussion on the need due to at that last meeting we had that Audit Report and we didn’t get a chance to look at it and any documentation that we have. You know we do not have time to go over it. Board Member Brooks questioned what if there is a Committee Meeting that follows closer to the 7 days, so what do you do? Chairperson Joyce A. Kent related that is what she is saying it was just for discussion. Board President asked Dr. Lewis to comment on that. Dr. Lewis related oh, yes. He related also, as I had mentioned at the Policy Meeting, generally speaking for the Audit we had a Finance Committee Meeting so we had a Special Board Meeting in December, 2014, that was cancelled by the Board President and VicePresident, so that is why that Item ended on the Agenda for the January Meeting. But generally speaking the Audit always goes through a Finance

J. Curtis Jelks, Policy Review Committee Member related the Committee also would you know, we wound up by saying, we are making no recommendations, if it is feasible, yes. But like to echo what you said Dr. Lewis.

Chairperson Joyce Kent related yes, sir.

Item 7.D. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Mitch Harrell. Vice-President Mitchell Harrell, Chairman of the Building Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Monday, February 2, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference). He noted the informational Items 4., 5. and 6. He then called for motions on Items 1., 2., 3. and 7. Motion by Mr. Kent, seconded by Miss Matthews to accept the Building Committee recommendation in connection with Item 7.D.(1)(a) and (b) the Board authorize advertisement and receipt of sealed bids for five-year hunting leases on 184.7 +/- Acres, Sec. 16, T3S, R2E (known as the “Plank Road Tract�) and 167.95 +/- Acres, Sec. 16, T3S, R3E (known as the “Pace Road Tract�) all located in East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. Prospective Bidders must submit a separate sealed bid on each above described tracts of NOT LESS THAN $20.00 PER ACRE, provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises and obey all game and wildlife regulations, for term commencing July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2020, with annual payment of rental fee due on or before July 1st of each 12-month period.


Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried.

Board President Bradford

Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Jelks to

Dr. Lewis related yes, sir. Board President Bradford questioned so we will just leave it like it is? Chairperson Joyce Kent related yes, sir.

Place your ad in our Real Estate Section today for one low price!

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Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda.

The Advocate East Feliciana Public Notices

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East Feliciana Public Notices

East Feliciana Public Notices

East Feliciana Public Notices

East Feliciana Public Notices







accept the Building Committee recommendation in connection with Item 7.D.(2)(a) and (b) the Board authorize advertisement and receipt of sealed bids for five-year lease(s) for agricultural/grass cutting/general upkeep purposes of the Board owned vacant 33.97 Acres +/property, Secs. 40 & 61, T4S, R1E, 3219 Church Street, Slaughter, LA, and the Complex designated area containing 11.0 Acres +/-, located at 3501 Highway 10, Jackson, LA, out on bids for agricultural purposes, to include grass cutting/general up keep. Prospective Bidders must submit a separate sealed bid on each above described tracts of NOT LESS THAN $12.50 PER ACRE, prior to entering the premises provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises that may arise out of such operations, obey any and all applicable agricultural/farming regulations, for term commencing July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2020, with annual payment of rental fee due on or before July 1st of each 12month period.

this motion. After some discussion by Board Member Spears, along with responses by Building Committee Member Paul Kent, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried.

said that I just want to share with you, what was revealed to me. In her conversation she said to me that the Lord sent me here to hone my skills, because he had a larger assignment for me and that I would not be in East Feliciana long. But even though that my time would be short, that I would make changes here in East Feliciana to make it better and even when I leave, she also shared that the changes that would be put in place at that time, that they would remain for years and years to come. I decided to share that on this evening, because as I look at what happened to me in my Professional Career, I was asked to apply for the job in New Orleans, it was not a job that was looking for, but it was a job that came after me and if anyone has taken the time to look at that particular job and what it requires, it is a huge challenge. But I can truly say that the words of wisdom from Miss Philson actually helped myself and my Family as I dealt with whether I should apply or not for the job. So I say to East Feliciana and the Community, I thank you for embracing, embracing my Family for these last 2&½ Years. Because I can truly say that even though we say “Education First” that is our new slogan here, East Feliciana is different and we have changed the way we do business here in East Feliciana. I can truly say on this evening that East Feliciana Parish Public Schools is not an Employment Agency, but is an Agency that hires Professionals to educate the young people of East Feliciana Parish, which is our Future and I am very grateful to have just a little hand in that process that actually turned things around. I know my departure for many is a departure that has come too soon, but I shared with Mrs. Dawson just recently that when I review what I was asked to do when I came in, I pretty much looked at what I was asked to do by the Board and say that job was completed. I know there is much work to be done here in East Feliciana, but those initial things, in that long list of things that I was asked to do and to look at, I can say that we changed those things. He noted it has set whom ever comes behind me, they will not have to deal with the challenges that I have dealt with, everyone can recall even my first year here, we made some major changes. It was some uncommon changes and it was some changes that sometimes I felt that I had to stand all by myself because it was not popular. Now at the end of the 1st Year, because we changed Academically and I our Scores went up here in East Feliciana Parish and our Finances took on a different look, everyone was able to see that the changes that the changes made were necessary even though we went through a period of time that was uncomfortable. But in addition to thanking the Board, I must thank the Supervisors with whom I worked day in and day out with, to get the job done. I could not have done this work without the commitment of our Supervisors and they can tell you even on Christmas Breaks or if we had a day off and there was something that needed to be done, all I had to do was call them and they were here to help get the job done. I have to thank Mr. Tommy Lejeune C.P.A. and Member of Faulk & Winkler LLC, our External Business Manager for his work here in the District. I know prior to coming to East Feliciana the Finances were not where they were supposed to be, but even though he is a “Contractor” and we contract those services, for the last 2&½ Years he and I

have worked really close together to make sure that even though he is not based here, that we take care of the Business, just as if he was a daily employee here. So I have to thank him as well. He noted our Principals and our Assistant Principals, I thank them for what they do, because if you can recall when I came here and I interviewed I said I was not coming here to run six (6) schools that is what we hire Principals to do. In the very beginning Principals would call me and ask for permission for this and permission for that and I would respond to them “This is your School, how do you want to handle that?” And so we have taken our Principals to another level of leadership of taking responsibilities for their buildings, because at the end of the day, they are the ones on the front lines with their faculties and staffs every single day to get the job done. Which leads to our Teachers, our Support Staffs which includes our Secretaries, Cafeteria Workers, our Custodians, our Bus Drivers and our Maintenance Department. I am very thankful for each and everyone of them because it has taken all of us to turn this School System around. And I would be remiss if I would not also thank my Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Irma Bendily, we have worked very well for the last 2&½ Years to make sure that we dot our I’s and cross our T’s, so we can be a good representative for this Board here and so I do thank you for everything that you have done for me as well as for my Family. And I would say to Mrs. Bendily and we joke and I shared with her that she just does not know that she is coming to New Orleans with me! But I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to be a part of East Feliciana Parish. I have always said that this is fertile ground and I also proud to say that East Feliciana Parish will be a always be a part of me and my Family, because you have embraced us from the very beginning and we appreciate that and I shall and we shall never forget East Feliciana Parish. So I thank you again, and I ask that as I move on to New Orleans that you continue to keep me and my Family in your prayers, because I have a great challenge ahead of me. Just as I had a great challenge here, there is another great challenge ahead of me, because the School System there is fragmented and not only is it fragmented, but there is a lack of trust. The Citizens are looking are looking for someone as we look at the 10-Year Anniversary, because we know that the rebirth of Public Education took place in New Orleans after 2005, so we are on the 10-Year Anniversary of this new reform model. Well you know in New Orleans the majority of the Schools are Charter Schools, as the Superintendent, I will only have six (6) traditional schools, all of the other schools are Charter Schools. So that is a totally different way of operating and so I have some great challenges ahead of me. Before I close I would like to again acknowledge my Family in the audience, my Wife, Mrs. Zinnia Lewis, my Daughter, Taylor Lewis and my Sister, Kenya Lewis, who is with us here on today, just to thank them for their support, because this has been a difficult 2&½ Years as far as my Family is concerned. He related we have made many a sacrifices for the Children of East Feliciana and I will say, even though I am saying that we have made many sacrifices, that there are no regrets here. Because the work that has been done, has made a difference in the lives of our

young people and just as I said in the article, I am young person that had a Single Mother, that was on Free Lunch, just like the Students that we see here in East Feliciana Parish. But my Family had a Goal for me to succeed academically, they helped and pushed me in that direction, to say that the Sky is the Limit for whatever I wanted to do in life that as long as I did what I was supposed to do, that I would have a great future. As a Superintendent and as an Educational Ambassador, that is what I have done here, I will miss each and everyone of you and also the fact that, you know our Students here they know who I am, because I have been at the Schools and Classrooms on a regular basis. So as the Board moves forward in looking for a new Superintendent, I charge each and everyone of one of you as you have scene those things that have changed for the better for East Feliciana Parish as you interview and find the next person to lead this great District, to make sure that those things that are priorities for you all, that you find that in the Candidate before you select your next Superintendent for East Feliciana Parish. But again, I thank each and everyone of you for your support.

53. Kevin D. Flint 54. Ellis N. Ford 55. Ramona W. Ford 56. Kenyata N. Fountain 57. Milton R. Frank 58. Latonia R. Franklin 59. Bradley W. Fruge 60. Michael W. Galyean 61. Lisa H. Gardner 62. Bradley S. Gayle 63. Deceased 64. Terry A. George 65. Lisa A. Gibbs 66. Martha A. Goss 67. Jeffrey K. Graham 68. Jasmine J. Green 69. Ivan H. Griffin 70. Terenisha Grimes 71. Charles Lee Guerin 72. Irma Guy 73. Sandra Hagge 74. Elijah J. Hardy 75. Joey E. Harrell 76. Johnnie M. Harris 77. Robby Ray Hill 78. Allen L. Holliday 79. Kimberly D. Hurst 80. Ronald D. Jett 81. Jessie M. Johnson 82. Michael L. Johnson 83. Alonzo Jones 84. Chanelle R. Jones 85. Lorenzo T. Jones 86. John Kaglear, Jr. 87. Shawn A. Kelly 88. Gloria A. Knapps 89. Jessica M. Lancon 90. Julius Lanns 91. Pamela S. Lee 92. Eunice S. Leonard 93. Walter S. Leonard 94. Dana R. Lieblong 95. Cora Mack 96. Gary B. Maggio 97. Robin B. Malveaux 98. Esteban Martinez, III 99. Britt L. Maryland 100. Andre J. Matthews 101. Andrew Matthews 102. Glenn L. Matthews 103. Quanesha M. Matthews 104. Emmett LL Mckey 105. William L. Mcrae 106. Bradly L. Mercer 107. Mae L. Mims 108. Herbert J. Moore 109. Barbara B. Morris 110. John E. Nabors 111. Devin W. Patrick 112. Clinton D. Penalber 113. Henry E. Phillips 114. Charles R. Porter 115. Belinda W. Powell 116. David Paul Price 117. Brittany A. Profit 118. Wendall D. Reeves 119. Dorothy A. Richard 120. Mary A. Richard 121. Shirley A. Ricketts 122. Robert J. Rimes 123. Mamie A. Robinson 124. Marcy N. Robinson 125. Homer Rogers, Jr. 126. Cherie T. Rogillio 127. Sharita D. Sanders 128. Jonathon O. Sawyer 129. Edward J. Scallan 130. Dwight B. Schilling 131. Alicia T. Schmidt 132. Jesse L. Scott, Jr. 133. Mildred W. Scott 134. Rouchelle M. Scott 135. Kimmi Adams Sellers 136. Brandi Ard Severio 137. Lolretta A. Sherrouse 138. Caleb M. Shotwell 139. Shirley B. Siebert 140. Annie V. Sims 141. Destinay P. Sims 142. Marquita M. Sims 143. Paul R. Sims 144. Ronald B. Sims 145. Brandy N. Singleton 146. Charles R. Smith 147. Sherry T. Smith 148. David T. Soileau 149. Deborah Spann 150. Reginald L. Spann 151. Tina S. Stamps 152. Michael K. Strahan 153. Antrinetta Tate 154. Hosea E. Taylor 155. Raymond E. Taylor 156. Felicia C. Thomas 157. John M. Troquille 158. Jeremy H. Tucker 159. Irby Turner 160. Misty K. Tynes 161. Nicole Veal 162. Katie C. Wade 163. Dorothy Washington 164. Mellissa J. Washington 165. Wayne Watson 166. Leska M. Weakley 167. Willie T. Webb 168. Erika L. Westerman 169. Ada K. White 170. Whitney M. Wilkerson 171. Donald L. Wilkinson 172. Delores Williams 173. Jessie L. Williams 174. Glenn A. Wilson 175. Lindsay Allen Wilson

Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After some discussion by Board Member Spears, along with responses by Chairman VicePresident Harrell, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Motion by Mr. P. Kent, seconded by Mrs. Dawson to accept the Building Committee recommendation in connection with Item 7.D.(3) the Board authorize the Superintendent, in conjunction with the School Boards Forrester Mr. Irwin Brent Fazende of Timberland Forestry LLC, utilizing the timber cruise report dated January 22, 2015, requesting sealed timber bids on Section 16 Lands known as the “Pace Road Tract” and the “Plank Road Tract”, as well as the noted Old Clinton Middle School Campus, located at 12126 Liberty Street, all located East Feliciana Parish, LA. Further to continue with the School Board mandate to retain 10% of any timber proceeds for replanting, spraying and other related reforestation items all under the direction of the School Boards Forrester Brent Fazende. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to accept the Building Committee recommendation in connection with Item 7.D.(7) the Board approve the request from East Feliciana Parish Sheriff Talmadge Bunch for Interagency Agreement to use of a portion of the Early Childhood Learning Center (ECLC) as storage for 10week period of time (specific dates to be determined). Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on

Building Chairman VicePresident related the Item 8. Slaughter Community Charter School (SCCS) request for Inter-Agency Agreement to use East Feliciana Parish School Board Athletic Facilities commencing with 20152016 SY, was informational only. After some discussion lead by Board Member Derald Spears, Sr. who requested to see the Slaughter Community Charter School Contract, Board Members Hollins, Brooks, Matthews and Dawson, along with responses by Board President Bradford, VicePresident Harrell and Dr. Lewis noted he will send the entire Board a copy of the Charter School Contract. Board President Bradford lead by relating this is our last scheduled Board Meeting with you and on behalf of the Board and our Staff and our Employees we would just like to say thank you and we have our whole entire Community to thank you for your contributions that you made to us and we pray for what is best for you. He then opened the floor up for comments or remarks to Dr. Lewis. Vice-President Harrell related we as a Board have appreciated what you have done for this Community, you have done a lot for this Community, you will continue I am sure to help this Community and you have brought us a long way from where we were and we do appreciate and I do appreciate it. Board Member Dawson related she can say “ditto”, I agree with you 100%. Board Member P. Kent related you know it shows that everybody is on the same page for it was he that directed this ship and I liked the piece in the paper where you know our kids can learn and they will meet that challenge, every time that you put it before them. He noted the Parents will meet it, they will meet it and the standards are up here - they are going to get up there to it and met it. Which I appreciate it Dr. Lewis, I really do. Dr. Lewis related thank you. Vice-President Harrell related you will be missed. Board President Bradford related yes. He then turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis related he would like to take this time to also thank the East Feliciana Parish School Board, for first of all selecting me back 2012 as your Superintendent. I am very grateful for the opportunity that was afforded to me and also the tasks that was before me. He noted it was a huge task and it was a task where this Board here and the previous Board Members that were seated, gave me a charge of things that they felt that needed to be done in the District. Some conversations said things that should been looked over for over a decade. Before I move on I have to share this and this is something from Miss Ella Philson, the Principal of Enrichment Academy, my second week on the job and we had a Principals Meeting and Miss Philson asked if she could speak with me at the end of the meeting and so she and I actually went to the Conference Room and she

Board President Bradford related thank Dr. Lewis very much and lead a round of applause, then called for one more motion. There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion for adjournment by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. Dawson, prevailed until the next regular meeting unless called into special session by the President. HENDERSON LEWIS, JR., Ph.D., SECRETARY-TREASURER MICHAEL RAY BRADFORD, BOARD PRESIDENT 5101625-mar 12-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE --PETIT JURY VENIRE MARCH 23, 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Brandy M. Allen Johnny M. Ashley, Jr. Marie M. Attuso Brett H. Auttonberry Jesse L. Banguel Sharon Jill Barringer, 4453 Christy Ln, Clinton, La 7. Anna D. Black 8. Kelly E. Blackledge 9. Kathy H. Blalock 10. Randy J. Blanchard 11. Alan D. Bohannon 12. Ashley N. Brown 13. Joseph O. Brown 14. Elbie Brumfield 15. Mary Ellen Brumley 16. Denise F. Burliegh 17. Richard L. Burns 18. David S. Burris 19. Daisy H. Callender 20. Whitley A. Carroll 21. Marlon A. Carruth 22. Courtney E. Carter 23. Brandi M. Castello 24. Gilbert B. Causey 25. Manly A. Cazedessus 26. Cecil R. Chaney 27. James R. Clary, Jr 28. Sarah. B. Cobb 29. Lisa A. Cockerham 30. Nikiya A. Coleman 31. Everleaner Dunn Collins 32. Cora E. Cook 33. William C. Cucullu 34. Lee A. Cummings 35. Ester L. Daniel 36. Geraldine Daniel 37. Ashley P. Darsy 38. Patricia C. Dart 39. Daniel G. Davis 40. Hubert E. Davis 41. Charles D. Day 42. Donna R. Demoss 43. Pamela W. Dubois 44. Wilbur Duncan, Jr. 45. Emma M. Dunn 46. Jacqueline T. Dunn 47. Michael L. Dykes 48. Linda K. Eckart 49. Brandon C. Efferson 50. Sherre D. Ellender 51. Ashlee M. Farrow 52. Tiki S. Ferguson

DAVID DART CLERK OF COURT 5101701-mar 12-1t

East Feliciana Public Notices

Thursday, March 12, 2015

East Feliciana Public Notices



NOTICE --East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Clinton, LA Regular Meeting February 16, 2015 6:00 P.M.

WHEREAS, on February 3, 2014, the East Feliciana Police Jury, believing that the recovery of taxes on repairs of property delivered out of state between May 1,2010 and July 2, 2012 would be less than the costs of collecting those taxes, voted to cease and desist the pursuit of taxes owed on such transactions;

The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 16 February, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Mack Herrod and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Sean Smith. The roll was called by the Parish Manager, Mr. John Rouchon and Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray were present. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to approve the agenda and move the visitors up. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Mr. Chuck Moreau thanked the Jury on a fast response to patching pot holes in Feliciana Crossings. Administrative ments:


Congressmen, Mr. Garret Graves sent a thank you note to the Jury for the picture of the courthouse. His office requested something representing East Feliciana Parish to put in his office. Sales Tax distribution is down about $90,000 this year. Parish Manager needs a final liquidation for your Police Jury convention expenses so that he can close it out. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adopt the minutes of the 2 February 2015 regular meeting. This motion passed unanimously without comment. There was no Housing update.


A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION TO RESUME THE PURSUIT OF SALES TAXES ON CERTAIN REPAIRS TO TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY DELIVERED OUT OF STATE WHEREAS, following a three-year suspension, on May 1,2010 there was a resumption of the sales tax imposed by the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury on repairs of tangible personal property within the Parish even though the repaired property was delivered to another state either by common carrier or the repair dealer's own vehicle; WHEREAS, on July 2,2012, the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury voted to exempt from taxation, from that day forward, repairs to tangible personal property delivered out of state; WHEREAS, Louisiana Attorney General Opinion 12-0169, issued on January 24,2013, states that Article VII, Section 14 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974 requires local taxing authorities, including those in East Feliciana Parish, to pursue collection of unpaid and disputed taxes unless it is determined that "the benefit or value of recovery would be less than the costs that would be expended pursuing collection of the taxes;"


East Feliciana Public Notices


WHEREAS, subsequently acquired information revealed that the recovery of taxes owed on these transactions, from periods prior to July 2,2012, would likely be in excess of the costs that would be expended pursuing collection of the taxes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the members of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury that its vote to cease and desist the pursuit of taxes owed for outof-state repairs be rescinded; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the East Feliciana Parish School Board, in its capacity as the single collector of sales and use taxes levied by local taxing authorities within East Feliciana Parish, be directed to pursue all local taxes due on repairs of tangible personal property that occurred in East Feliciana Parish, between May 1,2010 and July 2, 2012. Voting for the motion: Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray. Voting against the motion: Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill. The main motion passed with comment.

5101760-mar 12-1t

NOTICE --SUCCESSION OF ODESSIA YOUNG MITCHELL NUMBER 43,459 DIV. B TWENTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA ________ FILED:______ CLERK NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO SELL IMMOVABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE Notice is given that the Administrator of this succession has petitioned this Court for authority to sell the decedent’s interest in immovable property at private sale in accordance with the provisions of Article 3281 of the Code of Civil Procedure upon terms and conditions set forth in the Petition for Authority filed in the above captioned succession, with the succession to pay all encumbrances, and pro rata taxes. The immovable property to be sold is described as follows, to-wit:

A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Keith Mills to hire Mr. Keith Davis for litter at $12.50 per hour. He will have 4 inmates working with him five days a week. This motion passed unanimously with comment.

A certain lot or parcel of ground, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, located in Section 5, T4S, R2E, East Feliciana Parish, La., and being more particularly shown and described as LOT A-2 containing 3.047 acres, according to “Map Showing the Survey of the Subdivision of Lot ‘A’ of the Partition of the Alfred Early Property Located in Section 5, T-4-S, R-2-E, East Feliciana Parish, La. For: the Heirs of Alfred Early” by Wallace J. Hargrave, Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor, dated June 26, 1995, a copy of which is attached to Act of Partition filed as Instrument No. 139621 of the Conveyance Records of East Feliciana Parish, State of Louisiana.

A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Dwight Hill to hire Mr. Jim Parker as Homeland Security Deputy at $1,200.00 per month. This motion passed unanimously with comment.

Any heir or creditor who opposes the proposed sale must file his opposition within seven (7) days from the day on which the last publication of this notice appears.

A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve the final budget for 2014. This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. This motion passed unanimously without comment.

Mr. Dwight Hill informed the jury that the Sheriff’s office needs a heater repaired and that the Buildings and Property Committee met with the movie producers on using the courthouse to film the movie Free State of Jones. Mr. Johnnie Arcineaux informed the Jury there will be a joint East Feliciana Chamber of Commerce luncheon at Hemingbough on March 25th at 11:00 am, it is $20.00 per person for the luncheon. Public Comments: Mr. Johnnie Arcineaux informed the Jury that they are upgrading the Folks Votech building. BRCC will be holding their 2nd machinist class, a welding class and a mill wright class starting in March. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. ________________ Barbara Hebert, Parish Secretary ________________ Dennis Aucoin, Police Jury President

By Order of the Court David Dart, Clerk BY: _______________ Deputy Clerk 5102842-mar 12-apr 2-2t

NOTICE --EAST FELICIANA PARISH HAS BEEN AWARDED FEDERAL FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS)/FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY UNDER THE EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER NATIONAL BOARD PROGRAM. East Feliciana Parish has been chosen to receive $6,382 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the parish. The selection was made by a National Board that is chaired by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency and consists of representatives from


Leonard Sullivan, Chairman Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary Kevin Bearden Mitch Brashier Dr. Adam Whatley


Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman Raymond Minor


Lee Chastant, CEO Linda Harvey, CFO Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant

CALL TO ORDER Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 4:40 p.m. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Mitch Brashier. ROLL CALL Leonard Sullivan called roll. Five of the seven members present constituting a quorum. NEW BUSINESS Presentation of Funding Options for Construction Project Presented by Steven Nosacka Lee introduced Steve Nosacka to the Board as our IRMA, Independent Requested Municipal Advisor. Stating he was instrumental in helping the Hospital in coming up with some better options for financing of the new Hospital. Mr. Nosacka, made a comparative data presentation to the Board on all Bank Financing proposals submitted for the construction project financing and permanent financing with amounts, terms, interest rates and structure. Proposals were submitted from Investar Bank, Whitney, MidFirst Bank and AgStar. It was noted that Iberia Bank had declined to submit a proposal. After the presentation, a brief question and answer session followed concerning how long Mr. Nosacka will follow the loan process after approval and financing in place. He stated that in the future he would be able to monitor interest rates, etc. pertaining to the Hospital and could make recommendation if there were a better option. Also that he had worked with St. James Hospital on their financing. Mr. Nosacka informed the Board that his recommendation for Construction financing and permanent financing is Investar Bank. Lee then informed the Board that the Finance Committee had met and their recommendation was also Investar Bank. Meredith Hathorne, Bond Attorney with Foley, Judell discussed the process and dates that were required. Melvin Harvey thanked Mr. Nosacka for the presentation to the Board and also stated he will abstain from voting. Meredith Hathorne informed the Board that a resolution had to be approved and accepted, accepting Investar Bank’s proposal for the construction and permanent financing. She then read the Resolution to the Board Members. It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Dr. Whatley to accept and approve the resolution as presented. Motion carried. Melvin Harvey abstained. Discussion of next Steps for Completing Construction Project A discussion ensued concerning receiving approval from the Parish Council, Bond Commission and Rural Development. After approval, the advertising process can begin followed by putting out and accepting Construction Bids.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Kevin Bearden to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried Melvin Harvey, Secretary 5102118-mar 12-1t

Leonard Sullivan, Chairman


Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Advocate

PUBLIC NOTICE LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (LDEQ) GULF SOUTH PIPELINE COMPANY, LP – MONTPELIER COMPRESSOR STATION PROPOSED PART 70 AIR OPERATING PERMIT RENEWAL/MODIFICATION The LDEQ, Office of Environmental Services, is accepting written comments on a Proposed Part 70 Air Operating Permit for Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP, 9 Greenway Plaza, Suite 2800, Houston, TX 77046, for the Montpelier Compressor Station which receives natural gas via pipeline. The facility uses 12,500 horsepower of compression to boost the pressure of the natural gas so that it can transfer the gas down the pipeline. The facility is located at 477 Hwy 441, Montpelier, St. Helena Parish. Gulf South Pipeline, Montpelier Compressor Station is an existing natural gas compressor station. In this renewal and modification Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP is requesting the following changes: • Remove and delete Condensate Tank C-1 (EQT0011); replace it with a new tank (designated as T-6) and add Tank T-6 to the permit. • Add ethylene glycol to the engine coolant system. • Install a new 4200 gallon ethylene glycol storage tank as an Insignificant Activity. Pollutant




























*NP=Not required to be permitted previously The Montpelier Compressor Station is a major source of criteria pollutants, a major source of HAPs, and a minor source of TAPs. The facility is a major source hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) in that formaldehyde is emitted at greater than 10 tons per year and aggregate HAPs at the facility are emitted at greater than 25 tons per year. The facility is a minor source of toxic air pollutants (TAPs) as defined in LAC 33:III.Chapter 51. Although, the potential to emit (PTE) of TAPs is greater than 10 tons per year for formaldehyde and aggregate facility TAPs are greater than 25 tons per year; emissions from the combustion of Group 1 virgin fossil fuels are exempt, per LAC 33.III.5105.B.3.a, from Chapter 51 requirements. As a result, the emissions of TAPs from this facility pursuant to LAC 33:III.Chapter 51, does not trigger major source status. A working draft of the proposed permit was submitted to the facility representative and LDEQ Inspection Division for technical review. Any remarks received during the technical review will be addressed in the “Worksheet for Technical Review of Working Draft of Proposed Permit”. All remarks received by LDEQ are included in the record that is available for public review. Comments and requests for a public hearing or notification of the final decision can be submitted via personal delivery, U.S. mail, email, or fax. Comments and requests for public hearings must be received by 4:30 pm CST, Thursday, April 16, 2015. Delivery may be made to the drop-box at 602 N. 5th St., Baton Rouge, LA 70802. U.S. Mail may be sent to LDEQ, Public Participation Group, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313. Emails may be submitted to DEQ.PUBLICNOTICES@LA.GOV and faxes sent to (225) 219-3309. Please see additional instructions for comment submission, hand delivery and information regarding electronic submission at portal/Default.aspx?tabid=2256 or call (225) 219-3276. Emails should follow the statewide email policies. For more information regarding statewide email policies, go to If LDEQ finds a significant degree of public interest, a public hearing will be held. LDEQ will send notification of the final permit decision to the applicant and to each person who has submitted written comments or a written request for notification of the final decision. The application, proposed Part 70 Air Operating Permit, and Air Statement of Basis are available for review at the LDEQ, Public Records Center, Room 127, 602 North 5th Street, Baton Rouge, LA. Viewing hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (except holidays). The available information can also be accessed electronically on the Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) on the DEQ public website at www.deq. Additional copies may be reviewed at the St. Helena Library-Audubon Regional Branch located at Oak Plaza Shopping Center – 6131 LA Hwy 10, Greensburg, LA 70441. Inquiries or requests for additional information regarding this permit action should be directed to Ms. Cathy E. Wilson, LDEQ, Air Permits Division, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313, phone (225) 219-3585. Persons wishing to be included on the LDEQ permit public notice mailing list or for other public participation related questions should contact the Public Participation Group in writing at LDEQ, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313, by email at DEQ.PUBLICNOTICES@LA.GOV or contact the LDEQ Customer Service Center at (225) 219-LDEQ (219-5337). Permit public notices including electronic access to the proposed permit and statement of basis can be viewed at the LDEQ permits public notice webpage at and general information related to the public participation in permitting activities can be viewed at Alternatively, individuals may elect to receive the permit public notices via email by subscribing to the LDEQ permits public notice List Server at http:// All correspondence should specify AI Number 71, Permit Number 254000003-V3, and Activity Number PER20140001.

East Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices





American Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Jewish Federations of North America, The Salvation Army; and United Way Worldwide. The Local Board was charged to distribute funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in highneed areas around the country. A Local Board will determine how the funds awarded are to be distributed among the emergency food and shelter programs run by local service agencies in the area. The Local Board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds made available under this phase of the program.

from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested.

Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.

the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La.

The public hearing will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La.

The following Subdivision Request will be considered:

Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local agencies chosen to receive funds must: 1) be private voluntary nonprofits or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal funds, 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice nondiscrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. East Feliciana Parish has distributed Emergency Food and Shelter funds previously with several local organizations participating. These agencies were responsible for providing food and other services. Public or private voluntary agencies interested in applying for Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds must submit an application per the instructions below. The deadline for applications to be received is 4:00 PM Monday March 23, 2015. Qualifying organizations can receive an application to apply for funding by calling Lisa Hubble, Debra Blacher or Michael Acaldo (225) 383-7837, ext. O or by emailing or by mailing EFSP Local Board Chair, P.O. Box 127, Baton Rouge, LA 70821. Completed applications must be received no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, March 23, 2015. 5103538-mar 12-1t

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --Sealed bids will be received by the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office until Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm at the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office located in the West Feliciana Parish Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity St., St. Francisville, LA 70775 for an annual contract for the following: The purchase and installation of equipment on police package vehicles. Complete bidding documents with descriptions and specifications of the equipment are available to be picked up at the Sheriff’s Office. Documents may be obtained without charge or deposit. Bids will be opened and read aloud on April 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm. The West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. J. Austin Daniel, Sheriff West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office 5086549-mar 12-19-26-3t

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338. Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained

5101259-mar 12-1t

West Feliciana Public Notices

5098376-mar 5-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the assessors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters. 5098905-mar 5, 12-2t

PUBLIC NOTICE: BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS --NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that during a regular meeting of the Parish Council of the Parish of West Feliciana, to be held on March 23, 2015 at Five-Thirty (5:30) p.m. at its regular meeting place, the Council will consider making the following appointments: Port Commission – One (1) vacant seat Zachary Taylor Parkway Commission – One (1) Commissioner and One (1) Alternate Candidates shall submit for review a statement of interest along with a resume that indicates qualifications for the position they wish to serve by Friday, March 13th to: Council Secretary, P.O. Box 1921, St. Francisville, LA 70775. For more information, please call (225) 635-3864. BY ORDER OF THE CHAIRPERSON /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson 5100651-mar 5-12-2t

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following Rezoning Request will be considered: Ward Creek Properties, LLC 9782 West Feliciana Parkway St. Francisville. Louisiana 70775 A-R to C-2 A certain tract or parcel of land together with all buildings and improvements thereon, all component parts thereof, and all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, prescriptions, and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining situated in Section 67, T3S, R3W, St. Helena Meridian, Greensburg land District, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, containing 2.17 acres and being identified as Lot E02 on a plat of survey entitled "Plat Showing Division of a 5.26 Acre Tract into 3.09 Acre Lot E-1 and 2.17 Acre Lot E-2, Former Gordon Dipple Tract Section 67, T3S, R3W, St. Helena Meridian, Greensburg Land District, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, For Walter Imahara" a copy of which survey is annexed hereto, made a part hereof and incorporated specifically herein by reference. This meeting is open to the public. West Feliciana Parish Council 5103523-mar 12-19-26-3t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING & ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the

The following proposed amendments to the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance are to be considered: COMPILATION EXHIBITS;




ALONG WITH CORRECTIONS AND UPDATES. This meeting is open to the public. By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103525-mar 12-19-26-3t

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING & ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following proposed amendment is to be considered: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCE, EXHIBIT “E”, PARISH SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION VI (SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY) AND TO PROVIDE FURTHER WITH RESPECT THERETO: Section 1- Amendment Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, Section VI (Sewerage and Water Supply) of the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following language: All proposed subdivisions shall have approved sanitary sewage treatment, and must comply with the following: i. If no public sewer transportation network is available within 1,350-ft, individual sewer treatment will be allowed for proposed subdivisions with sixty (60) lots or less, provided the minimum lot area is forty-thousand (40,000) square feet per lot, with a minimum road frontage of 125-ft. ii. All other proposed subdivisions shall tie to a public sewer transportation network, or provide an approved method of community sewerage treatment. iii. All community or individual sewerage treatment must meet the minimum requirements as set forth by Louisiana Administrative Code Title 51 and be permitted by the West Feliciana Parish Health Unit Section 2 - Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, SECTION II, Part (B)(1)(c) of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 3- Enactment As amended, The West Feliciana planning and Zoning Ordinance remains in full force and effect. This meeting is open to the public By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103526-mar 12-19-26-3t

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING: SUBDIVISION REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in

Preliminary Plan of Oak Run 3281 Highway 966 St. Francisville. Louisiana 70775 Proposed Use: 27 Lot Subdivision This meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103670-mar 12-19-26-3t

St. Helena Public Notices

St. Helena Public Notices


PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 15RS-567) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to authorization for an automobile expense allowance for the assessors in certain parishes; to provide for certain requirements and limitations; and to provide for related matters. 5098906-mar 5, 12-2t

10295 SHERIFF’S SALE --Twenty-First Judicial District court of Louisiana, in and for the Parish of St. Helena JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Vs. 22,353 Waukesha P. Thomas A/K/A Waukesha Lee Thomas wife of/and Bobby Ray Thomas A/K/A Bobby Ray Thomas, Sr. By virtue of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Twenty-First Judicial Court of Louisiana, Parish of St. Helena in and for the Parish of St. Helena Parish, in the above entitled and numbered suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public auction for cash to the last and highest bidder and according to law, sale to take place at the principal front door of the Court House in Greensburg, Louisiana on Wednesday, March 18, 2015 Between the hours prescribed by law, beginning at ten o’clock a.m. the following mentioned and described property in the Parish of St. Helena, State of Louisiana, to-wit: WITH APPRAISEMENT ONE CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF GROUND, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the Parish of St. Helena, State of Louisiana, and being designated as Lot Number Two "B" (2-B) on that one certain map made by Phillip G. Holland, dated November 24, 1999. Said map recorded in the official records of St. Helena as Original 227, Bundle 159, said tract containing 0.36 aorco and being subject to such servitudes and having such measurements and dimensions as shown on said map. Terms of Sale: CASH, according to law with appraisement Greensburg, La., Advertise February 12, 2015 and March 12, 2015 Fred J. Daigle, Attorney Nathaniel Williams, Sheriff 5087478-feb 12-mar 12-2t

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Louisiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the territory within the state of Louisiana. Notice is further given that all producers of commercial cotton in Louisiana are required to participate in the boll weevil eradication program, including cost sharing, in accordance with the Boll Weevil Eradication Law and regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, reporting of cotton acreage, and destruction of cotton plants and stalks by December 31 of each crop year. A copy of the law and rules and regulations may be obtained from the Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, P.O. Box 3596, Baton Rouge, LA 708213596, telephone number (225) 922-1338. Notice is also given that the planting of noncommercial cotton is PROHIBITED in Louisiana unless a written waiver is obtained from the Commissioner of Agriculture & Forestry in accordance with LAC 7:XV.319(C). To request a waiver, submit a written application to the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, at the address provided in this notice, stating the conditions under which such written waiver is requested. 5098377-mar 5-1t

St. Helena Public Notices

I, Rafel L. Bridges, have been convicted of 14:80 Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile on Dec 02, 2002. My address is 121 Hagan Ln, Greensburg, LA 70441. 5100643-mar 5-12-2t "Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Anthony D. McGee please contact Amber Lynne Amore at Brett K. Duncan & Co., 500 East Morris Avenue, Hammond, LA 70403, or call (985) 340-0990." 5102172 Mar. 12, 19, 2015 NOTICE --The St. Helena Parish Police Jury met regular session in the Meeting Room of the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Building at 17911 Hwy 43, Greensburg, Louisiana, on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Police Jurors present: President, Theodore, McCray Jr., Vice President, Warren McCray, Jr, Jule C. Wascom, Thomas Wicker, Major Coleman Police Jurors absent: Doug Watson Mr. Morgan Watson gave update on courthouse renovations. Mr. Watson informed Jurors that the roof on the courthouse needs to be repaired. Motion carried to approve payment request from CDW Services i/a/o $40,700.25 Motion carried to approve invoice from Morgan Watson i/a/o $1,000, for Professional Services rendered as Project Manager Approved and authorized President to sign LRA Administrative contract between the SHPPJ & John Dardis, Consultant

10295 NOTICE --ST. HELENA PARISH SCHOOL DISTRICT Greensburg, Louisiana BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED until 2:00 p.m. Monday, March 16 2015 BIDS TO BE OPENED: 3:00 p.m., Monday, March 6, 2015 The St. Helena Parish School Board will accept sealed bids at its office, 354 Sitman Street, Greensburg, Louisiana or via email at for the following project: SCOPE OF WORK It is the intent of these specifications to cover the major components as part of the relocation of portable classroom buildings. This scope of work is intended to include descriptions of work to be performed through final inspection. St. Helena Parish School Board must remain fully operational during construction. Contractor shall be required to schedule work so that there is no disruption to instruction at the school sites. Bid price shall include all associated services required to furnish and deliver services to the St. Helena Parish School Board. Costs for all permits, inspection fees, ground preparation, electrical, plumbing and any other materials and equipment necessary for completion of the project shall be included in the bid price. Move a 10 Classroom Portable building located at St. Helena College and Career Academy, 14340 Highway 37, Greensburg, LA 70441 to St. Helena Arts and Technology Academy, 1798 Highway 1042, Greensburg, LA Anyone wishing to view the sites prior to submitting bids may contact Ms. Delesia Cooper @ 225.222.4349 or Ms. Leatrice Reid @ 225.222.4349, ext. 233 to schedule an appointment. 5103118-mar 12-1t

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

Mr. Speed discussed with Jurors the SHPPJ vs Randy LeFort case Discussed the Road Rehab Project; Secretary-Treasurer to contact Mr. Alan Offner regarding the issuance of sales tax bonds for road improvements Rita Allen presented OEP report to Jurors Acknowledged receipt of financial reports received for review, as prepared by Sibley & Newell, CPA Approved Requisitions, as per copies presented to Jurors Approved employees’ leave time report Accepted fuel, and/or work reports by Superintendent Approved checks written after the last regular meeting in the total amount of $382,110.13 and tonight’s checks totaling $1,090,813.73

LOOK TO THE STARS STARS make your ad stand out and get you quick results.


The Advocate

Approved minutes for February 10, 2015, as prepared and emailed to Jurors The meeting was adjourned to meet in regular session at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 10, 2015 __________________ Theodore McCray, Jr., President St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana __________________ Sharonda Brown, Sec-Treasurer, St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana 5102742-mar 12-1t

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