Feliciana students learn healthy choices during the Body Walk. Page 3H
W atchman
Child welfare advocates push training BY STEPHANIE WARREN swarren@theadvocate.com
Department of Children and Family Services advocates reached out to parish representatives for their assistance in helping to stop child abuse during a coalition meeting March 17 at the St. Helena Parish Police Jury building in Greensburg. Child welfare manager Celeste Skinner said the first step in helping abused or neglected children is learning to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect. The presence of a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a famSt. Helena ily; however, when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination, you should take a closer look at the situation and consider the possibility of child abuse, Skinner said. Skinner said the department relies on community residents, friends and family members, as well as mandated reporters, to recognize and report the signs of abuse. Mandated reporters are anyone who works with children in their profession and are required to report the signs, she said. “What that means is that if you are a mandated reporter and suspect abuse or neglect, you have to report it,� Skinner said. “If you don’t report it and the department learns that you were aware of the signs, you could be fined or even put in jail.� The child welfare worker said examples of mandated reporters include: n A health practitioner who provides health care services such as a physician, surgeon, physical therapist, dentist, resident, intern or a hospital staff member. n A mental health or social service practitioner who provides mental health care or so-
Silliman alum helps heal Haiti BY STACY GILL
Respire is the nonprofit founded in 2010 by LaWhen Kameryn Kline gradufayette native ated from Silliman Institute in Megan Bou2007, she knew she wanted to be dreaux that a nurse, but the former Clinton began with a resident never dreamed she’d Kline vision to help end up working alongside volunteers from all over the coun- orphans and children in Gressier, a community about 20 miles try in poverty-stricken Haiti. Through her church, Felici- from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in ana Baptist, Kline met Jessi the Caribbean. With so many children not in White Morris, of Zachary, and learned of the organization Re- school and families struggling to provide for their kids, Mespire Haiti.
gan moved to Gressier in 2011 and began helping the children and people of the community, Kline said. Upon graduation from nursing school in 2011, Kline visited Morris who was teaching a kindergarten class for the organization. “There I was performing eye exams on the children of Gressier,� Kline said. “It was difficult and a huge eye-opening experience. I’d never been exposed to anything like that. People don’t understand you,
you don’t understand them. I couldn’t believe I actually went back a second time.� Kline said she had a job working at Lane’s Cardiovascular Center in Zachary and loved the people she worked with, which made it difficult to leave, but being a nurse in America had its limitations and restrictions unlike being on the ground in Gressier, where Kline felt she was meeting a need and making a difference. Boudreaux’s vision for Respire Haiti had always includ-
ed educating and empowering the 50 percent of the children, orphans and child slaves, called restaveks, who weren’t attending school, but the medical component of Respire was fast-tracked after a child there died from a very simple procedure, Kline said. “Megan knew then she wanted to give the children a safe place to be treated,â€? Kline said. More comfortable on her second trip to Gressier, Kline realäSee HAITI, page 2G
Young girls wearing antebellum dresses dance around the maypole.
ä See more Audubon Pilgrimage photos at theadvocate.com.
Cheryl Horst hand quilts at the annual Audubon Pilgrimage.
West Feliciana celebrates history
Roland Bahan, left, explains the history of the LevertBockel House as Harold Sterling, of McComb, Miss., and Cindy Benoit, of Geuydan, listen.
äSee TRAINING, page 2G
INSIDE West Feliciana...........3G East Feliciana............5G Sports .......................1H St. Helena .................2H Schools.....................3H
Evan Pinson crafts a play sword from a piece of wood at Elizabeth McKinney, Jonelise Sturgeon and Kate Cochran, from left, work together to make lye soap at the Rural Homestead the Rural Homestead in West Feliciana Parish. in West Feliciana Parish on Saturday at the annual Audubon Pilgrimage. Advocate photos by HOWARD ARCENEAUX
mances, and took in all that Louisiana’s English plantation country has to offer. A steady stream of guests visited four houses The 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage was on the tour this year — The Oaks, Retreat Plancelebrated March 20-22 around West Feliciana tation, Dogwood and the Levert-Bockel House — as well as Afton Villa Gardens, Audubon and Parish. Visitors toured historic homes and gardens, Rosedown State Historic sites and the parish’s enjoyed historic demonstrations and perfor- historic churches.
Special to The Advocate
Activities from the daily lives of 19th-century residents were on display at the Rural Homestead and other highlights included children dancing and singing around a maypole, graveyard tours at Grace Episcopal Church’s cemetery and a play performed in the restored Temple Sinai about John James Audubon, whose time in the parish is celebrated each year.
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2G n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n theadvocate.com n The Advocate
Pupils serve as principals at Bains Advocate staff report While their classmates were busy Feb. 27 with reading groups, learning stations, journal writing and learning math concepts, five first-graders â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Aubree Corkern, Elijah Ladraa, Jack Samuel Leak, T. Paul Morgan and Grant Schilling â&#x20AC;&#x201D; shadowed Assistant Principal Nikki Milton, of Bains Lower Elementary, for the day. The students got the opportunity to be principal for a day as a reward for making it to the 90 Point Club in the Accelerated Reader program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Making it to the 90 Point Club means they have read and taken quizzes on over 180 books since August,â&#x20AC;? said Linda Holmes, librarian at Bains Lower in St. Francisville. With notebooks and pens in
W atchman USPS NO. 668-520
Continued from page 1G cial services diagnosis, assessment, counseling or treatment. n A member of the clergy such as a priest, rabbi, duly ordained clerical deacon or minister. n A teaching or child care provider or any person who provides or assists in the schools. Skinner said an Aug. 1, 2013, law requires mandatory reporters to undergo training. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can do the training online at www.dcfs.la.gov/ mandatedreportertraining, or call us at (985) 748-2001 and we will come to you,â&#x20AC;? Skinner said. The child welfare worker said that not only mandated reporters can report child abuse
Reporter: Stacy Gill, (225) 993-0066 or email sgill@theadvocate.com P.O. Box 368, Clinton, LA 70722
Photo provided by LINDA HOLMES
Five first-graders at Bains Lower Elementary School in St. Francisville were â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Principal for a Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on Feb. 27 and shadowed Assistant Principal Nikki Milton. Gathered, from left, are Elijah Ladraa, Aubree Corkern, Milton, T. Paul Morgan, Grant Schilling and Jack Samuel Leak. hand, the five first-graders accompanied Milton to some of the classrooms to make student observations. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;principalsâ&#x20AC;? said the other
students were well-behaved during their visit. During a working lunch with the group, Milton described the tasks she has during the course
Continued from page 1G
Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The Watchman is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588
ized the conditions in Gressier were happening to people all over the world. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was where I needed to be.â&#x20AC;? On her third trip in 2013, a 6,500-square-foot medical clinic was about to begin construction, and Boudreaux convinced Kline to stay on and help run the clinic. Today, Respire Haiti has a six-classroom primary school, four-classroom kindergarten, four-classroom secondary school, a kitchen, water cistern, a depot, eight-stall bathroom and medical clinic. Kline lives in Gressier, volunteering as Respireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s main nurse and medical coordinator. She mostly sees and treats malnutrition cases, basic wound injuries and hygiene-related issues as well as educates the children about preventative health care. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many locals lack critical thinking skills, though there are technical schools everywhere and some amazing Haitian nurses who have risen above the norm,â&#x20AC;? Kline said. RaymondĂŠ Colin and Junie Eliphite are two of those nurses. They work alongside Kline at the Respire clinic. Kline and Eliphite delivered their first newborn in January. Kline sees anywhere from five to 25 patients daily, depending on the medical situation. The work is exhausting, the temperatures extremely hot and the language barrier added to Klineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exhaustion initially but now she speaks the Haitian language of Creole nearly fluently. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very exciting, so many things are happening there,
Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email extra@theadvocate.com
Photo provided by JAMIE BYRD
Kameryn Kline, a 25-year-old nurse from Clinton, checks the vital signs of a Haitian mother and her child at the newly built Respire Haiti medical clinic in Gressier, Haiti. and you know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re making a change, a difference,â&#x20AC;? Kline said. A few life-threatening medical emergencies have arisen that have required more than Klineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nursing skills. One such case involved a 12-year-old girl, Caila, who was diagnosed with congenital scoliosis. Kline said it took about seven months to get X-rays, results, obtain a medical visa, new birth certificate, passport, hours of paperwork completed, doctors on board and a participating hospital coordinated, as well as a host family in the U.S. to accept Caila before she could be treated.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;By that time, doctors at Shriners Hospital in Philadelphia, who agreed to do the surgery voluntarily, were afraid Cailaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s condition had worsened and that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be paralyzed before receiving the operation,â&#x20AC;? said Kline, who flew to Philadelphia to be by Cailaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side following the procedure. Today, Caila walks with arm crutches and she and her mother live behind the Respire clinic in a make-shift apartment so Kline and the others can monitor her recovery. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She has blown us all away.â&#x20AC;? Cases like Cailaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s are the rarity, but they do exist. One young boy had a heart valve condition
or neglect. Anyone who is concerned that a child is being neglected or abused can call the Department of Children and Family Services toll-free at (855) 452-5437, 24 hours a day. Coalition secretary Rita Allen asked Skinner if family services can provide training
and hold awareness meetings for the community during the coalition meetings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We most certainly can. You tell me what you need and we will provide it,â&#x20AC;? Skinner said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have people trained and will come out anytime you want to do the training.â&#x20AC;?
of a day as principal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being a principal is not too easy and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not too hard, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just right,â&#x20AC;? said Elijah Ladraa, one of the principals for a day.
and another was diagnosed with spinal meningitis, but the efforts of Kline, Boudreaux, Respire Haiti and others helped get the boys the medical attention they needed in time to help save their lives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s our youngest, and we worry,â&#x20AC;? Kamerynâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother, Sharon Kline, said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so hard to see her go back when she comes home for a visit. Of course, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very proud of her, and what sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doing is amazing but sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so humble about it.â&#x20AC;? Kline returns to the U.S. every 90 days to renew her work visa. During her most recent trip to East Feliciana, March 11-23, she had to take care of paperwork for graduate school. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll believe it when I see it,â&#x20AC;? said Sharon, cautious about getting her hopes up that her daughter will return home to stay. Kline lives with another nurse from Nashville, a teacher who attended Ole Miss, one from San Antonio and a special education teacher from Zachary, Jamie Byrd, who moved to Gressier in January to teach a special needs class. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most kids with disabilities are not in school, so giving these children a place to learn helps educate, empower and encourage them,â&#x20AC;? Byrd said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so happy Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been blessed with this opportunity and to be a part of this wonderful organization.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like living simply, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m part of the community now,â&#x20AC;? Kline said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People know me when I walk down the street. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m supposed to be right now. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m needed.â&#x20AC;? To learn more about Respire Haiti, visit respirehaiti.org.
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Sliced roasted turkey with gravy, smothered potatoes, green beans, whole-wheat bread and pineapple tidbits.
Beef patty with brown gravy, green beans, mashed potatoes, dinner roll and orange.
Ham with white beans and rice,
carrots, tossed salad with dressing, cornbread and grape juice.
Meatball hoagie with Creole sauce, buttered cabbage, mixed vegetables and apple.
Capital Area Council on Aging menu is served in West Feliciana, East Feliciana and St. Helena parishes.
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Screenings are free if you have not been screened within the last 12 months. Insurance will be billed for mammograms. For those without insurance, there will be no charge. Made possible by donor gifts.
west feliciana
The Advocate n theadvocate.com n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n 3G
Fire hydrant work bid accepted $79,000 estimate exceeds grants for project BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
ST. FRANCISVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Board of Aldermen on Tuesday accepted a $79,000 bid to replace or repair 12 fire hydrants amid questions whether the winning bidder, Mitchell Contracting, provided the required performance bond. At the time of the vote, officials could not determine whether or not the perfor-
mance bond had been submitted with the bid or had been misplaced by the engineering consultant. Asked about the performance bond by town attorney Jesse Means, Mayor Billy Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla said no bond was attached to the Covington-based Mitchell Contracting bid, the lowest of four bids opened March 19 by Professional Engineering Consultants of Baton Rouge on behalf of the town. No representatives of PEC attended Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It still requires a performance bond,â&#x20AC;? Means told the board. A performance bond guarantees the city would be
reimbursed if the contractor does not satisfactorily complete the work. At one point during the council meeting, Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla went into his office to call Mitchell Contracting but got no answer. When he returned to the meeting, he asked the board to award the bid to Mitchell Contracting with the stipulation a performance bond check is submitted. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The specs call for a performance bond. If they canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come up with it, we will have to go with the next (lowest) bidder,â&#x20AC;? Means said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need to have it as policy that no bid is accepted without the perfor-
mance bond.â&#x20AC;? Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla said the $79,000 will cover replacing six hydrants and repairing six others. He said the winning bid is $9,000 more than the two grants the city has to pay for the hydrant work, so some of the repair work might be scaled back. In other matters Tuesday, Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla said he had received favorable reviews of the 44th Audubon Pilgrimage, and he commended those who worked to make it a success. Also, on the recommendation of Police Chief Scott Ford, the board voted to rehire Carl Kimble as a part-time police officer.
Funds set aside for Sports Park projects BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
ST. FRANCISVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The West Feliciana Parish Council has agreed to transfer up to $250,000 from an auxiliary account to provide matching funds for future projects for the West Feliciana Parish Sports Park. Those projects would be funded through a federal grant, but a precondition for the grant is to demonstrate the matching funds are there, Parish President Kevin Couhig told the council. With the 50-50 match in hand, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a high likelihood weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll get the grant.â&#x20AC;? The local match will come from the Burnett property account, which was funded through the sale of some property. Both the local and federal money will be set aside for future Sports Park projects, which Couhig said havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been determined yet. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a project in hand, but we wanted to be
able to apply for the maximum amount of the grant weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be eligible for,â&#x20AC;? Couhig said. The grantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rules stipulate the future funding must be used for capital projects and outdoor recreation activities. Couhig said a master plan for the park is being developed and when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s completed and presented for the councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval, the grantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s funds will be earmarked for a particular project. The grant money is only available in two-year cycles, and the next eligible time to apply will be 2016, Couhig said. At least $365,000 has already been allocated from the Burnett account for the Sports Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new rodeo arena, which is scheduled for completion for May. In another matter, Parks and Recreation Director Rob Hunter invited the council and residents to participate in the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Walk on March 31 from Bains Elementary to the Sports Park, a 2.5-mile trek to raise awareness for the fight
against childhood obesity. After the walk, there will be 60 minutes of activities at the Sports Park for the participating students. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to support healthy
activity and have the entire community involved,â&#x20AC;? Hunter said. To participate in the walk, call the Sports Park at (225) 784-8447.
WEST FELICIANA SHERIFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BOOKINGS The following were booked into the West Feliciana Parish Prison by the West Feliciana Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office:
March 8 HARPER, SIERRA N.: 20, 604 N. 3rd St., Monroe, speeding.
March 9 ANTHONY, CHRISTOPHER B.: 35, 8891 Peterson Road, St. Francisville, third offense driving while intoxicated, driving while intoxicated with juvenile under 12 years of age, reckless operation, no seat belt and open container.
March 12 DAVIS, KIANTE N.: 19, 8477 Delray Lane, St. Francisville, aggra-
*(7 <285 5,'( 72'$<
March 13 WELLS, RICHARD J.: 30, 10610 Wells Road, Tunica, fugitive from Lafourche Parish.
March 14 BRIDGES, CORY C.: 37, 25535 Pardue Road, Springfield, speeding 67/45 and driving under suspension. SANDERS, BORIS G.: 26, 1120 Second St., Melville, introduction of contraband (six cellphones) into a penal institution.
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0Ä&#x2020;DF IPVST .PO DzVS t 'SJ "QBSUNFOU BWBJMBCMF GPS JNNFEJBUF PDDVQBODZ t 2 Br 1 ½ bath townhomes Reduced security deposit now $100 t Â&#x203A; 0Ä&#x2026; mSTU GVMM NPOUIT SFOU $200 SECURITY DEPOSIT
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vated battery. DOLNEY, MICHAEL: 27, 9978 Trails End, St. Francisville, simple battery and resisting an officer. EASLEY, KARLA S.: 41, 12240 Jackson Road, St. Francisville, simple battery.
4G n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n theadvocate.com n The Advocate
west feliciana
Farmers market features lots of goodies
Photos provided by FAYE RITCHIE
West Feliciana Parish Sheriff J. Austin Daniel, seated center, with 4-H officers Thy Hong, Neal Rachal, Maddie Temple, Will Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla and Shelbie Bush, from left, at the 4-H Club meeting held Feb. 24 at Bains Elementary School in St. Francisville
West Feliciana 4-H Club welcomes Sheriff Daniel Advocate staff report West Feliciana Parish Sheriff J. Austin Daniel was the guest at the fourth-grade 4-H Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Feb. 24 meeting. 4-H Club Reporter Shelbie Welch, 10, of Bains Elementary in St. Francisville, welcomed the sheriff. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing he talked about was one of his biggest achievements and trying to find a lost 2-year-old,â&#x20AC;? Shelbie said. Shelbie said Daniel said he called in horses, four-wheelers, helicopters and three hound dogs for the search. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After 10 hours, it was getting dark, but finally he looked down from the helicopter and there was the 2-year-old boy in a cow pasture covered in mud from head to toe,â&#x20AC;? she said. Shelbie said the sheriff said the thing he was most proud of
West Feliciana Parish 4-H Club reporter Shelbie Welch, 10, is seen at the LSU AgCenter State Livestock Show Feb. 14-21 at the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales. Welch is in the fourth grade at Bains Elementary School.
The St. Francisville Farmers Market is held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thursday at the old 4-H barn on Wilcox Street. The market often features beeswax hand cream and lip balm; heirloom vegetables and herb plants for spring gardens; tomatoes; fresh eggs; kale; celery; microgreens; broccoli; cabbage; snow peas; sprouts; daikon radishes; and goat and feta cheeses in various flavors. The market also features red and green oak leaf varieties of bibb lettuce and arugula; collard and mustard greens; alfalfa sprouts; homemade salad dressings; canned jellies, jams and pickles; homemade fudge in red velvet, chocolate, raspberry swirl, peanut butter and Louisiana strawberry; and baked sweet breads in strawberry, pecan, blueberry and cranberry flavors as well as a new healthy breakfast muffin â&#x20AC;&#x201D; gluten-free orange cranberry. Dried herbs such as bay, basil, rosemary and paprika are available upon request as well as homemade yogurt. Preorders are requested because minimal amounts are brought to the market. Contact Amy West at (225) 635-3098 to order herbs and yogurt.
Feliciana Tennis Classic
The Feliciana Tennis Classic is set for Friday to Sunday at the West Feliciana Sports Park in St. Francisville. The classic benefits the West Feliciana Parent Teacher Or-
was when he handed the boy to his father.
Stacy Gill
ganization. The tournament is a team format with six to 10 people per team. Teams will compete and include three pairs of doubles (one womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pair, one menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and one mixed pair) Divisions are 5.5 or 6.0; 6.5 and 7.5. Cost per player is $65. Nonplaying guests will be charged $15 per person. All fees include food and drinks for a social event following the tournament. Entries are limited to the first 25 teams. Register online at feliciana tennisclassic.eventbrite.com. For information, call Missy Higgins at (225) 266-5577 or email missy@relocationcenter. com.
Lenten fish fry
A fish fry will be held Friday benefiting the Knights of Columbus. Dinners will be served at 6 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 11485 Ferdinand St., in St. Francisville. Dinners of fried or grilled catfish, potato salad or french fries, cole slaw, bread, dessert and a soft drink are $8.50.
Proceeds benefit charities of the Knights of Columbus 7856.
Magnolia Full Gospel events
Magnolia Full Gospel Baptist Church, 7910 U.S. 61, in St. Francisville invites everyone to fellowship at three different events during Easter week. A feet-washing service is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Guest speaker will be Ernest Mills, of New Rising Sun and St. Paul Baptist churches. A service titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Last Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ From the Crossâ&#x20AC;? is scheduled for 1 p.m. April 3, Good Friday. Guest speakers include the Revs. Albert Anderson III, Burnett King, Dennis Lawrence, Joe W. Pickett, Earnest Thibodeaux, Calvin Willis and Sterling Wrights. The service will air at 1:30 p.m. on KCLF 1500 AM and stream from www.kclf1500am.com. A Resurrection worship service begins at 8:20 a.m. Sunday, April 5. The Rev. Milton Coats will deliver a special message. This service also will air at 9 a.m. on KCLF 1500 AM and stream from www.kclf
Photo day at Rosedown
Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site will host Photo Day, a paid evening program for photographers and aspiring photographers, on Thursday, April 2. The park will stay open until dark, allowing participants to take sunset images at the plantation. Cost to attend is $15 and allows visitors to take photographs on the grounds from 5 p.m. until dark â&#x20AC;&#x201D; about 8 p.m. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but not inside buildings. Participation requires a reservation in advance, and payment will be required before 5 p.m. when a parking pass will be issued. Future Photo Days are planned for May. For reservations, call (225) 635-3332.
Send news and events for Around West Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.
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West Feliciana pets Dogs and cats are available for adoption.The shelter is The West Feliciana Animal open from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Humane Society coordinates Monday, Wednesday and Frivolunteer and donor efforts day; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, in support of the James L. Thursday and Saturday; and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boâ&#x20AC;? Bryant Animal Shelter, every day from 4 p.m. to 5:30 9946 W. Feliciana Parkway, St. p.m. Visit wfanimalshelter. Francisville, which operates wix.com/wfanimalshelter or call (225) 635-5801 or (225) as a low-kill shelter. 229-6787. Available this week are:
1500am.com. For information, call (225) 635-5422.
Advocate staff report
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MAIN OFFICE: Main Street | Zachary PLAZA OFFICE: Church Street | Zachary CENTRAL OFFICE: 13444 Hooper Road | Central Member FDIC
east feliciana
The Advocate n theadvocate.com n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n 5G
Model train club to host open house
sgill@theadvocate.com The Greater Baton Rouge Model Railroaders will host its annual spring open house Friday and Saturday at its facility in Jackson, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Jackson Assembly and 200th birthday of the town of Jackson. The club moved to Jackson in 2003 and expanded into a second building in 2010, group spokesman Andrew Martin said. The added space has enabled the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 33 members to build five indoor layouts and two outdoor layouts, including one of only two publicly accessible garden railroads in Louisiana, Martin said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The club is unique in that we operate all popular American scales â&#x20AC;&#x201D; G, O, HO, N, S and Z,â&#x20AC;? Martin said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Most clubs operate only a single scale.â&#x20AC;? Martin said the club will demonstrate trains in all scales as well as running live steam. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When we speak of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;live steam,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re referring to locomotives that have boilers which are filled with water,â&#x20AC;? Martin explained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fire is lit to boil the water to make the steam, which propels the engine, just as full-sized locomotives were propelled a century ago.â&#x20AC;? There is nothing electric about the engines, which is the case with
The following were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison from March 11-17:
Photo provided by BETH DAWSON
Photo provided by ANDREW MARTIN
A twin-cylinder shay live steam locomotive fascinates a young visitor at the Greater Baton Rouge Model Railroadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; facility in Jackson. Trains in all scales and sizes will be running at the GBR Model Railroadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; open house Friday and Saturday coinciding with the annual Jackson Assembly. all the other train models at the railroadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; facility, Martin said. Several live steam locomotives will be on-site as well as others owned by club members. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a layout specifically dedicated to live steam. No electric trains run on it, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be operating at the open house,â&#x20AC;? Martin said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These engines are not static displays. They travel around a 20-footby-50-foot loop pulling trains behind them.â&#x20AC;? The trains can run about 15 minutes up to an hour on a single load of water and fuel, generally butane.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course, they emit real live steam from their smokestacks,â&#x20AC;? Martin said. The railroadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; clubhouse, located behind the Republic of West Florida Historical Museum on the grounds of the Old Hickory Railroad, 3406 College St., will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. The open house is free, and the public is invited. For information, call Martin at (225) 634-3473, email maczilla1@ bellsouth.net or visit www. greaterbrrailroaders.com.
COA activities, Easter parade set The East Feliciana Council on Aging, 11102 Bank St., in Clinton is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Most activities start at 11 a.m. Lunch is served at noon. Public transportation to East Baton Rouge Parish is provided Monday through Friday by the East Feliciana transit system. For information, call the Council on Aging at (225) 6839862. FRIDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class MONDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class TUESDAY: games WEDNESDAY: 11 a.m., cancer services followed by an Easter party APRIL 2: 11 a.m. devotional, followed by blood pressure checks at 11:30 a.m. APRIL 3: closed for Good Friday.
Flocking fundraiser
Slaughter Community Charter Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knights baseball team is hosting its first Flamingo Flocking fundraiser. Residents are invited to participate by donating $25 to have a flock of pink plastic flamingos â&#x20AC;&#x153;roostâ&#x20AC;? in any yard within East Feliciana Parish for 24 hours. Student and business prices are available. All proceeds help the SCCS Knights pay for needed baseball equipment, Katie LeDoux, fundraising coordinator, said. Order forms are available online by visiting thesccs.org, the SCCS Facebook page or by calling LeDoux at (225) 4051176. Flamingos must be ordered by Tuesday.
Stacy Gill
the East Feliciana High School marching band leading the procession. In recognition of Jacksonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 200th birthday, the parade theme is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hoppinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Through the Decades.â&#x20AC;? Community, church and school leaders as well as students and residents will represent a decade in the parade. Representing the 1990s will be Milton Brown, who is 90; representing the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s will be Wilbert Harris; John Travis, the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;70s; the Rev. Richard London, the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s; a carload of 1980 Jackson High School graduates, all in their 50s, will represent the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;50s; the Rev. Cary Payton and his wife, Tracy, both in their 40s, will represent the 1940s; Jackson Elementary School Principal Megan Phillips will represent the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;30s; School Board member Melvin Hollins, the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;20s; teens on the EFHS basketball team, elementary school students
Send news and events for Around East Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.
Fifth Sunday event set March 29 Advocate staff report On the fifth Sunday of each month, Jackson area churches come together to worship in a Fifth Sunday Service celebration. According to Beth Dawson, a member of Jackson United Methodist Church, the fifth Sunday services are well-attended community events that include residents from East Feliciana Parish. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Often, there are musical performances by youth choirs, local bands or residents playing instruments and lots and lots of singing and fellowship,â&#x20AC;? Dawson said. The last fifth Sunday celebration was Nov. 30 at Trinity Baptist Church. The next fifth Sunday service will begin at 6 p.m. March 29 at Apostolic Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church, 17903 La. 10, Jackson.
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Jackson Easter Parade
The Lions Club invites businesses, churches, clubs, horse clubs, organizations, schools and residents to participate Saturday, April 4, in the third annual Jackson Easter Parade. There are no registration fees required to enter, and floats and entries will be accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. The parade will roll at 2 p.m., with Marshal Joe Brine and
and youth from Quad Area Head Start in Jackson will represent earlier decades. If interested in participating, show up and get in line at 1 p.m. on the campus of East Louisiana Mental Health System, 4502 La. 951, in Jackson. The parade route will have floats circling ELMHS and heading to La. 10, turning left, traveling through Jackson, turning right onto Church Street, traveling four blocks to Pine Street, turning right and heading to Centenary State Historic Site, where the parade will end in time for an Easter egg hunt for participating youth. ELMHS has requested no gum or beads be thrown onto hospital grounds. Parade officials ask that only Easter or appropriately themed music be played on the floats. Jackson Town Councilman Rafe Stewart will award gift cards to the best three floats: $75 for first place, $50 for second and $25 for third place. All gift cards will be redeemable at Wal-Mart. For information, contact Beth Dawson at (225) 719-1743.
Taylor Mitchell plays the drums at a recent Fifth Sunday Service held at Jackson United Methodist Church. The next service is March 29 at Apostolic Tabernacle in Jackson.
BARNES, NATASHA: 40, 10111 Noel Thomas Lane, Slaughter, public intimidation. CHURCH, AARON: 22, 29580 Heritage Lane, Springfield, simple burglary. CARTER, AARON: age and address unknown, speeding, reckless operation. HAIL, ZACHARY: 23, 10919 Wakefield Drive, St. Francisville, possession of Schedule I narcotics. JACK, TANISHA: 27, address unknown, two warrants, speeding. MOTEN, CHARLES: 32, 11169 Liberty Highway, Clinton, disturbing the peace. NEWMAN, ASHLEY: 32, 4762 Lowery Lane, Clinton, fugitive. NICHOLAS, RAYMOND: 66, 5488 Old Liberty, Clinton, attempted second-degree murder. RHEAMS, KENDRICK: age and address unknown, first-offense driving while intoxicated, careless operation. RAMIREZ, GUSTAVO: 28, 5137 La. 38, Clinton, second-offense driving while intoxicated. SPARKS, LISA: 47, 7876 Pine St., Ethel, disturbing the peace. WHITFILED, MONIQUE: 31, 7030 La. 10, Jackson, warrants. WASHINGTON, DARIUS: 21, 5268 Hardon St., Clinton, possession of marijuana.
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6G n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n theadvocate.com n The Advocate
east feliciana
Assembly celebrates showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50 years Advocate staff report
Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN
Wearing the green
Clinton Town workers joined in on the fun on St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day by wearing green town hall shirts to work. Participating in the holiday fun, from left, are, Clinton Mayor Lori Bell, Assistant Town Clerk Sharon Lewis, Police Records Clerk Kathleen Waller and Town Clerk Anjanetha Shropshire.
Photo provided by LEANNA CUPIT
The East Feliciana Parish 4-H Foundation Board held its first meeting of the year March 12. Attending the meeting, in front row, from left, are, Betty Wright, Delyn Lockhart, Allen Holliday and Chris Dighton; and second row, Deanna Fontenot, Kyle Lockhart, Jeff Gardner and Beth Dawson.
4-H Foundation holds first meeting of the year Advocate staff report The East Feliciana Parish 4-H Foundation held its first meeting of the year March 12 at the East Feliciana Police Jury building. Chris Dighton was elected to serve as president; Allen Holliday, vice president; Betty Wright, secretary and Delyn Lockhart, treasurer. Other attendees included Beth Dawson, Jeff Gardner, Deanna Fontenot, Kyle Lockhart and East Feliciana 4-H Agent Leanna Cupit.
The board discussed membership dues, a financial report, two amendments to the foundation by-laws, electing officers and an update on the 4-H program, which included a lengthy discussion on fundraising. The purpose of the 4-H Foundation is to provide support for the parish 4-H program, Cupit said. Anyone 18 or older can be a member of the East Feliciana 4-H Foundation Board. For information, call Cupit at (225)683-3101.
The Jackson Assembly is celebrating the 50th anniversary Friday through Sunday of its annual antiques and art show in Jackson. Visitors will browse fine antiques and varied collectibles such as period furniture, silver, glass, porcelain, estate jewelry, linens, books, tools and Oriental rugs assembled by dealers from seven states inside two historical buildings, the McKowen and Pipes-McKowen buildings, organizers said. The Jackson Assembly, a nonprofit volunteer organization founded in 1962, purchased and restored the two Charter Street landmarks with proceeds from past shows helping establish the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Historic District. Proceeds from the three-day event continue to fund historic preservation projects by the group. Held in conjunction with the antique show is the Feliciana art show featuring fine art, wood carvings, jewelry and pottery from Louisiana artists. Formerly the McKowen Store, Charter Street Studio is transformed each year into a gallery of art forms for the art show, Carolyn Thornton, art show publicity chairwoman, said. Anchoring the show will be artists Linda Broderick, Alice Kent, Donna Bateman Kilbourne, Roger Persons and Thornton. Additional artists representing various mediums will also be featured: Judi Betts, Judith Braggs, Peggy Carbo, Stephany Causey, Ronnie Collins, Frances Durham, Roberta Loflin, Sandra and Wayne Maltese, Jenny Mills, Keith Morris, Dotti Radcliff, Feliciana potter Craig Roth, Catherine Rouchon, Cleo Scott and Della Storms. Native plants and flowers by local nurseries will be sold outside the studio under the awning. For lunch, attendees are invited to the McKowen Store base-
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Watchman file photos
The McKowen and Pipes-McKowen buildings on Charter Street in Jackson are the venues for the 50th anniversary of Jackson Assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s antique and art show March 27-29 in East Feliciana Parish. ment, also known as the Gumbo Kitchen, for homemade gumbo, sandwiches, soups and desserts prepared by East Feliciana residents and Jackson Assembly volunteers. The candy counter will have cakes, candy, cookies, brownies, fudge, pralines and other desserts for sale. Three historic churches; the restored 1849 Greek Revival building of St. Albanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Masonic Lodge; the circa 1818 Brown Cottage; the center building at the circa 1848 East Louisiana Hospital; the 1820s Feliciana Courthouse; and old Jackson Cemetery will all be open for guided and self-guided tours from noon until 4 p.m. daily. Nearby Centenary State Historic Site will be open including the columned, two-story 1837 West Wing dormitory and restored professorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s residence, which holds historic exhibits and period furnishings. Entrance fee to the Jackson Assembly is $10 and includes admission to the antiques show
Antiques will be on display and for sale by dealers from throughout the South at the 50th anniversary of the Jackson Assembly Antiques and Art Show. and sale, art show and sale, tour of Ellis Cottage, Centenary and St. Albanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all three days. Hours are 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. March 27-28 and 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. March 29. For information, visit www. jacksonassemblyantiquesshow.
com or call the Jackson Assembly at (225) 634-7155. For information on the art show, email Persons at rlperson@bellsouth.net or Thornton at carolynothornton@ bellsouth.net or call (225) 6340067.
Advocate staff photos by STACY GILL Trace McManus leaps across the finish line at the Silliman Silliman Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Callie Venable competes in the 300-meter hurdles at the SI Warm-up track and field meet March 19 in East Warm-up Meet on March 19 in Clinton. McManus was part Feliciana Parish. Venable finished third in the hurdles, but the Lady Wildcats won the overall varsity girls competition with 65 of the winning 400-meter, 800-meter and 1,600-meter relay teams for the SI Wildcats. points, defeating Centreville (60), Central Private (29), Oak Forest (29) and Wilkinson County (27).
McNabb continues to set pace
Despite lack of practice, Silliman girls track wins Warm-up Meet Silliman Institute coaches T.J. Davis and Joy Gardner finally got a chance to see their track and field teams compete March 19, and for the most part, they liked what they saw. After battling weeks of rain and cold weather, the teams made their outdoor debuts Thursday in the Silliman Warm-up Meet at the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s track in Clinton. The Wildcats girls swept first place in the 10-team meet while the boys finished second to Centreville Academy. The Silliman junior varsity boys and girls each claimed team titles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We only had six practices on the track because of the weather,â&#x20AC;? said Davis, who serves as Sillimanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boys coach. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re young, but we
won their competition with 78 points, followed by Centreville Academy (54), Oak Forest Academy (48.5), Central Private (21) and WCCA (14.5). The Wildcat boys scored 44 EXTRA SPORTS points, finishing behind Centrevilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 101 with Benâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ford (35), Oak Forest Academy (33) HARCENEAUX@THEADVOCATE.COM and Bowling Green (21) rounding out the top five. The Silliman junior varsity have talent. We just need to boys won with 100 points, put it in the right place, find ahead of Centreville Academy out who goes everywhere.â&#x20AC;? (85), Oak Forest (36), Central â&#x20AC;&#x153;We havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had a lot of Private (20) and Hattiesburg practices,â&#x20AC;? Gardner said. (12). The Silliman varsity girls Sophomore Kayla McNabb scored 65 points to out-dispicked up where she left off tance Centreville Academy last year, winning the varsity (60), Central Private (29), Oak triple jump with a 31-00, 10.5Forest (29) and Wilkinson inch leap and her specialty, County Christian Academy the girls 1,600-meter run in 5 (27). Sillimanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s junior varsity girls minutes, 38.89 seconds.
Howard Arceneaux
Silliman Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Devin Gross hands off to Mark Gill completing a successful exchange in the varsity 4x200 relay event March 19 at the Silliman Warm-up Meet. The Wildcats team included Seth Hooge, Gross, Gill and Dillon LeBlanc, respectively, in the first through fourth legs of the race. The boys finished in third place with a time of 1:39.95 but won the 4x400, 4x800 and 4x1,600-meter relay events.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The triple jump was not what I wanted, but I did pretty good, I guess,â&#x20AC;? McNabb said. As for the 1,600, because of the weather, McNabbâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been working out in the gym and has run a couple of times in the rain. As a freshman, McNabb won the 1,600-meter at the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools state meet in 5:20.3, breaking a 33-year-old record for Class 2A from 1981. She was less than two seconds from breaking the overall 1,600 record for all MAIS classes, established in 1997. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like the 1,600 a lot, but I have a lot of work to get there,â&#x20AC;? McNabb said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will take a lot of hard work and dedication, but my goal is to get the overall (record).â&#x20AC;?
McNabb has also made a name for herself in softball and basketball and said she loves playing point guard. She competes in cross country, as well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cross country helps out with basketball, and basketball carries into this (outdoor track),â&#x20AC;? McNabb said. She said she grew up around sports with two brothers, one older, one younger. She started running in seventh grade and doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t plan to stop until she achieves her goals. McNabb hopes to eventually earn a college scholarship and would like to study physical therapy one day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a go-getter, she doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop,â&#x20AC;? said Gardner, who is in her first year as Sillimanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s girls head track and
Silliman Instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Myles Simmons won the junior varsity boys 300-meter hurdles March 19 at the Silliman Warm-up Meet that included about 10 area high school teams.
field coach. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a determined, all-around good kid with good Christian values.â&#x20AC;? Several other Wildcat athletes had stellar days at the meet: Jozie Milton won the shot put (43-1) and discus (134-10.75) for the varsity boys team, and Austin Bizette captured the 100-meter (12.34) and 200-meter (25.27) dashes. Bizette also was part of the winning 400-meter and 1,600-meter relay teams while Trace McManus anchored those races along with being part of the winning 800-meter relay team. Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@theadvocate. com.
Sillimanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sarah Bordelon, left, and Rachel Melancon compete in the varsity girls 3,200-meter run at the Silliman Warm-up Meet on March 19 in Clinton. Melancon won the race in 14:54.45.
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2H n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n theadvocate.com n The Advocate
st. helena
Spring has sprung with allergies Spring is in the air. Literally. From weeds to grass and tree pollen, the warm weather is here, driving airborne allergen levels through the roof. Some allergies are severe and require the attention of a doctor. For milder cases, though, home remedies may provide all the relief you need, with relatively little expense or hassle. Here are a just few tips for handling spring allergies: Eating honey produced by bees in your area can help relieve
allergies. The bees transfer pollen from flower blossoms to honey, so if you eat a little honey every day you should
gradually become immune to the irritating effects of pollen. Anyone who has ever been stuffed-up knows the impressive ability of a steaming hot shower to soothe sinuses and clear nasal passages, if only temporarily. A quick rinse after spending time outdoors can help remove allergens from your skin and hair, and prevent them from spreading to clothes, furniture, pillowcases and other surfaces where they’re likely to ag-
gravate you.
5. Returning after many requests will be Lori and the By Faith singers. There will be free hot coffee, biscuits and sausage. Although some benches are available, it is requested that you bring a lawn chair. Inspiration Park is located just west of Kentwood on La. 38 and east of Easleyville. Call (985) 229-8595.
Rocky Hill Choir anniversary Rocky Hill African Methodist Episcopal Church, 151 Rocky Hill Road, in Amite will host its first choir anniversary at 6 p.m. April 11 at the church. For information about the event, call (225) 777-4847.
Easter observance
Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or email swarren@theadvocate.com.
Inspiration Park will host its annual Easter observance at 7 a.m. Easter Sunday, April
Each week, we’ll take a look back at photos published in The Echo. The feature photo for this week’s Echo’s From the Past is from the Oct. 26, 1956, edition of the St. Helena Echo.
Secret to life is in your control dreaming lasts only so long Everyone has an innate deand can produce only so much. sire to be great. All of us have Life is bound or unleashed by a burning urge to leave an indelible mark on humanity in the mindset one possesses. Life can be an endless ocean some way. We are driven by of success or an ineviour passions. We have table death sentence. It ideals about what life is simply the approach should be and what will you take and the permake us happy. spective you maintain. As children, we all Any successful form pictures in our person will acknowlmind about what we edge they achieved want from life. However, success only because as time passes, and the they acted on their realities of life’s calami- ONE ST. dreams. They never ties sink in, many people HELENA JASPER sat back and waited for lose faith in achieving KNIGHTEN handouts. They did not their dreams. I always hinge their hopes of have been a proponent of the philosophy that life is bro- climbing life’s ladder on others’ downfalls. They realized ken into two types of people, their destiny was within their thinkers and doers. Life is an ever-evolving door. control. Each of us is a painter. We hold the paintbrushes to It is never the same. Condiour canvases. tions in life will never seem Life is not meant to be a burideal unless we learn to make den. There may be a pitfall or life instead of life making us. shortage in your life, but the seThere is nothing wrong with cret to conquering life resides dreaming, but dreaming does in the resolve you possess. not produce tangible results. How bad do you desire to see Dreaming only provides a your dreams come to life? Is spark and an emotional ecstasy. The high provided from there a tugging at your spirit
that will not go away? Feed the urge to have the best in life. Feed the monster inside of you that sees and thinks bigger and better. The secret to life is within your grasp. Life really is no secret. We make life into a secret when we fail to live above mediocrity. Living in mediocrity ultimately presents life to younger generations as a big maze that must be figured out. Life must not be figured out but lived and enjoyed. We were not given life to take but to give. In essence, in order to have the life you desire, do not take but give your all to creating a masterpiece. You have the secret to this life. You have the key to unlocking all of life’s locked doors. Use your secret key. Open the door to the life you are destined to live. It is yours to have or lose. It is your choice. Make the best of this beautiful gift we have been given. Contact Jasper Knighten at jasperknighten@yahoo.com.
Encouragement can make the difference called her. She has four chilWishing you all the little dren in Georgia, A.J. and his miracles that make up a hapwife, Carrie, Amy and David, py birthday. Happy birthday Abby and Brian and Alisha to Willie Arnold, of GreensJones. burg, and Joel Snoddy, of nnn Ocean Springs, MissisIf mom were still sippi, both March 29. living, she would have nnn been 81 on March 20. Happy anniversary to She’s been with Jesus Leanna and Mike Woodsince 2010. I miss her ard, of La. 37 south of a lot. Greensburg, March 29. nnn May your special day Cornerstone Church hold many hidden treaBUTTERFLY of Amite had a “Kiss sures and unexpected WINGS the Pig” event March joys hidden in your FRAN SNODDY 1. Couples could either heart. kiss a pig or a guinea nnn pig. It was the church’s Birthday greetings to my sister, Shirley Ann Miller, annual fundraiser for the youth. of Grangeville, on March 12, nnn when her employees allowed Congratulations to Shane her to take off. They also Couset for showing off your blessed her with red roses Hereford at the state liveand she received roses from stock show at the Lamar-Dixher children, plus they all
on Expo Center in Gonzales. nnn To these families in their loss of loved ones, Sam Guzzardo, Percy Jackson, Faye Pike and Herbert Shaw, prayers are extended. nnn As we model the love of our savior (John 13:34-35), visualize the difference it could make if we set out to encourage each other; if we had our own cheerleading section. The race would be easier for us, we would take the words “comfort each other and edify one another,” from Thessalonians 5:11, seriously. A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and going on. Fran Snoddy writes Butterfly Wings for The Advocate Extra. Contact her at (225) 777-4363.
Photo provided by St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office
Deputy Toler Smith and his K-9 partner Bubba with drugs seized March 14 during a traffic stop
Routine traffic stop results in drug arrest BY STEPHANIE WARREN
deputy said the smell of marijuana was coming from the vehicle. A search of the vehicle resulted in the discovery of marijuana, Smith said. The deputy said he and his partner also located drug paraphernalia and THC wax in the vehicle. Philip Alan Collins, 30, of 5004 Live Oak, Dixon, Texas, was arrested and charged with possession with intent to distribute marijuana.
A routine traffic stop by St. Helena Parish Deputy Toler Smith and his K-9 partner, Bubba, led to discovery of drugs with a street value of $1,000, according to the St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office. Smith and his partner were conducting a traffic stop March 14 on La. 38 near the intersection of La. 43 when the
The original publication from 1956 reads: ‘1955 Queen of the Pines, Miss Bernadine Bigner to participate in this year’s parade. The third annual Forest Festival will start at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 27 with a gigantic parade. In the forefront will be the color guard followed by the 1955 Queen of the Pines, Miss Bernadine Bigner. The parade will consist of many attractive floats, Southeastern Louisiana College Band, Clinton High School Band, Kentwood High School Band, beauty pageant contestants, and a large number of horseman. All activities during the day will take place on the newly developed Forest Festival grounds. The big, free barbecue dinner will be served at 12:30 p.m. under the new pavilion. One of the highlights of the program will be entertainment by the always popular Tucker Key. The day’s activities will be climaxed by the beauty pageant to select St. Helena’s new Queen of the Pines, followed by the Forest Festival dance.’
To all the winners of Louisiana’s 12th Environmental Awareness Student Art & Language Arts Contest
“Watersheds: From My Back Yard to the Ocean”
The Journey On a cold snowy day in the Minnesota sky I am a delicate snowflake, drifting down from up high. Settling upon a mountain peak I will wait here for many weeks. Springtime is coming. I feel the warm sun. My journey to the Gulf has only just begun. I melt into a little stream, Joining others that share the same dream. Our stream is growing by the hour Rushing, moving, gaining power. Growing stronger, getting bigger, Faster, larger, now a river. The Mighty Mississippi at last we reach, Many worry the levee may breach.
Kristi Lynch
To read the poem in its entirety, please visit our website below.
Homeschooled, West Feliciana
for all your advertising needs.
Paycen Brouillette
Visit www.wlf.louisiana.gov/eec for information on our 2015 Art & Language Arts Contest as well as other environmental education opportunities. Sponsored by:
Hosted By:
The Advocate n theadvocate.com n Thursday, March 26, 2015 n 3H
schools West Feliciana honors Nwabueze as parish’s National Merit finalist BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
Photo submitted by ANGELA MYLES
Smooth event in St. Helena
St. Helena Head Start held its annual Family Literacy Night on Feb. 26. The LSU Ag Center was invited to be a part of the special event. The Ag Center provided smoothies for the children and their parents. Assisting in making the smoothies on the bicycle smoothie maker is prekindergarten student TriDasia Dunn.
ST. FRANCISVILLE — West Feliciana High School senior Ngozi Nwabueze was honored at the March 17 School Board meeting for being named a National Merit Scholarship finalist. Superintendent Hollis Milton presented Nwabueze with her official National Merit Scholarship certificate and praised her for her hard work and dedication to her academics. More than 1.5 million students applied in September for National Merit consideration, which is based on the PSAT test they took as juniors that measures critical reading, mathematics and writing skills. Roughly 50,000 are selected for commendation, and of that number, 16,000 are chosen as National Merit semifinalists. In February, 15,000 students were notified that they advanced to finalist standing. Scholarship winners are notified in June and chosen from
Advocate photo by HOWARD ARCENEAUX
West Feliciana Superintendent Hollis Milton presents Ngozi Nwabueze her National Merit Scholarship finalist certificate at the School Board’s March 17 meeting. the finalists group based on their abilities, skills and accomplishments including academic records, test scores, recommendations, leadership, a biography and an essay. The National Merit Scholarships are
$2,500 apiece and are awarded to approximately 7,600 finalists. “I got a letter a few weeks ago saying I was a finalist. I was jumping up and down and when I told my parents, they
were jumping up and down,” Nwabueze said. Her parents are Dr. Nnamdi Nwabueze and Dr. Stacie Nwabueze. Ngozi Nwabueze said she hasn’t decided where she will attend college, although she’s narrowed her choices to Rice, Emory, Vanderbilt or Duke. She plans to study neuroscience or something related to psychology. “The brain and how it relates to how we are,” said Nwabueze. She leads a busy life. Besides her academics, Nwabueze is Student Government president and a member of the Interact Club, Beta Club, Quiz Bowl and Mock Trial teams. She also played soccer this year and was a volunteer coach on a 16-yearold and younger team. Nwabueze is one of four children. Her brother, Obi, is studying at Tulane Medical School, and her sister, Nkechi, is at Rice. Her younger sister, Nneka, attends West Feliciana High School.
East Feliciana elementary students tour human body exhibit Advocate staff report Students at Jackson and Clinton elementary schools were “digested” through the human body during a health program March 9-10. More than 600 students toured the Louisiana Body Walk, a traveling exhibit that visits elementary schools throughout Louisiana. Through a hands-on approach, the Body Walk teaches children healthy habits, such as choosing nutritious foods, by showing them how their choices affect their body, said Leanna Cupit, LSU Agricultural Center
East Feliciana Parish agent. The Louisiana Body Walk is one of three components of Smart Bodies, a comprehensive health program that provides nutrition education and promotes physical activity. The Smart Bodies Program is entering its 10th year. “Body Walk engages students by showing them how to be healthy,” Cupit said. “By being actively involved, students remember the behaviors and encourage others to be healthy as well.” The Body Walk features an 11-stop tour of the body includ-
ing the Smart Bodies Cafeteria, brain, mouth, stomach, small intestine, heart, lungs, bones, muscles, skin and pathway for life stations. “The children love the Body Walk because they learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices in a fun way,” she said. “They learn what foods are good for them and how to be physically active. “We appreciate the support of our school volunteers and the community organizations that assisted with the exhibit and made the Body Walk and the overall Smart Bodies Program
possible.” The Smart Bodies Program was developed to address increasing national concerns about the lack of physical activity and the declining nutritional status of children. In Louisiana, childhood obesity has doubled in the past 20 years, and almost one in three school-aged children is overweight or obese, according to a news release. For information on the Smart Bodies Program and the Louisiana Body Walk, call (225) 6833101 or visit the Smart Bodies website at www.smartbodies. org.
East Feliciana High School student Jordan Davis teaches Jackson Elementary School students about making healthy choices March 9 during the Louisiana Body Walk. Photo provided by JON LOVEALL
Thursday, March 26, 2015
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10285 â&#x20AC;&#x153;To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit www.lapress.com click on Louisiana public notice button.â&#x20AC;&#x153; This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.
REQUEST FOR BIDS The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury is soliciting sealed bids on used bridge timbers currently located on the Police Jury Maintenance Yard at 11046 Bank Street, Clinton, LA 70722. The successful bidder will be required to remove the bridge timbers as directed by the Maintenance Supervisor. Please submit bids to East Feliciana Parish Police Jury office, 12064 Marston Street, Clinton, LA 70722. Bids are due no later than April 3, 2015 at noon. Bids will be opened on April 6, 2013 at 5:45 P.M. 5104537-mar 19-26-apr 2-3t
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Village of Wilson (herein referred to as the "Owner") hereby solicits sealed bids for the FY2014 LCDBG Water System Improvements â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Water Well project described as follows: STATEMENT OF WORK (PEC Project No. 11156.05): Construction and startup of a 300 gpm water well (including test well), control building, chlorination system, piping, fencing, civil site work and 8-inch
directionally drilled water line extension. Sealed Bids shall be addressed to the Village of Wilson, and delivered to the Village Office at 6528 Sycamore Street, Wilson, LA (P.O. Box 40, Wilson, LA 70789) not later than 2:00 p.m., on the 23rd day of April, 2015. Any bid received after the specified time and date will not be considered. The sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 p.m. on the 23rd day of April, 2015, at the Village of Wilson located at 6528 Sycamore Street, Wilson, LA 70789. The Owner has chosen the method of plan distribution to be via hard copies of the plans and specifications pursuant to LA R.S. 38:2212 as available through the office of the Engineer. The Instructions to Bidders, Bid Form, Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance Bond and Payment Bond, and other bidding documents may be examined at the Office of the Engineer for the contract; Professional Engineering Consultants Corp. located at 7600 Innovation Park Drive, Baton Rouge, La 70820; (225-769-2810). Copies shall be obtained at this office upon payment of a deposit of $150.00. This deposit will be refunded upon request in accordance with R.S. 38:2212. Validation of the Contractorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license and classifications will be made prior to release of bid documents. Contractors submitting bids shall be licensed under LA R.S. 37:2150-2164, Municipal and Public Works-Water Well Drilling Specialty. Other license classifications may, at the option of the Owner, be considered based upon a thorough review of the Contractorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s past experience. The bidder shall show his license number on the bid and on the sealed envelope submitting the bid. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause; such actions will be in accordance with Title 38 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes. In accordance with R.S. 38:2212 (A)(1)(b), the provisions and requirements stated in the Bidding Documents shall not be waived by any entity. Each Bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount of at least five percent (5%) of the total bid price, provided on the specified form and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders. Sureties used for obtaining bonds must appear as acceptable on the U. S. Department of Treasury Circular 570. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. OWNER VILLAGE OF WILSON BY: /s/ MARILYN BROADWAY, MAYOR 3t
5106428-mar 19, 26, apr 2-
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 1055 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V543691, Solicitation No. 2259096 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Metals, 03/31/2015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5107282-mar 26-1t
Definition: A small gift. OUR GIFT TO YOU: ~Free Advertising~ The Advocate theadvocate.com/lagniappe
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10285 PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL â&#x20AC;&#x201C; HLS 14RS-78) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District; and to provide for related matters. 5107636-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Clinton, LA Regular Meeting March 2, 2015 6:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 2 March, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Dwight Hill and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Larry Beauchamp. The roll was called by the Parish Secretary, Ms. Barbara Hebert and Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Keith Mills, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray were present. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to approve the agenda removing item C-1 (Mr. Tom Moriarty). This motion passed unanimously without comment. Administrative ments:
The Better Business Bureau of South Central Louisiana is hosting a networking luncheon at H e m i n g b o u g h . Reservation information is enclosed in your binders. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Louis Kent to adopt the minutes of the 16 February 2015 regular meeting. This motion passed unanimously without comment. The information that was requested on the Fair Housing Complaint has been given to the District Attorney. A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to approve liquor permits for Wal-Mart and T Manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s General Store. This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adopt Tower Ordinance Revisions as follows: Chapter 4A Communications* Art. I. In General, 4A-14A-30 Art. II. Communications Tower, 4A-31-4A-61 Div. 1. Generally, Sees. 4A-31-4A-SO Div. 2. Permit Requirements, Sees. 4A-Sl-4A-61 ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Secs. Reserved.
DIVISION 2. PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Sec. 4-A-S1. Authority and need to establish permit requirements for communications tower construction. The police jury affirms and recognizes the need to establish guidelines and procedures for the construction, location, and maintenance of communications tower within the parish, pursuant to the authority granted by LRS 33: 4780.40 (Mo. of 1-162001) Sec. 4A-S2. Establishment of communications tower permit requirements. All corporations, firms or persons desiring to construct, locate, or maintain, or that are maintaining, communications towers for commercial use in parish, that may affect in any way the development of the parish, the general welfare of the parish, the police power of the parish and the public safety and civil defense concerns the parish, shall apply for and
East Feliciana Public Notices
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obtain a communications tower project permit from the parish police jury in the form and under the terms and conditions developed by the parish engineer which shall be approved by the police jury, and as set out in said permit, a copy of which is available to any applicant at the office of the Jury in Clinton, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana. Said terms and conditions shall include:
lessee, processing fee: A five hundred dollar ($500.00) change in or addition of other lessees, processing fee, payable by the tower owner or lessor, shall be paid to the parish police jury within thirty (30) calendar days of such change.
nating the tower owners and lessees and current contact numbers for each owner or lessee. (Mo. of 116-2001)
Mr. Jason McCray to go into executive session for no more than 10 minutes to discuss job offers. This motion passed unanimously with comment.
(1) Construction standards in accordance with accepted industry practice; (2) Evidence of licensing, 1; permit and other compliance with all applicable local, state and federal administrative, construction, public safety and regulatory agency codes and regulations; *Editor's note-Motion of Jan. 16,2001 did not specify manner of codification, hence, inclusion of these provisions as Sees. 4A-Sl4A-61 was at the discretion of the editor. (3) A demonstration that the proposed communications will not degrade or in termer with public safety or civil defense communication; (4) An indication of the applicant's ability or interest in permitting the collation of communications facilities of other private and /or public safety communications provider, each tower requiring a minimum number of two (2) users; (5) An agreement holding harmless the parish police jury for and all liability which may occur as the result of the construction location and/or maintenance of the commutations towers. (6) A right of inspection by the parish engineer building official or authorized representative thereof to ascertain compliance with any applicable codes and regulations; (7) The designations of a local or state contact person in the event ay emergency communication with the applicant is required and provision of the FCC tower identification number; (8) The declaration and maintenance of a valid physical address and agent for service of process within the state; and (9) Such other requirements deemed necessary by the parish engineer as the same requirements may meet the general welfare of the parish, the police power of the parish and the public safety and civil defense concerns of the parish. (Mo. of 1-162001) Sec. 4A-53. Permit requirements for communications towers. (a) Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter a communications tower is defined as a guyed, monopole or self-supported tower constructed as a free-standing structure for the purpose of elevation one (1) or more antennas, receivers or transmitters used for commercial communication purposes. (b) Height restrictions. Maximum height for a tower shall not exceed two hundred (200) feet unless the parish police jury grants a variance. (c) Other restrictions. All towers shall be a minimum of six hundred (600) feet the tower height plus fifty (50) feet (tower footprint) from any parish road, state or federal highway or dwelling or other building, measured from the nearest right-of-way line in the case of reads or highways and in the case of dwellings or other buildings measured from the nearest point of the dwelling or other building, unless the parish police jury grants a variance.
(3) Variance fee: In addition to the regular fees assessed in this division, the parish police jury shall be paid a general variance processing fee of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) per request; an additional one dollar ($1.00) per foot or part the annual tower fee for every foot exceeding the two hundred (200) foot height restriction; and an additional one dollar ($200) foot height restriction; and an additional one dollar per foot or part thereof for every foot less than the hundred (600) foot tower footprint distance restriction. from the nearest point of a thousand two hundred eighty (5,280) linear foot restriction for collocation as defined in section 4A: 55, for each exception. All antennae added to, or installed as a part of, a tower or other structure that extend the tower or structure above two hundred (200) feet in height shall be treated as a feature requiring a variance. (Mo. Of 1-16-2001) (4) Annual Maintenance Inspection fee: Every corporation, firm or person desiring to construct, locate or maintain, or that is maintaining, communications towers in the parish shall pay an annual maintenance inspection fee of the two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per tower to the parish police jury building department. (5) Delinquency fee: A delinquency fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) ten dollars ($10.00) per day shall be assessed if an applicant becomes delinquent in payment of any fees assessed in this division. This fee shall be assessed at the expiration of a ten-day grace period, a hundred dollar five ($500.00) per day delinquency fee and shall be assessed thereafter until paid in full. Sec. 4A-54. Other requirements. Applications for permits and designs drawings shall be submitted in triplicate to the parish Police Jury building department for review and approval. Fees shall be submitted with the application and annual maintenance inspection fees shall be renewed, if applicable, due no later than January 1 of each year. Unpaid fees due and payable no later than January 1 of each year shall be deemed delinquent on January 10th. A licensed engineer shall deign all towers and shall provide a signature and professional seal on all drawings submitted for review. A legal description and professional survey of the tower site designation the landowner of the site, and adjacent landowners if within sex hundred (600) feet of the closest tower feature within the tower footprint, shall be provided with the application and design. This survey map must have the approval signature of all landowners within the tower footprint. A USGS map indication the location of the site shall also be submitted. All Federal communication Commission (FCC) regulations shall have been met and a copy of the permit shall be submitted with the application and design, if applicable. A certification of from the Federal Aviation Authority (F AA) approving the height and location of the proposed tower shall be submitted to the parish along with the application and design, if applicable.
(d) Variances. The parish police jury may grant height and distance variances, with a separate fee schedule of such variances. The jury shall consider the applicant's compliance record, financial history or other factors in reviews a variance request.
In the case of a potential tower location is a federally-recognized flood zone; the applicant shall apply for a conditional permit from the police jury for which standard fees shall be paid. (Mo. of 1-16-2001)
(e) Fees. The parish police jury shall impose and collect the following communications towers permit fees:
A permit under this division shall not be granted for a tower within five thousand two hundred eighty (5,280) linear feet, driveway to driveway, of an existing tower without tower without a variance from the police jury. (M. of 1-16-2001)
(1) Annual Initial tower registration fee: Every corporation, firm or person desiring to construct, locate or maintain, or that is maintaining, communications towers in the parish shall pay an annual initial registration fee of the one thousand five hundred dollars ($1500.00) per tower to the parish police jury for assignment to the civil defense and public safety operations of the parish. (2) Change of ownership, or change in or addition of
Sec. 4A-55. Collocation.
Sec.4-A56. Fencing and signage. All towers permitted by the parish police jury shall be enclosed by an eight (8) foot-high chain-link fence with two (2) strands of barbed wire and with a gate that is secured. A sign no smaller than two (2) foot by two (2) foot shall be attached in a prominent place on the fence desig-
East Feliciana Public Notices
Sec. 4A-57. Existing towers. All communications towers in existence at the time that this division is enacted shall be liable for all fees authorized herein, which shall be imposed on the date this division is enacted and shall be prorated accordingly through the remainder of the calendar year and shall be due and payable within ninety (90) days from the date that this division is enacted. Existing tower owners or lessees shall likewise have ninety (90) days from enactment to meet the requirements of section 4A-52 and section 4A-54. Existing towers on the date of enactment that are outside the maximum height restriction or are under the minimum distance restriction shall not be required to apply for variances, or pay variance fees, for those existing elements which, if new construction, would otherwise require a variance permit. (Mo. of 1-16-2001) Sec. Abandonment.
The police jury of the parish hereby declares that abandoned communications towers are a hazard to the public safety and civil defense efforts of the parish. For purposes of this division, abandonment shall be defined as (1) Delinquency of thirty (30) days in payment of the annual registration fee authorized hereunder, at the expiration of which the police jury declares the site and tower abandoned and notifies the owner or lessee to remove the tower, tower pad and all foundations to a minimum of three (3) feet depth and remediate the site within ninety (90) days; or (2) Delinquency beyond ninety (90) days granted by the police jury for removal of the tower and remediation of the site, after receipt by the police jury of a notice of intent to abandon, the notice to include the name and address of the tower owner or lessee, the location of the tower and the date by which the abandonment and remediation of the site shall be complete. The parish engineer shall certify completion of satisfactory removal and remediation. Upon abandonment, a site shall no longer be permitted by the police jury for operation as a communications tower site, and any proposed reuse of the site for a communications tower shall be treated as if new with respect to permit requirements and fees. Any tower owner or lessee of a tower site who is in violation of this section shall be fined five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day of violation (Mo. of 1-16-2001) Sec. 4A-59. Damage to parish roads, right-of-way and bridges. The owner or lessee of a communications tower shall be liable for any damage to parish roads, rightof-way and bridges caused by himself or his agents and shall be responsible for actual cost labor and materials to repair or replace such damage, and determined by the parish engineer. (Mo. of 1-16-2001) Sec. 4A-60. Penalties. Whoever undertakes the construction, location or maintenance of a communications tower without first obtaining a permit or whoever violates any provision of the East Feliciana Parish Ordinance on Permit Requirements for Communications Towers as provided herein shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or serve a term in the parish jail of no more than ten (10) days, or both. Each day that is violation: exists shall be considered a separate violation: Such conviction in this parish or in any other jurisdiction shall be taken into consideration by the parish police jury, should a variance be requested by the applicant. (Mo. of 1-162001) Sec. 4A-61. Preemption and severance. This chapter shall be subject to, and preempted by, any state or federal law or regulation, the effect of which would preempt the exercise of any of the requirements herein set forth. If any clause, paragraph, provision, portion or section of this division be held preempted by any state or federal law or regulation, or invalid for any other reason, by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other clause, paragraph, provision, portion or section of this division. (Mo. of 1-16-2001). This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to declare used bridge timbers as surplus and solicit bids for them. This motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Ed Brooks, seconded by
A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Keith Mills to return to regular session. This motion passed unanimously without comment. No action was taken on job offers. Public Works Committee Chairman, Mr. Sean Smith presented the Jurors with a list of roads for overlaying and informed then there will be a meeting next week to review this list and make any changes needed. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Louis Kent to allow Congressman Ralph Abraham to use the conference room every other week. This motion passed unanimously with comment. A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to purchase a motor grader from Doggett Machinery, the lowest bidder in the amount of $182,282.00. Bud Weigand, Homeland Security Director informed the Jury that the 2015 grants have not been released yet for Homeland Security. Mr. Jim Parker, Assistant Homeland Security Deputy informed the Jury that a spreadsheet has been crated tracking all assets for homeland security and things are going well. A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to table recommendations from the Planning and Zoning until April 6, 2015. This motion passed unanimously with comment. Public Comments: Mr. George Johnson (T Man) was present to voice his concerns on being a small business owner in East Feliciana Parish. A motion was made by Mr. Jason McCray, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Barbara Hebert, Parish Secretary Dennis Aucoin, Police Jury President 5107979-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --On March 9, 2015 at 5:45 a public hearing was held at the Jackson Fire Department preceding the regular business meeting of the Town of Jackson. Present were Mayor Charles E. Coleman and Board of Trustee members Mike Harrell, Don Havard, Rafe Stewart and Jim Parker. Several visitors were also present. Mayor Coleman opened the meeting and called for roll call. Travis Harrell Havard Stewart Parker
The meeting was declared closed for a lack of a quorum of the Board of Trustees. The Mayor rescheduled the Public Meeting for 5:45 p.m. on April 13, 2015 at the Jackson Fire Station to begin before the regular scheduled board meeting of April 13, 2015 to be held at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Coleman called the regular March 9, 2015 meeting to order and the roll was called. Present were Mayor Charles E. Coleman and Board of Trustee members Mike Harrell, Don Havard, Rafe Stewart and Mike Harrell. Several visitors were also present. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES PAYMENT OF BILLS FINANCIAL REPORT NEW BUSINESS 1. 5:45 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING (code enforcement officer) 2. Adopt resolution ratifying notice of intention on DHH Loan 3. Introduce Ordinance Authorizing Utilities Revenue Bonds for DHH Project 4. Purchase of Maintenance Truck
Used Utility
Town Attorney Mr. Andy Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla explained the need for the ordinance passed on Febirau 9, 2015 be amended and be replaced with an amendment as included in this document A motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Harrell to amend the resolution adopted on February 9, 2015. Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Harrell to adopt the following resolution. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 9, 2015, DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE TOWN OF JACKSON, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS IN ONE OR MORE SERIES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $800,000 TO PROVIDE THAT SUCH BONDS WILL BE PAYABLE FROM THE COMBINED REVENUE OF THE TOWNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DRINKING WATER, SEWAGE TREATMENT AND NATURAL GAS SUPPLY SYSTEM; AND PROVIDING FOR
The Advocate East Feliciana Public Notices
OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH: WHEREAS, February 9, 2015 this governing authority gave notice of intention pursuant to La. R.S. 39:1021, to issue not exceeding $8000,000 of water revenue bonds payable solely from the income and revenues of the water system to finance improvements to the drinking water portion of the Town’s combined utilities system; and WHEREAS, this governing authority now desires to amend and ratify the aforesaid notice of intention to provide that the bonds described therein shall be payable from the combined revenues of the Town’s drinking water, sewage treatment and natural gas supply system, rather than the revenues of the drinking water system alone, and shall be referred to as utilities revenue bonds; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of said Town, that the resolution of intent to issue bonds adopted on February 9, 2015, is hereby amended to provide that the bonds described therein shall be payable from the combined income and revenues of the Town’ drinking water, sewage treatment and natural gas supply system, rather than the revenues of the drinking water system alone, and shall be referred to as “utilities Revenue Bonds” rather than “Water Revenue Bonds.” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Notice of Intention included in said resolution shall reference the combined income and revenues of the Town’s drinking water, sewage treatment and natural gas supply system, rather than the revenues of the drinking water system alone, and shall refer to the bonds as “utilities revenue bonds,” and that the prior publication of said Notice of Intention incorporating such changes is hereby ratified and confirmed, the public hearing to be held by this governing authority at a special meeting on Monday March 23, 2015. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the application to the State Bond Commission for approval of the said bonds shall incorporate the amendments made herein. YEAS: Harrell, Stewart, Parker
East Feliciana Public Notices
NAYS: NONE ABSENT: Travis Passed unanimously. Town attorney, Andrew D’quilla introduced an ordinance which will be voted on by the Board of Trustees at a special meeting held on March 23, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fire Station located at 1632 Charter Street the ordinance would authorize the issuance by the Town of Jackson, State of Louisiana of its Taxable Utilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2015, in the amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000). Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Havard to pay Rock It computer Services to install antivirus software and upgrade computer and a monthly on line backup serve of $360.00. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Havard, seconded by Mr. Stewart to sell the following equipment. (1) 1983 Ford 6600 Tractor with A/boom slope mower Minimum bid of $5000.00 (1) 1998 Ford F250 P/U Minimum bid of $1000.00 Bids will be accepted at the Town Hall during regular business hours from 8:00a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and will be opened at the April 13, 2015. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Harrell, seconded by Mr. Parker to adopt the following resolution; WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson desire to continue the improvements to the operation of its water system by upgrading the existing SCADA System which remotely monitors the performance of the Town’s water wells and distribution lines; AND WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees will submit an application to the Office of Community Development, FY 2014-2015 Community Water Enrichment Fund, requesting financial assistance to purchase additional electronic SCADA equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Board of Trustees do hereby authorize the sub-
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
mittal of an application for financial assistance to the Office of Community Development, Community Water Enrichment Fund, and pledge their undivided support to purchase additional electronic SCADA equipment for the purpose of improving the operation of its water system.
YEAS: HARRELL, HAVARD, STEWART, PARKER NAYS: NONE ABSENT: TRAVIS Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Havard, seconded by Mr. Harrell to add Mrs. Valerie Milligan to the agenda. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr. Parker to grant permission for Mrs. Milligan to hold a Trail Ride on April 4, 2015 from 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman was called to an emergency and left the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem, Havard continued with the meeting and after general discussions called for an adjournment. Motion by Mr. Harrell, seconded by Mr. Parker to adjourn. All in favor. Motion by Mr. Harrell, seconded by Mr. Havard to adjourn. All in favor. CHARLES E. COLEMAN/ MAYOR HOLLI E. GILMORE/ SECRETARY-TREASURER (Attesting Mayor’s signature) 5108167-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING --The Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson will hold a special meeting on Monday April 13, 2015 at 5:45 p.m. at the Jackson Fire Station at 1610 Charter Street, Jackson, La. The subject matter to be acted upon will be as follows: (1) Discussion of proposed ordinance “CODE ENFORCE-
NOTICE OF SALE OF EQUIPMENT THE TOWN OF JACKSON HAS FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: 1983 Ford 6600 Tractor with A Boom slope mower (Minimum bid of $5000.00) 1998 Ford F 250 pickup (Minimum bid of $1000.00) Sealed bids will be accepted during regular business hours at the Town Hall, 1610 Charter Street from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Monday April 13, 2015 and opened at the regular April 13th business meeting at 6:00 p.m. 5108171-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --Sealed bids will be received by the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office until Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm at the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office located in the West Feliciana Parish Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity St., St. Francisville, LA 70775 for an annual contract for the following: The purchase and installation of equipment on police package vehicles. Complete bidding documents with descriptions and specifications of the equipment are available to be picked up at the Sheriff’s Office. Documents may be obtained without charge or deposit. Bids will be opened and read aloud on April 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm. The West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. J. Austin Daniel, Sheriff West Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office 5086549-mar 12-19-26-3t
See our ads online: www.theadvocate.com
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following Rezoning Request will be considered: Ward Creek Properties, LLC 9782 West Feliciana Parkway St. Francisville. Louisiana 70775 A-R to C-2 A certain tract or parcel of land together with all buildings and improvements thereon, all component parts thereof, and all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, prescriptions, and advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining situated in Section 67, T3S, R3W, St. Helena Meridian, Greensburg land District, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, containing 2.17 acres and being identified as Lot E02 on a plat of survey entitled "Plat Showing Division of a 5.26 Acre Tract into 3.09 Acre Lot E-1 and 2.17 Acre Lot E-2, Former Gordon Dipple Tract Section 67, T3S, R3W, St. Helena Meridian, Greensburg Land District, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, For Walter Imahara" a copy of which survey is annexed hereto, made a part hereof and incorporated specifically herein by reference. This meeting is open to the public. West Feliciana Parish Council 5103523-mar 12-19-26-3t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING & ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
West Feliciana Public Notices
The public hearing will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following proposed amendments to the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance are to be considered: COMPILATION EXHIBITS;
ALONG WITH CORRECTIONS AND UPDATES. This meeting is open to the public. By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103525-mar 12-19-26-3t
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING & ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following proposed amendment is to be considered: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCE, EXHIBIT “E”, PARISH SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION VI (SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY) AND TO PROVIDE FURTHER WITH RESPECT THERETO: Section 1- Amendment
Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, Section VI (Sewerage and Water Supply) of the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following language: All proposed subdivisions shall have approved sanitary sewage treatment, and must comply with the following: i. If no public sewer transportation network is available within 1,350-ft, individual sewer treatment will be allowed for proposed subdivisions with sixty (60) lots or less, provided the minimum lot area is forty-thousand (40,000) square feet per lot, with a minimum road frontage of 125-ft. ii. All other proposed subdivisions shall tie to a public sewer transportation network, or provide an approved method of community sewerage treatment. iii. All community or individual sewerage treatment must meet the minimum requirements as set forth by Louisiana Administrative Code Title 51 and be permitted by the West Feliciana Parish Health Unit Section 2 - Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, SECTION II, Part (B)(1)(c) of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 3- Enactment As amended, The West Feliciana planning and Zoning Ordinance remains in full force and effect. This meeting is open to the public By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103526-mar 12-19-26-3t
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING: SUBDIVISION REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on
Thursday, March 26, 2015
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following Subdivision Request will be considered: Preliminary Plan of Oak Run 3281 Highway 966 St. Francisville. Louisiana 70775 Proposed Use: 27 Lot Subdivision This meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5103670-mar 12-19-26-3t
NOTICE OF A COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE CLASS OF DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF A written examination will be given in approximately ninety (90) days, on a competitive basis to approved applicants for the purpose of placing names on the competitive employment list for the class of Deputy Fire Chief in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law and the rules of the West Feliciana Fire Protection District #1 Civil Service Board. Application forms may be obtained from, Leatha Robinson the Secretary to the Civil Service Board, at 9892 West Feliciana Parkway Monday 7:30 until 4:00, Tuesday thru Friday 7:30 until 5:00. Completed applications and the required attachments must be received by Leatha Robinson at 9892 West Feliciana Parkway. Monday 7:30 until 4:00, Tuesday thru Friday 7:30 until 5:00 by June 3, 2015. Approved applicants will be notified of the exact date, time, and place of the examination at least five (5) days prior to the examination date. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Unless otherwise specified, all requirements listed below must be met by the filing deadline for application for admission to the
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 examination. Must meet all requirements of the Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Law, including being a citizen of the United States and of legal age. After offer of employment, but before beginning work in this class, must pass a physical examination, the selection and administration of which shall be authorized by the Appointing Authority, designed to demonstrate good health and physical fitness sufficient to perform the essential duties of the position, with or without accommodation. Must possess a valid driver’s license. Applicant must possess one of the following: high school diploma, high school equivalency certificate, high school transcript, affidavit from the issuing high school, associate’s or bachelor’s degree, or college transcript, any one of which must indicate that graduation has occurred or a degree awarded. A certification of completion shall not be sufficient to substitute for a diploma or equivalency certificate. Must have at least three (5) years’ experience as a member of a paid fire department, three (3) of which must have been in a supervisory role. By direction of the chairman: __________________ Leatha A. Robinson, Secretary Post at all fire stations March 6, 2015, through June 4, 2015 DO NOT REMOVE BY ORDER OF THE WEST FELICIANA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT #1 CIVIL SERVICE BOARD WEST FELICIANA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT 5104540-mar 19-26-apr 29-4t
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Thursday, March 26, 2015 West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 I AM APPLYING to the Commission on Alcoholic Beverage Control of the State of Louisiana for a permit to sell beverages of High & Low alcoholic content at retail in the Parish of West Feliciana at the following address: The Francis Smokehouse & Specialty Meats, LLC, 6779 Hwy 61, St. Francisville, LA 70775 Daniel D. Brown - Owner 5104942 March 19, 26 '15 NOTICE --ST. FRANCISVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION BOARD OF ALDERMEN NOTICE Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:30 pm St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street The Board of Aldermen of the Town of St. Francisville in accordance with the provisions of Part VIII of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 in the Town Hall Meeting Room, St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street, on the following applications: Pursuant to Section 8.1.H of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of St. Francisville (hereinafter “Town”) an application for a map correction on one contiguous and undivided lot of record. The West Feliciana Parish School Board property (the site of the former school) will be corrected to reflect the Institutional (IS) zoning designation. At the February 25, 2015 Town of St. Francisville Planning Commission meeting the Planning Commission RECOMMENDED APPROVAL of this application. The Public is invited to attend. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Shannon Sturgeon, at (225) 635-3688, describing the assistance that is needed. Shannon Sturgeon, Town Clerk Town of St. Francisville P. O. Box 400 225 635-3688 5105963-mar 19-26-apr 2-3t
NOTICE --The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Gas Utility District #1 of West Feliciana Parish was held at 4 p.m. February 12, 2015, at 4789 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. Members present: Kevin Beauchamp, Bess Kelley, David Norwood, Terry Osterberger, CB owen, Glenn Thomas, Leonard White Members absent: Heather Giammachere, Tim Byrd, Plater Gooden, Dennis Neal Also present were: Clay Hardouin, Superintendent; Becky Hilliard, Administrative Assistant; Naomi Riley, Bus. & Fin. Manager; Eric Vicknair, CPA David Norwood offered a motion to approve the agenda as presented, CB Owen seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. David Norwood offered a motion to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2015 meeting. Bess Kelley seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. CB Owen offered a motion to approve the minutes from the February 10, 2015 Finance Committee meeting. Glenn Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. The board discussed the possibility of a new office building once the lay-down yard is completed. Clay Hardouin was instructed to meet with the general contractor and ask about a new office cost. Glenn Thomas offered a motion to open a new account at Bank of St. Francisville to be used strictly for the payment of LMGA bills. David Norwood seconded the motion. Bess Kelley abstained. All other members in favor. Motion carried. Staff will draft the letter and Board President will sign. David Norwood offered a motion to accept the job description for the Field Technician position and authorize office staff to place an advertisement for the position to run three times in The Advocate. Terry Osterberger seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Board President Kevin Beauchamp and Superintendent Clay Hardouin gave an update on the lay-down yard. Separate project work will need to be done. David Norwood offered a motion to
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 Members present: Kevin Beauchamp, Glenn Thomas, Plater Gooden, CB Owen, Leonard White, Dennis Neal, David Norwood, Bess Kelley, Terry Osterberger Members absent: Heather Giammachere, Tim Byrd Also present were: Clay Hardouin, Superintendent; Naomi Riley, Finance & Business Manager; Becky Hilliard, Administrative Assistant; Isaac Johnson, Foreman; Anthony Fontenot and Al Reames, Field Crew Plater Gooden offered a motion to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Glenn Thomas. All in favor. Motion carried. Glenn Thomas presented the board members with the findings of the finance committee regarding insurance practices for employee policies. Lumpkin Agency will become the official representative of record for insurance effective March 1, 2015. The following actions will be taken: • Effective with pay period being February 23, 2015 base pay will be increased by 4% for all employees employed by WFGUD1 as of January 1, 2015. • Effective March 1, 2015 employee cost of Blue Cross Blue Shield medical plan covering employees only will be $25 per month. • Effective March 1, 2015 all costs of Basic Term Life Insurance; Dental Insurance; Vision Insurance for employee coverage through Guardian will become employee costs. To assist with this transition WFGUD1 will increase each employee’s pay by the amount that WFGUD1 is currently paying. This costs per employee is currently as follows: 1. Basic Term Life based on age and runs from $10.00 to $28.25 per month 2. Dental - $38.55 per month 3. Vision - $11.61 per month • Effective March 1, 2015 WFGUD1 will no longer pay any part of employee dependent costs for Blue Cross Blue Shield medical insurance or Guardian’s dental and vision insurance. CB Owen offered a motion to amend the agenda to include the purchase of Quick Books and transitioning all accounts payable, payroll and associated documentation inoffice instead of outsourcing these duties. Plater Gooden seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. CB Owen offered a motion to have office staff purchase QuickBooks software with the payroll section included for the office computer and begin the transition of all accounts payable, payroll and associated documentation inoffice instead of outsourcing. Dennis Neal seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. David Norwood offered a motion to adjourn, seconded by Terry Osterberger. All in favor. Motion carried. 5107265-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --Finance Committee Meeting February 20, 2015 4:00 p.m. Attending: Kevin Beauchamp, Glen Thomas, CB Owen, Plater Gooden Also attending: Assistant District Attorney Mike Hughes Discussed: Employee insurance; employee portion; deductions Action: Staff is to set up meeting with Eric Vicknair and Finance Committee regarding the employee insurance and deductions. Action: Staff is to obtain definition of “Dependent” from Lumpkin Agency Action: Staff is to contact Guardian Insurance and obtain coverage details and make copies of Blue Cross Blue Shield information. Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. 5107267-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --Finance Committee Meeting February 24, 2015 Attending: Glen Thomas, C B Owen, Plater Gooden Also attending: Naomi Riley, Eric Vicknair Absent: Kevin Beauchamp Discussed Payroll and who is reviewing employee time sheets. Action Taken: Eric Vicknair advised payroll will be moving in house. Discussed Insurance coverage and what the company pays and what portion the employees pay.
The board instructed Assistant District Attorney Mike Hughes to draft a Cooperative Agreement Letter with the West Feliciana Parish Sheriff for use of the road to enter the lay-down yard.
Discussed scheduling a meeting with Chae Mayes to review all insurance coverage and possibly changing in 2016, and reviewing employee deductions for insurance.
The Personnel Committee made a recommendation to approve a 4% raise to all employees except new hire Naomi Riley, effective immediately, and raise the employee portion of insurance costs from $10 to $25. CB Owen offered a motion to implement a 4% pay raise to all employees except new hire Naomi Riley and to raise the employee portion of insurance costs from $10 to $25. Glenn Thomas seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
Discussed all bills being paid from in house, no longer necessary to have Eric paying some of the bills.
Clay Hardouin gave his Superintendent’s Report to the board. David Norwood offered a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 pm, CB Owen seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. 5107264-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --A Special meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Gas Utility District #1 of West Feliciana Parish was held at 4 p.m. February 25, 2015, at 4789 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana.
West Feliciana Public Notices
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. 5107268-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --A Finance Committee meeting of the Board of Commissioners for Gas Utility District #1 of West Feliciana Parish was held at 1 p.m. March 4, 2015, at 4789 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. Members present: Plater Gooden, Glenn Thomas, CB Owen Members absent: Kevin Beauchamp Also present were: Becky Hilliard, Administrative Assistant Discussed: Controls
Staff will provide a recap from January 2015 to present. Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm. 5107269-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --Gas Utility District #1 of West Feliciana Parish Finance Committee Meeting 03/10/2015 2:00 P.M. Rodney Combs, CPA, CGAP, CFSA, Associate Audit Director; C.B. Owens; Glenn Thomas; Naomi Riley Discussed overview of the office situation in terms of finances and how the office is performing in terms of policy and procedures revolving around accounting principles. Rodney Combs presented what Postlethwaite & Netterville could do in terms of making sure office runs properly, will schedule another meeting. Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm 5107274-mar 26-1t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 1053 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V543691, Solicitation No. 2259096 – Metals, 03/31/2015 File No. V543641, Solicitation No. 2259088 – White broadcloth and white terrycloth material, 04/07/2015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5107281-mar 26-1t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 1065 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V543632, Solicitation No. 2259092 – Fencing – LSP Angola, 04/07/2015
Eric Vicknair presented figures covering WFGUD Health Insurance as of March 1, 2015.
The board discussed deposit refunds for accounts taken over from the parish years ago. A customer requesting a refund for a deposit must show proof of deposit amount in the form of a receipt or a service contract in GUD files with a deposit amount shown in the appropriate space.
The Advocate
Authorize Kevin Beauchamp to sign an estimate for the work not to exceed $30,000. Motion was seconded by Leonard White. All in favor. Motion carried.
The board discussed the 2013-2014 audit matters.
Discussed: Audit Action: Contact Postelwaite & Netterville regarding an estimate on performing a complete audit of GUD. Set up meeting with Finance Committee as soon as possible. Discussed: Payroll Action: Have Eric Vicknair change the contact with NetChex to Naomi. Have Eric fax the Year-to-Date payroll reports to Naomi so that she can become familiar with the procedures.
Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5107445-mar 26-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE (NOTICE OF INTENTION TO INTRODUCE LOCAL BILL – HLS 14RS-78) Public notice is hereby given, as provided by Section 13, Article III of the Constitution of Louisiana, that there will be introduced at the forthcoming session of the Legislature of Louisiana, to be convened on April 13, 2015, a bill relative to the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District; and to provide for related matters. 5107637-mar 26-1t
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015, AT 5:00 P.M. The Parish School Board of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its regular meeting place, the Parish School Board Office, 4727 Fidelity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana, on Thursday, February 26, 2015, at five (5:00) o’clock p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Tycer. The meeting was called to order by President Kevin Beauchamp. Mr. Beauchamp asked Ms. Davis to call the roll of the board. There were present: President Beauchamp, School Board Members Milton Coats, Amanda McKinney, Kelly O’Brien, Beth Tycer, James White, and Sara Wilson-Rogers. There were absent: None The Parish School Board of the Parish of West Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said parish for school purposes by Honorable Kevin Beauchamp, President, who then stated that the Parish School board was ready for the transaction of business. Agenda It was moved by Ms. O’Brien, seconded by Ms. McKinney to approve the agenda for the February 26, 2015, regular board meeting as per mailed copy. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. Minutes It was moved by Ms. Tycer, seconded by Ms. Wilson-Rogers to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2015, regular board meeting. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. According to Policy BBA, the Board elects officers for a two-year term for President and VicePresident. Superintendent Milton opened the floor for nomination of officers for a twoyear term (January 2015 through December 31, 2016.) First for President. It was moved by Ms. McKinney, seconded by Ms. O’Brien to nominate Mr. Beauchamp to remain as President.
Ms. Wilson-Rogers nominated Mr. Coats for President. Mr. Coats declined.
Action: Staff is to provide a recap of all payables.
Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
Discussed: payable
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 Superintendent Milton once again opened the floor for nomination of Vice-President. It was moved by Ms. McKinney, seconded by Ms. O’Brien to nominate Mr. Coats to remain as Vice-President. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. Superintendent Milton thanked Mr. Beauchamp and Mr. Coats for serving as officers and welcomed them back for the next two years. Recognitions & Presentations The Board welcomed Coach Odom and members of the football team. According to Coach Odom, most of these students are true athletes juggling football and other sports, plus keeping up with their grades, some with 3.+ GPAs. Coach Odom had all football coaches join him to celebrate their accomplishments this past season. He is especially proud of two players, Jazz Ferguson and Ryan Reed who were finalists for the Warrick Dunn Award. Additionally, Jazz is committed to LSU, while Ryan is committed to Northwestern State University. Coach Odom and Football Players Jazz Ferguson Lorenzo Green Ryan Reed Desmond Wilson Barry Sigur Trayshawn Cummings Chris Palm Hunter Smith Terrell Williams Austin Williams Josh Johnson Noah Pace Drew Dawson ******************* Ms. Janet Lathrop and Ms. Michelle Jones and LTA’s (Louisiana Teenage Librarian Association) Officers and 1st Place Winners Ms. Lathrop and Ms. Jones proudly shared their students many accomplishments with the Board. Adam Broussard 2015-2016 LTLA State President Ruby Roberg 2015-2016 LTLA State Treasurer Jaci Holiday 2015-2016 LTLA Secretary Leadership Recognition goes to: • Mrs. Lathrop served as the Student Relations Chairperson, in charge of the whole convention and the officers. • Mary Elizabeth Barrow served as LTLA State Secretary and assisted the President at each General Session, keeping the minutes for the organization. • Jaci Holliday was selected and installed as LTLA State Secretary for 2015-2016. • Anna Reese Couhig and Kelly Goff planned and facilitated a fun ice breaker/book discussion for all the middle school students at convention. • Riley Charlet and Lora Lathrop planned and facilitated an entertaining and creative officer induction ceremony. • Dionte Tate was the Voting Delegate for our school. Club Read won the following awards Bookmark Contest First Place: Anna Reese Couhig First Place – Group Costume Contest Individual Dance Contest First Place: Colton Scott First Place – Group Dance Contest First Place – Scrapbook Contest T-shirt Contest First Place: Anna Reese Couhig, Landry Higgins, and Elizabeth McKinney Other School Board Business Jim Ferguson presented a progress report to the board. He received a contract proposal from Terracon Consultants, Inc., which has been reviewed by Ms. Davis and the Committee overseeing the Pecan Grove Project. Mr. Ferguson agreed to share proposal with the board and once it is approved at the March 17 board meeting, Terracon will begin accepting bids from contractors for the remediation and demolition work. Their services are expected to cost between $40,000 $60,000 depending on the scope of the work. Mr. Comfort presented two drafts of the 2015-2016 school calendar; one of which included a “fall break.” The Board asked to get input from teachers before approving one of the drafts. Calendar will be on the March 17th agenda for action. Ms. Davis presented the following four (4) financially oriented policies for board approval: DE – Debt Limitation DFD – Tax and Election and Sales
DFL – Cash Management DJE – Purchasing It was moved by Ms. McKinney, seconded by Ms. O’Brien to approve all four (4) policies as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. The following budgets were presented for approval: FY2014-2015 SRCL Grant Fund #300 in the amount of $217,408 Fund #301 in the amount of $439,038 Fund #302 in the amount of $246,350 Fund #303 in the amount of $259,683. It was moved by Ms. Wilson-Rogers, seconded by Ms. Tycer to approve budgets as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
FY2014-2015 Adult Ed State Grant – Fund #185, revenues and expenditures in the amount of $5,825. It was moved by Mr. Coats, seconded by Ms. McKinney to approve budget as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
Management Pool) – Ms. Helen B. Davis, Board of Directors
for thirty minutes to discuss Physicians Strategic Issues. Motion carried.
o School Business Affairs – Human Resources article: Converting from Salary Schedules to Merit PayBased Salary Formulas
It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to return to the regular meeting at 5:45 p.m. Motion carried.
FY2014-2015 Adult Ed Federal Grant – Fund #195, revenues and expenditures in the amount of $46,335.
Upcoming Board Meetings Tuesday, March 17, 2015 @ 5:00 PM
It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. O’Brien to approve budget as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried.
Special Board Meeting for Strategic Planning Thursday, March 26, 2015 @ 3:30 PM
It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to enter back into a thirty minute Executive Session to discuss Physician Strategic Issues at 5:45 p.m. Motion carried.
General Fund Budget Revision #2, increasing revenues by $162,865.86 and expenditures by $193,132.41.
It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. Wilson-Rogers to adjourn the meeting.
receive their Disproportionate Share money. The Upper Payment Limit Program (UPL) was discontinued and replaced this year by what is now called Managed Care incentive plan. In general the plan works this way. The Legislation approves the funds, then DHH contracts with the three Medicaid Managed Care Organizations (MCO) under the Full Medicaid Pricing (FMP) Plan. The purpose is to use this money to supplement the base Medicaid payment to rural Hospitals. The MCO’s then contracts with a few Louisiana Hospitals who agree to have a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) as grantor with specific rural Hospitals. This CEA creates a grant to the specific Hospital. Then the grantor Hospital gives the money to the Rural Hospital in the form of a grant. Our Hospital did sign the CEA recently. At this point we are waiting to receive the funds from the Grant.
It was moved by Ms. McKinney, seconded by Ms. Tycer to approve budget as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. Ms. Davis presented the 2nd Quarter Financial Report for General Fund for the period October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, indicating cash investment balance for general fund at $5,935,599.00. It was moved by Ms. Wilson-Rogers, seconded by Mr. White to approve the 2nd Quarter Financial Report for General Fund as presented by Ms. Davis. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. President Beauchamp and Vice-President Coats met with Ms. Davis to work on a draft of Superintendent Milton’s contract. Draft will be sent to the board for review and will be on the March 17 regular board meeting agenda for approval. President Beauchamp stated that Superintendent Milton is a “key component” of our district’s success and that he hopes we can make it happen! It was moved White, seconded Wilson-Rogers to the following use ties request:
by Mr. by Ms. approve of facili-
o West Feliciana Parish President, Kevin Couhig, to use West Feliciana High School Auditorium on Thursday, March 12, 2015, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., for a Community Informational Forum. Waiver of fees requested. Certificate of insurance provided. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. We find that the benefit to the school system exceeds any fee charged. Thus, the West Feliciana Parish School Board agrees to waive usage fees as requested above. Personnel Items Board Approval
The Board was asked to approve the following request: Resignation: 1) Raquel Square, Principal at Bains Lower Elementary, effective February 13, 2015. It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. Tycer to approve above request as presented by Superintendent Milton. Vote was unanimous. Motion Carried. Superintendent’s Report The report of the Superintendent was received and placed on file. Some of the issues addressed by the Superintendent were as follows: Superintendent Personnel Changes Sales Tax Report Announcements: • This is our second year of our Believe and Prepare Partnership. One of the areas the grant will help with is the offering of a computer science elective and a possible math interventionist at Bains and WFMS. We are still in the initial stages, but the second year could offer as much value as the first year. • On Friday, February 6th, Barry Irwin of CABL distributed two videos of our teachers (Ms. Dana Primus of Bains Lower and Ms. Carla Jackson of Bains) teaching the Common Core Standards throughout the state. • On Friday, February 6th, we met with Junior Achievement of Baton Rouge and Acadiana to see if we can expand opportunities for our high school students to learn entrepreneurial skills, employment skills, and financial literacy. The programs have very minimal costs and it is just a matter of us finding ways to leverage their resources to help our students. • On February 7, I served as a guest panelist for Teach for America at Jackson High School in East Feliciana. • On February 10, I served as the guest speaker at the New Roads Rotary Club on Transformation in Public Schools. • “Keep the Beat” -lifesaving CPR skills training: Saturday, February 21 at First Baptist Church in Saint Francisville -Sponsored by Lane Regional Medical Center • On Friday, February 13th, several employees at each school and the central office attended CPR and AED Training. • Special Board Meeting for Strategic Planning: Thursday, March 26, 2015 @ 3:30 PM • “14 Forward” (LA Leadership Alumni) will be visiting our schools on February 26 & 27. We have approximately 25 people from around our state planning to visit our district to learn more about our early childhood program, our Leader in Me Program, our 1-to-1 initiative, and our Believe and Prepare Partnership. Handouts: o Principal Selection Process (BLE & WFMS – Spring 2015) o LAMP (Louisiana Asset
Meeting adjourned 7:20 p.m. _______________ Hollis G. Milton, Superintendent _______________ Kevin Beauchamp, President _______________ Helen B. Davis, Secretary
5108883-mar 26-1t
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: VARIANCE REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Adjustment of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex Building located at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. The following proposed variance application will be considered: Catalpa Lane, LLC. 7700 Block of Old Hwy 61 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 Proposed Request: Alter “Street and Sidewalk Improvement Standard” to allow alternate section The meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5109265-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Adjustment of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 5:00p.m. This public hearing will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex Building located at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana. The following proposed request will be considered: Ray O. Dreher 5307 US Hwy 61 St. Francisville, La. 70775 M-2 Zoning with Restriction Purpose of Request: To allow permitted uses under M2 Zoning with no restrictions The meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5109268-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
NOTICE --WEST FELICIANA PARISH HOSPITAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 2015 5:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Leonard Sullivan, Chairman, Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman, Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary, Kevin Bearden, Raymond Minor, Mitch Brashier, Dr. Adam Whatley OTHERS PRESENT: L e e Chastant, CEO, Linda Harvey, CFO, Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant, Dept. Managers CALL TO ORDER Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 5:04 p.m. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Dr. Whatley. ROLL CALL Leonard Sullivan called roll. Seven Board Members present. Kevin Bearden asked it the agenda could be amended to add under new business “item d” HIPAA discussion. It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to amend the agenda and add HIPAA discussion under new business. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Sullivan asked for a motion to approve the agenda. Lee informed the Board of that the two Physician Appointments had been approved by Medical Staff.
It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Kevin Bearden to enter back into the regular meeting at 6:34 p.m. Motion carried. 2015 Assignments
Mr. Sullivan stated they had discussed the committee assignments and the information was in their board packs. Policy Disclosure Information
A policy is needed clarifying the steps to disclosing information to the public. Mike Hughes was consulted on the policy but at the time board packs were sent out, he had not responded. A response was received from Mr. Hughes stating he would look into this and report back. HIPAA Discussion A meeting was held between Lee, Janay, Melissa, Dr. Shields and Kevin Bearden discussing a policy in place to regularly manage the HIPAA regulations surrounding privacy, security and compliance. Kevin Bearden knew someone that could come in and do a presentation. It was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Dr. Whatley to approve the presentation. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Approval of Remodeling Expenses for Physician Office Renovations were done to the old Wound Care Building (Physician Offices) that Dr. Nwabueze, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Davis and Dr. Hyde now utilize. Due to replacing molded sheetrock and electrical work and replacing the floor, the price cost an additional $11,088.42 above the CEO approval amount and needed Board approval. Mr. Sullivan stated that all the doctors were very pleased with the renovations. It was them moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Kevin Bearden to approve the additional cost of the construction. Motion carried. Public Awareness Event, New Hospital Lee informed the Board that a timeline proposal was included in the Board packs that had changed slightly from the previous one. Several different occurrence prior to the social event which will be held close to the unveiling of the Hospital set for AprilMay, mailing a six to eight page flyer to the Parish, the social event that will be held at the Bluffs and a public meeting maybe held at the Library and last the ground breaking. Barbara Carey will forward a list of invitees, Lee will then forward to the Board members if there are to be names added.
PERSONNEL REPORT (In Folder) FINANCIAL REPORT Presented by Linda Harvey, CFO Linda gave an update/ report on Hospital Statistics, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet (compared to a year ago), Physicians Offices, Physical Therapy, Emergency Medical Services, and Hospital Revenue per Physicians, Cash Investments, Bottom Line, and the Check Register. PUBLIC COMMENT PERSONNEL UPDATE, EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Sullivan stated that there was no need for an additional Executive Session because the items had been covered in the previous Executive Sessions. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Kevin Bearden to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried Melvin Harvey, Secretary
5109275-mar 26-1t
St. Helena Public Notices
10295 PUBLIC NOTICE --Seismic Public Meeting Notice
Hunt Energy Enterprises, L.L.C. will be conducting seismic activity across St. Helena Parish, from Tangipahoa Parish line to East Feliciana Parish line and from Livingston Parish line to the State of Mississippi.
Hospital Construction and Financing Update Lee had a meeting with Investar Bank and USDA last week. Richard Hoffpauir with USDA announced that the current quarterly rate had been set at 3.75%. Richard has received approval from USDA to move forward on the application. Lee is schedule to meet with Planning and Zoning Committee on Feb. 25th. REPORTS Administrator’s Report Presented by Lee Chastant, CEO WIC – The Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) between West Feliciana Parish Hospital and Healthy Start a non Profit formed by Dr. Pat Schneider to run the WIC Program, is completed. The contract is for three years. Under the agreement the Hospital will provide the use of the space, utilities and consultation to the WIC clients with its dietitian. The incentive for the Hospital was to have the WIC program return to the Parish and these services are available to the children in the Parish. Contract Attached. Board Corporate Compliance – Janay Perkins has provided you the information in your folder as an education tool on Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Compliance. It is there for your information. Board Education – To give our Board of Commissioners an opportunity to have additional information on the responsibilities and duties in the position as Hospital Commissioners and as a result of request for Board Members, the Hospital is working with John Mattessino the former CEO of Louisiana Hospital Association. John has a program that helps to educate Boards of Hospitals understand their roles and helps them be effective in those roles. John will make a presentation at the next meeting.
It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Cheryl Franklin to enter into Executive Session at 5:08
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for DHS Funds – This year the State changed the way Hospitals will
There will be a public meeting located at Greensburg, Louisiana starting at 6:00 P.M. on Monday April 20, 2015 to answer any questions pertaining to this seismic survey. Meeting Location: St. Helena Parish Police Jury Conference Room, 17911 HWY 43 North, Greensburg, LA 70441 The survey will begin April 24, 2015 and last until April 24, 2016. For additional details pertaining to the seismic survey prior to the public meeting date contact Matt Troutt with Hunt Energy Enterprises, L.L.C., at (972)8321990. An outline of the seismic project showing the potential area to be affected is located at http://www.wlf.louisiana.go v/fishing/seismic-explora tion-activity-program under the public meeting tab located at the top of the page. 5105951-mar 19-26-apr 2-9-4t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS --The St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Department will be accepting sealed bids on the following vehicles: 1. 1994 Ford Van bearing V i n # 1FDJE30M9RHBOO960 (Will Not Run) 2. 2000 Dodge Caravan bearing Vin# 2B4GP25G0YR731893 (Will Run, Bad Transmission) 3. 2001 Ford Crown Victoria bearing Vin# 2 FA F P 7 1 W 5 1 X 1 5 5 6 4 0 (Will Run) 4. 2005 Ford Explorer Vin# 1FMZU72K85ZA58875 (Will Run) 5. 2005 Ford Crown Victoria bearing Vin# 2 FA F P 7 1 W 7 5 X 1 5 9 4 2 2 (Will Run) 6. 2006 Ford Crown Victoria bearing Vin# 1 FA F P 7 1 W 3 6 X 1 1 5 4 0 4 (Will Run) 7. 2007 Dodge Charger bearing Vin# 2B3KA43RX7H764968 (Will Not Run) 8. 2007 Dodge Charger bearing Vin# 2B3KA43R87H764970 (Will Not Run) 9. 2008
Victoria bearing Vin# 2 FA H P 7 1 V X 8 X 1 5 7 5 1 0 (Bad Engine, Transmission Good) Bids must be turned in by 8:30 a.m. Thursday, April 16, 2015. Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 16, 2015. Vehicles will be sold as is and terms will be cash. Vehicles can be seen at the St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff has the right to reject any and all bids. Nathaniel Williams Sheriff, St. Helena 5107992-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS --The Town of Greensburg will be accepting bids on natural gas MIUS- Meter Interface Units to retrofit gas meters already in use. The MIU must be compatible with Equinox CE5320X handheld. Specifications can be purchased at the Town of Greensburg for the price of $25.00. Bids must be in the office by 3:30 p.m. Tuesday May 12th, 2015. Bids will be opened on Tuesday May 12th, 2015 at the Town of Greensburg monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. You can contact the Town Superintendent at 225-222-4312 further information. 5109106-mar 26-apr 2-9-3t
NOTICE --Town of Greensburg Special Meeting Minutes February 19, 2015 The Town of Greensburg met in special session, Thursday February 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Burke Jones presided over the following members: Paula McNabb, Laura Webb, and Jimmie Meadows. Absent: Willie Hurst and Danny Carruth. Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Paula McNabb to adopt previous minutes. Passed 3-0. Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Laura Webb to approve the current bills. Passed 3-0. Michael Boudreaux was present. He had a complaint about pit bull dogs. Mrs. Charlene Berry was present to give an update about the breast cancer walk she is putting on. The walk will talk place March 21, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. starting at the park. Police Sergeant Britton stated the police department had 37 calls, 5 felony arrest, 4 misdemeanor, and 46 tickets wrote.
Leonard Sullivan, Chairman
A discussion ensued concerning the work being done on the road construction and the amount of pipes, iron and concrete that was dug up and what could be done to have this removed.
Discussion with Physicians Strategic Issues, Executive Session
DHH Survey – On Friday, February 13th a DHH survey team made an unannounced visit. They wrapped up their survey on Tuesday. They will send a written report. We expect that report next week. In the exit conference they gave us several things that they would recommend. Most centered on Policy updates, Staff responsibilities, changes to the Organizational Chart and recommendations on such things as putting a lock on a door. Once we have the final report we will have a much better direction on the Corrective Plan.
To the Citizens and Landowners of St. Helena, Louisiana
Board Education DHG Conference – The DHG Symposium and Healthcare will be held on May 6-8, 2015. The theme for this year is Change Acceleration and Risk Capability, New Expectations for Value. Those members interested should let us know so we can register them. Information about the conference is in your folder.
It was then moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Cheryl Franklin to accept the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried.
BUILDING REPORT Road Construction Update
St. Helena Public Notices
Fire Chief Donald Langston stated the department is going good and going to class. Alderman Willie Hurst stated he will be setting up a neighborhood watch meeting at the fire department. Mayor Burke Jones stated the council need to the Town’s Ethics policy for 2015. Alderwoman Laura Webb is requesting the Town make some beautification projects and to set a cleanup day in April. Mayor Burke Jones tabled personnel till the March meeting. Mayor Burke Jones stated that the Breast Cancer walk will be taking place on March 21, 2015. Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Laura Webb to adjourn. Passed 3-0. W. Burke Jones, Mayor 5109115-mar 26-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE --ST. HELENA PARISH SCHOOL DISTRICT Greensburg, Louisiana BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED until 2:00 p.m. Monday, March 30, 2015 BIDS TO BE OPENED: 3:00 p.m., Monday, March 30, 2015 The St. Helena Parish School Board will accept sealed bids at its office, 354 Sitman Street, Greensburg, Louisiana or via email at dcooper@sthpk-12.net for the following items declared surplus and unusable: Window Air Conditioner units (for parts only) 1 Weed eater (for parts only) 1 Lawn mower (for parts only) 1 ice machine (for parts only) 16 ft. utility trailer 2 one-classroom portable buildings 2 two-classroom portable buildings Bids may be submitted for single item(s) or bulk All costs for removal of items from the school board property are to be assumed by the bidder. Anyone wishing to view the equipment and/or buildings prior to submitting bids may contact Ms. Delesia Cooper @ 225.222.4349 or Mr. Tijuan Self @ 225.772.0475 to schedule an appointment 5109259-mar 26-1t
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