Stroll through spring gardens. Page 8H
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1st Year, No. 29
Council to seek OK for bonds to build hospital BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX
for final approval, would be repaid by revenue generated by the hospital, said Alan OffST. FRANCISVILLE — The West ner, a bond attorney with New Feliciana Parish Council gave Orleans-based Foley & Judell. The new 53,000-square-foot its nod Monday to more than $25.5 million in hospital rev- hospital is planned to be built enue bonds to cover the cost of along Burnett Road and conbuilding a new parish hospital. nected by a soon-to-be-built The bonds, which now head road to the existing hospital to the state Bond Commission structure. The road will proSpecial to The Advocate
vide a traffic artery for the roughly 12-acre campus. The project was designed by Curtis Group Architects and Grace Hebert Architects. The new hospital is designed as a modern brick-and-glass structure featuring 12 inpatient beds, a fully equipped emergency room, an imaging center with new equipment, a
beefed-up lab, plus room for more services. The council also heard a lengthy presentation from James Jenkins, of Municipal Code Corporation, the company hired by the parish to update the parish’s codes. Jenkins presented a “proof that’s probably 85 percent complete� of the updated codes in a 400-page docu-
ment available on the parish’s website, “It’s a one-stop shop for all building regulations,� Jenkins said. After the document has been reviewed and vetted by the parish staff, the council and the public, it will be voted on for adoption by the council. An ordinance also was intro-
duced to amend the parish’s general fund budget to cover an additional $66,693 to pay for litigation expenses and lawyers’ fees in the lawsuit filed by the Lambert Gravel Company and the heirs of Paul A. Lambert Sr. over a piece of disputed riverfront property. So far, the suit has cost the parish more than $572,579.
School Board OKs salary increases Employee pay frozen past two years BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
ST. FRANCISVILLE — The West Feliciana Parish School Board voted unanimously Tuesday to lift the salary schedule freeze, allowing all but about 40 school district employees to receive annual step increases. School Board Administrator Ruthie Davis said there is enough money in the projected 2015-16 budget to cover the estimated $240,000 annual expense that unfreezing the raises will cost the School Board. This is the second school year that system employees with 25 or fewer years have not received the annual step increases in their pay. Employees with more than 25 years with the system are not eligible for additional annual increases. Unfreezing the salaries was identified as one of the top priorities at the School Board’s annual strategic planning retreat in March. Superintendent Hollis Milton previously said one parish supervisor is retiring, freeing roughly $100,000 a year, and the parish has been approved for a state LA4 grant, which provides fund-
Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN
Construction has begun on the movie set for the upcoming filming of a movie in downtown Clinton. Several building, including McKnight’s, 12321 St Helena St, have already been constructed into the Civil War setting.
Back in time Buildings in Clinton, Jackson get facelifts for movie,TV show filming
äSee PAY, page 3G
INSIDE East Feliciana............4G St. Helena .................5G West Feliciana...........6G Sports .......................1H Crossword .................2H
Photo provided by BETTY COLLINS
Louisiana’s reputation as Hollywood south is ringing true these days in two East Feliciana towns as filming for one cable television series is underway in Jackson and production is ramping up in Clinton for a movie. Both towns are expecting economic advantages from film crews working in the areas. The two towns are seeing paved streets turned into dirt roads and the construction of sets for the Civil War-era productions.
Jackson residents have probably noticed some recent changes to the downThe Centenary Inn in Jackson has been transformed into the town area. fictitious Franklin Hotel, and Charter Street has been overlaid Charter Street, also know as La. 10, has become a dirt road, and the historic with dirt by production crews filming scenes for the new WGN Centenary Inn has been transformed into the Franklin Hotel by the production America drama, ‘Underground’, about a group of slaves that crews of the Civil War-era cable series “Underground.â€? aim to travel along the Underground Railroad after making a daring escape from a Georgia plantation. äSee BACK, page 2G
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2G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The Watchman is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588
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Reporter: Stacy Gill, (225) 993-0066 or email P.O. Box 368, Clinton, LA 70722 Need to talk to a reporter, place an obituary or wedding announcement, inquire about advertising or discuss newspaper delivery issues?
Photo provided by BETTY COLLINS
Background actors are led down Charter Street in Jackson, which has been overlaid with dirt, to film scenes for the new WGN America television series ‘Underground� on April 15. Film crews have been building sets and backdrops for the series about a group of slaves who intend to travel 600 miles after making a daring escape from a Georgia plantation.
with several agencies to ensure the safety of those traveling on the roads in Clinton during the filming of this movie,� Dunn said. “As soon as the Department of Transportation gives me the plans on the detours motorists are going to have to take, I will let the public know what to expect during filming,� he said.
Continued from page 1G What appears to be new construction is actually recently fabricated backdrops for the WGN America television drama about a group of slaves who intend to travel 600 miles on the Underground Railroad after a daring escape from a Georgia plantation. Jackson businessman Smitty Schmidt has had some of the buildings he owns “redressed� for scenes that began filming early last week. “Having the filming for a Sony television show take place in Jackson is a huge win for the parish,� said East Felciana Chamber of Commerce Director Audrey Faciane. “Not only have several thousands of dollars been spent in Jackson, but this also will produce a great interest with movie groupies and has the potential to bring many tourists to our area.� Christopher Meloni, of “Law and Order: Special Victim’s Unit;� Jurnee Smollett-Bell, of the television series “Friday Night Lights� and “True Blood;� and Aldis Hodge, of “Rectify� are set to star in the Sony Pictures TV and Tribune Studios production. Jessica De Gouw, who appeared in the shows “Arrow� and “Dracula,� co-stars. Anthony Hemingway, an
Ham with white beans, brown rice, coleslaw, mustard greens, cornbread and apple juice.
Chicken salad sandwich on whole-wheat bread, pickled beets, potato salad and cardinal citrus mold.
Extras needed
Casting Coordinator Rikki Hegwood, from Caballero Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN Casting, said in a news reConstruction has begun on the movie sets for the upcoming lease the company will be hiring local background actors filming in downtown Clinton. for the film and television show. alumnus of “The Wire� and during the Civil War and tells Anyone interested in being “Treme,� will direct the first the story of defiant Southern a part of the filming of the two episodes. farmer Newt Knight and his movie can email a submission “Underground� is expected armed rebellion against the to to debut in early spring 2016. Confederacy, according to the Submissions should include news release. a current photograph. Call Clinton turns into movie set Clinton’s St. Helena Street, (225) 361-2487. which will have dirt beginning Hegwood said production Beginning in May, downat Bank Street and ending at crews will be shooting for the town Clinton will be the setthe caution lights on Plank cable series in and around ting for “The Free State of Road, Liberty Street and Jackson, Baton Rouge and Jones,� starring Matthew McChurch Street are expected to Vacherie. Conaughey, casting director Paid background actors Brent Caballero said in a news be turned into dirt roads during filming. interested in work on “Unrelease. Clinton Police Chief Fredderground� can email their Publicist Alex Worman said erick Dunn said he has been submissions to underground they are several weeks away working closely with the from filming the movie in partment of Transportation Clinton and specific dates are and Development as well as not locked yet. the Louisiana State Police to “As soon as I get those specome up with a plan to ensure cific dates, I will inform the town of Clinton,� Worman said. the safety of motorists during filming. “The Free State of Jones,� “We will be working closely based on a true story, is set
n For subscription or delivery issues, contact the circulation department at (225) 388-0200 n To place a death notice, contact the obituary department at (225) 388-0289 or n For ad inquiries, contact the advertising department: Kristi Lynch: (225) 247-1030 or Gary Miller: (225) 773-6056 or n For legal advertising, contact the legal notices department at (225) 388-0128 or n To place an ad in the Classifieds section, contact the classified department at (225) 383-0111 or go to n To place a wedding or engagement announcement, call (225) 388-0738 or email
brown rice, steamed spinach, grape juice, cornbread and fresh fruit.
Chicken breast filet sandwich with barbecue sauce on a bun, baked beans, apple confetti, coleslaw and pineapple crisp.
Capital Area Council on Aging menu is served in West Feliciana, East Feliciana and St. Helena parishes.Subject to change. All meals are served with a half-pint of 2 percent milk.
Chicken and sausage jambalaya, green peas, Normandy-blend vegetables, whole-wheat bread and apple.
Hamburger steak with brown gravy, mixed vegetables, mashed potatoes, whole-wheat bread and mocha nut cookie.
Red beans and sausage link with
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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 3G
May Day event planned
West Feliciana
Centenary State Historic Site, 3522 College St. in Jackson, presents May Day from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Friday. Staff will demonstrate the many different toys and games played by children in AROUND the 1800s and let visitors play. EAST FELICIANA Featured will be Bilbo CatchSGILL@ THEADVOCATE.COM er, chess, checkers, cup-andball, croquet, the game of graces, hoop and stick, horseshoes, attractions at market day. Jacobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ladder and more. For information, email The program is primarily for Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien at abobrien0@gmail. school groups. Pre-registration com. is required. For information or to register, call (225) 634-7925. Drug take-back event The East Feliciana Parish Council on Aging activities set Drug and Alcohol Awareness The East Feliciana Council Council and District Attorney on Aging, 11102 Bank St., in Samuel Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla, along with Clinton, is open from 7:30 a.m. his office staff, invite families to 3:30 p.m. Monday through to a community event that will also allow residents to turn in Friday. Most activities start at 11 a.m. Lunch is served at noon. expired, unused or unwanted Public transportation to East prescription drugs. Baton Rouge Parish is proFrom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. May vided Monday through Friday 2, at the corner of Banks and by the East Feliciana transit Woodville streets â&#x20AC;&#x201D; next to system. the district attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annex For information, call the building â&#x20AC;&#x201D; council members Council on Aging at (225) 683will be accepting medications 9862. so residents can drive in, drop off and drive out, Rhonda TorFRIDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis rence, council president, said. movement exercise class MONDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis Any unwanted medications movement exercise class â&#x20AC;&#x201D; no illicit drugs accepted â&#x20AC;&#x201D; TUESDAY: 11 a.m., Joe Littleshould be placed in unlabeled john performs on the harpill bottles or inside a plastic monica bag. WEDNESDAY: 11 a.m., bingo folFree HIV testing will also lowed by cancer services be available on site as well as MAY 7: 11:30 a.m., devotional fol- food, games, inflatables and a lowed by blood pressure checks dunking booth that is expected MAY 8: 11 a.m., arthritis move- to feature East Feliciana Sherment exercise class. iff Talmadge Bunch, Clinton Police Chief Fred Dunn, Clerk Clinton Community Market day of Court David Dart, Probation and Paroleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jason Hooge and Clintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s monthly commuJeff Travis from the 20th Judinity market will be held from cial District Attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office. 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. May 2. No names or questions will â&#x20AC;&#x153;Despite film crews and be asked, Torrence said. construction taking place for The same event will be held the movie â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Free State of Jones,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll still carry on with in Jackson on May 9. For information, call Mauour market,â&#x20AC;? said Al Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, rene Selders, community liaibooth coordinator. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just son, at (225) 247-2311 or email crowd up around the house and stay out of their way.â&#x20AC;? Send news and events for Artisans and vendors will be Around East Feliciana around the courthouse square selling their handcrafted, hand- to Stacy Gill at sgill@ by 3 p.m. made and locally grown items. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066. Food and music are featured
Stacy Gill
Board names two new principals BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
ST. FRANCISVILLE â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The West Feliciana School Board on Tuesday officially appointed Jovanka Ganes as principal at West Feliciana Middle School and Andrea Mathis as principal at Baines Lower Elementary School. Ganes has served as interim principal since Ben Necaise resigned to take a job with the state Department of Education. Prior to that appointment, Ganes had been assistant principal since 2006 and a counselor at the school from 1999 to 2006. She has been with the school district since 1988 and has bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degrees from Southern University. After the unanimous vote, Ganes told the school board, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thank you all. It was a very rigorous interview process,
and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m honored to have been selected. I accepted because I love it here, and I want to grow professionally. Parents send their kids to our schools for two reasons: because they want the best education we can give them and they want them to be safe each and every day. I look forward to working with my staff and teachers. I look forward to this opportunity.â&#x20AC;? Mathis has served as an assistant principal at Dufrocq School in Baton Rouge since July 2009. Previously, she was an assistant principal and speech language pathologist at Northeast Elementary School in Pride. She also worked
with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for a year and was a special education teacher/site facilitator at Glen Oaks Park Elementary Magnet in Baton Rouge. She also has bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degrees from Southern University. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m honored to be principal of Baines Elementary,â&#x20AC;? said Mathis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I look forward to working with the teachers, staff, parents and community stake holders, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so grateful for this op-
portunity.â&#x20AC;? Superintendent Hollis Milton praised both educators. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ms. Ganes was at the middle school when it first started and sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been an integral piece in its development. And sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a big part of all its successes,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ms. Mathis has been a star teacher and administrator for a number of years. And she brings a wealth of experience to Baines Lower. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are both community oriented, teacher friendly and family oriented. They are assets to our schools.â&#x20AC;?
and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re working toward that.â&#x20AC;? Board member James White said he believes West Felicianaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School Board members are among the lowest-paid in the state. Each elected member receives $350 per month, with the president of the panel earning an additional $50 per month. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to see what other boards are getting,â&#x20AC;? White said. Members Kelly Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien and Amanda McKinney were not enthusiastic about seeking a pay raise.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Given the state of where we are, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sure we should look at increasing our salaries,â&#x20AC;? McKinney said. Board President Kevin Beauchamp noted: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I knew what the pay was when I ran for office.â&#x20AC;? Board member Milton Coats suggested, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think any of us are serving for the money. But in fairness to his request, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s do an analysis and see where we are.â&#x20AC;? The board authorized Davis to study the issue and she agreed to provide the information at a future meeting.
Advocate photo by HOWARD ARCENEAUX
Newly appointed principals Andrea Mathis, left, will run Baines Lower Elementary, and Jovanka Ganes will run West Feliciana Middle School.
Continued from page 1G ing for prekindergarten, for another $137,000 for the next fiscal year. Any remainder of the expense for the raises will be absorbed by the operating budget. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re only as good as our people and the quality will stay there if we do this,â&#x20AC;? said Milton, who received a 34 percent pay increase with his new contract. He is being paid $158,000 a year under the new
contract plus $9,600 a year for incidentals like mileage and phone. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to show the employees that after a successful school year, we value them,â&#x20AC;? Milton said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have topquality folks.â&#x20AC;? As for those employees with 25 years or more experience, Milton told the board he is working with Davis to find a way to also provide them with additional pay. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The people with 25 to 30 years are appreciated and add the same value,â&#x20AC;? Milton said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to see how to do it,
4G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
east feliciana
ENGAGEMENTS Engagement, Wedding and Anniversary Announcements are paid notices in The Advocate. Go to The Advocateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at and click on the tab marked â&#x20AC;&#x153;Celebrations.â&#x20AC;? For more information, call (225) 388-0738 or e-mail
Laxton-Robinson Katherine (Kay) Lynn Robinson and David Lamont Laxton IV, both of Baton Rouge, will marry on May 9th, 2015 in a 6:00 p.m. ceremony at the home of the brideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother in St. Francisville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. Paul Davis Robinson, Sr. of New Roads and Ms. Patricia Webb Robinson of St. Francisville. She is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robinson of New Roads and the late Dr. and Mrs. George Webb of Tallulah. She is a graduate of West Feliciana High School, Vanderbilt University, the University of Tuebingen, Germany, and is currently pursuing a Ph. D. in Educational Research at LSU. Her fiancĂŠ is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Lamont Laxton III of Baton Rouge. He is the grandson of Mrs. Z. B.
Fry, Jr. of Vicksburg, MS and the late Mr. Fry and the late Mr. and Mrs. David Lamont, Jr. of Mobile, AL. He is a graduate of Episcopal High School, LSU and Southeastern University Graduate School. He is employed as the Family Program Manager at St. Christopherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Addiction Wellness Center in Baton Rouge.
Dying Breed sets May 2 trail ride, fundraiser Advocate staff report While attending the Angola Prison Rodeo at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola April 19, members of Clintonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Last of a Dying Breed Riding Club were invited to eat lunch at the Angola ranch house and transported by shuttle to and from the arena. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a great experience, and we really enjoyed ourselves,â&#x20AC;? said Sheilla Flowers, club president. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re grateful for the hospitality prison officials showed us and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to come back during the fall rodeo in October.â&#x20AC;? Last of Dying Breed will host a barbecue fundraiser from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Clinton Community Market. The club has a tent on the corner of Bank Street and La. 10, Flowers said. Plates of barbecue chicken will cost $7 and barbecue ribs
$8; both will include baked beans, potato salad, rice dressing, spaghetti and cheese, bread and cake. Drinks are $1. Proceeds will help pay for rider uniforms and travel expenses for the club. Last of a Dying Breed invites clubs and other riders to a trail ride the same day, leaving from the Lamar-Dixon Expo Center, 9030 St. Landry Ave., Gonzales, the site of the seventh annual K and L Black Rodeo. The ride will leave at 3 p.m. and follows a 6-mile trail but will return in time for the rodeo at 7 p.m. Cost to participate is $10 per rider. Tickets for the rodeo are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and can be purchased at the expo center, Sacs Western Store in Gonzales, the Boot Store in Baton Rouge and the 5-D Western Store in Zachary. For information, call Archie Lee at (225) 268-0887 or Isaac King at (601) 870-9312.
CLINTON POLICE DEPARTMENT ARRESTS The following were arrested by Clinton Police Department and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Jail from April 14-17: LONDON, JAMES: 61, 11717 Bank
St., Clinton, domestic abuse battery. NELSON, JUSTIN: 20, 828 La. 958, Slaughter, two counts simple burglary of a vehicle, theft under $300.00, monetary instrument abuse, possession of counterfeit money.
Clinton police begin warrant amnesty program Advocate staff report Clinton Police Chief Frederick Dunn last week announced his departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Summer Heat 35 for 35 amnesty program. D u nn s ai d anyone with an active warrant in Clinton Dunn can come to the Clinton Town Hall, 11209 Bank St., Clinton, and possibly get their warrant recalled during the amnesty program. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you have any warrants in the town of Clinton, during the program you can pay $35 and a percentage of your fines to be eligible for the amnesty program,â&#x20AC;? Dunn said.
The balance must be paid within 35 days, the chief said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That means after 35 days, if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have your fines paid in full, we are coming to pick you up and bring you to jail,â&#x20AC;? he said. The program ends on May 25. For information on the amnesty program, call the Clinton Police Department (225) 6839357.
Photos provided by BETH DAWSON McKowen High School alumnus Scotty Dawson, class of W.R. McKowen High School alumnae, from left, Margaret Beau1959, with his mother, Effie Sharkey Dawson, 93, a former teacher at McKowen, attended the seventh multi-class re- champ, Beryl McKowen Morris and Pearl McKowen Slaughter catch up on old times April 11 at their multi-class reunion. union April 11 in Jackson.
Alumni of McKowen High reunite Advocate staff report W.R. McKowen High School in East Feliciana Parish, renamed Jackson High School in 1962, held its seventh multiclass reunion April 11. The idea for all McKowen alumni â&#x20AC;&#x201D; from the classes of 1910 to 1962 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to come together for one reunion was alumna Lucille Fluker Priddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s idea about 35 years ago. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone loved the idea, so committees were formed and the first big reunion was held in 1985,â&#x20AC;? said Beth Dawson, wife of 1959 graduate Scotty Dawson. Held every five years and organized by Priddy, a member of the Class of 1950, the most recent reunion was held in the former high schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gym in
Jackson and about 200 former students, teachers and spouses attended. Activities included recognizing veterans among the group and the presentation of seven Hall of Distinction awards to Scotty Dawson, 1959 graduate; Doyle Harrell, 1950; Ed Jelks, 1958; Don Lord, 1960; Wade Morgan, 1956; John Travis, 1959; and Jan Worthy, who accepted a plaque on behalf of her late husband, Dr. Sidney Worthy, 1954. Other honors included the recognition of alumna Beryl McKowen Morris, a resident of Zachary. Morris graduated in 1938 but returned to teach at McKowen High. Effie Sharkey Dawson, 93, who was married to 1934 graduate Flinn Dawson, now
EAST FELICIANA PARISH SHERIFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison from April 14-20: CANILLAS, JORDAN: Age unknown, 5302 Timothy Ave., Alexandria, hold for Department of Corrections. CHILDRESS, JASON: 26, 6990 Port Hudson Road, Pride, warrant. CHERAMIE, ANDRE: 42, 2721 LeVillage, Larose, hold for Department of Corrections. DUNN, RANDY: 32, 2451 Tombo Drive, Jackson, two warrants, aggravated seconddegree battery. HARRISON, LIONELL: 45, 5206 Morris Ave., New Iberia, hold for Department of Corrections. LOVE, JEROME: 23, 8295 La. 961, Clinton, probation violation. LONDON, JAMES: 61, 4717 Bank St., Clinton, domestic abuse battery. PAXTON, MISTY: 40, 5088 Old Liberty Road, Clinton, improper telephone communication. WILLIAMS, HARPER: 27, 6334 La. 42 East, Slaughter, domestic abuse, cruelty to animals.
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deceased, was also a teacher at McKowen. The two women, along with Morrisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sister, Pearl McKowen Slaughter, class of 1940, and Priddy, each received a dozen roses. Priddy announced that she would no longer be heading up the reunion committee with Barbara Gayle Thomas but asked that Barbara â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bobbieâ&#x20AC;? Schaubhut Odom, 1959 graduate, take over as committee chairwoman. Other honors included recognizing the class of 1956, who had the most graduates in attendance, which included Ronnie Daniel, Barbara Manchester, Cecil Manchester, Wade Morgan, Margie McCaa Noto, Gail Estes Parrenin, Bessie
Nell Horne Perkins, Ben Price III, Kay Floyd Tate, Sue Peterson Vaughan and Aline Newton Woodside. Tammi Courtney Biggerstaff, daughter of the late Jay Courtney, class of 1937, traveled from North Carolina to meet her fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high school friends. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I came with my Aunt Doris Courtney Parrish, class of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;43, and cousin, Mary Ann Newman, and we all had a great time,â&#x20AC;? Biggerstaff said. The event was catered by 1965 graduate Charles Lanoue. McKowen alumni traveled from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and from throughout Louisiana to attend the reunion.
WILLIAMS, EDWARDS: 40, 2622 La. 958, Slaughter, two counts cruelty to a juvenile, seconddegree cruelty to a juvenile. WARREN, DIXON: 23, 14056 Coyuga Drive, Baker, resisting an officer, no driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, no license plate.
Call 654-4107
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The Advocate n n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n 5G
st. helena
St. Helena Parish job fair â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;exceededâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; expectations Advocate staff report St. Helena Parish held its first job fair April 23 at Northshore Technical Community College in Greensburg. More than 15 companies participated in the job fair, each providing information on different job opportunities. Parish administrator Virginia Bell said that because this was the first such event for St. Helena, parish leaders were somewhat apprehensive about its outcome. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With so many people coming out to the fair, the companies present were able to visit with many applicants, and I think it exceeded most of our expectations,â&#x20AC;? Bell said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I questioned all the companies as they packed up to leave, and each one said that it had been a productive day for them.â&#x20AC;? People who were looking for jobs were able to connect with companies looking for workers. Bell said that, overall, she was proud of the outcome and looks forward to holding another job fair in the near future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In an event such as this, everyone wins,â&#x20AC;? Bell said.
Beginning of wedding season around corner Tomorrow marks the first day of May, the month that begins what most would call â&#x20AC;&#x153;wedding season.â&#x20AC;? If you are planning a wedding this month or in the next few months and want fresh flowers, be sure to check with your florists on what flowers will be in bloom on your wedding day.
Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN
St. Helena Parish held its first job fair April 23 at Northshore Technical Community College in Greensburg. More than 15 companies participated.
ST. HELENA PARISH BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the St. Helena Parish Jail from April 11-21:
Photos provided by GAIL HARRIS
Sitman Heights Apartments in Greensburg provided Easter activities and prizes for its tenants and treated them to a barbecue lunch April 16 at the apartment complex. Sitman Heights tenants Lataralyn Weary, left, and John Thomas provided the things needed for the the barbecue.
Easter barbecue
Oneida Carruth is seen with the Easter basket prize she won during the Easter activities.
Look past â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;me, myself and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Each of us was created Does your world consist needs, life will begin to open with talents uniquely geared up for us in ways we never of you and only you? Durtoward making this world ing the course of the day, imagined. I know society far better than we found how often do you consider says love will cause hurt, it. Our aim and goal in life others? Are your actions pain and destruction, but I should be to impact and centered only on advancing beg to differ. touch someone in a proyour day? Love is what has allowed found and meaningful If so, now is the each of us to experience way each day. We must the beauty of life. Love is time to make a get rid of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is all change in your acwhat is allowing you to read about me, my family, tions. Life is meant to this article now. Love gives. my best friend John, be given in the name Love sees the needs and and nobody elseâ&#x20AC;? menof love for the sake of actively tends to the needs tality. This great world of others. I encourage you others. in which we live does So often we become today, seek a life of generosONE ST. not center only around consumed with our ity. Begin to see the big picHELENA our wants and desires own lives and wellture. Life is not about you but around each of our being until we forget JASPER alone but about everyone KNIGHTEN desires collectively. about the needs of around you. Once we grasp that others. The entire there is so much more to premise of life is centered Contact Jasper Knighten at life than tending to our own on reciprocity. In order to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, your agenda must ACCIDENT? DIVORCE? CUSTODY? not only consist of meeting your needs but also the needs of others. I know it may seem counterintuitive to consider others when life seemingly has so many pressing demands. One may ask, how can I possibly consider someone else when I have my own life to tend to? But I have found that, in my short years of living, many of our life goals are often met while tending to the needs of others. Being selfish produces a lackluster life. Having a selfish mindset produces a frugal life. In order to live an abundant life, one must have a generous vision for helping others. All of lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s greatest people are rememAttorney at Law bered because their endeavors and visions were centered on the advancement of Free personal injury consultation and notarizing humanity.
HOLIDAY, MARSHALL: 50, 46413 River Road, Amite, two counts second-degree battery, two counts aggravated assault. MOSLEY, CLAUDE: 38, 180 John Matthews Road, Grangeville, improper lane usage.
Student workers needed
The Audubon Regional Libraries are accepting applications for student-workers. Two student-workers will be hired for each branch in Clinton, Jackson and Greensburg. Any student with a high school diploma or GED, or working toward a high school diploma or enrolled in college, may apply. Applications are available at all three branches: n Clinton-Main Branch, 1220 Woodville St., Clinton n Jackson Branch, 3312 College St., Jackson
Stephanie Warren AROUND ST. HELENA SWARREN@ THEADVOCATE.COM n St. Helena Branch, 53 S. Main St., Suite A, Greensburg. Applications must be submitted by May 15. Visit or call (225)222-4328.
Baby dedication service set
Greensburg First Baptist Church, 6260 La. 10, Greensburg, will hold a baby dedication service Sunday, May 10. Call (225) 222-6580. Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or email swarren@theadvocate. com.
in Clinton, LA
eastfeliciana crimewatch on Facebook eastfeliciana on the web
Come Home to Heal Intimate in-patient Skilled Care in spacious, private rooms. Patient centered care includes Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapies, one-on-one patient & family education and complete discharge planning by a Licensed Master Social Worker. Wound Care, IV Antibiotics, central line care & 24 hour skilled nursing services.
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6G n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
west feliciana Flower gardens star on Fridays at Rosedown
Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site, 12501 La. 10, in St. Francisville presents Garden Tour Fridays at 10 a.m. Friday. Visitors to Rosedown are invited to join Patricia Aleshire, manager and horticulturist, as she leads a monthly stroll through Rosedownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic gardens, pointing out significant heirloom varieties of plantings and focusing on both historic and modern cultivation methods and care. The program will begin at the site office. For information, call (225) 635-3110.
Picnic in the Park
A parishwide event sponsored by the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Service League of West Feliciana, Picnic in the Park, will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Friday at Parker Park, Commerce Street and Burnett Road, in St. Francisville.
Stacy Gill
Families are invited to bring their blankets and lawn chairs. Food by Frankieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dawg House and Chill Out Snowcones will be available for purchase, and fun activities, a cash raffle and music will be featured. Proceeds benefit the West Feliciana Education Foundation. For information, visit or the
Civil War re-enactment
Audubon State Historic Site, 11788 La. 965, in St. Francis-
Bogart, a 21/2-yearold male Doberman pinscher/ shepherd mix Snoopy, a 2-year-old female walker hound
ville presents the 150th anniversary of the Civil War â&#x20AC;Ś the War Ends, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Commemorate the surrender of the Confederate forces of Alabama, Mississippi and eastern Louisiana by walking among Civil War re-enactors portraying soldiers on both sides of the conflict. For information, call (225) 635-3739.
Food addicts meeting
A 12-step Food Addicts Anonymous meeting will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the West Feliciana Parish Library, Room B, 5114 Burnett Road, in St. Francisville. According to the FAA website, food addiction is a biochemical disorder that occurs at the cellular level and cannot be cured by willpower or by therapy alone. Food addiction manifests
itself in the uncontrollable craving for excess food that follows the ingestion of refined carbohydrates, primarily sugar and flour substances that are quickly metabolized and turned into sugar in the bloodstream. Physical symptoms of food addiction can include: thinking you cannot control your intake of food, especially junk food or high sugar foods; trying different diets or weight loss programs unsuccessfully; and vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics or exercising to avoid weight gain after eating a lot. FAA is self-supporting through its own contributions and there are no dues or fees required for membership, only a desire to stop eating addictive foods. The group is not affiliated with any diet or weight loss programs, treatment facilities or religious
organizations and does not endorse nor oppose any causes. The groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary purpose is to stay abstinent and help other food addicts achieve abstinence. For information, visit www.
Movie night at library
Movie night at the West Feliciana Parish Library in St. Francisville for tweens and teens only is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. May 9. The featured flick will be â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pitch Perfectâ&#x20AC;? starring Anna Kendrick. Refreshments will be provided. Teens and tweens should reserve their spot by calling (225) 635-3364. Send news and events for Around West Feliciana to Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvocate. com by 3 p.m. Fridays or call (225) 993-0066.
229-6787 or visit wfanimalshelfor dogs and $50 for cats. Fees cover spaying/neuter- The West Feliciana Animal ing, deworming, rabies shots, Humane Society coordinates tests and all immunizations unvolunteer and donor efforts in til the animal is adopted. The shelter is open from support of the James L. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boâ&#x20AC;? Photos Bryant Animal Shelter, which 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, provided operates as a low-kill shelter at Wednesday and Friday; 9 a.m. 9946 W. Feliciana Parkway, St. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and every day from Francisville. Dogs and cats are available 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. For informafor adoption, with fees of $75 tion, call (225) 635-5801 or (225) Advocate staff report
The following people were booked into the West Feliciana Parish Prison by the West Feliciana Parish Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office April 12-18.
GOLDEN, TANYA J.: 43, 5327 Island Road, Jarreau, simple criminal damage to property, theft, issuing worthless check and fugitive through Livingston Parish.
HOLLOWAY, DUSTY T.: 33, 2314 N. Magnolia Drive, Baker, possession of heroin and possession of contraband in a correctional facility. TATE, DERRICK D.: 42, 7314 Solitude Road, St. Francisville, second degree battery, first offense driving while intoxicated and open container.
$50 $50 $50 TESTAMENTS/ WILLS Satisfaction GUARANTEED Confidential
# $ " $ !
Moose, a 3-year-old male Frack, a 1-year-old male domestic shorthair domestic shorthair tabby
Saints capture first in district track meet
The West Feliciana boys track and field team ran past the competition at the District 7-3A meet, while the Lady Saints managed a fourth-place finish April 22 on their home track. The Saints scored 159 points to edge Port Allen (140), Glen Oaks (71), Brusly (69), Parkview Baptist (66), University (26), Baker (17) and Lee High (9). Jazz Ferguson was the top point-getter for the Saints, winning the long jump and triple jump. Also earning first-place awards were Derek Turner in the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes, Jacob Fudge in the discus, Steven Franks in the javelin, and the 4x100 and 4x200 relay teams. Meanwhile, Parkview Baptist was the top-scoring girls squad with 139 points, followed by Port Allen (116), Brusly (95), West Feliciana (76), University (74), Baker (24), Lee (17) and Glen Oaks (12). Leading the way for the Saints with first-place finishes was senior Raven Davis in the 100-meter and 300-meter hurdles and the 4x200 and 4x400 relay teams.
East Feliciana track
Photos provided by DEENA TRISLER
The West Feliciana varsity baseball team celebrated its final regular season home game of the squad’s five seniors, who were recognized with their parents before the game against Springhill on April 24. Honored were Chase Contine, Jazz Ferguson, Logan Pohlmann, Ryan Reed and Brandon Stewart.
The East Feliciana Tigers continue to build toward the future with their track and field squads as the boys claimed third place and the girls fifth place at the District 6-2A meet April 22 at Episcopal. The Knights won the overall team titles. The boys scored 221 points, followed by Northeast (94), East Feliciana (81), Capitol (63), Dunham (50) and Redemptorist (27). The Lady Knights tallied 229 points to finish ahead of Northeast (78), Dunham (71), MenThe five West Feliciana senior baseball players were recogtorship Academy (64), East Feliciana (44), Capitol (30) and nized April 24, prior to the Saints’ game against Springhill. Redemptorist (18). Earning first-place victories ter run and the 4x100 and 6AA track and field meet April 4x200 relay teams. for the East Feliciana boys 16. The Silliman boys finished were Trevontae Booker in the second. Silliman girls earn district title The Silliman girls scored shot put, Treydarius Carr in the 100-meter dash and Timo95 points to edge Centreville The Silliman Wildcats girls thy Thompson in the 400-meAcademy (94), followed by won first place in the District
Central Private (50), Ben’s Ford (4) and Bowling Green (1). Leading the way for the Lady Wildcats was Kayla McNabb with wins in the 1,600-meter run and triple jump, Rachel Melancon in the 3,200-meter run and Maggie Brian in the discus. Centreville Academy won the boys team title with 109 points followed by Silliman (105), Ben’s Ford (38), Bowling Green (22) and Central Private. For the Wildcats, Jozie Milton captured first place in the shot put and discus, along with fellow Silliman winners Michael Beauchamp in the 110-meter hurdles, Dylan Elkins in the 3,200-meter run, and Trace McManus in the 400-meter dash.
The Wildcats’ 4x400 and 4x800 relay teams also won their races.
Lady Saints fourth in tennis
The West Feliciana girls tennis team finished fourth in the Division III, Region III tournament, thanks to the play of Catherine McKinney. McKinney advanced to the semifinals of the singles competition, where she was defeated by University’s Maggie Dabadie 6-0, 6-0. University finished first with 16 points, followed by Episcopal (10), Teurlings Catholic (7) and West Feliciana (4). Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@theadvocate. com.
District track medals
Photo provided by BRANDON BROWN
The St. Helena College and Career Academy girls and boys track teams competed against four other schools April 21 at St. Scholastica Academy Track Complex in Covington for 7-2A District Track Championships. Receiving their medals, from left, are Ronisha McCardell, Annelisa Richardson, Daranae Griffin, Aaron Hurst, Troy Hurst, Devin Taylor, Darius Stovall, Coach J. Joseph, Demetrius Brown, Lynn Rudison and Timothy Chandler. Not pictured are Coach C. Coleman, Jannyria Forbes, Trinity Scott, Skye Williams and Rachel Zeno.
Class studies rabbits, adopts pet Advocate staff report
Photos provided by Jon Loveall
Students in Mary Trigg’s kindergarten class at Jackson Elementary School adopted a pet rabbit. D’Myia McKneely poses with a non-fiction text she used to do research on rabbits. She wrote a letter to thank classroom sponsors Allison Boyles, Joe Easterly and Eva Easterly.
Students in Mary Trigg’s kindergarten class at Jackson Elementary School adopted a pet rabbit in April. Before adopting the pet, the class read books and articles about what rabbits like to eat, how rabbits hear and how to care for rabbits. They practiced their social studies and math skills by voting on a name for the rabbit and then created a histogram to see which name got the most votes. They also wrote thankyou letters to the foster parent of the rabbit, named Buttercup by the class.
Students in Mary Trigg’s kindergarten class at Jackson Elementary School adopted a pet rabbit and learned how to take care of a pet by reading books and articles. The kindergarten students introduced their new pet to some of their second-grade schoolmates. Showcasing their rabbit, from left, are Phoenix Havard, Jayden Williams, Demetric Perry, Joslyne Shepheard, Kirsten Bolden, Josiah Sims, teacher Mary Trigg and McKenzie Johnson.
2H n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate
Students explore options at West Feliciana High event BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate
Advocate photos by HOWARD ARCENEAUX
Adolf Brown, left, a youth motivational speaker and educator from Virginia, makes a point to senior Jazz Ferguson about the importance of good choices at West Feliciana High School’s College and Career event April 13 in St. Francisville.
ST. FRANCISVILLE — West Feliciana Parish High School students got the chance to explore life after high school on April 13 as the school hosted its annual College and Career Connection night. More than 100 high school students, parents and volunteers explored college and career options and heard an uplifting message from keynote speaker and “edu-tainer” Adolf Brown, a youth motivational speaker and educator from Virginia. “He is one of the best speakers we have ever had come to the school. He covered a lot of topics from education to relationships,” senior Jazz Ferguson said of Brown. Parent Kati Williamson called Brown’s message “poignant, spirited and directly on target for all that attended.” “He has a special gift of entertaining while teaching,” Williamson said. “We laughed and
Advocate staff photos by STEPHANIE WARREN
The seniors at St. Helena College and Career Academy volunteered their time to help out at the St. Helena D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony April 16 at Lion King Ministries in Pine Grove. Giving a helping hand, in front from left, are Da’Veichia Taylor and Infinity Myles; midde, Ke’Von Johnson, Taylor Page, Precious Brumfield, Abigail Chandler, Jo’Darius Flowers, Shir’Miracle James and Oscar Ard; and back, LaJarious Floyd, Cherimeka Gray and Corey Wyre.
St. Helena D.A.R.E. holds graduation
St. Helena Parish Sheriff Nat Williams said he was proud of each graduate and encouraged them to take what learned from the program and use it during their journey through life.
St. Helena Parish K-9 Unit deputy ‘Bubba’ attended the D.A.R.E. graduation ceremony April 16 at Lion King Ministries in Pine Grove. Bubba gave the graduates a handshake after the ceremony to show his support.
learned. What a great night.” After Brown’s presentation, students visited different table displays and met with representatives from 22 businesses, schools and other groups, gaining insight into career choices and opportunities that are available to them. Representatives from Baton Rouge Community College, Southeastern Louisiana University, Southern University, UNO and LSU were on hand, along with firefighters, engineers, police officers, medical representatives, prison security personnel, welders and all military branches. “They were able to gain a better understanding of the different career fields available in their area, and meet the people who perform these jobs on a daily basis,” Superintendent Hollis Milton said. “It is so important that our young people understand how important a career choice is to their quality of life. “They have to make a decision on choosing a career that
Adolf Brown, left, a motivational speaker, works with ninth-grader Hayden Charlet, who volunteered for a demonstration about setting goals and realizing dreams.
will pay the bills for the type of lifestyle they want to live, but it also needs to be the type of job that they find rewarding mentally and spiritually,” Milton said. “We believe this type of event helps students find
some of the answers and gives them the perspective to ask the right questions before making a choice.” The College and Career event was developed in partnership with BRCC.
Photos provided by LAYNE LANGLEY
Bains Lower Elementary School students, from left, Eliza Dreher and Sophie Cook, who are part of the Girl Scouts Daisy Troop 10099 in St. Francisville, work together April 13 to design their own healthy version of MyPlate.
Daisies ‘grow’ healthy in event
Showing off her peanut butter face snack is kindergartner Mae Hazlip, of Bains Lower Elementary School. Mae is part of the Girl Scouts Daisy Troop 10099 that worked on earning a My Best Self patch.
Advocate staff report
West Feliciana
Members of Girl Scout Daisy Troop 10099, sponsored by Bains Lower Elementary School in St. Francisville, met with Layne Langley, LSU Agricultural Center area nutrition agent of Livingston and West Feliciana parishes, in early spring in an effort to earn My Best Self patches. The kindergarten and first-graders learned about MyPlate, which emphasizes healthy meal choices using the dairy, fruit, grain, protein and vegetable food groups, and worked in teams to design their own versions of MyPlate. “Having learned about the MyPlate food groups during Play 30, the teams easily created ‘balanced’ plates,” Langley said.
The Daisies also played Exercise SpinZone, which included spinning a wheel and watching it land on a food group that had the girls selecting specific foods within each group, Langley said. “They enjoyed the physical activity part that had them performing exercises depending on where the ‘spinner’ landed. After the activities, the Daisies made peanut butter faces by using bananas, raisins and rice cakes for the facial parts,” said Langley. The Daisy troop leaders are Anna Pate and Earlisha Whitfield. Co-troop leaders are Alaina LaCour and Anita Sadler, both of Bains Lower Elementary.
Bains Elementary names third period honor roll Jimmik Givens, Maddox Graham, Emma Guillory, Aidan Bains Elementary School Heiser, Jacob Jewell, Zakaria in St. Francisville recently Ladraa, Kevin Land, Braxton released the names of its stu- Landers, Christopher Lathdents earning all A’s and B’s rop, Nathan Mayeaux, Wyatt for the third nine-week grad- Necaise, Philip Major, Rylee Maryman, Collin McEachern, ing period. Students named to the A-B Coy McCray-Newton, James Norsworthy, Tia Milton, honor roll were: SECOND GRADE: Liam Adams, Dane Pattison, Carla Rachal, Landon Barton, Caden Bell, Teldrick Robinson, Ryland Ainsley Black, Terral Brady, Scott, Matelyn Sharp, Kalie Brian Branch, Isaiah Brum- Smith,Mary Stewart, Jennifer field, Mason Carroll, Blair Summerhill, Hunter Teague, Coley, Jarlaysia Davis, Beau Brayden Toney, Christopher Deville, Alyscia Ernest, Bray- Turner, Leroy Turner, Jamie lon Ferguson, Layson Fer- Vaughn, Avery Weeden, Jude guson, Aiden Floyd, Hunter Weller, Jadarrion White, VicFreeman, Je’Nya Gilmore, toria Williams, Lane Wilson, Advocate staff report
Remington Wunstel and Joseph Zachary. THIRD GRADE: Sara Adams, Abby Barnes, Parker Bennett, Ethan Benton, Miles Bryant, Aniaya Cage, Maggie Cloughley, Brock Cormier, Ashlynn Culley, Presley Cutrer, Gavin Davis, Manijeh Dehnadi, Joseph DeJean, Julia DeLee, Shaniya Dixon, James Dornquast, Tripp Douglas, Tiffany Emery, Jaden Fowler, Tanner Gardner, Cade Grissett, Savannah Gunter, Natalie Hammack, Lillian Higgins, Lily Holland, Lillian Holmes, Mary Hoshman, Emily Hunter, Gabrielle Johnston, Molly Johnson, Gabrielle Johnston,
Lydia Ladraa, Julie LaGrone, Catherine Lindsey, Wesley Little, Lillie Lynch, Eli Milton, Jaden Moore, J. Keller Patton, Anjoli Robledo, Joel Rogers, Taylar Seymore, Adam Theriot, Gracie Villemarette and John-Philip Warner. FOURTH GRADE: Sophie Alberstadt, Arianna Allen, Mary Bell, Dorian Booker, Shelbie Brian, Ethan Buchanan, Logan Cook, Kaden Cowart, Trevor DeLee, Lucas Felton, Benjamin Ferguson, Jaiya Goodman, Abigail Guillory, Rosemarie Hill, Ella Howle, John Jackson, Isibeal Jarnagin, Hannah Johnson, Shelly Jones, Gracyn Kleinpeter, McKen-
zie Kliesch, Lane Lancaster, Alexis Lanehart, Kylee May, Carter Maxwell, Jack McClure, Ella McKinney, Cierra Miller, Mary Opperman, Mattie Owens, Courtland Patton, Abigail Pittman, Jayden Polk, Seth Sharp, Bryce Shifflett, Alaysia Sullivan, Da’Niya Sullivan, Jordan Verdicanno, Macey Walker, Shelbie Welch, Cassidy Wheeler, Jomira Williams, Emillie Williams and Blakleigh Willis. FIFTH GRADE: Dylon Allen, Robert Barrow, Evelyn Bryant, Addison Butler, Anthony Butler, Jerrin Cavalier, Seth Corbin, Dawson Decker, Elizabeth Dieguez, Brittany Em-
ery, Skyler Evans, Rushanti Farris, Grace Felker, Kyle Gibbons, Andrew Godke, Ashleigh Godke, Haselton Green, Victoria Gunnels, Ava Harrigill, Maggie Hawkins, Catherine Hodges, Keagan Holliday, Kara Hughes, Taylor Hughes, Kamarah Jackson, Wesley Johnston, Jonah Kennedy, Olivia Kent, Kearstin Lee, Emily McEachern, Devin McLendon, Madeline Posey, Anna Rea, Jacson Ricks, Riley Roland, Ja’Naya Sanders, Quentin Scott, Cardell Smith, Sarah Smith, Madilynn Travis, Tramel Veals, Bradie Villemarette, Philip Weller, Janaia White and Rae’ghan Williams.
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Plans, directs and manages West Feliciana Parish Information Systems. The position is responsible for supporting, maintaining and implementing the desktops, servers & network equipment used by West Feliciana Parish employees. The candidate for this position will mainly be supporting desktop users with some basic server/ network maintenance tasks including adding users to Active Directory, setting up email accounts, working with 3rd party vendors, etc. The candidate will also act as project lead on any IT related projects and/or upgrades. Education & Experience Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree/Associate degree acceptable. Three years full time experience in IT with a similar sized organization. Microsoft Certifications MCSA or MCSE The knowledge & skills required for this position are typically acquired through experience managing one or more information processing functions. Combined education & experience considered. Knowledge, Skills, Abilities & Other Characteristics Experience supporting Microsoft Windows Desktops and Servers. Familiarity with NAS devices, blade servers, & VM's. Experience with network setups & troubleshooting. IT related certifications a plus. In-depth knowledge of relevant standards & best practices, including project management fundamentals, accessibility standards & data management standards. Strong communication skills; the ability to advocate for collective success & clearly communicate technology concepts & detail-specific logistics to non-technical audiences. Strong analytical skills; the ability to problem solve & think creatively. The duties listed are not set forth for purposes of limiting the assignment of work. they are not to be construed as a complete list of the many duties normally to be performed under a job title or those to be performed temporarily outside an employee's normal line of work.
Resumes can be mailed to West Feliciana Parish Council Attention Kathy Welch, PO Box 1921, St. Francisville, LA 70775 or via e-mail to All resumes must be received in office no later than Monday, May 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. LOUISIANA WAR VETERAN'S HOME Jackson, Louisiana CNA'S NEW RATE OF PAY! Salary based on experience. State benefits. Contact Human Resources 225-634-5265 Ext 215 or 252 225-342-8993 Ext 215 or 252 Equal Oppty Employer Experienced LPN or MA for physician office located in East Feliciana. Must have at least two years experience. FAX RESUME TO (225) 634 1445 Sell it for FREE! in LAGNIAPPE Only for ITEMS under $1000 3 lines ads run Mon-Thurs. Additional lines: 75¢/line/day Bold print: 40¢ per line per day 1-800-960-6397
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East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 “To browse a searchable database of public notices published by the newspapers of Louisiana to inform you, the citizens of Louisiana, please visit click on Louisiana public notice button.“ This database is provided as a free public service to the citizens of Louisiana by this newspaper and the Louisiana Press Association.
NOTICE OF SEIZURE --SHERIFF'S OFFICE NO: 43495 CECIL M GRAVES, JR VERSUS DELMUS E HODGE, JR STATE OF LOUISIANA, 20TH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE March 13th, 2015 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE June 10, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) DELMUS E HODGE , JR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: That certain lot or parcel of ground, together with all buildings and improvements thereon, containing 1.82 ACRES in Section 39, T2S, RIE, GLD, East Feliciana Parish, LA and being more particularly designated as TRACT BJB-7 containing 1.82 acres according to “Map Showing Survey of Tracts BJB-I thru BJB-II being the Subdivision of a 22.47 acre tract of land belonging to Billy Joe Buzbee located in Section 39, T2S, RIE, GLD, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana for Billy Joe Buzbee” by James H. Chustz, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor dated March 21, 2001, which map is filed under Original Instrument #172128 of the official conveyance records of the Parish of East Feliciana, Louisiana. Property Address: 8183 Odeal Williams Lane, Ethel, LA 70730.
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East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 KRISTY
STATE OF LOUISIANA TWENTIETH JUDICIAL COURT, PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA SHERIFF'S SALE ACTING UNDER AND BY THE VIRTUE OF AN WRIT OF SEIZURE AND SALE ISSUED ON THE HONORABLE COURT AFORESIDE IN THE ABOVE ENTITLED NUMBERED CAUSE, DATED ON THE MARCH 9TH, 2015 DIRECTED TO ME AS SHERIFF OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, LOUISIANA DID SEIZE AND WILL WITHIN THE LEGAL HOURS ON THE June 10, 2015, AT 10:00 O'CLOCK A.M., AT THE PRINCIPAL FRONT DOOR OF THE COURTHOUSE ANNEX, CLINTON, LOUISIANA, SELL THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE DEFENDANT (S) GERALD W. HUBBARD, JR. AND KRISTY LEIGH HUBBARD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: One (1) certain piece or portion of ground, together with all the improvements thereon, containing 6.75 acres in Section 60, T2S, R3E, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, and being designated as LOT D-l, containing 6.75 acres, according to “Survey Map Showing the Resubdivision of Lot “C” and Lot “D” into Lot C-l (containing 2.86 Acres) and Lot D-l (containing 6.75 Acres) owned by Paul Hyde and Max Weldon Rogers respectively being located in Section 60, T2S, R3E, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana for Paul Hyde”, by Jeffrey M. Moody, RLS, dated November 18, 1997, which plat is filed in the Official Conveyance Records of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, under Original Instrument Number 150422 and which lot is bound now or formerly North by Lot C-l, East by Peterson Road, South by Andrews and West by Easterly/Herrod. The municipal address is 7634 Peterson Rd., Clinton, LA 70722. TERMS OF SALE: CASH TO THE LAST AND HIGHEST BIDDER WITH APPRAISAL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AND ACCORDING TO LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE THIS 19 DAY OF March, 2015. ________________ TALMADGE BUNCH, SHERIFF PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA 5115877-apr 30-jun 4-2t
PUBLIC HEARING Public notice is hereby given that the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury has scheduled a Public Hearing for the following purpose to-wit: Receive public input and comments on the proposed sell of Slaughter Park Property 5:30 P.M., Monday, May 4 24, 2015, Police Jury Meeting Room – 12064 Marston Street, Clinton, LA 70722 East Feliciana Parish Police Jury 5116075- apr 16, 23, 30-3t
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --Sealed bids will be received for the State of Louisiana by the Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, Claiborne Office Building, 1201 North Third Street, Conference Room 1145, Post Office Box 94095, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9095 until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 19, 2015. ANY PERSON REQUIRING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS SHALL NOTIFY FACILITY PLANNING AND CONTROL OF THE TYPE(S) OF AC C OM M ODAT ION REQUIRED NOT LESS THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS BEFORE THE BID OPENING. FOR: Replace Fire Alarm and Upgrade Sprinkler System, Patient Dormitories 1, 2 & 3, Villa Feliciana Medical Complex, Jackson, Louisiana PROJECT NUMBER: 0 9 320-11-02, Part 01 Complete Bidding Documents for this project are available in electronic form. They may be obtained without charge and without deposit from m/. Printed copies are not available from the Designer but arrangements can be made to obtain them through most reprographic firms. Plan holders are responsible for their own reproduction costs. Questions about this procedure shall be directed to the Designer at: KME Salas O'Brien 2380 Towne Center Boulevard, Suite 1210 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Telephone: 225-766-8002 All bids shall be accompanied by bid security in an amount of five percent (5.0%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates. The form of this security shall be as stated in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written as described in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. A PRE-BID CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD at 10:00 AM on Friday, May 1, 2015 at
Villa Feliciana Medical Complex, Administration Building, 5002 Highway 10, Jackson, LA 70748. Bids shall be accepted from Contractors who are licensed under LA. R.S. 37:2150-2192 for the classification of Electrical Work. Bidder is required to comply with provisions and requirements of LA R.S. 38:2212(B) (5). No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bids, except under the provisions of LA. R.S. 38:2214. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. In accordance with La. R.S. 38:2212(B) (1), the provisions and requirements of this Section; and those stated in the bidding documents shall not be waived by any entity. When this project is financed either partially or entirely with State Bonds or financed in whole or in part by federal or other funds which are not readily available at the time bids are received, the award of this Contract is contingent upon the granting of lines of credit, or the sale of bonds by the Bond Commission or the availability of federal or other funds. The State shall incur no obligation to the Contractor until the Contract Between Owner and Contractor is fully executed. Facility Planning and Control is a participant in the Small Entrepreneurship (SE) Program (the Hudson Initiative) and the VeteranOwned and ServiceConnected Disabled Veteran-Owned (LaVet) Small Entrepreneurships Program. Bidders are encouraged to consider participation. Information is available from the Office of Facility Planning and Control or on its website at /fpc.htm. STATE OF LOUISIANA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION FACILITY PLANNING AND CONTROL MARK A. MOSES, DIRECTOR 5116079-apr 16-23-30-3t
NOTICE --The East Feliciana Parish Police Jury (Owner) invites bids for the inch and a half overlay of approximately 45.32 miles of specified parish roads. Bids will be received by the Owner at the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Office until 3:00 p.m., 4 May 2015, and then said office will publicly open and read loud all bids received. The envelopes containing the bids must be sealed, addressed to East Feliciana Parish Police Jury and delivered to the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Office at 12064 Marston Street, Clinton, LA 70722 and designated as a bid for the 2015 Parish Overlay Project. Each sealed envelope must have the bidder's name, address, and state license #. All bids must be submitted on the LA Uniform Public Works Bid Form and contain the total cost of the project, with a breakout by unit price. Electronic Bid submission is not an option since East Feliciana Parish does not meet the population threshold. The overlay will be bid using AC-30 asphalt - type 3 or equivalent asphalt with a minimum of 1 and 1/2 inch overlay of existing surface. The work shall also include cleaning and sweeping the existing roadway and installation of a thorough uniform tack coat on all existing surfaces to be overlaid with two-foot turnouts at driveways and 20foot aprons on intersecting roads. The winning bidder must provide proof of insurance, a Surety bond for total of the project, and any other reasonable documentation requested by the owner by the pre-construction meeting. Upon completion of paving, per roadway, the Contractor and a representative of the Owner shall collect one core sample per 1500’ of roadway, documenting the roadway name and location, for density and thickness determination. The core hole shall immediately thereafter be filled. A list of the roads to be bid upon may be requested from the owner via e-mail, phone, fax, or picked up in person at the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury Office. 5118537-apr 23-30-may 7-3t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --SALE PINE & HARDWOOD TIMBER Separate sealed bids will be received by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana 70722, no later than 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 14, 2015, for the sale of Pine and Hardwood Timber on the “Old Clinton Middle School Tract”, located off Hwy. 67 North in Section 72, Township 2 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish., consists of marked large hardwoods and natural pines on 18 acres. A written timber contract on a form approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board will be required for said Tract.
East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 Bids submitted after 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 14, 2015, and telephoned or faxed bids will not be accepted. Complete bid documents may be obtained from Timberland Forestry LLC., P. O. Box 2009, Clinton, LA 70722, Telephone (225) 978-1576. Bidders may now find related bid materials and submit electronic bids online a t All sealed bids received are to be opened and read aloud in the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana, by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled for 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 14, 2015. The Bid Opening Committee will present the same along with timber contracts for consideration to the East Feliciana Parish School Board at its upcoming Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Regular Board Meeting beginning at 5:00 P.M. In the event identical high successful bids are received, the bid received first in time by the Bid Opening Committee will be recommended to the East Feliciana Parish School Board. The East Feliciana School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and formalities. Edna Thomas, Interim Superintendent East Feliciana Parish School Board 5120041-apr 23-30-may 714-4t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP#1157 Sealed bids will be received by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. W545141, Solicitation No. 2259274 – Laundry/Linen Services for DHHELMHS, 05/052015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5121521-apr 30-1t
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON MARCH 3, 2015 March 2, 2015 REVISED AGENDA PROPOSED AGENDA FOR EAST FELICIANA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 5:00 P.M. 1. Call to order 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Approval of the minutes of February 3, 2015, regular meeting 4. Special Recognitions A. Edna Thomas, Director presentation of Employee of Month 5. Communications/ Re ports A. Board President Michael Ray Bradford report on receipt of Superintendent S e a r c h Applications, review and scheduling of interview dates B. Sales Tax Collections Report C. S u p e r i n t e n d e n t ' s Report (1) Dr. Lewis presentation on Baton Rouge Area Chamber announcement of North Capital Region Team being awarded $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Golden Carrot Grant to implement a multiphased strategy promoting construction craft careers among students attending EFHS, WFHS, Livonia and ZHS. (2) Receive Board ratification of Dr. Lewis, using his discretion on behalf of the East Feliciana Parish School Board, in receipt and distribution of $200.00 donation to EFHS Band from Town of Jackson Mayor Charles Coleman (3) Receive minute entry to reflect
Thursday, April 30, 2015 East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
6. Old Business A. Policy Review Committee submission of the following for a 2nd reading and adoption of same as Policy proposed 2014 L o u i s i a n a Legislative changes, revisions, deletions to the following Board Policies: (a) File: DE, entitled “ D e b t Limitation” (b) File: DFD, entitled “Tax and Bond Elections and Sales” (c) File: DFL, entitled “Cash Management a n d Investments” (d) File: DJE, entit l e d “Purchasing” B. Receive a motion to set daily rate of pay for Interim Superintendent Edna Thomas {effective date: Monday, March 16, 2015 (beginning of work day)} 7. New Business A. Receive, review and adopt proposed 2015-2016 School Year/Fiscal Year Calendars B. Finance Committee Report (1) Receive and review 2015 and 2016 Operating Budgets Talking Points
(2) Receive and review Local Funding for School System, Expiration Dates, Election Dates and Deadlines for Propositions In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools at (225) 683-3040, describing the assistance that is necessary. There were present: School Board Members Broderick Brooks, Sr., Rhonda Matthews, J. Curtis Jelks, Joyce A. Kent, Michael Bradford, Paul Kent, Timothy Corcoran, Melvin L. Hollins and Elizabeth Dawson. Board Members absent: Mitchell Harrell and Derald Spears, Sr. Board Member Richard Terrell joined the meeting during the opening. Other Attendees: Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Irma Lee Bendily, Admn. Asst., Tommy LeJeune, C.P.A., Member of Faulk & Winkler LLC and Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th JDC District Attorney. Board President Michael Ray Bradford opened and chaired the meeting and turned the floor over to Dr. Curtis Greeen. Board Member Richard Terrell joined the meeting at this time. Dr. Curtis Green, Principal and EFHS Students to open the meeting with prayer, lead reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison and signing of EFHS Alma Mater. The Parish School Board of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish for school purposes by Michael Ray Bradford, Board President, who announced the purposes of said meeting in accordance with the aforesaid written notice thereof. Board President Bradford stated the Board was ready for transaction of business. Item 2. Board President Bradford called for a motion to approve the above agenda. Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to approve the above agenda. Board President Bradford
The Advocate
East Feliciana Public Notices
completion by Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, East Feliciana Parish School Board, as required for holders of Educational L e a d e r Endorsement (EDL) Level 3 Superintendent certification requirement to complete 150 continuing learning units (CLU’s) of professional development consistent with the Individual Professional Growth Plan (IPGP) over a five (5) year time period.
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
East Feliciana Public Notices
then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears.
into the back to open up the applicants. He then asked Mrs. Bendily to assist us himself and D.A. Sam D’Aquilla. Board President Bradford then recessed the meeting. Board Members in attendance concurred. Board Members absent: Harrell and Spears.
with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears.
Capital Region Jump Start Collaborative. He noted that Team received a $45,000.00 Grant from the Louisiana Construction Education Foundation and that is to help us move forward with our Jump Start Grant. He noted there are three (3) particular things that this Grant will help us do one is to have web based face time with Industry Professionals, so that Students can learn more about the Careers that are out there, also it provides Teacher Internships in the Industry so Teachers have during their Summer Time some block of time where they go work in Industry and learn you know the skills that are needed for various jobs and so forth. Then lastly, it also provides for Regional Career Networking Fairs for Students to learn more about Careers. So this, in this Group North Capital Region of the four (4) Districts, this is the third (3rd) Grant that they have written and received and the total amount of funding so far is $170,000.00. So in closing he commended our Coordinator here at the Central Office that is working on this Mrs. Robin Variest, along with the EFHS Team who is doing an excellent job of preparing us for the new College and Career Diplomas.
completion by Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, East Feliciana Parish School Board, as required for holders of Educational Leader Endorsement (EDL) Level 3 Superintendent certification requirement to complete 150 continuing learning units (CLU’s) of professional development consistent with the Individual Professional Growth Plan (IPGP) over a five (5) year time period. Further authorizing Board President Bradford to sign a certificate reflecting same (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference).
Item 3. Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mr. Terrell to approve the minutes of February 3, 2015, regular meeting, as published in the official journal. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears. Item 4.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Edna Thomas. Edna Thomas, Director presented as Employee of the Month of March, 2015 Ms. Alvera McMillan, R e a d i n g Interventionist/Read 180 Teacher. Ms. Rebecca Johnson, Representative of Taylor & Sons presented Ms, McMillan with an appreciation plaque and related items. Board President Bradford called for a photo opportunity with Ms. McMillan, Board Members Broderick Brooks Sr., Rhonda Mathews, Joyce A. Kent and Dr. Lewis. Items 5.A. Board President Bradford read aloud the agenda item and noted receipt of thirteen (13) Applicants and our advertise clearly stated that they should be “hand delivered” or “certified mail” and we did receive three (3) through express mail and they will eliminate those three (3). He turned the floor over to D.A. D’Aquilla. Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th Judicial District Attorney related that is correct the notification stated that it had to be “hand delivery” or “certified mail”. He noted one (1) was “Priority”, one (1) was “Express” and one (1) was “FedEx” so those three (3) probably need to be excluded from the Applications. Board President Bradford then called a recess and go into the back and open the applicants and we will come back out with the names of the applicants. Okay. He then asked Mr. Brooks, Mrs. J. Kent and Mrs. Dawson to please go
Board Members in attendance after return from recess: Brooks, Matthews, Terrell, Jelks, J. Kent, Bradford, P. Kent, Corcoran, Hollins and Dawson. Board Members absent: Harrell and Spears. Board President Bradford then reconvened the meeting and noted we did have thirteen (13) applicants, one (1) applicant did their application twice, so that leaves twelve (12). We have three (3) applicants that we specifically said that the applications should be “hand delivered” or come by “certified mail” and that eliminated those three (3), so that left us nine (9) applicants. One (1) applicant did not turn in an application in their package, that leaves eight (8) and one (1) did not have State Certification which we specifically asked for State Certification to be in your package. So that left us a total of seven (7) Candidates that we are going to look to move forward with our Interview Process and those Candidates are: (1) Mrs. Susan Moore from New Orleans, LA (2) Mr. Patrick D. Jenkins from Zachary, LA (3) Dr. George Noflin, Jr. From Bastrop, LA (4) Mr. Carlos J. Sam, Baton Rouge, LA (5) Dr. Angela Lee Domingue, Baton Rouge, LA (6) Dr. De’Ette Baker, LA
(7) Miss Mavia Alice Marsalis, Zachary, LA Board President Bradford concluded and those are our seven (7) Candidates and at this time we will entertain a motion to...
Board President Bradford related the next process is our Interviewing Process and I would like to suggest to the Board that we use our local Superintendents or three (3) of our local Superintendents, and also a Community Leader and someone from our Chamber of Commerce to take care of the first phase of the interviews to interview the seven (7) and bring us back the top three (3) Candidates and our Board will take it from the top three (3) to eliminate that down to our Superintendent. Board Member Dawson questioned if she needed to put that in a motion? Board President Bradford related yes, ma’am. Motion by Mrs. Dawson, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to accept Board President Bradford’s recommendations on the Interview Process as set out above. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After some questions by James Minton, Reporter for The Advocate, along with responses by Board President Bradford, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears. Item 5.B. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation. Dr. Lewis related to Board Members present that the February, 2015 Sales Tax Report reflects collections at 5% of $531,238.10 and delinquent sales tax collections of $7,489.68. Board President Bradford called for any discussion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda. Item 5.C.(1) B o a r d President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis.
Motion by Mrs. Dawson, seconded by Mr. Brooks to accept these seven (7) Candidates.
Dr. Lewis related we will have Dr. Roddy to come up, we recently receive a Grant for the North Capital Region.
Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded
Knight Roddy, Ph.D. related to Board Members present that East Feliciana in conjunction with West Feliciana, Pointe Coupee and Zachary, those four (4) Districts are the North
Board Member Joyce Kent left the meeting at this time. Board President Bradford called for any questions or comments? Receiving none, Board President Bradford proceeded with the agenda.
Item 5.C.(2) Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent to authorize Board ratification of Dr. Lewis, using his discretion on behalf of the East Feliciana Parish School Board, in receipt and distribution of $200.00 donation to EFHS Band from Town of Jackson Mayor Charles Coleman. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears. Item 5.C.(3) Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mr. Jelks to authorize a minute entry to reflect
Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Item 6.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mrs. Joyce Kent. Joyce A. Kent, Chairperson of the Policy Review Committee called for a motion to waive the oral reading and accept as a 2nd reading and adoption of same as Policy of proposed 2014 Louisiana Legislative changes, revisions, deletions to the following Board Policies: (a) File: DE, entitled “Debt Limitation” (b) File: DFD, entitled “Tax and Bond Elections and Sales”
Board Member Joyce Kent rejoined the meeting at this time.
East Feliciana Public Notices
(c) File: DFL, entitled “Cash Management and Investments” (d) File: DJE, entitled “Purchasing” Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Brooks to accept the Policy Review Committee recommendations to waive the oral reading and accept as a 2nd reading and adoption of same as Policy of proposed 2014 Louisiana Legislative changes, revisions, deletions to the above listed Board Policies. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears.
10285 that Calendar was composed of Administrators, Supervisors and Teachers and each one of you have a copy of the Calendar in front of you. Now we are basically having the Calendar patterned after the Calendar that we are using for the 2014-2015 School Year, except if you look on the second page we under the have like Professional Development Days instead of having four (4) days we have like three (3) days of the beginning work days of August and everything else pretty much stays the same except we have all of our Holidays there. She noted as we get the date for the Homecoming Activities we will go back and adjust the 2015-2016 East Feliciana Parish Public Schools Academic Calendar.
Board Member Paul Kent noted not knowing until after this meeting started, a need to issue an expression of sympathy on behalf of the Board to the Family of Mr. Joey McClendons’ Family in our prayers, he passed on Saturday, February 28, 2015. He noted Mr. McClendon having with Tommy worked LeJeune and was a Member of the Faulk & Winkler LLC Accounting Firm; and he and his family had a bad car wreck earlier in the month, but he died this past Saturday. C.P.A. LeJeune noted two (2) weeks ago this past Sunday. Board Member Paul Kent noted Mr. McClendon having been here on CPA LeJeunes’ behalf and everybody should have known him.
Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th Judicial District Attorney left the meeting at this time.
Board President Bradford requested a moment of silent prayer. Amen.
Motion by Mr. Jelks, seconded by Miss Matthews to adopt the 2015-2016 East Feliciana Parish Public Schools Academic Calendar as presented by Mrs. Edna Thomas.
Item 6.B. Board President Bradford called for a motion to set daily rate of pay for Interim Superintendent Edna Thomas {effective date: Monday, March 16, 2015 (beginning of work day)}.
Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After some discussion by Board Member Dawson, along with responses by Director Edna Thomas, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears.
Motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. P. Kent to accept the recommended amount. Board President Bradford noted and that amount is $465.00 per day, would you add that in your motion Mr. Terrell? Board Member related yes.
Board President Bradford then recognized Ms. Cora Mack in the audience. Ms. Cora Mack wanted to discuss an item that was not on the agenda and directed James Bell, Jr., Transportation Supervisor and Mavia Marsalis, CWA Director to accompany Ms. Cora Mack out of the Board Room to review her concerns.
Board President Bradford questioned, am I right Doc? Dr. Lewis related yes. Board President Bradford related we have a motion by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mr. Kent. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Harrell and Spears.
Item 7.B. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Mr. Terrell. Richard Terrell, Chairman of the Finance Committee turned the floor over to Mr. Paul Kent, who attended the meeting.
Item 7.A. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis.
Paul Kent, Member of the Finance Committee proceeded with the following presentation from the meeting held on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference). He noted having four (4) information-
Dr. Lewis turned the floor over to Mrs. Edna Thomas. Edna Thomas, Director noted on February 19th, 2015, we had our Calendar Committee to meet and
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East Feliciana Public Notices
al items and placement of agenda Items 7.B.(1) and (2) on the Board Agenda today. He then turned the floor over to C.P.A. LeJeune for his presentation on Board agenda Item 7.B.(1).
setting ourselves up for failure. Now, just know that even as we find these Dollars it puts us into a situation, but if I can remember correctly, it is going to put us in the situation of having a very similar year of another “Break-Even Year”, correct?
Hollins, Jelks, along with responses by Dr. Lewis, Board President Bradford called for a motion to adjourn.
again we will ask that Mr. Brooks, Mrs. J. Kent and Mrs. Dawson, please join me in opening these packets and Mr. D’Aquilla.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion for adjournment by Mr. Terrell, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent, prevailed until the next regular meeting unless called into special session by the President.
Board Member Corcoran questioned is that not going to cause any conflict with anybody else?
said “Certified Mail”. So our D.A. Mr. D’Aquilla after meeting did some research and so yes, you may go to the United States Post Office and “Certify” a Package and we all know about that and usually when you do it, you have the “Green Card” that is on the outside of the Envelope. But there are other avenues that you actually can get true “Certified Mail” and one (1) of the Applicants, it is my understanding actually sent a copy of the “Receipt” where she showed that her Package was actually “Certified” and so that was the initial intent to bring this conversation back to the Board. Because I think as a School District, going back to what Mr. Corcoran said we do not want to have any missed steps and so I believe because that was not explored at the last meeting, what truly means what is “Certified” and what is not. You have at least two (2) applications in there that you all need to look at and to decide if it legit, because they were truly “Certified”, but they were excluded because I believe at the meeting it was that it was not United States Postal Service “Certified” and so those people were excluded at the last meeting.
related me, personally, I think we have a Member of the Chamber of Commerce and that kind of covers the business part of the entire committee.
Item 6.B. motion to set daily rate of pay for Interim Superintendent Edna Thomas {effective date: Monday, March 16, 2015 (beginning of work day)}, revised to {effective date: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 (beginning of work day)} and called for a motion.
Item 7.B.(1) T o m m y LeJeune, C.P.A., Member of Faulk & Winkler LLC distributed to Board Members present a copy of his handout entitled “East Feliciana Parish School Board 2015 and 2016 Operating budgets Talking points” (a copy of which is attached hereto for reference) and reviewed information contained therein which outlines projected deficit spending for the 2015/2016 Budget of approximately $800,000.00 due to increased costs over 2014 by approximately $1.2 Million Dollars, Major changes that need to occur utilizing Options 1 Employee Attrition 82% of Budget is Personnel, Option 2 - Campus Consolidation and eliminate any 13th Checks or Option 3 Reduction in Force. He concluded with the Timeline for discussions to continue in February, March, 2015, introduction of adjusted Budget plan in April in order to accomplish Staffing prior to end of 2014/2015 School Year and Adoption at June Board Meeting. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis related again this is something we have been talking about for the last two (2) years, we also have been discussing with our Charter School is at full capacity, will be 7th thru 12th Grades in the 15/16 SY, that the District would be facing the conversation that we are having right now. Also, before we started this particular 14/15 School Year and as we were preparing this Budget, we prepared a Budget that was “Break-Even Budget” and pretty much what is happening every single month is that as we look at what we have budgeted for that month and the expenses are neck and neck. So it lets you see that truly our predictions at the beginning of this School Year is that it was going to be a “BreakEven Year” and Month-toMonth what we are doing is we are “Breaking-Even”. So that says this is the type of year we are having and I am saying that to say this if what we predicted prior to the start of this School Year, every Month is holding true. Please know that what we are predicting for next School Year, if we do not do anything about it, the same thing will be the case. What Mr. LeJeune is saying is that if we do not do something differently, then we are setting the District up to Deficit Spending. He noted not having a District right now that has a Fund Reserve of $10 Million Dollars, for example. He related there are Districts out there for the last two (2) years or so that have been Deficit Spending, but they have a large reserve and so they are able to still maintain. He noted if we begin the practice here in East Feliciana of Deficit Spending then when we truly Deficit Spend we go down to zero (0), where other Districts have money to hold on to. So, I know it has been a very tough conversation every time we bring up the possibility of Closing a Campus. I know as you represent your constituents, where the school is going to be located, I understand that we have some issues there. But we are at the point now that a tough decision is going to have to be made, because it is for the betterment of the organization and for us here in East Feliciana to be able to sustain. So as future meetings are scheduled, we need to give a strong consideration to the proposal we had given you for taking the Middle School and the High School, combining that into a 7th thru 12th Grade School and having our Elementary Schools to go thru 6th Grade. That is something that if we do that will significantly help the situation that the District is facing at this time. Because in addition to taking care of this, we have been in our Schools, we know that we also in our Maintenance and Operations Accounts there are dollars that have been dedicated by the Taxpayers to do repairs to the buildings. For several years there has been a lot of “patch work”, but now we are at the point where we have some serious Maintenance Issues that must be addressed. In addition to this School Year when we had the Office of Civil Rights to do their visit and one thing for EFHS for example, we have to bring our restrooms to ADA Compliance and in addition to EFHS which is going to be officially in their report, the Individuals that monitored the schools said that even though the report will say you need to do this for EFHS and the Government will see that it is done, they also said to us that you need to make sure that every single School is in compliance. Because if someone has a handicap or a need and they are going into one of our Buildings and we can not accommodate them, well with the law that is an issue. So even though the report is going to clearly say for EFHS, they strongly suggested for us to actually look at bringing every single Campus to date in that area. So in addition to Consolidation, many Districts and this will have a huge impact on East Feliciana, but any Districts now if you go there Para Professionals if it is not required by Special Education, many Districts because of funding they are not longer having Para Professionals outside of the requirements of Special Education. So that is something that we have to look at here in the District. As Mr. LeJeune also mentioned, we have many of our Teachers who are “Temporary Employees” and those individuals have to re-apply for the positions at the end of this School Year. So what probably will happen through attrition and through retirements, eliminating some positions. Now based on saying that I believe that our Teachers who have been with us throughout the years, because we have so many Temporary Employees, we have so many Un-Certified Teachers, I do not really believe that it will affect our Teachers who have been here in the District year after year, because we have so many Temporary Employees that actually came on Board this year. Then we have many that are also Un-Certified Teachers. Then the other matter is that Grants are wonderful, you know Grants allow us to be able to do things in the District that we would not typically be able to do without having that funding source. So for the last 4 Years we had the SRCL Grant, but what happens every single year that you have a Grant it may start off where the Grant pays 80% and you pay 20%, but the next year it is going to be 75% and they you pay 25% and so next School Year with the SRCL Grant that we have, I believe the District is going to be responsible for 35%? Dr. Roddy related 40%. Dr. Lewis continued 40%, so the Grant will only cover 60%, so now the District has to take on that additional burden of that 40% to pay the salaries. So all of the information that we are sharing of course is really not anything new. We have been having these discussions for the last two (2) years, but really we are at the point of now, we have to do something about it. So as future Finance Committees are put together, a plan just needs to be put in place so that we can find $1 Million Dollars in the upcoming School Years Budget so that we are not
C.P.A. right.
Dr. Lewis continued yes. So that is really where we are so as a Board, I know it is really tough decisions, but I strongly recommend as we go to future months that you strongly consider the Original Plan from two (2) years ago of making a 7th - 12th Grade High School and I know St. Helena actually transitioned to a K-6th and a 7th 12th Grade High School now and that is how they are operating. Board Member Corcoran questioned do you have a number or an amount that it would save doing that? Dr. Lewis related yes, we have that information Mr. Bell prepared from the Maintenance side for Mr. LeJeune. C.P.A. LeJeune related it was just North of ½ Million Dollars and we felt like we probably needed to work that number maybe a little more. Board Member Corcoran questioned refine that number a little bit? Dr. Lewis related yes. C.P.A. LeJeune noted the initial number that I saw just over a ½ Million Dollars. Board President Bradford questioned how would that save us, you still have to come back and cut your employees or use less employees? C.P.A. LeJeune related that is what you are doing, you are operating one (1) less school. Dr. Lewis related the Maintenance for a particular School and even when you look at the School, and I am sorry Principals I am going to use this example, but when you look at a Principal’s Salary of about $70,000.00 and you add the Benefits that is pretty much $100,000.00 right there. So the list goes on and on, but that is one example. C.P.A. LeJeune related it is the costs of occupancy with that School, the electricity, but it is primarily People and salaries you would be saving. Board Member P. Kent questioned Dr. Lewis would it be in our favor, I know we are on a short time line here from now to June anyway, is to possibly look at what we payout in Transportation, fuel, etc. is one, Maintenance may be another is maybe “out sourcing” or just looking at it as an “out source” and trying to save money there also. But I do not know if we have time enough to bring these in, they would just have to come in here and just talk to us about it and see you know. Dr. Lewis related what he would say at this point is we have to be very creative in looking and look at every avenue to see if even “out sourcing” certain things would actually bring a savings to the District. And if that is the case then maybe that is something that the District would consider. Board President Bradford related and hopefully we would have our new Superintendent set to help make these decisions. We know the decisions have to be made. Dr. Lewis related he would love for this to be made before the person comes on so they can focus on their new job and I am just speaking from my own personal experiences, coming in and was given the job and found out that the District was in Deficit Spending. Board President Bradford related this is going to be on whomever is here, Dr. Lewis of whomever is here, it is going to be rough on them anyway it goes. But when you are short of money, you are short of money. Dr. Lewis related but that person will come in June and then that is really going to set the District up for failure if you wait until the new person comes on board. Board Member P. Kent related and this is going to be a Board decision, not a Superintendents’ decision, it is going to be a Boards decision. So we might as well get ready to bite the bullet and make that decision. Dr. Lewis related again I have to say that even part of your conversation, we have been actually talking about it for the last two (2) years, so this is not a new conversation. Board Member Corcoran questioned and where did you say you can save the most money? C.P.A. LeJeune Personnel.
Board Member Jelks questioned do ya’ll have an indication of what Building you would shut down? Board President Bradford said what I asked you months ago, you would not give us an answer on that, so don’t give one tonight! Dr. Lewis related I am not! I will not. Board Member Hollins related the latest Building in the Parish, would be the logical one. Board President Bradford related lets leave that alone, we appreciate what you have told us. Board Member P. Kent related from the Finance Committee prospective, we are going to have to make that decision on whatever and whatever we make we have got to live with. But we are going to be dyer straights if we do not make that decision that is going to help this System and then again, we have got to look at educating the kids and what is best for them and what we can give them the most of, that is the thing. C.P.A. LeJeune you have got to find the right balance. Board Member Hollins related a Reduction in Force would not be in the best interest, I mean you need people to teach the Students. Board President Bradford related that is true. Board Member P. Kent related over this time, please look at this and think about it and let’s talk. Item 7.B.(2) B o a r d President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis reviewed with Board Members present information covering Board agenda Item 7.B.(2) of Local Revenue Funding for School System, Expiration Dates, Election Dates and Deadlines for Propositions (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof) which information was also discussed at the Finance Committee Meeting on February 25, 2015. Board Member Rhonda Matthews left the meeting at this time. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After discussion by Board Members
NOTICE --PROCEEDINGS OF THE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD OF THE PARISH OF EAST FELICIANA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, TAKEN AT A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON MARCH 11, 2015 March 6, 2015 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Special Meeting of the Parish School Board of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, has been ordered and will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at five o’clock p.m. (5:00 p.m.), local Daylight saving time, at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana, for the following purposes, to-wit: 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Reconsideration of March 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item 5.A. Board President Michael Ray Bradford report on receipt of Superintendent Search Applications, review and scheduling of interview dates 4. Reconsideration of February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item 5.A.(1) add-on Agenda Item 1. to accept resignation of Dr. Lewis (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), with an effective date of March 16, 2015, revised to March 18, 2015. 5. Reconsideration of March 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item 6.B. motion to set daily rate of pay for I n t e r i m Superintendent Edna Thomas {effective date: Monday, March 16, 2015 (beginning of work day)}, revised to {effective date: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 (beginning of work day)} 6. Request adoption of resolution regarding employment of Special Counsel, Hammonds, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP, Kean Miller LLP and Blackwell & Associates, in accordance with La. R.S. 42:263 regarding participation in litigation to recover annual growth adjustment of 2.75 percent required to be applied to the state and local base per pupil amount in the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) funding formula for Fiscal Years 20122013 and 2013-2014 This is a very important meeting and all members are urged to attend. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT /s/ HENDERSON LEWIS, JR., Ph.D., SUPERINTENDENT EAST FELICIANA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools at (225) 683-3040, describing the assistance that is necessary. There were present: School Board Members Broderick Brooks, Sr., Rhonda Matthews, J. Curtis Jelks, Joyce A. Kent, Michael Bradford, Mitchell Harrell, Paul Kent, Timothy Corcoran and Elizabeth Dawson. Board Members absent: Richard Terrell, Melvin L. Hollins and Derald Spears, Sr. Other Attendees: Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent of Schools, Irma Lee Bendily, Admn. Asst. and Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th JDC District Attorney. Board President Michael Ray Bradford opened and chaired the meeting and asked Vice-President Mitchell Harrell to open the meeting with prayer. Board President Bradford then lead reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison. The Parish School Board of the Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana, was duly convened as the governing authority of said Parish for school purposes by Michael Ray Bradford, Board President, who announced the purposes of said meeting in accordance with the aforesaid written notice thereof. Board President Bradford stated the Board was ready for transaction of business. Item 2. Board President Bradford called for a motion to approve the above agenda. Motion by Miss Matthews, seconded by Mr. Jelks to approve the above agenda. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears. Item 3. Board President Bradford related on our last meeting we opened our applicants package we asked for them to be delivered by Certified Mail and we did receive some calls concerning this issue and we found out that two (2) of the candidates did send theirs by certification, the third (3rd) came by Express Mail and through our legal advice from our District Attorney and also our School Board Attorney Mr. Bob Hammonds they recommend that we open these or those three (3) applicants. Also, there is a fourth (4th) applicant that did not have a State Certification in it and again, with Mr. Hammonds advice and with our District Attorney, they advised us to also interview that person with no certification. Mr. D’Aquilla did you want to expand on that? Samuel D’Aquilla, 20th Judicial District Attorney related and the Board is not trying to exclude anybody, everybody made an application, they are not trying to exclude anybody or exclude anybodies applications, we trying to make it as open as we can. So that is the consensus that we have, Mr. Hammonds, we had a Conference Call before the meeting started today and he said it would be acceptable to include those four (4). He noted they had two (2) that came late, those are obviously excluded and we are not going to be able to look at those, but we are going to reconsider those four (4) packets. Board President Bradford related okay. So at this time we will take a recess and
D.A. D’Aquilla related no, it shouldn’t. Board Member Corcoran questioned with any other applicants? D.A. D’Aquilla related I think we only had thirteen (13) applicants, is that correct? Board Member Dawson related only twelve (12) wasn’t it, one of them was twice? Board President Bradford related yes, that is true Mrs. Dawson. D.A. D’Aquilla related yes, one of them was twice, there was twelve (12). Board Member Corcoran related because if you favor one, you’ve gotta do the rest... Board President Bradford related well basically we are not favoring anyone with this. Board Member Corcoran related I know but we had or there were some stipulations, I mean why did we have stipulations then? I mean I am not trying to, I just want to know. There was a procedure and it was not followed. D.A. D’Aquilla related it may have one (1) that obviously excluded because she did not have an application in there, that is a requirement that it needed an application, that excluded out right… Board Member Corcoran related yes. D.A. D’Aquilla continued and the other ones were excluded for what reason? Board Member Dawson related one (1) didn’t sign it. Board President Bradford related that is the same one with the applicant, it came in without Certified... Board Member Matthews related Certified Mail. Board President Bradford continued without Certified, but two (2) of them was Certified, the really was Certified. D.A. D’Aquilla related after examining the envelopes, it is determined that they were Certified through the U.S. Postal Services. He related Certified Mail is a Service through the United States Postal Service whereby they have some type of Tracking mechanism used to say that the package was delivered. Board Member Corcoran questioned so it doesn’t need to say “Certified” on that, like this package right here says “Certified Mail” on it and other ones don’t say “Certified”? D.A. D’Aquilla related it had a ugh “Green Card” that was attached to it and it didn’t have “Certified” on there but it was sent and it has a Certification Card on there that was sent... Board Member Corcoran questioned if somebody feels that they were wronged, they can’t come back on us and say, you let it go because it said “Certified” and they didn’t have “Certified” written on it, do you understand? D.A. D’Aquilla related what we are doing is we are actually opening it up to include those people. Board Member Corcoran related okay, so there is not going to be anyone left out? Board President Bradford related exactly. Board Member Paul Kent questioned why do we entertain or why would we entertain somebody that does not have their Certificate? Board President Bradford questioned are you talking about as far as their Certification? Board Member Paul Kent related yes. Board President Bradford related well what Mr. Hammonds is saying is basically, Louisiana really don’t calls for S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Certification, he said there is a lot of Superintendents that don’t have Certification. And also to, if a the way the Law states if there is a Superintendent, for example there is a Superintendent to say Dr. Lewis is from Texas, he has State or he is Certified in the State of Louisiana, but the way the Law reads is once he comes to the State of Louisiana and he is hired, he can automatically be Certified for the State of Louisiana. Dr. Lewis related so we have two (2) applicants and I believe that one person is from Maryland and the other person is from Texas and so those individuals are not currently in the State and so the way the State Certification works is that if someone holds a Certification for Superintendent in another State and they are going to Louisiana. For example, they will not get a Certificate for Louisiana until they are actually employed and so what happens if someone holds a Certification in Texas for example and they interview in Louisiana and a School District is deciding that this is who they want for their Candidate, then what happens according to the Guidelines that are set forth by the State at that point the Employing District which would be East Feliciana at that time would actually prepare a document that goes along with the Certification Packet to say that we are hiring this person as a Superintendent, they are Certified in another State and at the point the State would go ahead and issue a five (5) year Certificate for that Individual. And so you have two (2) Candidates that hold Out-of-State Certification and I believe and D.A. D’Aquilla correct me if I am wrong, there are two (2) other people that actually their packets were “Certified” if I am not mistaken... Board President Bradford related yes. Dr. Lewis continued that were excluded. Board President Bradford related okay. D.A. D’Aquilla related and that just depends upon what the Board wants to approve too, ya’ll don’t have to approve them, I mean you can either disapprove them or go with what you have right now. Board Member Corcoran related well, I mean you had a set of rules and that might be because you went too fast and didn’t cover all of the bases first and having to go back now and change the rules. You set some rules and some pretty easy guidelines and now you have got to go back and change them, because possibly it was too hasty from the get go. I mean I am just a thought. Dr. Lewis related if I may, I think that one thing that was not clarified at the last meeting was “What is the meaning of a “Certified Mail Package”. Is this a package that is solely that you go to the United States Post Office and say “I want this Package Certified” or are you able to go to Federal Express or that and so the advertisement just
Board Member Dawson related if she remembers right and my memory is shot, but when hired a Superintendent for Out-OfState and ya’ll know whom I am talking about and he caused us all kind of chaos. Board Member Paul Kent related that is because he never could get Certification. Vice-President Harrell related Certification. Board President Bradford related we are speaking about “Certified”. They are “Certified” and that person didn’t have anything. Board Member Paul Kent related they would be given a chance to go get their Certification. Board President Bradford related exactly, yes. Board Member Paul Kent continued from the State of Louisiana. Board President Bradford related basically we only have thirteen (13) applicants and we want the best person for our District and me personally and I think Mr. Hammonds and also Mr. D’Aquilla agreed on this also and that when you are looking for a Superintendent you want the best person, you know you try to look at everybody to get that best person. That is what I was thinking. Board Member Paul Kent related I don’t have a problem with it, I don’t have a problem. Board President Bradford then turned the floor over to Mr. Minton. James Minton, Reporter for The Advocate Newspaper asked Board President Bradford to call out the last names of the people you adding? Board President Bradford related we are going to open their packets first and when I come back, I will do that. James Minton, Reporter related he does not want to make a mistake. Board President Bradford related at this time we will recess and we will go into the back. Board Members in attendance concurred. Board Members absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears. Board Members in attendance after return from recess: Brooks, Matthews, Jelks, J. Kent, Bradford, Harrell, P. Kent, Corcoran and Dawson. Board Members absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears. Board President Bradford then reconvened the meeting and noted we are adding the following four (4) Candidates: (1) Dr. LaKesa B. Dixon, Prairieville, LA (2) Miss Victoria Miles, Fort Worth, TX (3) Dr. Charles S. Michel, Metairie, LA (4) Miss Arronza LaBatt, Boyd, MD Board Member Paul Kent questioned and you said four (4)? Board President Bradford related yes, sir, four (4). Board Member Paul Kent questioned and what was the, oh. Board President Bradford questioned which one? Board Member Paul Kent related Lee-Domingue, is that one? Board Member Dawson related no. Board Member Paul Kent questioned which one did he say first? Board President Bradford related LaKesa B, Dr. LaKesa B. Dixon. Board Member Paul Kent related okay and LaBatt? Board President Bradford related yes, sir Arronza LaBatt. Board Member Paul Kent questioned and Charles Michel? Board President Bradford related Charles Michel and Victoria Miles. Board Member Paul Kent related oh, Victoria Miles, okay. Board President Bradford then called for a motion to add these four (4) Candidates. Motion by Mrs. Dawson, seconded by Mr. Jelks to add the above four (4) Candidates. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears. Board President Bradford related thing is concerning the Interviews, is we have not set a date, but that is going to depend on our Interview Committee. He noted our Interview Committee will consist of: (1) Pastor David Gradnigo - Community Person (2) Dr. Kelli Joseph - St. Helena Superintendent Chairperson (3) Mr. Martin Macdiarmid - East Feliciana Chamber of Commerce (4) Mr. Hollis Gerald Milton - West Feliciana Superintendent Board President Bradford then called for a motion on this also. Board Member Corcoran questioned if he could comment on that? Board President Bradford related yes, sir go ahead. Board Member Corcoran questioned is there any way we can include Johnny Arceneaux on this list? Board Member Dawson related she would like to do the same to, I think an odd number is better. Board Member Corcoran related he is tremendously active in what is going on in the School System and in Economic Development. Board President Bradford
Board Member Corcoran related he means he is on the up and up, is what I am saying. Board President Bradford questioned is he wanted to make a motion to that affect to add that person? Motion by Mr. Corcoran, seconded by Mrs. Dawson to include Mr. Johnny Arceneaux on this list. Board President Bradford related it has been motioned that we include Mr. Johnny Arceneaux to this Committee by Mr. Corcoran and was seconded by Mrs. Dawson. Questions? I am sorry, lets do a roll-call vote on it. Yeas: Jelks, Harrell, P. Kent, Corcoran and Dawson Opposed: Matthews, J. Bradford
Brooks, Kent and
Absent during vote: None Absent and not voting: Terrell, Hollins and Spears Board President Bradford related by a majority vote of 5 to 4,with 3 absent and not voting, the motion carried. Board President Bradford related okay, we will add Mr. Arceneaux to this committee. Board Member Dawson questioned how did ya’ll go about picking out who is going to be the Chairperson? I am just curious. Board President Bradford related Mrs. Joseph is a very good Superintendent in St. Helena Parish... Dr. Lewis noted that she served on the Interview Committee when I was hired. Board President Bradford related and she also served when Dr. Lewis was hired. Board Member Dawson related okay, I was just curious. Board Member Brooks related but you had told us that in the back, didn’t you? Board President Bradford related yes, I had told you. Board Member Brooks related okay, I just wanted to make sure. Item 4. Board President Bradford read aloud Item 4. Reconsideration of February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item 5.A.(1) add-on Agenda Item 1. to accept resignation of Dr. Lewis (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), with an effective date of March 16, 2015, revised to March 18, 2015 and turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation. Board Member Brooks questioned so we are going to have two (2) people from the Chamber? Board Member related no.
Board Member Dawson related he fits under the Community. Board Member Rhonda Matthews related he is from the Community. Board Member Brooks questioned from the Chamber or from the Community? Board Member Jelks related he is from the Trade School... Vice-President Harrell related from BRCC. Board Member Jelks continued BRCC. Board Member Rhonda Matthews related her only thing is ya’ll go back and we set rules and ya’ll want to come back and add, we need to just get on one accord and all of this would have been take care of the first night then we want to have to go through this. So we need to just come together as one and if you have a problem, lets discuss it back there, when we come out here we will all be on one accord. We don’t have to go through this again. That is the only thing that I am saying, if ya’ll want to stick to rules and stick to guidelines, let’s just stick to it... Board Member Dawson related we had asked for him before. Board Member Matthews continued we should have added him in the back... Board Member Brooks questioned what? Board Member Dawson related we had asked for him before. Board Member Brooks related but we had made the motion and voted and it was done, so why are you bringing it back up tonight? Board Member Matthews continued it is okay. But I am just saying, it is okay, but we just need to stick to what we are going to follow. If we are going to follow guidelines or not, we carry it out about what way we said we are going to do it. That is all I am saying. Board Member Brooks related we made the motion for it and then you were concerned about people coming back and now you want to add somebody else after we have already voted for it so... Board Member Matthews related it is okay, we just need to stick together. Board Member Corcoran related I understand that. Board Member Brooks related you know what I am saying, so we are going to stick to what we do and say, then we need to do it around the Board. Board President Bradford related that is the end of that item and we will move back to Item 4. Reconsideration of February 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Item 5.A.(1) add-on Agenda Item 1. to accept resignation of Dr. Lewis (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), with an effective date of March 16, 2015, revised to March 18, 2015 and turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis for his presentation. Dr. Lewis distributed copies to Board Members present his revised letter dated March 11, 2015 and noted his contract is still in negotiations and the Board Meeting in New Orleans will take place on the 17th and so if you can recall from the last meeting, my date was through that Friday, which I believe was the 13th or what have you. So what I am asking for is two (2) additional days, so I will not have a break in my service. Motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mrs. J. Kent in connection agenda Item 4. to accept resignation of Dr. Lewis (a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof), with a revised effective date of March 18, 2015. Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. After some discussion by Vice-President Harrell and Board Members P. Kent and Dawson, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears. Item 5. Board President Bradford read aloud agenda Item 5. Reconsideration of March 3, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Agenda
Motion by Mrs. J. Kent, seconded by Miss Matthews in connection agenda Item 5. to set daily rate of pay for Interim Superintendent Edna Thomas of $465.00 with an effective date: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 (beginning of work day).
Thursday, April 30, 2015
East Feliciana Public Notices
10285 Present were Mayor Charles E. Coleman and Board of Trustee members, Mike Harrell, Don Havard, John Travis and Jim Parker. Several visitors were also present. Mayor Colman announced the agenda for the regular meeting. CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES PAYMENT OF BILLS FINANCIAL REPORT NEW BUSINESS 5:45 p.m. /PUBLIC HEARING (CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER) Beth Dawson/ Reenact ment trolley OLD BUSINESS Bids/Slope Mower/Pick up MAINTENANCE REPORT MARSHAL’S REPORT MAYORS’ REPORT ADJOURNMENT
Item 6. Board President Bradford turned the floor over to Dr. Lewis.
Mayor Coleman asked that the item (road closure) be added to the agenda.
Dr. Lewis related Item 6. on the agenda deals with the 2.75 factor lawsuit. We recently received some information from Mr. Bob Hammonds’ Office in reference to this matter is going to court sometime next week and School Districts need to sign a Resolution. However, we contact Mr. Hammonds Office and explained that our Board here previously passed a Resolution for 2012/2013 SY, because we did not receive the additional 2.75 factor in our MFP and we also completed one for the 2013/2014 SY. So after we put this item on the agenda and after speaking with Mr. Hammonds, even though we received the information at this time he said because we have completed both Resolutions that there is no additional action to be taken by East Feliciana and that we are in the lawsuit that covers the 2012/2013 SY and the 2013/2014 SY. He noted just to remind everyone, if these two lawsuits are favorable for us, what is going to happen the 2.75 and that is the costs of living factor that was supposed to be added during that year and it was not, if we are successful we would end up getting the 2.75 that should have been allocated for East Feliciana for the 2012/2013 SY as well as the 2013/2014 SY. On the legal side, as far as the legal fees of up to 10%, that the Lawyers will receive. However, if we are not victorious in these two (2) lawsuits, then the District will not have to pay anything. So if we indeed get pay out, we know that we will receive an additional amount for those two (2) School Years minus up to 10% which will be the legal fees.
Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Harrell to add the item to new business. Passed unanimously. Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Parker to detour traffic off of Charter Street starting at College street north and ending at Franklin Street. Passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman presented the minutes from the previous regular meeting. Motion by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Harrell to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting with the correction of the following: The minutes reflected Parker, Harrell, Stewart and Havard were in attendance at the Public Hearing when in fact only two members were in attendance Parker and Harrell. Passed unanimously. Motion by Havard, seconded by Travis for the Town to supply a truck and driver for the Re enactment of the Battle of the Jackson Crossroads. Passed unanimously. Mayor Coleman opened the sealed bids for the following: 1983 Ford 6600 tractor/A boom slope mower: Kevin Tomb, $5247.00 TC Industrial Maintenance, $5040.00 Motion by Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Harrell to accept the bid of Kevin Tomb in the amount of $5247.00 Passed unanimously.
Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments? Do we need a motion for that?
Mayor Coleman opened the bid for the 1998 Ford 250/ Pick Up:
Dr. Lewis related no, he said we are good to go.
The bid failed to meet the minimum of $1000.00
Board President Bradford called for a motion to adjourn.
Motion by Travis, seconded by Mr. Parker to re advertise the truck.
NOTICE --The East Feliciana Parish School Board advises students, parents, employees and the general public that all career and technical education opportunities will be offered regardless of race, color, national original, sex or disability. The East Feliciana Parish School Board career and technical education program offerings include courses in agriculture, business, career awareness, emergency medical technology and family and consumer science. The career and technical education program of the East Feliciana Parish School Board does not have admissions criteria. The persons designatedto coordinate compliance under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), 34 CFR Part 100, and the Vocational Education Programs Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin, Sex and Handicap (Guidelines), 34 CFR Part 100 Appendix B, are the following: Title VI Compliance Coordinator: Edna Thomas, Interim Superintendent 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722 (225) 683-8277, Ext. 214 Career & Technical Education Compliance Coordinator: Knight Roddy, Ph.D., Supervisor 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722 (225) 683-8277, Ext. 220 5121740-apr 30-1t
Passed unanimously.
Travis present Harrell present Havard present Stewart present Stewart absent Mayor Coleman presented the agenda. 1. CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Motion by Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Parker to deffer the matter of the Code Enforcement Officer. Passed unanimously. Motion by Harrell, seconded by Parker to adjourn the Public Hearing meeting. All in favor. At 6:00 p.m Mayor Coleman called to order the regular March 9, 2015 business meeting.
Fair Housing Complaint is still on going. A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to allow the Parish Manager to get rid of the used bridge timbers as soon as possible due to no bids being received. This motion passed unanimously without comments. A motion was made by Mr. Larry Beauchamp, seconded by Mr. Chris Hall to approve monthly invoices. This motion passed unanimously without comment. A motion was made by Mr. Sean Smith, seconded by Mr. Jason McCray to advertise for bids for the 2015 road project as discussed in the committee meeting. Sub-Motion by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to go with the original overlay list. Sub motion failed due lack of a second. Voting for main motion: Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray. Voting against main motion: Mr. Larry Beauchamp. Motion passed with comments. Mr. Dwight Hill reported the meeting with the movie production went very well. Ms. Ann Jones and Mr. Leslie Ligon had great ideas. Still waiting on a few companies to send in their quotes on the Front End Loader. Mr. Jim Parker informed the Jury that things are going well at the Homeland Security Office and they are continuing to update their files. Mr. Richard Howell, Planning and Zoning Chairman informed the jury they do not have updated Planning and Zoning Ordinances. Mr. Rouchon informed him they will have them at their next meeting. Public Comments: Mr. Joel Gouedy voiced his concerns on installing speed bumps on Richmond Drive. A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to adjourn. This motion passed unanimously without comment. _____________ John Rouchon, Parish Manager _____________ Dennis Aucoin, Police Jury President 5121895-apr 30-1t
File No. V545761, Solicitation No. 2259358 – Aluminum, 05/19/2015
5121831-apr 30-1t
NOTICE --The regular meeting of the East Feliciana Parish Police Jury was called to order on 6 April, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. by Mr. Dennis Aucoin, President. Opening prayer was offered by Mr. Ed Brooks and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by Mr. Sean Smith. The roll was called by the Parish Manager, Mr. John Rouchon and Mr. Dennis Aucoin, Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Larry Beauchamp, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray were present. Absent: Mr. Keith Mills.
Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5122003-apr 30-1t
A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to approve the agenda and move the visitors up. This motion passed unanimously without comment. Mr. Keith Mills came in at this time. Ms. Bennie Davis voiced her concerns on a mobile home located on Liberty Road in Clinton. Ms. Anita Thoms and Ms. Barbie Holloway voiced their concerns on overlaying Cooper Lane and the drainage. Parish Manager, John Rouchon will issue a work order to have the drains cleaned. A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to adopt a resolution allowing the Police Jury to perform work within the municipalities. A sub-motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Louis Kent to send the resolution to the Attorney General for his legal opinion. Voting for sub-motion: Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Jason McCray, Mr. Sean Smith and Mr. Ed Brooks. Against sub-motion: Mr. Larry Beauchamp. Submotion passed with comment.
A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Larry Beauchamp to set a Public Hearing for public input to sell Slaughter Park Property on May 4, 2015 at 5:30 pm. This motion passed unanimously with comment.
Mayor Coleman opened the meeting and asked for roll call.
A motion was made by Mr. Dwight Hill, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to adopt the minutes of the 17 March 2015 meeting. For: Mr. Sean Smith, Mr. Louis Kent, Mr. Chris Hall, Mr. Dwight Hill, Mr. Ed Brooks and Mr. Jason McCray. Against: Mr. Larry Beauchamp. This motion passed with comment.
All in favor.
1998 Ford F 250 Pickup (minimum bid of $1000.00)
NOTICE --On April 13, 2015 at 5:45 a public hearing was held at the Jackson Fire Department preceding the regular business meeting of the Town of Jackson. Present were Mayor Charles E. Coleman and Board of Trustee members Mike Harrell, Don Havard, Jim Parker and John Travis. Several visitors were also present.
Legislative Reception Monday, 13 April from 3:30 – 6:30 at the Capitol Park Welcome Center. (See attached invitation).
A motion was made by Mr. Chris Hall, seconded by Mr. Sean Smith to declare Slaughter Park property surplus. This motion passed unanimously with comment.
5121830-apr 30-may 7-2t
East Feliciana Public Notices
Sealed bids will be received by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following:
Motion by Mr. Harrell, seconded by Travis to adjourn.
Sealed bids will be accepted during regular business hours at the Town Hall, 1610 Charter Street from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Bids will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on Monday May, 11, 2015. The bids will be opened at the regular April meeting on May 11, 2015.
Board President Bradford then asked for any public questions or comments before a vote is taken on this motion. Receiving none, Board President Bradford then proceeded with the vote. All yeas. The motion carried. Absent: Terrell, Hollins and Spears.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion for adjournment by Mr. Jelks, seconded by Miss Matthews, prevailed until the next regular meeting unless called into special session by the President.
A motion was made by Mr. Louis Kent, seconded by Mr. Ed Brooks to adopt the budget revision to raise Criminal Court in General Fund to $60,000.00. This motion passed unanimously with comment. Administrative ments:
I, Brian R. Ramsey, have been convicted of 14:81 Indecent Behavior with Juveniles on Jan 01, 1999. My address is 1544 Cedar St., Jackson, LA 70748. 5122859-apr 30-may 7-2t
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 1149 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V545581, Solicitation No. 2259292 – Pork Spare Ribs, PE, 05/05/2015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5150666-apr 30-1t
2015 NACO Convention runs from 10-13 July in Charlotte NC. Interested Jurors need to register soon to get the best rates and guarantee the best hotel location. Registration is currently $515.00 for members and $150.00 for s p o u s e /g u e s t . Interested parties may request a packet from Ms. Hebert. Your Tier 3 Financial Disclosure forms are behind your agenda’s. Filing deadline is 15 May – no penalty for early filing. The Zachary Taylor Parkway quarterly meeting will be held Wednesday, 8 April at DEMCO Training Center at 16262 Wax Road. Interested parties are welcome to attend. Mr. Hicks and I will be in Houma, Wednesday – Friday for the Louisiana F l o o d p l a i n M a n a g e m e n t A s s o c i a t i o n Conference to earn our continuing education hours required to maintain our certification as CFM’s. I will be reachable on my cell if necessary. There will be a Home
NOTICE --WEST FELICIANA PARISH HOSPITAL BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING MARCH 19, 2015 5:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Leonard Sullivan, Chairman, Cheryl Franklin, Vice Chairman, Melvin Harvey, Jr., Secretary, Kevin Bearden, Mitch Brashier, Dr. Adam Whatley MEMBERS Raymond Minor
OTHERS PRESENT: Lee Chastant, CEO, Linda Harvey, CFO, Neta Leake, Administrative Assistant, Rhonda Coats, Laboratory Supervisor, Peter Hampton, Facilities Manager CALL TO ORDER Leonard Sullivan, Chairman called the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of West Feliciana Parish Hospital to order at 5:00 p.m. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Cheryl Franklin. ROLL CALL Leonard Sullivan called roll. Six of the seven mem-
Thursday, April 30, 2015 Public Notices Miscellaneous
Public Notices Miscellaneous
PUBLIC NOTICE --DOCKET NO. 638348 SEC. 21 19TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF EAST BATON ROUGE STATE OF LOUISIANA IN RE: MATURED, UNREDEEMED, AND UNCLAIMED UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS WITH PURCHASERS OR OWNERS WITH LAST KNOWN ADDRESSES IN THE STATE OF LOUISIANA NOTICE OF SUIT To the list below of owners of United States savings bonds currently in the possession of the Louisiana State Treasurer and to the class of unknown owners of all United States savings bonds that have also reached their maturity date, that have not been redeemed, that have purchasers or owners with last known addresses in the state of Louisiana according to the records of the U.S. Treasury Department, and that were issued during the following timeframes: a. 40-year Series E bonds issued between 1941 and February 28, 1967; b. 30-year Series E bonds issued between 1965 and February 28, 1977; c. Series EE bonds issued between July 1, 1980 and February 28, 1993; d. Series A, B, C, D, F, G, J and K bonds (all of which were issued prior to 1958); e. Series H bonds issued on or before February 28, 1977; f. Series HH bonds issued on or before February 28, 1987; and to all other concerned persons. You are notified that such property has been presumed to be abandoned. You are further notified that a petition pursuant to the Louisiana Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (R.S. 9:151, et seq.) and identifying you as an owner has been filed in the 19th Judicial District Court for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, by the Louisiana Department of the Treasury seeking a declaration that title to the above-described U.S. savings bonds has passed to the state of Louisiana by way of escheat pursuant to R.S. 9:182. For further information about this lawsuit, visit http://www.treasury. You are hereby required to answer the petition or other pleading or otherwise defend or before June 9, 2015, in the 19th Judicial District Court for the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Louisiana. If you fail to answer or otherwise defend, the petition or other pleading will be taken as true, and judgment, the nature of which will be stated and may include a declaration that title to the above-described U.S. savings bonds have passed to the state of Louisiana by way of escheat, will be rendered accordingly. You are further notified that on June 15, 2015, at 10:00 a.m., a hearing will be held, at which time the Court will determine whether the above-referenced savings bonds should escheat to the State of Louisiana. Owners of U.S. Savings Bonds in the Louisiana State Treasurer’s Possession and Location, If Known: Grace Aaron (Ouachita) Barbara Abney (California) Jennifer Abney a.k.a Jennifer Phemister (California) Christopher D. Adams (E. Baton Rouge) Tangee R. Adams (E. Baton Rouge) Emma L. Aggison (Georgia) George B. Aggison (Georgia) Bette Aguillard (Lafayette) Lottie M. Aguillard (Lafayette) Marcie Michelle Allen (Calcasieu) Allison Gordon Amedee (Orleans) Christian Patrick Amedee (Orleans) Gloria L. Amedee (Orleans) Edna Anderson (Lafayette) Christopher Jamaal Anderson (E. Baton Rouge) Theresa Anderson (Lafayette) Joseph Anderson (Lafayette) Joseph F. Assunto (St. Bernard) Theresa Assunto (St. Bernard) Clara Aucoin (Orleans) Mary August (Lafayette) Karen Elise Babin (E. Baton Rouge) David Babin (Jefferson) Helen Babin (Jefferson) Alphonse L. Babin, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) James Michael Baggett (Lafayette) Michael Seth Baggett (Lafayette) Lauren Ashley Baggett (Lafayette) Laura L. Baggett (Lafayette) Michael Seth Baggett (Lafayette) Barbara Baham (Jefferson) Brian Keith Baham (Jefferson) Charlotte Anne Bahn (Florida) Ed Bailey (Caddo) Hardy A. Bailey (Beauregard) Rene T. Bailey (St. Tammany) John L. Ballantyne, Jr. (Orleans) Helen M. Barideaux (Michigan) Jackelyn M. Barideaux (Michigan) Brittny Barnes (Ouachita) Grant Barrington (Lafayette) Patt Barrington (Lafayette) Sallie Morgan Barsock (Orleans) Myram A. Barton (Texas) Irene D. Belida (St. Landry) John Russell Basco (Orleans) Michael Beach (Orleans) Julie Michelle Berins (Jefferson) Leonard M. Berins (Jefferson) Alanina Bernard Bernard (North Carolina) Hilarius Bernard III (North Carolina) Shree Bezue (Orleans) Brandon Scott Blackshire (Jefferson) Janice Blackshire (Jefferson) A. C. Blackwood (Acadia) Barney Blanchard (Plaquemines) Dwayne Blanchard (Plaquemines) Barney Blanchard (Lafayette) Shon Blanchard (Lafayette) Barbara Bollinger (Oklahoma) R.P. Bollinger (Oklahoma) George M. Bonnett Jr. (St. Tammany) Mary B. Bonnett (St. Tammany) Gretchen A. Boothe (Oklahoma) George Boothe (Oklahoma) Burnette L. Bordelon, Jr. (Jefferson) Burnette L. Bordelon, Sr. (Jefferson) Delta Borne (Jefferson) Dorothy S. Boudreaux (Tennessee) Joseph F. Boudreaux (Tennessee) Katie Boudreaux (Lafourche) Garland Bourgeois (Orleans) Margaret Bourgeois (Orleans) Nathaniel Boyance (Lafayette) Jamie Noelle Bozeman (Alabama) Jimmy Bozeman (Alabama) Cindy Patrice Bradshaw (Orleans) James Bradshaw Jr. (Orleans) J. Dustin Brandon
The Advocate
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Jerry Lee Brandon (Bossier) Beverly Brandon (Bossier) Emma D. Brast (St. Mary) Paul Breaux (Lafayette) Nancy Wendell Brian (Arkansas) Susan B. Brian (Arkansas) Arian Angelle Brignac (Orleans) Paul M. Brignac, III (Orleans) Brian Brothers (St. Tammany) Lynette Brothers (St. Tammany) Ernest Alvin Brooms, Jr. (Iberia) Melvina Augusta Brooms (Iberia) Colleen Broussard Gertie Broussard (Orleans) Natalie Colleen Broussard Pierre Whitney Broussard (Lafayette) Ethel Brown (Orleans) Gordon Keith Brown (Morehouse) Mary Brumfield Mary Brumfield (Texas) Mary A. Brumfield (Orleans) Nolan Brumfield Nolan Brumfield Jr. (Texas) Paul O. Bryant (Orleans) James L. Buffin (Virginia) Elizabeth Milliken (Westerfield) Burke (Orleans) James Gibbons Burke, III (Orleans) Ruth Nairne Burke (Orleans) Laul Burns Thais L. Butler (Orleans) Thais S. Butler (Orleans) Kathleen W. Caboni (Colorado) Marissa Kristin Caboni (Colorado) Tr & Sav Caddo (Virginia) Paul E. Calais (Orleans) Clarence Caldwell (Orleans) Saundra Caldwell (Orleans) Heather Lee Capello (E. Baton Rouge) Darryl John Carimi (Orleans) David Darryl Carimi (Orleans) Beth Carmack Robert Carmack (Minnesota) Elmer C. Carr (Orleans) Quanetta Tamika Carroll (Iberia) Alice Carruth (Orleans) Cecil W. Carter Jr. (Mississippi) Georgia A. Carter (Orleans) Marc T. Carter (Mississippi) Allison Cavalier (Orleans) Geralyn B. Cavalier (Tennessee) Janice Carrol Cavalier (Orleans) Leslie Cavalier (Orleans) Raymond A. Cavalier (Tennessee) Michael J. Cenola (Orleans) Mona Centola (Orleans) Lloyd Champagne (St. John the Baptist) Staci Champagne (St. John the Baptist) Thomas H. Charlebois (Orleans) Amelia M. Chastant (Orleans) Lawrence T. Chauvin (Plaquemines) Una Mae Chauvin (Plaquemines) Kathleen M. Chevalier (Caddo) Stephen F. Chevalier (Caddo) Nellie N. Christopher (Point Coupee) Robert Christopher (Point Coupee) Benjamin Todd Clark (Caddo) Bonnie S. Clark (Maryland) Joseph M. Clark Jr. (Maryland) Paul M. Clark, Jr. (Caddo) Harry L. Colcolough (Orleans) Maureen G. Colcolough (Orleans) Pauline Wright Pugh Cole (Calcasieu) Jeffrey Martin Cole (Calcasieu) Lois Jane Whetsel Collins (Lafayette) Juanita M. Collins (Assumption) Stephen Boring Collins (Lafayette) Ernest T. Conolly (Orleans) Irene C. Conolly (Orleans) James L. Cooper (Lincoln) Sheron Cooper (Lincoln) Albert L. Cormier (St. Martin) Theresa S. Cormier (St. Martin) John Costanza (Jefferson) Troy Costanza (Jefferson) Doris J. Courville (St. Landry) Etienne Courville (St. Landry) L.G. Coy Ethel Viola Crabb (Orleans) Billie H. Crabtree (Orleans) James Aubrey Crabtree (Orleans) Dolores Craven (Orleans) Timothy Craven (Orleans) Bob Creech (Caddo) Chad Harris Creech (Caddo) Marie B. Culver (Orleans) Raymond J. Culver (Orleans) Maurice Cummings (E. Baton Rouge) Allen Dalfrey (Lafayette) Mary T. Dalfrey (Lafayette) Janet M. Daly (Orleans) Woodrow W. Daniel Mary Daniels (New York) Francisco da Silva Terra (Orleans) Lee Davis (Jefferson) Earnestine C. Davis (Ouachita) Edna E. Davis (Orleans) Charles Dawson (Orleans) Melvin Earl Dawson (Orleans) Laurence C. Deblanc (Lafayette) Louis Paul Deblanc (Lafayette) Tessa A. Debose (Orleans) James W. Debuys (Jefferson) Marion G. Deckelman (California) Robert C. Deckelman (California) Numa Delhomme (Lafayette) Dana Marie Dell Ira T. Dell Steven Hudson Dell (Jefferson) Shamus Paul DeMary (Calcasieu) Julianna L. DePrinse (Ontario, Canada) Cynthia Louise Derbins (Orleans) Todd Devidts (California) Clifton J. Devillier (St. Landry) Irene DeVillier (St. Landry) Joseph Abram Devillier (St. Landry) Clay Devillier (St. Landry) Clay G. DeVilliere (St. Landry) Mary A. Dodge (Florida) Shani Marie Domengeaux (Lafayette) Emile J. Donaldson (Orleans) Charles Jessie Donato (St. Landry) Theresa Donato (St. Landry) Larry Merrell Doss (Jackson) Regile Doucet, Jr. (St. Landry) Myrtle Doucet (St. Landry) Debra Dretar (Jefferson) Diane S. Drury (Jefferson) Edward R. Drury (Jefferson) Jessie L. Duckworth (E. Baton Rouge) Lawyer T. Duckworth (E. Baton Rouge) Harold John Baptist Duhon (Lafayette) G. Steven Duplechain (E. Baton Rouge) Matthew Ross Duplechain (E. Baton Rouge) Anthony Dupre (St. Landry) Jessie Dupre (St. Landry) Melvin D. Edward (Caddo) Billy R. Edwards (Caddo) Annie R. Eiseman (Arkansas) Richard J. Eiseman (Arkansas) Mary Ann Eller (Jefferson) Mae Elizabeth Ellerman (Orleans) Mary R Ellerman (St. Tammany) Maude Bertha Emery (Orleans) William Emery (Orleans) Elizabeth Erwin (Ouachita) Walter Essect Nicholas Estiverne (E. Baton Rouge) Nell S. Estorge (Iberia) Anita M. Evans (Orleans) Angele V. Evans (Orleans) Stacie Ray Evans (Orleans) Norman Evens Dianne Fagot (Orleans) Herbert Fagot (Lafayette) Herbert Fagot (Virginia) Lisa Fagot (Virginia) Mary West Farris (Natchitoches) Reginald M. Farris (Natchitoches)
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Andrea Joy Faulk (Calcasieu) Patricia Faulk (Calcasieu) Robert Felknor (Bossier) Christopher Waynn Fergeson (Oklahoma) Dianne Turnley Fergeson (Oklahoma) Dolci Fillinich (Lafourche) Zach A. Fillinich (Lafourche) Fannie G. Fiorella (Orleans) William H. Fiorella, Sr. (Orleans) Ida E. Fischer (Orleans) Calvin A. Fleming, II (Jefferson) Carrolyn Foland (Jefferson) Joseph Elmo Foland (Jefferson) Berth Fontenot (Orleans) James Billier Fontenot (Orleans) John Y. Fontenot (St. Landry) Joseph R. Fontenot (Calcasieu) Sidney S. Fontenot (St. Landry) Virginia Fontenot (Calcasieu) Lemoine Ford (Caddo) Mosie L. Ford (Caddo) Carol P. Ford (E. Baton Rouge) Edward A. Ford (Jefferson) Leonie S. Ford (Jefferson) James Alvin Freeman, Jr. (California) James A. Freeman (Lafayette) Janet Sue Freeman Mark Evan Freeman (Lafayette) Mary Catherine Furman (Orleans) Nell Furman (Orleans) Aaron J. Fuselier (Jefferson) Paul Michael Galaforo Jr. (Jefferson) Catherine L. Galaforo (Jefferson) Angela K. Gallagher (Lafayette) Dudley M. Gallagher (Orleans) Dudley Michael Gallagher, Jr. (Orleans) James Sean Gallagher (Lafayette) Mary H. Gallagher (Orleans) Harry Genry (Orleans) Sophronios K. Georgeades (Orleans) Robert Michael Geraci (Orleans) Carol Lee Gervais (Orleans) Harold W. Gervais (Orleans) Daniel J. Gianelloni (Prov de Habana, Cuba) Imogene Gianelloni (Prov de Habana, Cuba) Adrian Joseph Gibbs (Orleans) Booker Gibbs, Jr. (Orleans) Michelle Theresa Gibbs (Orleans) Linda Jane Gimma (Orleans) Payton B. Givens (Morehouse) Mittie Givins (Morehouse) Anthony L. Glorioso (Jefferson) Anthony L. Glorioso (Ouachita) Jay Lewis Glorioso (Ouachita) Jill Ann Glorioso (Jefferson) Charlotte Lewis Glover (Lafayette) Mary Goddard Marissa Ann Goldsmith (California) Matthew F. Goldsmith (Florida) Morissa A. Goldsmith (California) Hollace Goldsmith (California) Michael Goldsmith (California) Bernadine L. Goodeaux (Beauregard) Shawn Paul Goodeaux (California) Anne B. Goodyear (Orleans) Casey Brooks Gordon (Ascension) Judi Gordon (Ascension) George H. Gossom (Orleans) Kathleen E. Gossom (Orleans) Glenn Gothreaux (Calcasieu) Louis Gothreaux (Calcasieu) Arthur Gordon Grant III Arthur Gordon Grant Jr. Earl Nelson Gray, Jr. (Orleans) Earl Nelson Gray, Sr. (Orleans) Mary Greco (Orleans) Rose M. Greco (Orleans) Samuel Greco (Orleans) Vincent J. Greco (Orleans) Edith C. Green Elena Green (St. Landry) Keith W. Green Kristi Sharon Green (Tennessee) Nicholas Green, Jr. (St. Landry) Earl Grogren, Sr. (Jefferson) Audrey W. Groves (Calcasieu) William J Groves (Calcasieu) Arthur Guedes (Orleans) Earl A. Guidroz (Orleans) Alvin L. Guidry (St. Landry) Edward J. Guidry (Lafourche) Lois A. Guidry (Lafourche) Joseph G. Guillory (Calcasieu) Evelena Fontenot Guillory (Calcasieu) Henry Gumbaugh Connie C. Haerer (Jefferson) Philip L. Haerer (Jefferson) John J. Haggerty (Orleans) Marceline Haggerty (Orleans) George Hall (Orleans) Caroline Halpern (Orleans) Minette Halpern (Orleans) Eleanor Halprin (Orleans) Michael Halprin (Orleans) Ethel B. Hamelback (Caddo) Walter Hamelback (Caddo) Edrea K. Handy (Lafayette) Katherine Handy (Lafayette) Ed Handy (Lafayette) Bobby D. Hanson (Webster) Celia Ann Hanson (Webster) Meredith T. Hanson (Webster) Delia V. Hardee (Caddo) Mildred Irene Hardee (Caddo) Ellen C. Harper (Orleans) Bennie G. Harris, Sr. (E. Baton Rouge) Bryan K. Harris (E. Baton Rouge) Nefertiti Akeita Hawkins (E. Baton Rouge) Harry R. Hawthrone Fredonia Haymond (Ascension) Leo F. Haymond, Jr. (Ascension) Leo Hegwood (Point Coupee) John Hebert, III (St. Tammany) Barbara C. Heitmeier (Orleans) Dewey J. Heitmeier (Orleans) Geraldine Henry (Orleans) Harry Henry, Sr. (Orleans) Michael P. Henry (Orleans) Adam Hesko, Jr. (Orleans) Frank Hidalgo (Lafourche) John F. Hiendlmayr Claude Hidgon, Jr. (Vermilion) Claude Higdon, Jr. (St. Landry) Velma D. Higdon (St. Landry) Beau M. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Kathryn W. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Lee C. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Prentist L. Higginbotham (E. Baton Rouge) Charles E. Hill (Orleans) James M. Hill (Ascension) Marilyn A. Hill (Orleans) Marie Robbins Hill (Texas) Rosemary Hill (Ascension) W.O. Hills Joseph R. Hogh III (Jefferson) Bessie W. Holland (Orleans) Malane Leigh Honsinger (Orleans) Michelle Leigh Honsinger (Livingston) Ophelia H. Horns (St. Landry) Willie J. Horns (St. Landry) Forrest Donald Horrom (Winn) Virginia Horrom (Winn) Anthony E. Howells, Jr. (Alabama) Sara Elizabeth Howells Leigh Huggins (Tennessee) Jennifer M. Huggins Giner Hutchens (Lincoln) Mary Hutchens (Lincoln) Joseph Hymes, Jr. (Orleans) Helen M. Iverson (Washington State) George Iverson Jr. (Washington State) Lawrence Jacket (Lafayette) Marion Jackson (E. Baton Rouge) Ruby Ann Jackson (E. Baton Rouge) Billy Mason Jambon, Jr. (Jefferson)
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Bobby S. Jambon (Jefferson) Linda Z. Jambon (Jefferson) Mildred B. James (Iberia) Elissa Gwen Jastal (Orleans) Judith R. Jastal (Orleans) Nikki Jastel Charles Jeanmard (Lafayette) Cornelia Webre Jeanmard (Lafayette) Elliott J. Jefferson (Orleans) Hattie Jefferson (Orleans) James Jendrain (West Feliciana) Arthur Mallitz Jenson (Orleans) Bertha Mallitz Jenson (Orleans) Elanor Prezestwor Jentry Danny Wayne Johnson (Union) Danny Wayne Johnson (Ouachita) Harvard H. Johnston (Ouachita) Huey P. Johnston (Ouachita) Mary Elaine Johnson (Ouachita) Dannye B. Jones (Mississippi) Hiram Jones Michael A. Joyce (Florida) Florence B. Juttner (Orleans) Richard L. Juttner (Orleans) Adele T. Kaupp (Orleans) Joe Paul Kaupp (Orleans) John F. Kelley Maude H. Kelley (California) Mary Elizabeth Kelly (Orleans) Jean Kelly (Orleans) (California) Stephanie Kennedy (Rapides) Auton B. King (Iberia) Bessie King (Iberia) Christopher Klein (Jefferson) Henry Klein (Jefferson) Kim Klein (Jefferson) Allen J. Klibert (Jefferson) Tressie E. Klibert (Jefferson) Stella Guidry Krantz (Lafayette) Bernie Laclair Barry Louis LaCour (Orleans) Lorraine A. LaCour (Orleans) Austin W LaMarche (Caddo) Margaret B. LaMarche (Caddo) Catherine V. Lambert (St. Bernard) Joseph Authur Lambert (St. Bernard) Matthew Peter Lambert (St. Bernard) Paul Landry (E. Baton Rouge) Phyllis B. Landry (E. Baton Rouge) Andrew Lansdown (Oklahoma) Ben Lansdown (Mississippi) Mary Ann Lansdown Mary Ann Lansdown (Mississippi) Dora Lawrence (Lafayette) John E. Lawrence (Avoyelles) Oscar O. Lawrence (Avoyelles) Delta Lazaro (Jefferson) Ladislas Lazaro, Jr. (St. Landry) Stephen Charles Lazaro (St. Landry) Tracy Lynn Lazaro (Jefferson) William A. Lazaro Jr. (Jefferson) Christel R. League (Orleans) William C. League (Orleans) Catina LeBlanc (St. Mary) Catina LeBlanc (Iberia) Jennifer LeBlanc (Iberia) Janice LeBlanc (St. Mary) Jennifer Michelle LeBlanc (St. Mary) Steve Joseph LeBlanc (Ascension) Natasha Denee LeBlanc (Iberia) Bobby Jane LeBlanc (Iberia) Joseph LeBlanc (Lafayette) Eva C. Ledet (St. Landry) Florence Levin (Orleans) Barbara K. Ligon (Orleans) Walter B. Ligon (Orleans) Henry Linam, Jr. (Caddo) Susanna Linam (Caddo) Susan Felice Linam (Caddo) Glen R. Loeber (Jeffeson) Glennis R. Loeber (Jefferson) Dennis Vincent Lopez, Jr. (Orleans) Dennis V. Lopez (Orleans) Frank Lopinto (St. Bernard) Shawn Michael Louviere (Jefferson) Jon Allen Luckett (E. Baton Rouge) Katie Ludwig (Orleans) Shirley M. Ludwig (Orleans) Martin Lund (Orleans) Anna D. Lundburg (Minnesota) Mark Lupher (Mississippi) Reva E. (Berins) Lupin (Orleans) Alene J. Lyle (Calcasieu) John S. Lyle (Calcasieu) Thomas Eugene Maciulski Louis J. Maco Jr. (Jefferson) Phillip Welsey Maco (Jefferson) Ginger L. Madden (Jefferson) Kenneth L. Madden (Jefferson) James O. Manning (Jefferson Lena Manuel (Calcasieu) Riley Manuel (Calcasieu) Carol Marange (St. Tammany) Ferdinand Joseph Marange, III (St. Tammany) Jean Wright Martin (Jefferson) Mary Ella Martin (Webster) William Watson Martin (Jefferson) Johnnie Welch Mason Sybil Mason (Illinois) Mary Scharff Massengill (Orleans) Evan R. Mather (California) John W. Mather (California) Louis P. Mattis (Pennsylvania) Albert Brown May (Calcasieu) Junior May (Calcasieu) Emory Mark McChargue (Terrebonne) Randall Mark McChargue (Terrebonne) Esther McClendon (Orleans) Sheman McClendon (Orleans) Francis J. McDonald (North Carolina) Lovell McElroy (Rapides) Lillie M. McElroy (Rapides) Ciara McGarry (E. Baton Rouge) Conal McGarry (E. Baton Rouge) David William McGuire (Orleans) David R. McGuire, Jr. (Orleans) John Barrett McGuire (Orleans) Bruce W. McIntyre (Caddo) Constance N. McIntyre (Caddo) James D. McKnight (North Carolina) Marie Mcleod (St. Bernard) Chris Junior McNabb (Lafayette) Chris Senior McNabb (Lafayette) Nancy McNabb (Lafayette) Norman C. McNabb, Jr. (Lafayette) James S. Meagher (Florida) William A. Meagher (Florida) Louis Mendez (Orleans) Early J. Meche (St. Landry) J. R. Meng (Point Coupee) Louis E. Meng (Point Coupee) Lucille Marie M. Meche (St. Landry) Carrie M. Meng (Point Coupee) Carrie Elizabeth M. Meng (Point Coupee) Mary Elaine Meng (Point Coupee) Rae E. Meng (Point Coupee) Angelia Merritt (Orleans) Barbara Ann Messarra (Caddo) Elie John Messarra (Caddo) Lillian Michie (Ouachita) P. C. Miller (E. Baton Rouge) Thomas P. Mince (Orleans) Avery A. Mitchell (Lafayette) Ethel L. Molligan (Orleans) Judy Ann Molligan (Orleans) Eugene Montgomery (Orleans) H.E. Montgomery (Orleans) Jennie Elizabeth Montgomery (Orleans) Jenny Elizabeth Montgomery (Orleans) John B.Montgomery Jr. (St. Tammany) Noreen Montgomery (St. Tammany) Megan Lee Montgomery (Orleans) Harold T. Moore (Orleans) Margot Alexius Moore Hiram Morehead Danielle T. Morgan (Orleans) Ursula C. Morgan (Orleans) Gina Marie Morgani (Jefferson) Lisa P. Morgani (Jefferson) Dr. Benjamin O. Morrison (Red River)
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Public Notices Miscellaneous
J. J. Mullen (Jefferson) Marie Mullen (Jefferson) Ola Christopher Murtagh (Orleans) Louis Murtagh, Jr. (Orleans) Isabelle C. Murthogh (Orleans) Betty M. Muse (Point Coupee) Tommy L. Muse Jr. (Mississippi) Betty J. Muse (Mississippi) Gilbert B. Myles (Ouachita) Gilbert B. Myles, Sr. (Ouachita) Richard S. Nadler (Orleans) Neil M. Nadler (St. Tammany) Stephanie Nadler (St. Tammany) Haakon Nelsen (Ouachita) Mary Elizabeth Nelson (Ouachita) Terry L. Newman (Calcasieu) Isaac Newton (Orleans) Beulah Newton (Orleans) Carmen P. Nichols (Jefferson) Dawn Lea Nolen (St. Mary) Ralph Norman Nolen, Jr. (St. Mary) Ralph Norman Nolen, III (St. Mary) William Richard North (Lafayette) Annie M.. Ogborne (Lafayette) Clyde D. Ogborne (Lafayette) Janice E. Ogborne (Lafayette) Elroy J. Pabst (Jefferson) Fannie Clare Pabst (Jefferson) Edward Page (E. Baton Rouge) Julia S. Page (E. Baton Rouge) Anthony J. Palermo III (Orleans) Anthony J. Palermo Jr. (Orleans) Tiffany Elizabeth Palermo (Orleans) Lillian Palermo (Orleans) Henry Parker (Arkansas) Era Lee Parks (Union) Zelma Patchin (Lafayette) Mary Brown Patchin (Oklahoma) Luna B. Patton (Lincoln) David F. Pearley (Assumption) Charline C. Pentecost (Calcasieu) Joe B. Pentecost (Calcasieu) Susan Pettigrew (Orleans) Zachry Pettigrew (Orleans) Yvette Marie Pflug (St. Bernard) Rachel Pflug (St. Bernard) Cynthia Alicia Pierce (E. Baton Rouge) Mitchell A. Pierce, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) Milben J. Pitre (Evangeline) Sheila Ann Pitre (Evangeline) Barry R. Pittman, Jr. (St. Tammany) Tina Marie Plattsmier (Acadia) Catherine O. Porche (Lafayette) James D. Porter, Jr. (North Carolina) James D. Porter, Sr. Samantha Mae Porter (North Carolina) Melissa Renee Powdrill (Caddo) William E Powdrill III (Caddo) Clifford Powell John E. Prengenser (Orleans) Joe M. Price (Calcasieu) Micelle Louise Price (Calcasieu) Joseph W. Prince (St. Landry) Argentine C. Prince (St. Landry) Jeffrey Bryan Pugh (E. Baton Rouge) Nina Nicols Pugh (E. Baton Rouge) Herman Pullin (Caddo) Robert C. Pullin (Caddo) Cory Rabalais (Caddo) Patricia Rabalais (Caddo) Christopher C. Rachal (Rapides) John J. Raezer (Orleans) Verna Raezer (Orleans) Harry E. Ragland (Caddo) Emma L. Rambin (Caddo) Richard H. Rambin (Caddo) John V. Ramirez, Jr. (Jefferson) Kathy M. Ramirez (Jefferson) Fraaklin Rash (Lafayette) Jamie Rash (Lafayette) Blanche V. Ray (Ouachita) Henry C. Ray, Jr. (Ouachita) Robert M. Reaves, Jr. (Orleans) Robyn L. Reaves (Orleans) George L. Rhinehart, Jr. (Rapides) Duand Kendell Rhodes (Mississippi) Diane Rhodes (Mississippi) Ora T. Rice (Orleans) Shirley Stearns Richardson (Orleans) Catherine Nan Richaud (Jefferson) Georgene Buist Richaud (Texas) Katheryn B. Richaud (Texas) Kathryn Buist Richaud (Jefferson) Kathryn B. Richaud (Orleans) Paul Buist Richaud (Orleans) Earl Ricks Lodema Riggs (California) Alfred R. Ripoll III (Orleans) Cheryl M Ripoll (Orleans) Brenda Faye Robbins (Texas) Murphy Roberson (St. Landry) Grager Robert (St. Landry) Tony Robert (St. Landry) Minnie Robertson (Morehouse) Taylor J. Robertson (St. Landry) Susanne Camille Robicheaux (Caddo) Noamie Robin (Lafayette) Anthony P. Robino (Jefferson) Melissa Anne Robino (Jefferson) Bessie Martha Stringer Robinson (Terrebonne) Burloe Robinson (Caddo) Elizabeth Robinson (Orleans) Francis J.G. Robinson (Terrebonne) Jesse Robinson (Caddo) Ruby Rochon (Lafayette) Larry Rochon (Lafayette) John H. Roemers (Orleans) Eddie Mae Rogers (E. Baton Rouge) Rose Guidroz Rogers (Orleans) Elizabeth Ann Rush (E. Baton Rouge) Richard O. Rush (E. Baton Rouge) Peggy F. Russell (New York) Ronald W. Russell (New York) Thomas Wayne Russell (New York) Joel Virginia Russell (Orleans) Virginia Spaar Russell (Orleans) Marlyn R. Ruttley (St. Mary) Eve Elizabeth Sam (Lafayette) Rita Sam (Lafayette) Wilbert Sam (Lafayette) Lydia Sanchez (Orleans) James Sanders (Orleans) John J. Sanders (Orleans) Lnda J Savage (Orleans) David Lawrence Scally (Iberia) Everett Gordon Schaefer, III (Orleans) Frances Darrah Schaefer (Orleans) Clara G. Schaefers (Orleans) Clara G. Scharfers (Orleans) Durel C. Scharfers (Orleans) Mosses Clyde Scharff (Orleans) Seth Schaumburg Ada Lou Schaumburg Durel Scheafers (Orleans) Carl Schellton Bernie Schelton Emily Schloss (Orleans) Margaret Schloss (Orleans) Howard M. Schloss Howard L. Schloss Ann Schmidt (Caddo) Frederick Schmidt (Orleans) Philip J .Sciortino (Orleans) Patricia E. Sciortino (Orleans) Christopher Michael Scivally (Caddo) Hazel Mae P. Scott (E. Baton Rouge) Mabel Scott (Orleans) Martha Nell H. Scott (Vermilion) Raymond Scott (E. Baton Rouge) Ozeme B. Scott (St. Landry) Donald Ray Scroggins (Texas) Mark Carlson Seaver (Orleans) Joseph H. Seaver (Orleans) Shelly Beth Seaver (Orleans) David Alan Seeder (Orleans) Sharon Seeder (Orleans) Deborah Marguerite Seelig (Orleans) Philipp A. Seelig (Orleans) Jennifer E. Seelig (Orleans) Lisa Seelig (Orleans) Virginia Miriam Seibert (Red River) Emelia Trumps Semar (St. Landry)
Public Notices Miscellaneous
Raymond J. Semar (St. Landry) Stephen Shambuger (E. Baton Rouge) Joel Shamburger (E. Baton Rouge) William Shannon William Q. Shannon Alan West Shaw, III (Lafayette) Alan West Shaw, IV (Lafayette) Christopher Howard Sherwood (Orleans) Edward Read Sherwood (Orleans) Dorothy Lynn Shields (Orleans) Laurie Lynn Shields (Orleans) Joseph R. Siegel (West Feliciana) Jason Allen Siegel (West Feliciana) Robert Joseph Simkins (California) Robert Shaw Simkins (California) Margret Simkins (California) Carolyn Read Simmons (Orleans) Fisher E. Simmons (Orleans) Nathalie Read Simmons (Orleans) Stephen D. Simmons (Orleans) John B. Simon (Mississippi) Urelaine Rashandanique Simon (Mississippi) Lauren Denise Slavant (Ouachita) Tammy Slavant (Ouachita) Christian A. Smalley (Orleans) Kent Smith (E. Baton Rouge) Kent J. Smith, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge) Kurt Smith (E. Baton Rouge) Randall Johnson Smith, Jr. (E. Baton Rouge Parish) Robert Randolph Smith, Jr. (Texas) Robert Smith, Sr. Felton Sneed (Orleans) Barbara L. Sneed (Orleans) Judy B. Solomon (Orleans) Theordore George Solomon, III (Orleans) Elliot B. Stamps (Georgia) Charles J. Stein (St. Bernard) Angela R. Stemley (Orleans) Girline M. Stemley (Orleans) Adam Malcolm Stevenson (Orleans) Malcolm Stevenson (Orleans) William E. Stevenson (E. Baton Rouge) Richard A. Stockwell (E. Baton Rouge) Gayle Lavonne Stookberry (Orleans) April Strickland (Jefferson) Barbara Strickland (Jefferson) T. R. Strohe (Jefferson Davis) Stephan Ward Strohe (Jefferson Davis) William Peter Strohe (Lafayette) Charles Suazo (Orleans) Melvin A. Swancy, Jr. (St. Mary) Dorothy I. Szczepanski (Pennsylvania) Eva R. Szczepanski Marilee Trice Tabb (Orleans) William Granville Tabb, IV (Orleans) Chaim Nelson Tannenbaum (Orleans) Harold Tannenbaum (Orleans) Rubie G. Tate (Orleans) Anderson Taylor (Orleans) Chavada Taylor (California) Ellis Taylor (Orleans) Eran Taylor (California) Zola Thayer (Jefferson) Dolores Ann Theriot (Orleans) Gilda M. Thibodeaux (Acadia) John L. Thibodeaux (Acadia) Charles E. Thompson Charles E. Thompson, II (Texas) Laferne Tibbs J B Tonkel III (Florida) J B Tonkel Jr. (Florida) Natalie Elizabeth Tonkel (Orleans) Betty Tonkel (Orleans) Rene Toups (Lafourche) Judy W. Toups (Lafourche) Michael Troyer (Colorado) Larry Troyer Anthony Trusch (North Carolina) Lillian Huther Tsecouras (Orleans) Louise Tsecouras (Orleans) Elijah Tyler (Caddo) Rosa M. Tyler (Caddo) Carroll D. Van Geffen (Jefferson) Lauren Elizabeth van Loon (Jefferson) Troy Verges (Jefferson) Emile Verges, Jr. (Jefferson) Paula Gayle Vice (Calcasieu) Sempilicio Vilbar (Orleans) Sofronio Vilbar (Orleans) Neal Paul Waguespack (Jefferson) George Walcher (Caddo) Bertha Mae Walker (St. Landry) Ralph A. Walker (St. Landry) Willie Walker Jr. (Lafayette) Albert Walters (Orleans) Barrett Gibrian Walters (Orleans) Treva L. Walters (Orleans) Helen E. Warren (Orleans) James Washington Jr. (Jefferson) James Washington Sr. (Jefferson) Valeria Olivia Washington (Orleans) George Thomas Waterfallen (Caddo) James R. Waterfallen, Sr. (Caddo) William S. Webb (Caddo) Kay C. Webb (Caddo) Dennis James West (Orleans) Lucy West (Webster) Arden Allen White (Orleans) August Rist White Carolyn C. White (Jefferson) Charles Brent White (Orleans) Gerogia Bell White Lorraine White (Orleans) William A. White, IV (Orleans) Hiram Wilder S.H. Wilder Dwayne Wilkerson (Orleans) Yvette Wilkerson (Orleans) Jimmie Williams (Caddo) Juanita Williams (Caddo) Dorothy Williams (Ouachita) Weldon Williams (Ouachita) Charles Williams (Texas) Julia Gray Williams Oliver Williams (Florida) E. Eileen Williamson (California) G. Richarda Williamson (Orleans) James Willoughby (Jefferson) Estew Wilson (Morehouse) Katherine Ann Winchester (Ascension) Stanley Allen Winchester (Ascension) Evelyn Winn (Orleans) Otilia Winn (Orleans) Thedore S. Wittels, MD (Bossier) Judith A. Woods (Orleans) Tom Hamilton Woods (Michigan) Virginia Margerette Woods Michael R. Yarborough (E. Baton Rouge) Nicholas Hovey King Yokum (Orleans) Rita Hovey King Yokum (Orleans) Ellison B. York Perry Wayne Young (Jefferson) Perry Wayne Young, II (Jefferson) Ruth Helen Young (Orleans) Geraldine F. Zauner (Orleans) Richard D. Zauner (Orleans) Brett A. Zukowski (New York) Stanley H. Zukowski (New York) Vito C. Zuppardo (Orleans) Vito Zuppardo, Jr. (Orleans) 5119312-apr 23-30-2t
The Advocate West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
West Feliciana Public Notices
bers present constituting a quorum.
purpose of the event is to bring awareness to Childhood Obesity. The event will be held at the Sportsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Park. We will have EMS and a tent to hand out snacks. DHH plans to be there to promote Insurance Coverage for children in the Parish.
Washed Road Gravel for Delivery to LSP, Angola, FY16 Blanket Order, 05/14/2015
the board that the Better Business Bureau in partnership with East and West Feliciana Chambers of Commerce are hosting a Parish 2 Parish networking luncheon at Hemingbough on March 25, 2015 at 11:30 am.
for the Walker Percy Festival. Other uses include the garden symposium as well as weddings. Capital Outlay funds have been received, including $360,000 for design work. The remaining Capital Outlay funds were re-designated to lesser priorities. Will begin reconstruction of the building in mid-2015 and it will be the first Jewish museum in the state of Louisiana. Other uses will include event rental space and an art gallery.
CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Mitch Brashier to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Employee of the Quarter Rhonda Coats was introduced to all as the Employee of the Quarter. Rhonda was complimented on doing a good job for WFPH. All in attendance congratulated Rhonda. Compliance Attorney Proposal â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sullivan/Stolier A presentation in his proposal to be the Hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Compliance Attorney was made by Attorney Brian Grubb with Sullivan/Stolier. Mr. Grubb stated the expertise in the law firm and the many years of practice and also naming other Hospitals that they assist in their compliance issues. A short question and answer session followed. Melvin Harvey stated that Howard Linzy, HR Attorney had recommended Sullivan/Stolier. It was then moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Mitch Brashier to table this item until the next meeting. Motion carried. Attorney Proposal Gachassin Law Firm
Mr. Sullivan stated that this will be a onetime event working with Chris Johnson of Gachassin Law Firm. The Hospital would like to work with Dr. Nwabueze to provide a Nurse Practitioner to work in seeing Inpatients in the Hospital. The Nurse Practitioner could also see Dr. Tilleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s patients at the Nursing Home. The Nurse Practitioner could take care of the Patients at the Nursing Home. Lee stated that the Executive Committee had requested further information on this and the information was received today and was in the side pockets of their binders. It was moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Mitch Brashier to approve the Firm of Gachassin to work on the legalities of Dr. Nwabueze contracting with the Hospital. Motion carried. Mr. Sullivan asked that the agenda be amended to move Board Presentation by John Mattessino up to the next item and by doing this, if anyone wanted to leave, they could. It was then moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Melvin Harvey to move item â&#x20AC;&#x153;dâ&#x20AC;? up on the agenda. Motion carried. Board Presentation â&#x20AC;&#x201C; John Mattessino The overview of Mr. Mattessino presentation was; environment in which the Board operates, future challenges and opportunities, role as a board member and his recommendations for improvements. His recommendations for the Board were; annual board self assessment, annual strategic and educational retreat, ongoing board education and develop a formal strategic plan to address the needs of the community, the hospital and one that addresses the changing environment of healthcare. The Board thanked Mr. Mattessino for the presentation. Resolution to Execute Documents to receive Grant Mr. Sullivan stated that the execution of this document gives Lee the authority to sign the cooperative endeavor agreement to receive DSH monies. Lee then went into detail how DHH chooses the Hospitals that the DSH money is distributed through and this year it is through Hospital Service District Parish of Union Louisiana that will distribute the money to our Hospital in the form of a grant. It was then moved by Melvin Harvey and seconded by Cheryl Franklin authorizing the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Hospital Service District Parish of Union Louisiana by Lee. Motion carried. Approval of Updated Policies and Procedures A discussion ensued concerning policies and procedures and when they are to be reviewed, revised and presented to the Board for approval and where they will be kept for reference. Lee informed the Board that Pat Pittman and Heath Veuleman had helped with the policies that were being presented tonight. Pat Pittman commented that in the DHH survey, nursing staff was an issued. Corrections have been made to policies regarding that. Also she had reviewed the policies specific to the survey. A short discussion ensued concerning orientation of new employees and how policies should be in place as to the procedure of orientation in departments. Lee also informed the Board that changes had been made to the Infection Control policies and that Kitty Bull, RN, was assisting with that. Also as Departments completed their manuals for 2015, manual sign sheets will be presented to the Board over several meetings. It was then moved by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Melvin Harvey to approve the policies as presented. Motion carried. Code of Conduct Board members are required to sign and receive the Code of Conduct on an annual basis. Some Board members had returned their New Full Time Nurse Positions A short discussion ensued concerning some of the full time positions in nursing. Lee stated that if the positions are approved, PRN employees will move into the full time slots. It was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Dr. Whatley to approve the four full time Nursing positions. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS Update on DHH Survey Lee stated with the help of Pat Pittman, information pertaining to the DHH survey results and their findings are enclosed in their board packs. Also the departments and individuals that is responsible for updating is listed. Kevin Bearden would like to see dates of completion. BUILDING REPORT Road Construction Update Due to weather condition, no road construction has been done. Hospital Construction Project â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Update Board members received a letter dated March 11th that was sent from USDA to the Architects to fill in some blanks. After completion the Architects will resubmit. If there are no more questions, approval should be next. Lee thanked Melvin Harvey for talking with the Parish Councilmen. Three members, Mr. Lambert, Mr. Kean, and Mrs. Howle had more questions. Lee, Linda, Steven Nosacka met with them at the Hospital before this meeting and all went well. REPORTS Administratorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report Presented by Lee Chastant, CEO PRESIDENTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WALK â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The School is participating in the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Walk on March 31, 2015. The Hospital will be present to assist with the event. The
RELAY FOR LIFE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Hospital will be participating in the Relay for Life Walk on April 10th. The Event benefits the American Cancer Association. PERSONNEL REPORT (In Folder) FINANCIAL REPORT Presented by Linda Harvey, CFO Linda gave an update/report on Hospital Statistics, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet (compared to a year ago), Physicians Offices, Physical Therapy, Emergency Medical Services, and Hospital Revenue per Physicians, Cash Investments, Bottom Line, and the Check Register. PUBLIC COMMENT Kevin Bearden thanked Pat Pittman for her help also stating that he would like to see a center of excellence for the Hospital. Creating a position mind set when people what into the Hospital. He is requesting that by June he sees some dialogue on this. Melvin Harvey stated he was glad to see the Department Managers here tonight and we are all in this together. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE UPDATE, EXECUTIVE SESSION All members felt that there was no need to have an executive session at this time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Mitch Brashier and seconded by Cheryl Franklin to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Motion carried ________________ Melvin Harvey, Secretary ________________ Leonard Sullivan, Chairman 5120941-apr 30-1t
NOTICE --The Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District #1 of West Feliciana Parish held a Regular Meeting on March 9, 2015, at the Fire District Headquarters Building located at 9892 West Feliciana Parkway, St. Francisville, LA, 70775, at 6pm, with the following members present: Joe Wells, Chairman Tracy Hall, Vice Chair Daniel Stelly, Secretary/ Treasurer Steven Neal, Board Member David Opperman, Board Member Jody Vidrine, Board Member Absent: Vincent Smith Also present: James R. Wood, Fire Chief Eric Vicknair, CPA The regular meeting was called to order by Mr. Wells. 1. An invocation was given and the pledge of allegiance recited. 2. A roll call of board members completed. 3. Mr. Wells announced the rules of the meeting. 4. Motion to amend and approve the agenda to add a resolution to authorize new members of the board to sign checks on behalf of the Fire District by Mr. Neal and seconded by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor. 5. Motion to approve the minutes from February 9, 2015 by Ms. Hall and second by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor. 6. CPA REPORT: Nothing to report. 7. LEGAL REPORT: Nothing to report. 8. JULY REGULAR MEETING: Motion by Mr. Stelly and second by Mr. Neal to move the July 13 meeting to July 20, 2015. Motion carried all in favor. 9. WEST FELICIANA PARKWAY PROPERTY: Motion by Mr. Neal and second by Mr. Opperman to declare that the Fire District has no objections to the abandonment of a roadway per request of Mr. John Kean. 10. 2015 MILLIAGE ADOPTION: Motion by Mr. Vidrine and second by Mr. Stelly to set the date for the 2015 milliage adoption for the April 13, 2015 meeting. Motion carried all in favor. 11. FINANCE REPORT: Motion by Mr. Neal and second by Ms. Hall to adopt a resolution adding Mr. David Opperman as an authorized viewer and signer on Fire District accounts. Motion carried all in favor. 12. PERSONNEL REPORT: Motion by Mr. Vidrine and second by Mr. Neal to re-appoint Chief Wood to the 911 Communications District Board. Motion carried all in favor. 13. BUILDING REPORT: Motion of Mr. Neal and second by Mr. Stelly to approve the February draw to Blount Contractors for the Bluff Fire Station Construction. Motion carried all in favor. 14. CHIEFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S REPORT: The Fire Chief gave a report of the Fire Districts activities in the last few weeks. 13. PUBLIC COMMENT: None 14. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Mr. Vidrine and second by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor.
File No. V545761, Solicitation No. 2259358 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Aluminum, 05/19/2015 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5121996-apr 30-1t
MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TOWN OF ST. FRANCISVILLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN, ST. FRANCISVILLE, LA, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2015, 5:30 P. M. The Town of St. Francisville Board of Aldermen met in regular session this 24th day of March, 2015 at 11936 Ferdinand St., Town Hall, St. Francisville, LA. The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p. m. with the following members present: Mayor William Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla, Aldermen James R. Leake, Abby T. Cochran, James Davis and Robert P. Leake. Also present was Clerk, Shannon Sturgeon, and Police Chief Scott Ford. Alderman Oscar Robertson, Jr., and Main Street Manager Laurie Walsh were absent. The pledge was led by Alderman Robert P. Leake. Approval of the Minutes On motion by James R. Leake, and seconded by Abby T. Cochran, the minutes of March 10, 2015, were approved as presented. All in favor, motion carried. Request for (1) Day Beer/Liquor Permit On motion by James Davis, and seconded by Abby T. Cochran, the request by Mr. John Chris Christophe for a (1) day beer/liquor permit for the St. Francisville Corvette, Open Classic Car & Motorcycle Show with Festival to be held at the Magnuson Hotel on May 9, 2015 was approved. All in favor, motion carried. PEC Update â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bianca Hillhouse of PEC was absent. Mayor Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla provided the update. â&#x20AC;˘ LGAP: *Per Bianca Hillhouse, the low bidder for the 14/15 Water System Improvements was Mitchell Contracting for $79,000.00. Bianca requested that we accept the award bid and noted that we will adjust the scope of work originally requested so as to not exceed the LGAP grant award. On motion by Robert P. Leake and seconded by James R. Leake, to accept the award bid for FY 14/15 Water System Improvements by Mitchell Contracting for $79,000.00 if the contractor complies with all necessary bond requirements. All in favor, motion carried. Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report - Mayor Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla â&#x20AC;˘ Gas District 1 is still evaluating the feasibility of running gas lines at the Bluffs and would like their option to do so to be extended to the end of the year. All agreed to leave Gas District 1â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s option open till the end of the year 2015. â&#x20AC;˘ Two river boats will be docking tomorrow, March 25th. â&#x20AC;˘ The Pilgrimage went well this year. Christian D. Tregel sent a letter complementing the town on how well everything looked and thanking everyone for their hard work. Police Report - Chief Scott Ford Police Chief Scott Ford requested permission to hire Carl Kimble as parttime police officer. On motion by Robert P. Leake, and seconded by Oscar Robertson, Jr., to approve the recommendation of Police Chief Scott Ford to hire part-time police officer Carl Kimble. Hire date effective March 30, 2015. All in favor, motion carried. Main Street Report Laurie Walsh, Main Street Manager absent due to meeting with film crew. Public Comments: Kerry Everitt informed
Motion by James Davis, seconded by Abby T. Cochran, the meeting was adjourned at 6:04 p.m. Motion carried. /s/Shannon Sturgeon Shannon Sturgeon, Clerk /s/William H. D'Aqilla William H. Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla, Mayor 5122554-apr 30-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE --PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ROOM COURTHOUSE ANNEX BUILDING OCTOBER 9, 2014 - 5:00 P.M. TYPE OF MEETING: Monthly West Feliciana Parish Economic Development Board Meeting NOTE TAKER: Bettsie Norton, Director of Economic Development ATTENDEES: Members Walter Oliveaux, Kevin Couhig, Melvin Harvey, Randy Metz, Cole Thornton, and Justin Peno were in attendance. Members Hollis Milton, and Lula London were absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ CALL TO ORDER DISCUSSION: Meeting called to order by President Kevin Couhig. Quorum confirmed. A motion was made by Oliveaux and seconded by Thornton to amend the agenda to include an update from the Tourism Commission. Having no objections, motion carries. Harvey made a motion to accept the revised agenda, which was seconded by Oliveaux. Having no objections, motion carries. Oliveaux motion to accept minutes, second by Harvey. Having no objections, motion carries. FINANCIAL REPORT DISCUSSION: Members reviewed the economic development budget from July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015, as well as Year to Date expenditures. Oliveaux asked the Tourism Commission to provide a monthly financial statements regarding collections from the hotel occupancy tax. A motion was made to approve the financials by Thornton, which was seconded by Harvey. Having no objections, the motion carries. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION: A presentation was provided by Nancy Vinci and Janice Wynn on the updates to the Julius Freyhan Foundation. Julius Freyhan Foundation Presentation: Julius Freyhan Foundation was formed in 1985 to raise funds to renovate the building. The project was idled until 7 years ago and when Julius Freyhan's granddaughter left the foundation $400,000. Freyhan was a Jewish immigrant to New Orleans who became the owner of an opera house, a store, and other ventures in St. Francisville. In the early 1900s, the Jewish community was looking for a place to worship and they came to Turner Hill and built Temple Sinai. The building served as the first central school for West Feliciana Parish. It is a beautiful building and burned two years after it was built. It is approximately 15,000 square feet and has pressed-in ceilings, bead board arches and wainscoting. When the foundation was revitalized, it was determined to become an arts and cultural center. Other donations have come from Pennington, Entergy, etc. Active fundraising events included the Walker Percy weekend, which raised $30,000. Preliminary plans were drawn up and fundraising activities are underway. The project has three phases; the Freyhan building is phase II. The removal of the School Board building, paving a parking lot and adding an amphitheater will all take place in the third phase. In 2014, the movie Bonnie and Clyde was filmed in the building, and it was used
The auditorium can seat 150 individual. The amphitheater will be able to support 1500. a) Joint Marketing Committee: The Joint Marketing Committee is busy working on creating 6 3' by 10' banners to be used as marketing tools not only for the multitude of events in the Parish during the month of October (Warrior Dash, Angola Rodeos, Yellow Leaf Festival and Vets Fest), but also for the coming years. These banners will be posted in a consecutive fashion, and serve the purpose of planting the seed of possibility for Baton Rouge residents. b) Tourism Commission Presentation: The Tourism Commission is moving forward with the new funding structure and marketing plan. Had the first charet several weeks ago focused on brainstorming ways to better capture the day traveller. Performed SWOT analysis. Will host a total of four charet meetings; Will compile all the feedback from each charet meeting and will put it all into a marketing plan. Couhig asked to consider opening up the process and the meetings to the public at large. Brashier suggested allowing the public to provide input after the compilation. Couhig felt that this would be too late. St. Francisville was selected by Fodor's as one of the top 20 day trips in the US; Shore excursions of America (follows the American Queen Steamboat) won an award for their Angola Excursion. Warrior Dash- Setting up a tent to distribute information; discount coupon will be provided for St. Francisville businesses. Rather than doing multiple pieces we made it a doublesided. 2015 Steamboat schedule are distributed. Queen of the MS has 150 passengers and are serviced by St. Francisville toursâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;most go to Rosedown and the Myrtles. They also bring in two small passenger busses throughout town. The big Boat is the American Queen, 450 passengers, run 5 full size busses and have 7 designated stops across town. Also sell one tour to Angola and another tour to Rosedown and Catalpa. There are many days when both boats are scheduled to be here. Need to meet with the Parish to figure out how to handle the bus traffic. The smaller boat will seat 50-60 people, and comes in later in the afternoon. The American Queen is the one where we really see the economic impact. They typically eat on the boat, but they also provide bicycle rides. Oliveaux asked how much it cost to print the coupon pamphlet. Walsh replied that it cost $1100. Oliveaux asked if Walsh had considered producing group-specific coupon pamphlets and if they might consider paying for advertising. Couhig asked why the Bluffs is not listed as an attraction on the pamphlet. He said that it was listed as food and accommodations, but not as an attraction. Walsh noted that she can add the golf course as an attraction.
c) Prospect Summary:
We are visiting with several prospects. Relatively small opportunity with the prospects that we met with today, but it will be good for the community. We continue discussions with several prospects, are partnering with BRAC. Oliveaux stated that there were conversations about creating a nonprofit entity to allow for non-disclosure agreements to be held and contracts to be signed. Couhig stated that there is a history of having a private entity but there is resentment about the private nature of the foundation. Oliveaux says that as long as there is a checks and balance. We have made an offer to purchase three pieces of land from the bankruptcy court. Our original offer and their response were pretty far apart. But we are continuing our negotiations. The parish does have funds to purchase that property. On October 20th, the parish council will make a decision on prioritizing our capital outlay requests. Our #1 priority will be something related to the industrial parkâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;trying to figure out what it should beâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;roads or sewage system.
Medical Emergency
Hwy 964
Star Hill
Hampton Rd
Webbâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trailer Park
Sage Hill Rd
Elm Park
Hwy 61
Deer Run Rd
Wakefield Solitude Wakefield
/s/ Joe Wells Joe Wells Chairperson
Solitude Rd
Dorothy Ln
5120994-apr 30-1t
Indian Mound Rd
Blackmore Rd
Star Hill
Commerce St
St. Francisville
Hwy 61
Star Hil
River Rd
Street B
Hwy 61
Street A
Vehicle Accident
Hwy 61 Near Thompson Creek
Star Hill
Sligo Rd
Public Assistance/ Rescue
Hwy 61
Gas Leak/Chemical Spill
Sealed bids will be received by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following:
File No. W544531, Solicitation No. 2259357 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
5123300-apr 30-1t
West Feliciana Public Notices
10290 agenda. Having no objections, motion carries.
Metz mentioned that the paper mill considered selling potable water. Oliveaux stated that they have a way to take water from the Mississippi River and have clarifiers to make the water drinkable. Couhig had conversations with KPAQ about selling their processed water that they have available for fracking; he does not think the owner is as interested in selling assets as the former owner, but they are highly cooperative. Couhig wants the Economic Development Board to host a reception for the new railroad lineâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Slaughter, etc. to introduce the owners to the community. Oliveaux noted that the KPAQ plant has access to utilities that they do not use that they could easily turn into a profit. Ferguson was asked what the water system upgrades engineering might cost. He stated that he was not sure. Oliveaux would like to add Remanufacturing Tax at the next Board Meeting. Couhig said that he wants to discuss this at the Strategic Planning Session. This is the most critical thing for getting in additional manufacturers. Couhig stated that he would collect data on how much it provides.
Oliveaux asked Ferguson
OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION: None ANNOUNCEMENTS/PUBLIC COMMENTS DISCUSSION: None. A Motion to Adjourn was made by Peno and seconded by Harvey; Hearing no objections, meeting was adjourned.
5123312-apr 30-1t
PUBLIC NOTICE --NOVEMBER 19, 2014 5:00 P.M. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING ROOM COURTHOUSE ANNEX BUILDING TYPE OF MEETING: Monthly West Feliciana Parish Economic Development Board Meeting NOTE TAKER: Bettsie Norton, Director of Economic Development ATTENDEES: Members Walter Oliveaux, Kevin Couhig, Melvin Harvey, Hollis Milton, Lula London and Justin Peno were in attendance. Members Randy Metz and Cole Thornton were absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ CALL TO ORDER DISCUSSION Meeting called to order by President Kevin Couhig. Quorum confirmed. A motion was made by Mr. Peno and seconded by Mr. Harvey to approve the
Mr. Peno made a motion to accept minutes, second by Mr. Vollmer. Having no objections, motion carries. FINANCIAL REPORT DISCUSSION: Members reviewed the economic development financial report from July 1, 2014October 31, 2014. No motion to accept was required, as it is a report and informational in purpose only. OLD BUSINESS DISCUSSION Prospect Report Summary: The final plat of the New Jerusalem Subdivision was approved on Monday, November 17. The Parish continues to work with the Tembec company regarding the acquisition of three tracts of land surrounding the KPAQ paper mill facility. We do not have any new activities to report at this time. We also continue to work with a prospect. They believe they have found a piece of land that they are interested in purchasing. Things look promising and expect an announcement in the Spring. President Couhig noted that we do not have as much activity to report as we would like. Tuscaloosa Marine Shale activity has been reduced and it appears that there will be a deferral of activity in the near future. The viability of this particular shale play is reduced should the price of oil dip below $85/barrel. NEW BUSINESS DISCUSSION Economic Development Planning Retreat Summary:
ORDINANCE 2015-1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE 2013-1 OF THE TOWN OF ST. FRANCISVILLE, PER SECTION 8.1.H., ZONING MAP AMENDMENT. Pursuant to Section 8.1.H of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of St. Francisville (hereinafter â&#x20AC;&#x153;Townâ&#x20AC;?) an application for a map correction on one contiguous and undivided lot of record. The West Feliciana Parish School Board property (the site of the former school) will be corrected to reflect the Institutional (IS) zoning designation for the entire lot. Legal Description of Property: 21.10 acres situated in Section 44, T3S, R3W, Portions of Pecan Grove Plantation (Old St. Francisville High School). See Attachment A. At the February 25, 2015 Town of St. Francisville Planning Commission meeting the Planning Commission RECOMMENDED APPROVAL of this application. Upon being submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: James R. Leake, Robert P. Leake, James Davis & Abby T. Cochran NAYS: None ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Oscar Robertson Jr. (deceased) AND THE ORDINANCE WAS ADOPTED THIS 14th day of April, 2015. William H. Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Aquilla, Mayor: TOWN OF ST. FRANCISVILLE ATTEST: Shannon Sturgeon, Town Clerk
5121526-apr 30-1t
West Feliciana Public Notices
House: 5:30-7:30 pm meet and greet for Parks and Economic Development Directors, as well as for the parish.
West Feliciana Parish Fire District No. 1 Incident Reports 04/09/15 thru 04/24/15
Dewberry Ln
Paul Holmes Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688
Walsh indicated that she will provide tax information to the Board, but reminded members that it will be one month behind.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Angie Ray is helping collect online information forms. They do have wireless internet access. The tent will be set up and the tablet will be with Julie Brashier.
Mahoney Rd
Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities.
Trade Shows: South Central Motorcoach.; Lt. Governor's Tourism Summit. Committed advertising budget of $57K will do invoicing on a quarterly basis. Payroll is being performed by the Parish, and they are going to be reimbursed by the Tourism Commission.
about the water system for that area and how far the water system went along 964. Ferguson stated he saw some of the preliminary estimates put together from an engineering firm from 2009; one of the capital outlay requests will involve that request for an upgrade to the water system for the southern part of the parish (400-500 residents) as well as for the betterment of an industrial project.
Film and Video: had Final Girls (Camp Merrydale); the Toyota commercial filmed in August is airing on TV; and Dutchboy productions are at the Garrett property and filming Oct. 16/17th.
File No. V43113D, Solicitation No. 2259337 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Rebid Repair Elevator at LSP Angola, Mandatory Jobsite Visit Required Prior to Bid Opening, 05/14/2015
Bike Rides: Team Geaux Race was last weekend; Parrot Head race will be out on Highway 421; the Baton Rouge Bike Club Century Ride; and NOLA to Angola race.
Sealed bids will be received by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following:
West Feliciana Public Notices
Railroad cabooseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;first standard gauge railroad that came through West Feliciana.
/s/ Daniel Stelly Daniel Stelly Secretary/Treasurer
West Feliciana Public Notices
5122568-apr 30-1t
8H n Thursday, April 30, 2015 n n The Advocate H
Flora fun of it
Stroll through spring in Felicianas
Advocate staff photos by TRAVIS SPRADLING
Crape myrtle, amaryllis, azaleas and roses are part of the gardens of Noelle and Sam LeBlanc. TOP: Amaryllis blooms in the courtyards of the LeBlancs’ country home.
Feliciana Country Gardeners Spring Garden Stroll
Advocate staff report ST. FRANCISVILLE
Sam and Noelle LeBlanc requested plenty of flowers of Dallas landscape designer Jason Osterberger when he began working on his part of the garden and landscape for Roussillon, the couple’s Locust Grove home in West Feliciana Parish named after the quaint town in southern France. The blooms of Roussillon can be seen Saturday during the Spring Garden Stroll sponsored by Feliciana Country Gardeners.
Day lilies, loropetalum, boxwood and abelia add to the color in the LeBlancs’ garden.
West Feliciana Public Notices
Besides Roussillon, four other gardens on the tour, including one in Jackson, will be hosted by the Feliciana homeowners themselves and members of LSU AgCenter’s Feliciana Master Gardeners West Feliciana Public Notices
President Couhig publicly thanked Skip Smart and Pat Witty with LED for their facilitation of the retreat. All participants learned a great deal about economic development competitiveness and community development success. Norton stated that the purpose of the retreat was to bring together community leaders, elected officials, members of the Economic Development Board and Tourist Commission to engage in a discussion and learn how to better improve West Feliciana's competitiveness using the C o m m u n i t y Competitiveness Initiative from LED. Participants graded our Parish on the 16 different competitiveness indicators, plotted them on a matrix and used it to determine our top economic development priorities and activities for 2015.
olution to support the development of the Parkview Estates Subdivision.
2015 Economic Development Priorities for West Feliciana Parish include: 1) "Plan the Plan"develop a list of contents needed to be included in the 2015 Economic Development Plan; 2) Identify Infrastructure Needs and Available Sites and Buildings (catalog them and create an online avenue to view and market them); 3) Create an inventory of West Feliciana's Unique Aspects and Selling Points; 4) Determine our Local Competitiveness using the Indicator Guide provided by LED; 5) Improve West Feliciana's promotional collateral, especially our website, for ALL Parish entities; 6) Develop Welcome Packets and "1Stop-Shop" materials for new businesses and residents; 7) Draft an Economic Development Plan for the Parish no later than June 1, 2015; 8) Add existing sites and buildings to LED's "Sites and Buildings Database"; 9) Identify and create a plan to create an LED Certified Site; 10) Create a prospect hosting committee to devise strategies to host potential prospects.
Mr. Vollmer offered a resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Peno, that the West Feliciana Board of Economic Development recommend to the Parish Council approval of the Tucker's subdivision plan for 27 lots on Hwy 966, and expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the Tucker's patience as the proposed plan, with recommended waivers by Planning and Zoning, moves through the approval process. And further, the Board of Economic Development asks the Parish Council to consider that developers (commercial, residential, etc.) are looking for certainty as one of the most important criteria in selecting locations. Review of 2013 Economic Development Plan: First goal of Economic Development Plan in 2013 is to "reduce uncertainty of subjective application of Parish rules". Other goals include: to increase building permits, continue to support the Sports Park, increase rooftops and populations. Several goals of the 2013 Economic Development Plan are still applicable in 2015 and will be included in the updated 2015 Economic Development Plan. Mr. Harvey recommended that developers consider attending and giving a presentation to the Economic Development Board prior to presentations to the Planning and Zoning Commission to help pave the way for positive community support. ANNOUNCEMENTS /PUBLIC COMMENTS DISCUSSION A Motion to Adjourn was made by Mr. Harvey and seconded by Mr. Vollmer. Meeting was adjourned at 6:12 p.m. 5123313-apr 30-1t
Mr. Oliveaux asked Ms. Norton to reach out for help to complete these tasks. Parkview Estates Subdivision Presentation: Ms. Courtney Tucker gave a presentation on activities following the Parish Council's action to send her request approve her Parkview subdivision back to the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Peno made a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Milton, to amend the agenda to include a res-
LOGOS Put your logo in your ad! For details, call 1-800-960-6397
St. Helena Public Notices
St. Helena Public Notices
5119162-apr 23-30-2t NOTICE TO BIDDERS --NOTICE is hereby given that the St. Helena Parish Police Jury/Fifth Ward Fire Department intends to sell to the highest bidder the following items: 1967 Mack Firetruck/ VIN #C125FD1133 1972 Chevrolet Truck/ VIN #CPS352F118372 Above items will be sold to the highest bidder. Trucks may be seen at the Hillsdale Volunteer Fire Department located @3313 Hwy 1045, Amite, LA 70422. Notice is further given that sealed bids will be received by the St. Helena Parish Police Jury until 6:00 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday May 26, 2015, for the sale of the trucks. This sale is to be for cash, bank cashier’s check or money order in the full purchase amount at the time of sale. The person and/or firms that submit a bid must bid on items listed. Bidder must specify on the outside of a sealed envelope on the lower left hand corner the following information: Bid Item: Firetrucks Date of Bid Opening: May 26, 2015 Time of Bid Opening: 6:00 o’clock p.m. Any sealed bid not containing this information shall be considered void and shall not be included in the bids presented to the St. Helena Parish Police Jury for opening and consideration. All sealed bids shall be delivered to the St. Helena Parish Police Jury by mail,
Sam LeBlanc crafted these Dogwood Gates for the entrance to Roussillon, his home outside St. Francisville. program. Proceeds from the Spring Garden Stroll will be used for 4-H scholarships, school gardens and community beautification projects. At Roussillion, Osterberger’s design is on display. After meeting Osterberger at the Southern Garden Symposium, the LeBlancs asked him to create a master garden, which was implemented by Wanda Metz Chase, of Imahara’s Landscapes. For landscape designer Michael Hopping’s part, he situated Roussillon, a Provence-style home located on a 20-acre wooded site, in a clearing on the couple’s property.
St. Helena Public Notices
St. Helena Public Notices
commercial carrier or hand delivered, and then and there shall be stamped as received by the St. Helena Parish Police Jury.
Enclosed compartment for Portable Pond 3000 Gallon NFPA Lighting All lighting to be LED Ground Lights Siren w/100 watt speaker Six Scene Lights Compartment Lighting Chevron on Rear and all department lettering Backup Alarm Include all warranties Center Console
opposition to it must be filed within 10 days of this notice.
Fire department reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Fire department reserves the right to inspect the unit before any bid award is granted. Bids must be clearly marked on outside of bid envelope, “Bid for 2000 Gallon Tanker”. Time and date of bid opening must be stated on front of envelope. Vendor must state in bid the warranty on the unit bid and the location of the service center.
5121569-apr 30-1t
Bids received after 6:00 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday May 26, 2015 will not be opened or recognized.
I, Wilbert W. Self, have been convicted of 14:42.1 Forcible Rape (Attempted) on Nov 27, 2006. My address is 798 Self Rd., Greensburg, LA 70441.
A tour sponsored by the Feliciana Master Gardeners, a program through the LSU AgCenter.
The highest bidder must remove vehicles from the Hillsdale Volunteer Department with ten (10) working days of the bid opening. The St. Helena Parish Police Jury reserves the right to reject all bids for any reason allowed by law and the right to waive any minor informalities in any or all of the bid proposals except for those which have been specifically noted as cause for voiding the bid. St. Helena Parish Police Jury 5121181-apr 30-may 7-2t
NOTICE TO BIDDERS --Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by North Helena Fire District #3 at the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Building, Greensburg, LA until 6:00 o’clock p.m. Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Listed below are the minimum specifications for a 2000 Gallon Tanker: Specifications: 2000 gal. Steel tank lifetime warranty **Length must not exceed 25’ Current Year Model Chassis Minimum 380hp Minimum 40,600lb GVW Aluminum Wheels Vehicle Data Recorder Battery Disconnect Switch Kussmaul charger w/air Backup Camera 750gpm Hale PTO Driven pump Pump and Roll Capabilities 6” Steamer Inlets 2 ½” Suction Left Side Three (3) Discharges; 1) 2 ½” driver side, 2) 2 ½” officer side 3” line for tank to pump 1 ½” pre connect 3” Gated tank inlet on rear 3” Fireman Friend on rear 10” Newton Dump – Rear center Lower Compartments on each side Pan Style Doors Hard Suction Rack with 210’ X 6” Suction hose
And then and there will be opened and read aloud. Proposals received after the specified time and date will not be opened or recognized.
5122062-apr 30-may 7-2t
For more information you may contact Rita Allen @ 225+460-0001.
NOTICE --21ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF ST. HELENA STATE OF LOUISIANA DIVISION "H" DOCKET __ NO. 21,328 SUCCESSION OF REBECCA HALL BATISTE FILED: __ __ DEPUTY CLERK NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT Please take notice that Yolanda James, Administrator of the above entitled and numbered succession, respectfully files herewith this final account of the administration of this succession, and any
10295 ance premium. The meeting was adjourned to meet in regular session at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, 2015 ___________________ Theodore McCray, Jr., President St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana ___________________ Sharonda Brown, Secretary-Treasurer St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana
I, John B. Sanders, have been convicted of 14:81 Indecent Behavior with Juveniles on Feb 19, 2002. My address is 157 Sibley Rd., Pine Grove, LA 70453.
5121182-apr 30-may 7-2t
St. Helena Public Notices
5123340-apr 30-1t
Any such proposals which are received as a result of mailing or hand delivered shall be stamped received with the date and time being reflected at such time of receipt by the St. Helena Parish Police Jury.
North Helena Fire District #3
About two acres of the home are planted with gardens and contain formal courtyards with deer- and drought-resistant southern flora such as grancy greybeard, flowering quince and the seasonal evergreen pineapple guava, which accent Sam’s iron work that he does in his spare time from his professional job as an attorney. Mentor and friend Luis Colmenares, of New Orleans, helped craft the iron gates for Roussillon’s front entrance, which is named Dogwood Gates as a tribute to the beautiful but disappearing tree. The LeBlancs’ home features front and rear courtyards, tall Italian cypress trees, abun-
The St. Helena Parish Police Jury met special session in the Meeting Room of the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Building at 17911 Hwy 43, Greensburg, Louisiana, on Friday, April 10, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Police Jurors present: President Theodore McCray, Jr., Jule C. Wascom, Major Coleman; Warren McCray, Jr. Police Jurors absent: Thomas Wicker, Doug Watson Discussed health insurance renewal options Motion carried to offer employees the choice to choose from two renewal offers: • Option #1: $750 deductible & Employee will pay a portion of his/her insurance premium (14%) • Option #2: $1,500 deductible & Police Jury will pay 100% of insur-
ST. HELENA PARISH POLICE JURY MINUTES REGULAR SESSION, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 The St. Helena Parish Police Jury met regular session in the Meeting Room of the St. Helena Parish Police Jury Building at 17911 Hwy 43, Greensburg, Louisiana, on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Police Jurors present: President, Theodore, McCray Jr., Jule C. Wascom, Thomas Wicker, Major Coleman, Doug Watson Police Jurors absent: Warren McCray, Jr St. Helena Parish Courthouse Project Phase II: • Authorized BradleyBlewster’s approval & request for payment #3 to CDW Services, i/a/o $32,985, upon receipt of funds • Motion carried to authorize James Chaney to temporarily repair courthouse roof Motion carried to reappoint Shirley Freeman, Barbara Lowe (term expires May, 2015), Joe L. Lee, and Pauline Holden (term expires June, 2015) to serve as Board Members for the St. Helena Parish Tourist Commission another term Theodore McCray, Jule Wascom, & Thomas Wicker will meet with the CPA to discuss the issuance of sales tax bonds for road improvements Motion carried to authorize Albert Franklin to purchase motor for Road District #1 truck
WHEN: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 2. WHERE: One garden in Jackson, one off La. 10 on Bains Road and three in the St. Francisville Historic District TICKETS: $20. Available tour day at the St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand St., St. Francisville, and the Centenary Inn, 1740 Charter St. (La. 10), Jackson. Checks and cash only, no credit cards. INFORMATION: West Feliciana Extension Office (225) 635-3614; email dant color and gardens that produce plenty of vibrant and seasonal flora and variegated color foliage, according to Chase. The LeBlancs are known art collectors and have used Sam’s iron work and other local artists’ work throughout their landscape. Roussillon is thick with pines and other specialty trees that have been planted in the past several years.
St. Helena Public Notices
10295 No action taken on the following items: • Lay off Charles Chaney, effective immediately • Discuss and/or take action regarding recommendations from Road Superintendent Authorized Fire Protection District #3 to request bids on tender Authorized Fire Protection District #3 to purchase one used tender Rita Allen gave update on OEP projects. Authorized Rita Allen to use CRI funds to cover expenses to attend the LEPA workshop in Lake Charles May 4-7 Discussed the disposition of the Industrial Park; authorized Virginia Bell to write a letter to USDA requesting the amount it would cost PJ to settle the debt Approved change order #8, from Ponchartrain Engineers for Infrastructure Project Approved payment i/a/o $24,912.00 to Providence Engineers for Infrastructure Project, upon receipt of funds St. Helena Human Services Coalition is sponsoring a Job Fair, which is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2015 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. It will be hosted by the Northshore Technical College
St. Helena Public Notices
10295 Administrative Official Approve Requisitions, as per copies presented to Jurors Approved employees’ leave time report Accepted fuel, and/or work reports by Superintendent Approve checks written after the last regular meeting in the total amount of $152,827.27 and tonight’s checks totaling $175,987.30 Approve minutes for March 24, 2015 as prepared and emailed to Jurors Addendum: Motion carried to add one item to the agenda Motion carried to authorize James Chaney to install a/c unit at the Health Unit building, (will use the a/c units from OEP department) The meeting was adjourned to meet in regular session at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 ___________________ Theodore McCray, Jr., President St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana ___________________ Sharonda Brown, Sec-Treasurer St. Helena Parish Police Jury State of Louisiana 5123346-apr 30-1t
USDA Ceremony is scheduled for April 21, 2014 @ 10:00 am Authorized Morgan Watson to submit a proposal Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program, for Districts $ & 5 drainage
The 2015 Millage Rates will be adopted without Rolling Forward, on June 9, 2015
Received notice that the following precinct changes for St. Helena Parish have been reviewed for compliance and approved: • The merger of Precincts 3-1 and 3-3 into new Precinct 3-1 • The merger of Precincts 5-2 and 6-2 into new Precinct 6-2 Proclaimed the month of April, 2015 as Fair Housing Month PJAL Annual Legislative Day is Wednesday, April 22, 2015; $80/Parish
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