The Advocate Watchman 02-19-2015

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Silliman mascot appears at Wild Wings Bowl. Page 1H


W atchman


1st Year, No. 19


FEBRUARY 19, 2015 H $1.00

Sheriff purchases Humvees BY STEPHANIE WARREN

Advocate staff photo by STEPHANIE WARREN

The St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office recently acquired two military-grade M998 Humvee utility trucks for use in emergencies. Checking out the additions, from left, are Detective Laurie Sibley, Chief Joe Chaney, Detective Lee Carmona and Sheriff Nat Williams.

The St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office has acquired two military-grade, M998 Humvee utility trucks for use in emergencies. Officials said the vehicles will be used in standoffs between suspects and law enforcement officials, school emergencies and inclement weather. Sheriff Nat Williams said his office purchased the trucks in February for $4,600 through the Louisiana Federal Property Assistance with drug seizure

St. Helena

fice assisted with the rescue of a family from Natalbany Creek area by boat because the road money awarded to the Sheriff’s was underwater,” Williams said. Office by the courts. “A flooded road would not be Williams said the former military vehicles can be easily a problem for these vehicles converted to search-and-rescue and, with a heavy winch and vehicles because of their carry- four-wheeled pulling power, ing and pulling power and the these vehicles have the ability ability to plow through high to clear limbs and trees from water because of an elevated roadways,” he said. “We should be in good shape for hurricane exhaust system. The sheriff said he is glad the season.” Williams said in addition to department was able to purresponding to worst-case scechase the rescue vehicles. “I can remember during Hur- narios in St. Helena Parish, the ricane Isaac the Sheriff’s Of- vehicles also will serve sur-

Super stylist

Bains principal resigns for new post

Clinton native Franklin works with football shows with Katy Perry

BY HOWARD ARCENEAUX Special to The Advocate


Katy Perry’s halftime performance at Super Bowl XLIX, hyped for months and anticipated by millions, did not disappoint. Halfway through the matchup between the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots, Perry plowed through her plentiful collection of hits with help from Lenny Kravitz, Missy Elliott and Perry’s wardrobe stylist — a Clinton native — Abby Franklin. Franklin was backstage during the halftime show, working with the sharks and chess pieces, making sure the costumes were on properly. Raised by her parents, Leon “Sonny” Franklin and Norma Franklin, down a gravel road in Clinton, Franklin credits a life-saving satellite dish and her MTV-watching habit as her crash course into the fashion and music world. She said it was at the age of 14 during the Live Aid concert in July 1985 that she discovered her love for music. äSee STYLIST, page 2G

INSIDE East Feliciana West Feliciana St. Helena Sports More news

3G 5G 7G 1H 2H

rounding parishes. Chief Detective Joe Chaney said the department has needed the vehicles for some time now. “With these new vehicles, we now have the means to get to an area that may be underwater or trees in the roadway,” Chaney said. Williams said he intends to leave the vehicles their original military camouflage color. “We might put decals on it, label it as belonging to the St. Helena Parish Sheriff’s Office, but I think we’ll just leave them as is for now,” Williams said.

Advocate photos by HOWARD ARCENEAUX

The Watoto Children’s Choir performed their energetic ‘Oh, What Love’ production Feb. 13 at the West Feliciana High School Auditorium, one of 190 shows in the 22-member choir’s grueling six-month tour of the United States. The Watoto Choir consists of 18 orphaned African children and four adult singers.

Watoto Children’s Choir uplifts St. Francisville with performance Members of the Watoto Children’s Choir drum Feb. 13 as about 277 audience members sing and dance along. The choir performed and showed videos that told their story. Afterwards they mingled with attendees.


for by a “house mother” and live with seven other “siblings” per house. They receive an educaST. FRANCISVILLE — They sang, tion, and each community has they danced, but most of all they a center for school assemblies, inspired with their message of events and church services along with a health clinic. faith, love and hope. The theme of the Watoto The Watoto Children’s Choir performed their “Oh, What choir’s message was that deLove” production Feb. 13 at the spite all of the hardships in their West Feliciana High School Au- lives, God has rescued them and ditorium, one of 190 shows in a blessed them with redemption and purpose. six-month U.S. tour. Racheal Adongo, a 12-year-old The choir consists of 18 children and four adult singers who member of the traveling choir, are members of the Watoto com- has lived in a village near the munity in Uganda. All of the nation’s capital for four years. children have lost one or both She’s enjoying her first trip to parents, and they now live in one the United States. “I like it very much,” she said of three Watoto villages located with a big smile. “I like the food. in the Central Africa nation. Children between the ages of I like to talk to the people.” 2 and 12 are accepted into the villages, where they are cared äSee PERFORMANCE, page 2G

Special to The Advocate

ST. FRANCISVILLE — Bains Lower Elementary School Principal Raquel Square resigned effective Feb. 13 to take a similar position with a charter school organization. Square, who has been Bains Lower principal since spring 2010, will be the regional program director for Charter Schools USA, a national forprofit charter organization. Square made the announcement to the Bains Lower faculty and staff on Feb. 11. “Ms. Square has been a wonderful leader at Bains Lower since 2010. We will miss her, but we know she has a great opportunity to grow professionally,” Superintendent Hollis G. Milton said. “We wish her the best.” Milton said Square’s new position includes a substantial increase in pay and offers her the ability to grow within the organization. He said the timing was necessary for Square because she will likely be involved with planning for the upcoming year and lobbying during the upcoming legislative session. “I have had the tremendous honor to work in the West Feliciana Parish School System for the past five years,” Square said. “It has been a pleasure to work with an outstanding group of educators and leaders during my time at Bains Lower. I am extremely proud of the growth the faculty, staff and students have made during these last five years.” Milton said Square’s resignation had nothing to do with the recent arrest of a teacher. He also met with the staff and provided an outline for the spring. “We will ensure a smooth transition,” he said. Nikki Milton will run the äSee PRINCIPAL, page 2G

Oil Changes, Brakes, Alignments, Check Engine Lights, A/C Repairs, Shocks, Struts, Tires

2G n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n n The Advocate


Editor: Darlene Denstorff, (225) 336-6952 or email

Continued from page 1G

Her father, now retired, was the principal of Clinton High School in the ’70s and early ’80s and her mother works at the East Feliciana Clerk of Court’s Office. Her parents still live in Clinton. She graduated in 1989 from Huntington Academy in Ferriday and later from LSU with a degree in speech and communication. During college, she spent a semester in Florida working an internship with the Disney Work Program. With a diploma in hand, Franklin moved to Florida, working as an audience recruiter for MTV, but, she said, her calling came when she worked as a production assistant for a sleeping aid commercial. “I was supposed to be helping out with production, but the wardrobe stylist didn’t show up and someone on set looked over at me and said, ‘Hey, you look like you like to shop,’ and proceeded to hand me money and told me to purchase a wardrobe for the shoot,� she said. From there she began working backstage at the House of Blues at Disney until the band Creed came through town. She said they promised her that if they made it big they would take her on the road with them. In 2000, she went on tour with Creed as their wardrobe stylist. One twist of fate led to another, and soon enough, she said, she received a call to work with Prince on one of his tours. For the next several years, Franklin said, she toured with everyone including Bon Jovi, the Smashing Pumpkins, Lenny Kravitz and Madonna. Kravitz was one of the performers at this year’s Super Bowl halftime show. With her days jam-packed, Franklin said she takes in as much as she can balancing wardrobe creations and roaming cities front to back, just in case she never has the opportunity to return to them. She lives in Nashville but likes to come home to Clinton from

Subscription rates: Inside the 3-parish area: $31 for 12 months Outside the 3-parish area: $42 for 12 months The Watchman is published weekly in Baton Rouge and at additional mailing offices. Periodicals-postage paid at Baton Rouge, LA ISSN: 1061-3978 Capital City Press, proprietor The Advocate, 7290 Bluebonnet Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70810-1611 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Circulation Accounting, P.O. Box 588, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0588


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Reporter: Stacy Gill, (225) 993-0066 or email P.O. Box 368, Clinton, LA 70722 Need to talk to a reporter, place an obituary or wedding announcement, inquire about advertising or discuss newspaper delivery issues?

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Photo provided by ABBY FRANKLIN

Wardrobe stylist to a list of music icons, and a Clinton native, Abby Franklin, recently did wardrobe changes during Katy Perry’s halftime performance at Super Bowl XLIX. Franklin continued on her journey with Perry on Feb. 10 as they departed for Europe for seven weeks.

time to time, she said. No matter what country she travels across, she said, she can never find the value of it like a small town such as Clinton.

“I love the small-town atmosphere. It gave me a lot of value, kind of like a good friendship. You don’t find that in the big cities,� Abby said.

Franklin will continue to tour with Perry for the next months. She began her next journey with Perry on Feb. 10 as they departed for Europe for seven weeks.

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from Elementary Supervisor Joyce Edwards and Family SerContinued from page 1G vice Center Supervisor Bridget Plauche. The school system will adverday-to-day operations as an assistant principal, with support tise the principal vacancy and

will put together an interview committee made up of supervisors and several Bains Lower employees. “Our goal is to have a permanent principal in place by May


ous studies, which they maintain on the road while bringing their uplifting message to American audiences. “We travel with them and disciple them and take this journey with them,� said Ogwal, who is also a singer. “We have three objectives with the tour,� Ogwal said. “We want to remind people there is hope in Jesus, and we want to raise awareness of the orphans and women, and finally, we want to raise support.� For information, visit www.

Continued from page 1G

There are six Watoto choirs that perform all over the world, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Since 1994, the choirs have traveled the world, sharing the plight of Africa’s orphaned children. In addition to raising awareness, they raise muchneeded financial support for their communities. One table in the lobby was set up with hand-made jewelry, stuffed animals and a picture book of the Watoto villages. At another table, patrons could sign up to sponsor the children or make financial contributions. The Rev. Roman Roldan, rector of Grace Episcopal Church, and members of his congregation were responsible for bringing the choir to St. Francisville. The children and traveling chaperones stayed in the homes of local residents overnight. “It was phenomenal,� Roldan said. “The kids did a great job. We had about 277 in the audience, so I was happy with the turnout.� The audience sang and danced along as the 18 children performed on stage and showed

videos that told their story. Afterward, they mingled and talked with the visitors. During the American tour, the choir will perform every Tuesday through Sunday; they take off on Mondays. They travel by bus and will visit 10 states. The choir returns to Africa on July 9. Daniel Ogwal, 30, is one of the group’s chaperones. His wife, Mercy, grew up in a Watoto community and now they travel with the choirs, offering the children guidance and assisting each of them with their rigor-

4,� Milton said. “We should not have an issue finding top-caliber candidates. Bains Lower is a state model for early childhood learning. It is a dream job for an aspiring principal.�


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east feliciana

The Advocate n n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n 3G

Photo provided by BETH DAWSON

Photos provided by BETH DAWSON

First-place winners in the Daughters of the American Revolution’s Junior American Citizens contest who attend Slaughter Community Charter School, from left, are Jerilynn Savoy, Naomi Mack, Kenleigh Langlois, Trinity Sonnier, Tab Hebert, Madison Graham, Samantha Boitnott and Joseph Cart. Not shown is Kassie Lea.

DAR contest winners named

Advocate staff report

The Alexander Stirling Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently announced the first-place winners who participated in the Junior American Citizens contest. The Junior American Citizens program teaches students the principles of democratic government and promotes good citizenship and appreciation of American heritage and history, according to DAR. The JAC contests are offered in art, creative expression and community service for firstthrough 12th-graders. The Alexander Stirling Chapter, which represents East and West Feliciana and Pointe Coupee parishes, invited students to create entries based on the theme “Focusing on the Future.” Students submitted essays, poems, banners, posters and stamp designs. First-place winners are from East Feliciana Parish and represent four schools and one church youth group. Each winning student received a certificate of recognition, membership to the JAC program, a membership pin and a $2 bill, which was awarded to each child personally by Dawson. “We are delighted at the num-

The East Feliciana Retired Teachers Association held its monthly meeting Jan. 22 in Clinton. Members of Pelican State Credit Union in Jackson attended, giving a presentation on household budgeting. Gathered, from left, are Jessica Oliver, manager, Pelican State; Kimberly Gaines, credit counselor, Pelican State; Sonja Terrell, president, Retired Teachers; Katherine Scales, branch manager, Pelican State; and Terrence Merkerson, business development, Pelican State.

Credit union employees address retired teachers Advocate staff report

Gathering, from left, are East Feliciana Middle School Principal Karen Gipson; Junior American Citizen winners Ka’nyjiah Williams, sixth-grader and Lakeira Williams, seventh-grader; Silliman third-grader JoAnna and art teacher Nannette Egros. The students won first place Cornette, left, and her teach- for their entries in the annual DAR contest, which was themed er, Meghan Morgan. Cornette, ‘Focusing on the Future.’ of East Feliciana Parish, won first place for her stamp deof competition followed by the banner, Slaughter Community sign in the Daughters of the national round. Charter School; and Lakeira American Revolution’s Junior F i r s t - p l a c e Williams, stamp, East Feliciana American Citizens contest. Middle School. winners are: SIXTH GRADE: Ka’nyjiah Wil12TH GRADE: Makayla Bar- liams, poem, East Feliciana ber of East Feliciana youths t o n , p o s t e r, Middle; and Matthew Sartin, who had first place-winning East Feliciana poster, representing Jackson entries,” Dawson said. United Methodist Church. High School Entries were judged by nonTHIRD GRADE: S E V E N T H DAR members in December, JoAnna CornetGRADE: Madison and the winners were sent to Barton te, stamp, SilliGraham, stamp the state competition Jan. 23. man Institute. “We’re hoping to receive the design; Kassie Lea, poem; SECOND GRADE: results from the state compe- Naomi Mack, poster; Jerilynn Kashayla tition any day now,” Dawson Savoy, short story; Trinity SonDunn, poster, nier, photographic essay; Sam said. Jackson ElState winners advance to the Boitnott, Joseph Cart, Tab Heementary. South Central Regional round bert and Kenleigh Langlois, Dunn

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The East Feliciana Retired Teachers Association met Jan. 22 for the group’s monthly meeting at the East Feliciana School Board office in Clinton. The association is a member of the Louisiana Retired Teachers Association. Guest speakers were from Pelican State Credit Union and included Jessica Oliver, Pelican State manager; Katherine Scales, branch manager; Kimberly Gaines, credit counselor; and Terrence Merkerson, business development. Gaines presented informa-

tion on household budgeting. Association President Sonja Terrell detailed the upcoming District IV meeting of the LRTA to be held March 9 at the Butler Community Center in Baton Rouge. Terrell gave updates on issues concerning retired teachers and told members to look for the LRTA official ballot. Terrell and Beth Dawson, ERTA member and District IV photographer attended a District IV officers meeting Jan. 15 in Baton Rouge. Officers from area associations, such as from Ascension, Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge and LSU faculty and staff retirees also attended.

More news from East and West Feliciana, Page 2H

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4G n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

east feliciana

Casting set for Clinton movie According to Brent Caballero, casting director for the movie “The Free State of Jones,” which will film on location in Clinton, locals are encouraged to “come out and be a part of this great thing for their community.” Email your audition submissions with information such as age, height and weight along with a current photograph to

Bite the Bullet Photo submitted by JON LOEVEALL

Student illustrator honored

The East Feliciana Parish School Board recently recognized MyKara Taylor, seventh-grade honor roll student at East Feliciana Middle School, for illustrating the new children’s book ‘The Rooster Did Not Crow’. Honoring the student, from left, are, School Board Vice President Mitch Harrell; School Board member Paul Kent; Taylor; her mother, Tonia Taylor; School Board member Joyce Kent; and Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr.

HONOR ROLLS Slaughter Charter

East Feliciana Middle

Slaughter Community Charter School has released the names of students earning all A’s and B’s for the second nineweek grading period. Students with a 3.9 to 3.2 grade-point average are: SEVENTH GRADE: Sarah Kimbel, Mikelyn Odendahl, Miangel Sanders, Mylisha Scott and Trinity Sonnier. EIGHTH GRADE: Shardai Cage, Krystal Harrigill, Ariel Jessup, Steven Nix, Alexis Morgan and Zachary Young. NINTH GRADE: Destiny Davis, Jayci Fulkerson, Sabrina Hayes, Jordyn Loftin, Randi Martin, Valerie Nunez, Andrew Peterson, Tristyn Sexton and Bailey Davis-Vicknair. 10TH GRADE: Gabrielle Adams, Case Corban, Devante George, Clifton Hall, Jaleicia Hamilton, Ige Kinyomi, Tydashia McElewee, Chelsea Morgan, Danielle Ramsey, Dia’Mond Scott, Mya Wilson, Haley Winans and Deonesha Woodridge. 11TH GRADE: Autumn Corban, Braylon Dunn, Ashlyn Ellender, Katlyn Forbes, Delilah Gremillion, Jessica Jackson and Jamyria Tillery.

East Feliciana Middle School in Clinton has released the names of its honor roll students for the second nine-week grading period. The following students were named: SIXTH GRADE: J e ’ A n g e l Barnes, Kylee Blankenship, Dyasia Booker, Ta’Lyiah Causey, Sarah Collins, Mikiara Criss, Frankie Dunn, Jamaal Dunn, Albreonna Emery, Jordan Fontenot, Alaina Ganes, Ivory Gipson, Adarius Haney, Shannon Harrell, Destine’ Hills, Caleb Holton, Colten Hood, JaKayla Irvin, Derrick Johnson, Mya Matthews, Dillon Philpot, Alaya Ramos, Jeremiah Robinson, De’Andre Ross, Robert Sarrazin, Carmin Sikes, Joshua Smith, Denisha Thompson, Mar’Shayla Underwood, Keilyn Washington, Haille Wells, Jalen Wesley, Ashley Whitfield, Lilian Williams and Angelle Winfrey. SEVENTH GRADE: Caleb Anderson, Aleeiah Alexander, Faith Barrow, La Daisha Burton, Riyan Cotton, Da’Vion Crump, Aleesha Dunn,

EAST FELICIANA PARISH SHERIFF BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the East Feliciana Parish Prison from Feb. 3-10: HENYARD, TELVIN: 28, address unknown, driving while intoxicated. HARRIS, TERRANCE: 34, 3161 Quiet Lane, Jackson, parole violation. HOLDER, BILLY: 52, 1010 Bank Street, Clinton, disturbing the peace. JEFFERSON, STEVEN: age and address unknown, driving while intoxicated, careless operation. LONDON, SAMMIE: age and address unknown, driving while intoxicated, careless operation. MCMANUS, ARCHIE: 73, 17348 Otis Slaven Road, Kentwood, theft of utility. RICHARDSON, AUSTIN: 21, 5217 Asheville Lane, Pride, first offense driving while intoxicated, possession of marijuana, speeding, no seatbelt. TURNER, HAYES: 47, 11636 Railroad Street, Clinton, probation violation. WELLS, SHELLY: 33, 9816 La. 10, Ethel, improper supervision, illegal use of prescription drugs.

Ca’Niya Ferguson, Tre’Vohn Green, Alexander Hanchey, Ny’Virea Hawkins, Reonshelle Hayes, Carla Jackson, Devonta Jackson, Nijah Johnson, Jazimane Jones, Tiana King, Christopher London, Amauria Matthews, Aiya Robinson, Akyria Shoemaker, La Daja Sterling, Nathan Sullivan, Mykara Taylor, Jiren Thompson, Frank We a t h e r s p o o n , R o d n e y White, Kanyjah Williams, Lakeira Williams, Taliyah Williams, Cor’Darius Wright and Demetri Wright. EIGHTH GRADE: B r i a n n i Bankston, Makaila Davis, Renisha Davis, Raymond Dunn, Mary Haile, David Hayes, Shalimar Hollins, Tra’Lecia Holmes, Trenton Holmes, Phillip Johnson, Chanze Lee, Jasmine London, Ny’Aja Matthews, Julius McCoy, De’Anjae McKinley, Damiah Miller, LaGerica Parker, D’Andre Patin, Jamyse Robinson, Timothy Scott, Cedric Thomas, Ke’Daiajh Thomas, My’Kya Thomas, Larry Thompson, Ke’Shuana Vessell and Trayonne Wilson.


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Centenary State Historic Site in Jackson presents Bite the Bullet: A Look at Civil War Medicine at 3 p.m. Feb. 21. Because of Centenary’s use as a hospital by the Confederates stationed at Port Hudson during the Civil War, this program focuses on the methods and instruments used by the Civil War-era doctor. Visitors are invited to the site to take part in a Civil War medicine discussion and demonstration by a member of Centenary staff followed by a tour to the Confederate cemetery on park grounds. Everyday life of military doctors and their patients at Centenary will be discussed. For information, call (225) 634-7925.

Batter up!

Four registration dates have been announced for the 2015 Jackson Baseball Association. Children ages 4 to 15 who are interested in playing baseball are invited to register from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 21, Feb. 28, March 7 or March 14 at the baseball field in Jackson on La. 68. To be eligible to play, your child must turn 4 by May 1 and cannot turn 15 prior to

Stacy Gill


May 1. A birth certificate is required if this is the first time your child will be playing, and a doctor’s release is required if there is an existing medical condition. Fees are $50 per child and due upon registration. For information, contact Matt Leggett at (225) 719-1690.

movement exercise class, followed by a birthday party TUESDAY: 11 a.m. St. Francisville Country Manor will visit with a special exercise class. WEDNESDAY: 11 a.m., bingo FEB. 26: 11:30 a.m. devotional, followed by blood pressure checks FEB. 27: 11 a.m., arthritis movement exercise class.

Crop insurance deadline

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency reminds Louisiana farmers that the final dates to apply for crop insurance on most insurable spring crops are fast approaching. Crop insurance provides protection against crop production lossBoater Safety course es due to natural perils such A boater safety course spon- as drought, hail and excessive sored by 20th Judicial District moisture, according to a news release. Attorney Sam D’Aquilla and Farmers need to purchase, his office will be held from review or modify their crop 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Feb. 28 insurance policies before at the American Legion Hall, these sales closing dates have 12024 Liberty Highway, Clinpassed. Decisions include ton. what crops to insure and what Seating is limited. Call D’Aquilla’s office at (225) 683- coverage level is appropriate for their operation. 8563 to preregister. The last day for Louisiana Council on Aging farmers to buy or change a policy for corn, cotton, soyThe East Feliciana Council beans, rice, grain sorghum, on Aging, 11102 Bank St., peanuts or sweet potatoes is Clinton is open 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Fri- Feb. 28. Crop insurance is sold day. Most activities start at 11 and delivered solely through private crop insurance agents. a.m. Lunch is served at noon. A list of agents is available Public transportation to at the East Feliciana County East Baton Rouge Parish is Farm Service Agency, 9752 provided Monday through Plank Road, Clinton. For inforFriday by the East Feliciana mation, call (225) 683-8955. transit system. For information, call the Council on Aging at (225) 683- Send your news or Around East Feliciana events to 9862. Stacy Gill at sgill@theadvoFRIDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis or call me at (225) movement exercise class 993-0066. MONDAY: 11 a.m., arthritis

Dear Zachary Community, The citizens of the Zachary Community Schools area should be proud of what has been accomplished in the time the school system has existed. Never was a group of people more determined to overcome whatever obstacles were in the way of taking over the very good East Baton Rouge Parish schools in their town and doing even better for the children in their community. We hope that the pride we all feel in our success since we began has engendered a continuing commitment to that original goal. We hope the success we have had has engendered the community’s confidence and trust. From the time the Zachary area took control of the future for 3200 students attending four area schools to now, a great deal has been accomplished. All of our students, now numbering in excess of 5200, attend school in beautiful, safe, comfortable buildings that efficiently provide the space and facilities needed. Our students have room for all the programs they need, all the enrichment they should have, and all the other elements of school that make it an important part of their lives. The environment in which our children spend the majority of their weekdays provides places to learn to read, play music, grow gardens, enjoy sports, participate in arts and earn college credit. Their school experiences expand their ability to learn, to interact with others, and to see the possibilities for their future and their community. We are very proud of our school facilities. We played a significant role in creating them. Our opinions about what the buildings needed to have were included in their design. They were designed to preserve the best of what previously existed, to take into account the real-time ideas of the teachers who work in the facilities, to provide the finest opportunities to our students, and to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety. They were also built to last and to meet our needs for many years to come. Every effort was made to maximize the usability of every facility to expand programming for all students with careful thought about the needs of each of them. These facilities polish our image certainly, but much more importantly, they form the structure within which our students spend their educational lives. Providing each child in our schools with the very best opportunity to learn and succeed as students and to grow and achieve as people is the goal of each and every person in every school. Each one of us, each teacher, custodian, lunchroom worker, school nurse, counselor, secretary, administrator, and clerk views what he or she does as a critical element in the educational success of our students. We have used every tool at our disposal from our great facilities to our #1 rating to our connections with university programs to competitive salary and benefits to recruit, hire, retain and develop the finest, most expert, most committed faculty and staff available. We are as proud of our employees as we are of our students. They are the key to the success our children have every day. We hope that the citizens who interact with our schools have the same high opinion. We are constantly working hard to make sure that we use every resource available to us in ways that address the needs of our students, respect the contribution made by citizens of the community, and enlarge the opportunities our schools provide. From buying packs of crayons in bulk because one of our secretaries negotiated a 9 cents a pack price to engaging our teachers in the most advanced and relevant professional development we can find to offering advanced technical training to high school students, we are always engaged in ways to enlarge the possibilities for our students, recognizing that what our children need to succeed in the world they will be in as adults exceeds what was deemed needed a generation ago by leaps and bounds. Zachary may be a small town in a poor state, but we are absolutely determined that each and every one of our children will have every opportunity they need to maximize their individual gifts and to be prepared to compete anywhere with anyone. Talented and determined citizens in our school area have stepped up to serve our schools as school board members and we are grateful for their leadership. Without exception, they have provided us with excellent system level administrators who lead with vision. Board members and system-level administrators have been open to our ideas in developing opportunities for our students. They have included school building-level employees in the decisions and in the planning. We are bound together as a team, and we have all benefitted enormously from the knowledge, experience and ideas of one another. The school board members and their staff have found ways to provide us with the tools and the resources we need. They have partnered with other community leaders to ensure the broadest possible base of support and the most open level of engagement with all citizens in our community. They have worked tirelessly to ensure that nothing was wasted, that every effort was made to make the best possible use of the money provided by the community, and to ensure that every dollar was properly accounted for from the very first day. They are excellent examples of officials concerned with being worthy of the public’s trust by being excellent stewards of every resource. Our school system was founded by a community-inspired determination to include every citizen, to provide the best for every child, and to make the best possible use of every dollar. We believe the bottom line is that every effort has been made to support the best our schools can provide to our students to ensure a bright future for our families and our community. We know that we can continue to honor the original goal to improve our schools and our children’s and community’s prospects. To do so we believe that Zachary must be, as it has always been, self reliant. If we are not always striving for better, we are failing our future. Sincerely,

The Advocate n n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n 5G

west feliciana Authors Crone, Padgett, Sexton featured at upcoming symposium ous as ice, a heart stopper. This says Butler. For years, Padgett had a promay just be the most haunting A Celebration of Literature and memorable novel you will fessional literary connection with one of the more astute and Art: Writers and Readers ever read.� writers for Angola’s awardSymposium, slated for Feb. winning magazine, The Ango21, marks the arrival of four Mystery writer Padgett published and acclaimed writ“Padgett is a lite. The collaboration engeners representing the genres prime example dered such mutual respect that of fiction, nonfiction, creative of writing what upon the prisoner’s death, she nonfiction and poetry — Moira y o u k n o w, � honored his plea that he not Crone, a New Orleans novelist says St. Fran- be buried on prison grounds and short story writer; Louicisville native to spend eternity behind bars, siana Poet Laureate Ava HayAnne Butler, an Butler said. Padgett lives in San Diego and mon; mystery writer Abigail author and lois author of dozens of books. Padgett, whose latest book is Padgett cal historian. set in the St. Francisville area; Padgett gradand writer-photographer Rich- uated from Indiana University, Photographer Sexton ard Sexton. Bloomington, in 1964 with a deSexton has a gree in education and earned a strong archiNovelist Crone master’s in counseling from the tecture and art background Crone was University of Missouri in 1969. and uses those born in North Between the two, she taught to spot the elCarolina and high school English in St. Louis. egance amidst attended the She had several different jobs the decadence University of before becoming a court inveswhile celebratNorth Caro- tigator for Child Protective Ser- Sexton ing the colorlina and Smith vices in San Diego, a post she College, study- left in 1988 to concentrate on ful remnants of Creole culture Crone ing writing at writing and advocacy for chil- even in the most desolate Caribbean slum or New Orleans Johns Hopkins dren and the mentally ill. Her experiences formed the housing project, according to University. After living in Boston and Baltimore, she moved basis for Padgett’s early mys- Butler. For four decades, Sexton has to Baton Rouge, where she di- tery novels, a series translated rected the Master of Fine Arts into multiple languages and one roamed the Latin Caribbean Program in Creative Writing made into a movie that features capturing architectural and at LSU, and then to New Or- a child protection advocate who urban similarities connecting leans, where she lives with her suffers from bipolar disorder, New Orleans’ Creole heritage with colonial cultures in Argenhusband, Rodger Kamenetz, a according to Butler. Padgett’s latest novel, “An tina, Columbia, Cuba, Ecuador, writer, poet and therapist. In 2009, Crone received the Unremembered Grave,� is Haiti and Panama as well as Robert Penn Warren Award for about a prescient New York other historic locales. Compelling documentary imFiction from the Fellowship of history professor ensconced in a Louisiana plantation who ages from his travels, taken Southern Writers. In 2013, her novel, “The Not is caught up in a web of in- from Sexton’s latest book, “CreYet,� was short-listed for the trigue involving an innocent ole World: Photographs of New Philip K. Dick Award, for pa- inmate and a courtly vampire Orleans and the Latin Caribperback original science fiction unearthed at nearby Louisiana bean Sphere, have formed the basis for exhibits in galleries novel of year. Her fiction and State Penitentiary at Angola. The author has knowledge of and museums such as the Hisnonfiction have been published in numerous magazines and Louisiana plantations, as she toric New Orleans Collection, featured in several anthologies often visits one of St. Francis- also publisher of the book. A Georgia native who has including a comprehensive an- ville’s historic plantation bed thology of New Orleans Litera- and breakfasts, and the nearby lived in New Orleans since 1991, Sexton cherishes the easy ture spanning three centuries. state prison, Butler said. “The prison scenes in ‘An Un- lifestyle and cultural gumbo Crone’s newest book, “The Ice Garden� is called by Lee Smith, remembered Grave’ are rivet- of the Crescent City, calling it “a story as dazzling and danger- ing and absolutely spot-on,� “a place that reminds me that Advocate staff report

architecture isn’t just about issues of style. Architecture is the theater where the dramas of life unfold. It’s a big part of how we interact with each other.� Sexton’s images have documented architectural and natural treasures of Pointe Coupee Parish, the River Road and other locales from California to Florida. Sexton joins the three other celebrated authors for the Writers and Readers Symposium to share their creative processes both individually and in moderated panel discussions with audience participation at Hemingbough Convention Center Saturday in St. Francisville. Also part of the symposium is a visual art exhibit featuring juried photographs with connections to literature. Haymon is scheduled to teach a poetry workshop for Bains Elementary School students on Friday and join Padgett in presenting a writer’s workshop for mature aspiring and professional authors Feb. 28 at Butler Greenwood Plantation. Padgett is set to teach a prose workshop at West Feliciana High School incorporating memoir and fiction writing, according to Georgia Dudley of WFHS, coordinator of the workshop. “I am so pleased the students will be able to have this educational experience with a nationally acclaimed novelist,� Dudley said. Tickets for the symposium include parking, individual author presentations and panel discussions, book signings, refreshments, lunch and a dessert reception with the authors. Visit www.brownpapertickets. com for tickets, which are $50 if purchased in February, but $60 at the door. Seating is limited; early reservations are encouraged.

West Feliciana pets available ing/neutering, deworming, rabies shot, tests and all imThe West Feliciana Animal munizations until the animal Humane Society coordinates is adopted. The shelter is open volunteer and donor efforts from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monin support of the James L. day, Wednesday and Friday; 9 “Bo� Bryant Animal Shelter, a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thurs9946 W. Feliciana Parkway, St. day and Saturday; and every Francisville, which operates day from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as a low-kill shelter. Dogs and Visit wfanimalshelter.wix. cats are available for adop- com/wfanimalshelter or call tion. Dogs are $75 and cats (225) 635-5801 or (225) 229cost $50; the fee covers spay- 6787. Available this week are:

Advocate staff report

Buster, a 2-year-old male Shelby, a 6-year-old female Jack Russell and terrier mix hound/Lab mix

Angus, a 10-week-old male Photos provided by DARLENE REAVES domestic shorthair Mrs. Jangles, a 1-year-old female domestic shorthair

Bains students named to AB honor roll Advocate staff report Bains Elementary School in St. Francisville has released the names of students earning As and Bs for the second nineweek grading period. Students on the AB honor roll are:

SECOND GRADE: Liam Adams, Caden Alley, Eliza Barrow, Marlie Bedell, Caden Bell, McKenzi Bellue, Rachel Bernard, Ainsley Black, Isaiah Brumfield, Mason Carroll, Blair Coley, Kayla Corbett, Jarlaysia Davis, Beau Deville, Kaylea Deville, Darius Emery, Aiden Floyd, Rayshon Franklin, Je’Nya Gilmore, Jimmik Givens, Emma Guillory, Kameron Hartfield, William Hazlip, Aidan Heiser, Rustin Hill, Jacob Jewell, Jeffery Joiner, Kevin Land, Anneliese’ Landers, Christopher Lathrop, Kamilla Lee, Philip Major, Rylee Maryman, Nathan Mayeaux, Julius Metz, Tia Milton, Eli Morrow, Wyatt Necaise, Coy McCray-Newton, James Norsworthy, Joseph Oliveaux, Dane Pattison, Desmon Peck, Carla Rachal, Presley Rayburn, Jonah Riente, Ryland Scott, Matelyn Sharp, Kalie Smith, Rashaed Smith, Mary Stewart, Hunter Teague, Christopher Turner, Jamie Vaughn, Jude Weller, Victoria Williams, Olivia L. Wilson, Remington Wunstel, Alana Woods and Hunter Young.

THIRD GRADE: Sara Adams, Abby Barnes, Parker Bennett, Emma Bush, Brock Cormier, Ashlynn Culley, Presley Cutrer, Gavin Davis, Joseph DeJean, Julia DeLee, James Dornquast, Tripp Douglas, Tiffany Emery, Brayden Freeman, Benton Green, Cade Grissett, Brayden Guillory, Lily Holland, Mary Hoshman, Molly Johnson, Wesley Little, Jose Lopez, Lillie Lynch, Amilya Malory, Ella Marchand, Jackson McKell, Eli Milton, Jaden Moore, Wyatt Olsen, James Patton, Allie Peters, John Priest, Joel Rogers, Marisa Summitt, Hayden Travis, Da’Vean Tuniors, Gracie Villemarette, Riley Vollmer, Kathryn Walters, John Phillip Warner, Trentin Wegner and Dara Welch. FOURTH GRADE: Arianna Allen, Kim Barrow, Mary Bell, Dorian Booker, Shelbie Brian, Cody Bryant, Paige Callegan, Hayes Carruth, Kaden Cowart, Emma Cutrer, Dy’Monique Emery, Lucas Felton, Benjamin Ferguson, Jaiya Goodman, Abigail Guillory, Rosemarie Hill, Ella Howle, Hannah Johnson, Daniel Johnston, Shelly Jones, Gracyn Kleinpeter, McKenzie Kliesch, Lane Lancaster, Alexis Lanehart, Taja Lofton, Sophia Maher, Carter Maxwell, Kylee May, Jack McClure, Ella McKinney, Mary Opperman, Mattie Owens, Archer Pangburn, David Patton, Brooklyn Phelan, Abigail Pittman, Jayden Polk, Austin Rachal, Naya Rogers,

Crew Rome, Bryce Shifflett, Luis Del Solar, Alaysia Sullivan, Taylor Summers, Christy Tate, Shelbie Welch, Cassidy Wheeler, EmilliÊ Williams, Jomira Williams and Blakleigh Willis. FIFTH GRADE: Michael Adams, Robert Barrow, Sara Barrow, Christopher Boolos, Christian Bristow, Addison Butler, Anthony Butler, Evelyn Bryant, Seth Corbin, Michael Corlew, Josephine D’Aquilla, Caylen DeLaney, Sherman Emery, Skyler Evans,

Rushanti Farris, Andrew Godke, Ashleigh Godke, Thomas Harris, Jarius Harrison, Maggie Hawkins, Keagan Holliday, Kamarah Jackson, Wesley Johnston, Jonah Kennedy, Olivia Kent, James Leake, Emily McEachern, Devin McLendon, Samillion Mims, Jacob Noble, Madeline Posey, Anna Rea, Jacson Ricks, Riley Roland, Desmonique Roundtree, Jameson Scott, Quentin Scott, Madilynn Travis, Bradie Villemarette and Rae’ghan Williams.





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6G n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

west feliciana

Farmers market to sell fresh produce

The St. Francisville Farmers Market is held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thursday in the old 4-H barn next to Fred’s Dollar Store in St. Francisville. The market sells fresh eggs, goat cheese, herbs, fresh produce, microgreens, homemade salad dressings, yogurt, jams, jellies, pickles, beeswax hand cream and lip balm, and baked sweet breads. All items sold at the market are homegrown or handmade locally.

Photo provided by AMANDA MCKINNEY

The historic Levert-Bockel home, owned by Susie Tully and Dr. Tom Tully, overlooks Ferdinand Street in St. Francisville and will be one of four homes featured at the 44th Audubon Pilgrimage on March 20-22.

Audubon Pilgrimage to feature Levert-Bockel home Advocate staff report The 44th annual Audubon Pilgrimage, March 20-22, celebrates spring in St. Francisville and is dedicated to West Feliciana’s most famous visitor: artist and naturalist John James Audubon, according to the West Feliciana Historical Society. The group has sponsored the event for more than four decades. Doors of historic homes, structures and churches are opened to commemorate Audubon, who painted a number of bird studies and who tutored Eliza, daughter of Oakley Plantation’s Pirrie family, said Anne Butler, St. Francisville native, author and local historian. One of the four homes featured at this year’s Audubon Pilgrimage, the Levert-Bockel house, sits on a hilltop lot overlooking Ferdinand Street. Located off the courthouse square, the cottage was built in 1918 in the then-popular bungalow style for Mamie Bockel and her husband, Dr. Eloi M. Levert. According to Butler, Levert was from Iberville Parish, where his family grew sugarcane on the Willow Glen Plantation along the east bank of the river. He also had family at Rienzi Plantation on Bayou Lafourche. The couple married in 1912 in New Orleans at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Church. The St. Francisville newspaper announcement of the ceremony called Bockel the only remaining member of a once large and prominent family of Bayou Sara, for she had long outlived both of her parents, Butler said. “Mamie’s mother, Bridget, was Irish, and her father, Conrad Bockel, had arrived from Prussia to prosper in Bayou Sara. He was a master saddle maker who owned more than 25 lots in the town and had busi-

To attend

A full schedule of events is planned for the three-day Pilgrimage including an Audubon play, hymn singing, graveyard tours and a wine and cheese reception. For tickets and tour information, call the West Feliciana Historical Society at (225) 635-6330 or (225) 635-4224, email sf@ or visit www.audubon ness interests in merchandising, rental property and swamp timberland,” Butler said. “All of this property was inherited by his only child, Bockel, but the year of her marriage also was the year of one of a series of devastating spring floods in the 1920s. Levees broke and floodwaters from the Mississippi inundated Bayou Sara.” Bockel inherited lots in Square 2 of St. Francisville, laid out upon a high narrow ridge safe from the floodwaters. The Leverts had a home built there by her relative, English-born master carpenter Thomas W. Raynham, who used salvaged architectural elements from Bockel’s flooded Bayou Sara properties — window jambs and sashes and deep door moldings blended seamlessly with the bungalow style, according to Butler. In one room, Levert kept his medical office and saw patients, as he was known for his success in treating pneumonia in the days before antibiotics. In the 1920s, he served as prison physician at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola, according to Butler. On an adjacent lot Bockel in-

herited from an aunt in 1919, a cottage housed the family cook, Aunt Nellie. “The Leverts had married late in life and remained childless. Their relationship was marked by a reserved formality, and business correspondences were closed by Mamie signing, ‘Best regards from the Doctor and I’, and by her husband, ‘the Madam and I,’” Butler said. When Bockel died in 1939, her separate estate in West Feliciana, including four lots in St. Francisville and many more in the old town of Bayou Sara, was appraised at $3,498. Levert lived in the house for some years afterward. Today, the home belongs to Susie Tully and Dr. Tom Tully, an avian and small animal specialist at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. “The house is filled with a number of caged birds large and small, and Susie is a master gardener, obvious from the colorfully imaginative landscaping with bordered beds, bricked patio with fountain and a raised wooden deck,” Butler said. “They furnished the house, which Tully bought in 1988, in craftsman style and in keeping with the home’s design. Color choices are suitable to the style as well, and the exterior is a rosy mauve with shutters in specially blended ‘Tully green.’” Butler said the home contains four working fireplaces and brick bases for the six columns crossing the front porch that overlooks a steep, sloping front yard. The Audubon Pilgrimage will feature three other homes this year: Dogwood, The Oaks and Retreat Plantation as well as Afton Villa Gardens, Audubon and Rosedown State Historic Sites, three 19th-century churches in St. Francisville plus St. Mary’s church in Weyanoke, and Rural Homestead with demonstrations of daily pioneer life.

Stacy Gill


composer Scott Joplin, artist Clementine Hunter and writer/ historian W.E.B. DuBois. The exhibit is open from 10 a.m. to CPR event planned 4 p.m. throughout February. At 11 a.m. Feb. 28, Rosedown A free community CPR staff will present “Enslaved training class is set for SaturLife at Rosedown,” an overday in St. Francisville. view of the history of AfricanThe Keep the Beat Bystander CPR training class will American enslavement, speteach life-saving CPR skills to cifically in Louisiana, followed maintain vital blood flow to the by a more detailed look into enslaved life at Rosedown. brain and heart until the amThe layout of the plantation, bulance arrives. Participants will learn to recognize and pro- including outbuildings, home vide basic care for breathing and cardiac emergencies. Keep the Beat will be held Feb. 21 at First Baptist Church of St. Francisville, 12404 La. 10. Participants can choose between the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. sessions. Superintendent Hollis Milton, of West Feliciana schools, will share the story of his recent heart attack. Anyone ages 8 to 88 may attend this event sponsored by Lane Regional Medical Center and Cardiovascular Institute of the South. Registration is required. Visit or call (225) 658-4587 to sign up.

sites, work areas and fields, will be discussed during the program. The program will begin in the carriage turn in front of the main house.

Daffodil fundraiser

A daffodil fundraiser for the Friends of the West Feliciana Library is ongoing. Daffodils will arrive March 18 in time for Audubon Pilgrimage, March 20-22. Orders and payments must be received by March 12. A case of 500 flowers is $200; a half case of 250 flowers is $100; and a vase/bouquet of 40 daffodils is $25. Checks should be made out to Friends of the WFP Library and mailed to P.O. Box 1962, St. Francisville, LA 70775. For information, visit Friends of the WFP Library on Facebook.

Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site is presenting an exhibit and program honoring AfricanAmericans. The exhibit, in the Rosedown Gift Shop conference room, showcases the lives and accomplishments of notable African-Americans throughout history, including scientist George Washington Carver, surgeon Alexander Augusta, actress Hattie McDaniel,

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st. helena

The Advocate n n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n 7G

Old Jail Museum unveiled

Greensburg historic site will be open last Saturday of each month BY STEPHANIE WARREN

The Old Jail Museum in Greensburg opened its doors for the first time Jan. 31 during the community market. The Old St. Helena Parish Jail, built in 1855, next to the Photo provided by RITA ALLEN courthouse square in GreensThe Old Jail Museum in Greensburg opened its doors for the burg, is one of the oldest buildfirst time Jan. 31. Among the first visitors are family members ings in St. Helena Parish and is of the late Jimmy ‘Jake’ Sanders. Taking pictures of the old listed on the National Register jail and browsing through artifacts, in front from left, are, Tori of Historic Places. The St. HelSanders, Jake Cedotal and Kimberly Sanders, and, in back, ena Parish Historical Association renovated the jail, turning Stacy Sanders Wascom.

Sunshine and smiles coming soon In just over a week, we will flip our calendars to a new month. March brings with it warm sunshine, happiness and smiles to the South. “I Want You to be Happy Day� is observed on March 3 worldwide. It’s an unselfish day. It’s a thought that we wish upon others whom we care for or love. Celebrate the day by doing more than wishing someone is happy. Do something to make others happy. It can start by dropping a card in the mail that will surely put a smile on


someone’s face. Other ideas include a phone call, making positive compliments or cooking a special meal. Be creative. There are endless ways to make others happy.

Ladies in red program

A Ladies in Red program is set for 11 a.m. Sunday at Black Creek A.M.E. Church, 217 Black Creek Church Road, Greensburg. The Rev. Linda Brooks encourages all women to attend the program. For more information, call (985) 514-4467 or (985) 5144734.

Contact Stephanie Warren by phone at (985) 517-4869 or email swarren@theadvocate. com.

it into a museum to house artifacts from the parish. Among the visitors at the grand opening of the Old Jail Museum were the daughters and grandchildren of the late Jimmy “Jake� Sanders, lifelong St. Helena Parish resident. Sanders graduated from Greensburg High School in 1953, and the museum displayed a yearbook with his senior picture. His two daughters, Stacy Sanders Wascom and Tori Sanders, said the visit and the

yearbook brought back memories of their father. Sanders’ grandchildren enjoyed taking photographs of the old jail and the artifacts on display. Historical Association President Rita Allen said the association opened the museum to bring history back to the parish. “The museum’s grand opening started off to a good start with the Sanders family being the first guests,� Allen said. Allen said the association still has lots of work to do at the mu-

seum and her group is always looking for items to display. There will be additional books and booklets to purchase once everything is organized, Allen said. Edward Schillings book, “Echo’s of the Past,� is now available, along with the other books that the Historical Association has compiled, Allen said. The museum will be open the last Saturday of each month. For information, call Allen at (225)-460-0001.

ST. HELENA PARISH SENTENCINGS IN 21ST JDC The following people were sentenced in proceedings held in 21st Judicial District Court in St. Helena Parish. Judge Jeff Johnson issued the following sentences on Feb. 16: ROSADO, DUSTIN: sentenced to a six-month suspended sentence and two years probation on the charge of operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

SHROPSHIRE, ANGELA: sentenced to a 90-day suspended sentence and a one year bench probation and parenting classes on the charge of child desertion. STANN, THOMAS: sentenced to three years with the Department of Corrections and one year with no benefit of probation or parole on the charge of third offense driving a vehicle while intoxicated. TILLERY, THURSTON: sentenced to 15 years suspended to five years probation on the charges

of introduction of contraband into a penal institution and possession of a firearm by convicted felon. WHEELER, TYLER: sentenced to two years to the Department of Corrections on the charge of possession of schedule II narcotics. WOMACK, KENNETH: sentenced to seven years to the Department of Corrections on the charges of possession with intent to distribute schedule I narcotics and possession of drug paraphernalia.

/31 '$< 1,*+7 6+,)76 1(('('

Strive to be mentally tough, emotionally mature hardworking people have Are you mentally tough? succumbed to the pressures This is a question I often ask of performing in life and myself. As challenges arise meeting expectations. on a daily basis from Countless people have personal to work, each battled unchecked of us are pushed to a emotions and mental breaking point. We are instability for years on many times teetering end. In particular here on the brink of a mental in America, everyone breakdown. Our lives has developed a macho are composed of the mentality. Only a small perfect storm dysfuncpercentage of people tion at home, turmoil on ONE ST. HELENA actually express their the job and everything JASPER challenges in life and else in between. It may KNIGHTEN confide in someone to appear at times that our help keep them ballives are composed of anced. the perfect ingredients for a As adults, in order to be nervous breakdown. Each of mentally tough, we must learn us is tougher than throwing in the towel and bowing to the to express ourselves and be sure to keep our emotions balpressures of life. anced. Life has its ups and downs. Mental toughness is not Life has its moments that holding disappointment, remake you question how you ended up in the predicaments you face. Life makes you question your own abilities. As naĂŻve adolescents, many of us probably never understood the pressures and stresses we saw many adults face. It was inconceivable for us to even remotely come to terms with the ills of life. As youth, it was commonplace to hear of strokes and heart attacks crippling strong, vibrant adults. Many of the health scares we heard of were more than hereditary, misfortune or bad diet, but stress and life. Stress and the pressures of life have sucked the life out of a countless number of adults for centuries. Good,

gret or anger in, but rather learning how to address the issue at the root cause of the feeling. Being mentally tough is a direct result of being emotionally mature. Achieving emotional maturity is not an overnight process. Being strong mentally essentially boils down to being emotionally mature. In the coming the days and weeks ahead, I challenge you to become mentally tough. Rid yourself of the weak mental habits that have plagued you your entire life. Aim to be strong emotionally. Our world needs more strong, emotionally balanced individuals. Take charge of your life and make a difference. Contact Jasper Knighten at

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8G n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

st. helena



Engagement, Wedding and Anniversary Announcements are paid notices in The Advocate. They appear only in Sunday’s Advocate. Go to The Advocate’s website at and click on the tab marked “Celebrations.” For more information, call THURSDAY Hamburger, lettuce/tomato/onion, (225) 388-0738 or e-mail baked beans, peach cobbler.


Shrimp etouffée, steamed rice, green beans, tossed salad and dressing, whole-wheat bread, cardinal citrus gelatin.


Each week, we’ll take a look back at photos published in The Echo. The feature photo for this week’s Echo’s From the Past is from the March 9, 1964, edition of the St. Helena Echo. The original publication from 1964 reads: ‘Big game finders from neighboring parish Tangipahoa Parish are these five proud young men exhibiting their 6-foot, 2-inch alligator that they recovered from a pond near Spring View Golf Course last Saturday afternoon. The huge reptile weighed close to 165 pounds and required the assistance of two of the boys’ fathers to return home with their catch. From left, the boys are Chuck Gabriel, Mike Mobley (Kneeling), Jerry Forrest, Greg Brumfield, and Mel Richardson. The two fathers, not pictured, were, Dr. Gerald Forrest and Parker Gabriel.’


Chili with beans, steamed spinach, whole-kernel corn, low-sodium crackers, orange.


Chicken hearty stew, steamed rice, Normandy-blend vegetables, tossed salad with dressing, whole-wheat bread, peanut butter bar.


Red beans and sausage link, brown rice, coleslaw, mustard greens, cornbread, raisins.

ST. HELENA PARISH BOOKINGS The following were arrested and booked into the St. Helena Parish Jail from Feb. 5-7:

Kaiser-Knox Ami Cathleen Knox of Baton Rouge and Tracy Wayne “Trace” Kaiser of Covington will marry in a 5 p.m. ceremony on March 28, 2015, at the groom’s parents’ home in St. Francisville. The bride-elect is the daughter of Johnny and Debbie Knox of Alexandria. She is the granddaughter of Retired Major Ralph L. Ingles and the late June M. Ingles of Prospect Community, and the late John R. and Evelyn P. Knox, of Alexandria. She is a graduate of Alexandria Senior

High School and Louisiana State University. Her fiancé is the son of Jimmy and Lori Kaiser of St. Francisville. He is the grandson of John and Carol Kaiser of Baton Rouge, Melva Harvey of Ruston, and the late Eddie Harvey. He is a graduate of West Feliciana High School and Louisiana Tech University. He is employed with Netchex. Following a wedding trip to Broken Bow, Oklahoma, the couple will reside in Covington.

ETHRIDGE, KEVIN: 37, 31991 Beasley St., Amite, first offense driving while intoxicated, improper lane use, suspended drivers license, open container, warrant. EDWIN, GREGORY: 40, 22482 Balmoch Road, Grangeville, driving while intoxicated, driving under suspension, driving left of center lane. FRANKLIN, ALBERT: 30, 181 N. Elm St., Amite, warrant, aggravated assault.

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Saints ready for battle in tough baseball district West Feliciana baseball coach Mark Lester is feeling pretty good about his team heading into his second year as head coach. The Saints have been practicing and have played one scrimmage, and so far, Lester likes what he sees. “We’re a little young, but we’re returning a lot of guys from last year, too,” said Lester, who is in his 14th year with the program including a dozen years as an assistant. The Saints are coming off a 13-18 season and fourth-place finish in District 7-3A. They advanced to the LHSAA Class 3A baseball quarterfinals, dropping a 3-1 loss to Brusly. A highlight of their tournament run was a 15-14 upset victory over E.D. White, the third seed. That game is indicative of what Lester expects to carry over to this year’s team.


“When people come to watch us, they’ll be surprised at how we constantly fight, we constantly battle,” Lester said. “This team doesn’t quit, and that’s what I love about them. Last year against E.D. White, we never quit. We’ll go to battle with anybody on the field, and we’re not easily intimidated.” Pitching will be a strength for the Saints. The No. 1 pitcher is junior Trey Morgan. Lester expects senior Jazz Ferguson, who is finishing up basket-

ball season, to figure into the rotation as well as left-hander Terry Ferguson. “We should have depth in the rotation this year,” Lester said. “That’s what I’ve worked for the last couple of years. We have several guys who can help us out, not just one or two.” Also figuring into the mix is Ryan Reed, one of five seniors, who is a key utility player and the team’s starting shortstop. Reed, a Northwestern State University signee, can be used as a closing pitcher. Lester said the lineup will not hit a lot of home runs, but they will score runs. Cleanup hitter Logan Pohlmann will provide some pop, as will Morgan at the third spot. “We’re going to be pretty solid,” Lester said. “We don’t have a lot of huge guys, but

we’ve got some size.” Lead-off hitter is Gage Tygres, a lefty who has quick bat speed and gets on base. Cody Trisler, who has transferred to West Feliciana from Zachary, is a utility player like Reed who can be used at multiple positions in the outfield or at pitcher. He’ll also provide consistent hitting. Catcher Will Cupid will be relied upon for his hitting. “Being a 3A school, we have position players who are also pitchers,” Lester said. “Solid defense will be our main focus from the beginning. Hopefully, it will be as good as I want it to be. We have some depth in pitching, so we will stop some of the big offensive teams. “Offensively, we’ll score runs, but we won’t outhit people; we’ll play small ball. We’re a smart team, aggressive, and

we’ll play small ball and execute well. We’ll have speed on the base paths.” The West Feliciana squad will have some early tests against schools from higher classifications. The Saints are scheduled to play in the Landmark Bank Invitational on March 12-14 hosted by Zachary. They’ll play games against H.L. Bourgeois on the opening ay of the tournament, St. Paul on March 13 and Sam Houston March 14. “It’ll be a good early test for us,” Lester said. “We’re going to see some strong competition.” His squad also will travel to the Monroe area for the annual Trey Altick Tournament, which features 52 teams from around the state including West Ouachita and Caldwell Parish. Before District 7-3A

action begins, the Saints have games Lester expects will test his team, like DeRidder and South Beauregard. He expects the District 7-3A race will be a tough challenge for his squad, and top to bottom, is one of the toughest in the state. Lester predicts the Saints will be in the mix along with University High, Parkview Baptist and Brusly. Lester said West Feliciana also will host a fundraising coed alumni softball tournament on April 25 where teams will be made up according to the year the players graduated. He’s finalizing the plans but expects it to be a lot of fun. Send sports news, photos and stats to Howard Arceneaux at harceneaux@theadvocate. com.

Advocate staff photo by STACY GILL

Wildcat performs at Wild Wings Bowl Advocate staff report

Photo provided by KATY HAYES

Silliman’s mascot Willie the Wildcat, front row, group at far left, performs in the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl game Jan. 1. RIGHT: Willie the Wildcat, also known as senior Trace David, performs at a Silliman football game in October.

Silliman Institute’s mascot, Willie the Wildcat, is also known as senior Trace David, 17. David performs as Willie at Silliman games and events. David was chosen as the National Cheerleading Association’s All-American Mascot while attending a camp in the summer, said Katy Hayes, of Silliman. As a result, David was invited to perform in the Buf-

falo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl’s pregame show Jan. 1 in Orlando, along with about 40 junior high and high school mascots and more than 1,450 cheerleaders and dancers from around the United States. “This was a great experience for Trace and a proud day for Silliman,” Hayes said. In addition to being the school’s mascot, David plays on the Silliman baseball team. He is the son of Stephanie David.

St. Helena splits with Doyle

St. Helena College and Career Academy’s Eric Warner Jr., left, shoots for three points Feb. 12.

Advocate staff photos by STEPHANIE WARREN

St. Helena College and Career Academy’s Shakur Doughty, St. Helena College and Career Academy’s Lady Hawk Takei- St. Helena College and Career center in white, rises above his Doyle High School opponent sha Johnson, in front, goes in for a layup against Doyle High Academy’s Lady Hawk Khrison Feb. 12 in Greensburg. The Doyle Tigers won 34-62. tian Muse scores. and scores Feb.12. The Doyle Tigers won 71-61.

2H n Thursday, February 19, 2015 n n The Advocate

Four area school districts part of Jump Start BY STACY GILL


Advocate staff photos by STEPHANIE WARREN

LEFT: East Feliciana Parish Council on Aging member Shirley Jones shows off the prize she won Feb. 11 at a bingo at the senior center in Clinton. RIGHT:: Council in Aging member Joe Little enjoyed a game of bingo.

HIV testing events offered in Clinton, St. Francisville Advocate staff photo Sam D’Aquilla, 20th Judicial District attorney, also of the East Feliciana Parish Drug and Alcohol Awareness Council, and Dr. Joyce Turner-Keller, of Aspirations, have partnered with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge to address the growing need for HIV testing and education in rural communities. The groups will sponsor two HIV testing events Feb. 21 — one in Clinton and one in St. Francisville. Aspirations is a nonprofit outreach organization that serves the needs of people infected with or affected by HIV or the AIDS virus. Keller, 65, a native of Slaughter, is a mother of three, grandmother of 13, a minister, founder of Aspirations and HIV/AIDS activist. She became HIVpositive as the result of a sexual assault that occurred in 2001, a news re-

lease said. “This effort is to save a life by testing in time. Testing can save lives by educating and addressing the stigma attached to disease,” Keller said. “A diagnosis of HIV is not a death sentence but a life-altering health issue.” Keller was informed of being HIV-positive after getting into a car accident and having to go to the hospital. Keller advises people to get tested, get the results, and if positive, get into treatment. “Love yourself enough to get tested,” Keller said. Two HIV test sites have been scheduled for Saturday — from 9 a.m. to noon at D’Aquilla’s office in St. Francisville, 11651 Ferdinand St., and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at his office in Clinton, 11209 Bank St. For information, call Keller at (225) 288-8161 or email aspiringdreams2003@

According to Louisiana Department of Education statistics, 28 percent of Louisiana high school students end up with a four-year or two-year college degree. The department says too few young adults have the skills and credentials to assume high-wage jobs offered in Louisiana’s economy. Enter the Jump Start program, the Education Department’s initiative that launched in the 2014-15 school year for school districts, colleges and businesses to collaborate by providing career courses and workplace experiences to high school students, certifying them for the career fields most likely to lead to high-wage jobs. The program is in various stages of implementation around the state and includes 12 regional teams representing 52 school districts, most of which applied for Jump Start grant funding. In October, $645,000 was awarded to regional teams and subteams, with each having the

option of using the money for one of two goals: increasing career counseling or developing regional portfolios of workplace experiences for students, Education Department officials said. In the Capital Region, 11 school districts received funding: Ascension, East and West Baton Rouge, East and West Feliciana, Central, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, St. James, St. John and Zachary. One of its subteams is the North Capital Region team of East and West Feliciana, Pointe Coupee and Zachary school systems. With West Feliciana as the grant’s fiscal agent, the team applied for funding and was awarded $125,000 in December aimed at achieving the career counseling goal, according to West Feliciana Superintendent Hollis Milton. “Sixteen teachers in the North Capital Region will earn credentials as career development facilitators and become part of a counselor support team at their sites,” Milton said. The National Career Development Association will conduct the training with Malka Edel-

man as the career development facilitator, Milton said. The grant funding also will be used for regional workplace exchanges, and Milton said the Baton Rouge Area Chamber has partnered with the region to coordinate summer externships for teachers and field trips for the students. “We are fortunate to have the opportunity to lead and collaborate as a consortium with our neighboring (school) districts,” Milton said. “Jump Start will provide us with funding to ensure that all students are both college and career ready for the 21st century.” The North Capital Region leadership team includes Zanovia Curtis, West Feliciana Parish schools; Robin Variest, East Feliciana Parish schools; Karla Jack, Pointe Coupee Parish schools; and Michelle Clayton and Tim Jordan, Zachary Community School District. “The money will assist us in training some of our counselors and teachers to help get these kids ready for the workplace and workforce opportunities,” Zachary School Superintendent

Scott Devillier said. The Education Department said Jump Start is an elective path for students pursuing a university-preparatory diploma and required for students pursuing a career diploma. Education Department officials said participating high school students are being provided more time in the school day and school year to achieve industry certificates or college credentials in addition to their diplomas, and the credentials qualify graduates to continue their studies after high school or to launch a career. Grants assist with career counseling by enabling adults to interact with high school students to help them understand their college and career options, the department said. Officals added that Jump Start ensures students have access to state-of-the-art facilities, equipment and professionals by convening industry, higher education and school systems as well as creating public-private partnerships rather than ask cash-strapped high schools to go it alone.

Wait patiently for the answers to prayers nnn Wishing a happy birthday Congratulations to Rebecca this week to Dianne Booty, of Davis for signing a Kentwood, Feb. 18; Marsoftball scholarship gie Secrest Long, of Pride, with Southwest MisFeb. 18; Betty Curry, of sissippi Community Greensburg, and Stacey College. Morgan Smith, of Livnnn ingston, both Feb. 22; and Happy 20th anniverAnita Wascom, of Greenssary to the St. Francisburg, Feb. 14. ville Head Start. nnn nnn Happy 50th anniversa- BUTTERFLY Clinton is now part of ry to Bear Creek Western WINGS Store, in Montpelier, that FRAN SNODDY the Hollywood South, so to speak. Matthew is celebrating this spring. McConaughey is filmAlso, a belated happy ing a movie entitled “Free 200th birthday to the town of State of Jones.” Do you reJackson, founded in 1815. It’s having a yearlong celebration. member “Long Hot Summer” and “Sounder,” which were nnn filmed in the Clinton area, Congratulations to the five among others? St. Helena Parish youngsters nnn who participated in the 4-H On Jan. 26, the Kentwood shooting sports day.

Lions Club blessed the Kentwood Softball Association by donating its building and property. After clubmembers were unable to maintain the property and lacking members, they decided to donate it. As a 60-year-old club, the Lions said they were delighted to see someone taking care of it. nnn The Harlem Globetrotters are going to be at the Baton Rouge River Center on Feb. 21. My memory goes back when I was employed at the Echo, and I would receive free tickets in the office mail. We took our kids and a couple of their friends to enjoy the game. nnn Prayers are extended to the families of Lullia Wallace Hall and Robert “Sonny” Gayle, in

loss of these loved ones. nnn To wait for God means to patiently look for Him for our needs. The Psalmist David said his only hope was in God (Psalms 62:5), who alone heard David’s prayers. God’s answer to us is simply, “Be patient, wait upon me!” God’s time is not our time, neither is His ways our ways. But He is right on time. We can pray like David: “Listen to my voice in the morning, Jesus. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3). The bottom line of every prayer should be, “Thy will be done!” Fran Snoddy writes Butterfly Wings for The Advocate Extra. Contact her at (225) 777-4363.

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NOTICE --The Jackson Cemetery Association is now accepting bids for its groundskeeping contract. Written bids must be submitted by March 2, 2015 to P.O. Box 643, Jackson, LA 70748. Task lists and information are available by contacting 504-952-0611 or 225-634-7951. 5083002-feb 5-12-19-26-4t

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --Sealed bids will be received for the State of Louisiana by the Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, Claiborne Office Building, 1201 North Third Street, Conference Room 1145, Post Office Box 94095, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9095 until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 10, 2015. ANY PERSON REQUIRING SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS SHALL NOTIFY FACILITY PLANNING AND CONTROL OF THE TYPE(S) OF ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED NOT LESS THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS BEFORE THE BID OPENING. FOR: I n f ra s t r u c t u re / P i p i n g Repairs within Steam Tunnel System and Related Hazardous Materials Abatement, Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System, Jackson, Louisiana PROJECT NUMBER: 0 1 107-06B-11, Part Q9 Complete Bidding Documents may be obtained from: Rayner Consulting Group, LLC 7353 Highland Road Suite B-3B Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Telephone: 225-916-2824 upon deposit of $40.00 for each set of documents. Deposit on the first set is fully refundable to all Prime Bidders upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Fifty percent (50%) of the deposit of all other sets of documents will be refunded upon return of documents as stated above. All bids shall be accompanied by bid security in an amount of five percent (5.0%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates. The form of this security shall be as stated in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written as described in the Instructions to Bidders included in the Bid Documents for this project. A PRE-BID CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD at 10:00 AM on Friday, February 27, 2015 at Eastern Louisiana Mental Health System, Center Building Conference Room, 4502 Highway 951, Jackson, LA 70748. Bids shall be accepted from Contractors who are licensed under LA. R.S. 37:2150-2192 for the classification of Mechanical Work OR Asbestos Removal and Abatement. Bidder is required to comply with provisions and requirements of LA R.S. 38:2212(B)(5). No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bids, except under the provisions of LA. R.S. 38:2214. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. In accordance with La. R.S. 38:2212(B)(1), the provisions and requirements of this Section; and those stated in the bidding documents shall not be waived by any entity. When this project is financed either partially or entirely with State Bonds or financed in whole or in part by federal or other funds which are not readily available at the time bids are received, the award of this Contract is contingent upon the granting of lines of credit, or the sale of bonds by the Bond Commission or the availability of federal or other funds. The State shall incur no obligation to the Contractor until the Contract Between Owner and Contractor is fully executed. Facility Planning and Control is a participant in the Small Entrepreneurship (SE) Program (the Hudson Initiative) and the VeteranOwned and ServiceConnected Disabled Veteran-Owned (LaVet) Small Entrepreneurships Program. Bidders are encouraged to consider participation. Information is available from the Office of Facility Planning and Control or on its website at /fpc.htm. STATE OF LOUISIANA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION FACILITY PLANNING AND CONTROL MARK A. MOSES, DIRECTOR 5087713-feb 5-12-19-3t

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PUBLIC NOTICE --February 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR BIDS TO LEASE FOR HUNTING RIGHTS PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY The East Feliciana Parish School Board is accepting sealed bids for hunting rights for a five (5) year term (commencing July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020), subject to lessor receiving a successful annual review as performed by the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee; on 184.7 +/- Acres in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East (known as the “Plank Road Tract”) and also on 167.95 +/- Acres in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 3 East, Parish of East Feliciana (known as the “Pace Road Tract”). The lessee must submit a separate sealed bid on each above described tract of NOT LESS THAN $20.00 PER ACRE, provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises and obey all game and wildlife regulations. Further information on the terms of the proposed hunting lease may be obtained at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Office, 12732 Silliman Street, Clinton, Louisiana. The deadline for receiving sealed bids is 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Please mark the outside of your sealed envelope with your return address, indicating "HUNTING LEASE BID" enclosed and submit same to: James Bell, Jr., Supervisor East Feliciana Parish School Board 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722 * The Lessee may now find bid related materials and submit electronic bids online at The East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office hours are 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. If you need any additional information or further assistance, please contact James Bell, Jr., Supervisor at (225) 683-8277 Ext. 216. Please note that sealed bids received will be presented to East Feliciana Parish Bid Opening Committee Meeting at its scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 1:30 P.M., with recommendations to be taken to the Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular School Board Meeting. The East Feliciana Parish School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools 5090881-feb 19-mar 12-2t

PUBLIC NOTICE --February 4, 2015 REQUEST FOR BIDS TO LEASE FOR AGRICULTURAL/ GRASS CUTTING/GENERAL UPKEEP PURPOSES PUBLIC SCHOOL PROPERTY The East Feliciana Parish School Board is accepting sealed bids for agricultural/grass cutting/general upkeep lease rights for up to remainder on a five (5) year term (commencing July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2020), subject to lessor receiving a successful annual review as performed by the Superintendent of Schools and/or designee; on the following described School Board owned property and Jackson School Complex Campus: 1. 33.97 Acres +/-, Secs. 40 & 61, T4S-R1E, Church Street, Town of Slaughter, East Feliciana, Louisiana out on bids for agricultural purposes, to include grass cutting/general up keep. 2. Jackson School Complex designated area containing 11.0 Acres +/- , out on bids for agricultural purposes, to include hay cutting/general up keep, under strict cutting guidelines to maximize the safety of students and staffers. The lessee must submit a separate sealed bid on each of the above described tract of NOT LESS THAN $12.50 PER ACRE, provide a standard general liability policy with occurrence limits not less than $1,000,000.00, provide a certificate of insurance with the East Feliciana Parish School Board as an additional insured and a waiver of subrogation, provide a written agreement stating that the East Feliciana Parish School Board is held free and harmless from any and all claims to persons or property that may occur as a result of any activities conducted and/or hidden defects on the premises. Further information on the terms of the proposed agricultural/grass cutting/general upkeep lease(s) may

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be obtained at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Office, 12732 Silliman Street, Clinton, Louisiana. The deadline for receiving sealed bids is 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Please mark the outside of your sealed envelope with your return address, indicating "GRASS CUTTING BID" enclosed and submit same to:

the bid received first in time by the Bid Opening Committee will be recommended to the East Feliciana Parish School Board.

This ordinance having been submitted to a vote after a public hearing, moved by Jim Parker and seconded by Don Havard, the vote thereon was as follows:

or distributing copies by hand or mail.

James Bell, Jr., Supervisor East Feliciana Parish School Board 12732 Silliman Street Post Office Box 397 Clinton, Louisiana 70722. *The Lessee may now find bid related materials and submit electronic bids online at The East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office hours are 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. If you need any additional information or further assistance, please contact James Bell, Jr., Maintenance Supervisor at (225) 683-8277 Ext. 216. Please note that sealed bids received will be presented to East Feliciana Parish Bid Opening Committee Meeting at its scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at 1:30 P.M., with recommendations to be taken to the Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular School Board Meeting. The East Feliciana Parish School Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

The East Feliciana School Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive technicalities and formalities. Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D., Superintendent East Feliciana Parish School Board

NOTICE --AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 3 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SECTION 3.7 PERMIT FEES Whereas, the Town of Jackson is of Historic significance and generates revenues from tourism;

5090882-feb 19-mar 12-2t

Be it ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Jackson and the Mayor hereby adopt and amend the existing “permit fees” as established in Chapter 3, Article 1 of the Alcoholic Beverage Law for the Town of Jackson as follows:


A. The annual fee required of dealers in beverages of high alcoholic content shall be:

Henderson Lewis, Jr., Ph.D. Superintendent Schools


Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V542741, Bid No. 2258975 – Fierce Herbicide, March 3 Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Interim Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5092183-feb 19-1t

NOTICE --February 9, 2015 NOTICE TO BIDDERS – ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE PINE & HARDWOOD TIMBER Separate sealed bids will be received by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee at the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room, located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana 70722, no later than 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, for the sale of Pine and Hardwood Timber on two (2) tracts of East Feliciana Parish School Board property known as the “Plank Road Tract” (Tract 1) located off Plank Road and Noel Thomas Road in Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish, Louisiana and the “Old Clinton Middle School Tract” (Tract 2), located off Hwy. 67 North in Section 72, Township 2 South, Range 2 East, East Feliciana Parish. Tract 1 will consist of a clearcut of 71 acres of mature pine with scattered hardwoods; and Tract 2 consists of marked large hardwoods and natural pines on 18 acres. A separate written timber contract on a form approved by the East Feliciana Parish School Board will be required for each Tract. Bids submitted after 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015, and telephoned or faxed bids will not be accepted. Complete bid documents may be obtained from Timberland Forestry LLC., P. O. Box 2009, Clinton, LA 70722, Telephone (225) 978-1576. Bidders may now find related bid materials and submit electronic bids online at Separate sealed bids received are to be opened and read aloud in the East Feliciana Parish School Board Central Office Board Room located at 12732 Silliman Street, Town of Clinton, Louisiana, by the East Feliciana Parish School Board Bid Opening Committee Meeting scheduled for 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, March 19, 2015. The Bid Opening Committee will present the same along with timber contracts for consideration to the East Feliciana Parish School Board at its upcoming Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Regular Board Meeting beginning at 5:00 P.M. In the event identical high successful bids are received,

[1] Class A Retail Dealer’s Permit: I. Beer and Light Wine, $175.00 ii. Beer and Liquor, $345.00 [2] Class B Retail Dealer’s Permit: .................... $250.00 B. The annual fee required of dealers in beverages of low alcoholic content shall be: [1] Class A Retail Dealer’s Permit: I. Beer Only 145.00


[2] Class B Retail Dealer’s Permit: ..................... $25.00 This ordinance shall be in effect as stated herein after its final passage approval, and publication as provided by law.


NAYS: 0 The Ordinance was declared adopted on this, the 9th day of February, 2015, at the regular meeting of the Town of Jackson Board of Trustees held at the Fire Station Building in Jackson, Louisiana on February 9, 2015. /s/ Holli E. Gilmore Holli E. Gilmore Town of Jackson Town Clerk

Be advised the Town of Slaughter will be holding a Planning and Zoning public hearing on March 9, 2015 at 6:20 p.m. at the Slaughter Town Hall Auditorium located at 3337 Church Street, Slaughter, La to discuss the rezoning of a 6 acre tract of land located off of Hwy 19. 5094073-feb 19-1t

/s/ Charles E. Coleman Charles E. Coleman, Mayor, Town of Jackson


5093227-feb 19-1t

Whereas, the tourist generally are from out of town and frequent restaurants and convenient stores; Whereas, the Mayor and Board of Trustees desires to minimize the taxes passed on to the tourist industry and it’s own residents by reducing certain permit fees;

5093568-feb 19-1t

YEAS: 4, Don Havard, Rafe Stewart, Jim Parker, and John Travis ABSENT: 1, Mike Harrell

5093162-feb 19-26-mar 512-4t

Necessary action has been taken to prevent this violation from recurring.

NOTICE --Re: Safe Drinking Water Act: Notice of Violation/ Public Notification of Non-Compliance Stage 2 Disinfection/ Disinfection By-Products Rule Monitoring and Reporting Violation EASTERN LOUISIANA MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS PWS ID #1037005 East Feliciana Parish We are required to monitor your drinking water for disinfection byproducts (total trihalomethanes [TTHM] and halocetic acids-five [HAA5]) during the peak historical month (August). Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether or not your drinking water meets health standards. During the monitoring period of August 2014, the Eastern Louisiana Mental Health Systems did not monitor, did not complete all monitoring, or did not report the results for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and halocetic acids-five (HAA5), and therefore we cannot be sure of the quality of your drinking water during that time.

VILLAGE OF NORWOOD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 8, 2015 The Mayor and Board of Aldermen met in regular session on Thurs., January 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Becky Bellue presiding. Aldermen Willie Duncan, Andy Jelks and Jimmy Reynolds were present. All motions carried unanimously unless otherwise noted. A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Duncan approving the minutes of the December meeting. A motion was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Jelks approving the financial statement for December and payment of the new bills for January. OLD BUSINESS:

This violation occurred because of the failure to collect the required samples for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAA5) from the water system’s distribution system. Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place

1. Police Report – Police Chief James Nevels gave the monthly report, stating that Christmas with a Cop went well. The department was rejected by Pennington for a grant, but St. Francisville is willing to donate a Crown Victoria to us. Officer Tony Holden reported that he body camera is working well. 2. Fire Report – Fire Chief Jimmy Garig gave the monthly report, noting that the PIAL paperwork is in. 3. Gas Report – The monthly meeting had not been held yet. 4. Maintenance Report – Mayor Bellue reported that the maintenance guys have been doing a lot of winterizing and thankfully there have been no frozen pipes.



2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday May 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. LOCATION OF MEETING DEMCO Headquarters 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 February 15 - March 1, 2015

April 8, 2015

Publish the Calendar of Events in the official journal of each parish, including the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Nominating Committee.

Petitions must be returned to DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, by 4:30 p.m. and received by the CEO and General Manager’s office.

March 12, 2015

April 9, 2015

DEMCO Special Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. The Committee on Nominations will be appointed at this meeting.

March 12, 2015

The Nominating Committee meeting begins at 6:05 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, with results of the meeting to be posted March 13, 2015.

March 17 - 19, 2015

Pre-qualification period. Members interested in seeking a position on the board of directors are required, pursuant to DEMCO Board Policy, to appear in person at the DEMCO Headquarters office, located at 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, between these dates to determine eligibility requirements as prescribed in the corporation’s bylaws. Candidates must be qualified prior to the issuing of a nominating petition. Candidates not pre-qualified will not be eligible to seek a position on the board of directors.

March 24, 2015

DEMCO’s Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on this date, if needed, to determine eligibility of director candidates who have pre-qualified. Only candidates who have pre-qualified will be considered.

March 25, 2015

Beginning on this date, pre-qualified director candidates may obtain a petition to run for a seat on the board of directors. Louisiana law requires 50 valid signatures for the petition to be validated. 5090002-feb 19-26-2t

The Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet on this date, if needed, at 5:30 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, to validate each petition and post the results as required by the corporation’s bylaws.

April 9, 2015

This is the Record Date for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting. A final list of those members eligible to vote in DEMCO’s 2015 Annual Membership Meeting will be prepared.

April 16 - 28, 2015

The Official Notice of the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to all members of the cooperative during this time.

April 16, 2015

Ballots for the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to members of the cooperative on this date. Members should receive their ballots by Saturday, April 18 – VOTE and mail your ballot immediately.

May 1, 2015

The deadline for receiving ballots for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting is 4:30 p.m. on this date – DO NOT DELAY – VOTE!

May 4 - 6, 2015

Ballots will be counted during this period by the certified public accountants selected by DEMCO to conduct the annual meeting. Candidates will be advised as to the time and place that the ballots will be counted.

May 9, 2015

Annual meeting and election results announced at 10:00 a.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739.


Thursday, February 19, 2015 East Feliciana Public Notices

10285 5. Clerk’s Report – Just a reminder that the District H Meeting is next week at the St. Francisville Town Hall. NEW BUSINESS: 1. C i t i z e n ’ s Participation – Mr. Billy Garig talked about a problem with dogs running loose on Shady Grove Lane. He said that on December 14, his cat was killed by a dog and that wasn’t the first animal he’s lost in his own yard due to stray dogs. Also, he’s having trouble with neighbors shooting and wanted help from the police department because it’s a noise issue as well as a safety issue. He was told to report it when the shooting occurs and the police could address the issue and see if it’s happening inside the city limits, but not to take the law into his own hands. There being no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Ald. Reynolds and seconded by Ald. Jelks. ___________________ Rebecca G. Bellue Mayor ___________________ Jennifer R. Jelks Town Clerk 5094843-feb 19-1t

PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO LA. CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE ARTICLE 3198 AND 3229 The Succession of Dorothy Ann Guy a.k.a. Dorothy Ann Plaisance, Number 43,181, Division A, 20th Judicial District Court, Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana provides notice to the public, creditors, and any interested party of it’s intention to release Gemini Insurance O/B/O Monolyte and James Kane in his corporate capacity and release Reef Services, LLC and Rockwater Energy Solutions, Inc. and their related parties and insurers in the suit entitled John Naquin, et al v. Ascension Fasteners, et al, Docket Number 42,796 Division B, 20th Judicial District Court, Parish of East Feliciana, State of Louisiana for sums received while reserving the right to seek settlement from additional defendants. The succession is

East Feliciana Public Notices

The Advocate

West Feliciana Public Notices



requesting a court order of approval herein and the court may issue an order allowing the above request after the expiration of seven (7) days from the date of this publication. An opposition may be filed at any time prior to the issuance of the order. If no opposition is filed, the court may grant the authority requested at any time after the expiration of the seven (7) days from the date of this publication.


5094997-feb 19-1t

West Feliciana Public Notices

Municipal Address: 10269 Willow Street TERMS OF SALE: CASH to the highest bidder WITH appraisement, at auction and according to law. J. AUSTIN DANIEL SHERIFF AND EX-OFFICIO AUCTIONEER, WEST FELICIANA PARISH 5081301-jan 22-feb 19-2t


PUBLIC NOTICE --ST. FRANCISVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Wednesday, February 25, 2015 5:30 pm St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street The Planning Commission of the Town of St. Francisville in accordance with the provisions of Part VIII of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, February 25th, in the Town Hall Meeting Room, St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street, on the following applications: Pursuant to Section 8.1.H of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Town of St. Francisville (hereinafter “Town”) an application for a map correction on one contiguous and undivided lot of record. The West Feliciana Parish School Board property (the site of the former school) will be corrected to reflect the Institutional (IS) zoning designation. The Public is invited to attend. In accordance with the American with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Shannon Sturgeon, at (225) 635-3688, describing the assistance that is needed. Shannon Sturgeon, Town Clerk Town of St. Francisville P. O. Box 400 225 635-3688 5088302-feb 5-12-19-3t

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST --NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following Rezoning Request will be considered: Galilee Full Gospel Baptist Church Inc. 7052 Galilee Church Road St. Francisville. Louisiana 70775 R-A to S-1 Proposed Use: Church Parking Lot and Cemetery A certain piece or parcel of land together with all improvements thereon and all the rights, ways, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertainins, being, lying and situated in Section 57, Township 2 South, Range 3 West, Greensburg Land District, West Feliciana Parish, State of Louisiana, and being known as remainder of Lot 3A of Phillips Place (7.0 acres LESS Lot 3-A-1, .3439 acres) owned by Frank Turner, bounded now or formerly, on the North by Robert Sterling, on the East by Harvest L. White and Galilee Full Gospel Baptist Church, Inc., on the South by Leon Hargrove Estate and Carolyn Cornish, and on the West by The Hunting Party L.L.C. and can be more particularly described on the attached plat of survey dated May 17, 2014 by Tobias P. Ford, Jr, PLS entitled “Plat Showing Survey of 6.656 acres Remainder of Lot 3-A Frank Turner Tract, Sections 57, T2S, R3W, G.L.D., West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana for The Estate of Frank Turner” as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner which is monumented by an iron pipe; thence N73°06’54”W a distance of 241.30’to a point and corner being the southwest corner; thence N4°01’35”E a distance of 150.00’ to a point and cor-

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices




ner; thence N73°06’54”W a distance of 100’ to a point and corner monumented by and ½” iron pipe; thence N14°01’34”E a distance of 299.43’ to a point monumented by a ½” iron pipe; thence N33°54’12”W a distance of 593.30’ to a point and corner being the northwest corner and monumented by ½” iron pipe; thence S72°53’22”E a distance of 644.20 feet to a point and corner being the northeast corner and monumented by an iron bolt; thence S07°52’34”E a distance of 404.33’ to a point and corner monumented by an ½” iron pipe; thence 70°19’44”W a distance of 203.73’ to a point and corner; thence S10°38’44”E a distance of 375.37’ to a point monumented by an ½” iron pipe being the POINT OF BEGINNING, said Remainder of Lot 3-A contains 6.656 acres.

Township 2 South, Range 3 West, Greensburg Land District, West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, being 10.00 acre Lot 1, bound on the north by Solitude Road, on the south and east by the remainder of 61.4 acre Barrow Tract, and on the west by Turner Subdivision, being a portion of the 61.4 acre Barrow Tract, and being more particularly described as follows:


This meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5088310-feb 5-12-19-3t

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST --NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following Rezoning Request will be considered: Barrow Family Investments, LLC 8100 Block of Solitude Rd. St. Francisville, La. 70775 R-A to M-1 Proposed Use: Land will be used to warehouse drilling equipment and holding tanks will be built on site A certain tract or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon and all rights, ways, privileges, servitudes, and prescriptions appurtenant thereto, being located in Section 57,

Beginning at a point in the centerline of Solitude Road at the northwest corner of the Barrow Tract and the northeast corner of Turner Subdivision; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Solitude approximately 300 feet; thence southeasterly parallel to the boundary line between the Barrow Tract and Turner Subdivision approximately 1452 feet; thence southwesterly approximately 300 feet to a point on the Barrow Tract and Turner Subdivision boundary line; thence northwesterly on the Barrow Tract and Turner Subdivision boundary line approximately 1452 feet to the centerline of Solitude Road and the point of beginning, said parcel containing 10.00 acres. Lot 1 to be more completely described with an official property boundary survey. This meeting is open to the public. By: /s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5088312-feb 5-12-19-3t

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC --PUBLIC HEARING: PLANNING & ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Further, the West Feliciana Parish Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, March 23rd, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Both public hearings will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following proposed amendment is to be considered:

Section 1- Amendment Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, Section VI (Sewerage and Water Supply) of the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the following language: All proposed subdivisions shall have approved sanitary sewage treatment, and must comply with the following: i.

If no public sewer transportation network is available within 1,350-ft, individual sewer treatment will be allowed for proposed subdivisions with sixty (60) lots or less, provided the minimum lot area is forty-thousand (40,000) square feet per lot, with a minimum road frontage of 125-ft.

ii. All other proposed subdivisions shall tie to a public sewer transportation network, or provide an approved method of community sewerage treatment. iii. All community or individual sewerage treatment must meet the minimum requirements as set forth by L o u i s i a n a Administrative Code Title 51 and be permitted by the West Feliciana Parish Health Unit Section 2 - Exhibit “E”, Parish Subdivision Regulations, SECTION II, Part (B)(1)(c) of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 3- Enactment As amended, The West Feliciana planning and Zoning Ordinance remains in full force and effect. This meeting is open to the public By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5088322-feb 5-12-19-3t

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices




Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Parish of West Feliciana will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. The public hearing will be held in the Parish Council Meeting Room in the Courthouse Annex, Second Floor at 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, La. The following proposed amendments to the West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance are to be considered:

Paul Holmes Interim Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5092271-feb 19-1t



Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following:


File V542652, Solicitation No. 2258985 – Cotton Seed – PE, 03/03/2015


“H” (PROTOCOL) OF THE WEST FELICIANA PARISH PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCE INTO; “ARTICLE VI” (LAND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS), ALONG WITH CORRECTIONS AND UPDATES. This meeting is open to the public. By:/s/ Sally M. Snowden West Feliciana Parish Council 5088327-feb 5-12-19-3t

NOTICE TO BIDDERS SP# 9953 Sealed bids will be opened and publicly read by the Procurement Section of the Division of Administration, 1201 N. 3rd. St., 2nd. Floor, Suite 2-160, (P.O. Box 94095), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at 10:00 A.M. for the following: File No. V542741, Bid No. 2258975 – Fierce Herbicide, March 3 File No. V542821, Bid No. 2258978 – Fertilizer – PE, March 3

Bid proposal forms, information and specifications may be obtained by accessing the bid number in LaPac at www.doa.Louisiana. gov/osp or from the procurement section listed above. No bids will be received after the date and hour specified. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities. Paul Holmes Interim Director of State Procurement FAX (225) 342-8688 5093196-feb 19-1t

NOTICE --MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING OF THE WEST FELICIANA 911 COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT JANUARY 13, 2015 The Board of Commissioners of the West Feliciana Communications District met in regular session on January 13, 2015 at the West Feliciana 911 Center, 9938 West Feliciana Parkway, St. Francisville, Louisiana at 9:00 A.M.

The Advocate West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 Roll Call Present:

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 Members

Randy Metz; Brian Spillman; Jim Ferguson; Scott Ford; James Wood; and Brian Herrin. Lee Chastant Excused. Also Present Bob Baker. Chairman Randy Metz announced a quorum present. The meeting was called to order. Brian Spillman led in prayer and Brian Herrin led the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion made by James Wood and seconded by Brian Herrin to approve the minutes from the January 13, 2015 Public Meeting. Motion unanimous carried. Bob Baker gave each board member a copy of the December 2014 financial report. Bob explained the procedure for the public to review the Amended 2014 Budget and the 2015 Budget. Motion made by Scott Ford and seconded by Brian Spillman. Motion unanimous carried. Old Business 1. Discussion held on ByLaws and after numerous suggestions the board agreed to table the agenda item. Motion made by Scott Ford and seconded by James Wood to table the By-Laws. Motion unanimous carried. 2. James Wood gave the board an update on the replacement of bulbs for the outside lights. He will follow up with Cpt. Ralph Ladnier. 3. Discussion held on 5 Year Plan. Jim Ferguson will bring the new IT person for the WF Council to the next meeting. The board expressed that goals need to be set and also a road map for the Communications District. MINUTES 911 MEETING JANUARY 13, 2015 New Business 1. Due to the absence of Cpt. Ralph Ladnier, Brian Spillman gave an update on the Supervisor’s Report. There are two new part-time dispatchers in training. Also January 29, 2015 is the delivery date for the

new generator to the State. Brian Spillman gave the Board some information on the Hyper-Reach Mass E m e r g e n c y Notification. He will keep the Board updated on any future developments. Motion to adjourn made by James Wood and seconded by Jim Ferguson. Motion unanimous carried. Randy W. Metz, Chairman West Feliciana Communications District P. O. Box 3417 St. Francisville, LA 70775 5093207-feb 19-1t


KPAQ Industries, LLC, St. Francisville Operations submitted a LPDES permit Application to Discharge Wastewater from Industrial Facilities. Inquires or requests for additional information regarding the administrative completeness review of this application should be directed to Niels Larsen, LDEQ, Public Participation and Permit Support Division, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-4313 or at 225-219-3304. Persons wishing to be included on the LDEQ permit public notice mailing list or for other public participation related questions should contact the Public Participation Group in writing at LDEQ, P.O. Box 4313, Baton Rouge, LA 708214313, by email at or contact the LDEQ

West Feliciana Public Notices




Customer Service Center at (225) 219-LDEQ (5337).

authority to buy a trailer by Mr. Neal and seconded by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor. Motion to approve the amended agenda by Ms. Hall and second by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor. 5. Motion to approve the minutes from December 8, 2014 by Ms. Hall and second by Mr. Stelly. Motion carried all in favor. 6. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Motion for Joe Wells to serve another year as the Chairman by Mr. Neal and second by Ms. Hall. Motion carried all in favor. Motion for Ms. Hall to serve as Vice Chair by Mr. Stelly and second by Mr. Neal. Motion carried all in favor. Motion by Ms. Hall for Mr. Stelly to serve as the Secretary/ treasurer for a year. Motion seconded by Mr. Neal. Motion carried all in favor. 7. CPA REPORT: Nothing to report. 8. LEGAL REPORT: Nothing to report. 9. FINANCE REPORT: Tax check received. Audit is finishing up. 10. PERSONNEL REPORT: Mr. Vidrine resigned at the end of December and Mr. Bourgeois resigned due to being appointed constable. 11. BUILDING REPORT: Payment request by Blount General Contractors for Bluffs Station. Motion by Mr. Stelly to pay $8,228.70 to Blount General Contractors for the 1st draw. Motion seconded by Mr. Neal. Motion carried all in favor. 12. CHIEF’S REPORT: The Fire Chief gave a report of the Fire Districts activities in the last few weeks. Discussion on the purchase of a trailer for State Surplus. Motion by Mr. Neal and second by Mr. Stelly to authorize the Fire Chief to purchase a trailer from State Surplus for $2000. Motion carried all in favor. 13. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Wells announced that the Board that the WFP Drug and Alcohol Awareness Council had presented Chief Bonnie Hines with an award at their December appreciation meeting. 14. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Mr. Stelly and second by Ms. Hall. Motion carried all in favor.

Any knowing the whereabouts of Chastity Marshall Flowers, please contact Andrew J. D'Aquilla, Atty. at Law, 225-635-2020 5094235 Feb. 19, 2015

Permit Public notices can be reviewed on the LDEQ permits public notice webpage at http;//www.deq. pubNotice/default.asp and general information related to the public participation in permitting activities can be viewed at portal/tabid/2198/ Default.aspx Alternatively, individuals may elect to receive the permit public notices via email by subscribing to the LDEQ permits public notice List Server at: services/email_ notifications_DEQ_PN/ All correspondence should specify AI Number 2073, and Activity Number PER20140001. 5093951-feb 19-1t

ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLETENESS DETERMINATION The LDEQ, Office of Environmental Services, has reviewed a water permit application from KPAQ Industries, LLC, 2015 LA Highway 964 St. Francisville, LA 70775 for the St. Francisville Operations and determined that is administratively complete. The application was received on April 30, 2014. The St. Francisville Operations is located at 2105 LA Highway 964, St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish.

West Feliciana Public Notices

NOTICE --Fire Protection District No. 1 of West Feliciana Parish 9892 West Feliciana Parkway ~ P O Box 1190 St. Francisville, La. 70775 (225) 635-4312 ~ Fax (225) 635-4328 The Board of Commissioners of Fire Protection District #1 of West Feliciana Parish held a Regular Meeting on January 12, 2015, at the Fire District Headquarters Building located at 9892 West Feliciana Parkway, St. Francisville, LA, 70775, at 6pm, with the following members present: Joe Wells, Chairman Tracy Hall, Vice-Chair Steven Neal, Board Member Daniel Stelly, Secretary/ Treasurer Absent Vincent Member



Also present: James R. Wood, Fire Chief Eric Vicknair, CPA The regular meeting was called to order by Mr. Wells. 1. An invocation was given and the pledge of allegiance recited. 2. A roll call of board members completed. 3. Mr. Wells announced the rules of the meeting. 4. Motion to amend the agenda to include discussion and action on the Fire Chief exceeding purchase

/s/ Daniel Stelly Daniel Stelly Secretary/Treasurer /s/ Joe Wells Joe Wells Chairperson 5094141-feb 19-1t

Cleaning Out Your Attic? Garage Sales can turn your stuff into bucks. Call 1-800-960-6397 to place your ad


NOTICE --Minutes of the West Feliciana Parish Tourist Commission Regular Meeting, Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 5:00 pm St. Francisville Town Hall, 11936 Ferdinand Street St. Francisville, Louisiana The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Julie Brashier at 5:00 pm Members present: Julie Brashier, Catherine Leake, Johnny Patrick, Susie Tully, Director Laurie Walsh Absent: Beth Pace

Kitty Martin,

Acceptance and Approval of Agenda Susie Tully made motion to accept agenda and was seconded by Johnny Patrick. Motion carried. Financials and Statistics Report a) Review of December 2014 Financial Statements - Laurie Walsh noted that staff member, Katie, will coordinate with parish council office on payroll codes to be certain all reports match. The transfer of funds into LAMP account will take place tomorrow. Susie Tully made motion to accept report and was seconded by Johnny Patrick. Motion carried. b) Monthly Visitor and Marketing Statistics – November’s numbers will have an increase in the December reporting because returns were due during holidays and did not all make mailing cut-off Old Business a) Last Charette – Public – Tuesday January 27, 2015 – WFP Library 4-6 pm – meeting was publicized through Jennifer Rome with Parish Council, Kerry Everett with Chamber of Commerce, and Facebook. b) Occupancy November December

West Feliciana Public Notices

Tax and 2014

Collections – discussed in Financials, part b c) Film and Video Activity – CBS series, “The Zoo� filmed pilot show this week at Ellerslie. d) Report on Joint Marketing Committee Meeting – January meeting was rescheduled for January 22, 2015. There will be a presentation of an “Advertising Options and Schedule� to be presented for 2015. Kitty Martin will temporarily replace Angie Ray on this committee. New Buisness/Director’s Report

â– West Feliciana Public Notices

No further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:20pm. 5094540-feb 19-1t


b) Meeting Dates and Times – Meetings will remain the third Wednesday of each month at 5:00.

Article 1, Section 9, Definitions, Parish of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add the definition as follows:

d) Strategic Planning Meeting Date – Monday, February 23, 2015 3:30 – 7 pm at Town Hall – commissioners will determine short/long term goals e) LTPA – Legislative Advocacy Sponsorship – Catherine Leake made motion for Laurie and another commissioner to attend two events on tourism during the upcoming legislative session and was seconded by Johnny Patrick. Motion carried. f) AT&T – In February, billing cycle renewal time, Tourist Commission will begin using government rate plan, which will save money each month g) Tourism Awareness Week Events and Awards – Lt. Governor

Thursday, February 19, 2015 West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 Jay Dardenne will again visit St. Francisville on his schedule of events on Friday, May 8, 2015 at 3:00 at the WF Historic Museum. Local tourism awards will be presented at this event.

a) Tourist Commission Board Appointments – Beth Pace was reappointed, Susie Tully was appointed commissioner, and Councilman Mel Percy tabled his appointment for other vacant seat.

c) Election of Officers – Johnny Patrick made motion that Kitty Martin continue as Chairman, Julie Brashier continue as Vice Chairman, and Catherine Leake continue as Secretary/ Treasurer. All members were in favor and motion carried.


The West Feliciana Parish Council hereby ordains: Section 1- Amendment

Private Residential Subdivision: Residential development classified as a Major Subdivision where the infrastructure constructed to support the development (including but not limited to roads, sewerage collection if applicable, and drainage) shall be maintained perpetually by the owner, developer, or Home Owners Association (HOA), yet must be built to the current parish public standards. Article V, 2(F), Part 2(A)(3), Major Subdivision, Parish of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to add as follows: c. Prior to Final Plat approval, any major subdivision constructed as a “private residential subdivision� shall require the owner’s design engineer to certify all infrastructure has been constructed in accordance to the approved construction plans and to the parish public standard. The Owner shall also be required to provide a recorded copy of the deed restrictions and maintenance covenants to assure upkeep and maintenance of the private infrastructure.

10290 as follows: Allowable uses for the Planned Unit Development District (PUD) shall include all designated uses specified for Neighborhood Commercial Districts (C1), General Commercial Districts (C-2), Professional Districts (P1), and all Residential Districts (R-A, R-1, R-2, R3, R-4, T-R, A-R, M-R). All provisions of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance in conflict with this amendment are hereby amended in conformity herewith.

As amended, Article 1, Section 9, Definitions, and Article V, 2(F), Part 2(A)(3), Major Subdivision, remain in full force and effect. Section 3- Effective Date This ordinance is effective five (5) days after its publication in the official journal of the parish. Introduced by: Heather R. Howle at regular meeting on January 20, 2015. Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on January 29, 2015. Full reading and passage February 9, 2015. Moved for adoption by Mel Percy. Seconded by Otis L. Wilson. FOR: Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky� Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson AGAINST: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: /s/Heather R. Howle HEATHER R. HOWLE 2/11/2015 DATE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL CHAIR /s/Rolanda J. Robinson ROLANDA J. ROBINSON 2/11/2015 DATE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL SECRETARY

Section 2- Enactment As amended, Article II, Planning Districts, Section 22, Table C, remains in full force and effect. Section 3- Effective Date This ordinance is effective five (5) days after its publication in the official journal of the parish. Introduced by: Heather R. Howle at regular meeting on January 20, 2015. Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on January 29, 2015. Full reading and passage February 9, 2015. Moved for adoption by John S. Kean, IV. Seconded by Mel Percy. FOR: Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Merrick “Ricky� Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson AGAINST: Melvin Young

5094547-feb 19-1t





/s/ Rolanda J. Robinson ROLANDA J. ROBINSON 2/11/2015 DATE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL SECRETARY 5094549-feb 19-1t

Section 1- Amendment Article II, Planning Districts, Section 22, Table C, Parish of The West Feliciana Planning and Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to reflect below


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West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 Section 2- Enactment



Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Advocate



The division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, plats, or parcels or building sites fronting on an existing public street, avenue, road or highway, provided that each such lot, tract or parcel of land has a minimum square footage of 1500 square feet and a minimum of 100 feet of frontage on a public road, subject to approval by the Town Council and only after submission, for approval, of a plat of survey, and provided that each lot will meet all other subdivision requirements contained herein.



A private subdivision of land wherein the owner desires that the streets or roads therein remain closed to the public provided however, that construction and subdivision of the same must otherwise comply with the provisions of this act and be approved by the Town Council.

Date adopted 02/10/2015


A transfer of land title by inheritance.

7th Draft


A firm, partnership, corporation or individual may be authorized by the Commission and the Town Council to subdivide one contiguous tract of land into four (4) lots or less which lots may be served by a private servitude of passage. The subdivision may be done at one time or at several times, but in no case shall the division of the original tract result in more than four lots that are served by the private servitude of passage. No segment of the private servitude of passage, established under this Exemption, shall serve more than four lots.

Summary of procedures pursuant to developing a subdivision within the city limits of the Town of Slaughter. 1. (7) Plats along with (7) master plans for the development of a subdivision will be submitted to town hall office at least one week prior to regular scheduled meeting of Slaughter Planning and Zoning Commission.

3. The Subdivision Ordnance must be followed in its entirety, with all fees paid and inspections completed as required by the ordnance.

This exception may be utilized only once for any firm, entity which shall have previously obtained authority for sales permitted hereunder shall be prohibited from applying for an additional authorization under this exception. Any corporation, firm or partnership which is owned, in whole or in part, by an individual, firm, partnership, or corporation which previously obtained authority for sale of lots, shall not be entitled to claim or obtain approval for sale of lots under this exception. In the event that the Town Council or Commission determines that title of a tract of land has been vested in a party of convenience in order to avoid the limiting provisions hereof, approval shall be denied.

4. Approval for subdivision must be granted by Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Slaughter, La. and the Slaughter Town Council before proceeding with East Feliciana Police Jury for building permits.

Lots subdivided under the provisions of this exception shall conform to all minimum Town standards of this ordinance regarding sanitary sewage disposal and zoning.

5. It will be required that any subdivision of (5) five homes or more that a home owner’s association be established and maintained with its own rules and regulations.

Plats of survey shall be submitted to the Commission and the Town for approval and all plats submitted hereunder shall include all lots to be subdivided. In the event that individual lots have been previously approved under this provision, such previously approved lots shall be depicted on the plat. Each plat of survey shall bear the following notation:

2. Persons submitting plat and master plan for a subdivision are required to attend regular meeting of the Slaughter Planning and Zoning Commission to respond to any questions planning and zoning members may have concerning proposed subdivision then attend Slaughter Town Council meeting for their approval.



Subdivision – the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, plots, parcels, or building sites, for the purpose of sale or other transfer of title, either immediate or future, that requires the construction of new streets, drainage facilities, or utilities. It also includes the re-subdivision or rearrangement of one or more lots, plots, parcels, or building sites in said subdivision.


Street, Avenue, Road and/or Highway or any other similar designation all mean the same for the general purposes of this Ordinance.


Alley – a dedicated right-of-way not less than 20-feet in width to provide access to the back side of properties also abutting on a street.


Town Council – the governing body of the Town of Slaughter, La.


Engineer – a qualified, professional engineer licensed in the State of Louisiana.


Surveyor – a qualified, professional surveyor licensed in the State of Louisiana.


Developer –Any person, firm or corporation subdividing land into lots, plots, parcels or tracts for sale or other transfer of title.


Right-of-Way – where same involves a street, avenue, road, or highway, means a strip of ground dedicated by the developer for public use, ownership of which shall rest in the public.


Servitude – a strip of ground to be reserved by the Developer for public utilities, drainage, and other public purposes, the title to which shall remain in the possession of the property owner, subject to the right of use designated in the reservation of the servitude; or a strip of ground designated or intended by the developer to be used for access to building sites or for other public purposes.


Commission – the Planning and Zoning Commission of Town of Slaughter La.


Lot – a portion of a tract or other parcel of land. Every lot must front on a public street for a minimum distance as required by the Zoning Ordinance.



d) The title of the map (and the body of the map) shall refer to the letter or number assigned to the property being surveyed and subdivided, such as “Tract A of the named property”. If the property has never been subdivided, it may be referred to as “An Unsubdivided xx.xx Acre Tract of Land, being the named property.

g) Lot Numbers of parcels of land sold to or exchanged between adjourning property owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional lots, must be re-designated. The property exchanged or sold shall not be designated as a separate lot, but shall be incorporated into the existing lot and renamed. For example: in an exchange between existing Lot one (1) and existing Lot two (2), the resulting lots will be renamed Lots 1-A, and 2-A. The surveyor shall certify on the plat that such sale or exchange does not create any additional lots.

A subdivision legally established and recorded prior to the adoption of these regulations, in which subdivision the streets, avenues, roads or highways have been accepted by the Town of Slaughter, La. for public maintenance, unless lots therein are further subdivided.




SECTION IV– PRELIMINARY PLAT A. In seeking to subdivide land into lots or building sites, or to dedicate streets, alleys or land for other public use, the Developer shall submit seven copies of a preliminary plat to the Commission. The preliminary plat shall be drawn to scale, not smaller than 1” = 100’ and shall show the following (also see Appendix “A”): 1. The location of all existing property lines, North arrow, scale streets, alleys, buildings, irrigation canals, sewer mains, water mains, drainage ditches, gas mains, telephone and electrical lines, culverts, and other underground structures, easements, and other existing features within the area to be subdivided and all tie-ins in the adjoining or abutting streets.

3. The proposed location and width of all streets and lots.


The Commission shall make a recommendation to the Town Council stating its approval or disapproval of the request. Such recommendation shall be made by the Commission within ninety (90) days of the public hearing.


An application may be withdrawn by the applicant after the public hearing has been advertised and the Commission may, by majority vote, allow an application to be withdrawn without prejudice.


The Town Council shall make the final decision to approve or disapprove the request.


The developer, where practical, shall provide for the continuation or projection of existing streets in surrounding areas.


Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet are prohibited.


A tangent of at least 100 feet shall be introduced between reverse curves on streets.


Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles, and no street shall intersect any other street at less than 75 degrees.


Half-streets shall be prohibited, except where essential to the reasonable development of the subdivision, and when it will be practical to require the dedication of the other when the adjoining property if subdivided.


Dead-end streets, designed as such permanently, shall forever remain dead-ended and have an all paved cul-de-sac or “T” design as follows:

Type of Construction Surface

Minimum Radius of Right-of-Way

Minimum Driving Radius

Open Ditches

62 feet

47 feet

Curb & Gutter

50 feet

47 feet


Street right-of-way widths shall be no less than sixty (60) feet for open ditch sections and no less than fifty (50) feet for curb and gutter sections.


No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with names of existing streets. Streets that are obviously in alignment with others already named shall bear the names of the existing streets. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the Town Council.


Alleys at the rear of residential lots are not allowed except under unusual conditions.


Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel or stream, same shall be noted on the plat and there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such watercourses, and such further width or construction, or both as will be adequate for the purpose. Parallel streets or parkways may be required in connection therewith. Widths required shall be determined by the Town Council.


Street construction shall be as required in Section V, Paragraph B and C.


The Commission will require easements not less than fifteen (15) feet in width or seven and one-half (7-1/2) feet at common lot lines for all wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, water, or other (underground) utility lines on front, rear, and/or alongside lot lines unless the utility company certifies this to be impractical or unless it is not feasible in the opinion of the Commission.


In accordance with R.S. 48:35 Paragraph 35 regarding highway design and maintenance, all roads shall meet the minimum safety standards of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development with the following exceptions: this shall not apply to existing alleys, lanes, and other roads that do not connect throughways. All new roads must conform.

A. Blocks and Lots 1.

4. The name under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded and the name of the owner(s). No two subdivisions shall have the same or similar name.

b. c. d.

The lot size, width, shape and orientation and minimum building setback lines shall conform to the Zoning Ordinance.


Corner lots shall have extra width to permit appropriate building setback from, orientation to both streets.

7. Statement of proposed utility, street improvements, water supply, and method of sewerage disposal along with a certification from the Parish Sanitarian.


The subdivision of the land shall be such as to provide each lot, by means of a public street, with satisfactory access to an existing public street.

8. The name and address of the existing utility districts that will serve the proposed development.


Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.

9. All lot lines and intended uses for each lot.

A. Street Construction

10. All items listed in Appendix A.


All streets shall consist of a minimum thickness of three (3) inches of asphaltic concrete wearing surface or six (6) inches of Portland cement concrete (3800psi @ 28 days) with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet on a ten (10) inch soil cement base which is at least twenty-two (22) feet wide. All sealers and wearing surfaces must meet the latest LA. DOTD standards. A four (4) foot shoulder is required on each side of the road. No gravel roads shall be accepted or approved by the Town Council.


Where the street is of the boulevard type, that is, two lanes of traffic and these separated by a neutral ground or strip, with a minimum of ten (10) feet in width, the paving on each traffic lane shall not be less than sixteen (16) feet in width with an eighteen (18) foot wide base.


If any portion of the proposed subdivision is located within the jurisdiction of any political subdivision of the Parish, such as water or gas districts, sewerage districts or municipalities, copies of the preliminary plat shall also be filed with appropriate agents of these political subdivisions.


Review Procedures The Commission will follow the procedures as set forth in this Section. (a)

Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated. Requirements as to lot sizes and dimensions. Needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic. Limitations and opportunities of topography.


6. Designation of public agencies, private individuals or corporations responsible for perpetual maintenance of sewerage, gas, electrical, water and other utilities, to be installed along designated servitudes within area to be subdivided.

Donations of property between blood relatives, provided that further subdivision of any such lot shall be governed by the provisions of this act.

No block shall be more than 800 feet in length and the shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: a.

5. A contour map, or certain elevation data which shall be based upon the official datum (U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) if any area on the plat is in a flood hazard zone as shown on the latest FEMA flood map. Flood elevations shall be indicated on said plat. If no area on the plat is in a flood hazard zone as above defined, then said plat must contain such certification by a surveyor or engineer, must conform to fluid plain management ordnance of the Town of Slaughter.

Parcels, tracts or lots of land exchanged between adjoining property owners, where such exchange does not create additional lots, or where such transfer is affected pursuant to settlement or establishment of a boundary line.

“I hereby certify that this partition of property between (list co-owners) is not being confected for the purpose of avoiding the operation of the Town Subdivision Ordinance”


2. The names of all adjoining property owners.

The subdivision of land to be used only for orchards, forestry, raising of crops and/or livestock, in tracts greater than or equal to 50 acres and labeled on the plat thereof as not a building site.

Partition of property among co-owners, provided that any private servitude of passage established for the benefit of the lots so partitioned, shall not be maintained by the Town, said partition map, however, shall be approved by the Town, provided that there is noted there on the following certification by an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Louisiana:

The public hearing shall be conducted by the Commission or Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, La.

i) Surveys of Property falling under any of the above exceptions will meet the following requirements under Appendix “A”, Preliminary Plat Check List #2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22 and 23.




h) If a lot size changes, the lot number shall change.

Act – the Town subdivision ordinance as herein enumerated.

The regulations contained in this Ordinance shall not apply to the following, to-wit:

Notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be published once a week for three different weeks in the official journal of the Parish, and at least fifteen days shall elapse between the first publication and the date of the public hearing as set forth in LA R.S. 33:4780.64 et seq.

T DESIGN – A minimum of 35 feet deep and minimum length on each arm of 50 feet.

f) The entirety of the property being subdivided shall be indicated on the map, not just the portion being “removed”. Therefore, the surveyor shall indicate the entirety of the property from a legal description or from a previous survey, if available. Otherwise, note that a previous survey is not available.

Town House – a single family attached dwelling on individual lots for sale served by servitudes of access and providing common open spaces in lieu of typical single family yards.




e) The title of the map (and the body of the map) shall show the tract numbers of the NEW lots or tracts being created. ALL tracts being created (including, where applicable, the “remainder of”), the title of the map shall indicate the historical name of the property. All properties shall have an historical name associated with the chain of title, whether it is from the original land grant or elsewhere. At no time shall a tract of land be referred to as a “piece of property”. It shall be assigned a NEW designation.

Private Servitude of Passage – a strip of ground to be reserved by the Developer for private access by owners’ of other lots connected to this servitude, the title to which shall remain in the possession of the property owner, subject to the right of use of passage. No public access is allowed. Servitude will not be maintained by the Town. A private servitude of passage shall be at least 25 feet in width. The minimum width of a lot at any point perpendicular to a private servitude of passage shall be 100’.


Upon receiving an application and establishing the date of the public hearing concerning the petitioned request, the Town shall “erect in a conspicuous place” on the property in question or on the right-of-way of the nearest public road if the property does not front a public road, a sign giving public notice of the subdivision request and the scheduled date and place for the public hearing. The Town may post more than one such sign.

A. Streets and Easements

c) The vicinity map shall be sufficient to pictorially show the project location to a layman or non- surveying person. Vicinity maps shall include (with names) all streets, roads, and highways within the limits of the vicinity map, watercourses, physically definable features such as lakes, power lines, etc.; section lines, etc.; not simply as “an xx.xx acre tract of land... “.




b) The “Minimum Standards” require many details pertinent to survey requirements. This is an issue primarily between the Surveyor and the State Board. The Commission is not required to verify that each and every one of these details is shown except insofar as the map is sufficiently adequate to depict the survey and subdivision.

From and after the date of adoption, these regulations shall govern all subdivision, sale and transfer of land within the Town of Slaughter, La After receiving recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Engineer and other interested parties, final authority for approval of subdivision plats and improvements thereto, and transfer or sale of land within the Town of Slaughter, La. shall rest solely with the Town Council of Slaughter, La..

Subdivision applications shall be filed, complete with all required information, by the 15th of a month to be considered by the Commission at the next Commission meeting. At that meeting, the Commission will review the application and if the application is deemed complete, will schedule a public hearing which will be held immediately preceding the next scheduled Commission meeting.

B. No sale or other transfer of land may take place based on approval or conditional approval of a preliminary plat. Any such sale or transfer prior to approval, acceptance by the Town Council and recordation of a final plat, shall be null and void and shall subject the developer and/or transferee to the penalties herein contained.

33106.1 State law may override Plat requirements

a) A survey and/or subdivision shall ONLY be prepared by a Registered Professional Surveyor. An Engineer is not legally eligible for this type work. The Surveyor MUST certify the survey and resultant map were prepared under his supervision AND conforms to the “Minimum Standards” as set forth by the State Board of Registration (LAPELS) AND Revised Statutes 33:5051 AND to all Town Ordinances governing the subdivision of land.


A. Upon approval of the Application and preliminary plat by the Town Council, the Developer shall submit complete construction plans for the entire development of the area given preliminary approval and meeting all requirements listed under Section VII – Final Plat. If the owner fails to submit a final plat within one (1) year of the preliminary approval, the Commission’s approval of the preliminary plat shall expire. One copy of the preliminary plat shall be retained in the files of the Commission.

An original and seven copies of the plat shall be submitted to the Commission.

BE IT ORDAINED by the Town of Slaughter, La., in legal and regular session on February 10, 2015, that the following regulations for the subdivision or the re-subdivision of lands into lots or plots, the provisions for the submission and approval of maps or plats for such subdivision or re-subdivision, the provisions for minimum improvements and building permits, the provisions for establishment of a reservoir district, the provisions for enforcement of these regulations and provisions of this ordinance be and the same are hereby adopted:


requesting such change, together with a plat of the property to be changed and the Preliminary Plat Review Fee (See Section VIII). This fee shall not be refundable.

Developer shall file a Subdivision Application (See Appendix G)

5094106-feb 19-1t

The Advocate



All fittings shall be mechanical join cement lined ductile iron. This applied to all 90 degree fittings, tees, 45 degree fittings and any fittings used in the system.

5. 3)

Where conditions do not permit economical cement stabilization, as determined by a testing laboratory, alternative pavement construction may be submitted for approval.


If curbs and gutters are not provided, ditches shall be provided having at least 3:1 fore slopes (or side slopes on the street side having at least three (3) feet of horizontal distances for each one (1) foot of vertical drop, with four (4) feet of flat bottom ditch on the property side and 5:1 back slopes (or side slopes on the property side having at least five (5) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical drop.


6) 7) 8) 9) 10)


It shall be indicated on all subdivision plats submitted with streets without curbing, gutters and storm sewer drains that no property owner shall be permitted to place drain lines or structures in road or street ditches along the property without first obtaining a culvert permit,( who gives permit) and then the size and catch basin requirements shall be determined by the Town Council upon application by the property owner. Minimum shoulder widths on open ditch section shall be four (4) feet. Approved street markers bearing the names of the streets and block numbers shall be provided and installed at each intersection in the subdivision. Refer to Appendix B for Required materials, Testing and Construction Control for Roads and Streets in Slaughter, Louisiana. The right-of-way of all streets shall be seeded with grass seed to prevent the erosion of topsoil onto adjacent streets and into drainage ditches as required by Appendix C. Street light standards shall be located in all subdivisions and may be located on either side of the street or in the center of the median on boulevards as required by Appendix D. The Developer shall arrange with the utility franchise for the arrangement of the monthly utility cost with the bills rendered to the customers within the subdivision. The full right-of-way shall be graded.

Fire hydrants shall be 5-1/4 inch size in accordance with AWWA Standard C-502. Hydrants shall be three-way with national standard threads AWNA C502 and shall be installed with restraint fittings and concrete thrust blocks. Fire hydrants should be installed off the water main with their own individual 6 inch gate valve coupled to the main line tee with an anchor coupling. Fire hydrant assemblies shall be placed in a dedicated utility servitude unobstructed from and within twenty (20’) feet of a public street. One (1) fire hydrant assembly shall be placed in such location at each street intersection and along such streets so that a separation of not more than 500’ exists between each fire hydrant.


All creek and drain crossings shall be directional bored.


All water mains shall have a minimum of 30 inches of cover from top of the water main to grade.


Water mains and associated work must be inspected by Water System personnel during construction and deeded to the Water System upon completion. 1. All work shall meet the Water District Specifications and Standards in effect at the time of construction.


Gas Where a public gas supply is available the developer shall connect with such gas system and provide adequate gas lines to each lot.


The developer shall be responsible for obtaining, along a designated servitude, underground power line such that each lot, tract or parcel of land shall have access to same.




If the subdivision is located where a public sanitary sewer system is accessible, the developer shall connect with such sanitary sewer system and provide adequate sewer lines to each lot. Sewer connections and subdivision sewerage collection and disposal systems shall comply with the regulations of the Louisiana Department of Health and Human Resources. The Parish Sanitarian will review and approve the engineering calculations for these systems prior to any construction. Sewerage collection lines, treatment plants, etc., shall be inspected by the Parish Sanitarian and written approval of these improvements shall be obtained from the Parish Sanitarian.


The developer shall only be required to make available, at the property line, or along a public servitude, those public utilities mentioned above. Responsibility for payment for connection of each individual lot, tract or parcel of land to the water, sewerage, gas or electrical underground lines acquired above shall be paid by the lot owner.

All subdivisions with more than five (5) homes but less than seventy five (75) homes will require a system designed by an Engineer, a sanitary sewage community collection and treatment system approved by Parish Sanitarian.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.



The grade along the bottom of a surface drainage course shall be the slope required by the designated representative of the Town Council. The slope of each drainage course shall be shown on the plans. The plat or subdivision deed restriction shall carry the notation or provision that the size and grade of culverts for driveways and other pipe in roadside ditches shall be approved by the Jury or their authorized representative. In no case shall the pipe size be less than twelve (12) inches. Cross pipes under streets shall be reinforced concrete or coated corrugated metal as approved by the Town Council or its authorized representative. It is required that a contour map be furnished showing the area comprising the subdivision and all additional areas necessary to include all watersheds that drain into the property to be developed. In the design of the drainage for the subdivision, provisions shall be made to adequately take care of adjacent watershed areas after they have been developed. All drainage structures shall be sufficient for the drainage of the watershed after complete development of the area, and where ditches and canals are used, adequate servitudes shall be provided for future needs. The flow line elevation of each drainage structure to be constructed or incorporated into the overall plan shall show the location at which the effluent from the new drainage facilities enter into a publicly-maintained canal or stream of sufficient capacity to absorb the volume of flow. The flow line elevation of this point shall be shown on the plans. Drainage system must be designed and stamped by an Engineer.

A. Water Systems 1. General Requirements

All water system must meet 10 state standards

a. Public Water District Supply: Any Developer requesting water service in an undeveloped area is required to obtain approval from the Town of Slaughter, La. Water District System hereinafter referred to as the Water System. Developer should submit his request along with a map representing the proposed development in writing to the appropriate Water System’s Board of Directors for consideration. If the proposed development is approved by the Water System, the developer will be required to submit the name of the contractor qualified to install the water mains.




Final Plats shall be filed as follows: 1. Commission – Original and fifteen (15) copies of final plat. 2. Parish Sanitarian – One (1) copy of final plat.


The Developer shall forward evidence of approval of construction plans by Town Council and Parish Sanitarian to the Commission with Final Plat.


The Commission will consider approval of the Final Plat only after receipt of:


c. d. e.

1. The testing laboratory shall be responsible for the following: a. b. c. d.

1. Specific Requirements


Specifications for line extensions, water mains and associated work in subdivisions are as follows.


a. Any new Subdivision Developments must be tied into a 6-inch main or larger.


b. Pipe size requirements for New Line Extensions shall be equal to the pipe size currently available in the area.



The testing laboratory shall test the concrete used in the construction of the street pavements, curbs and sidewalks. There shall be a resident inspector of the testing laboratory to inspect the base processing of streets. There shall be a resident inspector of the testing laboratory to inspect the street pavements, including asphalt. A representative of the testing laboratory shall attend intermediate site inspections when called upon. A representative of the testing laboratory shall attend the final inspection. The testing laboratory shall furnish to the Town Engineer and the Developer’s Engineer and contractor, reports on items (a) through (e) above. The testing laboratory shall inspect the laying of the sanitary sewer lines and storm drainage if the Developer’s Engineer does not perform this function. All concrete, metal, clay, plastic, or other acceptable pipes shall be stamped as approved by the testing laboratory, prior to being delivered to the job site.

If the above procedure is not followed, the Town Council has the authority to close down the job, after written notice to the Developer.

Certification that all improvements have been installed in accordance with the approved construction plans and these regulations and evidence that all required bonds payable to the Town Council have been posted.


Certification by the Town Manager that all applicable fees have been paid. These fees shall be non-refundable.


Evidence of payment of testing lab fees.

When the Final Plat is approved and signed by the Commission and the Town Council, the original drawings will be returned to the developer and one (1) copy retained in the files of the Commission.


The developer shall furnish the Commission with thirteen (13) copies of the signed Final Plat. After the Commission has been furnished these copies, an additional copy shall be recorded by the Developer with the Parish Clerk of Court within thirty (30) days and prior to sale or other transfer of lots. Copies shall be distributed in East Feliciana Parish as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


After the construction plans and specifications have been approved by the Town Council, the Developer may construct the required improvements. The Town Council shall be notified by the Developer in advance of the date that such construction shall begin. Construction shall be subject to inspection by the Town Engineer. However, this in no way shall relieve the Developer or his engineer of close field supervision and final compliance with the approved plans and specifications. All inspections and testing will be paid for by the developer.

The Engineer shall provide a survey party for the stakeout of lines and grades to complete the work. The Engineer shall inspect the laying of sanitary sewer lines, utilities service (water, gas, electricity, etc.) and the storm drainage, including the preparation of “As Built” records. This service may be performed by the testing laboratory. The Engineer shall perform the inspection of the same items covered under Section V, VI, Paragraph D, and Subparagraph 1. The Engineer shall request intermediate site inspections to be performed by the Town Engineer. The engineer shall request final inspection by the Town Engineer.



At the discretion of the Town Council, subdivisions containing sewers, sewage treatment plants, water supply systems, park areas, street, trees or other physical facilities necessary or desirable for the welfare of the area of that are for common use or benefit and cannot satisfactorily be maintained by an existing public agency, provisions shall be made by trust agreement, which shall become part of the deed restrictions, acceptable to any agency having jurisdiction over the location and improvement of such facilities, for the proper and continuous maintenance and supervision by the Developer of such facilities.


After final inspection approval the new construction by the Water System and receipt of written proof of clear health samples, the Water System will accept the deed of ownership for the new development.

All water mains shall be 6-inch (minimum) to comply with fire suppression requirements

Upon final approval of constructed improvements or acceptance of construction bond (See Section XIV) by the Town Council, the Developer shall prepare the final plat. No lots shall be sold until the Final Plat has been approved by the Commission, Town Engineer, Parish Sanitarian, and the Town Council. The Final Plat shall note on the face thereof such certifications as are required by this Act.


Commission – Nine (7) copies. Clerk of Court - One (1) copy Parish Assessor – One (1) paper copy and one electronic copy in AutoCAD format. Town Council – One (1) copy and one electronic copy in PDF format Parish Sanitarian – One (1) copy

The Final Plat shall be printed on sheets having a minimum of twentyfour (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch or larger. Where necessary, the plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. The Final Plat shall show the following in addition to the requirements of the preliminary plat: 1.

Township, Range and Section in which the subdivision is located. If section corner, township line or range line falls within the subdivision, it shall be shown.


Primary control points, or description and “ties” to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, and similar data on the plat shall be referred.


Tract boundary lines, right-of-way lines of streets, easements, and other right-of-way, and property lines of residential lots and other sites; with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, and radii, arcs, and central angles of all curves.


Name and right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way.


Location, dimensions, and purpose of any easement.


Number to identify each lot or site.


Minimum building setback line on all residential lots and sites.


Location and description of monuments.


Names of record owners or adjoining unplatted land.


Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by recorded name.


Certification by registered land surveyor certifying the accuracy of survey and plat.


Statement by owner dedicating servitudes, rights-of-way, easements, and any sites for public use, together with a statement of transfer of ownership to the Town of all streets, avenues, roads or highways.


Title, scale, north point, and date.


Name of engineer or surveyor.


Any Certifications required by this Act.


The Final Plat shall not be approved unless and until all site improvements are properly installed and inspected and all requirements of this Act are met.


Flood plain status.

See Appendix E for Final Plat Checklist.


1. The Developer’s Engineer shall be responsible for the following:

Upon completion of the tie-in, the contractor will be required to super chlorinate, flush and sample the new line.



Upon approval of the Preliminary plat, the Developer may proceed with preparation of construction plans. Construction plans shall include complete design of the street system, the water system, the utility system, the drainage system and the sanitary sewer system, if applicable, for the entire area to be subdivided. The construction plans shall be in compliance with the design standards set forth in this Act (See section IV). They shall be submitted along with the Construction Plans Review Fee to the Commission to determine that the proposed improvements meet the requirements of this Act. After construction plans have been approved by the Town Council and the Inspection Fee(s) have been paid, the Developer may proceed with the required improvements. The Town Council shall be notified in advance of the date that construction will begin, and all work shall be performed pursuant to the guidelines of this Act.

1. The following general inspections shall be made by the Town Engineer: a. Excavations b. Subsurface drainage c. Inlets, junctions and manholes d. Sanitary sewer collection lines e. Sanitary sewer manholes f. Sanitary sewer treatment facilities g. Base processing h. Sidewalks i. Curbs and medians j. Roadway pavements k. Utilities installation l. Installation of all drainage and sanitary sewer pipes m. Safety signs and signals

The contractor will be required to contact the Water System to schedule a pre-construction meeting. At the time of the preconstruction meeting the contractor will be required to provide a copy of their license, bond and insurance certificate listing the Water System as additionally insured. The Water System will provide a construction inspector during construction to certify that lines are installed to specifications. New development tie-ins to the Water System’s existing piping will be performed by Water System personnel. All materials required to tie-in a new development will be supplied by the Water System at the contractor’s expense, billable to the contractor upon completion of the tie-in.




After the final inspection, approval and acceptance by the Town Council.

Single family housing in an R-1 & R-2 Zoning District (medium to high density) and multi-family housing in an R-3 Zoning District shall be designed by a licensed architect or civil engineer and constructed in accordance with all Town Ordinances, Parish and State Statutes.

All subdivisions with seventy five (75) or more homes will require a sewer system designed by an Engineer and approved by the District Engineer Office of Public Health and Department of Health and Hospitals.

All surface drainage courses (open ditches), shall have at least 3:1 side slopes (slopes having at least three (3) feet of horizontal distance for each one (1) foot of vertical drop). Drainage design should be for twenty-five (25) year intensity.

Housing in R-1 R-2 and R-3 Zoning Districts

Warranty and Performance Bond: The Developer shall warrant all improvements and maintain same for a period of one (1) year A maintenance bond, written by a commercial surety company licensed in the State of Louisiana, in the amount of ten (10) percent of the construction cost of all improvements shall be posted by the Developer in favor of the Town and covering a period of one year from date of acceptance of the Final Plat. No Final Plat approval will be granted by the Town Council until the Town Council has received the bond.

Permanent Markers The drawings shall show locations of all subdivisions boundary corners and the four corners of all street intersections where permanent monuments are required. A permanent marker shall be so designated and shall be steel, at least one-half inch in width which extends a minimum of 16 inches below the ground line. Should conditions prohibit the placing of monuments on line; offset marking will be permitting provided that exact offset courses and distances are shown on the subdivision plat.

If no sanitary sewer is accessible, then each single family dwelling in a subdivision of (5) homes or less, will require a treatment plant approved by the Louisiana State Board of Health and Parish Sanitarian.

A. Storm Drainage 1.


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Utility Connections 1.

When construction is complete in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and conforms to the provisions of this act, the Developer, through his Engineer, shall certify that all work has been completed and shall request final inspection by the Town Council so that he may obtain written approval and acceptance from the Town Council.

The developer shall be responsible for obtaining, along a designated servitude, a (Underground) power line such that each lot, tract or parcel of land shall have access to same. C.



A. Sewers 1.

Must be approved by Town Engineer to comply with Town water system All mains shall be traced with 12 gauge locator wire.

In order to defray the cost to the Town for reviewing and evaluating subdivision plans and inspecting subdivision construction works, the developer shall pay to the Town Treasurer fees according to the following schedule: Preliminary Plat Review Fee: $500 + $20/lot Construction Drawing Review Fee: $1,000 + $40/lot Inspection Fee: $2,500 + $100/lot Final Plat Review Fee: $500 + $40/lot NOTE: Fees are for initial reviews and inspections ONLY. Repeat reviews and inspections due to incompletion, errors, or omissions will be extra at engineer’s cost plus 10%.


The Town Council reserves the right to consider variance of the requirements of this Act, when it is clearly evident that an extraordinary condition exists that would make it impractical and not feasible to comply with all the requirements of the Act. In such an event, any variance shall require concurrence of the Commission, Parish Sanitarian, Town Engineer and a 2/3 majority of the Town Council.


Under these circumstances, the Commission may make a recommendation to the Town Council that a variance be granted. Any variance so recommended is required to be entered in writing in the minutes of the Commission and the reason(s) which justified the departure. The Town Council has the final authority to grant any variance in accordance with the guidelines expresses in paragraph a above.


The request for variance and its justification shall be submitted to the Commission by the developer in writing.


Building permits shall be obtained in accordance with the Parish Building Code Ordinance.

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The Advocate


It shall be illegal to sell or otherwise transfer by lot, tract, parcel, block, or total subdivision without compliance with this part and until the Final Plat has been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court.


It shall be illegal for any gas, water, electric, or other utility company to provide services to any lot, tract, parcel, block or total subdivision, covered by this Act, unless such lot, tract, parcel, block or total subdivision was established and approved in accordance herewith.


Any person, partnership, firm, unincorporated association or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or aids or abets in the violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be fined not more than $500.00 per lot, tract, parcel, block or total subdivision sold or provided. Each violation shall constitute a separate offense.


SECTION 6 – BASE PRIMER Prepared base (See Section 5) shall be primed with bituminous material meeting the current requirements of the Louisiana DOTD Office of Highways specifications. The bituminous material used as a prime coat shall be Grade MC-30 or Grade MC-70 Cutback asphalt only on a granular type base. For soil cement base a SSI-H (Emulsion) shall be used, with at least a 24-hour curing period. Priming of the base shall be inspected by the Town Engineer. The base shall be lime treated (with hydrated lime) unless atterberg limits indicate the PI of the native soil to be less than 15. Base shall be compacted to 92% of the modified proctor (or 95% standard proctor) and compaction tests shall be required.

All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act is hereby repealed.


If any section, clause, paragraph, provision, or other portion of this Act be held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other section, clause, paragraph, provision or other portion of this Act.



In lieu of immediate construction of improvements as required by this ordinance, the Developer may file with the Commission and the Town Council an agreement and bond, in the form and substance of the samples made a part hereof, securing to the Town Council the actual satisfactory construction and completion of improvements required by this ordinance within a period of not more than two (2) years from date of such agreement and bond. The amount of the bond shall be set by the Commission and approved by the Town Council and the surety for such bond shall be a commercial insurance company authorized and qualified to do business in the State of Louisiana. Such bond may only be cancelled upon written approval of the Commission and the Town Council.


Streets or roads to be surfaced with: (1) asphaltic concrete shall have a base meeting the requirements for soil-cement base (with or without prior lime treatment), as provided in Section 5; or (2) concrete; or (3) three course surface treatment.


All asphaltic concrete shall be Type 1 mix as defined as specified by the Louisiana DOTD Office of Highways. The mix design, its transportation, placing, and compaction shall all meet the requirements of the Louisiana DOTD Office of Highways for Type 1 mix, except that compaction shall be to ninety-five (95) percent minimum of briquette density as determined by a qualified commercial testing laboratory approved by the Town Engineer.



Sidewalks. Four (4) inch thick, five (5) foot wide sidewalks shall be required along both sides of all public and private subdivision streets. Single-loaded streets, which have lots on one side only, may be allowed to have sidewalks along one side of the street when deemed appropriate and reasonable by the Planning Director. Sidewalks may also be required along officially designated major streets and along all other streets where deemed essential for the public safety by the Planning Commission Staff. Such sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Louisiana Department of Public Works.


A review of design standards in Section IV is recommended.



Subdivision name.


Description of property.


Owner’s and/or Developer’s name, address(es), and telephone number(s).


Existing property lines.


Section and/or township lines.


Existing drainage - ditches and canals with direction of flow.


Existing bodies of water.


Sewer District designation (if applicable).


Names and addresses of adjoining property owners.


Servitudes and right-of-way with dimensions.


Streets, street names, and street widths, including street right-of-way.


Lots – total number of lots, each numbered with dimensions.


Proposed method of water supply.


Proposed method of sewage disposal.


Vicinity map.


North point, scales (not smaller than one hundred (100-feet to the inch), and date.


Street light standards.


Existing structures, building lines, names of adjacent subdivisions, existing bridges and culverts and existing utilities.


Type of proposed street, drainage, and utility improvements and sewerage.


The Owner or Developer shall prepare a preliminary plat of the entire tract in which development is desired. Thereafter, the Owner or Developer may submit a final plat for approval for a portion of the entire tract so long as the improvements required by this ordinance are installed and completed in the area for which final approval is sought. Thereafter, the Owner shall only sell, lease or offer for sale or lease those lots in that portion of the tract which has been granted final approval.


Flood plain statement.


An indication of the boundary lines of each filing if more than one filing is proposed by the plat.


All certifications required by this Act.

The following grass seeding standards are intended as a general guide for the Developer to use in the planning of the subdivision. These standards consist of preparing seedbed, fertilizing, liming and watering if required, and furnishing and sowing grass seed. SECTION 2 – SELECTION OF SEED

The basis for tests noted herein are those standard tests of materials and construction as currently specified by the Louisiana Department of Transportation (DOTD) Office of Highways. There are several locally available commercial testing laboratories that are familiar with those standards and tests to which reference is made in the following sections. Any laboratory to be used must have prior approval of the Town Engineer. A report of all data obtained by the laboratory shall be submitted to the Town of Slaughter Office. It shall be the responsibility of the Developer to pay for the services of the testing laboratory; the Developer shall provide the Town Council with evidence that compensation has been made in full to the testing laboratory.



Standard Proctor Curve. Plotting moisture against density in order to provide a means of checking actual density as a percentage of theoretical maximum density at optimum moisture.


Workability of the soil with or without lime treatment. Include plastic and liquid limits from which the Plasticity Index (PI) would be determined. The PI is a direct indicator of soil workability.

SECTION 3 – EMBANKEMENT Embankment material should be free from vegetation, broken concrete, or other rubble, roots, or other organic material and should be at or near optimum moisture prior to compaction. Material shall be brought up in lifts not exceeding eight (8) inches in depth and shall be compacted to at least ninety (90) percent of maximum density; except that the top eight (8) inches compacted thickness of the embankment shall be compacted to at least ninety-five (95) percent maximum density based on Standard Proctor Curve.

SECTION 5 – BASE The following sub-sections will cover the requirements for various materials: a.

Lime Treatment Prior to Base Preparation – If the subgrade to be used is of a type having Plasticity Index (PI) of more than 20, the soil shall be lime-treated to lower the PI to 10 prior to stabilization. The percentage of lime to be used shall be recommended by a commercial laboratory engaged in this type of work, and approved by the Town Engineer. Lime treatment and stabilization shall be to a depth of eight (8) inches compacted thickness subject to the provisions of Section V, hereof.

To make on-site inspection.

Inspect cleared R/W and Natural Drains. a.

All stump holes to be filled with approved material for proper compaction.


Natural drains must be cleared of all trees and brush.


Major cleanup of all roots, sticks, and vegetation.


Inspect sub-base and cross drains for uniformity.


Inspect compacted sub-base and cross drains. Make sure sub-base has no soft spots and is free of all roots and sticks.


Check compacted base material. a.

Check for correct contours of finished base and ditch slopes.


Testing lab to take compaction samples at locations selected by the Town Engineer. Approval must be made on each separate step before the next step is started. The Town Engineer must be notified (72) hours ahead of each inspection.

All construction procedures must be in accordance with D.O.T.D.’s manual of “Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges”, latest edition. PROFILE OF COMPLETED 60’ R/W WITH COMPLETED ROAD BASE AND DITCHES PROFILE OF COMPLETED 60’ R/W WITH COMPLETED ROAD BASE AND DITCHES


FILE NO.: _________________

DATE OF APPLICATION:_______________________________________ PROPERTY OWNER: _________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________ PHONE: ___________ APPLICANT (If Different from Owner)______________________________



_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ LOCATION OF PROPERTY:____________________________________ NUMBER OF LOTS:__________________________________________

be done Standard Office of State of

AVERAGE SIZE OF LOTS:_____________________________________ PRESENT ZONING:__________________________________________ DESIRED ZONING:__________________________________________ HAS ZONE CHANGE BEEN REQUESTED (DATE) _______________


STATUS OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST_______________________

These following standards are intended as a general guide for the Developer to use in planning of subdivisions. These standards consist of the selection of those materials and construction methods used in installing illumination standards. SECTION 2 – MATERIALS As a general guide, the Developer shall use standards that are constructed of, break-away aluminum or fiberglass; these standards shall allow luminaries to be mounted at a height of twenty-five (25) feet above the finished roadway. These standards and luminaries shall be placed approximately two hundred (200) feet apart so as to give adequate night lighting. These materials are the minimum requirements. The Commission will meet with the Developer to review the preliminary and final designs contemplated by the developer for the construction covered by this Appendix. SECTION 3 – CONSTRUCTION All construction shall meet with the approval of the Town Engineer as covered in the text of this Ordinance. APPENDIX E – FINAL PLAT CHECK LIST 1.

All the information required on preliminary plat.


Plat must be inked drawings on maximum 24” x 36” sheets.


An index sheet is required for plats requiring two (2) or more sheets.


All linear and angular dimensions shall be in feet and decimal equivalent.


Curve data must be provided for all curvilinear streets and rounded corners.


A note must be provided giving reference to the basis of all bearings and dimensions as per recorded permanent markers and bench marks.


All lots must be numbered.


Date must be indicated.


Design Professional’s/Registered Land Surveyor’s certification, signature and seal must be provided.


Statement of water supply must be indicated.


Statement of method of sewerage disposal must be signed by the Owner/ Developer.


Deed restrictions must be submitted, if applicable.


Space must be provided for approval signatures and date for use of two (2) Planning Commission members and the Parish Sanitarian.


Final plat shall indicate contours of one (1) foot interval elevations based on mean sea level (MSL) and shall show the relationship of the subdivision to the flood hazard areas in Slaughter, La.


The Registered Land Surveyor shall insure that all land surveying has been performed with the precision of a second-order traverse in accordance with the specifications of American Society of Civil Engineers Practice Number 10, Technical Procedure for cite surveys. Registered Land Surveyors shall certify that all surveying conforms to those applicable state and local ordinances governing the subdivision of land.


All applicable fees must have been paid.


All certifications and notations required by this Act.


A statement of gas supply.


Any plat regarding subdivision of property that requires construction of improvements shall be prepared on a scale of not less than one inch to 100 feet.

SECTION 4 – SUBGRADE Subgrade, including lime treatment if required as per Section 5a, shall be free from soft or spongy spots, roots, stumps, or other perishable matter and the entire subgrade shall be compacted in accordance with Section 3.



SECTION 2 – SOIL INFORMATION Wherever roads or streets are to be constructed, sufficient soils information shall be secured, at locations designated by the Town Engineer, to determine the following:

To make sure all parties involved understand all construction procedures are followed.


Prior to the planting of any seed, the Developer is to contact the Town Engineer to determine the varieties and quantities of seed to be used along both sides of the streets in the subdivision. The variety and quantity of the seed will be determined by the content of the soil in the subdivision and the time of year in which the seeding is to take place.

Generally, the construction included in this Appendix shall is accordance with Section 717, Seeding, of the Louisiana Specifications for Roads and Bridges, as published by the Highways, Department of Transportation and Development, Louisiana, as amended.


ADDRESS:_______________________________ PHONE: ___________




Lime treatment prior to stabilization will be required under conditions outlined under Section 5a of this Appendix.


Soil Cement Stabilized Base – Stabilization of soil by use of cement shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the Louisiana DOTD Office of Highways with regard to mixing, pulverizing, placing, compaction and curving. Compaction shall be to at least ninetyfive (95) percent Standard Proctor Curve maximum density. The percentage of cement to be used shall be recommended by a commercial testing laboratory and approved by the Town Engineer. Stabilization of soil by the use of cement shall be to a depth of six (6) inches compacted thickness, subject to the provisions of Section V, hereof.

APPENDIX F – SPECIFICATIONS 1. Pre-construction conference with Developer, a three member committee to be appointed by the Commission, Contractor and Town Engineer.

COMMISSION HEARING DATE _________________________________ PRELIMINARY PLAT FILING DATE_______________________________ COMMISSION ACTION

YES_____________ NO____________


YES_____________ NO____________


YES_____________ NO____________

CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO PLAT______________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ MAP AMENDED, DATE_______________________________________ REQUEST FOR VARIANCE____________________________________ APPENDIX H – SAMPLE AGREEMENT FORM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A SUBDIVISION WHERE BOND IS POSTED IN LIEU OF IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION STATE OF LOUISIANA Town Of Slaughter THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this______day of________________________, 20______ by and between (name of sub divider or development company, hereinafter designated as Owner, and the Police Jury of the Parish of East Feliciana herein represented by its President. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owner owns and desires to develop Lots__________ through__________, (subdivision)________________________________, located in the Parish of East Feliciana, Louisiana, and WHEREAS, the final plat of Lots____________through____________, inclusive Subdivision, will be given final approval by the Planning Commission and the Town Council of the town of Slaughter, La., upon Owner posting a surety bond insuring the satisfactory installation and construction of the following improvements: (Described improvements as determined by Town of Slaughter Subdivision Ordinance) As shown on the plat prepared by________________________________ Civil Engineer, attached hereto and made a part hereof, according to the terms and conditions of this agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Owner now desires final approval of the Plat of______ ____________________________subdivision prior to the installation and construction of the above described improvements, which improvements will be installed and constructed at Owner’s sole cost and expense; NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Owner and the Town of Slaughter that for and in consideration of the final approval of Lots____________through____________, inclusive (subdivision), and the sale of lots therein without the above described improvements more particularly shown on the attached plan-profile, having been first completed and approved. Owner binds and obligates himself within____________months from date hereof to install and construct the described improvements in accordance with plans prepared by______________________________, Civil Engineer, which plans meet the requirements of the Louisiana State Board of Health and have been approved by the Town Engineer, Slaughter Planning Commission and Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, said plans being attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Owner, in order to further insure faithful performance of said obligation, has executed a surety bond in the amount of $____________________, which bond is attached hereto and made a part hereof, to guarantee the installation and construction of the above described improvements. Said bond may be cancelled only after said work has been completed, inspected, and approved by written acceptance of the Town Engineer, Slaughter Planning Commission and Town Council. The above described improvements 5094833-feb 19-1t

The Advocate West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

10290 AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE ISLAND ROAD LOW WATER CROSSING AND TO PROVIDE FURTHER WITH RESPECT THERETO. The West Feliciana Parish Council hereby ordains: Section 1 - AMENDMENT This budget transfer is in the amount of $100,000 from the LAMP Account Number 01-0443-1849 to 101-Road Fund to support the project to replace the Island Road low water bridge with an elevated single lane structure. This project is recommended as a priority by the Director of Public Works. Section 2 - APPROPRIATION This ordinance constitutes an appropriation of the funds for the stated purpose and the authority of the Parish President and/or department heads and/or other duly authorized persons to incur liabilities and authorized expenditures from the budgeted funds in accordance with law. Section 3 - EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective after final adoption and five (5) days after publication in the official journal in accordance with law. Introduced by: Heather R. Howle at regular meeting on January 20, 2015. Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on January 29, 2015. Full reading and passage February 9, 2015 Moved for adoption by Mel Percy. Seconded by Otis L. Wilson FOR: Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick "Ricky" Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson







coming up in May, the voters are being asked whether they want to stay with the Charter as it is now in regards to the election scheme (4-1) or go back to a seven (7) member from what I [he] understood.

iii. Article II, Section 21, Table C (PUD allowable uses Amendment)

the amendment were Williams, Young, Lambert, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy and Howle. Amendment 2 passed.

in favor of the amendment were Williams, Young, Lambert, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy and Howle. Amendment 3 passed. The Council then voted on the amended proposal which requires five votes. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of amendment 3 were Williams, Young, Lambert, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy and Howle. Amendment 3 passed.

Williams and Kean. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Young, Lambert, Howle and Wilson. Amendment 4 failed.

The West Feliciana Parish Council hereby ordains: Section 1 - AMENDMENT This budget transfer is in the amount of $75,000 from the LAMP Account Number 01-0443-1849 to 101-Road Fund to support the project to replace the Graham Road Bridge with a culvert, and the required detour road. This project is recommended as a priority by the Director of Public Works. Section 2 - APPROPRIATION This ordinance constitutes an appropriation of the funds for the stated purpose and the authority of the Parish President and/or department heads and/or other duly authorized persons to incur liabilities and authorized expenditures from the budgeted funds in accordance with law. Section 3 - EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective after final adoption and five (5) days after publication in the official journal in accordance with law. Introduced by: Heather R. Howle at regular meeting on January 20, 2015. Publication of Summary and Notice of Public Hearing on January 29, 2015. Full reading and passage February 9, 2015. Moved for adoption by Mel Percy. Seconded by John S. Kean, IV. FOR: Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV, Heather R. Howle and Otis L. Wilson AGAINST: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: None.


Chairperson Heather R. Howle called the meeting to order and directed the Secretary, Rolanda J. Robinson to call the roll: PRESENT: Hon. Chair Heather R. Howle and Council Members Ms. Lea Reid Williams, Mel Percy, Melvin Young, Merrick “Ricky” Lambert, John S. Kean, IV and Otis L. Wilson. ABSENT: None. OTHERS: Parish President, Kevin Couhig and Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Michael L. Hughes. 4. PRAYER & PLEDGE Those who liked joined in the saying of the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Chair continued presiding. Mr. Percy asked the Chair to be recognized, then made a motion that Council Chairperson Howle continue to serve as the Council Chairperson. Seconded by Mr. Young. There were no further nominations and no objections to the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Council voted unanimously to re-elect Hon. Chair Heather R. Howle. Mr. Percy asked the Chair to be recognized, and entered a motion to nominate Mr. Ricky Lambert to serve as Council ViceChairperson. Seconded by Mr. Young. There were no further nominations and no objections to the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Council voted unanimously to elect Mr. Lambert as Vice-Chairperson. 5. RULES OF MEETING ORDER The Chair stated that the meeting would be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise noted. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT REQUESTS – SUBMITTAL OF FORMS The Chair asked those who wanted to make comments on a specific agenda item to please fill out the form and turn them in to the Secretary so they will be recognized at the proper time. She asked that during the course of the meeting should anyone wish to speak, please raise your hand and be recognized before approaching the podium. She further noted that conversation in the audience and blurting out comments will not be tolerated. 7. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION Mr. Percy offered a motion to approve all agenda items with the exception of a portion of item 8 and agenda item11.B. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. There were

shall be constructed under the supervision of__________________________ ____, Civil Engineer, in full compliance with the specifications and requirements of the Slaughter Subdivision Ordinance and when completed said engineer shall furnish the Slaughter Planning Commission, Town Engineer, and Slaughter Town Council with a certificate of satisfactory completion. It is further understood by and between the parties to this agreement that in the event said improvements are not constructed within____________months from date hereof the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, La. shall have and is hereby granted the right, without putting the said Owner in default, to ipso facto call upon the said surety to complete improvements hereinabove described, and in default of the surety promptly causing such improvements to be constructed according to the plans and specifications therefore, the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter shall have the right to cause the improvements to be made and to call upon said surety for payment of all costs and expenses incurred in the construction thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents have been signed in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, at Slaughter, Louisiana, on this__________day of____________________, 20__________ WITNESSES

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no objections. Motion carried.


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West Feliciana Public Notices

Thursday, February 19, 2015

session at its regular meeting place, the Council Meeting Room on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, 4785 Prosperity Street, St. Francisville, Louisiana on Monday, January 20, 2015 at FiveThirty (5:30) p.m.



West Feliciana Public Notices



West Feliciana Public Notices



West Feliciana Public Notices



BY: __________________________ Town Council


BY: __________________________ Mayor

Mr. Lambert offered a motion to add item 8, the minutes of the regular meeting of November 17, 2014. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, the Council unanimously the amended agenda. Mr. Kean made a motion to add agenda item 11.B. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. A brief discussion ensued. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Lambert and Kean. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Percy, Young, Howle and Wilson. Motion failed 2-5. The agenda item was not added. 8. APPROVAL OF PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES The Chair presented the minutes of the special meetings of November 17th, November 24th, December 1st, December 15th, 2014 and January 6th, 2015 and the regular meetings November 17th (added to the agenda) and December 15th, 2014 for approval by the Council. Mr. Lambert offered a motion to approve all the minutes noted above with the exception of the regular minutes of November 17th as written. Seconded by Mr. Percy. There were no objections. Motion carried. Mr. Lambert then offered a motion to approve the November 17th regular meeting minutes with grammatical corrections identified as replacing five with “pie” and deleting setbacks within the same paragraph twice replacing with “lot width and lot width at” respectively. Seconded by Mr. Percy. There were no objections. Motion carried. 9. PUBLIC HEARING 9.A. ADOPT AND/OR MAKE CHANGES TO THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ELECTION DISTRICTS FOR THE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE HOME RULE CHARTER At 5:42 p.m., Mr. Kean offered a motion to enter into public hearing. Seconded by Mr. Percy. There were no objections. Motion carried. Mike Hefner, Consultant, Geographic Planning & Demographic Services was in attendance and began by stating that he amended the ordinances by removing the written description out of the body of the ordinance into an Exhibit. Both ordinances, 2015 January 20 – 1 and 2 go hand in hand. He also changed the effective date of the ordinances for a couple of reasons. If the Council chooses to adopt Plan 2A, it would fulfill the obligation of having four (4) single member districts and one (1) at large in accordance with the Home Rule Charter (HRC) as it stands today. It would also allow a May election to be held with the current consolidated precincts and keep the cost of the election down. With



Whether the referendum is approved or not the effective date of these two ordinances is July 1. If a referendum is put forth to the people, and they [the people] decide they want to keep the HRC as it is right now [4-1] then the Council doesn’t have to do anything else. The 4-1 plan goes into effect for the Fall 2015 elections. But if the referendum is put before the voters and the voters decide to go back to a seven member district then the two ordinances become moot. One advantage a referendum has is because now for the first time the voters actually have two plans to compare. We [the people] see what the 4-1 looks like. We [the people] see what the seven districts looks like. Before they [the people] didn’t have that when they voted on the HRC. Now they have something concrete. We’ve been working several months on the 4-1 plan so there has been many opportunities for the public to see that plan. They [the voters] will then have a choice assuming the referendum goes forth. [A summary of the ordinance was published in the November 27, 2014 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] 9.B. ADOPT AND/OR MAKE CHANGES TO AMEND AND CREATE WHOLE VOTING PRECINCTS WITH RESPECT TO THE WEST FELICIANA PARISH COUNCIL PLAN 2A PROVIDING FOUR (4) SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS AND ONE (1) AT LARGE DISTRICT The agenda item was previously addressed by Consultant, Mike Hefner. [A summary of the ordinance was published in the November 27, 2014 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] 9.C. INTRODUCE AMENDMENTS TO THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCES i. Article I and V Amendment (Private Residential Development Definition and Inclusion) The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. ii. Article II Section 10, Table B (Minimum Width at Building Line Amendment) The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance.

The Council Chair read aloud a summary of the ordinance. 9.D. INTRODUCE ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE ISLAND ROAD LOW WATER CROSSING The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance for introduction purposes. 9.E. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FEES FOR CONNECTION TO INDEPENDENCE SEWER SYSTEM The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance for introduction purposes. 9.F. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE GRAHAM ROAD BRIDGE The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance for introduction purposes. 9.G. INTRODUCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE V, SECTION X OF THE WEST FELICIANA PLANNING AND ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE PARISH OF WEST FELICIANA The Council Chair read aloud the ordinance for introduction purposes. 9.H. ADOPT AND/OR MAKE CHANGES TO AMEND THE HOME RULE CHARTER The Chair stated that each proposed amendment would be voted on individually. The ADA interjected that it requires five votes to put an amendment on the ballot. He stated that this process was suggested by Alan Offner. The suggestion was whichever propositions get five votes will be put into separate ordinances and be reintroduced on January 22nd in special session. Only those ordinances will be advertised with another public hearing to take place just on those propositions on February 9th. The ADA mentioned that at the beginning of the meeting the Chair stated that the rules of the meeting would be governed by Robert’s Rule of Order with deviations as approved by the Chair and because the HRC requires five votes she [the Chair] has the discretion to proceed in this manner. Mr. Couhig withdrew proposed amendment 13 and 14 which he authored. Proposed Amendment No. 1 authored by Mr. Kean to raise the age requirement from 18 to 22 years. A member of the audience made a public comment on this amendment. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were Williams and Kean. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Young, Lambert, Howle and Wilson. Amendment 1 failed.


BY: __________________________ Slaughter Town Council


BY: __________________________ Mayor

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that___________________of ______________________________, Louisiana, as principal and,_______ _________________________________as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, Louisiana, in the sum of____ _________________________________________($_______________) Dollars, in lawful current money of the United States, for which payment will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, our successors, and assigns, in solido, by these presents. Dated and signed at Slaughter, Louisiana this__________day of____________________, 20________. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are such that whereas, the above named principal did on the__________day of____________________, 20________, enter into a certain contract with the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter to maintain for a period of one (1) year from____________, 20________the improvements in______________________________ Subdivision, and keep all drainage servitudes, filled trenches, pipes, manholes, structures, and paved or unpaved surfaces constructed by him in good condition, and shall make such repairs to any defects in materials or workmanship as may develop or be discovered when called upon to do so by the Parish Engineer, Slaughter Planning Commission, and/or the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter. NOW THEREFORE, if the aforesaid principal shall well and truly and faithfully perform said contract and comply with all its terms, covenants, and conditions, according to its tenor and discharge all of the said principal’s obligations there under, and shall fully pay and discharge all of said principals obligations, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force, effect, and virtue. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands in the presence of the two undersigned competent witnesses, this day, month and year above written.


_____________________________ Attorney-in-Fact


_____________________________ (Signature of Developer), PRINCIPAL


Member Leonard Sullivan Cheryl Franklin Melvin Harvey Kevin Bearden Raymond Minor Mitch Brashier Adam Whatley

_____________________________ Attorney-in-Fact


_____________________________ (Signature of Developer), PRINCIPAL



Nays: 0

Elizabeth Aaron, Ashby Schwartz, Nicholas St. Germain, Aimee Bellue, Latrelle Cart

Absent: 0 Abstained: 0 And the Ordinance was adopted on the 10th day of February, 2015. Attest: /s/ Casey Barnett Town Clerk

/s/Robert Mayor

Jackson 5094834-feb 19-1t




x x x x x x

/s/ Melvin Harvey Secretary

Motioned by Elizabeth Aaron and seconded by Ashby Schwartz, upon being submitted for a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas:

Yea x

And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 4th day of February, 2015.




THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this__________day of____________________, 20________, by and between (name of subdivider or Development Company), herein after designated as Owner, and the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, herein represented by___________ _____________________________, Mayor. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Owner has subdivided Lots____________through __ __________,_______________________________Subdivision, and has received approval and acceptance from the Slaughter Planning Commission, Town Engineer and Town Council of the Town of Slaughter for subdivision improvements constructed therein; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Town of Slaughter Subdivision

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, in consultation with Trinity Capital Resources, LLC, has decided that Investar Bank, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has submitted the best proposal for the program described above; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Hospital Service District of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana (the “Governing Authority”), acting as the governing authority of Hospital Service District of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana (the “District”), that: SECTION 1. The proposal submitted by Investar Bank, of Baton Rouge, Louisiana (copy attached) is hereby accepted and approved by this Governing Authority. The Chairman of the Governing Authority is hereby authorized to sign said proposal as acceptance by the Governing Authority. This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:


STATE OF LOUISIANA Town of Slaughter


RESOLUTION A resolution accepting and approving the proposal submitted by Investar Bank and authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Hospital Service District of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, to sign the acceptance thereof in connection with providing interim financing and a portion of the permanent financing for the construction of the new hospital for Hospital Service District of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana.





Ordinance including sub-paragraph D and D (1) of Section V of the Subdivision Ordinance, the Owner is required to maintain certain improvements for a period of twelve (12) months. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the Owner and the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter that the Owner hereby agrees that he will keep all filled trenches, drainage servitude, pipes, manholes, structures, and paved and unpaved surfaces constructed by him in____________________ ___________Subdivision in good condition, and will make such repairs to any defect in materials or workmanship as may develop or be discovered when called upon to do so by the Town Engineer, Slaughter Planning Commission, and/or the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter.. It is agreed that this agreement shall be in full force and effect for a period of one (1) year from____________, 20________. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents have been signed in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses, at Clinton, Louisiana on this__________day of____________________, 20________ WITNESSES

Proposed Amendment No. 4 authored by Mr. Kean described by him as a good internal control. A member of the audience made a public comment on this amendment. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were

Proposed Amendment No. 5 authored by Mr. Kean. Mr. Kean amended the proposal to “within ten business days” from fourteen days. Motion by Mr. Lambert. Seconded by Mr. Kean. Mr. Percy asked the Council to consider voting all the amendments down. Public comments were made my members of the audience. Mr. Lambert commented that he felt very similar to Mr. Percy coming into this meeting and heard some additional information tonight from our Consultant. Mr. Hefner made a valid point that

The following resolution was offered by Kevin Bearden and seconded by Dr. Adam Whatley:

Proposed Amendment No. 2 authored by Mr. Kean to increase the salary from $800 to $1,200. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of


KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that _________________ of_______________, Louisiana, as principal and,__________________ ____________as Surety are held and firmly bound unto the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter, Louisiana, and to all contractors, sub-contractors, journeymen, cart men, truck men, workmen, laborers, mechanics, and furnishers of materials jointly as their interest occur, in the sum of_________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _($_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) Dollars, in lawful current money of the United States, for which payment will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, our successors, and assigns, in solido, by these presents. Dated and signed at Slaughter, Louisiana this__________day of____________________, 20________. THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are such that whereas, the above named principal did on the__________day of____________________, 20________, enter into a certain contract with the Town Council of the Town of Slaughter to build or construct streets, sidewalks, curb and gutters, drainage and sewerage facilities in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by________________________________________and approved by the Slaughter Planning Commission, Town Engineer, and Town Council of the Town of Slaughter. NOW THEREFORE, if the aforesaid principal shall well and truly and faithfully perform said contract and comply with all its terms, covenants, and conditions, according to its tenor and discharge all of the said principal’s obligations there under, and shall fully pay and discharge all of said principals obligations to contractors, sub-contractors, journeymen, cart men, workmen, laborers, mechanics, and furnishers of materials employed and furnished in execution of said contract, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force, effect, and virtue. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands in the presence of the two undersigned competent witnesses, this day, month and year above written.

Proposed Amendment No. 3 authored by Mr. Kean to amend the meeting attendance requirement. Mr. Kean amended the proposal to one third (1/3) of regular meetings. Discussion ensued and a member of the audience made a public comment on this amendment. Ms. Williams requested to amend the proposal to 20% of regular meetings. Moved by Mr. Lambert to amend the proposed amendment to 20% of regular meetings. Seconded by Ms. Williams. Upon a roll call vote, voting

5093164 - Feb 19 - 1t

/s/ Leonard Sullivan Chairman


Thursday, February 19, 2015

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

The Advocate

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices

West Feliciana Public Notices







people may need to see the districts now that they understand it. He’s thought about this a long time coming into this meeting and generally leaning to just what you [Mr. Percy] articulated. He is always openminded to something he hasn’t heard or considered yet. The voters do deserve the opportunity to look at the whole picture now. In regards to the timeline, he asked the ADA for guidance. The ADA cited a section of the HRC in response. The Chair reiterated the motion to amend from fourteen to ten. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor were Williams, Young, Lambert, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy and Howle.

ments but I think I’m comfortable allowing the voters to look at these districts. Look at both things and they have the whole story.

of the audience made public comments. There was no objection. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Lambert to reconsider amendment number 2. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Williams, Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert and Howle. Amendment number 2 after being reconsidered failed. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of reconsidering amendment number 3 were Williams, Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert and Howle. Amendment number 3 after being reconsidered failed.

what’s the … is that your thought? Lambert, Percy and Howle concurred.

Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.]

Percy, the Council reappointed Ms. Saint to serve a two year term in accordance with the Home Rule Charter until January, 2017.

Mr. Lambert asked for clarification on the ordinance process to which the ADA responded. He [Mr. Lambert] continued but he felt coming into this meeting like Mr. Couhig pointed out there’s nothing that we haven’t worked through and still feel like we could do that. And coming into this meeting I [he] felt like there shouldn’t be any amendments. I [he] was ready to go forward with it but he was still listening and he heard something that concerned him. I [he] would be fine doing away with all the other amend-

Mr. Couhig commented that the cost of the election is estimated to be around $24,000.00 and there is nothing else on the ballot. Then a member of the audience made a public comment. Mr. Percy acknowledged that he would be voting against all of the amendments. Mr. Couhig then commented as to why he pulled his amendments upon the notion of a May election with nothing else on the ballot. Discussion by the Council and several members of the audience made public comments. The Council then voted on the amended proposal which requires five votes. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of amendment number 5 were Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Percy, Lambert and Howle. Amendment 5 failed. Mr. Lambert entered a motion to reconsider starting at the beginning. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Discussion by a member of the Council and a member

Ms. Howle withdrew proposed amendment number 6 which she authored. Proposed Amendment No. 7 authored by Mr. Kean described again by him as a good internal control regarding appropriations. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were Williams, Young and Kean. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert, Howle and Wilson. Amendment 7 failed. Mr. Kean asked the Chair, if you [Ms. Howle] are going to strike all these … so we don’t have an election


CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday May 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. LOCATION OF MEETING DEMCO Headquarters 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 February 15 - March 1, 2015

Publish the Calendar of Events in the official journal of each parish, including the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Nominating Committee. March 12, 2015

DEMCO Special Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. The Committee on Nominations will be appointed at this meeting. March 12, 2015

The Nominating Committee meeting begins at 6:05 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, with results of the meeting to be posted March 13, 2015. March 17 - 19, 2015

Pre-qualification period. Members interested in seeking a position on the board of directors are required, pursuant to DEMCO Board Policy, to appear in person at the DEMCO Headquarters office, located at 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, between these dates to determine eligibility requirements as prescribed in the corporation’s bylaws. Candidates must be qualified prior to the issuing of a nominating petition. Candidates not prequalified will not be eligible to seek a position on the board ofdirectors. March 24, 2015

DEMCO’s Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on this date, if needed, to determine eligibility of director candidates who have pre-qualified. Only candidates who have pre-qualified will be considered. March 25, 2015

Beginning on this date, pre-qualified director candidates may obtain a petition to run for a seat on the board of directors. Louisiana law requires 50 valid signatures for the petition to be validated. 5089999-feb 19-26-2t

April 8, 2015

Petitions must be returned to DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, by 4:30 p.m. and received by the CEO and General Manager’s office. April 9, 2015

The Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet on this date, if needed, at 5:30 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, to validate each petition and post the results as required by the corporation’s bylaws. April 9, 2015

This is the Record Date for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting. A final list ofthose members eligible to vote in DEMCO’s 2015 Annual Membership Meeting will be prepared. April 16 - 28, 2015

The Official Notice of the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to all members of the cooperative during this time. April 16, 2015

Ballots for the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to members of the cooperative on this date. Members should receive their ballots by Saturday, April 18 – VOTE and mail your ballot immediately. May 1, 2015

The deadline for receiving ballots for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting is 4:30 p.m. on this date – DO NOT DELAY – VOTE! May 4 - 6, 2015 Ballots will be counted during this period by the certified public accountants selected by DEMCO to conduct the annual meeting. Candidates will be advised as to the time and place that the ballots will be counted. May 9, 2015

Annual meeting and election results announced at 10:00 a.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739.

Mr. Kean then withdrew proposed amendment No. 8 which he authored and his remaining proposals as well. Ms. Howle withdrew proposed amendments number 9, 10 and 11 which she authored. Proposed Amendment No. 12 authored by Mr. Wilson on the seven Council member districts. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were Williams, Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert and Howle. Amendment 12 failed. The Chair repeated that Mr. Couhig withdrew proposed amendments 13 and 14 earlier in the meeting. The Chair explained that proposed amendment 15 were general Council discussions. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were Williams, Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert and Howle. Amendment 15 failed. Mr. Kean withdrew proposed amendment No. 16 which was authored by him. Proposed Amendment No. 17 or II. states, “Shall the Parish of West Feliciana be restored as of the 1st day of January, 2016 to the Police Jury form of government provided in Article VI of the Louisiana Constitution? Mr. Young authored this amendment. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the amendment were Williams, Young, Kean and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Percy, Lambert and Howle. The amendment failed. 9.I. TAKE ACTION DEEMED NECESSARY At 7:27 p.m. Mr. Percy offered a motion to end the public hearing and return to regular session. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. There was no objection. Motion carried. i. Set date and time of public hearing Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert, the Council set the date and time of the public hearings for the regular meeting of February 9, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in this meeting room for items 9.C., 9.D., 9.E., 9.F. and 9.G. Since all of the proposed amendments failed, the Chair announced that the special meeting set for January 22, 2015 is cancelled. Moved by Mr. Lambert to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 January 20 – 1 amending the election districts for the West Feliciana Parish Council in compliance with the Home Rule Charter. Seconded by Mr. Percy. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Lambert, Kean, Howle and Wilson. Casting dissenting votes were Williams and Young. Motion carried. [The ordinance in its entirety was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St. Francisville, Clinton and Greensburg, Louisiana.] Moved by Mr. Percy to adopt Ordinance No. 2015 January 20 – 2 to amend and create whole voting precincts with respect to the West Feliciana Parish Council Plan 2A providing four (4) single member districts and one (1) at large district. Seconded by Mr. Lambert. Upon a roll call vote, voting in favor of the motion were Percy, Lambert, Kean and Howle. Casting dissenting votes were Williams, Young and Wilson. Motion carried. [The ordinance in its entirety was published in the January 29, 2015 edition of the Official Journal, the Advocate Extra, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in St.

10. COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE ACTION NEW BUSINESS 10.A. LOUISIANA GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LGAP) FY 2014-2015 10.A.i. Review projects recommended by Staff Public Works Director, Jim Ferguson gave a brief review of the projects being recommended. 10.A.ii. Selection of projects recommended by Staff Mr. Ferguson stated that the application was submitted by the December, 2014 deadline and Council approval is needed in the form of a resolution in support of the application. 10.A.iii. Authorize Parish President to sign required documents Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert the Council passed the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Parish President be authorized to sign required documents to make application through the Louisiana Government Assistance Program (LGAP) FY 20142015 for the following: 1) One ton dual wheel truck; 2) A Bobcat Compact Track Loader; 3) Two trailers for hauling materials and equipment; and 4) Use the remaining funds to assist in the purchase of a new trenching machine. 10.B. 2015 SCHEDULE


The Council, upon a motion of Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wilson eliminated its fourth Monday meeting on May 25, 2015 due to the Memorial Day Holiday. 10.C. LIQUOR PERMIT – APPROVAL Upon a motion of Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Lambert the Council approved the following liquor permits contingent upon no objection by the District Attorney and payment of fees: Terry Stansbury Laforge (Nibor, Inc. d/b/a Roban’s) and William “Brandon” Hein (Bayou Lounge d/b/a Oyster Bar). 11. OLD BUSINESS 11.A. BOARD/COMMISSION APPOINTMENT 11.A.i. Discuss and/or accept applications Upon a motion of Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr. Percy, the Council removed from the table the Board of Adjustment appointment. Mr. Percy nominated Mr. Alan L. Kirkpatrick to be appointed to the Board of Adjustment. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Lambert the Council appointed Mr. Kirkpatrick to finish the remainder of a term until December, 2016.

Ms. Williams nominated Ms. Susanne Tully to the Tourist Commission Board. The Council, upon a motion of Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Lambert appointed Ms. Tully to serve a two year term in accordance with the Home Rule Charter until January, 2017. Moved by Mr. Percy to table the District 2 appointment on the Tourist Commission Board. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. There was no objection. Motion carried. Ms. Howle nominated Ms. Beth Pace to be reappointed to the Tourist Commission Board. Upon a motion of Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Kean the Council reappointed Ms. Pace to serve a two year term in accordance with the Home Rule Charter until January, 2017. 11.A.ii. Authorize Council Secretary to advertise openings The Council authorized the Secretary to advertise openings including the two Board seats whose members resigned Mr. Ronnie Bourgeois (Fire Board) and Mr. Shane P. Landry (Board of Adjustment). 12. PARISH PRESIDENT’S REPORT Mr. Couhig stated that the Council was provided a copy of the December, 2014 financial report for their review. He gave an update on the 2013 Audit explaining that the current auditors are experiencing tremendous difficulty retrieving data from the previous auditor. For the most part, the audit is complete. A brief meeting was held with members of the Staff and a meeting with the audit committee is forthcoming. He ended his report by saying that although it’s complete it is substantially late and while it was out of our [the Staff] control he did extend an apology to the Council. 13. ADJOURNMENT At 7:56 p.m., upon a motion by Ms. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wilson the Council stood adjourned until the regular meeting of February 9, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. /s/Heather R. Howle, Chairperson /s/Rolanda J. Robinson, Secretary 5094564-feb 19-1t

St. Helena Public Notices


Moved by Mr. Percy to table his appointment on the Fire Board due to a possible ethical conflict. Seconded by Mr. Wilson. There was no objection. Motion carried. Mr. Young nominated Mr. Vincent Smith to be reappointed to the Fire Board. Moved by Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Percy, the Council reappointed Mr. Smith to serve a two year term until January, 2017. Mr. Kean nominated Mr. Steven Neal to be reappointed to the Fire Board. Moved by Mr. Percy, seconded by Mr. Young, the Council reappointed Mr. Neal to serve a two year term until January, 2017.

I, Theodore Simmons, have been convicted of 14:81.2 Molestation of Juvenile on Dec 11, 2001. My address is 958 Hall Rd., Greensburg, LA 70441. 5092098-feb 12-19-2t NOTICE ---

Mr. Young nominated Mr. James Lewis to be reappointed to the Library Board. Moved by Mr. Kean, seconded by Mr. Percy, the Council reappointed Mr. Lewis to serve a two year term in accordance with the Home Rule Charter until January, 2017.

The Town of Greensburg met in regular session, Tuesday December 9, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

Ms. Howle nominated Ms. Clara Ruth Saint to be reappointed to the Library Board. Moved by Mr. Lambert, seconded by Mr.

Mayor Burke Jones presided over the following members: Paula McNabb, Willie Hurst, Laura Webb, and Jimmie Meadows.

Town of Greensburg Meeting Minutes December 9, 2014

St. Helena Public Notices

St. Helena Public Notices

10295 Absent: Danny Carruth. Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Paula McNabb to adopt previous minutes. Passed 4-0. Motioned by Paula McNabb, second by Jimmie Meadows to approve the current bills. Passed 4-0.



Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Paula McNabb to adopt the 2015. Passed 4-0.

Mayor Burke Jones stated that the lettering Christmas parade is set for December 12, 2014 with Miss Louisiana, Lacey Sanchez as the Grand Marshall.

Motioned by Laura Webb, second by Willie Hurst to go out for bids for automatic gas meter. Passed 4-0.

Mr. Larry from Big Guys Kitchen was present to ask questions about a restaurant that would serve liquor and or beer with the purchase of a dinner.

Motioned by Paula McNabb, second Jimmie Meadows to adopt a resolution to set the regular meetings for the year 2015 on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 o’clock. Passed 3-1.

Police Chief Tim Brown stated the police department had 27calls, 3 felony arrest, 1 misdemeanor, and 43 tickets wrote.

Motioned by Jimmie Meadows, second by Paula McNabb to select Anthony Baglio CPA to conduct the 2014 audit. Passed 3-0.

Fire Chief Donald Langston stated the department is going good and going to class.

Motioned by Willie Hurst, second by Paula McNabb to adopt a resolution to establish the 2015 holiday schedule for the Town of Greensburg. Passed 4-0.

Motioned by Paula McNabb, second by Jimmie Meadows to add 2014 budget amendments. Passed 40.

St. Helena Public Notices

Motioned by Paula McNabb, second by Willie Hurst to approve and adopt budget amendments. Passed 4-0.

Motioned by Paula McNabb, second by Laura Webb to adopt a resolution to appoint the Advocate newspaper as the official journal of the Town of Greensburg from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Passed 4-0.

Mayor W. Burke Jones called a public hearing for the 2015 budget.

Mayor Burke Jones table Jat Petroleum beer, wine, and liquor application.

Motioned by Paula McNabb, second by Jimmie Meadows to adjourn. Passed 4-0. ____________________ W. Burke Jones, Mayor 5092998-feb 19-1t





2015 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday May 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. LOCATION OF MEETING DEMCO Headquarters 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 February 15 - March 1, 2015

Publish the Calendar of Events in the official journal of each parish, including the date, time, and place of the meeting of the Nominating Committee.

March 12, 2015

DEMCO Special Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. The Committee on Nominations will be appointed at this meeting.

March 12, 2015

The Nominating Committee meeting begins at 6:05 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, with results of the meeting to be posted March 13, 2015.

March 17 - 19, 2015

Pre-qualification period. Members interested in seeking a position on the board of directors are required, pursuant to DEMCO Board Policy, to appear in person at the DEMCO Headquarters office, located at 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, between these dates to determine eligibility requirements as prescribed in the corporation’s bylaws. Candidates must be qualified prior to the issuing of a nominating petition. Candidates not pre-qualified will not be eligible to seek a position on the board of directors.

March 24, 2015

DEMCO’s Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. on this date, if needed, to determine eligibility of director candidates who have pre-qualified. Only candidates who have pre-qualified will be considered.

March 25, 2015

Beginning on this date, pre-qualified director candidates may obtain a petition to run for a seat on the board of directors. Louisiana law requires 50 valid signatures for the petition to be validated.

April 8, 2015

Petitions must be returned to DEMCO 5089994-feb 19-26-2t

Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, by 4:30 p.m. and received by the CEO and General Manager’s office.

April 9, 2015

The Annual Meeting and Bylaws Committee will meet on this date, if needed, at 5:30 p.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739, to validate each petition and post the results as required by the corporation’s bylaws.

April 9, 2015

This is the Record Date for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting. A final list ofthose members eligible to vote in DEMCO’s 2015 Annual Membership Meeting will be prepared.

April 16 - 28, 2015

The Official Notice of the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to all members of the cooperative during this time.

April 16, 2015

Ballots for the 2015 Annual Meeting will be mailed to members of the cooperative on this date. Members should receive their ballots by Saturday, April 18 - VOTE and mail your ballot immediately.

May 1, 2015

The deadline for receiving ballots for the 2015 Annual Membership Meeting is 4:30 p.m. on this date - DO NOT DELAY - VOTE!

May 4 - 6, 2015

Ballots will be counted during this period by the certified public accountants selected by DEMCO to conduct the annual meeting. Candidates will be advised as to the time and place that the ballots will be counted.

May 9, 2015

Annual meeting and election results announced at 10:00 a.m. at DEMCO Headquarters, 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA 70739.

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