(and vicinity)
New to the Hill?
You’ve come to one of the best places to live in the entire country. The Capitl Hill Community Guide will give you an overview of all that’s here and the best ways to connect to your new community.
Just bought a home?
Get a full rundown on urban gardens, home services and renovations in the historic district.
Just had a child?
Find out the pluses of raising your child in a cultural mecca in the political capital of the world. Schools, services, support groups – we have it all.
Been here forever?
We live in an exciting, ever-changing neighborhood. Find new restaurants, art galleries, venues for classes, lectures and music, ways to connect to the Anacostia River, get around town, and meet new friends.
The Fagon Guide to Capitol Hill has everything you need to know about life in our lovely urban village!
–Capitol Hill Community Foundation Awards (30)
–Developments (32) –Eastern Market at 150 Years (34) –July 4 Parade (36) –H Street
Dear Hill Residents,
This is the 28th edition of the Fagon Community Guide to Capitol Hill, named for Jean-Keith Fagon, the founder and publisher of the Hill Rag and our two other community newspapers, East of the River and MidCity DC.
The Guide is partially a photographic retrospective of the past year, documenting the festivals, Community Achievement Award winners, new developments and those neighbors who have passed away. There is a section on government services such as how to get visitor parking permits and when to expect leaf pickups; a listing of all the community organizations and resources such as the Capitol Hill Community Foundation and the Capitol Hill Village; a section on raising kids on the Hill and an overview of all our new restaurants.
But most important are the listings of businesess and services which are an integral part of our community. We lost some of our businesses to the Covid pandemic, and many of the ones that survived are still struggling to reach a new normal. They are all essential to the character and richness of our “small town in the big city.” We need them and they need our support.
Many thanks to our advertisers who made this guide possible. We look forward to the rest of 2024.
Best Regards,
Melissa Ashabranner President, Capital Community News, Inc.THANK YOU
Many people contributed to the content of this Guide, but we would like to extend special acknowledgments to: Andrew Lightman, Rindy O’Brien, Elizabeth O’Gorek and other resident contributors for the many excellent photographs that make the Guide a true reflection of our community; writers Don Denton, Celeste McCall, Rindy O’Brien, Elizabeth O’Gorek, Bruce Wentworth; our production team Jason Yen and Shawn Henderson; and to Carolina Lopez, Kira Means, and Noah Holmes for their valuable contributions. We also thank Quad/Graphics Inc. for the excellent quality of their printing and superb customer service.
Dear Neighbors,
It’s my pleasure to share my greetings and well wishes in this edition of the Fagon Guide. I’m so proud to represent our vibrant, diverse and ever-changing community. From Hill East to H Street, Stanton Park to Southwest, NoMa to Near Northeast, I know Ward 6 is the best ward in the District.
Every year, my team and I partner with thousands of residents to solve problems, build strong communities, and make Ward 6 a place everyone can call home. We’re working to improve our neighborhood schools, support small, local businesses and restaurants, increase public safety, and care for and activate our beloved community spaces. So please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or my team if we can help – no matter whether the issue’s big or small, we’re here for you.
I hope you take advantage of the many opportunities and resources across Capitol Hill highlighted in this year’s Guide, and I’ll see you around the neighborhood!
Charles Allen, Ward 6 Councilmember callen@dccouncil.gov www.charlesallenward6.com Office: (202) 724-8072
There are treasures and oddities hidden all over the Hill in plain sight and stories to be told on every corner. Here are a few of the items residents have sent in to ask, “What’s up with that?”
In the late 19th and early 20th century, many of the Hill’s streets were bustling commercial corridors. By 1910, there was a grocery store on virtually every block, usually on the corner, providing fresh food in the days before in-home refrigeration.
A great example is the corner store at South Carolina Ave. and Ninth St. SE,
operated as a grocery store by Domenico Cuozzo and later, his sons, from 1917 to 1968. It was operated as a gallery Corner Store Arts from 2001-2021 before turning residential. Older buildings have single entrances at angles, facing the apex of the corner that made them a corner store. One great example is at 300 Maryland Ave NE where Jacob Siegel owned and operated a store from 1915 to 1970. Many of these stores are documented on a blog, Former DC Retail (dcformerretail.tumblr.com).
For years these stores served as a way for new immigrants to become
part of the Hill community. In the first part of this century, these were often Jewish families, including Benjamin J. Bronstein and later, Abel Sheinbein, who ran a store at 1401 E St. SE until at least 1965. The Weisfeld family ran Weisfeld’s Market at 4th and E Sts. SE. They sold the business to the Oh family in 2001. Families from North and South Korea have become proprietors of many of our existing corner stores. When the Ohs retired in 2018 they sold what is now Capitol Supreme Market to current owners Jason and Kelly Kim.
Opportunities for small retail began to diminish in 1958, with the dawn of “single-use zoning.” Land and building uses were grouped together by type, partly because it was supposed to be so easy to drive between uses. The District Zoning Commission (ZC) designated parts of the city as residential, forbidding new retail to open in those areas. Stores already there were allowed to stay but when they closed, they reverted to residential.
Decades later, with rising gas prices and changing ideas, many again came to see corner retail as a boon to walkable, social neighborhoods. After seven years of debate, in 2016 the ZC approved changes that would allow new corner stores in residential zones for the first time since 1958.
The pandemic took its toll on our neighborhood’s little stores. A spate of closures happened in 2022, including Congress Market (421 East Capitol St SE) and Roland’s Deli (333 Pennsylvania Ave. SE).
Did you know the District has an official dinosaur? It was discovered in 1898 when workmen were digging for a sewer at First and F Streets SE. After the initial excitement, the bones sat at the Smithsonian Museum for ninety years. According to Smithsonian Magazine, that’s when paleontologist Peter Kranz re-examined them and determined they were from a hitherto unknown dinosaur, which he informally named “Capitalsaurus” for a 1990 Washingtonian article.
The DC City Council passed legislation in 1998, designating “Capitalsaurus” the District’s official dinosaur, naming the area where it was found “Capitalsaurus Court” and designating Jan. 28, the day of its discovery, as “Capitalsaurus Day”.
Although many stores closed, others remain strong, leaning into their grandfathered status. 7-River Mart (250 11th St. NE), originally built as a stable in 1885, has been serving as a grocer since at least 1955 when it operated as May’s Market. Near Marion Park, Capitol Supreme Market was purpose built as a grocery store and apartment in 1910 and is still open and operating 114 years later.
Perhaps the most notable recent example of the public desire for the corner store as community hub and pantry is Mott’s Market (232 12th St. SE), which closed in 2022. Erected in 1916 as a shop and second story home for Samuel Godkin, the building housed a store for 107 years.
Faced with the closure, a group of neighbors from nearby Walter Street banded together to form Save Mott’s Market LLC. The group bought and renovated the building. The store is now slated to reopen under the guidance of local entrepreneur Peyton Sherwood in Summer 2024.
Capitol Hill is home to over 60+ works of art painted on the exteriors of homes and businesses. Some murals are well known to the community – others may be familiar only to their immediate neighbors or have been recently added.
Some of the murals commemorate historical figures, such as paintings of John Lewis on buildings at the intersection of 13th at Pennsylvania Ave. SE or the memorial to Ruth Bader Ginsberg painted as part of a tribute to women on the 400 block of 15th Street SE.
An entire gallery of District art lies in the alley to the south of the 1300 block of H Street NE, celebrating DC Statehood in clever and beautiful ways. Others are whimsical, like the Ninth Street garage door painted to appear half-open with a Porsche inside.
Murals, remarkably, morph, enforcing just how much the neighborhood streetscape is itself a living, changing thing. When buildings change hands or homeowners change
mural of exotic tigers decorates the garage door at 1314 Independence Ave. SE
tastes, they can paint over works of art that the community has come to consider a part of the landscape, replacing art with a different work or erasing it completely.
The Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) offers regular historic tours of the neighborhood, including a murals tour of nearly 60 of these works. It captures widely varying artistic expressions and gives a glimpse into our hopes, concerns and dreams. You can get information on the next tourand the mural map by visiting chrs.org/mural-tour.
This huge and fabulous mural is painted on the back of School within School at 920 F St. NE.From outside, it’s just a door and a window. But inside, there’s a kitchen, bathroom and living space, with a private front and backyard. Less than 250 square feet total, this little brick building is the smallest single-family dwelling on the Hill. Located just north of the corner of 12th Street and Constitution Avenue NE, it was built in 1907 as a store by Edgar Booraem at a total estimated cost of $300.
Together with her husband, Tiny House Chef (tinyhousechef.com), Marta Mirecki had been living next door for a year when the little house went up for sale in 2008. They grabbed it for $245,000 in part to preserve the building as is. They have been renting it to tenants ever since. While the indoor space is modest, the walled rear garden and front yard are generous; there is more than 600 square feet of yard for the tenant to enjoy.
It might just be the smallest standalone dwelling in the District — although there is competition on the Hill. There’s another tiny house just a block away at 1349 C St. NE, which comes in at a mere 371 square feet.
These are tiny exceptions. Most Capitol Hill townhouses fall between 1,200 and 2,000 square feet. Rarer are the larger homes along major avenues, such as Independence, New Jersey and East Capitol where they can top out around 4,000 square feet. It’s harder to identify the largest remaining residence. While many former houses were built to this are significant size, the bulk of them are no longer in use as residences. The former William Mayne Duncanson House, also called Friendship House (619 D St. SE) is now a condominium; William Penn House (515 East Capitol St. NE) is home to the Quakers.
With the help of Suzette Sydney, Realtor with Berkshire Hathaway (SuzetteSydney. PenFedRealty.com), the largest dwelling by total livable square footage we could find still in use as a residence on Capitol Hill is at 506 A St. SE. It was featured
on the Capitol Hill Restoration Society Tour in 2017. Built in 1906 by Division Chief to the Adjutant General John C. Hesse at a then astronomical cost of $10,000, it comes in at more than 7,000 square feet over four levels, including the basement.
CHRS says that Hesse also built the house at 510 A St. SE for his daughter; the lot between the two houses was once a shared garden. The home was last sold in 2019 for more than $3.5 million.
In the triangle park in the middle of 13th Street, Tennessee and Constitution Avenues NE (across from Maury Elementary School) there is a whimsical statue, “Balance,” a work of public sculpture by Marchi Billig that was dedicated on Dec. 15, 2002.
The bronze sculpture stands 15 feet high and depicts a girl holding a boy upside down on her upstretched hands. Perched on one of the boy’s toes is a top hat; on the hat stands a cat.
The statue’s path to the triangle park began in 2001, when the North Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association (NLPNA) applied for a grant from the DC Commission on Arts and Humanities to fund public art. Meetings took place over the next year to select the site and to collect input on the concept. Four artists attended
Balance Statue at 13th St., Tennesse and Constitution Aves. NEmeetings to hear resident’s feelings about the neighborhood as a community and how they thought art could be used to convey these sentiments. Each created a proposal to embody that vision.
Elizabeth Nelson, then the Chair of the LPNA, said the proposal really spoke to the association as they made their choice. “It seemed like a good reflection of the neighborhood at the time, and specifically, the process [of choosing art],” she said. “There were a lot of points of view, and we came close to getting nothing,” Nelson said. But compromise—balance—prevailed in the choice of Bilig’s work.
The sculptor described the children in the sculpture as “supporting and challenging each other,” a symbol of the “community’s striving to grow and work together.” The top hat is a “reminder of North Lincoln Park’s namesake” and the cat “provides a touch of humor which always helps in reaching a goal.”
Have you ever been standing at a corner, casually looking up as you wait to cross the street when you notice an Aardvark crawling down the signpost?
Well, if you’re standing at the corner of Seventh and A Streets NE, we can explain this wildlife sighting. It, and the 19 other animal sculptures affixed to signposts all over the Hill, are part of the Capitol Hill Alphabet Animal Art Project (CHAAP). It all began when Hill resident Stephen Young started walking around with his two young daughters. Passing the lettered street signs, he would say, “E!
E is for Elephant! K! K is for kangaroo!” And that’s when he had the idea to share the experience by installing sculptures on signposts. He came to the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) with the idea. CHAW received a pilot grant from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) in 2014 to fund 10 whimsical animals on the streets of Southeast. In 2019, DDOT, Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) and the DC Community of the Arts and Humanities funded an additional ten sculptures around the Hill. Not all are placed next to the first letter of their species. Some will teach letters, such as the Emu at Fifth and E Streets SE, but you’ll branch out into letter sounds when you notice the Narwhals at Second Street and North Carolina (“There aren’t actually too many animals whose non-proper name starts with the letter “N,” so my options were narrowed down for me,” artist Undine Brod said in 2021). Learn more about CHAW and the project at chaw. org/projects. u
CHAW Winter Open House
Restaurant Week
MLK Day of Service
J.O. Wilson Camp Fair
4th of July Parade –Barracks Row
4th of July Concert – US
Hill Rag Pet Photo Contest
Black History Month
Intersections Festival at the Atlas
Mardi Gras on Barracks Row
National Night Out
Restaurant Week
Boy Scout Annual Pancake Breakfast
Food & Friends Dining Out For Life
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner & Silent Auction at Christ Church
Literary Hill Book Fest
Festival on H Street
National Book Festival LOC
Arts on Foot Festival in Penn Quarter
Easter Eggstravaganza at Lincoln Park
Hill Havurah Passover Seder
National Arboretum Plant Sale
Capitol Hill Village Annual Gala
Literary Feast
Blessing of the Animals –Area Churches
Renovators House Tour
Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Contest
CHRS Mother’s Day House & Garden Tour
Capitol Hill Classic 10K
Front Stage: Capitol Riverfront Concerts begin
US Marine Parades on Friday Evenings
CHCF Community
Achievement Awards Event
Sousa’s Birthday at Congressional Cemetery
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Trees for Capitol Hill
Annual Fall Planting
5K Fun Run Benefit at the National Arboretum
Anacostia Watershed Free Paddling Night
Capitol Riverfront BID’s Outdoor Concerts
Jazz at the Riverfront
Brickie Awards Event
Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting
Tree Lighting at Eastern
Market Metro
Community Sing-Along with Capital City Symphony
Barracks Row Main Street barracksrow.org/events • @BarracksRow Event calendar and newsletter on happenings on Eighth Street SE from new businesses, special events to festivals. It also keeps neighbors up to date on nearby construction projects.
Capitol Hill Corner capitolhillcorner.org • @ljjanezich
Capitol Hill Corner is a news blog that focuses around Eastern Market, including on the activities of ANC6B, Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee and the Capitol Hill Restoration Society. It provides coverage of neighboring ANCs, commercial and residential development, activities of neighborhood organizations and local politics. Contact editor Larry Janezich via email at ljjanezich@ hotmail.com
Eastern Market Main Street easternmarketmainstreet.org @EasternMarketMS
EMMS works with businesses from Sixth to Eighth Street, SE and from Pennsylvania to North Carolina Ave. SE. It supports small businesses and fosters a vibrant, neighborhood serving corridor. EMMS does this through public and private space improvements, capacity-building resources and community events and campaigns. Check out the website for contests, events and initiatives.
Hill Rag Hillrag.com • @hillragdc
The website of the Hill Rag newspaper, hillrag.com, provides daily news on important happenings and issues on Capitol Hill and the surrounding neighborhoods of H Street, NoMa, Capitol Riverfront and Southwest. Get daily news including stories on crime, development, new
businesses and profiles of your neighbors. Links to print issues of the Hill Rag and other publications of Capital Community News, Inc. past and present.
Lincoln Park Newsletter
This Substack blog features news, views and parody of things from in and around Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill, written by neighbors in the area. Subscribe to the newsletter at the link. friendsofcapitolhillparks@gmail.com.
The Hill is Home thehillishome.com • @theHillisHome Designed to build community, connect neighbors, share news and celebrate the Capitol Hill neighborhood, it is staffed by Capitol Hill residents María Helena Carey and Robert Pohl. Follow them on Twitter and Instagram for Hill bites throughout the day.
Capitol Riverfront BID
capitolriverfront.org • @CapitolRvrFront Capitol Riverfront is the District’s fastest growing neighborhood, situated between I-395 and the Anacostia River. New restaurants, retail, hotels and residences open monthly in Capitol Riverfront. There is always something new to discover in Yards Park, Canal Park, and other open spaces of the community, including outdoor movies, concerts and fitness classes. To subscribe to their newsletter, visit www.capitolriverfront.org.
DC Yards / Riverfront Events
theyardsdc.com • @YardsParkDC @TheYardsDC
The Yards neighborhood boasts green spaces, waterfront access, great dining options and amazing views. Events hosted in The Yards include lunchtime
and evening concert series, outdoor movies, farmers’ markets and Nationals baseball games, all listed on The Yards DC calendar online.
Washington Redevelopment jdland.com • @JDLand
Photos and history from Southeast/ Ballpark District/Navy Yard /Capitol Riverfront neighborhood appear on this site created by Jacqueline Dupree and active from 2003-2022. The site remains online, a detailed photographic and information archive of the area’s substantial changes over the past 20 years.
Street and North
H Street
hstreet.org • @HstreetDC
This site is run by the H Street Main Street organization and is a reference guide for the retail, nightlife, restaurants, fitness centers, entertainment venues, etc., that comprise H Street NE.
nomabid.org • @NoMaBID
Named for its location – North of Massachusetts Avenue – this website is run by the NoMa Business Improvement District (NoMa BID) and promotes the emergence of this vibrant, growing part of the city. The site includes reporting on upcoming events, new businesses, public meetings, the stores and pop-ups at Union Market.
The Southwester
thesouthwester.com • @TheSouthwester
The Southwest Neighborhood Assembly runs the content of this community newspaper online and in print. It focuses on
In 2023 we worked hard to serve 70+ clients and seller clients on Capitol Hill and beyond! We drew upon our creativity, teamwork, experience, and hustleskills becoming more valuable than ever - as we successfully navigated market fluctuations. We are proud that our commitment to successful outcomes helped our clients achieve their real estate goals.
As we enter 2024 – our 22nd year! – contact us for a FREE consultation as you make your plans. Joel Nelson Group is a leading full service real estate agency for the Nation’s Capital. Our team is committed to enhancing the fabric of life in Washington DC neighborhoods. We are proud to be part of KW Capital Properties on Capitol Hill, where our office overlooks Stanton Park at 519 C St NE.
the changes, news and events happening in Southwest DC.
Barred in DC
Barredindc.com @barredindc
This blog by Hill resident Raman Santra focuses on restaurant and bar openings and closings, food service and liquor license news. Occasionally, he hosts public transportation bar crawls. Santra also runs a prolific X (formerly Twitter) account that features photography of bars and restaurants he’s visited, polls and retweets of news in the food service field.
DC Crime Facts dccrimefacts.substack.com @dccrimefacts
This Substack written by anonymous but respected blogger Joe Friday analyses crime, its causes, preventions and solutions by taking a deep dive into publicly available data. Friday also turns his lens on topics such as truancy, policing and the DC budget. He posts frequently on X (formerly Twitter).
Greater Greater Washington ggwash.org • @ggwash
GGWash informs and engages audiences on land use, housing and transportation. Writers advocate for a Washington region where everyone can live in walkable, bikeable neighborhoods with excellent public transit services. Comprised of a team of staff and paid or volunteer contributors, GGWash tackles issues such as WMATA, local governance, affordable housing, biking and walking infrastructure and public space. Many Hill neighbors are regular contributors.
East City Art
eastcityart.com • @eastcityart
East City Art is DC’s visual arts journal of record providing exhibition listings, artist interviews and in-depth reviews of regional contemporary art. East City Art maintains a directory of visual artists. Sign up for the newsletter online.
Washington Problems washprobs.com • @washingtonianprobs “A meme page, first and foremost.” Originally founded on Tumblr in 2012, Washington Problems moved to Instagram in 2019 and now has more than 396,000 followers. The brand’s mission is to foster a deep love for DC, by informing residents about what’s happening across the city. Follow them on Instagram [above] and X/Twitter @washprobs
Not all Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) have mailing lists, but many Commissioners do for their SMDs. Email yours to inquire. The following commissions send regular updates:
The ANC 6A Announce Google Group keeps residents up to date on ANC 6A activities such as meeting announcements, agendas, and other ANC notifications. To request to join, email 6A06@anc.dc.gov. There is also a community-moderated ANC 6A Community Forum. Request to join: felixduc@gmail.com.
Subscribe to ANC 6B notifications through the website at anc6b.org
Stay informed about happenings in ANC 7F, which includes areas between 19th Street SE and the river and between Independence Avenue SE and Congressional Cemetery by signing up for email updates at anc7f.com
The new Ward 6-Ward 8 ANC 8F covers most of Navy Yard, a high-density neighborhood and a hot spot for development. Join the mailing list to get news on meetings and happenings by visiting www.anc8f.org
Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association groups.google.com/group/chnna
This group supports the official Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association, bounded by G Street NE to the south, the railroad tracks to the west, Florida Avenue to the north and Eighth Street NE to the east.
Lincoln Park DC
Lincoln Park DC is a neighbor-run listserv for residents on and near the park focused on safety and community for those living in the immediate area of the park.
Moms on the Hill – MOTH https://moth.groups.io/
MOTH is a listserv for Capitol Hill parents. It’s a great place to make new friends and find nannies, preschools and pediatricians. It also helps with social planning, such as playgroups for the kids, family picnics and parent nights out. A member must invite you.
Navy Yard Neighbors groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ navy-yard-neighbors
Navy Yard Neighbors is a forum for Navy Yard and near Southeast community members to post about local events, meetings, news and other topics for the neighbors to share. It is a private group, and members must be invited.
New Hill East
New Hill East is a place for Hill East residents to meet nearly 3,000 of their neighbors, keep up to date on local happenings, post community information and chat about Hill East life.
Buy Nothing facebook.com/BuyNothingProject/
Buy Nothing is a national movement of Facebook groups. The Hill has several,
each centered on a distinct neighborhood with group-defined boundaries, i.e. Capitol South, Capitol North or Lincoln/Kingman Park. Members join the group where they live. Members must be admitted. Visit the “Find A Group” page for a list: https://buynothingproject.org/find-a-group/
Navy Yard/Barracks Row/ Cap Hill Community facebook.com/ groups/169497160226645
Members post local events, ask questions about local vendors, businesses and services as well as connect with neighbors. You must request approval for membership.
New Hill East facebook.com/groups/ NewHillEast
A group for friends and neighbors who live and work in the Hill East neighborhood, roughly between 13th and 19th Streets, East Capitol Street and the river. Neighbors share news, references to businesses and services, and general advice about living on the Hill. Membership must be approved to this private group. It is not affiliated with the email listserv.
Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association facebook.com/groups/chnna/ Promotes the interests of residents of Near Northeast area in Washington, DC, which is bounded by Florida Avenue NE (north), G Street NE (south), 8th Street NE (east), and the railroad tracks (west). The group was formerly known as the Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association (CHNNA), but the neighbor-
hood association as of this time is no longer active.
Moms and Moms-to-be of Capitol Hill facebook.com/ groups/208466146178343
This group now has nearly 2,500 members. It was created in 2016 as a support group for new and expecting moms in Capitol Hill. Membership must be requested.
Southwest DC Residents facebook.com/ groups/55804871497
A public Facebook group for people living in Southwest DC Waterfront, sharing information on public safety, community meetings, business and social events.
SW DC facebook.com/groups/ SOUTHWESTQ
A public group for fans of Southwest DC. Neighbors post local happenings, new bars, new restaurants, or their hopes for Southwest.
SW Waterfront Neighborhood facebook.com/ groups/1771357249834996
A smaller, public group for those living along the waterfront in Southwest DC. Neighbors share news, moving sales, freebies and commiserate about life on the water’s edge. u
ach spring, the Capitol Hill Community Foundation recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to our neighborhood in a wide variety of ways, honoring them with Community Achievement Awards. This year James Perry, director of the Eastern High School Marching Band; Kenn Allen and Maureen Shea, long-time Hill residents and community volunteers; and Bill Press, political commentator and host of the popular Hill Center series Talk of the Hill were honored at a festive garden party held at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. The annual event is a fundraiser for the Foundation which, since its founding in
1989, has given more than $14 million, donated primarily by Hill residents and businesses, to support activities and organizations that benefit life on Capitol Hill.
Also presented at that event were the annual Arnold F. Keller Award of $25,000 to Everybody Wins DC (EWDC) and Reach Incorporated, two nonprofits that engage students in reading while fostering positive relationships between elementary school students, teens and caring adults. The annual John Franzén Award for the Arts provided $10,000 each to the music programs at Eastern High School and the Eliot-Hine and Stuart-Hobson middle schools.
Development is moving forward in Hill East. The buildings that are finished are giving us a sense of what this new community will look like.
A mixed-use building, The Park Kennedy Apartments (1901 C St. SE), opened on the site in January 2021 with 262 units. Across 19th Street, The Ethel (1900 C St. SE), developed by Donatelli Development in 2023, has 100 units of permanent supportive housing. Together, the two have space for 25,678 square feet of retail. It’s filling up: restaurant Sala Thai (1901 C St. SE, Ste A) opened in October 2023; Duffy’s Irish Pub opened next door a few months later.
Two new buildings will be built across the street from the DC Armory. The larger of two planned buildings, B1, is a seven-story, 350-unit residential apartment with a 238-space, two-level below-grade parking garage. A linear park along the residential building will be dedicated to the life and legacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Building 2 will be a seven-story, 144-unit mixeduse building with 14,000 square feet of ground floor retail fronting along Burke Street. The two buildings will share access to the parking garage, central courtyard and penthouse lounge in B1.
The parcels directly east of The Ethel and the Park Kennedy, F2 and G2, are slated for later development by the team but plans are not yet filed.
Built in 1873, Eastern Market (225 Seventh St. SE) celebrated 150 years of fresh food, fun and community in 2023.
A designated historic landmark, Eastern Market is also the spiritual center of the Capitol Hill Community and the oldest operating food market in DC.
Celebrations were planned by Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS) and kicked off Nov. 11 with Novemberfest, a party in Eastern Market featuring a special Eastern Market brew from Atlas Brewery. The event continued through the weekend with concerts, special demonstrations and games. Adolf Cluss, the architect who designed the original market building, put in an appearance as did Ms. Tara Hoot, with a special Drag Queen Story hour Sunday morning.
The official anniversary was marked at noon with a ringing of the bell by Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen (D). Traditionally, the ringing of a bell signaled the opening of a market. This ringing, Allen said, heralds the next 150 years for ours.
The 18th Annual H Street Festival took place Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023. This year’s mile-long experience covered 11 blocks with 15 different staging areas featuring music, dance and children’s programming. That’s not including the fashion, food, family-friendly activities, contests and great deals from businesses along the corridor. The event started as a block party for a few hundred people but now attracts about 150,000 people and closes the street to traffic. Organized annually by H Street Main Street, it is the District’s biggest neighborhood festival allowing visitors and residents to sample the neighborhood’s wide cultural, culinary and consumer experiences.
Accessing Government Services
Eastern Market and Weekend Markets
Libraries and their Support Groups
Parks and their Administrators
Parking Permits, Trash, Recycling, Composting and More
(Alley Cleaning, Bulk Trash, Garbage Cans, Holiday Tree Collection, Illegal Dumping, Leaves and Yard Waste, Rats)
Services and Information – 311.dc.gov or dial 311 311 is the starting point for all questions relating to government processes and services, via telephone call, text message, the dc311 smartphone app, or online at 311.dc.gov. 311 calls and texts are responded to by the Office of Unified Communications (OUC).
You can request almost all city services online, such as bulk trash collection or rodent control. You can also report concerns, such as a missed recycling pick-up. Go online to 311.dc.gov/citizen/home and create an account or sign in as a guest and select ‘Request’ to
see the full list. You can also track the status of requests you have already submitted and see a list of District apps and maps.
Eastern Market
225 Seventh St. SE
202-698-5253, easternmarket-dc.org
Tuesday to Saturday 8 .m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays
Eastern Market, located between North Carolina Avenue and C Street, is the oldest remaining public market in DC. The market is a focal point of community life, particularly on weekends when the outdoor farmers line and arts and crafts vendors draw crowds. A designated historic landmark, Eastern Market is protected against wholesale change or demolition. The South Hall of the market, built in 1873, was planned and designed by Adolf Cluss, an engineer and renowned architect who designed the Smithsonian Castle. The center and north halls of the market were added to the building in 1908. In 2023, Eastern Market celebrated its 150th anniversary.
Eastern Market is first and foremost a working retail food market. Outdoors along Seventh Street, a farmers line has formed on weekends since 1906. Goods for sale range from flowers and fresh vegetables to pies, homemade jams, kindling wood, apple cider and holiday greens in December.
South Hall merchants sell a variety of high-quality fresh meats, seafood, poultry, cheese and dairy products, produce, baked goods, flowers and specialty grocery products.
On April 30, 2007, a fire devastated the South Hall of the 134-year-old building, destroying the interior and the stalls of the 13 merchants, some whose families had been operating in the same location for close to 50 years. The fire spurred a public outpouring of support, urging the city to quickly rebuild the beloved community hub. The Capitol Hill Community Foundation administered more than $500,000—contributed mainly by members of the community—to aid the merchants until the market could be reopened. A temporary East Hall opened across the street in August 2007, allowing the merchants to return. The District reopened the historic Eastern Market at a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 26, 2009. The South Hall has returned to its original usage. The North Hall now hosts community events.
The city’s Department of General Services (DGS) manages the market. The Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee (EMCAC) was formed to advise the city on the selection of a market manager and other market issues. It includes representatives from community organizations such as ANC6B and the Capitol Hill Restoration Society. A strategic plan was formulated in 2020 to guide the future of the market. Updates can
be found at https://easternmarket-dc. org/about/eastern-market-strategicplan/. There is talk of expanding market hours, so confirm before you go. www. easternmarket-dc.org, 202-698-5253
Weekend and Farmers Markets
Saturdays and Sundays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Fresh Tuesdays 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. There are actually many distinct arts and crafts/flea markets around the Eastern Market building on weekends. Barry Margeson, the Eastern Market Manager appointed by the DC Department of General Services (DGS), manages the vending on the grounds of the Eastern Market on the 200 block of Seventh St. SE and on the plaza of the adjoining Natatorium (officially the William H. Rumsey Aquatic Center). DGS also manages the market on the 300 block of Seventh Street SE on Saturdays. Diverse Market Management (DMM) manages the market there on Sundays.
On weekends, C Street SE is closed to cars between Seventh and Eighth Streets SE (except the entrance to Trader Joe’s parking) for the flea market there. The street is privately owned by Stanton Development and Eastbanc as part of the Hine school redevelopment. The developers contract with private market managers to run the flea markets. On Saturdays and Sundays, Michael Berman organizes vendors under Diverse Markets Management (https://diversemarkets. net). See easternmarket.net.
On Fresh Tuesdays, vendors sell prepared and fresh foods under the farmer’s hood (the green roof along the 200 block of Seventh Street SE), managed by DGS.
There are five DC Public Libraries (DCPL) in Ward 6. Call the branch directly for hours or visit the DC Public Library website at www.dclibrary.org.
Northeast Branch
330 Seventh St. NE, 202-698-3320
At the Literary Hill BookFest, celebrate the vibrant literary culture of Capitol Hill at historic Eastern Market this year on Sunday, September 17. Meet some of your favorite authors of fiction, history, memoir, poetry, children’s literature, politics, mystery and more. Children’s activities and author talks. www.literaryhillbookfest.org
Southeast Branch [closed for renovation]
403 Seventh St. SE, 202-698-3377
A modernization project is currently underway that will expand the existing library from 8,500 to 19,925 square feet. The library will be closed until the project is completed, projected for early 2026. Interim services are available at Arthur Capper Recreation Center (1000 Fifth St. SE). For information, see www.dclibrary.org/southeastlibraryrenovation
The Southwest Library
900 Wesley Pl. SW 202-724-4298
Northwest One Library
155 L St. NW, 202-939-5946
Rosedale Library 1701 Gales St. NE, 202-727-5012
Library Support Groups
Many branches of the DC Public Library have a civic support group referred to as the “Friends” of that branch. The Friends of the Library are dedicated to improving the library and encouraging its use. They publicize the library, encourage gifts and donations, provide volunteer assistance and work with the libraries to develop services for the community. Many host events such as book sales on a regular basis. Get involved by contacting your group using the information below.
Friends of the Northeast Branch Library
330 Seventh St. NE, 202-698-3320
www.facebook.com/Friends-of-theNortheast-Library-140135376053962. dclibraryfriends.org/Northeast
Friends of the Rosedale Library
1701 Gales St. NE. 202-727-5012
Twitter: @RosedaleFriends dclibraryfriends.org/rosedale
DCPL is preparing for a renovation of Rosedale Library, slated to begin in 2028. Preliminary discussions have begun. Stay informed by joining Friends of the Rosedale Library.
Friends of the Southeast Library
403 Seventh St. SE. 202-698-3377
The friends of the Southeast Library continue their used book sale in cooperation with the Friends of the Northeast Branch Library. Go to HillRag.com for information
Friends of the Southwest Library
900 Wesley Pl. SW, 202-724-4752
Capitol Hill is also home to the Folger Shakespeare Library (202-544-4600, 201 East Capitol St. SE, www.folger. edu), and the Library of Congress (202-707-5000, 101 Independence Ave. SE, www.loc.gov).
The Folger has special exhibitions, lectures and plays in the Elizabethan Theatre. After four years of renovation, it is set to reopen June 21, 2024 with new public spaces. The Library of Congress is housed in three buildings along First Street SE, between C and East Capitol Streets. The library has a variety of events scheduled each month including readings, movies, concerts and exhibits. You must register for a reader identification card to access the library’s collection. The registration office is in room LM133 of the Madison Building, at Second Street and Independence Avenue SE.
The Capitol Hill neighborhood contains many parks and public green spaces. These spaces are administered by a variety of government agencies and other organizations:
Architect of the Capitol
202-224-6645, www.aoc.gov
Administers: Providence Park (south of Folger Park), Second & E Streets SE
Capitol Riverside Youth Sports Park (CRYSP)
The Fields at RFK 401 Oklahoma Ave. NE 202-539-9555, rfkfields.com
Opened in June 2019 the Fields at RFK are part of the Events DC portfolio. They are operated daily by Capitol Riverside Youth Sports Park (CRYSP). Amenities include a celebration pavilion, picnic area, restrooms, playground and picnic areas, parking, and green space. Fields are available for reservation at rfkfields.com
DC Parks and Recreation
202-673-7647, dpr.dc.gov, dpr@dc.gov Administers:
• Garfield Park – 200 F St. SE
• Eastern Market Metro Plaza Park –700 & 800 blocks, Pennsylvania Ave. SE
• Dennis Dolinger Memorial Park –
Potomac Av e. and 15th and G Streets SE
• Lansburgh Park – Delaware Ave, between I and M Streets SW
• Amidon Field – 4th at G Streets SW
• Lovejoy Park – E at 12th St NE
• Multiple triangle parks throughout the Hill
National Park Service – Capitol Hill
National Capital Parks – East 202-690-5185 nps.gov/cahi/index.htm Administers:
• Folger Park – 2nd & D Streets SE
• Lincoln Park – 11th & East Capitol St SE
• Marion Park – 4th & E Streets SE
• Stanton Park – 4th & C Streets NE
• Seward Square – 4th & Pennsylvania Ave. SE
• Anacostia Park; (including Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens and Kenilworth Marsh as well as ‘Section F’ near RFK Stadium)
• Multiple triangle parks throughout the Hill (i.e., Massachusetts Ave. at 3rd Street NE).
Capitol Riverfront BID
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE, Suite 1010
202-465-7093, Capitolriverfront.org
• Yards Park – 355 Water St., SE
• Canal Park – Second & M Streets, SE
Partnership with Living Classrooms of the National Capital Region Kingman and Heritage Islands Park 202-488-0627 ext. 232 kingmanisland.org
Friends of Parks
Friends of Garfield Park
Improves the park (bordered by New Jersey Ave. SE, Virginia Ave. SE, Third St. SE and North Carolina Ave. SE).
Friends of Lincoln Park
Newly established in 2023, an official Friends group works in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS) to program, maintain and improve Lincoln Park. Priorities include repairs to playgrounds and green space as well as community events. For more information or to join, visit lincolnparkdc.net or email FriendsofLincolnParkDC@gmail.com.
Resident Parking Permits
311, dmv.dc.gov/service/residentialparking-permits
The Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program is designed to allow DC DMVregistered private vehicles to be parked without restriction in a designated area around the vehicle’s registered address. An RPP is a permit number on your vehicle registration sticker, which is placed on the driver’s side of the windshield. Residents of participating blocks and their visitors are eligible for permits that exempt them from the two-hour parking limitation that is effective Monday through Friday. Not all residential blocks are zoned for RPP. You can see District RPP blocks at opendata.dc.gov/datasets/residential-parking-permit-blocks. Petitions for RPP are available at www. parkdc.com/pages/residential
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RPP stickers are issued by DMV as part of the registration process or can be requested online at the above link. One-year permits are $50 or $35/year for seniors 65+. Fees increase for additional vehicles. Applicants without DC vehicle registration must also provide a valid reciprocity permit – proof of residency such as a notarized lease or utility bill. Commercial vehicles are not eligible for a permit.
The period of enforcement for RPP is generally Mon. to Sat. from 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Residents of individual blocks can request different enforcement hours by petitioning the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The process involves getting 51 percent of residents on a block to sign a petition, available online at www.parkdc.com/pages/residential.
RPP-holding residents who live on metered streets are exempt from meter fees except along commercial corridors such as Barracks Row. In the neighborhoods south of Pennsylvania Avenue between Ninth Street SE and Ninth Street SW and north of the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge some areas have red and white signs along one side of the street where only residents and their visitors can park, while the opposite side of the street
allows the standard two-hour parking for non-residents as indicated by the green and white signs.
Live Assistance: 202-671-2631
ParkDC is a new, centralized digital system that allows DC residents and their visitors to manage visitor, temporary, home health aide and contractor parking permits via a single online portal. Residents and visitors must first register themselves on the system, entering their address and identification, usually a driver’s license.
Once a resident account is verified and approved, they can view their dashboard and unique code by clicking “get visitor codes.” They can share that code with a visitor and manage visitor requests to park. All parking is controlled by the resident’s unique code and linked to the license plate of the visiting vehicle.
Health home aides and contractors must also register for an account, entering their registration information (with the Department of Health and Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs) as well as a code provided by the resident. Contractors are required to pay a $10 fee.
The new permits must be printed, either by the resident or the visitor, and displayed on vehicle dashboards. DCPL card holders can print up to 20 pages at a local library. See www.dclibrary.org/usingthe-library/public-computers-printing
Alley Cleaning, Bulk Trash, Garbage Cans, Holiday Tree Collection, Illegal Dumping, Rats
311 zerowaste.dc.gov, dpw.dc.gov/service/ trash-collection, dpw.dc.gov/service/ recycling-collection
City cleaning services are provided through the Department of Public Works (DPW). Call the citywide call center at 311 or go online to report a problem site that needs to be cleaned, or trash that has been illegally dumped.
DPW cleans alleys on a rotating basis – in Ward 6 approximately every six weeks between March and October. But alleys reported by residents or identified by DPW as dirty receive priority. Residents and business owners must assist by keeping alleys clean; picking up loose trash and litter; controlling weeds by cutting overgrowth; and preventing overhanging tree limbs. If your alley requires a special clean-up call, you can submit a clean-up request online. Special requests are investigated within three days and resolved within seven to 28 days. Call 311, or (202) 737-4404. https://dpw. dc.gov/page/street-and-alley-cleaning
DPW provides bulk collection by appointment to District households with three or fewer dwelling units. See a list of what is acceptable at https://dpw. dc.gov/service/bulk-trash-collection. A maximum of seven items can be picked up at one time and should be placed in public space where regular trash is
collected the night before scheduled pick up; subsequent pickups must be scheduled for additional items as early as seven days afterward. Call 311 or visit www.311.dc.gov to schedule an appointment. Residents can also drop off bulk trash at the Fort Totten Transfer Station (4900 John McCormack Rd. NE). Be sure to bring along your driver’s license for proof of DC residency. Contact 311 to report any abandoned bulk trash items.
The DC Department of Parks and Recreation (DC DPR) now offers composting (food waste and yard waste) at over 50 co-operative community/school garden sites around the District. Members need to take a short class to qualify to participate in this program. Visit dpr.dc.gov/page/community-compostcooperative-network to find the nearest participating garden near you and the contact person.
DC residents can earn a rebate of $75 on home compost systems, but attendance at a workshop is required. See the schedule at https://zerowaste. dc.gov/homecomposting or email zero. waste@dc.gov to be notified when they are scheduled.
DPW currently offers weekly and year-round food waste drop-off at 10 farmers markets while food scrap dropoffs operate in every ward during the growing season. Note that no meat or dairy products are allowed. For more information, visit zerowaste.dc.gov/ foodwastedropoff
Garbage Cans/Recycling Cans zerowaste.dc.gov/page/residentialcollection-information-requests The District issues trash and recycling bins at those residences where the Department of Public Works (DPW) collects trash, usually in buildings with three units or less. Free bins are issued to new residents. Call the Mayor’s Call Center, place an order and the District will deliver the cans to your home, free
of charge, within a week. Call 311 or visit dpw.dc.gov. Damaged bins must be purchased for a price ranging from $45 to $62.50 depending on size; discounts are available to seniors. Theft of trash cans is a re-occurring problem and DPW recommends residents put their address on the side and top and record the serial number.
Request trash carts (for twice-perweek collection) and Supercans (for once-per-week collection) at 311.dc.gov/ citizen/servicetypes/list. For details see dpw.dc.gov/service/recycling-containerrepair-and-purchase, contact 311 or call 202-737-4404.
(E-Waste Recycling, Document Shredding, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Paint Drop-Off)
E-Waste includes unwanted computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers and fax machines. Proper disposal prevents substances such as lead and mercury from leaking into the environment. Hazardous Household Waste (HHW) includes household products that are poisonous or can cause a fire; harm DPW workers; explode or release fumes when exposed to air, water or chemicals. The Fort Totten Transfer Station located at
4900 John McCormack Rd. NE offers drop off services from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays.
Personal document shredding services are provided on the first Saturday of each month from 7 a.m. to 2 pm. Visit the website for a list of acceptable materials and a detailed schedule. dpw. dc.gov/service/household-hazardouswaste-electronics-recycling-documentshredding.
The District collects holiday trees (stripped of ornaments and decorations, and unbagged) from residences serviced by DPW, usually single-family homes and apartments or condo buildings with three or fewer units. Exact dates vary but trees are (usually) collected for a period of two to three weeks starting in January; the city has switched between collecting from tree boxes and from where trash is collected -- get the latest at https:// dpw.dc.gov/service/tis-season-holidaytrees-greenery-collection. Residents may also bring trees and greenery to the Fort Totten Transfer Station located at 4900 John F. McCormack Dr. NE.
Illegal Dumping
dpw.dc.gov/service/illegal-dumping-investigation, 311. dc.gov, 311, 202-645-7190
Illegal dumping is more than someone sneakily disposing of an old mattress in an alley at night. Trash or piles of debris not in proper containers or points of collection, set out in unsanitary manner, or on a vacant lot or public property are cases of Illegal dumping. Fines for illegal dumping can be as high as $5,000 for the first offense; fines for hazardous or medical waste are up to $40,000 and could include prison. DPW also offers rewards of up to $500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of an illegal dumper. Call 311 or go online to report and provide: the location of the dumping; make, model and tag number of vehicles involved; time and date of dumping; nature of materials dumped.
Leaves and Yard Waste
The District vacuums leaves from each street twice between November and January. Cleanup is based on the schedule included in a Leaf Collection Map, distributed to each District household during in the fall. Leaves must be raked to the tree box or the curb by Sunday of the collection week. You can track leaf collection online: https://dcgis.maps.arcgis. com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=fa5476e8cedb4e b185c9b30f173fde4b
Do not pile leaves in the street, or block gutters or storm drains and try to avoid parking on leaf piles. Contact the DC Call Center (311) if leaves have not been vacuumed or a special circumstance requires assistance. Call 311 or visit dpw.dc.gov for more info or to sign up for a leaf collection reminder.
Yard waste collection is now year-round. Residents must call 311 to make an appointment for yard waste collection. Residents can also visit 311.dc.gov to make an appointment or download and schedule an appointment using the 311 mobile app available at the Google Play and Apple App stores. DPW only collects yard waste in paper bags. DPW will collect up to 20 paper bags of yard waste from residences that receive DPW’s trash and recycling collection services.
Tree limbs, stumps, dirt, stones, concrete and broken flower pots will not be collected, and DPW will only collect yard waste from residences that it services for trash and recycling. Trash will be prioritized over yard waste, so the latter will be collected as space permits.
311, 202-535-1954, Rat.riddance@dc.gov
If you see rats around your home, contact the Animal Services Rodent and Animal Control call center for assistance at 202-535-1954. The Department of Health (DOH) food protection program will initiate enforcement at food establishments if needed. DOH abatement efforts utilize registered products to bait rodents in outdoor burrows on public property. DOH also will bait rodents on private property.
To discourage rodents, store garbage and especially food waste in metal or heavy plastic containers with tight lids. Place trash outside shortly before pickup, and don’t
leave plastic garbage bags out overnight. Pet food should not be left outside and both pet food and birdseed should be stored in a secure container.
The Department of Public Works (DPW) provides recycling services for residents of DC whose trash is also collected by the department. Residents are issued a recycling container, and recycling pickups coincide with residential trash collections. In twice-weekly trash collection neighborhoods, recycling is collected on either the first or second collection day. Visit collectionday.dcgis.dc.gov for your street’s recycling schedule. Call the Mayor’s Call Center at 311 or the recycling hotline at 202-645-8245 or visit dpw.dc.gov/service/ recycling-container-repairand-purchase if you need an additional or replacement cart or bin.
Visit DPW’s website or zerowaste.dc.gov for a complete listing of recycling “dos and don’ts” and a “What Goes Where” app that helps demystify what can and cannot be recycled in the District. Recycle glass, plastic, and metal food and beverage containers; rinse containers; you do not have to remove lids; all material must be clean. Do not put materials in plastic bags. Call 202-645-8245 (the recycling hotline), or visit zerowaste.dc.gov to find collection days, request bins, report missed collections or request bulk trash pick-up (for furniture, mattresses or other large Items; see Bulk Trash Collection above). u
Morning coffee at Radicci, 7th and C Sts. SE.Did you know each District resident has an elected official charged with representing the interests of 2,000 or so of their closest neighbors? You should know your commissioner, what an Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) is, and what they do.
Each District Ward is subdivided into Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs). Each ANC is made up of local elected officials who serve as commissioners. Each commissioner represents
a smaller area within the ANC, in which they must also live, called a Single Member District (SMD). There are ideally about 2,000 voters in each SMD. These voters elect the commissioner for their SMD to serve a two-year term.
The boundaries of the ANCs and the SMDs represented by each commissioner changed in 2023. The boundaries of the ANCs and SMDs are updated every ten years, based on the results of the latest decennial census. Ward 6 experienced the biggest changes during redistricting, with portions of the ward east of 15th Street now a part of Ward 7 and part of Navy Yard redistricted into Ward 8.
Currently, ANC 6A and 6C represent most residents living between East Capitol and Florida avenues NE, between Union Station and 15th Street. ANC 6D represents Southwest residents from Buzzard Point north to Independence Avenue SW. Commissioners from ANC 6B represent residents south of East Capitol and north of the I-695, largely between the Capitol building and 15th Street. ANC 7D represents Hill East between 15th Street and the Anacostia River and from there to Benning Road. Both Reservation 13 and the DC Jail are now part of ANC 7F. Finally, ANC 6/8F represents portions of Navy Yard located
ANC 6A generally meets virtually the second Thursday of the month, visit www.anc6a.org for details.
6A01 - Keya Chatterjee Vice-Chair 6A01@anc.dc.gov
6A02 - Mike Velasquez mikevanc6a@gmail.com
6A03 - Roberta Shapiro Robertafor6a03@gmail.com
6A04 - Amber Gove Chair 6A04@anc.dc.gov
6A05 - Dave Wethington 6A05@anc.dc.gov
6A06 - Robb Dooling Secretary 6A06@anc.dc.gov
6A07 - Steve Moilanen Treasurer 6a07@anc.dc.gov
in both Ward 6 and Ward 8.
To find your ANC or SMD boundary, enter your address in the new 2023 Locate Your ANC/SMD tool at https:// arcg.is/1PrKXG.
ANCs are the first level of elected government in the District. Commissioners are unpaid elected volunteers.
Most ANCs have standing committees to address regularly recurring issues such as use of public space, alcohol licensing, transportation, ANC grant funds, and public safety.
Committees make recommendations to the full ANC. For instance, if a restaurant establishment wishes to add patio seating to their frontage on public space, representatives of the restaurant would have to take this to the public space committee in the ANC where the restaurant is located and present their request. The committee hears any comments from residents or surrounding business owners, and then the committee’s recommendation would be considered at the monthly meeting of all commissioners.
The results from that meeting would then be communicated to the appropriate District agency. By law, the agency must give “great weight” to that decision in their determination.
ANCs have various degrees of involvement with District business. ANC 6A wrote the zoning code that defines what constitutes a fast-food establishment and began a vacant property database. Meanwhile, ANC 6B has made the inclusion of indoor trash rooms part of negotiations with area restaurants and bars.
ANCs are your representatives and they can open communication channels to District agencies in an official capacity, often getting answers or action when you cannot. A few years back, there were many streets on the Hill that were not zoned for residential parking, which meant that you could forget about hav-
ing a spot in front of your house when you got back from the grocery store on Saturday afternoon.
Bringing this sort of day-to-day, quality-of-life issue to the attention of your ANC commissioner can effect change — petitions to get the street zoned for residential parking started floating around and “Zone 6 Parking Only” signs started going up on many blocks.
Commissioners also hold businesses accountable for noise, trash and loitering, which are all important to residents who live near commercial or entertainment districts. Commissioners can also work with local nonprofits, community organizations and police to address continuing crime such as robberies, break-ins or shootings.
ANCs work on many diverse projects, so it is easy to get involved with something you are interested in by joining a committee. If you have a penchant for keeping an eye on neighborhood order and quiet, the alcohol licensing board may be for you; those familiar with zoning regulations and building codes might prefer a planning and zoning committee.
The Hill Rag reports on ANC meetings each month in the Capitol Streets section. You can also go to each ANC website (see below) to find their specific committees and see when they meet or subscribe to their mailing list. Send an email to the chair or your SMD representative, all listed on the website. They will be happy to hear from anyone who wants to get involved!
Each ANC usually meets at a regular time and location (when in person). While meeting times and frequency remain largely unchanged (aside from modifications due to holidays or religious observance) most ANCs have hybrid meetings (virtually and in person) since March 2020. Check the websites for
updated information on meeting dates for current ANCs and how to attend.
(anc6a.org) usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. online or, when in person, at Miner Elementary (601 15 St. NE)
(anc6b.org) usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. online or, when in person, at the Hill Center (921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE)
(anc6c.org) meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. online or, when in person, at the Heritage Foundation (214 Massachusetts Ave. NE)
(anc6d.org) usually meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. online or, when in person, either at 1100 Fourth St. SW or DC Water HQ (1385 Canal St. SE). Check the calendar for location.
(anc8F.org) usually meets in person on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. at the DDOT Headquarters, 250 M Street SE, Room 124.
(https://7d0761.wixsite.com/anc7d-1) usually meets virtually on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. When in person, they meet in East River Park Shopping Center (3935 Benning Rd. NE, Lower Level Community Room).
(anc7F.com) usually meets virtually on the third Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m. Hill and vicinity ANCs usually do not meet on holidays or in August; check calendars to confirm. u
The Hill is a close-knit village. It is also located in a major metropolitan area where crime is an element of daily life. Capitol Hill is patrolled by the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and the US Capitol Police (USCP). Responsibility for policing Capitol Hill is shared between MPD’s First and Fifth Districts. USCP handles security on the US Capitol grounds. Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) personnel patrol metro stations.
Residents are encouraged to attend local police meetings and get to know their neighborhood officers. Contact information is available on the MPD webpage. Officers want to hear from residents and are interested in developing relationships to encourage communication that will assist in crime-fighting efforts.
Community members are the eyes and ears of the MPD. Prompt and detailed
reporting of suspicious activities helps prevent crime. If you see suspicious activity, immediately call 911. When reporting suspicious activity, give an accurate description. Here are some things to include:
• Brief description of the activity.
• Date, time and location of the activity.
• Physical identifiers of anyone you observed.
• Descriptions of vehicles.
• Information about where people involved in suspicious activities may have gone.
• Your name and contact information.
• A photo or video, if you can safely take one. DO NOT put yourself in harm’s way to obtain a photograph.
Citizens can also call the DC Crime Solvers Tip Line at 1-800-673-2777 or message the Text Tip Line anonymously at 50411.
If location services are enabled on your
phone, you can text 911 to get help. Residents should use voice-call 911 where appropriate. The text system is best for cases where the caller has difficulty hearing or speaking, or where a voice call might put the caller in additional danger. Situations suited for Text to 911 include:
• Situations where a person is the victim of a crime and the perpetrator is still in the area, such as an assault, robbery, or a domestic violence incident.
• When people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or who have a speech disability need to reach 911.
You can anonymously send tips, pictures or video to MPD via text message 24 hours and day, seven days a week. Send messages via the Text Tip Line at 50411. Tips on serious or violent crimes will be Investigated by members of the police department. Message and data rates may apply.
Because the Text Tip line is anonymous, the sender will not receive a response to the original message. The anonymous text tip line is not an emergency number, so if you witness a crime in progress or have an emergency that requires the police, please call 911.
Like other cities in the nation, the District has experienced an increase in carjackings, auto thefts, and unauthorized use of vehicle offenses in its communities since the pandemic. The bulk of vehicle thefts take place when people leave their car unattended, unlocked and running. MPD tips to avoid becoming a target of theft from vehicles:
• Always lock your car.
• Ne ver leave your vehicle idling/ running unattended – even if your
MPD officers at the July 4 parade. Photo: Andrew Lightmankey fob is on you, someone can still drive off with your car until it stops or gas runs out.
• Always keep track of your keys and never leave them inside the vehicle.
• Do not leave children unattended inside your vehicle.
• Park in a safe spot.
• Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.
• If you see suspicious activity, report it anonymously by calling 202-7279099 or texting 50411.
• If you are a victim of a crime, report it immediately by calling 911.
When victims are robbed on the street, the
target is frequently personal electronics and cash. Here are some commonsense steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of robbery:
• Pay attention to your surroundings, particularly to passersby. Walk purposefully and with confidence.
• DO NOT walk and text as this prevents situational awareness.
• Talking on a cell phone, texting or listening to music can blind you to nearby threats.
• Walk in groups in well-lighted areas. Avoid alleys where possible.
• Do not display your personal electronics such as cell phones or tablets.
• Make sure to enable your phone’s tracking system as well as know your
login and password to track your phone in the case of loss or theft.
• Do not use ATMs located in remote areas.
• Make sure to grasp any backpack or handbag with your hand at all times.
• Always lock your car and shut all windows.
• Never leave anything of value visible in your car.
• Lock your car when getting gas. Most importantly, trust your gut instincts. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, there is usually a good reason. If something feels awry, call 911. If you see something, say something.
It is important to secure homes against burglaries. Here are some commonsense tips for when not at home:
• Ensure your home is secured –lock all doors and windows.
• Close blinds, shades and curtains.
• Make sure all doors have well-installed dead bolt locks.
• Secure sliding doors with a dowel or broom stick on their inside track.
• Lock double-hung windows with key locks.
• Do not hide keys on the outside of your home.
• Install exterior lighting.
• I nstall security cameras outside and alert police if you have footage of a crime on your street. Rebates are available through the Private Security Camera Incentive Program. Visit www.ovsjg.dc.gov or contact the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at security.cameras@ dc.gov or 202-727-5124 for more information.
• Install bars on lower windows and do not leave items in view through windows.
• Consider a steel door and frame.
• Contact the First or Fifth District for a free security survey of your home.
• Get to know your immediate neighbors.
Crime reports can be filed by citizens online at mpdc.dc.gov/service/file-policereport-online or by calling 911.
The MPD provides daily crime information through the First and Fifth District Google Groups.
• groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ official-mpd-1d
• groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ official-mpd-5d
Learn more and sign up at https://support.google.com/groups/ answer/1067205?hl=en
Citizens can also follow the MPD on Twitter @DCPoliceDept and get traffic alerts from @DCPoliceTraffic. General
public safety alerts are available by following @DC_HSEMA. There Is an unofficial feed of the DC Alert System @AlertDCio.
The District encourages residents and businesses to Install security cameras on their property and register them with MPD. The Private Security Camera Rebate Program offers up to $200 per camera (maximum $500) for residents, businesses, nonprofits and religious Institutions. The Private Security Camera Voucher Program offers cameras free to residents who receive public assistance. MPD will ask registered participants to share footage from the cameras to assist in solving crimes. Learn more by calling 202-727-5124 or visiting ovsjg. dc.gov/page/private-security-camerarebate-program
Information on District crime is also available through the DC Crime Card app. Users can search by crime type, weapon, date and location. The app displays result in maps, charts and tables showing, for instance, where the crimes took place in the selected area, or change over time. Alternatively, the data set can be downloaded. You can use the crime cards at dcatlas.dcgis.dc.gov/crimecards
To help facilitate the partnership between the police and the public, the First and Fifth Districts are subdivided into several Police Service Areas (PSAs) and three Sector Police regions. You can find out what PSA you live in by searching your address at http://geospatial.dcgis.dc.gov/ PSAFinder/
Monthly PSA meetings conducted in a local venue provide a forum for residents to bring criminal activity and quality of life issues to MPD’s attention and learn what actions are already in place to prevent and reduce crime in the community. This is face-to-face time where you can discuss issues of concern and get to know the
police officers assigned to patrol within the PSA. It’s also a great place to meet your neighbors. The schedule for PSA meetings is available at mpdc.dc.gov.
While PSAs function at the neighborhood level, the Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) represents the entire police district. They meet regularly to provide the district commander with information and recommendations from the community on the public’s safety problems and police service needs and allow residents to meet and discuss police-related issues with the commander. The meetings also provide an opportunity for police officials to assess the impact of their crime-fighting efforts on the community. First District CAC (1DCAC) usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, although dates can vary. Check 1dcac.com. Fifth District CAC (5DCAC) usually meets the fourth Thursday of every month, with some exceptions. See the5dcac.org. Schedules for all districts are available at www. mpdc.dc.gov.
First District Station 101 M St. SW, 202-698-0555
First District Substation 1-D-1 500 E St. SE, 202-698-0068
Fifth District Station 1805 Bladensburg Rd NE 202-698-0150
US Capitol Police 202-224-9788
Sometimes you want to call for help, but don’t necessarily need law enforcement. There are several numbers you can call to access support and services for those in crisis.
Child and Adolescent
Mobile Psychiatric Service (ChaMPS)
catholiccharitiesdc.org/ champs
This is an emergency response service for children, teenagers and adolescent adults who are having a mental health or behavioral health crisis. ChaMPS works in close partnership with hospitals and police to provide help for children facing a behavioral or mental health crisis. Help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for children and youth aged 6 to 17 or those aged 18 to 21 if they are in the care and custody of the DC Child and Family Services Agency.
Community Response Team (Adult Mental Health Crisis)
35 K St. NE
A 24/7 multidisciplinary direct service team that supports adults who are experiencing emotional, psychiatric or substance use vulnerabilities. It can conduct on the spot assessment and referral to behavioral health care and carry harm reduction options such as naloxone.
Crime Victim Hotline
chat 1-844-4HELPDC 1-844-443-5732 dcvictim.org
A crisis line for crime victims available 24/7 by telephone, text or online chat, the hotline provides information, resources and referrals to trauma-informed services. It is operated through a partnership with
the Mayor’s Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants with the National Center for Victims of Crime. Call, text or chat online.
DC Rape Crisis Hotline
202-333-RAPE dcrcc.org
The DCRCC crisis hotline (202333-7273) offers information about the DC Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program which includes a medical evidentiary exam, emergency contraception, pregnancy and STI testing. You can also call the DC Victim Hotline (1-844443-5732) directly to reach the on-call sexual assault examiner, who will accompany you to MedStar Washington Hospital Center Emergency Department. Transportation will be provided if needed. You also have the option to go directly to Washington Hospital Center (110 Irving St. NW). dcrcc.org
DC Shelter Hotline
202-399-7093, 311
The hotline shelter is available 24 hours a day. Shelters provide a warm and safe place to stay and offer additional support services and case management. Transportation is also available. Between November 1 and March 31, when the temperature or wind chill is 32 or below, the District of Columbia issues a Hypothermia Alert. On a Hypothermia Alert Day, the District is. obligated by law to make shelter available. u
CCCC is a multi-cultural and multidisciplinary mental health practice of psychologists, social workers and counselors.
Collectively, we serve children, adolescents and adults through individual, couple, family, and group psychotherapy as well as psychological assessment and testing in the DMV area.
Founded in 2009, we are celebrating our 15-year anniversary of CCCC at our Capitol Hill office, located at 650 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 440.
We accept most insurances, and offer self-pay and low-fee therapy options in order to provide accessible mental health care.
See the the complete listing of services, clinicians, and DMV office locations on our website: www.ccccmentalhealth.com
Volunteering is a great way to spend time together as a family. Research shows doing so can help foster a child’s social skills, nourish their sense of empathy and expose them to new interests. Children can also get involved— and learn the value of volunteering—at an early age by donating toys, books and school supplies they’ve outgrown. Here are some family friendly volunteer opportunities on the Hill and in the District.
A Wider Circle / awidercircle.org
A wider circle works to advance equity in the District and to address root causes of poverty. Volunteers from 7 to 13 years old can help with the Essential Support Program, which provides furnishings for new homes. They need to be accompanied by an adult during orientation, training and volunteer service. The organization identifies tasks suited to keeping youth volunteers engaged. For more information contact volunteer@awidercircle.org.
Anacostia Watershed Society anacostiaws.org
The river is a prominent feature of the District and the Hill and the Anacostia Watershed So-
ciety welcomes families and kids to volunteer to keep it strong and clean. Volunteers plant native plants, collect seeds and pick up litter along the river. They provide tools and supplies; you provide the hands that work to make the river sparkle.
Capital Area Food Bank capitalareafoodbank.org
(4900 Puerto Rico Ave. NE)
The largest food bank in the DMV partners with 444 community organizations annual to get food to those in need and also delivers food directly. That helps 540,000 people a year eat. Kids as young as 12 can volunteer with their families to sort and pack food for delivery.
Casey Trees / caseytrees.org
Accompanied kids can help add green to the urban landscape with this non-profit dedicated to increasing and maintaining the leafy canopy in DC. Check the website for on-going opportunities to help with community tree plantings. Or register your child’s school for a hands-on academic experience.
ABOVE: A hard-working 4 year-old helping his neighbors by shoveling a sidewalk
TOP: Kids assist in getting a new tree out of the pot and into the ground at a Casy Trees community planting event. Photo: Courtesy Casey Trees and stoop. photo: J. YenDC Diaper Bank / dcdiaperbank.org
Helping babies is the number one mission of the DC Diaper Bank. Diapers, newborn necessities, nursing supplies, hygiene products and more are collected to empower and change lives of babies living at or below the poverty line. During family volunteer hours, kids can help to collect supplies at home or school. They can come to the warehouse to package and distribute diapers. There’s a playroom on site for the littlest ones.
Clean Ups / www.districtcleanups.com
Established in wake of the literal mess left on the Capitol lawn in the wake of Jan. 6, 2021, District Cleanups organizes monthly clean ups around the District. All ages are welcome. Equipment is provided. Work with your child to instill pride and ownership of District communities through trash removal and engagement with DC residents! Check calendar online for next time and location.
Food and Friends / foodandfriends.org (219 Riggs Rd. NE)
Volunteers of all ages can join their adult family members delivering meals to clients’ homes, making this an ideal volunteer opportunity for parents with young children. Volunteers must be at least 14 to work in the kitchen preparing and packaging meals. Thanksgiving is an especially busy time and the organization welcomes the help for the holidays.
on Wheels / mealsonwheelsamerica.org
The Moms for Meals program allows kids to accompany parents on weekday delivery meal runs during summer and winter breaks. Meals on Wheels provides food to homebound seniors and people with disabilities. Recipients love the interaction with kids as much as the delicious food.
So Others Might Eat (SOME) / some.org (71 O St. NW)
This interfaith organization provides food, showers, clothing, medical care and housing for those in need. Volunteers in the dining room must be at least 13 years old and accompanied by an adult; teens aged 16 can volunteer independently. At Thanksgiving, volunteers are needed: SOME hosts holiday meals that need volunteers over age 12 to prepare and serve food, as well as an Annual Thanksgiving Day Trot for Hunger. DC’s only turkey trot, the Trot for Hunger, is a SOME fundraiser; children 10 and under can participate in the Little Turkey One Mile Fun Run.
We Are Family / wearefamilydc.org
This organization reaches out to isolated senior citizens to help with groceries, cleaning, transportation or a friendly check-in. Who appreciates kid time more than a senior? Give them a bit of time from the fountain of youth. Kids who visit with the elderly benefit from their stories and knowledge. u
Anacostia Community
Boathouse Association (ACBA) www.anacostiaboathouse.org
Dedicated to environmentally responsible recreation on the Anacostia River, this sport center’s member organizations hold free Learn-to-Row and Learn-toPaddle clinics as well as competitive and recreational programs for all ages and abilities.
Anacostia Riverkeeper
45 L St SW, #70565
Anacostia Riverkeeper works to restore and protect the Anacostia. Volunteer, donate, report pollution, try catch-andrelease fishing at Diamond Teague Park and bring your neighbors out on a free Anacostia River Explorers boat tour!
Capitol Hill Garden Club
Members can enjoy lectures, demonstrations, workshops and tours, undertake community projects and contribute to garden and beautification projects in our neighborhood. The club meets monthly September to April at the Northeast Library. See the calendar for events and an application to join.
Casey Trees
3030 12th St. NE
A citywide urban forestry nonprofit, Casey Trees restores, enhances and protects DC’s tree canopy. They engage thousands of volunteers of all ages in planting and caring for trees in our neighborhoods. Sign up for their weekly e-newsletter at caseytrees.org/ getupdates.
Earth Conservation Corps (ECC) 1520 First St. SE
ECC provides young people from stressed communities with the environmental education to set them on a path to a career in conservation or science. Public programs include a Friday Night Fish lab during the summer. Volunteer online to uplift precious natural resources: youth and the environment.
Friends of the National Arboretum (FONA) 3501 New York Ave. NE 202-544-8733 fona.org
FONA is the primary private partner of the U.S. National Arboretum. It connects people with nature through garden-based education programs in the Washington Youth Garden and DC schools, recreation programs like 5K runs and forest bathing
BID Ambassador India Person and Hill resident Susan Perry. Photo: CH BIDand events like concerts or the annual Garden Fair & Plant Sale. Visit www.FONA.org to learn more about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
Trees for Capitol Hill (TFCH)
TFCH volunteers work to help renew, restore and refresh the diversity of trees that make Capitol Hill so pleasantly green. TFCH organizes a day of tree planting each year, typically the Saturday before Thanksgiving, and works closely with the DC Department of Urban Forestry for permitting and with neighbors for proper site selection.
Barracks Row Main Street 507 Eighth St. SE 202-544-3188
BRMS works to preserve and enhance Capitol Hill’s historic Eighth Street SE commercial corridor and to support its business community. It also organizes festivals, a culinary crawl, promotions and celebrations throughout the year for merchants and residents of the area.
PO Box 15486 Wash., DC 20003 202-547-7788 capitolhill.org champs@capitolhill.org tonyt@capitolhill.org
As a local Chamber of Commerce, the Capitol Hill Association of Merchants and Professionals (CHAMPS) is a dynamic organization of business and community leaders dedicated
to a strong economic environment. CHAMPS advocates, connects and promotes Capitol Hill businesses.
Improvement District (BID) 1451 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. Unit 1
The Capitol Hill BID is funded through an assessment on commercial property owners who are dedicated to keeping Capitol Hill a clean and safe place to live, work and conduct business. The BID provides services that augment, not replace, services that the DC government provides. These include security, street cleaning and graffiti removal as well as streetscape improvements.
Capitol Riverfront BID
Capitol Riverfront is located five blocks south of the US Capitol Building, situated between I-395 and the Anacostia River. The BID provides management services that assist in fostering a clean, safe, friendly and vibrant neighborhood. The BID’s website and weekly Front Page News newsletter are direct lines to current events like drive-in movies, concerts and fitness classes. To subscribe to the BID e-blast visit www.capitolriverfront.org.
Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee (EMCAC)
easternmarket-dc.org/emcac EMCAC is the District’s legislatively established body entrusted with advisory and oversight responsibilities for the operations
of Eastern Market and the Eastern Market Special Use District. It consists of representatives from community organizations, ANCs, District officials, vendors, merchants and professionals that do business on Capitol Hill. Public meetings are generally held on the last Wednesday of each month.
Eastern Market Main Street (EMMS)
700 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, 2nd Fl
EMMS, a designated DC Main Streets program from the Department of Small and Local Business Development, supports small businesses and fosters a vibrant, neighborhood-serving corridor through public and private space improvements, events and campaigns.
H Street Main Street (HSMS) hstreet.org
The main goal of HSMS is to encourage and develop dynamic, quality services and community resources in a safe and welcoming environment for the H Street community and beyond. HSMS develops partnerships and provides technical assistance and organizes the annual H Street Festival, a widely anticipated event. See the neighborhood by riding the free streetcar along H Street between Gallery Place/Chinatown metro and the Minnesota Avenue metro.
NoMa Business Improvement District
1200 First St. 4th Fl. 202-289-0111
NoMa is 35 blocks centrally located in the midst of H Street, Shaw, the Mount
Vernon Triangle and Downtown. The BID is dedicated to enhancing the overall quality of life and economic vitality of the NoMa neighborhood through programming, strategic partnerships and community initiatives. Efforts include cleaning, safety, economic development, beautification, marketing, events and the development of a strategic plan.
Southwest Business Improvement District (SWBID)
420 Fourth St. SW 202-618-3515
The mission of the Southwest Business Improvement District (SWBID) is to implement services and improvements to and for the communities in Southwest. People are central to these efforts. The BID works on public infrastructure, beautification and programming in
Federal Center south of the National Mall, the Southwest neighborhood and The Wharf development.
Early Stages
1125 New Jersey Ave. NW 202-698-8037
Early Stages is an evaluation center for children aged 2 years 8 months to 5 years 10 months. The program identifies developmental delays and disabilities in children. It provides evaluations for DC children who are not in school or who are homeschooled. It evaluates children living outside of DC if they attend a private school or childcare center in DC. Early Stages is a program of DC Public Schools (DCPS). All services are free.
1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-462-8686
Provides educational services beyond the classroom to help students succeed from first grade through college and career. The goal is to unlock every child’s potential with a postsecondary degree. They offer programs to help students in grades 2 to 12 meet standards or older students with SAT prep.
760 Seventh St. SE 202-548-4021
Little Lights is a non-profit Christian ministry organization dedicated to helping under-served kids, teens, adults and families on Capitol Hill and Southeast Washington, DC. With the help of more than 700 volunteers annually, Little
Lights provides tutoring, mentoring and healthy meals for kids; internships for teens and young adults; job search assistance and job training for adults; and parenting classes, resources and diapers for families. They also manage a landscaping enterprise, the Clean Green Team, which does hundreds of jobs annually on the Hill. Visit the website to see how you can volunteer.
Sasha Bruce Youthwork
741 Eighth St SE 202-675-9340, Emergency: 202-547-7777 sashabruce.org
Sasha Bruce Youthwork supports youth experiencing homelessness in DC and Prince George’s County with more than 20 programs. Four Drop-In Centers provide services to 700+ individuals yearly. The Barracks Row Drop-In Center is a trauma-informed environment for young adults of all genders up to age 24. Youth receive survival services (meals, showers, laundry), counseling, education and workforce development, housing assistance, HIV/STI testing, and family support. Olaiya’s Cradle is a fullservice program giving young mothers tools to become self-sufficient. If you or someone you know needs support, call 202-547-7777.
Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocated and Leaders (SMYAL)
410 Seventh St. SE 202-546-5940 smyal.org, supporterinfo@smyal.org
SMYAL supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth in the DC metropolitan area. Through youth leadership, housing, and clinical services, SMYAL creates opportunities for LGBTQ youth to build self-confidence, develop critical life skills and engage their peers and community through service as well as safer sex outreach. There is a Little SMYALS program for queer and trans youth 6-12 and their families.
Capitol Hill
Community Foundation
419 East Capitol St. SE
An all-volunteer organization founded in 1989, the CHCF supports activities, projects and organizations that enrich the lives of residents. Funded entirely by annual donations from Capitol Hill residents and businesses, the Foundation directs every dollar contributed to grants to enhance community live and support residents in times of crisis. CHCF has launched some major initiatives, including a thriving neighborhood history project, an awards program that honors individuals for distinguished service to the community and the Literary Feast, a series of literary-themed dinners that raises money for schools. Since its founding in 1989, CHCF has donated more than $14million to the benefit of our neighborhood.
Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center
713 Maryland Ave. NE
The faith-based center provides free pregnancy tests and information on parenting, adoption and birth control with referrals. They do not refer for abortions. The center also offers prenatal and parenting classes; holds parenting support meetings; and provides maternity clothes, baby clothes and equipment to those who need them. Donations of new or gently used infant and child items are always appreciated. CHPC offers many volunteer opportunities. To find out more, contact CHPC at 202-546-1018.
(See page____)
Ward 6 Mutual Aid 545 Seventh St. SE serveyourcitydc.com
Since March 2020, Serve Your City DC (SYC DC) has served as the lead partner for Ward 6 Mutual Aid (W6MA), coordinating efforts among grassroots organizers, volunteers, and communitybased organizations. W6MA provides food, supplies and assistance to neighbors in areas from education, health and well-being to advocacy. SYC DC provides after-school enrichment tutoring as well as laptops to students. To volunteer or request support, email Ward6MutualAid@gmail.com. Make inkind or financial donations by visiting ServeYourCityDC.com
Eastern Market Metro Community Association (EMMCA)
EMMCA promotes the civic interests and quality of life for residents who live near the Eastern Market Metro. This includes presenting the views of EMMCA’s membership to government, public, private and other organizations. To subscribe to EMMCA MATTERS, send an email to marcihilt@aol.com
Friends of Kingman Park Civic Association (FOKP) Fokpdc.com
FOKP is a 501(c) civic association that serves, advocates for and fosters community in the Kingman Park neighborhood of Washington, DC. FOKP meets every third Thursday of the month. For up-to-date event information, visit the website or email fokpcivic@gmail.com
North Lincoln Park Neighborhood Association (NLPNA)
NLPNA sponsors youth activities, neighborhood beautification projects and community-building activities.
Southwest Neighborhood Assembly P.O. Box 70131
Washington, DC 20024
swdc.org, thesouthwester.com
An all-volunteer organization, SWNA is the local civic organization in near Southwest. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for Southwest’s 12,000 residents. In addition to publishing the monthly publication The Southwester, SWNA sponsors issue-focused task forces on emergency preparedness, education, youth, transportation, and parks and recreation. The board meets monthly. Visit the website for details.
Capitol Hill Restoration Society 420 Tenth St. SE 202-543-0425
chrs.org, info@chrs.org
CHRS was founded in 1955 to promote, preserve, and enhance the historic neighborhood’s architectural and cultural assets. Due to the efforts of CHRS, Capitol Hill won designation as a historic district in 1976. CHRS continues to play a key role in maintaining the integrity and appeal of the neighborhood, a diverse community for over 200 years. CHRS provides guidance on historic preservation, zoning, large scale urban planning, traffic patterns, and environmental concerns. They also organize an annual house and garden tour on Mother’s Day. See the website for events such as free presentations on topics in home restoration and repair.
Association for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery 1801 E St. SE 202-543-0539 congressionalcemetery.org staff@congressionalcemetery.org
Established in 1807, the 35-acre Washington Parish Burial Ground is the oldest national cemetery in the United States. It is still a working cemetery. The Asso-
ciation for the Preservation of Historic Congressional Cemetery maintains and operates the cemetery, relying on volunteers and donors to preserve the national historic landmark. Events include book clubs, films, and a 5K run. Free guided tours operate most Saturdays at 11 a.m. April through to October. Open from dawn to dusk every day. Membership is required for dog-walking privileges. Fees fund the preservation of the cemetery. Check the website for hours and events.
Ruth Ann Overbeck Capitol Hill History Project
419 East Capitol St. SE
Capitolhillhistory.org info@CapitolHillHistory.org
The Ruth Ann Overbeck Capitol Hill History Project preserves and publicizes the history of the community by recording the recollections of longtime Capitol Hill residents and former residents, presenting history lectures and promoting historical research and publicizing its collection through its website, CapitolHillHistory.org. Recommend a neighbor to be interviewed or to volunteer your help, contact info@ CapitolHillHistory.org. See upcoming Overbeck Lectures online.
100 M St. SE, Suite 650 1-866-554-5384 www.aarp.org/dc
AARP DC provides local information, events and support in a wide variety of areas of interest and concern to District seniors. From educational seminars on health and well-being to courses in technology and driving, AARP DC works to advocate for and support seniors. Check out the list of events, seminars and services by visiting www.aarp.org/dc
Capitol Hill Village
1355 E St. SE
Capitol Hill Village is a member-driven,
volunteer-based neighborhood nonprofit created to give older adults living on Capitol Hill and those who care about them the tools and opportunities to experience elderhood as engaged and valued members of the community. Members can access professional and volunteer services—such as tech support, yard work, transportation —as well as educational, social and wellness programs providing social connection. A care services team provides social workers who can help with hospital/ rehab/home transitions, navigating long-term care options and more. All are welcome. For more info, email info@ capitolhillvillage.org.
Waterfront Village
222 M St. SW
Waterfront Village is a community of members, volunteers and supporters working together to help older adults in Southwest DC and Navy Yard live independent lives. The village provides opportunities to socialize, maintain wellness and enjoy life in addition to home and health support services to those who wish to age in place. Check out the calendar at dcwaterfrontvillage.org.
Community Connections
801 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Unit 201 202-546-1512
Community Connections provides behavioral health, residential services and primary health care coordination to patients coping with mental illness, addiction and the aftermath of trauma and abuse. People can refer themselves or patients can be referred by providers or loved ones online.
Everyone Home DC
415 Second St. NE, 3rd Fl. 202-544-0631
Everyone Home DC supports the ho-
listic needs of individuals and families at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness on Capitol Hill and across DC. Everyone Home DC engages thousands each year through its homelessness prevention, housing, day center, street outreach and supportive services.
Food Pantry, Lutheran Church of the Reformation
212 East Capitol St. NE 202-543-4200 reformationdc.org
The Food Pantry at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation has served neighbors for over 30 years, distributing a bag of groceries that can provide for a family of four for two days. Donations of food, time or money are appreciated. It is open Monday and Tuesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For info, to donate or help email office@ reformationdc.org.
Food Pantry Hol(y) Foods
Market Holy Name of Jesus Parish 920 11 St. NE 202-397-2525 holynameparishdc.org/holyfoods-market
Distribution of a bag of food happens regularly on the second Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. - Noon in the lower Church. If you, a family member, neighbor, or friend need food, please come and get a bag! Contact the rectory (202-397-2525) with any further questions.
Food and Friends
Capitol Hill United Methodist Church 421 Seward Sq. SE chumc.net/food-and-friends Every morning CHUMC of -
fers a meal to neighbors, both housed and unhoused, with a serving of friendship for all who attend. The meals are offered in the relaxing atmosphere of the CHUMC Parlor from 9 to 10 a.m. on weekdays. On the weekends food and friendship is provided from 9 to 11 a.m. The program offers a bit of dignity, order, relief from the weather, food, coffee, and most of all, friendship –for all who attend. For info, to donate or volunteer email rfarley7@ hotmail.com.
Capitol Hill
212 East Capitol St. NE goodneighborscapitolhill.org
Good Neighbors Capitol Hill is a coalition of eight Capitol Hill congregations and unaffiliated friends working together since 2016 to provide refugee families in Prince George’s County with support such as funding, furnishings, tutoring and communications. Most of the families are interpreters and their families from Afghanistan. To donate or volunteer, email info@goodneighborscapitolhill.org
Episcopal Church
301 A St. SE 202-543-0053 stmarks.net
The St. Mark’s Outreach Program has made a commitment to work with nine different local programs providing meals and assistance to families and individuals in need. For instance, volunteers prepare sandwiches in support of the Sunday Supper program. Check the website for ways you can contribute. u
Brown Memorial AME Church
130 14th St. NE
Calvary Episcopal Church 820 Sixth St. NE 202-546-8011 calvarydc.net
Capitol Hill Baptist Church 525 A St. NE 202-543-6111, capitolhillbaptist.org
Capitol Hill Seventh Day Adventist
Capitol Hill Presbyterian 201 Fourth St. SE 202-547-8676
Capitol Hill Seventh Day Adventist 914 Massachusetts Ave. NE 202-543-1344
Capitol Hill United Methodist 421 Seward Sq. SE 202-546-1000, chumc.net
Chabad East DC Jewish Center 406 Eighth St. SE 202-643-5644 chabadeastdc.com
Christ City Church 601 15th St. NE (in Miner ES) 202-854-8286 Christcitydc.org
Christ Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill 620 G St. SE 202-547-9300 Washingtonparish.org
Christ Our Shepherd Church 801 North Carolina Ave. SE 202-544-9599 christourshepherd.org
Christ United Methodist Church 900 Fourth St. SW 202-554-9117 christchurchinthecity.org
Church of the Resurrection Seventh Day Adventist 501 E St. SE Rezchurch.org
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 522 Seventh St. SE 202-547-8793 churchofjesuschrist.org
Ebenezer United Methodist Church 400 D St. SE 202-544-1415 ebenezerumcdc.org
Douglass Memorial United Methodist Church 800 11th St. NE
Grace Covenant Church 419 Ninth St. SE gracecov.org/capitolhill
Graceway Baptist Church 921 Penn. Ave. SE (in the Hill Center) 202-618-5833 gracewaydc.com
Our Sanctuary is open for private prayer every day from 8:00am - 8:00 pm. All are welcome to worship with us and spend quiet time with Our Lord.
Hill Havurah
212 East Capitol St. NE (at Lutheran Church of Reformation) 202-729-3515 hillhavurah.org
Holy Comforter –
St. Cyprian Catholic Church 1357 East Capitol St. SE 202-546-1885 hcscchurch.org
Holy Name of Jesus Parish Catholic Church 920 11th St. NE 202-397-2525 holynameparishdc.org
Holy Temple Church of Christ 439 12th St. SE 202-547-8365 htconline.org
Ivy City Masjid 2001 Gallaudet St. NE 202-904-9668 facebook.com/ivycitymasjid
Lane Memorial CME Church 1423 C St. NE 202-547-0407 facebook.com/LaneMCMEChurch
Liberty Baptist Church 527 Kentucky Ave. SE 202-543-7894 libertybaptistchurchdc.org
Lincoln Park United Methodist Church 1301 North Carolina Ave. NE 202-543-1318 lpumcdc.org
Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol St. NE 202-543-4200 reformationdc.org
Masjid Muhammad 1519 Fourth St. NW 202-483-8832 Thenationsmosque.org
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church 1636 East Capitol St. NE 202-544-5588 mountmoriahchurch.org
Mt. Olive Baptist Church 1140 Sixth St. NE 202-544-6677 mtolivebaptistchurch-dc.com
Muhammad Mosque #4 Nation of Islam
3160 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-506-6940 noidc.org
National Community Church
770 M Street SE (Entrance on 7th St) 202-544-0414 national.cc
New Hope Freewill Baptist Church 754 11th St. SE 202-547-2661 newhopefwbc.org
Northeast Holy Trinity Church
709 Fourth St. NE 202-547-8252
Peace Baptist Church 712 18th St. NE 202-399-3450, pbc712.org
Pilgrim Baptist Church 700 I St. NE 202-547-8849, pilgrimbaptistdc.org
Redemption Hill Church 400 D St SE 202-543-2378, redemptionhilldc.org
Riverside Baptist Church 699 Maine Ave. SW 202-554-4330, riversidedc.org
St. Augustine Episcopal Church 555 Water St. SW 202-554-3222, staugustinesdc.org
St. Benedict the Moor
320 21st St. NE 202-397-3895, stbenmoordc.com
St. Dominic Church
630 E St. SW 202-554-7863, stdominicchurch.org
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 313 Second St. NE 202-547-1223, st-josephs.org
Christ Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill
National Community ChurchSt. Mark’s Episcopal Church
301 A St. NE 202-543-0053, stmarks.net
St. Matthew’s, First Trinity Lutheran Church 222 M St. SW 202-800-4600 firsttrinitystmatthew.org
St. Monica and St. James Episcopal Church 222 Eighth St. NE 202-481-0454 stmonica-stjames.org
St. Peter’s Catholic Church
313 Second St. SE 202-547-1430 saintpetersdc.org
St. Vincent DePaul 14 M St. SE 202-488-1354, svdpdc.org
Sixth & I (eye) Historic Synagogue 600 I St. NW 202-408-3100 Sixthandi.org
Tried Stone Church of Christ 417 Ninth St. SE 202-544-3471 triedstonechurch.org
Washington City Church of the Brethren 337 N. Carolina Ave. SE 202-547-5924 washingtoncitycob.org
Washington Community Fellowship 907 Maryland Ave. NE wcfchurch.org
Waterfront Church DC 100 K St. SE waterfrontchurchdc.com
Westminster United Presbyterian Church 400 I St. SW 202-484-7700 westminsterdc.org u
Ihave been remodeling homes in the DC metro area since the 1980s. I meet with hundreds of homeowners each year to discuss their remodeling needs. Each is unique. Sometimes the homes are more interesting than the homeowners—and at other times the people are more interesting than the house. Despite the need for customized
by Bruce Wentworth, AIAdesign/build services, each remodeling project requires resolving issues dealing with zoning, building codes, historic districts, structure, and budget.
Let’s start with zoning, which was first implemented in DC in 1920, and most recently revised in 2016. Between 1958 and 2016 the zoning laws changed little. If you are planning to change the footprint of your house, it will require checking the zoning codes. Get a copy of your House Location Survey drawing
that you paid for at settlement. It was called “survey” on your settlement sheet, and most lenders require one. Some of the House Location Surveys I have seen are quite detailed and others have very little information.
It may be worth paying for a detailed survey if you are planning a home addition. The survey drawing must show the dimensions of the lot, dimensions of the house, and how the house sits on the lot. Whether planning a porch, deck, or room addition (up or out), you or your architect need to explore the
zoning code. Zoning is, at times, simple and straightforward. Other times it’s a mysterious puzzle not so easily solved.
For many Capitol Hill homes the front yard is actually public space and not privately owned. Regulations regarding public space are to be taken seriously, so don’t assume you can build on it. There are provisions for special circumstances such as outside stairs to a basement, bay windows and other on-grade issues (decks, patios, and sidewalks) for which a public space permit is required.
Digging deeper into zoning, DC has the curious issue of Tax Lots (typically 800 numbers) and Record Lots. When it comes to building an addition, it is necessary to convert the Tax Lot number to a Record Lot number before applying for a building permit. The process is called a “subdivision” and can take many months, require numerous signatures, and necessitate payments to the DC
surveyor’s office.
At times, easements have been placed on a property for access for trash, fire, or utilities. If you want to expand your home beyond the zoning limits, you can apply for a zoning variance, or a special exception for a minor zoning issue. Be prepared for at least a yearlong process with a zoning variance. The process for a special exception will take less time. The zoning regulations can inhibit what you do with your land. Additionally, don’t assume because your neighbor’s house has an addition, deck or third floor that you can do the same. It may have been done years ago, without a permit, may have been built with a zoning variance or was built before 1958 when zoning was laxer. Many of us have heard of real estate investors on Capitol Hill who have built without proper approvals and had to remove the third floor or take down a rear addition.
There is a reason for building codes: life, safety, and health issues. Don’t want your rowhouse to catch fire when your neighbor’s house is in flames? Thank the fire walls. Don’t want your deck to collapse when you have a crowd over for a party? Thank the structural code requirements. Like to be able to have natural light and ventilation or crawl out of a bedroom window during a fire risk? Thank the building and fire codes. Need access to your electrical panel in an emergency? Thank the code that requires three-foot clearance in front of the electrical panel. Stuff happens. Be prepared. Don’t be a smarty pants scofflaw. To obtain a building permit DC also requires that lead paint hazards be identified in pre-1978 dwellings undergoing renovation. It’s a good idea to do a lead paint survey prior to any extensive work. Usually, the extent of lead
LEFT: Custom wet bar with wine refrigerator features Ambrosia Maple countertop and backsplash. Glass door wall cabinets provide display space for bar ware.paint is quite limited and can be remediated at a reasonable cost.
Capitol Hill is one of the largest historic districts in the United States, comprising over 11,000 buildings. If you own a house on Capitol Hill and are planning any significant changes to the exterior (not including paint color), you will need to be aware of the following organizations.
The DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO), Office of Planning, is the department that will review the alterations you are planning and make recommendations to improve the design, reject it or approve it. The process can take a few months, and approval will be required before moving through the building permit process. If your proposed alteration is simple, such as door or window replacements, it will often be approved by an HPO staff member, and you can more quickly get a permit.
not descend as far as the basement walls.
Another concern homeowners often have is for underpinning foundation walls when digging out a basement. Occasionally, foundation walls in these historic homes are deep enough to dig down 8-12 inches and gain more ceiling height, and other times they are not.
Homeowners sometimes decide to build an extra floor on top of their house, which has numerous structural issues that require investigation.
Each old house is unique and needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Because we are working with old buildings that were built in a different time, and often altered over the last 100 years, it’s important to fully study the house and all its quirks.
Working in tandem with HPO is the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS), the local citizens group, which may be asked to review the proposed remodeling/addition. CHRS approval will usually help you gain approval from HPO. Occasionally, if your home is adjacent to the Capitol complex (land or buildings), you may bump up against the Fine Arts Commission, which will also require you to get approval for the permit process.
Most homeowners get frustrated with the historic district approval process because it can take a long time, is added expense and is mysterious. An experienced design professional can make it easier. The upside is that the Capitol Hill historic district continues to be a desirable and visually pleasing place to live with appreciating home values.
Homeowners often overestimate the structural complexity of some alterations and underestimate others. I wish I had a dollar for every time a homeowner tells me, “This is an interior load-bearing wall, so I guess we have to live with it.” Well, no. Let’s put in a simple microlam or steel beam and open the wall.
Other times I’m told they want to dig out a crawl space where there are masonry walls to make more basement space. Well, no, because the masonry walls around a crawl space do
Structural changes may be simple or complicated, but in DC it is wise to get a structural engineer involved. A structural engineer’s stamped drawings will be required for the building permit process and provide authority on the changes being made to your home. Your architect and structural engineer will work together for the optimum solution and properly document their design for the contractor. This is a smart investment.
Budget is a complicated and emotional topic for homeowners. In my experience, homeowners estimate their remodeling project will cost about 60% of what it will really cost. Most homeowners have a scope of work that is too ambitious for their budget.
It’s necessary to establish priorities. Occasionally, homeowners get bad budget information from an architect or contractor. I find it’s important to be able to visualize the completed project to get closer to a proper budget figure.
Remodeling is more complicated than homeowners realize. It’s like doing surgery. The bad portion of the house must be carefully removed before building the new. This must take place while protecting adjacent areas from damage, and often while the homeowners remain in residence.
Remodeling is a specialty trade. The architects/designers who specialize in remodeling have a different skill set than those that do new construction. A carpenter skilled at home remodeling is especially valuable. Good remodeling carpenters
are highly compensated, and they are the surgeons of the building industry.
At Wentworth, we price each remodeling project three times. First is an initial ballpark range based on a design concept and written scope of work. Second is pricing based on the client’s preferred design that is within 10% of a final price. And third is the final fixed price based on completed and thorough construction drawings ready for a contract signing.
The process works well for all parties to be informed and track the changes. Use this type of checklist to make sure you have covered all the bases. Hire design and construction professionals who are experienced in remodeling. Have a realistic budget and time frame. Pay attention to the design details. Be patient. A place to call home will be waiting.
Bruce Wentworth, AIA, is a licensed architect and contractor in the DMV area. The firm has been designing and remodeling homes since the early 1980s. His first office was on Capitol Hill, where he got intimate with old houses. Visit www.wentworthstudio. com to learn more about the firm’s large body of design/ build work. u
Capitol Hill is a brick-and-mortar reflection of 200 years of neighborhood life. Since 1976, buildings within the Capitol Hill Historic District (CHHD) have been protected by the Historic Preservation Law, the review process of the DC Historic Preservation Review Board, and by the decisions of thousands of residents and business owners who have worked to preserve and enhance our neighborhood. Those parts of Capitol Hill beyond the boundaries of the CHHD are also historic and worthy of attention and concern.
All plans for new construction, exterior alteration, demolition and/or subdivision require a building permit. Since building permits for both interior and exterior work are issued by the Department of Buildings (DOB) you will find guidance and forms on their website: dob.dc.gov. For projects within the Historic District, you should first share your proposed plans with the professionals in the city’s Historic Preservation Office (202442-8800). Their website is planning.dc.gov/ page/historic-preservation-office; their help is invaluable and there is no cost to you.
Some tips to help make renovation and construction projects easier for you and your neighbors:
• Discuss your plans with neighbors who might be affected by your project. Having their support can be helpful in the review process.
• Consider consulting an architect who is familiar with the Capitol Hill Historic District. This is not required, but a professional’s knowledge can be very helpful with design decisions and in the review process.
• Remember that the front gardens of Capitol Hill are generally in public space (owner controlled but city owned and not taxed). These should be maintained as a garden space with a minimum of hardscape. Fences, walls, steps, patios, porches and walks in the public space require permits.
• Understand the style and period of your house. Study the neighborhood carefully, looking at original features and patterns before considering any modifications or replacements to your building. The guidelines on styles and other preservation topics on the Capitol Hill Restoration
Society (CHRS) website, www.chrs.org, can be helpful.
• Familiarize yourself with the zoning regulations affecting your property. Zoning regulations control lot coverage, setbacks and allowed uses. For zoning information, contact the Office of Zoning at dcoz.dc.gov.
• Consider removing inappropriate elements that may have been added over the years so as to restore architectural integrity to your building. If your property is within the CHHD, consult the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) for approval before any removal or demolition.
• Replacing windows and doors within the CHHD requires HPO approval. Good basic maintenance and repair work to original doors and windows is always preferred and is more environmentally friendly. Installation of storm windows does not require a permit.
• Repointing mortar and stripping paint from brick facades requires a permit so that the Historic Preservation Office staff can be sure proper materials and techniques will be used, protecting the physical integrity of the building.
• Keep unpainted brick and stone unpainted. Although the application of paint to unpainted and painted row-houses does not require a permit, retaining exposed brick and stone surfaces highlights original construction materials and techniques and dramatically decreases exterior maintenance costs over time. Paint will not solve (and can even exacerbate) masonry problems.
• Renovations often require increased electric service, resulting in very large utility boxes. Electric and gas meters should be placed where they are not visible to public view. The Historic Preservation Office staff can help find the best location if consulted early in the planning process.
Approaching this process with as much knowledge as possible will help you make better decisions, save money and time, and know that the resulting changes to your historic property will be an asset to you and to the community.
Volunteers at CHRS are happy to provide advice to property owners both within and beyond the boundaries of the Historic District. For more information, contact them at CapHRS420@ gmail.com; 202-543-0425. u
Capitol Hill is considered one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Washington, DC. Present day residents can thank George Washington’s planner, Pierre L’Enfant for his commitment to grand boulevards, pocket parks, and a sensible grid of streets. And they can thank the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS) which, in 1976, helped obtain the
article and photos by Rindy O’Briendesignation of Capitol Hill as an historic district, preserving the architectural fabric of our homes. The beauty begins with the first impression our front gardens make, whether they feature a traditional style or a bolder, more modern look.
Most Capitol Hill front yards are described as postage stamp size. But within that small space avid gardeners and landscape designers have created some spectacular gardens, full of colorful flowers, small trees and often areas to sit out and enjoy watching the world pass by.
During the Covid pandemic, people needed to get out of their houses, and green space was in demand. Many people
took the opportunity to transform their front yard into a living space. Suddenly green spaces were turned into patios, porches, and decks. The front of the home became a safe space to welcome neighbors and friends. Landscapers were incredibly creative in finding ways to incorporate living space into the historical nature of the homes. Often bricks or grey slate pavers are used to define space and blend with the house.
Containers are also becoming a new feature in front of homes helping to delineate the space of the patio. Containers come in so many different colors, materials, and sizes and it gives homeowners a great chance to show off their own design and personality. Containers can come with self-watering features, eliminating homeowners’ watering chore. They
can let a garden maintain its more traditional look while adding a pop of color to the overall appeal.
There are many plants that thrive in a container like caladiums, coleus, geraniums, Gerber daisies, impatiens, and petunias. There is a garden saying, thriller, filler and spiller that are the three must dos in a container. The thriller is something for height, the filler is a grouping for color, and the spiller is something like Creeping Jenny or sweet potato vine.
In addition to adding plant material in the containers, many homeowners are adding native plants to their yards. Native plants are a win win for nature and for the homeowner. Choosing plants native to the area makes it more likely that the plant will thrive since it is known to like the area’s climate and soil type. Even with the growing effects of climate change, native plants demonstrate flexibility in adapting to change in rains and temperature.
There are several native plant groups actively working in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.
DC Natives is a non-profit group that will come to your home, help you design a native plant garden, and then bring plants and help you locate them in the garden. Beginning this year, Casey Trees is offering a consultation and installation ecological garden program. They can help design a rain garden, pollinator garden, shade garden and other good options. Several large environmental groups offer programs to encourage butterfly gardens. The National Wildlife’s Garden for Life even sells native plant collections adapted just for the DC area.
Another benefit of native plants is that they encourage bees, butterflies, and other flying bugs to pollinate the flowers and plants. For example, milkweed helps butterflies find a safe place
LEFT: Oak hydrangeas border the corner at East Capitol Street and 9th Street, NE.to lay their eggs each season. It is a circle of life unfolding right before your eyes.
The great thing about improving your curb appeal on the Hill is that it doesn’t take much work to have a big impact. There are many chic ways to make your home more eye appealing. For instance, you can paint the front door a bold color or add a striking wreath on the door. Another new practice is finding fun modern ways to show the house number. Many of the models are larger than the old gold ones in the transom. De -
LEFT: A deep green door with a contrasting red and white wreath on 12th Street, SE makes a bold LEFT: A striking light in the front yard of a home set back from the street on North Carolina Ave, SE.livery people are praising the new trend. Different kinds of mailboxes are also pop-ping up either mounted on the wall by the front door, or free standing in the yard.
Artful statues have also been a mainstay of Capitol Hill homes for decades. Animals grace many Hill homes from a full-size cow to deer, giraffes, and flamingos. There are lovely modern sculptures as well as several Buddhas. Gingko Gardens has sold metal yard art for years and some of the yard art has an additional benefit of providing water sources for birds and butterflies.
It makes sense to shop locally for plants. Plants shipped can get beat up and dried out before reaching you. On Capitol Hill, there are several great garden centers to choose from including Gingko Gardens, W.S. Jenks & Company, and Fragers Garden Center. There are also longestablished landscape architects and gardening companies available to help maintain your spaces. Garden resources like the US Botanical Garden and the US National Arboretum have demonstration gardens that let you get a sense of what a plant looks like fully grown. And the Capitol Hill Garden Club is a local group that will connect you to fellow Hill gardeners. They meet regularly at the NE Library.
Sprucing up your front yard is a fun way to help keep Capitol Hill a treasured neighborhood. Make your home’s first impression a great one.
Rindy O’Brien is the urban garden writer for the Hill Rag newspaper. u
he Capitol Hill Historic District is one of the oldest and most architecturally diverse communities in the city. Capitol Hill reflects the social diversity and economic growth of the early capital. It includes early residential development clustered near the Capitol and Navy Yard, and late-19th and early-20th century housing that was built mostly for middle-class workers.
The Historic District was created in 1973 principally through the efforts of members of the Capitol Hill Restoration Society (CHRS). The designation protects the architectural fabric of the neighborhood. It stretches from the US Capitol grounds east to 14th Street and from Navy Yard north to F Street NE. The best way to see if your home or building is in a historic district is to enter your address at propertyquest.dc.gov. If it is, the historic district will be listed in red.
In the Historic District, the important original features of the property must be retained, and any changes must be “compatible in character” with the neighborhood. That means any alterations to the parts of your house that can be seen from public space are subject to review by the city’s Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB). Those can include door and window replacements, fencing and additions. Major additions, such as new curb cuts or major alterations to a building’s facade must be submitted to HPRB.
The cornerstone of the historic preservation process in the District is the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978, usually referred to as DC Law 2-144. This law establishes a procedure for official designation of buildings, structures, districts and sites as historic properties and provides for their protection. It states that the mayoral agent will review any permit application for new construction, exterior alteration, demolition or subdivision involving any historic property to ensure the proposed work is compatible.
The Capitol Hill Restoration Society (www.chrs.org, 202-543-0425) is a treasure trove of information about the history of the neighborhood and its homes as well as tips and resources for owning and maintaining a home in the Historic District.
Capitol Hill Restoration Society
420 Tenth St. SE 202-543-0425, www.chrs.org
Established in 1955 CHRS has nearly 1,000 members. CHRS provides guidance on the preservation of historic sites and buildings on the Hill and conveys their views to governments and other organizations on issues affecting the Capitol Hill community. See also the entry in the Community Resources section of this guide.
DC Historic Preservation Office
1100 Fourth St. SW, Suite 650 East 202-442-7600, planning.dc.gov/page/historic-preservation-office
The Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) maintains the District Inventory of Historic Sites, a listing of federally designated landmarks and historic districts, makes recommendations on construction affecting those properties, and is a space for community Involvement in historic preservation. For advice on how to research historic period design and preservation methods, contact the National Trust for Historic Preservation at 202-588-6000, or visit www.nationaltrust.org. u
Capitol Hill Garden Club capitolhillgardenclub.org
This non-profit brings together people interested in gardening, landscaping, and the environment. The club meets monthly September through April at the Northeast Library. Some months the meeting is by Zoom. Check the calendar for events. Joining CHGC is a great way to meet fellow gardeners.
Casey Trees
3030 12th St. NE
A citywide urban forestry nonprofit, Casey Trees restores, enhances, and protects the tree canopy of our nation’s capital. Subscribe to their newsletter, the Leaflet, at caseytrees.org/getupdates for weekly watering alerts during the spring
Photos: Rindy O’Brienand summer to inform residents when it’s vital to water and care for young trees. In 2024 a new program, Ecological Gardens, is being offered to help plant pollinator and native plant gardens in the area. Sign up for a consultation. Or get a free tree, planted by Casey Trees. Volunteers are always welcome.
A nonprofit organization that promotes a healthy climate by increasing pollinator habitats and creating local beauty through the city. The goal is to create a corridor running through the city for the bees and butterflies to travel. A map on the website shows the current native gardens that have been created. The organization will meet with homeowners and help design and install a native garden.
Friends of the National Arboretum (FONA)
3501 New York Ave. NE 202-544-8733, fona.org
FONA programs include the Washington Youth Garden, annual Garden Fair and Sale, usually in late April. The non-profit provides research grants to the federal arboretum and helps provide educational and recreational activities like Forest Bathing workshops, moon hikes once a month, and sends an electronic newsletter that highlights what is in bloom at the Arboretum. FONA sponsors a 5K through the 446 acres of the Arboretum. Families are encouraged to participate at the Youth Garden.
Trees for Capitol Hill (TFCH) treesforcapitolhill.org
TFCH is a non-profit community group dedicated to restoring the tree canopy of the Capitol Hill neighborhood. Volunteers work to renew, restore and refresh the diversity of trees that make Capitol Hill so pleasantly green. TFCH organizes a day of tree planting each year, that takes place in November. For information contact Mark@treesforcapitolhill.org or call Elizabeth Nelson at 202-329-7864.
Lincoln Park Urn Project –
P.L.A.N.T.S. (People Living Actively Near Their Site) is a volunteer group that plants and maintains the urns in Lincoln Park. The National Park Service provides the soil and volunteers supply the plants, changing the urns seasonally. Volunteers must carry water to the park due to lack of a water supply. Urns
are available if you want to adopt one. Contact Jamesvgrimaldi@gmail.com if interested.
DC Urban Gardeners dugnetwork.org
DUG is an local nonprofit and informational hub on urban agriculture; sustainable, equitable food access; nutrition organizations and resources; and events in the DC area. It is a community of gardeners, beekeepers, farmers, and environmentalists. There is a map of all DC urban ag sites, and community gardens with comprehensive information on garden resources.
The community gardens of Capitol Hill were started by groups of residents,
Whether you grow your produce at home, participate in a community garden, get free veggies on Wednesdays at the DPR Lederer garden, or buy at Eastern Market, biting into a fresh vegetable is worth the effort.
some working together with the District Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and some operated solely by groups of neighbors. Located in parks, near schools or on interior lots, most or all have waiting lists. To get on the list or check availability for a lot at a particular site, visit the website or email the listed contact. Check the DUG Network for a great link to the community garden sites.
• 1200 Potomac Avenue Community Garden Association Corner of 12th & Potomac Ave., SE. 23 plots. For info, or to see if plots are available, contact: marcihilt@ aol.com
• 13th Street Community Park and Garden. 13th at C Street SE. 12 plots. 13thstreetgarden. org. Waiting list, assignments in
March. 13thstreetgarden.org
• Green SEED Community Garden. Alley lot between 17th, 18th, D and E streets SE. 75 plots. Greenseed.org. One year waiting list, garden is child-friendly by design. Information is on Facebook or contact webmaster@greenseedgarden.org
• Hilton Community Garden. 6th St. between Constitution and C NE. 35 plots. 10+ year waiting list (really). Capitol Hill’s oldest community garden
• Hill East Community Garden. between C St., D St, 17th and 18th streets SE. 36 plots. hilleastgarden. org. Waiting list; sign up on website. Email: board@hilleastgarden.org
• Kingman Park/Rosedale Com-
munity Garden. 20th, 21st, D, and E streets NE. 16 plots. kprgarden. org. kpgcoordinators@gmail.com
• King’s Court Community Garden . King’s Court Alley (center 200 block of 14th and 15th streets SE). 30 plots, waiting list. email: Margaret.mook@gmail.com.
• Pomegranate Alley Community Garden. 911 11th St. SE (Behind Ginkgo Gardens). 20 plots, various sizes. Waiting list. email: mark@ GinkgoGardens.com, call 202-5435172 or visit Ginkgo Gardens.
The DPR Community Gardens program operates at multiple locations within the District. Three lots are maintained in Ward 6 thanks to a dual effort by DPR staff and citizens. To sign up or learn more, contact Joshua.Singer@dc.gov, email the listed organizer or visit dpr. dc.gov/page/dpr-community-gardens
• Lovejoy Community Garden. 12th & E Streets NE. 18 plots. Gardeners must live within four blocks in any direction. Waiting list. lovejoygarden@gmail.com
• Southwest Community Gar-
dens. Lansburgh Park (K Street & Delaware Avenue SW). 32 plots, 10 communal. swgardens.org. SW residents have priority. Waiting list. Email: swgardensdc@gmail.com
• Virginia Avenue Community Garden. 9th and L streets SE (in Virginia Avenue Park). 80 plots. Waiting list. Email: Commgarden@ yahoo.com
DPR also operates a small urban farm-like garden at Lederer Gardens, 4801 Nannie Helen Burroughs Ave, NE, that gives away produce and flowers every Wednesday to anyone looking for fresh food. Volunteers are welcome. Next to the Garden is the Marvin Gaye park and trail, that includes newly planted fruit trees that follow the stream and walkway.
Garden Tool Share Program
During March through November the DPR in partnership with non-profit Green Neighbors DC operates a program for residents to borrow garden and construction tools such as rototillers, hand tools, and power tools. One can check
out a tool for a maximum of one week at a time. Email Joshua.singer@dc.gov for more information or visit DPR website under Garden Tool Share program to apply. Two locations. Lederer Gardens and Twin Oaks.
Frager’s Garden Center 1123-1129 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Foliage by Frager’s 1123 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-6157, fragersdc.com
The long-time Capitol Hill hardware store’s Garden Center also operates Foliage by Frager’s, a boutique indoor garden center carrying items for atriums and indoor gardening. Indoor pots and specialty pottery, small bagged goods and pesticides can be found in the 900 square-foot interior space as well as small tools and decorative items. Frager’s Lawn and Garden Center, a 4000 squarefoot outdoor space behind 1123-1129 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, offers garden supplies, including live plants, larger bagged merchandise like soil and fertilizer, large planting pots, and seasonal items such as holiday trees and decorations. Grills and patio furniture can now be found at Frager’s Hardware store at 1123 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. Customers without cars can borrow loaner carts to get large items home with ease.
Ginkgo Gardens
911 11th St. SE
202-543-5172, ginkgogardens.com
Ginkgo Gardens has an excellent variety of plants, shrubs and trees and carries high quality and new species of plants. It has a great inventory of houseplants, pots, and garden accessories. The center also does onsite consultations and provides landscaping and design services. It is open seven days a week.
W.S. Jenks & Son
910 Bladensburg Rd. NE 202-529-6020, wsjenks.com cultivatethecity.com
The garden section has gardening tools,
potting soil and pots, pest control, lawn care products and much more. The store stocks a variety of hardware and machinery, including lawn mowers. The roof top garden is open Tuesday through Sunday and is staffed by Cultivate City garden experts. Lots of great plants to purchase, and classes, including a salsa making class that is very popular.
Department of Energy and Environment
1200 First St. NE
The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) is the key government agency on issues related to the environment, recycling, toxins, pollution and water quality. It offers environmental education programs, leads Anacostia River clean up, and provides free home energy and radon audits. It provides several green incentives, including rebates for installation of rain barrels, shade trees, rain gardens, native plant gardens, permeable pavers and revegetation through the RiverSmart Home program, as well as rebates for green roofs and discounts on the DOEE Stormwater fee (on your DC Water bill) in return for installing green infrastructure. See also: Casey Trees
National Park Service –Capitol Hill
National Capital Parks East 1900 Anacostia Drive SE
The National Park Service manages Folger, Lincoln, Stanton and Marion Parks. Other outdoor spaces managed by NPS include Eastern Market and Potomac Avenue Metro stations, Seward Square, Twining Square, the Maryland Avenue triangles and 59 triangle parks established under the L’Enfant plan. However, legislation passed by Congress in 2019 provides authorization
for the Director of the National Park Service (NPS) to enter into cooperative management agreements (CMA) with the District for the operation, maintenance, and management of NPS-owned properties in DC.
55 M St. SE, Suite 400
The primary mission of the Urban Forestry Division (UFD) is to keep the District’s tree canopy healthy, safe and growing. UFD performs tree services such as dealing with emergency downed trees, removal of diseased trees, pruning, and planting of new trees. Call 311 for emergency services for downed trees. Visit ddot.dc.gov/page/ ddot-urban-forestry to learn more about its work, tree regulations and standards and specifications for the District.
US Botanic Garden and Capitol Grounds
100 Maryland Ave. SW
Founded in 1820, this living museum and garden is dedicated to demonstrating the aesthetic, cultural, economic, therapeutic and ecological importance of plants to the well-being of humans. It hosts a number of classes and programs for children and school groups as well as workshops for adults. USBG also cultivates a collection of plants, displaying these as part of educational programs for the public and Congress, and fosters plant sustainability and conservation. Volunteers are welcome.
US National Arboretum
3501 New York Ave. NE
202-245-4523, www.usna.usda.gov
The Arboretum is open daily from 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. except for December 25. The Arboretum contains the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum, 446 acres of trees and plants as well as over nine miles of roads and trails. The Washington Youth Garden has taught children the joy of cultivation for over 50 years. The new interactive Arboretum Botanical Explorer (ABE) map helps you find benches, plants and more. The Arboretum is also a great place to walk dogs (leash required). Tours are available. The R Street entrance closes to automobiles at 2:00 p.m. but visitors can still access the Arboretum through the New York Avenue entrance. Check their website before going. u
Frager’s Hardware
1115 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
Monumental Graphics
Al’s Twin Air
202-621-9078 ataservices1.com
Five Star Cooling
202-471-1883, acwashingtondc.com
Fry Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating
202-333-1310, polarairconditioning.com
Sila Heating, Cooling & Plumbing
202-869-0677 sila.com
Appliances Pro, Inc.
L and Son’s Appliance Repair
202-257-3373 l-and-sons-appliance-repairs.business.site
Vision Appliance Repair 202-301-8855, visionappliancerepair.com
Brittingham Architecture 740 7th St. SE 202-422-7372
Fowler Architects 1819 D St. SE 202-546-0896 fowler-architects.com
202-543-4446 lawlorarchitects.com
Studio Lyew 202-599-5643 studiolyew.com
Old City Design Studio 1317 D St. NE 202-455-6237 oldcitydesign.us
Wentworth Studio 8401 Connecticut Ave. Suite 310 240-956-7809 wentworthstudio.com Seeouradonpg.93
Oxi Fresh 877-694-3737 oxifresh.com
Woven History 311-315 Seventh St. SE 202-543-1705 wovenhistory.com Seeouradonpg.137
Capitol Chimney Service 301-962-0120 capitolchimneyservice.com
Chim-Chim Churee 703-565-2333 chimchimchureemasonry.com
Rooftop Chimney Sweeps 703-705-7550 rooftopchimneysweeps.com
A Cleaning Service, Inc. 703-892-8648 acleaningserviceinc.com
Maid Pro 202-399-3090 maidpro.com/capitolhill Seeouradonpg.89
Natalia’s Cleaning 240-481-9683 Seeouradonpg.89
Standard Cleaning Service, Inc. 703-719-9850
standardcleaningserviceinc.com Seeouradonpg.89
BCEP Solutions, Inc. 202-544-9301 bcepsolutions.com Seeouradonpg.91
Gil Painting 301-445-4385, gilpainting.com Seeouradonpg.103
Joel Truitt Builders 202-547-2707, Joeltruitt.com Seeouradonpg.92
John Himchak Construction 334-465-5967 johnhimchakconstructioncompanyinc.com
J.F. Meyer Construction 202-965-1600, jfmeyer.com Seeouradonpg.90
Keil Construction 131 11th St., SE 202-544-5345 keilconstruction.com
LGM Home Improvements 571-325-1714 lgmhomeimprovements.com
LLG Contracting 571-237-6595 llgcontractingva.com
O’Connor Home Improvements 202-517-3811 oconnorhomeimprovement.com
Renaissance Development 323 C St. SE 202-547-2345 rendevdc.com Seeouradonpg.100
R.W. Enterprize 202-674-0300, 301-929-0664 Rodwilliams789@gmail.com
Scorpion Contractors 240-793-6534
scorpioncontractors.com Seeouradonpg.93
Sestak Remodeling 202-528-9606 sestakremodeling.com Seeouradonpg.90
Sundance Contracting LLC 1507 Independence Ave. SE 202-547-4483 sundancecontracting.com
See our ad on Inside Cover
Wentworth Studio 8401 Connecticut Ave. NW 240-956-7662 wentworthstudio.com Seeouradonpg.93
Joel Truitt Builders 202-547-2707, Joeltruitt.com Seeouradonpg.92
Keil Construction 131 11th St., SE (202) 544-5345
Scorpion Contractors 240-793-6534
scorpioncontractors.com Seeouradonpg.93
Sundance Contracting LLC 1507 Independence Ave. SE 202-547-4483
See our ad on Inside Cover
Thomas Design Consultants 301-642-5182 thomasdesignconsultants.com Seeourad92
Wentworth Studio 8401 Connecticut Ave. NW 240-956-7662
Zen Renovations 370 7th Street SE 202-248-0591 zen-renovations.com
Wilcox Electric 202-546-1010
wilcox-electric.com Seeouradonpg.95
Capitol Hill Frame & Photo 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE 202-547-2100, chframe.com
Frame of Mine
545 Eighth St. SE 202-543-3030 frameofminedc.com
Newman Gallery & Custom Frames 513 11th St. SE 202-544-7577 newmangallery.com
Photo-60 H Street Framing & Photo 1311 H St. NE 202-758-0910, photo60studio.com
Elite Foundation and Repairs 202-544-9301
elitefoundationsrepair.com Seeouradonpg.91
H. Stewart Roofing 202-262-4168, 202-270-0275 Seeouradonpg.72,104
R. Thomas Daniel Roofing 202-569-1080 rthomasdanielroofing.com Seeouradonpg.104
G&G Roofing 202-425-1614
gandghomeimprovements.net Seeouradonpg.106
Martin Roofing 202-680-9007 martinroofingdc.com Seeouradonpg.105
EVG Handyman Services 202-237-1748
EVGcontractorsLLC@gmail.com Seeouradonpg.96
LGM Home Improvements 571-325-1714 lgmhomeimprovements.com
Frager’s Hardware 1115 Pennsylvania Ave SE 202-543-6157 acehardwaredc.com
W.S. Jenks 910 Bladensburg Rd NE 202-529-6020, wsjenks.com Seeouradonpg.96
N&M House Detectives Nmhousedetectives@gmail.com nmhousedetectives.com
Lisa & Leroy Interiors 1503 Independence Ave. SE 202-758-0028 lisaandleroy.com
Sanabria & Co 202-844-2672 Sanabriaandco.com
Abay Iron & Metal Works 240-706-0209 abayironworks.com
Federal City Iron Ltd. 202-547-1945 federalcityiron.com Seeouradonpg.97
J.F. Meyer Construction 202-965-1600, jfmeyer.com Seeouradonpg.90
LLG Contracting 571-237-6595 llgcontractingva.com
The Kitchen Co. 202-246-4206 the-kitchen-co.com
Sestak Remodeling 202-528-9606 sestakremodeling.com Seeouradonpg.90
Wentworth Studio 8401 Connecticut Ave. NW 240-956-7662 wentworthstudio.com Seeouradonpg.93
Zen Renovations 370 7th Street SE 202-248-0591 zen-renovations.com
Art Garden Design 709 11th St. NE 202.258.6910 artgardendesign.com Seeouradonpg.99
Clean Decisions 202-997-8647 cleandecisions.com
Ginkgo Gardens 911 11th St. SE 202-543-5172 ginkgogardens.com Seeouradonpg.919
Melanie Neuman Landscapes
202-819-2636 melanieneumanlandscapes.com Seeouradonpg.98
Parick Design hello@parick.com www.parick.com
Thomas Landscapes & Maintenance
301-642-5182 thomaslandscapes.com Seeouradonpg.101
The New District Lock, Inc. 202-415-0483 districtlock.com Seeouradonpg.98
The Lil Key Shop on Capitol Hill 202-540-6700 650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE thelilkeyshop.com
Frager’s Hardware 1115 Pennsylvania Ave SE 202-543-6157 acehardwaredc.com
A1 Masonry 1775 I St. NW 202-855-3245
a1masonrycontractors.com Seeouradonpg.101
Bricklands 202-544-9301 brickmasonrywashingtondc.com Seeouradonpg.91,101
Capitol Hill Masonry 202-931-8889
Michaliga Masonry 202-544-4484 michaligamasonry.com See our ad Inside Cover
R. Thomas Daniel Masonry 202-569-1080 202-544-4430 rthomasdanielroofing.com Seeouradonpg.104
Renaissance Development 323 C St. SE 202-547-2345, rendevdc.com Seeouradonpg.100
Bookstore Movers 202-570-4657
bookstoremovers.com Seeouradonpg.102
Continental Movers 202-438-1489
continentalmovers.net Seeouradonpg.98
Great Scott Moving 301-699-2066 greatscottmoving.com Seeouradonpg.102
Peach Trucking & Moving 202-368-7492
Foliage by Frager’s 1123 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-6157
Ginkgo Gardens 911 11th St. SE 202-543-5172 ginkgogardens.com Seeouradonpg.99
W.S. Jenks Rooftop Garden 910 Bladensburg Rd NE 202-529-6020 wsjenks.com
Clutter Doctor On sabbatical until Sept 2024 757.999.2664 clutterdr.com
Ducks In a Row DC 202-543-0517 ducksinarowdc.com
Frager’s Hardware 1115 Pennsylvania Ave SE 202-543-6157 acehardwaredc.com
Sherwin Williams 533 Eighth St. SE 202-544-6003
W.S. Jenks 910 Bladensburg Rd NE 202-529-6020 wsjenks.com
Certapro Painters
202-849-7050 Certapro.com/washington-dc
Gil Painting
301-445-4385, gilpainting.com Seeouradonpg.103
Image Painting
imagepainting.com Seeouradonpg.103
J.F. Meyer Painting & Decorating
202-965-1600, jfmeyer.com Seeouradonpg.90
Tech Painting Co. 703-684-7702
techpainting.com Seeouradonpg.13
Biotech Pest Management 888-514-5552 biotechpros.com
Capitol Mosquito Control 202-599-8454
Capitolmosquitocontrol.com Seeouradonpg.103
FLK Pest & Rodent Control
Dial a Plumber 202-251-1479
Pletsch Plumbing LLC 301-805-7997 pletschplumbing.com
Sila Heating, Cooling & Plumbing 202-869-0677 sila.com
Corley Roofing
301-894-4460 corleyroofing.com Seeouradonpg.107
G&G Roofing
202-425-1614 gandghomeimprovements.net Seeouradonpg.106
H. Stewart Roofing 202-262-4168, 202-270-0275 HstewartRoofing.com Seeouradonpg.72,104
Keith Roofing 202-486-7359, keith-roofing.com Seeouradonpg.107
MacKay Roofing 202-210-2179 mackayhomeimprovement.com Seeouradonpg.107
Maggio Roofing 1-800-ROOF495, 301-321-7674 maggioroofing.com Seeouradonpg.23
Martin Roofing 202-680-9007 martinroofingdc.com Seeouradonpg.105
National Roofing 202-271-4377 nationalroofingdc.com Seeouradonpg.109
★ New Roofs ★ Preventive Maintenance
★ New Roofs ★ Preventive Maintenance
★ Repairs ★ Re-roofing ★ Fascia/Soffits
★ Repairs ★ Re-roofing ★ Fascia/Soffits
★ Roof Coating ★ Chimney Repairs
★ Roof Coating ★ Chimney Repairs
★ Skylights ★ Gutters/Downspouts
★ Skylights ★ Gutters/Downspouts
★ Rubber ★ Metal ★ Copper
★ Rubber ★ Metal ★ Copper
★ Shingles ★ Slates ★ Shakes
★ Shingles ★ Slates ★ Shakes
O’Connor Home Improvements 202-517-3811 oconnorhomeimprovement.com
R. Thomas Daniel Roofing 202-569-1080 rthomasdanielroofing.com Seeouradonpg.104
Star Roofing 202-543-6383
Wood & Whitacre Contractors 301-696-1953 wood-whitacreroofing.com
Woven History 311-315 Seventh St. SE 202-543-1705 wovenhistory.com Seeouradonpg.131
CubeSmart Self Storage 1401 22nd St. SE 202-796-1801 cubesmart.com
Public Storage 1230 S. Capitol St. SE 202-644-8267 1618 Bladensburg Rd. NE 202-644-8299 publicstorage.com
Adirondack Tree Experts 301-595-2827 adirondacktreeexperts.com
Barlett Tree Experts 301-881-8550 bartlett.com
Capitol Tree Care 202-234-0577 Capitol-tree-care.com
Casey Trees 202-833-4010 caseytrees.org Seeouradonpg.111
Servpro Washington DC 202-737-8776 servproofwashingtondc.com
Abay Iron & Metal Works 240-706-0209 abayironworks.com
Federal City Iron Ltd. 202-547-1945 federalcityiron.com Seeouradonpg.97
Sunbrite Windows & Doors 202-505-7918 SunbriteWindowsandDoors.com
Windows Craft Inc. 202-288-6660 windowscraft.com Seeouradonpg.111
The Window Man 703-978-9888 thewindowman.com
Dr. Glass Window Washing 301-588-0029 windowcleaningnow.com
Window Washers Etc. 202-337-0351 windowwashersetc.com Seeouradonpg.110
Dandridge Woodwork 202-337-0351 dandridgewoodwork.com
Galway Bay Woodworks 202-506-0543 galwaybaywoodworks.com
LLG Contracting 571-237-6595 llgcontractingva.com u
During 2023, our marketplace tackled stubbornly “high” mortgage interest rates. I say that with tongue in cheek since, for most of my career, I would have done almost anything for 30 year fixed rate mortgages at 6.5%7.5%! However, when your only point of reference is 3% - 5%, these higher rates have been a bitter pill to swallow. But swallow we have. Undoubtedly, many buyers have been forced to sit on the sidelines for the time being. But many more have been able to get back into the market and are finding ways to make it work.
A major issue facing our market is the lack of inventory. Where is the inventory?
First, as one of the largest historic districts in the country, Capitol Hill is limited as to what can be demolished and then built (I note gratefully). Over the past 40 years, we have had a few adaptive reuse projects (such as Lenox school site in 500 block of G SE) and a few former industrial use properties such as the Safeway at 14th and Kentucky and a few of the surrounding blocks. Not many large blocks of single family properties. Lots of renovations but not enough of those to really move the inventory needle.
Second, as we came out of the real estate recession of the 90’s, we were awash in inventory. Pent up seller demand. We had an aging real estate investor population that would probably have sold in the 90’s but the market was
not good for sellers. So they waited until 2000-2002 to dump their properties. That artificial bubble is now long gone.
Historically, many more of our longtime neighbors would reach a point in life when it was time to move on. Florida? The Carolinas? After all, for decades they had worked to be able to move somewhere else to live out the rest of their lives. Not so much today. Thanks to the work of the Capitol Hill Village and the availability of food delivery services, proximity to transportation hubs and access to world class health care, many of these traditional sellers are not selling their homes and moving (for the community, a welcome change).
And topping off the reasons for lack of inventory is the fact that U.S. Census Bureau shows that the District’s popula-
tion grew by 8,023 people from July 1, 2022 to July 1, 2023, making this the second consecutive year since COVID that DC’s population increased. This is absolutely a good sign for the future of our great City. But it also puts more pressure on a housing market struggling under a dearth of listings.
This is what I wrote in the Guide in March 2022. “This time last year, we were looking back at 2021. We began 2021 very strong but the market slowed
significantly during the second half of the year. As we began 2022, we had no idea whether the market would perk back up or was the second half of 2021 going to be the new norm. As it turned out, the first six months of 2022 resumed the frenetic pace of the spring of the year before. Then, in May, the Fed started talking seriously about rate hikes and in June we began to watch home mortgage rates move up dramatically. The market didn’t die during the second half of 2022, but it was back in the same doldrums that we had seen in the second half of 2021.” I could write this same passage
when describing what happened in 2023. This seems to be a continuing pattern. Heavy demand in first six months of the year (roughly 60% of our annual ratified contracts occur in the first six months of the year), quicker sales and more competition. Second half of the year it flips: 40% of contact activity, no urgency, even less inventory and fewer buyers. We will see this pattern again in 2024!
Apparent price drops are mostly due to movement of buyers to properties priced
a little less than what the buyers may have purchased before the rapid rise in interest rates. Lack of inventory. Even so, as a long time Hill resident, it still amazes me that 98% of the homes between the Capitol and the river and again the river on the south and Florida Avenue on the north sold for over $500,000!
How about the First Three Months of 2024?
I think we are seeing a further decline in number of sales (all due to lack of inventory, not demand). Maybe as much as 10%-15% this year. However, if you are waiting to see prices drop, you are likely to be disappointed. Maybe a few percentage points here and there but not much more. As the financial markets continue to adjust to these higher rates, that will draw more people into the market where the inventory will continue to be tight.
building any more homes here. Check out the prices in the other world capitols and compare our prices and you will see how far we have to run!
The following is a repeat and worth reading:
1. The only thing for certain is that if you are making retirement plans that include cashing out of your home, do it now and put the money somewhere safe. Let your home of 30 years pay you a little back and rent for a few years if necessary. The only thing for certain is that we know what the market is today and we know that it could turn on a dime. Over the long run, five to 15 years, I believe our neighborhood will continue to be a great place to live and a solid investment. You are living within a 15 minute walk of the Capitol of the United States and with a few small exceptions, they aren’t
2. Don’t do anything foolish and encumber your ability to sell or encumber the ability of your heirs to sell your property. Of course I am talking about renting any part of your property. The DC TOPA (Tenant Opportunity To Purchase Act) laws as they pertain to single family properties were moderated in 2018. However, if your tenant decides to be a problem, then you have a problem. If you have a two unit and the tenant gives you their notice that they
are moving, give them a big hug and wish them well. Do not rerent if you are within a couple of years of selling. I am pretty knowledgeable about TOPA and would love a call from you if you are in a tenant situation and don’t know which way to jump.
A final word about elections and how they could impact our market. Every Presidential election cycle, I get 10 to 15 media calls about what the elections mean for our Capitol Hill real estate market. They are generally disappointed that I am not effusive about the significance of the upcoming Presidential elections and the potential impact on our market. I worked in the Capitol for many years and here is the reality. From now until after the elections, most on the Hill will be putting any big purchases on hold. That applies to those in the Executive branch also. After November, things could be a little more settled and some will be out looking for housing. But my experience says that if there is a small “bubble” created by the elections, it won’t be visible until mid-January or later in 2025. Also keep in mind that our home buyers represent a very diverse segment of the economy. The political segment is still significant but not as much as in decades past.
Like the past three years, now is the time to sell!
Don Denton is Associate Broker at Coldwell Banker Realty, 350 7th Street SE. He can be reached at 202256-1353. u
• Web-based software for the collection of rents; monthly electronic payments to owners; and the easy maintenance of historic service records
• We work with service providers of the owner’s choice, or can offer a list of experienced licensed and insured contractors to work with
• We employ experienced property managers familiar with city codes and requirements
• We offer a property management contract which is voidable at any time without cause and without penalty
• We offer competitive rates for management and tenant placement services
• We offer a free property assessment with no obligation to the owner
• We offer non-compete agreements with agents who bring us referrals
Tim Barley
Barley & Barley Real Estate
RE/MAX Allegiance 202-255-5554 barleyandbarley.com
Rob Bergman
RE/MAX Allegiance 202-262-3848 robbergman.com
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
PenFed Realty 705 North Carolina Ave., SE 202-393-1111 penfedrealty.com
Todd & Stan Bissey Compass 202-841-SOLD
Trevor Blackwood TTR Sotheby’s International Realty 786-566-2484 sothebysrealty.com
Dee Dee Branand Compass 202-369-7902 deedeebranand.com
Evelyn Branic Coldwell Banker 202-744-5419 cbmove.com/evelyn.branic
Chuck Burger Coldwell Banker 202-258-5316 chuckburger.com
Joan Carmichael Century 21 202-271-5198 joancarmichael.c21.com
Century 21 Capitol Hill 1000 Pennsylvania Ave, SE 202-546-0055 c21nm.com
Libby Clarke Compass 202-841-1812 jlcteam.com
Bridgette Cline Century 21 202-271-4196 bridgettecline.c21.com
Coldwell Banker –Capitol Hill 350 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-547-3525 cbmove.com/capitol-hill
Compass 660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 300 202-545-6900 compass.com
Compass –Jeanne, Phil, Meg Team 202-255-8401 jeannephilmeg@ compass.com jeannephilmeg.com
Compass –Jenn Smira Team 202-280-2060 jennsmira.com jennsmirateam@ compass.com
Compass –Townsend Snow & Co 202-415-7400 townsendsnowandco@ compass.com townsendsnowandco.com
Compass –Vassar Broermann Group 202-813-9339 team@thevbgroup.com thevbgroup.com
Manuel Cortes Coldwell Banker 202-556-5754 manuel.cortes@cbmove.com
Crystal Crittenden Compass 202-246-0931 jlcteam.com
Tom Faison Coldwell Banker 202-255-5554, faisondc.com
Formant Property Group 406 H St. NE 202-544-3900 formantpropertygroup.com
Linda Frame Coldwell Banker 585-797-7295, faisondc.com
Michael Frias Tiber Realty Group 406 H St. NE 202-355-6500 tiberrealtygroup.com
Andrew Glasow
The Grant, Ryall & Andrew Group Coldwell Banker 202-285-3600 grantryallandrew.com
Phil Guire
Compass – Jeanne, Phil, Meg Team 202-841-7717 jeannephilmeg.com
That is because we are your neighbor and local housing experts here on Capitol Hill.
For 15 years, we have successfully assisted sellers, buyers, and investors in meeting their real estate goals. Not only do we serve DC, but we also have extensive experience in Northern Virginia and Maryland. We are dedicated to giving back to our community. We are committed to volunteering our time, and donating a portion of our earnings to local charities. These partnerships support local youth initiatives, nutrition services and housing programs. Give us a call today, and let’s start the conversation.
Jeanne Harrison Compass – Jeanne, Phil, Meg Team 202-255-8401 jeannephilmeg.com
Genie Hutinet Coldwell Banker 202-413-7661 geniehutinet.com
Gary Jankowski Coldwell Banker 202-439-6009 hughkelly.com
Keller Williams Capitol Hill 801 D St. NE 202-243-7740 kellerwilliamsdc.com
Long & Foster Navy Yard Washington, DC – Realty 1300 4th Street, SE Suite 110 202-547-9200 longandfoster.com
McWilliams & Ballard 703-535-5550 mcwb.com
Lee Murphy Washington Fine Properties, LLC 202-277-7477 leemurphy.net
Joel Nelson Keller Williams 202-243-7707 joelnelsongroup.com
George Olson Coldwell Banker 202-203-0339
Clare Palace Coldwell Banker 202-904-1096 palaceonthehill.com
Linda Pettie Coldwell Banker 202-741-1770 pettietubbs.com
RE/MAX Allegiance Capitol Hill 220 Seventh St. SE 202-547-5600 myallegiancehome.com
(202) 543-6830 chriscox@firstsavings.com
Betsy Rutkowski, Realtor Long & Foster Real Estate Inc. 1300 4th Street S.E. Suite 110 Washington, DC 20003 202-827-4770 MetroDCHomeSales.com
Michael Rutkowski, Realtor Long & Foster Real Estate Inc. 1300 4th Street S.E. Suite 110 Washington, DC 20003 202-547-9200 MetroDCHomeSales.com
Fred Saddler
The Grant, Ryall & Andrew Group Coldwell Banker 202-746-5738 grantryallandrew.com
Alex Schindlbeck Compass – Jeanne, Phil, Meg Team 202-699-0141 jeannephilmeg.com
Judi Seiden Berkshire Hathaway Realty 202-547-4419 judiseiden.com
Megan Shapiro Compass – Jeanne, Phil, Meg Team 202-329-4068 jeannephilmeg.com
Jackie Sink Compass 202-352-5793 libbyandjackie.com
Aaron Smith The Smith Team Berkshire Hathaway Realty 202-498-6794 thesmithteam.penfedrealty.com
John Smith The Smith Team Berkshire Hathaway Realty 202-262-6037 thesmithteam.penfedrealty.com
Ryall Smith
The Grant, Ryall & Andrew Group Coldwell Banker 202-531-6400 grantryallandrew.com
Dare Johnson Wenzler Compass 202-957-2947 realestateonthehill.com
Phyllis Jane Young
Coldwell Banker
202-544-4236, phyllisjaneyoung.com
Formant Property Group
406 H St. NE
PN Hoffman
760 Main Ave. SW 202-686-0010, hoffman-dev.com
Scallan Properties
Stanton Development Corp. 202-544-6666 stantondevelopment.com
Cliff Kornegay
Capitol Hill Home Inspection
Chris Cox First Savings Mortgage 202-543-6830 Firstsavingsmortgage.com
Department of Commerce Federal Credit Union 202-808-3600 docfcu.org
National Capital Bank 316 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-8000
Scallan Properties
Commercial and Residential Property Management 202.544.6500 scallanproperties.com
Tiber Realty Group
406 H St. NE
202-355-6500 tiberrealtygroup.com
Truitt Realty Services
700 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 202-547-1977
Yarmouth Management
309 Seventh St. SE 202-547-3511 yarmouthm.com
Truitt Realty Services
700 Pennsylvania Ave, SE 202-547-1977 Truittrealtyservices.com
Yarmouth Management 309 Seventh St. SE 202-547-3511 yarmouthm.com
Johnson Law Group 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-1515 jlgi.com
Tiber Realty Group 406 H St. NE 202-355-6500 tiberrealtygroup.com
Logan Title 631 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-400-2508 logantitle.com
Monarch Title 210 Seventh St. SE Ste. 100 202-546-3100 monarchtitle.net
Woodland Estate & Title 701 E St. SE 202-516-6855
Woodlandtitledc.com u
Strong, local small businesses are key to a vibrant community. The shops on the Hill and surrounding areas, from Union Market to H Street NE through historic Eastern Market up to the midst of bustling Barracks Row and Navy Yard, are owned by many of our friends and neighbors.
From vintage treasures to blooming bouquets, rich spices and chic apparel, handmade soaps and kitchen gadgets, you can get it all when you shop small and shop the Hill. In addition to getting everything you need and want, you can enjoy chattting with the staff and proprietors, many of whom will come to know your name.
A Ma Maniere (1214 H St. NE) offers luxury men’s street style. From the French for “my way,” the boutique is designed to represent and inspire a fashion-forward clientele. Offering everything from $70 socks to a $4,600 double-front Balenciaga jacket. a-ma-maniere.com
A Beautiful Closet (20 District Sq. SW) Owner Pamela Sofola has met most of the people who make the timeless pieces featured in her boutique at the Wharf. Find casual and evening wear, jewelry, hats, shoes and bags or a gown for your next gala. abeautifulclosetdc.com
Clothes Encounters (202 Seventh St. SE) On the Hill since 1979, Clothes Encounters is an effortless way to refresh your closet and turn clothes you don’t wear into cash (or credit for a new outfit). New clothes are put out daily including brands like Chanel, Diane von Furstenberg and Prada. www.clothesencountersdc.com
by Elizabeth O’GorekLustre Formal Wear (208 Second St. SE) Lustre offers tuxedos and formal wear for every occasion – weddings, events, or prom. Rentals are available on site. Pickup and delivery to hotels or offices is an option. www.lustreformalwear.com
Maketto (1351 H St. NE) A shop within a restaurant and café creates a sense of community. The shop features international footwear, cool sunglasses and other accessories. www.store.maketto1351.com
Paris Bleu (321 Seventh St. SE, 2nd Fl) This little French boutique carries accessories such as Italian leather bags, patterned wool gloves, and jewelry and gifts appropriate for hosts such as can-dles, fine soaps and towels. Prices range from $8 for a pear-shaped candle to a few hundred dollars for an Italian leather handbag. parisbleudc@gmail.com
Capitol Hill Books (657 C St. SE) This used bookstore is a bibliophile’s dream: three cozy, charming, and cramped floors stocked floor to ceiling with fiction, biographies, first editions and everything in between. capitolhillbooks-dc.com
Solid State (600 H St. NE) is a full-service general interest bookstore with a deep and diverse selection of fiction and non-fiction titles, as well as gifts curated to appeal to customers of all ages. Make it a pit stop —there is a coffee bar with a selection of pastries, snacks, beer and wine. solidstate-booksdc.com
East City Bookshop (645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) is an independent, woman-owned and community-focused bookstore for children and adults. In addition to books, they also carry a selection of toys, gifts, art supplies, and bookish
items. They also host multiple events, including readings and book clubs. Staff can create a custom giftbox for youth or adults. Eastcitybookshop.com
Little District Books (737 Eighth St. SE) Curating stories to represent the full spectrum of LGBTQIA+ identities, Little District Books aims to uplift local authors and independent publishers and increase access to queer literature. The space is welcoming. Visit virtually or participate in community events that support the free exchange of ideas. Littledistrictbooks.com
Politics and Prose (P&P) has three locations, including at Union Market (270 Fifth Street NE) and at The Wharf (610 Water St. SW). The DC-based business carries an extensive selection of books for adults and children, games, apparel, gifts and stationery. See author reading schedule at politics-prose.com.
Eastern Market (225 Seventh St. SE) The oldest continuously operating fresh food market in the country offers everything to tantalize taste buds this season. Choose from a smorgasbord of variety: the baked goods at the Fine Sweet Shoppe; artisan cheeses from Bowers Fancy Dairy; Italian chestnuts and persimmons at Calomiris Fruits and Vegetables; steak from Union Meat; or a lobster tail from Southern Maryland Seafood. easternmarket-dc.org.
Hill’s Kitchen (713 D St. SE). You can get everything for the cook in this homelike store from Hill native Leah Daniels, including advice from knowledgeable staff and extraordinary service. Products are listed online but call or visit to get the full experience, including recommendations and advice. hillskitchen.com
J Chocolatier (321 Seventh St. SE) Jane Morris handcrafts the perfect versions of truffles, toffees, fleur de sel caramel and a fossil bar dusted in 24K gold. You can order online jchocolatier. com. Email from the “contact us” page to arrange pick-up at Groovy DC. www. jchocolatier.com
Paste & Rind Cheese Co. (904 H St. NE & 1309 Fifth St. NE) Paste & Rind is a woman-owned cheese-focused business constantly on the search for the best and most interesting cheeses. The cheese counter and tasting bar is the perfect place to unwind with a cheese slate and glass of wine or beer; check out their new counter at Union Market. pasteandrind.com
Peregrine Espresso (660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) One of Eastern Market’s favorite meeting spots, this coffee shop has single origin brews made to order by award-winning baristas. Get a bag of their Small Planes Beans, roasted at the only coffee bean roastery in the District. Visit their other shop at Union Market. www.peregrineespresso.com
Sidamo Coffee and Tea (417 H St. NE) Coffee connoisseurs declare this Ethiopian coffee shop the best in the city. Roasting the shade-grown organic and fair-trade coffee daily guarantees each cup is full of flavor. Fine teas selection. www.sidamocoffeeandtea.com
Sweet Crimes Gluten Free Bakery (1239 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) Choose from cakes, cookies, pies, donuts, buns and breads plus coffee, sandwiches and soups, and khachapuri, a Georgian cheese bread. Pre-order online. Sweetcrimes.com
Union Market (1309 Fifth St. NE) The gourmet food hall draws hundreds of visitors every weekend with its mix of food offerings, restaurants, kitchen supplies and food pop ups. You’ll find everything you could want, from knife sharpening at District Cuttery to books from Politics and Prose and dinner restaurants like Bidwell, followed by wine and charcuterie at La Jambe’s wine bar and patio. www.unionmarketdc.com
Union Kitchen Grocery (538 Third St. NE) Union Kitchen Grocery is a neighborhood corner store that packs in the very best of local and national brands of food and beverages. The giant warm cookies are known far and wide, along with specialty sandwiches made in the store. The store hosts a CSA group for the neighborhood. www.unionkitchendc.com
Diament Jewelry (51 District Sq. SW) Diament is a super fun gift shop located at the Wharf DC and owned by Libby Diament. The colorful store is Instagram-worthy (take a picture on the macrame swings inside) and is stocked with affordable indie brands from local makers, most of them women-owned. Diamentjewelry.com
Eastern Market Pottery (in Eastern Market basement, 225 Seventh Street SE) Since 1968, professional resident potters have been creating mugs, plates, bowls, and vases, each with a distinctive style at this Eastern Market studio. Located down the stairs at the southern end of Eastern Market, classes are taught throughout the week. easternmarketpottery.com
Groovy DC (321 Seventh St. SE) This card and gift shop is always ready with the appropriate season of cards, napkins, party supplies, and gifts. Whether you need birthday hats, tiaras, piñatas, and balloons or a thoughtful card of sympathy, this shop has you covered. www.groovydc.com
Patrick’s Linens and Home Decor (771 Wharf St. SW) offers upscale home decor including furniture, fine linens and tabletop wares to fragrances and jewelry. Staffed by owner Patrick Dempsey and his partner Troy Englert as well as their pups Ms. Shannon and Pineapple Jack, Patrick’s is a lifestyle store that offers design services for home and business. shoppatricks.com
Seven Petals (408 H St. NE) H Street’s Seven Petals offers flowers done differently — the infinite rose collection is a boxed bouquet of specially preserved
roses that can last up to three months. Find gifts and books sourced from small, Black- and woman-owned companies, from personal care items to candles, vases and art. sevenpetals.com
Made in DC (Various locations) With six locations throughout the District, including Union Market (325 Morse St. NE) The Wharf (10 District Sq. SW) and The Roost (1401 Pennsylvania Ave. SE), Shop Made in DC has a mission: to support DC makers and artists. Shop nearly 5,000 Made in DC products from more than 200 makers including apothecary, apparel, art, furniture, jewelry, home decor and stationery. www.shopmadeindc.com
Volanni (202-547-1603) Florist Michael Lanni creates works art, living sculptures that are designed to give not just flowers but appreciation. Offering floral arrangements, gift baskets, wreathes, plants as well as large-scale lobby, event and wedding design, Volanni delivers to Capitol Hill and the Greater Washington area. volanni.com
Foliage by Frager’s (1123 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) The 900 square-foot outdoor space offers garden supplies, including live plants, bagged merchandise such as soil and fertilizer, large planting pots and grills and patio furniture. There’s a great selection of holiday trees starting in late November. acehardwaredc.com/ pages/foliage-by-fragers
Frager’s Hardware (1115 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) Locally owned since 1920, Frager’s has everything you need for remodeling, that running toilet, and all your gardening needs. The staff is at your service, helping you find the right tools, bulbs, paint, and supplies. Keys can be cut and knives sharpened as you wait; while you do, check out the gifts, kitchen gadgets and party supplies near the entrance, many from local companies and makers. www.acehardware.com/ store-details/16687
Ginkgo Gardens (911 11 St. SE) A fabulous garden supply store right in
the heart of Capitol Hill has a fine selection of trees, perennials and annuals. Owned by a master gardener, the store is filled with potted palms, great selections of home and office plants, herbs, shrubs and flowering trees. It sells interesting pots, garden sculpture, and patio furniture. Great for garden-oriented gifts. www. ginkgogardens.com
W.S. Jenks & Son Hardware (910 Bladensburg Rd. NE) Washington’s oldest hardware store on Bladensburg Road features tools for the professional or the beginner. Staff is happy to demonstrate and help with home improvement project ideas. The rooftop garden store also features gardening supplies and plants, soil, mulch and patio furniture. www.wsjenks.com
Blue Iris Flowers (225 Seventh St. SE, in Eastern Market) From stems of roses to colorful bunches of tulips, shoppers enjoy the convenience of the Eastern Market shop. Orders can be made in advance by phone at 202-547-3588. www. easternmarket-dc.org/blueiris-flowers
Capitol Hill Frame and Photo (645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) Even in the digital age, we want our favorite photos framed to share with family and friends. Dozens of pre-made frames are also available if you are the DIY type. They also provide photo printing up to 40 x 60 inches as well as passport photos and carry what has to be the Hill’s largest selection of greeting cards. www.chframe.com
Frame of Mine (545 Eighth St. SE) Whether you
are looking to frame your child’s first finger painting or your grandmother’s wedding gown, the talented staff had helped customers maneuver the world of mats, boxes and frames for over 40 years. The shop has ready-made frames available and can help you cut and assemble your ideal frame on the spot. www.frameofminedc.com
Music on the Hill (801 D St. NE) is entering their eleventh year as a full-service music store. The corner store in NE provides music lessons, rentals and retail of a variety of instruments, including guitars, mandolins, ukuleles and mandolins. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, the music community at this store welcomes you. Check the website for small concerts at the shop! www.musiconthehilldc.com
Newman Gallery & Custom Frames (513 11 St. SE) Newman Gallery can help you frame that college diploma or the stunning water-color you bought on vacation. The shop’s gallery features original artwork from local and international artists. www.newmangallery.com
Woven History & Silk Road (315 Seventh St. SE) owner Mehmet Yalcin keeps around 5,000 rugs in his shop. Browse along with over 200 gift items from along the silk road, from hats, earrings, intricately embroidered boots, tiles and plates as well as bowls in beautiful Turkish patterns. Don’t miss the little camels of various sizes, loved by Hill children! Wovenhistory.com
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles (645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) has a large selection of magic, board
games, puzzles and mazes but also Lego and toys! Labyrinth hosts game nights for adults and after-school games with students from local schools. The expert staff can guide you to the right gift for anyone, from toddlers to adults. Try to solve the puzzle on their street-side sandwich board to win a treat. www. labyrinth.com
Little Gym (625 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) kids from 4 months to 12 years learn confidence and coordination through gymnastics. The indoor gym also offers summer camps and birthday parties with a separate cake room upstairs. (www. thelittlegym.com/dc-capitol-hill)
Three Littles (1260 Fourth St. NE) was founded on the principal that nothing our kids play with, or wear should be made by another child somewhere else. The Union Market District shop carries sustainable, thoughtfully-designed children’s goods designed to stand the test of kids and time. threelittles.co
City Dogs (301 H St. NE) Rover can get salon treatment at this H Street location, not far from Union Station. City Dogs offers daycare, grooming, boarding, training and pet supplies. The cage free day-care and overnight boarding is staffed 24 hours. City dogs can handle dogs of all sizes, breeds and ages for puppy obedience training. www. city-dogs.com
Dogtopia (900 M St. SE) At Dogtopia Navy Yard daycare pets spend hours socializing with other pups, exercising, playing brain games in spacious, climate-controlled playrooms that are deep cleaned and disinfected multiple times a day. Worried about how your dog will fare? Watch them play on a live (secure) webcam. www.dogtopia.com/ washington-navy-yard
Howl to the Chief (719 Eighth St. SE) Specializing in natural pet foods for your cat and dog, the staff at Howl to the Chief can help recommend the right treats, toys, coats, and leashes for your pet. The shop offers grooming and
dog walking services. Howl to the Chief works with local pet rescues and hosts adoption events on the weekend. It is the chief sponsor of the annual Doggy Howl-o-ween event held at Lincoln Park. www.howltothechief.com
Petco-Unleashed (1200 First St. NE #150, 625 H St. NE) The chain store has found a home in the Navy Yard, and provides high quality, wag-worthy toys, treats, food, and everything Fido and Kitty need to be happy at home. www. petco.com
Conte’s Bike Shop (1331 Fourth St. SE) Stop in for a new ride, repairs to your current wheels or to get key accessories like lights, bell, whistles, trailers and helmets. There are also regular group rides and seminars in-store. www.contebikes. com/about/washington-dc-navy-yard
Nike Unite Store H Street (700 H St. NE) Nike Unite stores are community-oriented stores, with city-specific design elements and partnerships with local community and athletic groups. It’s a go-to shop for running equipment with a swoosh. nike.com/retail/s/nikeunite-h-street
Pacers Running (300 Tingey St. SE) The Navy Yard store offers personal consultation on which shoe will best fit to protect against injury. Pacers sponsors running groups from their stores and participates in running events in the area. www.runpacers.com
The Daily Rider (600 H St. NE) Opened in 2018 in the Apollo Building on H Street, this bike shop features urban bikes from the toddler non-pedal balance bike to the electric family bike. Many are bikes from Amsterdam and Italy where urban biking is a way of life. The shop also does maintenance. www. thedailyriderdc.com
Chat’s Liquors (508 Eighth St. SE) Chat’s is your friendly neighborhood liquor and wine store. Nothing preten-
tious here, but the knowledgeable staff can help you choose the ingredients for the latest trendy cocktail or steer you towards a bottle of good wine. www. chatsdc.com
Classy Corks DC (801 Virginia Ave. SE) A fine wine, beer and liquor shop where the high ceiling truly is the limit. They carry everything and anything you need from classic Brut to Japanese bour-bon. Come into the store or order via the app or website. They’ll do local deliveries for a $7 fee. Classycorksdc.com
DCanter Wine Boutique (545 Eighth St. SE) The store features a wine tasting room and staff expert at introducing shoppers to wines in their collection, as well as a selection of craft beers. Classes are available and shoppers can also pick up wine gift items, books and accessories. www.dcanterwines.com
Exotic Wine & Spirits (801 Maryland Ave. NE) offers a fine selection of beer, wine and spirits in-store, delivery and pick up. In addition to great pricing daily, don’t miss their seasonal sales! exotic-winespirits.com
JJ Mutts Wine & Spirits (643 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) Located near to Eastern Market Metro, JJ Mutts stocks premier wine and spirits. The store can also order special items. 202-546-2800
Schneider’s of Capitol Hill (300 Massachusetts Ave. NE) For over 70 years, this family-owned establishment has brought the absolute best spirits, wine and beer to Capitol Hill. The staff are experts and can help you find the right drink for your budget. Special orders can arrive the next day, and tastings are often offered in the back room. Try their wine club, delivering fine wines monthly to your door. www.cellar.com u
Accounting 4 DC LLC 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste 405 202-709-9317, accounting4dc.com
Marina Martin MBA La Strega/QuickBooks Pro Advisor 149 D St. SE 202-251-3907, lastregaaccounting.com
Taoti Creative
507 Eighth St. SE 202-546-8946, taoti.com
Carroll Crumbaugh Love PLLC400 7th Street NW, Suite 206 Washington, DC 20004 202-861-0076, cclovelaw.com
James M. Loots, Esq. 1775 I (Eye) St. NE, Ste. 1150 202-546-1234, lootslaw.com
Johnson Law Group 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-1515, jlgi.com
Law Office of Renee L. Stasio 301-718-4410 renee@rstasiolaw.com, rstasiolaw.com
Law Office of Alfredo Vasquez 100 M Street SE, Suite 600 202-525-7710 vasquezlawdc.com
Pershing Law PLLC
Stephen B. Pershing, Esq. 1416 E St. NE 202-642-1431 pershinglaw.us
The Lil Key Shop on Capitol Hill 650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-332-7680 thelilkeyshop.com
The New District Lock and Hardware 202-415-0483 districtlock.com
Ben Nielsen’s 10th Street Automotive 518 10th St. NE 202-544-1110 10thstreetautomotive.com
Capitol Hill Auto Service 615 Independence Ave. SE 202-543-5155 capitolhillautoservice.com
Metro Motor (formerly Distad’s) 823 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-0200
Metro Motor Capitol Hill Exxon 339 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-547-4054 metromotor.com/location/capitol-hillexxon
Penn Exxon 1201 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-6146 exxon.com/en/find-station/exxon-washington-dc-pennaveexxon-200314825
Inside Out Express Car Wash
777 C St. SE (in Parking Garage level P1) 202-400-1509 insideoutexpresscarwash.com
AutoZone 1518 Benning Rd. NE 202-388-1203 autozone.com
Bank of America
201 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-624-4600 bankofamerica.com
Chase Bank
700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. A 202-729-8550 Chase.com
600 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-800-2457, citi.com
National Capital Bank
316 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-8000 nationalcapitalbank.bank
PNC Bank
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-835-5441
800 H St. NE 202-835-7137 pnc.com
Wells Fargo 215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-628-3365 wellsfargo.com
Eric’s Mobile Workshop 202-302-1925 ericsmobileworkshop.com
The Daily Rider
600 H St. NE, Ste. D 202-396-0704 thedailyriderdc.com
Capitol Hill Books
657 C St. SE 202-544-1621 capitolhillbooks-dc.com
East City Bookshop
645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 100 202-290-1636 eastcitybookshop.com
Little District Books
737 8th Street SE 202-629-2975 littledistrictbooks.com
Solid State Books
600 H St. NE 202-897-4201 solidstatebooksdc.com
A Ma Maniére 1214 H St. NE 202-290-3160 a-ma-maniere.com
Bitter Grace DC 1325 5th St. NE, Ste. D 202-948-2435 bittergracedc.com
Maketto 1351 H St. NE 202-838-9972 store.maketto1351.com
Paris Bleu 321 7th St. SE 202-644-6575
Chef Valerie’s Kitchen 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 179 202-636-4300 chefvaleriellc.com
Extra Fancy (by Rose’s Luxury) 717 8th St. SE 202-240-2584 extrafancy.com
Souk Market and Bakery 705 8th St. SE 202-547-7685 dcsouk.com
Well Dunn Catering 510 11 St. SE 202-543-7878 welldunn.com
Asurion Phone and Tech Repair
425 8th St. SE 202-987-6342 asurion.com
AT&T Store
700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-292-2166 951 H St NE 202-290-2631, att.com
Boost Mobile
820 H St. NE 202-544-9777 boostmobile.com
300 M St. SE, Ste. A 202-350-4654 804 H St. NE 202-544-4818 t-mobile.com
Metro By T-Mobile 1019 H St. NE 202-733-4691, t-mobile.com
Verizon Wireless Zone 703 8th St. SE 202-364-1911 wirelesszone.com/washington COMMERCIAL
Union Kitchen Food Accelerator 1369 New York Ave NE 202-792-7850 info@unionkitchendc.com COMPUTERS
Asurion Phone and Tech Repair
425 8th St. SE 202-987-6342 asurion.com
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center
409 3rd St. SW Ste. 109 202-554-0805
715 D St. SE 202-547-0421, fedex.com
The UPS Store 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-0850
921 H St NE 202-507-8964
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-808-2968
996 Maine Ave. SW 202-506-4111 theupsstorelocal.com
Industrious H Street Corridor
810 7th St NE
853 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-921-1715
1255 Union St. NE 202-921-1730 industriousoffice.com
80 M St. SE
202-539-1743 wework.com
The Yard
700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-929-4779 theyard.com
Capitol Cleaning Emporium 1101 East Capitol St. SE 202-543-9020
Capitol Tailors and Cleaners
1308 H St. NE #4447 202-506-4805 capitalcleaners.business.site
Capitol Hill Cleaners
661 C St. SE
55 M St. SE 202-599-8888 dryydc.com
Georgetown Valet
301 8th St. NE
202-675-6948 405 H St. NE 202-333-4277 gtvdelivery.com
Lincoln Park Cleaners
1301 East Capitol St. SE 202-544-0011
Metro Cleaners
307 5th St. NE 202-543-9033
Neighbors Cleaners
1023 E St. SE
Penn Cleaners
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 2
202-546-7366 penn-cleaners.business.site
The Press
619 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-7942 786 Water St. SE 202-800-7012 thepressdc.com
Waterfront Cleaners 1101 4th St. SW 202-479-1281 waterfront-cleaners.edan.io
621 Events
1140 Third St. NE, Fl. 2 571-722-3274 621events.com
Caroline Dutton Events 202-320-9893 hello@carolineduttonevents.com carolineduttonevents.com
Karson Butler Events 805-704-2477 karsonbutlerevents.com
Stunning Soirees 478-972-0512 stunningsoireesco.com
The Event Group Intl. 1100 New Jersey Ave. SE Ste. 2379 202-792-6367 teginternational.com
Well Dunn Catering 510 11 St. SE 202-543-7878 welldunn.com
507 8th St. SE hello@the507events.com the507events.com
American Legion
224 D St. SE 202-543-9163, legiondc8.org
Atlas Performing Arts Center 1333 H St. NE 202-399-7993 atlasarts.org
Custom Framing and Gallery Conservation Framing, Canvas Stretching, Shadowboxes and more!
Capital Turnaround 770 M St. SE Capitalturnaround.com
Capitol Hill
Presbyterian Church 201 4th St. SE 202-547-8676 capitolhillpreschurch.org
Christ Church 620 G St. SE 202-547-9300 washingtonparish.org office@washingtonparish.org
Eastern Market North Hall 225 7th St. SE 202-345-2861 easternmarket-dc.org
Gallery O on H 1354 H St. NE 202-213-2465 galleryoonh.com
Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-549-4172 hillcenterdc.org specialevents@hillcenterdc.org
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 301 A St. SE 202-543-0053, stmarks.net
Ameriprise Financial –Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Andrew Paulson 202-293-9797 ameripriseadvisors.com
Edward Jones Sergio Abarca 5550 Friendship Blvd, Ste. 220 Chevy Chase, MD 301-347-7196 edwardjones.com
Blue Iris Flowers
Eastern Market South Hall 225 7th St. SE 202-547-3588 blueirisflowersem@gmail.com
Capitol Florist 409 3rd St. SW, Ste. 106A 202-488-7700 capitolfloristandgifts.com
232 7th St. SE
202-758-3251 rewilddc.com
Seven Petals
408 H St NE
240-324-7537, sevenpetals.co
218 9th St. SE
202-547-1603 volanni.com
Bowers Fancy Dairy Products
225 7th St. SE
202-544-7877 bowerscheese.com
The Capital Candy Jar
201 15th St. NE
571-293-0719 thecapitalcandyjar.com
Captain Cookie & The Milk Man
660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-290-2798 captaincookiedc.com
Insomnia Cookies
1309 H St. NE
202-753-7808 insomniacookies.com
Jacob’s Coffee House
401 8th St. NE
202-507-8812 jacobscoffeehousedc.com
Moorenko’s Ice Cream
720 C St. SE 202-849-6151 moorenkos.com
My Cake Theory
325 7th St. SE
202-544-8000 Mycaketheory.com
Paste & RindCheese Co.
904 H St. NE
1305 5th St. NE pasteandrind.com
CELEBRATING 75 YEARS on Capitol Hill serving our community with the country’s best selection of fine wines, spirits, and beer.
Turning Natural
750 C St. SE 1380 H St. NE 202-800-8828 turningnatural.com
Peregrine Espresso
660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-629-4381 1309 5th St. NE 202-543-5459 peregrineespresso.com
Sidamo Coffee
417 H St NE 202-548-0081 sidamocoffeeandtea.com
Souk Market and Bakery 705 8th St. SE 202-547-7685 dcsouk.com
Union Market
1309 5th St. NE unionmarketdc.com
Union Meat
Historic Eastern Market
225 7th Street SE 202-547-2626 unionmeat.com
Union Kitchen Grocery 538 3rd St. NE 202-792-7850 unionkitchen.com
Yes! Organic Market
410 8th St. SE 202-546-4325 info@yesorganic.net yesorganicmarket.com
Capitol Hill Frame & Photo 645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 201 202-547-2100 chframe.com
Frame of Mine
545 8th St. SE 202-543-3030 frameofminedc.com
RATED ONE OF THE BEST WINE SHOPS by Washingtonian Magazine
Listed in the Wall Street Journal as one of the most enjoyable places to shop for wines nationwide.
H Street Art Framing 1311 H St. NE
202-758-0910 expertsinframing.com
Newman Gallery & Custom Frames
513 11th St. SE 202-544-7577 Newmangallery.com
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles 645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-1059 labyrinthdc.com
Three Littles 1260 4th St. NE 202-733-7115 threelittles.co
Groovy DC
321 7th St. SE 202-544-6633 groovydc.com
Hill’s Kitchen 713 D St. SE 202-543-1997 hillskitchen.com
Paris Bleu
321 7th St. SE, 2nd Fl. 202-644-6575
Woven History & Silk Road
311-315 7th St. SE
Frager’s Garden Center 1123 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-6157 acehardwaredc.com
Ginkgo Gardens 911 11th St. SE 202-543-5172 ginkgogardens.com
Hunt Smith Design
Phoebe Smith
706 North Carolina Ave. SE, Unit 1 202-546-0336 huntsmithdesign.com
Taoti Creative 507 8th St. SE 202-546-8946 taoti.com
W.S. Jenks & Son 910 Bladensburg Road NE 202-529-6020 wsjenks.com
Hill’s Kitchen 713 D St. SE
202-543-1997, hillskitchen.com
Woven History & Silk Road 311-315 7th St. SE 202-543-1705
Capitol Fidelity Insurance 626 8th St. NE 202-953-4502
Howard W. Phillips Insurance 80 M St. SE Ste. 350 202-331-9200 hwphillips.com
State Farm Insurance
Tim LaCasse 600 Penn. Ave. SE Ste. 402 202-548-4229 insuremetim.com
State Farm Insurance
Marilyn Riehl 912 Thayer Ave Ste. 201 Silver Spring, MD 301-951-0355 allstate.com
DC Access
1504 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-5898, dcaccess.net
Capitol Landrymat 1653 Benning Rd. NE 202-498-4312
Slow Nickel Laundromat 1101 C St. NE 202-544-1101
Capitol Fine Wine and Spirits 415 H St. NE 202-544-4401
Chat’s Liquors
508 8th St. SE
202-544-4660 chatsdc.com
Classy Corks Wine & Spirits
801 Virginia Ave. SE 202-758-0080 Classycorksdc.com
Congressional Liquor & Deli
404 1st St. SE 202-547-1600
DMV Liquors, Wines & Beers
643 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-2800
Exotic Wines & Spirits 801 Maryland Avenue NE 202-290-3008 Exoticwinespirits.com
Harry’s Reserve 909 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-450-2314
Jumbo Liquors Inc. 1122 H St. NE 202-397-4050 jumboliquors.business.site
New H Wine and Spirits 914 H St. NE 202-795-9970
Schneider’s of Capitol Hill
300 Massachusetts Ave. NE 202-543-9300 cellar.com
AC Hotel by Marriott
Navy Yard
867 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-488-3600 marriott.com
Capitol Hill Hotel
200 C St. SE 202-543-6000 info@capitolhillhotel-dc.com capitolhillhotel-dc.com
Courtyard Marriott
140 L St SE 202-479-0027, marriott.com
Thompson DC
221 Tingey St. SE 202-916-5200 hyatt.com
Gold Spot Pack and Ship 712 H St NE 202-544-0303 packandshipservices.com
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center
409 3rd St. SW Ste. 109 202-554-0805
715 D St. SE 202-547-0421 fedex.com
The UPS Store 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-0850 921 H St NE 202-507-8964
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-808-2968 996 Maine Ave. SW 202-506-4111 theupsstorelocal.com
Hunt Smith Design
Phoebe Smith
706 N. Carolina Ave. SE Unit 1
202-546-0336 huntsmithdesign.com
Impact Communications, Inc
735 8th St. SE, 2nd. Fl 202-543-7671 impactdc.com
Taoti Creative
507 8th St. SE 202-546-8946 taoti.com
Music on the Hill 801 D St. NE 202-733-3158 musiconthehilldc.com
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center 715 D St. SE 202-547-0421 local.fedex.com
The UPS Store 611 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-0850
1100 New Jersey Ave. SE, Ste. 2000 202-808-2968 theupsstorelocal.com
700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 410 202-338-0303 kvstitle.com
Capitol Hill Frame & Photo 645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 201 202-547-2100 chframe.com
H Street Art Framing 1311 H St. NE 202-758-0910 expertsinframing.com
Newman Gallery & Custom Frames 513 11th St. SE 202-544-7577 Newmangallery.com
Nicole Harkin Photography 202-296-3904 nicoleharkin.com
LightMan Photography andrew@andrewlightman.com lightmanphotos.com
Jenny Nordstrom Sidedoor Studio 202-276-0555 Sidedoorstudios.com
Photopia Portraits by Elizabeth Dranitzke 202-550-2520 photopiadc.com
Amanda Joy Photographics amanda@amandajoyphotographics.com amandajoyphotographics.com
Maria Helena Carey mariahelenacarey.com
Congressional Exxon 200 Massachusetts Ave. NE 202-543-9456
Metro Motor Capitol Hill Exxon
339 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-547-4054
Metro Motor Penn Exxon 1201 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-6146
Eastern Market Shoe Repair 645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-5632
Navy Yard Valet 755 8th St. SE 202-543-1738
Peter Bug Shoe & Leather Repair 502 13th St./ Peterbug Matthews Way SE 202-689-4549
Senate Dry Cleaners & Shoe Repair
300 M St. SW, Ste. NG1 202-488-9018 senatedrycleaners.com
Sole Wash Sneaker Laundry 645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 2nd Fl. 202-596-8615
District Productive Studio Rentals 418 10th St. SE –Upper Level 202-250-4032
The Daily Rider 600 H St. NE Ste. D 202-396-0704 thedailyriderdc.com
DTLR Sportswear and Shoes
902 H St. NE 202-546-0415 DTLR.com
Nike Unite
700 H St. NE 202-925-4856 nike.com
Pacers Running
300 Tingey St. SE Ste. 160 202-554-1216 runpacers.com
Capitol Hill Tailor Shop 615 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-9292
Kim’s Custom Tailor
808 L St. SE 202-554-1201
Lincoln Park Cleaners 1301 East Capitol St. SE 202-544-0011
Neighbors Cleaners 1023 E St. SE 202-544-1755
Marina Martin MBA –La Strega QuickBooks ProAdvisor 149 D St. SE 202-251-3907 lastregaaccounting.com
H & R Block
617 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-5139 hrblock.com
Jackson-Hewitt Tax Services 725 8th St. SE 202-547-6540 jacksonhewitt.com
Lustre Formal Wear 208 2nd St. SE 202-544-0002 lustreformalwear.com
Dryy 55 M St. SE 202-599-8888 dryydc.com
The Press 619 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-7942 thepressdc.com
Jay Jewelers 470 L’Enfant Plaza SW 202-554-4355 jayjeweler.com
Anchor Computers 202-543-7055 anchorcomputers.com
DC Access 1504 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-5898 dcaccess.net u
Hiking And Biking
There is more and more to do along the Anacostia River as trails are extended and new destinations are opened to the public. Here are five great hikes and bike rides, most nearby but some requiring a car or Metro to get to:
1. Anacostia Riverwalk from South Capitol Street Bridge to Benning Road – This six-mile loop is in excellent shape and easy to follow on the east (Anacostia) side of the River. The west (Capitol Hill) side has some issues – endless RFK parking lots and demolition – but it is readily bikeable and walkable, and the last part past the Navy Yard and Yards Park is downright elegant.
2. 11th Street Bridge – The rebuild of the 11th street Bridge resulted in new freeway ramps, but also a new local bridge with slow traffic and wide sidewalks connecting 11th Street at the north end of the Navy Yard with Martin Luther King Avenue in Anacostia. There are two terrific walkways out over the water at mid-river with great sunset views. Eventually all this will be extended several hundred feet downriver and become a series of parks, gardens, waterfalls, cafes and performance spaces, all part of the 11th Street Bridge Project, an effort of the ARC. But see it now!
3. Marvin Gaye Trail – This trail follows the newly restored Watts Branch from 61st and Banks NE, very near the Capitol Heights Blue and Silver Metro lines and the Prince Georges County line, for twenty blocks to Minnesota Avenue. You can continue under the
freeway and into Kenilworth Park and the Anacostia River, but the most interesting part is in the upper end. Marvin Gaye, the first of the Motown artists to use environmental themes, grew up along the stream in public housing at the start of the trail; he learned to love the sounds of the water in the streams. Along the way are also an urban farm, the site of a Martin Luther King speech, remnants of an amusement park dating to segregated times, and the buildings of the first training school for Black women set up by Nanny Helen Burroughs, a famous educator. Return on Minnesota Avenue Metro Orange, or retrace your steps.
4. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens – A great place for a stroll, this large area of ponds and walkways connects to the Anacostia and you can arrive by canoe or kayak. Or walk or bike the River Trail to the intersection with the Trail into the Gardens. Or take Metro Orange to Deanwood and walk a few blocks. Don’t miss the boardwalk out over the marshes. Open 9-5 April 1 to October 31, 8-4 November 1 to March 31. Free admission.
5. National Arboretum – Another place with miles of trails and gardens. Favorites are the Asia Gardens, Fern Valley, the Herb Garden, and the newly restored Springhouse Run, but there are many more. In winter, especially, the hike up Mount Hamilton has great views out over the city. You can also get there by boat – check to make sure the dock is in service. Free admission.
For canoes and kayaks, the tidal river is usually divided into two parts – above and below the CSX railroad bridge which crosses north of the Pennsylvania Avenue bridge. The part below is an urban waterfront with a lot going on; the part above is a remarkable wildernesslike experience from Kingman Island all the way to Bladensburg. Two places not to miss along the way:
1. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens – Operated by the National Park Service as its only facility dedicated to aquatic plants, the Gardens are accessible via a narrow cut under the new Anacostia River Trail bridge. Inside are large tidal lagoons and places to pull in and visit the ponds with their water lilies and lotus plants.
2. Dueling Creek – Just north of the New York Avenue/ Amtrak bridge crossings of the River, Dueling Creek leads off to the west. In the early 19th century, DC prohibited dueling and a site was established out here, with the Creek leading to it. Paddling Dueling Creek today is a trip back in time. You pass through acres of marshmallow wetlands filled with white blossoms in summer, work your way past fallen timber, eventually entering an area of tall trees with lianas hanging down them; underneath are stacks of catafalques (casings for coffins) lined up for use in Fort Lincoln cemeteries. Like something out of a horror movie, but you are there!
There are two places to rent canoes and kayaks on the Anacostia:
• Bladensburg Marina – park entrance just east of the Peace Cross on MD 450
• Ballpark Boathouse, 1600 1st St SE
Also, keep your eyes open for the Free Paddle Nights sponsored by the Anacostia Watershed Society on summer evenings at various locales along the River.
Bill Matuszeski writes a monthly column about all aspects of the Anacostia River in the Hill Rag.
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is splendid in the fall. Photo: Rindy O’Brien
Kayakers enjoy the Anacostia.ACUPUNCTURE / ALT. HEALING
Euphoria Healing & Wellness 611 ½ Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-733-1385 euphoriadc.org
Lavender Retreat Wellness Club 1236 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-450-2329 lavenderretreat.com
Mustard Seed Massage 405 8th St NE 202-644-3759 capitolhill@mustardseedmassage.com mustardseedspa.com
Marjorie G. Shovlin Acupuncture 906 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 210 202-680-0125 marjorieshovlin.com
Albert C. Hillman Barber 1106 H St. NE 202-396-9640
Capitol Barber & Stylist 201 Massachusetts Ave. NE 202-544-8380
Cutz On the Hill 114 15th St. SE 202-543-1547
Jajo’s Barber Shop 404 8th St. SE 202-795-9889
Powell’s Barber Shop 1232 H St. NE 202-607-5172
Atlas Salon 733 11th St. NE 202-803-2903 atlassalondc.com
Beaming Hair Salon 615 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 202-921-9311 Beamingsalon.com
Capitol Hair Salon 205 Pennsylvania Ave., SE 202-543-1245 mysite.vagaro.com/ capitolhairsalon
Cole Stevens Salon 1247 E St. SE 202-547-4444 colestevenssalon.com
Michael Anthony Salon 661 C St. SE, 2nd Floor 202-506-3609 michaelanthonysalondc. com
Randolph Cree 325 7th St. SE 202-547-1014 randolphcree.com
Rose and Sparrow 631 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. B 202-543-9000 roseandsparrowsalon. com
Tracy Hair & Nails by Nina 428 8th St. SE 202-546-4887
Anacostia Organics 2022 Martin L. King Jr Ave SE 202-845-8574 anacostiaorganics.com
Cannabliss 4721 Sheriff Rd. NE 202-388-3000 shopcannabliss.com
Washington Integrative Health 641 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-544-4478 dcintegrative.com
Paradigm Chiropractic and Performance, LLC
Dr. Henry Jenkins Jr. 650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 470 202-546-0981 paradigmchiropracticdc.com
Moses Chiropractic 1505 Maryland Ave. NE 202-546-2000 drmochiro.com
Movement Methods Chiropractic 719 8th St SE, 2nd Fl 202-547-0317 janeapp.com
Capitol Hill Consortium for Counseling and Consultation
650 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste. 440 202-544-5440 ccccmentalhealth.com
Joseph Tarantolo, MD Existential & Active Interpersonal Psychiatry 902 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-5290
Kimberly Martin, Psychologist, PsyD 100 M St., SE Suite 600 202-951-9942 Drkimberlym.com
Mind Body Health
600 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 340 571-328-7408 mindbodyva.com
Gina Sangster, LICSW Family Therapy
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 440 202-544-5440
Capitol Hill Center for Individual and Family Therapy
50 E St. SE 202-543-4645 capitolhillcenterfortherapy.net
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) 545 7th St. SE 202-547-6839 chaw.org
Joy of Motion 1333 H St. NE 202-552-4679 joyofmotion.org
Momentum Dance & Fitness 534 8th St. SE 202-517-7252 momentumdancetheatre.com
St. Mark’s Dance Studio 301 A St. SE stmarksdance.org
Studio One
738 7th St. SE studioone-dance.com
Aden Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 460 202-547-7772 adendentistry.com
East Capitol Dental
Dr. Larry Bowers & Dr. Langley Bowers 711 E Capitol St. SE 202-544-0086 eastcapitoldental.com
Capitol Dental Associates 1201 S. Capitol St. SW, Ste. B 202-621-8446 capitoldentalteam.com
Capitol Hill Dental Group
412 First St. SE 202-863-1600, chdg.net
Capitol Hill Pediatric Dentistry
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. 220 202-849-3292 capitolhillpediatric.dentist
Nishan Halim, D.M.D. 27 6th St. NE 202-543-2020 nishanhalimdmd.com
Dr. Chad Jones 55 M St. SE, Ste. 103 202-670-4882 navyyarddental.com
South Capitol Smile Center
Sheila Samaddar DDS 1313 South Capitol St. SW 202-488-1313 southcapitolsmilecenter.com
Skin Obsession Studio 660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202.992.5388 skinobsessionstudio.com
OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Same day crowns with CEREC Invisalign In office whitening
Conveniently located 2 blocks from the Capitol at: Capitol Hill Office Building 412 First Street, SE WDC 20003 202-863-1600
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Luxie Spa
400 8th St NE 202-643-1606 luxiespa.skincaretherapy.net
Mustard Seed Spa 405 8th St. NE 202-644-3759 mustardseedspa.com
Peel Haus Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery 1105 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-891-4287 peelhaus.com
Silver Mirror Facial Bar 1355 3rd St. SE 202-506-5651 silvermirror.com
Skin Beauty Bar
749 8th St. SE, 2nd Fl. 202-543-6993 skinbeautybardc.com
9Round Kickbox Fitness
1105 New Jersey Ave. SE 202-630-0848, 9round.com
Balance Gym
214 D St. SE 202-450-5448 balancegym.com/capitol-hill
Crossfit DC Northeast 1365 H St. NE 202-919-8601, crossfitdc.com
Euphoria Healing & Wellness
611 ½ Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-733-1385 euphoriadc.org
Gold’s Gym Capitol Hill
409 Third St. SW 202-544-4653 goldsgym.com/capitolhilldc
Jade Fitness 1310 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-629-4455 jadefitnessdc.com
Old City CrossFit
1007 H St. NE 202-804-5944 oldcitycrossfit.com
Onelife Fitness
315 G St. SE 202-234-5678 onelifefitness.com/gyms/ capitol-hill
Orangetheory Fitness Studio
609 H Street NE (202) 991-5898 330 7th St. SE 202-688-3161 orangetheory.com
Pure Barre
407 8yh St. SE, 2nd Fl. 202-847-3708 purebarre.com
Reformation Fitness
Capitol Hill
525 8th St. SE, 2nd Floor 202-813-3647 reformationfitness.com
913 H St. NE
202-888-3511 1245 1st St. SE 202-800-1460, solidcore.co
Vida Fitness
1212 4th St. SE, #170 202-554-0444 vidafitness.com
Waterside Fitness & Swim
901 6th St. SW 202-488-3701, chuckfitt.com
Bridgepoint Hospital
Capitol Hill Long-term Care 223 7th St. NE 202-546-5700 bridgepointhealthcare.com
Children’s National Medical Center 111 Michigan Ave. NW 202-476-5000 or 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) childrensnational.org
George Washington Hospital 900 23rd St. NW 202-715-4000 gwhospital.com
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 700 2nd St. NE 202-346-3000 healthy.kaiserpermanente.org
Medstar Health Promptcare 228 7th St. SE 855-910-3278 medstarhealth.org
DC Samurai Training Academy 613 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Fl. 2 dcsamurai.com
Tae Kwon Do College Capitol Hill
Master Erica Gutman 820 6th St. NE 202-271-5449 mastergutman.com
Breathing Space
713 14th Street SE [class locations vary] 202-599-0434 breathingspacedc.com
Euphoria Healing & Wellness 611 ½ Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-733-1385, euphoriadc.org
Lavender Retreat Wellness Club 1236 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-450-2329 lavenderretreat.com
Medical Mobile Massage by Melissa 410-504-7579 missygalli@gmail.com
Mustard Seed Massage 405 8th St NE 202-644-3759 capitolhill@mustardseedmassage.com mustardseedspa.com
Orange Wellness
725 8th St. SE 202-510-5246 tracie@myorgangewellness. com myorangewellness.com
Onelife Fitness 315 G St. SE 202-234-5678 onelifefitness.com/gyms/ capitol-hill
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Grubbs CARE Pharmacy
326 East Capitol St. NE 202-543-4400 care@grubbspharmacy.com grubbspharmacy.com
Morton Eighth St. Pharmacy
724 East Capitol St. NE 202-547-0378 info@mortoncarepharmacy. com mortoncarepharmacy.com
Super Pharmacy & Medical Supply
1019 H St. NE 202-388-0050 superrxdc.com
Angelo M Nails
615 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-0260 Angelonailswashington.com
Capitol Nail Salon
201 Massachusetts Ave. NE 202-543-0989
District Nails
401 H St. NE, 2nd floor 202-878-8662 districtnails.com
Eastern Market Nails and Hair Lounge 216 7th St. SE
Indigo Nail Stylist 1221 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Lower Level 202-758-5842
Nailsaloon 740 C St. SE 202-594-3252 thenailsaloon.com
Urban Nail Lounge
911 H St. NE
202-599-2505 info@urbannaillounge.com urbannaillounge.com
MyEyeDr. 635 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-2838, eyecentral.net
Georgetown Optician
660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
699 Water St. SW 202-972-0100 georgetownoptician.com
Ovation Eye Institute 810 Potomac Ave. SE 202-878-6588 ovationeye.health
District Orthodontics
Amanda Rosa, DMD, MS 700 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Suite 370 202-899-5529 district-ortho.com
Pediatric Therapy 202-546-7529 dchoneybeetherapy.com
Skills on the Hill, LLC 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-335-7968 skillsonthehill.com
Capitol Kids Therapy
201 Massachusetts Ave. NE, C-9
202-544-5469 capitolkidstherapy.com
CVS Pharmacy
500 12th St. SE 202-542-1555
661 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-3305 645 H St. NE 202-544-1878
1100 4th St. SW 202-544-2144 cvs.com
Grubbs CARE Pharmacy
326 East Capitol St. NE 202-543-4400 grubbspharmacy.com
Morton Eighth St. Pharmacy 724 East Capitol St. NE 202-547-0378 info@mortoncarepharmacy. com
Safeway Pharmacy
415 14th St. SE
202- 920-5875 1601 Maryland Ave. NE 202-398-6900 1100 4th St. SW 202-719-2500 safeway.com
Active Physical Therapy
650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 360 202-544-4874 active-physicaltherapy.com
NovaCare Rehabilitation 600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Ste. 202 202-543-9400 novacare.com
Pivot Physical Therapy
300 M St. SE, Ste. 104 202-221-8250 pivotphysicaltherapy.com
Rose Physical Therapy Group 1015 Half St. SE 202-630-0378, rosept.com
Denise Chevalier-Hamilton 660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 101 202-546-0062 chevalierallergyandasthma.com
Breastfeeding Center for Greater Washington 1020 19th St. NW Ste. 150 202-293-5182 breastfeedingcenter.org
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center 700 2nd St. NE 202-346-3000 healthy.kaiserpermanente.org
MedStar Health Primary Care at Navy Yard 915 Half St. SE 202-546-4504 medstarhealth.org
Medstar Health Prompt Care at Capitol Hill 228 7th St. SE 855-910-3278 medstarhealth.org
Children’s Pediatricians & Associates Capitol Hill 650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Ste. C-100 202-833-4543 childrensnational.org
House Calls on the Hill
Heidi Johnson, CPNP 202-306-5862
heidi.j.johnson@gmail.com heidijohnsoncpnp.com
Solid Core H Street
931 H St. NE 202-888-3511 solidcore.co/dc/washingtondc/h-street/
Kimberly Martin, Psychologist, PsyD 100 M St., SE, Suite 600 202-951-9942 Drkimberlym.com
District Podiatry 1647 Benning Rd. NE Ste. 301 202-388-5303 districtpodiatry.com
Dr. Eliezer Trybuch 620 C St. SE 202-543-0035 dr.trybuch.com
DC Pilates 526 H St. NE 202-543-4600, dcpilates.net
Joseph Tarantolo, MD Existential & Active Interpersonal Psychiatry 902 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-543-5290
Aura Spa at The Yards 1212 4th St. SE Ste. 170 202-554-0444 auraspa.net
Euphoria Healing & Wellness 611 ½ Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-733-1385 euphoriadc.org
Lavender Retreat Wellness Club 1236 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-450-2329 lavenderretreat.com
Mustard Seed Massage 405 8th St NE 202-644-3759 capitolhill@ mustardseedmassage.com mustardseedspa.com
Peel Haus Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery 1105 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-891-4287 peelhaus.com
HoneyBee Pediatric Therapy 202-546-7529 dchoneybeetherapy.com
Skills on the Hill LLC 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-335-7968 skillsonthehill.com
Capitol Kids Therapy 201 Massachusetts Ave. NE, C-9 202-544-5469 capitolkidstherapy.com
The Reading and Language Learning Center 220 I St. NE, Ste. 240 703-821-1363 readingllcenter.com
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Lincoln Capper Children’s Pool 555 L St. SE 202-727-1080
Rosedale Recreation Center 1701 Gales St. NE 202-397-1315
William H. Rumsey Aquatic Center 635 North Carolina Ave. SE 202-724-4495 dpr.dc.gov
Waterside Fitness 901 6th St. SW 202-488-3701 chuckfitt.com
Brow Contour 655 C St. SE 202-506-2745 browcontourdc.com
Dupont Threading 621 Pennsylvania Ave SE 202-546-1748 dupontthreading.com
European Wax Center 717 D St. SE 202-807-1750 waxcenter.com
Waxing the City H St. 506 H Street NE 202-335-5555 waxingthecity.com
Breathing Space 713 14th Street SE [class locations vary] 202-599-0434 breathingspacedc.com
Corepower Yoga 501 H St. NE Ste. A 866-441-9642 corepoweryoga.com
Healthy Self Sherri Pineyro hello@sherripineyro.com sherripineyro.com
Hot Yoga Capitol Hill 410 H St. NE 202-547-1208 hotyogacapitolhill@gmail.com hotyogacapitolhill.com
District Flow 405 8th St. SE, Floor 2 info@districtflowyoga.com districtflowyoga.com
St. Mark’s Yoga Center 118 3rd St., SE 202-546-4964 Stmarksyogadc.org u
Restaurants keep arriving on and around Capitol Hill. That’s the good news. However, prices at many eateries—old and new—continue to increase due to rising gas prices, supply chain issues and other problems. More restaurants are adding a sizable service charge.
As hours and other details are subject to change, we are not including them in this Guide, presented in alphabetical order by neighbohood. So please consult restaurant websites for additional information.
Bon Appetit! And don’t forget to tip generously.
Created by chef Tim May, Any Day Now, 2 Eye St. SE, is a popular breakfast spot by day, morphing into a nifty, full-service restaurant come evenings. Among breakfast favorites are croissants, muffins and scallion pancakes filled with bacon, egg, cheese and kimchi. Dinner brings tuna tartare, steamed rockfish, spareribs, oxtail tagliatelle, fried eggplant. Full bar. www.anydaynowdc.com.
Akeno, 524 Eighth St. SE, dispenses flavorful Thai cuisine plus a beautifully presented sushi bar with spicy tuna, salmon-avocado rolls, “California” rolls and more. Start with spicy garlic edamame or miso soup, moving on to crispy spring rolls, steamed dumplings, ramen, shrimp and vegetable tempura, green curry, salmon teriyaki, whole fried flounder. www.akenosushibar.com.
Bistro du Jour, 20 Mass. Ave. NW, is ensconced in the swanky Royal
Sonesta hotel. The stylish Bistro is an offshoot of the original in the District Wharf. The menu showcases French onion soup, Salad Nicoise, souffle au Fromage (Gruyere cream and truffles), Dover sole with grapes, vermouth chervil sauce and chanterelle (mushrooms). Full bar. www.bistro-dujour.com.
Coming soon if not already: Dos Toros Taqueria (“Two Bulls”) is set to open at 215 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. Based in New York, the San Francisco-style taco-centric eatery will be the group’s third DC offshoot. For updates visit www.dostoros.com.
In Hill East, in the Kennedy complex, Duffy’s Irish Pub opened late last year at 1901 C St. SE, next to the (also new) Sala Thai restaurant. A spinoff of the Dupont Circle sports bar, Duffy’s reportedly pours the “best Guinness in town,” along with dynamite chicken wings; Shepherd’s pie (large or small) and amazing chopped Caesar salad. www.dcduffys.com.
On Barracks Row, I Egg You has hatched at 517 Eighth St. SE. Created by Fried Rice Collective Chefs Scott Dweno and Danny Lee, the breakfast/lunch newcomer slings yummy egg sandwiches and other delights including parsnip soup, Ivy City Smokehouse lox, and a hefty “Reuben-ish” sandwich. Full bar. www. ieggyou.com.
Also on Barracks Row is Joey’s, a fam-
A delcious sandwich at I Egg You. courtesy: I egg you
ily friendly spot at 527 Eighth St. SE. The proprietor is restaurateur John Boyle, who operated Marty’s there years ago. Joey’s sports a light and airy décor. Heading the kitchen is Rob Gibson, a former US Senate chef. Heading Joey’s menu are risotto parmesan bites, wings, homemade chili, corned beef on rye, Reubens, beef brisket, kids’ menu. The roof deck is pet-friendly. www.barracksrowjoeys.com.
Los Caballeros Restaurant has opened at 308 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, formerly La Lomita Dos. Margaritas arrive in handsome, salt-rimmed glasses. While noshing on complementary tortilla chips and salsa, order shrimp quesadillas (other options were steak, chicken or spinach). Fajitas sizzle. Among other choices are burritos, enchiladas, chimichangas, seafood combo. www.loscaballeros.com.
Mezeh Mediterranean Grill, 333 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, is coming soon to 333 Pennsylvania Ave. SE where the long-running Roland’s Grocery used to be. This quick service eatery is a spinoff of a local restaurant group. Expect chicken kebobs, shawarma (thinly sliced meat sandwich), felafel, steak & greens, build your own bowl with myriad toppings. For updates visit www. mezeh.com.
Pascual , 732 Maryland Ave. NE, the former Kenny’s BBQ space. Named for San Pascual, patron saint of cooks and kitchens, this “contemporary” Mexican enterprise is the creation of award-winning chef Isabel Coss—who grew up in Mexico City--and husbandfellow chef Matt Conroy. Heading their “hearth-focused” menu are interesting guacamole, chayote salad, citrus ceviche, prawns ala diablo, barbecued lamb neck, exotic skate ala brasa. Margaritas and other potent potables flow. www.pascualdc.com.
Plantish, an all-day “well-
ness café,” has debuted at 1 M St. SE, near the Bullpen, the lively outdoor watering hole near Nationals Park. The healthful Plantish dispenses fresh juices, smoothies, sandwiches and wraps. To drink: all kinds of coffee and tea drinks.
Sala Thai , 1901 C St. SE, in the Park Kennedy mixed-use development complex. Pad Thai (with jumbo shrimp), spicy curries, soups, deep-fried shrimp rolls, and vegetarian items. Plus an extensive sushi listing. Full bar,
At Pascual, the “contemporary
happy hour. (The Sala Thai group has been around for 38 years; the original opened in Dupont Circle.). www.salathaidc.com.
Located near Union Station is Sweet Lemon Café, 201 Mass. Ave, NE. Favored by commuters, neighbors and Senate staffers, this charming, European style eatery specializes in homemade yogurt and hummus, muffins, croissants, waffles, Ukrainian borscht, quiches, bagels and sandwiches, coffee, tea and sodas.
On H Street NE, Dumpling Hot Pot Beyond specialties are handmade dumplings with myriad fillings, appetizers traditional hot pot. Photo courtesy Dumpling Hot Pot. Mexican” newcomer on Maryland Ave. NE, Citrus Ceviche incorporates a mixture of citrus juices to create a chipotle meco chile vinaigrette. The fresh, light bass perfectly absorbs all the flavors it swims in. Photo courtesy Pascual.Dumpling Hot Pot Beyond , 1216
H St. NE, showcases the cuisines of Shanghai and Szechuan. Among specialties are handmade dumplings with myriad fillings, assorted appetizers and traditional hot pot, presented in colorful vessels. Coming soon if not already: an alcohol license with a sake bar. www. dumplinghotpotbeyond.com.
Hiraya, 1250 H St. NE, celebrates the vibrant culture and cuisine of the Philippines. Breakfast selections include tocino (pork belly marinated in pineapple and soy), Ube bread pudding French toast, Basque cheesecake. Midday brings sandwiches and chori (chorizo) burgers. For dinner: tskikori (beef reduction), assorted dumplings, Filipino chili crab nata de coco (squid in coconut milk and squid ink). www.hirayadc.com.
Kangnam Chicken & Seafood, 1125 H St. NE, serves Asian-style “snow” fried chicken –with various sauces delivering different levels of firepower—and garlicy-spicy zesty wings. Among seafood offerings are fried whiting filets, salmon, fried shrimp and steamed crabs. Plus an inventive cocktail lineup. www.kangnamchicken.com.
Coming soon if not already is Providencia, 1321 Linden Court NE, in an alleyway just of H St. NE. Created by chefs Erik-Bruner-Yang (Maketto), Pedro Tobar and Daniel Gonzolez, Providencia explores the partners’ native Taiwan, Mexico and El Salvador through their eclectic menu. [No website yet]
Kinfolk Southern Kitchen, 685 Wharf St. SW. Located in the Hyatt House, Kinfolk—a bourbon and barbecue restaurant—dishes out such “Americana” creations as smoked pork shoulder with signature sauce, smoked ribs, breaded and fried wings, fried green tomatoes, deviled eggs, Thai-dipped fish sandwich and a generous BBQ sampler. Plus myriad bourbon cocktails. www.kinfolksouthern.com.
Limani, 670 Wharf St. SW, is a member of an upscale, East Coast group serving vibrant—and pricy—Greek-Mediterranean cuisine in a jaw-dropping setting. Hellenic favorites include saganaki (Greek cheese), Greek-style lobster roll, octopus, calamari, branzino, spanakopita, moussaka, lamb chops. www. limani.com.
Little Chicken has found a new perch at 11 Pearl St. SW. (The original Little Chicken flew the coop at downtown’s Midtown Center last summer.) The snazzy transplant specializes in wings (with various sauces) 15-piece buckets, sandwiches (fried or grilled), chicken Cobb salads. Sides encompass mac-andcheese, hushpuppies, curly fries. From the full bar, try the Jungle Chicken, made with Jamaican rum, pineapple and lime. www.justlittlechicken.com.
Makers Union Pub, 664 Maine Ave. SW. This lively gastropub has made its splashy debut next to sister restaurant Milk & Honey. Specializing in southern comfort food, both restaurants are part of the minority-owned Thompson Restaurants group, based in Reston. Makers Union’s lineup offers black and white clam linguine (made with squid ink pasta), grilled branzino, mussels, and a humongous, three-course tomahawk ribeye dinner for two. www.makersunionpub.com. u
Limani, 670 Wharf St. SW, serves GreekMediterranean cuisine with a beautiful view of the Washington Channel.Arena Stage 1101 Sixth St. SW 202-554-9066 arenastage.org
Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater is a national center dedicated to American voices and artists. Arena Stage produces plays reflecting all that is passionate, profound and dangerous in the American spirit, presenting diverse and groundbreaking work from some of the best artists in the country. Now in its eighth decade, Arena Stage serves a diverse annual audience of more than 300,000.
Expats Theatre
1333 H St. NE
Expatstheatre.com, ExPatsTheatre@aol.com
Founded in 2019 by Karin Rosnizeck, ExPats Theatre is a small theatre with a big idea: to use theatre as a force to explore issues of contemporary society and politics. The company selects plays that broaden people’s horizons, provide a sense of history, incorporate women’s perspectives, and address cross-cultural issues.
Faction of Fools heatre Company
545 Seventh St. SE factionoffools.org, info@factionoffools.org
Faction of Fools Theatre Company is DC’s only Commedia dell’Arte company. \In addition to performances and touring, the company does school residencies, university workshops, and professional training for actors. Visit the website factionoffools.org for more information.
Folger Shakespeare Theater –
(See Folger Shakespeare Library under Performance Venues below)
Mosaic Theater Company
1333 H St. NE (Atlas) 202-399-7993 x501 mosaictheater.org
Mosaic Theater Company produces provocative and socially relevant performances while providing opportunities for community dialogue and development for emerging artists. In 2024-5, Mosaic will bring brand new plays to the Atlas Performing Arts Center with the support of a two-year $500,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation.
St. Mark’s Players
301 A St. SE 202-854-9199 stmarksplayers.org, info@stmarksplayers.org
St. Mark’s Players has been a fixture on Capitol Hill for more than four decades as the resident company at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. From their roots performing Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, this company has evolved
Gina Daniels stars as educator Anna Julia Cooper in Tempestuous Elements at Arena Stage in southwest DC. photo: Tony Powell Folger Shakespeare Library at night, as it nears reopening on June 21, 2024 after extensive renovations. Photo: Lloyd Wolfeto become an established and respected member of the DC theater community. Each season, the Players perform three plays. Get involved!
Taffety Punk Theatre Company
545 Seventh St. SE
202-873-5330 taffetypunk.com
This small but mighty company frequently performs in the black box space of Capitol Hill Arts Workshop. Taffety Punk was founded by a group of artists who shared both a love of the Bard as well as punk rock music. The company is known for a fierce aesthetic, a pared down approach to classics and a commitment to accessible ticket prices.
1238 Maryland Ave. SW artechouse.com/location/dc
ARTECHOUSE is the nation’s first innovative art destination dedicated to the intersection of art, science and technology. From immersive art spaces to an extended reality (XR) mobile
app, ARTECHOUSE is where curiosity-seekers of all ages go to experience creative innovation without limits.
Capitol Hill Art League (CHAL)
545 Seventh St. SE caphillartleague.org
A program of the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, CHAL is a thriving volunteer-led organization for over 80 local artists. The program offers exhibitions, gallery talks, master classes, lectures, workshops, monthly peer critique meetings, Plein Air outings and other art related activities. Each year, CHAL hosts an Open Call exhibit for members and non-members of the DC Metro area. Members can submit work for numerous juried exhibits as well as non-juried shows.
Frame of Mine
545 Eighth St. SE 202-543-3030
In addition to a wide range of framing, glass-cutting and canvas services, this family-owned Barracks Row business hosts art shows in the front of the store. Local artists and art collectives, such as the Capitol Hill Art League (CHAL) show
their non-juried exhibitions here annually. Check out their website for hours.
Gallery NK
321 K St. NE (rear alley)
Gallery NK is part artist studio, part artist residence and mostly a street-level art gallery tucked away in a cozy alley between I and K Streets NE. The gallery exhibits local and international artists in a variety of mediums.
Gallery O on H
1354 H St. NE
Gallery O on H is an indoor-outdoor gallery and event venue. The space smoothly integrates the East Gallery and Courtyard with the newly renovated West Gallery and the “Garage.” A private landscaped Courtyard is tucked behind meticulously restored buildings, ready for a wedding or special events.
Mehari Sequar Gallery
1402 H St. NE
The gallery champions a diverse range of established, emerging and international artists from the African diaspora
who explore conceptual approaches and embrace the freedoms of artistic expression across all mediums.
Rubell Museum
65 I St. SE
Rebuilt to house an extraordinary collection of contemporary art acquired over the course of a half century by the Rubell family, the 32,000 square foot exhibition space, which preserves the layout of the original Randall School, opened its doors to the public in 2022. Children under six years old, DC residents and military veterans are admitted free of charge.
Capital City Symphony
1333 H St. NE
Based at the Atlas Arts Center, Capital City performs creative programs in a relaxed concert format and provides a musical outlet for talented amateur as well as professional players. Led by director Victoria Gau since 1997, the 100 volunteer musicians enthusiastically explore both symphonic classics and the best of 20th Century music.
Capitol Hill Chorale
P.O. Box 15703
Maestro Frederick Binkholder leads this 90-voice ensemble, performing a series of three concerts each season at area churches and festivals, presenting both a cappella and accompanied works in classical, folk, jazz and popular music genres.
Chiarina Chamber Players Chiarina.org
Chiarina brings distinctive chamber music performances and innovative programming to an intimate neighborhood setting in Capitol Hill. With a roster of world-class artists, Chiarina connects the audience with composers from the eighteenth through 2ist centuries. Performances take place throughout the District and on the Hill. Check the website for upcoming dates.
United States Navy Band
617 Warrington Ave. SE
(Washington Navy Yard) navyband.navy.mil
The United States Navy Band is comprised of six primary performing groups as well as a host of smaller ensembles. One hundred seventy enlisted musicians perform over 270 public concerts and 1,300 ceremonies each year. Every spring, the Concert Band hosts their annual Young Artist Solo Competition. From May to the end of August, the band performs at regular Friday Evening Parades. The performance and parade are free, but reservations are recommended. Go online at paraderes.dcmarines.com to reserve. Find a full event calendar on the website.
The Anthem 901 Wharf St. SW 202-888-0020
With a capacity of 6000, Anthem is more intimate than a large arena concert venue. State-of-the-art sound engineer-
ing makes Anthem one of the nation’s most acoustically prime places to watch your favorite performer.
Mr. Henry’s Upstairs
601 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
Local neighborhood pub and restaurant Mr. Henry’s has been in operation since 1966. The upstairs bar launched the career of artists such as Roberta Flack and continues to feature local talent with weekly jazz programming. There’s a full line up of live shows: The Wednesday Capitol Hill Jazz Jam (CHJJ); Groove Thursdays, celebrating Latin music and culture; Friday Feature showcases local jazz acts; and the Saturday showcase of jazz vocalists. See the calendar of events and make a reservation online at mrhenrysdc.com/calendar
Music on the Hill
801 D St. NE
Music on the Hill is a family-owned and -operated full-service music store dedicated to bringing high-quality tools
and education to musicians of all levels. New and used band and orchestra instruments are available for rent. They host occasional music performances by local singers and musicans.
Pearl Street Warehouse
33 Pearl St. SW
An intimate live music space with a ca-
pacity of 300, Pearl Street offers performances from national and international artists as well as a line-up of cocktails, draft beer, spirits and a light menu.
Pie Shop
1339 H St. NE
pieshopdc.com, info@pieshopdc.com
Pie Shop is an independent, womanowned, small business, baking the DC area’s favorite pies since 2010 and rebranded in 2020. Upstairs, Pie Shop is also an award-winning independent live music venue with a capacity of 75, dedicated to supporting the D.C. area’s vibrant local music and arts community.
Union Stage
740 Water St. SW
With a capacity of 450, Union Stage features emerging artists and loved favorites in a refined setting at The Wharf. Each season the venue hosts more than 50 different shows, plus private events and guests enjoy food and drink in the tap room which features 16 taps of regional craft beers, destination pizza and relaxed nightlife vibes.
Capitol Movement
222 G St. SW
Offering classes in hip-hop, contemporary, jazz and lyrical dance for adults and kids at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) and Onelife Fitness. The professional Capitol Movement Dance and CMI Kids Companies tour and are available for bookings at performances, classes and events.
Joy of Motion
1333 H St. NE (Atlas)
Joy of Motion offers classes and workshops for dancers (and would-be dancers) of all ages, abilities, and levels in ballet,
The Capitol Hill Jazz Jam usually takes place in Mr. Henry’s on Wednesdays from 8-11 p.m. For a full list of events go to mrhenrysdc.com/events. Photo courtesy Capitol Hill Jazz Jam.Join Us for Family-Friendly Bike Rides on Capitol Hill!
Monthly, family-friendly group bike rides and fun adventures on Capitol Hill.
Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting, everyone is welcome.
Visit our website for upcoming dates: hillfamilybiking.org hillfamilybiking@gmail.com
hip hop, flamenco, ballroom, tango and belly dancing.
Momentum Dance Theatre
534 Eighth St. SE 202-517-7252 momentumdancetheatre.org
Founded in 1986 by Hill resident Roberta Rothstein, its mission is to be ambassadors of the jazz, hip hop and dance theater experience through performance, training, outreach and audience engagement. At least two professional productions per year are open to the general public, featuring Momentum students and professionals.
St. Mark’s Dance Studio
301 A St. SE stmarksdance.org
St. Mark’s Dance Studio encourages dancers of all levels to reach their maximum potential. Courses include ballet, modern and Pilates for children from
three years to teen years as well as adults. Instructors are highly experienced in their art and generous with their knowledge and encouragement in class.
Step Afrika!
1333 H St. NE (Atlas) 202-399-7993, ext.111 stepafrika.org
Dedicated to the art and tradition of stepping, Step Afrika! is a national and international touring company presenting performance, residencies and workshops worldwide. Step Afrika! gets people moving—towards college, towards a greater appreciation for the arts and towards a better understanding of each other. Don’t miss their holiday step show.
Studio One Dance
738 Seventh St. SE studioone-dance.com
Studio One offers creative ballet, tap,
jazz, and lyrical classes to kids from two to nine years. Classes introduce both classical and contemporary music as well as beginner ballet terms and positions. Classes are now held in their new Seventh Street studio space. Summer camp sessions and birthday party packages are also available.
These are organizations which produce and or host a variety of creative groups, performances, lectures, discussions and other events.
Atlas Performing Arts Center
1333 H St. NE 202-399-7993
The performance season of theatre, dance, and music is anchored by resident arts partners: Capital City Symphony, Joy of Motion Dance Center, Mosaic Theater Company of DC and Step Afrika! Throughout the year the Atlas produces its annual Intersections Festival together with programming for young audiences.
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop
545 Seventh St. SE 202-547-6839
Through after-school classes, summer camps and adult classes CHAW builds community and fosters creativity through the arts. The building on Seventh Street SE houses a dance studio, black box theater, drawing/painting and ceramics studios, an art gallery, a photographic darkroom and rooms for private music instruction.
Capital Turnaround
770 M St. SE
The main hall of the newly renovated Capital Turnaround can accommodate 300 seated dinner guests, and a 982-person capacity concert hall features stateof-the art LED screens, audio visuals and sound production. Contact events@ capitalturnaround.com
Folger Shakespeare Library & Theatre
201 E. Capitol St. SE 202-544-4600 folger.edu
Folger Shakespeare Library is home to the world’s largest and finest collection of Shakespeare’s material and to major collections of other rare Renaissance books, manuscripts and works of art. Its Elizabethan theater provides an intimate setting for world class productions. Public programs include plays, concerts, literary readings, family activities and exhibitions, as well as numerous K-12 and college programs for students and teachers. The Folger Theatre began hosting performances in March. The rest of
the building reopens in June 2024 after a 4-year renovation, with brand new exhibits, public spaces, gardens and a café. Check the website for event listings.
921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
A vibrant home for culture and education on Capitol Hill, Hill Center offers a wide variety of programming for people of all ages and backgrounds, including lectures and conversations which showcase current newsmakers and opinion leaders; cooking, language, studio arts, mindful motion and health classes and more. Hill Center Galleries hosts over 100 artists annually in gallery spaces throughout the building, and its annual Pottery on the Hill attracts the finest potters from across the nation.
The Library of Congress
10 First St. SE
202-707-5000 loc.gov
The largest library in the world is right here in our neighborhood. Library of
Congress not only houses the entirety of American culture within its walls, but it also produces a wide variety of programming including movies, concerts, exhibitions, book talks, and poetry readings accessible to the public.
Angelika Pop-Up at Union Market 550 Penn St. NE angelikafilmcenter.com/dc
This independent art-house cinema and lounge plays feature, independent and limited run film. It offers craft beer, wine and snacks.
Mary Pickford Theater at Jefferson Library of Congress 101 Independence Ave. SE loc.gov/rr/mopic/pickford/index.html
Every second Thursday, the Library of Congress hosts public screenings at their Mary Pickford Theater. Films are drawn from the LOC collection of historic and culturally significant movies. For times and listings, check the above link or call 202-707-9994.
Miracle Theatre
535 Eighth St. SE
The National Community Church purchased the historic Meader Theater in 2011, restoring it to the glory of its 1909 opening. Today, the 371-seat theatre is a secondrun movie house. See a film or rent the balcony or entire theatre for a movie-themed party. See upcoming film showings online.
It takes a village to raise a child —and that might be most true for kids in middle school, —roughly grades 5 to 8, or ages 10-14.
Studies have found that adults allow their kids greater freedom in stronger, cohesive communities. That freedom, a 2020 Arizona State University study says, not only creates a greater sense of community and belonging for the kids —it reinforces it for the adults and neighborhood that observe them.
And on the Hill, the village is helping to raise independent middle schoolers.
At that age, kids crave autonomy. Experts say this helps them develop independence, self-esteem and opportunities for learning.
And their parents say that the Hill is a great place to give them all of this. It’s a place where kids can break away from their parents for a few hours — under the watchful eyes of a close-knit community of neighbors and shopkeepers.
Corrine Cannon says she’s raising her three kids, now 8, 12 and 14 years old, to be “free range.” Her oldest two are free to wander between the US Capitol and RFK —the Hill writ large. They have been familiar with the streets of the Hill since they learned to walk on them, she said. As the kids grew, she would encour-
age them to think about where they were relative to home, parks, friends’ houses and school.
When her eldest, Jack, first ventured forth alone, she said, he did it against a background of surreptitious network supervisors.
“Oh, we spied on him,” Cannon laughs. “In the beginning, I’d ask everyone I knew to keep an eye on him. I asked them to text me where he was and what he was doing.” She wanted to be sure he was behaving safely.
Other families say they have similarly prepared their middle schoolers. That’s one reason Lisa, who lives just north of Maury Elementary School (1250 Constitution Ave. NE) is confident in the autonomy of her middle schooler. Daniel is a grade 6 student at Latin Public Charter (5200 Second St. NE). He fills his own time between when he gets off the school’s shuttle bus and comes home from dinner. She’s confident that he will behave responsibly.
But Lisa still loves to get messages from friends who spot him in the street.
“I love getting the “I saw your kiddo at Kingman [Park]/Maury/Eastern Market” text from friends and neighbors,” she said. “It brings me real joy to know I can trust my kid to walk to District Taco for lunch with buddies, or run an errand to a corner store, or browse Labyrinth or East City
Books, navigating street traffic, people, dogs, whatever, without my watchful eye.”
Together, kids explore the neighborhood. They wander through the parks —Marion, Stanton, Lincoln. They meet up in one another’s homes, or play on the fields at the middle schools or at RFK.
That’s when they aren’t busy at the other activities they’ve got going on —Cannon’s elder two, for instance, have practices and games with Capitol Hill Little League (www.chlldc.org). Liz Lyons said herseldest, Lydia, rehearses for the Eliot Hine musical, walks to her Girl Scout meetings and jumps with DC Vault (dcvault.com). Stephanie Gregorian’s eldest, 13-year-old Lily, is into musical theatre as well as archery,
Many middle-schoolers play lacrosse and soccer with Sports on the Hill (SOTH), heading over early to report to the field before games and leaving their parents to saunter over later as spectators. And a great many are now taking themselves to music lessons at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (545 Seventh St. SE) or Music on the Hill (801 D St. NE), walking their dogs and heading to their own jobs, providing childcare that frees up adults for their own after-school activities.
That gives them money to spend. Especially in mid-afternoon, middle schoolers are often the prime patrons of local businesses. They love going hanging out at Capitol Supreme Mart (501 4th St SE), walking around Eastern Market and browsing Relume (760 C St. SE). They shop at 7-River Mart or Moorenko’s Ice Cream.
And local businesses love them back. Over at Hill Café (101 15th St. NE), Liz said the baristas make her eldest feel very welcome. “They’ll say, “Hey, Lydia, the usual?” And it’s a hot cocoa,” Liz said.
Allensio Simmons works most afternoons at Capitol Candy Jar (220 15th St. NE). He says the store fills with middleschool customers promptly at 3:30p.m.
most weekdays. They account for nearly all the customers over the next hour.
Simmons said the kids are energetic, polite and funny. “It’s fun to watch how they interact with each other,” he said. The kids hang out at the tables out front for a while and chat. “They usually don’t leave garbage or anything like that,” he said. “They’re environmental kids.”
Middle-schoolers also pop into Labyrinth (650 Pennsylvania Ave. SE) most afternoons, said owner Kathleen Donahue. They’ll buy gaming cards sometimes, especially Pokémon. But mostly they go to the back room and play the games. “That’s kind of the point of Labyrinth, after all,” she said. “It’s kind of a community space where people can come and hang out.”
Many of them were participants in elementary after-school and summer camp programs, she said, so the staff know them—and being familiar with the games, she expects some of those kids will grow up and work in the store.
The ease of access to great middle schools is another feature. Cannon’s kids walk together from Lincoln Park to Garfield Park, where the kids attend Capitol Hill Day School (CHDS). Lydia and Lily attend Eliot Hine (1830 Constitution Ave. NE), one of three DCPS Middle Schools on the Hill, along with Stuart Hobson (410 E St. NE), and Jefferson Academy (801 Seventh St. SW). “Eliot-Hine also offers really cool classes during the day,” Gregorian said, noting in particular the Eliot-Hine Network, through which kids get to interview all sorts of important people, and Flight and Space, where kids learn about aerodynamics and building rockets.
Cannon extolls the social justice and community at CHDS, while Daniel loves the classes at his charter school, Latin, where he is learning the language and loving it.
Whichever school they attend, kids are often living among their classmates, adding needed social cohesion to their
middle years. You can’t really miss with the choices available on the Hill, they say. And many other kids go together to charters such as Capitol Hill Montessori, BASIS or Latin, taking Metro busses in the morning or stepping off the shuttle bus in the afternoon to hang out in their neighborhood.
There parents are not naive. They are aware that things can happen. And they want their children to learn to cope with that possibility, now while they are surrounded by a community of neighbors who would be inclined to step in.
“We are trying to give her some freedoms, but also realize there is risk,” Gregorian said. She’s taught her 13-yearold daughter to walk with her head on a swivel, not to use her phone while walking and to try and walk with a buddy.
Cannon’s kids don’t have phones. They turn to a neighbor for help when necessary, such as when they once forgot their keys or were momentarily confused about which way to turn towards Lincoln Park.
“I think you can’t let [fear] inhibit your entire life. You need to be aware of it. There are risks all the time, but it can’t stop you from doing things,” Cannon said.
“These are streets they’ve walked since they were born. If I’m not going to let them walk home on these streets they know so very well, what am I going to let them do?”
There is no end of opportunities for middle-school aged kids to learn and play around the Hill. But, say their parents, the Hill is a unique place. They have confidence in their children. But they also have confidence that the village will support their kids as they build that confidence and autonomy, learning as they go.
“That independence and free play feels so lacking in our modern digital world,” Daniel’s mom, Lisa, added, “and I’m grateful for the pocket of freedom my family has found on the Hill.” u
The Hill is a great place to raise a family, with places for education, recreation and exploration all close to our front doors. Just around the corner are community centers, libraries, book, toy and game stores as well as indoor play spaces. You can find tutoring, activities, camps and classes —all right here in our little village.
DC Public Libraries dclibrary.org
Public library branches on the Hill include Northeast (330 7th St. SE), Rosedale (1701 Gales St. NE) and and Southwest (900 Wesley Pl SW). The Southeast Branch (403 7th St. SE) is closed for modernization until spring 2026; interim services are available at the Arthur Capper Recreation Center (1000 Fifth St. SE). Libraries host children’s story times and more educational activities. Check the website for events.
Hill Center
921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
202-549-4172, hillcenterdc.org
The Hill Center has three floors of multipurpose space for classes, programming and events. It offers programs for people of all ages and backgrounds. A sampling of programs includes concerts, film screenings, cooking classes, studio art courses, day off and summer camps, language classes, informative lectures, dance and karate. Hill Center’s galleries
also display year-round exhibitions from regional and young artists.
Hill Havurah
212 East Capitol St.NE
202-739-3515, hillhavurah.org
Hill Havurah’s education program offers students of all ages the opportunity to learn within an inclusive, dynamic, growing Jewish community. The program begins with the weekday Gan Shalom Cooperative Preschool and continues through Yavneh, the religious school serving pre-k through 7th grade that meets on Sundays. It also includes B’nai Mitzvah preparation and training.
East City Bookshop
645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Ste. 100 202-290-1636
Capitol Hill’s local book shop has a large selection of books, toys and gifts for children and all the young at heart. Offerings include story times, author readings, book clubs and special events.
Labyrinth Games and Puzzles
645 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
labyrinthgameshop.com Games, puzzles, cards and so much more. Labyrinth specializes in non-electronic games for all ages, including Lego and all types of collectibles. Hosting both adult and kid’s events, there’s always something fun happening at Labyrinth. Check the website for the full calendar of events.
Solid State Books
600F H St. NE (in the Apollo) 202-897-4201, solidstatebooksdc.com
Solid State Books is an independent Black-owned bookstore and café that carries a diverse selection of books and gifts. The shop also hosts dynamic programs and events for adults and children. Join them for their book clubs or an event for yourself or the kids.
AppleTree Schools
202-526-1503, appletreeschools.org
An exclusive Tier 1, FREE education for three and four-year-olds to explore the uniqueness of a pre-k experience. Appletree provides 13 different safe, convenient, learning spaces in the District, all entered through the DC School Lottery. The schools use “Every Child Ready,” an instructional approach focusing on social-emotional learning, mathematics, language, literacy and STEM.
Capitol Hill Cooperative Nursery School
421 Seward Square SE chcns.us
With more than 40 years of early childhood education on Capitol Hill, Ms. Frances Slaughter continues to nurture and guide her “sugars” through child-directed play and exploration. She emphasizes kindness and friendship as she helps the kids learn the appropriate boundaries they will need for a successful early start to education. Together with co-teacher Miss Al’Asia and parents who assist in
JUNE 26th – August 2nd Children ages 3-10 (PK3-5th Grade)
Kids love us; parents trust us. Discover the difference that Polite Piggy’s makes. HOURS:
Whether you are looking for the morning, full-day, or all five weeks, we have you covered with top-notch programming. Why Choose Polite Piggy’s This Summer?
Your child will find joy, friendships, and caring team members daily. In addition, we offer unique classes like art, music, sciences, Stemovate, chess, fitness, sports, cooking, Legos, and a hiking club with Aunt Lizzie. P.S. We forgot to mention there are weekly water play sessions and plenty of popsicles!
Full Day: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Half Day: 8:00 AM –12:30 PM
Half Day: 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Full Day: $87 per Day $435 per week
Half Day: $67 per Day $335 per week
Sibling Discount: 15% discount for each child after the first. $150 per week scholarship rate
* Family households earning $60,000 or less are welcome to apply and must submit proof of income at registration.
Three weeks or more: $150
Two weeks or less: $75
* Includes a t-shirt and transportation for field trips.
Or Call Ms. Rolanda at 240-480-3195 from 12:00 PM – 6:30 PM Monday – Friday
the classroom, Ms. Frances is always arranging fun activities for the kids, including private East City Books story times, playground and splash park visits.
Capitol Hill Child Care
501 E St. SE, 202-590-6914
Relocating to 603 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Spring 2024 capitolhillchildcare.com
Capitol Hill Child Care incorporates a play-based approach to their curriculumdriven learning. Offering care to infants through preschool, CHCC emphasizes the development of a positive self-image and the fulfillment of each child’s potential. Teachers and staff are committed to giving close and personal attention. There are no televisions at this school!
Capitol Hill Learning Group (CHLG)
433 Ninth St. SE capitolhilllearninggroup.com
CHLG’s Preschool program, located at 9th & Maryland Avenue, NE, is a Christ-centered, teacher-directed preschool program for children aged 2.5 - 5 years of age. Established in 2006, we are licensed by DC as a morning only parent/teacher cooperative with parents serving as the assistant in the classroom on a rotating basis. CHLG’s Preschool
program boasts small class sizes of no more than 10 students and a tight-knit learning community.
Gan Shalom director.ganshalom@HillHavurah.org dcganshalom.org
Sponsored by Hill Havurah, Gan Shalom is a Jewish preschool open to children of all faiths. They provide a warm, loving Jewish environment where each child feels secure and happy and where learning is meaningful and fun. Gan Shalom believes that children experience learning through play using a Reggio-inspired curriculum. Parents and caregivers play an active role in the school as classroom aides on a rotating basis. Gan Shalom offers summer camp options.
The Hill Preschool
337 N. Carolina Ave. SE
Established in 1972, The Hill Preschool serves children aged 2 to 5 in six classrooms organized to meet the developmental needs of each young learner through a play-based curriculum. Applications are accepted up to 12 months in advance of the academic year. Summer camp sessions are also offered.
Jenkins Hill Child Development Center
201 15th St. SE
A non-profit child development center incorporated in 1981, Jenkins Hill provides a safe and stimulating environment where infants and toddlers are encouraged to grow socially, emotionally, creatively, physically and intellectually. They believe the first school experience should be pleasant, warm and involving. Students learn and develop through play and peer interaction with parents taking an active role.
Northeast Stars Montessori Preschools (NES)
703-945-0408, nestars.net
Northeast Stars Montessori Preschools are fully licensed preschools in Old Town Alexandria and Capitol Hill. They provide individualized, personal, educational opportunities for the whole child. Their teachers deliver “Montessori and More!” through mixed-age (2 to 5 years) classrooms, carefully planned lessons and the incorporation of music and arts. NES schools offer before-care and extended day learning from 3 to 6 p.m., space share and part-time placement. Schedule a tour and check out their newly renovated, bright classrooms.
for Kids
728 F St. NE, 806 H St. NE, coming soon: 1550 1st St. SE 202-681-4249
University for Kids Child Development Center provides infant and toddler care as well as preschool classrooms. Programs promote real life experiences with directed and non-directed activities on a weekly schedule with family style meals, outdoor play, music and movement and activities that stimulate motor skills, social emotional learning and incorporate everything from physical play to STEM activities.
Phase Family Learning Center
700 M St. SE (in Capital Turnaround) 202-964-4850, phasedaycare.com
Phase Family Learning Center DC offers a full-service preschool for children 6 weeks to 5 years of age. The program emphasizes academic and character development designed to help family members connect with one another as well as with other families in the community. The childcare center has the capacity to serve 170 children and employs about 40 DC childcare professionals.
River Park Nursery School
222 E. Capitol St. NE
River Park offers a half-day program on the Hill for 3 to 5-year-old children 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (You can choose 3, 4, or 5 days per week). With a 5 to 1 child to teacher ratio, RPNS is a small classroom experience that provides children individualized attention while fostering independence, curiosity, and a sense of community. Apply online.
Story Time Kidz
1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
202-621-9648, storytimekidz.com
Founded by Tita Gashaw Beza in 2023,
children from infants to toddlers are given plenty of nurturing attention and a safe, secure environment devoted to their learning and growth in this facility. Take the virtual tour and apply online.
ToTH Montessori
1000 5th St. SE
202-748-5930, tothmontessori.org
ToTH Montessori, founded as Toddlers on the Hill in 2012, is an independent Montessori school for children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years of age. ToTH fosters independence, curiosity, problem-solving, and a life-long love of learning. They offer full-day and part-day programs for toddlers and a full-day primary program for children ages 3-6, including the kindergarten year.
The Little Gym Capitol Hill 625 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-798-8323 thelittlegym.com/capitolhilldc
The Little Gym on Capitol Hill is a children’s gym offering activities for kids including parent/child classes, kids dance, gymnastics, sports skills and karate. Book the space for a birthday party or event!
621 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-759-8448, Mathnasium.com
Whether your child struggles with math or is an advanced learner, they can benefit from math tutoring. Mathnasium offers both in-center and face-to-face online sessions for grades 1 to 12.
Moms and Moms-to-be of Capitol Hill facebook.com/groups/208466146178343 This group was created as a support group for new and expecting moms in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. It is a place to ask questions and gain
support from other Capitol Hill moms and professionals. Membership must be requested.
MoTH (Moms on the Hill) Main@MoTH.groups.io
MoTH is open to moms, dads, and guardians who are residents of Capitol Hill. This support group has over 8,000 members who discuss parenting issues on the list serv and meet up for many activities around the Hill, like playgroups, Meals on Wheels for families with new arrivals, education fairs and community activities. Parents also buy, sell, giveaway and seek items for their children.
Take My Kid’s S (TMKS) facebook.com/groups/305494154630469/
A spin off from the Hill East’s “Take My S---” group. No nonsense sharing of free kids’ stuff for Capitol Hill/Hill East people with kids with more than 2,500 members. The group is private; request to join.
Capitol Hill Learning Group (CHLG) K-8
CHLG’s K-8 University-Model® program is located at 9th & Maryland Avenue, NE. Established in 2006, CHLG is a Christ-centered micro-school that boasts dedicated teachers, small class sizes, a tight-knit learning community, and a reduced in-school schedule. Bringing the Christian worldview to bear in all learning is the hallmark of what we do, and our students grow to be responsible, independent, and selfdriven learners.
Capitol Teachers
202-288-1900, capitolteachers.com tutors@capitolteachers.com
Capitol Teachers provides high-quality tutoring services in the greater Washington DC area. Services include virtual and in-person tutoring, learning pods, smallgroup classes and college preparation.
• Orton-Gillingham Specialized Sessions: Tailored to diverse learning needs.
• Academic Tutoring for All Levels: Skill development and reading remediation from elementary through high school.
• High School Entrance Exam Prep: Focused preparation for HSPT and SSAT.
• Middle School Support: Specialized in ELA, social studies, and executive functioning.
• ESL Instruction: Private or group sessions available.
• DCPS/DCPCS Lottery Assistance: Guidance for PK3-12.
• Private and Special Education Schools: Finding the best fit.
• Relocation Support and IEP Advocacy: Tailored educational consulting.
• SAT Preparation: Targeted tutoring for excellence.
• AP Maths and Sciences: Courses designed to elevate understanding.
• Comprehensive Math Tutoring: Covering Algebra I & II, Geometry and Pre-Calculus.
DC Summer Camp Fair
J.O. Wilson Elementary School 660 K St. NE, dccampfair.com
The J.O. Wilson Elementary school PTA gathers representatives from more than a wide variety of camps serving the DMV to share information on their spring break and summer camp offerings. The fair usually takes place in late January, just before registration for summer camp begins, but check the website for the date of this year’s event and full camp listings.
Downey School Consulting
EV Downey has been working in education for nearly three decades, first as a teacher, then as a private school admissions officer. She brings that wealth of experience, and site visits to hundreds of schools, to her work as an educational consultant. Downey School Consulting offers advice on navigating school choices including the public-school lottery system, private schools, relocation assistance, and special education issues. EV also offers tutoring including the Orton-Gillingham approach.
Total Tutor
202-240 7508, mytotaltutor.com
Total Tutor employs techniques backed by cognitive science and neuroscience research to help students become critical thinkers, self-reliant and successful. They tutor students of all ages, learning styles,
and abilities through one-on-one tutoring and small-group courses.
Total Tutor offers K-12 Subject Tutoring, AP Test Prep, SAT/ACT Test Prep and College Counseling.
Ward 6 Public Schools
Parent Organization w6pspo.org, w6pspo@gmail.com
W6PSPO promotes cooperation among the parent organizations of the public schools across the Hill and Ward 6 to improve the education received by all children. W6PSPO works on goals such as strengthening the feeder patterns, ensuring all of our school facilities are modernized and well maintained, and ensuring students can safely walk and bike to school.
Capitol Hill Child Psychiatry
Meg van Achterberg, M.D.
50 E St. SE, Ste. 300
Capitol Hill Psychiatry offers play therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, medication management and psychotherapy for all ages. Dr. Meg van Achterberg has experience in the treatment of childhood ADHD, behavior issues, trauma and developmental disorders, as well as depression and anxiety.
Capitol Kids Therapy LLC
201 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Unit C9 202-544-5469
Capitol Kids Therapy LLC’s therapists offer therapies to address articulation, developmental delays, language delays, auditory processing, and pre-reading/ phonemic awareness skills. Capitol Kids therapists work with children in a variety of settings including clinics, schools, daycares, in-home, and through the DC Strong Start program. Ask about social skills groups for a variety of ages and abilities.
1125 New Jersey Ave. NW 202-698-8037, earlystagesdc.org
Early Stages is an evaluation center for children aged 2 years 8 months to 5 years 10 months. The program identifies developmental delays and disabilities in children. It provides evaluations for DC children who are not in school or who are homeschooled. It evaluates children living outside of DC if they attend a private school or childcare center in DC. Early Stages is a program of DC Public Schools (DCPS). All services are free.
202-996-5435, playwelldc.com
Playwell was founded by three pediatric and postnatal therapists who are also mothers. Together, they have decades of experience in speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, infant massage, lactation consultation, physical therapy, and pelvic floor therapy. Playwell provides pre- and postnatal women and caregivers the ability to enhance child development and promote family wellness. Therapists come to your home, or meet them for a group class.
220 I St. NE, Suite 240 703-821-1363, readingllcenter.com info@readingllcenter.com
The RLLC clinicians offer services to improve articulation, language, learning disabilities, reading disorders and cognitive rehabilitation. It was founded in 2002 as a center for the treatment of dyslexia and language deficiencies in both children and adults. They offer programs throughout the year as well as summer programs for children aged 2 years and older.
1301 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-335-7968, skillsonthehill.com
Skills on the Hill offers pediatric occupational therapy to children from birth to teenage years. The practice has experience working with motor-skill delays
An after-school treat at the corner store.(visual, fine and gross motor), hypotonia, dyspraxia, sensory processing disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and trouble with social and play skills. Therapists work closely with families using a team approach.
Breathing Space
breathingspacedc.com inquiries@breathingspacedc.com
Breathing Space supports healthy families through yoga and wellness education for all ages. Offerings include yoga classes for newborn to adult, prenatal and postnatal yoga, parenting and breastfeeding support, infant massage and more. Summer camp is also available!
DC Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Peer Support Group
DC-PLIDS has been offering monthly support group meetings to mothers and fathers experiencing the loss of a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons, or infant/child death since 2014. Members are invited to share but are also welcome to listen until they are comfortable sharing their stories. Full meeting listings and contact are available through the website.
Doulas of Capitol Hill
Doulas of Capitol Hill is a concierge doula agency that provides birth, postpartum and lactation support as well as education, and community. The fulltime doulas work to help new parents feel at ease, safe, and empowered as they celebrate
becoming a new parent, offering personalized support as well as community connections.
Housecalls on the Hill
Heidi Johnson, CPNP 202-306-5862
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (CPNP) Heidi Johnson has more than 20 years’ experience providing primary care to kids on the Hill. You can call or text her, and she will come to your home and assess, diagnose and can even prescribe medications as necessary for your child. She can also test for some common ailments and pierce ears! Full list of services online. Nurse Heidi Is available to see kids aged birth to college, seven days a week, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
American Youth Chorus
545 7th St. SE
AYCmanager@congressional. chorus.org
The American Youth Chorus is an after-school program of the Congressional Chorus at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW) for students in grades 3 to 8. AYC encourages young people to develop their musical voices, creativity, and selfesteem in a fun and supportive environment. Scheduled auditions take place on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Atlas Performing Arts Center: Arts for Young Audiences
1333 H St. NE, atlasarts.org
Arts for Young Audiences is an important part of family
programming at the Atlas. Each season, Atlas features programming presented by DC area organizations specializing in programming for young people including bilingual shows, music, puppetry, theater and more. Generally, performances are designed for children ages 2 to 10.
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop (CHAW)
545 Seventh St. SE
202-547-6839, chaw.org
Diverse and dynamic classes in dance, theater, music, visual art, ceramics, and photography help students develop a unique artistic voice as they explore and create while working in community with their peers. Additionally, CHAW provides special middle school classes focusing on deeper arts. Private music instruction is also available.
Joy of Motion Dance Center –H Street
1333 H St. NE
202-399-6763, joyofmotion.org
Joy of Motion provides a welcoming atmosphere for young dancers ages 2 to 18. Weekly series classes, summer dance camps, conservatory programs, and performance training for youth students. Choose from hip hop, modern, jazz, tap, ballet, African, flamenco, and more.
Kid Singer Jim childrensmusic.com
Jim Hossick, a.k.a Kidsinger Jim has 10 years of past experience as a music teacher in pre-K through Grade 8 schools, preschools, and special education schools. He performs a regular puppet show on Tuesdays and a kid concert, Boogie Thursdays in Eastern Market’s North Hall (225 Seventh St. SE). Check the event calendar online. He’s also available for events.
Mister Mike’s Music Together
202-251-7205, mistermikesmusic.com mistermikesmusic@gmail.com
Mr. Mike’s Music together classes offer music and movement courses to caregivers and children aged 0-6 years. 45-minute classes are offered in 10-
week sessions at various locations and scheduling tweaks are accommodated.
Momentum Dance & Fitness
534 Eighth St. SE
Momentum offers dance and dance theater training leading to community performances including their famous Jazz Hip Hop Nutcracker. In age- and level-appropriate classes each student develops skills in jazz and hip-hop technique, learns how to remember choreography, and develops movement improvisation. Class sizes are small, performance opportunities are large. Best for children age 6 to 16.
Music on the Hill
801 D St. NE
202-733-3158, musiconthehilldc.com
Music on the Hill is a family-owned and -operated full-service music store dedicated to bringing high-quality tools and education to musicians of all levels. New and used band and orchestra instruments are available for rent. Private and group lesson offerings are taught by highly qualified and experienced instructors. The store also sells instruments, sheet music, and accessories.
The Music Teacher –
For over 40 years Ms. Mary has been teaching piano, theater, voice, modern dance and musical theatre on Capitol Hill. All ages welcome. Ms. Mary believes the arts are a wonderful tool for parenting, well-being and creating a loving joyful world.
St. Mark’s Dance Studio
301 A St. SE info@stmarksdance.org stmarksdancestudio.org
Since 1962, St. Mark’s Dance Studio has encouraged dancers of all levels to reach their potential, training dancers primarily in ballet and jazz. Classes are for preschoolers, children, teens, and adults and range from beginner
to advanced level. Pilates, exercise and Parent/Me Classes are also available.
Tippi Toes Dance®
TippiToesDC.com claire@TippiToesDance.com
Tippi Toes® provides kid-friendly, high energy, positive dance classes for children ages 18 months to 12 years in childcare centers, schools, playgroups and community centers. Tippi Toes® also provides Princess & Superhero themed day-off school camps and summer camps as well as birthday party entertainment. Email with questions.
Capitol Hill Little League chlldc.org
The Capitol Hill Little League (CHLL) program offers baseball and softball practices and games for children aged 5 to 14. CHLL emphasizes sportsmanship and integrity alongside the rules of the game. Games and practices are held on Hill and area DC Public School (DCPS) Fields.
DC Department of Recreation (DC DPR)
Kids Sports & Fitness
Multiple Locations
DC DPR offers classes across the District in dance, fitness and sports. From ballet for 4-yearolds to tackle football, lacrosse and pickleball, DPR sessions are affordable and accessible for multiple levels and ages. Visit the website for more information, including class locations and to look at offerings in your child’s age group.
DC Girls Baseball
DC Girls Baseball is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting girls’ participation in baseball and fostering their love of the game. The program aims to supplement co-ed little league, school-based, and travel team baseball by connecting girls aged 6 to 18 who play, developing their skills and offering them competitive opportunities in a positive environment.
DC-ICE (Inner City Excellence) School
DC ICE Offers a variety of ice and roller-hockey programs for children at locations including Watkins Recreation Center, Canal Park Ice Rink and Anacostia Park Skating Pavilion. Transportation and extended day care for spring and summer camp sessions are available. See the schedule online.
DC Sail
650 Wharf St. SW 202-547-1250, dcsail.org
DC Sail is the community sailing program of the National Maritime Heritage Foundation. The program promotes and sustains affordable educational, recreational and competitive sailing for all ages, empowering participants to develop selfrespect, sportsmanship, teamwork as well as sailing skills. There are summer camps and high school racing programs.
DC Vault
2200 E. Capitol St. NE (RFK Stadium) dcvault.com
DC Vault runs an outdoor pole vault training center on East Capitol near the RFK Stadium, where they hold training sessions and events for entry level to elite athletes in individual, group and private settings. Whether you’re training to compete or for fitness, there’s something for everyone.
A youth course intended for vaulters aged 7 to 11 teaches primary phases of the vault.
DC Way Soccer –Denis Chekuristov 571-490-1275, dcway.net
From its beginning in 2013 as an after-school soccer program, DC Way has grown to include summer camps, mini camps, an indoor winter league, development academies and private sessions. DC Way brings out the best in both the beginner and the veteran soccer player and teaches confidence, quick thinking and decision making.
Fort Dupont Ice Arena
3779 Ely Pl. SE 202-584-5007, fdia.org
FDIA is currently being ex -
Boys and Girls Ages 3-7 Years
Join Tippi Toes® for a magical Princess and Super Hero Dance Camp! Let your child dance into a fairytale...
JOIN CLASSES ANY TIME! For more information and to register: TippiToesDC.com
panded to include an NHL-sized ice rink and expanded community space. Programming is offered offsite until the arena reopens in Spain 2025. FDIA offers a wide variety of skating programs to DC kids ages 5-18. Enroll in group skating lessons, ice hockey, speed skating, and summer camp activities. Check website for calendar and availability.
Just for Kids Sports
202-813-0985, Justforkidsdc.com
Just for Kids offers sports lessons, spring and summer camps as well as birthday parties. Multiple sports, including baseball, soccer, tee-ball and LAX (lacrosse) are offered to kids as young as 18 months all the way to 11 years.
Are For Kids
700 12th St. NW
1-800-265-2785 Kafksoccer.com
KAFK uses a variety of soccer games to engage kids aged 2 to 8 in physical activities, creating a perfect opportunity for kids to develop multiple skills. KAFK will coordinate a soccer class for groups of six or more and offers one on one training and birthday parties.
Kids Pro Soccer
202-438-8555, Kidsprosoccer.com
Programs are fee based. Financial aid is available. Detailed information about each sport is shown on the website sportsonthehill.com.
3779 Ely Pl. SE (Fort Dupont Ice Arena) titanshockey.org titans.hockey.dc@gmail.com DC’s only no-tryout recreational hockey program for all genders that operates out of the Tucker Road Ice Rink in Maryland while the Fort Dupont Ice Rink is being
Washington Capital United 660 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-559-3495
Washington Capital United is a fastgrowing soccer club playing on fields throughout the Hill. The club focuses on player development and is a year-round soccer program for youth ages 7 to 19. It has competitive teams in the Eastern Development Program (EDP), National Capital Soccer League (NCSL), Washington Area Girls League (WAGS) and Old Dominion Soccer League (ODSL).
Kids Pro Soccer focuses on soccer, teaching non-competitive soccer from ages 2 to 12 at locations on the Hill and throughout the District. They also offer programs for schools and day cares where parent and child join participation. You can set up your own class or have Kids Pro Soccer at your birthday party.
Sports on the Hill (SOTH) sportsonthehill.com
Sports on the Hill is a non-profit, volunteer-based youth sports organization established in 1979 offering youth sports for soccer, baseball, softball, basketball, wrestling, lacrosse, and field hockey.
renovated. It is an inclusive club that values sportsmanship and diversity, offering financial aid to make sure any child can play regardless of the ability to pay. The teams range from 8-year-old Mites to 14-year-old Bantam and compete in the Capital Corridor Hockey League (CCHL).
Tae Kwon Do College
820 6th St. NE
(Calvary Episcopal Church) 202-271-5449, mastergutman.com
Master Erica Gutman is a 7th Degree Black Belt certified by the World Governing Body of Tae Kwon Do in Seoul, Korea. She teaches children starting at the age of four years. Classes are small, with much individual attention.
Warrior Fusion
921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE (Hill Center) 202-713-9509 warriorfusion.com info@warriorfusion.com
In a safe, structured, fun, environment, children and adolescents age 5 and up hone essential life skills, including discipline, focus, strength, coordination, confidence and respect. Students learn Shorin-Ryu karate, earning belts at an individualized rate of progress as they develop advanced skills in forms and sparring. Classes take place at the Hill Center.
William H. Rumsey, Sr. Aquatic Center
Seventh Street & N. Carolina Ave. SE 202-724-4495
The aquatic center’s indoor pool (heated in winter) offers many classes for children and adults of all skill levels. Most classes are free for DC residents, and admission is free for DC residents. Open Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday to Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Life jackets are available for school-aged children. Part of the pool is reserved for lap swimming. The pool is slated for renovation, so watch for community meetings as the design process begins.
Browne Ed. Campus
Ludlow-Taylor ES
Peabody ES
Stuart-Hobson MS
Brent ES
Miner ES
Maury ES
Payne ES
Eliot-Hine MS
Watkins ES
Tyler ES
Van Ness ES
Adventures on The Hill 202-688-1580, SummerCampDC.com
Adventures on the Hill Summer Camp DC is about making learning a fun, hands-on experience that children ages 3 to 10 will remember for years. The well-rounded curriculum helps campers explore their interests in STEM, sports, culture, health and wellness and more.
Adventures on The Hill Summer Camp is a District of Columbia Public Schools Approved Program Partner.
Breathing Space Yoga Camp
202-599-0434, breathingspacedc.com
Breathing Space Summer Camp provides children with a fun, creative, educational, and enriching experience through yoga, movement classes, mindfulness activities, relaxation, games, crafts, field trips, and outdoor time. Each week-long course includes a theme-based outing. Camp options range in ages from K-7, Counselor in training options for 5th to 8th graders. Camp Locations include St Marks Church at 301 A St. SE or Breathing Space Studio at 641 Penn Ave. SE.
Friends Community
School Summer Camp
friendscommunityschool.org/ summer-camp
Friends Community School offers weekly
ranging from arts and crafts, archery, music, engineering, and more! Camps are taught by experienced teachers and camp counselors from FCS and our extended community. Camp operates from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. with before and after-care available.
Northeast Stars Montessori Summer Camp 1325 Maryland Ave. NE 202-399-2208, nestars.net
NES is a professionally run preschool with an eye for individualized attention in a warm, friendly setting. NES offers 14 unique weeks of science experiments, outdoor exploration, and lots of outdoor fun that every toddler will love! Explore science in a fun and educational camp! With different themes every week that complements their STEM Montessori curriculum both inside and outside the classroom, all summer long. Summer camp is offered for children ages 2 to 3.5 years and 3.5 to 5 years. Aftercare is available.
Camp Shakespeare
ShakespeareTheatre.org campstc@shakespeartheatre.org
At Camp Shakespeare, actors aged 6 to 18 dive into the world of the greatest playwright in history. Working with theatre professionals, participants unravel
plays with text analysis; transform into characters through voice and movement; wage battles with stage combat; and develop acting skills. Sessions culminate in a performance at the Shakespeare Theatre Company. Aftercare is available.
Polite Piggy’s Day Camp & Aftercare
240-480-3195, politepiggys.com
Whether parents are looking for the morning, full-day, or five weeks, Polite Piggy’s has parents covered with topnotch programming and a caring team of professionals. Every child will find joy, friendships and exciting daily programming. They offer unique classes like art, pickleball, music, sciences, Stemovate, chess, fitness, sports, cooking, Legos, field trips, water-play on-site and hiking club.
The Art League offers hundreds of studio art classes, gallery exhibits and cultural events in Alexandria, VA. The League meets its mission to nurture artists and enrich the community through its gallery, fine art school, art supply store and outreach programs. u
If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog,” says the famous quote oft attributed to President Harry Truman. Owning a canine on Capitol Hill, I can personally attest, is perhaps the quickest path to a richer social life. I have often marveled at how difficult it is to walk with a dog from one end to the other of Eastern Market on a Sunday. Every few feet a stranger asks to pet one’s dog.
For many years, without a dog, tortoise, cat or even a potbel-
“If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog,” – President Harry Truman.
lied pig of my own, I remained a distant observer of the social universe of dogs and their owners. Then, just before Christmas 2006, I welcomed Nekoe, a Shiba Inu puppy, into my household. Suddenly, a new world beckoned. For 14 years, Nekoe and I commuted by foot to the Hill Rag’s office across from Eastern Market. Our journey took us through Marion and Garfield parks. As my puppy made friends, so did I.
Later, Saki, a rescue Shiba, joined our small pack. I spent many happy years at work with the two napping canines under my desk. I joined the ranks of the Congressional Cemetery Canine Brigade, and our social circle grew further. We took weekly walks among the gravestones of the famous and not so famous.
Owning dogs significantly connected me to the social tapestry of Capitol Hill. At Garfield Park, Bill Phillips, the founder of the park’s Friends’s group, would often be walking his St. Bernard in the early evening. As our dogs
Harry S. Truman, 1945. photo: Library of Congressplayed together, we would chat about national politics, the local elections, historic preservation and the economy. Bill, I later discovered, had helped found the Capitol Hill Village and presided over CHAMPS. After a decade of acquaintance, I sadly authored his Hill Rag obituary.
Walking in the Congressional Cemetery was a social experience for both me and my Shibas. As the dogs play among the stones, strangers chat. Some of my oldest friendships date from such chance acquaintances. A few marriages can trace their origins to walking dogs at the cemetery.
Nekoe departed from my life in the summer of 2021. In his last two years he grew too frail for our daily journey to the Hill. In 2021, a mischievous Chihuahua puppy named Bobby graced our household. She was joined in 2022 by Atticus, my third Shiba Inu. Together, we have discovered many new neighborhood friends of the two-legged and four-legged varieties. Once Atticus is neutered this year, I look forward to our little pack adventuring at Congressional Cemetery.
Capitol Hill, the Capitol Riverfront and Southwest have many city-owned public dog parks for legal run and play off-leash in an enclosed environment. Canines who frequent them must be vaccinated, licensed and registered with the DC Department of Health.
Kingsman Field Dog Park is located on D Street and Tennessee Avenue NE. It is maintained by Hill Hounds (www.hillhounds.com), a volunteer-run nonprofit organization. The park has segregated large and small dog play areas.
Lansburgh Dog Park on Delaware Avenue between I and M streets SW is a 10,000-square-foot facility with separate large and small dog areas. It is maintained by the DC Department of Parks and Recreation and Paws of Southwest (www.facebook.com/PawsSWDC/), a local nonprofit.
The Navy Yard Dog Park is located on New Jersey Avenue SE across from
the Whole Foods.
Swampoodle Dog Park is located at Third and L Streets NE. The park has a poured-in-place dog agility structure, lighting, irrigation and water stations. Friends of NoMa Dogs (www.nomadogparks.org) helps maintain the park.
The Virginia Avenue Dog Park is located on 11th Street and Virginia Avenue SE. It is DC’s largest such facility. Virginia Avenue Dog Park Partners (www. virginiaavedogpark.com) helps with maintenance and amenities.
The Yards Dog Park is located at 355 Water St. SE in Yards Park in the Capitol Riverfront.
If you have any doubt about the popularity of dogs on the Hill, try applying for a spot in the Congressional Cemetery K9 Corps. There is a 750-person wait list!
The 32-acre, historic working cemetery in Hill East is owned by Christ Church and is partially funded by fees paid by members of its K9 Corps. Members, as well as visitors for a daily $10 charge, can walk their pooches off-leash. There are some simple rules. Pick up after your dog. No balls or toys. All dogs must be vaccinated, spayed or neutered. For more information, visit www.cemeterydogs.org.
Call the Humane Rescue Alliance at (202) 576-6664. Provide a description of the pet. Post flyers in local parks. Alert neighbors through local online Listservs. Include a description of the pet and where and when it was last seen.
The DC Animal Control Shelter is located at 1201 New York Ave. NE. For more information visit www.hrla.doh.dc.gov.
The Animal Control Shelter accepts calls from the public and provides services 24 hours a day. Services include animal disease control, rabies suspect control, stray animal control, dangerous dog control, licensing, enforcement, sterilization and adoption. The shelter accepts injured and stray animals 24 hours a day. If a pet wearing a DC tag is picked up, the shelter will notify the owner. The shelter is operated by the Washington Humane Society. For more information, visit washhumane.org.
Howl to the Chief has Rural Dog Rescue (www.ruraldogrescue.com) adoptions on Saturdays between noon and 2 p.m. at 719 Eighth St. SE.
For cat adoption days, visit Capital Cats at www.capitalcatspetfinder.com.
Dogs, cats and other pets are available for adoption at the Humane Rescue Alliance. For more information, visit www.washhumane.org. u
Bonnie’s Dog & Cat Grooming 1364 E St. SE 202-548-0044 bonniesdogandcatgrooming. com
City Dogs
301 H St NE 202-544-0891, City-dogs.com
District Dogs
1221 Van St SE, Suite 110
202-892-4049 districtdogs.com/navyyard
900 M St SE 202- 629-2765, Dogtopia.com
Pooches, Kitties and Kisses
Mobile Grooming Salon 202-723-7387 poochesgrooming.com
Atlas Doghouse
1375 H St. NE 202-450-6259 1340 E St. SE 771-216-6959 atlasdoghouse.com
City Dogs
301 H St. NE 202-544-0891, City-dogs.com
District Dogs
1221 Van St., SE, Suite 110 202-892-4049 districtdogs.com/navyyard
900 M St. SE 202-629-2765, Dogtopia.com
Metro Mutts 202-643-6344 metromuttsdc.com
Pet Peeps
1140 Third St. NE (in Uline Arena) 202-232-7387, petpeeps.biz
Saving Grace 202-503-6279
savinggracepets.com hello@savinggraceservices.com
202-362-8900 sitapet.com
Wanderpups 202-744-8770 wanderpups.com
City Dogs
301 H St. NE
202-544-0891 city-dogs.com
District Dogs
1221 Van St., SE Suite 110 202-892-4049 districtdogs.com
Howl to the Chief 719 Eighth St. SE 202-544-8710 howltothechief.com
625 H St., NE 1503 New York Ave., NE petco.com
Atlas Doghouse
1375 H St. NE, 202-450-6259 1340 E St. SE, 771-216-6959 atlasdoghouse.com
District Dogs 1221 Van St. SE Suite 110 202-892-4049 districtdogs.com
Happy Dogs on the Hill 202-753-4660 happydogsonthehill.com
Human Rescue Alliance 15 Oglethorpe St. NW Behavior Helpline for Adopters 202-375-7744 humanerescuealliance.org/ training
Spot On Training 202-629-2967 spotondogtrainingdc.com
Atlas Vet 1326 H St NE 202-552-8600 Atlasvetdc.com
Bond Vet
600 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Suite 190 202-996-6737 bondvet.com
Capitol Hill Animal Clinic 1240 Pennsylvania Ave. SE 202-546-1972 capitolhillanimalclinic.com
District Veterinary Hospital
Eastern Market
240 7th St. SE, 202-888-2090
Navy Yard 801 2nd St. SE, 202-964-5623
Brookland 3748 10th St. NE, 202-827-1230 Districtvet.com
VEG, Veterinarian Emergency Group, takes a radically different approach to emergency. We’ve reimagined the ER experience so it works for people and their pets. From our open floor plan hospitals to pet-owner participation to our emergency-focused team, we provide a customer-centered care experience. With locations nationwide, our hospitals are open 24/7 for pet emergencies, so we’re always here to help people and their pets when they need it most.
A better experience means better care.
Get answers from experts at no charge.
No waiting; handle paperwork later.
Through all phases of treatment.
P Street Pet Practice 34 P St. NE 202-827-3790 pstreetpetpractice.com
Parker and Ace Veterinary Clinic 501 H St. NE 202-519-4817 parkerandace.com
Union Veterinary Clinic 609 Second St. NE 202-544-2500 unionvetclinic.com
Washington Humane Alliance and Medical Center 71 Oglethorpe St. NW 202-723-5730 humanerescuealliance.org
Veterinarian Emergency Group (VEG)
925 H St. NE Unit 5 202-794-8002 veterinaryemergencygroup. com/locations/h-street-dc
Contact the Humane Rescue Alliance (202-723-5730 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) and/or email photo and description to frontdesk@humanerescuealliance. org Provide a description of the pet including size, weight, breed, color, special markings. Note the date and area lost as well as your name and contact information. You can file a lost report online and see photos of the pets who have arrived at the center at humanerescuealliance.org/lostfound. Post flyers in local parks and alert your neighbors through local online list servs including the above information [See the ‘Blogs and List Servs’ section of this guide].
DC’s animal care and control facility is located at 1201 New York Ave. NE. (dchealth.dc.gov/ service/animal-care-and-control). The facility accepts calls from
the public and provides services 24 hours a day. You can visit but call first. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon to Fri and Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but they are open 24 hours, 365 days a year for emergencies. Services include animal disease control, rabies suspect control, stray animal control, dangerous dog control, licensing, enforcement, sterilization and adoption. The shelter accepts injured and stray animals 24 hours a day. If a pet wearing a DC tag is picked up, the shelter will notify the pet’s owner. Call 202-723-5730
Howl to the Chief has regular dog and cat adoption days at 719 Eighth St. SE on Barracks Row. Dogs, cats and other pets are also available for adoption at the Humane Rescue Alliance Adoption Center at 71 Oglethorpe St. NW: 202-7262556. In-person adoption visits are available Tuesday through Sunday 12 to 7 p.m. no appointment needed. Check out all their services at: www.humanerescuealliance.org. u
Hill’s Kitchen 137
Holy Comforter - St. Cyprian Roman Catholic Church 69
Hot Yoga Capitol Hill 157
Hunt-Smith Design 139
Image Painting 103
Jeanne Phil Meg Team - Compass 121
JF Meyer Contracting 90
Joan Carmichael - Century 21 121
Joel Nelson - Keller Williams 27
Joel Truitt Builders 92
Johnson Law Group 135
Judi Seiden - PenFed Realty 71
La Strega Accounting Inc. 135,145
Labyrinth Games & Puzzles 131
Lavender Retreat 146
Logan Title 123 M
MacKay Roofing 107
Maggio Roofing 23, 108
Maid Pro Capitol Hill 89
Mangialardo & Sons 168
Martin Roofing 105
Mary Leonino - Performing Arts, Music and Movement Teacher 181
Melanie Neuman Landscaping 98
Michael Rutkowski - Long & Foster 119
Michaliga Masonry Inside Front Cover
Miracle Theatre 175
Monumental Graphics 87
Mosaic Theater Company 158
Mr. Henry’s 163
Mundo Verde Public Charter School 183
Music on the Hill 145,191
My Total Tutor 187
Natalia’s Cleaning Services 89
National Roofing 109
Nishan Halim DMD 153
Northeast Stars Montessori 187
OVATION Eye Institute 155
Paris Bleu French Gift Shop 137
Paste & Rind Cheese Counter Tasting Bar 165
Pattie Cinelli Fitness 157
Peel Haus 5
Phyllis Jane Young –Coldwell Banker 22,185
Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. 3,87
Polite Piggy’s Day Off and Summer Camp 185
R. Thomas Daniel Roofing 104
Randolph Cree Salon 157
Renaissance Development 100
Rob Bergman - DCRES 119
Scallan Properties 121
Schneider’s of
Sestak Remodeling 90
Sharon L. Bernier, RN, PhD 157
Inc. 202 Skin Obsession Studio 146
Anacostia Museum 173 South Capitol Smile Center: Sheila Samaddar, DDS
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